Thursday Edition
Thursday, January 22 - January 28, 2009 Volume 14, No. 7
A Publication of Beacon Media, Inc: Arcadia Weekly, Monrovia Weekly, Pasadena Independent, & Sierra Madre Weekly
• 44TH •
Honoring Obama Report: Tapes Seized in Bribery Case
Just a few mont hs ago, on June 26th of last year, business-minded Monrovians celebrated the arrival of the town's newest big box store, the Circuit City on Huntington Dr. Now, a market crash and a Madoff later, the national electronics retailer decided on Friday to shutter all 567 of its stores nationwide. That translates into 34,000 jobs lost across the country - nearly 5,000 of those coming from the retailer's 75 California-based locations. At first, Circuit City had
By John Stephens
According to a story printed a recent edition of the Pasadena Star-News, Los Angeles County prosecutors have subpoenaed tape recorded phone calls from Piazza Developer Randy Wang which allegedly support his claims that Temple City City Council members solicited bribes and campaign contributions from him in exchange for cooperation on the troubled Piazza mall project. Beacon Media made contact with David Demerjian, head of the Public Integrity Division of the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office; however he had no comment at the time. When asked if that meant that the StarNews story was erroneous, Demerjian replied, “I didn’t say that”. Also, calls to the District Attorney’s office were met not with a refusal to comment, but with an insistence that they were “unable” to comment. Patrick J. Duffy, a senior partner in Monteleone & McCrory and the attorney
Bribery on 2
Empty Box on 12
Local Celebrations Honor Barack Obama's Historic Inauguration
By Terry Miller Photos By Terry Miller
estimated one million people attended Barack Obama’s Inauguration at the National Mall and along the inaugural parade route Tuesday to celebrate the swearing-in of the nation’s first black president in what was one of the largest-ever events in the nation’s capital. The Associated Press estimate of the crowd’s size was
If you've already abandoned your New Year's get fit resolution, then you'll have no use for our Healthy Living Section this week. Then again, if you've already abandoned your get fit resolution, you've got bigger fish to fry. Mmmm, fried fish....
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based on crowd photographs and comparisons with past events. On the National Mall, the crowd stretched nearly two miles — from the Capitol to the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. On the local front, the crowds were not quite as large, but the mood was equally enthusiastic and emotional. Melody Soul Food on Washington in Pasadena hosted an all day party as well as All Saints Church who also marked this day with special events. At Melody Soul Food in Pasadena, owner Krikor Kalbakcian threw a huge party for guests complete with live music from JazzZone Network and two flat screen televisions to which most patrons were glued all morning watching the festivities in Washington DC. A buffet with all the trimmings
and images of Obama everywhere complemented the decor at Melody. Jeannette Owens, originally from Pasadena, said she just had to be at her favorite restaurant for this historic event. Now living in Palm Springs, Owens sported a number of Obama buttons as well as her Obama baseball hat while she enjoyed slight of hand performed by Danzure (also known as Magic) at her table. Danzure, appropriately enough, specializes in “Unreal Realities” at Hollywood’s Magic Castle, to which the illusionist compared the election of the first black American to the highest office in the land. His sent iments were echoed throughout the restaurant while guests feasted on some traditional soul food in honor of Barack Obama’s inauguration. In between replays on CNN, one guest, Rich Wallace, President of the Southern Cali-
fornia Black Chamber of Commerce popped in to celebrate with his Pasadena chapter. Wallace said, “I Hope people give him a chance and give it a little time. I hope people will be patient with all the promises made during the campaign. Luckily, Barack Obama was never too specific on what he would be doing. Nonetheless, people are expecting a great deal from one man. We need to be patient as a nation,” He concluded. While some were watching the reruns of the historic inauguration, Kimi Rhochelle, publisher of Urban Lifestyles Magazine in Palm Springs was looking for some Obama wear to take home. Local resident Carl Crosby stepped into the restaurant for lunch and found himself mesmerized by a Photoshop enhanced Abe Lincoln portrait with Barack Obama’s head
Obama on 17
State Controller John Chiang on Friday announced cash shortages expected in February will force him to delay some critical payments next month in order to preserve cash flow and protect payments the
Pg. 7
PORTANTINO REAPPOINTED AS CHAIR OF ASSEMBLY HIGHER EDUCATION COMMITTEE Assemblymember Anthony J. Portantino (D-La Cañada Flintridge) was recently reappointed by the
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MORTGAGE FRAUD JUMPS BY 45% Reported incidents of mortgage fraud in the U.S. increased by 45 percent on fewer loan applications
Pg. 7
After receiving notification from one of its suppliers, Ready Pac
Pg. 7
Metro Briefs
ccasionally there is a very funny parade on Colorado Boulevard. Last Sunday the 32nd Occasional Doo Dah Parade, complete with the tortilla throwers, flying baked potatoes and freshly grilled hot dogs handed out to revelers completed its annual pilgrimage from Memorial Park through Old Pasadena and back again. Not exactly the Tournament of Roses Parade, this year’s Doo Dah Parade was perhaps the biggest ever. Perhaps equally popular, and certainly less strict in their rules: There are NONE. They also believe in the number 69, unlike the ”other parade” which skips it when numbering Rose Queen contestants. Also, the Doo Dah is ALWAYS held on a Sunday, while the TOR has a Never on a Sunday Policy. The “Back to Disco Drill” and last year’s Queen Naughty Mickie were some of the
Now…Go Metro with TAP Now you can Go Metro with TAP, the eco-friendly fare card you can use again and again. It’s still a Metro pass, but with a lot more ways to help you. You can reload TAP online, at Metro Rail ticket vending machines, or at Metro pass sales outlets. For more details, check or call 1.866.TAPTOGO.
Public Hearing On Bus Service Feb. 9 Proposed bus service changes will be discussed at a public hearing on Monday, February 9 at 6 pm at the San Gabriel Valley Sector O;ce, 3449 Santa Anita Avenue, 3rd Floor, El Monte. In addition, four other hearings are being held throughout the county. For the time, date and location of the hearing nearest you, check at
The Trains Are Rolling In East LA Testing is underway with real trains rolling on real rails along the route of the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension in preparation for the grand opening. The six-mile extension linking downtown LA with Little Tokyo/Arts District, Boyle Heights and East LA opens in mid 2009.
45,000 Go Metro To Rose Parade Thousands avoided tra;c and parking hassles New Year’s Day and rode the Metro Gold Line to Pasadena’s Annual Tournament of Roses Parade. Thousands more found the Gold Line and special shuttle a convenient way to leave the area following the Rose Bowl game.
many highlights of the parade. Queen Skittles, this year’s Doo Dah Queen, rode a beautiful and gentle horse along with her court who kept a close eye on the newly crowned Queen as she took her maiden voyage among her subjects. Tom Coston and Paddy Hurley (The ever inventive, totally fun and silly Light Bringer folks) seemed to enjoy the parade as much as anyone - even as they managed the lunacy to down to the second, including a tremendous fly by – six times – of vintage airplanes. Snotty Scotty and the Hankies led off the parade with their usual panache and rock and roll wisdom while their adoring fans continued to throw tortillas and various accolades at the band’s vocalist and namesake. The band has been around as long as the parade - both of them vintage rock and roll.
Zippede Doo Dah Strikes for the 32nd Year in a Row- Huge Crowds Turn Out for the Annual Wit and Repartee By Terry Miller Photos By Terry Miller
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THIS WEEK IN HISTORY 1945: NAZI DEATH CAMP AT AUSCHWITZ LIBERATED In 1945, Red Army soldiers from the U.S.S.R. freed thousands of prisoners from the Nazi regime's largest concentration camp at Auschwitz in Poland. Between 1940 and 1945, it is estimated that between 1,100,000 and 1,500,000 people died at the camp, with many being killed in gas chambers. The majority of the victims were Jews, but many other people were killed as well, including Poles, Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war and tens of thousands of men and women who were killed because they were gay.
Bribery from 1 handling Wang’s suit against the city was able to confirm to the Tribune that the tapes were indeed subpoenaed. Regarding the tapes, which he says he has had the chance to hear for himself, Mr. Duffy says “They certainly support the charges. What I’ve said before is they totally support and are the source of the evidence of the charges we make in our affirmative defense of the case and the answers to interrogatories we’ve given in the case.” These “answers to interrogatories” are, to speak in decoded legalese, the sworn statements and supporting evidence that Wang and his attorney have laid out in defense of their case. It now falls to the District Attorney to
decide whether or not the charges and evidence warrant an indictment. Duffy did have one correction to offer for the Star-News story printed on Friday which said that the recordings made my Mr. Wang were taken illegally, since the parties were not first made aware that they were being recorded. Duffy told the us that in cases involving bribery such recording is not illegal. Terry Miller contributed to this report.
Stay tuned to the Beacon Media for more information as this story develops. You can also track developments on our new paper’s new web site, located at
3 JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
PASADENA Independent Sierra
BEACON MEDIA NEWS Publisher/Editor in Chief Vo n Ra e e s
By Jeff Corriveau
The Doozies
By Tom Gammill
EDITOR John Stephens PHOTOGRAPHER Te r r y M i l l e r CONTRIBUTORS Susan Motander Juanita Harris Sandy Gillis To m G a m m i l l Deborah Anne Neely COLUMNISTS D o ro t h y D e n n e F l o r e t t a La u b e r L o u Pe r l i n Greg Aragon Wa l l y H a g e EDITORIAL INTERNS J a c q u e l i n e Yu e Nuria Mathog PRODUCTION
By Emilio Santoyo
SALES MANAGER Andrea Olivas LEGAL ADVERTISING Annette Reyes BUSINESS CIRCULATION MANAGER J o s e p h Po l k ACCOUNTING Ve r a S h a m o n OFFICE ASSISTANT Sara Meza This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc.All contents herein are copyrighted and may not be rep ro d u c e d i n a n y m a n n e r, e i t h e r i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. T h e Vi e w s a n d opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.The Arcadia We e k y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t e d a s a n e w s p a p e r o f g e n e r a l circulation in court case number GS 004759.
1 2 5 E . C h e s t n u t D r. , M o n ro v i a , C A 9 1 0 1 6
(626) 301-1010
(626) 301-0445
Letters&Comments Editor, Two recent articles in a local daily newspaper that played up the first anniversary of a spate of shootings in Monrovia last year were an open invitation to the gangs to start shooting at each other again. That was unfortunate, and indeed, within days of the first article’s appearance a drive-by shooting did occur at a gang-related house. It is important for your readers to know the full extent of not only the gang problem in this region, but the specific steps that have been taken and the successes that Monrovia has achieved in controlling the violence. In the past year, working through the Monrovia and Los Angeles County AntiGang Task Force, we have made more than 400 arrests in 44 communities. We have taken
more than 170 guns off the street. Just this morning, a Task Force raid on a gang weapons supplier in a nearby community netted 53 firearms, including a machine gun. Our efforts have not ceased and continue unabated. Serious crime in Monrovia dropped 8% in 2008, despite the violence in the first few months of the year. Good, decisive police work did that. In the past 12 months, the City and its school, church, business and non-profit partners have put many new and helpful programs into place to address long-term solutions. Additionally, we are actively seeking an anti-gang injunction that could effectively put these violent criminals out of business here, and we expect to have that in place within a few months. Much of this has gone unreported. The shooting that took place this week on Sherman Avenue was gang related and was directed at a house that has long been a scene of gang activity, and has been a target of such shootings on more than one occasion over several years. It is where one victim was killed last year on the same date. Two members of that household were recently arrested and are in jail today on suspicion of involvement in last year’s gang-ongang violence. But gang violence impacts more than just one household – it impacts entire neighborhoods. We know this because we actually engage our residents in frank and meaningful ways. In previous neighborhood surveys, our Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) team was informed by 55% of area residents that they felt afraid in their neighborhood, that only 69% felt comfortable talking to and working with police, and just 17% responded that they had any hope for improvement in their neighborhood. Twelve months later, only 16% of these same residents felt afraid; 95% reported feeling comfortable talking to police; and 92% expressed not only hope, but a positive view of the future of their neighborhood. We are confident that the trust the City
has built through the MAP program and our Community Policing efforts will sustain our neighborhoods through even the toughest of times. But trust is a delicate thing and can be damaged by rumors, misinformation and scare tactics. We value the roll of a free press in bringing Monrovians the information they need;
but, we ask that all of the press carefully consider the impact of their coverage and report events dispassionately as we work together to solve this problem.
