2009_05_14_Pasadena Independent

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Independent PASADENA

„Our milkshake brings all the boys to the yard‰



WESTFIELD SANTA ANITA CELEBRATES GRAND OPENING OF NEW OUTDOOR PROMENADE Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony, Music, Food and Drinks Create Fun-Filled Weekend

A cit izen concerned about increased taxes served Republican state Sen. Bob Huff w it h reca l l papers a week ago last Friday. Senator Huff, of Diamond Bar, said he didn’t vote for the recent budget, which does include tax increases. He does, however, sup-

Huff on 10

Three Students Hospitalized after Car Crash in Temple City Two Said to be from Area High Schools At about 3:35 pm Monday afternoon, a newer model BMW allegedly driven by a High student lost control of the vehicle and slammed into a home and brick wall on South El Monte Avenue in Temple City just south of Live Oak Avenue after knocking down trees and fences in the process. The vehicle was allegedly travelling at approximately 90 miles an hour according to one paramedic who treated the driver. David Arias, was one of numerous first responders who assisted with the crash scene. The paramedic with AMR extricated the 17 yr .old driver who was reportedly angry and agitated and apparently had his prom date in the car. His patient had very seri-

Car Crash on 11

The StateÊs Broke⁄ Again And this time, theyÊre coming to the voters for help. Six new propositions on the May 19th ballot are making plenty of promises about changing the way California spends your money.

Prop Shop on 2


THURSDAY, MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009 VOLUME 14, NO. 20

Photo By Terry Miller

Westfield Mall

Community Celebrates Over 30 New Stores and Restaurants with Weekend of Festivities including Two Performances by The California Philharmonic, Appearance by the

Radio Disney Street Team with Special Artist Savannah, Live Fashion Shows with DJs, a $5,000 Cash Prize, Gifts for the First 1000 Visitors and much more

The Promenade at Westfield Santa Anita was officially opened for business at a ribbon-cutting ceremony held Thursday. A refined open-air

Westfield on 17

Walter T. Shatford II Passes Away at 94 Walter and his wife Sarah are lifelong residents of Pasadena. Walter opened his law office in Temple City in 1947 with his brother Henry. Henry is a Superior Court judge and was Temple City’s first City Attorney. Walter was retired from active law practice. He served on the Board of Trustees of Pasadena City College for 30 years. The Main Library at PCC is named after him. He also served on the Pasadena Board of Education for 8 years. Walter T. Shatford II was born in Philadelphia in 1914, the oldest of three children; a sister Beatrice, and a brother Henry who became the first City Attorney of Temple City when it was incorporated in 1960. Walter and Henry opened their law practice on Temple City Blvd in 1947. Their father was a Canadian who helped develop parts of British Columbia, and their mother was British and adventurous, coming to British Columbia when it was still


It is difficult to get a good handle on the current local real estate market. Most reports tend toward broad sweeping generalities that make it difficult to ascertain just what is going on in our area. We also concede that if you want a glowing report with undiminished enthusiasm, ask a real estate agent. Nevertheless, our local real estate professionals remain the best source of information about the housing market. We met with Andy Bencosme, the president of the Arcadia Association of Realtors, and brokermanager at Century-21 Village Realty in Sierra Madre, for a chat about sales trends that reveals a fractured and fragmented market. Also, a visit to an open house on Sunday showed a remarkable trend: Coldwell Banker realtor Janie Steckenrider had no time to sit an open house. Over 40 potential buyers arrived to view a million-dollar-plus Arcadia property on Vaquero Rd. she holds the listing on within the first hour; and more kept coming. Steckenrider reported, “I have never, ever, been so busy.” In Arcadia, the most expensive property on the market listed at the Association’s website is a

Real Estate on 3

Akeka Edwards Files Claim Against City of Pasadena, Seeks $200,000

then-Pasadena Junior College (now Pasadena City College). He went on to earn a BA at UCLA, and finally on to law school at Stanford where

Ameka Edwards was the driver of a vehicle whose passenger was shot to death by Pasadena police officers in February. The claim is the first step towards a civil lawsuit. Officers shot Leroy Barnes Jr. 11 times during a confrontation that began in the backseat of her car on Feb. 19 after Barnes reportedly pointed a gun at one of them during a traffic stop. Ameka Edward’s claim states, in part: “On Thursday Feb. 19, 2009 at 4:20 p.m. I was driving on Washington and Mentone Ave. when the officer pulled over my vehicle with no reason and the one to my right opened fire against my car and killed my passenger,” Edwards says in the claim. The claim was filed April 14 and asks for $200,000. Pasadena has until the end of May to respond to said claim.

Walter on 16

$200,000 on 14

Walter T. Shatford II, is pictured here with his wife and daughter last July in Temple City. Photo by Terry Miller

pioneer country. It was there she met her husband-to-be. Walter attended public schools, first in Seattle, then in Monrovia through high school, two years at

An Upturn in Local Real Estate? Looks Like it


2 MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009


For the second time in his tenure as Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger has summoned the people of California to vote in a special election. As the May 19th election date quickly approaches, local residents, along with the rest of the state, must soon decide what to do about the six proposed measures designed to resuscitate California’s emaciated budget. Governor Schwarzenegger has warned that all of these propositions are closely intertwined, and they all must pass in order for any one of them to be completely effective. With the future of California’s budget hanging in the balance, the results of this election will affect all residents of our city, as well as our state. Here’s a breakdown of the measures, along with arguments for and against.


ever, because this measure is so closely the passage of 1A, some of the same arguments could be applied to both.

PROP 1C This measure is known as the Lottery Modernization Act. It would allow changes to the state lottery in order to boost sales and improve performance. The state would be able to borrow up to $5 billion from future lottery profits in order to balance the 2009-10 budget. The state could use lottery profits that would otherwise go to schools to pay back the loans. The General Fund would be used to make up for any losses to the schools.

Modernizing the lottery will provide immediate budget relief and decrease the likelihood of more tax increases. The lottery can bring in significantly more revenue for California, without higher taxes. Schools would still receive at least as much money as they currently do from the lottery. Other states have successfully modernized their lotteries and seen revenue increases.

Argument in Favor:

Argument Against:

Our budget is broken, and it desperately needs to be fixed. Prop 1A will bring true reform. It will stabilize the budget and stop out-of-control spending. Taxpayers will be protected in the future from cuts in services and future tax increases. Schools, public safety, and other important services are suffering cuts because of our current budget crisis. If this measure does not pass, we can expect to see our education system and other vital programs suffer even more than they already have.

Voters approved the current lottery system 25 years ago, and they knew what they were doing. Restrictions on size and scope were placed for a reason, and the lottery has been doing exactly what it was designed to do. It should be left as the voters originally intended it to be.

This is just another of the Governor’s flawed plans to repair our financial mess. If it passes, the rainy day fund may be spent on borrowing and pork barrel spending. Also, money would be diverted from the budget even in bad years when revenue is decreased. It is poorly written, and encourages unlimited tax increases. Prop 1A also gives the Governor too much power over the budget. This measure will only worsen our financial situation.

