„If the shoe fits, throw it‰
THURSDAY, APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 VOLUME 14, NO. 15
THURSDAY EDITION News, Arts, Opinions and Community Events Since 1996
THE SKINNY ON SIERRA MADRE’S HOUSING ELEMENT MEETING REPORT Historical Heritage Takes a Backseat to State Mandated Development •By Sir Eric Maundry•
Here’s the thing that rings particularly false on the RHNA Numbers issue. If all we’re talking about here is the construction of low income housing, why is it all the usual suspects want to build it so badly? Everyone pretty much knows by now that low income housing is not a big money maker. Or so we’ve been told. Over and over again. So why all the big fuss? Unless, of course, it isn’t really low income housing that is being discussed. Now when our highly compensated consultant on these matters, Karen Warner, was initially discussing our RHNA numbers the other evening, she insisted that it was the full 138 units that still had to be accounted for. Even to the point of rather briskly contradicting the Mayor of Sierra Madre on this matter. Which, since he has something rather important to do with the authorizing of payments to people such as her, struck this observer as being rather forward and disrespectful. And honestly, if
Skinny on 12
Photos by Terry Miller
New 28,000 Square Foot Library Dedicated in Monrovia Hundreds Attend Celebration •BY TERRY MILLER•
The City of Monrovia held a gala dedication Saturday morning of the new 16 million dollar library which may just be the envy of every city in San Gabriel Valley. The new Monrovia Library is located, appropriately enough, in Library Park where the park itself has also undergone a major renovation during the
const ruct ion of t he new facility. Hal Leavens, local Monrovia legend, stood proudly outside the new library after the dedication ceremonies holding his “Yes on Measure L” sign. Measure L was the bond measure that passed, allowing the library to be built. The public art outside
TRAVELING SHOES Thousands Take Part in First Lutheran School Derby Day 5K at Santa Anita Monrovia students are re-
Santa Anita Derby Day 5K Run and Walk winners were posted within minutes after the course closed. Here, a couple checks the results.
A cool, but pleasant morning drew thousands of runners and walkers to the 15th annual 2009 Santa Anita Derby Day 5K Runs and Walk, an event that has become a tradition before the running of the Santa Anita Derby at the track in Arcadia. The course laid out by the event planners was an easyto-navigate combination of
the library appropriately depicts Mark Twain seated on a bench - a man who once said… “A public library is the most enduring of memorials, the trustiest monument for the preservation of an event or a name or an affection; for it, and it only, is respected by wars and revolutions, and survives
them.But the truth is, that when a Library expels a book of mine and leaves an unexpurgated Bible lying around where unprotected youth and age can get hold of it, the deep unconscious irony of it delights me and doesn’t anger me.” The new Monrovia library features considerably more space for books, peri-
odicals, tapes and DVDs; a Community Room; a Heritage Room; adult, children and teen areas; homework and study rooms; a literacy services area; an expanded reference section; individual reading areas; self-checkout machines; and many public computers as well as a Friends of the Library
Library on 2
Sierra Madre City Council Passes New Non-Smoking Regulations
roadway, garden, and track surfaces ending in the infield at Santa Anita. After signing in at the tents located at the southwest corner of the parking lot at the track, participants ran, jogged, walked at a fast-pace, or strolled up the eastern concourse at Westfield Shopping Mall, crossed Baldwin Ave. past the old Depot, followed a circular path through the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, then crossed Baldwin Ave. into the Gate 7-barn area. Directed by volunteers along the course to a tunnel which leads to the infield area from the back-side of the track that ultimately led to the track itself. Coming around the far turn, runners and walkers arrived at the finish line. The five kilometer distance, or 3 1/8 miles, turned out to be easy for everyone from toddlers to some
sponding wit h generous hearts after student council members began a new outreach program during the months of March and April, to children in Afghanistan. The program was initiated by the First Lutheran Student Council after hearing about a conversation that took place between Sergeant Victor Martinez stationed in Afghanistan and some children he encountered. Victor Martinez is serving with the US Army in Afghanistan, in order to train the Afghan National Army. He regularly visits the base to teach classes and interact with soldiers. Families are not provided military housing and children live as squatters finding places to sleep and live around the remote base. Two children approached Sergeant
After careful consideration of established scientific studies on the health and environmental hazards of tobacco use and second-hand smoke, the Sierra Madre City Council has adopted Ordinance 1291, which prohibits smoking in the outdoor dining or patio areas of any public place where food and/or beverages are sold or served, and on the grounds of any City government-owned building or facility where food or beverages are consumed. The Ordinance will go into effect May 26, 2009. The ordinance is first and foremost a safety measure intended to minimize the public’s passive exposure to tobacco smoke and its known health threats. It also seeks to protect children from smok-
5k on 12
Shoes on 6
Smoking on 17
2009 Pasadena Tournament of Roses Queen Courtney Lee helps unveil the plans for the facilities project included in the Measure I Bond Program at Arcadia High last Thursday. -Photo by Terry Miller
Groundbreaking Ceremony Celebrates “Symbolic Start” of Renovations in AUSD •BY EMILY LITVACK•
On April 2, a diverse group of educators, administrators and others came out in support of what both Su-
perintendent Dr. Joel Shawn and President of the Arcadia Board of Education Joann Steinmeier referred to as a
AUSD on 5
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 2
Library from 1
Independent PASADENA
Enjoy a mouthful of Áavors Happy Hour Begins 4:00pm-7:00pm Monday thru Friday
store. The Dedication Ceremony was held at 11 am starting with the flag raising by the Monrovia Police Explorers, presentations on Monrovia’s “green” facility, a speech by Mayor Rob Hammond and thanks galore for all who made the facility possible. The plaque unveiling was immediately followed by tours of the new building. “The dedication of the new Monrovia Public Library is a dream come true,” said Hammond. “For more than a decade, Monrovians worked with the state [trying] to fund a modern Library. When the state failed to fund the project after three separate attempts, Monrovians, as they so often do, rolled up their sleeves, started over, and did it themselves. Overwhelming voter approval of a bond issue on the ballot in 2007 got the $16 million project funded. Construction began later that same year.” Approximately 600 people attended the dedication on Saturday. The library will officially open on Monrovia Day next month. Another of Mark Twain’s more popular quotes sums up the reason for a library in the first place: “When I am king, they shall not have bread and shelter only, but also teachings out of books, for a full belly is little worth where the mind is starved.”
Cover Story
5k from 1
Cover Story
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in their eighth decade. Several groups ran in the event representing organizations such as Arcadia’s Methodist Hospital and assorted running groups. But the largest aggregation by far was what seemed like more than a hundred from AbilityFirst. AbilityFirst is a non-profit organization that provides programs and services to help children and adults with physical and developmental disabilities achieve potential. They joined the 5K with supporters, friends, parents and clients with every single client completing the course. At the conclusion of the race, each entrant was led through a finish-line area, then rewarded by being directed to the infield that offered samples of derby-day-2009-checking-5k-raceresultsrefreshments and snacks, music and booths with information from many of the sponsors of the race. As an additional amenity, the sign-up fee for the 5K, $28, also attendance for the day at Santa Anita which included the running of the 72nd Santa Anita Derby. With 1,106 runners entered, the overall winner of the 5K Derby was Armand Crespo of Pasadena with a winning time of 16:43. Rafael Ramos of Pacoima came in second and Evae Silva of Tujunga was third. Richard and Margie Hope of Altadena trailed as the 1,105 and 1,106th to complete as runners. In addition to the main 5K race, a kids’ 6-furlong race and a homestretch dash was held. In the Kid’s 6-furlong race for 10-12 year olds Kate Murray of Sierra Madre shared the winning title of that category with Kane Toriumi of Thousand Oaks. Over 2,000 entered as walkers. Among them were Jack Young and his wife Robyn of Upland. Their stroll around the course came in a 1:12:11 for Jack and 1:12:04 for Robyn. Older folks also participated in the Derby Day race with Ben Avila of Arcadia (80 years-old), Lono Tyson of Monrovia (81) and Margaret Davis of Azusa (86) coming in with times that were quite respectable.
EDITOR John Stephens PHOTOGRAPHER Terry Miller CONTRIBUTORS Susan Motander Juanita Harris Sandy Gillis Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Justin Rykowski Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Eric Maundry Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau COLUMNISTS Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Lou Perlin Wally Hage
3 APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
• Op-Ed •
s i s y i t r i A C f Opportu n o
•By Susan Ann Darley• Sierra Madre
Media pundits and experts announce daily that a global economic tsunami has arrived and that more flooding is around the corner. Shortterm and long-term damages are repeatedly analyzed and calculated. The reality is that we are in danger of drowning in trillions of dollars of national debt as the average person watches the tide rise high enough to wash away years of personal earnings and savings. The effect of this economic disaster is the erosion of confidence and the prolifera-
tion of fear – the two enemies of a serene and prosperous life regardless of anyone’s bank statement. When ruled by fear and self-confidence lags, the mindset becomes a catch-22, which focuses on lack instead of abundance. During the devastating 2004 Asian Tsunami, the Onge tribe reportedly saved themselves by running to higher ground when they saw the sea recede prior to the tsunami. Using that as a metaphor, perhaps we should do the same in order to survive the economic mess we’re in. A s t he pundit s a nd experts espouse personal opinions and their educated
Letters&Comments Dear Monrovians
John, Terry, et al,
In the upcoming April 14th Monrovia City Council race one choice is clear. Clarence Shaw is a new independent voice. His solid ideas and strong leadership skills will take Monrovia in the best direction. He has been listening to Monrovian’s and will act on our requests. He stands up for government transparency and honesty. He will represent the citizens on all issues. If you are like me, and do not want out of control growth, traffic and crime, you will join me and support Clarence Shaw on April 14th. See for your self on TV, Monrovia’s public access KGEM. The candidate forum, and interviews with all the candidates are airing now. If you do not have cable or wish to view them at your convenience, log on to www.kgem.tv anytime. Many surrounding cities had pathetic municipal election turnouts. I hope the people that got passionately involved in the November election understand the importance of the leadership that is closest to our homes and families. Vote Clarence Shaw Tuesday, April 14th .
Just wanted to let you know that I thought your April 2nd issue of Arcadia Week ly wa s t he best in months because of all the good, informative, and entertaining stories and news items relating to Arcadia.
Thank you for considering my letter, Karen Suarez Monrovia, CA
Scott Hettrick ArcadiasBest.com P.S. Terry, good to see you at the AHS ground-breaking the other night. Can’t wait to see your photos and story.
Send us your thoughts: Letters@BeaconMediaNews.com
Hi! This is one of the committee members of the Armenian Scout’s 40Th Reunion. We would like to thank you for the great job that you have done with the article. Thank you for attending this event. Sincerely Armineh and Edik Zakarian
guesswork to explain this self-imposed tidal wave, bad news arrives daily at our door. Saturated, we move from thinking about toxic assets to toxic thinking. Higher ground is definitely needed. Scientists and metaphysicians alike support the concept that we are part of a universe that operates with perfect order - a higher order that we are connected to but rarely focus on at a conscious level. Those who live their lives from “higher ground” are aware of their connection to universal order and reflect it in their lives through their thoughts, feelings and actions. Thoughts become organized leading to organization of personal affairs. Clarity leads to transparency and accountability. Solutions appear and wisdom is revealed. Greed and vagueness, the faulty foundation which helped create this economic tsunami, operate from lower ground and are fueled by fear. But when we step up to higher ground and rise above the drama of life we leave behind our cluttered past, childish fears and behavior. Easier said than done? Of-course. But if we are truly going to change the course of events, then we must be willing to change our consciousness. Opportunity lies before us in the appearance of an unparalleled global crisis. The United States prides itself in being a world leader. However, in order to be an effective leader, the United States must mature. We are a young nation and it appears we are struggling with our teenage years. A know-it-all attitude with traces of arrogance, recklessness and self-focus has helped to create the current crisis, which is needed in order to wake up and clean up the results of our immaturity. Already we are beginning to collectively and personally taking a more careful look at our finances. With a closer assessment of our actions relating to money, we
are admitting carelessness has been the culprit more often than not. Most will think twice before signing mortgage documents without reading and understanding the contract and possible consequences. More people are waking up to the fact that easy credit is costly when it becomes a crutch for out-of-control spending or a co-dependent partner for dayto-day living expenses. Lessons are good – when we learn. Wake-up calls are good – if we actually wake up. New behavior must override past destructive patterns. The corporate world is teetering on the brink of the canyon right now. What will it be – more of the same? Or a new consciousness that thinks beyond selfishly filling its own coffers to the detriment of others. A shift in consciousness requires the willingness to change. It demands a dedicated vigilance in order to not repeat the old pattern. Move a wastebasket to another side of the room. How many times are you going to hit the floor with trash as your memory readjusts to its new location? Most likely a lot if you unconsciously toss a piece of paper and definitely less if you stay awake - consciously remembering the new change. History repeats itself only if we fail the lesson. It’s up to us to chart a new course and success begins with each individual. Maturity begins with acceptance of self-responsibility. Blame and condemnation of others is seen for what it is – wasted energy. The word crisis comes from the Greek word krisis, which means decide. Our nation is at a turning point. Our destiny lies within our choices. Your decision affects the whole. As you make your choices, the world is watching. Susan Ann Darley is a creativity coach and writer. She teaches, “Prospering in a Poor Economy,” beginning April 22 at Pasadena City College. susan@ susananndarley.com
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APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
Art of Living
•By Terry Miller•
Monette Magrath (left) and Kristen Kollender in a scene from Mauritius - Photo by Ed Krieger
Value in Defects--the heart of “Mauritius” at Pasadena Playhouse •By Candyce Columbus•
Introduced to philately as a child I developed an understanding of stamp collecting if not a life-long hobby. The notion that defects, irregularities and errors multiplied the value of stamps to astronomical amounts has always fascinated me. I was intrigued to find out how Theresa Rebeck incorporated this into Mauritius which made its West Coast premiere at The Pasadena Playhouse (www. pasadenaplayhouse.org) on Friday, April 3. Part taught thriller, part multi-leveled family drama, part comedy the show engaged the opening night audience from start to finish. All but one of the talented five-character ensemble were making their Pasadena Playhouse debut under the capable direction of Jessica Kubzansky who took a break from her Co-Artistic Director duties at The Theatre @ Boston Court. Half sisters Jackie (Kristen Kollender) and Mary
(Monette Magrath) separated by an age gap, life experience and much more are brought together upon the death of their mother. Conflict centers around a collection of stamps laid claim to by both sisters. Enter the aloof stamp collecting store owner Philip (John Billingsley—Star Trek: Enterprise, The Others, Prison Break), charming con artist Dennis (Chris L. McKenna— In & Out, Art School Confidential) and oh so shady “businessman” and passionate stamp collector Sterling (Ray Abruzzo—Boston Legal, The Sopranos). Everyone wants a piece of the uber priceless One Penny, Two Penny Post Office stamps. In Mauritius Rebeck displays a distinct talent for dialogue, honed by her long award winning career writing plays (Loose Knit, The Family of Mann, Spike Heels), television shows (Dream On, Maximum Bob, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, NYPD Blue)
and her first novel (Three Girls and Their Brother). Sometimes it sizzles, sometimes it stings, often it stimulates, offering each character the opportunity to display different facets and flaws. Every actor contributed to a whole that was greater than the sum of its parts. Kollender’s character had the greatest growth arc. She started out naïve and irritating and evolved through the course of the action into a more savvy if no less desperate self. She definitely won me over and I was rooting for her. Magrath’s performance hinted at hidden hurts that drove her unbending beliefs. We don’t know exactly what they were, but we know they exist. Having been a fan of Billingsly for some time, it was a pleasure to see him bring his considerable abilities to the stage in a performance that seamlessly displayed Philip’s snobby and fearful contrasts. McKenna made Dennis the
perfect rogue you love to hate as his character went through a few changes of heart. Last but by no means least, I admit that Abruzzo was my favorite as he revealed that hard-assed negotiator Sterling had a wacky marshmallow interior when it came to his passion. It was a joy to witness his first contact with the One Penny Two Penny stamps. This is the sort of production I like to see at the end of the run as well as the beginning. Rich writing from Rebeck and the skill of the actors will undoubtedly lead to the discovery of even more nuances and depths than portrayed on opening night. Mauritius is an excellent continuation the Playhouse’s celebration of Women: The Heart and Soul of Theatre with lots of twists and turns. It performs Tuesday to Sunday through April 26. Tickets are $32-$67. Call 626-356-7529 or visit www.pasadenaplayhouse.org.
