2009_07_09_Pasadena Independent

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THURSDAY, JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 VOLUME 14, NO. 28



Colorado Street Bridge Celebration Cancelled


BY KYLE KHANDIKIAN Financial strains and budget cuts have led Pasadena Heritage to cancel the annual summer Celebration on the Colorado Street Bridge which attracts thousands to

Pasadena City College has announced the cancellation of its upcoming six-week winter intercession for 2010, in an effort to meet the $7 million budget cut approved by the Pasadena Area Community College District Board of Trustees. As a part of PCC’s “Budget Watch,” PCC President Paulette Perfumo announced in a message that in spite of the “draconian cuts from Sacramento,” additional classes and sections will be added to the school’s spring and fall semesters in order to offset this decision. However, Perfumo did add that the college was in “much better shape than many other community colleges.” The PCC Board of Trustees also approved the reduction of conference and travel expenses, as well as the use of consultants, all by fifty percent.


the popular block party atop the iconic Pasadena Bridge. Pasadena Heritage, a nonprofit organization aimed at protecting and preserving Pasadena’s

Bridge on 12

Local T.E.A. Partiers Seek “Change” in Economic Policy BY SUSAN MOTANDER

The Monrovia TEA party attendees ranged in age from pre-voting to senior citizens - all of whom had a united message no new taxes and no health care reform. - Photo by Terry Miller

They have been held all over the country: T.E.A. parties. One was held in Monrovia last weekend. T.E.A., in this case, standing for Taxed Enough Already. On Friday, July 3 more than 40 protesters appeared at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Huntington Drive in Monrovia. After a slow start, the group hit its stride about 6 p.m. For a solid hour there was a constant cacophony of horns blowing in support of the protesters. Only one negative reaction was drawn, and this from three young people who waved at the protesters, but did so with only one finger. The other reactions were overwhelmingly positive. Clare Chesley and Mary Winners were the principal organizers of this effort. They described their efforts as grassroots and locally based. “There is no hierarchy in this, “Chesley said; “We don’t agree with the fiscal irresponsibility of our legislators and feel it is time to fight back.” Chesley said their rally was designed to show support for those who are fighting to return America to its libertarian roots. “We are exercising our first amendment right to freedom of speech in an attempt to bring back our economic and individual liberties.” The signs the T.E.A. party attendees waved included those that explained they felt “Taxed Enough Already.” Other signs read ”Cap and Trade, Be Afraid,” “Where’s my Bailout?” and “Give me Liberty, Not Debt.”

T.E.A on 3

Caltrans to Bankroll Million Dollar SCAG “Congestion Study” BY MORGAN CARPENTER At the July 2nd meeting of SCAG, the executive administration committee authorized SCAG to accept $800,000 from Caltrans State Planning and Research Grant Funds. These funds will go to the Regional Congestion Pric-

ing Study, which is a multi-year, multi-phased project focusing on integrated regional solution is “reduce congestion, optimize productivity of the transportation system, reduce emissions, and identify more efficient means of revenue generation.” SCAG also accepted a dona-

tion from Caltrans of $200,000 for the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget, bringing the total cost of the study to $1 million dollars. What is SCAG? It’s an acronym that’s been popping up lately a round Sier ra Madre. SCAG stands for Southern California Associat ion of Gover nment s,

and it calls itself “a forum to develop and foster the realization of regional plans that improve the quality of life for Southern Californians.” While membership is optional and requires dues, every city in San Gabriel Valley with the

SCAG on 3

OLD PAS. FILM FEST STARTS THIS WEEKEND Yearly Festival Brings Celluloid Classics to Urban Setting

The Old Pasadena Film Festival is a free, three-week outdoor venue which will begin on Friday, July 10, 2009, and last until Saturday, July 25, 2009, and will feature many classic, as well as contemporary films, for audiences to enjoy. The screenings of each film will take place outdoors across Old Pasadena, from the roofs of buildings to Pasadena alleyways. This festival will include over twenty screenings, as well as celebrity appearances and a special tribute to Academy Award winner Alfred Newman. Movies will include favorite classics like “Footloose,” musicals such as “West Side Story,” and even a silent film, “Daddy Long-Legs,” which will be accompanied by the Malibu Coast Chamber Orchestra. For more information visit oldpasadena.org

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009






Think Before Speaking






I recently attended an annual celebration meeting of a Conversational Skills ESL class. I told them how much I admire their efforts to learn English. The following is a list someone once sent me that shows 10 reasons why English is so hard to learn: 1. The bandage was wound around the wound. 2. The farm was used to produce produce. 3. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse. 4. We must polish the Polish furniture. 5. He could lead if he would get the lead out. 6. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. 7. Since there was no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present. 8. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum. 9. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. 10. I did not object to the object being used. Kind of confusing to a newcomer, huh? Makes them kind of have to think before they speak. Now here’s another example I received that shows the need to think before speaking, though it has nothing to do with pronunciation. John was a salesman’s delight when it came to any kind of unusual gimmicks. His wife Marsha had long ago given up trying to get him to change. One day John came home with another one of his unusual purchases. It was a robot that John claimed was actually a lie detector. It was about 5:30 that afternoon when Tommy, their 11 year old son, returned home from school. Tommy was over 2 hours late. “Where have you been? Why are you over 2 hours late getting home?� asked John. “Several of us went to the library to work on an extra credit project,� said Tommy. The robot walked around the table and slapped Tommy, knocking him completely out of his chair. “Son,� said John, “this robot is a lie detector, now tell us where you really were after school.� “We went to Bobby’s house and watched a movie.� said Tommy. “What did you watch?� asked Marsha. “The Ten Commandments.� answered Tommy. The robot went around to Tommy and once again slapped him, knocking him off his chair. With his lip quivering, Tommy got up, sat down and said, “I am sorry I lied. We really watched a tape called Sex Queen.� “I am ashamed of you son,� said John. “When I was your age, I never lied to my parents.� The robot walked around to John and delivered a whack that nearly knocked him out of his chair. Marsha doubled over in laughter. Almost in tears she said, “Boy, did you ever ask for that one! You can’t be too mad with Tommy. After all, he is your son.� The robot walked around to Marsha and knocked her out of her chair.



PHOTOGRAPHER Terry Miller COLUMNISTS Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage CONTRIBUTORS Susan Motander Nuria Mathog Morgan Carpenter Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal



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Exploring Hell’s Canyon


EDITOR John B. Stephens

Not long ago my wife received a call from her niece, Penny and her husband Sly Pincher, who had just relocated from Cornville, Arizona to their new location in Missouri. My enthusiastic wife told them that we might possibly stop by and visit them during our planned vacation travels to beautiful Hell’s Canyon National Park in Idaho. When it came time to plan our vacation itinerary I asked my live-in Tour Guide to tell me the address of her niece so that I could look up directions on Google. When she told me the name of the town I cracked up in disbelief. Tightwad, Missouri, 64735. Now that name of the town, Tightwad ‌ should have been an absolute indicator that this vacation stop was not a good idea! However, my Vacation Planner had reminded me that this was her “painfully thriftyâ€? niece, so I gave in as I thought, this side trip idea might head off any possible return visits, by them, for a vacation stay at our house. As the trip plan began to unfold additional unbelievable information was slowly revealed about Penny Pincher and her husband Sly. It seems that they were able to purchase a bargain home in Tightwad, as it was a bank foreclosure described as a Fixer-Upper. Her niece stated that since there was a surplus building materials location nearby their

Wally on 14

editor@arcadiaweekly.com editor@monroviaweekly.com editor@sierramadreweekly.com editor@pasadenaindependent.com

This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is c o p y r i g h t e d a n d m a y n o t b e r e p ro d u c e d i n a n y m a n n e r, e i t h e r i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. T h e Vi e w s a n d o p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d i n t h i s paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc. T h e A r c a d i a We e k l y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t e d as a newspaper of general circulation in cour t case number GS 004759. T h e M o n r o v i a We e k l y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t ed as a newspaper of General Circulation in Cour t Case GS 004759.

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 3

T.E.A. from 1

SCAG from 1

Two young women held a banner which read “Government is not the Solution” a reference to Ronald Reagan’s famous quotation “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” There were several youngsters among those protesting, several held sign which read “I’m in Debt and too Young to Vote,” “Honk for Liberty” and “Party like its 1773 (an allusion to the original Boston Tea Party.) There were two negative signs casting aspersions on the President. The organizers of the TEA party quickly approached the people carrying these signs and explained that they wanted to avoid negative personal attacks and focus on the issues. These protesters were quickly provided with more positive signs. Chesley said that they were glad these people had immediately agreed to cooperate. “We wanted to stay focused on the issues, not individuals,” she said.

exception of Temple City and Altadena are members of SCAG. According to the organization, member sh ip in SCAG offers benef it s such as “increased clout with state and national officials, information on important issues in the area, and additional resources such as priority responses and funding.” T he Reg iona l C on gestion Pricing Study is a multi-year, multi-phased project focusing on integrated regional solutions to address congestion, air quality, and transportation funding. Caltrans intends to prov ide $ 8 0 0,0 0 0 of SP& R grant funds in FY 2009 2 010 i n suppor t of t he SCAG Regional Congestion Pricing Study. They have requested that SCAG submit a grant application for such funds. Adoption of Resolution #09-510-I would authorize SCAG to accept the money

Cover Story

Cover Story

-Photos By Terry Miller


Summer Internships • Graphic and Production Dept. • Photography email inquiries and portfolio to internships@beaconmedianews.com metro.net

Metro Briefs


It’s the Right Time to Save. Go Metro. Don’t be a victim of these uncertain economic times. Create your own stimulus package simply by going Metro. Experts estimate you can save as much as $8,000 annually by using public transit instead of paying for gas and parking. LA is among the top 20 cities where using public transit can save you the most. Find your best route with the Trip Planner at metro.net.

Temporary Bus Line Serves Future Gold Line Stations Temporary bus service is now serving the new stations that will become part of the Metro Gold Line later this summer. Metro Local Line 632 is operating every 10 minutes during peak hours and every 15 minutes o=-peak from 5am to 9pm weekdays. Look for exact schedules at metro.net.

Champion Metro Rail Team Wins Again The superior train skills of Metro Rail’s sta= captured top honors for the second year in a row at the APTA International Rail Rodeo in Chicago last month. The winning team members were Metro Rail Operator Robert Rodriquez and Rail Equipment Specialists Eric Czintos, Ronnie Burt and Glen Abraham.

Thousands Go With Metro Employer Pass More than 7,800 employees at 335 worksites in LA County are >nding a better and less expensive way to get to work with the Metro Employer Pass. It’s a win-win situation: employees get the bene>ts of riding Metro and the company gets tax savings, reduced parking demands and improved employee morale. Find out more at 213.922.2811.

Get $12 Tickets to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® Go Metro and get $15, $20 or $25 tickets for only $12 to see Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey ® Presents ZING ZANG ZOOM SM at STAPLES Center July 8-12 and Honda Center of Anaheim July 15-26. Check the Destination Discounts site at metro.net for details. If you’d like to know more, please call us at 1.800.464.2111, or visit metro.net.

SGV-LE-10-001 ©2009 LACMTA



JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009

Team Hooters Unshaken by Closing of Local Restaurant and Sponsor

presented by

Pasadena Independent

Enter to win an entry in the PCC 5k at the Rosebowl on July 25, 2009 ($30 Value) All entries must be received by 5pm July 15 to qualify

Burbank Store Will Now Support Six-Time Championship Team

Your Name: Email: Address: Phone: Age Range: 0-18 18-25 25-35 35-45 45 or older Occupation: Are you a homeowner? Avg. Househould Income: Preffered News & Media Source: Newspaper Magazine Television Internet Mobile Device How often do you read Beacon Media Publications? Every week Every other week Once a month Rarely Do you leave the publication in your home or elsewhere for others to read? Enter online at beaconmedianews.com Mail entries to: 125 E Chestnut Ave. Monrovia, CA 91016

Crossword T








What do 12 guys and a typical Wednesday night have in common? Well, a commitment to the summer sport of Softball, of course! For several years the guys of Team Hooters have enjoyed the comradery, the competition, the championships and then a chance to represent a nationally known restaurant chain and local business on the softball diamond. Now, with the Pasadena branch of the restaurant shuttering its doors, the team has been hard at work to find new sponsorship and support. On Wednesday evening we got a chance to witness the team’s spirit and energy at Brookside Park where they played - and easily beat - “The Illegals”. Team manager Gabriel Zambrana created a relationship with Hooters of

alphabet 49. Velvetlike fabric 51. Ornament gaudily 53. Diacritic mark 56. Coffee substitute 59. Burn the midnight oil, studying 61. Centrepiece of the human face 64. Uniter, not a divider 65. Blank look 66. Absent 67. Actress Turner 68. Chopper topper 69. Nav. officer 70. Collar type 71. Aggregate of qualities that make good character


Across 1. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, e.g. 6. Short stocking 10. Secreted 13. “West Side Story” song 14. Banned apple spray 15. Hairless 16. Pisa place 17. “Give that ____ cigar!” 18. Lodge members 19. Go out with 20. Animated 22. Objects from everyday

life 24. Three.legged support 28. Large seabird 31. Pretty girl 32. Ruin 34. Manipulate 36. Become dim 37. Eureka! 38. Edible seed parts 41. Actor Beatty 42. Spoils 44. Agnus ___ 45. Western 47. First letter of the Hebrew

1. Among 2. Golden Horde member 3. Declaim 4. Distance 5. Express 6. From an Aegean island 7. Minnesota’s St. ___ College 8. Bamboo stem 9. Kool.Aid maker 10. Actor Linden 11. Class 12. Driller’s deg. 15. Conviction 20. Joined 21. Metro area 23. Deficiency

to win six championship titles and had a record of 33 and one over three seasons. Now, with the Pasadena Hooters location recently closed, it has fallen to the Burbank branch to pick up the reins and continue the tradition of keeping the team together, both in the restaurant and on the softball diamond. Now, the team is as strong as ever, consisting of veteran leaders like Terry Ward, Bob Noble, Arnie Ewald, Brian Ward and Jaime Solis. Rounding out the team are batting phenoms Danny Corral, Rob Correa and Randy Holbrook, the defensive wizardry of Wes Johnson, Eddie Lovato and Gabriel Zambrana and lefty legends Hector Jaramillo and Johnny Congote, not to mention the backbone

Some Hooters girls joined the team Wednesday night to cheer on the team. Their help seemed to do the trick. - Photo by Terry Miller

Pasadena, while working at the Hilton of Pasadena. A f t er a few g a mes , Hooters’ management noticed the team was serious about winning and representing the City of Pasadena, so they took a chance

and sponsored the team, a few of the managers even going so far as to suit up and join the team themselves. The restaurant locked the team in for several seasons. In that time, Team Hooters proudly went on

25. Flat surface 26. More mature 27. Exploit 29. Bert’s buddy 30. Bind 32. Entire 33. Like most movies 35. Depressing 37. Bedouin 39. Accelerate 40. First king of Israel 43. Eccentric 46. Farm vehicle

48. Come again? 50. Stupid 52. Christian writings 54. Component of organic fertilizer 55. Fortune.telling cards 57. Cover 58. ___ account (never) 60. Nothing more than 61. Not for a Scot 62. Have 63. Airline to Oslo 65. Madrid Mrs.;


Or, “the numbers must occur only once”

Hooters on 6

Last Week’s Solution

Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.

