s t r ic t Bud ge t for F i scal Year 202 5, (2 ) aut h orizing th e a s s essm ent of all t h e tax a b l e pers onal a n d re al pr operty of the D i s t r ic t ; (3) authorizin g the co llection of taxes; (4) a u thorizing an ann u a l bud get t o pro vide f or the pu rchas e and m ain t enance o f e quipmen t, appar atus, r eal and personal p r o p er t y, t h e pa yme n t of w a ges and s a l a ries , a n d for such o t h er expe ndit u r es d eemed ne ce ss a ry b y the q u a lified v ot er s o f t h e D i str i ct; (5 ) f o r such othe r l awful pur p oses deem ed n ec essa ry a n d p r o p er b y e it h er the Board of Dir ec to rs o r qualifi ed vote rs o f the Di st rict, and ( 6) electing two ( 2) Boar d o f Dir ectors me mber s.
B y Or der o f the B o ar d of Di re cto rs
All no m i n a t i o n infor m a ti on and pape rwork , as well as p r o p os a l s a n d/ o r supporti n g d ocument s f or the An n u a l Me etin g can b e fo u nd a t www. ccfdr i.c om.
Tabernacle Baptist Church will hold a Yard Sale from 7AM3PM at 182 Seven Mile Road in Hope on Friday/Saturday, August 16 & 17. Something for everyone! Rain or shine! GREENE
Families and children of all ages are invited to join us at the library as we welcome alpaca breeder, Russ Moulico, from Hidden Nook Alpacas. Russ will bring 2 alpacas and will share some facts about these beautiful animals, including history and domestication. Event is August 13th at 2pm. Registration is required by calling 397-3873
Looking for The RemindeR?
WANTED: Junk lawn mowers & air conditioners. Will take for free. 829-0377.
WANTED: Antiques and collectibles. Moving or just cleaning out?
We pay more for your old jewelry, glassware, furniture, pottery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and courteous service call Bill, 821-0381.
400+ DVS’s, VHS movies, 8-track tapes, PlayStation One units. 256-4311.
USE OUR FAX SERVICE to send or receive documents... it’s fast, easy, and affordable. Great for sending Insurance Forms, Mortgage Documents, Unemployment Forms, Time Sheets and any paperwork that needs to be received fast. Cost to send: $3 for 1st page, $1 each additional page (+ tax). Cost to receive: $.75/page (+ tax). The Reminder, 1944 Warwick Avenue, Warwick . Phone 8212216, Fax 732-3110.
Sell your no-longer-used items with a REMINDER READER AD. Now it’s easier than ever. Call 8212216 for information. All Credit Cards accepted.
BOXES: New, used, reconditioned. 2-Pedestals, NOS “07”. Call Bob, 5245274.
& Box Spring: Excellent condition. $35. 3973530.
CLEANUPS: Attics, cellars, garages, buildings, yards, leaves. Some cleanouts for content. Anything hauled away. Very reasonable. Reliable service! Free estimates. Call for your small moving needs. Lic. #37379/Insured. 30 Years of reliable service. 3972781 or 741-2781.
VILLAGE! Every Saturday, except the last Saturday of the month. Doors open at 1PM, games start at 4PM.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split seasoned wood. $250/ cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night! 641-0212.
Oval turquoise stone, magnetic. Lost July 26 in the Coventry/West Warwick area. Please call/text 499-7050.
$35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
DIANA DOLL in long-trained wedding gown & headpiece with original box. Asking $200 OBO. 474-6878.
DUMP RUNS: Furniture, appliances, construction debris, sheds, junk. 1-860304-6740.
TABLE SAW FOR SALE: Delta 10” Contractor’s Saw with table extensions & wheeled base. $250. Call 397-3530.
Yard Sales Yard Sales
MULTI FAMILY! Genesis, 10 Woodland Drive, Coventry: August 10, 8AM-2PM.
Blackrock Road, Coventry: August 10 & 11, 7AM-2PM.