Rob Hammond, Mayor City of Monrovia
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JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Art ofHealthyLiving
Sierra Madre Playhouse Sets Sail with ‘Murder on the Bounding Main’ By Fran Syverson
It’s not often we get a peek into someone else’s honeymoon stateroom aboard a luxury liner. But that is just what we see when the curtains part at the Sierra Madre Playhouse—complete with the honeymooners, yet! We even get to enjoy some of their flirtatious playfulness—more than they do, in a way. For Mordecai and Teresa Pierce are beleaguered with knocking on their cabin door and a busily ringing black phone with its rotary dial of the era, the fifties. Why all the interruptions? Because Mordecai is an ace detective, and Captain William Mallison (Richard Large) of the “Bounding Main” has need for his expertise. A passenger has been shot to death on the deck. Any of a number of the guests could be suspects, because Mason Armstrong is/was a famous right-wing gossip columnist noted for (and often hated for) his snipey reviews of celebrities. Mordecai (Jack Chansler) agrees to help find the murderer. But we in the audience are less concerned with the whodunit aspect of this murder/comedy than with all the hilarious and clever quips between the Pierces and among the passengers. The dialogue is refreshingly natural and every-dayish, and a real kick when the couple engages in a lively lovers’ spat. Detective work is one thing, but Mordecai soon finds he has another problem. The ship’s creaking and rolling, very realistically conveyed with sound effects, brings on a bad case of mal de mer. He even misses dinner at the Captain’s table the first night at sea. Not Teresa! The winsome newlywed (Joanna Houghton) swishes off to the dinner on her own. There she, and we, meet the
other shipmates. It’s not a great evening in the “Bounding Main’s” dining room. Armstrong (Jim Follet) is accosted by Cliff Brackett, an actor who feels he’s been abused by the columnist’s comments. Brian Ames brings the appropriate arrogant swagger to this role. He’s accompanied by his personal assistant, Alby Watts (Richard Leppig.) Other invitees to the Captain’s table are Terry Savior as Bettie Sheffield and Rosina Pinchot as Mrs. Ellen Gibney. Their connections with the slain Armstrong seem bland and innocent enough, but don’t be surprised if some ‘50s Red Commie intrigues unfold. However, all is not lost. Maureen Ganz as one of the ship’s entertainers, “Bernadette,” wears a gorgeous gown and sings engagingly. Playhouse veteran Barry Schwam dons a gaudy plaid suit, bow tie, and shiny black hairpiece to depict Rudy Tudy who tries to wow the diners with his deliberately outrageous puns and corny humor. So who could have shot the mouthy columnist? Teresa’s note-taking role while her husband interviews each suspect soon evolves, and she begins to ask questions and seek clues. She’d been Mordecai’s “girl Friday” before they married, so Teresa feels as if she’s picked up a few detective skills too! After all, it’s the women’s lib decade. You ask again: who’s the culprit? Who cares? Come sail on the Bounding Main, and enjoy the wit and wisecracks, the somewhat overdrawn characterizations. Have some refreshing bellylaughs—antidotes from the world’s cares. Chansler, who plays the lead, also wrote Murder on the Bounding Main and original songs. Tom Moses directs this world premiere and Ward Calaway is producer. Lara-Noell Hyatt is stage manager and also appears briefly as stewardess and porter. David Calhoun had his hand in set design, as scenic artist and, with John Shipston, construction. Once again Lois Tedrow’s deft touch is seen in the retro costuming. Connie Washburn is lounge pianist. Barry Schwam is the sound designer, and Maureen Davis sound operator. Serving as lighting designer is Kristen Cox; light operator is Bob Postelnik. The lighting crew includes Dong Kyu Yang, Xiaotian Qin, Chris Pavan, Yoko Saga, and Michael Dessin. Set dressing is handled by Anne Marie Atwan, and properties by Ruth Thompson. John Johnson is production photographer and, with Calaway, is responsible for program design and layout. Philip Sokoloff is publicist. Orlando Mendoza is house manager. Murder on the Bounding Main will entertain Sierra Madre Playhouse audiences on weekends through Feb. 21. Curtain time is 8 p.m. on Fridays
Bounding Main on 5
THE BAND PLAYS ON . . . Moving forward with optimism, participants at The Orchestras of Pasadena press conference on Thursday, January 8 are (from left) Board Vice President of Mission and Strategy, POPS Music Director Rachael Worby, CEO Paul Jan Zdunek, Board President Diane Rankin, Pasadena Symphony Music Director Jorge Mester and symphony musician Andrew Malloy. - Photo by Candyce Columbus
New CEO Explains the Status of The Orchestras of Pasadena By Candyce Columbus
With the current unemployment rate at 7.2 percent, almost everyone is feeling a budget pinch and facing the challenge of making ends meet. Perhaps the hardest hit in this time of economic uncertainty have been non-profit organizations, especially those in the arts field. But according to Paul Jan Zdunek, new CEO of The Orchestras of Pasadena (TOP) at a press conference on Thursday, January 8, not all of the organization’s issues are due to global financial woes. He said that part of the problem is “all of the details were not completely worked out” when The Pasadena Symphony Association and The Pasadena POPS came together to form The Orchestras of Pasadena in October 2007. Both organizations had “budget deficits” and there had been a “lack of financial responsibility. You don’t spend more than you make!” Board President Diane Rankin, who also participated in the press conference, agreed that the board of directors were responsible for that aspect of the crisis, but an ad hoc committee of board members formed by her which has been working diligently with Zdunek to reorganize and streamline TOP. When asked if any board members had been asked to resign, she said, “No, but a few have resigned for various reasons, including health.” She also said, “One hundred percent of our current board members have given [financial contributions].” The press conference was held in the lobby of Pasadena Civic Auditorium, just prior to a Pasadena Symphony rehearsal. Also participating were board member and Interim Executive Director Jean Horton, Pasadena Symphony Music Director Jorge Mester, Pasadena POPS Music Director Rachael Worby, Pasadena Youth Symphony Orchestra Music Director Jack Taylor and symphony musician Andrew Malloy. “Triage management” was Zdunek’s first priority when he accepted the CEO position in November. “Elimination of extraneous expenditure” and “aggressive, grassroots fund-raising” were also priorities. To that end a marketing development project team was formed of re-
maining staff members (after layoffs) and since November 1, $430,000 has been raised, $300,000 of which came from two individuals. After initial shock and dismay due to cancellation of concerts, the musicians rallied. Mester and the Pasadena Symphony musicians (after receiving one-time only permission from Musicians Union Local 47) waived their fees for the benefit All-Beethoven concert on Saturday, January 10. Guest artists pianist Howard Shelley, The Pasadena Master Chorale and its music director Jeffrey Bernstein, Shana Blake Hill, Tracy Van Fleet, Scott Ramsay and Dean Elzinga also donated their talents. Prior to leaving the press conference to prepare for his rehearsal Mester said, “All of us are so happy to have this opportunity to give back to The Orchestras. By doing this, we want our community see that their own donations can make a difference in the survival of this vital cultural treasure.” Andrew Malloy, second chair trombone with the symphony, who serves on The Orchestra Committee represented the musicians at the conference. He explained their extraordinary gesture, “The Pasadena Symphony is very important to the players!” He said they love working with Mester. Standing ovations for both halves of Saturday’s concert by the near capacity crowd proved that the Pasadena continues to be supportive of the arts, and specifically its beloved symphony. The total value of Mester’s, the musicians’ and the guest artists’ contribution was $100,000. Faced with the need to contain costs and generate revenue to meet an anticipated $2.5 million needed by September 30, Zdunek and his staff have their work cut out for them. Strategies include ongoing fund-and friend-raising events. “Where are we going? We will have a relentless focus on the stewardship philosophy: excellence, innovation, access, fiscal responsibility and sustainability,” Zdunek said. And he explained that “access” also includes transparency and more honest communication with the
The Band on 9
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
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By Lynda Linforth
When I ask my clients to perform certain exercises, they sometimes use the all too familiar stall tactic of asking a question. Usually “how much time do we have left?� to which I answer “I'll tell you when you have 5 minutes left� or “Why do I have to do squats?� and I will answer “because I said so�. Occasionally, personal training sessions can verge on the dramatic. So, this morning when my 7 am client fell to his knees on the mat after I had said “OK, one more time around� gasping “WHY?� I paused for thought, and I too wondered “Why?�. We all know that exercise is good for us and gives us a feeling of wellbeing but I think we sometimes lose our focus on the “why� aspect by emphasizing the “how�.
Here are some common fitness recommendations, which have been tested by the sands of time, with a short explanation of why they are still good advice:
Do not eliminate all fats from your diet when you are trying to lose weight: Good fats ( poly and monounsaturated) should be included in a weight loss diet to satiate hunger, help with nutrition absorption and help with mental focus. Fat also helps us to control our portion size. In the 1980's, when the fat-free phenomenon took off, obesity levels actually went up as studies showed that people felt they could eat larger portions of fat free products. Fat
free does not mean calorie free. Good fats can be found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and olives and should represent 15% of a daily healthy diet.
Do your morning stretches: Apart from the obvious ‘rise and shine' aspect of stretching as soon as we wake up, stretching after a long rest helps with blood flow and oxygenation the blood to the muscles. It is especially important to stretch gently before getting out of bed if you suffer from soft tissue related injuries such as plantar fasciitis or lower back pain, as a sudden change of position could cause tearing or pain. Morning stretching helps with mobility and with joint aches.
Eat your greens: Not only are green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach and asparagus lower calorie
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choices than potatoes, corn or rice, they contain high levels of fiber and water which help with satiation, digestion and constitution. Green vegetables contain nutrients such as iron, vitamins A and C and contain anti-oxidants to fight free radicals. Little known fact: broccoli is a good source of protein (2.3 g per half cup).
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Elevating your heart rate to a minimum of 65% of your maximum heart rate for 30 minutes is enough to maintain a healthy heart, lungs, muscles and bones. Cardio activity also stimulates blood flow, controls body weight and gives a feeling of wellbeing. To find your heart rate range, use the following formula, known as the Karvonen Theory: 220your age x .65 = number of beats per minute. Lynda Linforth is a certified personal trainer, licensed nutritionist and owner of Train Inc., a private personal training studio in Arcadia specializing in weight loss, postrehab exercise, post-cancer exercise and nutrition. She can be reached at (626) 447-1049 or lyndalinforth@ Train Inc. also offers self-defense classes for men only and women only.
Bounding Main from 4 and Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. for Sunday matinees. Admission is $20 general, $17 for seniors (65+) and students (13-18), and $12 for children 12 years and under. The Sierra Madre Playhouse is located at 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. Free parking is available in city lots. Restaurants on Baldwin Avenue and Sierra Madre Boulevard offer pre-theater dining for every taste. For reservations or more information, phone (626) 256-3809, or visit the website, www.sierramadreplayhouse. org, for information or for online ticketing. Note that the online ticket charge has been removed.
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For 5 weeks only, the night belongs to…
1. Ignoble 5. Latvian, e.g. 9. Hole goal 12. Vogue rival 13. On one's toes 15. Nota ___ 16. Commotion 17. Nuremberg trial defendant 18. Green land 19. Themes 21. Brazil's largest city 23. Greek goddess of strife 25. Bender 26. Hit sign 29. Peeling potatoes, perhaps 31. Most clean 35. Intention 36. Unearthly 38. More delicate 39. Consumer 41. Attempts 43. Lucy Lawless role 44. Israeli desert 46. Like lungs
48. Slender bar 49. Head garland 51. Batting Babe 52. Source of iron 53. Make beer 55. Greek goddess of the earth 57. Expressway 61. Floating 65. Spanish dessert 66. Mother-in-law of Ruth 68. China setting 69. Diarist Frank 70. Kilmer classic 71. Small brook 72. Joplin song 73. Ruse 74. Understanding words
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5 4 3 1
3 4 9 5 3 4 6 6 7 2
Last Week’s Solution
1. Of the highest quality 2. Choir member 3. Fall prey to a banana peel, say 4. Spine-tingling 5. Baby's cradle 6. Swiss peak
Broadway’s most haunting love story returns to the Pantages Theatre.
7. Dreg 8. Pay for 9. Andean country 10. Indigo 11. Betting setting 14. Band 15. Netherlands queen 20. Black bird 22. High headdress 24. Sound of a bagpipe 26. Sweatbox 27. Out of bed 28. Last letter of the Greek alphabet 30. Earlier 32. Diciembre follower 33. Spanish Mister 34. Commerce 37. Rid of insect pests 40. American hunting hound 42. Devil worship 45. Action word 47. Greek fertility goddess, flightless bird 50. Intended 54. Pier 56. Pong maker 57. At a distance 58. Humerus neighbor 59. Strong taste 60. Christmas song 62. Warts and all 63. Khartoum's river 64. Story 67. Cry ___ River
3 5 1
7 1 5 2 3 4 7
Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.
