The RI Crush 8-U softball team won last month’s state championship when it beat the Northern RI Comets 10-2. The team was led by Lilian Moore and Kylie Carter, who each drove in three runs each. The team played six games in the state tournament and outscored its opponents 79-12.
Members of the team included Madison Leclair, Alessandra Bento, Delphine Chatell, Elsie Major, Hazel Moore, Kylie Carter, Lilian Moore, Lydia Lacroix, Lyndsay Lombardi, Nora Herrera, Samantha Shaw and Sophia King. Coaches were Dave Eacueo, Jamie Moore, Joseph Shaw and Michael Lombardi.
Moosup Valley Church, 81 Moosup Valley Road in Foster, will hold its annual concert fundraiser on September 21 from 12-5PM on the outdoor stage. Rain date September 28. $20 “suggested” donation includes concert & food, as well as silent auction, vendors & more. Musicians: Earl Faria, Allison Rose, Lisa Couto, Jesse Liam & Atwater/Donnelly. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy an afternoon of family fun! For more info or to be a vendor, contact Laurie at 401-623-0320.
Thanksgiving Novena to ST. JUDE
O Holy St. Jude Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ. Faithful intercessor of all who invoke this special patronage in time of need. To you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg you, to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and three Glory Be’s. Publication must be promised. St Jude pray for us and all who invoke your aid. Amen. This novena has never been known to fail. It helped me. Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers. RSTP
The Coventry Resource & Senior Center, 50 Wood Street, Coventry, offers free Notary Services to Coventry residents. Please call 822-9175 to ensure a Notary is available for you.
Notice is hereby given that the Coventry Zoning Board of Review will hold a public hearing for the following matter on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., Coventry Town Hall Council Chambers, 1670 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816. All interested parties are invited to be present and heard.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: October 2, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Town of Coventry Zoning Board Meeting – October 2, 2024
Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86913130251?pwd=3vj6f4GCsQ7rlNn4IWYlpd0akNCFy0.1 Passcode: 965854
Or One tap mobile US: +13017158592,,85128003708#,,,,*073030#+13052241968,,85128003708#,,,,*073030
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1
or 888 788 0099
Webinar ID: 869 1313 0251 Passcode: 965854 International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd7KdejeYC
Owner-Applicant: Norman Rivers
Location: AP 4 Lot 19; 6 Nichole Lane Zone: R-20
Applicant is seeking a Dimensional Variance to construct a 20’x26’ addition that will encroach 2’1” into the front setback and 5’ into the side setback on the east side of the property. Applicant is also seeking relief for lot coverage. Lot coverage is currently proposed to be 36% where 20% is allowed.
Owner-Applicant: Laura Mopps
Location: AP 57 Lot 5; 210 Pine Haven Road Zone: RR-2
Applicants are seeking a Dimensional Variance to construct a single family home 15 feet into the front setback where 35’ is required.
Owner-Applicant: Byron Carlson & Chris Carlson
Location: AP 48 Lot 99; 248-250 Pulaski Street Zone: Industrial 2
Applicants are seeking a Use Variance to convert existing commercial structure into an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Applicants are also seeking a Dimensional Variance due to the existing structure encroaching into the southerly side setback 7.87’.
Owner-Applicant: Kara Magiera
Location: AP 54 Lot 6.2; 120 Maple Street Zone: R-20
Applicant is seeking a Dimensional Variance to construct a 26’w x 42’L detached garage 26’ in height where 15’ is allowed.
Participation by any person needing to be sworn must be present to be heard. No remote participation via Zoom will be allowed.
The public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401)822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
TOPS CHAPTER #38 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Thursday mornings at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 99 Pierce Street in East Greenwich (lower level). Weigh-in begins at 9:30AM, the meeting is from 10-11 AM. Enter from the side parking lot, go down stairs to the kitchen area. All are welcome, as well as donations of canned goods. For more information, call Angela Henderson at 401-225-6174.
West Warwick Public Schools is in need of in person volunteer mentors for students in Grades K-12. The time commitment is 1 hour per week. Anybody who is interested in volunteering can call or email me, Dana Papitto, Mentor Coordinator, at: (401) 825-6530 or dpapitto@wwps.com
AARP Chapter 2210 has planned a trip to Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City from January 5-7. The Tour includes 2 nights accommodations, 2 meal credits (up to $20 value each) & $20 slot play. Bus pickup from the Exit 19 Park & Ride on Hopkins Hill Road at 7AM, return time is approximately 6PM. Cost is $299/person (double occupancy), $279/person (triple occupancy) or $399/ person (single occupancy). For more information call Maureen at 828-5188 or Anne at 263-4272.
