2009_05_07_Monrovia Weekly

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THURSDAY, MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009 VOLUME 14, NO. 37


Clarence Shaw Sworn, Shevlin Appointed to Lutz Vacancy Councilman Adams Absent for Unanimous Vote Tuesday evening’s Monrovia City Council reorganization was

Clarence Shaw takes the oath of office for his newly-won seat on the Monrovia City Council - Photos by Terry Miller


watched by an overflow crowd at City Hall as well as all over the city on TV’s KGEM. An emotional Dan Kirby said that while he hadn’t planned on leaving, his considered his time in office to have been productive and thanked Scott Ochoa particularly for being a “strong, guiding city manager.” Becky Shevlin was sworn in Tuesday night with three council votes. The City Council voted unanimously to appoint Shevlin,

albeit without the absent Tom Adams, who recently recanted his written intention to resign his council position on day before the election. Shevlin finished third in last month’s election, a close race decided by provisional and mailin ballots one week after polls closed. Hugs and congratulations were the order of business as the new city council members took

By Bill Peters

Photo by Terry Miller Ashley Barancos, 2, is considered by many in the medical community to be a miracle child. Ashley suffered two cardiac arrests in December and was treated by Arcadia paramedics who treated her to a special lunch and ride on their fire engine Monday, four months after her ordeal.

Ashley on 18

What’s the Deal With Firefighters and Pancakes? By Susan Motander

Marion Mellon only stopped driving an automobile last year. On May 10 she celebrates her 100th birthday. - Photo by Terry Miller

Shaw on 14

Local Jockeys, Trainer, Return from Derby to Race Again

Celebrating 100 Years Marion Melon Marion Melon celebrated her 100th Birthday at Monrovia Community Center Tuesday morning with accolades from outgoing Mayor Rob Hammond and Father Charles during a special luncheon in her honor. Born in Akron, Ohio, Marion survived two marriages - one of 39 years and the other of 2 1/2 - both of her husbands died of cancer. Marion moved here to be with her best friend, Betty Stiles who always accompanies her to the senior meetings where she has been a member for 9 years and never missed a single meeting. The New Horizons Senior Club in Monrovia honored Marion who was born May 10, 1909. Father Charles presented a letter from Cardinal Mahoney honoring the special occasion. Marion only just recently stopped driving at the tender age of 99.


The Arcadia Firefighters Association recently held their annual pancake breakfast, in two weeks Sierra Madre Fire Station will hold its pancake breakfast, and this Saturday, Monrovia Firefighters Association has its annual Pancake Breakfast. The second Saturday in May is Fire Service Day and Monrovia is celebrating in a big way. The Knights of Columbus are galloping to the rescue with their usual pancake proficiency and as-

Griddle masters Jon Ansell and Rick Oishi treat pancake lovers to gourmet hotcakes, orange juice, sausage and coffee all prepared by Arcadia’s blaze-wrestling heroes. The Annual Pancake Breakfast at Arcadia Fire Dept. Saturday was just the first in a five-alarm flavor-filled May. - Photo by Terry Miller

Pancakes on 3

Ahmed Zewail Named to President Obama’s Council of Advisors Nobel laureate Ahmed Zewail, the Linus Pauling P rofessor of Chem ist r y and Professor of Physics at Caltech, has been named by President Barack Obama to the United States President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). The announcement was made by President Obama in a speech at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. The council consists of a group of 20 leading experts from both the private sector

- Ahmed Zewail

Ahmed on 16

Jockeys Joe Talamo of Monrovia, Garrett Gomez of Arcadia and Mike Smith of Sierra Madre were at Churchill Downs for last Saturday’s Kentucky Derby as was Arcadia trainer Bob Baffert. Horse racing is the stuff of dreams and the dreamers got stardust— and mud—thrown in their faces. On a sloppy track in Kentucky a 51-1 longshot, Mine That Bird zoomed across the finish line leaving a stunned crowd, trainers and riders to wonder what happened. Talamo surely was disappointed when the oddson-favorite I Want Revenge was scratched, an oddity since it was the first time in Derby history that a favorite was scratched the day of the race since the publication of the morning line began in 1949. The scratch was due to heat in the left front ankle of I Want Revenge. But, life goes on and Talamo returned home to run seven races the following day, Sunday, at Hollywood Park. Smith was quoted as saying he was sure he had a winner as his mount, Chocolate Candy, came around the far turn. It was not to be as the race’s winner had it all to himself and only Pioneerof the Nile and Musket Man had a second tier thrilling moment coming in second and third. Smith’s Chocolate Candy was fifth following Papa Clem that came in fourth. Mine That Bird with

Jockey on 23


2 MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

More Evidence: SCAG's Forecasts are Strictly Fantasy


Derailing California's Money Train Campaign contribution laws in California are far too lax.

By Sir Eric Maundry

There was a very interesting article in Tuesday’s Los Angeles Times. Apparently the housing market has gotten so bad in the Inland Empire that they’ve come up with some rather cutting edge economics to cope with it. Literally cutting edge. The article, “Housing Crunch Becomes Literal In Victorville,” deals with an instance that is quite an indication of how upside down the situation has become out there. That and the novel cost-effective solution to the problem on one project owner’s part. And that being? Tearing down nearly completed homes actually makes better economic sense than finishing and selling them. From the article:

Assessment) numbers that pretty much dictate how many “housing units” local governments must allow to be built in order to meet those regional goals. So how has that worked out in the real world? Back in 2000 the County of San Bernardino, home to our friends in Victorville, issued a rather strongly worded press release that discussed a legal challenge they hoped to initiate soon. “C ou nt y eye s leg a l challenge to SCAG housing plan: (May 2, 2000) The San Bernardino Count y Board of Supervisors today directed County attorneys to explore joining other Inland Empire jurisdictions in a possible legal challenge to remarkably unreasonable housing mandates for the in-

NobodyÊs buying, demand is nonexistent, the banks that funded this insanity are going belly up “The Victorville demolition is one of the most dramatic ends to a bad bet made during the housing boom, but abandoned developments have become an all-too-common sight in California. Nearly 250 residential developments totaling 9,389 homes have been halted across the state, according to one research firm ... The developer of the Victorville project had hoped to sell the houses for more than $300,000 as they were being built last year ... In March, the median home sale price for (San Bernardino) county was $180,000, down 43% in a year ...” The photo caption that accompanied this article in the print edition, which was about local residents trading beer for the right to liberate lumber from the wreckage, is quite a metaphor if you think about it. A controversial organization that we here at The Tattler have discussed from time to time, SCAG (Southern California Association Of Governments), plays a key role in housing planning for a huge swath of territory, including the Inland Empire. They are tasked by Sacramento to project future housing needs, and then come up with the RHNA (Regional Housing Needs

land Empire being pursued by the Los Angeles-based Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) ... In its Regional Housing Needs Assessment through the year 2005 adopted in November, SCAG set a target of 94,019 new housing units to be constructed in San Bernardino County - 46 percent of them in unincorporated regions of the County.” Two or so years later things had gotten so bad that San Bernardino County made a serious efforts to get out of SCAG altogether. This from the August 14, 2002 edition of the The Riverside Press-Enterprise: “Supervisor Tom Mullen on Tuesday urged his colleagues on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors to withdraw from SCAG, saying the agency shortchanges the Inland area transportation dollars, favoring Los Angeles County. SCAG recently burdened the Inland area with a disproportionate share of new low-income housing that will be needed in the region by 2005, Mullen said.” All pretty exciting stuff I guess, but none of it actually went anywhere. And SCAG did indeed eventually prevail. A court case

SCAG’s on 20

By Robert M. Stern and Molly Milligan

Over the last eight years, California politicians raised $1 billion -- $344,503 per day, or $14,354 per hour, 24 hours a day -- according to a recent report by the California Fair Political Practices Commission, or FPPC, which detailed sources and amounts raised. Perhaps most disturbingly, the report -- “The Billion Dollar Money Train” -- found that California’s contribution limits did not apply to nearly one-fourth, or $225 million, of this money. Why is this disturbing? Because money buys influence over legislation that donors support or oppose. The state’s campaign contribution laws, put on the ballot by the Legislature as Proposition 34 and passed by voters in 2000, are badly in need of reform. We recommend lowering contribution limits and closing the loopholes that have permitted these end-runs around the laws. With respect to the $225 million raised outside of the law’s contribution limits, the FPPC asks, “Is it logical to limit the size of contributions to an officeholder’s committee ... and yet allow the same special interests to contribute vastly greater amounts to other committees controlled by the same officeholder?” About two-thirds of the $225 million was raised through committees controlled by candidates and officeholders. Contributions to these committees are unlimited (some top $2 million from a single individual), and there is little control over how the money is spent. And because there are few controls in place, contributions made to candidate-controlled ballot measure committees increased more than 200,000% between the time Proposition 34 went into effect and the end of 2006,



By Dorothy Denne

Old and Irritable I’m getting old and irritable. Getting old I can’t help. There is only one opt ion t o t ha t a nd, at t h is point, that option is not real

according to the FPPC. California candidates and officeholders can also solicit unlimited sums through so-called behested payments, which are contributions to a candidate or officeholder’s favorite charity or organization. Nearly onefifth of the $225 million raised were behested contributions. In fact, because officeholders only report behested payments of $5,000 or more in a single year from a donor, the amount of funds raised in this category was substantially more than the figure reported. For example, an officeholder who serves a four-year term could raise $24,999 from a single source over his or her campaign and term, and not have to report any of those funds. Unfortunately, even contri-

Money buys influence over legislation that donors support or oppose. butions given directly to candidates -- and therefore subject to limits -- are potentially misused. There’s nothing to stop candidates and officeholders from using campaign contributions to supplement their lifestyles while claiming that these expenses are for political, legislative or other governmental purposes. State Sen. Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), for example, reported spending more than $125,000 of his campaign contributions over the last six years on gourmet meals, entertainment, travel and shopping. While candidates and officeholders can permissibly use contributions for such purposes, the problem is that Cedillo apparently spent lavishly and without restriction. It’s time to change the contribution laws. First, all money raised by candidates and incumbents -- directly or appealing. Irritable I can get over, but sometimes I just don’t want to. If I have to get old then I have the right to be irritable. As I get old and irritable, I also get forgetful. Sometimes I’m so forgetful that I forget what I was irritable about in the first place. That’s enough to make me crazy, but I’m too tired for that. I only have enough energy to be irritable. Lots of things make me irritable. Getting old is one of them. Becoming aware that I’m getting old is another. Up until around sixty, maybe sixty-five, aging is just

indirectly, through campaign and non-campaign entities -should be publicly disclosed. This will greatly increase transparency and alert voters to potential undue influence by large donors and possible corruption of elected officials and candidates. Contribution limits should be lowered to the federal level, whether the money is raised directly or indirectly. Under federal law, candidates can raise $2,400 from a single individual donor per election. California’s limit ranges from $3,900 to $25,600 per donor per election, depending on the office sought. Also, an aggregate limit of $10,000 should be placed on the amount of money individuals and groups can directly or indirectly donate to all candidates, officeholders and political committees each year. Lastly, campaign funds used for travel, hotels or meals should be subject to per diem restrictions. For overseas trips, campaign contributions should only pay for hotels and meals according to State Department rules, with the official personally paying any charges in excess of those limits. Though officials should not be forced to stay in a dump, neither should they be staying at the plushest hotel if paid for by campaign contributions. The questions raised by the FPPC’s report should be only a first step to implementing badly needed reforms. The outdated money train must be derailed and replaced with a more effective, modern vehicle of campaign finance that can restore public confidence in our political officials. Robert M. Stern is president of the Center for Governmental Studies and a principal coauthor of the 1974 Political Reform Act of California. Molly Milligan is a senior fellow at the center’s Governance Project. a matter of numbers. After that, it becomes a matter of things: things that ache, things that don’t work right, things that sag or, worse yet, things that fall out. You know what I mean? I get irritated by the speed of today, too. I grew up in a gentler, slower time. I remember when Christmases were years apart, and now it’s about five months from one to the next and I fear that is shrinking. Thank God I have a good sense of humor. It makes life easier. Americans really consider a good sense of humor to be quite a favorable attribute you know. If

Dorothy on 23


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Pancakes from 1 sisting the firefighters with prep and cooking duties Throughout the morning there will be educational displays concer n i ng f i re safety, as well as an exciting Jaws of Life Demonstration. According to Captain Mike Cate the young Monrovians will not be forgotten. For them, Home Depot will have a craft workshop (perfect time to make a last minute gift for Mother’s Day). The firefighters will field an obstacle course for children as well as a “Bouncer� for the younger kids.

Cover Story

The Monrovia breakfast will be held this Saturday at Monrovia Fire Station 1, 141 East Lemon. The breakfast begins at 7 a.m. and continues through the morning. The cost of the meal is only $4, a real bargain (Tickets are available at the station now and on the day of the event). Sierra Madre’s Pancake breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 16, 2009, from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Sierra Madre Fire Station 41. Tickets are $5 per person and will be available before the event through the Fire Prevention Bureau, on-duty Firefighters, and at the Only Place In Town Restaurant.


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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

Longtime devotees of the daylong event where six museums located along the Arroyo Seco in Pasadena open free to the public call it “MOTA Day.” But those who have yet to discover this opportunity to travel back in time to experience life in early Los Angeles through its art, architecture and history may appreciate a little more explanation. “MOTA Day stands for Museums of the Arroyo Day,” explains Kori Capaldi, program and operations manager at the Gamble House in Pasadena, which is internationally recognized as the most complete and best-preserved work of American Arts and Crafts architects Charles and Henry Greene. “And, this year, our MOTA Day participants are excited to be celebrating our 20th anniversary.” Museums joining the Gamble House at this year’s event on Sunday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., include Heritage Square Museum, the Los Angeles Police Historical Society Museum, the Lummis Home and Garden, the Pasadena Museum of History, and the Autry National Center’s Southwest Museum of the American Indian. Most will also present exhibitions that pay tribute, in some form or fashion, to the event’s milestone anniversary. “For example, at the Gamble House, visitors will see cars from the 1920s,” says Capaldi. “We’ll also have children’s crafts and refreshments on site. But, of course, the highlight of a visit to every museum participating in MOTA Day is a tour of the facility itself. There’s a lot to see and even more to learn!” Ample parking is available at each museum, as well as continuous shuttle service between sites, for those who don’t wish to drive from venue to venue. However, as MOTA Day ends promptly at 4 p.m., when making plans to visit, please remember that shuttles will stop running shortly after 4 p.m. as well. “The writer Peal Buck wrote, ‘If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday,’ ” says Diane Siegel, Manager of Programming and Curriculum Development at the Pasadena Museum of History. “I can’t think of a better place for all of us to start our journey than with MOTA Day.” For more information on the 20th Annual MOTA Day, visit www.museumsofthearroyo.com or call the hotline number at 213.740.TOUR (8687).