ESTATE SALE! 76 Eldredge Avenue, East Greenwich: August 10, 7AM-Noon. 4 Generations of accumulations! Furniture, collectibles, framed art. No reasonable offer refused. Something for everyone!
All meals include milk, coffee or tea, bread/margarine
Tues. 8/13: Cream of broccoli soup, Mexican picadillo with potatoes, buttered corn, dessert. OPTION: Roast beef sandwich.
Are you or is someone you know an elder in Coventry or West Warwick? St. Vincent de Paul Society is offering a warm meal from their Saturday Grab & Go weekly meals. To schedule a delivery or pick up of a warm meal, please call 8283090 before 3PM on Wednesdays. If picking up your meal, please go to the OLC School Gym, 445 Washington Street in Coventry, between 11AM-12PM on Saturday.
1. MUSIC: Which folk-rock group produced many of the songs in the movie “The Graduate”?
2. GEOGRAPHY: Which European capital is known as “The Eternal City”?
1. MUSIC: Which folkrock group produced many of the songs in the movie “The Graduate”?
3. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “acri-” mean in English?
2. GEOGRAPHY: Which European capital is known as “The Eternal City”?
3. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin prefix “acri-” mean in English?
4. TELEVISION: Lenny and Squiggy are the annoying neighbors in which TV comedy?
5. MONEY: What is the basic currency in Guatemala?
4. TELEVISION: Lenny and Squiggy are the annoying neighbors in which TV comedy? 5. MONEY: What is the basic currency in Guatemala? 6. CARS: What animal is found on the Porsche car logo? 7. FOOD & DRINK: Which country is associated with the soup dish pho? 8. LITERATURE: In which U.S. state is the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” set? 9. MYTHOLOGY: What is the home of the Greek gods called? 10. AD SLOGANS: What product is advertised with the slogan, “You’re not you when you’re hungry”? Answers
1. Simon & Garfunkel. 2. Rome, Italy. 3. “Sharp” (e.g. “acrimonious”). 4. “Laverne & Shirley.” 5. Quetzal. 6. A horse.
6. CARS: What animal is found on the Porsche car logo?
7. FOOD & DRINK: Which country is associated with the soup dish pho?
8. LITERATURE: In which U.S. state is the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God” set?
9. MYTHOLOGY: What is the home of the Greek gods called?
10. AD SLOGANS: What product is advertised with the slogan, “You’re not you when you’re hungry”?
1. Simon & Garfunkel.
2. Rome, Italy.
3. “Sharp” (e.g. “acrimonious”).
4. “Laverne & Shirley.”
5. Quetzal. 6. A horse.
7. Vietnam.
8. Florida.
9. Mount Olympus. 10. Snickers candy bars.
Make Your Classified Ad
NEED QUICK CASH? Sell your no-longer-used items with a REMINDER READER AD. Now it’s easier than ever. Call 8212216 for information. All Credit Cards accepted.
Voter registrations, name and address changes may be done at this time or online at www.sos.ri.gov. You must be a registered voter in the town of Coventry by August 11th, 2024 in order to vote at The STATEWIDE PRIMARY
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257
SPORTS QUIZ #12345_20240805
By Ryan A. Berenz
Prayer to the BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail). O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the sea, help me and show me here in, you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times.) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you.
1. What Baseball Hall of Famer served in World War II on the attack transport USS Bayfield during the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944?
2. Alberto Spencer, who has the record of 54 career goals scored in the Copa Libertadores soccer tournament, hailed from what country?
3. Journalist and promoter Harry Glickman was cofounder of what NBA franchise?
4. In 2000, the International Gymnastics Federation named Russia’s Vitaly Dubko the 20th century’s best coach in what discipline?
5. What player, selected third overall by the Golden State Warriors in the 1986 NBA Draft, received a lifetime ban from the NBA in 1989 for failing three drug tests?