PROP 1B This measure will require supplemental payments to local school districts and community colleges. Annual payments will begin in 2011-12, and will be funded by Californiaís Budget Stabilization Fund. If passed, the state could save a few billion dollars in 2009-10 and 2010-11, and spend billions of dollars in consequent years. Prop 1B can only be enacted if 1A also passes.

Argument in Favor: Our schools have been devastated by the budget crisis, and have suffered more than $12 billion in cuts. 5,000 teachers have been laid off, and 13,000 additional teaching jobs have been threatened. Vital student services have been cut, class sizes have increased, and schools cannot afford new textbooks and other materials. Passing 1B will help get our schools the money they need to provide a suitable education for Californiaís youth.

Argument Against: There is no official ballot argument against Prop 1B. How-

PROP 1E This measure amends the Mental Health Services Act of 2004. It takes funds from community mental health services provided by that act, and will give those funds to mental health services for children and young adults through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program for two years. It provides $225 million in flexible mental health funding and will help balance the budget. The proposition will save the State General Fund around $230 million annually by reducing the funding for Prop 63 community programs.

Argument in Favor:

If this measure passes, the state’s budgeting methods will be changed, and tax increases already passed by legislature will be extended for an additional two years. Essentially, the result will be an increase in money set aside for California’s “rainy day fund,” along with restrictions on withdrawing money from it. The extended tax increases would amount to a $16 billion revenue increase for the state from 2010-11 thru 2012-13.

Argument Against:

cians take money away from the programs that we voted to support.

PROP 1D This measure provides over $600 million to protect childrenís programs by redirecting existing tobacco tax money towards health and human services. This helps children in atrisk families, disabled children, and foster children, and also helps to balance Californiaís budget. The State General Fund would save up to $608 million in 2009-10, and $268 million a year from 2010-11 through 2013-14 by temporarily redirecting funds from the California Children and Families Program. Funding reductions in early childhood development programs would result.

Argument in Favor: This measure is a necessary last resort in a dire situation. Temporarily sacrificing some of the money dedicated to Prop 63 will help put California back on track. The redirection of funds will save the General Fund a significant amount of money, and ensure that children under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program will continue to receive the care that they need. The money for Prop 63 programs comes from a %1 income tax increase on people with incomes exceeding $1million dollars (this tax increase was approved in 2004). While much of the money has gone to good use, there is currently $2.5 billion dollars reserved for programs still in developmental stages. We must use some of this money to help the state fund vital mental health services for youth.

Argument Against: Voters made the decision 5 years ago to invest in mental health care. Prop 63 reflected the will of the people, and we cannot go back on that, even in these difficult times. The Mental Health Services Act has helped over 200,000 people. It has changed lives. The people it benefits have very serious mental conditions, and nearly %40 of them had at least one emergency room visit before receiving help. Since the act, less than %10 have been to the emergency room. Diverting money from mental health funding will prevent many people from getting the help that they need.

PROP 1F Argument in Favor: California children deserve to be protected, and in these trying times we need to take extra steps to do so. This measure will help solve the budget crisis while at the same time protect services for toddlers under 5 years old. In 1998, the passage of Prop 10 added a 50-cent tax on to tobacco products to go towards early childhood development. This money has funded important programs, but now in these hard times we have seen a jump in child welfare cases and foster care, and we need this money to make sure that children in need receive the services they need. This is not a permanent change, just insurance that our children under 5 will be able to receive critical services.

Argument Against: This proposition will take $1.6 billion away from local health and education programs for children, and put it in the hands of politicians. It was crafted to take community childrenís programs away. Funding will be removed from immunization, booster shots, preschool and education services, smoking prevention programs, hospitals and school nurses. Independent studies show that every dollar invested in young children results in a seven-dollar savings on things like courts, prisons, and foster care. We should not let the politi-

Passing this measure will prevent elected state officials (including the Governor) from receiving salary increases in years when the state is running a deficit. The Citizens Compensation Commission will be unable to provide pay raises when the Special Fund for Economic Uncertainties is in the negative by an amount equal to or greater than %1 of the General Fund.

Argument in Favor: This is a straightforward measure that makes sense. Our state will save millions of dollars during times when it most needs the money. Prop 1F will bring accountability to the legislature, and allow them to feel the results of irresponsible budgeting, just as the rest of California residents do. Our state’s legislators are already the highest paid in the nation.

Argument Against: This measure is petty, vindictive and childish. Everyone wants a balanced budget, but withholding raises will not make that happen. Besides, it is not only legislators who will be affected. The Insurance Commissioner and the Superintendent of Public Instruction are among those who will be penalized, even though they have nothing to do with creating the budget.


MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009

Real Estate from 1

Kristi and Steve Mathison of Arcadia talk with realtor Janie Steckenrider about a home on Vaquero Rd., Arcadia. More than 40 attended the Sunday open house during the first hour. Lookers continued to arrive throughout the afternoon.

10,000 square foot home on 1.35 acres of land located in the foothills with an asking price of $7,990,000, or $799 a square foot. It’s been on t he ma r ket 110 days. T he lowest priced listing is a $350,000, 1,200 square foot home that notes an unpermitted room, that a bank wants to unload, but has not yet entered foreclosure procedures. Any reading of an average or median home price from this wide a difference in pricing would be misleading. According to figures from the Multiple Listing Service that is in general use by real estate companies, there were 179 real estate residential listings in March of 2009 in Arcadia, with 22 properties sold. That compared to 193 listings in March of 2008, when 20 listings sold. In March, 2009 Sierra Madre had 31 homes for sale and seven sold; with March, 2008 listings at 43 and three sold. Mon rov i a l i st ed 8 3 homes for sale in March, 2009, but 163 in March of 2008, a period that produced 14 sales in March, 2009 and 16 in March 2008. Pending sales, meaning those in escrow but not yet closed, this year were: Arcadia, 38 (33 the previous year); Sierra Madre, 7 (5); Monrovia 23 (7). “I think we have hit the bottom [of the market] and that we are four months into an upswing—not a dramatic upswing, but a plus side,� said Bencosme. Bencosme gives, as support of his view of the current market, that the entire Multiple Listing region that includes a fourcounty area has 21,476 listings, the lowest number of properties for sale since February 2006 and 8,021 new listings, the lowest number of properties newly entering the market since March, 20 05. He further notes that there was an overall inventory of unsold homes stretching 16 months back in March, 2008, whereas the

Cover Story

inventory is currently about five months. He says the market is far from moribund with volume at his agency up 50% for the year to date and a surprising 100% increase in volume compared to April last year, a report echoed by Steckenrider based on her sales volume. He concedes, though, that sales agent’s income has fallen, despite being no fewer in number. Bencosme says that although some agencies may have consolidated, and a few sales agents may have used their broker licenses to move to an independent status, the Arcadia Association of Realtors has maintained approximately the same membership numbers as in past years. The same is not true statewide, he said, further confirming his stance that real estate in this part of the San Gabriel Valley is comparatively better off than the rest of the state. His outlook for the future: “There will be a 5% increase in market value over where we are today and increased fluidity of the market between January and December of 2010,� Bencosme said. In Arcadia, the association’s listing service shows 118 properties for sale. Of those, about 60 are priced at over $1 million. Asked to respond to a theoretical property listed at $1,250,000 in Arcadia in a good location, Bencosme said he would guess, without knowing further circumstances, that such a home would be discounted today less than 5%, if at all, and most likely sell in a time span of 45 to 60 days. One reason he gave for the relatively strong pricing for better homes is that sellers in most cases are better positioned to stay in the house if no or poor offers are forthcoming. Also, he said, there is a prevalence of cash buyers coming into the market willing to pay close to the listing price that are not encumbered by lending restrictions which seem to remain in effect despite efforts to loosen credit markets. Area average sales price in early 2007 was about