Art of Living


former Renaissance Revival style Highland Park Police Station, at 6045 York Boulevard in Los Angeles. “The station was built in 1925, which fits perfectly into our 1920s theme, ” says Executive Director Glynn Martin. “After it closed in 1983, it suffered from vandals, arson fires and water damage. But, since then, the station has been salvaged and restored by the Historical Society and is now a registered National Historic landmark.” MOTA Day visitors can tour the facilities, which feature private collections and historical memorabilia dating back to the late 19th century. Children will have a chance to climb into a retired police helicopter and try on police gear. Many guests also enjoy using their own cameras to create a “Booking Photo” of their favorite “crook” in the historic jail.

Don Your Fanny Packs, MOTA Day is Coming Museums of the Arroyo Celebrate EventÊs 20th Anniversary by Traveling Back In Time to The 1920s Special Events At Museums Of The Arroyo Day: The Gamble House: Although car enthusiasts will enjoy seeing the collection of 1920s-era cars on site at The Gamble House, the star attraction for MOTA Day visitors will undoubtedly be the house itself. Designed in 1908 by architects Greene & Greene, the Gamble House was commissioned by David and Mary Gamble, of Cincinnati, Ohio, as a retirement residence. David and Mary lived in the house until their deaths in 1923 and 1929, respectively. Their son, Cecil Huggins Gamble, and his wife, Louise Gibbs Gamble, lived in the house beginning in 1946 and briefly considered selling it. They soon changed their minds, however, when prospective buyers spoke of painting the interior teak and mahogany woodwork white! The Gambles realized the artistic importance of the house and it remained in the Gamble family until 1966, when it was deeded to the city of Pasadena in a joint agreement with the University of Southern California School of Architecture.

Cookies, lemonade and smoothies from Jamba Juice will be available on the lawn as well as craft projects for children. The Gamble House is located at 4 Westmoreland Place in Pasadena. Heritage Square: Heritage Square, a “living history museum” of 8 his-

Angeles could develop into a modern, world class city – as part of its MOTA Day programming. Visitors are encouraged not to miss The Longfellow-Hastings Octagon Veranda, one of three buildings of this type of rare architecture in the state of California. Costumed docents will be available at each building to answer questions.

out the day. “Heritage Square takes its guests back in time to an era where electricity was a novelty, a trip to the beach was often a full-weekend activity and manners were distinctly different from those of today,” says Jessica Maria Alicea-Covarrubias, Director of Museum Administration and Operations. Heritage Square

Autry National Center’s Southwest Museum of the American Indian: The Autry National Center’s Southwest Museum of the American Indian is the oldest museum in Los Angeles. It also houses one of the nation’s most important museum, library and archive collections related to the American Indian. Visitors can enjoy Native American performers and tour the ethnobotanical garden, as well as learn about the museum’s recent major repair projects. Video presentations will be shown in the Braun Research Library. The museum is located at 234 Museum Drive in Los Angeles.

Six Museums in Los Angeles and Pasadena Located along the Arroyo Seco will Open Free to the Public toric structures reflecting the settlement and development of Southern California from the Civil War to the early 20th Century, will present “Lost to Progress” – a look at the balance between preservation and progress, as illustrated by how the three historical neighborhoods of Chavez Ravine, Chinatown and Bunker Hill were destroyed so that Los

Guests can also visit a Spanish American War encampment, watch a Civil War doctor mending soldiers’ injuries, view traditional woodcarving and ironsmith demonstrations, listen to historical storytellers, hear live music, and much more. Children are encouraged, too, to play with Victorian games and make period crafts through-

is located at 3800 Homer Street in Los Angeles.

Lummis Home and Garden:

Los Angeles Police Historical Society Museum:

The turn-of-the century home of the founder of the Southwest Museum of the American Indian, Charles Fletcher Lummis, is part of the MOTA Day tour as well. Lummis – an early activist, author, anthropologist, pho-

The Los Angeles Police Historical Society Museum, which chronicles the history of the LAPD from 1869 to the present, is located in the

MOTA on 7

Crossword T








Last Week’s Solution 54. Spot checker? 57. Rich tapestry 58. Destroy by vandalism 61. Relish 62. Is for more than one? 63. ___ is human 64. Range rover 65. Old Ford 66. Dam extending across the Nile


Across 1. Succinct 6. Portable bed 9. Chairs 14. Lofty nest 15. Mil. address 16. Nun wear 17. Fabricated 19. One of Chekhov’s “Three Sisters” 20. Shoebox letters 21. Fail to hit 22. Tree of the birch family 23. Egyptian canal 25. Puzzled

26. Sixth planet 29. Sets of equipment 31. Let go 32. Proclaim 36. Sportscaster Albert 37. Genetic messenger 38. Some are pale 40. Third day of the week 43. Loud noise 45. Middle Eastern bread 46. Portland’s place 47. Got up 50. Needless bustle 51. Severe 52. Thor’s father

1. Crown of the head 2. Able was ___... 3. On the mark 4. God, biblically 5. “Sure thing” 6. Spanish seaport 7. Numbered work 8. Outstanding 9. Japanese massage technique 10. Viscounts’ superiors 11. Tolerate 12. Fungal infection 13. Lead 18. Correct 23. Blandly urbane 24. Vase 25. From ___ Z 26. Total 27. Med school subj. 28. Drive.___ 29. Nairobi’s nation 30. One.million link 33. Scruffs 34. Overfill 35. Architect Saarinen

50. Penalized 51. Droops 52. Track 53. Slender missile 54. Scene 55. University founder Cornell 56. Web.footed aquatic bird 59. Loss leader? 60. Acapulco article;

37. Snitch 39. RR stop 41. Underwriter 42. Performed 43. Circular 44. Hesitant sounds 47. Swagger 48. Pithy 49. To talk, usually in a pompous manner


Or, “the numbers must occur only once”

8 3 7 1 4

2 6 1

7 4

8 3

6 9

2 9 3




Last Week’s Solution


7 9 4 3 6 5 1 2 8

9 5 7 8

1 5 2

Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.

3 8 1 2 9 7 6 5 4

2 5 6 1 4 8 3 7 9

1 7 8 9 3 2 5 4 6

5 3 9 4 8 6 7 1 2

6 4 2 5 7 1 9 8 3

4 6 7 8 5 3 2 9 1

9 2 3 7 1 4 8 6 5

8 1 5 6 2 9 4 3 7

MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009 6

Music News


The final concert in the Classical Kaleidoscope series at the Arcadia Library on Wednesday drew so many people to hear the Galileo Quartet with guest artist, clarinetist Michele Zukovsky, t hat Ca roly n Garner- Reagan, Director of Library and Museum Services at the library, was forced to announce that no more could be admitted to the Cay Mortensen Auditorium as the hall had reached its capacity as set by the Arcadia Fire Department. These are popular concerts because Paul Stein, artistic director of the series, brings some of the finest musicians in Southern California for these events. Those who either were blocked from at tending or simply overlooked this concert date: you missed one of the finest chamber performances in our area to play programs that are enticing. Stein, using his generous list of professional musicians, many from the ranks of the Los Angeles Philharmonic—including himself, along with the very capable Lorenz Gamma as violins, (Gamma, a professor of violin at UCLA is a member of the Grammywinning Southwest Chamber Music) Ca r r ie Denn is, v iola , a nd Ma k si m Velichkin, cello (Dennis and Velichkin are also with the L A Phil) performed as the Galileo Quartet to play Ludwig van Beethoven’s String Quartet in D-major, No. 3, two waltzes by Antonin Dvorak and as a final offering, the quartet added L A Phil’s principal clarinetist, Michele Zukovsky, in warmly played version of Johannes Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet in B-minor. The string players that make up the Galileo Quartet are well-matched. They

read each other well which makes for a greater musical statement. But making a statement of this particular music can be tough. This is probably one of Beethoven’s most difficult-to-interpret pieces. It marked his first foray into writing for four st r i ng i n st r u ment s a nd he used the popularity of Haydn and Mozart as a template for the composition while forging ahead into new territory. Galileo played it sweetly while retaining the usual firmness of Beethoven’s works. The Dvorak waltzes, No. 1 in A-major and No. 4 in Dmajor are bright and quite modern. Musicologists have been dismissive of Dvorak’s efforts in the eight waltz pieces he composed for piano thinking that they were toss-off works for his music publisher. Not often heard, these two waltzes are quite pleasant. The string ver-

even noble, mela ncholy t hat per vades t he piece declaring that the second movement , t he Adag io, “the clarinet comes forward drenched in rich lower color…”. Indeed it did. Brahms’ strong melodic content is heard in the final movement as the full chords touch on Brahms’ “Academic Festival Overture”. Meredith Brucker, president of t he sponsor i ng group, the Arcadia Public Library Foundation, announced that the Foundation Board would soon be discussing future plans for the series, but expressed hope that they would be allowed to continue these free events. The Arcadia Public Library Foundation supports the library in numerous ways. The Foundation has recently purchased six laptop computers in support of the library’s Information

sions were deftly played by the Galileo Quartet and fit in the program perfectly. Michele Zukovsky, Principal Clarinetist with the L A Phil, joined the string quartet to play Brahms’ last chamber work, the Clarinet Quintet in B-minor. Phyllis Villec’s excellent program notes pointed out the quiet,

and Technology Literacy Learning Lab. It also funds the online “Homework Helpline” for children. In addition to Brucker, other officers are Peter Ulrich, vice-president, Bea Chute, treasurer, and Alice Wang, secretary. The Arcadia Public Library is located at 20 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia.

MOTA from 4 tographer, and civic booster who encouraged and nurtured some of the West’s finest poets, writers and artists – was also the first city editor of the fledgling Los Angeles Times. Tours of the Lummis Home, built over a 12-year period with stones from the arroyo, will be available throughout MOTA Day as well as self-guided garden tours. In addition to touring the house and water-wise demonstration garden, MOTA Day visitors are invited to hear folksingers, Gigi and Mike, entertain children and adults with turn of the century folk songs and sing-alongs from 11 am to 12 pm. At one and three pm. historian Daniel Lewis will present “Charles F. Lummis in Chautauqua,� a historical characterization of the home’s creator. In the El Alisal garden, the Arroyo Arts Collective will present a multimedia display, “Bringing the Past to Light: New Art from Old Images� featuring an innovative mix of past, present and future visions of the Arroyo area. The Lummis Home and Garden is located at 200 Avenue 43 in Los Angeles. Pasadena Museum of History: The Pasadena Museum of History –located on the

grounds of the Fenyes Mansion, an elegant 1905 Beaux Arts style building that is one of the few remaining grand homes on Pasadena’s former “Millionaire’s Rowâ€? – will celebrate MOTA Day’s 20th Anniversary by placing special emphasis on telling stories from the 1920s. “Family Stories: Sharing a Community’s Legacyâ€? will chronicle the lives of six different families representing the largest population groups in early Pasadena. All had settled in Pasadena by the 1920s. Several times throughout the day, visitors will hear “Travels with Babsie,â€? a dramatic monologue near a 1920s Model T car, which will chronicle Pasadena resident Leonora Curtin’s adventures by car throughout the Southwest. The monologue is based on postcards Leonora Curtin sent her grandmother throughout the 1920s. In addition, ĂŹnewboysĂŽ carrying news bags filled with stories culled from archival 1920s newspapers stroll throughout the campus. A guest artist will also lead children in making paper dolls in the style popular with children of the 1920s and teach them about 20 famous people who have lived, worked, or studied in the Pasadena area. The museum is located at 470 West Walnut Street in Pasadena.

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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009 8


AtoZDining American Fare


By SierraMadreSue Behrens It’s no secret that I’m a DeadHead - a fan and follower of the Grateful Dead and their offshoot bands. I probably saw them 20 times before founder Jerry Garcia died in 1995 - on my birthday, no less. It was tragic for me and millions of DeadHeads all over the world. But fortunately, the remaining band members continue to tour as The Dead, and I’m going to see them this Saturday at the Forum - the venue where I saw them for the very first time over 30 years ago. I’m sorry to say that I never met Jerry Garcia, but I did meet co-founder Bob Weir a couple of times. Here’s a photo of me and Bobby staring dreamily into one another’s eyes at a record industry function, circa 1981. I wonder if he remembers me... FRI. 5/8 - The MELLOW D’z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http://www. myspace.com/themellowdeees FRI. 5/8 - THE DRIVE NOW @ GALLI’S PIANO BAR IN ALTA LOMA, 8pm - Midnight. 6620 Carnelian St. 909-941-1100. Full Bar, Food, Dancing. Keith Neal on Guitar and vocals, Javany Martinez on Guitar and vocals, Buggs Manocchi on drums and vocals. Classic Rock Music. http:// www.gallis.net FRI. 5/8 - “THE SUBS” (Better Than Blue’s acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 8pm - Midnight. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. 626-915-3474. Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright, and newest sub, Robert Gonzalez. Acoustic Rock, Soul & Blues. FRI. 5/8 - ANDR EW’S BAD STUFF @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, pool table. Rock covers from Acid Andy & friends. SAT. 5/9 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www. bigbbrenner.com/ SAT. 5/9 - SOUTH PASADENA ECLECTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL & ART WALK, 4 - 10pm. FREE multistage, multi-artist event, including: Stan Ridgway, I See Hawks in L.A., Double Naught Spy Car, Severin Browne and many more. Gallery Tours. Shopping. Food, Wine & Beer Garden. On Mission St. between Fair Oaks & Meridian. The Gold Line will take you right there. www.southpaschamber.com SAT. 5/9 - THE DEAD @