Last Week’s Solution 1 7 6 8
3 1 2 8 4 6 9 7 5
9 4 8 7 3 5 6 2 1
7 6 5 1 9 2 4 3 8
8 3 1 5 6 7 2 4 9
2 9 6 4 8 3 1 5 7
5 7 4 2 1 9 3 8 6
4 5 7 6 2 1 8 9 3
6 8 3 9 5 4 7 1 2
1 2 9 3 7 8 5 6 4
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Don't Forget Fido When it comes to nutrition, pets are people too. By Dr. Gary R. White, DVM
“When I was a kid, we fed our dog scraps and he never went to the vet except for shots!” Well, when my grandfather was a kid, bloodletting was still considered advanced medical treatment. Times have changed, in human and veterinary medicine. In fact, the tide seems to be turning in favor of our four-legged friends. Where previously they were used for research to help humans, the treatments once only afforded us are now available to dogs and cats. Newer and safer medications, MRI, CT scans, radiation oncology, total hip replacement, cruciate ligament repair, kidney transplantation, dialysis, open heart surgery, even brain surgery are now helping our furry companions live longer healthier lives. There’s even one aspect of health care where we exceed human care… Nutrition. Through specially formulated, consistent diets, we can not only keep pets healthier, but even treat diseases. Arthritis, kidney failure, urinary tract Controller from That’s News State must make to fund education and repay outstanding debts. “For months, I have warned State leaders that our cash flow will be in serious danger this Spring. Without corrective action from the Governor and Legislature, there is no way to make it through February unscathed,” said Chiang. Eroding revenues and a chronic structural budget deficit have destroyed the State’s cash reserves. With no money in the State’s General
disorders, diabetes, chronic ear infections, even a brain disorder similar to Alzheimer’s can be helped with special diets. Yes, there are still animals that you can throw any food at and it will live a long, relatively uncomplicated life. My neighbors had a car like that too… never changed the oil, just kept adding to it. Those pets and cars are the exceptions to the rule. Every day, veterinarians see loved pets who, through ignorance, finance, or marketing are not getting proper nutrition. Generally speaking, if you feed your pet high quality foods, you’ll have fewer medical problems throughout its life. Supplements don’t make up for poor nutrition. Yes, supplements can be very beneficial when they are targeted at a specific need. They can also be worthless and a waste of money when they are not. As an example, I’m a great fan of Glucosamine and chondroitin for osteoarthritis of certain joints. Many well meaning people put their companions Fund for the past 17 months, the State has been paying its bills by borrowing internally from special funds and from Wall Street. The Controller estimates those funds will soon be exhausted, and the State will be at least $346 million short in February. To preserve cash for education, debt service and other payments that are deemed by the State Constitution, federal law or court rulings as having first claim to available General Fund cash, the Controller will begin delaying, for 30 days, payments to all other
on various forms of these chemicals because they see stiffness, lameness, or difficulty rising. Too many times, in doing so without a diagnosis, they’re not only not helping, but prolonging the problem and depriving their pet of appropriate treatment. Take for example stiffness or limping in the rear legs. While there are a myriad of conditions that can cause this, the most common are arthritis of the spine, hips, and stifles [knees]. Spinal arthritis responds to little but anti-inflammatory pain relief. Hip arthritis, in its early stages, enerally does well with glucosamine and chondroitin supplementation. Stifle issues are usually secondary to injury of the cruciate ligament, and is a mechanical instability. While we use supplements to help in the recovery process, this condition requires surgical repair. Furthermore, all supplements are not created equal. You generally, though not always, “get what you pay for”. The number of milligrams may be the same from bottle to bottle, but the bioavailability, that is the amount the body can actually absorb and utilize can vary from 98% [best product] to as low as 20%. Supplements can also be harmful. Used in excess, vitamins like A [liver issues] and C [urinary bladder stones] can be harmful. Any use of specialized diets or supplements should only follow an accurate diagnosis by your veterinarian. Such diagnoses, as with us, often require radiographs (xrays) and blood tests. The goal is not just quantity of life, but quality of life! programs that are funded out of the State’s depleted General Fund. Those payments that will be delayed include thousands of claims by businesses for services and products they provide to the State; assistance to more than 1 million aged, blind and disabled Californians to pay their rent, utilities, or put food on their tables; disbursements to State agencies that use the payments to fund critical public services, ranging from public safety to health and welfare; and tax refunds for individuals
Mortgage from That’s News in the second quarter of 2008 from a year ago, according to a new report released today by the Mortgage Asset Research Institute (MARISM), a LexisNexis service. The MARI Quarterly Fraud Report is based on data submitted by MARI subscribers on loans originated in the second quarter of this year that have since been classified as fraudulent. Key findings from the MARI Quarterly Fraud Report include that fraud most often occurs at the beginning of the loan process. More than 65 percent of fraud incidents are attributed to “General Application Misrepresentation” – a trend that has continued over the past two quarters. General Application Misrepresentation is when information such as when an incorrect name, occupancy or asset is potentially misrepresented during the application process. This fraud trend is followed closely by reported misrepresentations related to “Income” at 36 percent of Q2 applications and Portantino from That’s News Speaker of the Assembly to Chair the Higher Education Committee. “I am extremely pleased to continue my work on behalf of students, families, and higher education institutions,” said Portantino. “Enhancing the quality and accessibility to higher education opportunities is the best way to solve our current economic woes.” Portantino was appointed two years ago to Chair the committee and represents the interests of five community colleges, with Pasadena City College sitting in the center of the district. “This is a policy area that I deeply care about, and is consistent with the concerns in my district,” continued Portantino. and businesses that overpaid their 2008 taxes. “I take this action with great reluctance. I know it will put many California families who rightfully expect their State tax refunds in a desperate position. Individuals who already are vulnerable will be hit hard. Small businesses that don’t get paid may have to lay off more workers. Rather than helping stimulate the economy, withholding money from Californians will prolong our pain and delay our economic recovery,” Chiang said. “Delaying these payments will get us through the next few months, but it will not solve the problem. Only the Governor and the Legislature have the power to avoid this drastic and painful path. They have a narrow window of opportunity to quickly enact a sound solution to bridge the State’s cash and budget deficit, and I urge them to seize it.” If no corrective action is taken by the Governor and Legislature, the Controller may have to extend delays in payments, or issue IOUs.
“Employment” at 20 percent of Q2 applications. The MARI Quarterly Fraud Report is available on MARI’s Web site at http://www.marisolutions. com/resources-news.asp.
Irwindale from That’s News Foods, Inc. has initiated a voluntary recall of certain products containing peanut butter that may have been contaminated with Salmonella. This recall is part of a nationwide recall initiated by Peanut Corporation of America (PCA). These products have been distributed to different retailers in the states of California, Utah,
i SPA Illinois, Washington, Texas, New Jersey, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maryland. Salmonella is an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Full Recall List Available at
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RecipeBox Reflections By Deborah Ann Neely
Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices
Traditional Thai Cuisine
Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado
(626) 568-9288
(Between Madre & Rosemead)
LA PETITE FRANCE BAKERY py Hap ’s Day e n i nt r Vale All Ou s To mer to Cus
I HAVE A DREAM: PIE This week is all about celebrating great men. Monday we observed a national holiday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The connection from his “I Have a Dreamâ€? speech to the inauguration of President Barack Obama is electrifying. Though our country has many earthshaking issues to deal with in this New Year, the celebration of Dr. King’s dream is profound at this time. All you cooks who think like me are already thinking that any celebration requires the perfect food!!! Most precisely it requires the perfect dessert. Am I right? I think it is even better if the dessert is full of tradition as well as flavor. My family’s favorite pie for any special occasion is a chess pie. There are deep southern roots to this recipe, but variations of it have appeared in all regions. This recipe comes originally from a relative living in Tennessee, and I have not found any version of this pie any better than this recipe correctly named Best Ever Chess Pie. Begin by preheating your oven to 425 degrees. It is very important to have your butter well softened for this recipe and then cream it with the 2 cups of sugar. Add vanilla. You will need to add one egg at a time and run your mixer so that you are only stirring them in the mixture very gently. *My most important hint for the pie is to have your eggs at room temperature for best results. Now add the remaining three ingredients and again mix well but do not beat. Pour your mixture in an unbaked crust. Bake your pie at 425 degrees for only ten minutes and then reduce the heat to 300 degrees. Continue cooking your pie for about 40-45 minutes. You may want to protect the edges of your crust with foil as the pie bakes. You will need to let the pie cool a bit before serving it with whipped cream on top! If you are having a party and want to do chess tarts, you need to change the ingredients slightly. Cream your 2 cups of sugar with a half of a stick of softened butter. Add the 4 eggs, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and ½ cup of cream. Fill unbaked tart shells and cook at 350 degrees the whole 40 to 45 minutes. Celebrate this week in our nation’s history with family and friends!
Cakes, Tortes & Cookies ed Cake Heart Shaped WEDDING & BIRTHDAY CAKE SPECIALISTS WE CAN CATER YOUR PARTIES. ANY OCCASION STOP IN FOR COFFEE AND BREAKFAST OR LUNCH! Open 6 Days 7:00am – 7:00 pm Monday through Friday Saturday 7:00am - 6:00pm • Closed Sundays (626) 445-0392 411 E. HUNTINGTON DRIVE #101 • ARCADIA
1 stick of butter, softened 2 cups of sugar 1 t vanilla 4 eggs 1 T corn meal Ă´ cup evaporated milk (Buy a can and go ahead and make two pies!) 1 T vinegar 1 unbaked 10-inch pie shell
We Deliv er ow ! N
236 W. Huntington Drive, CA. 91016 1IPOF 'BY
AtoZDining American Fare Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wall-mounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving this place the classic feel of a seaside fish camp, you’re sure to forget your an hour from the coast. Dine in or take home cuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH
Shrimp House Casual, comfortable, simple, and family operated for over 48 years. If you’re tired of the typical chain dining experience, give the little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste buds for the rest of your days. Soon you will join generations of Shrimp House fanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, fish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and food to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia (626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742,
California Cuisine Picasso’s CafĂŠ, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business in Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or explore other fresh food choices with our Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San Gabriel Valley’s Small Business of the Year 2008, we are focused on providing quality food products and events, consistent service, and competitive prices. Experience our ever-growing selection of menus, services, presentation styles, and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food is a true “work of art!â€? Catering Available 24/7 at or (626) 969-6100
Coffee, Sweets & Such La Petite France Bakery Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora of choices even not on the menu! Just ask for Chef Daniel and he will immediately come up with catering ideas from breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade of home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company Located in Altadena and featuring such heavenly and huge dessert delights as: Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with dark chocolate truffle cream. finished with chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse center. Glazed with dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, Altadena (626) 794-1128
Greek Corfu Restaurant Family owned Greek and International homestyle cuisine set in a casually comfortable dĂŠcor. Dishes range from waffles to rack of lamb with everything prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993
Italian Restaurant Lozano A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican dishes like a crispy goat cheese quesadilla with baby spinach accentuate Lozano’s elegant creativity. 44 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5945
Sunday Night Family Buffet (all you can eat)
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Pad Thai You can’t go wrong with the namesake dish at this colorful place with pink booths, bright blue table cloths and red napkins. The garlic pepper mushroom entrÊe is a favorite among vegetarians. 3500 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 568-9288
President Thai Spacious, elegantly attired where hospitality reigns and classic cuisine rules. Wide range of selections from apps to entrees and unique specials. 498 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 578-9814
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Music News
Reason to Celebrate! By SierraMadreSue Behrens
FRI. 1/23 - 20th CENTURY BLUES @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Shall we assume they’re Blues? Arcadia locals, THE ALUMNI, will be rockin’ the house at Matt Denny’s Ale House this Sunday, Jan. 25th. It’s all part of the restaurant’s 10th ANNIVERSARY BASH, to thank customers for their loyal support. Veterans of the greater San Gabriel Valley, The Alumni are the quintessential Classic Rock band with a capital “C”. Members hail from popular local bands, Pecos, ISOR, The California Band and the Fabulous Satellites, and have backed recording artists Warren Zevon and Jackson Browne. Really! The festivities start on Matt Denny’s patio at 1pm with ROADHOUSE RON on acoustic guitar & vocals. The Alumni take the stage from 4-8pm, and there’s a good chance proprietor Matt will treat patrons to a drum solo! So don’t be square, be there! More details below... THURS. 1/22 - THELONIUS DUB @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar, great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Reggae-Jazz Jams. Beginning an every Thursday residency. FRI. 1/23 - The MELLOW D’z ( DAV E OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http:// FRI. 1/23 - OCHO X @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. Latin influenced rock jams.
FRI. 1/23 - “Steve-A-Palooza” featuring TOO MANY STEVES @ GEM CIT Y GRILL IN MONROVIA, 9pm. 115 E. Olive Ave., just east of Myrtle. No cover, full bar, dance floor. Be there for this experimental Rock Super Group’s public debut! All Steves on stage all the time: VARGAS, YSAIS, BRUEN, POWELL, AMROMIN. Celebrating the Birthday of my little brother Stevie B! If your name is Steve - we want YOU! SAT. 1/24 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http:// SAT. 1/24 - STEVE & STEVE (Ysais & Vargas) doin’ their acoustic duo thing @ THE ST. RITA’S “WINTER WINE FEST” - FUND RAISER at the Alverno Villa, 7 - 9:30pm. $20 at the door, or $10 in advance. All guests are to bring one $15 bottle of wine as well - some for tasting, some for raffles. Call St. Rita’s School for advance tickets and details: 626-355-6114. Last year’s was loads of fun, and great prizes! SAT. 1/24 - THE HUBCAPS @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm? 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. 3 pc. Rock band with Keith from the Bottle Shop on bass. Lots of Neil Young, Who, Pink Floyd, etc. I love these guys! SAT. 1/24 - DAFNI and BRIAN HOGAN @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70
W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-3559045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Americana, Country. SAT. 1/24 - BETTER THAN BLUE @ MY WAY LOUNGE IN LA CRESCENTA, 9pm. 2959 Honolulu Ave. 818-249-4676. Full bar. Rock, Soul and Blues. Danny, Felicia, Steve and Herb. SAT. 1/24 - PRESTON SMITH & THE CROCODILES @ COZY’S IN SHERMAN OAKS, 9:30pm. $10 cover. 14058 Ventura Blvd. at Hazeltine. 818-986-6000. Diverse selection of instrumentation and musical styles, from Jazz to Blues to ballads, awesome band! SUN. 1/25 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www. SUN. 1/25 - Matt Denny’s Ale House Restaurant 10th Anniversary Party, 1 - 8pm. 145 E. Huntington Dr. 626-446-1077. Full bar & kitchen. $3.00 BBQ sandwiches, Happy Hour drink prices all day, $10.00 Anniversary shirts, and much more! Acoustic guitar & vocals with Roadhouse Ron, 1-3:30 and Classic Rock with The Alumni, 4-8pm. SUN. 1/25 - Have Lunch with NEW ASTROTURF @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W.
Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-8365414. Full bar and great Italian food in a comfy setting. Bring the family! Acoustic Folk/ Rock, Classic Country. SUN. 1/25 - “OPERA TO BROADWAY” VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack ‘em in! M O N . 1/2 6 a n d TUES. 1/27 - (CODY BRYANT’S) RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE and EVAN MARSHALL @ THE COFFEE GA L LERY BACKSTAGE IN ALTADENA, 8pm. 2029 N. Lake Ave. $18. Call for reservations: 626398-7917. “One of the most historical Western bands in the world.” Definitely worth the dough to see them in this intimate setting if you’ve never seen them before. 1/27 - “TAPAS TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with THE DAVE & JODI SHOW, 6:30 - 9pm (celebrating the songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s) 561 Woodland Ave. Limited parking in the lot, but plenty more towards the entrance to the Canyon, a short walk away. Yummy new menu items each week! Guitar, keyboards & vocals.
DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, food, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http://www.myspace. com/themellowdeees FRI. 1/30 - CHICO’S BAIL BONDS @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 7:30 - 11:30pm. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. In the bar area, but you can order food also. All ages ok. 626-915-3474. Semiacoustic BLUES. FRI. 1/30 - THE RUNNING KIND and DALE PETERSON @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9:30pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626355-9045. Full bar, no cover, lots o’ free parking in back. Americana/Country.
More Music News online at
The Band from 4 community regarding failures and challenges as well as successes, a departure from past practice. “We can and will survive!” Revamped, the two remaining symphony concerts this season are “artistic statements while also cost saving.” Their themes are on point with The Orchestras’ new direction and intention. On March 14 in a concert titled “Rebirth,” The Symphony will perform “Spring” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, Copland’s Appalachian Spring and Schumann’s Spring Symphony. The Symphony’s April 18 concert will be “A New World,” as it performs Milhaud’s “The Creation of the World,” Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto with guest artist Linda Wang, and Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 “From the New World.” Restructured pricing offers single tickets from $20 to $60, with discounts available for groups of 10 or more. Call 626-584-6833. Donations can be made online at www. or calling 626-793-7172. The Pasadena POPS have cut three Sunday concerts, but they will perform eight (Friday and Saturday) season concerts at Descanso Gardens next summer.
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AMC Santa Anita 16 Westfield Shoppingtown 400 Baldwin Ave., Arcadia ((626) 321-4270 CC = Closed Captions DVS = Descriptive Video Service DLP = Digital Projection Check with theater for pass restrictions Bedtime Stories (PG, 99) Fri-Sun (10:30) 2:15 7:50 Mon-Thu 1:10 6:30 Bride Wars (PG, 90) Fri-Sat 12:10 2:40 5:05 7:35 10:05 12:10 Sun 12:10 2:40 5:05 7:35 10:05 Mon-Thu 2:20 5:05 7:30 9:50 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (PG-13, 167) Fri-Sun (11:20) 3:10 6:50 10:30 Mon-Thu 1:45 5:25 9:00 The Dark Knight: The IMAX Experience (PG-13, 152) Fri-Sun (11:55) 3:30 7:00 10:35 Mon-Thu 2:55 6:25 9:55 Defiance (R, 136) Fri-Sun 1:00 4:10 7:20 10:40 MonThu 1:05 4:10 7:20 10:25 Gran Torino (R, 117) Fri-Sun (11:35) 2:20 5:10 8:00 10:50 Mon-Thu 1:50 4:40 7:25 10:15 Hotel for Dogs (PG, 100) Fri-Sun (10:30) 1:05 3:40 Hotel for Dogs (PG, 100) CC - Fri-Sun 6:35 9:10 MonThu 1:00 3:30 6:35 9:10 Inkheart (PG, 105) Fri-Sun (10:50) 1:35 4:20 7:05 9:45 Mon-Thu 1:35 4:20 7:05 9:45 Last Chance Harvey (PG-13, 92) Fri-Sun (11:30) 2:10 4:45 7:25 10:00 Mon-Thu 2:10 4:45 7:25 9:55 Marley & Me (PG, 118) Fri-Sun (10:35) 1:30 4:25 7:15 10:05 Mon-Thu 1:30 4:25 7:15 10:05 My Bloody Valentine 3D (R, 101) Fri-Sat 12:30 3:10 5:45 8:20 11:00 Sun (11:45) 2:15 5:00 7:45 10:25 MonThu 2:15 5:00 7:45 10:25 Notorious (R, 122) Fri-Sun 12:15 3:15 6:15 9:15 MonThu 1:05 4:00 7:00 10:00 Paul Blart: Mall Cop (PG, 91) Fri-Sun (11:30) 2:05 4:50 7:30 10:10 Mon-Thu 2:05 4:50 7:35 10:10 Slumdog Millionaire (R, 116) Fri-Sun (10:45) 1:40 4:45 7:40 10:45 Mon-Thu 1:40 4:30 7:35 10:20 The Unborn (PG-13, 88) Fri-Sun 12:35 3:00 5:25 7:55 10:20 Mon-Thu 1:00 3:20 5:40 8:00 10:20 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (R, 92) Fri-Sat (11:15) 1:50 4:30 7:10 9:50 12:15 Sun (11:15) 1:50 4:30 7:10 9:50 Mon-Thu 2:45 5:20 7:50 10:30 Valkyrie (PG-13, 120) Fri-Sun (11:25) 4:55 10:25 MonThu 3:45 9:05
Monrovia Cinema 12 410 S. Myrtle Ave. (626) 305-7469 Krikorian Theatre M = Monday Morning Mommy Movie Inkheart (PG, 106) Fri-Thu (11:10) 1:45 4:15) 7:00 9:45 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (R, 92) Fri-Sun, TueThu (11:40 2:20 5:05) 7:25 10:15 Mon (M10:00 2:20 5:05) 7:25 10:15 Hotel for Dogs (PG, 100) Fri-Thu (11:25 1:55 4:30) 7:10 My Bloody Valentine 3D (R, 101) Fri-Thu (11:20 2:00 4:25) 8:00 10:30 Paul Blart: Mall Cop (PG, 87) Fri-Thu (11:45 2:25 4:50) 7:40 9:50 Defiance (R, 137) Fri-Sat (10:45 1:50 4:45) 7:45 10:45 Sun-Thu (10:45 1:50 4:45) 7:45 Revolutionary Road (R, 119) Fri-Thu (10:55 1:35 4:30) 7:30 10:20 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (PG-13, 168) Fri-Thu 9:35 pm Last Chance Harvey (PG-13, 99) Fri-Thu (11:30 2:15 4:55) 7:35 10:40 Gran Torino (R, 116) Fri-Thu (11:00 1:30 4:20) 7:05 9:55 The Wrestler (R, 105) Fri-Thu (11:15 2:10 5:00) 7:50 10:25 Frost/Nixon (R, 122) Fri-Thu (10:50 1:40 4:35) 7:20 10:10 Slumdog Millionaire (R, 120) Fri-Sat (11:05 2:05 4:40) 7:55 10:35 Sun-Thu (11:05 2:05 4:40) 7:55
Regency Academy 6 Cinema 1003 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena (626) 229-9400 Matinees $2.00 (shows before 6 p.m.), after 6 p.m. $3.00 Check with theater for pass restrictions Times followed by (*) = Fri-Sun only showing; (**) = Fri-Sat only showing Frost/Nixon (R, 134) Fri-Thu 12:30(*) 3:30 6:40 9:20(**) Quantum of Solace (PG-13, 120) Fri-Thu 11:50(*) 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:05(**) Rachel Getting Married (R, 123) Fri-Thu 12:45(*) 4:00 7:10 9:45(**) Chandni Chowk to China (PG-13, 164) Fri-Thu Noon(*) 3:15 6:30 9:40(**) Bolt (PG, 110) Fri-Thu Noon(*) 2:30 4:50) Vicky Christina Barcelona (PG-13, 110) Fri-Thu 7:20 9:50(**) Twilight (PG-13, 133) Fri-Thu 1:00(*) 3:45 6:45 9:30(**)
PLAYHOUSE 7 673 E. Colorado Blvd. (626) 844-6500 Laemmle Theatre Che Part One: The Argentine (NR, 146) Fri-Thu 1:00 7:00 The Reader (R, 138) Fri-Thu 12:50 3:50 7:00 9:55 Revolutionary Road (R, 134) Fri-Thu 1:30 4:30 7:30 10:15 Milk (R, 143) Fri-Thu 12:40 4:00 7:10 10:10 Slumdog Millionaire (R, 136) Fri-Thu 12:30 3:40 7:00 9:55 The Wrestler (R, 124) Fri-Thu 1:30 4:20 7:20 10:00 Doubt (PG-13, 119) Fri-Thu Noon 2:30 5:00 7:40 10:15 Che Part Two: The guerilla (NR, 147) Fri-Thu 4:00 10:00
PACIFIC PASEO STADIUM 14 280 E. Colorado Blvd. Colorado & Los Robles (626) 568-8888 Bedtime Stories (PG, 99) Fri-Sun, Wed-Thu 2:00 4:40 7:25 9:55 Mon 11:30 2:00 4:40 7:25 9:55 Bride Wars (PG, 90) Fri 12:30 2:50 5:20 7:40 10:20 Sat, Wed-Thu 12:15 2:50 5:20 7:40 10:20 Sun 12:15 2:50 5:20 7:40 9:55 Mon 12:15 2:50 5:20 7:40 9:45 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (PG-13, 167) Fri, Tue-Thu 3:35 7:00 10:20 Sat-Mon 11:55 3:35 7:00 10:20 Defiance (R, 136) Fri-Thu 1:20 4:25 7:25 10:15 Gran Torino (R, 117) Fri, Wed-Thu 2:25 5:00 7:35 10:25 Sat-Sun 11:45 2:25 5:00 7:35 10:25 Mon 11:40 2:25 5:00 7:35 10:10 Hotel for Dogs (R, 100) Fri, Tue-Thu 2:05 4:30 7:20 9:55 Sat-Sun 11:40 2:05 4:30 7:30 9:55 Mon 11:30 2:05 4:30 7:20 9:35 Inkheart (PG, 105) Fri, Tue-Thu 2:00 4:40 7:15 9:50 Sat-Sun 11:30 2:00 4:40 7:15 9:50 Mon 11:10 2:00 4:40 7:15 9:50 Last Chance Harvey (PG-13, 92) Fri, Tue-Thu 2:15 4:50 7:10 9:40 Sat-Sun 11:35 2:15 4:50 7:10 9:40 Mon 11:20 2:15 4:50 7:10 9:40 Marley & Me (PG, 116) Fri, Tue-Thu 2:30 5:10 Sat-Mon 11:50 2:30 5:10 My Bloddy Valentine (R, 101) Fri, Tue 12:50 3:10 5:35 8:00 10:35 Sat-Mon, Wed-Thu 12:40 3:05 5:35 8:00 10:35 Notorious (R, 122) Fri-Thu 1:10 4:20 7:20 10:05 Paul Blart: Mall Cop (PG, 91) Fri, Tue 1:30 2:40 4:10 5:30 7:00 8:10 9:30 10:10 Sat-Sun, Wed-Thu Noon 1:30 2:40 4:10 5:30 7:00 8:10 9:30 10:30 Mon 11:00 Noon 1:30 2:40 4:10 5:30 7:00 8:10 9:30 10:30 The Unborn (PG-13, 88) Fri, Mon-Tue 1:00 3:20 5:55 8:30 10:45 Sat-Sun, Wed-Thu 1:00 3:15 5:55 8:30 10:45 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (R, 92) Fri 12:40 3:00 5:25 7:45 10:10 Sat-Sun 12:30 3:00 5:25 7:45 10:10 Mon, Wed-Thu 12:30 3:00 5:25 7:45 9:55 Mon 12:30 3:00 5:25 7:45 9:55 Valkyrie (PG-13, 120) Fri-Sat, Wed-Thu 7:50 10:40 Sun-Tue 7:50 10:20
FANTASY SPRINGS RESORT CASINO It was a tough decision but it had to be made. Should I watch the basketball game on the plasma TV above the Jacuzzi tub, on the 27-inch plasma near the balcony, overlooking the Palm Desert, or downstairs, at the casino bar? After careful consideration, I compromised and watched the first half while soaking in the tub. And then at halftime, I took the elevator down to the casino and watched the second half with a cold beer and a cheering crowd. My getaway to Fantasy Springs Resort Casino began on Sunday night, when a friend and I checked into a luxurious 11th-floor suite in the resort’s fourstar 250-room hotel. Featuring a modern retro décor, the room was highlighted by a spacious entertaining area with sofa, TV/music armoire and a balcony; an office area with computer desk and high speed internet; a bedroom with king bed, a third plasma television and another balcony. A large, clean bathroom boasted the aforementioned Jacuzzi tub and large glass shower. The views from the room were also spectacular. From either balcony I could look over the Palm Desert and surrounding mountains and also peer down onto the resort’s pool area. I could have stayed in that room for my entire stay, but with cards flipping in the casino, I had to pry myself away. At the casino, I played blackjack at a $5 minimum table, where I won a few and lost a few more. From here I explored a sea of nearly 2,000 “coinless” slot machines. From penny slots to $100 machines,
Fantasy Springs has got them all. There are classics such as Keno, Double Diamond, and Blazing 7’s, as well as new arrivals like Monopoly, Wheel of Fortune, and Zorro. There are also numerous video poker machines. After gambling for hour and losing about $20 I found revenge at the all-you-can-eat Fresh Grill Buffet, where I devoured three plates of Brazilian pork, eggplant parmesan, sweet and sour chicken, baked fish, carnitas, shrimp salad, and more. With a full belly, I relaxed at the resort’s pool area, where I found a shaded cabana, ordered a drink from the “volley bar” and fell into a nap. When I awoke, I swam in the warm 100-foot pool and finished the afternoon in the Jacuzzi. For dinner, I visited the romantic Bistro Restaurant, the resort’s signature dining experience, highlighted by an exhibition kitchen, Sushi bar, fireplace and lots of windows. After dinner I found The Velvet Palm rooftop bar and lounge, where I enjoyed Frank Sinatra music, a martini, and the cool desert air from the terrace. The resort also offers a family-friendly bowling alley with 24 state-of-the-art lanes and big-name entertainment, held at the Events Center. Upcoming shows include Motley Crue on January 31; Brooks and Dunn on February 20; Paul Anka on March 14; and Frankie Valli on March 21. Fantasy Springs Resort Casino is located at 84-245 Indio Springs Pkwy., Indio, CA 92203-3499. For more info, call (800) 827-2946 or visit www.