If you are in need of food, you can call the RI Community Food Bank at 942-6325 or you can visit www.rifoodbank.org for a complete list of open pantries statewide.
At home in your slippers, but need to ask us a question? Try our new chat service! Click on the chat bubble logo on the bottom right corner of our website and ask away. If the library isn’t open, it will let you email us. Chat hours are: Monday through Wednesday 9AM-7:30PM, Thursday and Friday 9AM4:30PM, and Saturday 9AM-4:30PM (9AM-12:30PM during Summer Hours).
The Marine Corps League will hold their meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at VFW Post 9404, 29 South Main Street, Coventry. Members join in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving traditions and interests of the United States Marine Corps. For more information, call 265-1406.
TO OUR READERS and Advertisers... We’d like to thank you for your ongoing support. “The Reminder”.
“RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS...” We could all use a little good news to brighten our day... Have you witnessed a “Random Act of Kindness’’ lately? “The Reminder” would love to hear about it. Please submit your entry in writing and we will print them anonymously on a space available basis. Please mail your “Random Acts of Kindness” (with contact information) to The Reminder, 1944 Warwick Avenue, Warwick RI 02889 or email your submission to mail@rireminder.com
CRAFTSMAN 22” 5.5 Hp push mower, $50. 38” Yard Machine riding mower, $350. Troy-Bilt rototiller, gear driven, $700. Huskee 10 cu. ft. trailer, $100. Or best offers. All good condition. 647-2831 or 787-7914.
COINS! Local Coin Collector looking to buy some coins, or call me and I can give you an idea of what your coins are worth. 60-Year Coventry resident. My house, your house or Library. A Collector, not a Dealer. Call Mark, 5564703.
LAWNS CUT & TRIMMED: $35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
CLEANUPS: Attics, cellars, garages, buildings, yards, leaves. Some cleanouts for content. Anything hauled away. Very reasonable. Reliable service! Free estimates. Call for your small moving needs. Lic. #37379/Insured. 30 Years of reliable service. 397-2781 or 741-2781.
OLD COINS WANTED: Indian $.01 & Buffalo $.05, Silver Dollars. High prices! 946-1070.
Mowing: Starting my own business. Very reasonable. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Free estimates. Please call 585-8128.
WANTED: Antiques and collectibles. Moving or just cleaning out? We pay more for your old jewelry, glassware, furniture, pottery, clocks, paintings, military items, crocks, post cards, cameras, photos, old coins, etc. For prompt and courteous service call Bill, 821-0381.
FIREWOOD FOR SALE: JW Studley & Sons. Cut & split seasoned wood. $250/ cord. Est. 1982. Not a fly by night! 641-0212.
COVENTRY HIGH SCHOOL 90th Year AllClass Reunion: November 30, 2024 at Quidnessett CC from 6-10PM. Tickets at www.oakeralumni.org
EVERY WEEK “The Reminder” brings you important money saving values from local merchants and service providers. Plus news of what’s going on around town... from Church Bazaars to meetings to helpful hints from experts. “The Reminder”, your local free community paper!
29 MAPLE STREET, Coventry: Saturday, September 14, 9AM-3PM. Back yard.
THE PAWTUXET VALLEY PRESERVATION & HISTORICAL SOCIETY Yard Sale! September 14 from 8AM-2PM at the former Crompton Library, 1679 Main Street, West Warwick. Rain/Shine. Donations accepted, visit our Facebook page. For more information, 8211078 or 523-5351.
TOWN OF FOSTER 16TH ANNUAL COMMUNITY YARD SALE: Saturday, September 14, 8AM-1PM. Rte. 6 to 94S or Rte. 102 to 94N. Entrance opposite Cornerstone Farm (Town Fairgrounds). 50+ Households. Food available for purchase, provided by ARCC Veterans. (Rain date September 15)
NEED QUICK CASH? Sell your no-longer-used items with a REMINDER READER AD. Now it’s easier than ever. Call 8212216 for information. All Credit Cards accepted.
The West Warwick Public Library, 1043 Main Street, West Warwick has a free Community Needs Pantry set up near the front entrance. Please take what you need! If you would like to donate, leave what you can (non-perishables only please). The Pantry is in need of milk (all kinds), cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter & toilet paper. For more information, call 828-3750.
A 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony, marking the 23rd anniversary of those lost lives, survivors & our local heroes in the tragic events of September 11, 2001, will be held on September 11 at 6PM at Riverpoint Community Park, 110 Hay Street, West Warwick (along the West Bay Bike Path). The public is invited as well as Clergy representation, RI’s Veterans Councils & Organizations, Scout Troops, RI Young Marines, Public Safety Honor Guards, Cadets and School Bands & Choruses are encouraged to participate on this solemn occasion of reflection & collective resilience among our American people.