THE FABULOUS FORUM IN L.A., 7:30pm. SAT. 5/9 - THE B.O. TRIO, featuring JEFF STETSON, play “A MIXED BAG AND SOME BLUES” @ ZEPHYR COFFEE HOUSE IN PASADENA, 8:30 - 10pm. 2419 E. Colorado Blvd., just E. of Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-793-7330. Soups, sandwiches, coffee, tea, smoothies, etc. SAT. 5/9 - CHICO’S BAIL BONDS @ THE DOCKSIDE BAR & GRILL, 9pm - 1am. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. 626-915-3474. No cover, full bar & kitchen. Semi-acoustic BLUES. MAY 10th - HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! SUN. 5/10 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Mother’s Day BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www. bigbbrenner.com/ SUN. 5/10 - GRANT PARK SOFTBALL - ALL ARE WELCOME! NOT A LEAGUE - JUST FOR FUN & THE LOVE OF THE GAME! CORNER OF CORDOVA & MICHIGAN IN PASADENA, 3 BLOCKS WEST OF PCC. BATTING PRACTICE 12:30, GAME TIME ASAP. BRING YOUR GLOVE, BAT, CHAIR, ICE CHEST, GUITAR, UKULELE, ETC. SUN. 5/10 - THE MERCY POWELL QUARTET @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 12 - 4pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. No cover, all ages. Mercy, Josh, Marc & Peter Burke doin’ some standards & jazzy stuff for your MOTHER’S DAY dining & listening pleasure! (Note earlier start time.) SUN. 5/10 - “OPERA TO BROADWAY” VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack ‘em in! 5/12 - “TAPAS TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with DAVE OSTI, 6 - 7pm and MARK & BURKE, 7 - 9pm. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! Acoustic Rock, etc. “TUESDAY NIGHT TRIVIA” @ CAFE 322 with QUIZMASTER MIDGE, 8pm. $2 per person to play, CASH or gift certificates to the top 3 teams. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. TUES. 5/12 - WR ECK ‘N’ SOW @ THE PIKE IN LONG BEACH, 8pm - Midnight. 1836 E. 4th St. 562-437-4453. Fun Bluegrass stuff w/great harmonies & snazzy overalls! The Dupuy brothers, etc. http://www. wrecknsow.com/index.htm

Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wallmounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving this place the classic feel of a seaside fish camp, you’re sure to forget your an hour from the coast. Dine in or take home cuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH Shrimp House Casual, comfortable, simple, and family operated for over 48 years. If you’re tired of the typical chain dining experience, give the little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste buds for the rest of your days. Soon you will join generations of Shrimp House fanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, fish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and food to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia (626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742, www. originalshrimphouse.net

California Cuisine Picasso’s Café, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business in Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or explore other fresh food choices with our Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San Gabriel Valley’s Small Business of the Year 2008, we are focused on providing quality food products and events, consistent service, and competitive prices. Experience our ever-growing selection of menus, services, presentation styles, and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food is a true “work of art!” Catering Available 24/7 at www.picassoscafe.com or (626) 969-6100. 6070 N. Irwindale Ave., Suite A-D Irwindale, CA

Coffee, Sweets & Such La Petite France Bakery Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora of choices even not on the menu! Just ask for Chef Daniel and he will immediately come up with catering ideas from breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade of home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company Located in Altadena and featuring such heavenly and huge dessert delights as: Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with dark chocolate truffle cream. finished with chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse center. Glazed with dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, Altadena (626) 794-1128


Corfu Restaurant Family owned Greek and International homestyle cuisine set in a casually comfortable décor. Dishes range from waffles to rack of lamb with everything prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993


Restaurant Lozano A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican dishes like a crispy goat cheese quesadilla with baby spinach accentuate Lozano’s elegant creativity. 44 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5945


Pad Thai You can’t go wrong with the namesake dish at this colorful place with pink booths, bright blue table cloths and red napkins. The garlic pepper mushroom entrée is a favorite among vegetarians. 3500 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 568-9288 President Thai Spacious, elegantly attired where hospitality reigns and classic cuisine rules. Wide range of selections from apps to entrees and unique specials. 498 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 578-9814


MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009


La Petite France


RecipeBox Reflections By Deborah Ann Neely

I love to shop for new serving dishes bowls to make coking for friends and family even more festive and fun. I bought a beautiful trifle dish one summer because I promised to do a fancy trifle recipe for my mother’s bridge club. It took hours to make the custard and it was absolutely beautiful when I finished garnishing it with blueberries and strawberries for the upcoming Fourth of July. I swore I would never make it again though; who has that kind of time in the kitchen? I placed the trifle dish on a top shelf in my pantry so I could still admire it even if I never touched it again. After several years in its place on the top shelf, I reached up to retrieve it determined to use it again. I had run across a salad recipe at work that I thought would be the perfect answer to using the trifle dish. It is a stacked and colorful salad that would show so well in a tall crystal bowl. Even better was the fact that the kids of all ages were going to love my idea. Grab a big container like my trifle dish and begin to assemble dinner! Layer half of each of the ingredients and then layer again. Refrigerate for several hours to allow the dressing and flavors to mingle. It is even more perfect to use low fat sour cream, mayo, and cheese to what I hope will be a new favorite dish at your house. This is easy to make for a crowd and take in a aluminum pan, and it is just a s tasty as the one in my fancy bowl. Share your ideas for using different dishes for different recipes would be welcomed!

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Cornbread | Serves: A Family

1 pkg. Jiffy cornbread 1 can green chilies Make the cornbread according to directions and add chilies before baking. Break into bite-size pieces. 1 pkg. Hidden Valley Ranch dressing 1 cup sour cream 1 cup mayo Mix these ingredients together and set aside. 3 tomatoes, chopped ó cup green pepper, chopped ó cup green onion, chopped Mix together. 2 cans Kidney beans, drained 2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded 10 strips of bacon, cooked and crumbled 2 ( 17 oz.) cans of corn, drained

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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

GOVERNMENT STUDY PUTS DESERTXPRESS, CALIFORNIANEVADA HIGH SPEED TRAIN ON THE FAST TRACK The fully electric DesertXpress trains will reach top speeds of 150 miles-per-hour and travel 184 miles from Victorville, CA to Las Vegas, NV in 84 minutes.

A Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) signed by the Federal Railroad Administration on March 18th represents a major milestone for the nation’s first dedicated high speed passenger rail system. The project, being developed by DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC, will connect Las Vegas to Southern California and could break ground by early next year according to Tony Marnell, Chairman/ CEO of Marnell Consulting, LLC which is an investor in DesertXpress Enterprises, LLC. Operating at speeds of up to 150 MPH on exclusive tracks along Interstate 15, DesertXpress trains will make the 180 mile trip between Las Vegas and Victorville, California in an hour and twenty minutes. According to the EIS, DesertXpress is forecasted to carry over 10 million people

per year by 2015 and over 16 million people by 2030. Ultimately, the system will have a capacity of more than 60 million people per year. “This project will provide significant benefits to both California and Nevada and is coming on line at the perfect time, with the government recognizing the need to find viable, alternative solutions for cleaner and more efficient modes of transportation,” said Marnell. During the last six years DesertXpress Enterprises has invested over $25 million in private funding to complete all the work necessary for the EIS. “This investment has positioned the project to serve as a significant contributor to the economic vitality of California and Nevada. During the build-out period of approximately four years, the project will create thousands of

jobs and a multi-billion dollar positive economic impact for both states,” said Sig Rogich, President of Rogich Communications Group, a partner and spokesman for DesertXpress Enterprises. “The project is estimated to reduce up to 360 million pounds of CO2 emissions in the Interstate 15 corridor by greatly reducing automobile travel and replacing it with energy efficient mass transportation in one of America’s most-congested transportation corridors,” Rogich said. “Going forward, we think this project can be the model for other similar projects throughout America, demonstrating how private enterprise can partner with government to develop solutions that fulfill needs that may otherwise not be feasible in today’s economy,” Marnell said.

DesertXpress on 13


We can’t go anywhere without you. With over one million boardings a day, Metro moves a lot of people, including Reyna Gonzalez. Reyna, who doesn’t drive, depends on Metro every day to commute to and from work, to go shopping and to visit family and friends. San Gabriel Valley Operator Juan Navarro, who nominated Reyna for recognition, said, “Reyna has ridden with me a long time. She has a friendly attitude and always takes the time to greet me and fellow passengers.”

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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009


Modern cruise ships are huge and very expensive. They can cost more nearly a half billion dollars to build and stretch 1,000 ft.-long. But when it comes to overall cost, size and power, it is not cruise ships that rule the seas; it is aircraft carriers. These vessels, which came into prominence during WWII, are the most expensive and advanced boats to ever sail, costing billions to build. One of the most legendary aircraft carriers of all time is the USS Midway, which served from 1945 until 1992, the longest stretch of any carrier in U.S. naval history. After retiring, the ship cruised into San Diego Harbor, where it is now a floating museum, with restored aircraft, knowledgeable docents, and memorable insight into life aboard an active carrier. I began a recent getaway aboard the USS Midway Museum on the hanger deck, where the ship holds planes before sending them up to the flight deck for action. Before starting my tour, I grabbed an interactive radio and headphones. This allowed me to stop at any exhibit and listen

to narrated information by punching the exhibit number into the radio’s keypad. Resembling a giant warehouse, the Midway’s hanger deck stretches nearly the entire 1,001-ft length of the vessel. It features restored jets, flight simulators, aircraft engines, aircraft carrier models, a gift shop and more. Here I examined a sleek, 40-ft.-long, A-4 Skyhawk, which held one person, flew more than 2,000 mph. and was used extensively throughout the 1960’s. Near here I sat in an ejection seat. I then climbed to the 4.2acre Flight Deck, where 19 restored aircrafts stand ready to launch. Totaling 1,000 ft-long and 250-ft.-wide, the flight deck of a carrier like Midway is capable of catapulting jets into the sky every 45 seconds at the front of the runway, while receiving aircraft at the ship’s stern in the same time frame. Popular aboard carriers is the F-4 Phantom. The Midway has an F-4 displayed on the flight deck with its tail hook out, caught by the ship’s safety wire. This display is called “Arrested Landing,”

By Greg Aragon

which is what they call it when jets zoom in for very quick landings. On one side of the flight deck there is a line of restored helicopters, including those used as gunships, anti-submarine attackers and cargo transports. Below the Flight Deck, I visited the crew quarters, mess areas and the engine room, all of which employ mannequins for reality. High above, I climbed into the seat of the Air Boss, the person who makes the big decisions on board. On May 29, the ship will host “Top Gun” movie night and show the classic Tom Cruise jet fighter movie on the deck of the ship for $10 per person. The USS Midway Museum is located at 910 N. Harbor Drive in downtown San Diego. Hours: daily 10am – 5pm. Admission $17 adults; $13 seniors (62+) and students; $10 for retired military; $9 for youths 6 – 17. For more info, call (619) 544-9600 or visit: www. midway.org.

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Old-Fashioned Service Like This? Priceless!

By Kristen V. Brown

In a world where getting almost anything fixed requires spending hours on the phone with customer service agents

on the other side of the world or waiting in long, useless lines only to discover, in fact, you’ve been waiting in the wrong one, many of us are nostalgic for the

days of old fashioned, personal service. W hatever happened to the neighborhood handy man? Electrician? Shoe cobbler? Sometimes it seems the neighborhood dry-cleaner is the last bastion of friendly, neighborhood service. But the other day we discovered a small, thriving shop – a throwback to these days of old-fashioned, local service and of all things, it’s a high-tech computer store. The place is just like fix-it shops of decades past - where guys you came to know got to know your electronic equipment intimately and always could

Priceless on 13

and much more ... Visit us at chandlerschool.org for details. 1005 Armada Drive, Pasadena, CA 91103 www.chandlerschool.org | 626-795-9314


MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009 13

DesertXpress from 10 world,” said Rogich. According to an independent study prepared for the Southern California Logistics Rail Authority by BSL Management Consultants of the Lloyd’s Register Group, considered a leader in transportation studies in the European Union and world-wide, the DesertXpress project “is clearly the most practical and viable alternative for the corridor”, compared with the CA-NV Maglev alternative. The study further states that high speed rail will provide “reasonable high speed at a much lower cost.” Additionally, from a planning and timing perspective, in contrast to the DesertXpress solution, the CA-NV Maglev project is depending entirely upon federal funding just to be able to begin the EIS process that the DesertXpress project has just completed after six years of privately funded work. More detailed information on the BSL Management study is available by visiting www.victorvillecity. com/documents/bslreport.pdf. “Maglev has been a thirty year study of a system that only operates in one other area in the world, which is Shanghai. And we believe the reason it hasn’t been further developed in other parts of the world is that according to the BSL Study, the latest cost estimates by public authorities in Germany and the United States put the cost of construction for a Maglev line in the range of $60 million to $199 million per mile – which would bring the cost of the proposed 260-mile maglev line to US $16 billion to $52 billion – making it the most costly transportation project in U.S. history. On the other hand, the DesertXpress project is estimated to cost from $3.5 to 4 billion, and high speed rail lines are a proven commodity and are successfully operating all over Europe and other parts of the

This first phase to Victorville will be designed to allow DesertXpress to extend its service to the voter approved California High Speed Rail System link to Palmdale, which is situated approximately 50 miles from the Victorville station. DesertXpress officials said that by designing the system to share existing transportation corridors, primarily Interstate 15, it avoids environmental and community impacts in the highly traveled corridor between Nevada and Southern California. “The concept of shared transportation corridors maximizes the people-carrying capacity of the freeway right-of-way without the enormous expense and overwhelming environmental impact of adding freeway lanes,” Marnell said. “The majority of travelers who use DesertXpress will represent a major shift in the American mode of transportation. By replacing private automobile travel with energy-efficient, environmentally-friendly, public transportation, Americans will make a strong statement about the nation’s travel trends, environmental concerns and energy challenges.” The Draft EIS for this project was the result of the collaboration of several professionals at the local state and federal levels, including the Federal Railroad Administration, Surface Transportation Board, Bureau of Land Management, Federal Highway Administration, National Park Service, Nevada Department of Transportation, Caltrans, and other state and local agencies. For more information, please contact The Rogich Communications Group (702) 796-1773 or visit www.desertxpress. com.

