The Coventry Cares Community Care Clinic Nurses Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 8:30AM-12:30PM with Nurse Jane or Nurse Carolyn. The Clinic is set up at the Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry.
By Lucie Winborne
The Gen. Nathanael Greene Homestead in Coventry is looking for individuals interested in becoming Tour Guides for the season. The Homestead, also known as “Spell Hall”, was built by Nathanael Greene in 1770 and has been authentically restored as a Museum dedicated to his memory. Tour Guides will learn about Gen. Greene, his family, and life in the 18th Century. Experience is not necessary. All information will be provided and scheduling is flexible. For more information, please email Visit us at nathanaelgreenehomestead. org
Paine House needs your help. Volunteers needed to preserve local history. Looking for folks interested in research, computers, photography, gardening & yard work, fund raising, etc. If interested, call Bob at 439-7513 for more information.
The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry will host a Grief Support Group on Tuesdays from 1-3PM. Please call 822-9175 to add your name.
By Lucie Winborne
• After 10 minutes of looking at yourself in a mirror in a dimly lit room, your bored brain will distort your reflection, triggering the appearance of imaginary monsters such as “Bloody Mary.”
• Sologamy is the act of marrying yourself.
• In 1895, there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio … and they still ended up crashing into each other.
• The record for most passengers on an airplane was set in 1991 when 1,086 Ethiopian Jews were evacuated to Jerusalem on a Boeing 747. However, the plane landed with 1,088 passengers, as two babies made their earthly debut during the flight.
• Pineapples were a status symbol in 18th century England. In fact, they were so expensive that you could rent them by the night and take them to parties with you.
• In the first quarter after COVID lockdowns, lipstick sales shot up nearly 50%.
• The Apollo 11 astronauts had to go through customs upon their return to Earth and declare moon rocks, moon dust and other lunar samples, according to the form signed by all three and filed at the Honolulu Airport in Hawaii on July 24, 1969.
• Cymothoa exigua is a parasite that severs the blood vessels of a fish’s tongue and becomes a new functional tongue.
• Bella and Edward’s relationship in the “Twilight” book and film series meets all 15 criteria set by the National Domestic Violence Hotline for being in an abusive relationship.
• An estimated 10% of Europeans are immune to HIV infection because they have an ancestor who survived bubonic plague.
Looking for The RemindeR?
Cumberland Farms
436 Knotty Oak
Mobil – 117
Coventry Library
Coventry Mart
GENERATOR: Electric start
Briggs & Stratton Elite Series. 12,500 Starting watts, 10,000 running watts, Mighty Max battery, Vanguard 18Hp. Asking $1000 OBO. 4746878.
ELECTRIC BIKE: Can pedal/ pedal & electric/electric, RainBow DX3000 26” tires. Very good condition. $700 OBO. 474-6878.
DIANA DOLL in long-trained wedding gown & headpiece with original box. Asking $200 OBO. 474-6878.
ANTIQUE CEDAR CHEST, slant-top desk, Captain’s chair, dry sink, rocking chair, 93” tall queen size bedframe, hand crafted antiques, 2 TV cabinets, 2 wall-mount glass front cabinets. Electronic medication dispenser, $80. CASH ONLY. 401-339-6281.
FOR SALE: Gravity Conveyor set. 24”WX10’L, center legs included (4), adjustable, good condition. $175. Goodyear Eagle tires, 275/55R20”, good condition. $225. GMC 20” tire 6-lug wheel spacersnever used. $150. Continental tires 195/16R15 on rims, rims clean, new tires plus VW hubcaps $325. 401-339-5665.
COINS! Local Coin Collector looking to buy some coins, or call me and I can give you an idea of what your coins are worth. 60Year Coventry resident. My house, your house or Library. A Collector, not a Dealer. Call Mark, 556-4703.
Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
$35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split seasoned wood. $250/ cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night! 641-0212.
CLEANUPS: Attics, cellars, garages, buildings, yards, leaves. Some cleanouts for content. Anything hauled away. Very reasonable. Reliable service! Free estimates. Call for your small moving needs. Lic. #37379/Insured. 30 Years of reliable service. 3972781 or 741-2781.
WANTED: Antiques and collectibles. Moving or just cleaning out? We pay more for your old jewelry, glassware, furniture, pottery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and courteous service call Bill, 821-0381.
DUMP RUNS: Furniture, appliances, construction debris, sheds, junk. 1-860304-6740.