HELP? Place your ad in The RemindeR’s
and reach hundreds of potential employees. Ads as low as $8.00 per week Call Us Today at 401.821.2216 for more info.
Exeter Grange is working on a new challenge. The Grange is participating in the “Go Bananas Challenge” for Project Saving Species in conjunction with the Cincinnati Zoo. They are asking for donations of used and broken cell phones, smart phones, iPad/iPods, tablets and charging accessories. Many of these items contain metals and materials that need to be recycled and not tossed in the landfill. Eco-Call, a Louisville based company, will break down and recycle the items and has a no landfill policy. Donations can be left on the steps of Exeter Grange Hall, 469 Ten Rod Road (Rte. 102) in Exeter. If there are any questions or a donation is left, please feel free to call Amanda or Peggy at 401-397-8058 and leave a message.
Yards raked, lawns mowed, shrubs trimmed, trees cut down, brush hauled away, debris hauled away. Quality work. Excellent rates. Doug, 826-3444.
Houses, driveways, walkways, decks. Free Estimates. Nathan, 4084420.
KEVIN, 8233572 (cell).
GENERATORS: Transfer switches installed. Master Electrician. RI #A4602. Insured. Call Jay, 826-2826.
HANDYMAN: Small odd jobs, painting, window A/C removal & much more. Reasonable. Rich, 206-6252.
AERATION/ OVERSEEDING: No job too small or large. Call/ Text Robert, 465-4546.
LAWNS CUT & TRIMMED: $35 Average. Free estimates. Senior Citizens’ Discount. Weekly/Bi-weekly. Call/ Text Sal at 855-9028. Leave message.
MAKE YOUR CLASSIFIED POP with a splash of color! For only $1.50 extra, you can draw more attention to your ad.
Monday, September 16, 2024 at 1:30 PM
This meeting will be convened in-person in the Coventry Town Hall Annex Planning Conference Room, 1675 Flat River Road, Coventry RI 02816.
4.1 “Coventry Crossings”
For comments to the Planning Commission
Preliminary Plan, Comprehensive Permit
Owners: Elaine Eccleston Revocable Trust Agreement c/o Ecclestone Elainette, Koszela John & Eccleston William Rev Trust ET AL
Applicant: Kreg New Homes, LOC d/b/a Kreg Management AP 10 Lot 29 Zone: GB-1 (General Business) with an SPD Overlay (Special Planning Overlay District), and AP 18 Lot 86 Zone: R-20 (Residental)
0 Harkney Hill Rd. & 0 Nooseneck Hill Rd.
Applicant proposes sixty (60) single unit condominium residences and thirty (30) two-unit (Duplex) buildings providing a total of 120 units. This project, as a Comprehensive Permit, will have 25% of the units as deed restricted low- and moderate-income units. The proposal includes associated utilities, infrastructure, and landscaping. This application also proposes a 12,500 square feet commercial structure.
Meeting materials can be found on the Coventry Planning Department’s webpage at the following link: https://www.coventryri.gov/planning-development
Verbal comments from the public will not be taken during Technical Review Committee meetings. However, the public is welcome to submit written comments on any agenda item prior to the meeting. Please direct comments to dmclean@coventryri.gov.
The public is welcome to any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
CHOICE SOFTWASHING: Residential & Commercial. Fully Insured. Homes + Decks + Garages + Walkways + Patios + Sheds and more. Call Jon, 401-241-7136.
The Department of Planning and Development will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at the Coventry High School 40 Reservoir Road, Coventry, RI 02816, incorporated within the Planning Commission meeting which will begin at 6:30 P.M., for obtaining comments from citizens, either written or oral, on community development and housing needs for the following proposed activities under consideration for submittal to the State of Rhode Island Community Development Block Grant Annual Application for the following activities:
Final approval of submission of applications is set for the October 8, 2024 Town Council Meeting.
You may also provide comments in advance of the meeting to:
Geri Manning, CDBG Program Coordinator
Mailing address: 1670 Flat River Road, Coventry, RI 02816
Office Address: 1675 Flat River Road
Phone: (401) 492-9368
Email: CDBG@coventryri.gov
The Public Hearing will also mark the ending of the 15-business day Comment Period.
The public is welcome to attend in person or via Zoom Technology. A Zoom link will be available when the Planning Commission agenda is posted. Participation by low–moderate income persons; residents of predominately low-moderate
All meals include milk, coffee or tea, bread/margarine
Tuna salad sandwich.
Fri. 9/13: Cream of broccoli soup, baked fish, cole slaw, Spanish rice, mixed fruit, whole wheat roll. OPTION: Egg salad sandwich.