6. Hockey Hall of Famer Bernie Federko has his No. 24 retired by what NHL team?
7. What troubled running back won two national championships (199495) with the Nebraska Cornhuskers and was drafted sixth overall by the St. Louis Rams in 1996? Answers
The Coventry Senior Band is looking for Musicians. We are an all-volunteer band that plays at Senior Centers, Nursing Homes, etc. Dust off the old instrument and come have some fun with us! Must be 55 years young and have some weekdays free. Call/Text David at 368-6895 or email walshdavid170@ gmail.com.
The Senior Companion Program trains volunteers to serve isolated older adults in their own homes, Adult Day Centers & other community sites. Senior Companions are matched with a resident in need of socialization and companionship and will serve for 4 hours, 1 day/week at no cost to the participant. For more information, call Lynn at 822-9125.
Coventry Library is offering Drop-In Senior Tech Help from 1-3:30PM on the following Friday, August 9. Drop in for help using your electronic devices. This event is in partnership with ATEL & Cyber Seniors @ URI.
Home Improvement
GENERATORS: Transfer switches installed. Master Electrician. RI #A4602. Insured. Call Jay, 826-2826.
ELECTRICIAN: No job too small. Free estimates. RI #A4602. Insured. Jay, 8262826.
• When patching up cracks in plaster walls, if the crack is large or it’s a small hole, stuff it with wadded-up newspaper or steel wool in order to fill the crack. Apply the plaster over the top.
• Recipe substitution: For each cup of brown sugar needed, use 1 cup of white sugar and 2 tablespoons of molasses.
* When patching up cracks in plaster walls, if the crack is large or it’s a small hole, stuff it with wadded-up newspaper or steel wool in order to fill the crack. Apply the plaster over the top.
• If your washer oversuds because you accidentally added too much detergent, just add a half-cup of white vinegar to the wash water. It will dampen the extra bubbles. Then make sure to put the load through an additional rinse, to eliminate any soap residue in your clothes.
* If your washer oversuds because you accidentally added too much detergent, just add a half-cup of white vinegar to the wash water. It will dampen the extra bubbles. Then make sure to put the load through an additional rinse, to eliminate any soap residue in your clothes.
* Ever had to deal with early arrivals at your garage sale? If so, you know it can be annoying and disruptive. When advertising your sale, use the block number instead of your house number. Still easy to find, but you’re less likely to get staked out.
* “It’s hard to find a good contractor or company to provide a service sometimes. The best resource I’ve had is friends. Whenever someone I know has work done at their home or purchases an item I might be interested in, I always find out the details of who worked on it or where it was purchased and whether my friends were satisfied with the outcome. Friends and even acquaintances usually are quite amenable to giving details, especially when they are either very pleased or very displeased with a job.” -- R.E. in New York
LAWNS CUT & TRIMMED: $35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
JUNK REMOVAL, Dump Runs & Property Clean-outs. Call Pat, 2066404.
POWER WASHING: Houses, driveways, walkways, decks. Free Estimates. Nathan, 408-4420.
Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
CARPENTER: 35 Years experience. Licensed & insured, references and rates. Text or call 1-508-272-1786.
(home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 732-3110. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200.
K.C. FENCE CO.: There’s no job too big or too small... We do them all! Specializing in all types of fencing. In business for over 40 years. RI Reg. #15748. Insured. 397-5076.
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.moffittassociates. com1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 3453227. RI Reg. #5646.
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company. Now doing walkways, patios & firepits. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492.
WINFIELD TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: All your pest needs. 8217800.
KENT COUNTY PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial. Certified in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
JOHN P. KEOGH PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING: Electric sewer rooter service. Master Plumber Lic. #1881. 401-862-8810. A GOOD PLUMBER: Plumbing, heating, drain cleaning. 8082284. RI Lic. #MP002399. MA Lic. #30436. POWER WASHING THOR’S PRESSURE
• the same world-class providers. the same convenient address. the same phone number.
Experience how our Providence office is getting better to make you better.
