Thursday Edition
Thursday, January 15 - January 21, 2009 Volume 14, No.5
A Publication of Beacon Media, Inc: Arcadia Weekly, Monrovia Weekly, Pasadena Independent, & Sierra Madre Weekly
Light Rail May be Light Years Away
Light Rail for Arcadia may be a Decade Away, perhaps more By Terry Miller
A Protests HOSPITAL TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Southland Heat Up As Gaza t a Government Affairs Meeting at the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce last week, attendees and
members found out that the planned Foothill Extension of the Gold Like light rail from Sierra Madre Villa through Arcadia may not
happen as early as originally hoped. In fact, an Arcadia Gold Line Station still has a long way to go, perhaps more than 10 years. First,
there are many questions, including Environmental Impact Reports and other hurdles. Light Rail on 12
War Intensifies By Terry Miller Photos by Terry Miller
The Invasion of Gaza by Israel has led to a death toll of Palestinians exceeding 900, and many of the dead are women and children. According to U.N. reports, 13 Israeli soldiers have died in the confl ict so far. On Saturday, Jan. 10 there were major protests across the United States, including one at the Federal Building in West L.A., which over 1000 people attended. Locally, South Pasadena Neighbors for Peace and Justice dedicated a special vigil Saturday evening to stopping the Violence in Gaza and to achieving an
immediate cease-fire with restoration of humanitarian aid and supplies. Approximately 20 people made signs and held a silent vigil to the overwhelming honks of support for the group’s efforts. The protest at the corner of Fair Oaks and Mission was one of many around the Southland Saturday in protest of the escalating violence in Gaza despite growing international outrage directed at Israel’s actions. Members of the peaceful coalition held candles and signs which read “I’m a
Gaza on 15
Triage nurse Corinne Heaton evaluates a patient just after IPM Tuesday when the hospital officially changed over its Emergency Room to new, temporary facilities, while the new tower will be under construction. All the new signs went up at 1pm also alerting the general public to the change. The construction should last 33 months.
New Patient Tower Will House Patient Rooms, Pharmacy, Cafeteria
ethodist Hospital will begin construction of a new patient tower this month having secured Housing and Urban Devel-
opment insured tax-exempt bond financing. The new tower is the cornerstone of a major campus expansion program to meet urgent emergency and critical care needs
in the San Gabriel Valley. “It is the culmination of years of planning and input from our community, team of experts, and leaders and we are delighted to announce the
Pow Wow Woes
This week, we're featuring an article originally published in Arcadia High's student paper. Emily Litvack, an editor at the school paper takes on the state budget and the school district in an informed, intelligent look at the uncertain future of the Apache Pow Wow.
Just in Time
official start of construction,” said Mickey Segal, hospital board chair. “It is a sound investment in the advancement
Hospital on 5
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3 JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
PASADENA Independent
Dear Sir: I recently wrote to Mr. Perlin after having read his column, “Just Ask Lou.” He responded quickly and gave me some excellent advice. I was very impressed with his knowledge of the subject matter (rules regarding repairs inside a townhouse). We exchanged several emails, and he offered to send me a booklet, Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act. You are very fortunate to have Mr. Perlin write a column for your paper. He is a wonderful asset to the community. Sincerely, Susan E. Coates Pasadena, CA
BEACON MEDIA NEWS Publisher/Editor in Chief Vo n Ra e e s EDITORIAL
EDITOR John Stephens PHOTOGRAPHER Te r r y M i l l e r CONTRIBUTORS Susan Motander B i l l Pe t e r s Sandy Gillis To m G a m m i l l Deborah Anne Neely COLUMNISTS D o ro t h y D e n n e F l o r e t t a La u b e r L o u Pe r l i n Greg Aragon Wa l l y H a g e EDITORIAL INTERNS J a c q u e l i n e Yu e Nuria Mathog PRODUCTION
SALES MANAGER Andrea Olivas LEGAL ADVERTISING Annette Reyes BUSINESS CIRCULATION MANAGER J o s e p h Po l k ACCOUNTING Ve r a S h a m o n OFFICE ASSISTANT Sara Meza This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc.All contents herein are copyrighted and may not be rep ro d u c e d i n a n y m a n n e r, e i t h e r i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. T h e Vi e w s a n d opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.The Arcadia We e k y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t e d a s a n e w s p a p e r o f g e n e r a l circulation in court case number GS 004759.
Dear Editor, The Op Ed that was written by Owen Brown was incredibly ignorant on the subject of the conflict in Gaza. Hamas is a terrorist organization that refuses to accept Israel's right to exist. It was voted into power by the Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas has continuously fired rockets over the border of Israel and they have finally said ENOUGH! Hamas is using their civilians as human shields and eyewitness report that rocket launchers have been fired in front of schools and other public places. And let's not forget that Israel has Lebanon to the north, home to Hezbollah, which has fired their share of rockets over too. Let us imagine if that happened to us. Our response would make Iraq look like child's play. I believe that the US refusal to sympathize with Gazans is because our government hopes that Israel will crush Hamas and will be overthrown by the Palestinians of Gaza. I am sure that we will silently stand by when Israel takes out Iran's nuclear facility. The UN will condemn it, as they did the bombing of Iraq's nuclear facilities, as there will probably be civilian casualties then too. People need to take responsibility for their governments actions. We finally did when we voted in a new president more intelligence and better ideas. Let's hope it works. Clarisse Krylo Arcadia
1 2 5 E . C h e s t n u t D r. , M o n ro v i a , C A 9 1 0 1 6
(626) 301-1010
it was not very detailed I also thought that it would make people feel put off. Sincerely, Michele Jacques
Send us your thoughts:
In 1979, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi and his wife, Empress Farah, were forced to flee Iran and flew to Aswan in Egypt. He had ruled Iran since 1941 and had abolished the multiparty system of government so that he could rule through a one-party regime in an autocratic manner. Opposition to his rule increased during the 1970's until increasingly violent protests forced the Shah and his family to flee. Conservative Muslims led by the Ayatollah Khomeini staged a revolution and abolished the monarchy and established an Islamic Republic. Reproduced from and with the permission of
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Hello, I would like to know more about Owen Brown whose editorial, “The Israel Issue: Why U.S. Lawmakers Really Support their Perpetual War”, ( http://beaconmedianews. com/?p=4492 ) appeared several places in print an online including at your website. I know of some articles that Mr. Brown might enjoy reading which are detailed, analytic, articulate, etc. Articles which are not opposed to his opinions but rather might be something he would appreciate. Mostly I am curious who he is and what he does. I thought that his above article was heated and because
01/17/2009 Saturday 9 AM to 3 PM
By Jeff Corriveau
The Doozies
By Tom Gammill
(626) 301-0445
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Pg.20-21 Pg.22
cle This N ew ecy R sp se
ap er
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Buisness Directory
By Emilio Santoyo
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
Art ofHealthyLiving
It Was a Dark and Thorny Night
Royal Host, HRH Prince Andrew Introduces Doo Dah Queen Skittles to a Loyal Audience. By Terry Miller Photos by Terry Miller
– Doo Dah Parade is This Sunday It was a dark and thorny night... Well actually, it was a lovely balmy southern California evening. I just needed an excuse to use this intro. It seemed appropriate to this reporter. To put it meekly, the Doo Dah people (and those who know, love and care for them) sure know how to have a good time. This Saturday, merely moments after the announcement of a most deserved recipient for the 2009 Thorny Rose Award, a troupe of brilliant bagpipers called The Pasadena Scots entered the Old Town Pub (the unofficial/ official/closest watering hole to the parade) piping to their hearts content. People literally stood at attention, took off their Doo Dah hats and stood in awe, some even in shock. (But we think that might have had something to do with the special ales on tap.) After all, it is not every day you see men in skirts, squeezing sacks which emit dulcet tones that would make even the staunchest Republican weak at the knees. This Year’s Thorny Rose recipient will be part of the parade: A Great Firewall of China Marching Brigade will follow a vintage car carrying this year’s Thorny Rose Award winner. The Brigade will highlight the internet censorship in China and the continuous imprisonment of
internet writers, journalists, religious persons, etc. Sponsoring organizations include the Visual Artists Guild, Free Church for China, Amnesty International Group #148, West America Chinese Political Refugees Association, and the Asia Pacific Human Rights Foundation. A committee of socio-political observers selected Ann Lau, Chair of Visual Artists Guild, as the recipient of the 2009 Thorny Rose award in Pasadena’s annual DooDah Parade. In their citation, Doo-Dah Parade organizers stated, "The Thorny Rose Award was conceived of nine years ago in hopes of sparking more open, even controversial conversation about issues of concern among community members. The selection was and is meant to acknowledge the citizen who has been the most tenacious, and even loudest, in support of an issue, cause or opinion they most care about. Ann Lau, of the Visual Arts Guild, has certainly risen to this standard more than anyone over the last year in her lively protest of human rights abuses in China. We're happy to have her as this year's winner!" Upon notification, Ann Lau stated: “I am honored to be the recipient of the 2009 Thorny Rose Award. When I told my daughters, they said that their mother rocks. This must certainly be the closest I will
Thorny Night on 11
Making the Most of Family Mealtime Recipe
Dinner is one of the best times for families to reconnect, share daily events, and deepen relationships. Despite the busy schedules of today’s families, making time for dinner is not only important but also easier than you may think. Reap the benefits Would it surprise you that children who eat regularly with their families tend to have healthier eating patterns that contain more fruits and vegetables and less fried foods, soda, and saturated fat compared with those who do not eat regularly with their families? In fact, they also have a higher intake of calcium, iron, fiber, and vitamins-all of which are important for children’s growing bodies. Children learn important lessons and skills during dinner, including viewing food as nourishment for active and healthy bodies. Establishing positive eating habits in childhood years help children build skills that can last a lifetime. Parents and caregivers can set a positive example for children at mealtime by using and teaching appropriate table manners. Eating dinner together is not only nutritionally important; it can also help your children develop social skills in a comfortable setting. For example, when each family member takes a turn to speak and listen, it reinforces the importance of polite conversation. Creating a positive mealtime atmosphere Create a welcoming eating atmosphere and involve children in meal preparation with these great tips. Turn off the television, radio and cell phones so everyone can focus on conversation without distraction. Discuss positive events of the day or upcoming family activities. Criticism and unpleasant topics during meals create a stressful atmosphere. Remember that kids often take more time
to eat than adults do. Don’t rush them. Offer a variety of choices from all food groups. If you label foods as good or bad, health foods or junk foods, you can make children feel deprived of certain foods. Then they may find other ways to sneak them in. If you offer all types of foods with a trusting atmosphere, your children will likely choose a nutritious variety. Encourage children to wash their hands before helping in the kitchen. Ask children to help with measuring and mixing ingredients and setting and clearing the table.
Encourage children to help look for recipes in cookbooks or on Web sites. This can help children develop the skills for planning a delicious, nutritious, and balanced menu. Involve older children when creating your grocery list or when shopping to teach the skill of staying within a budget. Making the most out of meals-that is, making them delicious, wholesome, and enjoyable-starts with just a little planning and some common sense tips! For nutritious recipes visit: Source: Adapted from the American Dietetic Association (
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
By Lynda Linforth
n a recent conversat ion, my Dad and I were ruing the cons of being self employed. As my father is a minister, (his boss is never available by phone, therefore, he considers himself selfemployed ) he makes difficult decisions, often sacrificing his own free time and putting others before him. I told him that although I enjoyed working for myself, I was probably the worst boss I’d ever had: no pats on the back and no extra time off for a job well done. In relation to our own fitness and health goals, we are the boss. We answer to ourselves, we set our own goals and we are our own support system. If we think back to the attributes that made our favourite boss stand out, we can cite elements like promotions, fairness, good planning and successful implementation. Remember, also, that a good boss knows how to delegate and does not try to finish the task alone. In my own experience of losing weight and getting healthy, I have often been overwhelmed emotionally by the goals I want to achieve. Put on a business head to attack the task in hand:
•Set an Agenda•
People often know what their final goal is but do not really think about why they want that goal. Do you want to lose 15 lbs to feel better about yourself or to improve your health? Would losing the weight help you keep up with your children? Do you feel bad about not being able to wear 50 per cent of your expensive wardrobe? Find an ironclad reason for your final goal. Strive to achieve short term goals I think the term ‘short term goals’ is underrated because it makes them seem insignificant. Short term goals are probably the most important aspect as they are stepping stones in the right direction. Skipping over them, or not recognizing their importance, will lead to disaster. A short term goal could be completing a week of doing your cardio five days in a row, or cutting out all desserts for a week. Treat your short terms goals as rungs in the ladder you want to climb.
•Create a support system•
Have family or friends support you in your endeavors. Cut out people who have anything negative to say, regardless of whether they think they mean well or not. If you need help in your daily life to
be able to make time for the gym, then ask. If you would rather keep your fitness goals secret, sign up to an online blog or other websites that offer help and advice where you can remain anonymous. Do not try to do this alone.
•Be hard on yourself•
Do not give yourself a break if you have not already planned to do so. For example, if you usually work out in the early morning and you make the decision to work out that evening while you are hitting the snooze for the fourth time, then chances are your day is going to get away from you and you are not going to work out. Bargain with yourself: if you work out four straight mornings in a row, you can sleep in on Friday. It is so much easier to gain weight than it is to lose it, so you will have to be your own task master.
•Triumph in every achievement, do not let set-backs set you back•
It does not matter how small the achievement is, relish in it. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to celebrate for a client when they have lost 2 lbs. To them, it seems insignificant in relationship to their end goal, but to me it is two more pounds they do not have work to lose. If you have a set-back do not treat it as though you have failed altogether. Stand up, brush yourself off and keep on going. If you want to analyze why you tripped, then do so but do not dwell on it. Pat yourself on the back and tell others so they can congratulate you too. You didn’t have fried food all week? Congratulations! You are healthier than you were last week! You had a dessert? Fine, just try not to the next day.