TWIN TRUNDLE BED: Plush mattress, padded headboard, LED lights. Used 6 months. Paid $1419, have receipt. $500 OBO. Call 320-8194.
WANTED: Junk lawn mowers & air conditioners. Will take for free. 829-0377.
PIANO LESSONS in West Warwick Studio with Juilliard graduate. 243-3431.
HERBAL PLACE: Specializing in Lyme Disease & Chronic Fatigue. Herbalist. Call 378-3580.
MULTI FAMILY! Genesis, 10 Woodland Drive, Coventry: August 17, 8AM-2PM.
21 GREENBRIAR ROAD, West Warwick: August 17, 9AM-1PM. Jewelry, miscellaneous.
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE! 12 Paul Sprague Drive, Coventry: Saturday, August 17, 7AM-1PM. Too many items to list.
Tabernacle Baptist Church will hold a Yard Sale from 7AM3PM at 182 Seven Mile Road in Hope on Friday/Saturday, August 16 & 17. Something for everyone! Rain or shine!
The Cpl. Holly Charette Memorial Motorcycle Run will be held on September 29. Registration begins at 8AM at the Rolfe Square Post Offi ce in Cranston, Kick Stands up at 10AM. Steak Fry follows at 2PM at 22 Whipple Drive in Charlestown. Tickets are $25 per person and include Dinner. All pre-registered riders (by September 15 - No ticket sales after September 22) are automatically guaranteed a t-shirt. Scholarship recipients to be awarded at the Dinner. Holly was a sweet, kind and spirited soul. She joined the Marines after September 11 because she wanted to do something for her country. Holly was just 21 years old when her convoy was struck by a suicide bomber on June 23, 2005. Holly was the fi rst female Marine to lose her life during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Proceeds benefi t the Holly Charette Scholarship Fund. Please contact 227-5140 or email for tickets or more information. Visit for additional information on becoming a sponsor or to make a donation. The Run is limited to 200 tickets.
At home in your slippers, but need to ask us a question? Try our new chat service! Click on the chat bubble logo on the bottom right corner of our website and ask away. If the library isn’t open, it will let you email us. Chat hours are: Monday through Wednesday 9AM-7:30PM, Thursday and Friday 9AM4:30PM, and Saturday 9AM-4:30PM (9AM-12:30PM during Summer Hours).
West Warwick Public Schools is in need of in person volunteer mentors for students in Grades K-12. The time commitment is 1 hour per week. Anybody who is interested in volunteering can call or email me, Dana Papitto, Mentor Coordinator, at: (401) 825-6530 or
beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times.) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks.
Prayer to the BLESSED VIRGIN
(Never known to fail). O Most
Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the sea, help me and show me here in, you are my mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my
me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times.) Holy
I place this cause in your hands (3 times). Say this prayer for three consecutive days. You must publish it and it will be granted to you. Grateful Thanks. C.P.
AARP 2210 is sponsoring a trip to see Portland Symphony’s “The Magic of Christmas” on December 15. The trip includes lunch at Boon’s Restaurant, orchestra seat at Portland Symphony’s “The Magic of Christmas” & motorcoach transportation. Cost is $185/person. Call Maureen, 828-5188 or Anne, 263-4274 for reservations or for more information.
CodeRed is a very helpful service in which you can receive important town information in a timely manner. Alerts include important town matters, COVID-19 vaccinations, weather emergencies, sex offender notifications, etc. To sign up for automated calls and/or texts on your cell phone or landline, register your phone numbers at the town’s website, www. or through the Coventry Police Dept. website,
Say You Saw it in The Reminder
Notice is hereby given that the Coventry Zoning Board of Review will hold a public hearing for the following matter on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., Coventry Town Hall Council Chambers, 1670 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816. All interested parties are invited to be present and heard.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: September 4, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Town of Coventry Zoning Board Meeting – September 4, 2024
Please click the link below to join the webinar: Passcode: 760804
Or One tap mobile US: +13017158592,,85128003708#,,,,*073030#+13052241968,,85128003708#,,,,*073030
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or + 305 224 1968 +1 309 205 3325 +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 +1 646 931 3860 +1 253 205 0468 +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 +1 360 209 5623 +1 386 347 5053 +1 507 473 4847 +1 564 217 2000 +1 669 444 9171 +1 669 900 9128 +1 689 278 1000 +1 719 359 4580 or US Toll Free 833 548 0276 833 548 0282 877 853 5247 or 888 788 0099
Webinar ID: 899 5173 2352
Passcode: 760804
International numbers available:
Owner-Applicant: Karen and Dennis DiPrete
Location: AP 320 Lot 63; 877 Plain eld Pike
Zone: RR-5
Applicants are seeking a Dimensional Variance to construct a 36’L x5’W porch 67’ from the front property line where 100’ is required.
