Graduations 2023

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Happy Graduation ✰ Congratulations to the ✰ Class of 2023! Beacon Communications RhodyBeat
RIVERS PAVING INC. RI Reg #24335 (401) 397-8193 YOU’RE PAVING THE WAY TO A BRIGHT FUTURE there was a tie. 560 Providence Street, We S t WarW ick 401-826-7158 Mon-Fri 7:30 AM - 9PM • Sat 6:30 AM - 9PM • Sun 6:30 AM - 8PM MAYA KAPLUN – VALEDICTORIAN NICOLE DACEY – SALUTATORIAN DYLAN LANGTON OLIVIA BARRY MELANIE LOWDER YU PAN JUSTIN CURRAN HAYDEN MYERS JAKOB CLARK AMANDA DION MOLLY WENTWORTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 64 Tiogue Ave., West Warwick 401-821-6665 Richard A. Barkin, D.D.S. “ e Gentle Dentist” Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile. Congratulations Graduates! Coventry High School Class of 2023 TOP TEN STUDENTS V Eleven Your future is like an open road... chart your course wisely. (Photos courtesy of Coventry Public Schools)


Michael Richard Aceto

Dax Connor Adams

Katharine Emma Aldana ‡†

Jake Brodeur Allen

Mia Vincenza Allen

Irving Calvillo Alvarez *

Henok Keith Anderson

Nicoli Robert Anderson

Hannah Rose Anderson-Taylor

Michaela Larria Annicelli

Mathew John Arnold

Hannah Christine Asermely

Sophia Marie Ashworth

Alexandra Lynn Audette

Lily Patrice Avjian

Noah Timothy-Daniel Babbitt

Keely-Shae Autumn Bagley *

Brooke Giovanna-Marjorie Barchie

Olivia Rose Barry ‡† §

Shayln Atira Belch

James Michael Bell

Allen Louis Benevides

Anthony Michael Benevides

Thomas Frank Biscoglio

Evan Joseph Blissmer ‡†

Abigail Lorraine Bouffard

Emma Lynn Boulanger ‡†

Lauren Elizabeth Boulanger ‡†

Joseph William Bourassa

Ariana Marie Borek

Alyssa Rose Brennan ‡†

Cody Louis Brooks

Ashley Maria Brookshire

Ryley James Bruins

Katelyn Marie Burdick

Tyler James Burdick

Carlton William Burgess

Hannah Kathleen Butler

Gianna Isabella Cabral ‡†

Timothy Alan Calci

Benjamin Kevin Card

Benjamin Dennis Carignan

\Casey Lee Carlson

Claire Leshu Carroll †

Gavin Stephen Carson

Aubrey Patricia Castore ‡†

Benjamin Nikolas Catero

Abygail Ruth Cerbarano

Sophie Jeanne Chaignot

Austin Robert Chamberlain

Destiny Rose Charette

Olivia Rue Chaves

Kaiya Nishi Chen

Abigail Bella Choquette

Arionna Sage Christopher

Angelo Steven Ciampanelli

Landon Richard-Leon Cirelli

Paige Kathleen-Anne Cirelli

Corinne Elizabeth Ciummo

Jakob Andrew Clark ‡†* §

Lucy Katherine Colby ‡†

Nathan Scott Collins

Hannah Rose Correia ‡†

Sarah Elizabeth Correia

Jordan Eric Cote

Kendra Anne Cote

Alexandria Kyleah Creamer Ward

Sophia Teresa Croce

Victoria Rose Croft

Emily Melissa Cronin

Benjamin Phillip Crossman

Justin Matthew Curran * §

Mia Nicole D'Amico

Daniella Elizabeth D'Arezzo

Nicole Elizabeth Dacey ‡† * §

Jade Alexandra Dalton

Jasmine Shea Darley

Kevin Richard DaRosa

Sidney Youssef Daniel Daugaard

Rayne Parker DeCosta

Nathan Wilfred DeJesus †

Emma Elaina DeJoseph

Abby Francesca DeLauro

Alexia Destiny Delgado

Aiden Orion Demers

Maddyson Rosemary Denton