•Reward yourself•
Reward is paramount when you are changing your lifestyle, especially when you achieve your short term goals. I find that clothing or shoes are great motivators but find something that you can look forward to treat yourself with. By assessing your fitness and health goals using a simple business model, it takes away a lot of the emotional baggage which can often sabotage even the best intentions. Be your best boss and not the boss you hated!
Lynda Linforth is a certified personal trainer, licensed nutritionist and owner of Train Inc, a private training studio in Arcadia specializing in weight loss, post-rehab exercise, post-cancer exercise and nutrition. She can be reached at (626) 447-1049 or lyndalinforth@gmail. com. Train Inc also offers self defense classes for men only and women only.
Many promises over many generations have been made on healthcare reform, but Americans are sick of mere promises. Now that the election is over, the next President and Congress need to cast aside partisan differences and come up with practical solutions. Unfortunately, due to the economic downturn, underwriting major reforms will be difficult and unlikely. “Savings” from tweaking programs are also unlikely to provide the resources to deal with the problem of access to health insurance. But three approaches to covering at least some of the uninsured may be feasible for the next president and Congress:
through their employers. Yet, according to the Urban Institute, more than 25 percent of eligible workers haven't enrolled in their employer-sponsored insurance plans. We could drastically cut down on the number of uninsured working Americans by allowing businesses to auto-enroll employees in health insurance. Workers would not have to actively buy in, but they would be free to opt out. This is similar to the enrollment procedure for federal employees. This kind of auto-enrollment has already proven effective in getting employees to sign up for retirement plans, particularly low-wage and young workers.
Amazingly, 12 million uninsured Americans, including three-quarters of uninsured children, are already eligible for public health insurance. They simply have not been signed up due to bureaucratic failures and onerous federal requirements. Lawmakers should simplify public-insurance enrollment procedures and cut down on administrative steps that might act as barriers to access, such as ineffective and expensive “citizen verification” procedures. Furthermore, the federal government needs to increase funding and aggressively encourage state-level outreach programs for the eligible uninsured. Part of this effort could allow state program administrators to implement “express-lane eligibility” enrollment programs, as has been done in California. Those already registered for other public assistance programs are rapidly enrolled in public health insurance.
Lawmakers should extend a tax credit to small businesses to cover a substantial portion of their insurance expenses. The California Healthcare Foundation found this to be an effective means of expanding insurance access, particularly among low-wage workers. States should encourage pooling arrangements that allow small businesses to group together to purchase insurance plans. The government also should provide targeted insurance subsidies for uninsured low-income families who are eligible for employer-sponsored insurance. Of course, these steps would not be a panacea. But they could provide some real results. The Obama administration can make some progress on health care by adopting these approaches that focus on patients, not politics.
SIGN UP EVERYONE WHO QUALIFIES FOR EMPLOYER-PROVIDED HEALTH INSURANCE. More than five million uninsured Americans already qualify for health insurance coverage
Bryan A. Liang, M.D., Ph.D., J.D., is Executive Director of the Institute of Health Law Studies, California Western School of Law, and Co-Director of the San Diego Center for Patient Safety, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
Hospital from 1 of health care in our community.” The hospital’s announcement of the fi nancing commitment is an important milestone to build a new patient tower, expand its emergency department, and provide additional intensive care unit (ICU) beds. The emergency department will expand from 17 beds to 28 beds, with an 18-bed observation unit. The ICU will expand from 29 beds to 40 beds. The new patient tower will house 20 critical care patient rooms, 120 medical/ surgical rooms, a new pharmacy, kitchen, and cafeteria. The hospital also has plans to improve its technology infrastructure and create new programs to support the hospital’s commitment to an exceptional patient experience and further support its community. This important endeavor will be made possible by the many who have already pledged over $20 million to The Campaign for Methodist Hospital.
“The community has supported Methodist Hospital from its beginning,” said Mike Hoover, foundation board chair. “And it is because of this commitment that we are able to put Methodist Hospital at the forefront of medical excellence.” The hospital embarked on the journey of planning for the future in 2002 when a community needs assessment and various studies regarding population growth were considered. Closures of other hospitals have put greater pressure on facilities like Methodist Hospital but public and private support will enable the hospital to fulfi ll its goals of expanding capacity and care to the communities it serves. “Throughout its 105 year history, Methodist Hospital has continued to grow and evolve with the changing needs of the community,” said Dennis Lee, president and CEO. “This campus expansion project reflects our commitment to those we serve.”
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
By Justin Rykowski
For 5 weeks only, the night belongs to…
44. Dumplings with a fi lling 48. Lofty nest 50. Somite 51. Satisfied 52. Infl ammation of the retina 53. Bandleader Shaw 54. On or towards the Mediterranean, for example 55. Diplomacy 56. Food and water 57. Give notice 58. Greek letters
1. Heavy book 5. Drink to excess 9. Desert bloomers 14. Toward the mouth 15. Large jug or pitcher 16. Gillette razors 17. Notary 19. Dough 20. Patron 21. Therefore 22. Sorry 23. Yard tunneler 24. Auction action 25. Heartburn 28. Refi ne metal 31. Gold measurement 32. Kernel 34. Actress Skye 35. ___ nous 36. Type of gun 37. Put Down 38. Shatter 39. Perch 40. At full gallop 42. Spread out for drying 43. Della's creator
Last Week’s Solution
Down 1. Puccini heroine 2. Roman god of the underworld 3. Waterlogged soil 4. Ready for editing 5. Swarmed 6. Possessed 7. Look 8. Stumble 9. King Arthur's palace
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January 21–February 21 only Call 213-365-3500 or 714-740-7878 • Box office opens daily at 10am
4 6 7 5 2 3
2 1 6 2
4 3 7
10. Makes amends 11. Gator's kin 12. Story, often rooted in folklore 13. This ___ stickup! 18. Throw up 21. Goddesses of the seasons 23. Incense gum 25. Scapegoat 26. Division preposition 27. Takes to court 28. Part of RSVP 29. Castle ring 30. “Orinoco Flow” singer 31. Jack 33. Big bang cause 35. Author Zola 36. Inhabitant of Gomorrah's twin city 38. Walks with long steps 39. Showed over 41. Sea nymph 42. Bright golden brown 44. Tire (out) 45. Suggest 46. Writer Jong 47. Bird homes 48. Swiss river 49. Kitchen addition 50. City near Phoenix 51. ___ Quentin 52. Uncooked
4 1 3
5 8 9 4 9 1
Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.
1 Last Week’s Solution
4 7 5 8 3 1 2 9 6
8 9 1 7 6 2 3 4 5
3 6 2 5 9 4 1 7 8
7 3 9 6 2 5 4 8 1
1 2 6 4 7 8 9 5 3
5 4 8 9 1 3 7 6 2
6 8 3 2 4 9 5 1 7
9 1 7 3 5 6 8 2 4
2 5 4 1 8 7 6 3 9
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
Music News
DOO DAH MADNESS! 7:30pm. A benefit for the Pasadena Maple Leafs Hockey team. $15 admission. Check website for more info. Looks like a pretty cool venue. Blues. http:// index_files/Page266.html SAT. 1/17 - THE MERCY POWELL QUARTET @ THE WORLD-FAMOUS DERBY IN ARCADIA, 7:30 - 11:30pm. 233 E. Huntington Dr. 626-4472430. Full bar, 5-star restaurant. Jazz, R&B, Standards, Swing. By SierraMadreSue Behrens
Pasadena's “other” Parade is happening this Sunday, January 18th and you never know what sort of freaks it'll bring out of the woodwork! The 32nd OCCASIONAL DOO DAH PARADE kicks off at 11:30am from the corner of Raymond and Holly in Old Towne, with SNOTTY SCOTTY & HIS/ HER HANKIES (pictured here) leading the pack. With plenty of political and other topical subject matter to choose from, you can be sure to see spoofs of just about anything and anyone in the news these days, along with many of the Parade regulars that have become favorites over the years. And the fun doesn't stop there. Head on over to the AMERICAN LEGION in East Pasadena for the OFFICIAL POST-PARADE PARTY with live music from SNOTTY SCOTTY & THE HANKIES and HORSES ON ASTROTURF. Cheap food, full bar, raffles and dancing till the cows come home! See below for complete details... FRI. 1/16 - The MELLOW D'z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http://www.myspace. com/themellowdeees FRI. 1/16 - “THE SUBS” (Better Than Blue's acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 7:30 11:30pm. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. In the bar area, but you
can order food also. All ages ok. Joe Velosa, Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright. Acoustic rock, soul & blues. 626-915-3474. FYI: no more live music on Saturday nights. FRI. 1/16 - DIRTY DAVE OSTI (and band) @ GEM CITY GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9:00pm. 115 E. Olive, off of Myrtle. 626-358-0342. Full bar, no cover, dance floor, pool tables. Featuring new songs from Dave's 2009 CD “Electric Blue Soul Fire.” Rock, Blues. FRI. 1/16 - INSECT SURFERS @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Alternative Surf Music. SAT. 1/17 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. SAT. 1/17 - THE SHEDS, CHASE LONG BEACH and BAD MANNERS @ THE KNITTING FACTORY IN HOLLYWOOD, 7pm. $17 advance, $20 at the door. 7021 Hollywood Blvd. 323-463-0204. Ska, Alternative, Punk. SAT. 1/17 - THE STAN WEST BAND (with Paul Dorn of Vin Fiz Flyer and New Astroturf fame on bass) @ THE GELENCSER HOUSE CONCERTS IN CLAREMONT,
SAT. 1/17 - THE ALL AMERICAN WRANGLERS @ VIVA CANTINA IN BURBANK, 8 - 11pm. 900 Riverside Dr., next to the L.A. Equestrian Center. 818-845-2425. Full bar & great Mexican food. No cover, all ages. Country. Sierra Madre's own Ben Rushing on drums - this guy is almost as busy as Peter Burke! SAT. 1/17 - JETSTREAM @ THE RANCHO BAR IN ALTADENA, 9pm. 2485 N. Lake Ave. 626-798-7634. Full bar, no cover. Jet's jammin' hippie rock band. www.ranchobar. com SAT. 1/17 - THE FORTUNATE FEW @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9:30pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, friendly service! Blues. http://www.myspace. com/fortunatefewblues SAT. 1/17 - LIGHTNIN' WILLIE & THE POORBOYS @ GEM CITY GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9:30pm. 115 E. Olive, off of Myrtle. 626-3580342. Full bar, no cover, dance floor, pool tables. Lightnin' fast BLUES. http://www.myspace. com/lightninwillie SUN. 1/18 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. Plenty of time to hop on the Gold Line & head down there right after the Doo Dah Parade! SUN. 1/18 - the 32nd OCCASIONAL DOO DAH
PARADE IN PASADENA, 11:30am start time @ the corner of Raymond & Holly in Old Towne. Pre-parade all-you-caneat pancake & egg breakfast right there at the Pasadena Senior Center is a great way to start the day, for a mere $6. Then find yourself a piece of curb on Raymond or Colorado Blvd., (west to Pasadena Ave.) for the City's most wacky & wild event of the year! Bands, floats, drill teams, and the most colorful array of individuals gathered together anywhere, are sure to make you laugh and cheer until the very last tortilla flies! ***OFFICIAL DOO DAH PARADE POST-PARTY*** hosted by the Light Bringer Foundation, featuring live music from SNOTTY SCOTTY & THE HANKIES and HORSES ON ASTROTURF, immediately following at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL in East Pasadena.
Music News on 15
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RecipeBox Reflections
American Fare Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wall-mounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving this place the classic feel of a seaside fish
By Deborah Ann Neely
camp, you’re sure to forget your an hour from the coast. Dine in or take home cuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. Colorado
Traditional Thai Cuisine
Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices
Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado
(Between Madre & Rosemead)
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LA PETITE FRANCE BAKERY py Hap ’s Day e n i nt r Vale All Ou s To mer to Cus
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Egg-conomy Cooking
Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH
Sometimes it is not about the recipe, but about the aromas and the sounds from the kitchen. I’m not talking about sounds like the dog trying to get outside to chase the squirrel on the patio, when you think he just may claw through the window. Nor do I mean the sound of dishes being emptied from the dishwasher. I mean the sizzle of bacon or sausage in the frying pan or the whisking of eggs in a favorite bowl, or the wafting aromas as the sausage browns and crackles. After a day at work or school, the sounds and smells of home can bring you a comfort like nothing else - and it can be easy too. Shopping through my cookbooks for easy, economical, and tasty recipes is a hobby of mine, but if this doesn’t entertain you, then don’t fret, and turn straight to the section on Eggs. Remember, we can serve egg dishes for any meal - and who has time to make them for breakfast anyway? Let’s explore a few simple ways to pull together an egg meal at least once a week. The simplest dish I have used is called Easy Egg Casserole. I know, that sounds boring, so I suggest you make it and then let your family give it a better name for you to use. For a family of four or five, you will need to boil 6 eggs. Peel and slice them before placing them in a buttered casserole dish. Always season them at this point for best results. Brown your one pound of sausage, remembering how great that makes the whole house smell. Drain it well on paper towels before sprinkling it over the eggs. Next pour 1 ½ cups of sour cream over the sausage. Combine ½ cup of bread crumbs with 1 ½ cups of grated cheddar cheese and spread on top of the casserole. Heat thoroughly and serve with fruit or even a spinach salad to complete a meal in much less than 30 minutes. If you want to let the younger kids - the ones who still like to be around you - help in the kitchen, I have a treat for them. Take 1 pound of sausage and add ½ teaspoon sage. Have your hardboiled eggs ready and already salted. Using about 2 tablespoons of sausage mix let the kids mold this greasy, messy mixture all around the egg. The egg is now like a hidden treasure. Chill this in your refrigerator long enough to set. Fry the eggs in vegetable oil until brown and drain well. I like to halve the eggs before serving them, and this can even be an appetizer idea for a brunch. Eggs give you much needed protein for your diet while adding an economically friendly aspect to your menus, all with many time-saving recipes. The last dozen eggs I bought cost less than 2 pork chops at my market. I am just all over this idea as I try every week to watch the grocery budget. Where else can I find that type of ongoing savings, while at the same time conjuring those sounds and smells of a welcoming kitchen?