With wine, champagne and dinner provided by philanthropists S. Robert and Denise Zeilstra, Red White and Bluezz owner Andre Vener planned and hosted an ambitious project and musical undertaking Saturday night at the brand new Pasadena Convention Center. “We are honored to put on this concert for the men and women who protect and serve our country,” said Robert and Denise Zeilstra as they were introduced on to the stage. “The sole purpose of this Freedom concert is to thank them.” The star-studded event included a red carpet where photographers had an opportunity to shoot the perfor mers a s t hey a r r ived with a Freedom Concert backdrop. As the military and other service personnel arrived, their cars whisked away by the efficient valet service, guests greeted and thanked them for their service. The Freedom Concert that honored these servicemen a nd women Sat u r day, featured some of the most distinguished musicians and other artists which included a rather pregnant Molly Ringwald ( she’s expecting twins apparently), James Tormé ( Mel’s son),Greg Porée, Robert Kyle, Kenneth Crouch, Ryan Farish, Sheila E., USC Trojan Band ( who did a rather hasty version of TUSK which appeared on F leet wood Mac’s a lbum of the same name in the 1980’s) Local legend Byron Miller, Munjungo Jackson, Fred White, State of Man,Karen Brig, Ryan Cross,Jacques Lesure, Darrell Crooks, Kalil Wilson, Montell Jordan, the Gold Coast Pipe Band who natu-
rally play Amazing Grace, Bryan Pezzone , and Brandon ColemanVin . There was a special presentation by Cong ressma n Ada m Schiff,as well as Mayor Bill Bogaard, Sheriff Leroy Baca, Police Chief Melekian, Fire Chief Downs, Maestro Victor VenerActors and actors Jane Kaczmarek, Mike Farrell. Melissa Gilbert, Kevin Kilner Eric Lutes, DJ Radio Hosts Cynthia Fox, Lisa Foxx, and Radio Rene The US Marine Corps Color Guard started off the proceedings with the traditional salute. Vic t or Vener got a chance to don some shades as well as his original USC Trojan headgear as he introduced the ever-popular USC marching band. The crows literally stood to their collective feet ( except the UCLA crowd which was, by all accounts, not large in numbers on Saturday. The four-hour event was free for active or retired servicemen in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Police, Sheriff, CHP or Fire (plus a guest) The event was held in the new Grand Ballroom at the newly completed Pasadena Convention Center. As the official launch of the redwhite+bluezz CD the Experience, (a copy of which was given to each attendee) the first half of the concert featured redwhite+bluezz musicia ns play ing some of the material from the CD. The second half of the program saw the on stage an all-star line-up of artists of all musical genres, with musica l accompa niment from the redwhite+bluezz orchestra. The redwhite+bluezz orchestra featured Byron Miller on bass, Ryan Cross on stand-up bass, Brandon
Freedom on 5
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 5
Freedom from 4 Brown on drums. Addi- “symbolic start.” From the ings to match our world-class Coleman on piano, Kenneth Crouch on keyboards, Darrell Crooks on guitar and Greg Porée on lead guitar, Munjungo Jackson on percussion and Gerry
Molly Ringwald
AUSD from 1
-Photos By Terry Miller Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard
tional redwhite+bluezz artists performing this evening include: Robert Kyle on saxophone, Jacques Lesure on Guitar and Bryan Pezzone on piano.
-Photos By Terry Miller
Citizens’ Oversight Committee to City Council members, it seemed that ever yone had turned out to share words of thanks and goodwill that evening. Arcadia High School’s own band opened the ceremony and its Senior Men and Women handed out programs. Mrs. Steinmeier called the passing of Measure I, the dollars which allow the recent renovations for AUSD schools, “a tangible representation of the community’s support.” She added, “It feels really good to finally see a new building being built here; this hasn’t happened in fifty years.” In her speech, Ms. Steinmeier proclaimed, “We are very fortunate to live in a community where members put their money where their mouths are.” Arcadia High School Principal David Vannasdall said, “It’s a long time overdue. I have been looking forward to this event for four years.” Many in attendance fought for these renovations and now that the construction—projected to take roughly four to five years to complete—has started, they consider it a “feat” of sorts. “To see it all coming together makes it real for me. Now we’ll have world-class build-
Cover Story
(Paid Political Advert)
programs and that’s a lot to be proud of,” he stated. AUSD will be spending a quarter of a billion dollars on renovations at Arcadia High School, First Avenue Middle School, Highland Oaks Elementary and Holly Avenue Elementary. Dr. Shawn mentioned what renovations that have been completed thus far came in under budget. The fiscal conservation on the district’s part was well-known among attendees. Dr. Shawn joked about shovels they were taking photographs with. He said, “These are not gold shovels, by the way. It was spray paint. In fact, I believe we found it in a back closet somewhere; we did not buy a new can. And we will be using these to build with later. Nothing is wasted around here! Not that I’m defensive or anything.” The audience laughed and cheered. Later, he elaborated, “If you haven’t worked with the Arcadia Unified School District, you don’t know what a tough client is.” The various nods of heads and affirmative “Mhmms” amongst audience hinted that they knew this to be true. The evening culminated in conversation among attendees over food and drinks. Gary Kovacic, chairman of the Measure I Bond Campaign, summarized the evening’s sentiment: “Long live civic virtue!”
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(Paid Political Advert)
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 6
Elect Paul Larsen for Monrovia City Council
The Smart Choice! www.LarsenForMonrovia.com Contact Paul at (626) 303-0048 Dear Neighbor,
As a successful business attorney and proud 17 year resident of Monrovia, I have a deep commitment to our city. With your support, I can bring my unique skills and experience to the City Council, continue to serve our community and work to protect the quality of life for all our residents. I respectfully ask for your vote on Tuesday, April 14. Thank you.
Paul Larsen
“Travelers and Collectors� Visits the Mideast Joi n Don a nd Ja net Heins at Sierra Madre City Hall Council Chambers on Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m., as they take you on a fascinating trek through the cities and desert sands of the Arab Middle East in their multimedia program, Through the Suez Canal to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. You’ll explore Petra, the mysterious “Rose Red City,� stop at the Dead Sea, and survey the land Moses and
•Current Chair of the Monrovia Community Services Commission and the Commission’s liaison to the YMCA •As a member of the Wilderness Preserve Steering Committee, Paul helped to manage the acquisition of over 380 acres of wilderness preserve and to obtain over $9 million in state grants •As a successful small business owner, Paul understands the needs of our local business community •Paul and Kim’s two children are currently enrolled in the Monrovia Unified School District •Graduate of UC Berkeley (B.A. in Economics) and UCLA (M.A. in Economics and J.D. in Law)
of broken flip flops. The weather had reached 33 degrees that day with a low of 12 degrees. This broke Martinez’s heart. He reached into his pocket and only had $5 American. He told them to go to a vendor tent on the base and find what kind of shoes they could get for the money. The boys returned excited. They were both wearing plastic slip on shoes. It appeared to be one of the best gifts they could have received. Upon hearing this story First Lutheran students decided that they could make a difference. They decided to bring in new pairs of shoes to send to Afghanistan. But the idea and the dream did not stop there. Through letter writing and contact with the community, they established a goal of sending 500 pairs of shoes. Other students suggested that the school send blankets, socks, and toys as well. This effort will be ongoing through the month of March and April. To date over 150 pairs of shoes have been donated, so students are well on their way to achieving their goal. “One student’s mother came and asked what was going on with shoes,� said Debbie Martinez, the school’s principal. “I told her the story about the children. She then told me her son came home, said he didn’t need his allowance money for awhile and asked if they could buy
shoes with it instead.� “ T hese ef for t s help change our students’ world view. They become aware of their blessings and learn to be leaders in reaching out in compassion.� Servant projects are part of First Lutheran’s learning experience. Projects in the last year have included working at the Foothill Unity Center, making Christmas cards and gifts for the elderly who are not able to get out of their house, writing letters to American soldiers, supporting the American Heart Association, and raising funds for hurricane and fire victims. Currently they are also sponsoring a child in Guatemala through World Vision, and purchasing farm animals such as sheep and chickens for families in other countries to provide food and an income source. If you would like to contribute to First Lutheran’s Shoes for Afghanistan Children Project, you may contact Debbie Martinez at the school office at 626357-3543. The students are gathering new shoes in all children’s and young adult sizes. You may also bring socks, gently used blankets, and small toys. Financial donations are also welcomed to cover the cost of shipping or to purchase additional shoes. All the shoes and other goods will be distributed to families directly through the US Army troops stationed with Sergeant Victor Martinez.
Martinez through a translator and asked a profound question. “Is it true,� they asked, “that ever y ch i ld i n A mer ica has a pair of shoes?� “Why yes,� he replied. “In fact many children have four or five pairs.� The children were amazed. Sergeant Martinez then looked down at the children’s feet. One child had shoes so worn that the soles were paper thin. The other wore a pair
Cover Story
Bellisima salon & day spa
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City Hall Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. All programs are free and open to the public. For more information and a schedule of upcoming programs, contact The Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-7186, or visit www.cityofsierramadre.org. Travelers and Collectors is sponsored by The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library.
Shoes from 1
As a Long-Time Resident and Community Volunteer, Paul Understands the Needs of Our Community:
the Israelites traversed on their journey to the Promised Land. Their presentation will also feature a close look at the peoples, culture, and music of these ancient lands, and a special adventure-oflifetime encounter with two Bedouin tribes. Travelers and Collectors is held on the second Friday of the month and runs from February through May. All programs start 7:30 p.m. and are held in the Sierra Madre
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JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER SEASON! Whether you are a bride to be or just want to get into shape for summer, this class will help you reach your fitness goals. A semi-private personal training class to get ladies into either bride or bikini shape, or both! Class size is limited to maintain individual attention. The Class Concentrates on weight loss, toning, cardio conditioning and resistance training. Nutrition advice from a licensed nutritionist is also included!
7 APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
Music News Dramarama and the Glimmer Stars. Power pop.
Saturday, 4/11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!
Right Place, Right Time! •By SierraMadreSue Behrens•
Glendora-based band AMERICAN CATAPULT brings their original Alternative Americana Rock to the BUCCANEER LOUNGE in Sierra Madre this SATURDAY, APRIL 11th. They were in the right place at the right time last week when they wandered into the bar during the Wednesday Night Platter Party, in hopes of securing a gig before the Buc’s weekend calendar fills up for the year. With so many great bands in the area, they’re usually booked pretty far in advance. But Tony had a late cancellation and was happy to be able to fill it without so much as a phone call, so obviously it was meant to be! And it couldn’t happen to a nicer group of guys! Pictured with me here are: Shawn Winters, Tom Townsend and Mike Bock. Check ‘em out! www.myspace.com/americancatapult
Tuesday, 4/7 “TAPAS TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with BRIAN GUTHRIE, KEN PERRY & ANNIE M, 6 - 7pm (acoustic Guitars, vocals) and STEVEN RADICE & JEAN SUDBURY, 7 - 9pm (Ukulele, Violin, Mandolin, vocals) 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! “TUESDAY NIGHT TRIVIA” @ CAFE 322 with QUIZ MASTER MIDGE, 8pm. $2 per person to play, CASH or gift certificates to the top 3 teams. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414.
Wednesday, 4/8 aka MAX BUDA @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-8365414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. Eclectic jazzy rock stuff from Chester & the boys. “WEDNESDAY NIGHT PLATTER PARTY” @ THE BUCCANEER, 9pm. Bring your favorite LP records and Dan Besocke will play entire sides on his turntable, commercial free! 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045.
Friday, 4/10 The MELLOW D’z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http:// www.myspace.com/themellowdeees “THE SUBS” (Better Than Blue’s acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 8pm Midnight. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. 626-915-3474. Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright, and new sub, Robert Gonzalez. Joe Velosa has chosen to take a hiatus, and his replacement is a great bassist, singer and guitarist, who runs the West Coast Rock School in Riverside. Teaches kids how to play in a band situation. Very cool. Acoustic Rock, Soul & Blues. TONY SNOW & THE CHANGE @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9:30 pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, pool table, free parking! Former member of
BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www.bigbbrenner.com/ THE B.O. TRIO, featuring JEFF STETSON, play “A MIXED BAG AND SOME BLUES” @ ZEPHYR COFFEE HOUSE IN PASADENA, 8:30 10pm. 2419 E. Colorado Blvd., just E. of Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-793-7330. Soups, sandwiches, coffee, tea, smoothies, etc. AMERICAN CATAPULT @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9:30pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks. Original Americana-Alternative/ Rock - great lyrics! Possibly a second band as well... www.myspace.com/americancatapult FATSO JETSON doin’ the late late show @ CAFE 322, 11pm or so. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar, no cover. Great Italian food if you get there earlier for dinner & enjoy the Jazz band. Hard Rock from Mario & Larry, etc.
Sunday, 4/12 EASTER SUNDAY MUSIC @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERR A MADRE - MICHAEL ZUBIA, Classical Guitar - 10:30am. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www.bigbbrenner.com/ GRANT PARK EASTER SOFTBALL - ALL ARE WELCOME! NOT A LEAGUE - JUST FOR FUN & THE LOVE OF THE GAME! CORNER OF CORDOVA & MICHIGAN IN PASADENA, 3 BLOCKS WEST OF PCC. BATTING PRACTICE 12:30, GAME TIME ASAP. BRING YOUR GLOVE, BAT, CHAIR, ICE CHEST, GUITAR, UKULELE, ETC. MERCY IS TAKING EASTER SUNDAY OFF FROM CAFE 322... she’ll be back on the 26th. “OPERA TO BROADWAY” VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack ‘em in!
Monday, 4/13 Opening Day @ Dodger Stadium! Go Dodgers! Tuesday, 4/14 “TAPAS TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with TOM SAUBER, 7 - 9pm and an opening act T.B.A. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! Traditional American Music. “TUESDAY NIGHT TRIVIA” @ CAFE 322 with QUIZ MASTER MIDGE, 8pm. $2 per person to play, CASH or gift certificates to the top 3 teams. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. WRECK ‘N’ SOW @ THE PIKE IN LONG BEACH, 8pm - Midnight. 1836 E. 4th St. 562437-4453. Fun Bluegrass stuff w/great harmonies & snazzy overalls! The Dupuy brothers, etc. http://www. wrecknsow.com/index.htm
Wednesday, 4/15 “WEDNESDAY NIGHT PLATTER PARTY” @ THE BUCCANEER, 9pm. Bring your favorite LP records and Dan Besocke will play entire sides on his turntable, commercial free! 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045.