Priceless from 11 now,” explains Qureshi. “Twenty years ago,

help you out. Computer shops offering personal service - even impersonal service - are fast disappearing. So what do you call a place that offers the latest in cutting edge technology, reasonable costs and friendly service? Priceless. Or, more to the point: Priceless Computers, in north San Gabriel. Priceless Computers, which Sultan Salahuddin opened in 1995 (the shop recently celebrated its 14 year anniversary) is the one-stopshop for everything computers – and perhaps the one place where you can always get straight answers and affordable prices. The other day, says Atif Qureshi, the store’s Assistant Manager, a man came into the shop with a typical computer problem: “Geek Squad [at Best Buy] charged him around $500.00 [to fix his computer] and the man said they were still not able to fix it.” “And we did fix it – for $100,” chimed in Salahuddin. With computers everyday becoming more integrated into our daily lives, Salahuddin and his team of computer whizzes aim to provide personal, affordable repair services as well as providing low-cost machines and equipment. “Computers are becoming a necessity

people hardly had it but now every household has at least two or three computers. So the most important thing people should know is that they should have at least a decent working computer so that they can do their daily-basis work on a computer.” He elaborates: “An average decent computer would be with a good processor and at least a 512mb RAM. That’s considered decent, and certainly virus protection is very important nowadays.” One of the ways Priceless Computers helps consumers afford what they describe as a “decent computer” is fixing and selling refurbished machines. For example, you can buy a Pentium 4, 2.4 with512mb, 40 gig hard drive, Windows XP Professional complete with manufacturer’s Certificate of Authenticity installed for only $59.00. That’s cheaper than the price of Window’s XP Professional alone – $150. Throw in a brand new monitor and the cost is still under $160, thanks to Salahuddin’s ingenuity, industry connections, and the foresight to buy in bulk. “We have some basic prices, but still my prices are better than anybody,” says Salahud-

Priceless on 19

Camino Grove Students Find Teachable Moments with Plants and Popsicle Sticks

4th graders, Jacqueline Shang, from Mr. Rhee’s class, and Enoch Chan, from Mrs. Conroy’s class, give their Camino Grove life science garden some TLC, during their lunch recess.

By Helen Simmons Conroy

Some look at me in disbelief when I tell them they can eat a purple pansy petal, until they see me eat a velvety petal myself. They chuckle with delight in seeing their teacher be the guinea pig for a change! Six small groups of students manage the 6-plot garden during each 12-week rotation. Before each class begins to plant, they research seeds and starter plants that would be appropriate to plant during their respective planting season. Once plants and seeds are selected, students lay out their plot design, label planting areas with Popsicle sticks and plant. Plant growth is monitored by students in science notebooks, using both customary and metric measurement. Plant structures are examined, as weeds are pulled and plants are pruned. Students identify and study our garden ecosystem and generalize how it relates to larger ecosystems. As it is difficult to fit 30-plus students into the small gardening area all at once, the entire class only visits the garden every three weeks. During interim periods, I open the garden during lunch recess once a week to students who want to volunteer to help with upkeep. On average, 7 to 8 loyal recruits filter through the garden gate each week after they finish eating lunch. Often, it is the students who are sometimes hard to connect with in class that come to volunteer, enabling me to get to know them on a deeper level. I am happy to report that not one dirt clod has flown in the past 6 months. My students and I have discovered a wonderful way to uncover teachable moments, with trowels, plants and Popsicle sticks. A gardener at heart, there is no place I’d rather be in which to teach life science to my students, connecting with each others’ roots, as we experience nature together.

This year, Camino Grove Elementary School’s 4th grade classes are hitting the dirt to help place life science standards into a real-life context. They are not only hitting it, but tilling, weeding, watering, planting, and pruning it! As the life science teacher for my 4th grade team at the Arcadia Unified School District school, I jumped on the opportunity that our principal, Dr. Brook Reynolds, gives teachers to maintain the school garden for teacher adjunct duty points. At the suggestion of grade-level team leader, Lori Rozelle, I planned on integrating the garden into our life science curriculum. (Rozelle had been inspired by what former 4th grade science teacher, Maile Bellosi, had done using gardening to teach life science several years ago.) At first, I have to admit g y I was a bit nervous about t his under t a k ing, being only a second-year teacher, and having never done this PACIFIC FRIENDS SCHOOL before. Visions of students throwing dirt clods at each A Developmental Pre-School other (as well as at me) Before and After School Care danced in my head, in edgy anticipation. However, those fears were soon allayed, as R 6210 Temple City Blvd I saw the immediate conE Temple City, CA 91780 nection and command for MM calmness that being at one SU AMP C with nature evoked in my students, as well as myself. *1st through 6th Graders As students celebrate *Up to 11 hours of care per day being able to get their fin*Two snacks a day gers dirty, they nibble on *Open 8am till 6pm (extended care available) butter y- smoot h Spa nish *Educational Goals: Reading and Math Mache lettuce, and play*Exciting trips and Activities fully stick their fingers into stately, deep red snap dragemail: pacfriendsschool@sbcglobal.net on flowers to be snapped.

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Shaw from 1 their respective seats. Mayor Hammond stepped down gracefully and thanked fellow council members past and present as well as numerous unsung heroes who work behind the scenes in the city. A delighted Mary Ann Lutz was sworn in as Mayor by City Clerk Linda Proctor. Proctor in turn was sworn in by Alice Atkins for another term as City Clerk as was Steve Baker for City Treasurer. Both ran unopposed.

Community Wildfire Forum Scheduled for May 11 The Monrovia Fire Department will be hosting a public Community Wildfire Forum in City Hall’s Council Chambers on Monday, May 11, beginning at 6 p.m. The forum will also be available live on the internet. Experts will be available from State and Federal agencies who can answer homeowners’ questions concerning sustainable landscaping, building construction and retrofitting a home to better prepare for a wildfire. A live cablecast of the forum will be carried online by Monrovia’s public access television provider, Community Media of the Foothills, at www.kgemtv.com. For further information on the meeting, call the Monrovia Fire Department at (626) 256-8181.


Duarte Would Lose $280,000 from its General Fund The City of Duarte is asking residents to contact their State representatives to voice concern over a California Department of Finance proposal to the Governor that he authorize borrowing 8 percent of city, county and special district property tax revenues, estimated at over $2 billion, to help close the State’s FY 2009-10 deficit. The Department of Finance today (May 6) informed the League of California Cities today that it has presented the plan as a May Revision budget option to the Governor. If that option is adopted, it would mean an approximate $280,000 loss to the City of Duarte’s General Fund, said Deputy City Manager, Karen Herrera. “Duarte City Council members are gravely concerned about this state proposal and its impact on City services. Duarte Taxpayers can let State officials know that they are also extremely concerned about the State’s fiscal problems and how they continue to affect their families and fellow residents,” said Herrera.

Residents are urged to express their concerns to Assembly member Anthony Portantino by telephone at (626) 577-9944 or by email at assemblymember.portantino@assembly. ca.gov and to State Senator Gloria Romero at (323) 881-0100 or email senator.romero@sen.ca.gov. In contacting State officials, the City suggests the following talking points: Borrowing Proposal is Irresponsible. The proposal is irresponsible and will threaten the safety of every Duartean. Proposal Puts Public Safety at Risk. California cities like Duarte are struggling under the growing weight of the economic slowdown and the revenue losses it has caused. Cities have already enacted painful cuts to balance their own budgets. On May 4 at its budget workshop, the Duarte City Council cut nearly $1 million dollars from the City budget and is using approximately $800,000 from City reserves to balance the 2009-10 budget which contains steep programming costs. Proposal Would Mark Return to Binge Borrowing. The state proposal will further decimate local public safety and other essential community services and dig it into a deeper hole from which it is less likely to recover. Governor Should Reject Borrowing. The Governor has opposed previous proposals to borrow local funds and should reject this proposal. State Needs to Balance Its Budget With Its Own Resources. Borrowing local government funds to fund the state budget has been turned down by the voters and will never be acceptable to the public. For more information about how the State budget crisis is impacting the City of Duarte budget, contact Assistant City Manager Kristen Petersen at (626) 357-7931, ext. 212.

YMCA Teams with Monrovia Fire to Offer Junior Firefighters Camp for Kids

Gary Kovacic, who spearheaded the Law Day program a decade ago will be on hand in Arcadia with 40 other attorneys offering free legal advice Saturday. - Photo by Terry Miller

Monrovia firefighters Nick Board (left) and Jeremy Sanchez give Angel Favela of Monrovia the thrill of trying on some regulation firefighters gear. This summer youngsters will have the opportunity to experience some of the training of a firefighter cadet as part of the Santa Anita Family YMCA’s new Junior Firefighters Camp, Aug. 3-7.

It’s many a childhood dream to grow up to be a fireman. This summer, the non-profit Santa Anita Family YMCA and the City of Monrovia Fire Department will make it possible for children to experience that dream at a week-long Junior Firefighters Camp. The SAFYMCA all-day specialty camp is designed for children entering 4th through 6th grade, and will be taught by Monrovia Fire Department firefighters. “Kids will learn the basics of first aid, search and rescue procedures, fire prevention and suppression, everything a cadet would learn,” said SAFYMCA Chief Executive Officer, Damon Colaluca. They’ll even learn how to cook a meal at the firehouse, one of the un-official basic require-

ments of the job. The Junior Firefighters Camp will be offered the week of Aug. 3 through Aug. 7. The camp is open to YMCA members and program participants. Financial assistance is available. The SAFYMCA offers an exciting variety of summer camp experiences for children from kindergarten through eighth grade. All YMCA camps focus on the development of the four core character values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. Kids who sign up for summer camp before June 1 will get a free camp backpack. For more information, call the SAFYMCA at (626) 359-9244, or visit the website at www.safymca.org.

FIGHT AGAINST VULCAN EXPANSION RAMPS UP IN DUARTE Azusa Agrees to Process VulcanÊs Application for a Modified Conditional Use Permit and Amended Reclamation Plan The City of Azusa has determined and notified the Vulcan Materials Co., owners and operators of Azusa Rock Quarry, that its application filing for a Modified Conditional Use Permit and revised reclamation plan to move its current mining operations to the west in an 80- acre area above Duarte hillside homes is now complete. Prior to now, Azusa city officials had deemed the application incomplete. Vulcan’s complete submittal, all technical attachments and draft Environmental Impact Report on the official City of Azusa website can be found by using the following link: http://www.ci.azusa.ca.us/index. asp?NID=943. In its executive summary, Vulcan contends they have ownership of 270 acres and currently operates on only 190 acres. The crux of their application is based on the following three points: (1) Modification of its operation to now extract mineral resources


from the westerly 80 acres of the 270acre property; and, (2) Preclude further mining on the easterly areas of the site, and, (3) Alter the reclamation and revegetation methodology by initiating an aesthetically and environmentally superior design across the entire property, with specific and immediate emphasis on existing east side benches. The revised plan would substitute 80 acres on the east side, acres currently approved for mining, with 80 acres on the west side of the property. If the City of Azusa approves the revised plan, Vulcan states that it will immediately begin reclamation on the east side, with completion within five to seven years as opposed to commencing reclamation in 2038. Reclamation will focus on contouring and micro benching at 12 to 24 inches apart as opposed to the 20 to 40-foot “Mayan step” benches under

the current reclamation plan. Last year the Duarte City Council established a $700,000 fund to monitor and counter anticipated expansion plans by Vulcan that would adversely impact Duarte residents. The “Fight Against Vulcan Expansion” fund (FAVE) will allow the City of Duarte to monitor the approximately two-year application process involving a Conditional Use Permit and Environmental Impact Report through whatever legal and environmental means necessary. Vulcan Materials hosted two public information meetings in January within Azusa to discuss the plan and answer questions. To learn more about upcoming Vulcan meetings, residents are encouraged to visit the company’s website at www.azusarock.com. Currently no further meetings are scheduled. For more information about the City of Duarte’s Fight Against Vulcan Expansion activities, call Duarte Deputy City Manager, Karen Herrera at (626) 357-7931, ext. 221.

Free Legal Advice Offered Financial Advisors are new addition to popular event Originally started by Arcadia attorney and longtime city council member Gary Kovacic over 10 years ago, the City of Arcadia and the Arcadia Chinese Association this weekend will offer a free Law Day at the Arcadia Public Library, 20 West Duarte Road, on Saturday, May 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. as part of the nationwide celebration. Over 40 Volunteer attorneys will be on hand to meet with the public and provide them with a free brief one-on-one consultation on general legal questions. They will provide a summary of legal rights and general advice on a “wa1k-up” basis and, where appropriate, will refer individuals to the proper legal or governmental organizations. Law Day attorneys are unable to accept any cases from the people they meet. Law Day attorneys will answer questions on immigration, consumer rights, landlord-tenant issues, insurance problems, property, family law, bankruptcy, government benefits, employee rights, workers’ compensation, personal injury and other topics. Informational brochures and pamphlets will also be available as additional legal resources. “The Arcadia Chinese Association is delighted to once again co-sponsor this valuable program. We take great pride and enjoyment in helping all members of our community gain access to professional and personalized legal knowledge at no cost,” said Sho Tay, President of the Arcadia Chinese Association. More than 26 volunteers from the Arcadia Chinese Association will provide refreshments and assist in language translations where needed at this year’s Law Day event. Translation services will be available in Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish, and other languages maybe also available. For more information, call Arcadia City Hall at 574-5460.