$850,000. The peak of the market was December 2007 when the average zoomed to nearly $1 million. Average prices now rest at about $650,000, a drop of 30%, but that is driven more by the significant number of properties that have fallen victim to foreclosure or other lender action and is only indicative of the number of lower priced properties that may have a forced, or at any rate, inconvenient, sale. W hat about foreclo sures? The website realestate. aol.com/Arcadia lists 136 foreclosures. It is nearly impossible to track the number of these sales or draw conclusions on the general pricing. It would seem very little is standard in a foreclosure activity, except that the lender wants its money back and strives to get as close as possible to that mark. In most cases, by the time a property comes to the open market, the house has been through an auction sale where it either received no bid, or the bid was deemed too low by the mortgage holder. Foreclosure procedures then begin. The process of a sale in foreclosure is initiated by a bank or mortgage lender. In these cases, the bank will use an outside firm, known as an asset manager, to contact a real estate agency’s foreclosure expert, a sales agent who has contracted to handle these sales with the asset management firm. The agent will visit the property to determine occupancy, normally being the bearer of bad news telling owners or renters still in the home that they must leave in a short period of time. The agent will review the house to determine its value—not an appraisal, but a brokerprice opinion. A sale price is set with the approval of the asset manager based on numerous values including how many days the sales agent believes it will take to move the property. Setting the price is a highly subjective number. The property is reviewed with considering location, condition, number of nearby foreclosure properties, and costs of repairs, if any, to bring the property to local code requirements and lender requirements for occupancy. Then, the forsale sign is put out. Bencosme sa id t hat when an open house is held, typically some 30 potential buyers will show up. He estimated that about 10% who attend the open house are investors and contractors looking for a property they can enhance and turn around to sell. Because these buyers are more likely cash buyers, they may be in line to get a good price. But not necessarily. A first-time buyer with good credit and an offer in the 5 to 10% below

the asking price can get the nod on buying the house. Whether the Arcadia, Sierra Madre, Monrovia area is subject to bidding wars by competing buyers is hard to assess. Many agents are reporting as many as eight or nine offers on distressed properties, some above the asking price. Whether those are anecdotal stories or factual could not be determined for this article. Buyers, or winning bidders, are then straddled to find a loan if they are unable to offer cash. There are both state and federal programs offer ing enha ncement s to first-time buyers that are very generous—as much as $18,000 in some cases. But now that banks have closed or consolidated, the competitive nature of home lending has been diluted. Bencosme sees some improvement in easing by lenders, but added, “Not much�. Still, he says that sales of all types of properties have begun to move. In fact, he reported, “sales in April were the highest for a March, more than a summer figure when the market was hot.� “There won’t be another opportunity in real estate in a generation given the pricing and the interest rates on real estate loans available today,� he concluded.


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Art of Living

MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009







editorial@ beaconmedianews.com

EDITOR John Stephens PHOTOGRAPHER Terry Miller CONTRIBUTORS Susan Motander Juanita Harris Sandy Gillis Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Justin Rykowski Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Eric Maundry Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau COLUMNISTS Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Lou Perlin Wally Hage PRODUCTION




This has been a successful season of sisters for Theatre @ Boston Court Co-Artistic Director Jessica Kubzansky. Earlier this spring her directorial debut at Pasadena Playhouse of “Mauritius” by Theresa Rebeck about two half-sisters and their fight over a valuable stamp inheritance garnered critical acclaim. Back at Boston Court she directed the compelling world premiere of “Courting Vampires” by Laura Schellhardt, an allegorical sister story which opened on Saturday, May 9. Boston Court has built a reputation for avant-guard and often non-linear productions. “Courting Vampires” is no exception. The audience is drawn into the minds of Nina Archer (Maya Lawson), her older sister Rill (Carey Peters) and the men in their lives (all portrayed by Bo Foxworth), including the one who “infected” Nina with a deadly disease, raising more questions than answers. Advance publicity described the show: “In this deeply moving allegory that straddles graveyard and courtroom, Nina, a vitally alive, headstrong young woman falls victim to a fatal blood disease, and her protective older sister, Rill, vows revenge on the vampire who infected her. With righteousness and impassioned love Rill puts him on trial for his life. But does anything – even justice – avenge death?” But this is somewhat misleading in that the show is about so much more. It’s about the relationship between free spirit Nina and Rill who is determined to keep a tight lid on her emotions. It’s about their relationship with their agoraphobic father. And more . . . Graceful and lithe, Lawson

portrayed Nina as irrepressibly irresponsible yet sympathetic. Peters was fascinating to watch as Rill’s stiffarmed cues moved the action along, as well as the gesture she used to contain her emotions. And Foxworth was nothing short of amazing as like a chameleon he transformed into the various characters. Particularly endearing in a show that is anything but were the scenes between Rill and her co-worker Gil, and Nina’s fireworks boxing. Plays produced at Boston Court are always satisfying on many levels. For “Courting Vampires” Kurt Bochner’s “mausoleum” set design, Tim Swiss’ moody and dramatic lighting design, and Bruno Louchouarn’s original music and sound design contributed mightily to the show. And E.B. Brooks did what the best costumes do, conveyed character without words. Courting Vampires performs 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and 2 p.m. Sunday through June 7. Tickets are $32. Senior and student discounts are also available. Call 626-683-6883 or visit www.bostoncourt.org. Boston Court Performing Arts Center is located one block north of Colorado at the corner of Mentor Ave. and Boston Ct. On Sunday, May 17, all tickets to “Courting Vampires” will be $5. Patrons should arrive early to secure their $5 seat. Doors open at 1 p.m. on May 17 and no advanced reservations nor credit cards are accepted for this performance; cash or checks only. Seating is limited and available on a firstcome, first-served basis.