years. If you’re tired of the typical chain dining experience, give
Shrimp House Casual, comfortable, simple, and family operated for over 48 the little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste buds for the rest of your days. Soon you will join generations of Shrimp House fanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, fish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and food to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia (626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742,
California Cuisine Picasso’s Café, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business in Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or explore other fresh food choices with our Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San Gabriel Valley’s Small Business of the Year 2008, we are focused on providing quality food products and events, consistent service, and competitive prices. Experience our ever-growing selection of menus, services, presentation styles, and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food is a true “work of art!” Catering Available 24/7 at or (626) 969-6100
Coffee, Sweets & Such La Petite France Bakery Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora of choices even not on the menu! Just ask for Chef Daniel and he will immediately come up with catering ideas from breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade of home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company Located in Altadena and featuring such heavenly and huge dessert delights as: Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with dark chocolate truffle cream. finished with chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse center. Glazed with dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, Altadena (626) 794-1128
Greek Corfu Restaurant Family owned Greek and International homestyle cuisine set in a casually comfortable décor. Dishes range from waffles to rack of lamb with everything prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993
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Restaurant Lozano A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican dishes like a crispy
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JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
dine LA
Restaurant Week Returns to Pasadena
Pasadena’s restaurants are the talk of the town and offer a mix of culinary experiences showcasing the talented chefs in the community, and many of them will be participating in dineLA Restaurant Week <> which returns to the Southland on January 25-30 and February 1 - 6, 2009. Taking place over two consecutive weeks, dineLA Restaurant Week is the largest county-wide food event of the year that allows guests to sample many different types of cuisine, dining neighborhoods and restaurants. Dining experiences during the 2009 dineLA Restaurant Week will be available in three price categories: Deluxe Dining is $16 for lunch and $26 for dinner; Premier Dining is $22 for lunch and $34 for dinner, and Fine Dining is $28 for lunch and $44 for din-
ner (beverages, tax and gratuity are not included; participating meal periods vary by restaurant). Also, many of the participating restaurants will be offering wine pairings along with their special three-course dineLA Restaurant Week menu for an additional charge. Denis Depoitre, executive chef at The Langham, Huntington Hotel & Spa remarks: “The Langham, Huntington Hotel & Spa is looking forward to participating in dineLA Restaurant Week 2009. We offer exquisite dining, from our Michelin Star Dining Room to our Terrace Restaurant, which features a brand new California-style bistro menu and the best alfresco dining in Los Angeles. We invite residents to participate in a culinary experience they will never forget!” “Our participation in dineLA will showcase the
breadth and depth of the restaurants Pasadena has to offer to visitors,” said Nan Marchand, executive director of the Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau. “We are excited to have guests experience some of the most diverse culinary dishes in Southern California.” The Pasadena CVB is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Pasadena as a desirable meeting, convention, and leisure travel destination. For more information on getaway packages, how to purchase attraction tickets, hotel recommendations, citywide events or cultural attractions, contact the Pasadena Convention & Visitors Bureau at 800.307.7977 or go to For more information about restaurants participating in our community, please contact K-Line & Company: 949.209.8760 or
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A MC Santa Anita 16 Westf ield Shoppingtown 400 Baldwin Ave., Arcadia ((626) 321-4270 CC = Closed Captions DVS = Descriptive Video Service DLP = Digital Projection Check with theater for pass restrictions Bedtime Stories ( PG, 95) Fri-Mon 11:05 1:45 4:20 7:05 9:45 Tue-Thu 1:45 4:20 7:05 9:45 Bride Wars ( PG, 90) Fri-Mon 10:35 12:25 2:50 5:15 7:45 10:15 Tue-Thu 1:05 3:25 5:45 8:05 10:25 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( PG13, 168) Fri-Sun 11:40 3:20 7:00 10:45 Mon 11:40 3:20 7:00 10:35 Tue-Thu 1:05 4:05 7:10 10:10 Def iance ( R, 127) Fri-Sun 1:05 4:10 7:25 10:35 Mon 4:10 7:25 10:30 Tue-Thu 1:05 4:05 7:10 10:10 Gran Torino ( R, 116) CC - Fri-Mon 10:40 1:45 4:40 7:30 10:20 Tue-Thu 1:45 4:40 7:25 10:10 Hotel for Dogs ( PG, 100) Fri-Mon 11:00 1:50 4:30 7:15 9:55 Tue-Thu 1:50 4:30 7:15 9:55 Last Chance Harvey ( PG-13, 99) Fri-Mon 11:50 2:25 5:05 7:40 10:25 Tue-Thu 1:35 4:20 6:55 9:35 Marley & Me ( PG, 120) Fri-Mon 10:15 1:00 3:50 6:45 9:40 Tue-Thu 1:00 3:50 6:45 9:40 My Bloody Valentine 3D ( R, 101) Fri-Sat, Mon 10:50 1:30 4:05 6:50 9:30 12:10 Sun 10:50 1:30 4:05 6:50 9:30 Tue-Wed 2:10 4:50 7:40 10:30 Thu 1:30 4:15 10:30 Not Easily Broken ( PG-3, 99) Fri-Thu 2:00 4:35 7:10 9:50 Notorious ( R, 122) Fri-Mon 12:154 3:15 6:15 9:15 Tue-Thu 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00 Paul Blart: Mall Cop ( PG, 87) Fri-Sun 10:15 12:40 3:10 5:40 8:15 10:55 Mon 10:15 12:40 3:10 5:40 8:15 10:40 Tue-Thu 2:40 5:15 7:45 10:20 Slumdog Millionaire ( R, 120) Fri-Sun 10:55 1:55 4:50 7:50 11:00 Mon 10:30 4:15 7:05 10:00 Tue-Thu 1:25 4:15 7:05 10:00 The Tale of Despereaux (G, 87) Fri-Mon 11:30 2:15 Tue-Thu 2:15 The Unborn ( PG-13, 88) Fri-Sat 12:20 2:45 5:20 7:55 10:25 12:15 Sun-Mon 12:20 2:45 5:20 7:55 10:25 Tue-Thu 2:05 4:30 7:00 9:20 Valkyrie ( PG-13, 120) Fri-Mon 10:45 1:40 4:25 7:20 10:05 Tue-Thu 1:40 4:25 7:20 10:05 Yes Man ( PG-13, 104) Fri-Mon 11:35 4:45 7:35 10:10 Tue-Thu 4:45 7:35 10:1
MONROVIA Monrovia Cinema 12 410 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 305-7469 K rikorian Theatre M = Monday Morning Mommy Movie Hotel for Dogs ( PG, 100) Fri-Thu (11:25 1:55 4:30) 7:10 9:40 My Bloody Valentine 3D ( R, 101) Fri-Thu (11:20 2:00 4:25) 7:30 10:05 Paul Blart: Mall Cop ( PG, 87) Fri-Thu (11:05 1:35 4:50) 7:40 9:50 Bride Wars ( PG, 90) Fri-Thu (11:05 1:30 4:10) 7:15 9:55 The Unborn ( PG-13, 88) Fri-Sat, Tue-Thu (11:45 2:15 5:05) 7:25 10:00 Mon (11:45 2:15 5:05) 10:00 Def iance ( R, 137) Fri-Sun (10:45 1:45 4:45) 7:45 10:45 Mon-Thu 10:45 1:45 4:45) 7:45 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( PG13, 168) Fri-Sun (11:30 3:15) 7:00 10:30 Mon-Thu (11:30 3:15) 7:00
PASADENA Regency Academy 6 Cinema 1003 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena (626) 229-9400 Matinees $2.00 (shows before 6 p.m.), after 6 p.m. $3.00 Check with theater for pass restrictions Times followed by (*) = Fri-Sun only showing; (**) = Fri-Sat only showing Rachel Getting Married ( R, 123) Fri-Thu 12:45(*) 4:00 7:10 9:45(**) Wendy and Lucy ( R, 90) Fri-Thu 12:50(*) 3:00 5:15 7:30 9:35(**) Role Models ( R, 110) Fri-Thu 12:20(*) 2:40 5:00 7:40 10:00(**) Madagascar Escape 2 Africa ( PG, 100) FriThu 12:15(*) 2:20 4:00 7:00 9:10(**) Bolt ( PG, 110) Fri-Thu Noon(*) 2:30 4:45 7:20 9:40(**) Twilight ( PG-13, 133) Fri-Thu 1:00(*) 3:45 6:45 9:30(**)
PLAYHOUSE 7 673 E. Colorado Blvd. (626) 844-6500 Laemmle Theatre Milk ( R, 143) Fri-Thu 12:40 4:00 7:10 10:10 Revolutionary Road ( R, 134) Fri-Thu Noon 1:30 2:45 4:30 5:40 7:30 8:30 10:15 The Wrestler ( R, 124) Fri-Thu 1:30 4:20 7:20 10:00 The Reader ( R, 138) Fri-Thu 12:50 3:50 7:00 9:55 Slumdog Millionaire ( R, 136) Fri-Thu 12:30 3:40 7:00 9:55 Doubt ( PG-13, 119) Fri-Thu Noon 2:30 5:00 7:40 10:10
PACIFIC PASEO STADIUM 14 280 E. Colorado Blvd. Colorado & Los Robles (626) 568-8888 Bedtime Stories ( PG, 99) Fri-Sun, Wed-Thu 2:00 4:40 7:25 9:55 Mon 11:30 2:00 4:40 7:25 9:55 Bride Wars ( PG, 90) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 12:15 2:35 5:10 7:40 10:10 Mon 11:00 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00 10:10 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button ( PG13, 167) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu Noon 3:30 7:00 8:15 10:20 Mon 11:45 3:30 7:00 8:15 10:20 The Day the Earth Stood Still ( PG-13, 104) Fri-Thu 9:50 Frost/Nixon ( R, 122) Fri-Sun Tue-Thu 1:35 4:25 7:35 10:25 Mon 11:00 1:55 4:35 7:35 10:25 Gran Torino ( R, 117) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 12:10 2;45 4:15 5:20 7:15 8:00 10:35 Mon 12:10 1:50 2:45 4:25 5:20 7:15 8:05 10:35 Last Chance Harvey ( PG-13, 92) Fri-Thu 12:05 2:30 5:05 7:45 10:05 Marley & Me ( PG, 116) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 1:20 4:10 7:10 9:45 Mon 11:10 1:40 4:10 7:10 9:45 Not Easily Broken ( PG-13, 99) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 1:05 4:05 7:05 9:40 Mon 11:25 1:45 4:05 7:05 9:40 Seven Pounds ( PG-13, 124) Fri-Thu 1:30 4:20 7:25 10:05 The Spirit ( PG-13, 102) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 1:15 Mon 11:25 The Tale of Despereaux (G, 94) Fri-Thu 12:25 2:40 5:15 The Unborn ( PG-13, 88) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu Noon 2:50 5:35 8:15 10:15 Mon Noon 2:50 5:35 8:15 10:45 Valkyrie ( PG-13, 120) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 2:20 5:25 8:05 10:35 Mon 11:20 2:20 5:25 8:10 10:50 Yes Man ( PG-13, 104) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu 1:40 4:30 7:30 10:30 Mon 11:15 1:55 4:30 7:30 10:30
Miramonte Resort & Spa
he aroma of bougainvillea rode a warm desert breeze. Beautiful mountain vistas were painted beneath blue skies and white wispy clouds. And the soothing sounds of trickling fountains completed our welcome to Miramonte Resort & Spa in Indian Wells. My getaway to the resort began when a friend and I checked into a spacious room at the southern end of the 11-acre campus. Here, with the rugged Santa Rosa Mountains towering above, we unpacked our luggage - and our stress - and then explored the tranquil grounds. Reminiscent of a romantic Mediterranean village, Miramonte abounds with grand archways, Italian fountains, colorful gardens, and tranquil piazzas. There are olive trees, and citrus groves and various gardens of roses, herbs and other flowers. And dissecting it all are winding pathways lined with well-maintained grass. The resort features 215 luxurious guestrooms spread out in numerous two-story bougainvillea-covered villas. The rooms, which reflect warm desert colors, feature marble baths, double vanities, private terraces, signature ‘Desert Dream Beds,’ stocked mini-bar, three telephones, and free high speed wireless Internet. There is also twice-daily maid service. After familiarizing ourselves with the grounds, we walked out our terrace and into the Jacuzzi, where we relaxed until dinner at the resort’s Grove Artisan Kitchen. Known for “farm to table” seasonal California cuisine, the restaurant features organic produce, fresh herbs, local ranch raised meats and poultry, fresh Pacific seafood, house-made pastas, prime dry-aged meats and innovative vegetarian dishes. Our dinner began with Ahi Tuna Tartar with preserved lemons, avocado and chili sauce. We followed this with an 8-oz center cut fi let mignon, with asparagus and Yukon Gold mashed potatoes; and the Grove Paella, with Georges Bank scallops, jumbo shrimps, mussels, clams and saffron risotto. We concluded the evening at the Vineyard Lounge, with a couple martinis. I n t he mor n i ng , we drove 10 minutes to the Living Desert Zoo & Gardens (, a 1,200acre ecological park, where 450 desert animals, botanical gardens and many other desert exhibits are open to the public. After exploring the park and miles of hiking trails, we headed back to Miramonte, where I worked out at the fitness center, before my appointment at The Well Spa, the resort’s luxurious 12,000-sq.-ft. spa. Designed as a Tuscan Villa, with 13 treatment rooms, the spa features an impressive co-ed courtyard, 4 outdoor cabanas complete with open air showers, a Watsu pool and a signature river bench pool, as well as signature treatments such as body bronzing and wine soaks with sage and rosemary. For my treatment I chose a Mediterranean Massage, a 60-minute rub featuring essential oils of basil, orange and lemon are stroked into the skin using fluid, nurturing movements and wave-like motions across the body while listening to water-like music. After the spa, I relaxed in the Jacuzzi and then prepared for another delicious dinner at the Grove Artisan Kitchen The Miramonte Resort and Spa is minutes from Palm Springs in Indian Wells. For more information, reservations, current rates and special packages, call (800) 237-2926 or visit www.