Brayden Frank DePrete ‡†

Caleb Mshindani Derocher

Ayana Lyn DeSimone

William Francis Desjarlais

Nicolas Mariano DiFazio

Amanda Ellen Dion §

Dyllan Jonnathon DuClau †

Christopher Evan Duncan

Kerra JoEllen Edwards ‡†

Brooke Mary Ellis

Devin Javon Ellis

Zachary Joseph Ellison

Abigail Rose Estey ‡† *

Peyton Chandler Evans

Jake Rocco Faiola

Samantha Jewel-Celeste Falcone

Nicholas William Gobbi Ferreira

Dominic Richard Fiocchi

Andrew Robert Fiocco ‡†

Matthew Elwood Fitzpatrick

Matthew Joseph Fontaine

Peter Thomas Fontaine III

Sara Rose Fontaine

Zoey Marie Fontaine

Olivia Grace Fornuto

Raven Beatrice Fortune

Kyle Robert Fraser

Abigail Estelle Fratus

Kaden Dennis Fratus

Parker Joden Frenze

Aiden Otis Fuest

Zachary Nicholas Fuller

Garrett Jude Furtado

Erin Carol Rose Gagnon ‡† *

Mason Eugene Gagnon

Shaelyn Rose Gallagher

Thomas Charles Gaskin ◊

Noah Bryce Gaudreau

Brady Richard Gault

Zachary James Giustini

Bianca Trabucco Goncalves

Christopher Merton Gormley

Sophia Eleanor Greenstein †

Karissa Marie-Halsey Harry

Jayden Jahmier Hart

Jacob Gage Hawksley

Megan Marie Henault

Emma Alison Horan

Kianna Marie Hoxsie

Kaylin Marie Iarossi

Tyler Everett Jackson

Ian Michael Jacobs

Kyle Michael Joyal

Maya Isabelle Kaplun ‡† * §

Nathaniel Christopher Kelling

Kayla Beth Kennedy

Erica Elizabeth Kilbourne ‡† *

Taylor Mae Kiselica

Caroline Elizabeth Knight

Matthew Alexander Koczwanski Jr.

Luke Joseph Lagasse ‡†

Logan Anthony Lama

Robert Winslow Lane

Christina Maureen Lang ‡†

Dylan Thomas Langton ‡† * §

Luke David Lapham

Andrew James LaRoche

Aidan Lyons Leary

Reed August Leonard

Michael Avedis Lepre Jr †

John Pierre Lovell III

Melanie Julia Lowder ‡† * §

Chloe Evangelina Lowe

Lindsey Grace Lussier

Deven Joshua MacDonald

Aidan Lee Major

Emma Barbara Malardo

Cody Matthew Malbaurn

Jasmine Christine Malenfant

Rylee MacKenzie Manzi

John Rathbun Marchetti

Alexander Thomas Marcotte

Hailey Lynn Martin

Colton Machado Martins

Jake Devin Mather

Joshua Cain Matthis

Zachary Michael Matthis

Haley Mattias

Hannah Mattias ◊

Trevon Ryuya McCafferty

Aydali Noemi McCue ‡†

Jack Edward McGovern

Tess Judith Meade

Kerry Alice Medeiros †

Timothy Israel Melendez

Dylan Michael Messier †

Logan Joseph Mignanelli

Michael Amedeo Mignanelli

Alexander Demetrius Molinares

Conner Lee Moore

Ryan Aiden Morin

Samuel Ryan Morse

Ryan Thomas Munroe

Hayden Justin Myers ‡† §

Evan Jacob Nason

Robert Blair Newton

Brianna Lynne Nichols

Jett Hudson Nobrega

Gavin Gabriel Nurmi

Hannah Marie O'Brien Fordham

Teresa Emily Oliveira

Rory Maclean Owens

Mimi Lee Palumbo

Yu Pan ‡† §

Daniel Luigi Parent

Mark Martin Patenaude

Olivia Marie Patterson

Samantha Lynn Peiczarka ◊

Tyler Hugh Pendergast

Elisabeth Grace Pendola ‡†

Angelina Nichole Perry

Tyler Robert Perry

Tabitha Lynn Peters

Aidan Charles Petrin

Andrew William Peuffier †

Ava Christina Peuffier

Izabella Rose Pimentel

Ava Corina Pino

John Allen Pizzo Jr.