6 Last Week’s Solution

3 1 2 9 3 8 6 4 8 9 4 7 9 6

8 1 7 7 6 3 9 2 1 8 9 7 1

7 4 5 9 3 6 1 2 8

8 6 2 1 5 4 9 3 7

1 9 3 8 2 7 6 4 5

9 2 1 5 8 3 7 6 4

6 8 4 7 9 1 3 5 2

3 5 7 4 6 2 8 9 1

5 7 8 3 4 9 2 1 6

2 1 9 6 7 5 4 8 3

4 3 6 2 1 8 5 7 9

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 5



Art of Living

July 4 Celebrations Show Small Town Passion in a Big Way

All in the Name of Science:

Caltech Summer Scholars Catapult Raw Eggs into the Sky YESS Program Helps Increase Diversity among Young Scientists

- Photo by Terry Miller

July fourth celebrations hit the usual high notes in Sierra Madre again this year. The Parade stepped off just about on time this year and thousands of people lined Sierra Madre Blvd. to show their true colors and celebrate Independence Day. Just about everyone got a chance to participate in the festivities and post celebrations at Memorial Park. The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association brought out their “California Girls” entry for the 2010 Rose Parade which featured a boat load of bikini clad beauties who braved the heat of the parade route. The military was well represented and Sierra Madre VFW members proudly strutted their stuff as the audience of every possibly age group stood and saluted as they passed by. Midge Morash was saluted, too, as the Grand Marshal this year for her exemplary volunteer spirit and work for the local and national environment over the years in Sierra Madre. Despite some Bloggo-blabbermouth’s claim to the contrary, there

was no ‘controversy’ over the selection of the July 4th Parade Grand Marshal in Sierra Madre this year. In fact the ‘controversy’ was only blog propelled and perceived. Here’s that quote from the aforementioned horse’s mouth:

“As you may recall, there was some controversy over the choice of Midge Morash as the 4th of July Grand Marshal. Many in town thought it would be better to select our World War II Veterans, and judging by the response they got from the crowd today that would have been a very good choice.” The Always fun Sierra Madre City College float honored itself this year for 31 years of ‘schoolin’ the ‘hood. The float featured the founders of the now famous, non-existent college, riding the float complete with ceremonial graduation robes. The float featured photos of bygone years of the City College’s usual send-up of local/national news. A few years ago it was Michael Jackson - lying on a bed called Foreverland. The organizers, wisely chose to stay away from this again given the current spell of Jackson news attention post mortum. The antique horseless carriages managed to stay dry thanks to the prohibition of water along the route and much to the chagrin of children who were hoping to get cooled off on Saturday. They were able to do so, however, albeit at the very end of the parade on the other side of Baldwin at what was known as the “designated water zone”. The only negative incident that we witnessed was the arrest of a Latino man in his late 20’s outside the beer garden. He appeared to be eating lunch when he was approached by Sierra Madre’s boys in blue. For what violation, we are not sure, but he was handcuffed searched, placed into a black and white and transported to jail. The Nightblooming Jazzmen kept the Memorial Park crowd hoping and dancing to their infectious traditional Dixieland jazz numbers throughout the day.

his summer, thirty of the brightest high school students in the country are attending the California Institute of Technology’s Young Engineering and Science Scholars (YESS) program. The program brings together some of the most talented students who have a passion for science and engineering and exposes them to scientific research and methodology. Many programs exist for gifted youth, and students in Caltech’s YESS program are typically from populations that are traditionally underrepresented in science—Natives, Hispanic Americans, African Americans, and Asian Pacific Islanders—and many other groups. All students who feel that they might benefit from the program are encouraged to apply. These exceptional students are juniors and seniors in high school who have demonstrated a high aptitude in math, engineering, and the sciences. Even before college, most of the students have already begun their studies in calculus, physics, biology, engineering, and computer science. Admission to the YESS program is competitive: these students were selected from over 450 applicants. The students participating in this year’s program come from as far away as Guadalupe, California to Brooklyn, New York. Many come from math and science magnets and from prep schools across the country and are the top students in their high-school class. The YESS students participate in interdisciplinary scientific study during the intensive three-week program, covering molecular biology, neuroscience, engineering design, and applied physics. To encourage the participants to pursue professional careers in science and technology, the YESS program also exposes them to seminars given by leading Caltech faculty and experts and provides an in-depth tour of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Program participants have the opportunity to interact not only with other talented students, but also with renowned Caltech faculty and JPL engineers and scientists. Program manager for the Office for Minority Student Education, Luz Rivas, who oversees the YESS pro-

- Photo by Terry Miller

gram, says, “Our goal is to provide an extraordinary research opportunity that will help to shape and contribute to the futures of these bright students. The program focuses on introducing and exposing the students to science; they are encouraged to maintain their interest in science and to pursue careers in science and engineering. Our program is exceptional because it provides high-school students an invaluable opportunity to learn about the research conducted by preeminent Caltech faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students. And, hopefully, we will encourage some of these young people to attend Caltech.” Thanks to funding by the Moore Foundation, the program is free of charge to participants, though they must pay transportation costs, if possible. During the program, students live in residential halls on campus. Although the program is intense, the students’ rigorous schedules do include a bit of fun—for instance, the “egg catapult” design competition. Applying recently learned laws of physics and engineering, along with ingenuity and creativity, teams of students design and build catapults that launch raw eggs 20 feet and whose success is determined by the distance and accuracy of the eggs’ trajectory. It is a fun, lighthearted activity as part of a larger, invaluable program for talented young students and budding future scientists.

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009


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It was 75 years ago that a group of farmers loaded pickup trucks with fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products for sale, parked in an empty lot at the corner of Third and Fairfax in Los Angeles and started the city’s first “Farmers’ Market.� Since that summer in 1934, the market has remained open to the public, while becoming a historical landmark and famous attraction along the way. To celebrate the monumental anniversary, the market is having a week-long celebration commencing on July 13. “We are going to celebrate our birthday and thank Los Angeles for the wonderful support and affection it has given us,� said Hank Hilty, President of the A. F. Gilmore Company and a direct descendent of A. F. Gilmore and his son, E. B., who created the Market back in 1934. The occasion will be highlighted by a “Taste of Farmers Market� on Tuesday, July 14th, from 5 to 9 PM. With the purchase of a $20 allinclusive ticket, visitors can stroll the market sampling food from virtually all of the 36 restaurants. In addition, retail and grocery merchants at the Market will offer special sales on select merchandise.

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There will also be music and entertainment. To preview the festivities and offer birthday wishes, I recently popped into the market. I went hungry because when it comes to unique LA dining options, nothing compares. From seafood, French and Chinese, to Mediterranean, Cajun, barbecue and more, the market packs in an incredible array of delicious


restaurants in a compact open-air food court area. When I arrived on Sunday afternoon, the place was packed with locals and tourists. A kaleidoscope of aromas was circulating through the walkways. I was hungry, but when hit by this, I became

Join us for our grand opening celebration, where we’ll be making a donation to a local organization.

overwhelmed and had to find a spot quickly. After circling the grounds a few times, I narrowed my search to two restaurants. It was going to be fresh fish at Tusquellas Seafoods, where a boat load of lobster, shrimp, salmon, tuna, cod, snapper and other daily catches sat on a bed of ice, beckoning; or baby back ribs with Cole slaw, potatoes wedges, and real strawberry lemonade at Bryan’s BBQ. It was tough, but I chose the latter. After lunch I discovered Light My Fire, a condiment store with hundreds of hot sauces from around the world. Ranging from mild to spicy to insanely hot, the sauces are come in uniquely labeled bottles with a heat scale from 1 to 10 posted on the side. From here I explored hand-made chocolate, caramel and toffee candy at Littlejohn’s English Toffee House, and then fresh breads, cookies, rolls and desserts at Thee’s Continental Bakery The market currently features free Live music every Thursday and Friday Night. Every Friday and Saturday from noon - 5pm, regional farmers sell fresh fruit, vegetables, flowers and other locally grown produce and foodstuff. Farmers Market is located at 6333 West 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90036. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat & Sun 9am – 8pm. For more info call (323) 933-9211 or visit www.farmersmarketla.com.

Hooters from 4

Opening at 10am, July 15th California & Lake


- Photos by Terry Miller

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and true grit coming from Hugo Valencia and Rene Encarnecion who keep the team glued together. The members of Team Hooters say they have been proud to play in Pasadena, representing a local business. Going forward, they say they hope to continue their winning tradition and plenty more memories, now with the Burbank store behind them.

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 7


AtoZDining American Fare Cameron’s Seafood With porthole shaped mirrors and wall-mounted fish (sorry, no singing ones) giving this place the classic feel of a seaside fish camp, you’re sure to forget you’re an hour from the coast. Dine in or take home cuts from the seafood market. 1978 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 793-FISH Shrimp House Casual, comfortable, simple, and family operated for over 48 years. If you’re tired of the typical chain dining experience, give the little guy a try! Daily hand-breaded, huge Jumbo Shrimp, will haunt your taste buds for the rest of your days. Soon you will join generations of Shrimp House fanatics. It’s seafood you will crave. Shrimp, fish filets, steaks, chicken, salads, and food to go. 4488 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia (626) 445-6369, (626) 448-8742, www. originalshrimphouse.net

California Cuisine Picasso’s Café, Bakery & Catering Co. Try our upscale fast casual gourmet Restaurant and Bakery, conduct business in Picasso’s Private Dining Rooms, or explore other fresh food choices with our Corporate Catering division. Celebrating 20 Years of Business, and Awarded San Gabriel Valley’s Small Business of the Year 2008, we are focused on providing quality food products and events, consistent service, and competitive prices. Experience our ever-growing selection of menus, services, presentation styles, and creativity; at Picasso’s, Great Food is a true “work of art!” Catering Available 24/7 at www.picassoscafe.com or (626) 9696100. 6070 N. Irwindale Ave., Suite A-D Irwindale, CA

Coffee, Sweets & Such

La Petite France Bakery Not just cakes and desserts but a plethora of choices even not on the menu! Just ask for Chef Daniel and he will immediately come up with catering ideas from breakfast, lunch to a sumptuous cavalcade of home-cooked Mediterranean cuisine. 411 E. Huntington Dr. Arcadia, (626) 445-0392. Patticakes: The dessert Company Located in Altadena and featuring such heavenly and huge dessert delights as: Truffle dark chocolate flourless cake with dark chocolate truffle cream finished with chocolate curls. Or if that’s not quite your cup of tea, try their old fashion :four layers of Devil’s Food chocolate cake with a white chocolate mousse center. Glazed with dark chocolate ganache. 1900 North Allen, Altadena (626) 794-1128


Mediterranean Food And Fun For All Ages Delicious food and great atmosphere are in full supply at The Patio BY MORGAN CARPENTER With summer now in full swing, an excellent place to sit back and relax is at The Patio. The Patio is a Mediterranean cuisine restaurant nestled in the heart of downtown Arcadia. I was delighted to hear that I would be reviewing The Patio, since I had heard many great things about them. Truth be told, I had pretty high expectations for this Mediterranean restaurant, and The Patio surpassed all my expectations. I ate outside and enjoyed the breeze on their very spacious outdoor patio. The patio was picturesque and decorated to compliment the Mediterranean atmosphere. I had a Jallab, which is a Lebanese sweet drink consisting of grape molasses and rose water that is served with pine nuts. It was a nice change of taste from too-sugary American drinks, while still getting my daily dose of sweetness. While waiting for my main course, I had pita bread and hummus, which was highly decorated and tasted as good as it looked. As one customer said about the hummus, “it’s really good.” Mediterranean food is a very broad term, and while the food of the countries

-Photos by Terry Miller

grilled to perfection with the finest skill, and as a result the taste was absolutely mouthwatering. Everything – even the rice – was immensely flavorful. The portions are large and will satisfy anyone’s appetite. I was greeted with excellent service that The Patio is particularly known for. The staff is very friendly and “like a family.” They were highly accommodating and even gave me a tour of the place. The inside of the restaurant is surprisingly big, with the main dining area,




Pad Thai You can’t go wrong with the namesake dish at this colorful place with pink booths, bright blue table cloths and red napkins. The garlic pepper mushroom entrée is a favorite among vegetarians. 3500 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 568-9288 President Thai Spacious, elegantly attired where hospitality reigns and classic cuisine rules. Wide range of selections from apps to entrees and unique specials. 498 S. Rosemead Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 578-9814

dle East, has recently gained popular in the United States and is especially well known among the younger crowd. It’s essentially a water pipe

that uses indirect heat that is then smoked from. The Patio has a hookah bar that operates at night, and offers a huge selection of over 25

fruit flavors. They get up to thirty people on a single night in the hookah bar, and they’re well equipped to handle a crowd that large with numerous hookahs. The Patio also recently held the Swagg Dance Competition on July 5. The competition featured New Boyz, a Los Angeles band that gained popularity with their hit song “You’re a Jerk.” The Patio is a hidden gem in Arcadia for Mediterranean food, and anyone looking for an occasion filled with excellent service, food, and atmosphere should visit The Patio. Address: 21 E. Huntington Dr., Arcadia; Tel: ( 6 2 6 ) 4 47- 2 8 4 6 , H o u r s : Lunch: Sunday - Thursday: 11:00am - 4:00pm, Dinner: Sunday - Thursday: 4:00pm 10:00pm, Lunch: Friday and Saturday: 11:00am - 4:00pm, dinner: Friday and Saturday: 4:00pm - 2:00a. Happy Hour from 4:00pm - 7:00pm daily

We’re happy to split our large dinners for you!