The Gold Standard AGENT OF THE WEEK


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Anne Kee

Gitta Earll

Dave Heck

Nazee Rix

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. (626) 445-0128



1250 Canedo Place, Pasadena. This wonderful family home w/3bdrm 2bth is located in the San Rafael Hill Area. This home offers privacy & seclusion. Charming updated interior, warm, sunny, extra large windows and French doors, lush green views, remodeled gourmet kitchen, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, formal dining room, patio w/ BBQ, direct access garage and so much more. Must See!!! (C1250)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451




CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451

748 Crescent Dr., Monrovia. Here’s the winning combination. Great family home and turn-key. 3BR, 3BA, 2900 sq. ft. on a 13,500 sq. ft. professionally landscaped lot. All the bells and whistles just bring your furniture. (C748)


Spacious 5 bedroom in San Gabriel on a quiet cul-de-sac street with Temple City Schools, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings, kitchen with built in stove, oven, dishwasher, in ground swimming pool, air conditioning,intercom and alarm system, double detached garage. (C8915)



Newly remodeled Arcadia home with park sized yard. Main house is 2000 Sq. Ft., has 4BR, 2 BA, newly refinished hardwood flooring. (1 – 1234)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(888) 804-2430 E US HO 5 PM N E 2 OP UN. S



This gorgeous 4 bedroom is situated on a large, beautifully landscaped lot (0ver 13,000 sq.ft.) and features gourmet kitchen with top of the line appliances including a wine cooler, beautiful remodeled baths, onyx trimmed fireplaces, dual pane windows, plantation shutters, fantastic patio with fireplace, and so much more!!! (RAM)


VICTORIAN $729,000 $750,000 HISTORIC Located close to Old Town Monrovia this Historic two story 2426



sq.ft. character home features 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room, built-ins, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces and 2 baths. This is truly a “must see” home. (C626)

540 Trayer Ave. Beautiful 3bdrm 2bth home remodeled w/marble counters, dual sinks, ceramic floor, high quality appliances, solid maple cabinets, granite countertops, breakfast area, dining room w/ FP, living room w/double entry doors, separate laundry room, 3 car garage, Mountain Views, Turnkey home ready to move-in. (T540)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 233-1638

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858 CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123




This home is move-in ready. Property is NOT an REO or short sale. Features two large bedrooms, 2baths one with huge master bath, very large kitchen with breakfast nook, bar counter, and a eating area for the dining room table, perfect for entertaining, large service/laundry room that can be used as a third bedroom if converted and laundry put in garage. (E142)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



Located in Upper Hastings Ranch. Spacious living room with fireplace, cozy dining area, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, enclosed patio with windows overlooking the rear garden. Kitchen with counter eating area. Master bedroom with bath & large closet. Double detached garage. Brick patio, fruit trees. (T1210)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



Fabulous recently remodeled home with “Lake Rights”. Built in 1990. Huge lot. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, open bright floor plan with 2 levels, laundry room, decorative fireplace, large dining area that could be used as family room/play area. Double attached garage, room for RV & boat. Furniture is negotiable. (G171)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451

Situated on an ample lot down the long (newly resurfaced) drive. Remodeled front unit has newer kitchen cabinets, granite counters, slate and ceramic tile floors. The units have new roofs, new stucco, paint, trim paint as well as upgraded within the units. Across from park and recent residential development. (V142)


Beautiful remodeled 3bed/2 bath home features updated kitchen with granite counters, all new cabinets, fixtures and appliances. Freshly painted inside, new carpet and tile. Lots of storage, some hardwood floors and family room with fireplace. Located on a private street and has a large fenced backyard and so much more! (ACA)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888



4-Plex by golf course. Rental income $3,700 month. 4-Plex – 2 studios + 2 1 bedrooms. Each unit has garage. (B3212)



CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858




T h i s 3 b d r m 2 b t h To w n H o m e i s a n e n d u n i t c l o s e to restaurants and transportation. Very well maintained, hardwood floors in the entry & dining area, large master suite, south facing unit and low HOA fees. (M320)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123




CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888

CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes



2595 Rochelle, Monrovia. Hard to find newer PUD has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with 1 bedroom located downstairs. Master has walk-in closet and spa tub. Built in 2004 with 2,588 sq. ft. of living space on 5,188 lot. (R2595)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858

This beautiful home features 2 bedrooms and 1 remodeled bath. Newly installed bamboo hardwood flooring throughout, new paint inside and out, newer roof, FA/ CA and much more! Close to City of Hope. (BRO)


Pre-foreclosure! Horse Ranch, working Equestrian Dressage Farm located near PGA Golf Course. Five acres with Craftsman style home, 4bdrms 3bths, FP, dining room, recreation room, professional Dressage training and instruction. USDF qualified training facilities, 17 boarding stalls, a circular arena. Lots of income potential. (C38834)



This executive style condo shows like a model home. Located in a beautiful, well maintained gated complex. Kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances. Nice patio for outdoor dining. (ORA)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



Spacious 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled living room, dining room, Kitchen. New wood flooring, new carpeting, scrapped ceilings.Master bathroom is in the middle of updating, needs shower, sink and flooring, backyard with RV parking, patio and pool that needs resurfacing, double detached garage. (E1951)

This large manufactured home located in a very nice Senior Park (55+) and features a large living room & dining area with newer carpet, large master bedroom, new tile in kitchen and baths, large covered patio, 2 sheds & so much more! (JEF)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451



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(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451











MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009, 2009

Ahmed from 1 and the academic community chosen to “advance the President’s bold agenda to reinvigorate the economy while building a new and innovat ive foundation for a 21st Century America,” according to a statement from the Office of the President, President Obama will rely heavily on the council for advice in the fields of energy, education, health, climate change, environment, security, and the economy. The Council of Advisors includes three Nobel laureates, two university presidents, four MacArthur Fellows, and 14 individuals who are elected members of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, or American

Cover Story

11:15 AM

11:15 AM

11:15 AM

R e v. P a u l S . B e c k • S e n i o r P a s t o r

WE HAVE “SOMETHING” YOU NEED Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Sunday Eve - “Praise” Worship 7:00 p.m. or Monday Worship - 7:00 p.m.

OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 512 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia (626) 447-7690




Special Financing creates an awesome opportunity to own this prestigious home in North Sierra Madre and an added bonus of ARCADIA SCHOOLS. Even Julia Childs would love the remodeled kitchen and new appliances. With over 3,000 sf of luxury on a 15,000 sf lot you can enjoy the sounds of the backyard waterfall or simply relax in the spa. Your family and guest will arrive on the circular driveway and enter to enjoy the many amenities including 2 family rooms, wood flooring, plus 5 bd and 3ba. Call for details on the special financing being offered. SIERRA MADRE $1,195,000 (SAN)

Splendid in the City. Just a short stroll from downtown. This 1787 sq. ft. Townhome has been tastefully remodeled. The master with vaulted ceilings opens to a veranda like balcony. Located inside a gated complex you will feel secure inside this 3 bed 2.5 bath beauty. Find out why we call this special. SIERRA MADRE $649,000 (ESP)

“Filming” chemical reactions using ultra-fast lasers - A chemical reaction is triggered by a laser flash-molecules are excited to a more energetic state. Thereafter they “drop” back to their less energetic equilibrium state. A second laser pulse is then sent at varying intervals (t) after the first one to take instantaneous snapshots of the changes that have occurred in the molecule. (Source: DESY in Hamburg)

Academy of Arts and Sciences. “I am pleased to be an Advisor to assist President Obama in his vision for the America of the 21st century, and to address issues of global significance,” says Zewail. “Ahmed is a fantastic choice for PCAST. Not only is he a remarkable scientist, but he is also an intellectual leader with great insight in

the issues faced by society,” says Caltech president JeanLou Chameau. In 1999, Zewail was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his pioneering developments in femtoscience, which make it possible to observe atoms in motion, creating the new field of femtochemistry, the study of matter on the femtosecond timescale. Zewail’s research group currently is develop-


SAVE YOUR HOME! CALL ATTORNEY STEPHEN R. GOLDEN (626) 584-7800 25 E. Union Street Pasadena, California (Old Town Pasadena)

California Realty

A Perfect 10 – Stunning is the only way to describe it – Built in 2004, this magnificent 3500+ sf home is one of a kind. There are 3 large master suites, and gourmet kitchen. 5bd, 4.5ba, on a 10,498 sf lot. At this new price, it won’t last! SIERRA MADRE $1,365,000 (COB)


ing four-dimensional microscopy, a new technology that allows 4D visualization in space and time, with the primary goal of understanding the complexity of chemical and biological transformations. Zewail is the director of the Physical Biology Center for Ultrafast Science and Technology at Caltech, and served as the director of Caltech’s Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, which operated from 1996 to 2006 with support from the National Science Foundation. Among other honors, Zewail has received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science, the Benjamin Franklin Medal, the Robert A. Welch Award, the Leonardo da Vinci Award, the Wolf Prize, and the King Faisal Prize. He was awarded the Order of the Grand Collar of the Nile, Egypt’s highest state honor, and has been featured on postage stamps issued to honor his contributions to science and humanity. Zewail holds honorary degrees in the sciences, arts, philosophy, law, medicine, and humane letters from 35 universities around the world, and is an elected member of many Academies and Societies. He serves on national and international boards, and is involved in promoting science and education in the developing world. More information onZewail, including how to contact him, is available on his website, zewail.caltech.edu

Send us your thoughts: Letters@BeaconMediaNews.com

(626) 355-1600

Discriminating 1911 Vintage Craftsman. With a Gourmet Kitchen to die for. Designed with attention to detail. Don’t miss the coved ceilings that grace the Living Room and Formal Dinning Room. Accented by the character fireplaces in the Family and Living Room. This 3 bed/1.75 bath home is brimming with extras. Call today for the extravagant details. Monrovia $699,000 (IVY)


This dramatic-loft style, single level condo located on the top floor is just steps from fine dining, shops, theaters and the Gold Line. Features include: 14-foot ceilings, fireplace, laundry room, concrete floors, elevator access, wired for high-speed internet, alarm system, two parking spaces, two balconies. 1,374 sq.ft. – 2bd/2ba. PASADENA $798,000 (DAY)

LOOKING FOR A CHANGE OF CAREER? FREE REAL ESTATE SCHOOL* MONDAY EVENING FROM 6-30PM • 8-30PM At the Sierra Madre Office • 115 W. Sierra Madre Blvd Call 626 355-1600 • *Call for details


MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide

Garden Club Invites You to a Dinner Meeting

Reni Rose (626) 355-8400

Program features a small garden with a large harvest of enjoying lower grocery bills in this time of economic downturn. Although they are now Monrovia residents they are still very involved in Sierra Madre. Johnson has a graphic arts and computer business here and Smith, a licensed chiropractor with a practice in Sierra Madre. She also suggests the value to a person of the physical activity involved in gardening. Both are bard working community volunteers. Presently home gardens are receiving greater attention due to health, the environment and economics. The National Gardening Association says 43 million

U.S. households plan to grow their own produce in 2009, up from 36 million last year, a 19% increase. Both the Obamas in the White House and California First Lady Maria Shriver have planned gardens to teach children and visitors the value of growing food. Not since the Victory Gardens of World War II has there been greater interest and excitement about home gardening. Reservations are needed for the dinner at this meeting, $9.00 each, by calling Phyllis Chapman at (626) 355-0606. To attend just the program, there is no charge and no reservation needed. Arrive by 6:45.

Offered at $1,365,000.

A Perfect 10 -- Stunning is the only way to describe it - Built in 2004, this magnificent 3500+ sf home is one of a kind. There are 3 large master suites (one downstairs) including an impressive secluded master with sumptuous bath and tranquil view of the mountains/valley, plus the Jack & Jill bedrooms and 5 baths. Other features include soaring ceilings, expansive windows, large family room, gourmet kitchen & breakfast area with window seating, wood flooring, plantation shutters & more. Call today for more details and for a private showing of the PERFECT 10!

838 Wick Lane, Glendora Offered at $1,295,000.

Country living just 30 miles from Los Angeles! Build your dream home on this wonderfully private and secluded property which is zoned for horses and consists of about 8 acres with approximately 2.2 of them being on a gentle slope. There is a possible development opportunity to build 2 to 3 homes. Buyer to verify with the City of Glendora.

O SU PEN N. H 12 OU -3 SE PM

Sierra Madre Garden Club invites you to attend their dinner meeting, Monday, May 11,6:00 p.m., held at Memorial Park Hart Senior Center, 222 w. Sierra Madre Blvd. A program will be presented by Theresa Smith and John Johnson about their development of a garden in Monrovia into one that produces giant-size, flavorful crops of food in a limited space. They will provide how-to steps for their amazing results of plants that reach maturity sooner, yielding bumper crops that are delicious and all with the priority of conserving water. Also, the great plus

110 Coburn, Sierra Madre

2075 Santa Anita Avenue Offered at $1,195,000.

Special Financing creates an awesome opportunity to own this prestigious home in North Sierra Madre and an added bonus of ARCADIA SCHOOLS. Even Julia Childs would love the remodeled kitchen and new appliances. With over 3,000 sf of luxury on a 15,000 sf lot you can enjoy the sounds of the backyard waterfall or simply relax in the spa. Your family and guests will arrive on the circular driveway and enter to enjoy the many amenities including 2 family rooms, wood flooring, plus 5 spacious bedrooms and 3 updated baths. Call for details on the special financing being offered.

321 E. Grandview, Sierra Madre Offered at 1,075,000.

Extraordinary in Detail – This house has a rich blend of history and craftsmanship. It was built in the 1890’s and its design reflects discriminating taste and art. The master suite is enhanced with a spectacular view from the balcony and steam sauna. You can entertain handsomely in the large country kitchen or around the saltwater pool and spa. Additional features include: family room, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2,621 sf home, 12,297 sf lot, tranquil mountain view and detached music room. If character, privacy and warmth are in your plans, this home is just right for you! Call to preview before it is too late.

Century 21 Village Realty Recognizes Emily Duggan

1946 Alta Oaks, Arcadia Offered at $1,050,000.

Offering Arcadia Schools, this home is located is the highly desirable “Highlands” community of North Arcadia. It has been lovingly maintained for the past 44 years and was updated in 1997. The rooms are spacious and light filled. The 12,781 sf lot offers a spacious back yard with sparkling pool, mountain view, lanai and patio. The home is 2,217 sf with a family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and CA & heat. This one won’t last!



Residential and Residential Income properties. You can reach Emily or any of the other wonderful sales associates at 626.355.1451.

2025 Carolwood, Arcadia, Ca Offered at $1,048,000.

Situated in Highland Oaks with awarding winning Arcadia Schools, this home offers: : 2,985 sq.ft. (which includes the 664 sq.ft. of basement) with a 22,440 sf lot., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car attached garage & a 664 sf finished basement currently being used as a media room and 5th bedroom.

1912 S. 7th Place, Arcadia Offered at: $848,000

Close your eyes -- and picture your special home. This lovely updated home is really something special. Located in the much sought after Arcadia School District, this open and airy home features 3 fireplaces, a master suite with walk-in closet and luxurious new bath, Jack & Jill bedrooms, an oversized garage with tons of storage and a sparkling pool. Offers: 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,355 sf home, a 7,196 sf lot, updated with copper plumbing, electrical, a new roof and is ready for you to just move in! To see this special home call 626-355-8400.