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Guinness. We met many of the participants in the upcoming 32nd OccasionalPasadena Doo Dah Parade at this pre-party party in-between and during performances by H.R.H. Prince Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s band, Bad Stuff, Old But Not Dead as well as the Pasadena Scots. Former Doo Dah Queens Naughty Mickie, Mercy, Tequila Mockingbird and Kavita Sharma made fabulous entrances and kept their loyal subjects captivated with not only their beauty but also their wit and repartee. H.R.H. Prince Andrew held a trivia contest featuring questions some people actually knew the answers to, although some of them were rather obscure. In addition to being a jolly good time, the party was a fund raiser for the Tree People, as H.R.H. (His Royal Highness, if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still wondering) Prince Andrew kept reminding everyone in between sets as his band played. For more information or how to sign up to be in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parade, call (626) 2054029 or visit the eventâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s web site at You better move fast, as the parade is this Sunday. Truly one of Southern Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s silliest and most fun parades ever, it is not to be missed. If you like Mardis Gras with a dash of Monty Python, a sprinkle of Absolutely Fabulous and a measure of sheer madness, then youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll not be disappointed.
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Thorny Night from 4 ever get to receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Shining a light on the issues of international human rights in the City of Pasadena has been a most rewarding experience. How else would Mayor Bill Bogaard have indicated that he discovered the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the same time he rejected the recommendations of his own Commission on Human Relations to make a strong statement about human rights abuses in China? Indeed, it was a one giant step for the Mayor to host the City of Pasadena's first ever celebration of the Universal Declaration this past December. Without the deep compassion and tremendous support of an untold number of fine citizens of the City of Pasadena, the issue of human rights in China might have been ignored. I thank them for their support and encourage them to continue to raise their voices.â&#x20AC;? Now, back to the party! This was the pre-party party organized to get the Queen, her court and the band in fine tune and ready for their big day this Sunday. From the obligatory â&#x20AC;&#x153;Doo dah daysâ&#x20AC;? to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Amazing Grace,â&#x20AC;? the Pasadena Scots took the breath away from this reporter. There is something hypnotic and eye-watering about bagpipes, especially to those of us with British heritage. After hearing the Scots, I felt the uncontrollable, albeit obligatory, urge for a cold pint of
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12 JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
City News Arcadia
A Century of Service Arcadia Chamber Retirement Party is Planned for 4 Employees of Arcadia P.D. By Susan Motander
The retirement of four members of the Arcadia Police Department is being noted with a party at the Community Center on January 23. The retirees being honored are Wally and Gail Post, Rosemarie Espejo and Chet King. Between them there is more than a century of service to the Arcadia Police Department. Gail Post is a product of Arcadia schools and began working for the city as a secretary in 1967 before moving over to the police department’s Detective Bureau in 1971. Norma said that she worked in the bureau during many interesting cases. Perhaps her interest was most peaked by a police officer, Clayton “Wally” Post. They have been married for 26 years. Wally was born and raised in Newfoundland , New Jersey and came to Arcadia after 6 years in the Navy which included 2 tours of duty off Vietnam. While taking classes at PCC he met Neal Johnson, then a lieutenant with the APD (later to become its chief). Johnson told him a reserve office program Arcadia was starting and Post became involved, which led to his being hired as a regular officer. “After 20 years, I retired from the law enforcement side, and was immediately hired as a civilian Logistical Services Officer within the department, and have been in that position since June 1997,” Post said. With Wally’s 32 years and Gail’s 41 years, the couple has spent 73 years in service to the residents of Arcadia. Arcadia Chief of Police Bob Sanderson said of the two “Wally and Gail Post have been fixtures at Arcadia PD for decades. Both Wally and Gail Post have modeled the highest levels of dedication and loyalty to our Department and are an example for all of us to follow. Wally served for years as a police officer and then as our Logistical Services Officer, sort of our “Radar O’Reilly”, the guy that kept batteries for our flashlights, gas for our cars and everything in between. Gail kept our Detective Bureau in order through five decades of tracking investigations, supporting the detectives and as liaison to the courts.” Rosemarie Espejo has been a Fire & Police Dispatcher for 34 years, 23 of them with Arcadia. She began her career in 1974 with the Pomona PD, but switched to Arcadia in 1985.
Espejo said that at the time she began her career “I only wanted to help out with home finances and work a couple of years; look where it took me.” She explained that over the years many things had changed. “Computers were introduced and now the high-tech world is moving at a pace that’s hard to keep up with, she said. “For me, the job has been challenging, exciting and at times a definite adrenaline rush. I’ve met good people and will have lasting friendships because of it.” Sanderson said of her, “Ro Espejo has been the voice of calm as a police and fire dispatcher for the City of Arcadia. Over the years, when the going got tough or dangerous and officers were going into the unknown, it was comforting to know that Ro was on the other end of our radio aware of where we were and what our needs were. Ro helped to keep us safe and made our service to the community all the more better with her support.” Chet King is the final member of this retirement group. He has been the crime scene and evidence technician for the department for the last 14 years. Like Wally Post, he came to Arcadia after serving in the Navy. In King’s case, it was a full career in the service, principally as a photographer. At the APD, his duties included property and evidence custodian, crime scene tech and chief photographer/videographer. He was recognized by the local courts as an expert latent print examiner “Chet King has been our “go to” person for fourteen years as our evidence technician and laboratory specialist,” said Arcadia's Chief Sanderson. “Chet was available 24/7 to respond to crime scenes or perform other duties that were critical in solving crimes and preparing cases for court. Chet would also take the time to show kids from the local elementary school how to lift a fingerprint from a glass or act as the City’s photographer on special events. Chet, a former Chief Petty Officer with the Navy, has served his country in both the military and law enforcement and will be missed by his colleagues.” The event will begin at 5 p.m., with dinner being served at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $40 per person and reservations are required. Please RSVP to Nora Mossessian at 574-5185.
Light Rail from 1 This combined with funding difficulties and a horrendous state budget impasse; it would seem the project is doomed to delay. With the general economy in a general slump and state IOUs perhaps on the way, who knows if this will ever come to pass. Not all are optimistic. Funding may not be available until 2015,
depending on who you talk to, and construction may not even begin until 2018, although the MTA says the plan is to complete construction by 2017. The Government Affairs Forum in the Arcadia Chamber Boardroom Thursday morning was extremely well attended. A presentation by City officials Philip Wray
Mixer A Big Success
The Traditional Arcadia December Mixer, usually held at a restaurant, was this year hosted by Century 21 Ludecke, Inc. at the Ludecke Real Estate Office located at 20 E. Foothill Blvd in Arcadia. Especially decorated for Christmas by a team of dedicated agents headed by Mary Ann Petrovich and Young Ahn, the office tastefully and professionally highlighted the Christmas theme. Chamber members were very impressed, evidenced by many e-mails sent to Gene Glasco, who was responsible for planning the event at the Ludecke Office. It was well attended by Chamber members who enjoyed great food provided by Kelly Concannon of Peppers Mexican Res-
taurant located at 181 Colorado Place, Arcadia. Special thanks went out to Kelly from Mike Ludecke. Many door prizes added to the festive occasion and a good time was had by all. Entertainment sponsored by Century 21 Ludecke, Inc. was provided by Las Vegas’ nightclub keyboard player Neil Ekberg, better known as “Mr. E.” A veteran of the Las Vegas circuit, Mr. E played a variety of Christmas music as well as familiar tunes of the past. Mike Ludecke, Owner-Broker of Century 21 Ludecke, Inc. thanked all chamber members for attendance and applauded the community services provided by Beth Constanza, Chamber Executive Officer, and her staff.
Arcadia Women’s Club Bridge Luncheon Following on the heels of their greatly successful Fall Party, the Arcadia Women's Club is repeating the format in a luncheon led by Event Chair Jane Reichenfeld. The event will feature wine, a delicious luncheon, and afternoon of Bridge, door prizes, and board games for the less Bridge-inclined. All this will take place at their historic club-
house, located at 324. S. First Ave., Arcadia, on January 28th at 11 a.m. At $20.00, this is the best deal in town, so be sure not to miss out on a fun and friendly party. Committee members include Jean Albright, Mae Craig, Mary Folley, Charlene Gillman and Donna Osgood. For reservations, call Mable Fengolio at (626) 357-1387.
and Jason Kruckeberg, from the Development Services Department put forth some interesting options on the planned Gold Line Station in Arcadia, and they received input from downtown business owners about the future impact. Concern was not only for the traffic, but also where these 800-plus cars are going to park if the station goes as planned. A four story parking structure was suggested. That’s 2 stories taller than what is already in the works. According to Phil Wray, the design is nearly 50% complete, but still bare bones.
The city has lots of studies to fi nish on traffic flow, grade separation and other mitigation issues. Meanwhile the MTA will delay consideration of its long range transportation plan to allow the federal government time to pass its promised stimulus package. The draft for the plan, which was released this week, set the completion date of the Gold Line for 2017, based on when the project would start to receive Measure R tax money. Previous estimates had completion slated for 2013. The MTA will now wait at until February’s meeting to consider the plans.
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
Home & Garden Descanso Gardens' Brian Sullivan Awarded Esteemed Chanticleer Scholarship
Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide Reni Rose (626) 355-8400 145 E. Grandview Ave., Sierra Madre 3+ Units offered at $1,475,000.
Huge 20,500 sf lot with many large trees create a unique, tranquil, quiet & private compound. Perfect for extended families or as a Single Family Residence with great rental income potential. 5 buildings with wood interior/exterior, vaulted ceilings, 3 fireplaces. Extensive remodel in 2007 - new kitchen, baths, utilities updated, low-maintenance landscaping, low-voltage lighting. Very unusual, must see to appreciate the possibilities.
838 Wick Lane, Glendora
Descanso's Manager of Horticulture and Display Gardening joins select group of four in this year's national program
Offered at $1,048,000.
Situated in Highland Oaks with awarding winning Arcadia Schools, this home offers: 2,321 sf home, 22,440 sf lot, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car attached garage & a 664 sf finished basement currently being used as a media room and 5th bedroom.
1745 La Cresta, Pasadena Offered at $875,000.
Owner remembers the architect as being a Frank Lloyd Wright understudy. This home offers wonderful tranquil views of the mountains and Brookside Golf course. For those who love to golf, this property is conveniently located just one mile from the Brookside Country Club. The floor plan is open and spacious and offers pleasant views from almost every room of the home. There are modern touches, walls of windows, new carpeting and new interior paint. 2,238 sq.ft. home, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 22,500 sq.ft.lot.
324 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre Offered at $848,000.
Situated on a large 11,134 sf lot, this property is for those who love to entertain. Spacious living room w/vaulted ceiling and fireplace. Large kitchen opens to Family Room. Kitchen has wood flooring, Sub-Zero refrigerator,water purifier, self-cleaning double ovens, built-in desk. Sliding doors from Family Room to deck w/large lattice covered patio and private rear yard. Master Suite w/his & hers closets. Home is 2,222 sf, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Updated Baths, 3-Car Garage w/storage & work bench.
Brian on 17
Classes on 17
Offered at $649,000.
This lovely home has been meticulously updated. It features wood flooring, crown molding, charming fireplace in living room, French doors opening to a large deck and rear yard. The kitchen is totally remodeled and offers: granite counters, cherry-wood cabinets, Thermador gas range, wine cooler, Travertine flooring, under-cabinet lighting and large pantry. 1,117 Sq. Ft. Home, 3 Bd 1 Ba, 8,100 Sq.Ft. Lot.
Offered at $600,000.
Sierra Madre Farmhouse with great location – just a few blocks from the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre. There is a fireplace in the living room, wood flooring, central air and heat, kitchen with natural wood cabinetry, new counters and a breakfast nook complete with table and benches. One bedroom is located upstairs and offers attic access. The 8,132 sq foot lot offers a large backyard. The house is 1,725 sf: there are 3 bedrooms and 1 updated bath. Short Sale.
1325 Greenhaven, San Dimas Offered at $425,000
This lovely 4 bedroom home has been upgraded throughout: There is a ceramic tile entry, stone fireplace in the living room, Milgard windows in the front of the home, Bentley carpeting, newer appliances, all new lighting fixtures, neutral colors, and a Noritsu tankless water heater. There is a large covered patio, automatic sprinklers, a finished garage with built-in cabinetry, a roll-up garage door and parking of an RV or boat! This is a short sale and all terms are subject to lender approval.
169 Circle Drive, Bradbury Offered at $4,995 per month.
Located just minutes from the Santa Anita Race Track in the prestigious guard-gated community of Bradbury estates and situated on an acre of manicured park-like grounds, this beautiful Monterey Colonial home offers an East Coast/Hamptons feel. 5049 Sq. Ft. Home, 41,000 Sq. Ft. Lot. 6 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms. Lease Term Negotiable.
1536 W. Del Mar, Pasadena Offered at $2,500 per month
This charming Mediterranean home is in great condition and offers spacious rooms; coved ceiling in living room and in formal dining room. The living room offers a fireplace, there is beautiful wood flooring throughout, French doors/windows; an updated kitchen with granite counter, stove & tile flooring. There is also a charming breakfast room with built-in hutch. Both bathrooms have been updated, CA & heat & 2-car detached garage. 1,781 sf, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, $4,125 security deposit.