Participation by any person needing to be sworn must be present to be heard. No remote participation via Zoom will be allowed.
e public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401)822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
The West Warwick Assistance Agency operates a food cupboard at 1293 Main Street serving all West Warwick residents living at or below three times the federal poverty level. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10AM-2PM, unless there is a town-wide parking ban in effect. We offer standard amounts of core groceries based on household size as well as self serve selections of produce, bread and assorted other noncore grocery items we have on hand. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 828-0310, and no appointment is necessary to visit our facility.
TOPS CHAPTER #38 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Thursday mornings at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 99 Pierce Street in East Greenwich (lower level). Weigh-in begins at 9:30AM, the meeting is from 10-11AM. Enter from the side parking lot, go down stairs to the kitchen area. All are welcome, as well as donations of canned goods. For more information, call Angela Henderson at 401-225-6174.
If you knit or you would like to learn, join the Knitting Group at the Coventry Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry. The group meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a great way to socialize and make new friends.
The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is accepting Passport Applications (DS-11 Forms only) on behalf of the US Dept. of State. Please contact Information Services at 828-3750, Ext. 1 or email ref@wwpl. org to schedule an appointment or for more information. For even more information, you can call 1-577-487-2778 or visit
Learn to speak, read & write English. Enroll in Literacy Volunteers of Kent County’s free learning program. In just a few hours per week, you can improve your English skills in speaking, reading and writing. You will be paired with a Tutor who will instruct you, one-on-one according to your individual needs. Lessons are scheduled at your convenience and all information exchanged remains confidential. Please call 8229103 or email for more information.
e Town of Coventry is considering the ling of applications for the Rhode Island Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Annual Application Funding. Statewide, approximately $5,100,000 has been made available to undertake a range of activities including:
a) Provision of employment opportunities for low and moderate income persons.
b) Provision of community infrastructure, facilities and public services principally bene ting low and moderate income families and individuals.
c) Planning only activities with a goal of bene tting low and moderate families and individuals.
A Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, August 30, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in the conference room located at the Town of Coventry Department of Planning and Development, 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816 for the purpose of obtaining the views of citizens on community development and housing needs; on past program performance and on proposed applications for activity types listed above. At this time, anyone wishing to apply for funding for a quali ed activity should be present at the meeting or contact the Community Development Block Grant Program Manager in advance of the meeting. You may also provide comments in advance of the meeting to:
Geri Manning, CDBG Program Manager
Mailing address: 1670 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816
O ce Address: 1675 Flat River Road
Phone: (401) 492-9368
Please call Geri Manning, CDBG Program Manager, between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30, Monday-Friday at 401-492-9368 with comments or to request more information.
e Public Hearing will also mark the ending of the 15-business day Comment Period.
e public is welcome to attend. Participation by low–moderate income persons; residents of predominately low-moderate income neighborhoods; minorities; non-English speaking persons; and persons with disabilities is encouraged. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401)822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting. e meeting room is handicapped accessible.
Home Improvement
By JoAnn Derson
ELECTRICIAN: No job too small. Free estimates. RI #A4602. Insured. Jay, 8262826.
SUMMER CLEANUP: Yards raked, lawns mowed, shrubs trimmed, trees cut down, brush hauled away, debris hauled away. Quality work. Excellent rates. Doug, 826-3444.
POWER WASHING: Houses, driveways, walkways, decks. Free Estimates. Nathan, 4084420.
$35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
JMD LANDSCAPING & REMOVAL SERVICES, LLC.: Yard cleanups, shrub trimming, mulching, crushed asphalt driveways, pool removal, yard debris & junk removal. Insured. RI Reg. #001732056. Call 688-4242.
AERATION/ OVERSEEDING: No job too small or large. Call/ Text Robert, 465-4546.
• Repair enlarged screw holes with a wooden golf tee. Use a hack saw to saw it flush, sand and finish!
• Punch holes in paint can rims with a nail so the paint that gets sloshed on the rim will drain back into the can. To seal the can, wipe the rim with a damp cloth, and rub it with a little petroleum jelly and cover with a piece of plastic wrap and tap the lid back into place.