Mon. 9/16: Chicken soup, beef teriyaki, steamed rice, roasted zucchini, whole wheat roll. OPTION: Cobb salad and pudding.
Tues. 9/17: Cream of cauliflower soup, meatball sandwich, 3 bean salad, roasted potatoes, fresh fruit, whole wheat roll. OPTION: Roast beef sandwich on a roll.
CodeRed is a very helpful service in which you can receive important town information in a timely manner. Alerts include important town matters, COVID-19 vaccinations, weather emergencies, sex offender notifications, etc. To sign up for automated calls and/or texts on your cell phone or landline, register your phone numbers at the town’s website, www. coventryri.org or through the Coventry Police Dept. website, www.coventrypd.org
Project Friends is a State of RI licensed community based day service program developed in 1992 for adults with developmental disabilities. Each individual has a plan that offers choices of activities which build independence, adult daily living skills, socialization, self-esteem and confidence. Participants are supported by case aides. If you would like more information about Project Friends, please feel free to call Marlena or Lisa at 822-9144.
The West Warwick Public Library offers free delivery of most Library materials to the homebound, free of charge. If you are either permanently or temporarily unable to come to the Library, and you are a resident of West Warwick, this program is for you. To sign up or for more information, contact Anne at 828-3750, Ext. 11 or email anne@wwlibrary.org
In need of medical equipment? The following locations are good resources: Robert J. Allen Masonic Medical Equipment Distribution Center, 116 Long Street in Warwick (across from St. Rose & Clement Church). Open Fridays from 9AM-12PM, pre-owned equipment - loaned at no cost. 451-0184. Ocean State Center for Independent Living, 1944 Warwick Avenue in Warwick. In need of wheelchairs, grab bars, walkers, transport chairs, toilets, wheelchair ramp, etc.? Call 738-1013, Ext. 13 or visit www.oscil.org Coventry-West Greenwich Lions , 8217219 or 392-3063.
The Coventry Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing to review a Preliminary Plan proposal entitled “Coventry Crossings” that consists of a Comprehensive Permit Application submitted by Kreg New Homes, LLC. The subject property is located at the intersection of Nooseneck Hill Road and Harkney Hill Road, further identified as AP 10, Lot 29, and AP 18, Lots 86.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Coventry High School Auditorium, 40 Reservoir Road. As an additional courtesy, the Town intends to make the meeting available for public participation using Zoom Video Conference Technology to provide remote access to the deliberations of the Coventry Planning Commission.
Please follow the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84087647801?pwd=Ey3ZX9UHq4Dc4Tgx0qR8plpGO01m9W.1 Passcode: 601980
Or by telephone dial toll free using the number below: 1-305-224-1968
Webinar ID: 840 8764 7801 Passcode: 601980
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kxQLlHs5z
The applicant, Kreg New Homes LLC, proposes sixty (60) single unit condominium residences and thirty (30) two-unit (duplex) buildings providing a total of 120 units. This project, as a Comprehensive Permit, will have 25% of the units as deed restricted low- and moderate-income units. The proposal includes associated utilities, infrastructure, and landscaping. This application also proposes a 12,500 square feet commercial structure.
Meeting materials and plans can be found on the Coventry Planning Department’s webpage at the following link: https://www.coventryri.gov/planning-development. The plans are also available for review at the Department of Planning and Development, Town Hall Annex, 1675 Flat River Road, Monday-Friday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm. The proposed development may be revised by the Planning Commission as a result of further study and/or views expressed at the Public Hearing.
Per order of the Town of Coventry Planning Commission Ronald Flynn, Chairman
The public is welcome at any meeting of the Town Council or its committees. If communication assistance is needed or any other accommodation to ensure equal participation, please contact the Town Clerk at (401) 822-9173 at least two (2) business days prior to the meeting.
Wed. 9/11: Greek cucumber salad, chicken parm, roasted potatoes, Italian vegetables, dessert. OPTION: Seafood salad sandwich.
Thurs. 9/12: Veg. lentil soup, chuck roast w/gravy, mashed potatoes, baby carrots, roll, dessert. OPTION: Tuna salad sandwich.
Fri. 9/13: Cream of broccoli soup, baked fish, cole slaw, Spanish rice, roll, dessert. OPTION: Egg salad sandwich.
Mon. 9/16: Chicken soup, beef teriyaki, steamed rice, roasted zucchini, dessert. OPTION: Cobb salad.
Tues. 9/17: Cream of cauliflower soup, meatball sandwich, 3 bean salad, roasted potatoes, dessert. OPTION: Roast beef sandwich.