470 Auburn, Sierra Madre AS E
mitting). And finally, capture seasonal beauty in watercolor art when you sign up for Winter Watercolor Class, a six-week course that takes place 1-4 p.m. on Mondays starting Jan. 26 and running to March 9. Taught by artist Carol Buss, the class encourages students to create different garden scenes and florals, concentrating on composition, perspective and color. In addition, students will receive a detailed materials list and orientation during the first session. A popular instructor, Buss has won numerous awards for her work. Cost for the session is $105, $95 members plus a $12 materials fee, due at the first class. Walk in space not always available. For more information and to register for all these classes, call Descanso Gardens at (818) 949-7980. Mark Your Calendar: Photography At Descanso Gardens, 1-5 p.m., Jan. 24, Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada. Learn technical and creative techniques to improve your nature photography. $60, $55 members (818) 949-7980, <http://www.des-
512 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre
390 W. Highland , Sierra Madre
Art/Photography Classes Offered at Descanso Gardens Calling all artists and those who want to explore their creative side! This winter, Descanso Gardens offers three classes that will help students of all ages to discover their talents in a safe, nurturing and beautiful locale. First up, Descanso is the perfect place for budding photographers to explore their talent among the seasonal splendor of Camellia Forests, Oak Groves and soothing steams. In this one-day workshop taking place from 1-5 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 24, participants will learn technical and creative techniques for improving all aspects of their nature photography. Class includes a walk-through the Gardens photo session followed by an in-class critique. Cost: $60 ($55 members). Later, instructor Ray Tucker guides students in the Wonder of Acrylics, a four-week session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning Sunday, Jan. 25 and running to Feb. 15. Learn how easy it is to paint in acrylics; new techniques will be introduced each week. Each session, participants work on fresh paintings. Painting for more than 30 years, Tucker has exhibited award-winning work at various art festivals across the country. Cost for the session is $65, $55 members and $25 for walk-ins (space per-
2025 Carolwood, Arcadia, Ca
Architect Certificate in the four-year UCLA Extension program. “I am very grateful to receive this recognition,” he says. “Studying Landscape Architecture at UCLA has sharpened my focus and given me new eyes in the landscape. I see many opportunities to apply what I am learning about landscape design to Descanso Gardens.” With an aim to build better public gardens, the Chanticleer Scholarship provides professional development designed to encourage creativity. The scholarship has two core components: an academic experience to improve leadership skills and travel opportunities to meet with leaders in the field. Each scholar will also spend time at Chanticleer, a 35-acre pleasure garden in Wayne, Pennsylvania, about 30 minutes
Brian Sullivan, Manager of Horticulture and Display Gardening at Descanso Gardens, was recently awarded a Chanticleer Scholarship in Professional Development for 2009. As part of a very select group, Sullivan was one of four nationally who received the opportunity to further their education through academic studies and opportunities to meet leaders in the public garden arena. “Brian has the skills, the personality and desire to become a leader in the field,” says David Brown, Executive Director at Descanso. “He started at Descanso Gardens as a volunteer and is now second-in-command of horticulture, design and grounds. Chanticleer will help him validate educationally what his real world experience and accomplishments have already provided.” Currently, Sullivan is pursuing a Landscape
Offered at $1,295,000.
Country living just 30 miles from Los Angeles! Build your dream home on this wonderfully private and secluded property which is zoned for horses and consists of about 8 acres with approximately 2.2 of them being on a gentle slope. There is a possible development opportunity to build 2 to 3 homes. Buyer to verify with the City of Glendora.
Offered at $2,500 per month
Lovely traditional home in North Sierra Madre and in very good condition. There is a wonderful new kitchen, bright breakfast room, fireplace, large rear yard, spa and 2 car attached garage. 1083 sq. ft., 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Owner request 1 year lease. Available January 18, 2009. 1083 sq. ft. home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 8600 sq.ft. lot. Owner requests 1 year lease. $2,500 per month with a $3,800 security deposit. Available January 18, 2009.
Email: • Website:
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21 , 2009
By Lou Perlin
ARE MITIGATION SERVICES PAYING YOUR AGENT A BONUS? Like any other profession, there is always a person who feels that they could pick up some extra business if they paid a bonus, commission or money to another for getting them that extra business. In some cases it just doesn’t feel right doing so, and in other cases ethics should just turn such offers down. Real estate sales are bad for many people, and that extra money may sound to good to turn down; and those extra dollars received may not be illegal either. It is a problem, and it gives me a great deal of heartache to hear of these offers, especially when they come from a major financial institution. People are losing them homes, yet there are programs out there that may help them by acting as an intermediary between the lender and borrower. What these mitigation
companies do is put together the financial package for the lender to review, showing what the borrowers current liabilities are, and how much they can offer in monthly payments. If reasonable and workable, the lender may consider altering the borrowers loan in accordance with what the mitigation company has suggested. If not, then the package prepared may allow the borrower to sell the property as a “Short Sale”, for less than what they currently owe. It could be a good deal for everyone, as the mitigation company has done much of the lenders work making it easier for the borrower. Naturally, there would be a fee paid to the mitigation company, by the borrower, if the lender agrees to alter the loan. If not, and the lender allows the borrower to sell the property for less than what is owed, the fee to the mitigation
company could even be paid by the listing and selling real estate agents, if they should agree to do so. It is still a good deal for all parties. Here is the part that I object to. I had just received a call from a major lender saying that they would pay me a $750 bonus for every in trouble homeowner that I recommend to them in obtaining a new loan. These people, meaning the troubled property owner, are already having a problem with their finances, and here is a lender who is providing a valuable service, charging an inflated rate for doing so. That extra cost is being paid to the real estate agent just for giving them a name. In my mind, charging the property owner a lower rate would be the right thing to do. I am certain that this one company is not the only financial company making such an offer.
Only suggestion that I can give for those that are seeking this help, is to ask the mitigator if a commission is being paid to the agent who referred them, and if so you can then decide if you wish to continue or to search for another company that would offer a lower fee for handling the mitigation. IS GIVING A BONUS A GOOD IDEA? For the real estate agent: With the real estate market being as it is, the receipt of a bonus, in addition to receiving the normal commission for a real estate agent sounds like a good thing. Our responsibilities to the seller, is just that, to sell their property. When representing a buyer the real estate agent wants to find that right property, as a happy and satisfied buyer is the best form of advertising. So just who would be paying the bonus when one is offered? It certainly isn’t the
seller, as the bonus is built into the price of the property. While some bonuses seem to be outrageously high, the average seems to be around $5,000. I have seen a bonus being offered for twice that amount, while others are doing much more. Would the property sell faster if the property were priced $5,000 lower? How would an appraiser look at this bonus when appraising the property? Most likely this amount would be deducted from the sales prices. Does the real estate agent have a responsibility to disclose that a bonus of this amount is being offered? I would think so. I applaud those agents that disclose this information, and then offer to pay the buyers non-recurring closing costs from this amount. On average, buyers non-recurring closing costs would not amount to $5,000, and the agent could receive something,
but at least the buyer feels that they have benefited from the agents honesty, and would have no hesitation if referring other buyers to this agent. For the buyer: This past week, while attending a real estate meeting, and during the period when we could present properties, one agent said that his seller is offering $100,000 towards all of the buyer’s closing costs, with any balance of funds to be released to the buyer. Sounds like a good bonus for the buyer, but this bonus is excessive and may be considered as fraud. Lenders have allowed for the seller to pay for a buyers non-recurring closing costs, but any funds above that are actually being paid by the lender, and that is the part that would be considered as fraud. At the same time, an appraiser would take that ”over” amount and deduct it from the value of
lou on 15
ww $499,000
The Gold Standard
500 W. Montecito Ave, Sierra Madre. Located on a beautiful tree lined street in Sierra Madre this two story 3,546 sq.ft. home is situated on a 12,332 sq.ft. lot with 4 bedrooms, 4 baths. Upgraded kitchen, large spacious rooms with an elevator, mother-in-law quarters, double attached garage. Patio in front and rear yards, newly landscaped front yard. (0007)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
Spacious 5 bedroom in San Gabriel on a quiet cul-de-sac street with Temple City Schools, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings, kitchen with built in stove, oven, dishwasher, in ground swimming pool, air conditioning, intercom and alarm system, double detached garage. (9783)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
New home w/Arcadia Schools, 3 bdrms 3.5 bth, FP, formal dining room, bonus room, loft upstairs, top quality workmanship, gourmet kitchen w/custom cabinets, granite countertops, laundry area, two car attached direct access garage, lots of storage, nice size front &side yard. (File #H1020)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
623 W. Lime Ave., Monrovia. This great 3 bedroom features family room wired for surround sound, second floor has large, loft type room that could be a nice guest room with its own entrance from outside. Two car garage with attached workshop. Large lot with pool, RV parking, nice curb appeal and so much more! (LIM)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
This 2brdm 1bth home has Temple City Schools and Beautiful Mountain Views and located on a quiet street with an Eastern Exposure. Hardwood floors throughout, big living room w/fireplace, vaulted ceilings, large picture window, formal dining room, kitchen w/ breakfast nook CA & heat and 2 car detached garage. (File #C5415)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
E US PM HO 12-4 N E N OP & SU T A S
GREAT FOR FIRST TIME BUYER OR INVESTOR $374,900 Single story detached San Dimas home in planned development with low association fee. This is a bank owned property with 3BR, 2 BA, fireplace, living room and pool, tennis court in a park like setting with a fantastic view. Near Walnut Creek and San Dimas High School. Don’t delay!
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
Great 2 bedroom unit in terrific neighborhood. Master Bedroom with large closet and 3/4 bath. Full bathroom in hallway. Living room with large windows, dining area and kitchen with lots of storage space. Two underground garage parking spaces with storage compartments. Near shopping and LaSalle High School.(MIC)
This bank owned home is cute and has loads of potential. Large yard and plenty of room to play. The garage was converted into another room an may be converted back. This is a great starter opportunity. The majority of the floors are tiled and in great shape. With a little TLC and at this price you just can’t go wrong. (F2039)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21 , 2009
Music News from 7 179 N. Vinedo Ave. $5 admission, 21 & over. CHEAP food & drinks, raffles, and even more Doo Dah fun! SUN. 1/18 - THE MERCY POWELL QUARTET @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd . 626-8365414. Full bar and great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Mercy, Josh, Marc & a guest drummer doin' some standards & jazzy stuff for your dining & listening pleasure! Knowing Mercy - even if she's in the Doo Dah Parade this morning, she'll still do this gig as well, but call ahead just in case. JANUARY 21st - HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVIE B! WED. 1/21 - aka MAX BUDA @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626836-5414. Full bar, great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Unique jazzy rock stuff from Chester & the boys. FYI - they'll be back to the SECOND Wed. of the month in Feb. FRI. 1/23 - The MELLOW D'z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!â&#x20AC;? http://www.myspace. com/themellowdeees FRI. 1/23 - OCHO X @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra
Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. Latin influenced rock jams. FRI. 1/23 - 20th CENTURY BLUES @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! FRI. 1/23 - TOO MANY STEVES @ GEM CIT Y GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9pm. 115 E. Olive Ave., just east of Myrtle. No cover, full bar, dance floor. Be there for this experimental Rock Super Group's public debut! All Steves all the time: VARGAS, YSAIS, BRUEN, POWELL, AMROMIN. Celebrating the Birthday of my little brother Stevie B! If your name is Steve - we want YOU! SAT. 1/24 - BARRY â&#x20AC;&#x153;BIG Bâ&#x20AC;? BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. SAT. 1/24 - STEVE & STEVE (Ysais & Vargas) doin' their acoustic duo thing @ THE ST. RITA'S â&#x20AC;&#x153;WINTER WINE FESTâ&#x20AC;? - FUND RAISER at the Alverno Villa, 7 9:30pm. $20 at the door, or $10 in advance. All guests are to bring one $15 bottle of wine as well - some for tasting, some for raffles. Call St. Rita's School for complete details: 626-355-6114.
ERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-8365414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. 3 pc. Rock band with Keith from the Bottle Shop on bass. Lots of Neil Young, Who, Pink Floyd, etc. I love these guys! Call ahead or check for confirmation next week seems to be a discrepancy about the date. SAT. 1/24 - JAIMI SHUEY and DAFNI @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Americana, Country. SUN. 1/25 - BARRY â&#x20AC;&#x153;BIG Bâ&#x20AC;? BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www. SUN. 1/25 - Matt Denny's Ale House Restaurant 10th Anniversary Party, 1 - 8pm. 145 E. Huntington Dr. 626-446-1077. Full bar & kitchen. $3.00 BBQ sandwiches, Happy Hour drink prices all day, $10.00 Anniversary shirts, and much more! Acoustic guitar & vocals with Roadhouse Ron, 1-3:30 and Classic Rock with The Alumni, 4-8pm. SUN. 1/25 - Have Lunch with NEW ASTROTURF @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-8365414. Full bar and great Italian food in a comfy setting. Bring the family! Acoustic Folk/Rock, Classic Country.
Stunning Mediterranean Estate in the prestigious Linda Vista community. Superior architectural features, 4493 sq. ft. living space on over 12,000 sq. ft. lot. 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and all the amenities one could imagine! (LIN)
BROADWAYâ&#x20AC;? VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;em in! Please remember to call and verify all info. before making plans. Everything is subject to change. This is show biz, after all... Hope to see you out & about, SierraMadreSue sie
Gaza from 1 Jew against Bombing Gaza,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gaza (Peace sign) for Children,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shame (USA flag) Shameâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;No Collective Punishmentâ&#x20AC;? among other anti-war slogans. According to Reuters International News Agency, three people, probably civilians, were killed and a number of others wounded in an air strike on Zeitoun neighborhood, a Hamas stronghold on Monday. Additionally, Israeli reserve troops moved in to take over positions from regular soldiers, freeing them to move deeper into Gaza City, according to an Israel Defence Force spokesman. The Palestinian death toll in the 17-day-old Israeli offensive, as of Monday, had reached 911, more than a third of them women and children, the Hamas-run Health Ministry said. The Israeli army said about 20 rockets and mortar shells were fired into southern Israel, causing no injuries. A rocket struck a house in Ashkelon where medical workers said several people were treated for shock.
lou from 14
the property. It is a buyers market, and if interested in a particular property, and the offer being made is reasonable, then asking for the seller to pay for the buyers non-recurring closing costs are not out of line. This may not be possible if the property being sold is a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Short Saleâ&#x20AC;?, or bank owned, but it never hurts
to try. Your real estate agent may not be able to suggest this option to you; it really is up to you. Remember, offering a substantially lower price than what the seller is asking, and then ask for the seller to pay your non-recurring closing costs will usually result with the seller not willing to make the sale.