• Here’s a back-to-flu-season tip: If you have a fever over 100.4, a sore throat without cough or congestion, if you’re sick for more than a week, have one-sided facial pain or dark-colored mucus or any nausea or vomiting, you should not only stay home from work or school (so you don’t infect your friends), but also consider making an appointment with your doc or urgent care facility.
• “Keep baby wipes at your bedside table for those nights when you are just too tired to take your makeup off properly. A little is better than nothing. If you’re guilty of this more than you care to admit, invest in a packet of eye makeup remover wipes.” — E.S.D. in Texas
• Sun protection shouldn’t stop when the summer is over; the sun is still shining! If you have trouble putting sunscreen on your face, try this trick: Spray or smear it on a paper towel, then apply to your face. Use twice as much as you think you should, as some will get lost in the paper towel.
• While boating or fishing, tape small blocks of Styrofoam to your eyeglass arms so they will float if they go overboard. — R.D. in Florida Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803. © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
Home Improvement
Artistic Lamps
Before the use of electric lights, lamps were designed to cast as much light as possible. With the introduction of electric light bulbs, invented in 1879, lamps took on new forms and functions. In some cases, lampshades had to soften the light instead of amplifying or directing it.
By Terry and Kim Kovel
PHOTO CAPTION: Polly wanna light? Fulper
Pottery was
In the early 20th century, designers created lamps with new materials and previously unseen shapes. Fulper Pottery, established in New Jersey in 1860, started its artware line, Vasekraft, about this time. Its Vasekraft lamps had pottery shades and bases decorated with Fulper’s famous glazes. The shades had inset panels of stained glass to let the light through.
These aren’t the only lamps that Fulper made, however. This parrot-shaped pottery lamp with tilted head, slightly open beak and colorful plumage was made by Fulper. It sold for $375 at an auction by Dennis Auction Service, Inc. There is a socket for a light bulb concealed in the base; the entire parrot and the top of its perch detaches and acts as the shade.
* * *
downsizing and am interested in selling my Wedgwood Orange Florentine demitasse and saucer collection. I checked eBay and other sites but am unable to come up with a selling price. Can you please help me out?
A:Wedgwood pottery started in Burslem, England, in 1759. Florentine pattern was designed in 1931. The ornate border with mystical dragon-like creatures was made in many different colors. Pieces were made with or without center decorations. Recent prices for Florentine demitasse sets with no center decoration range from about $20 to $48. A demitasse set with Coral border and floral center was listed for $70. Orange seems to be rarer than other colors and may sell for more. Wedgwood is still in business and currently makes Florentine in Turquoise. It also includes some Florentine accent pieces in its Renaissance collection.
The company lists a Florentine Turquoise cup and saucer for $140.
* * *
TIP: If there are two handles on a drawer, open the drawer using both handles. It lessens the strain on the joints.
* * *
Bronze, vase, ikebana, figural base, turtle, head raised, long tail, flared ruffled rim, lily pad shape, turtle side handles, silver inlay, Japan, 4 1/2 x 4 3/4 inches, $120.
Quilt, applique, Dresden Plate, multicolor, cream ground, multicolor scalloped border, black floss embroidery, c. 1930, 84 x 66 inches, $320. Candlestick, photophore, flared shade, gilt metal base, flower shaped bobeche, round stepped foot, square base, four paw feet, 16 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, pair, $770.
Rug, Oushak, Angora, ivory ground, allover multicolor vines, stylized flowers, light blue trim, Turkey, 14 feet 3 inches x 10 feet, $1,665.
Carousel figure, horse, standing, front left hoof raised, painted, black, red saddle, blue and green markings, Gustave Dentzel, Philadelphia, late 1800s, 65 inches, $3,625.
For more collecting news, tips and resources, visit
Home Improvement
Selecting the Right Microwave for Your Kitchen
(StatePoint) As one of the most useful appliances in any kitchen, it’s no surprise that microwave ovens can be found in at least 90% of U.S. households, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statiåstics. That’s why choosing the right one is so important.
“While most Americans have a microwave, few are considering how its features and design elements can transform their entire kitchen’s look and functionality,” says Peter Weedfald, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Sharp Home Electronics Company of America.
According to Weedfald, one trend that’s here to stay is the drawer style microwave oven. “Sharp, the inventor of the drawer style microwave, revolutionized kitchen design by integrating functionality and aesthetics,” he explains. “While these may require professional installation and wiring, drawer style microwave ovens have a range of functional benefits that, for many homeowners, could make them well worth the effort,” he says.