HereĂŠs a look at what some of our favorite local gadflies are pumping into the blogosphere. Remember, these are partial, hand-picked selections from larger posts. Go online and follow the address listed with each preview to get the full story. Blog on, fellas.
The Next Generation of Care
Comments: Anonymous: Wouldn’t it be more patriotic to give your platinum toilet seat to the Air Force so that they can melt it down and make fighter planes? We are in a war, you know.
Posted by Eric Maundry on January 11th Read the full post here: http://sierramadretattler.blogspot. com/2009/01/tattler-product-review-magazine-world.html ‌. THE MAGAZINE is very much a child of its time, which by my reckoning was early 2006. You might recall that was the moment when the more foolhardy among us were refinancing their vastly overvalued homes with uncapped interest only subprime loans, then taking their couple hundred grand and buying the kinds of products one finds in THE MAGAZINE. And let’s face it, nobody is more susceptible to naive consumerism than the temporarily rich. But now it’s 2009, the house is in receivership, the golden doorknobs, platinum toilets and fussy porcelain statuary are up for bids on eBay, and the bank holding the paper on these parvenu palaces is whining to Uncle Sam for a chunk of our tax money to help them stave off bankruptcy. There seems to be two things guiding this publication through the chillier economic clime of 2009. The first is that it functions as a vanity press. Many of those purchasing advertising in THE MAGAZINE are also treated to softball interviews about their jobs, which are accompanied by large close-up photos of their esteemed selves. An example would be the puff piece with Victoria Pearson, whose Rusnak Auto Group purchased a stunning 15 full page ads in the latest issue. Another would be with Lowell Hamburg of Sotheby’s International Realty, whose organization bought 9 full page ads. And by the way, Lowell wants you to know that, “If you are a seller or a buyer and need to make a move, now is the time. The market will remain this way for a while.â€? In other words, he’s lonely and hopes to see you soon.
Tattler Product Review: THE MAGAZINE
Interim Entrances
7 (UNTINGTON $RIVE s !RCADIA #! s WWW METHODISTHOSPITAL ORG Physician Referral 888-388-2838 -(
12 JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
City News Brown Bear Takes Breakfast
Monrovia Resident, Dave Medley, originally from England was a bit flabbergasted, to say the least, when he saw
the brown bear in his yard Saturday morning. The quick thinking Medley grabbed his trusty Canon camera and
called Monrovia’s finest who pulled up to his Prospect Avenue home with a California Fish and Game representative hoping to anesthetize the wild creature and return him to the wild. The California brown bear managed to elude authorities after he had a good snack of Persimmons from one of Medley’s trees and made for a neighbor’s yard. The sighting of bears is not uncommon in Monrovia; however should you see one call local authorities immediately.
Candidates Filed for Monrovia Elections
The filing deadline was Friday January 16. Since the incumbent Rob Hammond did not file for reelection, the filing deadline for that office only was extended to January 21. The two council seats are currently held by Joe Garcia and Dan Kirby, both of whom filled for reelection. The other six candidates are Steve Bray, John Wayne Carlson, Sandra Costello, Paul Larsen, Clarence Shaw and Becky Shevlin. Current Council Member
Mary Lutz has filed for the Mayor’s position along with Mario Duran and Stephen Grollneck. If Lutz is elected Mayor her council seat which still has two years can be filled by the new council or by special election. Council Member Tom Adams announced last year that he would resign from his seat on the council. The date of his resignation is effective after the election and so his seat will also be filled by appointment or special election.
-Photos courtesy Dave Medley
By Susan Motander
Eight candidates have filed for the two seats on Monrovia City Council and three are vying for mayor. Neither City Clerk Linda Proctor nor City Treasurer Steve Baker drew opposition.
Day of Service in Monrovia On Monday, then President-elect Barack Obama called for a national day of service in conjunction with and recognition of the Jan. 19 MLK Holiday. Across the country, more than 12,000 service projects took place, more than double the amount on the same day last year. In the end, Monday became the largest King Day of Service in U.S. history. The national numbers are impressive. But such a fantastic effort starts with the individual efforts of single projects in small towns across the country. One such project took place right here in the San Gabriel Valley at Dickson Podley Realtors located at 242 W. Foothill Blvd. in Monrovia. Under the leadership of Donna Baker and with the help of Dickson Podley employees, the office accepted canned food contributions from a wave of community members eager to participate in the day of service.
According to Baker, the outpouring of community support for the project was unparalleled by years past. Perhaps this serves as an early example of the type of hard work and community involvement that President Obama has said will be necessary for rebuilding the country. “We collected 1,935 items for the food drive which filled 13 shopping carts,” said Baker. “Items included canned goods, cereals, pastas, rice, beans, and health items such as shampoo, toothpaste and toilet paper. We had over 65 people answer the call for this food drive. They included families, two Girl Scout troops, children, and church groups and they came from as far away as Covina, Alhambra and Pasadena.” To promote the event, Baker registered it with USAservice. org, the official web site for the event. She also worked a more local angle by emailing “everyone in my address book (190
contacts) and also by putting out the call by word of mouth.” As for Obama's call for continued service throughout the rest of the year, Baker says she's on board: “I take very seriously Obama's urging to make this year a continuous effort of community service. I commit to coordinating these food drives every quarter to help feed the hungry who need food for their families. As this year's Monrovia Citizen of the Year, I feel compelled to reach out in other ways, as well, to help my fellow community members in any way I can. “
Empty Box from 1
announced its application for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and its plans to close only some of its under performing stores. Every store in Georgia, for example, was scheduled to close, while East Pasadena's Rosemead Blvd. location and the new store on Huntington had made the cut. “We had hoped to be able to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as a stronger, more competitive company and we made significant progress during the reorganization to improve our business. Unfortunately, the economic climate is so poor that we have no choice other than liquidation,” says the company web site, which has been replaced with a bleak Dear John press release. The company does not anticipate any value will remain from the bankruptcy estate for the holders of the company's common equity, although this will be determined in the continuing bankruptcy proceedings. As for those low or negative yield corporate bonds known as gift cards, the company is clear: “Customers holding Circuit City gift cards may redeem them at full value at our stores during the liquidation sales. Once the stores are closed and the company is out of business,
the gift cards will have no value.” Consistent with federal labor laws, Circuit City employees are receiving 60-days notice of the termination of their employment. Those who stay on to help with the liquidation, of course, will receive pay and benefits. Those who are dismissed earlier will be receiving pay and benefits for the 60-day period beginning January 16, 2009. Closing sales will run as long as it takes to sell existing inventory, but are expected to wrap up by the end of March. When the liquidation sales are completed, the stores will be closed. Currently, the local stores are offering discounts ranging from 10-30 percent, though we were hard pressed to find much of anything worth having at a discount deeper than the lower side of that range. In fact, many customers drawn to the sale by street side sandwich board marketers on Monday were visibly and vocally disappointed by the paltry discounts. With profit margins in the retail business typically including at least a 40 percent initial markup, most consumers would seem to prefer waiting for more drastic cuts before their evermore scarce greenbacks.
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Nearly Leased Out!
Home & Garden
By Lou Perlin
For many years when a listing real estate agent was asked that question, they would decline to respond. Things have changed, and now (in California) an agent can disclose this information unless other wise instructed not to by the seller of the property. Being able to obtain this information is a benefit to both buyer and seller. If an offer has been declined as a result of a low offered price, the new buyer could either proceed with a better offer, or not make any offer at all, and that is a time saver for everyone. Even if a property has gone into escrow, and the seller has not yet signed instructions, another offer could
be made and accepted if at a higher price or better terms. Responsibility of the listing agent, to the seller is to obtain the best price for the property. Of course, the buyer’s real estate agents responsibility is to follow the buyer’s instructions and to present all offers. For the record, the only time that a selling agent cannot present an offer is when, in the private remarks in the Multiple Listing Service, it is stated that an agent is not to present a price below a given figure.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Q) We currently owe a little over $225,000 on our mortgage, paying 6.75 percent interest. We were offered a
new loan at 5.5 percent, and that seems like a good savings. Some friends say we should take out the new loan, while others say it’s not a good idea. What should we be concerned with? A) Much depends on how long you plan on staying in the property. If your plans are to move or sell your home within the next two to three years, taking out a new loan is not such a good idea. Another consideration is costs of obtaining a new loan. Average costs are from two to three-percent of the loan amount, so in your case, a new loan could cost over $6,000, and that would take a number of years of staying in the property just to break
even. If your long-term plans are to remain in the property, then going for a new loan could be a good thing. One fi nal thing: to qualify for a new loan, you must have a FICO® score of at least 600, and that is on the low side. Higher the score the better chances would be towards qualifying for that loan. Q) We are trying to refinance our home, but we are late in paying our taxes, and until those taxes are paid we cannot get new financing. Once we obtain that financing we can pay our taxes, is there a way to get this solved? A) Try for that loan again, as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has recently anlou on 15
Flats & Townhomes One to Three Bedrooms 139 W. Colorado Blvd.
626.358.4090 Daily 10 to 6 (Thurs. 11 to 7, closed Sun. & Mon.)
Starting at $1,900
ww $499,000
The Gold Standard SE OU M H N 4P
Huge expansive flat lot in Altadena, high ceiling & hardwood floors, 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths with ornate tile work, dining room with built-in cabinet huge living room, family room with view of the backyard, pool & entertainment area with outside fireplace, double detached garage. (7725)
New home w/Arcadia Schools, 3 bdrms 3.5 bth, FP, formal dining room, bonus room, loft upstairs, top quality workmanship, gourmet kitchen w/custom cabinets, granite countertops, laundry area, two car attached direct access garage, lots of storage, nice size front &side yard. (File #H1020)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
Brand new custom built PUD’s located in a convenient each with 3bdrms 3bth, gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, granite countertops, laundry area in garage, bonus room behind garage (not included in SQ FT), open floor plan.(B301)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
4541 Livia St, Rosemead, Large home on a corner lot in desirable area of Rosemead, close to shopping and schools. Trust Sale. No Court Confirmation Required. Two bedrooms, 2 bath, covered patio, double detached garage. (0052)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This great 3 bedroom features family room wired for surround sound, second floor has large, loft type room that could be a nice guest room with its own entrance from outside. Two car garage with attached workshop. Large lot with pool, RV parking, nice curb appeal and so much more! (LIM)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
GREAT FOR FIRST TIME BUYER OR INVESTOR $374,900 Single story detached San Dimas home in planned development with low association fee. This is a bank owned property with 3BR, 2 BA, fireplace, living room and pool, tennis court in a park like setting with a fantastic view. Near Walnut Creek and San Dimas High School. Don’t delay!
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
Great 2 bedroom unit in terrific neighborhood. Master Bedroom with large closet and 3/4 bath. Full bathroom in hallway. Living room with large windows, dining area and kitchen with lots of storage space. Two underground garage parking spaces with storage compartments. Near shopping and LaSalle High School.(MIC)
Ready to go! Well maintained one level unit facing street. Great condo for first time buyer! View of the San Gabriel mountains, across from the golf course. New paint and carpet. Tile floor in kitchen. Community pool and other recreational facilities. Low association fee makes this a great buy! Bank owned property sold in “As Is” condition. (C979)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
The Gold Standard AGENT OF THE WEEK
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES (626) 358-1858
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Karen Taylor-Straley
Tammy Moeller
Brendan Ramirez
Nazee Rix
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. (626) 445-0128
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
2002 Bella Vista Ave., Arcadia. Stunning Tuscan masterpiece on estate sized lot. Cathedral ceilings, foyer w/ custom iron front door, grand master suite with retreat, formal dining room with coffered ceilings. Excellent Arcadia schools. (B2002)
Spacious 5 bedroom in San Gabriel on a quiet cul-de-sac street with Temple City Schools, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings, kitchen with built in stove, oven, dishwasher, in ground swimming pool, air conditioning, intercom and alarm system, double detached garage. (CAM)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Home Features A Huge Kitchen With Skylight And Breakfast Counter, Amazing Family Room And 2 Car Garage. French Doors Open To Backyard With Lots Of Fruit Trees. (Cam)
(626) 301-1888
T h i s 3 b d r m 3 b t h To w n h o m e h a s g o u r m e t k i t c h e n , granite counter tops, custom cabinets, South facing, close to golf course and Arcadia schools. (File #E139)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
E US HO -4 PM N E 2 OP UN. 1 S
Fives acres with Craftsman style home, 4bdrms 3bths, F P, d i n i n g r o o m , r e c r e a t i o n r o o m , k n o w n a s “ R O S E FARM DRESSAGE “, place to board horses, professional Dressage training and instruction. USDF qualified training facilities, 17 boarding stalls, a circular arena, two PGA Golf courses near by. Lot’s of income potential. (File #C38834)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
This beautiful 4bdrm 2bth home has mountain views, sparkling pool, 2 fountains, covered patio, topiary and sego palms located on a quiet cul-de-sac. Two master suites, large foyer, formal dining room, FP, kitchen w/modern appliances & eating area ceramic tile counters, 2 first floor bdrms and upstairs family room w/balcony. (File #A8815)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
3692 Grayburn Rd., Pasadena. Large original Chapman Woods Home for a Small Price! New copper plumbing and central air. Needs some cosmetic work. This home is located on an 8,450 sq.ft., corner lot and features 1,920 sq. ft. living space. This one won’t last!!! (GRA)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 233-1638
2595 ROCHELLE, MONROVIA. Hard to find newer PUD has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with 1 bedroom located downstairs. Master has walk-in closet and spa tub. Built in 2004 with 2,588 sq. ft. of living space on 5,188 lot. (R2595)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888) 358-1858
$589 ,000
Handsome brick fronted town home in Sierra Madre. 1653 sq.ft.,Includes 3 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, large dining area,and separate dining room, walk-in pantry, balcony off master bedroom,large patio, two car attached garage with ample storage. (MAR)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This 4bdrm 2bth is situated on a quiet tree lined street with an excellent school district, convenient location with golf course, parks, schools and shopping close by. Spacious floor plan, bright and airy, new flooring and paint, FP, granite counter tops, attached 2 car garage and move in condition. (File #D150)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
NEW CRAFTSMAN PUD’S Starting At$519,000
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
616-620 W. PALM AVENUE, MONROVIA. Beautiful new PUD’s in Monrovia. These two charming PUD’s have an excellent location, short distance to downtown Monrovia. (P614-620)
Or three bedroom with convertible den located in Arcadia, this home has been recently painted, newer windows, central heat, hardwood floors, two car garage, large rear yard with patio, formal dining area, breakfast area in kitchen, El Monte schools. (LAR)
SE OU M N H 2-4 P E OP UN 1 S
This executive style condo shows like a model home. Located in a beautiful, well maintained gated complex. Kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances. Nice patio for outdoor dining. (ORA)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
One level condo, located in a very sought after neighborhood, walk to Old Town, shopping district, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, central air, laundry room in unit, pool, spa, gym in complex, tons of storage. Subterranean parking. (CAL)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
966 SWISS TRAILS ROAD, DUARTE. Turn the key and move-in to beautiful 4 BR, 3 BA townhouse. Cathedral ceilings, beautiful floors, updated kitchen with granite counters, spacious yard & all appliances included. Won’t last! (S966)
This beautiful home features 2 bedrooms and 1 remodeled bath. Newly installed bamboo hardwood flooring throughout, new paint inside and out, newer roof, FA/ CA and much more! Close to City of Hope. (BRO)
Nice open floor plan for this 2bdrm 2bth single story upstairs unit. Bright and light throughout, kitchen & dining are accessible to large balcony, C A&C, inside laundry room, 2car garage, gated community with pool & spa, well maintained complex with lots of green area. (File #C845).