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SUN. 1/25 - â&#x20AC;&#x153;OPERA TO
California Realty
Situated in Highland Oaks with awarding winning Arcadia Schools, this home offers: 2,321 sf home, 22,440 sf lot, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fire-places, 2-car attached garage & 664 sf finished basement currently being used as a media room and 5th bedroom. (CAR)
(626) 355-1600
$8 4 8,0 0 0
This home with itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 11,134 sf lot, open kitchen to family room and spacious living room lends itself well to those who love to entertain! The kitchen features wood floors, Sub=Zero refrigerator, double ovens and built-in desk. 2,222 sf home, 4 BD, 2 BA, 3-Car garage w/storage & work bench. (SIE2)
Traditional home in beautiful Altadena. This home offers 4bd/2ba with separate living room. Large open dining area w/fireplace. Granite counter tops in kitchen. Lovely landscaping w/beautiful lighting front & back. Circular driveway for easy access in & out. Private, serene backyard with secured pool, perfect for relaxing and or entertaining. (NEW)
Fabulous View Home in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Beverly Hillsâ&#x20AC;? section of Monterey Park. Charming home situated among million dollar estates. Views from Downtown Los Angeles to Pacific Palisades to Long Beach. 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms on large flat lot with copper plumbing throughout. A little paint and your dream home awaits! (RID)
$ 5 3 5 ,0 0 0
California Bungalow shows itsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; traditional flair with period moldings, and plenty of character. 2bd, 1ba, Batch elder fireplace with built in bookshelves in the living room wrapped with hardwood floors. Great back house that could be used as an artists studio. (ROO)
$1,100,000 $399,000
Situated in3 Highland withhome awarding Arcadiasuburban Schools, City this Charming bedroom,Oaks 1.5 bath sittingwinning in the upscale home offers: 2,321 sf home, 22,440 asf living lot, 4 room bedrooms, baths, family of Glendora. Good sized bedrooms, and a 3breakfast nook room, 2 fire-places, 2-car attached garage & 664 sf finished basement are perfect for a family who likes to entertain. Large detached 2 car currentlyatbeing usedofasa aspacious media room and 5thBackyard bedroom.deck (CAR) garage the end driveway. perfect for summer Barbecues and sun bathing. (LOP)
MONDAY EVENINGS FROM 7-9PM At the Sierra Madre Office â&#x20AC;˘ 115 W. Sierra Madre Blvd Call 626 355-1600 â&#x20AC;˘ *Call for details
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
School•Religion•Community Activities•Social
IT'S THE BUDGET CUTS, STUPID Tough Times Ahead for the Apache Pow Wow, Arcadia High's Student Newspaper By Emily Litvack
n recent years, it has of ten been said that journalism is a dying profession, and the staff of A rcad ia H igh School’s newspaper, the Apache Pow Wow, certainly recognize the difficulties they are facing. For rou g h ly t h re e years, the Apache Pow Wow has been self-funded in its production process, but leg it i m izi ng t hemselves as a ubiquitous news source seems close to impossible in 2008, a year, frankly, fiscally abysmal for California. The paper perpetually feels the sharp pains of looming budget cuts, wh ich cut notably deeper than the d istrict had been forewarned. Still, students on Arcadia High's student-run school newspaper, the Apache Pow Wow is no stranger to the challenges faced by newspapers across the country. campus are pondering how it is that a district which receives $60 mil- internet and people think it’s true. When lion annually cannot fund the printing of a you look at something in paper, there is a higher standard of truth.” He then brought monthly paper. The Arcadia School District’s super- up that it would be advisable to “…try to intendent, Dr. Joel Shawn, says it is not reestablish [the] relationship with Arcadia so simple to fund all facets of the district; School Board fi rst of all,” not knowing that rather, there are priorities. Indeed, with Mr. Lee has done that without making great 10,000 students and 10 schools to sufficiently progress. Mr. Lee said, “My understanding fund, he argues they cannot function without of the issue is that the previous advisors put them. Recently he was told that the district the school in a burden by not paying bills may have to forfeit $3 million to Sacramento on time and by not fund-raising. So to save schools; in January, he says, this will be debil- budget, ASB essentially cut Pow Wow off.” itated. Add to that the callous reality that the He implied that the relationship cannot be whole district was put on a spending freeze repaired, adding, “It’s a disservice to the for equipment last year as a ramification of school. If it’s something they…cherish and the statewide budget cuts, and it is clear that respect, then they should be involved in the Dr. Shawn is right about prioritizing. The funding of it.” Dr. Shawn ended the interview with a freeze carries on this year and he suspects it is the reason that when the paper’s advisor, proposal to apply for what he referred to as Mr. Johnny Lee, applied for four new com- “mini-grants” through the Arcadia Educaputers, he was denied. Thus, the staff of the tional Foundation. He stated, “I think [budschool’s newspaper shares utterly out-of-date get cuts] are going to get really bad. This is absolutely the worst I’ve ever seen it,” so as computers with the yearbook staff. However, Dr. Shawn offers insight as to recommend that the paper do something to how the Apache Pow Wow can expand to prevent shortages before things do get, as its funding. His most prominent proposal they inevitably will, worse. Mr. Lee, a bit cynical in the wake of this, was something he cites as being already presented to the paper’s department: publish- agrees to disagree with Dr. Shawn that his ing the paper it in an electronic format. He propositions are at all likely, saying, “We’re says if it were to do so, it would be funded basically that little pimple nobody wants to by the district. Although, he adds, “Now, I talk about.” In short, the Apache Pow Wow understand the dilemma here: we are in a will, of course, carry on printing as long as transformative period of time and people it can afford to, while all other facets of the are getting information in lots of different school district are pained by the paucity of ways and so…you can put anything on the money too.
Terry Asano’s Smile Will Be Missed Teruko “Terry” Asano always had a smile on her face and was always unselfishly thinking of friends and family, often making homemade goodies for them. Her enthusiasm, positive attitude and vibrant personality will surely be missed by friends and family. Terry Yanagimoto was born in 1925 in El Centro California but resided in Los Angeles for several years before she and her family were sent to a Japanese internment camp in Wyoming in 1941. It was at the Heart Mountain Camp that she met Toshio Asano whose family had also been sent to the camp. In 1944, Tosh left camp to join the 442nd, the most decorated American unit in the Second World War. Tosh was later transferred to MIS and sent to Japan. Terry remained in camp until 1945, when she graduated High School. She then moved to Denver, Colorado and a year later returned to Los Angeles. But the two never lost contact and were married in 1949 at the Chapel of Roses in Pasadena, Terry moved to Monrovia where she and Tosh setup household with their two daughters Meri Lynn and Tina. Terry’s primary responsibility was taking care of the family and she became very active in Monroe School PTA. According to other “Room Mothers,” she was often the “go to” Mom for classes without room mothers, baking dozens of cupcakes for birthday celebrations. Terry attended a small church in Monrovia
named Holiness Church with Harry Kawahara as a student pastor. Little did they know, they would work together at Monrovia High School years later. Kawahara was a counselor at the high school when Terry ran the office. As her children grew older, she attended night school to learn how to type. Her secretarial skills landed her a job at Monrovia High School in the Counseling Office an accomplishment she was most proud. After working at Monrovia High School for 20 years, Terry retired. Once retired, Terry enjoyed many activities: traveling, Leisure Club activities where she learned how to line dance, volunteering at Keiro Nursing Home, church activities, and lunching with her former co-workers once month, the “Bunch for Lunch Group”. Terry had a zest for life and liked to travel near and far, always willing to satisfy her curiosity for something new. She and Tosh had many travel adventures in the U.S. and abroad: Japan, Hawaii, Alaska, New York, Branson, MO, etc. She was also an active participant in the Heart Mountain Reunion Committee. Terry passed away on December 19, 2008. Services will be held on Saturday, January 17, 2009, 10:00 A.M. at West Covina Christian Church, 1100 E. Cameron Ave., West Covina, CA. The family has requested that flowers please be omitted. She is survived by her husband, Toshio Asano; daughters, Meri and Tina Asano; brotherin-law, Babe Asano; nieces, Barbara and Bonnie Asano, Jo Ann Yanagimoto-Pinedo; nephews, Steve Ichishta and Robert Ichishita; families and other relatives here and in Japan.
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org/> . Winter Watercolor Class, 1-4 p.m., Jan. 26 through March 9, Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada. Capture seasonal beauty in watercolor art in this six-week class. $105, $95 members plus $12 materials fee. (818) 949-7980, <> .
Brian from 13
to give back to the profession as even stronger leaders. I’m pleased all four have curatorial responsibilities and this program will make them stronger in those roles.” For more information on the Chanticleer Scholarship, visit the www.chanticleergarden. org <> .
west of Philadelphia. Chanticleer Foundation Executive Director R. William Thomas is “convinced the programs will enhance the skills the scholars need to succeed in public horticulture. We hope the experiences will add to their expertise and allow them
Place By Dorothy Denne
Dot Coms Be Damned Aaah, there is so much in this world that I do not know; some important, some not so important. All the dot coms in existence could never fill the gaps in my knowledge. Part of the reason is that I don't use the search dot coms that are in existence. A mouse at my fingetips somehow does not match the satisfaction of a book in my hands. Of course, even the books can't fill all the gaps. For one thing, how do I know that the authors know what they are talking about? (should that be “writing” about?) For example, I read the other day that the Hot Dog came into being in 1500BC Babylonia. Now how did the author know that? Did he find some old Babylonian's diary that said, “I went to a picnic today and we barbecued this new thing called a Hot Dog.”? A fellow columnist found a couple of good quesions on the internet, but no good answers. Why does the sun lighten our hair but darken
our skin? Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle? My friend visited a free-roaming chicken ranch last weekend and brought me back a dozen eggs with the biggest yolks I've ever seen. Why are they bigger than those in the stores? The shells are the same size. They just hold more yellow than white. Why? Maybe it is because the chickens are happier. Their beaks haven't been cropped and they aren't scrunched in little tiny wire cages. Or, maybe it is chickenkind's way of getting even with mankind. Get that cholesterol out there in bigger doses. There is so much in his world I do not know, but dot coms be damned. I'll stick with my books and my observations and my gaps in knowledge. I don't really care when Hot Dogs started, but I do wonder--will we ever know which came first, the chicken or the egg? There isn't a dot com in existence yet that can answer that.
ake is one of those words that can elicit your emotions quickly. Most everyone has experienced that problem with money. I re-
member as a kid fi nding a nickel on the street and rushing to the candy store to spend my fortune. In those days, candy counters were laden with all kinds of treats and a penny
Wally on 19
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LEGALS OTHER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ELAINE LEI KIN HO Case No. GP014228 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ELAINE LEI KIN HO A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Alice Wing Wah Chan in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGE-LES. THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that Alice Wing Wah Chan be appointed as per-sonal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Admini-stration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many ac-tions without obtaining court ap-proval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to inter-ested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independ-ent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on Feb. 13, 2009 at 10:00 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the grant-ing of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attor-ney.