Three yards of black fabric enshroud my computer terminal. I am mourning the passing of an old friend by the name of Common Sense. His obituary reads as follows: Common Sense, aka C.S., lived a long life, but died from heart failure at the brink of the millennium. No one really knows how old he was, his birth records were long ago entangled in miles and miles of bureaucratic red tape. Known affectionately to close friends as Horse Sense and Sound Thinking, he selflessly devoted himself to a life of service in homes, schools, hospitals and offices, helping folks get jobs done without a lot of fanfare, whooping and hollering. Rules and regulations and petty, frivolous lawsuits held no power over C.S. A most reliable sage, he was credited with cultivating the ability to know when to come in out of the rain, the discovery that the early bird gets the worm and how to take the bitter with the sweet. C.S. also developed sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn), reliable parenting strategies (the adult is in charge, not the kid) and prudent dietary plans (offset eggs and bacon with a little fiber and orange juice). A veteran of the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression, the Technological Revolution and the Smoking Crusades, C.S. survived sundry cultural and educational trends including disco, the men’s movement, body piercing, whole language and new math. C.S.’s health began declining in the late 1960s when he became infected with the If-It-Feels-Good, Do-It virus. In the following decades, his

waning strength proved no match for the ravages of overbearing federal and state rules and regulations and an oppressive tax code. C.S. was sapped of strength and the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, criminals received better treatment than victims and judges stuck their noses in everything from Boy Scouts to professional baseball and golf. His deterioration accelerated as schools implemented zero-tolerance policies. Reports of 6-year-old boys charged with sexual harassment for kissing classmates, a teen suspended for taking a swig of Scope mouthwash after lunch, girls suspended for possessing Midol and an honor student expelled for having a table knife in her school lunch were more than his heart could endure. As the end neared, doctors say C.S. drifted in and out of logic but was kept informed of developments regarding regulations on low-flow toilets and mandatory air bags. Finally, upon hearing about a government plan to ban inhalers from 14 million asthmatics due to a trace of a pollutant that may be harmful to the environment, C.S. breathed his last. Services will be at Whispering Pines Cemetery. C.S. was preceded in death by his wife, Discretion; one daughter, Responsibility; and one son, Reason. He is survived by two step-brothers, Half-Wit and Dim-Wit. Memorial Contributions may be sent to the Institute for Rational Thought. Farewell, Common Sense. May you rest in peace. Lori Borgman is a columnist, author and popular speaker. You can visit her at www.loriborgman.com.



Thom Gastelum PRODUCTION INTERN Courtney Blackburn


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Crossword T








Last Week’s Solution 63. Pure 65. Heroin, slangily 66. Cause 67. Auricular 68. Currency unit in Western Samoa 69. Minus 70. Wish for


Across 1. This, in Tijuana 5. Yonder thing 9. “___ She Lovely?” 13. Burden 14. ___ is human 15. Ale, e.g. 16. Persons who claim superior enlightenment 18. Switch ending 19. Undeveloped seeds 20. Guest 22. Outer coat of a seed 23. Handle 24. Cut

26. Captivate 31. Apiece 34. Advertising award 37. Author Calvino 38. Naive 42. Brit’s bottle measure 43. New Mexico art colony 44. Compass dir. 45. Draws forth 47. Epic narrative poem 50. Actor’s parts 53. Furze 57. China rose 61. More spine.tingling 62. Son of Judah

1. Marner’s creator 2. Find the answer 3. Anklebone 4. Grownups 5. Freight weight 6. Hoist 7. Bandleader Shaw 8. Sad 9. Yeah, right! 10. Lab fluids 11. Dodge model 12. Horse’s gait 14. ___ the season... 17. Intend 21. Grecian architectural style 23. Cleft 25. ___ bin ein Berliner 27. Loss leader? 28. Floor coverings 29. Corrida cries 30. Got on 31. Whimper 32. Children’s author Blyton 33. Queue after Q 35. This ___ stickup!

36. Siouan speakers 39. Tolkien ogre 40. Nobles 41. AOL, e.g. 46. Bee or tea 48. Arch type 49. Grief 51. Sudden forward thrust 52. Adlai’s running mate 54. Lasso

55. Take hold 56. Construct 57. Party.thrower 58. Member of a great Peruvian people 59. Ancient Semitic for “Lord” 60. Swenson of “Benson” 61. CPR specialist 64. Nav. officer;


Or, “the numbers must occur only once”

3 Last Week’s Solution

4 8 2 6 5 6 3 8 4 9 3 6 1 2 2 8 1 9 4 5 7 4 7 5 8 6

Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.


5 9 3 7 2 1 4 6 8

8 4 2 6 5 9 7 1 3

1 7 6 4 8 3 2 5 9

2 5 1 8 3 4 9 7 6

9 6 8 1 7 2 3 4 5

4 3 7 9 6 5 1 8 2

7 8 4 3 9 6 5 2 1

3 1 5 2 4 8 6 9 7

6 2 9 5 1 7 8 3 4

Music News which one’s Jo Jo?

WILL PLAY FOR FOOD! BY SIERRAMADRESUE BEHRENS Here I am singing the praises of MARY’S MARKET AND CANYON CAFE in Sierra Madre once again. Owners Carolyn & Jeff Dapper have made many improvements to make it as comfortable and inviting as possible, from fabulous new food items to central heating and air conditioning. And now that the weather has warmed up, the Tuesday night music has moved outside under the oak and sycamore trees. The sound travels nicely thru the canyon, and neighbors are enjoying it from their porches and balconies. Next Tuesday, May 19th, my old friend LENMICHAEL (pictured here) plays the 7 to 9pm time slot, with acoustic rock faves like the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Jackson Browne, Neil Young and a whole lot more. Check out this great little music scene, and don’t for get to tip the musicians - they’re playing for food! See details below...

FRI. 5/15 - BILLY PROULX & THE CREW @ THE COVINA FARMERS’ MARKET, 5:30 8:30pm. Corner of Citrus and San Bernardino Rd. in Covina, near the Fret House. Blues & Classic Rock; our pal Rick Henderson on Drums. FRI. 5/15 - The MELLOW D’z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-3583231. NO COVER. Full bar, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http://www.myspace.com/ themellowdeees FRI. 5/15 - “THE SUBS” (Better Than Blue’s acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 8pm - Midnight. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. 626-915-3474. Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright, Robert Gonzalez. Acoustic Rock, Soul & Blues. FRI. 5/15 - MERCY & THE MERKETTES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 9 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar & great Italian food (with live Jazz from 7-9pm.) No cover, DANCE FLOOR, packed house! R&B, Disco, Funk, Rock, Motown, etc. mercyandthemerkettes.com FRI. 5/15 - GROOVY LEMON PIE @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERR A MADRE, 9:30pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar, no cover, cheap drinks! Classic Rock from Greg Tortell, Gary Putman, Jorge Mena & Woody Smith. www.myspace.com/glpie SAT. 5/16 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www. bigbbrenner.com/ SAT. 5/16 - SIERRA MADRE ART FAIR IN MEMORIAL PARK, 9:30am - 6pm. Fine art, jewelry, crafts, etc. Food court and live music in the bandshell and on the south lawn. VIN FIZ FLYER, STRING PLANET, TOM CORBETT and more. I’ll be working in the Friends of the Library’s home made bread booth from 3:30 - 5:30. http://www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org/index. php?page=artfair_music SAT. 5/16 - WRECK ‘N’ SOW @ ME-NED’S PIZZERIA IN LAKEWOOD, 6 - 10:30pm. 4115 Paramount Blvd. 562-421-8909. BLUEGRASS & Pizza - mmm mmm good! http://www.wrecknsow.com SAT. 5/16 - JO JO & THE BOXBOYS @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. No cover, full bar, 21 & over. All-star band featuring members of The Boys, Better Than Blue, Horses on Astroturf, Chico’s Bail Bonds, The Subs, etc. - BUGGS, DANNY, JOE, KEITH and FELICIA...... by the way,

MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009 6

cancelled!!! SAT. 5/16 - MARTINI DIARIES featuring JEFF STETSON & friends @ COLOMBO’S. SUN. 5/17 - SIERRA MADRE ART FAIR IN MEMORIAL PARK, 9:30am - 5pm. Fine art, jewelry, crafts, etc. Food court and live music in the bandshell and on the south lawn. STRING PLANET, COWBOP, ANN LUKE and more. http://www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org/index. php?page=artfair_music SUN. 5/17 - VIN FIZ FLYER, FUR DIXON & STEVE WERNER, TREMOLOCO, THE TUMBLING TUMBLEWEEDS and many, many more @ the 49th ANNUAL TOPANGA BANJO & FIDDLE CONTEST AND FOLK FESTIVAL. 9am - 6pm. Paramount Ranch in the Santa Monica Mountains. Admission prices range from $8.50 to $15 for various age groups and advance purchases. http://www. topangabanjofiddle.org/index.html SUN. 5/17 - BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. http://www. bigbbrenner.com/ SUN. 5/17 - Have Lunch with NEW ASTROTURF @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food in a comfy setting. Bring the family! Acoustic Folk/Rock, Classic Country. SUN. 5/17 - the BARRY SCHWAM SHOW @ THE SIERRA MADRE PLAYHOUSE, 7pm. 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Reservations: 626-256-3809. An evening of eclectic music and comedy from one of Sierra Madre’s most colorful characters, and surprise guests! SUN. 5/17 - “OPERA TO BROADWAY” VOCAL PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack ‘em in! 5/19 - “TAPAS TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with FAITHANNE & FAMILY, 6 - 7pm and LENMICHAEL, 7 - 9pm. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! Acoustic Rock, etc. “TUESDAY NIGHT TRIVIA” @ CAFE 322 with QUIZMASTER MIDGE, 7pm. $2 per person to play, CASH or gift certificates to the top 3 teams. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. NOTE: EARLIER START TIME - 7pm. WED. 5/20 - “SONG SIRENS” @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 8pm. Featuring acclaimed L.A.-based, female Americana artists Kristin Mooney, Claire Holley, Nicole Gordon and Gia Ciambotti, accompanied by keyboardist/accordionist Carl Byron and hosted by Bliss. Special guest Lisa Sanders from San Diego will share some of her acoustic soul. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar, great Italian food. www.myspace.com/songsirens WED. 5/20 - HELLO FROM RENO and THE EVANGENITALS @ THE OLD TOWNE PUB IN PASADENA, 9pm. Corner of Fair Oaks & Union, behind the Container Store - enter thru alley off of Holly Ave. 626-577-6583. Not sure about the cover charge. Pop, Rock. “WEDNESDAY NIGHT PLATTER PARTY” @ THE BUCCANEER, 9pm. Bring your favorite LP records and Dan Besocke will play entire sides on his turntable, commercial free! 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. T H U R S . 5 / 21 - D AV I D S E R BY @ T H E P I K E BA R I N L ONG BE AC H , 9pm. 1836 E. 4th St., one block west of Cherry. 562-437-4453. Full bar and dinner ‘til late. Americana/Country. http://www.davidserby.com/ home.html FRI. 5/22 - The MELLOW D’z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-3583231. NO COVER. Full bar, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” Follow them to the BUC for another show! see below... http://www.myspace. com/themellowdeees Please remember to call and verify all info. before making plans. Everything is subject to change. This is show biz, after all... Hope to see you out & about, SierraMadreSue sierramadresue@yahoo.com



MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009 7




The Sierra Madre Steamer

Sponsored ByB Beacon Floats

n response to the City of Sierra MadreÊs request for nominations for the 4th of July Parade Grand Marshall, Beacon Media would like to officially, humbly submit our nomination. Following our March 5th, 2009 story „The $30,000 Poop Scoop‰, we wish to nominate Tom Smock, proprietor of the Four Seasons Tea Room, who was arrested and detained for two nights in jail after cleaning dog waste from his sidewalk with a hose - in violation of an outdoor watering ban - and a subsequent kerfuffle with Sierra Madre Code Enforcement Officer Lisa Volpe. Shown here is a rendering put together by our dedicated float-design team. As we are not sure who will ride atop the „Sierra Madre Steamer‰ with Smock, we would like to officially open the nomination process for this sure to be coveted seat.


We can’t go anywhere without you. With over one million boardings a day, Metro moves a lot of people, including Reyna Gonzalez. Reyna, who doesn’t drive, depends on Metro every day to commute to and from work, to go shopping and to visit family and friends. San Gabriel Valley Operator Juan Navarro, who nominated Reyna for recognition, said, “Reyna has ridden with me a long time. She has a friendly attitude and always takes the time to greet me and fellow passengers.”

“Metro takes me everywhere I need to go. I don’t worry about traffic and I use the time to relax.” – Reyna Gonzalez

09-1694cmc © 2009 lacmta

Metro San Gabriel Valley salutes Reyna and all of our valued customers.

Summer THE REEL TRUTH Internships „Revamp. Reload. Relax.‰

MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009 8


• Graphic and Production Dept. • Photography email inquiries and portfolio to internships@beaconmedianews.com metro.net

Metro Briefs


It’s The Right Time to Save. Go Metro. In these uncertain economic times, you can create your own stimulus package simply by going Metro. Experts estimate you can save $8,416 annually by using public transit in LA instead of paying for gas and parking. LA is among the top 20 cities where you can save the most by taking public transit. Find your best route with the Trip Planner at metro.net.


Trekkies across the universe held their collective breath when it was announced in 2006 that writer/director/producer/hyphenate J.J. Abrams would reboot the lethargic Star Trek franchise. Their worry wasn’t unjustified. The last film installment STAR TREK: NEMESIS was critically ravaged and commercially a failure; the latest tv series ENTERPRISE also underwhelmed, lasting only three seasons and getting canceled by, gulp, UPN. The Starfleet was hemorrhaging fuel and headed for a crash landing. Enter J.J. Abrams and exhale young Vulcan, this new generation shall live long and prosper. Abrams has given us a leaner (look at Kirk’s cheekbones!), meaner, and hipper edition that’s relaunched the Enterprise into the next orbit . Pic burned up the box office last weekend to the tune of $75 million and looks poised to collect $200+ million during its summer run. Beam up a sequel, Scotty!

Rail Safety E=orts Underway in East LA The last time a streetcar ran on 1st Street in East LA was in 1963. Well, they’re back now and Metro has dispatched special rail safety ambassadors along the route of the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension to caution residents as the trains are testing. The grand opening will take place in mid 2009.

Netflix Pix

$80 Million in Stimulus Funds Proposed For SGV Cities


Metro is backing state legislation to disperse $315 million of stimulus funding for transportation improvements among all the cities in LA County under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Under the proposal, approximately $85 million would go to municipalities in the San Gabriel Valley.

It’s hard to fathom, but THE SHINING wasn’t a success upon its release in 1980. The critics were lukewarm, audiences didn’t show, and Stephen King even went on record bashing it. Today, it’s regarded as a horror classic and a cultural touchstone- who can forget Jack’s “Here’s Johnny” (ad-libbed, no less!)? Sure, you’ve seen it a hundred times, but I bet you still haven’t figured out what the deal is with the dude in the bear suit.