Corfu Restaurant Family owned Greek and International homestyle cuisine set in a casually comfortable décor. Dishes range from waffles to rack of lamb with everything prepared from scratch. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5993 Restaurant Lozano A menu peppered with Italian and Mexican dishes like a crispy goat cheese quesadilla with baby spinach accentuate Lozano’s elegant creativity. 44 N. Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre, (626) 355-5945


Opens at 11:30am Daily for Lunch and Dinner

7247 Rosemead Blvd., San Gabriel Server Nael Ghebrial brings cool drinks toAngela Copland, Mike Salcido and Alex Vasquez who regularly enjoy the Patio restaurant -Photos by Terry Miller in Arcadia.

along the Mediterranean Sea have influenced each other, The Patio features Lebanese cuisine. This type of cuisine boasts a “very balanced, healthy diet” that is about 80% vegetarian. Lebanese food focuses on herbs, spices, and fresh ingredients. For my main course I had a combination grill, which consisted of beef kebab, lula kebab, chicken kebab, and rice. The meat was

an outdoor patio, additional seating upstairs, a banquet room, and a hookah bar. The Patio serves a large customer base consisting of everyone and anyone who enjoys Mediterranean food. But The Patio also has a large younger crowd that comes later in the evening for hookah. Hookah, which originated in India but became immensely popular in the Mid-

(Just (Just south south of of Huntington Huntington Drive) Drive)

(626) 286-8284

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RecipeBox Reflections

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 8


Shrimp Crostini Amrgarita After the July 4th holiday the summer seems to settle into a slow pace of hot days and calm boat rides. The frenzy of the holiday plans has left us all full of hamburgers, hotdogs, baby back ribs, and different versions of the traditional potato salad. I love my grill but it is time for a break with a need for cool, easy, and light meals. I could vote for a tomato sandwich or salad for every meal from now until Labor Day but my family and friends expect me to be a bit more creative and interesting. I know I will be but at least a week of “no heat cooking” sounds heavenly. I had boiled some shrimp one evening at the lake and we actually had about a half of a pound left that I bagged and put in the refrigerator for the next day’s appetizer. I had more people than shrimp so I did have to get creative since I had already asked everyone to meet for a cocktail that afternoon. I decided the best way to stretch the shrimp was to chop it up of course and use ingredients to make appetizers for my hungry crowd.


I mixed all these ingredients together with a fork and then added the approximately half pound of roughly chopped shrimp. I would not use a mixer because you want the shrimp to keep its texture. I spread the shrimp butter on crostini I had prepared with olive oil and garlic. I made some crostini with tomato and basil from my garden to add variety and color to the platter. I also added a special cocktail that was a special surprise to guests and family who were all expecting a cold beer or glass of wine!


Mix all ingredients together in a 4-quart pitcher until blended. Chill and delight your guests with a refreshingly different drink. I guess I wanted a break but couldn’t help myself. Try these easy recipes and make it look so easy to entertain everyone while you relax and enjoy the long days of July!



Shrimp Butter

Adirondack Margaritas

La Petite France Café Café La Petite France and Bakery and Bakery At La Petite France, we strive to bring you the best and freshest bread, croissants, sandwiches and more. For breakfast, stop-by for a cup of coffee, latte, cappuccino or espresso. Dip-in a pecan stick or biscotti. For lunch, try one of our sandwiches. Whatever the occasion may be, we also make cakes the way you want it. Call us for your special events and we will be more than happy to cater your party. Place your orders via phone: (626) 445-0392 fax: (626) 445-0235 email: info@pastrybakery.com Or, come visit us at: 411 E. Huntington Drive Suite 101-D, Arcadia, CA 91006

1/2 pound of shrimp, chopped 1 (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened 1/4 pound butter, softened 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 teaspoon mayo A hint of salt and pepper

1 cups tequila 3 cups apple juice ó cup orange juice ó cup triple sec ô cup lime juice

Source: Cottage Living 2005, Sara Foster

mediterranean cuisine & hookah bar 21 E. Huntington Dr. • Arcadia • 626-447-2846

Great Food G Traditional Thai Cuisine

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9 JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009

Music News

Got Live If You Want It no cover, friendly & efficient service! BLUES I’m guessin’.

SAT. 7/11 -

BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443 . All ages. Saturday BLUES Brunch under a big breezy tent. The Mission St. Gold Line station is just a short walk away, and makes for a nice outing. http://www. bigbbrenner.com/

SAT. 7/11 -

BY SIERRAMADRESUE BEHRENS There’s definitely no shortage of live music on the summer horizon! FREE (or low cost) concerts are happening in almost every city in the area. I’ll be listing a few of the ones that appeal to my (and hopefully your) musical tastes, as there are so many of them. For instance, this Friday July 10th, you can catch my pal RICK SHEA do a solo acoustic performance in Claremont, in the Laemmle Theatre Courtyard at 6pm. And yes – I “borrowed” the title for this week’s column from a Rolling Stones album! So Sue me!

THURS. 7/9 “25th ANNUAL TWILIGHT DANCE SERIES” presents JOAN BAEZ on the SANTA MONICA PIER, 7 - 10pm. FREE! http://www. santamonicapier.org/twilight.html EVERY THURS., FRI. and SAT. - PAT O’BRIEN & THE PRIESTS OF LOVE @ FIRST CABIN IN ARCADIA, 9pm. 46 E Huntington Dr. 626-446-2575. No cover, full bar. Blues.

FRI. 7/10 -

“FRIDAY NIGHTS LIVE” IN CLAREMONT, with RICK SHEA - solo acoustic - @ THE LAEMMLE THEATRE COURTYARD, 6 - 9pm. 450 W. 2nd St. FREE! Honkytonk/Country.

FRI. 7/10

- The MELLOW D’z (DAVE OSTI AND DEANNA COGAN) @ THE MAYAN BAR (inside the Aztec Hotel) in MONROVIA, 6 - 9pm Happy Hour. 311 W. Foothill Blvd. 626-358-3231. NO COVER. Full bar, coldest beer in town! Acoustic Guitar, vocals. “Hot Chick, Cool Dude & Music to suit your mood!” http://www.myspace.com/themellowdeees

FRI. 7/10 -

“THE SUBS” (Better Than Blue’s acoustic alter ego) @ the DOCKSIDE in WEST COVINA, 8pm - Midnight. 3057 E. Garvey Ave. North. In the bar area, but you order food there too. 626915-3474. Danny Hesse, Felicia Bright, Robert Gonzalez. Acoustic Rock, Soul & Blues.

FRI. 7/10 -

THE DRIVE NOW @ THE CASK ‘N’ CLEAVER IN SAN DIMAS, 9pm - Closing. 125 N. Village Court. 909-592-1646. Full bar, restaurant. Classic Rock from Buggs & Co.

FRI. 7/10 -

21st CENTURY BLUES @ THE BUCCANEER LOUNGE IN SIERRA MADRE, 9pm. 70 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-355-9045. Full bar,

OPEN MIC & BBQ @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON, 12 - 3pm, at least. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD! Last month’s was a big success! To participate, contact: t-tribe@linkline.com

SAT. 7/11 -

TOM FARRELL & JULIA GOTTLIEB @ CORFU RESTAURANT IN SIERRA MADRE, 6:30 - 9:30pm. 48 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Reservations recommended. 626-355-5993. Excellent Mediterranean food. Jazz, Bossa Nova, Western Swing, Classical. That’s quite a repertoire!

SAT. 7/11 -

Open Mic Night @ the FRETHOUSE in Covina. 309 N. Citrus Ave. (626) 339-7020. (Usually on the first Saturday of the month), and just one dollar for performers or audience. Sign-up starts at 7:30. If there aren’t enough slots for everybody they’ll make a list for the next month, and call you. Each act gets two songs or ten minutes, whichever comes first. The show starts at 8:00. They’ll have desserts and coffee ready. Bring your friends and family and join the show! www.covina.com/frethouse/

July 11

July 12

SAT. 7/11 -

THE B.O. TRIO, featuring JEFF STETSON, play “A MIXED BAG AND SOME BLUES” @ ZEPHYR COFFEE HOUSE IN PASADENA, 8:30 - 10pm. 2419 E. Colorado Blvd., just E. of Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-793-7330. Soups, sandwiches, coffee, tea, smoothies, etc.

SAT. 7/11 -

THE HUBCAPS @ PAPPY & HARRIET’S IN PIONEERTOWN. 53688 Pioneertown Rd. 760-365-5956. Near Joshua Tree and Yucca Valley. No listing on the club’s website so I’m not sure of the time, but the guys assure me they’re playin’ there! And they’ve even worked up a bunch of Gram Parsons tunes for the occasion. Stay overnight and go check out the shrine to Gram in Joshua Tree Nat’l. Park - get directions to “Cap Rock” and walk all the way around the base of it, and you’ll find it. I was amazed when I saw it!

SAT. 7/11 -

JETSTREAM @ THE RANCHO BAR IN ALTADENA, 9pm. 2485 N. Lake Ave. 626-7987634. Full bar, no cover. Jet’s jammin’ hippie rock band. www.ranchobar.com

L.A.’s Best Tasting Jazz Club



SUN. 7/12 -





BARRY “BIG B” BRENNER @ FIREFLY BISTRO IN SOUTH PASADENA, 11am - 2pm. 1009 El Centro. 626-441-2443. Sunday BLUES Brunch! http://www.bigbbrenner.com/

SUN. 7/12 -


Music News on 10

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JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009




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I admit it. There have been times when I’m so fed up with pet hair, I’ve considered dropping the idealistic notion that my house will ever be pet hair free. With all the dogs and cats running around our house, it can be overwhelming keeping that pet hair under control on upholstery, and sometimes I feel like the only way of getting rid of it is simply torching my sofa and their favorite chairs. Of course, with the help of my vacuum that has the suction power of a small black hole and the brilliant lint attachment I occasionally feel like bronzing, I am able to get a handle on the pet hair and keep a tidy house. But I’ve come to learn that fabrics play an important role in keeping your house hair free and hiding the occasional regurgitation of the bug that kitty just devoured in the yard. There are several important guidelines to keeping hair and stains off of your upholstery. The first and obvious one involves whatever agreement you have with your pets to stay off the furniture. But even if you’ve tried and tried, and just can’t resist Fido’s happy little face when he’s settling into the down cushions of your (and his) favorite chair, you do have some help. If you’re not in a position to completely re-upholster every piece of furniture in Teflon (and let’s face it, every pet owner has had this thought once or twice), making simple covers or slipcovers out of outdoor fabrics that can be maintained on a daily basis, but whipped off when company comes over, not only saves your upholstery, but is an easy and inexpensive solution. Outdoor fabrics are a breeze to maintain with pets running around. Not only can outdoor fabrics withstand water and those pesky UV rays from the sun, outdoor fabrics are easy to clean and are bullet-proof (a term I use with all of my pet-loving clients). With a vacuum or lint brush, hair lifts off of the fabric very easily, and soap and water will generally treat any dirt that gets on it. Some outdoor fabrics are durable enough to be thrown into the washer, but check first with the manufacturer. Fabric companies have made incredible strides with outdoor fabrics in the last few years, offering up more selections with beautiful patterns and gorgeous colors. In fact, many of them look like they belong indoors on a formal sofa, while adding that toughness required for a pet household. Some new outdoor fabrics even have the hand, or feel, of soft cotton or velvet - it s amazing! This gives the pet owner an opportunity to add color or a pretty pattern to the home s décor, without compromising durability. You can buy several yards of outdoor fabric and simply lay it on your sofa and chairs for protection; this makes it easy to pull off once company comes over. Sometimes fabric stores will have remnants of fabric that you can pick up at greatly reduced prices. Or you can even make the commitment and have a seamstress or upholsterer make custom-fit covers for Fido’s favorite chair – just make sure they have all the measurements, or even the actual cushion, to help make it the perfect fit. Either way, your sofa and chairs are spared, and your guests can still enjoy the beauty of your upholstery once the covers come off! Nothing will absolutely prevent hair and stains from getting on upholstery, even if your pets aren’t allowed on the furniture. But it’s nice to know you have some weapons against it. The durability and easy maintenance of outdoor fabrics allow pet owners Erin Vosti Lal is an interior designer to keep the pet hair and stains under control while adding some based in Monrovia. She can be reached at evosti@verizon.net attractive colors and patterns to the home.