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MYSTERY SHOPPER. Enjoy this unique and interesting position and the associated training. Are you responisble, motivated and computer literate? Are you interested in providing feedback to a fortune 50 company specific to store conditions and service levels? Hourly rate for driving time, observation time, report time applies. Mileage reimbursed based on distance associated
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de-ceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issu-ance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special No-tice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: WEI C WONG ESQ LAW OFFICES OF WEI C WONG 716 S GARFIELD AVE ALHAMBRA CA 91801 Arcadia Weekly CN811708 HO Jan 15,19,22, 2009 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 08-0093325 Title Order No. 08-8-342651 APN No. 8517-005-036 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 02/01/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JOSE LUIS AGUILAR, A WIDOWER AND TOMASA RAMIREZ, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS, dated 02/01/2007 and recorded 02/07/07, as Instrument No. 20070264983, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County State of California, will sell on 02/05/2009 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona at public
with assignments. For additional information and to submit an on line application visit
FOR RENT R O O M F O R R E N TBeautiful Duarte HomeFurnished bedroom, own bath, kitchen & laundry, utilities Included. Nonsmoker, no pets, $900/ mo.(626) 393-6363 H O U S E F O R R E N T, Pasadena S. E 2 blocks south of Colorado. 2bd, 1 ba. New paint, new
carpet, large fenced yard. No pets. Ideal for couple + child. $1,350 mo + sec. Deposit. (626) 793-1600. Mr. George
FOR SALE Drum Kit w/ Cymbals 5 piece drum kit with 2 cymbals + hi-hat. Kit has everything you need and more: throne, drum and cymbal noise-dampening pads, all cymbal stands and bass pedal. Everything works well. It’s an off-brand (Pulse Percussion), and could maybe use some heads, but all in all this is a very decent
auction to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 220-222 SOUTH CALIFORNIA AVENUE, MONROVIA, CA, 91016. The under-signed Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $664,398.23. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but with out covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest at provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon at provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provi-sions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 11/29/2008 RECONTRUST COMPANY 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., SV2-202 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/ Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.42396 1/15, 1/22, 1/29/2009
setup for the price. Call John at 626.789.6169. Mountain Bike Trek 4300 hardtail mountain bike with front fork shock absorber. Purchased in 2005, the bike has very limited wear. Two sets of tires come with the bike as well. Costs $480 new, asking $200. Email 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan. Auto, low mileage, front/rear/a/c, many extras. Great Soccer mom car. $9,000 obo. (626) 512-7050
NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (UCC Sec. 6105) Escrow No. 5039495-SS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s) and business address(es) of the seller(s) are: SOON HI KWON, 104 S. MYRTLE AVE, MONROVIA, CA 91016 Doing business as: QUIZNOS SUB All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the seller(s) within the past three years, as stated by the seller(s), is/are: NONE The location in California of the Chief Executive Office of the seller is: SAME The name(s) and business address of the buyer(s) is/are: JOHN BAZERKANIAN AND ELIZABETH BAZERKANIAN, 104 S. MYRTLE AVE, MONROVIA, CA 91016 The assets being sold are generally described as: FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, GOODWILL, TRADENAME, COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE, LEASEHOLDS AND IMPROVEMENTS and are located at: 104 S. MYRTLE AVE, MONROVIA, CA 91016 The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of: CENTRAL ESCROW INC, 3660 WILSHIRE BLVD #108, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 and the anticipated sale date is FEBRUARY 3, 2009 The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. [If the sale is subject to Sec. 6106.2, the following information must be provided.] The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: CENTRAL ESCROW INC, 3660 WILSHIRE BLVD #108, LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 and the last day for filing claims by any creditor shall be FEBRUARY 2, 2009, which is the business day before the anticipated sale date specified above. Dated: JANUARY 5, 2009 JOHN BAZERKANIAN AND ELIZABETH BAZERKANIAN, Buyer(s) PCTS LA146199 MONROVIA WEEKLY 1/15/09
JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
Wally from 17 would buy a delicious bagful of goodies. Knowing this, my wide eyes rapidly searched the candy counter. I selected one item after another while quickly tasting another. I was certain that the nickel would cover all of my choices. At the conclusion of spending my newfound riches, it was necessary to assure the shopkeeper that I was able to pay for what I had eaten plus what I had put into the sack. Upon surrender of my precious nickel treasure, that I had found, I was confronted with a smirk and comment, “Look kid, people go to jail for this kind of counterfeit money.” Stunned, frightened and near tears, I explained my predicament and promised to return with real money. Though it was a memorable introduction to fake money, it was also a memorable experience once my mom put a reminder on my backside to always get her permission to go shopping. Today, FAKE plays a large part in many aspects of our lives. Fake diamonds, pearls, watches, furs and countless other items. Imported music CD’s, DVD’S and fashion purses are also occasionally found to be fake copies. Then there are those more common everyday fakes such as…resumes, checks and sometimes friends. On the more personal side there are eyelashes, nails, teeth, hairpiece, and of course you can’t overlook, the obvious breast enhancements. But, Fake in our kitchen was totally unacceptable. It all began in the name of good nutrition. My wife prepared chips and dip for my proposed enjoyment while watching a long anticipated TV sporting event. My inquiry, “what is this green gunk dip and wheat thins thing?” “Where is the usual onion dip and potato chips?” Her “Try it, you’ll like it”, reply should have been the signal that something bad is going to happen. And it did! One taste of that green gunk junk fake dip sent me into orbit. Her explanation that it was broccoli dip, wheat thins and pomegranate juice which is good for my heart. My torrid, reply “but what about my stomach?” was met with a mumbled “Well it’s big enough” as she closed the kitchen door. This was just the beginning of “fake in the kitchen”, at my house. My green queen decided that in the interest of good health, I must clean out my system, which I didn’t know needed cleaning. She claimed that I should cleanse my body of all environmental pollutants, i.e. preservatives, PCB’S and
DDT. I was now to undergo a complete menu change. When soymilk was all that was offered for my oatmeal and a sugar substitute for my craving for brown sugar, I knew my life would be shortened. Her substitute bacon and fake eggs lessened my desire to eat breakfast. Green tea with skim milk was her replacement for a delicious cup of my best-brewed coffee. Her assortment of freaky fruits to improve my vitamin deficiencies was the last straw. Obviously, to her, my one a day vitamins, were no longer satisfactory. It was fi nding spinach in my hamburger patty that changed everything fake at my house. I told my Nutrition Queen that I called her mother and invited myself for an overnight stay to get my strength back. Now this lady is a real cook. Oh, biscuits and gravy, pancakes and sausage, sweet rolls and lots of real hot coffee was her menu for breakfast. The proposed lunch menu included a juicy hamburger surrounded with onions and homemade French fries. But my mother-inlaw’s dinners were always a banquet. It would start with a glass of red wine to get your flavor buds ready to enjoy a tossed green salad drenched with a garlic and Parmesan cheese dressing. Center cut pork chops, whipped potatoes and home-style gravy. Now that is a “Hungry Man’s Dinner. Surely this was a meal to leave home for. The hot fresh baked French bread slathered with butter was almost sure to keep you from eating any of her famous hot apple pie smothered with ice cream. Well, once I announced to my Nutrition Expert, the menu that her mom had in store for my insatious appetite upon my arrival at her house, she eagerly joined me for the stay-over. Once she indulged herself into her mom’s cooking she totally lost all interest in her nutrition and system-cleansing program. Instead she too was cleaning her plate and asking for more. Well, I was stunned when my “Biscuit Burner passed up her mom’s delicious apple pie for dessert. So to help her forget all about her Yuppie nutrition program, we celebrated our grand overnight stay at her mom’s house by eating a giant banana split on the way home to our house. Several days later I saw her newly found nutrition pamphlet at the bottom of her bird’s cage. Hopefully, the bird will began the starvation diet and another problem will have been resolved??
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the pursuit while APD trailed at a distance. After a 40-mile pursuit, the 43-year-old Caucasian was apprehended at a Holiday Inn in Buena Park.
Between noon on December 25 and 1:30 a.m. on December 28, a residential burglary occurred in the 1600 block of Wesley. Unknown suspect(s) broke a sliding glass door to gain entry into the home. Once inside, the suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole televisions, camera equipment, jewelry, and cash for a loss of about $22,000. A victim came to the station around 4:56 p.m. to fi le an identity theft report. On December 22, a credit card company representative informed her that $8,000 in suspicious charges was made in Las Vegas. The victim did not make those charges and her account was closed. Since that time, she has received a new Sears credit card that she did not request
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MONDAY, DECEMBER 29: A grand theft occurred in the 500 block of North Altura between 8:30 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. Unknown suspect entered the rear yard and stole the gardener’s $400 weedeater. Units were dispatched to Public Storage, 12340 Lower Azusa, around 2:02 p.m. regarding a recovered stolen vehicle in the parking lot. The 1993 Honda Accord was reported stolen on December 22, and officers found that the in-dash radio was removed and wires were hanging from the steering column.
In memory of Robert Van Buskirk (September 6, 1924 to December 5, 2008)
Please join us for a gathering of friends to remember and celebrate the life of Bob Van Buskirk. Saturday, January 24th, 2009 1-3 p.m. Sierra Madre Woman’s Club 550 West Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, California For questions, please contact Rob Van at 805-498-3235 or Greg Van at 720-480-6760
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30: A grand theft occurred at Ralphs, 1101 West Huntington, between 5 p.m. on December 21 and 9 a.m. on December 29. While conducting inventory, an employee discovered about 30 bottles of shampoo were stolen. The total reported loss was over $1,600. Six petty thefts occurred between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. in the 400 and 500 blocks of Leda, 300 block of East Camino Real, 400 block of Patricia, 1200 block of South Fifth, and 500 block of Peachtree. A male Hispanic or Caucasian was seen at one location removing a UPS package from the doorway and replacing it with an empty package. Investigation revealed that the suspect took the delivered packages, removed the items from inside, resealed the packages, and left an empty package at the next theft location.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31: An auto burglary occurred at 405 South Santa Anita between 9:15 a.m. and 3:20 p.m. Unknown suspect gained entry into an unlocked car and removed a $5,000 Rolex watch. Shortly after 7 p.m., an auto burglary occurred at 41 Wheeler. The victim went to the Post Office to drop off a letter and when she returned to her vehicle, she discovered that her car window was smashed and her purse stolen. Witnesses saw the theft take place and officers, who just happened to be at the scene, were told of the incident. A male suspect was seen fleeing the area in a silver Honda Accord and a pursuit ensued. The suspect drove recklessly on the freeway and CHP took charge of
Around 12:39 a.m., officers observed a speeding vehicle and a traffic stop was initiated at Sixth and Live Oak. A 51-year-old female Asian driver was contacted and officers detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage on her breath and person. Two open bottles of wine were found on the floorboard. A field sobriety test was conducted, and it was determined that she was operating the vehicle while inebriated and was arrested. Units responded to Huntington and Centennial around 4:47 p.m. in reference to a verbal argument. A 37-year-old male Caucasian was contacted and a record check revealed that he had a $30,000 outstanding warrant. The man was arrested at the scene without incident.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 2: Between 8:55 p.m. and 9:05 p.m., a grand theft occurred at the Arcadia Market parking lot located at 645 West Duarte. Unknown suspect took a purse containing a large amount of jewelry from an unlocked car. The victim reported a loss of about $80,000. Loss prevention personnel from JC Penney advised that they had detained a man for theft around 10 p.m. The suspect took merchandise into a fitting room, hid the items in a bag, and left the store without making payment. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 18-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody for commercial burglary and petty theft with prior conviction. During the booking search, additional stolen property from Macy’s and Anchor Blue were also recovered.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 3: At 1:30 p.m., units were dispatched to the racetrack in reference to a commercial burglary that took place prior to November 18. Several pieces of artwork, including a bronze statue of a horse and rider, were moved from a conference room to an office in preparation for a movie shoot. An employee noticed on December 26 that the statue was missing, and the cost to replace the statue will be $15,000. An injury traffic collision occurred at Huntington and La Cadena shortly after 10 p.m. The driver lost control of the vehicle while making a turn, struck a curb, knocked over a light pole, and then hit a parked vehicle. One male passenger was trapped in the vehicle; the other male passenger was found in the street with a skull fracture and was taken to a hospital for treatment. An 18-year-old male driver was found standing outside the vehicle and he admitted to smoking marijuana earlier in the day. A backpack was discovered in some nearby bushes with cold bottles of alcohol, a scale, and a glass-smoking pipe. Inside the vehicle, officers found a container of marijuana with many small zip lock baggies. The driver was arrested at the scene for possession of marijuana for sale.
4:42 p.m. – Arrest, soliciting without a business license, 300 block N. Baldwin Ave. Residents reported a man going door to door selling subscription magazines. Officers responded and detained the man, who did not have a city business license. The man did have a no-bail burglary warrant from the state of Maryland, but authorities were unwilling to extradite him. The man was arrested for the violation and transported the Sierra Madre Police jail where he was booked and later released on a written promise to appear.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30: 11:09 a.m. – Vehicle theft, 700 block West Sierra Madre Blvd. A 1995 white Ford Explorer was taken without the owner’s permission. The crime occurred Friday, 12/26/08 at about 7 p.m. The car was recovered on 12/31/08 and the suspect was identified. The case is currently under investigation.
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31: 9:41 a.m. – Arrest, Michillinda Ave and Sears Way. A motorist was stopped for a traffic violation. A records check revealed his driver’s license was suspended/revoked. During the investigation, a female passenger was found to be in possession of marijuana. The driver and the female passenger were both cited and released for their respective violations. 3:43 p.m. – Arson investigation, 700 block Canyon Crest Drive. The wooden floor and a window frame of a home under construction were discovered damaged by fire Wednesday, 12/31/08. The fire was limited to the floor and did not spread. The suspects were identified and have agreed to compensate the victim. The investigation is pending. 5:43 p.m. – Arrest, Drinking in Public, 38 West Sierra Madre Blvd. A man was found drinking an alcoholic beverage in public. The man was driven to the Sierra Madre Police jail where he was booked and released on a written promise to appear.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 2: 3:33 p.m. – Vandalism, 700 block E. Sierra Madre Blvd. Three city signs and a city wall were damaged by graffiti. The signs were tagged with the used of a black and gray marking pen and the wall was spray painted black. No dollar loss estimate was available.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 3: 10:51 a.m. – Arrest, Possession of a controlled substance, Grandview Ave and Santa Anita Ave. A motorist was stopped for a traffic violation. During the investigation the driver was found to be under the influence of a controlled substance. A male passenger was also found to be under the influence, and a female passenger was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. All three people were arrested and transported to the Pasadena Police jail for remand. 1:51 p.m. – Arrest, Possession of drug paraphernalia, Orange Grove Ave and Bald-
Perfectly beautiful. Perfectly installed.
win Ave. An officer stopped a female pedestrian and found that she was in possession of a pipe used to smoke crack cocaine. The Duarte resident was arrested for the crime and transported to the Pasadena Police Jail for remand.
10:05 a.m. - Bicycle theft 100 block W. Duarte Rd. 2:55 p.m. - Fraud report 300 block E. Walnut Ave. 3:24 p.m. - Shots heard on E. Colorado Blvd. 5:00 p.m. - Battery report 400 block S. Myrtle Ave. 11:00 p.m. - Vehicle burglary 300 block W. Huntington Dr.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30: 1:32 a.m. - Trash picking 900 block E. Lemon Ave. 9:45 a.m. - Repossession 200 block N. Encinitas Ave. 3:02 p.m. - Grand theft 300 block W. Huntington Dr. 4:50 p.m. - Commercial burglary 100 block W. Foothill Blvd. 6:00 p.m. - Attempted burglary 600 block E. Huntington Dr.
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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31: 12;36 a.m. - Alcohol offense 200 block W. Huntington Dr. 12:45 p.m. - Vandalism in progress 800 block Bonita St. 2:25 p.m. Battery report 200 block E. Greystone Ave. 4:52 p.m. - Mental evaluation 100 block W. Colorado Blvd. 8:00 p.m. - Probation/parole violation 600 block W. Olive Ave.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 1: 12:22 a.m. - Shots heard 400 block S. Heliotrope Ave. 6:11 a.m. - Bear sighting 900 block Norumbega Dr. 2:14 p.m. - Public Assist 100 block Poinsettia Ave. 5:04 p.m. Violation of court order 500 block E. Foothill Blvd. 10:00 p.m. - Grand theft auto 600 block Parker Ave.