Know of a great musical event that you don’t see listed here? Let us know at music@beaconmedianews.com
L a Petite France Bakery and Cafe 411 E. Huntington Drive # 101D Arcadia, CA 91006 Tel: (626) 445-0392 Fax: (626) 445-0235 pastrybakery.com
Plan ahead for Easter! At La Petite France Bakery, we offer the traditional Hot Cross Buns, Chocolate Easter Eggs, Easter Cookies and more! For special orders, contact Chef Daniel and he will suggest great Easter treats for your family and friends to enjoy! Traditional Thai Cuisine
Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices
Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado
(Between Madre & Rosemead)
(626) 568-9288
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 8
Californian Corn Salad | Serves: Plenty
RecipeBox Reflections
American Fare A
By Deborah Ann Neely
This Easter Sunday we are going to pack up the car with people and food and head out of town to gather with relatives we have not seen in a few years. We used to always gather at Aunt Becky’s house for hours of eating, talking, eating, and talking some more. She would set up a variety of tables and chairs in the back part of her driveway and carport area. The kids of all ages were running everywhere and really played some competitive games of badminton in Uncle Hale’s front yard. The favorite event was the Karaoke session emceed by my son. We had singing performances from all ages and levels of talent and always enjoyed a round of the hottest new jokes. We sat outside on the driveway until every dish was scrapped clean and all the tea pitchers were empty. We all loved sharing old tradition dishes that were expected along with new recipes for taste and conversation among the cooks. It was important to make sure your dish was easy to serve, could survive the weather, and appealed to the variety of ages present for the event. If we were gathered at Aunt Becky’s for Easter we were sure to enjoy a mouth-watering ham and deviled eggs. I started looking for dishes that were easy to make and travel. a e . Thee ccrowd o d was as aalways ays p pleased eas with my California Californ
California Corn
2 12-oz. ca ns of corn n iblets 4 stalks cele r y , c h opp ó medium r ed onion, fin ed ely chopped 1 T fresh le mon juice Salt and pe pper to taste 2 ó T sour c ream 2 T mayo ó cup waln uts or pecan s 1 T Italian parsley. Ch opped 1 t paprika
„Tuscan Style Pasta‰
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Serves: 3 to 4
mrined when the co ck that I felt chag pa d an e ar ep pr to so easy for me to well when ready Corn Salad. It was overnight. Drain ll and garnish with te n. ra ga ge be fri ts re en d im an pl ture. Mix we edients well Mix first five ingr eam and mayo and add to the mix cr ur so of our readers serve. Combine paprika. r holiday, but one ste Ea g d in an m , co ley e rs nuts, pa edients ready for than to add to this year’s feast. I have all these ingr at I pl sa sta lad recipe th Pasta and I plan to has submitted a pa e for Tuscan Style cip re r he ed ar sh of Monrovia oni acJackie Saccoman e. Cook the macarives, toid as t se d an n . ai try it this week n beans with garlic powder, dr ed cheese. Add ol with dried powdersing and top with chopped ll we Parboil gree ix m d an ll ix in dres e, drain we cording to packager, herb seasoning and oregano. Mowd! cr pp a r pe fo lt, e sa pl or tri n to any meal or in matoes, e 3 to 4 so doublethat sounds like the perfect additionderful Easter and e eggs. This will serv akes some wo for this recip Thanks to Jackie meal in itself. I hope everyone m ke performances that still make a ao ar es K m e co os be he can call 20 minutes be I hope my son remembers th t Becky’s but may un A . at ies ay or nd em Su m us this family he could be with me smile. I wish d) jokes. iginal flavor in a few new (or ol oni and cheese, orom the box fr 1 box Kraft macar r eese powde Take 2 T of the chle and frozen), about one handful ho (w s an French green be medium black olives, whole õ cup d chopped matoes, drained an ó cup sun-dried to ó t sea salt pper ó t fresh ground pe d seasoning en bl rb he n ia ó t dried Ital ano Pinch dried oreg (about ó cup or to taste) g sin es dr n ia se Ital , chopped Kraft Tuscan Hou 2 hard-boiled eggswder po c rli ga T 1
C Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wallW mounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving m tthis place the classic feel of a seaside ffish camp, you’re sure to forget your an h hour from the coast. Dine in or take home ccuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. C Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH Shrimp House S Casual, comfortable, simple, and family C o operated for over 48 years. If you’re tired o of the typical chain dining experience, give tthe little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, h huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste b buds for the rest of your days. Soon you w will join generations of Shrimp House ffanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, ffish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and ffood to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia ((626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742, www. o originalshrimphouse.net
California Cuisine P Picasso’s Café, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet T Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business iin Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or e explore other fresh food choices with our C Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 2 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San G Gabriel Valley’s Small Business of the Y Year 2008, we are focused on providing q quality food products and events, cconsistent service, and competitive prices. Experience our ever-growing selection o of menus, services, presentation styles, a and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food iis a true “work of art!” Catering Available 2 24/7 at www.picassoscafe.com or (626) 9 969-6100. 6070 N. Irwindale Ave., Suite A A-D Irwindale, CA
Coffee, Sweets & Such L Petite France Bakery La Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora N of choices even not on the menu! Just ask o ffor Chef Daniel and he will immediately ccome up with catering ideas from b breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade o of home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. 4 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 4 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company P Located in Altadena and featuring such Lo L he h heavenly and huge dessert delights as: T Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with da d dark chocolate truffle cream. finished with cch chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your ccu cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white o cch chocolate mousse center. Glazed with da d dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, A Altadena (626) 794-1128
Greek G
Corfu Restaurant C Family owned Greek and International F homestyle cuisine set in a casually ho h cco comfortable décor. Dishes range from w waffles to rack of lamb with everything pr p prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra M Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993
Restaurant Lozano R A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican di d dishes like a crispy goat cheese quesadilla w with baby spinach accentuate Lozano’s el e elegant creativity. 44 N. Baldwin Ave., S Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5945
Pad Thai P You can’t go wrong with the namesake Yo Y di d dish at this colorful place with pink booths, br b bright blue table cloths and red napkins. T The garlic pepper mushroom entrée is a favorite among vegetarians. 3500 E. C Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 568-9288 President Thai P Spacious, elegantly attired where S ho h hospitality reigns and classic cuisine rru rules. Wide range of selections from ap a apps to entrees and unique specials. 498 S S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 57 5 578-9814
9 APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
•By Donna Packer•
Not t o be con f used with the Charles and Henry Greene of Gamble House fame, the 9th annual “Art of the Garden” tour, April 19, 2009, showcases gardens whose imaginative fusion of plant materials in an array of textures and shades of green create living compositions of art using Mother Nature’s palette, in distinction to a landscape shaped by the burgeoning Green Movement and emphasis on preservation of natural resources. At their best, gardens are places of sanctuary and three of this year’s gardens offer a respite from the world at large and the hustle and bustle of daily lives. Shady bowers, stone grottos and sheltering Oaks offer a still haven, while garden gates and narrow winding paths invite you to explore the landscape beyond your view as unseen vistas and secret
gardens open up to the inquisitive visitor. Gardens are also places for family and friends to gather and these landscapes have been designed with entertaining in mind. Outdoor kitchens set the stage for al fresco dining and fireplaces warm patios and allow conversations to continue as the sun sets and the evenings cool. Pools, spas and tennis courts provide relaxation and recreation. Water is one of our most precious resources, especially in this arid Southern California climate. Green gardening is a way to minimize our reliance on water without sacrificing the greenscape that softens and enhances our homes. It can be achieved in a number of ways: composting, the use of drought-tolerant plants or, as one homeowner boldly chose, a synthetic lawn. This is not the Astroturf of
the 1960s, however. This lawn looks and feels as close to the real thing as humans can create. Combined with a desert patio garden of cacti and succulents, this turf needs no water, no mowing, no weeding. Natural plant materials, flowering shrubs and trees are used as accents to this vast expanse of lawn. Solar panels supply 40-50% of the energy used to power this home. Creative Arts Group is proud to present four exemplary gardens showcasing the work of our most talented landscape architects and designers. We wish to thank homeowners Rary Simmons, James and Jeanette Mamakos, Anthony and Teresa Clougherty, and Mark and Amanda Holdsworth. For tickets and more information visit Creative Arts Group at 108 N. Baldwin Ave. in Sierra Madre or call (626) 355-8350.
1. Ale, e.g. 5. Parotitis 10. Fleshy fruit 14. Dies ___ 15. Abrasive mineral 16. Vivacity 17. It may be compact 18. Homerun king Hank 19. Tear apart 20. Rival of Helena 22. Immense 24. Potato 27. Actress McClurg 28. Slower than sound 32. Uncovered 36. Ring org. 37. Vision 39. Shorthand taker 40. First.class 42. Mooring place 44. This, in Tijuana 45. Courtyard 47. Domesticates 49. Be off
2 3 1 4 3
6 7 4 1
5 5 7 6 2 7
3 2
9. Church council 10. Pervade 11. Bread spread 12. Hindu lawgiver 13. Terminates 21. Epic narrative poem 23. Barbecue fare 25. Single entity 26. Toe or finger 28. Trades 29. Lusitania sinker 30. African language group 31. Inexpensive 33. Do.over button 34. ___ nous 35. Portals 38. Swollen part 41. German physicist 43. Soccer legend 46. Siouan speaker 48. Thick slice 52. Dig out the whole plant 54. Living in a city 55. Intrinsically 57. Friends 58. “Night” author Wiesel 59. Fabric ridge 60. Increase in height or number 62. Memo phrase 63. Final Four org. 64. Salmon that has spawned 67. Put down 68. Sorority letter;
Last Week’s Solution
Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.
Last Week’s Solution
1. Remain 2. Greek goddess of strife 3. Bridge seat 4. Break 5. Cry ___ River 6. Actress Thurman 7. Trifling 8. Lying flat
Or, “the numbers must occur only once”
9 6 2 2 5
Sudoku 4
50. Slow growth 51. Corrupts 53. Liquid food 56. Harvest 57. Maker of pewter utensils 61. Verge 65. Winglike parts 66. Influential offering 69. On a single occasion 70. Taylor of “Mystic Pizza” 71. It’s a plus 72. Spoken 73. Observed 74. ___ lift? 75. Nipple
Green and Green Gardens
7 8 6 9 3 1 5 2 4
2 1 3 8 5 4 6 9 7
5 4 9 2 7 6 1 3 8
1 6 2 4 9 3 7 8 5
4 7 8 5 1 2 3 6 9
9 3 5 7 6 8 2 4 1
3 9 4 1 2 7 8 5 6
6 5 1 3 8 9 4 7 2
8 2 7 6 4 5 9 1 3
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 10
This Week in History GONDOLAS AND 1961: RUSSIA SENDS CRAB CAKES IN FIRST MAN INTO SPACE THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT In 1961, Russia beat the U.S.A. in the race to get the first man into space, winning the so-called “space race”. The spacecraft Vostok (East) was launched from the Baikonur launch pad in Kazakhstan in what was then part of Soviet central Asia. Major Gagarin orbited the Earth for 108 minutes travelling at more than 17,000 miles per hour (27,000 kilometres per hour) before returning safely to Earth.
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Independent PASADENA
With the pop of a champagne cork, the gondola set off into the glossy water. Ducks were frolicking, music was playing, guests were laughing, and I was sipping bubbly near the bow. It was a pretty normal day at the lake, except for one thing: this voyage began in the lobby of a hotel, in the middle of the desert. My getaway to the city of Palm Desert and the Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa was highlighted by the boat ride and by an incredible eclectic dinner at the Cork Tree Restaurant. The adventure began when a friend and I checked into a luxurious seventh floor room, overlooking the four-star resort’s 450 acres of lushly landscaped grounds and lagoons. One of 884 deluxe accommodations (including 51 suites), the room featured a private bath with separate tub and shower, mini-bar, a Sony CD player, big f lat screen television, Internet access, and private balcony. From the balcony we could see the giant crystal blue swimming pool and watch ducks and birds play in a murky pond below. We could also see golfers swing
on an 18-hole championship golf course, while taking in the majestic beauty of the Santa Rosa Mountains. But this was only part of what the resort has to offer. Besides two Ted Robinson-designed golf courses, the sprawling property offers 11 eateries, including the renowned Mikado and Ristorante Tuscany. There is also a state-of-the-art fullservice spa; fitness room, tennis courts, nearby hiking and biking, and 53,000-sq-ft of meeting space. One of the most interesting features of the hotel is the 8-story-high lobby, which is designed like a Venetian waterway with lake and waterfalls. From the lobby guests can take a gondola ride to one of the restaurants or just tour the property. We took the tour and relaxed to the sounds of music, wild birds and waterfalls, while drinking champagne. After the sunset cruise, we drove a across the street to the Cork Tree Restaurant for dinner. Here we met chef Herve, a Frenchmen whose eclectic Californian creations have become legendary in the desert. For an idea of what the Cork Tree serves, here is
By Greg Aragon
what we had in one delicious sitting. We began with two appetizers: Mini Duck Confit Tacos, with frisee salad, kefir cheese and chipotle sauce; and crab & rock shrimp cakes, with oven dried tomato compote, fennel -citrus salad and champagne beurre. The cakes were meaty and incredible. They were probably the best I’ve had. For our main course I enjoyed a seafood duo of pan-seared Lake Superior white fish, with squash and clam chowder sauce, and paired with lobster tail with mustard tarragon butter, asparagus and green beans. My friend had center cut veal chop with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus. Desert Springs, A JW Marriott Resort & Spa is conveniently located at 74855 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92260. For more info and reservations, call (760) 341-2211 or visit: www. desertspringsresort.com. For more info on Cork Tree Restaurant, call (760) 779-0123 or visit www.thecorktree. com.
(Paid Political Advert)
A Message from Monrovia Mayor
Rob Hammond Dear Friends and Neighbors, Over the past twelve years you have honored me with your vote to serve our community as your mayor, and councilman. Being elected to represent the people of Monrovia will always be a highlight of my life. It has been both a joy, and a pleasure. On Tuesday April 14, 2009 we will go to the polls to elect a new mayor, and 2 council members. The people that we elect to represent us should have the experience we need, and the dedication that is necessary to make sure Monrovia stays progressive for the future, and grounded in the past. My recommendations are Mary Ann Lutz for Mayor. Dan Kirby and Joe Garcia for City Council. Mary Ann, Dan, and Joe have collectively dedicated over 24 years of service to make Monrovia the wonderful place we all call home. This is 24 years of experience balancing budgets in good times, and not so good times. This is 24 years of experience listening to the issues that face Monrovia families, and knowing how to solve these issues. This is 24 years of experience rolling up their sleeves guiding development issues, labor issues, and hillside issues. This is 24 years of experience working as a team representing ALL the needs of a very diverse city. Their experience helped deliver our new library on time and under budget. Mary Ann Lutz, Dan Kirby, and Joe Garcia know how to make the tough decision when it comes to balancing a budget during these tough economic times. They know how to balance the demands of our city, with the limited funds we have to run it. Their number 1 priority is public safety...always has been and always will be. To have quality public safety services we have to have the money to pay for Police, and Fire protection. MaryAnn Lutz, Dan Kirby, and Joe Garcia have the experience to make sure the proper funding is available to make sure Monrovians are safe in their homes and neighborhoods. 2009 will be a year of uncertainty for some people. Unemployment rates are rising, and the number of foreclosed homes is increasing. Now more than ever we need the steady hand of experience helping to guide our community. Mary Ann Lutz, Dan Kirby, and Joe Garcia have done a great job, and we should allow them to continue to guide Monrovia. I trust them to do their very best for all of us. I hope you will too. Thank you for all of your support, Rob Hammond, Mayor Campaign ID #1250726 • #1313985 • #1229543
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
now, through the ap- or Federal Governments. Which Skinny from 1 provalSoprocess for One Carter basically means that after we’ve it was up to me I’d have fired her on the spot. But for the sake of argument, let’s play along. Now when Sierra Madre’s RHNA number actually was 138 “units� of new housing (to be jammed into this already built-out town for the purpose of satisfying the Sacramento Building Trades lobbyists and the politicians they own like so many poodles), it wasn’t really all about low income housing. Here is how things broke down originally:
Cover Story
Above Moderate Income (above $71,800 per year) - 56 units Moderate Income ($71,800 per year household income) - 24 units Low Income ($60,650 per year household income) - 22 units Very Low income ($37,900 per year household income) - 36 units As you can see, Moderate and Above Moderate income housing is a full 80 units strong, whereas the Low and Very Low income housing would be a mere 58 units! Now the rationale for this delicate little arrangement was that in order to make it worth the developer’s while, we’d have to allow for the building of properties they can make some money on. And then, out of the kindness of their big warm hearts, they’d build some Low Income housing. All because they really do care about poor people, I suppose.
and Stonehouse, the higher priced RHNA units have all been accounted for. And then some. And all that is left is the Low Income stuff. And through various creative exercises our Low Income RHNA number is now down to a mere 26 units. Or at least that is what the City Hall folks are saying. So here’s the logic gap. With only 26 Low Income Housing Units left to be accounted for, why all the excitement? After all, wasn’t that supposedly the level the developers couldn’t make any money at? My take is this. Once we zone for the construction of the 26 Low Income Housing units, who is to say that what eventually gets built will actually be Low Income Housing? Once we sign off on the permits, and whoever used to happen to live there has been evicted and seen their homes bulldozed to make way for these multi-unit high density eyesores, will they actually build what they say they will build? Given this City’s experiences with highly litigious and untrustworthy developers in the recent past, do you really believe they will to do what they’re supposed to do? Particularly when we’ve been told as recently as last year that they can’t make any money building Low Income Housing? I certainly don’t trust them. In my opinion most developers have the ethics and sensitivity of a pack of Michael Vick’s pit bulls. The ones that won their fights. Of course, there is another way that these developers can make money by building Low Income Housing here, and that is through subsidies from City, State
been bludgeoned into creating space here for the building of low income housing blocks we then, through the use of our tax dollars, also get to pay for their construction. Nice touch, eh? Kind of like paying the fee for your own execution. Of course, the government doesn’t have much in the way of cash right now, so that probably won’t work. One of the sacred cows in this RHNA numbers debate is that we’re talking about the building of housing that people who don’t have a lot of dough can buy. And the marketing of this concept is basically some pretty standard guilt-tripping. The way you’re suppose to view this is it’s all because Sacramento politicians and organizations like SCAG really care about the poor and want to make the world a better place. And you would have to be really hardhearted and uncaring to not want to make all of the necessary sacrifices so that they can show their love. But look, most of us gave up smoking pot a long time ago. That is, if we ever actually used the stuff at all. And this quaint hippy notion that we can help make the world a groovy place by allowing oh-so caring real estate developers and their bureaucratic yes men to build low-income housing for the poor in the residential Middle Class neighborhoods of Sierra Madre is about as believable as John “One Carter� Buchanan telling us he’s “Green.� Remember the rule of thumb. When it comes to housing, it is ALWAYS about money. Everything else is just hype and marketing.