Connect to Gold Line on Line 177

(5-8 to 5-10)

Metro Local Line 177 o=ers convenient connections between Pasadena’s Metro Gold Line Sierra Madre Villa Station and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge, with service to Pasadena City College and Cal Tech. Check out the route and timetable at metro.net

Metro Adding 41 Buses For ExpressLane Project

If you’d like to know more, please call us at 1.800.464.2111, or visit metro.net.

SGV-LE-09-012 ©2009 LACMTA

Forty-one compressed natural gas buses are being purchased by Metro for its ExpressLanes demonstration project aimed at maximizing freeway capacity. Next year the buses will provide additional transit alternatives on the carpool lanes along the I-10 (El Monte Busway) and I-110 (Harbor Freeway Transitway) corridors.

1) STAR TREK – 81.4 mill 2) WOLVERINE – 28.9 mill 3) GHOSTS OF GIRLFRIEND’S PAST – 6.9 mil 4) OBSESSED – 6.3 mill 5) NEXT DAY AIR – 4.4 mill 6)MONSTERS VS. ALIENS 4.3 mill 7) 17 AGAIN – 3.9 mill 8) THE SOLOIST – 3.3 mill 9) HANNAH MONTANA THE MOVIE – 2.7 mill 10) STATE OF PLAY – 2.4 mill


STAR TREK – $75.2 million



WOLVERINE – $26.4 million



STAR TREK – $38.7 million


WOLVERINE – $13.3 million

PAST – $10.3 million (-33.4%) OBSESSED – $6.6 million



PAST - $6.8 million

17 AGAIN – $4.2 million (-33.5%)

OBSESSED – 3.8 million


MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009


Traditional Thai Cuisine

Pizza | Serves: A Family and some friends

RecipeBox Reflections

Make sure you still see the cheese of you will have too many beans for the pizza. Place slices of tomatoes and bake for 10 minutes.

Red Pepper and Feta Pizza


Springtime cooking is when I like to try new flavors and new combinations of flavors. One of the biggest failures I have ever had in the kitchen was trying to make my own pizza dough. Anything that involves yeast “falls flat” for me, but I keep walking by the store-bought pizza crust at the bakery and I have the urge again to do homemade pizzas but with a slight shortcut on the crust. My family all loves to order the basic pepperoni or sausage gigantic slabs at the local pizza hangout in our neighborhood. I want to jazz it up a bit and I bet I will have them begging for more. My plan of attack after I stopped at the market was to make smaller pizzas and a nice variety of pizzas. I even plan to recruit helpers because I will look like I am having so much fun making dinner. All good pizza cooks have an apron and a glass of wine to get started. I have several pans lightly greased and my oven preheated to 425 degrees. My plan comes together with these ingredients.

Olive oil 1 sweet red pepper ó cup feta cheese ó cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Mix together 1/8 teaspoon of coriander, cumin, chili powder, and garlic powder. Chopped fresh cilantro makes a wonderful topping. Brush the crust with oil and sprinkle the cheeses. Season the black beans with you spice mix and scatter over the cheese.

AtoZ Dinin g Dinin American Fare Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wall-mounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving this place the classic feel of a seaside fish camp, you’re sure to forget your an hour from the coast. Dine in or take home cuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH Shrimp House Casual, comfortable, simple, and family operated for over 48 years. If you’re tired of the typical chain dining experience, give the little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste buds for the rest of your days. Soon you will join generations of Shrimp House fanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, fish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and food to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia (626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742, www. originalshrimphouse.net

California Cuisine Picasso’s Café, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business in Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or explore other fresh food choices with our Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San Gabriel

Valley’s Small Business of the Year V 2 2008, we are focused on providing q quality food products and events, c consistent service, and competitive p prices. Experience our ever-growing selection of menus, services, presentation styles, and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food is a true “work of art!” Catering Available 24/7 at www.picassoscafe.com or (626) 969-6100. 6070 N. Irwindale Ave., Suite A-D Irwindale, CA

Coffee, Sweets & Such

La Petite France Bakery Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora of choices even not on the menu! Just ask for Chef Daniel and he will immediately come up with catering ideas from breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade of homecooked Mediterranean cuisine. 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company Located in Altadena and featuring such heavenly and huge dessert delights as: Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with dark chocolate truffle cream. finished with chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse center. Glazed with dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, Altadena (626) 794-1128


Corfu Restaurant Family owned Greek and International homestyle cuisine set in a casually comfortable décor. Dishes range from waffles to rack of

Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado

(Between Madre & Rosemead)

(626) 568-9288

Slice you pepper and sauté in a bit of oil. Brush the remaining oil on the crust before adding the feta, peppers, and mozzarella cheese. You will heat until the cheeses are melted. Both these pizzas are great for a Meatless Monday theme.

Thai Chicken Pizza 1-2 t garlic oil of hot chili oil ô cup fontina cheese, grated ó cup mozzarella cheese, grated 1 chicken breast, grilled and cut into chunks 1-2 T Thai peanut sauce ô cup grated carrot ô cup chopped green pepper

Black Bean and Sundried Tomato Pizza 1 t garlic oil, or more as needed ó cup cheddar cheese, grated ó cup Monterey Jack cheese, grated ó cup black beans, drained 4 sundried tomatoes, packed in oil, sliced

Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices

After baking all these ingredients on your pizza scatter some cilantro and chopped dry roasted peanuts over the pie. This will be a big hit with all ages. Everyone is coming up with new ideas to try so this may become a weeknight tradition at our house. I enjoy the involvement and attention. I usually just hear the mumbling about homework and when will dinner be ready. This is fun. Maybe your family can make pizza crust without covering the kitchen with flour and oil. Send us your topping ideas!!

lamb with everything prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993


Restaurant Lozano A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican dishes like a crispy goat cheese quesadilla with baby spinach accentuate Lozano’s elegant creativity. 44 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5945


Pad Thai

You can’t go wrong with the namesake dish at this colorful place with pink booths, bright blue table cloths and red napkins. The garlic pepper mushroom entrée is a favorite among vegetarians. 3500 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 568-9288 President Thai Spacious, elegantly attired where hospitality reigns and classic cuisine rules. Wide range of selections from apps to entrees and unique specials. 498 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 578-9814

La Petite FranceFrance Café Café La Petite and Bakery and Bakery At La Petite France, we strive to bring you the best and freshest bread, croissants, sandwiches and more. For breakfast, stop-by for a cup of coffee, latte, cappuccino or espresso. Dip-in a pecan stick or biscotti. For lunch, try one of our sandwiches. Whatever the occasion may be, we also make cakes the way you want it. Call us for your special events and we will be more than happy to cater your party. Place your orders via phone: (626) 445-0392 fax: (626) 445-0235 email: info@pastrybakery.com Or, come visit us at: 411 E. Huntington Drive Suite 101-D, Arcadia, CA 91006

Place Your Ad Here! aolivas@beaconmedianews.com

MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009 10

Internships Openings Now Available for Students: • Sales and Marketing Dept. • Graphics and Production Dept. • Customer Service Dept. • Editorial / Reporting / Photography

Beacon Media, Inc.