* On Aug. 19, 1967, the Soviet Union’s communist newspaper, Pravda, accused China of making attacks on the Soviet embassy in Peking and straining relations between Russia and China, claiming that, “Literally not a single day passes without a malicious invention about the Soviet Union.”
• On Aug. 19, 1967, the Soviet Union’s communist newspaper, Pravda, accused China of making attacks on the Soviet embassy in Peking and straining relations between Russia and China, claiming that, “Literally not a single day passes without a malicious invention about the Soviet Union.”
• On Aug. 20, 1959, actor Hugh O’Brian met his idol, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, in Africa at the physician’s hospital after being ferried up the Ogooue River by natives with leprosy. Following that initial encounter, O’Brian referred to Schweitzer as “a living saint.” The 83-year-old doctor strongly urged the abolition of nuclear testing and war, and O’Brian returned to the U.S. with the same conviction.
* On Aug. 20, 1959, actor Hugh O’Brian met his idol, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, in Africa at the physician’s hospital after being ferried up the Ogooue River by natives with leprosy. Following that initial encounter, O’Brian referred to Schweitzer as “a living saint.” The 83-yearold doctor strongly urged the abolition of nuclear testing and war, and O’Brian returned to the U.S. with the same conviction.
• On Aug. 21, 2006, South Korea sent over $230 million worth of humanitarian aid to North Korea after it was hit by severe flooding. North Korea claimed hundreds of people were killed or lost as a result, but South Korean aid agencies believed the number was more likely around 58,000. Seoul had suspended regular aid to the North because of Kim Jong Il’s missile tests, but elected to make this disaster a special exception.
• On Aug. 22, 1948, Belgium’s Charles Theodore Henri Antoine Meinrad acted as regent of the kingdom on behalf of his exiled brother, Leopold, who was exiled to Switzerland due to accusations of being too friendly with the Germans during Belgium’s occupation. Charles did not, however, move into the palace, nor did he access the 30 million Belgian francs that he was entitled to as king, seldom even leaving his own apartments and maintaining a low profile.
• On Aug. 23, 1926, silent film heartthrob Rudolph Valentino died at just 31 from complications following surgery for appendicitis and gastric ulcers.
• On Aug. 24, 1814, British troops led by General Robert Ross entered Washington, D.C., and burned down many public buildings, including the White House and the Capitol building.
• On Aug. 25, 1992, The Sun newspaper published a phone conversation with an unknown woman who may have been Britain’s Princess Diana, talking with an unknown man about her unhappy marriage. Thousands paid up to $22 to listen to the full recording on a paid phone service.
* On Aug. 22, 1948, Belgium’s Charles Theodore Henri Antoine Meinrad acted as regent of the kingdom on behalf of his exiled brother, Leopold, who was exiled to Switzerland due to accusations of being too friendly with the Germans during Belgium’s occupation. Charles did not, however, move into the palace, nor did he access the 30 million Belgian francs that he was entitled to as king, seldom even leaving his own apartments and maintaining a low profile.
* On Aug. 25, 1992, The Sun newspaper published a phone conversation with an unknown woman who may have been Britain’s Princess Diana, talking with an unknown man about her unhappy marriage. Thousands paid up to $22 to listen to the full recording on a paid phone service.
Millie is a beautiful pet, and she is so funny as she waits for her crickets.
Loving Companion of Milani
In a world that, at times, seems adrift and full of confusing messages, finding a faith community of fellow believers is more important than ever. For those whose beliefs are grounded in the Catholic faith but who have felt increasingly unwelcome in the traditional church, finding such a faith community takes on extra urgency.
This is what is bringing congregants from around the state to The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux in West Warwick.
The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux is a Catholic Community that functions outside the jurisdiction of Rome. This embracing community is guided by this mission: To make our faith experience relevant by being an inclusive, ministry-centered community that makes the living Jesus present in our world in a radical way.
The mission of “Saint T’s” (as it is affectionately known) is simply stated: “To welcome ALL; To be the Body of Christ; To be growing disciples who are growing disciples.”