The summer months are finally fading into the cooler, longer days of autumn. It is time to put away the carefree thoughts of summer and turn to a more reflective time. Perhaps you, like so many others, are seeking spiritual renewal, a chance to increase your faith, or an opportunity to make connections in a
community of fellow believers. Perhaps you are contemplating a different path than the one you have been travelling for so long. Perhaps change is what you need.
If you are on this path, then you will feel welcome at The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux, an all-inclusive Catholic Church in West Warwick. When you come to this close-knit community, here is some of what you should expect:
One, you should expect to feel completely at home—man, woman, child. You are home when you are here.
Two, you should expect to see others just like you—gay, straight, or any other way you identify. No one is excluded here.
Three, you should expect to see a volunteer clergy who receive no compensation for their dedication, service, and commitment to their congregation.
Four, you should expect to see women serving alongside their male counterparts as ordained Deacons, Ministers and even married Priests.
Five, you should expect to see divorcees partaking in all the rituals and blessings that their married and single friends enjoy.
Six, you should expect a welcoming hand, an outstretched arm, an embrace, and an invitation to return.
The Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux is an independent Catholic Community that functions outside the jurisdiction of Rome. As Father Charles Vohs, the congregation’s Priest explains, this is a faith community whose mission it is to reclaim those whose experiences have left them feeling marginalized by the traditional Catholic Church. The church is a haven for those whose lifestyles and relationships have often left them feeling estranged, conflicted, and often unwanted. Father Chuck would say to those who feel left on the fringes of their faith—come, you are a Child of God and you are welcome here. Come to be replenished, edified, supported, and uplifted.
Please come to St. Therese, located at 1500 Main Street in West Warwick. Services are held every Sunday at 10:30, either in person or via Zoom. Feel free to call 401-6809076, email stocc1500@gmail.com or visit their website www.go1500.org for more information.
Don’t let the state of RI control what happens to your assets. Contact Roy & Cook, Attorneys at Law Today!
1 Evergreen Ct Blinkhorn, Megan L and Blinkhorn, Jarret L Fournier, Wendy 8/20
14 Catalpa Way Elias, Jonathan G and Elias, Lindsay N Perumal, Arumugam T and Arumugam, Minni 8/19
2 Douglas Fir Way Amaral, Anthony M and Amaral, Brooke L Ewart, Samantha and Slicko, Amylee 8/20
24 Lane E Walker Filomena Est and Pace, Victoria A Illingsworth, Harold G 8/20 $165,000
27 Twin Lakes Ave Amryan, Audrey Thooft, Rose M 8/20
40 Leisure Way Nelson James W Est and Nelson, Ronald Vergason, Paul D 8/19
58 Taft St Damico, Daniel and Damico, Ashley Beriau, James and Beriau, Jeannette 8/23 $550,000
60 Twin Lakes Ave Rondeau, Erik P and Rondeau, Lisa B Hand, Ashley R and Hand, Francis R 8/23
6350 Flat River Rd Lsf9 Master Part T and U S Bank TNa Tr Beauchaine 3rd, Ray F and Mallette, Karley R 8/19
7 Gail Ct Illingsworth, Harold and Walsh, Margaret Arpin, Joseph M and Arpin, Michelle M 8/20
7 Nottingham Pl Ferrara, Amanda Furtado, Maria D 8/19
80 Reservoir Rd Jones, Jessica Smith, Tyler J 8/22
103 Speck Ave Depasquale, Donna L Pelton, Erin 8/22
110 Elsie St Galkin Robert T Est and Andsager, Kenneth Yeremian, Robert 8/21 $605,000
112 Villa Ave Dejordy Rlty LLC Krikorian, Marysol D 8/19 $375,000
15 Brandon Rd Skm Enterprises LLC Fortes, Shanice and Alves, Manuel 8/23
15 Lark Ave Ri Hsng & Mtg Fin Corp Ohearn, Patricia 8/21 $1
15 Lark Ave Lot 2689 Ri Hsng & Mtg Fin Corp Ohearn, Patricia 8/21 $1