Here are six ways drawer style microwaves can make your life simply better in the kitchen:
1. Their space-saving design frees up valuable countertop real estate, so you have more room for chopping, mixing and stirring.
2. Easy access from above makes it convenient to stir or add ingredients to your cooking vessel.
3. No turntable allows for larger and oddly-shaped dishes.
4. Their design works well for both right-handed and left-handed users, and are also accessible for individuals with disabilities depending on the appliance placement and the disability.
5. Access from above makes it easy to reach in and clean up accidental spills and splatter.
6. They elevate spaces with a sleek, seamless look.
If you do opt for a drawer style microwave, here are five major factors to consider:
1. Hands-free technology: When you’re busy in the kitchen, hands-free technology can save you tons of hassle. Select drawer style microwaves like the Sharp SMD2489ES, SMD2479JS, and SMD2499FS models that glide open by simply waving up and down near the motion sensor.
2. Finishes: Drawer style microwave ovens can be seamlessly built into kitchen cabinetry or set on a pedestal in a standard dishwasher cutout. Look for models that match your existing appliances. Common finishes include stainless steel, black stainless steel, or a combination of stainless steel and black glass.
3. Angled and hidden control panel: For a sleek design and to reduce the chances of unwanted operation, opt for a control panel that can be hidden when not in use. Sharp offers microwave drawer ovens with a concealed control panel that open to an easy-to-read and operate 45-degree angle.
4. Convection cooking: Convection cooking transforms your microwave into a culinary powerhouse, allowing you to bake, roast and crisp foods to perfection all in one appliance. Elevate your cooking experience and streamline your kitchen with a model offering this versatile feature.
5. Smart connectivity: Enjoy smart cooking with Alexa Voice Commands with the Amazon Alexa App or your Echo Device (Amazon Echo device not included). The SMD2489ES, SMD2479JS, and SMD2499FS models from Sharp are all equipped with smart connectivity, enabling you to control and monitor your microwave from your smartphone or voice assistant.
“Ultimately, when choosing a microwave, factoring in your layout, cooking needs and budget can help ensure you find the perfect fit for your dream kitchen,” says Weedfald.
YARD CLEAN-UPS & Grass Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128. JUNK REMOVAL, Dump Runs & Property Clean-outs. Call Pat, 206-
attention to your ad.
AARP Chapter 2210 has planned a trip to Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City from January 5-7. The Tour includes 2 nights accommodations, 2 meal credits (up to $20 value each) & $20 slot play. Bus pickup from the Exit 19 Park & Ride on Hopkins Hill Road at 7AM, return time is approximately 6PM. Cost is $299/person (double occupancy), $279/person (triple occupancy) or $399/ person (single occupancy). For more information call Maureen at 828-5188 or Anne at 263-4272.
The Moosup Valley Church, 81 Moosup Valley Road in Foster will host a concert on August 17 from 6-8PM featuring local musicians Jim Van Gieson on guitar and Mary King & Ed Sweeney on the dulcimer, banjo, harp and more. Rain or shine. If nice bring chairs & picnic supper, otherwise light refreshments inside. As always, we pass the hat. For more info, contact Laurie at 623-0320.
Town of Coventry Technical Review Committee Meeting
Monday, August 19, 2024 at 1:30 PM is meeting will be convened in-person in the Coventry Town Hall Annex Planning Conference Room, 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry RI 02816.
4.1 “Westwood Estates - Additional Mobile Home Sites”
For comments to the Administrative O cer
Pre-Application, Expansion of Residential Mobile Home District
Owner/Applicant: Hometown America LLC
AP 43, Lot 35; Zone PD (Planned Development) Reservoir Road
Applicant proposes to add 46 mobile home dwelling units to its existing mobile home park to bring the total number of mobile home units on site to 512. is will exceed the maximum density and total number of mobile home units allowed for this development.
4.2 “Proposed Commercial Contractor Units”
For comments to the Planning Commission Pre-Application, Major Land Development
Owner/Applicant: Andrew Barber
AP 10, Lot 42; Zone GB-1 (General Business) 72 Harkney Hill Road
Applicant proposes to develop one commercial o ce building and two equipment storage buildings for contractor use, with development occurring in phases.