Music News from 9 ERRA MADRE, 1:30 - 4:30pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food in a comfy setting. Bring the family! Acoustic Folk/Rock, Classic Country.

SUN. 7/12 -

THE RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE @ GARFIELD PARK IN SOUTH PASADENA, 5 - 7pm. On Mission between Stratford & Park. 626-403-7360. FREE! Country Western.

SUN. 7/12 -

GINA V ILL A LOBOS CD R ELEASE PARTY & SHOW @ THE GRAND OLE ECHO IN ECHO PARK, 5pm. With guests Effects of Cable Television, Stampead, and Cave Country. 1822 Sunset Blvd. 213-413-8200. FREE! All ages show. Americana/Country stuff. http://www. myspace.com/thegrandoleecho www.myspace. com/ginavillalobos

SUN. 7/12 -


“ELVIS” @ MEMORIAL PARK BANDSHELL IN SIERRA MADRE, 6 - 8pm. Sierra Madre Blvd. at Hermosa Ave. FREE! Seating on the green.

SUN. 7/12 -


PERFORMANCES @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626836-5414. Full bar and great Italian food. Every Sunday evening. Get there early - they pack ‘em in!

7/14 -

“BBQ TUESDAY” @ MARY’S MARKET & CANYON CAFE IN SIERRA MADRE CANYON with live music TBA, 6 - 9pm. 561 Woodland Ave. 626-355-4534. Cozy venue, YUMMY FOOD!

TUES. 7/14 -

NO TRIVIA TONIGHT @ CAFE 322 - see live music listing below:

TUES. 7/14 -

ORIGIN BLUE (Funk/Jazz/Rock) @ CAFE 322 IN SIERRA MADRE, 7 - 8:30pm, and SUSAN MARSHALL (Memphis Soul Mama), 8:30 - 11pm. 322 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-836-5414. No cover, full bar & great Italian food. http:// cafe322.com/ www.myspace.com/susanmarshall

TUES. 7/14 -

WRECK ‘N’ SOW @ THE PIKE IN LONG BEACH, 8pm - Midnight. 1836 E. 4th St. 562437-4453. Fun Bluegrass stuff w/great harmonies & snazzy overalls! The Dupuy brothers, etc. http:// www.wrecknsow.com/index.htm


JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009



Simultaneous Clothes It’s hard to keep covered against the chill winds of the market sometimes. Perhaps it’s possible to get a nice, thick sheepskin warming the front half of your body, but investors, builders and developers are increasingly finding their backsides completely exposed to the elements . . . brrrr! If you’re a real estate investor, investing in shorts sales and REO’s, how can you keep clothes on both sides of your body simultaneously? Is there a way around the seasoning issues that hang these deals up? What in the heck am I talking about? Here’s a typical scenario: investor buys REO bank foreclosure for 50 cents on the dollar or less. They get a great price (that’s the sheepskin in the front), but they’ve used hard money at 12% with a 1 year balloon, so they need a quick exit strategy. That’s where they start to feel a bit naked, because it’s harder and harder to pull off a quick exit for full asking

Dawn Rickabaugh is a real estate broker with expertise in seller financing and real estate notes. www.NoteQueen.com; 626.641.3931; dawn@notequeen.com

price these days. Investors/rehabbers are often left exposed on the backside because they can’t flip the property around in a timely manner due to seasoning issues with conventional lenders. This lag time eats heavily into profits. This leads to a flash of inspiration. The investor thinks to himself: “Ah hah! I’ll buy cheap with all cash, and just use seller financing to sell this property quickly for the highest possible price, and then I’ll simply turn around and immediately sell the note to a trust deed investor, grab my profits and be out of the deal.” It’s just that simultaneous clothes aren’t as fashionable as they used to be. There just aren’t a lot of investors lined up to buy these types of notes any more, and the ones who’ll buy them want steep discounts. Seasoning is an issue. In general, note buyers want to see that either, 1) the seller owned the property 12 months before selling it, or 2) he has received at least 12 months’ worth of payments from the buyer. So is the ‘simultaneous close’ really dead? Yes and no . . . there’s a niche product that circumvent s the traditional seasoning issues and acts as a t r ue simultaneous close, paying .85 cents on the dollar. How can they possibly do this? Most note buyers are only paying 70 to 80 cents on the dollar, starting with a note that is no more than 80% loan-to-value (LTV). They underwrite the deal from the very beginning. The prospective buyer fills out a 1003 (loan application) and pays for a credit report, and the investor reviews the file. Some buyers will qualify (FICO 600+) for the program, some won’t (credit scores below 600 are not impossible, but will require some seasoning before the note can be sold). If they do qualify, here is a sample of what an average deal might look like:


•Only offered on owner occupied SFR’s (no mobiles or row homes) •5% cash down payment •Seller carries a 15% second •Seller creates and immediately sells an 80% first at .85 cents on the dollar •Face interest rate on the 1st note will be somewhere between 8.5% 10% (when 12 timely payments have been made, the buyers will be able to qualify to refinance at a lower rate with the same company). So, here’s what the numbers look like: •Purchase Price: $100,000 •Down Payment: $5,000 •Seller Carry 2nd: $15,000 •Seller Carry 1st: $80,000 •Proceeds From Selling 1st to Note Buyer: $68,000 T he sel ler/ i nvest or/ builder walks away with $73,000 ($5K + $68K) cash and a note for $15,000 that will get paid off when the buyers refinance, so they snag $88,000 total for their $100,000 property. It’s not a golden hammer and won’t make sense for everyone, but it is an option that’s out there if the seller can absorb the 15% discount and wait for the 2nd to pay off down the road. And even though the buyer will have what sounds like a high interest rate, most of the time they still come out ahead owning instead of renting on an ‘after tax’ basis, and it’s a way for them to get around the cracks of conventional financing that some buyers fall into. When the financing machine is rusty, we need to look for ways to lubricate the system and get those creaky parts moving. Buyers need to buy and sellers need to sell. T he simu lt a neous clothes is just another way to dress it up. Always consult with your CPA, tax attorney and/ or financial advisor before selling any real estate.

Op-Ed: Sacramento’s Partisan Stalemate Prolongs California’s Budget Pain CaliforniaÊs budget problems continue to grow worse by the day. BY ANTHONY ADAMS, CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLYMAN Lawmakers continue to work toward bipartisan consensus on a plan that will resolve our cash crisis and fully close our budget deficit, but so far we have been unable to find common ground. As a result of the Legislature’s failure to agree on a solution, our budget deficit has now grown to more than $26 billion dollars. Now the State Controller has been forced to issue IOUs for payments because the state has run out of enough cash to pay its bills. This will cause significant hardship for small businesses that do work for the state, and needless suffering for many Californians struggling to make ends meet in these tough times. Some taxpayers may be forced to have to take out expensive loans just to get by. Small businesses may have to shut down or layoff workers, putting more people out of work. This is wrong. It is unfortunate that we are in this situation today because we didn’t have to be. There was a bipartisan solution passed by the State Assembly that would have brought more than $3 billion in savings right away. I was pleased to support this bipartisan plan because I thought it was the right thing to do to help our state and help people

in need. Sadly, it did not become law before the June 30 deadline and now our budget problems have grown worse. This is not a time for partisanship. It’s time for us to work together to put hard-working Californians first. Regardless of how tough the choices may be, we must make them now to fully close our more than $26 billion deficit and solve the cash crisis. One thing is clear – raising taxes is the worst thing we could do right now. With many losing their jobs, falling behind on their mortgages and cutting back on basic necessities such as groceries, forcing taxpayers to pay more taxes is a bad choice that will hurt families and our economy and jobs. Unfortunately, the liberal majority in Sacramento has stubbornly insisted on raising taxes yet again on hard-working families. They have hindered our progress to reach a budget compromise by pushing reckless budget plans that would have imposed billions in new taxes on families and businesses. At the same time, they have rejected the difficult choices about budget savings necessary to get the deficit under control. This is irresponsible. I strongly opposed the efforts by the majority party

to raise your taxes and will continue to fight hard in the coming weeks to protect your wallets from new taxes. In pushing higher taxes, the majority party ignores the voices of the voters, who made it clear at the ballot box that they want lawmakers to cut wasteful spending and live within their means, not raise their taxes. The people have already done their part this year. We should not punish them with new taxes to pay for the Legislature’s mistakes. Instead of engaging in budget stunts that go nowhere, the time is now for all of us to come together to get our budget priorities in order and make significant savings in every area of government to save our state from insolvency. The clock is ticking. With innocent Californians caught in the partisan crossfire, lawmakers must work together now to address our immediate problems, then pass reforms to help state government operate more efficiently and effectively to solve our budget problems in long run. Taxpayers deserve nothing less, and I am ready to do my part to get the job done. Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, represents the 59th Assembly District in the California Legislature.

Thus Spoke... „Within the university... you can study without waiting for any efficient or immediate result. You may search, just for the sake of searching, and try for the sake of trying. So there is a possibility of what I would call playing. ItÊs perhaps the only place within society where play is possible to such an extent.‰ - Jacques Derrida


12 JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009

Bridge from 1

Pasadena Hiker Identified after Fatal Accident Arturo Hernandez, a 24 year old resident of Pasadena, has been identified as the hiker found dead by rescuers in Eaton Canyon last week, coroner’s officials report. Hernandez, who had been hiking Tuesday morning, June 30,

2009, fell 200 feet to his death. The cause of death has been reported to be severe head trauma. Hernandez fell while descending from a waterfall in a dangerous part of Eaton Canyon in the San Gabriel

Mountains. 22 firefighters and search and rescue officials extracted the body after Jesse Hernandez, 17, who had been hiking with Arturo, sought help using a cell phone belonging to someone from another group of hikers.

City Plans New On-Street Signs for S. Lake The City of Pasadena is preparing to install new parking machines along S. Lake Avenue which will direct people to a centralized paying machine, after numerous complaints from businesses and residents. T he c u r r e nt s i g n s ,

which replaced individual meters that lined the street last August, point out that parking must be paid for, but does not cite the paying machine. Residents and businesses have also sounded off complaints about parking in

the surrounding area behind stores on S. Lake Avenue, on both sides of Del Mar Boulevard. The S. Lake Parking Place Commission operates, manages, and controls the parking places within the district, and regulates maintenance and operation.

architectural legacy and cultural history, has reduced its operating budget from $700,000 to $500,000 this year, making this year’s Celebration a risky investment, which costs upwards of $100,000. According to Sue Mossman, execut ive director of the preservation group, with Pasadena Heritage’s reduced staff, t he event seemed too much to afford this year. In a message on the group’s website, organizers call for an alternative community celebration with a more conservative budget on July 18, the original date set for the event. For their part, Pasadena Heritage did promise that the traditional Saturday

Suspect Detained in Attempted Stabbing Near Rose Bowl KYLE KHANDIKIAN Police have detained a man on suspicion of attempting to stab a transient outside the Rose Bowl Saturday. Gabriel Arroyo, 41, was booked on suspicion of as-

sault with a deadly weapon, after engaging in an altercation with a homeless man just west of the Rose Bowl, as people gathered in preparation for Independence Day fireworks around 5:30 p.m. Arroyo pulled a knife

-Photos By Terry MIller

on the transient, who then defended himself by striking him on the head with a piece of wood. Arroyo was not seriously hurt and is now being held in lieu of $30,000 bail. His court date is still pending.

night party will be back next year. Built in 1913, the bridge was closed in 1989 after the Loma Prieta Earthquake,

and later reopened in 1993 following seismic restoration. The bridge is usually closed to traffic each year for the summer festival.



The Gold Standard E US HO PM E N 4 S E 1 OP AT. OU M H P S

EN - 4 OP UN 1 S



In the heart of San Marino this 2659 sq.ft. 4 bedrooms, 3 bath home on a 9,000 sq.ft. lot with fantastic floor plan, exposed cathedral ceilings, huge living room and family room with fireplaces, custom built kitchen with center island, gorgeous cabinetry, master suite with walk-in closet and master bath, hardwood floors throughout. Double detached garage. (W1322)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



This 3 bedroom features recessed lighting, plantation shutters, c/ air & heat, wood floors and crown moldings thru-out. Living room with fireplace & spacious family room. Updated electrical and wired for sound, perfect for entertaining. (REV)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



817 Country Oaks Ln., Arcadia. This beautiful 5 bed/3 bath home is in excellent condition. Features include walnut hardwood flooring, berber carpeting, designer lighting & spiral staircase. 3 car attached garage, beautiful landscaping, gated entry w/security camera and so much more!!! A Must See!



Located close to Old Town Monrovia this Historic two story 2426 sq.ft. character home features 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room, built-ins, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces and 2 baths. This is truly a “must see” home. (C626)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451








Brand new custom built PUD’s located in a convenient each with 3bdrms 3bth, gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets, granite countertops, laundry area in garage, bonus room behind garage (not included in SQ FT), open floor plan(B301)

Sparkling pool ready for summer. This 4 bedroom, 2 bath has been freshly painted and is ready to move-in. (B4521)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC (626) 445-0123



This cute home is close to shopping and transportation. This two bedroom and one bath home can be a really great starter home with a few loving touches. (P213)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858





(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451









$1.45 - $3. PER SQFT/MONTH

Six different office spaces for lease located in a very convenient location on a beautiful tree lined street in Pasadena near PCC, shopping, restaurants, transportation. (G1030)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

13 JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009

Tech Trek Campers Headed to Whittier College for Early Look at College Experience

Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide Reni Rose (626) 355-8400 110 Coburn, Sierra Madre Offered at $1,315,000.

A Perfect 10 -- Stunning is the only way to describe it - Built in 2004, this magnificent 3500+ sf home is one of a kind. There are 3 large master suites (one downstairs) including an impressive secluded master with sumptuous bath and tranquil view of the mountains/ valley, plus the Jack & Jill bedrooms and 5 baths. Other features include soaring ceilings, expansive windows, large family room, gourmet kitchen & breakfast area with window seating, wood flooring, plantation shutters & more. Call today for more details and for a private showing of the PERFECT 10!