Bank Owned in Lancaster this 1751 sq.ft. home sits on a 6500 sq.ft. corner lot surrounded by wrought iron gates. Three generous bedrooms,two baths, spacious living room, open kitchen leading to dining area and bonus room could be uses as 4th bedroom, double attached garage. (HOL)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888)804-2430
CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes
This 2 bedroom home is located in a great neighborhood and features a good size family room, hardwood floors, nice kitchen, 1 car attached garage and private backyard. (CED)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Three ground floor 1,107 SF units are available, divisible to 554 SF. Part of Monrovia’s newest 68 unit mixed-use development. Free covered parking included. (C141-145)
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28 , 2009
lou from 13 nounced that it is subordinating federal tax liens, meaning that those that are applying to refinance their primary property may do so without the tax being paid first. Remember the tax will not go away, as you must pay back any taxes that are owed. Check this out with your lender, as this is a recent change in the law and it may not have been available at the time that you had first applied for refinancing. Q) My husband’s job may require that he move to a different state or area within a state. This could happen every few years. When notified that he was being transferred, we placed our home on the market and did receive an acceptable offer. At the same time, due to market conditions, the company said that plans have changed and he does not have to move. We cancelled the listing, but the agent who brought us the offer wants to be paid a commission. Is that right? A) This is not an unusual situation, and the answer is no. A commission does not have to be paid to the agent who brought the offer, unless you had signed the Purchase Agreement and the acceptance has been conveyed to the buyer. If you had canceled at that point, there may be costs paid to the buyer in addition to the real estate agencies. The only agency that would be entitled to a commission - if the property sale had been completed would be the listing agency. If another agent, from another agency, sold the property, compensation would be paid when escrow had closed. I
would think that you might wish to reimburse your listing agent for any expense that he/ she may have incurred, meaning for advertising and flyer expenses. Q) Do we have any recourse if we discover that our real estate agent sold us a property that was higher priced than like properties in the immediate area? A) I would need much more information, but my initial response would be no. Of course, if you had paid cash for the property that could be a consideration, but if purchasing the property required obtaining a loan, you would had to have an appraisal, and the lender would not lend if the price was higher than like properties in the immediate area. Again, not having complete information makes it difficult to give an affirmative answer. Knowing the sales price, how much down payment was made, upgrades to the property adds value. Having a pool, while other like homes do not have a pool is also important information. Give your real estate agent a call and ask that he/she provide you with a Comparable Market Analysis for properties in your area at the time that you had purchased your property. That will give you a better idea as to value.
Louis Perlin CRS, GRI is a Syndicated Writer, Author, Professional Real Estate Witness and Mediator. Lou can be reached by calling Marilyn Perlin Realtors, Inc., at (760) 327-8401 or by E-mail:
Ask Garden Gal
By Sandy Gills
Soil That Clings, Citrus With Zing Dear Garden Gal, I started my winter vegetable garden from seed in November. I planted dense rows of lettuces so I could thin and eat as they grow. The baby lettuces are perfect for picking. My problem is this: When I pull them up giant clumps of dirt comes attached to the roots. I hate taking all that dirt into the house to rinse down the sink. Any tips on soil-free harvesting? Signed, Dirty on Del Mar Dear Dirty, To minimize those great roots doing their job when itís time for you to your harvest try a few simple techniques. Pick when the soilís dry, either before morning watering or in the evening, well after watering. You might want to loosen the dry soil around your designated picks with a knife or blade, cutting away some of the root hairs before lifting the plant, and shaking or tapping off excess soil. Or take a scissor with you at cutting time and shear off the baby lettuces, leaving the roots in the ground. When removing all the foliage the remaining roots will die and decompose, adding organic matter to enhance your soilís structure. If youíre using the lettuces immediately, take a pan of water to the garden with you to rinse the soil away from the
roots. When youíre done, water garden plants with the muddy stew. And wrap your booty in a kitchen towel to absorb moisture on your way back to the kitchen. Put your lettuces in a towel, too, so theyíll be crisp and dry for the salad bowl.
Dear Garden Gal, Can you settle an argument? My husband says our lemon trees are resting in the winter and so should not be fertilized. I say because theyíre full of fruit this is the perfect time to feed them. Whoís right? Sour in South Pasadena Dear Sour, Youíre both right, sort of. Plants do not need to be fertilized when theyíre dormant and not actively growing. However, sometimes we fertilize when itís convenient, as with rose clean up this time of year. Many of our Southern California plants wonít access nitrogen (leaf growth) and phosphorus (shoots & fruits growth) until the soil heats up a bit. So the fertilizer becomes a place-holder which will be used when the plant is ready. Many types of citrus are ever-bearing, however, and prefer a heavier fertilizing schedule than, say, apples, which bear one crop during the year. Generally, in areas that get winter freezes we fertilize citrus from late winter through the end of summer.
In South Pasadena, especially during this mild winter, youíre fine to fertilize all year round. An established lemon tree gets about 1 to 1.5 pounds a year of balanced fertilizer, divided over the course of a year in three applications. A complete fertilizer of the three macronutrients (Nitrogen-Phosporus-Potassium) is crucial. Nitrogen is the main component we need to supply so watch out for too much or too little. Too much nitrogen will show as lush green leaves with burnt tips. Too much can be evidenced by the presence of aphids. In spring theyíll show up to eat the tender suckering shoots and leaves. Too much nitrogen will promote robust leaf growth at the expense of fruit
production. Too little nitrogen and your plantís leaves will be yellowed with green veins (chlorosis). Too little phosphorus will show in fruits diminished in size and number. Make sure youíre adequately watering your citrus, too, even during this lovely winter. Avoid weekly surface watering as you would water a lawn. A slow irrigation every four weeks over the winter will promote deeper roots. These conserve water and promote a healthier plant structure.
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Stunning 3 bdr, 2 bath Tuscan style townhome. Gourmet kitchen, private patio, elevator, exquisitely designed. Built 2008. Very close to downtown Sierra Madre. Only one opportunity remaining.
Ron Rossiter Coldwell Banker Arcadia Regional Office • (626)233-0741
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
School•Religion•Community Activities•Social
protest on the a ban on same-sex marriages brought out about 80 supporters in front of Pasadena City Hall on Saturday morning. Sponsored by Join the Impact, a gay-rights advocacy group, protestors reacted to November’s passage of Proposition 8, that legally defined marriage as being between a man and a woman by vowing to continue to fight against the “hatred and injustice,” as one woman said. One man
Protestors Take to Steps of City Hall Opposing Same Sex Marriage Ban By Terry Miller
held a sign that that read “No more Mr. Nice Gay”. A bride, Erica Rolufs, complete with a wedding dress, and tiara held a sign which read “Protect Love – Ban Bigotry”. She had two tears tattooed below her right eye. One couple, who attended the rally with their dog, placed a K9 sign that read “Hate Cats, Not Gays.” Ga i l Wise and Lynn Kirste spoke at the rally said they were one of 18,000 couples who were married when same sex marriage was legal in California. They vowed to
fight any and all propositions that affect their right to love one another, legally. Proposition 8 was a California ballot proposition in
the November 4, 2008, general election. It changed the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to opposite-sex couples and
eliminated the right of samesex couples to marry, thereby overriding portions of the ruling of In re Marriage Cases. According to Wikipedia The measure added a new section (7.5) to Article I, which reads: Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. California’s State Constitution put the measure into immediate effect on November 5, the day after the election. The proposition did not affect domestic partnerships in California. The campaigns for and
against Proposition 8 raised $35.8 million and $37.6 million, respectively, becoming the highest-funded campaign on any state ballot that day and surpassing every campaign in the country in spending except the presidential contest. The proponents argued for exclusively heterosexual marriage and claimed that failure to reverse a California Supreme Court ruling from May 2008 that recognized a right of same-sex couples to marry would damage society, require changes to what was
Fight on17
Social Whirl Send your social and club news to “The Social Whirl,” c/o Beacon Media, 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia 91016.
By Floretta Lauber
“Jim Helms to Head Masonic Lodge” In a ritually dramatic installation, former Arcadia Mayor, James R. Helms, Jr., was installed Master of the Arcadia Masonic Lodge by Past Master Don Griffith on January 10. A reception was held prior to the installation ceremony, allowing his many friends and other Lodge officers to socialize and welcome guests, many from the Rotary Club. Jim has been a member for 27 years. In his acceptance speech, Helms gave a brief summary of Masonry worldwide with lodges in 50 states and most of the free world. He outlined his priorities and goals for the year, the highlight will be the celebration in November of the 125th birthday of the Lodge, when the Grand Master of California will attend. A dinner and music by the Lou Styles Trio was enjoyed by 168 guests. Jim’s three beautiful and proud daughters and their families were in attendance, along with his special lady, Betty Giles, and her daughter. “Civic Club Welcomes New Members at Evening Mixer” Sierra Madre Civic Club will host a “getting to know you” evening mixer for new and prospective members. This will be held January 29. 7 p.m., at the home of Pat Alcorn, a club past president, 741 E. Grandview Ave., Sierra Madre.
Membership Vice President Jean Coleman and Coleen McKernan say the welcome mat is out for interested women in the area to attend and learn about this active group. The club holds general meetings monthly on the second Thursday night, 7:30 p.m., in Memorial Park Hart Senior Center. Organized in 1944 at the height of World War II, the group has since been an important volunteer force in the community, has given generously with philanthropy donations and has received city recognition in appreciation for the important contributions it has made. It also provides a mellow blend of making friends, caring about each other, along with good times and fun in fund-raising. Anyone interested in attending the mixer or for more information, contact Coleman at 3559216, or McKernan, 355-1223. “Woman’s Club of Arcadia Invites You to a Bridge Luncheon, January 28” Following the great success of its fall party, the Arcadia Woman’s Club is repeating the format, led by event chair Jane Reichenfeld on Wednesday, January 28. There will be wine, a delicious luncheon, an afternoon of bridge, door prizes, and board games for those who don’t play bridge. (Fun for everybody.) This will all take place at the club’s historic clubhouse, 324 S. First Ave., Arcadia, at
11 a.m. Lunch at noon. Cost is $20. This is the best deal in town. Don’t miss out on a fun and friendly party. Committee members are Jean Albright, Mae Craig, Mary Folley, Charlene Gillman, and Donna Osgood. Call Mable Fenoglio at (626) 357-1387 for reservations. “World Premiere Comedy-Mystery, Murder on the Bounding Main, Opens at Sierra Madre Playhouse on January 16” It’s May 1953 on the ocean liner The Bounding Main, somewhere in the North Atlantic. One of the passengers, a famous right-wing celebrity gossip columnist, has been shot down in cold blood. Who would want to kill someone who fit his description? We could start the list of suspects with every performing artist and professional athlete on both coasts, but seeing as how the killing has taken place on an ocean liner in mid-cruise, the number of possible suspects is considerably whittled down. Still, who done it? And, just as crucially, why? If you love mysteries that also sparkle with laughs, then Murder on the Bonding Main is for you. Playwright is Jack Chansler, whose Bad Heir Day was performed at the Sierra Madre Playhouse two seasons ago. Chansler is also an actor who has appeared on the Playhouse stage many times. Tom Moses, who helmed Bad Heir Day, also directs the
current production. He, too, is also an actor who has appeared in many Playhouse shows. The cast of Murder on the Bounding Main includes Jack Chansler, Joanna Houghton, Brian Ames, Richard Leppig, Jim Follet, Terry Savior, Rosina Pinchot, Barry Schwam, Maureen Ganz, and Richard Large. This production runs January 16-February 21, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m., and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Call (626) 256-3809 for reservations. Admission is $20, $17 for seniors and students. “Miguel Perez Featured at Celebrity Luncheon” Sierra Madre Woman’s Club invites you to enjoy a delightful day of entertainment at its annual Celebrity Luncheon on Saturday, January 31, 11:30 a.m., in its historic clubhouse, Essick House, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The club will showcase Sierra Madre resident, Miguel Perez, movie and television actor who also has a heart-tingling voice. This will be his second appearance to share his talents and humor with the group. Gift yourself with this special opportunity to immerse yourself and to share with friends, says Event Chair Rosemary Morabito. A delicious catered lunch will also be served. Tickets are $25 each with proceeds supporting club philanthropies. For reservations, call (626) 355-6225. Pictures on17
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Obama from 1
Taking bows as chair of the successful tour, Barbara Lapman (center), with husband, Clay, and Mari Claveran, a home coordinator, at cocktail party.