Sandra Luisa Plotkin

Benjamin Connor Pope

Joshua Jeremiah Pope

Olivia Rae Poulos

Haley Marie Primrose

Ellen Marie Theresa Proulx ‡† *

Ben Avraam Fajardo Quinio

Charles Paul Read

Tyler Dennis-Paul Reall

Aidan Roger Reardon

Jaydan Francis Reid

Jake Ryan Richard

Carson Hamilton Richards

Colby Harrison Richards

Gloria Lissette Robledo

Leila Marie Rodriguez

Kaylan Evette Rosario

Adam Liam Rose ‡† *

Austin Anthony Rossi

Elyse Mikel Saccoccio

Natalie Salas Campos ‡†

Angelina Marie Santos ‡† *

Adam Anthony Savastano

Dametri Robert Schulenberger

Sara Ann Scotti

Jasmine Crystal Settuba † *

Stephanie Riley Shaw

Christian Jaime Sheehan

Ryan Richard Sheldon

Arianna Margaret Sheppard ‡†

Thomas Mansfield Sheppard III

Kalleb Cryshian Silva Gomes Garcia

Juliet Rose Simonelli

Larissa Jean Simpanen

Charles Michael Smith Jr.

Codie Rose Smith

Kaelyn Marie Smith

Savannah Jennings Soares † *

Brooke Olivia Soderi

Adam Anthony Solano

Jayden Michael Solano

William Raymond Spearman

Ethan Raymond St. Pierre

Scott Randall Stearns Jr.

Morgan Grace Stegmann

Taylor Louise Stevenin

Ariana Jade Stewart

Blake Elizabeth Studley

Michaela Elizabeth Sullivan

Charles Daniel Sutton

Aimee Elizabeth Tetreault

Geoffrey Gjovalin Thana

Courtney Grace True ‡† *

Jaimeson Joseph Truppi ‡† *

Thomas Richard Turner

Mitchell William Verrier

James Timothy Villandry

Ella Elizabeth Voelker †

James Timmy Walton-Nazaire

Leila Jeanne Leonard Weathers †

Marcese Romeo Webb

Braedyn Keith Webber

Molly Hannah Wentworth ‡† * §

Alexandra Dakotah White

Kailey Anne Whitford

Faith Racheal Willard

MaKenna Jaide Woodward

Piper Marie Young

Sasha Rena Young

Talia Rose Zonfrilli

Legend *

332 Nooseneck Hill Rd. Exeter 401 -397-6015
Congratulations to
Biliteracy Seal ‡ National Honor Society † Rhode Island Honor Society § Top 10 Students Representative Thomas E. Noret PAID FOR BY FRIENDS OF THOMAS E. NORET - JOHN BURKE, TREASURER I Want To Hear From You! • 401-641-0813 Congratulations Wizards & Oakers! – Class Of 2023 –Congratulations on this milestone achievement and all the accomplishments you’ve worked for along the way. Best of luck in your future endeavors!
(Photos courtesy of Coventry Public Schools)