638 Manzanita Avenue, Sierra Madre


of A AUW that provides t he funding for t he students to attend makes the final selection of “campers.” AAUW Arcadia Branch is supporting this endeavor, along with contributions from community donors. A major contributor to Tech Trek 2009 is the Wayne C. Clayton Foundation of El Monte. The first Tech Trek was held at Stanford University in 1998, with initial funding from the AAUW Educational Foundation. This year, there will be seven camps: CSU-Fresno, Sonoma State University, Stanford University (two weeks), UC-San Diego, UC-Santa Barbara, and Whittier College. Tech Trek is continuing proof that AAUW puts its mission—to support equity and education for all women and girls—into action.


City is sending Peggy Lu and Lexine Mackenzie. These young women will get a preview of college life while learning that math and science can be fun. They will live in dorms on the Whittier College campus for a week this summer. They will attend classes taught by credentialed middle-school teachers, featuring hands-on experiments. Women who are professionals in the fields of math, science, and technology will be guest presenters. Highlighting the activities will be field trips to Jet Propulsion Lab, forensic labs and other science a nd tech nolog y centers. AAUW volunteers will serve as camp directors, nurses, and chaperones. Students are nominated by teachers to attend the science, math, and technology camp. The local branch

321 E. Grandview, Sierra Madre Offered at 1,075,000. Extraordinary in Detail – This house has a rich blend of history and craftsmanship. It was built in the 1890’s and its design reflects discriminating taste and art. The master suite is enhanced with a spectacular view from the balcony and steam sauna. You can entertain handsomely in the large country kitchen or around the saltwater pool and spa. Additional features include: family room, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2,621 sf home, 12,297 sf lot, tranquil mountain view and detached music room. If character, privacy and warmth are in your plans, this home is just right for you! Call to preview before it is too late.

1946 Alta Oaks, Arcadia Offered at $1,050,000.

Offering Arcadia Schools, this home is located is the highly desirable “Highlands” community of North Arcadia. It has been lovingly maintained for the past 44 years and was updated in 1997. The rooms are spacious and light filled. The 12,781 sf lot offers a spacious back yard with sparkling pool, mountain view, lanai and patio. The home is 2,217 sf with a family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and CA & heat. This one won’t last!

2025 Carolwood, Arcadia, Ca Offered at $1,048,000. Situated in Highland Oaks with awarding winning Arcadia Schools, this home offers: : 2,985 sq.ft. (which includes the 664 sq.ft. of basement) with a 22,440 sf lot., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, 2 fireplaces, 2-car attached garage & a 664 sf finished basement currently being used as a media room and 5th bedroom.

1745 La Cresta, Pasadena Offered at $848,000. Owner remembers the architect as being a Frank Lloyd Wright understudy. This home offers wonderful tranquil views of the mountains and Brookside Golf course. For those who love to golf, this property is conveniently located just one mile from the Brookside Country Club. The floor plan is open and spacious and offers pleasant views from almost every room of the home. There are modern touches, walls of windows, new carpeting and new interior paint. 2,238 sq. ft. home. 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 22500 sq. ft. lot.

142 E. Mira Monte, Sierra Madre ES I CR N OW

Ni ne m idd le - school girls from four San Gabriel Valley school districts have been selected to at tend Tech Trek Science Camp for Girls, a summer program for 8th grade girls sponsored by the American Association of University Women of California. The A rcadia Bra nch w ill be sending the nine girls to Whittier College for a week in August. Representing Arcadia is Shreya Maharana from First Avenue Middle School. El Monte City School District is represented by Darlene Lucero, Cynthia Rodriguez, Monica Valles, and Nancy Vo from Potrero School, as well as Paula Alferez from Rio Hondo School. From Monrovia is Kristin Allin, a student at Santa Fe Middle School. Oak Avenue Intermediate School in Temple


Off to Arcadia AAUW’s Tech Trek Science/Math Camp for Girls at Whittier College in August are nine girls from local school districts. Front Row (seated, l-r): Cynthia Rodriguez, Kristin Allin, and Peggy Lu. Second Row (standing, l-r): Monica Valles, Shreya Maharana, and Lexine Mackenzie. Tech Trek campers not pictured are Darlene Lucero, Nancy Vo, and Paula Alferez. - Photo by Lawton Gra

Offered at $1,098,000.

This decorator perfect home offers 2,792 s.f. with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. The lot is 12,177 s.f. and has over 50 rose bushes as well as plum, orange, peach, and lemon trees. There is a formal living room with high ceilings, cherry wood flooring, family room, a Master Suite with a newly updated bathroom, a spiral staircase leading to a loft. There is a storage room with wall-to-wall cabinets. This contemporary style home is a delight!

Offered at: $759,000

Located in north Sierra Madre, this home is located a short distance to the Mount Wilson hiking trail. This lovely home is located on a 10,670 sf lot and is 1,518 sf with 2 bedrooms and 1.75 baths. There is a guest quarters off the 2-car garage which has a deck and kitchenette. The home was built in 1950 and many new fabulous upgrades including new designer interior colors, dual paned windows, new roof, recessed lighting, central air & heat. It is wonderfully maintained. This one won’t stay on the market long.

285 Sturtevant Drive, Sierra Madre


180 Santa Anita Court, Sierra Madre


For great rates on advertising, call Andrea at (626) 301-1010

Offered at $699,500. Tucked away at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains in Sierra Madre you’ll find a relaxing hide-away to come home to! The interior of this home has been freshly painted. The living room features a fireplace, is filled with natural light and is open to the kitchen.The floor plan offers 2 bedrooms and 1 ½ baths downstairs and situated upstairs is a grand master suite that features a mountain view, a fireplace, vaulted ceiling, spacious closet, and a large bath complete with soaking tub, separate shower and double sinks. The house is 2,038 s.f. and the lot is 7,029 s.f. Here is your opportunity to live in Sierra Madre!

New Price: $598,000

This cottage has loads of curb appeal and is located just a short walk to the quaint village of Sierra Madre & Sierra Vista Park. The inviting and open floor plan will inspire you to entertain or simply have a quiet evening at home. This 1165 sq. ft. home has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The lot is 6,318 sq. ft. There is a 400 sq.ft. attic which will be great for storage. The yard has been professionally landscaped and has auto sprinklers.

Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: Renirose.com

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009


Second Time Around Resale Shop Pre-Owned Designer on consignment and New Apparel Also Vintage Collectibles/Jewelry and small Antiques

35 South First Ave.

626.446.7346 Open Tues - Sat 10:30am-5:00pm

Regency Court Senior Community is now accepting applications for our waiting list.

1BR $632 720 5th Ave., Monrovia


David Whitney Small David Whitney Small passed away peacefully Saturday, June 27, 2009 in his Atascadero, California home with hospice care. He was born in Massachusetts, November 16, 1925. His parents were Nancy Sophia Brigham and Irving Wheeler Small, who was captain of the US Olympic Hockey Team and won the Silver Medal in 1924 in Paris. David attended Lawrence

Academy in Massachusetts, a member of the class of 1943; was a Veteran in the Army Air Corps in WWII, 1945 and attended USC where he was a member of Theta Chi Fraternity, majoring in Business Administration. He worked as a freelance photographer which put him through college.

He met h i s wife, Jacquelyn at USC. He photographed her and entered the photo in a contest in the Los Angeles Times in 1951 and won second place. They married in 1952 and bought a house in Arcadia, California in 1956. He coached little league baseball and youth soccer. He was

Wally from 2

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Stunning is the only way to describe it. This one of a kind home sitting on a 10,000 sq ft lot combines a rich blend of craftsmanship and detail. Along with 5 bedrooms and 5 baths, a gourmet kitchen awaits. Its choice location puts you just steps from Sierra Vista Park. Don’t let this charming home get away from you! Call us today to let us tell you what sets this home apart from all others! SIERRA MADRE $1,315,000 (COB)

Lic # 511185

a Boy Scout leader and served as the City Recreation Commissioner. He was self employed as a design contractor in the construction/commercial industry. He developed a love for growing orchids and was an avid family historian who studied genealogy of the Small heritage. David and his wife retired to Oxnard, California in 1996 and when she passed away in 2004 he moved to Atascadero. He is survived by his son Glenn W. Small; daughterin-law Phyllis; and two grand children, Jack and David. At his request, his remains will be cremated and a service will be held on July 10, 2009 at 10:00am at the Atascadero Cemetery District. Donations in his name may be made to the Central Coast Hospice, Paso Robles Office, 106 Gateway Center Drive, Suite B, Paso Robles, CA 93446. He will be missed.

READERS CHOICE09 house the remodeling would be practically nothing. She said that the County Dump and Reclamation facilities located just across the dirt road in front of their house was loaded with old construction materials. She thought that Sly and I would have great fun, treasure hunting at the reclamation facility. Oh, yeah… there is nothing I would rather do than to “Pluck Junk from the Dump”. But, insistently My Travel Planner assured me that a one-night stay at their new place would be kinda cozy. Our arrival in Tightwad City, with a population of 50 people, was shocking. But our arrival at the Penny Pincher

California Realty

Estate was totally unbelievable. Their house was formerly an abandoned Logging Shack. This mountain cabin might well be described as a fixer-upper that failed. We were met with great enthusiasm by the couple as they apologetically announced that the Power Company had informed them that their electricity would be off for several days due to theTornado windstorm that occurred the night before. That it would be necessary for all of us to stay at the local motel. I was momentarily encouraged by the situation once I had seen their house … until we arrived at the Last Chance Motel & Benny’s

LOOKING FOR A CHANGE OF CAREER? FREE REAL ESTATE SCHOOL* Monday Evening from 6-30pm • 8-30pm At the Sierra Madre Office • 115 W. Sierra Madre Blvd Call 626 355-1600 • *Call for details

Beanery Shack. The Motel might well have been named Daze Inn, as it was a converted Army Barracks. The attached building, Benny’s Beanery was the former Mess Hall and by all indications, it was an appropriate name for Benny’s eatery. Well it is needless to say that our overnight vacation stop and visit with Sly & Penny was truly memorable. At that point of our vacation I carefully explained to my Personal Travel Guide that there was no need for us to continue our travels on to Hell’s Canyon … as our stopover in “Tightwad” made me feel as though we had already been there!



T E @



(626) 355-1600

Private Arcadia Living. Beautifully maintained 3,622 sqft. 5 BR. 4 BA. Home with a 9,590 sqft. Lot. Built in 1998 with weeping grand staircase, granite countertops, built in appliances, stepped recessed ceilings, arched accents and a screened in porch. Master bedroom has huge walk in closet, oversized master bath with two sinks, corner tub and shower. Hurry this will not last. Arcadia $1,250,000 (FOR)

Entertainer’s paradise! This Contemporary style home of-

In the heart of Nature! Sitting on a 17,000 square foot lot, this traditional 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath home is nestled amongst gorgeous fruit trees and majestic oaks. Relax on its full length deck which features a spa or go on a nature walk in your own backyard. This home is truly a Sierra Madre retreat. Call today to let us help you call this treasure home. SIERRA MADRE $998,000 (MON265)

Nothing quite like it! Just a short stroll from downtown Sierra Madre this beautiful townhome is located in one of the rare gated communities in Sierra Madre. Featuring 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths, this home is truly a gem. Pick up the phone and let us show you what sets this home apart form the others. SIERRA MADRE $639,000 (ESP)

Packed full of charm! This 2 bedroom, 1 bath home is just steps from downtown Sierra Madre. Prepare all your entertaining needs from your remodeled kitchen while your guests enjoy your fully fenced yard. Don’t let this charming California Bungalow slip through your fingers! Call today to let us help you call this home yours. SIERRA MADRE $519,000 (LIM)

The possibilities are endless! This 3 bedroom, 1 bath home is nestled on a large R3 zoned lot. An extra, detached garage only adds to the amenities of this great home. Pick up the phone and let us help you discover all the great things you can do with so much space! HESPERIA $237,000 (E.AVE)

fers 2,792 sq. ft. in an open floor plan. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, situated on a 12,177 sq. ft. lot with lush landscaping! This home is ready to entertain in today.. Invite your friends after you call to make an offer. SIERRA MADRE $1,098,000 (MAN)


Quality and Character Abounds in this 3 BR 2 ¾ bath craftsman reproduction. Quality details throughout like the state of the art kitchen, lower level master suite with 2 walk-in’s, second master upstairs, large family room, remodeled baths, hardwood flooring, and an old fashioned sleeping porch. STOP RIGHT NOW and circle this ad. Then pick up the phone and call for directions. SIERRA MADRE $849,000 (GRO)



JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 15



39th Annual Beastly Ball

Social Whirl


Imy Dulake Installed as President by Laura Freedman at Arcadia Rotary’s 83rd Installation Banquet

(L-r) Laura Freedman, first female president, installs Imy Dulake, looking radiant in a black, floor length gown with knock-out rhinestone spike heels. Dulake become the second female president at Arcadia Rotary.

It was a festive evening under the chairmanship of John Murphy at the handsome, redone Doubletree Hotel in Monrovia. The cocktail reception was held poolside, followed by a delicious dinner inside. Highlight of the evening was the installation of Imy Dulake, a Korean immigrant who has risen from an impoverished childhood in Korea to a vice president of banking in Beverly Hills, and now enjoys a successful

career with Coldwell Banker Real Estate. She has been named as one of the top one percent of sales agents internationally. Imy appreciates Rotary and everything they stand for. She has never forgotten her roots and strives to give back to her community. She was installed by Laura Freedman the first woman president in Arcadia Rotary (1995-96) and gave several digs to the membership in taking 14 years to elect the second. Awards presented were: Youth to Randall Fowler, New Member to Jack Pan, Community Service to Sho Tay, The Michler Rotarian to Mike Real. A special presentation was made to Frank Perini, the club photographer, with a perfect 50 year record. Congratulations to the new off icers of A rcadia Rotary. (L-r) Chair of the event, John Murphy, poses with Sho Tay, recipient of Community Service Award.