What does it look like to be a “growing disciple”? It looks like someone who lives what they preach and who follows in the path of Jesus Christ, serving, loving, accepting, and welcoming.
Those who attend Saint “T’s” will feel welcome there. They see families of all shapes & sizes, they see women in the clergy, they see divorcees participating in all the rituals and blessings their married and single friends enjoy, they hear contemporary music, they see those who extend kindness and love to them.
Come to this inclusive church in West Warwick and see its beautiful Marian Memorial Prayer Garden, complete with new landscaping and the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. To learn more, visit them at www.go1500.org.
The church is a haven for those whose abiding faith in the teachings of Jesus Christ have not always been in alignment with the expectations of the church of their childhoods, leaving them feeling estranged, conflicted, and often unwanted. Father Chuck Vohs, the congregation’s Priest, would say to those who feel left outside the circle ~ come, you are a Child of God and you are welcome here. Come to be replenished, edified, supported, and uplifted.
A quick peruse of the chapel’s website best sums up the church’s overarching philosophy:
“The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love; we keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into
Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets. Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today!
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire
their hearts. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate your soul.
Our church stands as a beacon of hope in West Warwick. We are a place of acceptance, peace, and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together.” For more details, check the church website at www.go1500.org.
Please come to “Saint T’s”, located at 1500 Main Street in West Warwick. Services are every Sunday at 10:30, either in person or via Zoom. Sunday rosaries begin at 9:45am. Feel free to call 401-6809076 or email stocc1500@gmail.com for more information.
Edward C. Roy, Jr., Esquire
Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor, Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-823-0488 Fax: 401-823-0486
Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire
geri_cook@hotmail.com 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor Coventry, RI 02816 R C OY OOK & Attorneys at Law
melissa m iller account executive
melissam@rhodybeat.com p 401-732-3100
1944 War W ick avenue, War W ick, r hode island 02889
We Buy UNWANTED HOUSES Fast! Offer in 48 Hrs. CASH... Any situation. Any condition. Call today, 595-8703.
Real Estate Wanted
Real Estate Services
Real Estate for Sale REMINDER Classified Ads... We’ll find a home for everything... even you.
COVENTRY: 1 Bed, $1000. 3 Bed, $1800. No utilities. 821-1500.
COVENTRY: 1 Bed, 2nd floor, on Bus Line. NO smoking/ pets. Security. Background Check. References. $250/ week. Call after 12 noon, 822-3529.
Amgen Inc.
Senior Associate Manufacturing
West Greenwich, RI:
Designing GMBR (Generic Master Batch Record), PVL (Parameter Value List) and Level 2 Integration for NPI (New Product Introduction) activities to ensure flexibility in GMBR for multiple product execution. May telecommute.
Interested candidates email resume to Talent-Mobility@amgen.com
Must reference Attn: Talent Mobility Job #20516.1155
The annual salary range for this position in the U.S. is $87,192.00 - $107,310.00 per year. Also, this position offers stock, retirement, medical, life and disability insurance and eligibility for an annual bonus or for sales roles, other incentive compensation.
For more details visit https://careers.amgen.com/life-at-amgen/benefits/
Amgen Inc.
Senior Associate Supply Chain
West Greenwich, RI:
Create plans which ensure the optimal mix of drug substances are manufactured at the site to support inventory objectives, enhance plant efficiency in the manufacturing of this optimal mix of drug substances, and increase annual kilograms of drug substance manufactured. May telecommute.
Interested candidates email resume to Talent-Mobility@amgen.com
Must reference Attn: Talent Mobility Job #20516.3762
The annual salary range for this position in the U.S. is $85,613.00 - $104,072.00 per year. Also, this position offers stock, retirement, medical, life and disability insurance and eligibility for an annual bonus or for sales roles, other incentive compensation.
For more details visit https://careers.amgen.com/life-at-amgen/benefits/
THE TOWN OF WEST GREENWICH is hiring for the following full-time position:
Highway Dept. Position
Individuals who wish to be considered for this position must meet the following general requirements:
Possess and submit a copy of a valid Class A or B CDL License (Class A preferred) and at least two years of Snow Plowing experience with one being Highway/ Roadway Plowing.