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Random connected issues: 1) Something that gives the lie to SCAG’s supposed impartial role in these matters is the continued influence of Bart Doyle there. If SCAG truly is made up of elected City Council Creatures bent on making the world a more beautiful and happy place, why is this arch-redeveloper calling so many of the shots there? Particularly on redevelopment issues? After all, Doyle hasn’t been elected to anything in years. And, as we saw during our last elections, he can’t get his secretary elected to anything, either. Yet Bart continues to use SCAG and its RHNA numbers as a crowbar to force unwanted redevelopment into this town. Making it plainly obvious that SCAG is just an appendage of the Building Trades lobbies in Sacramento, and therefore not in any way deserving of the tax money it receives from our wretched state representatives for its continued existence. After all, wasn’t Doyle the BIA’s legal guy for years? And the guy responsible for that organization’s generous funding of the Stop Measure V pressure groups in this town? The sooner Sierra Madre gets out of SCAG and away from such people, the better off we’ll be. 2) Another thing that needs to be identified here is the agenda of those peddling redevelopment in our residential neighborhoods. It is no secret that building low income multi-dwelling housing in our single family neighborhoods is not a wildly popular idea. We’re talking about the introduction of high density housing for the poor and the all the unpleasant social ills that would accompany such a thing. But is this what Karen Warner and those pulling her strings are really proposing? Or is it a threat designed to make something else seem more palatable. It is no secret that redevelopment oberherren such as John Buchanan, Joe Mosca, Michelle Keith, and Judy Webb-Martin continue to mourn the loss of the DSP and Downtown High Density Redevelopment. By threatening this town with low income block housing in single family neighborhoods, are they in reality trying to make downtown condominium redevelopment an acceptable alternative? Is this actually an attempt to repeal Measure V? A deceptive slight of hand dressed up as a way of saving our residential neighborhoods from the depredations of the very people pushing for it in the first place? That would appear to be the case. It is obvious that Doyle and his acolytes would much prefer to enable the building of 300+ condos downtown than the mere 26 residential neighborhood wickiups they’re talking about now. 3) One of the arguments you hear in favor of Low Income Housing and redevelopment is Senior Housing. The idea being that our seniors deserve inexpensive places to live without having to leave town. Unfortunately, the State of California has something to say about who would actually get to live in any low income Senior Housing we might allow to be built here. Once Senior Housing becomes available in any municipality, a lottery must be held for those apartments. And
unfortunately limiting that lottery to just the town where those units would be built is, according to Sacramento, discriminatory and therefore illegal. Of course, any senior citizen in Sierra Madre can enter that lottery, along with 10s of thousands of other people from all over California. But with odds that lousy your chances of actually winning a billet are slim. Now you could win something in, let’s say, Paramount. But would you actually want to live there? Those who are pushing the Senior Housing angle here know all about this, but have chosen not to discuss it with us because it doesn’t fit their real designs. Which is to make money for themselves and their friends through the enabling of new construction here. 4) One of the ways that the City of Sierra Madre has been able to lower its RHNA number to 26 low income units is through the use of “Granny Houses.� Granny Houses, which are more commonly called Guest Houses, are mostly out of code bungalows that owners generally rent out for the additional income. The deal that the City is offering to the owners of these quaint cottages is that if they agree to turn them into Low Income Housing, City Hall will make sure than any code issues are easily taken care of. This being the best and most amenable way to retire the onerous SCAG imposed RHNA burden. That so many redevelopment advocates such as Karen Warner and Bart Doyle are aghast at this idea is pretty telling. It would preclude the building of multi-family high density housing, which is where the money their patrons desire is to be found. And obviously that is all they really care about. 5) One last point, and this is the one that I feel most deeply about. Seizing someone’s home under Eminent Domain so that somebody else can get rich building condominiums, tax payer funded or not, is a particularly ugly form of government violence. That people who did nothing but work hard all their lives, who did the right things and made all the necessary sacrifices, should be forced to give up their homes so that others who did not play by those rules can live cheaply in a desirable community is outrageous. And that this would be done for the actual purpose of allowing large redevelopment corporations to make money makes it all the uglier. If City Councilmen John Buchanan and Joe Mosca feel so strongly about this cooked up Low Income Housing issue, let them sell their houses to the City Redevelopment Agency for a paltry government check and move out. After all, if they believe so deeply in this issue, certainly they would want to be among the first to make the same kinds of sacrifices they’d be asking others to make, right? Otherwise they just might come across as being little more than shills and hypocrites. A lot of issues are laid out here and, as you can see, there is much that needs to be discussed. But let me tell you this, the Monster is now back on its feet and walking. It’s all hands to the middle time, gang. Make sure you’re ready to do your part.
Below you will find a list of those homes identified as candidates for eminent domain seizure should the likes of John Buchanan and Joe Mosca somehow get their way. Once these homes are seized by the government they would then be razed and the property used for the construction of multiunit low income housing. These addresses came from the “Sierra Madre 2008-2014 Housing Element Community Workshop, March 31, 2009� handout. You will notice that some of the listed homes slated for possible seizure and destruction are over 100 years old. So much for all the recent lip service from that quarter about preserving Sierra Madre’s historical heritage. Here’s the at risk homes: 293 Mariposa Avenue - single family home .. 22,800 square foot lot .. built 1901 271 Mariposa Avenue - single family home .. 11,500 square foot lot .. built 1942 261 Mariposa Avenue - single family home .. 11,450 square foot lot .. built 1921 109 Auburn Avenue - single family home .. 8,250 square foot lot .. built 1921 91 Auburn Avenue - single family home .. 4,810 square foot lot .. built 1905 99 Auburn Avenue - 2 “units� .. 3,440 square foot lot .. built 1905 87 Auburn Avenue - single family home .. 8,250 square foot lot .. built 1931 318 Montecito Avenue - single family home .. 7,482 square foot lot .. built 1914 46 N. Lima Street - single family home .. 7,500 square foot lot .. built 1922 198 W. Montecito Avenue - single family home .. 3,000 square foot lot .. built 1908 196 W. Montecito Avenue - single family home .. 3,000 square foot lot .. built 1927 40 N. Hermosa Avenue - vacant - 12,300 square foot lot .. built 1926 170 W. Montecito Avenue - single family home .. 7,767 square foot lot .. built 1949 168 W. Montecito Avenue - single family home .. 7,701 square foot lot .. built 1942 182 W. Highland Avenue - single family home .. 11,904 square foot lot .. built 1907 The truly sad thing here is just how unnecessary this plan is. With the City’s initiative to turn “Granny Houses� into the kinds of units that would fulfill our Low Income Housing targets, none of this even needs to be considered. But again, for those who want to seize these particular properties it isn’t really about Low Income Housing. It is about the money to be made by building condominiums. Nothing more. Downtown is protected by Measure V, but who is on the side of these people? That duty falls on us. Sir Eric Maundry is the force behind sierramadretattler.blogspot.com, home to “All the News the Other Fellows Don’t Print�, at least until now.
13 APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide Reni Rose (626) 355-8400 110 Coburn, Sierra Madre Offered at $1,365,000.
A Perfect 10 -- Stunning is the only way to describe it - Built in 2004, this magnificent 3500+ sf home is one of a kind. There are 3 large master suites (one downstairs) including an impressive secluded master with sumptuous bath and tranquil view of the mountains/valley, plus the Jack & Jill bedrooms and 5 baths. Other features include soaring ceilings, expansive windows, large family room, gourmet kitchen & breakfast area with window seating, wood flooring, plantation shutters & more. Call today for more details and for a private showing of the PERFECT 10!
838 Wick Lane, Glendora Offered at $1,295,000.
winter. - Photo courtesy of Chuck Fowler and Jim Maslanik, University of Colorado, and NSIDC
Thin Ice on 15
Offered at $1,195,000.
Special Financing creates an awesome opportunity to own this prestigious home in North Sierra Madre and an added bonus of ARCADIA SCHOOLS. Even Julia Childs would love the remodeled kitchen and new appliances. With over 3,000 sf of luxury on a 15,000 sf lot you can enjoy the sounds of the backyard waterfall or simply relax in the spa. Your family and guests will arrive on the circular driveway and enter to enjoy the many amenities including 2 family rooms, wood flooring, plus 5 spacious bedrooms and 3 updated baths. Call for details on the special financing being offered.
1946 Alta Oaks, Arcadia Offered at $1,150,000.
Offering Arcadia Schools, this home is located is the highly desirable “Highlands” community of North Arcadia. It has been lovingly maintained for the past 44 years and was updated in 1997. The rooms are spacious and light filled. The 12,781 sf lot offers a spacious back yard with sparkling pool, mountain view, lanai and patio. The home is 2,217 sf with a family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and CA & heat. This one won’t last!
Offered at 1,075,000.
Extraordinary in Detail – This house has a rich blend of history and craftsmanship. It was built in the 1890’s and its design reflects discriminating taste and art. The master suite is enhanced with a spectacular view from the balcony and steam sauna. You can entertain handsomely in the large country kitchen or around the saltwater pool and spa. Additional features include: family room, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2,621 sf home, 12,297 sf lot, tranquil mountain view and detached music room. If character, privacy and warmth are in your plans, this home is just right for you! Call to preview before it is too late.
The latest Arctic sea ice data from NASA and the National Snow and Ice Data Center show that the decade-long trend of shrinking sea ice cover is continuing. New evidence from satellite observations also shows that the ice cap is thinning as well. Arctic sea ice works like an air conditioner for the global climate system. Ice naturally cools air and water masses, plays a key role in ocean circulation, and reflects solar radiation back into space. In recent years, Arctic sea ice has been declining at a surprising rate. Scientists who track Arctic sea ice cover from space announced today that this winter had the fifth lowest maximum ice extent on record. The six lowest maximum events since satellite monitoring began in 1979 have all occurred in the past six years (2004-2009). Until recently, the majority of Arctic sea ice survived at least one summer and often several. But things have changed dramatically, according to a team of University of Colorado, Boulder, scientists led by Charles Fowler. Thin seasonal ice -- ice that melts and re-freezes every year -- makes up about 70 percent of the Arctic sea ice in wintertime, up from 40 to 50 percent in the 1980s and 1990s. Thicker ice, which survives two or more years, now comprises just 10 percent of wintertime ice cover, down from 30 to 40 percent. According to researchers from the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo., the maximum sea ice extent for 2008-09, reached on Feb. 28, was 15.2 million square kilometers (5.85 million square miles). That is 720,000 square kilometers (278,000 square miles) less than the average extent for 1979 to 2000. “Ice extent is an important measure of the health of the Arctic, but it only gives us a twodimensional view of the ice cover,” said Walter Meier, research scientist at the center and the University of Colorado, Boulder. “Thickness is important, especially in the winter, because it is the best overall indicator of the health of the ice cover. As the ice cover in the Arctic grows thinner, it grows more vulnerable to melting in the summer.” The Arctic ice cap grows each winter as the sun sets for Maps show the relative age of Arctic sea ice at the end of February 2009 and over several months and intense time. Thin, first-year ice is the predominant type covering the Arctic Ocean this
2075 Santa Anita Avenue
321 E. Grandview, Sierra Madre
2025 Carolwood, Arcadia, Ca Offered at $1,048,000.
Situated in Highland Oaks with awarding winning Arcadia Schools, this home offers: : 2,985 sq.ft. (which includes the 664 sq.ft. of basement) with a 22,440 sf lot., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car attached garage & a 664 sf finished basement currently being used as a media room and 5th bedroom.
1912 S. 7th Place, Arcadia Offered at: $848,000
Close your eyes -- and picture your special home. This lovely updated home is really something special. Located in the much sought after Arcadia School District, this open and airy home features 3 fireplaces, a master suite with walk-in closet and luxurious new bath, Jack & Jill bedrooms, an oversized garage with tons of storage and a sparkling pool. Offers: 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,355 sf home, a 7,196 sf lot, updated with copper plumbing, electrical, a new roof and is ready for you to just move in! To see this special home call 626-355-8400.
1745 La Cresta, Pasadena Offered at $848,000.
Owner remembers the architect as being a Frank Lloyd Wright understudy. This home offers wonderful tranquil views of the mountains and Brookside Golf Course. For those who love to golf, this property is conveniently located just one mile from the Brookside Country Club. The floor plan is open and spacious and offers pleasant views from almost every room of the home. There are modern touches, walls of windows, new carpeting and new interior paint. 2,238 sq. ft. home, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 2250 sq.ft.lot
50 W. Dayton, Pasadena Offered at $798,000 or lease $3,200/mo. Old Town Pasadena – truly urban living at its finest! This dramatic loft-style, single level condo located on the top floor is just steps from fine dining, shops, theaters and the Gold Line. The complex epitomizes today’s trend of a live/ work lifestyle – ideal for the sophisticated buyer looking for an ultra modern living environment complete with industrial design elements. Features: soaring 14-foot ceilings, fireplace, stainless steel accents, GE Monogram stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, separate laundry room, 1379 Sq. Ft., 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Balconies, 2 parking spaces.
285 Sturtevant Drive, Sierra Madre LI NE ST W IN G
OP SA EN T. HO 2- U 4P S M E
This data visualization from the AMSR-E instrument on the Aqua satellite show the maximum sea ice extent for 2008-09, which occurred on Feb. 28, 2009. - Photo courtesy of NASA Goddard’s Scientific Visualization Studio
Country living just 30 miles from Los Angeles! Build your dream home on this wonderfully private and secluded property which is zoned for horses and consists of about 8 acres with approximately 2.2 of them being on a gentle slope. There is a possible development opportunity to build 2 to 3 homes. Buyer to verify with the City of Glendora.
Offered at $719,500.
Tucked away at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains in Sierra Madre you’ll find a relaxing hide-away to come home to! The interior of this home has been freshly painted. The living room features a fireplace, is filled with natural light and is open to the kitchen.The floor plan offers 2 bedrooms and 1 ½ baths downstairs and situated upstairs is a grand master suite that features a mountain view, a fireplace, vaulted ceiling, spacious closet, and a large bath complete with soaking tub, separate shower and double sinks. The house is 2,038 s.f. and the lot is 7,029 s.f. Here is your opportunity to live in Sierra Madre!
180 Santa Anita Court, Sierra Madre New Price: $598,000
This cottage has loads of curb appeal and is located just a short walk to the quaint village of Sierra Madre & Sierra Vista Park. The inviting and open floor plan will inspire you to entertain or simply have a quiet evening at home. This 1165 sq. ft. home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The lot is 6,318 sq. ft. There is a 400 sq.ft. attic which will be great for storage. The yard has been professionally landscaped and has auto sprinklers.
Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: Renirose.com
l i r Ap
is CENTURY 21® Open House Month! Spring one of these local Century 21 Offices This This Spring visitvisit your local CENTURY 21 Office or go to: {Insert Date and$221,000 Location} Enter to win
2002 BELLA VISTA AVENUE, ARCADIA.Stunning Tuscan masterpiece on estate sized lot. Cathedral ceilings, foyer w/ custom iron front door, grand master suite with retreat, formal dining room with coffered ceilings. Excellent Arcadia schools. (B2002)
601 SYCAMORE DRIVE, SAN GABRIEL. No. San Gabriel location. Spacious 3BR, 2BA with master suite, formal dining room, kitchen that opens into family room w/ fireplace. The home is built around a central patio with large oak tree. Ready to sell. (S601)
Beautiful 3bdrm 2bth home remodeled w/marble counters, dual sinks, ceramic floor, high quality appliances, solid maple cabinets, granite countertops, breakfast area, dining room w/FP, living room w/double entry doors, separate laundry room, 3 car garage, Mountain Views, Turnkey home ready to move-in. (T540)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
Pre-foreclosure! Horse Ranch, working Equestrian Dressage Farm located near PGA Golf Course. Five acres with Craftsman style home, 4bdrms 3bths, FP, dining room, recreation room, professional Dressage training and instruction. USDF qualified training facilities, 17 boarding stalls, a circular arena. Lots of income potential. (C38834)
This home is move-in ready. Property is NOT an REO or short sale. Features two large bedrooms, 2baths one with huge master bath, very large kitchen with breakfast nook, bar counter, and a eating area for the dining room table, perfect for entertaining, large service/laundry room that can be used as a third bedroom if converted and laundry put in garage. (E142)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
T h i s 3 b d r m 2 b t h To w n H o m e i s a n e n d u n i t c l o s e to restaurants and transportation. Very well maintained, hardwood floors in the entry & dining area, large master suite, south facing unit and low HOA fees. (M320)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, condominium in the heart of Pasadena. Close proximity to Old Town Pasadena and the South Lake street, park your car and walk to all the restaurants, shopping and coffee shops. Open floor plan. Renovated complex with pool, spa, gum and recreation room. Low association. Great price. (M355)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This executive style condo shows like a model home. Located in a beautiful, well maintained gated complex. Kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances. Nice patio for outdoor dining. (ORA)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Sturdy Duplex - Best Area Of Monrovia. Quiet Street, Potential Rents 1400-1500 / Mo. Built 1962. Each unit has 2 BDRMS, full bath, 1138 sq. ft., Ranges, Double Oven, Wall Heaters & A/C, sep. Laundry, paneling throughout, Covered Parking, Ample Rear Yards. Drive by only. (P441)
Fantastic Opportunity to own 2 homes on a lot, adjacent to Arcadia, on a 10,000 sq. ft. lot. Each home has a nice size yard and own parking. Please call agent for viewing. (WAL)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888
3 bedrooms, 1 ¾ baths, fireplace, 1540 sq.ft., new roof, separate formal dining room & eat in kitchen, master suite with bath. 6808 sf.ft. lot (M3542)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
633 W. Olive, Monrovia.Two bedrooms, one bath, living room with lots of windows, indoor’laundry room, update plumbing & electrical, newer roof, detached garage, close to park, Old Town, shopping and transportation.(O633)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This Bank Owned home has it all. Vaulted ceilings, spacious living room, a dream kitchen with granite counter tops, built-in cook top/chef’s island, opens up to the family room, fireplace and built-in aquarium. Upstairs laundry room, 4 spacious bedrooms with master suite including private bath, walk in closets and balcony. Relaxing backyard, covered patio, fountain and built-in BBQ. Attached double garage, close to schools & shopping. (C30511)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This home is move-in ready. Property is NOT an REO or short sale. Features two large bedrooms, 2baths one with huge master bath, very large kitchen with breakfast nook, bar counter, and a eating area for the dining room table, perfect for entertaining, large service/laundry room that can be used as a third bedroom if converted and laundry put in garage. (E142)
VERY LOW ASSOCIATION DUES! $339,000 316 GENOA STREET #A, MONROVIA.This is truly a turn key condo with views of the mountains and very low association dues! Desirable front unit with a bright and airy floor plan. 2 master suites with full baths, hardwood floors in the living areas and much more! This is a must see! (G316)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
This beautiful home features 2 bedrooms and 1 remodeled bath. Newly installed bamboo hardwood flooring throughout, new paint inside and out, newer roof, FA/ CA and much more! Close to City of Hope. (BRO)
Spacious 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled living room, dining room, Kitchen. New wood flooring, new carpeting, scrapped ceilings. Master bathroom is in the middle of updating, needs shower, sink and flooring, backyard with RV parking, patio and pool that needs resurfacing, double detached garage. (E1951)
This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath is in good condition and features large family room with fireplace, covered patio and 2 car attached garage. Large yard located on a cul-de-sac with nice curb appeal. (MAS)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888
CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
658 S. Wabash, Glendora.Bright, clean 3 BR, 1BA home upgraded with beautiful refinished hardwood floors. Large private backyard with screened in patio. Carport plus 2-car garage. Great Glendora area. (W658)
Great 2 bedroom unit in terrific neighborhood. Master Bedroom with large closet and 3/4 bath. Full bathroom in hallway. Living room with large windows, dining area and kitchen with lots of storage space. Two underground garage parking spaces with storage compartments. Near shopping and La Salle High School. (MIC)
(626) 301-1888
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 16
Dilbeck Real Estate and Baldwin Realty Join Forces Advertise your business here
The economical way to promote your business (l-r) Michael Ferlisi, Co-manager of Dilbeck’s Arcadia office, Mark Dilbeck, President of Dilbeck Realtors,Gordon Maddonck, founder of Baldwin Realty and now Dilbeck’s Director of Business Development and Harold Baerresen, Co-manager of the real estate firm’s Arcadia office as well as Manager of the Glendora office, are pictured here after the announcement to Baldwin agents at last week’s breakfast event.
Call 626-301-1010 or email advertising@ beaconmedianews. com
A joint announcement was made last week that Baldwin Realty of Arcadia joined the Dilbeck Real Estate family. Dilbeck Realtors is one of the largest familyowned real estate companies in Southern California. With the addition of Baldwin Realty’s 50 agents, the company now has over 700 sales partners in 15 offices. B a l d w i n’s A r c a d i a agents have moved to Dilbeck’s Arcadia office. Bald-
win’s Glendora office will become Dilbeck’s 15th office. “Our growth continues,” said Dilbeck Realtors’ President, Mark Dilbeck. “This announcement follows Ellis Realty joining a few months ago, as well the opening of our new Calabasas office before that. Our goal is to continually be flexible, capitalizing on windows of opportunity whenever possible.” Dilbeck continued,
“With the Baldwin agents joining us we are now even better positioned to provide the best possible service and support for our clients and sales partners.” When asked about the decision to join Dilbeck Real Estate, Maddock said, “I have been approached by many competitors over the years who wanted to purchase my real estate firm. I feel that Dilbeck best represents the values we at Baldwin have held close for the past 36 years. Our agents and our management team are very excited about joining the Dilbeck Family.” D i lbec k cont i nued , “This deal is a perfect fit for both companies. Our firms are a tremendous cultural match. In addition to providing our Baldwin sales partners and clients a place with a similar value system, we also provide our Baldwin sales partners, the tools and support needed to continue what they do best . . . selling real estate. Due to our size, we are able to offer them the cutting edge tools required to function in today’s market.”
The Gold Standard
ww $499,000
Enter to win $221,000 at century21.com/sweepstakes!
E US HO PM N -4 E OP AT. 1 S
EN - 4 OP UN 1 S
500 W. Montecito Ave., Sierra Madre. This 3,536 Sq.Ft. Home Is Perfect For 2 Families. Features Include 4 Bed/ 4 Bath, With 2 Master Bedrooms, 1 With Nursery/Office Attached, Formal Dining, Living Room With Fireplace & Gourmet Kitchen W/Granite Counters. Take The Elevator Down To Separate Living Quarters With Its Own Kitchen, Fireplace And Entrance. Large 12,000 Lot With Great Curb Appeal! (Mon)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Place, Pasadena. This wonderful family home w/3bdrm 2bth is located in the San Rafael Hill Area. This home offers privacy & seclusion. Charming updated interior, warm, sunny, extra large windows and French doors, lush green views, remodeled gourmet kitchen, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, formal dining room, patio w/BBQ, direct access garage and so much more. Must See!!! (C1250)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
208 Ramona Ave., Sierra Madre. This gorgeous 4 bedroom is situated on a large, beautifully landscaped lot (0ver 13,000 sq.ft.) and features include, gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances including a wine cooler, beautiful remodeled baths, onyx trimmed fireplaces, dual pane windows, plantation shutters, fantastic patio with fireplace, and so much more!!! (RAM)
Located in Upper Hastings Ranch. Spacious living room with fireplace, cozy dining area, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, enclosed patio with windows overlooking the rear garden. Kitchen with counter eating area. Master bedroom with bath & large closet. Double detached garage. Brick patio, fruit trees. (T1210)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
Hard to find newer PUD has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with 1 bedroom located downstairs. Master has walk-in closet and spa tub. Built in 2004 with 2,588 sq. ft. of living space on 5,188 lot. (R2595)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
This 3bdrm 2bth features spacious floor plan with family room, big lot 13,003 sq ft, with swimming pool, 2car attached garage, boarding on Arcadia. (E849)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
4-Plex by golf course. Rental income $3,700 month. 4-Plex – 2 studios + 2 1 bedrooms. Each unit has garage. (B3212)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
10595 Haverly St, El Monte. Nice starter home at the end of a cul-de-sac street in El Monte. Bright & airy, open floor plan, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, granite counter top in kitchen, dining area, living room, new Laminate wood floors thru-out, 2 car detached garage with new door. (H10595)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 17
Thin Ice from 11 cold sets in. Some of that ice is naturally pushed out of the Arctic by winds, while much of it melts in place during summer. The thicker, older ice that survives one or more summers is more likely to persist through the next summer. Sea ice thickness has been hard to measure directly, so scientists have typically used estimates of ice age to approximate its thickness. But last year a team of researchers led by Ron Kwok of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena produced the first map of sea ice thickness over the entire Arctic basin. Using two years of data from NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), Kwok’s team estimated thickness and volume of the Arctic Ocean ice cover for 2005 and 2006. They found that the average winter volume of Arctic sea ice contained enough water to fill Lake Michigan and Lake Superior combined. The older, thicker sea ice is declining and is being replaced with newer, thinner ice that is more vulnerable to summer melt, according to Kwok. His team found that seasonal sea ice averages about 1.7 meters (6 feet) in thickness, while ice that had lasted through more than one summer averages about 3 meters (9 feet), though it can grow much thicker in some locations near the coast. Kwok is currently working to extend the ICESat estimate further, from 2003 to 2008, to see how the recent decline in the area covered by sea ice is mirrored in changes in its volume. “With these new data on both the area and thickness of Arctic sea ice, we will be able to better understand the sensitivity and vulnerability of the ice cover to changes in climate,” Kwok said.
Smoking from 1 assess the economic impact very few complaints regarding experienced by neighboring communities that have enacted similar measures. The City solicited information from Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Calabasas, regarding the financial impact equivalent smoking regulations have had on their communities. Each city reported that input from their local businesses revealed that next to no revenue was lost as a result of an open-air smoking ban. The economic impact was, in fact, positive, as more elderly, families and non-smokers were seen to increase their patronage, thus outweighing any revenue that might have been lost from smokers who no longer frequented completely smoke-free establishments. The cities surveyed also indicated that they have received
ing’s inherent dangers and to deter them from associating smoking with a fit lifestyle. Its adjunct purpose is environmental protection, to reduce tobacco-related litter and pollution on City property and outdoor dining facilities. With this ordinance, the City is following the lead of a growing number of California cities that have similarly addressed this important quality-of-life issue. While the health risks of smoking were not in dispute during public discussions, concerns were raised as to the potential loss of business revenue should smokers no longer patronize local establishments. Research was undertaken to
Cover Story
the smoking regulations. Ordinance 1291 will require all restaurants, bars, cafés and delis in Sierra Madre to post no-smoking signs, remove ashtrays, and for employees to remind patrons not to smoke. The City is still in the process of considering appropriate enforcement procedures, and as such, warnings as of May 26 will be issued until further notice, to allow sufficient time for businesses and patrons to adjust to the new regulations. Copies of Ordinance 1291 are available for review at Sierra Madre City Hall and the Sierra Madre Public Library as well as online at www.cityofsierramadre.com. For more information, please contact the Sierra Madre Police Department at 626355-1414.
Send us your thoughts: Letters@BeaconMediaNews.com
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California Bungalow shows traditional flair - with period moldings, hardware floors throughout, and a California basement. The livingroom has a Batchelder fireplace with built-in bookshelves. There is a back house that could be used as a private office, artists studio, rental or extended family. PASADENA $498,888 (ROO)
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APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
School•Religion•Community Activities•Social
New Christian Peace School Launches Via Peace Parade
Photos By Terry Miller
On Su nday a f ter noon, Mayor Bogaard and Zhang Jiandong(Governor of Xicheng disict in Beijing as they signed their reaffirmation as sister cities on the 10th anniversary of the joint partnership. The 10th anniversary was marked with the ceremony, signing and gift exchange plus music and lunch all at the Huntington Library. Not everyone is please with the sister cities arrangement> We received this letter from The Visual Arts Guild on Sunday. An Open Letter to the City of Pasadena’s Sister-City Committee April 5, 2009.To All Members of Pasadena’s Sister-City Committee: When the City of Pasadena agreed to join the Sister Cities program, it was to form partnerships that allow our communities to creatively learn, work, and solve problems through cultural, educational, municipal, business, professional, and technical exchanges and projects. One of the City of Pasadena’s Sister Cities partnership is with Xicheng District of Beijing. It is time for the Pasadena Sister Cities Committee to act as a good sister to Xicheng District and engage in a dialogue of real communications and ask Governor Zhang Yu of Xicheng District of Beijing to help promote human rights in China for his own people. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the women, men and families in China who beg for our assistance. California has a rich history in defending basic human rights. The grass roots efforts that the Pasadena Sister Cities Committee may be able to undertake can help restore the sense of dignity for many common people in China who seek the freedoms that we often take for granted. Pasadena’s Sister Cities Committee can send a message to all cities throughout the United States that have sister-city relationships with China’s cities : the people-to-people relations will not exclude our compassion for those who suffer injustice. This is a wonderful opportunity that we urge you to accept. We are appealing to the Pasadena Sister Cities Committee members to send a message to Beijing via Mr. Zhang Yu, Governor of
Xicheng District of Beijing, to ask for the release of Liu Xiaobo. Liu Xiabo was detained since December 10, 2008 on the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Mr. Liu is one of the original signer of Charter 08, a document which re-iterated many of the rights set forth by the UN Declaration as well as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China. In fact, Article 35 of the PRC Constitution guarantees the people in China the right of freedom of speech. We are appealing to the Pasadena Sister City Committee members to send a message to Beijing via Mr. Zhang Yu, Governor of Xicheng District of Beijing to ask for the release of other prisoners of conscience: Huang Qi (human rights activist), Sun Lin (journalist), Qi Chonghuai (journalist), Hu Jia (environmentalist and AIDS activist), Yang Chunlin (land rights activist for peasants), Chen Guangcheng (blind activist against forced abortion and forced sterilization for women) and Shi Tao (journalist). We must take our responsibilities seriously. We must let the officials from Beijing know that common people in the United States do care about the people in China. With the world rapidly changing, the Pasadena Sister Cities Committee would be on the right side of history by taking this one small but bold step of expressing concern for those in China whose are merely exercising their right to freedom of speech. Respectfully, Ann Lau, Visual Artists Guild Ann Noonan, Visual Artists Guild
Mayor Bogaard and Zhang Jiandong(Governor of Xicheng disict in Beijing as they signed their reaffirmation as sister cities on the 10th anniversary of the joint partnership. -Photos by Terry Miller
The Peace and Justice Academy in Pasadena, a new middle and high school that is set to open this fall, made its first major appearance in the community that it intends to serve when, on Sunday, April 5th, it co-sponsored the 7th annual Palm Sunday Peace Parade. Over 140 people marched through the city waving palm branches, carrying signs proclaiming peace, and towing helium-filled balloons with the name and logo of the academy printed on them. Academy staff passed out brochures and explained the school to both parade participants and passersby. The brochure promises academic rigor as well as more unorthodox approaches to education such as “Peace and Justice Labs” and a “no homework policy.” (Further information on the school can be found at www.thepeaceacad-
emy.org.) The parade participants walked from Northwest Pasadena, a historically socially and economically marginalized part of the city, to the Paseo Colorado mall, which symbolized for them the economic and social center of the city. Organizers chose the route to symbolize Jesus’ journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, from the margins of his society to the center, a journey that culminated on the first Palm Sunday. Upon reaching the mall, participants prayed and sang for peace and justice. The prayers and songs tied together themes of war with themes of economic and social injustice. The first Palm Sunday Peace Parade was held in 2003, shortly after the invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led coalition forces.