From left. At Masonic Installation are Sho Tay P.M., Senior Warden; Jim Helms, new Master; Jim Humble, retiring Master, and Richard Streitz, Junior Warden.
Enjoying festivities at pre-installation reception, from left are Joanne McCallum, former Mayor Edward Butterworth, and Bruce McCallum, Rotary president. Both men are Masons.
Maserati of Pasadena will be the primary sponsor of the Shakespeare League Annual Gala fund-raiser to be held Saturday, February 7, 4-10 p.m., at the Villa on Alverno Campus in Sierra Madre. Thanks to owner, Giacomo Mattioli, a lease of a new Maserati for a weekend will be on the auction block for some lucky bidder. The car will be on exhibit at the Gala. Tickets to the Gala are $100 and can be purchased by calling (626) 683-8025. Gala benefactors are the Ronald McDonald House of Pasadena and the Los Angeles County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Pictured from left are Lina Palomo, Gala chair; Lani Ridley, Drama chair; Nathan Stolpman, sales manager of Maserati of Pasadena, and Donna Scarantino, Benefit chair. All the delicious hors d’oeuvres, fruit and desserts were prepared by the talented hospital food service (Sodexo). From left, executive chef Manuel Cabral, Francisca Lopez, Martha Aparicio, and King Chow, at “thank you” party. Methodist Hospital president and CEO, Dennis Lee, his wife Carolyn, entertained the “Holiday Home Tour” committee at their Chapman Woods home on January 15, for a cocktail and hors d’oeuvres. Thank you: from left, Jack Scott CEO of Parsons Engineering, with Lees.
From left, Ann Kidd, Eileen Hubbard, former Mayor Jack Saelid P.M. (down from Washington state), and Vern Hubbard (Helms’ neighbor) at Arcadia Masonic Lodge installation.
Place By Dorothy Denne
I Sat, Observing
s a t , o b s e r ving. It was approaching 1:00, the returnfrom-lunch hour. The waiting room was fast fi lling with the first of the afternoon appointments. Without question, I was the you ngest or perhaps least old patient in the room. That fact, in and of itself, sets the scene. The automatic door opened and a smiling elderly gentleman rolled his wheel chair through to the check-in window. The window serviced two doctors, one an ophthalmologist, the other an optometrist. The man, handsomely clad in brown slacks coordinated with a beige and gold sport shirt, reached up for the sign-in clipboard.
With obvious visual difficulty, he dutifully and painstakingly fi lled in the information. The line behind him grew long. He returned the clipboard to the ledge and his insurance card to the little chartreuse fanny pack that lay on the lap of his otherwise color-coordinated outfit. With an eastern-European accent he said, “I guess I betttter get tout of the way.” He then promptly backed his wheel chair over the toes of a shriveled, white-haired woman who was dozing in her chair. She awoke, pulled the patch from her eye and glared at him. Oblivious to her victimization, he acknowledged her with a nod and offered a friendly, “Und how do yew do?” She put the patch back and didn't answer. He looked at me and shrugged. Two women in the corner had struck up a rather one-sided conversation. The chief converser asked, “Did you read about that little eleven year old girl that took that test and didn't miss one question? She scored the highest of anybody in the whole country.” “That was very unusual, “said the sec-
ond. “Even more unusual,” added the fi rst, “she was a Negro.” I glanced at my husband. “Well,” I said, “the term is indicative of an earlier era. I hope the mind-set is too.” He answered simply, “Perhaps.” A technician came out and put drops in my eyes. At the far end of the room, a woman sat in a wheel chair. A nothing expression blanketed her antique face. Her antique husband stroked her arm and hummed an off-key tune. He noticed smudges on her thick glasses. He shouted, “No wonder you can't see, Darlin'. Your glasses are dirty. Do you want me to wash them for you?” “No. There's nothing I want to see.” The stroking continued and the humming resumed. That scene produced a tender smile from my lips and a tear from my dilated eyes. I sat, observing. My turn was coming.
tastefully placed in place of Lincoln’s. The party continued into the evening, complete with footage from campaign ‘08 and a collection of Obama art and T-shirts which were also available for sale. Waitresses worked briskly wearing proudly their Obama: “First Black American President” T-shirts.
Fight from16 taught in schools about marriage, and threaten the free exercise of religion. The opponents argued that eliminating the rights of any Californian and mandating that one group of people be treated differently from everyone else was unfair and wrong. After the election, demonstrations and protests occurred across the state and nation. The California Supreme Court has seen numerous lawsuits to overturn Proposition 8 from gay couples and government entities, challenging the proposition’s validity and effect on previously administered same-sex marriages. The Supreme Court accepted the lawsuits and is expected to reach a ruling during 2009.
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL (626) 301-1010 FOR ADVERTISING PLACEMENT INFORMATION EMPLOYMENT BEACON MEADIA, publisher of San Gabriel Valley’s fastest growing group of newspapers, currently has the following positions available: Great Opportunity! Advertising Sales Representative Our ideal candidate is an outgoing, positive person with a fresh perspective. Established newspaper publisher located in Monrovia, CA needs a confident self-starter who can work without close supervision in a fast-paced deadline oriented environment.
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LEGALS OTHER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ELAINE LEI KIN HO Case No. GP014228 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of ELAINE LEI KIN HO A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Alice Wing Wah Chan in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGE-LES. THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that Alice Wing Wah Chan be appointed as per-sonal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Admini-stration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many ac-tions without obtaining court ap-proval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to inter-ested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independ-ent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on Feb. 13, 2009 at 10:00 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the grant-ing of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attor-ney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de-ceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issu-ance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file
to or fax to 626-301-0445.
JOIN THE BEACON MEDIA FAMILY AND BUILD A NEW FUTURE! Fax resumes to (626) 301-0445 or call (626) 301-1010.
Database Adminstrator for Art School in Monrovia, Ca. Resume to Futura Education ,Inc. Attn” Paez, nathan_paez@
with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special No-tice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: WEI C WONG ESQ LAW OFFICES OF WEI C WONG 716 S GARFIELD AVE ALHAMBRA CA 91801 Arcadia Weekly CN811708 HO Jan 15,19,22, 2009 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 08-0093325 Title Order No. 08-8-342651 APN No. 8517-005-036 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 02/01/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by JOSE LUIS AGUILAR, A WIDOWER AND TOMASA RAMIREZ, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS, dated 02/01/2007 and recorded 02/07/07, as Instrument No. 20070264983, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County State of California, will sell on 02/05/2009 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 220-222 SOUTH CALIFORNIA AVENUE, MONROVIA, CA, 91016. The under-signed Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $664,398.23. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due.
HOUSE FOR RENT, Pasadena S. E 2 blocks south of Colorado. 2bd, 1 ba. New paint, new carpet, large fenced yard. No pets. Ideal for couple + child. $1,350 mo + sec. Deposit. (626) 793-1600. Mr. George MONROVIA- 2 Bedroom House for lease-charming-cozy-117 Poppy Ave$2,000 p/mo Call (626) 340-3222
FOR SALE Drum Kit w/ Cymbals 5 piece drum kit with 2 cymbals + hi-hat. Kit has everything you need and more: throne, drum and cymbal noise-dampening pads, all cymbal stands and bass pedal. Everything works well. It’s an off-brand (Pulse Percussion), and could maybe use some heads, but all in all this is a very decent setup for the price. Call John at 626.789.6169.
In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but with out covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebted-ness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest at provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon at provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provi-sions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 11/29/2008 RECONTRUST COMPANY 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., SV2-202 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.42396 1/15, 1/22, 1/29/2009 Take notice that, the management of Vista Del Monte Mobile Community, pursuant to the Mobilehome Resi-dency Law and specifically, Civil Code Section 798.56a, claim a warehouseman lien against that certain mobilehome more specifically described as a 1966 PARAMOUNT mobilehome, decal number ABI5784, serial numbers S22466XXU and S22466XX, label/insignia numbers MH238742 and MH238743, now situated at 416 Jeffries Avenue, Space 13, Monrovia, California 91016. Storage charges for the mobilehome commenced to accrue on March 1, 2008. Charges not yet incurred will be waived if storage charges accrued are paid and the mobilehome is timely claimed and removed as demanded by this notice. If the charges are not paid and the mobilehome is not removed in a timely fashion, it will be sold by public bid in accordance with this notice and the requirements of Civil Code Section 798.56a and the California Commercial Code therein referenced. Be advised, any per-sonal property contained within the mobilehome is not included in the lien sale described in this notice. Attorneys fees, publication costs, incidental and/or transportation charges will be charged to the lien amount. Be further advised that the mobilehome must be removed fol-lowing payment or
Mountain Bike Trek 4300 hardtail mountain bike with front fork shock absorber. Purchased in 2005, the bike has very limited wear. Two sets of tires come with the bike as well. Costs $480 new, asking $200. Email 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan. Auto, low mileage, front/rear/a/c, many extras. Great Soccer mom car. $9,000 obo. (626) 512-7050
sale. The payor or purchaser of the mobilehome must secure the removal of the mobilehome from the park within seven (7) days after payment or sale, or the park may, at its sole election, accept back-up bids or re-auction the mobilehome. Additional attorneys fees, publication costs, incidental and/or transportation charges may be charged to the lien amount. DEMAND IS HEREBY MADE FOR PAYMENT OF $8,359.47 TO THE UNDERSIGNED, WHO IS AUTHORIZED TO RE-CEIVE THE SAME, TOGETHER WITH REMOVAL OF THE MOBILE-HOME FROM THE PREMISES, ALL WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF SER-VICE OF THIS NOTICE. THE MO-BILEHOME MAY NOT BE REMOVED WITHOUT FIRST HAVING PAID THE AMOUNT HEREBY DEMANDED. PAYMENT OF SUCH AMOUNT DOES NOT REINSTATE ANY TENANCY RIGHTS OR GIVE ANY RIGHT FOR THE MOBILE-HOME TO REMAIN ON THE PREM-ISES. UNLESS THIS CLAIM IS FULLY SATISFIED BY A PARTY WITH AN OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE MOBILEHOME AND THE MOBILEHOME IS REMOVED WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TIME, THE MOBILEHOME WILL BE AD-VERTISED FOR SALE AND WILL BE SOLD AT 9:00 A.M. ON FEB-RUARY 9, 2009, AT VISTA DEL MONTE MOBILE COMMUNITY, PARK OFFICE, LOCATED AT 416 JEFFRIES AVENUE, MONROVIA, CALIFORNIA. MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADD TO THE ABOVE STATED AMOUNT ALL OTHER AND FURTHER CHARGES AND EXPENSES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PROCEDURE FOR LIEN AND SALE OF THE MOBILEHOME AS PROVIDED IN THE CALIFORNIA COMMER-CIAL CODE. MANAGEMENT RE-SERVES THE RIGHT TO ASSERT ALL APPLICABLE RIGHTS AND LIENS IF A DEFAULT OCCURS REGARDING THE TERMS OF THE SALE. ABSENT COMPLIANCE WITH ALL TERMS OF THIS NO-TICE, THE MOBILEHOME WILL BE SOLD FOR REMOVAL ONLY. WRITE DOWDALL LAW OFFICES, A.P.C., AT 284 NORTH GLASSELL STREET, ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92866 FOR FURTHER INFORMA-TION OR INQUIRIES. Dated: Janu-ary 14, 2009, DOWDALL LAW OF-FICES, A.P.C., Robin G. Eifler, Esq., Attorneys and Authorized Agent for the Management and Owner of Vista Del Monte Mobile Community Monrovia Weekly CN812001 5495 Jan 22,29, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF STEPHEN JAMES PERRY Case No. GP014241 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of STEPHEN JAMES PERRY A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Susan K. Perry in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that Susan K. Perry be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Admini-stration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many ac-tions without obtaining court ap-proval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to inter-ested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independ-ent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on Feb. 20, 2009 at 10:00 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the grant-ing of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attor-ney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de-ceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issu-ance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special No-tice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: DARRELL G BROOKE ESQ SBN 118071 TAYLOR SUMMERS RHODES RASMUSSEN BROOKE & WOODARD LLP 301 E COLORADO BLVD STE 407 PASADENA CA 91101-1920 Arcadia Weekly CN812366 PERRY Jan 22,29, Feb 5, 2009
JANUARY 22 - JANUARY 28, 2009
Not long ago I was tricked into allowing my confidante of 60 years, to write a column for me, while I was away on a deep sea fishing vacation with our son. I miss read the twinkle in her eye when I agreed to have her contribute a column. My knowledge that she is a wellrespected artisan, Historian of her doll club and an occasional club speaker, I was certain that she would confine her thoughts accordingly and write an interesting column. Instead it was an outright opportunity to “get even” for my tongue in cheek stories about her many lifestyle idiosyncrasies. NESTING ... The unusual column title she used may well need an explanation! The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this word “Nesting” as … To create and settle into a secure refuge.... Those who occupy or frequent a place or environment. A place affording snug refuge. So she writes: While my husband is away on a fishing trip, I have the unexpected pleasure to write this column in his absence. Your weekly “The Good Life”, columnist, my perfect husband, has an unusual fetish for selecting storage places for things important to him.