Preference will be given to individuals that hold a Hoist & Engineering License. Resumes, references and letter of interest must be
OIL TRUCK DRIVER WANTED: Local work. Must have CDL & Hazmat. Experience preferred but will train. Family owned company. Call 539-2900 or 821-4447 for details.
CLEANERS: 1st & 2nd Shift, 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Saturday. $15/hour. Must have valid Driver’s License, reliable vehicle and clean BCI. Great job for retirees! Call 301-1162.
INSTALLER: Full & PartTime positions available. We install all types of parts which include: truck caps, snowplows, tonneau covers, hitches, racks and much more. Experience preferred, but we can train the right applicant with related experience. Salary will be based on prior experience. Health, Dental, 401K, holidays and vacation time included. Apply in persondrop off resume to 2304 Post Road, Warwick. Email resume to: capcityofri@aol.com
FULL TIME SERVICE TECHNICIAN for Water Filtration Systems & Well Pressure Tanks. Must have good Driving Record. $20-$25/Hour dependent on experience. Will train. Paid Holidays, Blue Cross & Dental. Ample overtime available. Company contributes to IRA. Paid Vacation after 1 year. Contact Jeff @ 401-3920199 or Email resume to jeff@newenglandwater. com
HOUSEKEEPER to clean your home or run errands: Good references. Over 25 years experience. Call Darlene, 401-263-9901.
CLEANING: 18+ Years of experience. Thorough, reliable, with excellent references upon request. Call 248-3839. **I’m fully vaccinated**
Real Estate Transactions
13 Lane C Tempo Holdings LLC Onorato, Sherri 7/17
14 Card St Tomasso, Jody L and Tomasso, Lori Thomas, William and Chalifoux, Megan 7/17
15 Wood Cove Dr Lee, Hae S and Kim, Ji S Austin, Ryan M and Austin, Christiana S 7/17
18 Watercress Ct New, Michael A and New, Karen A Gonzalez, Michael N and Gonzalez, Elizabeth M 7/18
Walnut Dr Onorato, Nathan M and Onorato, Sherri D Coughlin, Scott and Eggers, Madeline 7/17
Spector, Paula L and Depetrillo, Nancy L Arena, Michael D and Arena, Cassidie N 7/16
Rd Farias Properties LLC Ventura, Laura A and Ventura, Michael A 7/19
757 Matteson Rd Collard T and Collard, Richard E Lamoureux, Paul and Lamoureux, Linda 7/15
8 Cynthia Dr Leal Jr, William J and Leal, Patricia L Kring, Brian A and Kring, Amanda F 7/18
9 Lorraine Ave Saucier, Jeffrey A Alfred, Colby D and Spyridis, Rachel M 7/19
11 Gray Coach Ln Lot 1103 Patriot Bldrs Inc Rondeau, Paula J 7/19 $349,900
110 Pond St Gomez, Maridalia and Baez, Robert Crossman, Erica L 7/15 $450,000
125 Hillcrest Dr Angela Delgallo Lt and Delgallo, Angela M Watts, Christopher M and Watts, Jenna M 7/15 $430,000
133 Fordson Ave Lot 8 Ismagik, Cristina Cesana, Paul R and Cesana, Debra M 7/19 $255,000
133 Tallman Ave Seminara, Carla A and Anzaldi, Terry A Strauss, Amanda E 7/17 $450,000
14 Leawood Dr Lot 298 Mattiello, Nicholas V Yellin, Alexandra and Margolis, Jacob 7/16 $610,200
14 Leawood Dr Lot 707 Mattiello, Nicholas V Yellin, Alexandra and Margolis, Jacob 7/16 $610,200