1534 Plainfield Pike Dimaio, David C and Dimaio, Lianne Blue Water Cap LLC 8/22
1615 Cranston St Vitucci, Sonia M Peguero, Jacob M 8/20 $640,000
1663 Cranston St Mariano, Rocco and Mariano, Enrichetta Knightsville Ent LLC 8/22 $675,000
19 Dunham Ave Hall, Kristin M and Hall, Jay H Graves, Brian T 8/19 $412,000
20 Concord Ave Manson, Trevor Tate, Indira 8/20 $450,000
22 Maplewood Ave Elmonus Global LLC Xavier, Joshua and Teixeira, Jaquelina 8/21 $445,000
22 Maplewood Ave Lot 1697 Elmonus Global LLC Xavier, Joshua and Teixeira, Jaquelina 8/21 $445,000
247 Ausdale Rd Letellier Doris L Est and Sisson, David A Talavera, Benjamin S and Kaleski, Crystal 8/21 $340,000
25 Carole Ct Imondi, Pompea Battaglino, Lori and Lukens, Robert 8/23 $652,000
268 Olney Arnold Rd Simeone, Giovanni and Simeone, Nieri H Depasquale, Donna L 8/22 $459,000
29 Peerless St Keiper, Alora L and Keiper, Matthew Sarlo Jr, Domenic and Sarlo, Francisco 8/19 $315,000
305 Cheshire Dr Lot 305 Walters, Colleen Nathanson, Dana 8/20 $487,500
33 Harding Ave Madrigal, Caroline Haynes, Nicholas and Corrigan, Carlin 8/23 $440,000
51 Maple St Duan, Zhongjing and Jiang, Wei Gutierrez Jeroni, Felipe J 8/19 $400,000
66 Kimberly Ln Joan A Watkinson Irt and Grossi, Gail Expo Dev LLC 8/23 $475,000
74 Mountain Laurel Dr Flynn, Sheri M Gonzalez, Walter G and Gonzalez, Telma M 8/21 $725,000
920 Reservoir Ave Yeatman, Diane M Jackys Rlty LLC 8/20 $395,000
125 Fernwood Dr Lehne, Jared B and Lehne, Amanda E Lottich, Matthew D and Lottich, Kylan R 8/22 $1,110,000
16 Middleberry Ln Lot 16 Middleberry Assoc Claudio, Andrea and Claudio, Charles 8/21 $876,855
18 Duke St Lot 18 Centerville Bldrs Inc Moseley, John M and Moseley, Briana T 8/19 $849,900
18 Middleberry Ln Lot 18 Middleberry Assoc Ellen A Herrmann RET and Herrmann, Ellen A 8/20 $875,125
270 Sanctuary Dr Lot 270 Hayek 3rd, George B and Hayek, Susan A David M Gravino RET and Gravino, David M 8/20 $860,000
28 Marlborough St Convery, Betsy B and Convery, Michael L Jones, Jessica A and Mcnally, Kathryn 8/22 $567,500
30 Gould Pl Buffum Jr, Timothy N and Buffum, Magdalene C Michael, David E and Fortunato, Jessica V 8/23 $750,000
318 Hemlock Dr Fujiyoshi, Ruth H Palmer, Brendan P and Palmer, Kimberly 8/21 $725,000
355 Kent Dr Bisset 3rd, Davies W and Bisset, Megan C Bourque, Kelsic and Bourque, Andrew 8/19 $1,156,000
1060 10 Rod Rd Wollseiffen, Eric and Guido, Mary Risser, Martha F 8/23 $760,000
48 Cedar Grove Dr Rose, Jeremy W Holmes, Jonathan 8/26 $402,000
75 Scenic Way Lot 75, evalley, Zachary and Levalley, Paige Lavan, Christopher E and Lavan, Jessica A 8/21 $700,000
8 Timber Ln Lot 8 Moran 3rd, Thomas J and Moran, Cortney S Rego, Michaelle and Rego, John 8/26 $685,500
Way Lot 13 Ejs Investments Inc D Armstrong Realty Inc 8/22
133 Brown Ave Dupre, Georgina A and Dupre,
WANTED: Local work. Must have CDL & Hazmat. Experience preferred but will train. Family owned company. Call 539-2900 or 821-4447 for details.
CLEANERS: 1st & 2nd Shift, 20-25 hours per week, Monday-Saturday. $15/hour. Must have valid Driver’s License, reliable vehicle and clean BCI. Great job for retirees! Call 301-1162.
FULL TIME SERVICE TECHNICIAN for Water Filtration Systems & Well Pressure Tanks. Must have good Driving Record. $20$25/Hour dependent on experience. Will train. Paid Holidays, Blue Cross & Dental. Ample overtime available. Company contributes to IRA. Paid Vacation after 1 year. Contact Jeff @ 401-3920199 or Email resume to jeff@newenglandwater.com
CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN/ TRAINEES: $700+/Week. Valid Driver’s License. BCI required. Call Joe, 258-9648.
AWESOME CLEANING: Get ready for the holidays! My services include construction cleanouts, junk removal, hoarder cleanouts, vacation rentals. move-in/move-out, one time deep cleaning. Reliable and experienced, thorough, excellent references. Weekly, biweekly or monthly. Free estimates. $25 Discount for 1st time clients. 662-4005.