La Salle’s Austin Williams Signs with UC Irvine
Senor Austin Williams received an athletic scholarship from the University of California at Irvine for Cross Country and Track. Austin says he chose Irvine, because of the coaching and he believes they stress good academics as fundamental to good
athletics. Austin, a 3-year letterman in football and a 4-year letterman in track was recruited by Maryland and UC Davis among others. Austin intends to pursue a career in Guidance and Counseling or Family Therapy.
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009 19
TheGoodLife By Wally Hage
The Meaning of Easter Celebrating Easter means many things to many people. The sending and receiving of Easter cards, family dinner celebrations and Easter Sunday Church services. To the children often it is the fun of coloring eggs. The thrill of an Easter egg hunt and receiving an Easter Basket filled with a fluffy chicken, a chocolate bunny and candy eggs. To the Christian the meaningg of Easter is the Biblical and Historical ac-
count about Jesus, His execution, His burial and most importantly, that He Has Risen from death. The account of Jesus’ rising from death was recorded in the most authoritative historical records, the bible Gospels. Three days after His death, a few women first found His tomb empty. Then Jesus appeared in front of these women and His disciples, p , talkingg and eating with them. Out of doubts still, one disciple did not believe Jesus was alive again aga until he actually touched ter Jesus’ fatal wounds. In the following forty wo s a E f ning o days, hundre hundreds of people witnessed this l Mea a e R ts The Jesus who ha had returned from death until r hear e to ou so clos Jesus died ld He ascended to Heaven. o cr oss h d e e r We e in h ta w oss od -s The G Good News...Jesus promised T he cr than the blo to life ck o re a b m e h eternal life tto those who follow Him. The c m u a c m s o s u s t e J Bu fact that Je Jesus rose from death demonIs that aw ay rolled strated He H has the power over death, Ês been and bare e n d i to a s T he open ngel s and only through Him can people mb lay n the a T he to im, and the ere have hop hope for eternal life. “For God so h H r r e g fo n d lo e ok no loved th the world that He gave His one T hey lo T hat He is ve felt and onl only Son, that whoever believes in u st h a e m y e ce m o r at joy th Him shall sh not perish but have eternal Oh wh Him just on with Him life” (J (John 3:16). To see im, to drink d r o L with H ack as Last year during Easter Week, L To eat ceive Him b To re I rece received a touching Easter poem, sh? li p m o He acc the cross but tthe author was unknown. It n ch did So mu is death upo e dead beautifully describes the historical bea th H m h o g r u f T hr o rising ack to God account of Easter that I hope you acc s i H And in onciled us b will enjoy also. wil p a He rec g e That biblical promise idge th rt r b ld ou a g else c renched ap “That whosoever believes in “T w d Nothin o d G a o to in h me shall not die but have evm T hat s can freely g r hearts e u erlasting life” is a most joyous Now w e Christ in o iv ce Promise and the True MeanA n d re ing of Eas Easter! May God Bless Bles You and Your families very specially during this Easter Celebration time.
By Dorothy Denne
The Egg Basket It is possible that in the 1920s and ‘30s the Easter Bunny bought his eggs from chicken ranches in Arcadia. At that time Arcadia had quite a reputation as a poultry raising community. Her population was growing rapidly and many of the new arrivals came with the purpose of raising chickens. Poultry ranches sprung up all around the area with long rows of laying houses, brooding houses, feed rooms and fenced runways. Not all were successful though. A great many of these chicken farmers had more money than experience. They often underestimated what success demanded in the business. It took more than just throwing out the feed and gathering the eggs. In many instances, a year or two would find the poultryman either at the end of his rope financially or his ambition and enthusiasm at the vanishing point. He would either sell out to another hopeful or his long rows of poultry houses would begin to gather dust and cobwebs while he turned to gardening or hunted a job. Some of the new poultrymen came with wealth and merely took up chicken ranching as a hobby. If it did not pan out profitably or they tired of it, they just closed out their stock and stayed on to enjoy life in Arcadia as the community of their choice.
One gentleman chicken farmer was a member of the royal family of Denmark, Prince Erik, cousin of the King. He married the wealthy heiress of the Booth lumber fortune of Canada and the couple came to Arcadia in 1924 to build their home and raise poultry as a hobby. They bought a tract of eight acres near the northwest corner of today’s Santa Anita Avenue and Las Tunas. Prince Erik built a home befitting his station of royalty. In the rear he built numerous hen houses and, dressed in overalls, personally trimmed them all with bright blue paint. According to Gordon Eberly, “The Prince assumed the democratic ways of American life with an easy grace; donned old clothes and worked beside his help on the ranch. One could often meet him around town, dressed in overalls and buying supplies. He was said to be a likeable fellow, spoke fair English and had a ready greeting for those he met.” By about 1930 Arcadia had become known as the egg basket of Los Angeles. It was home to 153 poultry breeders, 10 to 12 hatcheries turning out millions of chicks, and a chicken cannery. Over 5000 eggs were shipped out daily. Poultry shows in the city were common events and attracted people
Dorothy‘s Place continued
from all over the country. The different phases of the poultry business brought a great deal of money to the city. Some of that money sparked the economic development of West Arcadia, offering the first competition to the downtown district. Chicken ranchers remained a powerful influence through the early ‘40s, but the post-
war boom brought many changes. By 1959 there were only 12 chicken ranches remaining. In 1961 city law eliminated all poultry operations. Don’t worry. Arcadia’s Year 2009 Easter Bunny took his charge card to the supermarket, so there will be plenty of boiled eggs to put in those Easter baskets.
Mother’s Day Tea With Louisa May Alcott The Sierra Madre Woman’s Club and Sierra Madre Public Library invite you to don your finery and join us for an elegant afternoon as we celebrate the women in our lives who have helped shape our world. Travel back in time to a bygone era when mothers and daughters—as well as fathers and sons—upheld the time-honored traditions of Afternoon Tea. Nineteenth-century history will come alive as Valerie Weich presents a one-hour program, performing as Louisa May Alcott, the beloved author of the literary classics Little Women and Little Men. She will transport you to the Civil War era, when slavery, poverty, and women’s rights were the dominating issues of the day. Afterwards, as you sip and savor teatime delicacies, you’ll enjoy the relaxing sounds of American period music, performed by Senara, a group noted for its skill on the hammered dulcimer and harp. This event is not just for the ladies—
—gentlemen both young and “of a certain age” are encouraged to attend. It’s the perfect way to celebrate Mother’s Day with your mom, grandma, or any special woman who’s been like a mother to you. The tea will be held on Saturday, May 9, from 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m., at the Sierra Madre Woman’s Clubhouse, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The cost is $20.00 for adults and $8.00 for children under 17. Although youngsters are welcome, the Louisa May Alcott program is best recommended for children ages 10 and up. Tickets may be purchased at the Library and Woman’s Club. The Sierra Madre Public Library is located at 440 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre. For more information, please contact Polly Bonnett at 626-355-7186, or Rosemary Morabito at 818-415-6189., or visit www.cityofsierramadre.org. This event is co-sponsored by The Woman’s Club and Library. Proceeds will benefit Woman’s Club charities.
20 APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
City News
MPOA ENDORSES SHAW FOR COUNCIL Monrovia Wants Abandoned Today the Monrovia Police Officers Association (MPOA) and Political Action Committee representing its members gave Clarence Shaw a letter of official endorsement and support in his candidacy for a seat on the Monrovia City Council. Cla rence Shaw is a graduate of the Monrovia Citizens Police Academy and Combat Military Of-
ficer, having served as a Commanding Officer in the Iraq war 2003-2004. Early in his candidacy Clarence contacted the leaders of the MPOA to open a dialogue and gain knowledge of the association’s perspective of the issues and needs of the departments Police Officers. A s a Vet era n Commander Clarence felt this open dia log ue w it h t he
MOPA was very important and would give him insight that will serve the community and the Police Department. This insight coupled with his understanding of military planning and operations will serve to improve the Safety of the Community and the Police Officers that serve it when he is elected to the City Council. Thanks for monroviacitywatch.com for the story tip.
Railroad Cars Removed
Special Comment: Reactionary Talk Show Host Laura Schlessinger Draws Criticism as Keynote Speaker at Community Breakfast •By Terry Miller•
Since Business Week recently anointed Arcadia the title of one of the ‘best places to raise a family’, Arcadia city officials, in their infinite wisdom, decided that Dr. Laura Schesslinger would be an appropriate choice as keynote speaker at the annual Community Breakfast held on recently. However not everyone was amused as Schlessinger’s right wing, anti-gay , over-thetop beliefs and some wondered why she was selected in the first place. For those of you fortunate enough to miss the breakfast, Mayor Harbicht introduced Schesslinger, she strutted up to the stage, stuck out her behind
at the audience ( presumably to show off her patriotic pants which bore Old Glory on the backside) and then flaunted her Alligator boots which were painted with the stars and stripes. I always though it was disrespectful to wear Old Glory. And what about on your Bum? The talk show personality and her views are “poisonous”, according to one former councilperson in Arcadia who preferred to remain anonymous. Even though the breakfast was sold out, with 340 tickets going quick for $12.50 each, some in the community decided to boycott the breakfast due to the choice of speaker. What
Schlessinger represents is not what everyone in Arcadia believes, said one guest as he left during her speech. “I don’t honestly suppose that the majority of Arcadia residents believe that gay people are biological errors”, said the man referring to one of Schlessinger’s repeated assertions. Many people throughout the country believe strongly that Dr. Laura’s views are caustic and divisive, rather than the wholesome and family oriented, as they are often billed. In March of 2000, some of those detractors launched a website: StopDrLaura.com with the
Laura on 21
Attractive to taggers but not city officials, Monrovia hopes to clean up wasteland of old railroad cars that are stored on the tracks - Photo by Terry Miller
In Recent months graffiti has been a topic of great debate in our cities. In fact, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s dept. did a major early morning probation sweep of potential violations (many of whom were graffiti related). Now the taggers who have not yet been arrested have
a another canvas on which to paint their particular “art”…the abandoned and aging freight railroad cars which are rusting away on the old railroad tracks in Monrovia. The railroad cars belong to BNSF Railroad (Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway) and they (the multiple railroad cars) are apparently their responsibility. The right-of-way belongs to the Gold Line Extension Construction Authority, with an easement from the MTA. The MTA gave BSNA permission to park their unused rail cars on the tracks along Duarte Road where they are an “attractive nuisance” to graffiti vandals and people seeking shelter. The City of Monrovia, along with Arcadia (which also has cars parked on its tracks) has been meeting with the Gold Line, BNSF and the MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority) to get the cars moved. All parties say they want resolution. It’s up to the MTA and BSNA to get them removed. In a statement sent to the Monrovia Weekly regarding the unsightly railway cars, Mayor Rob Hammond said: “The MTA says that its wants to see the Gold Line built, but then they go and allow the tracks in our community to be used as a storage yard. There’s a conflicted message here. It’s like the man who proposes marriage, but just can’t seem to set the date. It’s hard to believe they really mean what they say. “These rail cars parked in our city are a nuisance and should be removed as soon as possible.”
HONORABLE MENTION: MAYORS OF ARCADIA The Ruth and Charles Gilb A rcadia Historical Museum is pleased to annou nce t he open i ng of this new exhibit on Satur-
day, April 11. Come learn about the individuals who have served this City since 1903. The public is invited to
attend an opening reception that will be held on April 11 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This exhibit will be on display until May 30th.
Arcadia Street Names and Their Origins On Thursday, April 16, 2009 from noon to 12:30 p.m., the Ruth and Charles Gilb Arcadia Historical Museum will be holding a Brown Bag Lunch Talk with Carol Libby who will give a presentation on “Arcadia Street Names & Their Origins.”
Mrs. Libby is an expert on the history of Arcadia, a former president of the Arcadia Historical Society, and was one of the authors of the 2008 book, Arcadia. After the talk, plan on staying to enjoy the Museum’s current exhibit “History Lives Here” which will
close on May 9. The Arcadia Historical Museum is located at 380 W. Huntington Drive, immediately behind the Community Center. The Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is always free.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt “Monrovia Mayor Rob Hammond and City Councilmember Mary Ann Lutz, join Domino’s Pizza Franchisee Malli Patibandla Rao, members of the Monrovia Chamber
of Commerce and two of the Laker Girls, as they cut the ribbon on the newly remodeled Domino’s Pizza at 348 W Huntington Drive in Monrovia, on Saturday, March 28.”
The 88th Annual Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by the Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters Association and sponsored by Nestlé USA Inc., will be held on Saturday, April 11, 2009, promptly at 10:00 AM. The 88th Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held in Sierra Madre Memorial Park,
located on W. Sierra Madre Blvd at S. Hermosa Avenue in Sierra Madre. Children, nine years of age and younger, are invited to enjoy Easter candy and “hunt” for the elusive 36 Golden Eggs which are redeemable for wonderful goodie baskets. Nestlé USA Inc. is generously sponsoring this wonderful
event and donating all the candy. Please join the children, the Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters and Nestlé USA Inc. for a wonderful time; and keep your eyes wide open for the Easter Bunny who will arrive just before 10:00 AM on a Fire Engine to meet all the children.
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
Pasadena’s $150-million Convention Center celebrates Grand Opening
Finally, a sunrise service for people who hate getting up early: The Santa Anita Church’s Easter service will be held at l0:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 12.The church is located at 226 West Colorado Boulevard in Arcadia.
HOP INTO SPRING AT THE ARCADIA LIBRARY The whole family is invited to the Jerry Broadwell Children’s Room at the Arcadia Public library for a special celebration of spring called “Rabbits &
Frogs Hop Into Spring” on Saturday, April 11 at 2:30 p.m. We’ll read stories, sing songs, and watch a film about two of the world’s most famous rabbits,
Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny. We’ll also make a craft to remind us of Spring. This program is free and no reservations are needed.
Relationship between Arthritis And Diabetes To Be Presented “The Relationship Between Arthritis and Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes” will be presented by Glenn R. Ehresmann, M.D., Rheumatologist, on Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at 7:15 p.m., in the CHEC building of the San Gabriel Valley Medical Center, 261 Junipero Sera Drive (NW corner of Broadway) in San Gabriel. The program is presented by The San Gabriel Valley Unit of the American Diabetes Association, the longest running patient education program in the San Gabriel Valley. This is the eight in a series of ten monthly continuing education programs for patients and their families, understanding that diabetes is a family
condition. A support group precedes the featured presentation at 6:30 p.m. Doctor Ehresmann was named a Regents Scholar, California College of Medicine and University of California, Riverside. His Residency and Fellowship were at LAC/ USC Medical Center. The Doctor has held several positions of exceptional responsibilities at Huntington Memorial Hospital from 1979-1991. Dr. Glenn Ehresmann is currently Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Director of Rehabilitation Services at USC. He Chairs Fellowship Committee, Southern California Arthritis Foundation. The
Laura from 20
-Photos By Terry Miller
The $150 million Pasadena Convention Center officially opened for business on Friday. A crowd of about 200 people gathered as Mayor Bill Bogaard spoke prior to the ribbon cutting. This is “a gathering of people who make things happen” he said to a thunderous round of applause. The $150 million expansion now complete, the Pasadena Convention Center is a good spot for meetings and events. The state-
of-the-art, LEED certified “green” facility now features: 60,000 square feet of exhibit space, 25 breakout rooms, a 25,000-square-foot ballroom, and the renowned 3,000-seat Pasadena Civic Auditorium. The center has already hosted two major events including the California Police Chiefs’ Association symposium and just this past weekend, the Freedom Concert honoring America’s servicemen and women.