14 Woodland Ave Sullivan, Alberta A and Aiello Jr, Angelo M Patnaude, Michael B and Irving, Crystalann 7/17 $305,000 1468-1470 Cranston St Laferriere, Pamela Estriplet, Samannie 7/16 $535,000
15 Ann Ct Grassini, David P Wright, Daniel E and Wright, Crystina 7/18 $615,000
162 Glen Ridge Rd Alfonse R Famiglietti Rel and Famiglietti, Bruce E Spetrini, Paul 7/19 $485,000
19 Seaview Ave Corso, Michele Venkataraman, Rajagopalan and Venkataraman, Bernadette E 7/19 $1,250,000
255 Princess Ave Marte, Ivan and Marte, Rocio E Wright, Niles T 7/15 $350,000
30 Oakwood Dr Barrett, Brittany Regan, Kyle T and Regan, Ashley E 7/18 $547,000
46 Hornbeam Dr Freddie Mac and Federal Hm Loan Mtg Corp Jzai Invest LLC 7/18 $320,000
51 Allard St Sadlier, Ryan and Connelly, Anya Howlett, Michael J and Paradiso, Danielle F 7/18 $425,000
71 Elsie St Marchand Jr, Richard R and Marchand, Abigail M Bliss, Zackary T 7/18 $470,000
73 Royal Ave Martino Ft and Giorno, Emilia A Mcdonough, Michael and Mcdonough, Mary E 7/19 $452,000
74-76 Princess Ave Rodriguez, Fausto Garcia, Ignacio A and Garcia, Miuris A 7/18 $515,000
east Greenwi C h
130 Phillips Rd Susan K Millis T and Millis, Susan K Forloney, Anthony and Corsi, Carissa L 7/12 $595,000
160 Ayrault Rd Reilly Jr, John J and Pearson, Julie M Lan, Bradley and Burgess, Carrie 7/19
2 Helmsley Ln Lot 35 Apponaug Prop Inc Frizzle, Ernest 7/16
25 Cora St Middleberry Assoc Bottaro, Michael R 7/12
25 Westcott Way Lot 80 Apponaug Prop Inc Ellis, Hilary 7/16
330 Shippee Rd Mellor, Amanda and Oconnell, Eric Tedeschi, Monika P and Tedeschi, Thomas J 7/15
40 Pheasant Dr Frizzle, Ernest R and Ellis, Hilary J Kim, Jennifer Y and Reynolds, Griffin K 7/16
690 South Rd Michael R & Susan E Aitch and Guertin, Michael R Olson Prop Mgmt LLC 7/19
85 Westfield Dr
41 Welfare Ave Pasquale Degiulio Ft and Degiulio, Denise P Alford, John and Bisbano, Emma 7/15
45 Green River Ave Gilkenson, Michael K Kazarian, Stephanie L and Lautieri, Anthony C 7/12
48 Leroy Ave Varone, Alexander J Caputo, Jean E
50 Larochelle Ave Holland, Courtney C and Holland, Michael C Derose, Robert F and Monahan, Erin K 7/18
521 Quisset Ct Lot 521 Lillian Norigan T and Del Greco, Robert J Revens, Michael 7/16
60 Wells Ave Pelkey, Preston T and Mccaffrey, Michael J Sears, Christopher 7/12 $28,000
70 Harborview Dr Kelly, Michael Fontalvo, Regina A and Fontalvo, James A 7/19 $541,900
752 Quaker Ln Lot B207 Spigel, Donna J Tocco, Paul J 7/12
77 Sheffield St Gannon Jr, Bernard E and Gannon, Elizabeth Rocha, Ernesto P 7/18
81 Stonebridge Ln Lot 81 Adrienne Norberg Lt and Norberg, Adrienne Adrienne Norberg Lt and Norberg, Adrienne 7/12 $735,000
91 Milton Rd Carcieri, William V and Carcieri, Marie L Mcneil, Michael and Mcneil, Danielle 7/19
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208 Plain Meeting House Rd Holm, Darrell R and Holm, Maryanne Ruggieri, Victoria and Ruggieri,
Niantic Trl Parrillo Jr, Anthony G and Parrillo, Alisha N
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257
SALOME’S STARS #12345_20240805
EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of AUG. 12, 2024
Providing Family Fun For Everyone All Summer Long!