Pet of the Week
He establishes these nesting locations though-out our home. They may contain important documents, frequently used items, reminders of special occasions or just a simple shopping list. It seems only fair that I should describe many of these long term resting places that continuously occupy space in our home. Let's take his bedside table, a great example of his clutter. Here he has his electric shaver and digital camera, and electric toothbrush all on battery chargers. Also he has saved at least 25 business cards of people he probably doesn’t even remember. He has various medical apparatus to keep tab on his vital signs, and a mini-recorder used day and night to record special information and ideas for upcoming columns. In the storage area of the table he has unopened tee shirts, shorts and socks stowed, I suppose, in the event of a fire. A penny bank and several old pair of his glasses that he hasn’t used in thirty years are also residing there. Oh, yes, he is also the alarm clock attendant and the telephone answering machine monitor.
In another glaring location in our bedroom is a second table for his CD player, storage of upcoming travel plan reservations, and his daily valet which is usually piled high with tee shirts and socks that he has selected for wearing within the next three days. At this vital nesting center, also resides his wallet, watch, money, if he has any, lip chap and store coupons for his personal items. Moving toward the laundry room he has a prime location on the dryer. Here he stores daily reminders. There could easily be 6 or 7 post-it slips with a variety of orders. Also stacked there are current bills to be paid, letters to be posted, luncheon plans, and various advertisements for heater repairs, car wash discounts and an assortment of other junk mail. His important sport section and TV guide for the shows to be taped also reside there. Oh yes, also in the laundry room is a large reminder board of all doctor appointments and special events that he may be planning. His office is another nesting space for a mound of important clutter. Here he has every-
thing that we have ever thrown away but that he has retrieved and tagged “just in case I need it stuff. All of his electronics or what I refer to as his toys are carefully arranged here. Computers, fax machine, calculator, a stereo CD player, two TV’s, two printers, and a large variety of other office equipment including a coffee machine and cups. I won’t say he is a collector of junk, but I will say most of the house is taken up with “stuff “ ... that are things he is just “Nesting”. Well, I’ll say “Goodbye” for now … as I see him coming up the driveway and I’m sure this will be my last opportunity that he will give me to fill in as a guest writer for this column. Thank You for letting me introduce you to the real “Wally Hage, my writer, doctor, lawyer, cook and best friend, who is my humorous and wonderful husband, and has been for the past 60 wonderful years. Well…upon my return from a very peaceful and successful fishing trip I have read this diatribe column contribution. Well, I do agreed with most of her points of view about my “Nesting Behavior”, BUT…. THAT LAST LINE THAT SAYS, “HAS BEEN”, JUST ISN’T TRUE … You see, … I STILL AM!!!
What a cutie! Buster, a lovely, cuddly, year old Chow Chow mix is well-behaved and loves attention. He walks very well on a leash and loves to go to the park and explore. Buster is calm and will surely make a wonderful companion. Come down and pay him a visit today! The regular dog adoption fee is $110, which includes medical care prior to adoption, spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and a follow-up visit with a participating vet.
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10:02 a.m. – Vandalism, 160 North Canon Ave., Sierra Madre School. A window of the multipurpose room and counselor’s office were smashed. The crime occurred during the holidays, between Friday, December 19, 2008 and Monday, January 5, 2009.
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TUESDAY, JANUARY 6: 10:26 p.m. – Arrest, suspended/revoked driver’s license, 5 West Foothill Blvd., Arcadia. A motorist was stopped for a traffic violation. A records check revealed the driver’s license was suspended/revoked. The driver was arrested and released on a citation. The driver’s car was stored for the violation.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 8: 5:00 p.m. – Arrest, business license required, 100 block North Sunnyside Ave. A man was stopped for selling magazines door-to-door. During the investigation the man was unable to produce a city business license. He was subsequently arrested for the violation and driven to the Sierra Madre Police jail and booked. He was later released on a written promise to appear.
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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7: 7:18 a.m. - Trash picking 700 block Olive Court 10:13 a.m. - Background investigation 700 block W. Olive Ave. 5:04 p.m. - Fight in progress on S. Shamrock Ave. 6:39 p.m. - Soliciting 00 block Hidden Valley Rd. 10:40 p.m. - Grand theft auto on Monterey Ave.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 8: 8:17 a.m. - Vehicle burglary 300 block N. Grand Ave. 1:30 p.m. - Grand theft 500 block S. Magnolia Ave. 3:10 p.m. - Drug activity 800 block W. Colorado Blvd. 4:44 p.m. - Weapons offense on S. Myrtle Ave. 11:24 p.m. - Indecent exposure 200 block E. Walnut Ave.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 9: 7:53 a.m. - Residential burglary 200 block E. Olive Ave. 2:40 p.m. - Weapons offense 600 block S. Mayflower Ave. 6:04 p.m. - Drug activity 100 block E. Lime Ave. 8:25 p.m. - Soliciting 700 block W. Foothill Blvd. 11:42 p.m. - Battery report on S. Myrtle Ave.
1:46 p.m. – Vandalism/graffiti, 20 South Baldwin Ave. The front windows of Creative Framing and A Better Nanny had the front glass etched with the letters “FWBK.” The crime occurred between Friday, 11/25 and Tuesday, 12/15. 10:27 p.m. – Arrest, trespassing, 222 West Sierra Madre Blvd. One man and three juveniles were trespassing on the roof of the Hart Park House, Memorial Park. All involved were arrested and taken to the police station where they were subsequently booked and cited. The juveniles were released to their parents.
11:09 a.m. - Violation of court order 800 block W. Walnut Ave. 1:20 p.m. - Neighborhood dispute 500 block W. Maple Ave. 2:05 p.m. - Tobacco problem on W. Duarte Rd. 5:12 p.m. - Vandalism 200 block N. Grand Ave. 10:22 p.m. - Shots heard 900 block W. Colorado Blvd.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 10: 11:12 a.m. – Arrest, under the influence of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana, Auburn public parking lot. Officers arrested a woman who was reported looking through the windows of parked vehicles. An investigation revealed no vehicle-related crime, but the woman was arrested for being under the influence of a controlled substance. She was transported to the Pasadena jail for remand.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 11: 12:52 a.m. - Brush fire 900 block Monterey Ave. 8:13 a.m. - Vehicle burglary 500 block Granite Ave. 2:05 p.m. - Fraud report 700 block W. Huntington Dr. 5:25 p.m. - Property for destruction 400 block Genoa St. 7:24 p.m. - Threatening on N. Canyon Blvd.
Units responded to Albertson’s, 298 East Live Oak, around 10:44 a.m. in reference to an armed robbery that just occurred. A woman was walking through the parking lot when a male Hispanic, 18-20 years of age, 5’8”, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, approached and demanded her purse at gunpoint and also threatened to shoot her. He grabbed her purse and fled on foot.
Around 5:27 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 1800 block of South Seventh in reference to an indecent exposure incident that occurred around 4:45 p.m. in the 1600 block of South Sixth. The victim advised that she was walking her dog when a male driver stopped his SUV to ask for directions. She
1:06 a.m. - Repossession 1000 block E. Royal Oaks Dr. 12:01 p.m. - Violation of court order 2000 block S. Peck Rd. 3:12 p.m. - Commercial burglary 700 block E. Huntington Dr. 5:36 p.m. - Vandalism on E. Evergreen Ave. 6:30 p.m. - Vehicle burglary 2000 block S. Mountain Ave.
8:45 a.m. - Residential burglary 900 block Genoa St. 12:35 p.m. - Assault report 300 block W. Huntington Dr. 1:30 p.m. - Bicycle theft 2000 Alamitas Ave 4;32 p.m. - Miscellaneous theft 400 E. Royal Oaks Dr. 5:42 p.m. - Forgery report 200 block S. Myrtle Ave.
BLOTTERS approached the car and saw that the man had exposed himself. As the suspect fled the scene, she was able to memorize the license plate number. A DMV check revealed that the car was registered to an address in the 1400 block of South Sixth. Officers responded to the residence and arrested an 18-year-old Caucasian for indecent exposure.
MONDAY, JANUARY 5: 3. Around 7:36 p.m., a victim came to the station to report a robbery that took place on December 17. A 13-year-old male victim advised that he was riding his bike to school on Duarte, near Santa Anita, around 6:30 a.m., when a male Hispanic, 35 years of age, 5’5”, blocked his path and pushed the victim off his bike. The suspect threatened to kill the victim if he reported the incident and rode away on the bike. The victim feared for his life and did not report the incident until his father’s return from a business trip. 4. Shortly after 9:00 p.m., loss prevention personnel from JC Penney advised that they had detained a male juvenile for theft. The suspect hid stolen merchandise in a shopping bag and left the store without making payment. Additional stolen items from Charlotte Russe, H&M, and Sport Chalet were also recovered. A private person’s arrest was made, and a 17-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody for commercial burglary.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 6: 5. Around 3:36 p.m., husband returned to his house in the 2800 block of Holly to find his wife passed out on the living room floor. AFD paramedics advised that the 29-year-old Asian woman was intoxicated, but not injured. She was drinking while she was watching her one-year-old child, so the Department of Children and Family Services was notified of the incident. Additionally, a report will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for possible fi ling of child endangerment. A victim came to the station around 10:40 a.m. to report a theft of access card information. The victim went online to check her account information and discovered that unknown suspect(s) had used her debit card account information to make ATM withdrawals in Las Vegas.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7: 7. Between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 1000 block of Arcadia. Unknown suspect(s) entered the house by prying open a window. Once inside, the suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole a large amount of cash and jewelry. 8. A strong-arm robbery occurred in the 800 block of West Duarte around 5:30 p.m. While the victim was walking through
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a parking lot, a male Hispanic passenger, in a gray Volvo, reached his arm outside the vehicle and grabbed the victim’s purse.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 8: 9. While on routine patrol around 12:08 p.m., officers saw two men fighting at the Par 3 Golf Course located at 620 East Live Oak. The suspect had the victim pinned to the ground and he was striking the victim in the face several times. Officers broke up the fight and realized that both subjects were intoxicated. The 48-year-old Hispanic victim was transported to the AMH for treatment. The 40-year-old Hispanic suspect was arrested at the scene for assault and felony parole violation. Further investigation of the victim revealed that he was a parolee at large. Once he was treated at the hospital, the victim was also taken into custody. 10. Around 4:12 p.m., officers contacted a male subject sleeping at County Park. A consent search revealed that he had two credit cards belonging to two different individuals in his wallet. The 50-year-old African-American did not have a reasonable explanation for possessing the credit cards and was arrested at the scene for receiving stolen property.
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13. Between 5:00 p.m. on January 9 and 7:00 a.m. on January 10, unknown suspect(s) entered Arcadia Reclamation, 12321 Lower Azusa, and vandalized four vehicles. The suspect(s) damaged windows/windshield of truck, tractor, and street sweepers. 14. A rollover traffic collision occurred at Colorado and Baldwin around 4:15 p.m. A driver made a left-turn into oncoming traffic and collided with another vehicle. The force of the impact caused the first car to flip over and crash into a third vehicle. All involved parties walked away with minor injuries.
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11. A victim came to the station around 1:15 p.m. in reference to a theft of access card report. The victim was out of the country and allowed a family friend to stay at his residence. The male Asian guest took the victim’s new credit card, which arrived in the mail, and made over $1,500 in unauthorized charges.
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12. Units responded to Ralphs, 16 East Live Oak, around 9:40 p.m. in reference to two women detained for theft. One woman hid a bottle of vodka in her purse; the other hid two cans of Red Bull in her purse. When loss prevention personnel confronted them, the 18-year-old Hispanic surrendered peacefully; the 22-year-old Hispanic struggled with the agents, pushing one agent in the face and kneeing the other in the groin. Private persons’ arrests were made, one woman was charged with petty theft and the other with robbery.
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Transactions in
2008 22 Town and Country Road, Pomona
53 Montecito Court, Sierra Madre
169 Circle Drive, Bradbury
235 Flower Street, Pasadena
330 E. Grandview, Sierra Madre
502 Crestvale Drive, Sierra Madre
506 W. Sierra Madre BLVD. #C, Sierra Madre
838 Wick Lane, Glendora
702 Park Avenue #204, So. Pas.
1240 Indiana Avenue, South Pasadena
1325 Greenhaven Avenue, San Dimas
Properties for Sale PREMIER LISTINGS
340 Olive Tree Lane, Sierra Madre
512 E. Sierra Madre BLVD., Sierra Madre
441 Fairview #2, Arcadia
700 OAk Crest Drive, Sierra Madre
50 W. Dayton #303, Pasadena
145 E. Grandview Ave, Sierra Madre
324 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre
390 W. Highland Ave., Sierra Madre
838 Wick Lane, Glendora
2025 Carolwood Drive, Arcadia
917 Junipero Drive, Duarte
1047 Fountain Springs Lane, Glendora
1469 N. Roosevelt Avenue, Pasadena
1644 Wilson Avenue, Arcadia
1950 Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia
2040 Tondolea Lane, La Canada
2085 Vista Avenue, Arcadia
8246 Bevan Street, San Gabriel
303 E. Colorado BLVD., Monrovia
350 San Gabriel Ct. Sierra Madre
912 Arcadia Avenue #9, Arcadia
1523 N. Grand Oaks, Pasadena
2013 Derwood Drive, La Canada
19714 Harlan, Carson
coming soon
coming soon
•RENI ROSE• 2075 Santa Anita Avenue, Sierra Madre
Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide
321 E. Grandview, Sierra Madre
Reni Rose (626) 355-8400