Past president, Bob Daggett, with Frank Perini, honored for his 50 years of service and perfect attendance at Rotary Installation Banquet.

It’s not a ball, although you always have one. It’s not a safari, although at times it seems like one. You run into beasts, but on your terms. It’s one of my favorite parties. I try to never miss. It’s the Beastly Ball. More than 900 guests were on hand for the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association’s (GLAZA) Beastly Ball, called “one of L.A.’s biggest and most popular fund-raisers” by FOX News on Saturday, June 20, under the stars at the zoo. The 39th annual event honored philanthropist and GLAZA trustee, Laura Z. Wasserman, and celebrated the theme “For the Love of Animals.” Long time GLAZA trustee, Betty White, and GLAZA president, Connie

Enjoying the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA) Beastly Ball are (l-r) long time GLAZA trustee, Betty White, with Jacob the boa, honoree and GLAZA trustee, Laura Wasserman, KNBC-TV weathercaster, Fritz Coleman, who was the Beastly Ball’s live auctioneer, and GLAZA president, Connie Morgan, who lives in La Canada.

Morgan, presented Wasserman with a crystal mother elephant and calf sculpture in recognition of her commitment to animals. Chairing the Beastly Ball were leading entertainment attorney, Kenneth Ziffren, and GLAZA trustees Nancy Dennis (a Los Angeles attorney, Kathy Nelson (president, Film Music, Universal Pictures) and Dana Walden (president,

Twentieth Century Fox Television). KNBC-TV’s Fritz Coleman served as celebrity auctioneer. Known as “one of the best parties in Los Angeles” (KCAL TV News), the Beastly Ball was a festive evening for guests, who came dressed in casual and safari attire, as they strolled through the grounds after hours to view zoo inhabitants. There were animal feedings and “animal

walkabouts.” Bountiful delicious fare was provided by some of L.A.’s most popular restaurants, all donating their services. Entertainment by world music groups and dancing to a live band were also part of the fun. Kudos to GL A Z A president, Connie Morgan (La Canada), with whom I chatted and discovered it’s her sixth term as head of GLAZA.

Surf’s Up! July 9, Hodads-Beach Tunes

Beastly Ball guests (upper right) dine on food from 15 of top L.A. and Pasadena restaurants, while one of the zoo’s California black bears enjoys his dinner as well.

Become a part of the Arcadia tradition, gather your family and friends and enjoy the sights and sounds of this year’s concert series. I am sure you will have a great time. As always, admission and parking are free. Concerts take place on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. on the beautiful City Hall West Lawn, 240 W. Huntington Dr. Join in for fun in the sun on the evening of the July 9, enjoy-

ing some beach tunes, and learn how to start off your summer right by being “water wise.” The Public Works Department will be on hand to share valuable information on ways you can save water this summer. Kick off your shoes and get ready to limbo as the Hodads harmoniously bring back the class beach part sounds of the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, and the “Bossest.”

Social Whirl on 16

Send your social and club news to “The Social Whirl,” c/o Beacon Media, 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia 91016. Or e-mail your photos and announcements to : socialwhirl@beaconmedianews.com

WE HAVE “SOMETHING” YOU NEED Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Sunday Eve - “Praise” Worship 7:00 p.m. or Monday Worship - 7:00 p.m.

OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 512 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia (626) 447-7690


11:15 AM

11:15 AM

11:15 AM

R e v. P a u l S . B e c k • S e n i o r P a s t o r

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 16

Still Whirling...

Historical Marker Dedication: The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, Part of 75th Anniversary /Diamond Jubilee Celebration July 16

TV/radio personality, Wink Martindale, will be a celebrity guest at the Chamber’s Diamond Jubilee celebration July 16th. Martindale is a former resident of Santa Anita Oaks, and his three daughters attended A.H.S.

A new Historical Marker showcasing vin-

tage and recent photographs and descriptions of the rich history of the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce will be unveiled at 5 p.m., July 16, as part of a Diamond Jubilee celebration marking the 75th anniversary of the Chamber’s incorporation on the same date in 1934. The ceremony will take place at the iconic home of the Chamber of nearly half a century (1965), the round office building in the median of 388 W. Huntington Dr., across from the entrance to Santa Anita Park on the north and the Community Center to the south. The Arcadia Historical Society, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and the City of Arcadia, would like to invite the public, the media and Chamber members past and present to join local dignitaries, Chamber officials, business leaders, and residents in this presentation of the fifth in a series of Markers being created by the Society under the slogan, “History Lives Here.” This will be followed at approximately 6 p.m. by an old fashioned social, featuring a BBQ picnic, refreshments, music in the Chamber patio area (Rotary Circle), lost of Chamber historical memorabilia and classic automobiles, and a special appearance by former Arcadia TV and radio personality Wink Martindale (also celebrating his 75th year).

Janet Ten Eyck to Lead Sierra Madre Club Sierra Madre Woman’s Club welcomed Janet Ten Eyck as its president for a second year. She was installed at the Installation Tea held in the club’s historic clubhouse, “Essick House,” 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Others installed were officers Dixie Coutant, Rosemary Morabito, Anne Montgomery, Eleanor Hensel, Betty Mackie, and Alma Mays. Board of


Sponsorship of summer food service program

Directors were Mary Alice Cervera, Phyllis Chapman, Martha Spriggs, and Anne Schryver. Installing officer was Mary Carney. She used a clever carousal theme as she headed the busy group toward a merry-go-round of activities in the coming year. Organized in 1907, the group now has 102 years of club tradition.

Sierra Madre Woman’s Club president, Janet Ten Eyck, began her second term May 27th.

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Jazz and BBQ Dinner Draw Community Support for Woman’s Club Renovation Project Active in the community since 1914, the Woman’s Club of Arcadia is seeking help from the community to preserve its historic clubhouse. President Floretta Lauber, who took office in June, says, “Now is the time to move forward and not allow deferred maintenance to cause further costly repairs and refurbishing.” The clubhouse was built in 1930-31 after purchasing the two lots from Anita

Baldwin. There is so much history in this lovely old building. Used as a Red Cross center and U.S.O. during WWII, it was honored by the Arcadia Historical Society in April with a historical marker. The club has been hurt by the economy, with their rentals way down. That is why we have had to ask for a helping hand from local businesses and citizens. On August 2nd, at 5:30

p.m., the garden gates will swing open to a knock-out fund-raiser. The famous Cheryl Carter and trio will entertain you and a BBQ dinner cooked on site will please you. Cost is only $40 for dinner and show. Send checks to Barbara Lampman, 1531 N. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia 91006, or call Floretta Lauber at (626) 355-6945. If you can’t attend, please consider a donation. Help save history.

Send your social and club news to “The Social Whirl,” c/o Beacon Media, 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia 91016. Or e-mail your photos and announcements to : socialwhirl@beaconmedianews.com




The Rules The Form

Readers’Choice Tops in the Valley

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Please vote only for businesses in the San Gabriel Valley

You must include your name, address and phone number Entry must be in Beacon Media’s Office by 5 p.m., June 30, 2009 Employees of Beacon Media, Inc. are not eligible You must be 18 yrs. or older to win

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MAIL IT: Attn: Readers’ Choice Beacon Media, Inc. 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia CA 91016


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Must vote for a minimum of 10 categories for ballot to count needs to be an independent buisness WHO’S COOKIN’?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

American................................................. Armenian................................................. Bakery..................................................... Caribbean................................................ Chinese................................................... Coffee House.......................................... Diner........................................................ French..................................................... Greek....................................................... Indian....................................................... Italian....................................................... Japanese................................................. Juice Bar.................................................. Korean..................................................... Mediterranean.......................................... Mexican.................................................... Restaurant............................................... Spanish.................................................... Thai.......................................................... Vegetarian................................................ Other........................................................



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Appetizers................................................ Bagel........................................................ Beer......................................................... Breakfast.................................................. Buffalo Wings.......................................... Buffet........................................................ Burger...................................................... Burrito...................................................... Cake........................................................ Chicken.................................................... Chili.......................................................... Coffee....................................................... Cookies.................................................... Desserts................................................... Frozen Yogurt........................................... Ice Cream................................................ Martini...................................................... Margarita.................................................. Mojito....................................................... Pasta........................................................ Pizza........................................................ Ribs......................................................... Salad Bar................................................. Sandwich................................................. Seafood....................................................

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Senior Specials.................................................... Steak.................................................................... Sunday Brunch..................................................... Sushi..................................................................... Taco...................................................................... Wine..................................................................... Other.....................................................................



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Acupuncture......................................................... Chiropractor.......................................................... Dentist.................................................................. Dermatologist........................................................ Doctor (General)................................................... Facial.................................................................... Fitness Center/Gym.............................................. Hair Salon............................................................. Massage............................................................... Martial Arts............................................................ Nail Salon (Manicure, Pedicure)........................... Opthamologist....................................................... Optometry.............................................................. Personal Trainer.................................................... Pilates Program.................................................... Plastic Surgeon.................................................... Spa....................................................................... Tanning Salon....................................................... Wellness Center.................................................... Yoga...................................................................... Other.....................................................................



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Antique.................................................................. Art Gallery............................................................. Arts & Crafts......................................................... Auto Dealer........................................................... Bike/Skate Shop................................................... Book Store............................................................ Cellular Phone Store............................................. CD/Record Store.................................................. Clothing - Children’s.............................................. Clothing - Men’s.................................................... Clothing - Women’s............................................... Computer Store.................................................... Department Store................................................. Furniture Store...................................................... Gift Shop............................................................... Golf Shop..............................................................

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Hardware Store .................................................... Health Food Store................................................. Independent Market.............................................. Jewelry.................................................................. Music Instruments................................................. Office Supply Store............................................... Pet Store............................................................... Pool Supply Store................................................. Specialty Food Store............................................ Shoe Store............................................................ Sporting Goods Store........................................... Stationary Store.................................................... Thrift Store............................................................ Other.....................................................................



1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 21. 22. 23. 23. 24. 25.

Auto Mechanic...................................................... Bank..................................................................... Car Wash.............................................................. Carpet Cleaning.................................................... Caterer.................................................................. Computer Services................................................ Dry Cleaner........................................................... Electrician.............................................................. Financial Services................................................. Florist .................................................................. Framing Store....................................................... General Contractor................................................ Home/Office Cleaning........................................... Hospital................................................................. Interior Design....................................................... Newsstand............................................................ Oil & Lube............................................................. Painter................................................................... Pet Groomer.......................................................... Pet Sitter................................................................ Pharmacy.............................................................. Photo Lab............................................................. Photographer......................................................... Plumber................................................................. Printer.................................................................... Real Estate Agent................................................. Real Estate Office................................................. Senior Living.......................................................... Veterinarian........................................................... Other.....................................................................



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

24-hr. Restaurant........................................ Bowling....................................................... Botanical Gardens...................................... British Pub.................................................. Golf Course................................................ Happy Hour................................................ Hiking Trail................................................. Hotel........................................................... Jazz Club................................................... Live Theatre................................................ Local Bar.................................................... Local Sports Team..................................... Movie Theatre............................................ Museum..................................................... Night Club.................................................. Outdoor Concerts....................................... Outdoor/Patio Dining.................................. Outdoor Recreation.................................... Pool Hall..................................................... Race Track................................................. Rock-n-Roll Club........................................ Romantic Dining.......................................... Sports Venue.............................................. Tattoo Parlor................................................ Wine Bar..................................................... Other...........................................................



1.Institute of Higher Learning............................ 2.Library............................................................. 3.Local Charity................................................... 4.Local Festival.................................................. 5.Place of Worship............................................. 6.Other...............................................................



1.Bed and Bath.................................................. 2.Blinds/Drapes................................................. 3.Cabinets.......................................................... 4.Carpet............................................................. 5.Home Decor.................................................... 6.Landscapes.................................................... 7.Masonry.......................................................... 8.Pool................................................................ 9.Roofer............................................................ 10.Tile................................................................ 11.Window Contractors...................................... 12.Other.............................................................

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(626) 574-2154

During the week of Sunday, June 21st, to Saturday June 27th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 214 calls for service.

Sunday, June 21st:

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1:24 AM – Grand Theft, 500 block Fairview Ave. Two Beach Cruiser bicycles, a dark blue “Electra” and a black/white “Diamond Back”, chopper style, were stolen from the driveway. The crime occurred between 10:30 pm, Saturday, 6/20/09 and 12:45 am Sunday, 6/21/09. The loss was estimated at $1,300.00. One of the bikes was recovered a few days later at Lima & Laurel. 1:42 PM – Hit and run, non-injury, traffic collision, 600 block Canyon Crest Drive. A vehicle struck a curbside mailbox and fled the location. The incident occurred between 11:30 pm, Saturday, 6/20/09 and 12:00 am, Sunday, 6/21/09. No suspect vehicle was seen.

Monday, June 22nd: 7:57 AM – Commercial Burglary, 100 block N. Canon Ave., Sierra Madre School. Suspect(s) forced entry into a classroom and vandalized it. The crime occurred between 12:00 pm, Wednesday, 6/17/09 and 7:57 am, Monday, 6/22/09. The damages were estimated at $400.00.