Congratulations to


Andrew Gladior Teh **^° #

Brendan Anthony Rathier **^+° #

Tianna-Lee Keovongvichit **^†° #

Aidan Wallad ° #

Kieton R. Nunes **^° #

Kayla Renee Goldstein **^° #

Janelle P. Agyemang

Steven S. Schayer **^° #

Rahnya L. Abbas *

Aisha Aderibigbe

Omar S. Almajdoubeh *^

Skylah Joan Almeida *° #

Brea E. Alves **

Jasmine L. Amaral

Elizabeth Ashley Anderson

Aryssa Lyn Andrade **°

Justina Maria Andrade *#

Jason Tyler Anzivino

Jonathan Arriaza

Orlando Audet

Faith Barney

Zoe G. Battersby ^#

Devin Anthony Beaulieu

Kiara Caprie Bell **^#

Christian Andrew Bernardo

Alexander William Bigbie

Vanessa Marie Blair °

Joshuah Blanchette

Chloe J. Boerger *^

Allison T. Brodeur **^†° #

Alexandria M. Brown

Nicholas Paul Brown °

Kamrin Buffery

Devin R. Cabral *

Anthony Carlos Caetano

Raychel L. Cambio

Hyla C. Camp *^

Seth A. Card *#

Kayla Renee Carlson **^†° #

Cole J. Carreiro *^°

Joseph Brian Chambers

DionDre Andrew Chase

Ethan Elijah Clark ^#

Justin Daniel Coolbaugh *^#

Emily Sky Corbett

Paige Elizabeth Corbi

John Christopher Correia

Rayna Denise Correia

Talia Marie Cote

Selenia J. Cotrone

Ronald Allen Couture

Hallie Jillian Cruz *

Alexander Stephen Dabeck

Korina Louise Daniels *†°

Jenna Theresa Danis **^° #

Reece J. Davide

Olivia Jayde Dean

Peter Michael Dean Jr. #

Christyanna Degrasse

Gianna Hope DiFilippo *#

Elissa Lynn Dorgan

Janel S. Duncan

Javanni J. Estrela

Alexander Manuel Faraj *^

Timothy Fazio **^†#

Haley F. Ferrick °

Emily Fleury **^° #

Jacob Patrick Fratus-Belot #

Lucas Cameron Gallaher *^#

Nina Rose Gallo *†°

Abigail Rose Garofalo *^°

Crystal Garrido **^° #

Deanja Marie Gayle

Cailey Morgan George **° #

Kaylee Marie Germano *

Jadyn Rose Gil

Mason Paul Gilmore

Jordan Isaac Gonzalez *

Nathan Gorton

Brendan John Griffin *

Jonathan D. Griffin *^#

Tyler J. Gullifa

Leonardo Guzman

Julian Thomas Hammond

Liam S. Healey

Aldean Demoy Hird

Tyler Hoppman

Cameron J. Hunt

Nathan Alexander Hunt *#

Nicholas Alexander Iacono #

Colbey James Johnson #

Zaid Kattan

Juliana Lynn Keith

Ethan K. Kelly

Kellylyn C. Kozlin

Lia Kue *

Aleah Ann Laferriere

Isabel Nicole Laferriere **° #

Connor LaFountain °

Miracle Leathers

Jai-Lyn Marie Lemoi *

Jesse Robert Levasseur

Jason Licciardi

Jeslyn Lee Lillie-Cartagena

Nevaeh Lee Lima *

Michelle E. Loffredo

Dylan Anthony Lombari °

Nathan John Ludka *

Daniela Nicole Machado Torres

Colden J. Marso

Peter M Martin °

Bryan Elias Martinez Mateo

Adriel Jose Martinez *^

Riley J. Maynard **^°

Brandon David Mazariegos

Helena McCrae

Brady Luke McNamara **^° #

Nicolas Henri Meier *†°

Julian Angel Melendez ° #

Leah Patricia Mercier

Maya Grace Messina **^†°

Brady Miale *^#

Leah Relli Moreau **^#

Lindsey Lee Morris #

Natalie Marie Mulholland *

Christopher J. Nelson

Shaiden Lee Nicolace

Michael John Nikodem *^°

Luciano J Niolet *#

Jose Sandy Norton

Ayden Scott O’Connor

Pedro Miguel Martins Oliveira Jr.

Anthony J. Olson

Morgan Jean Pace

Stephen Manuel Pacheco

Nickolas Paul Pangelinan ° #

Marlon Dennys Paniagua II

Destiny A. Parenteau

Callie Lynn Paulo *

Hannah Susan Pelcher *

Justin Joseph Penardo Jr.