Email inquiries and portfolio to internships@beaconmedianews.com

Discovery Camp First Lutheran Church and School 9123 Broadway, Temple City, CA 91780

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THE ANNENBERG SPACE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY Photos have the ability to transport and inspire the mind and spirit. They can take you places you’ve never been and places you never heard of. They can mean everything, anything, and nothing at all. I thought about the power and beauty of photography as I wondered around the new Annenberg Space for Photography, a 10,000 sq.-ft. facility celebrating the human condition as seen through the camera lenses of some of the world’s most renowned photographers. Located in Centur y City, on the former site of the Shubert Theatre, the free community space opened last month. The venue is dedicated to both digital and print photography and features a state-of-the-art digital projection gallery and a traditional print exhibit area. “Photography is one of the most accessible and personal forms of art,” said Wallis Annenberg, vice president and trustee of the Annenberg Foundation. “We see the creation of the Annenberg Space

for Photography as a service to the community where visitors can see the world through a different lens and leave feeling motivated to make positive change.” The Annenberg Foundation is billing the facility as the “first solely photographic cultural destination in the Los Angeles area.” The inaugural exhibition, titled “L8s Ang3les,” highlights the works of eight prominent Los Angeles photographers: Douglas Kirkland, Greg Gorman, Lauren Greenfield, Carolyn Cole, Lawrence Ho, Kirk McKoy, Genaro Molina, Catherine Opie, and artist John Baldessari. My getaway to the space began Sunday afternoon, when I arrived at Avenue of the Stars, and then strolled beneath a canopy of tall buildings, through a serene, grassy area with restaurants and green spaces, to the entrance. Upon entering I found an interior inspired by the movements of camera, with curved film canister-like walls and an aperture designed in the

47th Annual

Sierra Madre Art Fair

Saturday, May 16, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, May 17 , 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Free Admission About 100 Artists, Children’s Activities, Live Entertainment Food Court 222 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA For event information: Call 626.355.7186 or visit www.sierramadrelibraryfriends.org Benefits Sierra Madre Public Library “Warm Light at Dawn” by Featured Artist photographer Kenny Tong.


ceiling. My first stop was the digital gallery, which features numerous ultra high-definition projecting videos on screens measuring 7’x14’. When I was there, the gallery was showing a documentary about photographer Lauren Greenfield. Besides video presentations, the room also houses more than 1,000 digital images. On the other side of the building is the print gallery, featuring about 80 classic black and white prints on a large interactive, touch-screen wall. With a touch of the finger I was able to bring up numerous interesting photos, some of which come from museums, galleries and media organizations and are previously unseen. In the middle of the galleries is a modern, artsy kitchen-type space, where photographers can meet and chat about their work. The space also offers a book room where guests are encouraged to explore and read about photography and the very photographers featured in the current exhibit. In addition to featured exhibits which change several times a year, shorter weekly shows and interactions with featured photographers will enable visitors to have different daily experiences with multiple visits. The Annenberg Space for Photography is located at 2000 Avenue of the Stars in Century City. Admission is free. Hours: Wednesday – Sunday 11am-6pm. Closed Monday and Tuesday. Valet and validated self-parking is available. For more information, visit www.annenbergspaceforphotography.org

Huff from 1 port Proposition 1A, which would temporarily extend those taxes but place a cap on state spending. The man who served recall papers is Paul Griffin of Chino. Attempts to contact Griffin for this story went unanswered. “People are focusing on the raising taxes. I’m familiar with the TEA parties. I chose to focus on the spending cap,” Huff said in a telephone interview Wednesday morning. Senator Huff said that the recall attempt needs to get 20% of the people who voted in the district that would account for about 65,000 signatures needed before being accepted. Before the recall attempt is accepted and a new election called, they would have to collect 65,000 signatures. Huff likened the recall effort to that of the virus of the swine flu. Not everyone gets it, he said. “I think people are just angry”, said Huff. “We need a cap on spending.” The Secretary of State’s Office announced last week, the approval of a second petition to recall Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Claremont, and has until Oct. 14 to submit 35,825 valid signatures. Huff’s 29th Senate District includes Arcadia, Sierra Madre, San Marino, Glendora, La Verne, Diamond Bar, La Habra, Chino Hills, Brea and Walnut.

Cover Story

Car Crash from 11



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Photos By Terry Miller

ous injuries and excessive bleeding. TheBMW came to rest after knocking down a brick wall and causing considerable property damage to a home on south El Monte and destroying trees. Some witnesses said the car “flew� through the front yard of the home. Two s t ude nt s we r e transported to USC Trauma center and the other to

Cover Story

Methodist. The students are listed in critical but stable condition and one moderate at a local hospital. The names have not been released due to the ages of the youths. No further details are available. Witnesses say the students were from Arcadia High, surmising the path of travel and time of day, however at time of press no confirmation could be made on the schools these juveniles attend.

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Emily Duggan

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. (626) 445-0128



.This great deal has 3257 sq.ft. and features five bedrooms, dining room, family room, built-ins, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces, granite counter tops, 3 baths, beautiful pool & spa, Zen like garden plus quest quarters with bath. Situated on 15,580 sq.ft. corner lot. Detached double garage. This is truly a must see! (G2440)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451



1250 Canedo Place, Pasadena. This wonderful family home w/3bdrm 2bth is located in the San Rafael Hill Area. This home offers privacy & seclusion. Charming updated interior, warm, sunny, extra large windows and French doors, lush green views, remodeled gourmet kitchen, granite counters, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinetry, hardwood floors, formal dining room, patio w/ BBQ, direct access garage and so much more. Must See!!! (C1250)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451




CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451

748 Crescent Dr., Monrovia. Here’s the winning combination. Great family home and turn-key. 3BR, 3BA, 2900 sq. ft. on a 13,500 sq. ft. professionally landscaped lot. All the bells and whistles just bring your furniture. (C748)


Spacious 5 bedroom in San Gabriel on a quiet cul-de-sac street with Temple City Schools, 3 baths, cathedral ceilings, kitchen with built in stove, oven, dishwasher, in ground swimming pool, air conditioning,intercom and alarm system, double detached garage. (C8915)






Newly remodeled Arcadia home with park sized yard. Main house is 2000 Sq. Ft., has 4BR, 2 BA, newly refinished hardwood flooring. (1 – 1234)

540 Trayer Ave. Beautiful 3bdrm 2bth home remodeled w/marble counters, dual sinks, ceramic floor, high quality appliances, solid maple cabinets, granite countertops, breakfast area, dining room w/ FP, living room w/double entry doors, separate laundry room, 3 car garage, Mountain Views, Turnkey home ready to move-in. (T540)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(888) 804-2430

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



Sierra Madre. A wraparound yard and patio on two sides of this home provide privacy and lush landscaping to this unique townhome. A generous 1877 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, breakfast/den, formal dining area, separate laundry room, spacious living room with fireplace, ceramic tile floors, CA/FA, high ceilings, two sets of sliding doors, direct access two car garage. (E103)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



This home is move-in ready. Property is NOT an REO or short sale. Features two large bedrooms, 2baths one with huge master bath, very large kitchen with breakfast nook, bar counter, and a eating area for the dining room table, perfect for entertaining, large service/laundry room that can be used as a third bedroom if converted and laundry put in garage. (E142)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123