Tuesday, June 23rd:

Foreclosure Defense Loan Modification • Real Estate Sales & Disputes • Loan Modifications • Neighbor Disputes • Breach of Contract • Incorporations - LLCs • Unfair Competition • Collections

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11:23 AM – Arrest, Suspended/ Revoked Driver’s License, 100 block S. Mountain Trail Ave. A motorist was stopped for a traffic violations. A records check revealed the motorist was driving with a suspended/ revoked driver’s license. The driver was arrested for the misdemeanor violation and released on a written promise to appear. 12:15 PM – Grand theft, 200 block N. Grove St. A leaf blower was stolen from the driveway of a residence. The incident occurred on Tuesday, 6/23/09 between 12:15 pm and 12:38 pm. A male Hispanic ages 20-22, wearing a red hat, white t-shirt and sunglasses was seen grabbing the leaf blower. The suspect got into an awaiting SUV, described as a light green or blue green Chevy 2 door Tahoe or Suburban. The vehicle was driven by a second male Hispanic ages 20-22, who was wearing a black hat with a white insignia in front. The leaf blower was valued at $600.00.

Wednesday, June 24th: 5:50 PM – Theft of Identity, 100 block of W. Highland Ave. A resident reported being a victim of identity theft as he discovered that someone fraudulently used his personal information and opened an account. The incident is reported to have started in September, 2007. Suspect(s) have made purchases exceeding $3,000.00.

Thursday, June 25th: 8:48 AM – Arrested, Reckless Driving, 200 block S. Mountain Trail Ave. Officer stopped a motorist on E. Orange Grove Ave. for reckless driving and arrested the driver.

The driver was transported to Sierra Madre Police Department for booking and later released on a written promise to appear.

Friday, June 26th: 12:23 PM – Petty Theft¸ Sierra Madre Medical Group, 100 block W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The victim reported her wallet was stolen from her purse while she was at work. The victim’s purse and other contents were undisturbed. The wallet contained $80.00 in cash, her ID and credit cards. The incident occurred on Monday, 6/15/09 between 8:30 am and 1:15 pm. The total loss is about $280.00.

Saturday, June 27th: 9:29 AM - Commercial Burglary, 100 N. Baldwin Ave. A beige metal money box was reported stolen on Friday, 6/26/09 at about 12:30 pm. A man described as a male Hispanic, 35-40, medium build, goatee with gray hair, wearing a brown shirt, khaki shorts, and a plaid brown and green baseball cap, entered the business, spoke with an employee and left. The man was later seen holding two boxes, one with a beige metallic money box inside. No cash was reported missing, but the metal box was valued at $5.00. 11:27 AM – Grand Theft, 400 block W. Sierra Madre Blvd. A Dell laptop computer was stolen from an unlocked car. The crime occurred on Saturday, 6/27/09, at about 1:30 am. A suspect was seen on a security camera enter the car. The suspect is a male white adult, slight balding on top, approx. 5’7”, 160 lbs, wearing a light colored shirt and dark pants. The loss is about $2,000.00.


During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 606 service events, resulting in 111 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events:

Petty Theft with Priors / Parole Hold. On June 26 at 7:24 p.m., loss prevention officers at a business in the 100 block of West Foothill observed a subject enter the business, grab alcohol and attempt to leave without paying. The suspect was apprehended and detained by the loss prevention officers. He was found to have long history of theft and was booked for petty theft with priors. He is also currently on parole and a parole hold was obtained.

Robbery. On June 26 at 8:33 p.m., two subjects entered a business in the 100 block of West Foothill, went directly to the alcohol section, grabbed several bottles of liquor and attempted to leave the store without paying. Loss prevention was able to apprehend one of the two suspects, but he immediately began to struggle with them. An officer in the area responded to the call to assist, but the suspect still resisted and struggled with the officer. The suspect was eventually taken into custody. During the process, the officer

PET OF THE WEEK BLOTTERS cut his knee and one of the loss prevention officers received minor injuries. The suspect was charged with robbery.

Injury Traffic Collision / Vehicle vs. Pedestrian. On June 29 at 10:00 a.m., an agricultural inspector from the Los Angeles County Agricultural Commission was struck by a vehicle while she was setting up insect traps from the bed of her work truck. The vehicle that struck her did not see the inspector and backed into her at approximately 5 to 10 miles per hour. The inspector was transported by ambulance to a hospital for treatment.

Felony Vandalism. On June 29 at 7:09 p.m., an officer responded to the 1400 block of South Myrtle regarding a vandalism report. The victim reported that someone shot out a plate glass window of her business that is under construction. The value of this window is about $1,200. It appears a BB or pellet was used to cause the damage. The victim reported she had experienced similar damage in a different part of the building prior to this incident, but she did not report it. Investigation continuing.

Grand Theft Auto Recovery. On June 29 at 7:16 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 900 block of Diamond regarding a vehicle being parked in front of the location for several days. A computer check of the license plate indicated the vehicle had been reported stolen to Arcadia Police Department. The victim responded to the location and the vehicle was released to him.

Vehicle Burglary. On June 30 at 5:41 a.m., an officer went to the 200 block of Melrose regarding a vehicle burglary call. The victim reported he had parked his vehicle on the street and secured it. Sometime during the night, the driver side door window was broken and his GPS system and wallet were taken. Investigation continuing.

Violation of a Court Order / Preventing Wireless Communication / Battery. On June 30 at 11:56 a.m., a female suspect refused to obey a domestic violence restraining order. This is the second time this week the suspect violated the court order and was arrested. In this incident, she went into her ex-husband’s residence without permission and became involved in a physical altercation with her 21- yearold daughter. The daughter attempted to call 911, but had her cell phone taken away by the suspect. The suspect was arrested again and held on the likelihood of a reoccurrence, but she was able to bond out.

Attempt Residential


On June 30 at 7:43 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the 1200 block of South Magnolia regarding a possible burglary. When he arrived, the reporting party told him that he was inside the residence when he heard noise coming from the back rooms. He went to check and saw what appeared to him to be a possible attempt to make entry through a window that had an air conditioner in it. Investigation continuing.


For the period of Sunday, June 21, through Saturday, June 27, the Police Department responded to 935 calls for service of which 137 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.

Junior from last time has gone to a rescue organization but may still need a home. Skip, a happy and very spunky Schipperke mix is ready for adoption! He is outgoing and full of life. Skip will need plenty of exercise, love and attention. Come visit with this adorable little guy today! The regular dog adoption fee is $120, which includes medical care prior to adoption, spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and a follow-up visit with a participating vet. Please call 626-792-7151 and ask for A253050 or come to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA, 361 S. Raymond Ave, Pasadena CA, 91105. Our adoption hours are 11-3 Sunday, 9-4 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 9-3 Saturday. Directions and photos of all pets updated hourly may be found at www.pasadenahumane.org

Sunday, June 21: Shortly before 6:00 p.m., loss prevention personnel from Nordstrom advised that they had detained a woman for theft. The suspect took about $1,600 in merchandise and left the store without making payment. A 42-year-old Hispanic was arrested for commercial burglary and false identification to officers. Units responded to the 1700 block of Mayflower around 10:51 p.m. in reference to a male suspect threatening to kill the occupants with a handgun. The caller also advised that the suspect was suicidal and had threatened to kill himself. Officers spoke briefly to the suspect on the phone, but he later hung up and officers were unable to re-establish contact. A perimeter was set up and the SWAT team was called. Several hours later, SWAT members entered the location and discovered that the suspect and other occupants had already fled the scene earlier in the night, and only an elderly man was found inside the residence.


rments Most Ga ed & Press d e n a le C



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A commercial burglary occurred between 3:30 p.m. on June 19 and 6:45 a.m. on June 22 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 614 West Foothill. Unknown suspect(s) broke into a storage shed and stole an unknown amount of property. Around 1:55 p.m., units responded to Foothill Credit Union, 30 South First, in reference to a forgery report. Unknown suspect(s) used the victim’s debit card information and made 27 fraudulent charges totaling over $3,300.

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Tuesday, June 23:

Blotters on 20

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Monday, June 22:

Between 5:00 p.m. on June 21 and 5:55 a.m. on June 23, a commercial burglary occurred at Jolie Nails, 160 East Duarte. Unknown suspect(s) entered the business by breaking a glass window and stole two flat screen televisions for a total reported loss of $5,300. Units were dispatched to a business located in the 11600 block of Clark around 10:41 a.m. in reference to a grand theft that occurred between May 8 and June 22. The victim received several orders from a customer and delivered over $3,400 in mer-

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL (626) 301-1010 FOR ADVERTISING PLACEMENT INFORMATION EMPLOYMENT Beacon Media, publisher of San Gabriel Valley’s fastest growing group of newspapers, currently has the following position available: Advertising Sales Rep. You must have excellent interpersonal communication skills, both written and verbal. You will work


directly with clients to provide solutions for their advertising needs and to help design advertising campaigns that will best showcase the client’s products and services. Additionally, candidates should be: · Professional. · Ability to work effectively in a team environment. · Over 2 years prior sales

experience · Computer-literate. · Reliable vehicle and a cell phone. This position is commission only. Send cover letter and resume to resume@coremg.net or fax to 626-301-0445

Council of the City of Arcadia (“City Council”) on Tuesday, July 21, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, at Arcadia City Hall, City Council Chambers, located at 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California 91007. At the public hearing, the City Council will consider the adoption of an ordinance amending Article VI, Chapter 4, Division 8 of the Arcadia Municipal Code concerning the Licensing of Massage Therapist Businesses.

to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this Notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia at, or prior to the public hearing. The office of the City Clerk is located at 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California 91007. Any person or organization desiring to be heard will be given an opportunity to be heard. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the City Clerk at (626) 574-5455.

All interested persons are invited to appear and present evidence and testimony concerning any or all of the matters described in this Notice. If you challenge the proposed actions in court, you may be limited

/S/ Lisa Mussenden Chief Deputy City Clerk/ Records Manager

FOR RENT Duarte lg, furn’d rm w/prvt ba, quiet, clean, safe, full house

Published: July 9, 2009






privs.,utils pd, maid, n/s or drugs, fem pref $650 & depo (626) 358-7334 For Lease Arcadia 2bd 1 ba, Ldry, carport, no pets including refrigerator & stove, $1150 + sec (626) 286-1441

FOR SALE Drum Kit w/ Cymbals 5 piece drum kit with 2 cymbals + hi-hat. Kit has

everything you need and more: throne, drum and cymbal noise-dampening pads, all cymbal stands and bass pedal. Everything works well. It’s an off-brand (Pulse Percussion), and could maybe use some heads, but all in all this is a very decent setup for the price. Call John at 626.789.6169.

Blotters from 19 chandise. The victim later learned that the customer had used a fraudulent credit card to make the purchases.

Wednesday, June 24: A Toyota forklift was stolen from 321 East Huntington between 5:30 p.m. on June 23 and 5:40 a.m. on June 24. During an inventory check, store employees at Ralphs, 211 East Foothill, discovered 26 bottles of shampoo worth over $640 were stolen. It is believed that the theft took place between June 22 and June 23.

Thursday, June 25: Shortly after 10:30 a.m., a traffic stop was conducted for an equipment violation at Longden and Tenth. A male Hispanic driver did not possess any identification and during a consent search of the vehicle, officers found marijuana underneath the driver’s seat. When the 35-year-old driver was being arrested, he admitted to using his brother’s name and personal information because he had a warrant. With the correct information, a record check revealed that he had a $150,000 outstanding warrant. He was taken into custody for possession of marijuana in a vehicle, false impersonation, and felony outstanding warrant. Units responded to the 700 block of South First around 12:48 p.m. in reference to a commercial burglary. Two male Hispanics entered the store and asked about hair products and then left the location. Less than a minute later, one of the suspects returned and took an unattended purse. A Good Samaritan followed the suspects to a nearby parking lot where the suspect dropped the purse with no loss. The purse was returned to its rightful owner.

Friday, June 26:

Summer Internships

• Graphic and Production Dept. • Photography email inquiries and portfolio to internships@beaconmedianews.com

2005 Dodge Grand Caravan Minivan. Auto, low mileage, front/rear/a/c, many extras. Great Soccer mom car. $9,000 obo. (626) 512-7050

A residential burglary occurred in the 1100 block of Sano Court between June 23 and June 26 while it was tented for fumigation. Unknown suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole property. A hit-and-run traffic collision occurred at Westfield Mall shortly after 8:00 p.m. Investigation revealed that a female driver backed out of a parking stall and struck another vehicle; however, the driver left without exchanging information. The victim wrote down the license plate number, and a record check revealed that the car was registered to an owner in the 1000 block of Panorama. Officers responded to the residence and contacted a woman who adamantly denied being at the mall even though there was damage on her vehicle that was consistent with the damage located on the victim’s vehicle. The suspect’s car was impounded as evidence.

Saturday, June 27: Around 6:19 p.m., units responded to Sport Chalet located at Westfield Mall regarding two male juveniles detained for theft. The suspects took sandals into a fitting room, hid them under their clothing, and left the store without making payment. Additional stolen property from Vans, JC Penney, Abercrombie & Fitch, H&M, and Target were recovered. Private persons’ arrests were made, and a 17-year-old Filipino and a 16-year-old Asian were taken into custody for commercial burglary. The younger suspect was also found in possession of brass knuckles. Both juveniles were later cited and released to their parents. A residential burglary occurred in the 500 block of Workman between 8:50 a.m. and 6:15 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) entered the home through a rear window. Once inside, the suspect(s) ransacked rooms and stole a watch, jewelry, and cash.