1745 La Cresta, Pasadena Offered at $848,000.

Owner remembers the architect as being a Frank Lloyd Wright understudy. This home offers wonderful tranquil views of the mountains and Brookside Golf Course. For those who love to golf, this property is conveniently located just one mile from the Brookside Country Club. The floor plan is open and spacious and offers pleasant views from almost every room of the home. There are modern touches, walls of windows, new carpeting and new interior paint. 2,238 sq. ft. home, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 2250 sq.ft.lot

50 W. Dayton, Pasadena Offered at $798,000 or lease $3,200/mo. Old Town Pasadena – truly urban living at its finest! This dramatic loft-style, single level condo located on the top floor is just steps from fine dining, shops, theaters and the Gold Line. The complex epitomizes today’s trend of a live/ work lifestyle – ideal for the sophisticated buyer looking for an ultra modern living environment complete with industrial design elements. Features: soaring 14-foot ceilings, fireplace, stainless steel accents, GE Monogram stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops, separate laundry room, 1379 Sq. Ft., 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 2 Balconies, 2 parking spaces.


Located at 38 West Sierra Madre Blvd in downtown Sierra Madre, Century 21 Village Realty is a full service brokerage specializing in


Emily Duggan, sales associate with Century 21 Village Realty, was named the office’s top selling sales associate in the month of April. This is not a new honor to Emily, she was also the top selling sales associate for the month of January and February of this year. Emily is not the only one off to a quick start however, proof that the market is heating up, “Century 21 Village has increased sales 100 % in April over April of last year and Emily has led the charge”, according to manager Andy Bencosme. Inventory and interest rates at historic lows in our area and buyers and sellers alike are taking advantage of a busy market. As a Realtor, Emily Duggan, wears many hats. With a banking and managing background, Emily brings exceptional skill and understanding to each unique real estate transaction. Her degree in English Literature from UCLA, also brings distinctive aptitude to the many communication needs of the sale or purchase of a home. Emily has an expansive Rolodex of competent professionals – photographer, stager, painter, contractor and more – and she uses these professionals to make sure that every home shows at its best under Emily’s guidance. A Sierra Madre resident for the past 23 years, Emily serves the entire San Gabriel valley and has represented clients from Santa Monica to Coto de Caza. Her business consists largely of repeat business and from referrals from many satisfied clients.

285 Sturtevant Drive, Sierra Madre Offered at $719,500.

Tucked away at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains in Sierra Madre you’ll find a relaxing hide-away to come home to! The interior of this home has been freshly painted. The living room features a fireplace, is filled with natural light and is open to the kitchen.The floor plan offers 2 bedrooms and 1 ½ baths downstairs and situated upstairs is a grand master suite that features a mountain view, a fireplace, vaulted ceiling, spacious closet, and a large bath complete with soaking tub, separate shower and double sinks. The house is 2,038 s.f. and the lot is 7,029 s.f. Here is your opportunity to live in Sierra Madre!

180 Santa Anita Court, Sierra Madre New Price: $598,000

This cottage has loads of curb appeal and is located just a short walk to the quaint village of Sierra Madre & Sierra Vista Park. The inviting and open floor plan will inspire you to entertain or simply have a quiet evening at home. This 1165 sq. ft. home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The lot is 6,318 sq. ft. There is a 400 sq.ft. attic which will be great for storage. The yard has been professionally landscaped and has auto sprinklers.

Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: Renirose.com


MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009



School•Religion•Community Activities•Social


Pediatric Patient Survives Rare Heart Failure

By Bill Peters

The Pasadena Young Musicians Orchestra directed by music director Jo Raquel Stoup will perform its spring concert on Mother’s Day, May 10 at 3:30 p.m. in Sexson Auditorium at Pasadena City College. It is what Stoup calls “a bouquet of music.” Gifted young musicians have been trained and encouraged in the pursuit of fine music for over 50 years at the PYMO. The essential training is to learn to play in a symphony orchestra. At the concert on May 10 the 100-piece ensemble will perform Alexander Borodin’s Symphony No. 2, Arcangelo Corelli’s Concerto Grosso No. 1 and “Danzon” by Arturo Marquez. Concertmaster Emily Fuang and principal second violinist, Denny Choi will solo; Brandon Ly will be showcased on the cello in the Corelli composition. Ms. Stoup knows her music, and also knows that the music history has relevance to her orchestra members. Borodin is best known for his Polyvetsian Dances tunes commandeered for the Broadway show “Kismet”. The late 19-century composer had a sense of a good tune. Beyond that musical ability, the composer can also be seen as an interesting model: as a youngster he was keenly interested in chemistry, went on to be a surgeon of some prominence and was appointed to a position as a Professor of surgery in Russia. Very musical throughout his life, he spent many

PYMO on 19

-Photos By Terry Miller

Arcadia Fire Dept., Methodist Hospital and ChildrenÊsÊ Hospital Team to Save Two-Year-Old By Terry Miller and Ann Azer

On December 2 0 of la st year Arcadia Fire Department Engines 105 and RA 105 were called to a business in Arcadia where they found a two-year old girl who had no pulse and was not breathing. Rapidly assessing the child, paramedics immediately began CPR and attached her to a portable monitor. When they placed her on the monitor, they discovered that she was in Ventricular Fibrillation. This is a life threatening dysrhythmia which is very rare in children. Without immediate treatment, the chances of survival rapidly diminish. In response the paramedics, Drew Pryor and Charlie Tuggle, immediately performed defibrillation which “shocked” her heart back into a regular and life sustaining rhythm. “She was grey,” said Pryor. “I’ll never forget that day. All the while we were treating [Ashley] her mom was obviously distraught, screaming ‘my baby’s dying’.” As not only a paramedic and firefighter but also a father of two, Pryor recognized the grave danger this young girl was facing. Sue Whiting answered the

radio call at Methodist Hospital. “A ped iat r ic pat ient who suffers a cardiac arrest is every MICNs fear when they answer the radio.” The call between Arcadia Fire Paramedic Drew Pryor and RN Sue Whiting was professional and calm. On arrival at Methodist, Lito Sing, her nurse, ordered a breathing tube to be placed to assist her breathing. She continued to have dysrhythmias and sustained a second cardiac arrest in the emergency room which required a second defibrillation. The team of pediatric specialists was ready when they arrived the short distance and the entire team went into a collective overdrive. Mea nwh i le specia l i st s at Children’s’ Hospital in Los Angeles had been alerted of the child’s condition and were sending a team to transport her to their renowned facility. According to hospital staff and firefighters, this case was one in a million. Truly one for the record books. Prior to the brief ceremony at Methodist Hospital on Monday, Ashley had the opportunity

to visit all the firefighters who helped her that day, for which her mother, Leydi, will be eternally grateful. Lunch of fish and chicken tacos and very special cupcakes was served in the firefighter’s kitchen at Station 105 and then the whole family got a ride in a fire engine to the Hospital for more goodies and to celebrate Ashley’s life. D u r i n g lu nc h , A s h le y’s brother Christian, 21, told the Weekly how his life was those few weeks following the heart attack. His 21st birthday plans (slated for Dec. 28) were put on hold during

this family crisis. He said “All I wanted for my birthday was for Ashley to recover fully. That would be the best present ever”. The family from Roland Heights was visiting a friend for his second birthday party in Arcadia the day of the incident. Methodist Hospital recognized the outstanding teamwork demonstrated by the Arcadia firefighters, EMS (paramedics) John Twitchell, Ken Valentine, Joe Herrick, Charlie Tuggle and Drew Pryor as well as the entire nursing staff at Methodist Hospital that ultimately saved this twoyear-old girl against all odds. The good news is that the young girl was discharged from Children’s Hospital L.A. in the second week of January without any neurological deficit. P a t ie n t a nd mo t he r, D r Koenig who is the medical director of the EMS Agency, Chief Tony Trabbie of t he A rcadia Fire Department as well as Deputy Chief Hany, Battalion Chief Spriggs, Arcadia firefighters, EMS personnel and Methodist Hospital nursing staff were recognized as well as other members of the remarkable team. At the conclusion of the brief ceremony Leydi Canton, while holding her daughter Ashley, tried to wipe away the tears of joy she was shedding as she thanked all who helped her daughter recover. “You gave me my baby back! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God Bless each and every one of you,” cried Canton in thanks. A sh ley spent fou r week s in the hospital recovering with apparently no ill effects and is now wearing a defibrillator and pacemaker that will have to be checked every four years for battery replacement. She will also be on some medication for the rest of her life, according to her mother, and will have to limit her physical activities - that may mean no P.E. for her when she becomes school age. Needless to say, the family is deeply grateful for her miraculous recovery and ever-mindful of Ashley’s activity level.


MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

TheGoodLife By Wally Hage


Mother’s Day

Fatigue? Mother’s Day is May 10th. It is a day to honor our mom’s in a very special way. Wishing your Mom a “Happy Mother’s Day has more meaning than just that. Within those words we sa id, a re many wonderful t hought s a nd memo ries that we never get to say! L i ke saying to

PYMO from 18

Photos courtesy Kimbrough Photography

hours studying composition which led to one of the compositions the PYMO will perform. Another, Corelli’s Concerto Grosso No. 1 is one of twelve that was published in 1708. It is inspired Baroque composing. Finally, Marquez “Danzon” is a spirited number with Latin rhythms that, as conductor accurately predicts, “People may even dance in the aisles”. Concertmaster for the concert is Emily Fuang, from

Temple City High. Others from Temple City are Tiffany Wang,Jennifer Wang, Eddie Nguyen, Elissa Wu, Vivian Chao, Bernard Lee, Alexis Nowak, Jeremy Kruis, Joseph An, Natalie Chieng, Leann Im, Andrew Valencia, Leslie Tjing, and Melissa Fuentes. Arcadia High participants are Karen Tsai, Vivian Wang, Rachel Rosenbaum, Kevin Tsai, Christopher Wong, Joshua Lu, Crystal Valladares, and

Mom, I love you with a “Special Love” that deepens every year. As I picture you in my mind it brings you so very near.” A hug and kiss is all it takes to please Mom. Even just a phone call reminding her of some of those most happy events that she made possible in your life. These acts of kindness can be more meaningful to her than a bouquet of flowers, dinner or an expensive gift. If you just hold her hand and say “Thank You Mom” for the gift of life that that you gave to me and for all of those many sacrifices too! There is simply no way we can ever really thank Mom, for all that she has done. She was the one who stayed awake nights when we were sick or in pain. Always praying to God to make us well.

Last year I received a touching E-mail that I believe describes “My Mother” best…and probably yours too! God made me a wonderful mother, A mother who never grows old, He made her smile from the sunshine, And He molded her heart of pure gold, In her eyes He placed bright shining stars, In her cheeks He placed roses to see, Yes, God made me a wonderful mother, And He gave that dear one to me!

Kimberly Liang. Sarah Chen and Kevin Geier are from Polytechnic School, Keven Masuda, Stella Kim, are from Maranatha High School, Jonathan Hsu is from Harvard Westlake School. San Marino High students are Estelle Chae, Matthew Hsieh, Rebecca Morris, Tiffany Liu, Christa Lam, Nathaniel Yuan, Jocelyn Liang, Daniel Liao, Brandon Ly, Jasmin Wang, Bryant Sun, and Ging Ging Lin. From South Pasadena High are Ricky Hong, Candace Cheng, Elizabeth Leitner, Sean Wang, Max Smith, Davy Li, Jun-Ren Chen, Alice Kim, and Kaityn Sunabe. Concertmaster from Foothill Preparatory School is Claudia (akie) Jette. From La Cañada High School are Denny Choi, Jennifer Choi, Clarke Anderson,Phillip Cho, Rex Noreen, Ling Rao, Kyle Kurihara, Noam Shanker, and Charlie Davidson Students also come from Pasadena City College, Diamond Bar High, Crescenta Valley High, Glendora High, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, and dozens of other schools around Southern California. Tickets are available at the door for a suggested donation of $3

for adults and $3 for students and seniors. Children under 12 are free. Information: (626) 403-1086.

Priceless from 13 are good, up and running, so faction. Customer satisfaction din. “That’s why we say, it’s no fix no charge. If somebody bring the computer and we give them a price and if we cannot fix the problem we do not charge them.” “In this bad economy everyone is short of money and that’s why we keep our prices reasonable. And the systems

it fits their budget, customers are happy, we’re happy.” They estimate 80 percent of their business is from repeat customers. “It’s my business, I put all my energy here, I won’t let the customer be disappointed.” Adds Quershi: “We want everything to be right on the spot to the customer’s satis-

comes first. Everything else comes later.” For more information, see www.pricelesscomputer.com. Priceless Computers is located at 6913 Rosemead Boulevard, Suite B, in San Gabriel. Call (626) 237-2020. This story was reprinted with the permission of PasadenaNow.com. Thanks guys!

This Mother’s Day … Shower your Mom with your love and gratitude for her abiding love. May G od Bles s A l l Mothers, this special day for all the tears and heartache, and for the special things they have done.