4.3 “Centre of New England”
For comments to the Planning Commission
Master Plan, Major Land Development with associated Dimensional Variance
Owners: Matthew J. McGowan, in Receiver for Commerce Park Properties, LLC; Commerce Park Associates 4, LLC; and Catapult Realty, LLC
Applicant: Starr Capital LLC
AP 13, Lot 14 and AP 14, Lots 1 & 65; Portions of AP 14, Lot 1.2 and AP 15, Lot 98; Zone BP (Business Park)
Arnold Road, Angelina Drive, Stephanie Drive, and Centre of New England Boulevard
Applicant proposes to develop 362 dwelling units in duplex-style buildings, as well as 350 dwelling units in multifamily buildings, for a total of 712 units. e proposal includes associated utilities and infrastructure. is application requires a dimensional variance for parking requirements and will be heard via Uni ed Development Review.
Meeting materials can be found on the Coventry Planning Department’s webpage at the following link:
Verbal comments from the public will not be taken during Technical Review Committee meetings. However, the public is welcome to submit written comments on any agenda item prior to the meeting. Please direct comments to
e public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
The Greene Public Library Association will hold their Annual Chicken BBQ on August 18 at 818 Hopkins Hollow Road, Greene. There will be 2 seatings - the 1st at 3:30PM & the 2nd at 5PM. Suggested donation is $15/ Adult, $ I 0/child (5-12), children under 5 are guests of the Library Association. Please call Glenn at 392-3131 or email greenepubliclibrary@ for reservations
melissa m iller account executive p 401-732-3100
avenue, War W ick, r hode island 02889
In today’s competitive and often over-crowded business environment, finding the best way to highlight your own business is more important than ever. How do you set yourself apart from your competitors? How do you best allocate your marketing funds, and stretch your dollars while getting the most exposure possible? How do you get the word out?
The best thing you can do is to find the right person who can answer all these questions and help pave the way for your business to be seen and to thrive.
That person is Melissa Miller, one of Beacon Media’s busiest and most productive account executives. Melissa has been helping customers across every line of work since 2016. Her primary objective is to serve those who have placed their trust in her, and by extension, have laid their businesses in her trust. It is a responsibility that she does not take lightly.
Melissa is an experienced professional who will be your greatest advocate and contact person at Beacon Media’s widely circulated local newspapers, including The Reminder. She is meticulous, accessible, experienced, and diligent without being pushy or pesky.
The Reminder is a popular shopping guide that has been informing, serving, and raising awareness about local businesses since 1954. This local guide is packed full of ads featuring small businesses across the region including Coventry, West Warwick, Exeter and West Greenwich. It is also free to its readers.
If you are a business owner, from a convenience store owner to an attorney to a doctor to a fuel delivery service to a tradesman to a salon owner to a restaurant to an auto repair shop ~ you name it, The Reminder is an excellent place to highlight whatever you are promoting. Advertisers from every imaginable business know that readers are scouring its pages to find out what they need and where to find it.
The Reminder is published weekly and can be found at many drops throughout the city. It can also be delivered directly to homes and is available online on Monday evenings, even before the paper edition hits the stands. This is extraordinary
exposure ~ and an extraordinary opportunity for any business. It is also available online.
Melissa is well-acquainted with this popular local paper and knows all of its advertising options, from this Business Spotlight section and full-page ads to smaller, two-inch visual ads ~ and everything in between. There are countless options that can be customized to fit your budget and objectives. As an Account Executive, Melissa serves businesses in Coventry, Exeter, West Greenwich and Providence. Melissa Miller can be reached by phone at 401-821-2216 and 401-732-3100, or by email at, Monday through Friday.
Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets.
Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today!
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Geralyn M. Cook, Esquire 577 Tiogue Avenue, 2nd Floor Coventry, RI 02816
Phone: 401-823-0488 Fax: 401 -823-0486
FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257
SPORTS QUIZ #12345_20240812
By Ryan A. Berenz
2001 BUICK LESABRE: Well maintained. Loaded, leather interior. Silver. 93,000 Miles. $3500. Coventry area. 1-865964-8939.
for Sale Motorcycles
2004 HONDA CMX 250: 5465 Miles, 60+ MPG. Runs great. Great for beginner riders. Title included. $1700 OBO includes helmet. 368-8879.
Antique/Classic Cars
Auto Service & Repair
Camping Trailers
CAMPER: FREE! Arm lifts no longer work. Good for mechanically inclined individual or for parts. 3688879.
a traditional mortgage
1. Who slid into home plate to score the winning run in the Atlanta Braves’ 3-2 win over the Pittsburgh Pirates in Game 7 of the 1992 National League Championship Series?