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FRIDAY, JANUARY 2: 10:07 a.m. - Fraud report 2000 block S. Peck Rd. 1:05 p.m. - Parking problem 700 block Bonita Ave. 1:52 p.m. - Suspicious circumstances 600 block W. Huntington Dr. 7:06 p.m. - Public assist 300 block S. Heliotrope Ave. 11:18 p.m. - Peace disturbance 2000 block S. Peck Rd.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 3: 2:09 a.m. - Drug activity 700 block California Ave. 10:21 a.m. - Grand theft auto 2000 block S. Mountain Ave. 3:05 p.m. - Soliciting 700 block E. Huntington Dr. 3:39 p.m. - Assault report 900 block Valley View Ave. 3:47 p.m. - Vehicle burglary 700 block E. Huntington Dr.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 4; 2:44 a.m. - Fight in progress on W. Foothill Blvd. 11:32 a.m. - Domestic violence 600 block W. Maple Ave. 12:54 p.m. - Violation of court order 500 block E. Foothill Blvd. 5:02 p.m. - Vehicle burglary 300 block Jasmine Ave. 6:17 p.m. - Family disturbance 400 block Bradbury Rd.
Californians, who change their own oil, purchase more than 20 million oil filters annually. However, less than 10% are recycled. Statewide approximately 1.2 million gallons of used motor oil is being landfilled, trapped in an oil filter instead of being recycled. When you complete your oil change - finish the job, take your used oil and filters to a Certified Collection Center for recycling. ARCADIA C&L Collision Center 132 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 445-6630 Firestone 1500 S. Baldwin Ave. (626) 446-2164 Jiffy Lube 5 W. Huntington Dr. (626) 446-7980 Kragen Auto* 37 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 447-0748
VJ’s Auto Service 400 N. First Ave. (626) 446-4900 DUARTE Advantage Ford Service Station* 1031 E. Central Ave. (626) 359-9689 Auto Zone 1346 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 357-0554
MONROVIA Homer’s Auto Service* 148. Lemon Ave. (626) 358-6259
Pick-a-Part Auto* 3333 S. Peck Rd. (626) 445-2922
Kragen Auto Parts* 723 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 303-2637
Sierra Autocars, Inc.* 1450 S. Shamrock Ave. (626) 359-8291
Oil Stop* 746 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 357-6711
SIERRA MADRE Sierra Madre residents are invited to use any of these certified collection centers.
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JANUARY 15 - JANUARY 21, 2009
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Local Obama Supporters Prepare for Inauguration Trip
(L-R) Julia Bailey, Robin Boone, Lonnee Hamilton, Laura Lee-Chin, Patrick O’Connor, Ralph Walker, Bryan Bowen and Bob Bowen.
On Tuesday night, a group of some of President-Elect Barack Obama's first Pasadena-area supporters gathered at Zephyr Coffee and Art on Colorado Blvd. Two members of the group, Robin Boone and Ralph Walker are gearing up for their upcoming trip to Washington D.C for the inauguration. The group, who has been meeting here at Zephyr since early 2007 when Obama first announced his candidacy, shared stories of how they had come together and tales of the long campaign trail that followed. “What we're seeing here at Zephyr - this is what has been going on all over the country. Washington has this way of wanting to run campaigns from the top down. But this campaign tapped into the grassroots momentum that we
saw with Howard Dean's campaign in 2004,” said Bryan Bowen of Pasadena. The groups informal leader, the campaign button-clad Pasadena resident Mike Barako carried with him an original copy of a Los Angeles Times article, printed in 2007 after a reporter visited one of the group's early meetings. The article, which featured a large photograph of Barako sitting in the very same seat a year and a half prior, was critical of the internet-born group's ability to rally members and votes for the then relatively unknown candidate. The sense of satisfaction felt by the group, successful against all odds and opinion, was palpable as Walker, who also hosts KGEM's Beyond the Headlines, presented them with commemorative copies of the article.
11:15 AM
11:15 AM
11:15 AM
Rev. Paul S. Beck • Senior Pastor
WE HAVE “SOMETHING” YOU NEED Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Sunday Eve - “Praise” Worship 7:00 p.m. or Monday Worship - 7:00 p.m.
OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 512 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia (626) 447-7690
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $1.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $90 to $2,500 $ $2.50 U.S. Gold ............................................. $80 to $5,000 $ $3.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $350 to $3,500 $ $5.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $125 to $5,000 $ $10 U.S. Gold ................................................ $325 to $4,200 $ $20 U.S. Gold ................................................ $650 to $5,000 $ $20 High Relief .............................................. Up to $50,000 $ $ WE BUY ALL SOLID GOLD ITEMS- NEW, USED OR BROKEN $ High School Rings ......................................... Up to $500 Wedding Bands .............................................. Up to $1500 $ Old Mountings ............................................... Up to $700 $ Bracelets......................................................... Up to $10,000 $ Necklaces ....................................................... Up to $15,000 $ Old Watch Cases ............................................ Up to $2,400 $ Charm............................................................. Up to $600 $ Dental Gold .................................................... Bring in for cash $ Broken Chains................................................ Bring in for cash $ PLATINUM - ALL PLATINUM JEWELRY - BRING IN FOR CASH $ Mountings ...................................................... Up to $2,500 $ Therm-Coupling Wire .................................... Bring in for testing $ Crucibles ........................................................ Bring in for testing $ Screen............................................................. Bring in for testing $ $ IF YOUR ITEMS AREN’T USED, BRING THEM IN FOR A $ FREE APPRAISAL AND CASH OFFER $ ½ Carat ........................................................... Up to $2,400 $ ¾ Carat ........................................................... Up to $3,000 1 Carat ............................................................ Up to $10,000 $ 2 Carat ............................................................ Up to $20,000 $ 3 Carat ............................................................ Up to $50,000 $ 4 Carat ............................................................ Bring in for a quote $ Large diamonds much, much more. We buy old mine cuts and Euro$ pean cut diamonds. We buy diamonds with or without GIA certificates $ $ ALSO WANTED: KEY DATES AND RARITIES, PCGS, $ NGC & ANACS GRADED COINS, COLLECTIONS, $ ESTATES, ACCUMULATIONS AND DEALER STOCKS, $ AMERICAN EAGLES GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER, $ SAKR, CML, 40% & 90% SILVER COINS, SILVER $ BARS, SCRAP GOLD AND SILVER FLATWARE, CALL $ $ FOR QUOTES. $ WANTED: US AND FOREIGN CURRENCY, LARGE $ SIZE NOTES, SMALL SIZE 1976 AND BEFORE. $ $ WANTED: STAMPS, SINGLES, SHEETS, COLLEC$ TIONS, ESTATES AND DEALER STOCKS. NO COL$ LECTION TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Coin Connection: 39 Years of Experience
BUYING ½ Cent 1793 ................................................... $1,000 and up ½ Cent (other) ................................................ $5 and up Large Cent 1793 ............................................. 1,000 and up 2¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up 3¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up ½ Dimes 1794-1805 ....................................... $500 and up ½ Dimes 1829-1873 ....................................... $5 and up U.S. 5¢ 1866-1882 ........................................ $3 and up U.S. 5¢ 1883-1912 ........................................ 25¢ and up U.S. 5¢ Buff .................................................. 15¢ and up U.S. 10¢ Before 1808.................................... $100 and up U.S. 10¢ 1809-1837 ...................................... $8 and up U.S. 10¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 20¢ 1875-1878 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 20¢ 1796 ............................................... $5,000 and up U.S. 25¢ 1804-1807 ...................................... $100 and up U.S. 25¢ 1815-1837 ...................................... $15 and up U.S. 25¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 50¢ 1796-1797 ...................................... $15,000 and up U.S. 50¢ 1794-1806 ...................................... $75 and up U.S. 50¢ 1807-1837 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 50¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $10 and up U.S. $1.00 1794 ............................................ $25,000 and up U.S. $1.00 1795-1805 ................................... $500 and up U.S. $1.00 1836-1839 ................................... $150 and up U.S. $1.00 1840-1877 ................................... $20 and up Trade Dollars.................................................. $50 and up 1906-S and 1931-S......................................... $20 and up 1909-S VBD................................................... $400 and up 1914-D ........................................................... $75 and up 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1926-S and 1931-D............................. $5.00 1924-D ........................................................... $15 All other before 1934 2¢ each Foreign Coins (exc. Canada cents) ................ 3¢ each and up Proof Sets Confederate Currency (before 1928) U.S. Paper Currency (before 1928) AVERAGE PRICES - COMMON DATE - 1964 AND BEFORE Silver Dollars (before 1935) .. $9 to $25,000 Half Dollars.................................................... $4 to $5 Quarters .......................................................... $2 to $3 Dimes ............................................................. 80¢ to $1.50
Coin Connection, the most diverse company in the rare coin and precious metals industry •Precious metals bullion trading current daily buy and sell prices •Rare coin, stamp, currency and estate liquidation 8 E. Holly St. •Authorized appraiser for estates, insurance companies and “Old Town” Pasadena probate •Authorized buyer since 1961 of coins, stamps, currency, Call Paul for an appointment at precious metals, scrap gold, flatware, antique and Rolex (626) 793-8686 watches, diamonds and estate jewelry $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
The Gold Standard AGENT OF THE WEEK
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES (626) 358-1858
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Karin Weisbacher
Ryan Earll
Young Ahn
Emily Duggan
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. (626) 445-0128
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
Huge expansive flat lot in Altadena, high ceiling & hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths with ornate tile work, dining room with built-in cabinet huge living room, family room with view of the backyard, pool & entertainment area with outside fireplace, double detached garage. (7725)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This 3 bedroom home has lots of charm and character. Hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace in the living room with cove ceilings. Newer exterior paint, private patio with recess lighting, newer tile, central air and 2 car detached garage. (H329)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
$589 ,000
Handsome brick fronted town home in Sierra Madre. 1653 sq.ft.,Includes 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, large dining area,and separate dining room, walk-in pantry, balcony off master bedroom,large patio, two car attached garage with ample storage. (1008)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
212 MADELINE DRIVE, MONROVIA. This craftsman inspired home boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 baths with a kitchen made for the busiest chef. The large backyard is a private retreat. (M212)
This beautiful 4bdrm 2bth home has mountain views, sparkling pool, 2 fountains, covered patio, topiary and sego palms located on a quiet cul-de-sac. Two master suites, large foyer, formal dining room, FP, kitchen w/modern appliances & eating area ceramic tile counters, 2 first floor bdrms and upstairs family room w/balcony. (File #A8815)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
This 4bdrm 2bth is situated on a quiet tree lined street with an excellent school district, convenient location with golf course, parks, schools and shopping close by. Spacious floor plan, bright and airy, new flooring and paint, FP, granite counter tops, attached 2 car garage and move in condition. (File #D150)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
T h i s 3 b d r m 3 b t h To w n h o m e h a s g o u r m e t k i t c h e n , granite counter tops, custom cabinets, South facing, close to golf course and Arcadia schools. (File #E139)
Fives acres with Craftsman style home, 4bdrms 3bths, F P, d i n i n g r o o m , r e c r e a t i o n r o o m , k n o w n a s “ R O S E FARM DRESSAGE “, place to board horses, professional Dressage training and instruction. USDF qualified training facilities, 17 boarding stalls, a circular arena, two PGA Golf courses near by. Lot’s of income potential. (File #C38834)
3692 Grayburn Rd., Pasadena. Large original Chapman Woods Home for a Small Price! New copper plumbing and central air. Needs some cosmetic work. This home is located on an 8,450 sq.ft., corner lot and features 1,920 sq. ft. living space. This one won’t last!!! (GRA)
Hard to find newer PUD has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with 1 bedroom located downstairs. Master has walk-in closet and spa tub. Built in 2004 with 2,588 sq. ft. of living space on 5,188 lot. (R2595)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888) 358-1858
Or three bedroom with convertible den located in Arcadia, this home has been recently painted, newer windows, central heat, hardwood floors, two car garage, large rear yard with patio, formal dining area, breakfast area in kitchen, El Monte schools. (xxxx)
This executive style condo shows like a model home. Located in a beautiful, well maintained gated complex. Kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances. Nice patio for outdoor dining. (ORA)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
(626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
SE OU M N H -5 P E 1 OP UN S
Turn the key and move-in to beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA townhouse. Cathedral ceilings, beautiful floors, updated kitchen with granite counters, spacious yard & all appliances included. Won’t last! (S966)
This 2 bedroom home is located in a great neighborhood and features a good size family room, hardwood floors, nice kitchen, 1 car attached garage and private backyard. (CED)
4541 Livia St, Rosemead, Large home on a corner lot in desirable area of Rosemead, close to shopping and schools. Trust Sale. No Court Confirmation Required. Two bedrooms, 2 bath, covered patio, double detached garage. (0052)
This home has been nicely updated and features 3 bedrooms with a loft area, 2.5 baths, living room with fireplace, patio and 2 car garage. No Association fees! (CHA)
This beautiful home features 2 bedrooms and 1 remodeled bath. Newly installed bamboo hardwood flooring throughout, new paint inside and out, newer roof, FA/ CA and much more! Close to City of Hope. (BRO)
Nice open floor plan for this 2bdrm 2bth single story upstairs unit. Bright and light throughout, kitchen & dining are accessible to large balcony, C A&C, inside laundry room, 2car garage, gated community with pool & spa, well maintained complex with lots of green area. (File #C845).
Not a Short Sale! Not Bank Owned! This 2 bedroom, 1 bath is North of Route 66 end unit, located on second floor, one level, newer floors and carpeting, one car garage. (6173)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888)804-2430
CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Located in the heart of downtown Azusa near 2 colleges and a 1250 home development. One unit is 968 SF and the other is 1086 SF. Excellent exposure next to Starbuck’s Coffee w/ monument signage. For immediate lease. (F100)
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451