OVERWHELMED? Need a magic genie? Call the ORGANIZER to eliminate clutter. 347-9039, leave message.
The Cpl. Holly Charette Memorial Motorcycle Run will be held on September 29. Registration begins at 8AM at the Rolfe Square Post Office in Cranston, Kick Stands up at 10AM. Steak Fry follows at 2PM at 22 Whipple Drive in Charlestown. Tickets are $25 per person and include Dinner. All pre-registered riders (by September 15 - No ticket sales after September 22) are automatically guaranteed a t-shirt. Scholarship recipients to be awarded at the Dinner. Holly was a sweet, kind and spirited soul. She joined the Marines after September 11 because she wanted to do something for her country. Holly was just 21 years old when her convoy was struck by a suicide bomber on June 23, 2005. Holly was the first female Marine to lose her life during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Proceeds benefit the Holly Charette Scholarship Fund. Please contact 227-5140 or email runforholly@gmail. com for tickets or more information. Visit cplhollycharettescholarship.com for additional information on becoming a sponsor or to make a donation. The Run is limited to 200 tickets.
AARP Chapter 2210 has planned a Foliage in the White Mountains Tour on October 3. You will enjoy lunch at the White Mountain Hotel, have time to browse the village of North Conway, then continue along the Kancamagus Highway through the White Mountains. Bus pickup from the Exit 19 Park & Ride on Hopkins Hill Road at 7AM, return time is approximately 7:30PM. Cost is $129/ person. For more information call Maureen at 828-5188 or Anne at 263-4274.
The West Warwick Assistance Agency operates a food cupboard at 1293 Main Street serving all West Warwick residents living at or below three times the federal poverty level. We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10AM-2PM, unless there is a town-wide parking ban in effect. We offer standard amounts of core groceries based on household size as well as self serve selections of produce, bread and assorted other non-core grocery items we have on hand. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 828-0310, and no appointment is necessary to visit our facility.
Medicare, Explained! Monday, September 16 at 6PM at the Coventry Public Library, 1672 Flat River Road. Medicare open enrollment starts October 15 - get your questions answered now! Join us to hear Ed Collins of American Senior Benefits explain the enrollment process, eligibility, what Original/ Traditional Medicare does not cover, how to avoid lifetime penalties, filling the gaps, and related assistance programs. Light refreshments will follow this free program. Questions? Contact Jessica at JCarsten@CoventryLibrary.org or call 822-9104.
CHEVALIER CESSPOOL CLEANERS: Cesspools and septic tanks pumped. New systems installed. Sewer connections. 736-8313. ELECTRICAL
JADE ELECTRIC: Wiring, emergencies. Prompt and courteous. 828-5908, 738-7835. Lic.# A1538. Insured.
RICHARD J. PIZZI Electrical Contractor: 550 Providence Street, West Warwick. Residential Wiring (home repairs). No job too small. A145, insured. 580-8803.
THE REMINDER’S FAX SERVICE. Now you can send or receive letters, statements, invoices, etc. in seconds by using The Reminder Fax Service. Want more details? Call The Reminder and ask about our fax: 821-2216. Fax Number: 732-3110. To Send: $3.00 (+tax) for the first page, $1.00 for every additional page. To receive: 75¢ ea. page (+tax).
VENTURA FENCE CO., INC.: Serving Rhode Island since 1975 for all your fencing needs. Insured. RI Reg #7260. Call anytime 821-7200. K.C. FENCE CO.: There’s no job too big or too small... We do them all! Specializing in all types of fencing. In business for over 40 years. RI Reg. #15748. Insured. 397-5076.
MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC.: Financial Services and Investments, Retirement Planning and 401K rollovers. www.moffittassociates.com 1260 Main St. (Rte. 117), Coventry (401)828-0097.
LEWIS & CLARKE ENTERPRISES, INC.: New homes, additions, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, family rooms, roofs, and repairs. 345-3227. RI Reg. #5646.
LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE & CONSTRUCTION ALL SEASONS LAWNCARE, INC.: Full Service Landscape Maintenance and Construction Company. Now doing walkways, patios & firepits. 732-7993. RI Reg. #43492.
WINFIELD TERMITE & PEST CONTROL: All your pest needs. 821-7800.
KENT COUNTY PEST CONTROL, LLC: Residential and Commercial. Certified in Industrial, Structural and Health Related Pest Control. 100% Guaranteed. 401-569-0212.
JOHN P. KEOGH PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING: Electric sewer rooter service. Master Plumber Lic. #1881. 401-862-8810.
A GOOD PLUMBER: Plumbing, heating, drain cleaning. 808-2284. RI Lic. #MP002399. MA Lic. #30436.