2. Who was ESPN’s “Monday Night Football” play-by-play announcer from 2018-19?
3. In 1950, Patty Berg, Opal Hill, Shirley Spork and Louise Suggs were among the 13 founders of what professional sports organization?
4. Known as “Queen of the Nurburgring,” what German motorsports icon and TV personality died of cancer in 2021 at the age of 51?
5. In 1989, the UCLA Bruins’ Pooh Richardson was the first draft pick in the history of what NBA franchise?
6. Pitcher Dennis Martinez, who threw a perfect game as a member of the Montreal Expos in 1991, hailed from what country?
7. What sportswriter from The Boston Globe got into a physical altercation with New England Patriots cornerback Raymond Clayborn in the locker room following a game in 1979?
1. Sid Bream.
2. Joe Tessitore.
3. The Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA).
4. Sabine Schmitz.
5. The Minnesota Timberwolves.
6. Nicaragua.
7. Will McDonough.
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Job Market
Job Market
CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN/ TRAINEES: $700+/ Week. Valid Driver’s License. BCI required. Call Joe, 258-9648.
FULL TIME SERVICE TECHNICIAN for Water Filtration Systems & Well Pressure Tanks. Must have good Driving Record. $20-$25/Hour dependent on experience. Will train. Paid Holidays, Blue Cross & Dental. Ample overtime available. Company contributes to IRA. Paid Vacation after 1 year. Contact Jeff @ 401-3920199 or Email resume to jeff@newenglandwater. com
WANTED: Local work. Must have CDL & Hazmat. Experience preferred but will train. Family owned company. Call 539-2900 or 821-4447 for details.
CLEANERS: 1st & 2nd Shift, 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Saturday. $15/hour. Must have valid Driver’s License, reliable vehicle and clean BCI. Great job for retirees! Call 301-1162.
OPPORTUNITY! Foreman Position Available: Local Roofing Company. Must have valid Driver’s License and own transportation. Full time position. Serious inquiries only. Call 573-6607.
CLEANING: 18+ Years of experience. Thorough, reliable, with excellent references upon request. Call 248-3839. **I’m fully vaccinated**
Contact Carol Miller, your local Reverse Mortgage Specialist. (401) 406-1247 (Cell)
COVENTRY: 1 Bed, $1000. 3 Bed, $1800. No utilities. 821-1500.
COVENTRY: 1 Bed, 2nd floor, on Bus Line. NO smoking/ pets. Security. Background Check. References. $250/ week. Call after 12 noon, 822-3529.
We Buy UNWANTED HOUSES Fast! Offer in 48 Hrs. CASH... Any situation. Any condition. Call today, 595-8703.
installed. Sewer connections. 736-8313. ELECTRICAL
JADE ELECTRIC: Wiring, emergencies. Prompt and courteous. 8285908, 738-7835. Lic.# A1538. Insured.
RICHARD J. PIZZI Electrical Contractor: 550 Providence Street, West Warwick. Residential Wiring (home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 732-3110. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200.
K.C. FENCE CO.: There’s no job too big or too small... We do them all! Specializing in all types of fencing. In business for over 40 years. RI Reg. #15748. Insured. 397-5076.
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.moffittassociates. com1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
TJ’S HANDYMAN: Demo kitchens & baths. Will handle your “Honey-Do List”. No job too small. Tom, 207-8263.
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 3453227. RI Reg. #5646.
ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company. Now doing walkways, patios & firepits. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492.
WINFIELD TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: All your pest needs. 8217800.
KENT COUNTY PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial. Certified in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
JOHN P. KEOGH PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING: Electric sewer rooter service. Master Plumber Lic. #1881. 401-862-8810.
A GOOD PLUMBER: Plumbing, heating, drain cleaning. 8082284. RI Lic. #MP002399. MA Lic. #30436.
THOR’S PRESSURE & SOFT WASH: Commercial & Residential. Roof & Exterior Cleaning. Fully licensed and insured. RI Registration GC-46062. Free Estimates. Call Thor, 401-441-8672. ThorsHouseWash
$8.00 PER WEEK for 10 words (25¢ each add. word) Min. 1 Month. Deadline: Last Thursday of each month for ads starting the following month. Mail or bring your ad to The Reminder, 1944 Warwick Ave., Warwick, RI 02889. Phone: (401)821-2216. Fax: (401)732-3110. ROOFING INSTALLATION & REPAIRS: Also gutters cleaned and leaf guards installed. Call 397-8729 or 749-1315 for a free estimate.