Doctor is involved in research projects and has lectured extensively. He has numerous Medical Society Memberships and publications. The Mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. All participants in this Unit are volunteers, including our speakers. The San Gabriel Valley Unit meets from September through June. This meeting is open to the public at no charge. Parking, off of Broadway is also free. For further information and directions, we suggest that you call Elaine Fried at (626) 284-5451 or (323) 283-2061.
Pasadena Mayor Bogaard talks to the crowd of 200 well wishers at the grand opening of the Pasadena Convention Center Last week.
goal of forcing Paramount Television to cancel Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s then-upcoming TV show. The group was outraged that Paramount would give a national platform to someone intent on spreading what they see as intolerance against a class of Americans. Of equal concern, two weeks before StopDrLaura.com was launched, the Los Angeles Times reported that a national gay rights group had reached a “tentative accord” with Paramount in which they agreed that Schlessinger’s TV show could run without their objection. According to the founders, StopDrLaura.com was born out of the outrage they felt at this tentative accord. Sadly, it seemed that few in the audience Friday were concerned with Schlessinger’s opinions but more of her celebrity. Recently on her blog: Schlessinger said this about the Pope’s insistence that condoms are not the right thing in Africa: “When the Pope suggests that human beings are best off saving their sexual passion for the stability of a covenant of marriage, he is making a statement that the act of sexuality is elevated by the context, and ul-
timately protects both man and woman from a myriad of hurtful consequences from venereal diseases to unwanted pregnancies (complete with abortions, abandonment, single-parenthood, and homelessness to name a few). The naysayers all have one thing in common: they refuse to want, believe or accept that human beings can commit to a higher spiritual state of thought and behavior. The Pope believes in us more than that. I am not Catholic, so this is no knee-jerk defense of my spiritual leader. The truth is that he is simply correct and too many people don’t want to hear it, because they want to live lives unfettered by rules. It is sad that they don’t realize that this makes them a slave to animal impulse versus a master of human potential.” Arcadia may be a great place to raise a family but not with venomous minds like Schlessinger’s as a keynote speaker being asked to talk about family at a city sponsored event. It simply is wrong and extremely poor choice by those on the Breakfast Committee.
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Possible Vandalism in Progress / Curfew Violation On March 27 at 11:36 p.m., officers were dispatched to a call of a female scratching the paint on several cars with scissors in the 300 block of West Olive. Officers responded quickly and located the female and three other subjects in a car nearby. The investigation revealed there was no vandalism; however, two of the females were minors and were out without a qualified adult or guardian after 10 p.m. The minors were brought to the station, cited for curfew violation and released to their parents.
Burglary / Conspiracy to Commit Burglary / Four Suspects Arrested
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On March 27 at 7:05 p.m., officers responded to a call from loss prevention at a business in the 500 block of West Huntington. Loss prevention officers reported four subjects had just left the store with merchandise they had stolen. Officers were in the area and were able to detain all four subjects. The investigation revealed the subjects had gone to another store first and had stolen food and alcohol. After placing those stolen items in their car, they went to the second business, where the two female subjects carried nylon bags and the two male subjects placed items in the bags. All four subjects left the store without paying for the items. All four were arrested without incident.
Electrical Fire Assist On March 28 at 2:03 a.m., officers responded to a call of a fire at an assisted living complex in the 100 block of North Mountain. On arrival, there was visible smoke and officers immediately recognized the potential for a serious problem if the fire grew, due to the residents being handicapped. Officers immediately began to evacuate that portion of the complex, lifting residents out of their beds and getting them in wheelchairs to be taken to a safe location. The Fire Department responded and suppressed a small fire that was determined to be the result of an electrical malfunction in the laundry room. Sixteen elderly and disabled residents were evacuated by the officers and relocated to another portion of the facility. The damage was primarily smoke related.
Felony Vandalism / Drunk in Public / Suspects Arrested On March 28 at 5:13 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 100 block of West Lemon regarding an altercation between a male subject and his girlfriend. In anger, the male subject kicked the front window of the location, breaking the glass. Both subjects then walked away from the area in the company of other subjects. When officers arrived, they entered the location to clear it and found no one was inside. Officers were able to locate the suspects in the area and detained them. The reporting party positively identified the suspect that had broken the window and he was arrested for felony vandalism.
A second subject was arrested for being drunk in public. A responsible party to the location was notified.
Petty Theft / Receiving Stolen Property / Suspect Arrested On March 30 at 4:03 a.m., an officer on patrol was driving south on Ivy approaching Olive. He passed a juvenile subject he recognized from previous contacts walking on the sidewalk. The officer turned his unit around and drove back towards Ivy. He looked south expecting to see the subject still walking, but he was gone. The officer stopped his patrol car and saw the subject hiding behind a parked vehicle. As the officer illuminated the subject with his spotlight, he saw the subject drop something. Upon investigation, it was found to be a wallet he had just stolen out of an unlocked vehicle. The subject was arrested for the above listed charges.
Burglary in Progress / Two Suspects Arrested On March 31 at 2:06 a.m., witnesses saw two male subjects break through the front door of a business in the 200 block of West Maple. The two suspects fled the location with bicycle parts stolen from the store. They got into a black truck and fled towards the 210 Freeway at a high rate of speed. As dispatch was broadcasting the information, officers observed a vehicle matching the description. Officers followed and caught up to the vehicle southbound on the 605 near the 60 Freeway. When assisting units arrived, a high-risk traffic stop was made. The stolen items were recovered, and a field show up positively identified both suspects. They were arrested without further incident. California Highway Patrol, Irwindale Police Department and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department airship assisted in the traffic stop.
Vehicle Burglaries On April 1 at 12:40 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 100 to 300 blocks of North Mayflower. He discovered two vehicles with their windows smashed. In both cases, a vehicle GPS was stolen. An extensive area search was made and extra patrol was conducted throughout the night. No other burglarized vehicles or suspects were located. Investigation continuing.
ARCADIA Sunday, March 22: Between 8:15 p.m. on March 21 and 12:01 a.m. on March 22, a grand theft from vehicle occurred at 180 Campus. Unknown suspect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and removed a pair of sunglasses and a set of golf clubs for a total reported loss of $1,200. L os s prevent ion per son nel f rom Macy’s advised that they had detained a woman for theft around 4:49 p.m. On several occasions, the suspect selected merchandise, entered a fitting room, and hid the items in empty shopping bags that she had brought with her. A private person’s
BLOTTERS arrest was made, and the 24-year-old Asian was taken into custody for commercial burglary.
Monday, March 23: Units responded to Drive-In Liquor, 10 East Huntington, around 8:08 a.m. in reference to a male Caucasian juvenile who had attempted to purchase items with a counterfeit $100 bill. The incident occurred on March 20 around 7:30 p.m., and the store clerk recognized the bill to be fraudulent and threatened to notify police. The suspect fled the location and left the bill behind. Around 11:26 a.m., units were dispatched to the 1100 block of Monte Verde in reference to a suspicious male suspect who was loitering in several private yards and by front doors. Officers located the 27-year-old male Hispanic suspect and he was uncooperative and ran from the officers. The suspect was subsequently captured and a private person’s arrest was made. The man was charged with loitering/prowling and resisting/obstructing.
Tuesday, March 24: Shortly after 2:00 a.m., a traffic stop was initiated for vehicle code violations at Santa Anita and Magna Vista. A 34-yearold male Hispanic driver was contacted and officers detected a moderate odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath and person. A field sobriety test was conducted and it was determined that the man was operating the vehicle while under the influence. He was arrested at the scene for DUI without incident. Around 8:47 p.m., units were sent to the 400 block of West Le Roy regarding a fraud investigation. The victim received an order confirmation letter for products that she did not purchase. When she contacted the customer service department to cancel the $3,000 order, she discovered that unknown suspect(s) had obtained a preprinted credit card check in the victim’s name and forged her signature to pay for the merchandise.
Wednesday, March 25: An auto burglary occurred between 7:00 a.m. and 2:10 p.m. in the 400 block of East Santa Clara. Unknown suspect(s) unlocked the victim’s vehicle by using an unknown tool through the keyhole and removed an airbag. Officers responded to the 2500 block of Florence around 3:39 p.m. regarding a theft of mail report. A postal employee found discarded envelopes in the middle of the street in the 600 block of Woodruff and returned them to the victim. He then discovered two checks were missing from the envelopes and placed stop payments on the checks. After putting stop payments on the checks, a male Hispanic suspect attempted to cash one of the checks at a local Bank of America.
Thursday, March 26: A traffic stop was conducted in the 200 block of South Baldwin around 9:24 a.m. for excessive speed. A 25-year-old female Caucasian driver claimed that she did not have a driver’s license. A record check revealed that her license was suspended and she also had an outstanding warrant, so she was arrested at the scene. An inventory
search subsequent to arrest was made, and officers found several syringes and a bottle cap with narcotic residue. She was also charged with driving under the influence of a narcotic, addict driving vehicle, and possession of drug paraphernalia. An armed robbery occurred at Pumpkin Patch located at Westfield Mall between 8:17 p.m. and 8:22 p.m. A male African-American suspect, around 35 years of age, 5’8”, entered the store with a handgun and ordered two female employees into a back room. He then demanded one of the employees to open a safe, and he took cash, a purse, and jewelry.
Friday, March 27: Units were dispatched to Ritz Camera and Image at Westfield Mall around 10:26 a.m. in reference to a grand theft that occurred between 8:16 p.m. on March 25 and 8:15 p.m. on March 26. While an employee was conducting an inventory, he discovered that a $500 Nikon digital camera was stolen from the store. Around 2:42 p.m., officers responded to Holly Avenue School, 360 West Duarte, regarding a possible child abuse investigation. A 6-year-old boy claimed that he was slapped on the arm and face by his father, and he was also picked up by the back of his shirt and dropped onto a shower door metal railing. The boy had bruising and swelling on his cheek and forearm. The Department of Children and Family Services was notified and the boy was taken into protective custody.
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Saturday, March 28: Units were sent to Westfield Mall around 5:42 p.m. regarding a theft suspect who had returned to the location. A 24-year-old male Hispanic was detained and a loss prevention officer from Abercrombie & Fitch advised that the same suspect, along with 2 other female suspects, had stolen $1,140 in merchandise from Hollister on March 13 and $700 in merchandise from Abercrombie & Fitch on March 26. The same suspects entered Abercrombie & Fitch again today with the intent to steal but fled when they thought they were going to be caught. The male suspect was taken into custody for commercial burglary. Shortly after 11:00 p.m., witnesses advised that there was a vehicle at the Los Angeles County Arboretum parking lot, 301 North Baldwin, that may have been involved in a traffic collision. Officers responded to the scene and found a 38-year-old male sole occupant in the vehicle with collision damage and a tire was off the wheel. The man said that he did not know who the car belonged to or how he got there. Officers detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage from his person and he was unsteady on his feet. A field sobriety test was conducted, and it was determined that he was operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and was arrested. Officers were unable to locate another vehicle in the area with collision damage.
SIERRA MADRE Monday, March 23rd: Blotters on 26
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LEGALS OTHER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF POLLING PLACES AND DESIGNATION OF CENTRAL COUNTING PLACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Registrar-Recorder/ County Clerk’s office of polling places designated for the ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTION scheduled to be held on APRIL 21, 2009. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk’s facility, 12400 Imperial Highway, Norwalk, California 90650 has been designated as the central counting place for the above election. Polling places shall be open be-tween the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Persons requiring multilingual assistance in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino, or Vietnamese regarding information in the notice may call (800) 481-8683. POLLING PLACES 0350001A (4400031B CONS) - FIRE STATION #107; 79 W ORANGE GROVE AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350008A (0350062D, 4400031C CONS) FOOTHILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL; 171 E SYCAMORE AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350043A (4400030B, 4400030C CONS) - ARCADIA PRESBYTE-RIAN CHURCH; 121 ALICE ST ARCADIA 91006 0350054A (4400067B CONS) - RESIDENCE; 911 MAGNIS ST ARCADIA 91006 DEAN C. LOGAN Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles Monrovia Weekly
campaigns that will best showcase the client’s products and services. Additionally, candidates should be: · Professional. · Ability to work effectively in a team environment. · Over 2 years prior sales experience · Computer-literate. · Reliable vehicle and a cell phone. This position is commission only. Send cover letter and resume to resume@coremg.net or fax to 626-301-0445. CN816216 2009
Q24189 Apr
NOTICE OF POLLING PLACES AND DESIGNATION OF CENTRAL COUNTING PLACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Registrar-Recorder/ County Clerk’s office of polling places designated for the ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTION scheduled to be held on APRIL 21, 2009. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk’s facility, 12400 Imperial Highway, Norwalk, California 90650 has been designated as the central counting place for the above election. Polling places shall be open be-tween the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Persons requiring multilingual assistance in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino, or Vietnamese regarding information in the notice may call (800) 481-8683.
MYSTEREY SHOPPER Enjoy this unique and interesting position and the associated training. Are you responsible, motivated and computer literate? Are you interested in providing feedback to a fortune 50 company specific to store conditions and service levels? Hourly rate for driving time, observation time, report time applies. Mileage reimbursed in distance associated with assignments. For additional information and to submit an on line application visit: https:// qualityshopper.org No associated fees.
2009 NOTICE OF POLLING PLACES AND DESIGNATION OF CENTRAL COUNTING PLACE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Registrar-Recorder/ County Clerk’s office of polling places designated for the ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ELECTION scheduled to be held on APRIL 21, 2009. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the RegistrarRecorder/County Clerk’s facility, 12400 Imperial Highway, Norwalk, California 90650 has been designated as the central counting place for the above election. Polling places shall be open be-tween the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. Persons requiring multilingual assistance in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog/Filipino, or Vietnamese regarding information in the notice may call (800) 481-8683. POLLING PLACES
POLLING PLACES 0350001A (0350001B, 0350001D, 0350001E, 0350004B, 0350004C, 0350004D, 0350004E, 6400004C CONS) - FIRE STATION #107; 79 W ORANGE GROVE AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350005A (0350005B, 0350005C, 0350005D, 0350005E, 0350005F, 0350005G, 0350007B, 0350007C, 0350007D, 0350007E, 0350007F CONS) - RESIDENCE; 250 HACIENDA DR ARCADIA 91006 0350008A (0350008B, 0350008D, 0350008G, 0350062J CONS) FOOTHILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL; 171 E SYCAMORE AVE ARCADIA 91006 DEAN C. LOGAN Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles Arcadia Weekly CN816219 Q24189 Apr 9,
0350001A (0350001A, 0350001C, 0350004A CONS) - FIRE STATION #107; 79 W ORANGE GROVE AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350005A (0350005A, 0350007A, 0350008C CONS) RESIDENCE; 250 HACIENDA DR ARCADIA 91006 0350008A (0350008A, 0350008E, 0350008F, 0350062A, 0350062B, 0350062E, 0350062F, 0350062G, 0350062H CONS) FOOTHILLS MIDDLE SCHOOL; 171 E SYCA-MORE AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350012A (0350012A, 0350012D, 0350012E, 0350012F, 0350013A, 0350013B, 0350013C, 0350018A, 0350018C, 0350018D, 0350018E, 0350018F CONS) - ARCADIA POLICE DEPARTMENT; 250 W HUNTINGTON DR ARCADIA 91007 0350012B (0350012B, 0350012C, 0350042A,
FOR RENT SIERRA MADRE-Studio Apt. $750/mo Garden setting, All utilities included, pool, a/c, ldry 355-5072 SIERRA MADRE- 2bdrm Apt. Garden setting, spac and quiet, pool, a/c, ldry $1350/ mo 355-5072
FOR SALE Drum Kit w/ Cymbals 5 piece drum kit with 2 cymbals + hi-hat. Kit has everything you need and 0350042B, 0350042C, 0350042D, 0350042E, 0350042F, 0350042G, 0350045A, 0350045B, 0350045D, 0350045E, 0350045H, 0350046A, 0350046C, 0350046D CONS) - FIRE STATION #105; 710 S SANTA ANITA AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350014A (0350014A, 0350014B, 0350014C, 0350014D, 0350014E, 0350014F, 0350017A, 0350017C, 0350017D, 0350017E, 0350017F, 0350017G, 0350018B CONS) - ARCADIA COMMUNITY CENTER; 365 CAMPUS DR ARCADIA 91007 0350022A (0350022A, 0350022B, 0350022D, 0350022E, 0350022F, 0350023A, 0350023C, 0350023D, 0350023E, 0350023F, 0350023G, 0350024B, 0350024C, 0350079C CONS) - ARCADIA COMMUNITY CENTER; 365 CAMPUS DR ARCADIA 91007 0350024A (0350024A, 0350024D, 0350026A, 0350026B, 0350026C, 0350026D, 0350026E, 0350026F, 0350026G, 0350079A, 0350079B, 0350079D, 0350079E CONS) - OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH; 512 W DUARTE RD ARCADIA 91007 0350029A (0350029A, 0350029B, 0350029C, 0350029D, 0350029E, 0350029F, 0350030A, 0350030B, 0350030C, 0350030D, 0350030E, 0350030F, 0350102C CONS) - OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH; 512 W DUARTE RD ARCADIA 91007 0350035A (0350035A, 0350035B, 0350035C, 0350035D, 0350035E, 0350035F, 0350045C, 0350045F, 0350045G, 0350046B, 0350046E, 0350046F, 0350046G, 0350055L CONS) - CHR OF THE TRANSFI-GURATION; 1881 S 001ST AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350036A (0350036A, 0350036B, 0350036C, 0350036D, 0350036E, 0350037A, 0350037D CONS) LONGLEY WAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL; 2601 LONGLEY WAY ARCADIA 91007
more: throne, drum and cymbal noise-dampening pads, all cymbal stands and bass pedal. Everything works well. It’s an off-brand (Pulse Percussion), and could maybe use some heads, but all in all this is a very decent setup for the price. Call John at 626.789.6169.