THOR’S PRESSURE & SOFT WASH: Commercial & Residential. Roof & Exterior Cleaning. Fully licensed and insured. RI Registration GC-46062. Free Estimates. Call Thor, 401-441-8672. facebook.com/ ThorsHouseWash
$8.00 PER WEEK for 10 words (25¢ each add. word) Min. 1 Month. Deadline: Last Thursday of each month for ads starting the following month. Mail or bring your ad to The Reminder, 1944 Warwick Ave., Warwick, RI 02889. Phone: (401)821-2216. Fax: (401)732-3110.
ROOFING INSTALLATION & REPAIRS: Also gutters cleaned and leaf guards installed. Call 397-8729 or 749-1315 for a free
If you knit or you would like to learn, join the Knitting Group at the Coventry Senior Center, 50 Wood Street. Coventry. The group meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30AM. This is a great way to socialize and make new friends.
Vendors Wanted
Chapel of St. Therese of Lisieux, West Warwick Second Annual Arts & Crafts Fair
Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 9AM-4PM Coventry VFW Hall, 29 S. Main Street, Coventry, RI
Table rental just $25. For more information contact Anna at (401) 378-0798 or email us at stocc.events@gmail.com
AARP 2210 is sponsoring a trip to see Portland Symphony’s “The Magic of Christmas” on December 15. The trip includes lunch at Boon’s Restaurant, orchestra seat at Portland Symphony’s ‘’The Magic of Christmas” motorcoach transportation. Cost is $185/person. Call Maureen, 828-5188 or Anne, 263-4274 for reservations or for more information.
628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT.
MOMENTS IN TIME #12345_20240902
2, 2024
On Sept. 24, 2016, the National Museum of African American History and Culture opened on the National Mall. President Barack Obama led the ceremony and rang the Freedom Bell, a bell from an African American Baptist church founded in 1776.
• On Sept. 16, 1951, 19 people enjoying an air show in Colorado were tragically killed when a monoplane performing stunt maneuvers crashed into the crowd at a Colorado air show. The pilot was performing a snap roll when a wing caught on the ground and propelled the craft into spectators.
• On Sept. 17, 2006, an E. coli outbreak, blamed on spinach, occurred in the United States. The vegetable was recalled from stores and three deaths were attributed to the outbreak.
West Warwick Public Library; 1043 Main Street, West Warwick is offering free exercise classes on Tuesdays at 3PM & Thursdays at 10AM, hosted by Mind and Body Studios. You’ll move & groove to a play list of greatest hits while laughing and having fun. This program is open to all fitness levels and all ages. Registration required by visiting wwpl.org/calendar or call 828-3750, Ext. 0 or Ext. 1 . Space limited to 35 participants.
On Sept. 25, 1970, the hit series “The Partridge Family,” about a musical clan that was inspired by the reallife singing Cowsills, made its debut on ABC. Though most of the fictional family was portrayed by nonmusical actors, the show did propel lead singer David Cassidy onto the path of teen idol stardom.
• On Sept. 18, 1973, future president Jimmy Carter filed a report with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, claiming he had seen a UFO several years previously in Leary, Georgia, which he described as a silent ball of light that changed size, brightness and color over a period of 10-12 minutes.
• On Sept. 19, 1995, The New York Times and The Washington Post published the Unabomber’s 35,000-word manifesto, as in June he had said he would kill again if they did not do so by a specific deadline. The FBI hoped the publication might help reveal his identity.
On Sept. 26, 1820, frontiersman Daniel Boone — who, incidentally, never wore a coonskin cap, preferring one of beaver instead — died in his sleep at his son’s home near presentday Defiance, Missouri, at the age of 86.
(c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.
• On Sept. 20, 1881, following the assassination of James Garfield, Vice President Chester Arthur was inaugurated on Sept. 20, 1881, becoming the third person to serve as president in that year. Interestingly, Garfield’s assassin wrote to Arthur from jail, taking credit for his promotion into the White House.
• On Sept. 21, 1955, eight women launched America’s first lesbianrights group, the Daughters of Bilitis, initially as a social alternative to the frequently raided bar scene. The group eventually grew into a national advocacy organization.
• On Sept. 22, 1828, Shaka, founder of the Zulu Kingdom of southern Africa, was murdered by his two half-brothers after his mental illness threatened to destroy the Zulu tribe. Although at first a brilliant military organizer, his grief at losing his mother in 1827 led him to enact strange laws, including a prohibition against planting crops and using milk, and to order the execution of all pregnant women and their husbands. The crisis came when he sent his army on an extensive military operation, and upon their returning exhausted, immediately commanded them out again.