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JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 22 2


Bette DeSoto Lived Life on her own Terms

BY SUSAN MOTANDER Lifelong Monrovia resident Bette DeSoto died on Wednesday, July 1, just days after her 85th birthday. She was born Bette Doro Combs on July 29, 1924 and was raised here in Monrovia. She graduated from Monrovia Arcadia Duarte High School in the early 1940s. Her father was a Mon-

Courtney Chou Lee,

rovia Fireman a nd a n av id horseman. One memory Bette often shared was that her father made her ride every year in the Monrovia Day Parade despite the fact that she never l i ked horses and was actually a bit afraid of them. If so, it was one of the few fears she ever exhibited. S h e worked for many years locally for Aerojet. She met the man whom she would later marry when he bacame her dance partner. Later, she and her husband ran gyms in this area and she became a sort of early personal trainer. According to her grandson, Anthony Hauk, her great passions were music and her garden. “Grandma spent hours everyday watering her front and back yard and she

loved ‘tinkering’ on the piano.” Another memory Hauk shared was that there was always music in her house. “She always had the radio playing soft music and classical music,” he said. As he reminisced, Hauk walked through his grandmother’s home and yard, pointing out the grassy area where he learned to throw a baseball and the pool in which he remembered spending countless summer hours while he stayed with his grandmother. Bette was preceded in death by her only child, a daughter, Luana. She is survived by her two grandsons, Anthony Hauk and Jesse “Jay Jay” Terrazas. There are currently no plans for a memorial service. When asked for a photograph of his grandmother, Hauk found two, one recent photo and a photograph probably taken in the late 1940s. He chose the older photograph saying he felt his grandmother would prefer the photo from her youth.

2009 Rose Queen R Pasadena Tournament of Roses R

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Everyone loves a good book, even the Queen. A New READ poster was unveiled recently for the City of Arcadia Library. Beacon Media News photographer Terry Miller shot the image of Rose Queen Courtney Lee reading to two young children on location at the Arcadia Library. The popular, on-going series of posters help promote literacy utilizing local celebrities who help emphasize the importance of reading.






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$ $ $ $ $ $ $1.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $90 to $2,500 $ $2.50 U.S. Gold ............................................. $80 to $5,000 $ $3.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $350 to $3,500 $ $5.00 U.S. Gold ............................................. $125 to $5,000 $ $10 U.S. Gold ................................................ $325 to $4,200 $ $20 U.S. Gold ................................................ $650 to $5,000 $ $20 High Relief .............................................. Up to $50,000 $ $ WE BUY ALL SOLID GOLD ITEMS- NEW, USED OR BROKEN $ High School Rings ......................................... Up to $500 Wedding Bands .............................................. Up to $1500 $ Old Mountings ............................................... Up to $700 $ Bracelets......................................................... Up to $10,000 $ Necklaces ....................................................... Up to $15,000 $ Old Watch Cases ............................................ Up to $2,400 $ Charm............................................................. Up to $600 $ Dental Gold .................................................... Bring in for cash $ Broken Chains................................................ Bring in for cash $ PLATINUM - ALL PLATINUM JEWELRY - BRING IN FOR CASH $ Mountings ...................................................... Up to $2,500 $ Therm-Coupling Wire .................................... Bring in for testing $ Crucibles ........................................................ Bring in for testing $ Screen............................................................. Bring in for testing $ $ IF YOUR ITEMS AREN’T USED, BRING THEM IN FOR A $ FREE APPRAISAL AND CASH OFFER $ ½ Carat ........................................................... Up to $2,400 $ ¾ Carat ........................................................... Up to $3,000 1 Carat ............................................................ Up to $10,000 $ 2 Carat ............................................................ Up to $20,000 $ 3 Carat ............................................................ Up to $50,000 $ 4 Carat ............................................................ Bring in for a quote $ Large diamonds much, much more. We buy old mine cuts and Euro$ pean cut diamonds. We buy diamonds with or without GIA certificates $ $ ALSO WANTED: KEY DATES AND RARITIES, PCGS, $ NGC & ANACS GRADED COINS, COLLECTIONS, $ ESTATES, ACCUMULATIONS AND DEALER STOCKS, $ AMERICAN EAGLES GOLD, PLATINUM, SILVER, $ SAKR, CML, 40% & 90% SILVER COINS, SILVER $ BARS, SCRAP GOLD AND SILVER FLATWARE, CALL $ $ FOR QUOTES. $ WANTED: US AND FOREIGN CURRENCY, LARGE $ SIZE NOTES, SMALL SIZE 1976 AND BEFORE. $ $ WANTED: STAMPS, SINGLES, SHEETS, COLLEC$ TIONS, ESTATES AND DEALER STOCKS. NO COL$ LECTION TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE! $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Coin Connection: 39 Years of Experience

BUYING ½ Cent 1793 ................................................... $1,000 and up ½ Cent (other) ................................................ $5 and up Large Cent 1793 ............................................. 1,000 and up 2¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up 3¢ Pieces ........................................................ $3 and up ½ Dimes 1794-1805 ....................................... $500 and up ½ Dimes 1829-1873 ....................................... $5 and up U.S. 5¢ 1866-1882 ........................................ $3 and up U.S. 5¢ 1883-1912 ........................................ 25¢ and up U.S. 5¢ Buff .................................................. 15¢ and up U.S. 10¢ Before 1808.................................... $100 and up U.S. 10¢ 1809-1837 ...................................... $8 and up U.S. 10¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 20¢ 1875-1878 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 20¢ 1796 ............................................... $5,000 and up U.S. 25¢ 1804-1807 ...................................... $100 and up U.S. 25¢ 1815-1837 ...................................... $15 and up U.S. 25¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $5 and up U.S. 50¢ 1796-1797 ...................................... $15,000 and up U.S. 50¢ 1794-1806 ...................................... $75 and up U.S. 50¢ 1807-1837 ...................................... $25 and up U.S. 50¢ 1838-1891 ...................................... $10 and up U.S. $1.00 1794 ............................................ $25,000 and up U.S. $1.00 1795-1805 ................................... $500 and up U.S. $1.00 1836-1839 ................................... $150 and up U.S. $1.00 1840-1877 ................................... $20 and up Trade Dollars.................................................. $50 and up 1906-S and 1931-S......................................... $20 and up 1909-S VBD................................................... $400 and up 1914-D ........................................................... $75 and up 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1926-S and 1931-D............................. $5.00 1924-D ........................................................... $15 All other before 1934 2¢ each Foreign Coins (exc. Canada cents) ................ 3¢ each and up Proof Sets Confederate Currency (before 1928) U.S. Paper Currency (before 1928) AVERAGE PRICES - COMMON DATE - 1964 AND BEFORE Silver Dollars (before 1935) .. $9 to $25,000 Half Dollars.................................................... $4 to $5 Quarters .......................................................... $2 to $3 Dimes ............................................................. 80¢ to $1.50


Coin Connection, the most diverse company in the rare coin and precious metals industry •Precious metals bullion trading current daily buy and sell prices •Rare coin, stamp, currency and estate liquidation 8 E. Holly St. •Authorized appraiser for estates, insurance companies and “Old Town” Pasadena probate •Authorized buyer since 1961 of coins, stamps, currency, Call Paul for an appointment at precious metals, scrap gold, flatware, antique and Rolex (626) 793-8686 watches, diamonds and estate jewelry $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


The Doozies

JULY 9 - JULY 15, 2009 23 2


By Tom Gammill

This Week in History

1789: “The Bastille” Is Attacked In Paris DeFlocked

By Jeff Corriveau

Capitol South

By William Warren

In 1789, opp ponents of the F French mona archy stormed “ “The Bastille”, tthe most notor ious pr ison iin F rance at tthe time. This prison had llong been seen a as a symbol of tthe oppressive rregime of King Louis XVI, a and its fall is regarded as central to the French Revolution and the establishment of the First Republic. The event is celebrated every year in France on “Bastille Day”, a national holiday.

The Gold Standard AGENT OF THE WEEK Ramon Banuelos

AGENT OF THE WEEK Yvonne Rosas-Petty

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES (626) 358-1858

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



Sharon Chou

Nazee Rix

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. (626) 445-0128



This Bear Brand Ridge community 4bdrm 3.5 bth two story home has an unbelievable ocean view. Recently updated 2856 sqft home features 3 bdrms upstairs & 1 bdrm downstairs. Ocean View from master bth & bdrm, new hardwood floors on lower level, updated staircase, built-in BBQ, pool &spa, built-in seating in family room, open floor plan, granite kitchen counters, stainless steel appliances, speaker system, custom pond with waterfall. HOA includes park w/basketball, volleyball, bbq and gated with guard at night. (G28)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123



This lovely home is located on a quiet cul-de-sac and is about as peaceful as anything you will find. The family room has a great floor plan with access to the patio and the kitchen for maximum entertainment value! Views of the mountains add to this setting along with a lovely pool and entertainment area including a built in BBQ adjacent to the pool. (O341)



CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451



CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123





This 3bdrm 2.5bth has high ceilings in living room, fireplace, split level family room, dining room and bonus room 2 car attached garage, low HOA, 1922sq ft, very convenient location, walking distance to supermarkets & restaurants, close to freeways and mall, with Baldwin Stocker elementary school. (C688)


This large 4 bedroom 3 bath home features family room with fireplace and 2 car attached garage. Located in a very nice area of San Dimas, convenient to the 57, 10 and 210 freeways. (AVE)





CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888



This beautiful townhome features 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, great remodeled kitchen, pergo floors. Move-in Condition. Arcadia Schools!!! (DUA)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888


Beautiful 2 story home w/4bdrms 4bth + office, cathedral ceilings, formal dining room, family room w/FP, wood floors throughout, modern kitchen w/center isle/granite counter, breakfast nook, master bedroom w/scenic view, guest suite downstairs, upstairs office/library or 5th bdrm, rear yard q/ mountain & city views, 3 car attached garage. (R3146)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES •(626) 358-1858 CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

Beautiful remodeled 3bed/2 bath home features updated kitchen with granite counters, all new cabinets, fixtures and appliances. Freshly painted inside, new carpet and tile. Lots of storage, some hardwood floors and family room with fireplace. Located on a private street and has a large fenced backyard and so much more! (ACA)


Located in Altadena and featuring 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, gleaming hardwood floors, fabulous living room with fireplace, floor to ceiling wind ws. Modern kitchen with granite counter t o p s , m a s t e r s u i t e & o ff i c e , f a m i l y r o o m a n d f i r e p l a c e , F r e n c h doors with views of patio, pool & spa. Plus guest quarters. (8836)





New Town Home w/Arcadia Schools, 3 bdrms 3.5 bth, FP, formal dining room, bonus room, loft upstairs, top quality workmanship, gourmet kitchen w/custom cabinets, granite countertops, laundry area, two car attached direct access garage, lots of storage, nice size front &side yard. (H1020)


A wraparound yard and patio on two sides of this home provide privacy and lush landscaping to this unique townhome. A generous 1877 square feet with 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ baths, breakfast/den, formal dining area, separate laundry room, spacious living room with fireplace, ceramic tile floors, CA/FA, high ceilings, two sets of sliding doors, direct access two car garage. (E103)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451



Wonderful quiet neighborhood in Monrovia. Picture perfect. Fantastic professional landscaping. Spacious one story bright floor plan. 3 wonderful bedrooms. Beautiful custom made kitchen with details throughout. All new appliances along with a Viking stove. Hardwood flooring, central air and heat. Double detached garage. Huge backyard with koi pond. Room for RV parking. (G2021)

This 3bdrm 2bth features spacious floor plan with family room, big lot 13,003 sq ft, with swimming pool, 2car attached garage, boarding on Arcadia. (E849)

Located in Upper Hastings Ranch. Spacious living room with fireplace, cozy dining area, 3 bedrooms, 1.75 baths, enclosed patio with windows overlooking the rear garden. Kitchen with counter eating area. Master bedroom with bath & large closet. Double detached garage. Brick patio, fruit trees. (T1210)

CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451





If so, we’ve got the perfect home for your family. Spacious 6 bedrooms (3 upstairs, 3 downstairs) with large walk-in closets, 3 baths on a quiet street in El Monte with a pool! 2 car att gar w/ laundry. Newer roof & copper plumbing. BBQ area near pool. Hardwood floors throughout & central heat & air. Must see! (B9524)



Located in Pasadena this 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home on a 9380 sq.ft. huge flat lot. Zoned for multi-family. Tons of potential. (C116)

CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451


This spacious 2 bedroom house can easily be converted into a 3 bedroom. Cute inside & out. Long driveway leads back to a detached garage. There is room for a boat, trailer, or RV + all your cars. Large lot with sparkling pool, fire pit, and fish pond. The interior is well maintained, tastefully painted, and well laid out. (LYN)

CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (818) 406-1908




Lovely home on a quiet cul-de-sac. This 4 bedroom home has a much newer roof, dual paned windows, stucco, kitchen and is in move in condition. One of the four bedrooms us currently a den offering flexibility in the use. The large lot has a dog run and fenced RV parking on the side. Immaculate in every detail, this home will not disappoint. (N416)



946 S. JENIFER AVENUE, GLENDORA . Whoa! What a FIXER. This is a PROBATE SALE in Glendora with Glendora schools. Good location. Construction never completed. Administrator is in clean up process. Permits are partially finalized. When complete this will be 1895 sq. ft., 3BR, 1.75.5 baths, family rm w/fpl, remodeled kitchen, pool. (J946)

CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858


CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes






Bank owned home in quiet neighborhood of Duarte. 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. New interior paint and carpet, new stove in kitchen, new wall heater in living room. With a little TLC this is a real gem! 2 car detached garage with attached carport. This one’s clean! Don’t let it get away! (B2530)

1st floor. Corner, single story unit. Spacious 2 bedroom unit in a terrific neighborhood. Needs updating but is in good/clean condition. Master Bedroom with lg closets and 3/4 bath. 2nd bedroom w/ample closet space. Full bath in hallway. Nice size LR w/large windows. Kitchen w/lots of storage. Refrigerator included. 2 underground garage parking spaces, each with storage compartment. Clean community laundry room. Near shopping & La Salle High School. (MIC)


CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888



(626) 358-1858

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451









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