Beautiful remodeled 3bed/2 bath home features updated kitchen with granite counters, all new cabinets, fixtures and appliances. Freshly painted inside, new carpet and tile. Lots of storage, some hardwood floors and family room with fireplace. Located on a private street and has a large fenced backyard and so much more! (ACA)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888



This executive style condo shows like a model home. Located in a beautiful, well maintained gated complex. Kitchen with granite counters and stainless appliances. Nice patio for outdoor dining. (ORA)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



Situated on a cul-de-sac with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, dining area, upstairs family room, technology room, master suite with sitting room, walk-in pantry, laundry room leading to 3 car garage, covered patio, beautifully landscaped. (K6343)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451





Pre-foreclosure! Horse Ranch, working Equestrian Dressage Farm located near PGA Golf Course. Five acres with Craftsman style home, 4bdrms 3bths, FP, dining room, recreation room, professional Dressage training and instruction. USDF qualified training facilities, 17 boarding stalls, a circular arena. Lots of income potential. (C38834)

2595 Rochelle, Monrovia. Hard to find newer PUD has 5 bedrooms, 3 baths with 1 bedroom located downstairs. Master has walk-in closet and spa tub. Built in 2004 with 2,588 sq. ft. of living space on 5,188 lot. (R2595)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858




4-Plex by golf course. Rental income $3,700 month. 4-Plex – 2 studios + 2 1 bedrooms. Each unit has garage. (B3212)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858



This California Bungalow was originally built in 1922 and maintains its original charm and character, 2bdrms 1bth and many original features including built-ins that are mixed with modern conveniences like CA & heat, newer kitchen & bathroom. NOT an REO or short sale. Well cared for and located in a great community. So much to offer at an affordable price. (V469)


CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451







This beautiful home features 2 bedrooms and 1 remodeled bath. Newly installed bamboo hardwood flooring throughout, new paint inside and out, newer roof, FA/ CA and much more! Close to City of Hope. (BRO)


Over 20,000 square feet residential, buildable lot surrounded by million dollar homes. Great Views!!! Property has water and electricity. (BLA)

This large manufactured home located in a very nice Senior Park (55+) and features a large living room & dining area with newer carpet, large master bedroom, new tile in kitchen and baths, large covered patio, 2 sheds & so much more! (JEF)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888


CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes


(818) 406-1908


Spacious 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, remodeled living room, dining room, Kitchen. New wood flooring, new carpeting, scrapped ceilings.Master bathroom is in the middle of updating, needs shower, sink and flooring, backyard with RV parking, patio and pool that needs resurfacing, double detached garage. (E1951)

This 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobile home sits cozily within a pristine adult (55+) community. Enjoy peace, quiet and several key amenities this unit offers. Association pool & s p a . C o n t a c t u s f o r m o r e i n f o t o d a y. ( J 4 1 6 )

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858


(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451










MAY 14 - MAY 20, 2009


Nazee Rix Congratulated Andy Bencosme, Managing Broker of Century 21 Village. in Sierra Madre recently congratulated Nazee Rix for her sales production through the first week of May. With home sales just under 2 million dollars, Rix leads the office in production for the month. A Bradbury resident and mother of two,

Rix has been a consistent top sales producer for the last five years. Becosme credits her success to having the utmost dedication to her clients and willing to work with them around the clock if need be. You can reach Nazee or any of the other sales associates at 626.355.1451. Paintings, Photography, Ceramics, Watercolors, Mixed Media, Glass, Woodcarvings, Pottery, Jewelry, Gourd Art and Lighting will all be on display and available to be purchased, treasured and passed on to generations. www.sassafrasspottery. com. Of course these are but a very few of all the artists that will be showcasing and creating their works of beauty before your very eyes. Speaking of creating

a special hands-on project for kids, the “Under the Sea Seed and Bead Mosaic” will be sponsored by Sierra Madre’s Creative Arts Group. Music will offer us a wonderful aural backdrop to the Fair including musicians Jane Fuller, String Planet, Cow Bop, The Tom Corbett Band, Vin Fizz Flyer, the Joel Penner Trio, and Ann Luke. The Rotar y Interact Club will be offering their famous cupcakes on Sunday. All proceeds benefit the Sierra Madre library helping to support programs, services, and equipment. Join us as we behold beauty through sight, embrace music through sound, and savor flavorful treats via taste. Sierra Madre Memorial Park is located at 222 West Sierra Madre Blvd., 1 long block west of Baldwin Avenue.



Street Front Retail Tenant Improvement Allowance Offered Lease Credit Against Future Purchase Free Covered Parking Residential Units Now 100% Occupied!


Sierra Madre Art Fair This Weekend May 16 and 17 as 100 artists, musicians and purveyors of food. Sierra Madre’s Memorial Park plays host to the Friends of the Sierra Madre


Dan Bacani

Library 47th Annual Sierra Madre Art Fair. The festivities take place Saturday, May 16, from 9:30 to 6:00pm, and Sunday, May 17, from 9:30 to 5:00pm. Weaving, Oil OPEN HOUSE SUN 3-6 PM

The Gold Standard E US HO PM N 4 E 1 OP UN. S


U HO PM N 4 PE 1




Located close to Old Town Monrovia this Historic two story 2426 sq.ft. character home features 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room, built-ins, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces and 2 baths. This is truly a “must see” home. (C626)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



This rare large lot in the Flintridge area, features great views of the valley and San Gabriel Mountains. Home plans included and approved by the city, all you have to do is build it. LaCanada School District! (DOM)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888




CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



Beautiful two bdrm 1bth end unit with two separate one car garages, short walk to the HOA pool/spa. Complex is located within a short distance from shopping center, such as Costco etc,,. This is a **Short Sale** transaction subject to lender approval, only one lender and a great opportunity for first time buyers. (L950)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123


CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



1648 Avenida Entrada, San Dimas.This great 3 bedroom/2 bath home near Via Verde Country Club features a nice freshly painted kitchen, fireplace, central air and a newer tile roof. The well manicured yard features a waterfall, pond and spa. Must See!! (AVE


1210 Tropical Ave, Pasadena. Located in Upper Hastings Ranch. Spacious living room with fireplace, cozy dining area, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, enclosed patio with windows overlooking the rear garden. Kitchen with counter eating area. Master bedroom with bath & large closet. Double detached garage. Brick patio, fruit trees. (T1210)

SE OU M N H 1-4 P E OP UN. S



This 3bdrm 2bth features spacious floor plan with family room, big lot 13,003 sq ft, with swimming pool, 2car attached garage, boarding on Arcadia. (E849)



Why rent when you can own. This 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo has nice wood floors. There is an eating are off the kitchen. Please call for more information. (C225)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858





(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451









BALDWIN PARK INDUSTRIAL LEASE $2,200/MO MG F r e e s t a n d i n g b u i l d i n g . 2 5 0 5 S F, b u i l t 1 9 9 0 , 3 p h a s e power, 6 on-site parking spaces, fenced yard, 14’ clearance, 2 grade level loading doors, 2 offices. 2 miles to the 605, 2.5 miles to the 210. 2 year term. (G5063)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (888) 804-2430

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