sets of tires come with the bike as well. Costs $480 new, asking $200. Email jbstephens@gmail.com
Mountain Bike Trek 4300 hardtail mountain bike with front fork shock absorber. Purchased in 2005, the bike has very limited wear. Two
0350038A (0350038A, 0350055A, 0350058A CONS) - LIVE OAK VINEYARD; 225 E LIVE OAK AVE ARCADIA 91006 0350043A (0350043A, 0350043B, 0350043C, 0350043D, 0350048A, 0350048B, 0350048C, 0350048D, 0350048E, 0350048F, 0350048G, 0350054B, 0350054F CONS) - ARCADIA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH; 121 ALICE ST ARCADIA 91006 0350054A (0350054A, 0350054C, 0350054D, 0350054E, 0350055F, 0350055H, 0350055J, 0350055K, 0350104A, 0350104E, 0350104G, 0350104M, 0350104N CONS) - RESIDENCE; 911 MAGNIS ST ARCADIA 91006 DEAN C. LOGAN Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk County of Los Angeles Arcadia Weekly CN816214 Q24189 Apr 9, 2009 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF DOROTHY A. MARRIOTT aka DOROTHY ANN MAR-RIOTT Case No. GP014298 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of DOROTHY A. MARRIOTT aka DOROTHY ANN MARRIOTT A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Scott A. Marriott in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that Scott A. Mar-riott be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This
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NEW SPA in Arcadia, Best facility + best massage. $50/Hr. 1st ave + Calif St, (626) 453-6762 au-thority will allow the personal representative to take many ac-tions without obtaining court ap-proval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on May 8, 2009 at 10:00 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the grant-ing of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the de-ceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: ALEX R BORDEN ESQ SBN 180301 BORDEN LAW OFFICE 1518 CRENSHAW BLVD TORRANCE CA 90501-2435 Arcadia Weekly CN816538 MARRIOTT Apr 9,16,23, 2009 T.S.: No.: 0800414CA Loan
APRIL 9 - APRIL 15, 2009
No. 89003418 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 8/22/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: Pedro P. Simental, a single man. Duly Appointed Trustee: Seaside Trustee Inc. Recorded 8/30/2006 as Instrument No. 06-1935681 in book, page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale: 4/30/2009 at 1:00 PM Place of Sale: At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350
W. Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA. Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $489,169.14 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 419 East Lime Avenue, Monrovia, California 91016 A.P.N.: 8517-005-027. As required by California Civil Code Section 2923.5, the current beneficiary has declared to Seaside Trustee Inc, the original trustee, the duly appointed substituted trustee, or action as agent for the trustee that the requirements of said section have been met by one or more of the following: 1. Borrower was contacted to assess their financial situation and to explore the options for the borrower to avoid foreclosure. 2. The borrower has surrendered the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary or authorized agent. 3. Due diligence to contact the borrower was made as required by said Section 2923.5. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the first publication of this Notice of Sale. Date: 4/2/2009. Jessica Weber Vice President. Trustee Sales Information (877)317-8782 www.westcoastposting.com P.O. Box 426, Oak View, CA 93022 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. WCPP9103 4/9, 4/16, 4/23/2009 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (Division 6 of the Commercial Code) Escrow No. 43619-KH (1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to creditors of the
within named Seller(s) that a bulk sale is about to be made. On the personal property hereinafter described (2) The name and business addresses of the seller are: JOSE MANUEL SANCHEZ, 229 E. FOOTHILL BLVD, MONROVIA, CA 91016 (3) The location in California of the Chief Executive Office of the seller is: (4) The names and business address of the Buyer(s) are: ARMANDO REYES, 3930 DUMONT, NORWALK, CA 90650 (5) The location and general description of the assets to be sold are: ALL ASSETS NORMALLY FOUND AND USED IN THE OPERATION OF WITHIN NAMED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO GOODWILL, TRADENAME, INVENTORY OF STOCK IN TRADE, ACCOUNTS, CONTRACT RIGHTS, LEASES, LEASEHOLD I M P R O V E M E N T , FURNITURE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT of that certain business located at: 229 E. FOOTHILL BLVD, MONROVIA, CA 91016 (6) The business name used by the seller(s) at said location is: TACOS EL GALLO DE ORO (7) The anticipated date of the bulk sale is APRIL 28, 2009 at the office of: INLAND EMPIRE ESCROW INC, 12794 CENTRAL AVE, CHINO, CA 91710, Escrow No. 43619-KH, Escrow Officer: KIMBERLY A. HOHBERG (8) Claims may be filed with Same as “7” above. (9) The last day for filing claims is: APRIL 27, 2009. (10) The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. (11) As listed by the seller, all other business names and addresses used by the seller within three years before the date such list was sent or delivered to the buyer are: NONE. Dated: APRIL 2, 2009 Transferees:
ARMANDO REYES PCTS LA147607 MONROVIA WEEKLY 4/9/09 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (UCC Sec. 6105) Escrow No. 11437-JP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s) and business address(es) of the seller(s) are: KRIKOR TAKVORIAN, 740 ALPHA, DUARTE, CA 91010 Doing business as: SAVON AUTO WRECKING All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the seller(s) within three years, as stated by the seller(s), is/are: NONE The name(s) and address of the buyer(s) is/are: GODWIN AGUBALU, 740 ALPHA, DUARTE, CA 91010 The assets being sold are described in general as: FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, TRADE NAME, GOODWILL, LEASE, LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS AND COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE and are located at: 740 ALPHA, DUARTE, CA 91010 The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of: ACT ONE ESCROW, 17918 PIONEER BLVD, STE 202, ARTESIA, CA 90701 and the anticipated sale date is APRIL 27, 2009 The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. [If the sale is subject to Sec. 6106.2, the following information must be provided] The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: ACT ONE ESCROW, 17918 PIONEER BLVD, STE 202, ARTESIA, CA 90701 and the last day for filing claims by any creditor shall be APRIL 24, 2009, which is the business day before the anticipated sale date specified above. GODWIN AGUBALU, Buyer(s) PCTS LA147622 ARCADIA WEEKLY 4/9/09
Blotters from 23 10:00 AM – Identity theft, 300 block Toyon Road. A resident reported that an unknown person made three on-line purchases using his credit card information without his permission totaling under $5,000.00. The crime occurred between Thursday, 2/26/2009 and Monday, 3/2/2009.
Tuesday, March 24th: 6:16 PM – Arrest, Suspended/ Revoked Driver’s license, Highland Ave. and Hermosa Ave. An Officer stopped a motorist for an equipment violation. Further investigation revealed the driver was driving on a suspended/revoked driver’s license. The driver was arrested, cited and released.
Wednesday, March 25th: 4:25 PM – Arrest, Business License violation, 400 block E. Orange Grove Ave. Officers responded to the area regarding a door-to-door solicitor. Officers found an adult male and obtained evidence that he was soliciting for business without a Sierra Madre business license. The man was arrested and transported to the police station. The man was booked and later released on a written promise to appear. 5:42 PM – Arrest, Business License violation, 200 block Mariposa Ave. Officers responded to the area regarding a door-to-door solicitor, claiming to be from the gas company, but was missing the gas company logo. Officers found the adult male and obtained evidence that he was soliciting for business without a Sierra Madre business license. The man was arrested and transported to the police station. The man was booked and later released on a written promise to appear.
Thursday, March 26th: 8:52 AM – Theft from Vehicle, 600 block West Montecito Ave. Officers responded to a theft investigation. The vehicle owner left his unlocked car parked in his driveway. An unknown person entered the car, ransacked the interior and stole two sets of keys from the center console. The crime occurred between 5:30 pm, Wednesday, 3/25/09 and 7:30 am, Thursday, 3/26/09. No estimated loss amount was given. 7:23 PM – Grand Theft, 400 block Auburn Lane. Officers responded to a theft investigation and found that the victim had two mountain bicycles stolen from two separate locations. One bike, a dark green “Trek” mountain bike, was taken from the backyard of the residence. The second bike, a green “Specialized” mountain bike, was taken from a friend’s home on Grandview Ave. The crimes occurred between 4:30 pm, Tuesday, 3/17/09, and 4:00 pm, Saturday, 3/21/09. The total loss was estimated at approximately $2100.00. 9:18 PM – Arrest, Possession of Marijuana, 400 block W. Carter Ave. A Sergeant found a parked car occupied by two males and a female. The male driver admitted to have been smoking marijuana and was found to be in possession of marijuana. The driver was arrested for the violation and was later released on a written promise to appear in court. The two juvenile passengers were released to the custody of their parents, who responded to the location.
Friday, March 27th: 6:47 AM – Theft from Auto, 300 block Adams Street. A suspect reached through an open car window and took a purse from within. The purse was found in the middle of the street. Nothing appeared to have been taken from the purse. The crime occurred between 11:00 p.m., Thursday, 3/26/09 and 6:47 a.m., Friday, 3/27 at 6:47 a.m. 10:08 PM – Arrest, Public Intoxication, Mariposa Parking Lot. Officers saw a man urinating in public and determined that he was intoxicated and unable to care for himself. The man was arrested for public intoxication and taken to the Pasadena Police Jail for remand.
Saturday, March 28th: 1:40 PM – Outside Agency Assist, 600 block Woodland Drive. Sierra Madre police officers conducted a follow-up investigation regarding a report of a possible stolen vehicle. Further investigation revealed the vehicle was not stolen, but had been involved in a hit-and-run traffic accident in the City of Arcadia. Arcadia police officers responded to Sierra Madre. They confirmed it was the same vehicle involved in the collision and they took over the investigation.
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$ $ $ $ $ $ $1.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $90 to $2,500 $ $2.50 U.S. Gold ............................................. $80 to $5,000 $ $3.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $350 to $3,500 $ $5.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $125 to $5,000 $ $10 U.S. Gold ................................................ $325 to $4,200 $ $20 U.S. Gold ................................................ $650 to $5,000 $ $20 High Relief .............................................. Up to $50,000 $ $ WE BUY ALL SOLID GOLD ITEMS- NEW, USED OR BROKEN $ High School Rings ......................................... Up to $500 Wedding Bands .............................................. Up to $1500 $ Old Mountings ............................................... Up to $700 $ Bracelets......................................................... Up to $10,000 $ Necklaces ....................................................... Up to $15,000 $ Old Watch Cases ............................................ Up to $2,400 $ Charm............................................................. Up to $600 $ Dental Gold .................................................... Bring in for cash $ Broken Chains................................................ Bring in for cash $ PLATINUM - ALL PLATINUM JEWELRY - BRING IN FOR CASH $ Mountings ...................................................... Up to $2,500 $ Therm-Coupling Wire .................................... Bring in for testing $ Crucibles ........................................................ Bring in for testing $ Screen............................................................. Bring in for testing $ $ IF YOUR ITEMS AREN’T USED, BRING THEM IN FOR A $ FREE APPRAISAL AND CASH OFFER $ ½ Carat ........................................................... Up to $2,400 $ ¾ Carat ........................................................... Up to $3,000 1 Carat ............................................................ Up to $10,000 $ 2 Carat ............................................................ Up to $20,000 $ 3 Carat ............................................................ Up to $50,000 $ 4 Carat ............................................................ Bring in for a quote $ Large diamonds much, much more. We buy old mine cuts and Euro$ pean cut diamonds. We buy diamonds with or without GIA certificates $ $ ALSO WANTED: KEY DATES AND RARITIES, PCGS, $ NGC & ANACS GRADED COINS, COLLECTIONS, $ ESTATES, ACCUMULATIONS AND DEALER STOCKS, $ AMERICAN EAGLES GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER, $ SAKR, CML, 40% & 90% SILVER COINS, SILVER $ BARS, SCRAP GOLD AND SILVER FLATWARE, CALL $ $ FOR QUOTES. $ WANTED: US AND FOREIGN CURRENCY, LARGE $ SIZE NOTES, SMALL SIZE 1976 AND BEFORE. $ $ WANTED: STAMPS, SINGLES, SHEETS, COLLEC$ TIONS, ESTATES AND DEALER STOCKS. NO COL$ LECTION TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Coin Connection: 39 Years of Experience
BUYING ½ Cent 1793 ................................................... $1,000 and up ½ Cent (other) ................................................ $5 and up Large Cent 1793 ............................................. 1,000 and up 2¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up 3¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up ½ Dimes 1794-1805 ....................................... $500 and up ½ Dimes 1829-1873 ....................................... $5 and up U.S. 5¢ 1866-1882 ........................................ $3 and up U.S. 5¢ 1883-1912 ........................................ 25¢ and up U.S. 5¢ Buff .................................................. 15¢ and up U.S. 10¢ Before 1808.................................... $100 and up U.S. 10¢ 1809-1837 ...................................... $8 and up U.S. 10¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 20¢ 1875-1878 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 20¢ 1796 ............................................... $5,000 and up U.S. 25¢ 1804-1807 ...................................... $100 and up U.S. 25¢ 1815-1837 ...................................... $15 and up U.S. 25¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 50¢ 1796-1797 ...................................... $15,000 and up U.S. 50¢ 1794-1806 ...................................... $75 and up U.S. 50¢ 1807-1837 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 50¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $10 and up U.S. $1.00 1794 ............................................ $25,000 and up U.S. $1.00 1795-1805 ................................... $500 and up U.S. $1.00 1836-1839 ................................... $150 and up U.S. $1.00 1840-1877 ................................... $20 and up Trade Dollars.................................................. $50 and up 1906-S and 1931-S......................................... $20 and up 1909-S VBD................................................... $400 and up 1914-D ........................................................... $75 and up 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1926-S and 1931-D............................. $5.00 1924-D ........................................................... $15 All other before 1934 2¢ each Foreign Coins (exc. Canada cents) ................ 3¢ each and up Proof Sets Confederate Currency (before 1928) U.S. Paper Currency (before 1928) AVERAGE PRICES - COMMON DATE - 1964 AND BEFORE Silver Dollars (before 1935) .. $9 to $25,000 Half Dollars.................................................... $4 to $5 Quarters .......................................................... $2 to $3 Dimes ............................................................. 80¢ to $1.50
Coin Connection, the most diverse company in the rare coin and precious metals industry •Precious metals bullion trading current daily buy and sell prices •Rare coin, stamp, currency and estate liquidation 8 E. Holly St. •Authorized appraiser for estates, insurance companies and “Old Town” Pasadena probate •Authorized buyer since 1961 of coins, stamps, currency, Call Paul for an appointment at precious metals, scrap gold, flatware, antique and Rolex (626) 793-8686 watches, diamonds and estate jewelry $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $