2010-07-08-10 MONROVIApdf

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Monrovia Weekly monroviaweekly.com

Thursday, July 8 - July 14, 2010

Advertise your business here. Call 626.301.1010 Volume XV, No. XLIV

Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996

From Left: Uncle Sam fiddles down Sierra Madre Blvd July 5-Photo by Terry Miller; Fireworks at Monrovia courtesy Rick Keshishi from Photoworksbyrick.com and children enjoying the water spray from SMFD during the July 5th parade. - Photo by Terry Miller.

Arcadia Gold Line Station Relocated

AHS Graduate Leads Team to World Series By Kristie Tom Sixteen seems to be the magic number for softball player Jenna Rodriguez of the University of Hawaii. W hen she wa s just 16 -years-old, Rodriguez was named Most Valuable Player for the Pacific League for the first time, and helped lead her team to a conference championship. As the lowest seed in the tournament, No. 16, UH had a slim chance of making it far in the NCAA Tuscaloosa Super Regionals, let alone making it to the NCAA Women’s College World Series. A nd it wa s Rod r i -

Jenna Rodriguez, 2007 AHS grad guez’s 16th homer of the season in the game against No. 1 Alabama that helped lead her team to the NCAA Women’s College World

Continued on Page 14

By Amy Leong Adding to the one of many new developments and dramatic changes in Arcadia, the Gold Line’s Relocation breakthrough was decided at the end of June to create easier transportation for nearly ever yone involved. A fter months of planning, the City of Arcadia was

informed that the Gold Line station is relocating from the eastside of First Avenue to the westside of First Avenue. However, t he extension not only affects the Gold Line, but the parking lot located on the Westside will also be extended to four levels instead of t he orig inal

Continued on Page 12

Summer of Musical Tribute Starts Friday Concert producer Pasadena Entertainment and the Pasadena Convention Center have teamed to present the first in their “Summer Soundzz” concert series this Friday, July 9 which will feature a blast from the musical past.. Producer and local restaurateur André Vener will

be presenting Beatles “tribute band” The Fab Four at 7:30 p.m. at the newly renovated sprawling outdoor plaza in front of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium located at 300 E. Green Street in Pasadena. Most notable of all the bands the participating

Continued on Page 13

Edward Wong Installed as President of Arcadia Chinese Association By floretta Lauber The Arcadia Chinese Association hosted its installation and a delicious summer buffet in the Sunset Room at Santa Anita Golf Course on June 29th. Officers all wore orchids, and the theme for the eveing was “Get to Know You.” The event was attended by all five Council Members and some spouses, the city manager and many department heads. The large turn-out from City Hall was in honor of the Chinese Association for their efforts to bring together the Chinese community into the mainstream of Arcadia, and for their volunteer efforts for over 20 years. Mistress of Ceremonies, Angeline Chen, was assisted

Arcadia mayor, Peter Amundson (right), installed on June 29th Edward Wong (center) as new president of Arcadia Chinese Association, shown here with Pearl Chen, immediate past president. by Polly Ho and outgoing and served as installing of- to bring the community president, Pearl Chen. ficer for the entire board of together and continue their Sherry Tay did a beauti- directors. efforts of volunteering and ful rendition of “God Bless The new president, Ed- assisting new residents. America.” Mayor Peter ward Wong, gave a meanThe Social Whirl Amundson presented a ingful acceptance speech Continued on Page 10 congratulatory certificate in his direction to continue

2 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Special Memories Dorothy's Place

By Dorothy Denne

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Funny how a simple little phrase from someone can trigger a memory. This morning I overheard a stranger say, “God, I miss my Grandpa.” That opened my memory box. I never knew my grandfathers. They both died before I was born so I only know of them what was told to me over the years. Though both of my grandmothers died while I was young, they did leave me a few memories. They are special. There are two in particular that stick with me about Grandma B. She belonged to the Free Methodist Church. When I went to services with her, we had to kneel on a kneeler which hurt my knees. I didn’t like that, so I tried to avoid staying over Saturday nights

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Photographer Terry Miller


Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage


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M E D I A ,

with her. My cousin, Rosie June, didn’t do very well in school. Grandma bribed her by telling her that she would give her a dollar for every A she received on her report card. In those days a dollar was considered a lot of money, but that promise never cost Grandma a cent. When I heard about the deal though, I got very excited. I was willing to stay over a Saturday night to show her my card with all A’s except one B. I mentally counted my aboutto- be fortune. When I proudly showed my card to Grandma, she knitted her brows and said, “And why is it, Dorothy Lou, you let yourself receive a B?” I didn’t have an answer for her but I had learned a lesson. Sunday morning, as I knelt on that hard kneeler, I informed God that I didn’t think life was fair. I have two special memories about my Grandma M. One is that she had the most beautiful snow-white hair. The other is a promise she extracted from me. On the day of her death, she called me to her bedside. She asked me to promise her that when I grew up I would be a proper young lady and not smoke or drink. At 5 years old, I was willing to promise.

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626-355-3527 CONTACT Robin Patterson rpatterson@bcslions.org or Lorene Simmons lsimmons@bcslions.org

The Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759. The Monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation in Court Case GS 004759.

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This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.

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July 8 - July 14, 2010


Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters: Heroes of the Parade Inconsequential, Opinionated Meanderings By Terry Miller There were several things different about this year’s Fourth of July parade. First, and perhaps foremost, it was not held on the fourth, presumably as to not to offend those attending church. Indeed, the crowd was also considerably lighter this year and a little of the June gloom seemed to have crept all the way into early July. The beer garden was considerably less well-attended and beer sales were down enormously. Perhaps this was due to the choices available: Bud Heavy and Bud light. Most beer aficionados will not drink that stuff! I also think the beer garden may have been boycotted by those in support of the FD as they traditionally sponsor and man the beer garden as a fundraiser. This year it was for the Sierra Madre Little league. Not really sure how beer and little league seems more politically appropriate than Firefighting and hops, but I digress. These are decisions for those much wiser than I may ever be. Despite official calls for a “No water Zone” along the parade route Monday – a rather tremendous almost magical thing happened at the July 5th parade. The volunteer firefighters apparently overlooked the newly imposed limitations, as if to say, “Hey, the kids just want to have fun. This is a day for freedom from the tyranny of those Red Coats in city hall! I did hear one city official, who shall remain nameless for the time being, say that he took pictures of the offending firefighters and will be addressing the issue with the Fire Chief! I for one sure hope that was tongue in cheek and not simply a towing of the party line, as so many in local governments do to protect their precious derrieres. With Sierra Madre water rates possibly going up, residents’ temperatures too are rising exponentially. It therefore seemed only natural that something had to be done. And that something was a clear message to the city: at least

a 40% increase in water being enjoyed by hundreds of kids along the parade route over last year. Indeed, it might be said that Sierra Madre’s firefighters have had a love/hate relationship with certain city officials for some time now. Even the choice of Lew Watanabe as this year’s Grand Marshal was ironic, methinks, as one of Lew’s specialties is water sculptures! And the Sierra Madre City College float was a send-up of the city’s plan to raise the water rates and offered a rather clever solution “Sinko De July”…drink Cerveza! Traditionally, the parade has been a wonderful eclectic parade of water fest where kids vs. firefighters enjoyed friendly (and safe) water play to cool off in the summer heat. No one ever got hurt, but someone did complain a few years ago and the city set some rather unpopular and seemingly unnecessary rules and regulations as a result of potentially litigious grumpy parade goers. Note to City officials: Ban the water ban; in fact, ban all the restrictions entirely. Do what one of the most successful and popular parades - the Doo Dah – does and restrict nothing. When virtually anything goes, nearly everyone has fun. And we were somewhat confused as to why the Sierra Madre Police Dept. wasn’t in this year’s parade. Or if they were, we missed them. This is what the City’s website had to tell resident prior to the parade: “Traditionally, water has been squirted back and forth amongst viewers and participants during the parade. However, this year the City has established a new set of Water Play Zone Guidelines. Sierra Vista Park is now the only designated water play zone (west side of the park on the grass lawn). The Sierra Madre Fire Department will be spraying water into Sierra Vista Park for children and families to play in. Only water/ squirt guns will be permitted at the water play zone. Absolutely no water balloons or use of water hoses will be tolerated at the water play zone or anywhere along the parade route. Absolutely NO water will be allowed along the parade route. Parking signage will exhibit a “No Water Zone” notice along Sierra Madre Blvd.”

As I recall, a father was arrested a few years ago for shooting water at a police officer during the parade. Now if that wasn’t bad enough, a couple of years later, a business owner was arrested for spraying his sidewalk clean of dog poop in preparation for customers coming in for a spot of tea. Now, admittedly, he was arrested for allegedly “threatening a code enforcement officer” but it nevertheless came about, you guessed it, because of water. I have covered more parades in Sierra Madre than I can remember and this is the first time I’ve ever heard so much negativity towards city officials for such harebrained ordinances. If it’s not the inane parking regulations, it’s the hosing off of sidewalks. If the fourth is on a Sunday, we’ll parade around on the Fifth and restrict about every enjoyable thing the kids have come to expect about a parade. Candy, balloons, and yes WATER! For once, I agree (dare I say it) with “The Tattler” blog’s wordsmith, John Crawford who recently posted this comment on the aforementioned water restriction: “… the last thing any parent enjoys seeing is their kids subjected to the same tedious and politically correct over regulation of everything fun that we as adults face. Childhood, and certainly during as festive an occasion as a parade celebrating the birth of our American freedoms, should be a refuge from such petty tyranny. But alas, that no longer seems to be the case with our 4th (or 5th) of July Parade. It is quite an unfortunate lesson for children, if you think about it.” Well said, sir! Did I just agree with Mr. Crawford? Yes, I bloody well did, because he’s bloody well right! How quickly the city forgets how the firefighters helped during the Station Fire, or any fire in recent history. How they (the firefighters, who are mostly volunteers) put on the annual egg hunt for the kids and are always are there when you need them in a million different capacities. These are talented, extremely well-trained and dedicated caring men and women who choose to serve. For this, can we not please let our firefighters pull out their hoses on

the Fourth of July and help them help the kids enjoy one of the few freedoms left in this country? One Sierra Madre resident, Mr. Bob Matheson, wrote this to our newspaper this week: “Sierra Madre put its best foot and fire hose forward again this year as our townsfolk celebrated the birth of our country in grand, Sierra Madre AllAmerican fashion. The parade, the jazz band and activities for the kids in the park, and of course the Beer Garden, are the traditional 4th of July treasures of Sierra Madre. Kudos to the always fabulous Fourth of July Committee, headed now by Matt Bosse, for pulling everything together. It’s a time and place that we all keep coming back to, year after year...a celebration that singularly embodies the “Spirit of Sierra Madre.” It’s why we enjoy living here! Amidst all this great fun and success is there the risk of criticism? I saw a Fire Department engine occasionally stop and, very judiciously, spray a narrow pattern of water directly ahead. Common sense called for the water spray!

The kids had a thrill they’ll cherish for their lifetime. I can’t imagine anyone being critical of doing the right thing! So while our Fire Department was in the parade, our terrific Police, Water and Public Works Department employees should have been, too! They help keep things running 24/7, and deserve the same applause of an appreciative crowd. And talking about great people helping others, how lucky we are to have the fabulous Search & Rescue Team in our town, and in the parade, too!” Our phone calls to city officials for a statement on the water matter were not immediately returned. But one official comment did come from my good friend, Sierra Madre Fire Chief Steve Heydorff. Heydorff enlightened me saying that actually the ban on water was at his insistence due to a safety concern he had at last year’s parade. “I saw a bunch of kids running up to and in front of a rolling

fire engine and got very concerned for their safety. If water was sprayed on the engine’s windshield the operator might not have been able to stop in time.” Heydorff went on to say that he loves water and that since he’s an Aquarius, it is literally in his blood to be one with water (perhaps this is why he turned to firefighting). The ban on water could be resolved if there are safe solutions next year, and the Chief said he’d welcome any ideas the community might have to continue a tradition that many in town love. He wants the kids to enjoy the fun of water while at the same time ensuring their safety. Seems logical to me, but there’s got to be a way to make this work. Let us know what your thoughts are on how to keep the water flowing while keeping our kids safe. As always, we welcome your comments on this matter. Please e you’re your thoughts to editor@ sierramadreweekly.com

4 July 8 - July 14, 2010


By Wally Hage International Happiness Day is July 10, 2010. The good things we do today for someone can become your happiness for tomorrow. It is said that if you make at least one person happy every day the reward is that you will experience an even greater happiness within yourself. It is just a simple formula. Psychologists tell us that your thoughts and actions can have a significant effect on your happiness. Happy people have good friends, and supportive relationships. They are optimistic, keep a positive outlook toward their daily

Happiness Is a Choice problems and are happy and thankful with what they have and do not ponder thoughts about what they don’t have! Research states that happiness is a state of mind or a feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, and pleasure. Religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life in a close relationship with God. That to experience happiness in your life you must think on good things and practice having good thoughts throughout the day. Don’t replay your problems and mistakes over and over or make them your topic of unhappy conversations with others. I remember, as a fourteen year old boy growing up alone with only a mother, that I was sad, lonely and unhappy as my father had died when I was eight and World War II conscripted my two older brothers. The sadness of these two life changing events began to shape my personality as my outlook

toward daily life was unhappy. One day while working around the neighborhood doing odd jobs and mowing lawns to help my mom meet the expenses of school clothes and school activities I met a neighbor who was a store window decorator for a large shoe store chain. He recognized my unhappiness and invited me to accompany him while he was decorating a store window. I was thrilled that he offered me a job to vacuum and to help tidy up the retail store for several hours each Sunday afternoon. The money was exciting and the work was fun. After several weeks helping my neighbor, the shoe store owner liked my enthusiastic work progress that he offered me a job on Saturdays to work in his shoe store as a stock boy. The store owner, who I referred to as Uncle Ben Goldman, became fully aware of my home life and realized that I had very minimal parenting. As an act of kindness, he took a personal interest in my


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July 8 - July 14, 2010



Betty the Mannequin to Replace Megan Fox in “Transformers 3”


3 5

7 2

1 Last


3 9

9 1



8 4

4 3


1 2

my pet pig, Shondra. He wouldn’t even let her audition. It just goes to show you, you can put lipstick on a pig but you can’t marry one.” Frots has started a petition to boycott the film which has already been signed by seven members of his immediate family. Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and “I figured I would have trouble getting my older each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from brother Cletus to agree. 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following He’s a big fan of robots and crappy movies. But he week. Or, “the numbers occurI only could see themust pain wasonce” in and well, after I gave him the last piece of meatpie, he signed right away.” Bay defended his pick, 3 5 7 2 9 1 8 6 4 praising Betty as “a true 2 9 4 8 6 7 3 1 5 chameleon of cinema. She 6 8 1 5 3 4 2 7 9 has far more range than 8 4 5 6 7 3 9 2 1 Mega n. Plus, whatever 9 7 3 1 2 5 6 4 8 I ask of her, she’ll do it. 1 6 2 4 8 9 7 5 3 ‘No’s’ not even in her vocabulary.” 7 1 9 3 4 6 5 8 2 Transformers 3 an5 3 8 7 1 2 4 9 6 nihilates moviegoers next 4 2 6 9 5 8 1 3 7 summer. 6 is the only candidate in (6,2)



Last Week’s Solution

Others though, had a decidedly negat ive sla nt. Jackson Frots, the creator of the fringe blog PigsarePeopletoo, blasted Bay for his “stale and predictable choice.”

“I just feel like Michael could have really taken a stand and thought out side t he box. I f he was going to pick a nonhuman, I really wish he would have considered

4 in (2,3) is the only candidate in row 2 3 in (3,5) is the only candidate in column 5 9 in (3,9) is the only candidate in row 3 3 in (5,3) is the only candidate in column 3 9 in (5,1) is the only candidate in row 5 4 in (7,5) is the only candidate in column 5 9 in (7,3) is the only candidate in row 7 7 in (7,1) is the only candidate in row 7 7 in (1,3) is the only candidate in column 3 1 in (3,3) is the only candidate in column 3 After strong, albeit 6 in a(3,1) is the only candidate in box [1,1] is the resurgence only candidate in (3,7) purely2 ironic is 1990s the only in the 5late andcandidate early in (7,7) 2 is the only candidate in (7,9) 2000s The Mullet has now 6 is the only candidate in (8,9) apparently its second, 8 is died the only candidate in (8,3) 4 is the only candidate in (8,7) final death. 6 is the only candidate in (9,3) Despite positive reviews, 3 is the only candidate in (9,8) a multi-million 5 is thedollar only marketcandidate in (6,8) ing campaign 6 is the and only Burger candidate in (1,8) 8 is the cup onlycontract, candidate in (1,7) King hologram 9 is the only candidate in (1,5) The MacGruber Mullet was 3 is the only candidate in (2,7) dead on5 arrival, posting just most mullet experts and is the only candidate in (2,9) 2 is on the2,551 only screens candidate enthusiasts in (2,1) $1.6 million had predicted 5 is the only candidate in (1,2) nationwide. the movie would have much 4 is the only candidate in (5,8) According to sources fagreater success. 2 is the only candidate in (4,8) miliar with these in (5,2) 7 is the the matter, only candidate “It’s really concerning 4 is the only candidate not in (4,2) numbers indicate MacGruonly for the mullet in8 is the only candidate in (6,5) ber made only $627.20 per in (4,5)but for other mullet7 is the only candidate dustry, screen, 1give take onecandidate small related is or the only in (5,4)businesses as well,”

8 6

5 9 9 7

Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X 3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each.

By Jeff Corriveau “MacGruber” Flop Proves Mullets

Offficially No Longer Funny


The Doozies




Fill the 9 X 9 g each of the n 1 to 9 only o week.

By John Stephens

By Tom Gammill


popcorn. With its mulletheavy cast, dialog and plush mullet giveaway campaign,

By Randall Munroe





Or, “the numbers must occur only once”







By matthew burch Fo l l o w i n g M e g a n Fox’s messy exit from the Transformers franchise last month, rumors swirled regarding who action maestro Michael Bay would select as his next leading lady. Well, after a week long casting-couch search (no doubt f ueled by a highly-lethal combination of Levitra and Red Bull), Bay announced today that he had selected Betty the Mannequin, best known for her role in the 80s hit “Mannequin,” as his replacement for Miss Fox. Fa n b o y s i m m e d i ately hit the chat rooms to debate Bay’s choice. Ba sement - dwel ler a nd all-around creep Hermit T haddeu x ca l led it “a breakthrough for inanimate objects everywhere. Dr. King’s dream is finally coming to fruition.”


The Reel Truth



says Ricardo Svornsen of the Shoulderlength Institute in Birmingham, Alabama. “My fear is that we’ve become so reliant on mullets that our economy may not be prepared to handle a softening in the mullet markets.” But not everyone has been so quick to jump off the mullet wagon. Walrus, former Beatle and all around bon vivant Paul McCartney issued a statement early Saturday morning urging caution on what he termed “betting against this hair.” Florence Henderson,

David Bowie and Jerry Springer were listed as signatories to the strongly worded statement. Despite the rally of support, early morning trading saw The Mullet plunge across multiple exchanges, with median lengths rising 2.3 inches, or 5.76%.

Florence Henderson, Mullet Owner, Trainer

6 July 8 - July 14, 2010

POPS Open Season with Something for Everybody By Bill Peters The new band shell erected by the Pasadena Sy mphony and and POPS for its new location for 2010 POPS Summer S er ies c rea t es a g rea t backstop to an otherwise dreary location, Lot H, outside Pasadena’s Rose Bowl. T he t ables w it h white linens turned the grass area into a festive party-like atmosphere for the estimated 2000+ that showed up for the opening concert of the Pasadena POPS Orchestra summer series to watch the twohour event that included a sharp sounding orchestra, a vaudeville juggling and acrobatic dance group, video close-ups of stage action on large screens at both sides of the band shell, and a wonderful fireworks display at the end. There was something for everybody. Conductor Rachael Worby selected a program of music of familiar classical favorites that could have come right out of a 1950’s Time-Life or Reader’s Digest compilation recording. T here were pieces of Bizet’s Carmen Suite No. 1 and 2; Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” ballet and the Scherzo from his Symphony No. 4 and “Swan Lake”; Borodin’s “Polovtsian Dances” from his “Prince Igor”; two Khachaturian numbers including, of course, “Sabre Dance” from the “Gayuneh” ballet suite; Respighi; De falla; and finally Stravinksy’s finale to the “Firebird” suite.

The music was colorfully punctuated with members of the Cirque de la Symphonie, a group of acrobats, jugglers and st rong men—a ci rcus/ vaudeville act of six that presented adroit feats and body-bend ing rout ines that left most of the audience in giggles. Their work was seen up-close by the audience on two large video screens bookending the band shell. T he v ideo sc reen s also provided a nice looks at orchestra members performing and the sound system was absolutely ter-

rific and well-balanced— that is, the best balanced sound was hea rd from the rear of the fenced off event area, the area designated for sand-chair and blankets. Worby extolled the virtues of attendance at live musica l per for mances to the audience. But, the truth is that all the audience heard was the amplified sound of the on-stage performers. The mic-ing was so close to prevailing studio recording techniques that members of t he percussion section of the orchestra could be seen wearing

hea dphone s when t he large videos screens focused on them. T he orchest ra per formed under Worby’s athletic conducting style with eagerness and exactness. There appeared to be significant changes in orchestra personnel, including the assignment of Assistant Concertmaster Amy Hershberger as concertmaster of the evening rather than the Symphony’s A my K reston. No exact list of personnel was provided but many t h roughout t he st a nds seemed younger. A pretty spectacular round of fireworks display was set off to an almost out-ofcontrol speed-y version of S ou sa’s “ S t a r s a nd Stripes Forever” to end the evening. T he even i ng wa s pleasant and entertaining. But a warning: the bot t om of t he A r royo Seco gets chilly even before the sun goes down. We think even the next concert, Saturday, July 17, could require an extra sweater even though the music will be hot. Rachael Worby brings the orchestra, singers Doug La Brecque, Lisa Vroman and The Donald Brinegar Singers, to the Lawn Adjacent to the Rose Bowl with “I ♥ New York”. Tunes by Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Frederick Loewe, Mancini and Gershwin on the Pops side and a small taste of Aaron Copland and Antonin Dvorak on the classic side, and more. Gates open for picnicking at 5:30 p.m., concert is at 7:30 p.m.

Ford Amphitheatre Plans Full Summer Season of Family Events By Bill Peters The Ford Amphitheatre 2010 summer season is already underway. In fact, the more than 50 performances planned at the Los Angeles County facility across the street f rom t he Hol ly wood Bowl, w ill cont inue to Oct. 14. A mong t he loca l g r oup s per for m i n g a t t he Ford a re t he Ku l tura Philippine Folk Arts da nce compa ny ba sed in A ltadena, Monterey Park’s Taikoproject and DreamDance Contemporary Arts from Arcadia.

The Taikoproject will perform at the Ford Amphitheatre at 8:00 p.m. Sa t u rday, Ju ly 10 a nd Sunday, July 11 with Artistic Directors Bryan Yamami and Masato Baba in new works with marimba, koto ( Japanese harp) a nd yokobue ( ba mboo f lute). Tickets for this event are $35 and $40; st udent s a nd ch i ld ren $12; discounts for early ticket purchases. I n for m a t ion: (32 3) 461-3673. Drea m Da nce C on temporary Arts will appear at the Ford at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 3 w it h Ch i nese - f lavored

contemporary dance in a program entitled “Falling Petals”. Choreographer Ting-Ting Chang combines balance and harmony with inspirations f r om Eu ropea n pa i nt ings, Chinese poetry, and Asian disciplines. Tickets are $25, general admission; students and children, $12; discounts for early ticket purchases. Information: (323) 461-3673. The full list of programs can be found at w w w.FordTheat res.org. The Ford Amphitheatre is located at 2580 Cahuenga Blvd., East, Hollywood, On-site stacked parking is $1 per vehicle.

Arcadia’s DreamDance presents “Falling Petals” at Ford Amphitheatre in September.

July 8 - July 14, 2010

Kirkwall: A Scottish Hideaway Lost in Time


Need to Lose 50lbs or More this Summer? Train, Inc. Has You Covered

By Greg Aragon

Someday when I want to get away from the city and forget about life for a while, I will return to Kirkwall, Scotland. I’ll rent a small room near t he shore and spend a few days watching sheep graze, boats come in and out of the small harbor and admiring ancient architecture. I did this last summer and left with a memorable getaway. Located off t he off t he nor t her n coa s t of ma i n la nd Scot t la nd, K irkwall is t he capital and largest town of the O rk ney I s l a nd s. Wit h about 8,000 inhabitants, the island may be large by O rk ney st a nda rd s , but to me it is a Scottish h ideaway lost in t ime. The town began around 1046 as the settlement of Rögnvald II, Earl of Orkney. The name comes f r o m t he No r s e wo r d Kirkjuvagr (Church Bay). My la st jou r ney to the island began with a visit to the 11th century St. Mag nus Cat hedral, which was named after

Saint Mag nus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney from 1108 – 1117. The church was built to honor Magnus a f ter he wa s mu r dered by a t r a it orou s cousin. The huge cathedral is highlighted by Romanesque and Gothic architecture melded together in beautiful arches, pillars and rocket-shaped peaks made of red and yel low sa ndst one, a nd m i xed w it h color f u l stained glass windows. The building is f lanked by a n eer ie g raveya rd with tombstones dating back to the 17th century. Nex t t o t he cat he dral are t he stor ybook rema ins of T he Ea rl’s Pa la ce, bu i lt i n 16 0 6 ,

and Bishop’s Palace, constructed in the 12th century. Besides historic cat hed r a l s a nd pa l a ce s , Kirkwall is full of 17th and18th century Norwegian styled houses and ot her st r uct u res , w it h tiny windows and gables. Many of the buildings are now home to great shops and restaurants. The main drags for shopping are Bridge and Albert Streets. Both narrow and beautifully med ieva l, t he st reet s a re perfect for walking, but unfortunately also have cars on them, so visitors have to be extra careful. While strolling through the shops, I discovered an old Woolworths store

and a great place for fish and chips. For an incredible excu rsion of f t he isla nd, I t o ok a b oa t r ide t o nea rby S k a r a B r a e , a prehistoric village dating from the Stone Age. Still in remarkable condition, the neolithic settlement of Skara Brae lies near the white beach of t he Bay of Ska ill. The archeological site is the best preser ved g roups of prehistoric houses in Western Europe. Uncovered by a storm in 1850, the village is a vivid picture of life around 5,000 years ago. Visitors can experience a prehistoric village and see ancient homes fitted with stone beds, dressers and seats. But my favorite thing to do while in Kirkland wa s to wa lk a long t he coast and enjoy the enchanting Scottish scenery. I could spend hours strolling past rolling hills l i ne d w it h s he ep a nd cat t le, wat ch i ng sma l l f ish i ng boat s br i ng i n their catch, or the ferries leave for another island in the Orkneys. For more info on Kirkwall, see: www. visitscotland.com, or visit Holland America for cr uising info at: www.hollandamer ica.com.

Lynda Linforth, owner of Train Inc in Arcadia, saw a need for special training for her clients who had in excess of 50 lbs to lose when three of her clients came to her prior to them receiving Bariatric surgery, or Lap Band as it is more commonly known. Her clients were embarrassed to go main stream gyms and enjoyed t he f r iend ly a nd more personal atmosphere at Train Inc. Lynda launched Fitness Rx a program specifically for pre and post Bariatric surgery patients and for people who had been advised by their physician to lose weight for health reasons. “Our clients had difficulty with balance and upper body strength and we incorporated exercises to help these issues” said Lynda. She also noticed that because of their lack of cardio stamina, some clients would attend her Br ide a nd Bik ini Boot Ca mp cla ss on ly once and then not come back. “They didn’t want to get left behind or to hold up the class, so they would just quit instead which was upsetting for us and for them”. Fitness Rx is a 30 minute, sma l l g roup cla ss that addresses weight loss, mobility, balance, muscle strength and cardio stamina. The class is for men and woman of all ages and fitness levels and is low in cost. “I don’t feel like a Plus size spectacle and appreciate the private atmosphere” said Susan D. who


has trained at Train Inc to lose the pre surgery weight requirement for Bariatric surgery. Susan, who had a spinal condition that had been affecting her mobility, is now pain free and able to get up and down off the floor more easily. Cori, who has struggled with her weight all of her life said “I have never felt so comfortable working out before and there are no gym bunnies running around!”. Train Inc also offers nutritional programs and more information on Fitness Rx and their private studio can be found at www.fitnessrxsite.com or by calling Lynda on 626 447 1049. Lynda Linforth and Train Inc were recently featured on the cable T V show “Dining with Dills”, as host Peter Dills, was training to improve a shoulder injury. Lynda Linforth is a certified personal trainer, licensed nutritionist and owner of Train Inc., a private personal training studio in Arcadia specializing in weight loss, post-rehab exercise, post-cancer exercise and nutrition. She can be reached at lyndalinforth@gmail. com. Lynda has been a nationally certified trainer since 1998.

Discovery Camp June 21st - August 13th

Combination of Academics: Math, Science, Language Arts, Reading, Religion, Art, and more plus Weekly Field Trips like: Adventure City, Knott’s, the beach, the Arcadia pool.

•Lunch and afternoon snacks included. •Open from 7am-6pm •Two 4-week sessions

All this for $700 per session! Call 626-287-0968 for more details

8 July 8 - July 14, 2010


Colorado Street Bridge Party “Our Fish Come from the Finest Schools”


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Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 Days Gorgeous Private Banquet Rooms For Your Special Events! 1978 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena | (626) 793-FISH (3474)


The Bridge Party returns to West Pasadena on the following night that is July 10th, proceeds benefit the Pasadena Historical Society, many local restaurants will participate, plus a great car show and two different live music stages. Call (626) 4416333. Event starts at 6 p.m. and goes till 10 p.m.

East L.A. Meets Napa

AltaMed’s Fifth Annual celebration returns better than ever with an expanded courtyard in one of Los Angeles most historic settings – Union Station. This year, the event also presents some of Baja California’s best wineries to showcase wines from the Valle de Guadalupe region in commemoration of Mexico’s Bicentennial celebration. The event will feature the diversity of Los Angeles’ Latin cuisine and fine wine from Latino-owned or –operated Napa Wineries through 60 wine and food pairing stations. East LA Meets Napa speaks to the ongoing preference among aficionados to pair wine with Latin food instead of beer or margaritas.

Confirmed Participating Restaurants (Partial list):

Birrieria Chalio ,Casa de Moles “LaTia” , Cook’s Tortas , Dorados, El Portal, El Tepeyac Café, Guelaguetza, Homegirl Café, La Casita Mexicana , La Parrilla Restaurant Mama’s International Tamales,Palate Food + Wine , Phlight Restaurant, Porto’s Bakery & Café ,Rivera Restaurant, Setá ,Señor Fish ,Tamayo Restaurant ,Teresitas Tila’s Kitchen.

Confirmed Participating Wineries (Partial list):

Mi Sueño ‘Ceja Vineyards, Madrigal Vineyards, Robledo Family Winery, Maritas Vineyards. Ticket Info: To purchase your tickets today please visit www.eastlameetsnapa.com or for questions please call (323) 889-7342. The annual East L.A. Meets Napa celebration will take place Friday night starting at 6 p.m.

Listen to Dining with Dills every Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. on KABC Talk Radio 790.

Monday-Thursday, Sunday 8am-8pm


Dine in or take out 1045 S. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007

Friday - Saturday 8am-9pm

tel. (626)574-1pho(1746) * Pho Special

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* Pho Tai

Beef tenderloin, noodle soup

* Pho Ga

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Includes egg roll, salad with homemade sauce, and a bowl of chicken soup

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* Pork Chop over rice

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Pho “noodle soup” beef or chicken


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Special expires 11/25/2010

July 8 - July 14, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Last Orders Please

Legendary Brits Pub and Eatery to Pour Final Pint this Sunday after World Cup Match

By Terry Miller Perhaps it’s all part of a plot and some kind of strange providence or irony that a wonderful British Pub is closing in Pasadena around the time America celebrates its independence from the Red Coats. Perhaps the greedy landlords of the world have finally realized that we Brits are slowly taking back the colonies and resent that ever-so-subtle attempt. For those of you who may never have experi-

enced Brits Pub and Eatery: Its success is a combination of ingredients not unlike like a splash of “Rovers Return” ( the central pub in the longest running soap opera in the UK – Coronation Street); a dash of ”Fawlty Towers” with characters from Monty Python flying in periodically for a pint of Holy Ale; add a pinch of Ted Danson in “ Cheers” and a good helping of cheeky British Birds ( women) as well as the ever-present seaside smell of malt vinegar on a

plate of perfectly prepared Fish and Chips. Mix those ingredients with a warm welcome and a funny story and I think you’ll find this is about as close to the UK as you’ll find anywhere in Los Angeles County. Perhaps it has something to do with England’s poor showing against so many great football players from around the globe in South Africa. Brits are understandably disappointed but good losers

Angel Blue

Continued on Page 14

Pain Treatment Lecture Series I. Michael MineHart MD, FIPP Interventional Pain Specialist

Mathew Edwardsen

September 15, 2010 / 6:30-7:30 PM

Embassy Suites 211 East Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006

Attend our free lecture series to learn about the newest advances in pain treatment.

Compassionate Care. Conscientious Service.

RSVP to 800-PAIN-585. Space Limited. (724-6585)


10_API_845_WeeklyNewsAd_6_30.indd 1

6/30/10 11:20:48 AM

Ralph Cato


10 July 8 - July 14, 2010

The Social Whirl

San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic Installs Officers Beckham Grill was the setting for the installation of officers for San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic. Marty Wetzel will serve as president and will be supported by vice presidents Nancy Balance, Linda Goluskin and Rita Lopez. Secretary duties will be shared by Sandy Killian, Kathleen Kerger and Benita Schwartz. Pat Myers will be treasurer. Membership includes residents of communities throughout the San Gabriel Valley and is open to alumnae members of college sororities affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference. The object of the organization is to promote interfraternity friendship and to provide monetary awards to deserving high school senior women planning to attend a college or university.

Want to Try Something New? The City of Arcadia Recreation & Community Services Department, Senior Services Division, is offering summer classes for adults (50 years of age and older), beginning Monday, July 12th. Course offerings include yoga, strength training, line dancing, oil painting, water color painting, zumba gold, and aerobics. Registration will begin

By Floretta Lauber Tuesday, July 6th, and will be held at Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr. For more information, call Arcadia Senior Services at (626) 574-5130.

Broadway Under the Stars

San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic officers and committee chairmen installed. (Front) Bea Chute, Lauragen Swenson, Marty Wetzel (president); (middle) Benita Schwartz, Kathleen Kerger and Pat Myers; (back) Nancy Balance, Margie Totten, Ritz Lopez.

Altrusa Brunch Goes Poolside

“Broadway Under the Stars” will be held in the San Gabriel Mission Arbor on July 18, at 7 p.m. Enjoy a family fun-filled evening of art, magic and the music of Broadway’s best hits by some of our most talented local Broadway performers in a beautiful concert “under the stars.” General admission is $20 (box lunch an addi-

tional $15), $10 for seniors, students and children’s admission. VIP table seating is $95 and includes a three course elegant dining experience. Limited seating available. The San Gabriel Mission Arbor is located at 320 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel. For more information regarding reservations and seating options, call (626) 282-1440.

President of the Arboretum Foundation, Burks Hammer, presents Barbara Kaise and Eileen Hubbard with lifetime family membership to the Arboretum and an emerald studded pin for their 25 years of service. Perry Minton and Joyce Travis also earned the distinction but were not in attendance.

Arcadia Altrusa Service Club seats new board. Seated from left are Ruth Gilb, Terri Weeks, Nancy Ely and Mickey Ball. Standing from left are Monty Lindsey, Marianne Cherkas, Beau Stocking and Denice Gilb. The membership is small, but tea cup with tea from Africa, rep- “Reaching Out with Altrusa; Reach Altrusa International, Inc. of Arca- resenting their ongoing work there Out to Each Other, Out to Family dia, is mighty. I am always amazed with a mission. and Friends Who Support, Reach at the accomplishments of this serSecond vice governor, Judy So- Out to Our Community and Other vice club attains. rensen, did the honors as installing Lands.” Installation, poolside, and a officer, using wines in a most unTaking office with Weeks are delicious brunch was held in the usual way in the ceremony. Eleven Nancy Ely, Mickey Ball, Ruth Gilb, cabana area (the hot spot) at the district officers attended. Beau Stocking, Denice Gilb, Monty Doubletree Hotel in Monrovia on Terri Weeks is the new president Lindsey, and Marianne Cherkas. June 12th. Every guest had a gift and sums up her theme for next year, Keep up the good work.

From left, first row, new Los Voluntarios board, Bonnie Bishop, Sandy Snider (new president), Dorothy Collister. Standing, Vince Foley (installing officer), Bill Collister standing in for Dale Carter, and Linda Clelland. Foley used flags as the theme of the installation (it was Flag Day, June 14th), picking one from an early day naval ship (Don’t Tread On Me). Very clever.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


(L-r) Sue and Steve Pelletier (he won Outstanding New Member award) chat with new president, Matt Weaver and member Jack McRae with wife, Sophia, during Rotary pre-dinner cocktail reception poolside at the Doubletree Hotel Monrovia.

Phyllis Chapman is presented the first ever 40-Year Prestige Service Award from Russ Guiney, director of L.A. County Department of Parks & Recreation. She was also presented a gold oak leaf pin at Los Voluntarios luncheon.

(L-r) Dick Martinez, master of ceremonies and chair of the 89th Rotary Installation, with awardees Frank Griffith and Mike Real.

Imy Dulake (outgoing president) presents the president’s pin and gavel to Matt Weaver, newly installed Arcadia Rotary president, as Bill Gleason and Jack Pam look on.

Old Town Monrovia’s Merchants Proudly Presents

The community is invited to a summer party on August 8th, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Enjoy a Country Western band and barbecue by Stonefire Grill. The event takes place

at Arcadia Woman’s Club, 324 S. First Ave., Arcadia. Seating is limited. Cost per person is $49. For reservations, call (626) 355-8979 or (626) 355-6945.

Send your social news, announcements and photos to

Come to a Summer Party

SocialWhirl@ BeaconMediaNews.com

Siby Minton was honored for her 35 years of service. Here she is receiving a handsome award from director of L.A. County Parks & Recreation Russ Guiney, a camphor tree will be planted at the Baldwin Adobe in her honor.

The Summer M vie Series Library Park 300 S. Myrtle Ave. Saturday, July 17th 8:00 PM

Bring a blanket or a chair and enjoy a movie under the stars Call (626) 303-6600 for information

12 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide

69 E. Grandview, Arcadia, CA Offered at $1,248,000

1301 Diamond Avenue South Pasadena, CA Offered at $1,198,000

This delightful Highland Oaks home has been wellmaintained and is located in the award winning Arcadia school district. There is an updated kitchen, Brazilian cherry wood flooring in the living room/dining room areas with lovely views of the back yard/pool area. There is a private master suite, family room, office, laundry room and an oversized 2-car garage. The home is 2,818 sq. ft. situated on a 12,746 sq. ft. lot. It has 4 bedroom with 3.5 bathrooms and was built in 1951. This is the perfect home for entertaining.

Built in 1927, this Spanish Revival home is 2,733 sq.ft on a 7,536 sq.ft. lot and located in the desirable South Pasadena school district. There are 4 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms. The is a terraced back yard with a grassy area and a cement pad that is “hot-tubready” with water and electrical. The front yard is expansive with picturesque Deodar and Palm trees. This home has been lovingly upgraded with copper plumbing, electrical, rebuilt chimney, reinforced foundation. It also includes French doors and windows, wood floor, central air and heat and new interior paint. Will you be the proud new owner? For more pictures and information please go to www.1301Diamond.com

3735 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA Offered at $725,000

715 Skyland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $599,000 Situated in the hills of Sierra Madre (Marlborough Terrace), this delightful home is surrounded by mature Oak trees and beautiful views of the valley below and the hills above. This home offers 1,656 square feet and 3 bedrooms. The main floor offers an open and spacious floor plan with unobstructed views and a cozy fireplace. The updated kitchen features newer appliances, garden window, a pantry and ample cabinetry. All 3 bathrooms have been updated. Large glass windows throughout the house provide a bright and airy feeling. Newly painted inside and out, this home is move-in ready. Built in 1965 it also offers central air and heat, 2-car attached garage, plans for a rooftop deck and much more. For more information and pictures go to www.715Skyland.com.



Situated in Upper Hastings Ranch, this home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways and schools. This 1951 well-maintained home offers an open and spacious floor plan. Additional features include: formal entry, large living room with fireplace, sliding doors open to a tiled patio, grand family room with high ceilings & recessed lighting, adjacent to an updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, central air and heat, newer windows and roof. There is a mountain view from the back yard. For more information go to www.3735SierraMadre.com

333 Genoa Street, #D, Monrovia, CA Offered at $550,000

523 Brookside lane Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $378,000

This is a great starter home and has been tastefully renovated inside and out. It is a short walk to Mary’s Market as well as to scenic hiking trails. There is Pergo flooring, updated kitchen, remodeled master bathroom with a washer/dryer combination, central air and heat, two patio areas both with views and an easy to maintain rear yard with hot tub. Appliances are included. Good starter home. This is a short sale. 628 sq. ft. home, 1921 sq. ft. lot. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths.

lE fO AS R E

This meticulous home was built in 2007 and was featured as the model unit offering custom amenities. There is fireplace in the living room, granite counters in the kitchen, pantry, stainless steel appliances, backyard and patio off the dining room, custom window treatments, master suite with his & hers closets and spa tub, four bedrooms, two and a half baths and a two-car attached garage with direct access. It is conveniently located just one mile from downtown Monrovia and within minutes of the 210 Freeway. A lovely home! For more information go to www.333Genoa.com

725 Woodland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $399,000

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre, this home offers a country living lifestyle. The unique location allows you to forget the hustle and bustle of the big city, while just a short commute to downtown Los Angeles. Just minutes from your front door are hiking trails and Mary’s Market and Cafe! This cozy 1 bedroom 1 bath home is 837 sq. ft. on a 3,973 sq. ft. lot. There is a relaxing front porch, stone fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet in the large bedroom, and parking for 4 cars (a real commodity in the canyon). This is the perfect canyon hide-away! For more information and pictures go to www.725Woodland.com.

Arcadia Gold Line Station Relocated

OP Su EN N hO 2- u 5 S PM E


Reni Rose (626) 355-8400

1505 El Mirador, Pasadena, CA Offered at $6,750 per month Located a short distance to the Rose Bowl and sited at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac this spacious Linda Vista home boasts traditional design and is perfect for a large family and for entertaining. There are 27,918 square feet of lush grounds offering: privacy a black-bottom pool with built-in hillside slide and a spa. With 6 bedrooms, 6 baths, 6,838 sq feet, a family room with large wet bar, skylights, 2 offices, gym, elevator and huge garage, this is a home you truly won’t want to miss

Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: www.Renirose.com

Continued from the First Page

With the new expan- ment signing took place. sion in progress, the new Because of the multiple Gold Line Bridge will be expansions and phases, two, which also creates extended an additional the date of completion is to fall of 2014. safety to those who are 11.4 miles from the Si- adjusted Site Plan: City of Arcadia Station erra Madre Villa station A lt houg h m EIR, a ny dated of Febr (Source: Gold crossing the parking lots Line Foothill Extension – Pasadena to Montclair Final in Pasadena. Desig ned us look for ward to the to the station platforms. As far as the station by a M innesot a a r t ist , new con st r uc t ion t a kpl a t for m de s i g n s , t he t he G old L i ne Br idge ing place, there are also once chosen color scheme is expected to bring in complications which may of plain vanilla is now in $1 billion in economic even delay or prevent the process of being ap- output during construc- the extension. Some of proved, instead to ref lect tion, $40 million in tax these challenges include element s of t he Sa nt a revenues, and 7000 jobs gaining permission from A n it a Pa rk. Added t o wit h 260 0 in const ruc- t r a ck ow ner s Bu rl i ng the station canopy (roof- t ion a lone. Because of ton Nort hern Santa Fe top) and station platform the artist’s inspiration of Railway to share use of benches as well, the thor- the area’s frequent snakes the tracks east of Arcaoughbred horse theme is a nd C hu m a s h Na t i ve dia with Metro as well tentatively to be funded Americans, the structure as an environmental rewas designed to include v iew a nd pu rc h a se of by Santa Anita Park. I n a dd it ion t o t he four basket-shaped col- land for the Maintenance and Operations Facility. ne w d r a m a t i c r e l o c a - umns that light up. As one of t he f irst However, Phase 2B - the tion, a major agreement w a s f i n a l ly s i g ned by projects to be state fund- foothill extension from Metro and the Foothill ed, a major dedication Azusa to Montclair will Extension Construction ceremony was held on include stops in GlendoAut hor it y on July 2 to Saturday, June 26 at New ra, San Dimas, La Verne, formalize t he schedule Castle Park in Arcadia. Pomona and Claremont of funding (totaling $810 Fi l led w it h more t ha n and is scheduled to be m i l l ion) over t he next 70 0 at t endees, i nclud- completed in 2017. A s fa r a s t he relo n i ne yea rs a nd to lay- i ng of f icia ls t hat t raveled f rom Wa sh i ng ton ca t ion goes, t he G old out the working relationD.C. a nd Sacra ment o, L ine may t a ke numer s h ip bet ween t he t wo hu nd red s aw a it ed t he ous amounts of weeks, agencies. During Phase 2A, L.A. County’s Mea- brand-new iconic freeway mont hs, a nd yea rs be sure R half-cent sales tax structure production to fore it even comes close approved in November begin. Five-hundred and to completion, but with 2008 will adhere to many eighty-four foot long, the Skanska USA Civil West transportation improve- bridge is to be built from and AECOM Technical ments in the county, the a c r o s s t he e a s t b ou nd Services, these two comGold Line being the first lanes of the Foothill Free- panies will do the best and is also likely to be way to the area north of t hey ca n t o beg i n t he the single largest public New Castle Park. A week “Iconic Freeway St rucworks contract awarded after the ceremonial dedi- ture” and follow through in 2011 anywhere in the cation, the master Coop- with their contract with erative and FTA agree- an $18.6 million bid. nation. As soon as t he desig ns, acquire permits, and hire contractors are finalized and approved, Free Report Reveals what you Metro believes that the need to know before you list bride construction will your home for sale. generate 500 engineering a nd const r uct ion jobs, www.homeinspection-pitfalls.com looking toward a brighter Free recorded message future for Gold Line pas1-888-865-0669 s en g er s , c ou nc i l , a nd employees t a k i ng pa r t ID#1003 in this exciting, new creDRE#00884529 Short Sale Secrets visit - www.freeavoidforeclosures.com ation.


July 8 - July 14, 2010

Summer of Musical Tributes Starts Friday in Pasadena with The Fab Four Continued from the First Page this summer is likely The Fab Four, who is often elevated far above every other Beatles tribute band due to their precise attention to detail. Their stage show, which is meant to capture not only the music, but the spirit and mood of the Beatles includes three costume changes representing every era of the Beatles ever-changing career. Attendees will hear recordperfect live performances of

such classics as “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “Yesterday,” “A Day In The Life,” “Penny Lane,” “Here Comes The Sun,” and “Hey Jude.” What’s more, the socalled “Party on the Plaza” will feature more music, entertainment, dancing under the stars, food and drink. As the summer rocks and rolls on, the Summer Soundzz concert schedule also includes decades of fun with live music performed by top Tribute bands Super Diamond July 23, Boogie Knights August 6 and The

610 Baldwin Court, Sierra Madre, CA www.stonegatesierramadre.com

Spazmatics August 20. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster by ca lling (8 0 0) 745 - 30 0 0 or at coolpasadena.com, t icket ma ster.com or at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium Box Office on Fr id ay s . S i n g le t ic ke t prices are $20 for general admission, $30 for a table seat and $250 for a private table for 10. Season tickets for all four shows are $60 for general admission, $90 for a table seat, and $750 for a private table for 10.

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large 4 bedroom $525,000 This wonderful home is located near Sierra La Verne Golf Course. Features include remodeled kitchen w/ SS appliances, family room with wet bar, 2 fireplaces and large master suite. One bed/ ba downstairs. (CAL)

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Thoughtfully upgraded throughout, this 3 bedroom,2 bath home in Sierra madre with an open floor plan. Cozy den, formal & informal dining areas, fireplace in the living room, covered porch area, guest house has it’s own bath and office area. FA/CA. 1572 sq.ft. house and nearly 7000 sq.ft. lot. (L71)

CenTury 21 earll, lTd.


This 2 bdrm 1bth home is located on County area with San Gabriel post office and Temple City Schools. Tax record shows 2bdrm 1bth w/900 sqft, family room has 260 sqft unpermitted. South facing, walking distance to school, quiet street, circle drive, large lot, 65x167 + 10,851 sq ft great for owner of investor. (A8435)

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Lovely 3bdrm 2.5 bth end unit w/newly remodeled kitchen, stainless steel appliances, custom closets, new windows, den, recessed lighting, spacious master suite w/balcony view to sunset & canyon, private patio and lot’s of HOA amenities such as pools, sports courts & club house. (B703)

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This 3bdrm 2bth Unit is in excellent condition and move-in ready. Remodeled in 03 & 05 and close to Holly Elementary & Arcadia High. Beautiful floors, tile in bath, bright living room with FP and direct access double car garage. (D509)

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This beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath newer home features living room and dining area, kitchen with granite counters and newer appliances, master suite w/retreat spa & two car garage with lots of storage. Washer/ dryer area is upstairs with a den/office/ bonus area. Arcadia schools!!! (FAN)

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Located in Quartz Hill/Landcaster area this newer two story, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, open kitchen, large family room, dining area, fireplace, large master bedroom, laundry upstairs, direct access to garage. (m42338)

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320 e. FooThill Blvd., arCadia

20 e. FooThill Blvd. SuiTe 105, arCadia

38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre





14 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Little League Holds Opening Day Ceremony

Arcadia Graduate Leads Softball Team to NCAA World Series Continued from the First Page

The inaugural “Little League Opening Day” for District 17 was held Saturday, June 26th at Sierra Vista Park in Sierra Madre, hosted by Sierra Madre Little League with Pete Siberell serving as President and Rick Caldwell as District Administrator. Twelve Participating leagues in the order of their original charter in the 50’s are Central Altadena Little League, East Altadena Little League, West Altadena Little League, Arcadia American Little League, Arcadia National Little League, Santa Anita Little League, Pasadena American Little League,

Pasadena American Little League, Pasadena Southwest Little League, West Pasadena Little League, San Marino National Little League, and Sierra Madre Little League which happens to be the host league this year. This division, 11 and 12 year-olds, is the age group that can progress to the Little League World Series held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The program consisted of an introduction of all the players, coaches, League Presidents, and Board Members. Each player received a District Pin for participating in

the tournament and each league received a banner to use during the tournament to identify their participation. The ceremony included a violin performance of the National Anthem, the Little League Pledge, the Parent Volunteer Pledge, the First Pitch, and the Tournament Director declaring the opening of the tournament. Indeed a successful Opening Day for t he Tour na ment of Champions. Tour na ment ga mes are held at Sierra Vista Park, Heasley Field, from Sat u rday Ju ne 26t h to Thursday July 22nd.

Series in Oklahoma City, OK. After graduating from Arcadia High School in 2007, where she led her team to league and conference titles, picking up numerous individual awards along the way, Rodriguez headed to Yavapai College, a small junior college in Prescott, Arizona. She helped them win their first ever National Junior College Athletic Association Championship, and as a pitcher, was named to the National Fastpitch Coaches Association’s All-American Second Team. There, she also earned NFCA JC All-American First Team honors before transferring to UH for her junior year. And this season, Rodriguez has done spectacular for her team. After winning all three games in the NCAA Regionals against UC Davis, Stanford, and Texas Tech, UH was able to advance to the Super Regionals the following

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weekend. I n t heir f irst ga me against Alabama, UH was mercied, 8-0, and was only able to get two hits off the Alabama pitcher. In the second game, the Rainbow Wahine were able to come back and win 8 -7, with five runs in the second inning, ending Alabama’s 28-game winning streak. In Game Three, however, UH struggled to fight back against the 3-4 hold that Alabama held over them—that is, until late in the bottom of the seventh inning with two outs, when Rodriguez launched her two-run home run off Alabama pitcher Kelsi Dunne, sending it barely right of the left foul pole in the outfield, scoring two runs for her team and winning the game, 5-4. Her walkoff home run helped add to UH’s 156 home runs this season, a new NCAA record, and was ranked as ESPN SportsCenter’s sixth-best play of the weekend. “I knew it had a chance of going foul,” Rodriguez said in a post-game press conference. “I stood there and watched it because I had to know if it was foul or fair.” Leading her team to its first appearance in the Women’s College World Series, Rodriguez also took the time to appreciate how much recognition her team was now receiving, and she realized exactly “how many people were watching that game. There were people from my old school (Arcadia High School) who

watched. I know people that got up at 7 (Hawaii time) to watch the game.” Megan Leahy, one of Rodriguez’s biggest fans and lifelong friends, now coaches Varsity Softball at Arcadia, and is “thrilled to hear [Rodriguez] is getting the publicity she deserves,” because of all the countless hours she has put into softball and the sacrifices she has made in order to keep playing. Her entire life has been dedicated to softball, and for Rodriguez, this moment embodied over a decade’s worth of hard work. “It’s been the most exciting day,” UH Coach Bob Coolen said to ESPN. “You aspire as a coach to make it to the World Series and this team really showed resilience and fortitude out there.” This upset proved to be the most stunning of the entire tournament—UH had a 14-12 record against teams participating, and thus not many expected them to make it very far. This was the first time since the 2003 incorporation of the Super Regionals to the NCAA Tournament that the No. 1 seed (in this case, Alabama) did not advance to the World Series. The game is nominated for the 2010 ESPY Awards, under the category of “Best Upset.” I n t h e Wo r l d S e ries, UH went on to win against Missouri, 3-2, lose to UCLA, 5-2, and lose to Arizona, 1-5, but for Rodriguez, making it to that point alone was “a great experience.”

Bargain Book Sale at Sierra Madre Library

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The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library will hold a Bargain Book Table Sale inside the Library, Monday, July 19 through Saturday, July 24, during the Library’s open hours. This month’s featured topics will include Fiction, Mysteries, Biographies, Health and Medical, California History, Specialty and Children’s books. Books are replenished daily, and are $1.00 each. These every-other-month book sales provide funding for Library resources and programs. Are your shelves bursting at the seams? Is it time to weed out the old to make room for the new? Your donations of gently used books, DVDs, and recorded books are appreciated, and will help maintain our book sale inventory. Books in bags or boxes may be dropped off at the back of the Library, by the basement door. For more information call (626) 355-7186, or visit our website at www.sierramadre.lib.ca.us. The Sierra Madre Public Library, located at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre, is open Monday through Wednesday from Noon to 9 p.m., Thursday and Friday from Noon to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


Legendary Brits Pub and Eatery to Pour Final Pint this Sunday Continued from Page 9

and still faithfully watch the World Cup; some may even secretly be rooting for Germany. Or perhaps it is just a trend in business that the small, mom and pop operations are being rapidly ousted by the big guys. Either way you look at it, small businesses are being hurt by the big boys! On July 11, Brits Pub and eatery located at 1770 East Colorado Boulevard will close that popular location as the owner of the building wants to more than double the rent and replace the pub with a corporate cookie-cutter business. The pub with its Royal chef and loyal subjects had just celebrated its 7th year when the unscrupulous landlord (we’ll call him scrooge) presented t he owners with an offer they had no choice but to refuse. The pub has been a popular speakeasy for diplomats and British locals and those visiting from across the pond when they felt homesick for a good Cornish Pasty or a really

corny English joke. Whatever your reason for popping into the pub, it was always special and unlike anything this reporter has ever experienced. Sad ly it seems t he trend in business is to get as much money as you can for real estate and it seems corporations are willing to pay any price for visibility on Colorado Blvd. This, however, leaves small business in a huge bind and consequently kills the mom and pops that have

worked so hard for years to develop a customer base and provide a service for those who don’t want to go to a corporate bar and grill where no one knows your name. O n a ny g iven day you’ll find characters like Les Cotton, the President of GASP ( Guinness Appreciation Society of Pasadena) discussing the art and science of photography with local photojournalists while posing with some of the most wonderful Guin-

ness Girls on the planet. On a given evening you might find musicians such as the always wacky Snotty Scotty and The Hankies or the wonderfully talented Belles of Bedlam with the ribald costumes and lyrics. Truly, there was never a dull moment. You might find a local newspaper editor fishing for stories as CalTech students unwind after discovering the latest theory of relativity or note the California Culinary Arts students sampling

ROSEMEAD’S MOSt gRAciOuS full-SERvicE ASSiStED living cOMMunity.

some of the best British food anywhere. The owners of Brits, like many small publicans, have established a niche market where expats and Anglophiles alike can meet and discuss English politics or have a bloody good laugh while enjoying excellent and traditional English foods that you’ll find in few places. Where else might you find a Scotch egg? Bangers and Mash? Or a decent pint of cold, draught Old Speckled Hen?

T he ow ners a ssu re me that in a few months they will re open once a suitable locat ion has been confirmed. So in the meantime, pop by the pub at 1770 East Colorado Friday July 9 for a farewell pint and a plate of fish and chips, watch a game or two of the finals. We look forward to the next chapter in the life of Brits Pub and Eatery. Good luck and thanks for a Great 7 Years in Pasadena. Keep us posted!

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16 July 8 - July 14, 2010

German Student Exchange Seeks Host Families For the twenty-third consecutive year, nineteen high school students from Germany will arrive in South Pasadena on Thursday, July 15 as part of a fourweek academic home stay program coordinated by the local non-profit group, International Education & Exchange (IEE). The program aspires to promote international understanding and goodwill through local “citizen diplomat” programs. In fact, IEE is still actively seeking local families to volunteer as hosts for a few more students. The students, ages 14 to 18, are all proficient in English and will attend morning classes in English and American Culture at an Academic Center in South Pasadena. The program, spanning July

15 through August 12, will include those classes, afternoon trips to local venues, and several full-day excursions to places like Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Sea World. Highlights of their visit include a four-day trip to San Francisco and an optional two-day whirlwind tour of Las Vegas. Members of host families are invited and encouraged to attend any outing, simply paying the group admission price. Although it is often fun for a visiting student when his or her host family includes another teenager, it is definitely not a requirement; in past years students have enjoyed their experiences with retirees and families with young children or no children at all. And as much as

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, July 20, at 7:00 p.m., in the Arcadia City Hall Council Chambers, 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, the Arcadia City Council will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT ON THE UTILIZATION OF PROPOSED GRANT FUNDING FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE, EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM, IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,012. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the allocation of JAG funds. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council with respect to the proposed allocation of such funds, you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raised at or prior to the time of the public hearing.

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For additional information, please contact Senior Management Analyst Nancy Chik at (626) 574-5136 in the Police Department, Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (626) 574-5455 at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when special services are needed. This notification will help City staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. Arcadia City Hall is open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on alternate Fridays. City Hall will be closed on July 16, 2010. Publish July 8, 2010


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the local Academic Center. Carpooling is commonly arranged between host families, and, being from Germany, many of the students are familiar with public transportation and good old-fashioned walking. Aside from those basics, hosts should be ready to learn about another culture through the simple act of sharing family life. Speaking of her experience as a host, one local mother said, “We all enjoyed the experience – our children loved having a ‘big sister’ and it was exciting to experience our everyday lives through someone else’s eyes.” Any interested families should contact Local Coordinator Caitlin Taylor at (213) 537-6673 or caitlin.taylor.iee@ gmail.com.



Everyday is an open house:

possible, the local coordinator matches students to families based on interests. This year’s group has hobbies ranging from the predictable, “listening to Justin Timberlake” and, “going shopping,” to the more adventurous, “visiting the penguins on the South Pole” and, “Latin dancing.” “Browsing their individual profiles, it becomes obvious what a diverse collection of young people this is,” said Caitlin Taylor, the program’s Coordinator, “From musicians to Formula 1 fans, these kids run the gamut.” As the most valued part of the program, host families are asked on a volunteer basis to offer a bed, meals with the family, and transportation to and from

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Other Public Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1252050-10 APN: 5385-023-002 TRA: 09251 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx8891 REF: Ly, Steven IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED January 26, 2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 14, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded February 04, 2008, as Inst. No. 20080204301 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, executed by Steven T. Ly, A Married Man As His Sole and Separate Property And Kenneth Yu And Annie Duong, Husband And Wife, All As Joint Tenants, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the west side of the los angeles county courthouse, Southeast District, 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2105 South Baldwin Avenue Arcadia CA 91007-8171 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $424,504.77. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 2923.54 Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed and I The timefrarne for giving notice of sale

specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 The undersigned loan servicer authorizes Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation to execute the Notice of Sale on its behalf containing or attaching the above declaration required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54 regarding its exemption from California Civil Code section 2923.52. Citimortgage Inc. By: Aaron Menne, Title: Vp For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: June 04, 2010. (R321559 06/24/10, 07/01/10, 07/08/10) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 100038175 Title Order No. 10-8-148651 APN No. 5782-006-021 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 05/03/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. , as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MATTHEW A. POTURICH, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY dated 05/03/2006 and recorded 05/18/06, as Instrument No. 06 1093916, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County State of California, will sell on 07/19/2010 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, Los Angeles, CA at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 59 WEST LA SIERRA DRIVE, ARCADIA, CA, 91007. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $1,652,657.19. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but with out covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebted-ness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest at provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon at provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 06/20/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-0194 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY N.A., is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.101933 6/21, 6/28, 7/08/2010

July 8 - July 14, 2010

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POLICE BLOTTERS Arcadia PD For the period of Sunday, June 27, through Saturday, July 3, the Police Department responded to 826 calls for service of which 119 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, June 27: 1. Between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle parked at CVS Pharmacy, 1401 S. Baldwin Avenue, and stole a wallet containing cash and credit/debit cards from inside a purse. 2. Sometime between 03/22/10 and midnight on 06/23/10, the ex-boyfriend, a male white, 29 years of age, of the victim used the victim’s debit card account information to make unauthorized purchases totaling $1,220.83, in violation of fraudulent use of access card. Monday, June 28: 3. Between 12:15 a.m. and 12:50 a.m. on 06/28, the victim got a ride from her friend, a black male, 26 years of age. During the ride, the two argued and once they arrived at the suspect’s house, the suspect proceeded to choke the victim. They then left the house together and while inside the vehicle, the suspect punched the victim in the face approximately 10 times. Fearing for her life, the victim jumped out of the moving vehicle near the intersection of Santa Anita Avenue and Foothill Boulevard and ran to an Arco Gas Station for help. The suspect fled the area. 4. At approximately 12:15 p.m. in the 600 block of Encino Court, unknown suspect(s) entered an open garage and took two men’s mountain bikes, valued at $800. An area check for suspects was met with negative results. The bikes were later found discarded at the Peck Road Water Conservation Park Tuesday, June 29: 5. Sometime between 4:00 p.m. on 06/28 and 8:00 a.m. on 06/29, unknown suspect(s) cut the pad lock

from the victim’s storage unit in the 900 block of West Duarte Road. A suitcase and a stroller were stolen. 6. At approximately 8:00 p.m., unknown suspect(s), two male blacks in their 20’s, entered Ben Bridge Jewelers at 400 South Baldwin Avenue and demanded the keys to the jewelry cases by displaying a handgun. The suspects then used a hammer to open several cases and stole approximately $35,000.00 worth of diamond rings and fled the location to a third suspect who was waiting for them in a getaway vehicle. Wednesday, June 30: 7. Sometime between 4:00 p.m. on 06/29 and 1:00 p.m. on 06/30, workers removed the tent covering a home in the 1000 block of Diablo Drive, which had been fumigated. They discovered an open window and ransacked master bedroom. Toxic chemicals were still present and officers were unable to access the interior. 8. At approximately 3:30 p.m., a J.C. Penney employee, at 400 South Baldwin Avenue, was arrested for commercial burglary after an internal investigation revealed the employee had been stealing clothing then returning the items for refunds between May 9, 2010 and May 16, 2010. Suspect is a Chinese female, 59 years of age, who was placed under private person’s arrest. Thursday, July 1: 9. Sometime between 4:45 p.m. on 06/30 and 7:15 a.m. on 07/01, unknown suspect(s) cut the soccer nets and removed them from 2 goal posts. The suspect(s) took the nets to the basketball courts and set them on fire using a spray lubricant as an accelerant. 10. At 8:45 p.m. two suspects, a male Hispanic, 16-17 years of age, and a male black, 16-17 years of age, stole the victim’s purse while she was sitting at the bus stop adjacent to the south curb line of Huntington Drive east of First Avenue. Her purse was recovered; however, her money, miscellaneous credit cards and Identification Card were still missing.

Friday, July 2: 11. At approximately 3:00 p.m., in the 1700 block of Alta Oaks, a male white, 21 years of age, used his cell phone to make a video recording of his friend, the victim, while she was changing in violation of disorderly conduct. The phone was taken into evidence. 12. Between 6:30 p.m. and 6:44 p.m., a female black, 19 years of age, entered Hollister, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, with the intent to steal perfumes. When she was confronted by loss prevention, she fled from the store. She was detained by loss prevention and a private person’s arrest was made for burglary. Saturday, July 3: 13. Between 12:30 a.m. and 12:36 a.m., the suspect, male black, 28 years of age, approached the victim as she left Garden Café, 850 South Baldwin Avenue. The suspect robbed her of her purse and other property at gunpoint. The suspect fled the scene and an area check led officers to locating the vehicle and subsequently detaining the suspect in the parking lot of Chase Bank at 60 East Huntington Drive. He was arrested for robbery. 14. Between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., officers responded to a report of a brush fire north of Bonita Skate Park, 100 S. Second Avenue. The investigation by an Arcadia Fire Department Arson Investigator revealed the fire was intentionally set.

Sierra Madre PD During the week of Sunday, June 27th, to Saturday July 3rd, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 330 calls for service. Thursday, July 1st: 12:06 PM – Tampering/Injuring a vehicle, 500 block Las Rocas Drive. The front left tire of a parked car was found flattened. The incident occurred between 6:00 am, Wednesday, 6/23/10 and 11:00 am, Thursday, 7/01/2010. Two small puncture marks were found on the tire’s sidewall. The loss was estimated at $70.00.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


the gold Standard agent oF the week

agent oF the week

Century 21 ludeCke inC. 626-445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Peter Wang

Rosemary Skillman

agent oF the week Nazee Rix

Century 21 village realty (626) 355-1451

E via US HO-4 PMMonro N E N 2 st, P O SU llcre i

.H 0E 14



Private gated estate sits on over 5 acres. With 6 bdrms & 9 bthrs, great room, formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, chef’s kitchen, 5 fire places, outdoor pavilion, pool, spa, 5 car grage, Go to www.morganranchroad.com for details. (M448)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123 E na de US HO-4 PM, Alta N n E 2 o OP SUNCany 40


5 MasteR sUites!


Stunning one of a kind custom built, Mediterranean Villa. Vaulted ceilings, formal living, library, formal dining, large family room, wet bar and kitchen with granite counters and SS appliances. Beautiful backyard with pool, spa, fountains and BBQ Island. Entertainer’s Delight!!! A Must See! (LON)

views, views, views

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd.

PRivate lake aRea!!!

viCtoRian beaUtY


This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine seller, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)


MediteRRanean villa


Recently remodeled 4bdrm 3bth w/3994 of living space, manicured grounds, spacious patio/balcony, Koi ponds, custom two car garage, entry way, grand living room, detailed FP, formal dining, gourmet kitchen, cherry cabinetry, travertine tiled floors, custom granite counter tops, 3 master suites and so much more! (H140)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123



Mid-CentURY ClassiC


Situated on a very large corner lot this Altadena home with it’s lush entry, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, master retreat, formal living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, guest quarters, remodeled kitchen, family room, hardwood floors, large swimming pool & spa with automatic pool cover. (G2440)


REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the culde-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! www.1430avenue64.com (AVE)


1908 well maintained 2155 sq.ft. character home in Sierra Madre with many original features. 4 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, formal and informal dining rooms, impressive fireplace in large entry, 2 “sleeping porches”, terrace off master bedroom, spacious kitchen with tons of cabinetry, 17,248 sq.ft. of park like grounds. (M287)

thRee Units


Located in a great Temple City area. Live in one and rent the others. Front house has 2 bedrooms and one full bath, living room with fireplace, formal dining room, spacious kitchen, laundry room, hardwood floors, patio. Other two units are identical with 2 bedrooms, one bath, bright & airy open floor plan. (R5828)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

hoUse PlUs dUPlex

sPaCioUs hoMe

tRaditional one level

Located in N/E Monrovia with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, walk-in pantry, hardwood flooring, breakfast counter/bar, formal dining room, detached two car garage, laundry room, lovely patio and backyard. (O1013)


CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

well Maintained


aRCadia townhoMe


Pasadena Duplex with single unit in rear, close to PCC, Cal Tech and Old Town. Currently occupied with tenants. All new electrical. Each unit is one bedroom, one full bath and laundry hook-up, hardwood floors, two car detached garages. (B129)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451


Beautiful 3bdrm 3bth home w/2158 living space, family room, CA & Heat, high ceilings, open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, granite counter tops, hardwood flooring, move- in ready and Temple City Schools. (B6033)



Magnificent Colonial Home Built 1926 w/3bdrms 2bths, located in excellent neighborhood, walking distance to schools, markets & transportation, living room w/FP, formal dining room, 1 bdrm & full bath downstairs, spacious front and back yards, 2 car detached garage, spacious basement, great potential, needs some TLC. (H2397)

SE M sa OU -4P Azu N HUN 2 Ct., E OP T&SRock SAiver






This 4 bed/ 3 ba beauty is located in a gated community. One bedroom downstairs. Kitchen w/island and eating area, family room with fireplace, master bedroom with his and hers closets, large laundry room, 3 car garage and much more! (RIV)


Located in Pasadena this 2 bedroom,1.75 bath, kitchen, breakfast bar, dining room with fireplace and wet bar. Relaxing patio, laundry room/office, two car garage with plenty of storage cabinets, 2 car detached garage, fruit trees in side yard. (M1765)

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

san GabRiel

Fish CanYon


This beautiful 2bdr 1.5 bth is turn-key. Very Well maintained by the current owners for over ten years! Gorgeous hardwood floors (except den) run throughout the house contributing to the warmth. Comfortable living room, den and dining room just off a bright well lit kitchen with tiled counter tops and floor. Front yard with circular driveway W/open courtyard and the back yard has a covered patio. (H89340)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd.



Charming 3bdrm 1bth home in very desirable area, new granite counter-tops, new appliances, hardwood floor, copper plumbing, formal dining room, new windows. Located close to Old Town Monrovia and shopping centers. (L329)


This 3 bed/2.5 ba. features Lg living room w/frpl and dining area, lovely kitchen with patio view, master suite with high ceiling & huge closet. All bedrooms are upstairs. Community pool & Arcadia schools!!! (HUN)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

4 bedRooM

UPGRaded townhoMe

$ 4 2 0 ,0 0 0

Hard to find 4 bedroom, located in Duarte with fireplace in living room, 1.5 baths, kitchen/family room combo, inside laundry area, new windows, Laminet flooring in dining area, sliding glass doors in master bedroom opening to private patio & bonus room, two car attached garage. (F3109)

This well maintained 4 bed/3 ba features new double-pane windows, new doors and tile floors on first floor. Decorative staircase railing & Security door. Beautiful landscaped yard and private backyard. Good location in quiet neighborhood. (MAS)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

Century 21 ludeCke inC


This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, one level unit has been totally upgraded. Designer tile & paint. Hardwood floors and custom cabinets. Front and back patios. Gated complex pool close by. (MOU)

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Century 21 village realty

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451

320 e. Foothill Blvd., arCadia

20 e. Foothill Blvd. Suite 105, arCadia

38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre





Arcadia Weekly arcadiaweekly.com

Thursday, July 8 - July 14, 2010

Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996

Advertise your business here. Call 626.301.1010 Volume XV, No. XLIV

From Left: Uncle Sam fiddles down Sierra Madre Blvd July 5-Photo by Terry Miller; Fireworks at Monrovia courtesy Rick Keshishi from Photoworksbyrick.com and children enjoying the water spray from SMFD during the July 5th parade. - Photo by Terry Miller.

Arcadia Gold Line Station Relocated

AHS Graduate Leads Team to World Series By Kristie Tom Sixteen seems to be the magic number for softball player Jenna Rodriguez of the University of Hawaii. W hen she wa s just 16 -years-old, Rodriguez was named Most Valuable Player for the Pacific League for the first time, and helped lead her team to a conference championship. As the lowest seed in the tournament, No. 16, UH had a slim chance of making it far in the NCAA Tuscaloosa Super Regionals, let alone making it to the NCAA Women’s College World Series. A nd it wa s Rod r i -

Jenna Rodriguez, 2007 AHS grad guez’s 16th homer of the season in the game against No. 1 Alabama that helped lead her team to the NCAA Women’s College World

Continued on Page 14

By Amy Leong Adding to the one of many new developments and dramatic changes in Arcadia, the Gold Line’s Relocation breakthrough was decided at the end of June to create easier transportation for nearly ever yone involved. A fter months of planning, the City of Arcadia was

informed that the Gold Line station is relocating from the eastside of First Avenue to the westside of First Avenue. However, t he extension not only affects the Gold Line, but the parking lot located on the Westside will also be extended to four levels instead of t he orig inal

Continued on Page 12

Summer of Musical Tribute Starts Friday Concert producer Pasadena Entertainment and the Pasadena Convention Center have teamed to present the first in their “Summer Soundzz” concert series this Friday, July 9 which will feature a blast from the musical past.. Producer and local restaurateur André Vener will

be presenting Beatles “tribute band” The Fab Four at 7:30 p.m. at the newly renovated sprawling outdoor plaza in front of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium located at 300 E. Green Street in Pasadena. Most notable of all the bands the participating

Continued on Page 13

Edward Wong Installed as President of Arcadia Chinese Association By floretta Lauber The Arcadia Chinese Association hosted its installation and a delicious summer buffet in the Sunset Room at Santa Anita Golf Course on June 29th. Officers all wore orchids, and the theme for the eveing was “Get to Know You.” The event was attended by all five Council Members and some spouses, the city manager and many department heads. The large turn-out from City Hall was in honor of the Chinese Association for their efforts to bring together the Chinese community into the mainstream of Arcadia, and for their volunteer efforts for over 20 years. Mistress of Ceremonies, Angeline Chen, was assisted

Arcadia mayor, Peter Amundson (right), installed on June 29th Edward Wong (center) as new president of Arcadia Chinese Association, shown here with Pearl Chen, immediate past president. by Polly Ho and outgoing and served as installing of- to bring the community president, Pearl Chen. ficer for the entire board of together and continue their Sherry Tay did a beauti- directors. efforts of volunteering and ful rendition of “God Bless The new president, Ed- assisting new residents. America.” Mayor Peter ward Wong, gave a meanThe Social Whirl Amundson presented a ingful acceptance speech Continued on Page 10 congratulatory certificate in his direction to continue

2 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Special Memories Dorothy's Place

By Dorothy Denne

relive the beatles! FRIDAY, JULY 9

party on the plaza fridays at 7:30 PASADENA CIVIC PLAZA super diamond

Funny how a simple little phrase from someone can trigger a memory. This morning I overheard a stranger say, “God, I miss my Grandpa.” That opened my memory box. I never knew my grandfathers. They both died before I was born so I only know of them what was told to me over the years. Though both of my grandmothers died while I was young, they did leave me a few memories. They are special. There are two in particular that stick with me about Grandma B. She belonged to the Free Methodist Church. When I went to services with her, we had to kneel on a kneeler which hurt my knees. I didn’t like that, so I tried to avoid staying over Saturday nights

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John B. Stephens

Photographer Terry Miller


Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage


Susan Motander Bill Peters Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal

Production Intern Courtney Blackburn

Business Advertising

advertising @beaconmedianews.com

Sales Manager Andrea Olivas

Legal Advertising Annette Reyes

Circulation manager Joseph Polk

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125 E. Chestnut Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 301-1010

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with her. My cousin, Rosie June, didn’t do very well in school. Grandma bribed her by telling her that she would give her a dollar for every A she received on her report card. In those days a dollar was considered a lot of money, but that promise never cost Grandma a cent. When I heard about the deal though, I got very excited. I was willing to stay over a Saturday night to show her my card with all A’s except one B. I mentally counted my aboutto- be fortune. When I proudly showed my card to Grandma, she knitted her brows and said, “And why is it, Dorothy Lou, you let yourself receive a B?” I didn’t have an answer for her but I had learned a lesson. Sunday morning, as I knelt on that hard kneeler, I informed God that I didn’t think life was fair. I have two special memories about my Grandma M. One is that she had the most beautiful snow-white hair. The other is a promise she extracted from me. On the day of her death, she called me to her bedside. She asked me to promise her that when I grew up I would be a proper young lady and not smoke or drink. At 5 years old, I was willing to promise.

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The Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759. The Monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation in Court Case GS 004759.

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This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.

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July 8 - July 14, 2010


Sierra Madre Volunteer Firefighters: Heroes of the Parade Inconsequential, Opinionated Meanderings By Terry Miller There were several things different about this year’s Fourth of July parade. First, and perhaps foremost, it was not held on the fourth, presumably as to not to offend those attending church. Indeed, the crowd was also considerably lighter this year and a little of the June gloom seemed to have crept all the way into early July. The beer garden was considerably less well-attended and beer sales were down enormously. Perhaps this was due to the choices available: Bud Heavy and Bud light. Most beer aficionados will not drink that stuff! I also think the beer garden may have been boycotted by those in support of the FD as they traditionally sponsor and man the beer garden as a fundraiser. This year it was for the Sierra Madre Little league. Not really sure how beer and little league seems more politically appropriate than Firefighting and hops, but I digress. These are decisions for those much wiser than I may ever be. Despite official calls for a “No water Zone” along the parade route Monday – a rather tremendous almost magical thing happened at the July 5th parade. The volunteer firefighters apparently overlooked the newly imposed limitations, as if to say, “Hey, the kids just want to have fun. This is a day for freedom from the tyranny of those Red Coats in city hall! I did hear one city official, who shall remain nameless for the time being, say that he took pictures of the offending firefighters and will be addressing the issue with the Fire Chief! I for one sure hope that was tongue in cheek and not simply a towing of the party line, as so many in local governments do to protect their precious derrieres. With Sierra Madre water rates possibly going up, residents’ temperatures too are rising exponentially. It therefore seemed only natural that something had to be done. And that something was a clear message to the city: at least

a 40% increase in water being enjoyed by hundreds of kids along the parade route over last year. Indeed, it might be said that Sierra Madre’s firefighters have had a love/hate relationship with certain city officials for some time now. Even the choice of Lew Watanabe as this year’s Grand Marshal was ironic, methinks, as one of Lew’s specialties is water sculptures! And the Sierra Madre City College float was a send-up of the city’s plan to raise the water rates and offered a rather clever solution “Sinko De July”…drink Cerveza! Traditionally, the parade has been a wonderful eclectic parade of water fest where kids vs. firefighters enjoyed friendly (and safe) water play to cool off in the summer heat. No one ever got hurt, but someone did complain a few years ago and the city set some rather unpopular and seemingly unnecessary rules and regulations as a result of potentially litigious grumpy parade goers. Note to City officials: Ban the water ban; in fact, ban all the restrictions entirely. Do what one of the most successful and popular parades - the Doo Dah – does and restrict nothing. When virtually anything goes, nearly everyone has fun. And we were somewhat confused as to why the Sierra Madre Police Dept. wasn’t in this year’s parade. Or if they were, we missed them. This is what the City’s website had to tell resident prior to the parade: “Traditionally, water has been squirted back and forth amongst viewers and participants during the parade. However, this year the City has established a new set of Water Play Zone Guidelines. Sierra Vista Park is now the only designated water play zone (west side of the park on the grass lawn). The Sierra Madre Fire Department will be spraying water into Sierra Vista Park for children and families to play in. Only water/ squirt guns will be permitted at the water play zone. Absolutely no water balloons or use of water hoses will be tolerated at the water play zone or anywhere along the parade route. Absolutely NO water will be allowed along the parade route. Parking signage will exhibit a “No Water Zone” notice along Sierra Madre Blvd.”

As I recall, a father was arrested a few years ago for shooting water at a police officer during the parade. Now if that wasn’t bad enough, a couple of years later, a business owner was arrested for spraying his sidewalk clean of dog poop in preparation for customers coming in for a spot of tea. Now, admittedly, he was arrested for allegedly “threatening a code enforcement officer” but it nevertheless came about, you guessed it, because of water. I have covered more parades in Sierra Madre than I can remember and this is the first time I’ve ever heard so much negativity towards city officials for such harebrained ordinances. If it’s not the inane parking regulations, it’s the hosing off of sidewalks. If the fourth is on a Sunday, we’ll parade around on the Fifth and restrict about every enjoyable thing the kids have come to expect about a parade. Candy, balloons, and yes WATER! For once, I agree (dare I say it) with “The Tattler” blog’s wordsmith, John Crawford who recently posted this comment on the aforementioned water restriction: “… the last thing any parent enjoys seeing is their kids subjected to the same tedious and politically correct over regulation of everything fun that we as adults face. Childhood, and certainly during as festive an occasion as a parade celebrating the birth of our American freedoms, should be a refuge from such petty tyranny. But alas, that no longer seems to be the case with our 4th (or 5th) of July Parade. It is quite an unfortunate lesson for children, if you think about it.” Well said, sir! Did I just agree with Mr. Crawford? Yes, I bloody well did, because he’s bloody well right! How quickly the city forgets how the firefighters helped during the Station Fire, or any fire in recent history. How they (the firefighters, who are mostly volunteers) put on the annual egg hunt for the kids and are always are there when you need them in a million different capacities. These are talented, extremely well-trained and dedicated caring men and women who choose to serve. For this, can we not please let our firefighters pull out their hoses on

the Fourth of July and help them help the kids enjoy one of the few freedoms left in this country? One Sierra Madre resident, Mr. Bob Matheson, wrote this to our newspaper this week: “Sierra Madre put its best foot and fire hose forward again this year as our townsfolk celebrated the birth of our country in grand, Sierra Madre AllAmerican fashion. The parade, the jazz band and activities for the kids in the park, and of course the Beer Garden, are the traditional 4th of July treasures of Sierra Madre. Kudos to the always fabulous Fourth of July Committee, headed now by Matt Bosse, for pulling everything together. It’s a time and place that we all keep coming back to, year after year...a celebration that singularly embodies the “Spirit of Sierra Madre.” It’s why we enjoy living here! Amidst all this great fun and success is there the risk of criticism? I saw a Fire Department engine occasionally stop and, very judiciously, spray a narrow pattern of water directly ahead. Common sense called for the water spray!

The kids had a thrill they’ll cherish for their lifetime. I can’t imagine anyone being critical of doing the right thing! So while our Fire Department was in the parade, our terrific Police, Water and Public Works Department employees should have been, too! They help keep things running 24/7, and deserve the same applause of an appreciative crowd. And talking about great people helping others, how lucky we are to have the fabulous Search & Rescue Team in our town, and in the parade, too!” Our phone calls to city officials for a statement on the water matter were not immediately returned. But one official comment did come from my good friend, Sierra Madre Fire Chief Steve Heydorff. Heydorff enlightened me saying that actually the ban on water was at his insistence due to a safety concern he had at last year’s parade. “I saw a bunch of kids running up to and in front of a rolling

fire engine and got very concerned for their safety. If water was sprayed on the engine’s windshield the operator might not have been able to stop in time.” Heydorff went on to say that he loves water and that since he’s an Aquarius, it is literally in his blood to be one with water (perhaps this is why he turned to firefighting). The ban on water could be resolved if there are safe solutions next year, and the Chief said he’d welcome any ideas the community might have to continue a tradition that many in town love. He wants the kids to enjoy the fun of water while at the same time ensuring their safety. Seems logical to me, but there’s got to be a way to make this work. Let us know what your thoughts are on how to keep the water flowing while keeping our kids safe. As always, we welcome your comments on this matter. Please e you’re your thoughts to editor@ sierramadreweekly.com

4 July 8 - July 14, 2010


By Wally Hage International Happiness Day is July 10, 2010. The good things we do today for someone can become your happiness for tomorrow. It is said that if you make at least one person happy every day the reward is that you will experience an even greater happiness within yourself. It is just a simple formula. Psychologists tell us that your thoughts and actions can have a significant effect on your happiness. Happy people have good friends, and supportive relationships. They are optimistic, keep a positive outlook toward their daily

Happiness Is a Choice problems and are happy and thankful with what they have and do not ponder thoughts about what they don’t have! Research states that happiness is a state of mind or a feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, and pleasure. Religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life in a close relationship with God. That to experience happiness in your life you must think on good things and practice having good thoughts throughout the day. Don’t replay your problems and mistakes over and over or make them your topic of unhappy conversations with others. I remember, as a fourteen year old boy growing up alone with only a mother, that I was sad, lonely and unhappy as my father had died when I was eight and World War II conscripted my two older brothers. The sadness of these two life changing events began to shape my personality as my outlook

toward daily life was unhappy. One day while working around the neighborhood doing odd jobs and mowing lawns to help my mom meet the expenses of school clothes and school activities I met a neighbor who was a store window decorator for a large shoe store chain. He recognized my unhappiness and invited me to accompany him while he was decorating a store window. I was thrilled that he offered me a job to vacuum and to help tidy up the retail store for several hours each Sunday afternoon. The money was exciting and the work was fun. After several weeks helping my neighbor, the shoe store owner liked my enthusiastic work progress that he offered me a job on Saturdays to work in his shoe store as a stock boy. The store owner, who I referred to as Uncle Ben Goldman, became fully aware of my home life and realized that I had very minimal parenting. As an act of kindness, he took a personal interest in my


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development. He began though he was my real fapoint, you can make the by teaching me how to ther. His constant “Happy choice to be in a good or run the cash register at the Nature” in all of the stores bad mood as a result. Real wrap counter. I caught on difficult situations made happiness and joy comes quickly and soon on busy me so curious. One day, I from your personal choices occasions I was allowed asked Ben, “How do you in how you live your life.” to assist in selling shoes. stay so good natured all For the next two years Ben His wife treated me as salonthe time?” mentored me into becom& day spa Ben replied, it’s though I was a relative www.BellisimaSalon.com now habit, Wally, “each ing a happy teenager. and packed a lunch for me when I91016 awake I I often reflect back 501 S. Myrtle Avenue,morning Monrovia, California Salon locatedUncle in Old Town corner of you Myrtlehave and Lemon upon that “Life Experieach Saturday. Ben Monrovia say attothemyself, was very kind always in a choices today Ben. ence” that Ben shared with (626)two 357-0017 good humor. Customers You can choose to be in me. I am so thankful for loved him as his positive a good mood or you can the mentoring that he gave attitude was so infectious. let troubles bother you to me as a young teenagHe was a natural motivaand choose to be in a bad er. Today, I still practice $10.00mood. Off any Service tor. Each day I choose the concept of positive One day when I was to be in a good mood. thinking to help me make Hours: having a noticeably bad When something unpleas“Happy” choices about Tuesday–Thursday day, having lost two sales ant9-7 happens I can choose life. I try vigorously to not Friday–Saturday pricing on the back which meant the loss of the to8-5 be a victimsalon or I can let negative thoughts and sales commissions, I dispoint out the positive side difficult situations, dictate played a very bad attitude of the problem. I choose my daily happiness! toward him and the custhe positive side of life I still remember tomers. Quickly he took always. “Yeah right Uncle vividly, Ben’s happiness me aside, and I was sure Ben”, I said, “but it’s not statement ... “Choose not that I would be fired for as easy as you say.” “Ben to worry about tomorrow, my bad manner. Insteadsalonquickly Wally, it for worry does not change & day replied, spa Uncle Ben encouraged me takes daily practice! Life anything. After all today www.BellisimaSalon.com to forget that situation and all about choices. is the tomorrow that you 501 S. Myrtle Avenue,isMonrovia, California 91016When located in Old side Town Monrovia the away corner ofall Myrtle Lemon worried about yesterday to look Salon at the positive you atcut the and junk, of those incidents. That every situation in your life and that did not change a (626)is 357-0017 perhaps those people were a choice. With practice, thing. Be happy by thinkalso having a bad day and you will choose just how ing about the good things that they would not have to react to each situation. that God has blessed you bought shoes from anyone. YouOff choose any how people with and know that He has $10.00 Service It was so pleasing and things affect your feel- much more in store for you that he was treating me as ings and mood. At that each new day”! Hours: Tuesday–Thursday 9-7 Voted one of the best salons in the San Gabriel Valley for more than 10 years Friday–Saturday 8-5 salon pricing on the back

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July 8 - July 14, 2010



Betty the Mannequin to Replace Megan Fox in “Transformers 3”


3 5

7 2

1 Last


3 9

9 1



8 4

4 3


1 2

my pet pig, Shondra. He wouldn’t even let her audition. It just goes to show you, you can put lipstick on a pig but you can’t marry one.” Frots has started a petition to boycott the film which has already been signed by seven members of his immediate family. Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and “I figured I would have trouble getting my older each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from brother Cletus to agree. 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following He’s a big fan of robots and crappy movies. But he week. Or, “the numbers occurI only could see themust pain wasonce” in and well, after I gave him the last piece of meatpie, he signed right away.” Bay defended his pick, 3 5 7 2 9 1 8 6 4 praising Betty as “a true 2 9 4 8 6 7 3 1 5 chameleon of cinema. She 6 8 1 5 3 4 2 7 9 has far more range than 8 4 5 6 7 3 9 2 1 Mega n. Plus, whatever 9 7 3 1 2 5 6 4 8 I ask of her, she’ll do it. 1 6 2 4 8 9 7 5 3 ‘No’s’ not even in her vocabulary.” 7 1 9 3 4 6 5 8 2 Transformers 3 an5 3 8 7 1 2 4 9 6 nihilates moviegoers next 4 2 6 9 5 8 1 3 7 summer. 6 is the only candidate in (6,2)



Last Week’s Solution

Others though, had a decidedly negat ive sla nt. Jackson Frots, the creator of the fringe blog PigsarePeopletoo, blasted Bay for his “stale and predictable choice.”

“I just feel like Michael could have really taken a stand and thought out side t he box. I f he was going to pick a nonhuman, I really wish he would have considered

4 in (2,3) is the only candidate in row 2 3 in (3,5) is the only candidate in column 5 9 in (3,9) is the only candidate in row 3 3 in (5,3) is the only candidate in column 3 9 in (5,1) is the only candidate in row 5 4 in (7,5) is the only candidate in column 5 9 in (7,3) is the only candidate in row 7 7 in (7,1) is the only candidate in row 7 7 in (1,3) is the only candidate in column 3 1 in (3,3) is the only candidate in column 3 After strong, albeit 6 in a(3,1) is the only candidate in box [1,1] is the resurgence only candidate in (3,7) purely2 ironic is 1990s the only in the 5late andcandidate early in (7,7) 2 is the only candidate in (7,9) 2000s The Mullet has now 6 is the only candidate in (8,9) apparently its second, 8 is died the only candidate in (8,3) 4 is the only candidate in (8,7) final death. 6 is the only candidate in (9,3) Despite positive reviews, 3 is the only candidate in (9,8) a multi-million 5 is thedollar only marketcandidate in (6,8) ing campaign 6 is the and only Burger candidate in (1,8) 8 is the cup onlycontract, candidate in (1,7) King hologram 9 is the only candidate in (1,5) The MacGruber Mullet was 3 is the only candidate in (2,7) dead on5 arrival, posting just most mullet experts and is the only candidate in (2,9) 2 is on the2,551 only screens candidate enthusiasts in (2,1) $1.6 million had predicted 5 is the only candidate in (1,2) nationwide. the movie would have much 4 is the only candidate in (5,8) According to sources fagreater success. 2 is the only candidate in (4,8) miliar with these in (5,2) 7 is the the matter, only candidate “It’s really concerning 4 is the only candidate not in (4,2) numbers indicate MacGruonly for the mullet in8 is the only candidate in (6,5) ber made only $627.20 per in (4,5)but for other mullet7 is the only candidate dustry, screen, 1give take onecandidate small related is or the only in (5,4)businesses as well,”

8 6

5 9 9 7

Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X 3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each.

By Jeff Corriveau “MacGruber” Flop Proves Mullets

Offficially No Longer Funny


The Doozies




Fill the 9 X 9 g each of the n 1 to 9 only o week.

By John Stephens

By Tom Gammill


popcorn. With its mulletheavy cast, dialog and plush mullet giveaway campaign,

By Randall Munroe





Or, “the numbers must occur only once”







By matthew burch Fo l l o w i n g M e g a n Fox’s messy exit from the Transformers franchise last month, rumors swirled regarding who action maestro Michael Bay would select as his next leading lady. Well, after a week long casting-couch search (no doubt f ueled by a highly-lethal combination of Levitra and Red Bull), Bay announced today that he had selected Betty the Mannequin, best known for her role in the 80s hit “Mannequin,” as his replacement for Miss Fox. Fa n b o y s i m m e d i ately hit the chat rooms to debate Bay’s choice. Ba sement - dwel ler a nd all-around creep Hermit T haddeu x ca l led it “a breakthrough for inanimate objects everywhere. Dr. King’s dream is finally coming to fruition.”


The Reel Truth



says Ricardo Svornsen of the Shoulderlength Institute in Birmingham, Alabama. “My fear is that we’ve become so reliant on mullets that our economy may not be prepared to handle a softening in the mullet markets.” But not everyone has been so quick to jump off the mullet wagon. Walrus, former Beatle and all around bon vivant Paul McCartney issued a statement early Saturday morning urging caution on what he termed “betting against this hair.” Florence Henderson,

David Bowie and Jerry Springer were listed as signatories to the strongly worded statement. Despite the rally of support, early morning trading saw The Mullet plunge across multiple exchanges, with median lengths rising 2.3 inches, or 5.76%.

Florence Henderson, Mullet Owner, Trainer

6 July 8 - July 14, 2010

POPS Open Season with Something for Everybody By Bill Peters The new band shell erected by the Pasadena Sy mphony and and POPS for its new location for 2010 POPS Summer S er ies c rea t es a g rea t backstop to an otherwise dreary location, Lot H, outside Pasadena’s Rose Bowl. T he t ables w it h white linens turned the grass area into a festive party-like atmosphere for the estimated 2000+ that showed up for the opening concert of the Pasadena POPS Orchestra summer series to watch the twohour event that included a sharp sounding orchestra, a vaudeville juggling and acrobatic dance group, video close-ups of stage action on large screens at both sides of the band shell, and a wonderful fireworks display at the end. There was something for everybody. Conductor Rachael Worby selected a program of music of familiar classical favorites that could have come right out of a 1950’s Time-Life or Reader’s Digest compilation recording. T here were pieces of Bizet’s Carmen Suite No. 1 and 2; Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” ballet and the Scherzo from his Symphony No. 4 and “Swan Lake”; Borodin’s “Polovtsian Dances” from his “Prince Igor”; two Khachaturian numbers including, of course, “Sabre Dance” from the “Gayuneh” ballet suite; Respighi; De falla; and finally Stravinksy’s finale to the “Firebird” suite.

The music was colorfully punctuated with members of the Cirque de la Symphonie, a group of acrobats, jugglers and st rong men—a ci rcus/ vaudeville act of six that presented adroit feats and body-bend ing rout ines that left most of the audience in giggles. Their work was seen up-close by the audience on two large video screens bookending the band shell. T he v ideo sc reen s also provided a nice looks at orchestra members performing and the sound system was absolutely ter-

rific and well-balanced— that is, the best balanced sound was hea rd from the rear of the fenced off event area, the area designated for sand-chair and blankets. Worby extolled the virtues of attendance at live musica l per for mances to the audience. But, the truth is that all the audience heard was the amplified sound of the on-stage performers. The mic-ing was so close to prevailing studio recording techniques that members of t he percussion section of the orchestra could be seen wearing

hea dphone s when t he large videos screens focused on them. T he orchest ra per formed under Worby’s athletic conducting style with eagerness and exactness. There appeared to be significant changes in orchestra personnel, including the assignment of Assistant Concertmaster Amy Hershberger as concertmaster of the evening rather than the Symphony’s A my K reston. No exact list of personnel was provided but many t h roughout t he st a nds seemed younger. A pretty spectacular round of fireworks display was set off to an almost out-ofcontrol speed-y version of S ou sa’s “ S t a r s a nd Stripes Forever” to end the evening. T he even i ng wa s pleasant and entertaining. But a warning: the bot t om of t he A r royo Seco gets chilly even before the sun goes down. We think even the next concert, Saturday, July 17, could require an extra sweater even though the music will be hot. Rachael Worby brings the orchestra, singers Doug La Brecque, Lisa Vroman and The Donald Brinegar Singers, to the Lawn Adjacent to the Rose Bowl with “I ♥ New York”. Tunes by Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Frederick Loewe, Mancini and Gershwin on the Pops side and a small taste of Aaron Copland and Antonin Dvorak on the classic side, and more. Gates open for picnicking at 5:30 p.m., concert is at 7:30 p.m.

Ford Amphitheatre Plans Full Summer Season of Family Events By Bill Peters The Ford Amphitheatre 2010 summer season is already underway. In fact, the more than 50 performances planned at the Los Angeles County facility across the street f rom t he Hol ly wood Bowl, w ill cont inue to Oct. 14. A mong t he loca l g r oup s per for m i n g a t t he Ford a re t he Ku l tura Philippine Folk Arts da nce compa ny ba sed in A ltadena, Monterey Park’s Taikoproject and DreamDance Contemporary Arts from Arcadia.

The Taikoproject will perform at the Ford Amphitheatre at 8:00 p.m. Sa t u rday, Ju ly 10 a nd Sunday, July 11 with Artistic Directors Bryan Yamami and Masato Baba in new works with marimba, koto ( Japanese harp) a nd yokobue ( ba mboo f lute). Tickets for this event are $35 and $40; st udent s a nd ch i ld ren $12; discounts for early ticket purchases. I n for m a t ion: (32 3) 461-3673. Drea m Da nce C on temporary Arts will appear at the Ford at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 3 w it h Ch i nese - f lavored

contemporary dance in a program entitled “Falling Petals”. Choreographer Ting-Ting Chang combines balance and harmony with inspirations f r om Eu ropea n pa i nt ings, Chinese poetry, and Asian disciplines. Tickets are $25, general admission; students and children, $12; discounts for early ticket purchases. Information: (323) 461-3673. The full list of programs can be found at w w w.FordTheat res.org. The Ford Amphitheatre is located at 2580 Cahuenga Blvd., East, Hollywood, On-site stacked parking is $1 per vehicle.

Arcadia’s DreamDance presents “Falling Petals” at Ford Amphitheatre in September.

July 8 - July 14, 2010

Kirkwall: A Scottish Hideaway Lost in Time


Need to Lose 50lbs or More this Summer? Train, Inc. Has You Covered

By Greg Aragon

Someday when I want to get away from the city and forget about life for a while, I will return to Kirkwall, Scotland. I’ll rent a small room near t he shore and spend a few days watching sheep graze, boats come in and out of the small harbor and admiring ancient architecture. I did this last summer and left with a memorable getaway. Located off t he off t he nor t her n coa s t of ma i n la nd Scot t la nd, K irkwall is t he capital and largest town of the O rk ney I s l a nd s. Wit h about 8,000 inhabitants, the island may be large by O rk ney st a nda rd s , but to me it is a Scottish h ideaway lost in t ime. The town began around 1046 as the settlement of Rögnvald II, Earl of Orkney. The name comes f r o m t he No r s e wo r d Kirkjuvagr (Church Bay). My la st jou r ney to the island began with a visit to the 11th century St. Mag nus Cat hedral, which was named after

Saint Mag nus Erlendsson, Earl of Orkney from 1108 – 1117. The church was built to honor Magnus a f ter he wa s mu r dered by a t r a it orou s cousin. The huge cathedral is highlighted by Romanesque and Gothic architecture melded together in beautiful arches, pillars and rocket-shaped peaks made of red and yel low sa ndst one, a nd m i xed w it h color f u l stained glass windows. The building is f lanked by a n eer ie g raveya rd with tombstones dating back to the 17th century. Nex t t o t he cat he dral are t he stor ybook rema ins of T he Ea rl’s Pa la ce, bu i lt i n 16 0 6 ,

and Bishop’s Palace, constructed in the 12th century. Besides historic cat hed r a l s a nd pa l a ce s , Kirkwall is full of 17th and18th century Norwegian styled houses and ot her st r uct u res , w it h tiny windows and gables. Many of the buildings are now home to great shops and restaurants. The main drags for shopping are Bridge and Albert Streets. Both narrow and beautifully med ieva l, t he st reet s a re perfect for walking, but unfortunately also have cars on them, so visitors have to be extra careful. While strolling through the shops, I discovered an old Woolworths store

and a great place for fish and chips. For an incredible excu rsion of f t he isla nd, I t o ok a b oa t r ide t o nea rby S k a r a B r a e , a prehistoric village dating from the Stone Age. Still in remarkable condition, the neolithic settlement of Skara Brae lies near the white beach of t he Bay of Ska ill. The archeological site is the best preser ved g roups of prehistoric houses in Western Europe. Uncovered by a storm in 1850, the village is a vivid picture of life around 5,000 years ago. Visitors can experience a prehistoric village and see ancient homes fitted with stone beds, dressers and seats. But my favorite thing to do while in Kirkland wa s to wa lk a long t he coast and enjoy the enchanting Scottish scenery. I could spend hours strolling past rolling hills l i ne d w it h s he ep a nd cat t le, wat ch i ng sma l l f ish i ng boat s br i ng i n their catch, or the ferries leave for another island in the Orkneys. For more info on Kirkwall, see: www. visitscotland.com, or visit Holland America for cr uising info at: www.hollandamer ica.com.

Lynda Linforth, owner of Train Inc in Arcadia, saw a need for special training for her clients who had in excess of 50 lbs to lose when three of her clients came to her prior to them receiving Bariatric surgery, or Lap Band as it is more commonly known. Her clients were embarrassed to go main stream gyms and enjoyed t he f r iend ly a nd more personal atmosphere at Train Inc. Lynda launched Fitness Rx a program specifically for pre and post Bariatric surgery patients and for people who had been advised by their physician to lose weight for health reasons. “Our clients had difficulty with balance and upper body strength and we incorporated exercises to help these issues” said Lynda. She also noticed that because of their lack of cardio stamina, some clients would attend her Br ide a nd Bik ini Boot Ca mp cla ss on ly once and then not come back. “They didn’t want to get left behind or to hold up the class, so they would just quit instead which was upsetting for us and for them”. Fitness Rx is a 30 minute, sma l l g roup cla ss that addresses weight loss, mobility, balance, muscle strength and cardio stamina. The class is for men and woman of all ages and fitness levels and is low in cost. “I don’t feel like a Plus size spectacle and appreciate the private atmosphere” said Susan D. who


has trained at Train Inc to lose the pre surgery weight requirement for Bariatric surgery. Susan, who had a spinal condition that had been affecting her mobility, is now pain free and able to get up and down off the floor more easily. Cori, who has struggled with her weight all of her life said “I have never felt so comfortable working out before and there are no gym bunnies running around!”. Train Inc also offers nutritional programs and more information on Fitness Rx and their private studio can be found at www.fitnessrxsite.com or by calling Lynda on 626 447 1049. Lynda Linforth and Train Inc were recently featured on the cable T V show “Dining with Dills”, as host Peter Dills, was training to improve a shoulder injury. Lynda Linforth is a certified personal trainer, licensed nutritionist and owner of Train Inc., a private personal training studio in Arcadia specializing in weight loss, post-rehab exercise, post-cancer exercise and nutrition. She can be reached at lyndalinforth@gmail. com. Lynda has been a nationally certified trainer since 1998.

Discovery Camp June 21st - August 13th

Combination of Academics: Math, Science, Language Arts, Reading, Religion, Art, and more plus Weekly Field Trips like: Adventure City, Knott’s, the beach, the Arcadia pool.

•Lunch and afternoon snacks included. •Open from 7am-6pm •Two 4-week sessions

All this for $700 per session! Call 626-287-0968 for more details

8 July 8 - July 14, 2010


Colorado Street Bridge Party “Our Fish Come from the Finest Schools”


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The Bridge Party returns to West Pasadena on the following night that is July 10th, proceeds benefit the Pasadena Historical Society, many local restaurants will participate, plus a great car show and two different live music stages. Call (626) 4416333. Event starts at 6 p.m. and goes till 10 p.m.

East L.A. Meets Napa

AltaMed’s Fifth Annual celebration returns better than ever with an expanded courtyard in one of Los Angeles most historic settings – Union Station. This year, the event also presents some of Baja California’s best wineries to showcase wines from the Valle de Guadalupe region in commemoration of Mexico’s Bicentennial celebration. The event will feature the diversity of Los Angeles’ Latin cuisine and fine wine from Latino-owned or –operated Napa Wineries through 60 wine and food pairing stations. East LA Meets Napa speaks to the ongoing preference among aficionados to pair wine with Latin food instead of beer or margaritas.

Confirmed Participating Restaurants (Partial list):

Birrieria Chalio ,Casa de Moles “LaTia” , Cook’s Tortas , Dorados, El Portal, El Tepeyac Café, Guelaguetza, Homegirl Café, La Casita Mexicana , La Parrilla Restaurant Mama’s International Tamales,Palate Food + Wine , Phlight Restaurant, Porto’s Bakery & Café ,Rivera Restaurant, Setá ,Señor Fish ,Tamayo Restaurant ,Teresitas Tila’s Kitchen.

Confirmed Participating Wineries (Partial list):

Mi Sueño ‘Ceja Vineyards, Madrigal Vineyards, Robledo Family Winery, Maritas Vineyards. Ticket Info: To purchase your tickets today please visit www.eastlameetsnapa.com or for questions please call (323) 889-7342. The annual East L.A. Meets Napa celebration will take place Friday night starting at 6 p.m.

Listen to Dining with Dills every Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. on KABC Talk Radio 790.

Monday-Thursday, Sunday 8am-8pm


Dine in or take out 1045 S. Baldwin Ave., Arcadia, CA 91007

Friday - Saturday 8am-9pm

tel. (626)574-1pho(1746) * Pho Special

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* Pho Tai

Beef tenderloin, noodle soup

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Includes egg roll, salad with homemade sauce, and a bowl of chicken soup

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* Pork Chop over rice

Specially marinated, grilled pork chop, steamed egg meatloaf over rice and bowl of chicken soup

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Pho “noodle soup” beef or chicken


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Special expires 11/25/2010

July 8 - July 14, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen, Last Orders Please

Legendary Brits Pub and Eatery to Pour Final Pint this Sunday after World Cup Match

By Terry Miller Perhaps it’s all part of a plot and some kind of strange providence or irony that a wonderful British Pub is closing in Pasadena around the time America celebrates its independence from the Red Coats. Perhaps the greedy landlords of the world have finally realized that we Brits are slowly taking back the colonies and resent that ever-so-subtle attempt. For those of you who may never have experi-

enced Brits Pub and Eatery: Its success is a combination of ingredients not unlike like a splash of “Rovers Return” ( the central pub in the longest running soap opera in the UK – Coronation Street); a dash of ”Fawlty Towers” with characters from Monty Python flying in periodically for a pint of Holy Ale; add a pinch of Ted Danson in “ Cheers” and a good helping of cheeky British Birds ( women) as well as the ever-present seaside smell of malt vinegar on a

plate of perfectly prepared Fish and Chips. Mix those ingredients with a warm welcome and a funny story and I think you’ll find this is about as close to the UK as you’ll find anywhere in Los Angeles County. Perhaps it has something to do with England’s poor showing against so many great football players from around the globe in South Africa. Brits are understandably disappointed but good losers

Angel Blue

Continued on Page 14

Pain Treatment Lecture Series I. Michael MineHart MD, FIPP Interventional Pain Specialist

Mathew Edwardsen

September 15, 2010 / 6:30-7:30 PM

Embassy Suites 211 East Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006

Attend our free lecture series to learn about the newest advances in pain treatment.

Compassionate Care. Conscientious Service.

RSVP to 800-PAIN-585. Space Limited. (724-6585)


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Ralph Cato


10 July 8 - July 14, 2010

The Social Whirl

San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic Installs Officers Beckham Grill was the setting for the installation of officers for San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic. Marty Wetzel will serve as president and will be supported by vice presidents Nancy Balance, Linda Goluskin and Rita Lopez. Secretary duties will be shared by Sandy Killian, Kathleen Kerger and Benita Schwartz. Pat Myers will be treasurer. Membership includes residents of communities throughout the San Gabriel Valley and is open to alumnae members of college sororities affiliated with the National Panhellenic Conference. The object of the organization is to promote interfraternity friendship and to provide monetary awards to deserving high school senior women planning to attend a college or university.

Want to Try Something New? The City of Arcadia Recreation & Community Services Department, Senior Services Division, is offering summer classes for adults (50 years of age and older), beginning Monday, July 12th. Course offerings include yoga, strength training, line dancing, oil painting, water color painting, zumba gold, and aerobics. Registration will begin

By Floretta Lauber Tuesday, July 6th, and will be held at Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr. For more information, call Arcadia Senior Services at (626) 574-5130.

Broadway Under the Stars

San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Panhellenic officers and committee chairmen installed. (Front) Bea Chute, Lauragen Swenson, Marty Wetzel (president); (middle) Benita Schwartz, Kathleen Kerger and Pat Myers; (back) Nancy Balance, Margie Totten, Ritz Lopez.

Altrusa Brunch Goes Poolside

“Broadway Under the Stars” will be held in the San Gabriel Mission Arbor on July 18, at 7 p.m. Enjoy a family fun-filled evening of art, magic and the music of Broadway’s best hits by some of our most talented local Broadway performers in a beautiful concert “under the stars.” General admission is $20 (box lunch an addi-

tional $15), $10 for seniors, students and children’s admission. VIP table seating is $95 and includes a three course elegant dining experience. Limited seating available. The San Gabriel Mission Arbor is located at 320 S. Mission Dr., San Gabriel. For more information regarding reservations and seating options, call (626) 282-1440.

President of the Arboretum Foundation, Burks Hammer, presents Barbara Kaise and Eileen Hubbard with lifetime family membership to the Arboretum and an emerald studded pin for their 25 years of service. Perry Minton and Joyce Travis also earned the distinction but were not in attendance.

Arcadia Altrusa Service Club seats new board. Seated from left are Ruth Gilb, Terri Weeks, Nancy Ely and Mickey Ball. Standing from left are Monty Lindsey, Marianne Cherkas, Beau Stocking and Denice Gilb. The membership is small, but tea cup with tea from Africa, rep- “Reaching Out with Altrusa; Reach Altrusa International, Inc. of Arca- resenting their ongoing work there Out to Each Other, Out to Family dia, is mighty. I am always amazed with a mission. and Friends Who Support, Reach at the accomplishments of this serSecond vice governor, Judy So- Out to Our Community and Other vice club attains. rensen, did the honors as installing Lands.” Installation, poolside, and a officer, using wines in a most unTaking office with Weeks are delicious brunch was held in the usual way in the ceremony. Eleven Nancy Ely, Mickey Ball, Ruth Gilb, cabana area (the hot spot) at the district officers attended. Beau Stocking, Denice Gilb, Monty Doubletree Hotel in Monrovia on Terri Weeks is the new president Lindsey, and Marianne Cherkas. June 12th. Every guest had a gift and sums up her theme for next year, Keep up the good work.

From left, first row, new Los Voluntarios board, Bonnie Bishop, Sandy Snider (new president), Dorothy Collister. Standing, Vince Foley (installing officer), Bill Collister standing in for Dale Carter, and Linda Clelland. Foley used flags as the theme of the installation (it was Flag Day, June 14th), picking one from an early day naval ship (Don’t Tread On Me). Very clever.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


(L-r) Sue and Steve Pelletier (he won Outstanding New Member award) chat with new president, Matt Weaver and member Jack McRae with wife, Sophia, during Rotary pre-dinner cocktail reception poolside at the Doubletree Hotel Monrovia.

Phyllis Chapman is presented the first ever 40-Year Prestige Service Award from Russ Guiney, director of L.A. County Department of Parks & Recreation. She was also presented a gold oak leaf pin at Los Voluntarios luncheon.

(L-r) Dick Martinez, master of ceremonies and chair of the 89th Rotary Installation, with awardees Frank Griffith and Mike Real.

Imy Dulake (outgoing president) presents the president’s pin and gavel to Matt Weaver, newly installed Arcadia Rotary president, as Bill Gleason and Jack Pam look on.

Old Town Monrovia’s Merchants Proudly Presents

The community is invited to a summer party on August 8th, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Enjoy a Country Western band and barbecue by Stonefire Grill. The event takes place

at Arcadia Woman’s Club, 324 S. First Ave., Arcadia. Seating is limited. Cost per person is $49. For reservations, call (626) 355-8979 or (626) 355-6945.

Send your social news, announcements and photos to

Come to a Summer Party

SocialWhirl@ BeaconMediaNews.com

Siby Minton was honored for her 35 years of service. Here she is receiving a handsome award from director of L.A. County Parks & Recreation Russ Guiney, a camphor tree will be planted at the Baldwin Adobe in her honor.

The Summer M vie Series Library Park 300 S. Myrtle Ave. Saturday, July 17th 8:00 PM

Bring a blanket or a chair and enjoy a movie under the stars Call (626) 303-6600 for information

12 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide

69 E. Grandview, Arcadia, CA Offered at $1,248,000

1301 Diamond Avenue South Pasadena, CA Offered at $1,198,000

This delightful Highland Oaks home has been wellmaintained and is located in the award winning Arcadia school district. There is an updated kitchen, Brazilian cherry wood flooring in the living room/dining room areas with lovely views of the back yard/pool area. There is a private master suite, family room, office, laundry room and an oversized 2-car garage. The home is 2,818 sq. ft. situated on a 12,746 sq. ft. lot. It has 4 bedroom with 3.5 bathrooms and was built in 1951. This is the perfect home for entertaining.

Built in 1927, this Spanish Revival home is 2,733 sq.ft on a 7,536 sq.ft. lot and located in the desirable South Pasadena school district. There are 4 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms. The is a terraced back yard with a grassy area and a cement pad that is “hot-tubready” with water and electrical. The front yard is expansive with picturesque Deodar and Palm trees. This home has been lovingly upgraded with copper plumbing, electrical, rebuilt chimney, reinforced foundation. It also includes French doors and windows, wood floor, central air and heat and new interior paint. Will you be the proud new owner? For more pictures and information please go to www.1301Diamond.com

3735 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA Offered at $725,000

715 Skyland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $599,000 Situated in the hills of Sierra Madre (Marlborough Terrace), this delightful home is surrounded by mature Oak trees and beautiful views of the valley below and the hills above. This home offers 1,656 square feet and 3 bedrooms. The main floor offers an open and spacious floor plan with unobstructed views and a cozy fireplace. The updated kitchen features newer appliances, garden window, a pantry and ample cabinetry. All 3 bathrooms have been updated. Large glass windows throughout the house provide a bright and airy feeling. Newly painted inside and out, this home is move-in ready. Built in 1965 it also offers central air and heat, 2-car attached garage, plans for a rooftop deck and much more. For more information and pictures go to www.715Skyland.com.



Situated in Upper Hastings Ranch, this home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways and schools. This 1951 well-maintained home offers an open and spacious floor plan. Additional features include: formal entry, large living room with fireplace, sliding doors open to a tiled patio, grand family room with high ceilings & recessed lighting, adjacent to an updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, central air and heat, newer windows and roof. There is a mountain view from the back yard. For more information go to www.3735SierraMadre.com

333 Genoa Street, #D, Monrovia, CA Offered at $550,000

523 Brookside lane Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $378,000

This is a great starter home and has been tastefully renovated inside and out. It is a short walk to Mary’s Market as well as to scenic hiking trails. There is Pergo flooring, updated kitchen, remodeled master bathroom with a washer/dryer combination, central air and heat, two patio areas both with views and an easy to maintain rear yard with hot tub. Appliances are included. Good starter home. This is a short sale. 628 sq. ft. home, 1921 sq. ft. lot. 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths.

lE fO AS R E

This meticulous home was built in 2007 and was featured as the model unit offering custom amenities. There is fireplace in the living room, granite counters in the kitchen, pantry, stainless steel appliances, backyard and patio off the dining room, custom window treatments, master suite with his & hers closets and spa tub, four bedrooms, two and a half baths and a two-car attached garage with direct access. It is conveniently located just one mile from downtown Monrovia and within minutes of the 210 Freeway. A lovely home! For more information go to www.333Genoa.com

725 Woodland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $399,000

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre, this home offers a country living lifestyle. The unique location allows you to forget the hustle and bustle of the big city, while just a short commute to downtown Los Angeles. Just minutes from your front door are hiking trails and Mary’s Market and Cafe! This cozy 1 bedroom 1 bath home is 837 sq. ft. on a 3,973 sq. ft. lot. There is a relaxing front porch, stone fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet in the large bedroom, and parking for 4 cars (a real commodity in the canyon). This is the perfect canyon hide-away! For more information and pictures go to www.725Woodland.com.

Arcadia Gold Line Station Relocated

OP Su EN N hO 2- u 5 S PM E


Reni Rose (626) 355-8400

1505 El Mirador, Pasadena, CA Offered at $6,750 per month Located a short distance to the Rose Bowl and sited at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac this spacious Linda Vista home boasts traditional design and is perfect for a large family and for entertaining. There are 27,918 square feet of lush grounds offering: privacy a black-bottom pool with built-in hillside slide and a spa. With 6 bedrooms, 6 baths, 6,838 sq feet, a family room with large wet bar, skylights, 2 offices, gym, elevator and huge garage, this is a home you truly won’t want to miss

Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: www.Renirose.com

Continued from the First Page

With the new expan- ment signing took place. sion in progress, the new Because of the multiple Gold Line Bridge will be expansions and phases, two, which also creates extended an additional the date of completion is to fall of 2014. safety to those who are 11.4 miles from the Si- adjusted Site Plan: City of Arcadia Station erra Madre Villa station A lt houg h m EIR, a ny dated of Febr (Source: Gold crossing the parking lots Line Foothill Extension – Pasadena to Montclair Final in Pasadena. Desig ned us look for ward to the to the station platforms. As far as the station by a M innesot a a r t ist , new con st r uc t ion t a kpl a t for m de s i g n s , t he t he G old L i ne Br idge ing place, there are also once chosen color scheme is expected to bring in complications which may of plain vanilla is now in $1 billion in economic even delay or prevent the process of being ap- output during construc- the extension. Some of proved, instead to ref lect tion, $40 million in tax these challenges include element s of t he Sa nt a revenues, and 7000 jobs gaining permission from A n it a Pa rk. Added t o wit h 260 0 in const ruc- t r a ck ow ner s Bu rl i ng the station canopy (roof- t ion a lone. Because of ton Nort hern Santa Fe top) and station platform the artist’s inspiration of Railway to share use of benches as well, the thor- the area’s frequent snakes the tracks east of Arcaoughbred horse theme is a nd C hu m a s h Na t i ve dia with Metro as well tentatively to be funded Americans, the structure as an environmental rewas designed to include v iew a nd pu rc h a se of by Santa Anita Park. I n a dd it ion t o t he four basket-shaped col- land for the Maintenance and Operations Facility. ne w d r a m a t i c r e l o c a - umns that light up. As one of t he f irst However, Phase 2B - the tion, a major agreement w a s f i n a l ly s i g ned by projects to be state fund- foothill extension from Metro and the Foothill ed, a major dedication Azusa to Montclair will Extension Construction ceremony was held on include stops in GlendoAut hor it y on July 2 to Saturday, June 26 at New ra, San Dimas, La Verne, formalize t he schedule Castle Park in Arcadia. Pomona and Claremont of funding (totaling $810 Fi l led w it h more t ha n and is scheduled to be m i l l ion) over t he next 70 0 at t endees, i nclud- completed in 2017. A s fa r a s t he relo n i ne yea rs a nd to lay- i ng of f icia ls t hat t raveled f rom Wa sh i ng ton ca t ion goes, t he G old out the working relationD.C. a nd Sacra ment o, L ine may t a ke numer s h ip bet ween t he t wo hu nd red s aw a it ed t he ous amounts of weeks, agencies. During Phase 2A, L.A. County’s Mea- brand-new iconic freeway mont hs, a nd yea rs be sure R half-cent sales tax structure production to fore it even comes close approved in November begin. Five-hundred and to completion, but with 2008 will adhere to many eighty-four foot long, the Skanska USA Civil West transportation improve- bridge is to be built from and AECOM Technical ments in the county, the a c r o s s t he e a s t b ou nd Services, these two comGold Line being the first lanes of the Foothill Free- panies will do the best and is also likely to be way to the area north of t hey ca n t o beg i n t he the single largest public New Castle Park. A week “Iconic Freeway St rucworks contract awarded after the ceremonial dedi- ture” and follow through in 2011 anywhere in the cation, the master Coop- with their contract with erative and FTA agree- an $18.6 million bid. nation. As soon as t he desig ns, acquire permits, and hire contractors are finalized and approved, Free Report Reveals what you Metro believes that the need to know before you list bride construction will your home for sale. generate 500 engineering a nd const r uct ion jobs, www.homeinspection-pitfalls.com looking toward a brighter Free recorded message future for Gold Line pas1-888-865-0669 s en g er s , c ou nc i l , a nd employees t a k i ng pa r t ID#1003 in this exciting, new creDRE#00884529 Short Sale Secrets visit - www.freeavoidforeclosures.com ation.


July 8 - July 14, 2010

Summer of Musical Tributes Starts Friday in Pasadena with The Fab Four Continued from the First Page this summer is likely The Fab Four, who is often elevated far above every other Beatles tribute band due to their precise attention to detail. Their stage show, which is meant to capture not only the music, but the spirit and mood of the Beatles includes three costume changes representing every era of the Beatles ever-changing career. Attendees will hear recordperfect live performances of

such classics as “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “Yesterday,” “A Day In The Life,” “Penny Lane,” “Here Comes The Sun,” and “Hey Jude.” What’s more, the socalled “Party on the Plaza” will feature more music, entertainment, dancing under the stars, food and drink. As the summer rocks and rolls on, the Summer Soundzz concert schedule also includes decades of fun with live music performed by top Tribute bands Super Diamond July 23, Boogie Knights August 6 and The

610 Baldwin Court, Sierra Madre, CA www.stonegatesierramadre.com

Spazmatics August 20. Tickets are available through Ticketmaster by ca lling (8 0 0) 745 - 30 0 0 or at coolpasadena.com, t icket ma ster.com or at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium Box Office on Fr id ay s . S i n g le t ic ke t prices are $20 for general admission, $30 for a table seat and $250 for a private table for 10. Season tickets for all four shows are $60 for general admission, $90 for a table seat, and $750 for a private table for 10.

Many Home Sites Have Commanding 270 Degree Southwest Vista Views With Distant Pacific Ocean Views This Brand New Subdivision is Located In The City Of Sierra Madre, One Of The Most Charming Small Towns On The West Coast. Fantastic Elementary School Comparable With Arcadia And Temple City. Prices Starting From $480,000

Robert Ho

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Thoughtfully upgraded throughout, this 3 bedroom,2 bath home in Sierra madre with an open floor plan. Cozy den, formal & informal dining areas, fireplace in the living room, covered porch area, guest house has it’s own bath and office area. FA/CA. 1572 sq.ft. house and nearly 7000 sq.ft. lot. (L71)

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This 2 bdrm 1bth home is located on County area with San Gabriel post office and Temple City Schools. Tax record shows 2bdrm 1bth w/900 sqft, family room has 260 sqft unpermitted. South facing, walking distance to school, quiet street, circle drive, large lot, 65x167 + 10,851 sq ft great for owner of investor. (A8435)

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This 3bdrm 2bth Unit is in excellent condition and move-in ready. Remodeled in 03 & 05 and close to Holly Elementary & Arcadia High. Beautiful floors, tile in bath, bright living room with FP and direct access double car garage. (D509)

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This beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath newer home features living room and dining area, kitchen with granite counters and newer appliances, master suite w/retreat spa & two car garage with lots of storage. Washer/ dryer area is upstairs with a den/office/ bonus area. Arcadia schools!!! (FAN)

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Located in Quartz Hill/Landcaster area this newer two story, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, open kitchen, large family room, dining area, fireplace, large master bedroom, laundry upstairs, direct access to garage. (m42338)

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320 e. FooThill Blvd., arCadia

20 e. FooThill Blvd. SuiTe 105, arCadia

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14 July 8 - July 14, 2010

Little League Holds Opening Day Ceremony

Arcadia Graduate Leads Softball Team to NCAA World Series Continued from the First Page

The inaugural “Little League Opening Day” for District 17 was held Saturday, June 26th at Sierra Vista Park in Sierra Madre, hosted by Sierra Madre Little League with Pete Siberell serving as President and Rick Caldwell as District Administrator. Twelve Participating leagues in the order of their original charter in the 50’s are Central Altadena Little League, East Altadena Little League, West Altadena Little League, Arcadia American Little League, Arcadia National Little League, Santa Anita Little League, Pasadena American Little League,

Pasadena American Little League, Pasadena Southwest Little League, West Pasadena Little League, San Marino National Little League, and Sierra Madre Little League which happens to be the host league this year. This division, 11 and 12 year-olds, is the age group that can progress to the Little League World Series held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The program consisted of an introduction of all the players, coaches, League Presidents, and Board Members. Each player received a District Pin for participating in

the tournament and each league received a banner to use during the tournament to identify their participation. The ceremony included a violin performance of the National Anthem, the Little League Pledge, the Parent Volunteer Pledge, the First Pitch, and the Tournament Director declaring the opening of the tournament. Indeed a successful Opening Day for t he Tour na ment of Champions. Tour na ment ga mes are held at Sierra Vista Park, Heasley Field, from Sat u rday Ju ne 26t h to Thursday July 22nd.

Series in Oklahoma City, OK. After graduating from Arcadia High School in 2007, where she led her team to league and conference titles, picking up numerous individual awards along the way, Rodriguez headed to Yavapai College, a small junior college in Prescott, Arizona. She helped them win their first ever National Junior College Athletic Association Championship, and as a pitcher, was named to the National Fastpitch Coaches Association’s All-American Second Team. There, she also earned NFCA JC All-American First Team honors before transferring to UH for her junior year. And this season, Rodriguez has done spectacular for her team. After winning all three games in the NCAA Regionals against UC Davis, Stanford, and Texas Tech, UH was able to advance to the Super Regionals the following

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weekend. I n t heir f irst ga me against Alabama, UH was mercied, 8-0, and was only able to get two hits off the Alabama pitcher. In the second game, the Rainbow Wahine were able to come back and win 8 -7, with five runs in the second inning, ending Alabama’s 28-game winning streak. In Game Three, however, UH struggled to fight back against the 3-4 hold that Alabama held over them—that is, until late in the bottom of the seventh inning with two outs, when Rodriguez launched her two-run home run off Alabama pitcher Kelsi Dunne, sending it barely right of the left foul pole in the outfield, scoring two runs for her team and winning the game, 5-4. Her walkoff home run helped add to UH’s 156 home runs this season, a new NCAA record, and was ranked as ESPN SportsCenter’s sixth-best play of the weekend. “I knew it had a chance of going foul,” Rodriguez said in a post-game press conference. “I stood there and watched it because I had to know if it was foul or fair.” Leading her team to its first appearance in the Women’s College World Series, Rodriguez also took the time to appreciate how much recognition her team was now receiving, and she realized exactly “how many people were watching that game. There were people from my old school (Arcadia High School) who

watched. I know people that got up at 7 (Hawaii time) to watch the game.” Megan Leahy, one of Rodriguez’s biggest fans and lifelong friends, now coaches Varsity Softball at Arcadia, and is “thrilled to hear [Rodriguez] is getting the publicity she deserves,” because of all the countless hours she has put into softball and the sacrifices she has made in order to keep playing. Her entire life has been dedicated to softball, and for Rodriguez, this moment embodied over a decade’s worth of hard work. “It’s been the most exciting day,” UH Coach Bob Coolen said to ESPN. “You aspire as a coach to make it to the World Series and this team really showed resilience and fortitude out there.” This upset proved to be the most stunning of the entire tournament—UH had a 14-12 record against teams participating, and thus not many expected them to make it very far. This was the first time since the 2003 incorporation of the Super Regionals to the NCAA Tournament that the No. 1 seed (in this case, Alabama) did not advance to the World Series. The game is nominated for the 2010 ESPY Awards, under the category of “Best Upset.” I n t h e Wo r l d S e ries, UH went on to win against Missouri, 3-2, lose to UCLA, 5-2, and lose to Arizona, 1-5, but for Rodriguez, making it to that point alone was “a great experience.”

Bargain Book Sale at Sierra Madre Library

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The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library will hold a Bargain Book Table Sale inside the Library, Monday, July 19 through Saturday, July 24, during the Library’s open hours. This month’s featured topics will include Fiction, Mysteries, Biographies, Health and Medical, California History, Specialty and Children’s books. Books are replenished daily, and are $1.00 each. These every-other-month book sales provide funding for Library resources and programs. Are your shelves bursting at the seams? Is it time to weed out the old to make room for the new? Your donations of gently used books, DVDs, and recorded books are appreciated, and will help maintain our book sale inventory. Books in bags or boxes may be dropped off at the back of the Library, by the basement door. For more information call (626) 355-7186, or visit our website at www.sierramadre.lib.ca.us. The Sierra Madre Public Library, located at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre, is open Monday through Wednesday from Noon to 9 p.m., Thursday and Friday from Noon to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


Legendary Brits Pub and Eatery to Pour Final Pint this Sunday Continued from Page 9

and still faithfully watch the World Cup; some may even secretly be rooting for Germany. Or perhaps it is just a trend in business that the small, mom and pop operations are being rapidly ousted by the big guys. Either way you look at it, small businesses are being hurt by the big boys! On July 11, Brits Pub and eatery located at 1770 East Colorado Boulevard will close that popular location as the owner of the building wants to more than double the rent and replace the pub with a corporate cookie-cutter business. The pub with its Royal chef and loyal subjects had just celebrated its 7th year when the unscrupulous landlord (we’ll call him scrooge) presented t he owners with an offer they had no choice but to refuse. The pub has been a popular speakeasy for diplomats and British locals and those visiting from across the pond when they felt homesick for a good Cornish Pasty or a really

corny English joke. Whatever your reason for popping into the pub, it was always special and unlike anything this reporter has ever experienced. Sad ly it seems t he trend in business is to get as much money as you can for real estate and it seems corporations are willing to pay any price for visibility on Colorado Blvd. This, however, leaves small business in a huge bind and consequently kills the mom and pops that have

worked so hard for years to develop a customer base and provide a service for those who don’t want to go to a corporate bar and grill where no one knows your name. O n a ny g iven day you’ll find characters like Les Cotton, the President of GASP ( Guinness Appreciation Society of Pasadena) discussing the art and science of photography with local photojournalists while posing with some of the most wonderful Guin-

ness Girls on the planet. On a given evening you might find musicians such as the always wacky Snotty Scotty and The Hankies or the wonderfully talented Belles of Bedlam with the ribald costumes and lyrics. Truly, there was never a dull moment. You might find a local newspaper editor fishing for stories as CalTech students unwind after discovering the latest theory of relativity or note the California Culinary Arts students sampling

ROSEMEAD’S MOSt gRAciOuS full-SERvicE ASSiStED living cOMMunity.

some of the best British food anywhere. The owners of Brits, like many small publicans, have established a niche market where expats and Anglophiles alike can meet and discuss English politics or have a bloody good laugh while enjoying excellent and traditional English foods that you’ll find in few places. Where else might you find a Scotch egg? Bangers and Mash? Or a decent pint of cold, draught Old Speckled Hen?

T he ow ners a ssu re me that in a few months they will re open once a suitable locat ion has been confirmed. So in the meantime, pop by the pub at 1770 East Colorado Friday July 9 for a farewell pint and a plate of fish and chips, watch a game or two of the finals. We look forward to the next chapter in the life of Brits Pub and Eatery. Good luck and thanks for a Great 7 Years in Pasadena. Keep us posted!

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16 July 8 - July 14, 2010

German Student Exchange Seeks Host Families For the twenty-third consecutive year, nineteen high school students from Germany will arrive in South Pasadena on Thursday, July 15 as part of a fourweek academic home stay program coordinated by the local non-profit group, International Education & Exchange (IEE). The program aspires to promote international understanding and goodwill through local “citizen diplomat” programs. In fact, IEE is still actively seeking local families to volunteer as hosts for a few more students. The students, ages 14 to 18, are all proficient in English and will attend morning classes in English and American Culture at an Academic Center in South Pasadena. The program, spanning July

15 through August 12, will include those classes, afternoon trips to local venues, and several full-day excursions to places like Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Sea World. Highlights of their visit include a four-day trip to San Francisco and an optional two-day whirlwind tour of Las Vegas. Members of host families are invited and encouraged to attend any outing, simply paying the group admission price. Although it is often fun for a visiting student when his or her host family includes another teenager, it is definitely not a requirement; in past years students have enjoyed their experiences with retirees and families with young children or no children at all. And as much as

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, July 20, at 7:00 p.m., in the Arcadia City Hall Council Chambers, 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, the Arcadia City Council will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE INPUT ON THE UTILIZATION OF PROPOSED GRANT FUNDING FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BUREAU OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE, EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM, IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,012. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the allocation of JAG funds. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council with respect to the proposed allocation of such funds, you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raised at or prior to the time of the public hearing.

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For additional information, please contact Senior Management Analyst Nancy Chik at (626) 574-5136 in the Police Department, Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City Council meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s office at (626) 574-5455 at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when special services are needed. This notification will help City staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. Arcadia City Hall is open between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on alternate Fridays. City Hall will be closed on July 16, 2010. Publish July 8, 2010


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the local Academic Center. Carpooling is commonly arranged between host families, and, being from Germany, many of the students are familiar with public transportation and good old-fashioned walking. Aside from those basics, hosts should be ready to learn about another culture through the simple act of sharing family life. Speaking of her experience as a host, one local mother said, “We all enjoyed the experience – our children loved having a ‘big sister’ and it was exciting to experience our everyday lives through someone else’s eyes.” Any interested families should contact Local Coordinator Caitlin Taylor at (213) 537-6673 or caitlin.taylor.iee@ gmail.com.



Everyday is an open house:

possible, the local coordinator matches students to families based on interests. This year’s group has hobbies ranging from the predictable, “listening to Justin Timberlake” and, “going shopping,” to the more adventurous, “visiting the penguins on the South Pole” and, “Latin dancing.” “Browsing their individual profiles, it becomes obvious what a diverse collection of young people this is,” said Caitlin Taylor, the program’s Coordinator, “From musicians to Formula 1 fans, these kids run the gamut.” As the most valued part of the program, host families are asked on a volunteer basis to offer a bed, meals with the family, and transportation to and from

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Other Public Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1252050-10 APN: 5385-023-002 TRA: 09251 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx8891 REF: Ly, Steven IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED January 26, 2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On July 14, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded February 04, 2008, as Inst. No. 20080204301 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, executed by Steven T. Ly, A Married Man As His Sole and Separate Property And Kenneth Yu And Annie Duong, Husband And Wife, All As Joint Tenants, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the west side of the los angeles county courthouse, Southeast District, 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 2105 South Baldwin Avenue Arcadia CA 91007-8171 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $424,504.77. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 2923.54 Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed and I The timefrarne for giving notice of sale

specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 The undersigned loan servicer authorizes Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation to execute the Notice of Sale on its behalf containing or attaching the above declaration required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54 regarding its exemption from California Civil Code section 2923.52. Citimortgage Inc. By: Aaron Menne, Title: Vp For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: June 04, 2010. (R321559 06/24/10, 07/01/10, 07/08/10) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 100038175 Title Order No. 10-8-148651 APN No. 5782-006-021 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 05/03/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. , as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MATTHEW A. POTURICH, A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY dated 05/03/2006 and recorded 05/18/06, as Instrument No. 06 1093916, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County State of California, will sell on 07/19/2010 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, Los Angeles, CA at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 59 WEST LA SIERRA DRIVE, ARCADIA, CA, 91007. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $1,652,657.19. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but with out covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebted-ness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest at provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon at provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 06/20/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-0194 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY N.A., is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.101933 6/21, 6/28, 7/08/2010

July 8 - July 14, 2010

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POLICE BLOTTERS Arcadia PD For the period of Sunday, June 27, through Saturday, July 3, the Police Department responded to 826 calls for service of which 119 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, June 27: 1. Between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m., unknown suspect(s) entered an unlocked vehicle parked at CVS Pharmacy, 1401 S. Baldwin Avenue, and stole a wallet containing cash and credit/debit cards from inside a purse. 2. Sometime between 03/22/10 and midnight on 06/23/10, the ex-boyfriend, a male white, 29 years of age, of the victim used the victim’s debit card account information to make unauthorized purchases totaling $1,220.83, in violation of fraudulent use of access card. Monday, June 28: 3. Between 12:15 a.m. and 12:50 a.m. on 06/28, the victim got a ride from her friend, a black male, 26 years of age. During the ride, the two argued and once they arrived at the suspect’s house, the suspect proceeded to choke the victim. They then left the house together and while inside the vehicle, the suspect punched the victim in the face approximately 10 times. Fearing for her life, the victim jumped out of the moving vehicle near the intersection of Santa Anita Avenue and Foothill Boulevard and ran to an Arco Gas Station for help. The suspect fled the area. 4. At approximately 12:15 p.m. in the 600 block of Encino Court, unknown suspect(s) entered an open garage and took two men’s mountain bikes, valued at $800. An area check for suspects was met with negative results. The bikes were later found discarded at the Peck Road Water Conservation Park Tuesday, June 29: 5. Sometime between 4:00 p.m. on 06/28 and 8:00 a.m. on 06/29, unknown suspect(s) cut the pad lock

from the victim’s storage unit in the 900 block of West Duarte Road. A suitcase and a stroller were stolen. 6. At approximately 8:00 p.m., unknown suspect(s), two male blacks in their 20’s, entered Ben Bridge Jewelers at 400 South Baldwin Avenue and demanded the keys to the jewelry cases by displaying a handgun. The suspects then used a hammer to open several cases and stole approximately $35,000.00 worth of diamond rings and fled the location to a third suspect who was waiting for them in a getaway vehicle. Wednesday, June 30: 7. Sometime between 4:00 p.m. on 06/29 and 1:00 p.m. on 06/30, workers removed the tent covering a home in the 1000 block of Diablo Drive, which had been fumigated. They discovered an open window and ransacked master bedroom. Toxic chemicals were still present and officers were unable to access the interior. 8. At approximately 3:30 p.m., a J.C. Penney employee, at 400 South Baldwin Avenue, was arrested for commercial burglary after an internal investigation revealed the employee had been stealing clothing then returning the items for refunds between May 9, 2010 and May 16, 2010. Suspect is a Chinese female, 59 years of age, who was placed under private person’s arrest. Thursday, July 1: 9. Sometime between 4:45 p.m. on 06/30 and 7:15 a.m. on 07/01, unknown suspect(s) cut the soccer nets and removed them from 2 goal posts. The suspect(s) took the nets to the basketball courts and set them on fire using a spray lubricant as an accelerant. 10. At 8:45 p.m. two suspects, a male Hispanic, 16-17 years of age, and a male black, 16-17 years of age, stole the victim’s purse while she was sitting at the bus stop adjacent to the south curb line of Huntington Drive east of First Avenue. Her purse was recovered; however, her money, miscellaneous credit cards and Identification Card were still missing.

Friday, July 2: 11. At approximately 3:00 p.m., in the 1700 block of Alta Oaks, a male white, 21 years of age, used his cell phone to make a video recording of his friend, the victim, while she was changing in violation of disorderly conduct. The phone was taken into evidence. 12. Between 6:30 p.m. and 6:44 p.m., a female black, 19 years of age, entered Hollister, 400 South Baldwin Avenue, with the intent to steal perfumes. When she was confronted by loss prevention, she fled from the store. She was detained by loss prevention and a private person’s arrest was made for burglary. Saturday, July 3: 13. Between 12:30 a.m. and 12:36 a.m., the suspect, male black, 28 years of age, approached the victim as she left Garden Café, 850 South Baldwin Avenue. The suspect robbed her of her purse and other property at gunpoint. The suspect fled the scene and an area check led officers to locating the vehicle and subsequently detaining the suspect in the parking lot of Chase Bank at 60 East Huntington Drive. He was arrested for robbery. 14. Between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., officers responded to a report of a brush fire north of Bonita Skate Park, 100 S. Second Avenue. The investigation by an Arcadia Fire Department Arson Investigator revealed the fire was intentionally set.

Sierra Madre PD During the week of Sunday, June 27th, to Saturday July 3rd, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 330 calls for service. Thursday, July 1st: 12:06 PM – Tampering/Injuring a vehicle, 500 block Las Rocas Drive. The front left tire of a parked car was found flattened. The incident occurred between 6:00 am, Wednesday, 6/23/10 and 11:00 am, Thursday, 7/01/2010. Two small puncture marks were found on the tire’s sidewall. The loss was estimated at $70.00.

July 8 - July 14, 2010


the gold Standard agent oF the week

agent oF the week

Century 21 ludeCke inC. 626-445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Peter Wang

Rosemary Skillman

agent oF the week Nazee Rix

Century 21 village realty (626) 355-1451

E via US HO-4 PMMonro N E N 2 st, P O SU llcre i

.H 0E 14



Private gated estate sits on over 5 acres. With 6 bdrms & 9 bthrs, great room, formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, chef’s kitchen, 5 fire places, outdoor pavilion, pool, spa, 5 car grage, Go to www.morganranchroad.com for details. (M448)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123 E na de US HO-4 PM, Alta N n E 2 o OP SUNCany 40


5 MasteR sUites!


Stunning one of a kind custom built, Mediterranean Villa. Vaulted ceilings, formal living, library, formal dining, large family room, wet bar and kitchen with granite counters and SS appliances. Beautiful backyard with pool, spa, fountains and BBQ Island. Entertainer’s Delight!!! A Must See! (LON)

views, views, views

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd.

PRivate lake aRea!!!

viCtoRian beaUtY


This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine seller, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)


MediteRRanean villa


Recently remodeled 4bdrm 3bth w/3994 of living space, manicured grounds, spacious patio/balcony, Koi ponds, custom two car garage, entry way, grand living room, detailed FP, formal dining, gourmet kitchen, cherry cabinetry, travertine tiled floors, custom granite counter tops, 3 master suites and so much more! (H140)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123



Mid-CentURY ClassiC


Situated on a very large corner lot this Altadena home with it’s lush entry, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, master retreat, formal living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, guest quarters, remodeled kitchen, family room, hardwood floors, large swimming pool & spa with automatic pool cover. (G2440)


REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the culde-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! www.1430avenue64.com (AVE)


1908 well maintained 2155 sq.ft. character home in Sierra Madre with many original features. 4 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, formal and informal dining rooms, impressive fireplace in large entry, 2 “sleeping porches”, terrace off master bedroom, spacious kitchen with tons of cabinetry, 17,248 sq.ft. of park like grounds. (M287)

thRee Units


Located in a great Temple City area. Live in one and rent the others. Front house has 2 bedrooms and one full bath, living room with fireplace, formal dining room, spacious kitchen, laundry room, hardwood floors, patio. Other two units are identical with 2 bedrooms, one bath, bright & airy open floor plan. (R5828)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

hoUse PlUs dUPlex

sPaCioUs hoMe

tRaditional one level

Located in N/E Monrovia with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, walk-in pantry, hardwood flooring, breakfast counter/bar, formal dining room, detached two car garage, laundry room, lovely patio and backyard. (O1013)


CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

well Maintained


aRCadia townhoMe


Pasadena Duplex with single unit in rear, close to PCC, Cal Tech and Old Town. Currently occupied with tenants. All new electrical. Each unit is one bedroom, one full bath and laundry hook-up, hardwood floors, two car detached garages. (B129)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451


Beautiful 3bdrm 3bth home w/2158 living space, family room, CA & Heat, high ceilings, open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, granite counter tops, hardwood flooring, move- in ready and Temple City Schools. (B6033)



Magnificent Colonial Home Built 1926 w/3bdrms 2bths, located in excellent neighborhood, walking distance to schools, markets & transportation, living room w/FP, formal dining room, 1 bdrm & full bath downstairs, spacious front and back yards, 2 car detached garage, spacious basement, great potential, needs some TLC. (H2397)

SE M sa OU -4P Azu N HUN 2 Ct., E OP T&SRock SAiver






This 4 bed/ 3 ba beauty is located in a gated community. One bedroom downstairs. Kitchen w/island and eating area, family room with fireplace, master bedroom with his and hers closets, large laundry room, 3 car garage and much more! (RIV)


Located in Pasadena this 2 bedroom,1.75 bath, kitchen, breakfast bar, dining room with fireplace and wet bar. Relaxing patio, laundry room/office, two car garage with plenty of storage cabinets, 2 car detached garage, fruit trees in side yard. (M1765)

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

san GabRiel

Fish CanYon


This beautiful 2bdr 1.5 bth is turn-key. Very Well maintained by the current owners for over ten years! Gorgeous hardwood floors (except den) run throughout the house contributing to the warmth. Comfortable living room, den and dining room just off a bright well lit kitchen with tiled counter tops and floor. Front yard with circular driveway W/open courtyard and the back yard has a covered patio. (H89340)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd.



Charming 3bdrm 1bth home in very desirable area, new granite counter-tops, new appliances, hardwood floor, copper plumbing, formal dining room, new windows. Located close to Old Town Monrovia and shopping centers. (L329)


This 3 bed/2.5 ba. features Lg living room w/frpl and dining area, lovely kitchen with patio view, master suite with high ceiling & huge closet. All bedrooms are upstairs. Community pool & Arcadia schools!!! (HUN)

CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

4 bedRooM

UPGRaded townhoMe

$ 4 2 0 ,0 0 0

Hard to find 4 bedroom, located in Duarte with fireplace in living room, 1.5 baths, kitchen/family room combo, inside laundry area, new windows, Laminet flooring in dining area, sliding glass doors in master bedroom opening to private patio & bonus room, two car attached garage. (F3109)

This well maintained 4 bed/3 ba features new double-pane windows, new doors and tile floors on first floor. Decorative staircase railing & Security door. Beautiful landscaped yard and private backyard. Good location in quiet neighborhood. (MAS)

CentURY 21 villaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888

Century 21 ludeCke inC


This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, one level unit has been totally upgraded. Designer tile & paint. Hardwood floors and custom cabinets. Front and back patios. Gated complex pool close by. (MOU)

CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Century 21 village realty

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451

320 e. Foothill Blvd., arCadia

20 e. Foothill Blvd. Suite 105, arCadia

38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre




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