Keishla D. Perez - Torres ^+

Natalia Perez **^

Derek Dominic Petrarca *^° #

Jesse Robert Principe **^° #

Jaedin Prudent

Brady Norman Rajotte **^

Lucas Ryan Randall *

Zachary Randall °

Zachary Raynor

Liam A. Read

Thomas Stilianos Reiner *#

Benjamin Resendes *†° #

Kayla B. Richards *

Giselle Rivera ^†° #

Jacob Roger Andrew Robidou

Jasmine L. Robinson

Ivan N. Robles

Bella Rocha

Brenden Rocha **^#

Dillen Rose

Abigail Rueda

Abigail P. Saccone **^†°

Neftali Q. Santiago

Sadie A. Santurri

Makenzie Shea

Shaun Shultz *^

Edward Silvestre

Jadalyn Marie Simas

Justin Sisson

Emily Grace Slahetka *^#

Gwenivere Debra Marie Smith

Joshua Jack Steele

Sara P. Stephenson

Alexa Elizabeth Stroker

Carissa Marie Studley

Takari Stutts

Jacob H. Suffoletto

Katelyn Sullivan **^° #

Catherine Theresa Sweetland *

Silvia Chantel Tapia **^+

Nilsa Tashjian **^° #

Rodrigo Tavares Baptista

Christina Jean Taylor

Arabella Katina Teague

Alyssa L. Tenbrink

Tyler Tilton

Jianna Alexandria Transue

Hannah Jane Ullman

Nathan Charles Vanasse **^

Abraham David Teofilo Vera

Edwin J. Villa *^#

Miguel Villot *

Brooke L. Williamson **°

Damon L. Wilson **^° #

Aryanna J. Yates ^

Jason M. Young

Jason Zina

** National Honor Society

* Rhode Island Honor Society

^ World Languages Honor Society

+ Seal of Biliteracy

† Tri-M Music Honor Society

° CTE Pathway/Endorsement

# Commissioners Seal

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courtesy of Facebook-)
for the
Scholarship! 
Studley and Family
West Warwick High School ClaSS of 1973 Thank You

NAlpine ursing Home


Patrick Baum

Brynn Beauchamp

Kaia Bennett

John Carroll

Rebecca Kilday

Tyler Lagasse

Madison Rathbun

Anna Schumacher


You’ve reached your goal!


Aiden Aguilar *

Adam Aljallad ***

Heather Allen *

Louna Allory * ** ***

Corey Bardsley

Patrick Baum * ** ***

Nathan Beach

Brynn Beauchamp* **

Emily Beauparlant * **

Noah Belanger *

Kaia Bennet * ** ***

Fiona Brand * ** ***

Kailey Brooks *

Jessica Bross * ***

Caleb Budrock

Nicholas Burdick *

Jillian Butler *

Dante Carr *

John Carroll * ** ***

Dylan Cary

Ryleigh Chevalier * **

Jason Claeson

Nathanael Cox

Sydney Daigle * **

Anthony DeFante

Damon Durfee * ** ***

William Emery

Devyn Estrela

Kaitlyn Farias *

John-Paul Forcino

Roshane Frazier

Fiona Gantz *

Lydia Geuss * **

Angelia Gomes

Emily Guilmette *

Abby Hattoy ***

Jaya Hay

Kora Hay

Damaris Hernandez ***

Ronal Hernandez

Joclyn Heron * ** ***

Lauryn Hood

Maya Horne * ** ***

Zachary Hunt

Lena Hussein

Jennifer Hutchins *

Maci-Grace Jacob * **

Shaun Jacques

Jack Jardin * **

James Johannis * ***

McKenzie Justiniano-Wahl

John Kaminski

Matthew Kaminski

Rebecca Kilday * ** ***

Lily Koncevitz

William Kuprevich * ***

John LaFond

Tyler Lagasse * **

Nicolas Lopes * ***

Zacheri Lorenzen ***

Sofia Mangino * **

Jason Mathews *

Skylar Morgan

Paige Nunes * **

Emily O'Brien * ***

Victoria Pariseault * ***

Collin Parks

Olivia Pelletier * ** ***

Lucas Pennacchia

Jonathan Plowman

Eve Podraza * ** ***

Aiden Powers

Jaiden Ramirez-Donovan

Madison Rathbun * ** ***

Troy Robishaw

Emily Rubin * ** ***

Riley Ruggieri ** ***

Gina Santa Maria *

Brynn Sauerbrey * **

Joshua Savino * **

Todd Schofield ***

Anna Schumacher * ** ***

Scott Serydynski

Rocco Siciliano

Robert Simoes * **

Rehuben Smith

Sophia Spardello

Jessica Stone *

Olivia Swift *

Anthony Tartoria

Alex van Meeteren *

Cassidy Vanner

Dylan Waterman

Conner Weeks

Andrew Wilkins

Emily Yoon *

Jared Zalcberg * **

Tess Zurawski * **

*Rhode Island Honor Society

** National Honor Society

*** Seal of Biliteracy

Congratulations to
Exeter-West Greenwich High School Class of
Emily Yoon – Valedictorian Louna Allory – Salutatorian
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