Washington County Fair Aug. 14 to 18 Route 112 Richmond
St. Rocco Feast Aug. 15 to 18 Atwood Ave. Johnston
Our Lady of Grace Feast Sept. 5 to 8 Lafayette St. Johnston
MBA Fall Fest Sept. 13 to 15 Misquamicut Beach Westerly
ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
Avoid adding to the tension around you. Even a well-meant reaction against something you perceive as unfair could be misunderstood. Let things calm down, then talk about it.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) It’s a good time for romance for unattached Bovines — and for reinforcing the bonds between existing partners. Children’s needs are important during the latter part of the week.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A compliment from a surprising source sends you wafting way up into the clouds, where — sorry to say — your view of what’s going on is obscured. Come on down and face reality.
Avoid adding to the tension around you. Even a well-meant reaction against something you perceive as unfair could be misunderstood. Let things calm down, then talk about it.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Even a family-loving person like you can sometimes feel you’re at the end of the line with contentious kinfolk. But things can work out. Remember that it’s better to talk than walk.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A job-related move might hold more positive surprises than you’d expected. Go into it with confidence and look for all the advantages it offers. Then decide what you’ll do with what you find.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Driving yourself too hard to get something done on a deadline that you set up can backfire. Ease into a more realistic finish date and add more breaks to your work schedule.
It’s a good time for romance for unattached Bovines -- and for reinforcing the bonds between existing partners. Children’s needs are important during the latter part of the week.
A compliment from a surprising source sends you wafting way up into the clouds, where -sorry to say -- your view of what’s going on is obscured. Come
on down and face reality.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Your sense of humor can brighten any dark period, and your laughter can dispel those gray clouds swirling around you. The weekend presents a surprising but welcome change.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Be careful about the words you use, especially in touchy situations. The old saying that “speech is silver, but silence is golden” could apply well here.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Some facts could emerge that shed light on unresolved past problems. What you learn might also help explain why a once-warm relationship suddenly cooled down.
Even a family-loving person like you can sometimes feel you’re at the end of the line with contentious kinfolk. But things can work out. Remember that it’s better to talk than walk.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Don’t let your pride get in the way of checking into what could be a great new opportunity. Get the facts first, then worry about procedure and protocol later.
facts could emerge that shed light on unresolved past problems. What you learn might also help explain why a oncewarm relationship suddenly cooled down.
assuming that, as before, you’ll take over the health care duties. Surprise them and insist they share in the caretaking.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A health problem in the family might have other relatives assuming that, as before, you’ll take over the health care duties. Surprise them and insist they share in the caretaking.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A series of changes can be unsettling, but in the long run, it can pay off with new perspectives on what you plan to do. Keep your mind open to the possibilities that might lie ahead.
A job-related move might hold more positive surprises than you’d expected. Go into it with confidence and look for all the advantages it offers. Then decide what you’ll do with what you find.
BORN THIS WEEK: You might be under a “royal” sign, but you have a wonderful way of embracing everyone as an equal.
Driving yourself too hard to get something done on a deadline that you set up can backfire. Ease into a more realistic finish date and add more breaks to your work schedule.
Your sense of humor can brighten any dark period, and your laughter can dispel those gray clouds swirling around you. The weekend presents a surprising but welcome change.
Be careful about the words you use, especially in touchy situations. The old saying that “speech is silver, but silence is golden” could apply well here.
Don’t let your pride get in the way of checking into what could be a great new opportunity. Get the facts first, then worry about procedure and protocol later.
A health problem in the family might have other relatives
A series of changes can be unsettling, but in the long run, it can pay off with new perspectives on what you plan to do. Keep your mind open to the possibilities that might lie ahead.
You might be under a “royal” sign, but you have a wonderful way of embracing everyone as an equal.