SEPTIC SYSTEMS TLC SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Design & Installation, Foundation Digging, Land Clearing & Grading. Class 1 License. Registered Contractor. Free Estimates. Call 392-3300 or visit
VICTOR MOFFITT & CO., INC.: Bookkeeping, Tax Services for individuals and businesses, 40 years experience. 1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry.
Catherine A 7/26
74 Tiffany Rd Wilcox, Cassie Cleary, Arthur G 7/22
85 Mile Rd Meadows, Edward H and Perkins, Thomas A Thompson 2nd, John H and Thompson, Lori D 7/26
8/22,10/24: Lemongrass-Warwick
Upcoming Comedy Shows!
8/29: Cucina Rustica-Cranston
9/1: Pub on Park-Cranston
9/1: Boomerangs-West Warwick
9/7: 39 West Restaurant-Cranston
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9/29: Chelo's-Warwick
10/5: River Falls-Woonsocket
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22) A business matter could cause some friction among your colleagues. But once again, that logical mind of yours comes to the rescue. And the sooner it does, the better!
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SALOME’S STARS #12345_20240812 FOR RELEASE AUG. 12, 2024
–Touch Lounge in Cranston 8:30 pm – EVERY THURSDAY –Rewind Theater at the Narragansett Casino 8 pm
EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of AUG. 19, 2024
All meals include milk, coffee or tea, bread/margarine
Wed. 8/14: Lentil vegetable soup, chicken scallopini, rice pilaf with mushrooms, green beans, whole wheat roll, cake. OPTION: Seafood salad plate.
Thurs. 8/15: Chicken soup, pot roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, whole wheat roll, sliced peaches. OPTION: Cobb salad, Fri. 8/16: Melon, burger with cheese, cole slaw, pasta salad, chips, whole wheat roll. OPTION: Hot dog.
Mon. 8/19: Minestrone soup, Greek style chicken thighs, parsley potatoes, Florentine rice, whole wheat roll, oatmeal cookie. OPTION: Turkey sandwich on wheat.
Tues. 8/20: Tomato soup, ground beef taco, rice, Spanish corn, sour cream, sliced peaches. OPTION: Chef salad.
Wed. 8/14: Lentil vegetable soup, chicken scallopini, rice pilaf with mushrooms, green beans, roll, dessert. OPTION: Seafood salad plate.
Thurs. 8/15: Chicken soup, pot roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dessert. OPTION: Cobb salad, Fri. 8/16: Greek cucumber salad, BBQ pork sandwich, roasted sliced potato, cole slaw, dessert. OPTION: Tuna salad plate.
Mon. 8/19: Minestrone soup, Greek style chicken thighs, parsley potatoes, Florentine rice, dessert. OPTION: Turkey sandwich on wheat.
Tues. 8/20: Tomato soup, ground beef taco, rice, Spanish corn, sour cream, dessert. OPTION: Chef salad.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A previous misunderstanding continues to taint the atmosphere to some extent during the early part of the week. But cooler heads prevail, and the situation eases by the week’s end.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
While the artistic aspect of the Divine Bovine is well-served this week, your practical side is also getting the sort of recognition that could lead to a new and well-deserved opportunity.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) With home-related matters taking on more importance this week, now could be the time to make some long-deferred purchases. But shop carefully for the best quality at the best price.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Congratulations! While a family problem might still rankle, it should be easing, thanks to your efforts to calm the waters. Also, a workplace situation seems to be moving in your favor.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) The Big Cat’s energy levels should be rather high these days, and you might do well to tackle any tasks that still need doing. This will clear the way for any upcoming projects.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Someone’s criticism might not be as negative as you perceive. Actually, it could be helpful. Discuss the matter with your critic, and you both could learn something valuable.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) There still might be some heated temper flare-ups out there. But your sensible self should advise you to stay out of these situations until things cool down and calm is restored.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Changing your mind could be the right thing to do if you can’t resolve your doubts. You might want to discuss the matter with someone whose advice you trust.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat’s merrier side dominates this week, and this means that despite your usual busy schedule, you’ll be able to squeeze in parties and all sorts of fabulously fun times.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) An educational opportunity could offer a lead to something other than what you had planned. But keep an open mind, and before you decide to turn it down, check it out.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) The Piscean wit and wisdom you have helps you work through a situation that might have been accidentally, or even deliberately, obscured. What you unravel could prove to be very revealing.
BORN THIS WEEK: Loyalty is important to you. You demand it, but you also give it generously and lovingly.
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