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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

SCAG’s from 2 took place, but the result was an even higher housing allocation than the one SCAG originally talked about, mostly at Sacramento’s insistence. And faced with the possibility of losing significant amounts of state funding, San Bernardino County ended up negotiating instead. And while they did win some concessions, the process of building large amounts of cheap, loan-fueled new housing in the Inland Empire began. And yes, they did remain in SCAG. So here it is 2009, and what is the final result of these events? Out in San Bernardino County, Victorville to be exact, they’re tearing down new houses because it’s cheaper than finishing them. Nobody’s buying, demand is nonexistent, the banks that funded this insanity are going belly up (at great expense to the taxpayer), and they’re swinging the wrecking ball. And, as is usually the case, it once again turns out that the local people were right. So where does SCAG get these RHNA numbers from? Population growth projections mostly. And in a Daily News of Los Angeles article published on May 17, 2003 (“Population May Triple Growth Predicted For 2030 ...”), SCAG was feverishly proclaiming that population here was just about to explode. “As part of a new method of population forecasting called Growth Visioning, SCAG has prepared a range of scenarios. ‘We need to face up to the reality of the growth that this region is going to incur,’ said Jeff Lustgarten, a spokesman for SCAG. ‘We can clearly say that north L.A. County and the Inland Empire are the two areas in Southern California expected to see the highest amount of growth.’ So how did that one work out for SCAG? Apparently about as well as the RHNA numbers they saddled San Bernar-

dino County with. This from a Los Angeles Times article published May 1, 2009: “California population growth flattens out: As California began nose-diving into a recession last year, its population growth flattened out, with some of the most significant slowing occurring in once-burgeoning inland areas such as Riverside County ... San Bernardino County, which was growing about 2% annually, added only 16,000 residents, less than 1% ...” Guess that helps to explain the tear downs out in Victorville. And obviously SCAG’s Mr. Lustgarten (German for “pleasure garden”) cannot in any way be considered our 21st Century equivalent to Nostradamus. So what does this mean for us in Sierra Madre? Well, as we saw in the consultant prepared “Sierra Madre 2008-2014 Housing Element” report issued by our City planners on March 31, we too have a SCAG mandated RHNA number. And it is apparently quite a burden on this town. To the point where certain factions within City Hall actually felt they needed to identify properties as candidates for possible Eminent Domain seizure in order to meet SCAG’s arbitrary demands for high density housing. Some of these locations being actual homes to Sierra Madre families. Sad to think that SCAG, with its evident record of failure, can still dictate such misery to cities such as ours. Let’s hope our City Council shows the courage it will take to get us out of SCAG when the question is discussed later this month. It’s not like we get anything good out of belonging to this woefully inept organization. Visit Sir Eric’s “Tattler” blog, online at sierramadretattler.blogspot. com

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Gerry Enders, owner of AutoSquare Collision Centers in El Monte

Photo by Terry Miller


It was lovely warm evening, so I took the old 4-banger MGB out for a spin to run an errand. I parked the car, quickly ran into the store, and was out again in five minutes. Upon returning to the parking spot, I found no little red sports car. After looking around a bit I noticed it had travelled some 500 feet in reverse, coming to rest against a nearby concrete wall. Ouch! It’s important to note that no one was hurt in this incident. My ego, on the other hand, was considerably injured when I realized what a fool I was for not paying attention to that all important handbrake. As soon as I wiped the egg off my face, I needed to get an estimate for the damage I had caused to my baby. The first stop was a AAA-recommended shop in Pasadena. When I got the estimate, I nearly lost my bala nc e. T he a mou nt seemed unreasonably high for what were essentially a crumpled bumper and some body work where the light was located. At this point, it looked as though I would need to swallow my pride and accept that government bailout. A little homework was in order here, and perhaps some more estimates. My anger with myself for causing such an unnecessary expense was only exceeded by the frustration of getting estimates for the work and making a decision on who would best do the work. After several estimates I came across Arcadia Auto Body, which is also part of Auto Square Body Shops in El Monte. I pulled the car into their lot and was warmly greeted. I felt no pressure of a salesman/estimator that I had experienced elsewhere. They looked the car over, made some notes and went to the computer. I joked that it seemed like a lot of numbers were being input, and that it sounded very expensive! The estimate took only a few minutes and I was truly ready for another nasty bottom line. But I was pleasantly surprised. The estimate was about one third of the original quote. The owner walked into the shop at the very time I was waiting for my estimate to be printed and we struck up a conversation. Gerry Enders, owner of AutoSquare

Collision Centers, introduced himself and discussed the business in general. As I wondered why I hadn’t come here to Arcadia Auto Body in the first place, I asked how auto body shops prices could vary so much. Gerry Enders was open and honest about his business and obviously very knowledgeable about cars and body work, as well as paint. I immediately felt a good rapport with Gerry and the people who run Arcadia Auto Body. My decision was made. “These are the guys” I said to myself. I was told what the cost would be and the time it would take. I got a telephone call 8 hours prior to expected completion and the price was exactly what the estimate reflected, not a penny more! My sh i ny new (seemed like it to me)’74 MG was back to its old self again with all its British glory. Detailed to a fine, shiny finish and even vacuumed, I was genuinely awed with not only the workmanship but also the timely manner in which the job was completed. The body work was done perfectly and the paint looked superb! I was indisputably delighted. I decided I wanted to know more about these guys so I set up an interview with Gerry in his El Monte Auto Square Body shop. The company has been in existence for over a decade and occupies an 11,000 square foot former car dealership on Valley Blvd. Auto Square has been in existence for over a decade and Arcadia Auto Body has been repairing cars since 1941. Gerry Enders, father to a 12-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl, originally worked with his dad, James. He says he’s keenly active in teaching others about the nuances of auto body work, management and automotive painting. Once a month he flies off to Chicago where he teaches a class in Auto Body Management. After working for DuPont for many years, Gerry certainly knows paint inside and out. AutoSquare offers a f lawless color match system that is fully guaranteed. We visited the paint mixing area which is a daz-

Body Shop on 26

MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009 22 2

Longtime Sierra Madre Resident Karl Teigler to be Remembered Saturday

A service will be held at Pioneer Cemetery (553 Sierra Madre Blvd.) this Saturday, May 9th at 10am to remember long-time resident and volunteer Karl Teigler. Teigler, a longtime Sierra Madre resident and volunteer, passed away Easter morning, April 12th, shortly after midnight. A church service was held in Indiana that same week, with the committal service and burial of Karl’s remains scheduled for this week. A reception will follow at Bethany Church, 93 N. Baldwin Ave. Karl had been suffering and in pain due to cancer, according to his wife Ruth. He had just celebrated his 94th birthday on Thursday, April 9th. He and Ruth would have celebrated their 67th anniversary in June. “He was twenty-seven before I could catch him,” said Ruth. They were married in Rochester, N.Y. on June 27, 1942. Karl was born on April 9, 1915, to Fredrick and Marie (nee Kumph) Teigler, Buffalo, N.Y. After graduating high school, he attended college. He worked for Picker Electric Co., selling, installing, and maintaining X-ray equipment. During the second World War, he worked with high-energy X-ray equipment in support of the Manhattan Project. After the war, and until he retired, Karl worked for the General Electric Co., residing in Tyler, Texas and then moving to Sierra Madrein 1963. After many years in Sierra Madre, Karl and Ruth, moved to Kokomo to be closer to their daughter.

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In Sierra Madre, he was very active in the community. He served the city as assistant treasurer. He served on the National Committee on Aging. Karl worked on the Senior Master Plan and on the Youth Master Plan for the City of Sierra Madre. He received awards from the County of Los Angeles on Older American’s Recognition Day, May 11, 1994. He also received awards from the City of Sierra Madre for his work on the Senior and Youth Master Plans. Karl was raised a Lutheran. After he married Ruth, he joined the Episcopal Church. He was active in church affairs. He taught Sunday School and was involved in establishing a new Episcopal Church in Tyler, Texas. He was preceded in death by his son, Timothy, his parents, his sister and brothers. He is survived by his wife, Ruth, now of Kokomo; his daughter, Dian Teigler, Carson City, Nev.; his daughter, Katherine, and her husband, Dr. James Scheffler, Kokomo; and his daughterin-law, Louise Teigler, Carson City, Nev. The family will welcome memorial contributions, in lieu of flowers, to St. Andrew Church in Kokomo, IN or to the American Cancer Society. Shirley & Stout Funeral Home assisted the family with arrangements. Messages of condolence may be left online at www.shirleyandstout. com.

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MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

Local Recovery Ministry Presents New Spring Workshops “Bou nda r ies” st a r t s Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 pm. This workshop deals with learning when to say yes, when to say no & how to t a ke cont rol of you r life.”Forgiveness” starts on

Saturday, May 9 at 9:00 am. This workshop is about getting beyond your pain and your past. Each workshop is 1 1/ 2 hours long, they run for 8 weeks and there is a $10.00

fee for each session. Workshop locations are in Arcadia. For directions, registration & more information please call 877-THY-Peace or e-mail sandi@themasterpeace.org

Dorothy from 2 you really want to blister them, the worst charge you can level against them is to accuse them of having no sense of humor. I am thankful I have a good sense of humor, but sometimes I just don’t want to display it. I’m getting old and sometimes I just want to be irritable. I want to complain about the snits that cut me off in traffic as we dash around town at a slow crawl. I could write lots about traffic congestion and people in a hurry to get nowhere. But, you know what? It really makes me feel good when folks approach me to say they are fans of mine. They call me a day-brightener and thank me for making them chuckle. I am getting old, and that’s no joke, but today I don’t have to be irritable.

Jockey from 1 jockey Calvin Borel was out of the gate at 51-1, only the second time in Kentucky Derby history that odds were t ha t high, although Smith rode Giacomo in the 2005 K ent uc k y Derby to win at 50-1, certainly a notable feat. Giacomo paid $102.60 to win compared to $103.20 for Mine That Bird. Smith must have run to the airport following the Derby since he raced at Hollywood Park Sunday afternoon in three races. Gomez fought and won second place on Pioneerof the Nile against Musket Man. Baffert, the trainer of Pioneerof the Nile, has three Derby wins to his name. Several wrap up items on the money angle would seem in line. As to purchase price of each horse, the $9,500 paid for Mine That Bird has captured imagination against, for instance, Pioneerof the Nile at $290,000, but is not that unusual when you consider that owners of third-place Musket Man paid $15,000. The owners of Mine That Bird were awarded $1,417,200 of the prize money. Pioneerof the Nile yielded $400,000, Musket Man, $200,000 and fifthplaced Chocolate Candy, $60,000.

Cover Story


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Rayven Teip Passed Away April 21 By Susan Motander

Rayven “Lunatic” Tiep died on April 21 at the age of 13. She is survived by her “parents,” Brian and Pat Teip, sister Rebecca and brother, companion and “ears”, Shadow. Rayven was a dark chocolate Weimaraner who was bitten by a rattlesnake on April 19. Because she was deaf, she never heard the snake and two days after the bite her parents felt her pain was unacceptable and took her off life support. Rayven lived on Norumbega in what is referred to as the wildland urban interface. In these areas pet owners need to be aware of the danger of rattlesnakes. According to Dr. Sylvia Domotor of Dr. Domotor’s Animal Hospital in Monrovia, there is a rattlesnake vaccine available for pets. While there was some controversy about the vaccine when it was first introduced, the problems have been resolved and she recommends its use. She also advocates rattlesnake avoidance training which is available for those dogs living in high risk areas or who regularly hike with their families in wilderness areas. “Keep dogs on a leash” is Dr. Domotor’s first bit of advice. “If your dog is bitten, get it to a vet as soon as possible. Don’t waste time stopping to make cuts or suck out the poison. Get the dog to the veterinarian immediately,” she said. There is an anti venom designed for animals according to Domotor, but it is currently in short supply. It is better to avoid the bites. Domoter says that because they are inquisitive dogs usually initiate contact with snakes and the best way to avoid this contact is keeping dogs under your control by keeping them on a leash. Roy Malleappah, an Arcadia contractor whose avocation is herpetology says that the only rattlesnake in this area is the Southern Pacific Rattlesnake.

The most dangerous snakes are the young, smaller snakes as they tend to give bites with full loads of venom; older snakes sometimes give warning bites with little toxin. The Southern Pacific rattlers have a “very interesting venom,” Malleappah said. It has a combination of both a hemotoxin which attacks the blood and a neurotoxin which can attack both the respiratory system and the heart. Those most at risk from rattlesnake bites are children and pets, the elderly, and those with high blood pressure. Snakes cannot hear and sense the presence of prey through heat and vibrations, Malleappah said. “Never step over a log if you haven’t looked over it. Never put your hand onto a ledge you haven’t been able to check first. Look into, not at bushes,” he said. He also advises that people hiking wear sturdy shoes and long, heavy pants. Southern Pacific rattlesnakes hibernate during winter months and awaken in spring. At this time they have full loads of venom and are most dangerous. Rattlesnakes enjoy sun and, according to Domotor, they are regularly spotted in the middle of trails. Being alert is the best defense. Pat Teis said that her family does plan to find another companion dog for Shadow, but not until they had cleared all the debris from their yard. “We’ve been told that sheds and woodpiles are places that attract rodents and they are the normal prey of snakes. We need to clear all that out of our yard.” According to Malleappah mice and rats are the prey of choice for local snakes and ridding your yard of these attractions are the best methods of avoiding up close and personal snake encounters.

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL (626) 301-1010 FOR ADVERTISING PLACEMENT INFORMATION EMPLOYMENT Beacon Media, publisher of San Gabriel Valley’s fastest growing group of newspapers, currently has the following position available: Advertising Sales Rep. You must have excellent interpersonal communication skills, both written

LEGALS CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICES CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS WILDERNESS PARK ACCESS ROAD STABILIZATION The City of Arcadia (Owner) will receive sealed bids for the WILDERNESS PARK ACC E S S R O A D S TA B I L I Z AT I O N Project. The Project, which involves construction of a lagand-beam retaining wall, replacement of the slope behind the wall, installation of drainage system with concrete gutters, catch basins, pipe and an outlet structure, road repairs, and fencing, must be completed within 90 calendar days, as provided in the Bid and Contract Documents. Bidders are strongly encouraged to review the Bid Documents (including the more detailed Notice Inviting Bids included therein) for more complete information regarding the Project and submission of bids. Bids must be submitted to the Owner on the Owner’s Contract Bid Forms. Prospective Bidders may obtain Bid Documents only from the DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT/ ENGINEERING DIVISION at the following address: 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA. 91007, (626) 574-5411. Please contact the DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION for more information, including availability of Bid Documents and mailing costs. One or more Pre-Bid Conference and Site Walks will be held on the date(s), at the time(s) and under the conditions indicated in the Bid Documents. Bidder MUST attend. All Bids must be addressed, sealed in an envelope and received by the office of the CITY CLERK no later than 11:00 a.m. on May 27, 2009. All Bids will be publicly opened, examined and read aloud at the CITY CLERK’S OFFICE at that time. Bids shall be valid for 60 days after the bid opening date. Bids must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check, or a Bid Bond in favor of the Owner in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the submitted Total Bid Price. Prior to award of the Contract, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Total Bid Price, on the forms provided and in the manner described in the Bid Documents. Contractor shall comply with PCC § 4108 with respect to subcontractor bond requirements. Pursuant to B&P Code § 7028.15

and verbal. You will work directly with clients to provide solutions for their advertising needs and to help design advertising campaigns that will best showcase the client’s products and services. Additionally, candidates should be: · Professional. · Ability to work effectively in a team environment.

· Over 2 years prior sales experience · Computer-literate. · Reliable vehicle and a cell phone. This position is commission only. Send cover letter and resume to resume@coremg.net or fax to 626-301-0445

and PCC § 3300, Contractors shall possess the following California Contractor’s license(s) in order to perform the Work: “A”. Subcontractors must possess the appro¬priate licenses for each specialty subcontracted.

and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the proposed text amendment. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council with respect to the proposed text amendment, you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raised at or prior to the time of the public hearing.

Bidders are advised that this Contract is a public work for purposes of the California Labor Code, which requires payment of prevailing wages. Owner has obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rates, and will place them on file at the Owner ’s office and make them available to any interested party upon request. Pursuant to PCC § 22300, the successful Contractor may substitute securities equivalent to monies withheld by the Owner. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Bids received. CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL Pursuant to law, the City Council hereby gives notice that a public hearing will be held to consider the following text amendment: Application No.: Text Amendment No. TA 09-02 Location: Citywide Request: To amend Article IX, Chapter 2, Part 6 of the Arcadia Municipal Code; regulations pertaining to temporary banners and commercial and industrial parking. Environmental Document: This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines. Time of Public Hearing: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Place of Public Hearing: Arcadia City Council Chambers 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California The application file is available at the Planning Services Office. This case will not alter the zoning of any property. The purpose of the public hearing is to provide the public an opportunity to be heard concerning the proposed text amendment. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the proposed text amendment. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing

CHAUFFURS Wanted . Fax resume to 626 254-0609

Persons wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so at the public hearing or by writing to Planning Services prior to the May 19th meeting. For further information regarding this matter, or to submit comments, please contact Assistant Planner, Steven Lee at (626) 574-5444 or via email at slee@ci.arcadia.ca.us. Comments may also be submitted in writing to Planning Services at 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007 or faxed to (626) 447-9173. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in the public hearing, please contact Planning Services at (626) 574-5423 at least three (3) working days before the meeting. This notification will help City staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the public hearing. Arcadia City Hall is open Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and on alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. City Hall will be closed on Friday, May 8, 2009. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Community Development Division / Planning Services Steven Lee, Assistant Planner NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arcadia is accepting bids to provide Concrete. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “PA0910-003, Bid for Concrete” and shall be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, P.O. Box 60021, Arcadia, California, 91066-6021. Bids are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at which time said bids shall be publicly opened. Copies of the bid may be obtained in the Purchasing Office of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, 91007. Said specifications and bid forms are hereby referred to and incorporated herein and made a part by reference and all quotations must comply therewith. The City of Arcadia reserves the right to accept in whole or part or reject any and all proposals and to waive any

FOR RENT SIERRA MADRE-Studio Apt. $750/mo Garden setting, All utilities included, pool, a/c, ldry 355-5072 126 W. Cherry $900mo. Air Cond. Clean 1 bdrm App, cptgs, garage. (626) 8368365 App Only

informalities in the bid process, and all bids are binding for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison, as specified in the quotation request documents. The award of this contract shall be made by the Arcadia City Council. CITY OF ARCADIA PURCHASING OFFICE Dated: May 4, 2009 Publish: May 7 & 11, 2009 OTHER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 08-0055259 Title Order No. 08-8-204838 APN No. 8501-005-19 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 05/13/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MELQUIADES QUINTERO JR, AN UNMARRIED MAN dated 05/13/2005 and recorded 05/23/05, as Instrument No. 05 1199800, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 05/14/2009 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 789 OAKGLADE DR, MONROVIA, CA, 910161717. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $947,724.58. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association,

FOR SALE Drum Kit w/ Cymbals 5 piece drum kit with 2 cymbals + hi-hat. Kit has everything you need and more: throne, drum and cymbal noise-dampening pads, all cymbal stands and bass pedal. Everything works well. It’s an off-brand (Pulse Percussavings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 08/29/2008 RECONTRUST COMPANY 1757 TAPO CANYON ROAD, SVW-88 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/ Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.34455 4/23, 4/30, 5/07/2009 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No.: 20080159901385 Title Order No.: 20852313 You are in Default under a Deed of Trust, dated 01/02/2007. Unless you take action to protect your property, it may be sold at a public sale. If you need an explanation of the nature of the proceeding against you, you should contact a lawyer. NDEx West, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 01/10/2007 as Instrument No. 20070048739 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California. Executed By: Sylvester Carter, Will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check/cash equivalent or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). Date of Sale: 05/20/2009 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, Southeast District, 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA. Street Address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 143-145 West Cypress Avenue, Monrovia, California 91016 APN#: 8508-010-033 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied,

sion), and could maybe use some heads, but all in all this is a very decent setup for the price. Call John at 626.789.6169. 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan. Auto, low mileage, front/rear/a/c, many extras. Great Soccer mom car. $9,000 obo. (626) 512-7050

regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $470,819.35. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. NDEx West, L.L.C. may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. For Trustee Sale Information Please Call: Residential Services Validated Publications, 2600 Stanwell Drive, Suite 200, Concord, CA 94520 925-6037342 www.rsvpforeclosures. com NDEx West, L.L.C., as Authorized Agent Dated: 04/28/2009 (RSVP# 151381) (04/30/09, 05/07/09, 05/14/09) NOTICE OF N O N - D I S C R I M I N ATO RY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS The Hastings Ranch Nursery School (License# 191202449) admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin at all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally afforded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies and admissions policies. For information, registration and appointments to visit the school located at 3740 East Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, Ca. Please call the director, Karen Brownell at (626( 351-9171. Publish May 4 & May 7, 2009



MAY 7 - MAY 13, 2009

The Doozies

By Tom Gammill


By Jeff Corriveau -Photo By Terry Miller

Capitol South

William Warren

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $1.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $90 to $2,500 $ $2.50 U.S. Gold ............................................. $80 to $5,000 $ $3.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $350 to $3,500 $ $5.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $125 to $5,000 $ $10 U.S. Gold ................................................ $325 to $4,200 $ $20 U.S. Gold ................................................ $650 to $5,000 $ $20 High Relief .............................................. Up to $50,000 $ $ WE BUY ALL SOLID GOLD ITEMS- NEW, USED OR BROKEN $ High School Rings ......................................... Up to $500 Wedding Bands .............................................. Up to $1500 $ Old Mountings ............................................... Up to $700 $ Bracelets......................................................... Up to $10,000 $ Necklaces ....................................................... Up to $15,000 $ Old Watch Cases ............................................ Up to $2,400 $ Charm............................................................. Up to $600 $ Dental Gold .................................................... Bring in for cash $ Broken Chains................................................ Bring in for cash $ PLATINUM - ALL PLATINUM JEWELRY - BRING IN FOR CASH $ Mountings ...................................................... Up to $2,500 $ Therm-Coupling Wire .................................... Bring in for testing $ Crucibles ........................................................ Bring in for testing $ Screen............................................................. Bring in for testing $ $ IF YOUR ITEMS AREN’T USED, BRING THEM IN FOR A $ FREE APPRAISAL AND CASH OFFER $ ½ Carat ........................................................... Up to $2,400 $ ¾ Carat ........................................................... Up to $3,000 1 Carat ............................................................ Up to $10,000 $ 2 Carat ............................................................ Up to $20,000 $ 3 Carat ............................................................ Up to $50,000 $ 4 Carat ............................................................ Bring in for a quote $ Large diamonds much, much more. We buy old mine cuts and Euro- $ pean cut diamonds. We buy diamonds with or without GIA certificates $ $ ALSO WANTED: KEY DATES AND RARITIES, PCGS, $ NGC & ANACS GRADED COINS, COLLECTIONS, $ ESTATES, ACCUMULATIONS AND DEALER STOCKS, $ AMERICAN EAGLES GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER, $ SAKR, CML, 40% & 90% SILVER COINS, SILVER $ BARS, SCRAP GOLD AND SILVER FLATWARE, CALL $ $ FOR QUOTES. $ WANTED: US AND FOREIGN CURRENCY, LARGE $ SIZE NOTES, SMALL SIZE 1976 AND BEFORE. $ $ WANTED: STAMPS, SINGLES, SHEETS, COLLEC$ TIONS, ESTATES AND DEALER STOCKS. NO COL$ LECTION TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Coin Connection: 39 Years of Experience

BUYING ½ Cent 1793 ................................................... $1,000 and up ½ Cent (other) ................................................ $5 and up Large Cent 1793 ............................................. 1,000 and up 2¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up 3¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up ½ Dimes 1794-1805 ....................................... $500 and up ½ Dimes 1829-1873 ....................................... $5 and up U.S. 5¢ 1866-1882 ........................................ $3 and up U.S. 5¢ 1883-1912 ........................................ 25¢ and up U.S. 5¢ Buff .................................................. 15¢ and up U.S. 10¢ Before 1808.................................... $100 and up U.S. 10¢ 1809-1837 ...................................... $8 and up U.S. 10¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 20¢ 1875-1878 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 20¢ 1796 ............................................... $5,000 and up U.S. 25¢ 1804-1807 ...................................... $100 and up U.S. 25¢ 1815-1837 ...................................... $15 and up U.S. 25¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 50¢ 1796-1797 ...................................... $15,000 and up U.S. 50¢ 1794-1806 ...................................... $75 and up U.S. 50¢ 1807-1837 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 50¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $10 and up U.S. $1.00 1794 ............................................ $25,000 and up U.S. $1.00 1795-1805 ................................... $500 and up U.S. $1.00 1836-1839 ................................... $150 and up U.S. $1.00 1840-1877 ................................... $20 and up Trade Dollars.................................................. $50 and up 1906-S and 1931-S......................................... $20 and up 1909-S VBD................................................... $400 and up 1914-D ........................................................... $75 and up 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1926-S and 1931-D............................. $5.00 1924-D ........................................................... $15 All other before 1934 2¢ each Foreign Coins (exc. Canada cents) ................ 3¢ each and up Proof Sets Confederate Currency (before 1928) U.S. Paper Currency (before 1928) AVERAGE PRICES - COMMON DATE - 1964 AND BEFORE Silver Dollars (before 1935) .. $9 to $25,000 Half Dollars.................................................... $4 to $5 Quarters .......................................................... $2 to $3 Dimes ............................................................. 80¢ to $1.50


Coin Connection, the most diverse company in the rare coin and precious metals industry •Precious metals bullion trading current daily buy and sell prices •Rare coin, stamp, currency and estate liquidation 8 E. Holly St. •Authorized appraiser for estates, insurance companies and “Old Town” Pasadena probate •Authorized buyer since 1961 of coins, stamps, currency, Call Paul for an appointment at precious metals, scrap gold, flatware, antique and Rolex (626) 793-8686 watches, diamonds and estate jewelry $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

zling array of DuPont paints and a computer analyzer and even a light that simulates natural daylight to accurately determine the correct color of your car in the event of a cloudy day. Having the owner on premises is a definite plus and being a CIC Class A facility with the latest equipment along with certified employees can only spell success. According to Enders, South California has some of the toughest restrictions on air pollutants and AutoSquare Body Shops have invested a great deal of money in keeping the government as well as its customers happy. The term “Environmentally friendly” doesn’t always easily roll off the tongue when one speaks of body shops. However, at Enders’ Body Shops just about everything is recycled. All of the damaged and mangled metal and plastics are recycled and the cardboard boxes are carted away to a recycling

center locally. There are employees who have been with the company since its inception, which alone speaks volumes about a company. For Enders and his 25 plus employees it is the workmanship that sells the company image best. Since living in Los Angeles County virtually guarantees you’ll be visiting a body shop eventually, it’s good to have some background knowledge. Trust and integrity seem to be of paramount importance along with the workmanship and, of course, price. AutoSquare Collision center will be number one on my referral list and I’ll not hesitate to do business with them again should I be silly enough to again leave off my handbrake. Auto Square is located at 11709 Valley Blvd in El Monte Phone 277-0022 and I40 East Sait Joseph Street in Arcadia . Phone 821.8669.


The Gold Standard

ww $499,000





.This great deal has 3257 sq.ft. and features five bedrooms, dining room, family room, built-ins, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces, granite counter tops, 3 baths, beautiful pool & spa, Zen like garden plus quest quarters with bath. Situated on 15,580 sq.ft. corner lot. Detached double garage. This is truly a must see! (G2440)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451



Sierra Madre. A wraparound yard and patio on two sides of this home provide privacy and lush landscaping to this unique townhome. A generous 1877 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, breakfast/den, formal dining area, separate laundry room, spacious living room with fireplace, ceramic tile floors, CA/FA, high ceilings, two sets of sliding doors, direct access two car garage. (E103)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



This rare large lot in the Flintridge area, features great views of the valley and San Gabriel Mountains. Home plans included and approved by the city, all you have to do is build it. LaCanada School District! (DOM)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888


This California Bungalow was originally built in 1922 and maintains its original charm and character, 2bdrms 1bth and many original features including built-ins that are mixed with modern conveniences like CA & heat, newer kitchen & bathroom. NOT an REO or short sale. Well cared for and located in a great community. So much to offer at an affordable price. (V469)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



Beautiful two bdrm 1bth end unit with two separate one car garages, short walk to the HOA pool/spa. Complex is located within a short distance from shopping center, such as Costco etc,,. This is a **Short Sale** transaction subject to lender approval, only one lender and a great opportunity for first time buyers. (L950)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



TRANQUIL ADULT COMMUNITY MOBILE HOME $79,500 416 JEFFRIES AVE., #44, MONROVIA. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home sits cozily within a pristine adult (55+) community. Enjoy peace, quiet and several key amenities this unit offers. Association pool & spa. Contact us for more info today. (J416)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858



This great 3 bedroom/2 bath home near Via Verde Country Club features a nice freshly painted kitchen, fireplace, central air and a newer tile roof. The well manicured yard features a waterfall, pond and spa. Must See!! (AVE






(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451









AFFORDABLE N. ARCADIA OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE $1.65 SF Ground floor office suite includes 5 private offices, reception area and 4 separate entrances. 18 on-site parking spaces. Street/ alley access. Excellent Foothill location, ¾ mile to I-210 access. Mountain views from front office. Modified gross lease (tenant pays electricity). Flexible terms.1110 sq. ft. including load factor. (F324)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888) 804-2430

Grand Opening of The Promenade Today at 5pm Featuring the California Philharmonic Orchestra & Special Samplings by Westfield Restaurants 30 New Shops abercrombie Banana Republic Bare Escentuals Blu Salon & Aveda Stör Boarders Clarks Chico’s Coach

Foreign Exchange GAP J. Jill Jos. A. Bank Talbot’s Tous Williams-Sonoma And More...

Weekend events May 8th–10th include fashion debuts, live entertainment and the chance to win $5,000. Visit www.westfield.com/santaanita for more event details and times.

Macy’s Nordstrom JCPenney 400 S. Baldwin Ave. Suite 231 Arcadia CA 91007 626.445.6255 www.westfield.com

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