“Cats & Dogs”
Local Organizations Work for Haiti Relief The attention of the world focused on Haiti after its devastating earthquake last week. Both World Vision and the Tzu Chi, both of which had been headquartered in Monrovia are part of the world wide effort to relieve the suffering of those living in Haiti. World Vision International shipped supplies Friday to aid Haiti’s quake victims. The need is growing more serious by the hour and water is especially scarce according to reports from the Associated Press. World Vision has been in Haiti for three decades. The relief organization already had 370 staff members – mostly Haitians – stationed in Port-au-Prince when last Tuesday’s quake hit. World Vision’s office in the capital suffered significant damage, but all staff members were confirmed safe. The Tzu Chi, the Buddhist Compassion Relief Foundation has also had staff in Haiti for some time. When the crisis began, the Foundation focused on getting food and much needed fuel to the region. Donations can be made to their relief efforts by calling (888) 989-8244 or
Continued on 5
Sierra Madre Declares Local Emergency
ZENYATTA WILL RACE AGAIN Retired Mare Fields International Offers, May Choose Santa Anita
Electronic warning signs sprung up all over the city in the past few days due to the heavy rains. This sign on Mountain Trail warns residents that evacuations are mandatory and the city has also issued a red alert. - Photo by Terry Miller
Canyon Residents Resist Evacuation Order En Masse BY JOHN STEPHENS
Late Wednesday the Sierra Madre City Council held a special emergency meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers to discuss the possibility of declaring a local emergency in the wake of continued
Local TV Network Offers Production Deal to Conan O’Brien
record rainfall and accompanying debris f low and more possible mudslides. In the short meeting which included no input from city residents, the council voted unanimously to declare a local state of emergency, though Mayor MacGillivray recused herself from the
vote as her residence sits on the border of one of the evacuation zones and it was believed her vote might represent a conflict of interest. According to the National Weather Service is forecasting heavy rain all the way through Friday evening, with even more precipitation
possible starting on Monday after a brief reprieve late Saturday through Sunday. In a special meeting agenda issued Wednesday morning, city staffers recommended the approval of Resolution No. 10-07 “Pro-
Continued on 10
Arcadia City Council has Tiers in its Eyes Tiered water rates study ordered; penalty for above-normal use considered BY BILL PETERS
In their video proposal to Conan O’Brien, the Pasadena Community Network has offered a number of enticing ideas for the production of a new show on the network, including filming the show on other celestial bodies such as the moon.
In light of the recent “Late Night Wars” on NBC, Pasadena Community Network has offered embattled late-night talk show host Conan O’Brien a cable production deal to bring his show to PCN’s Ar-
royo Channel. This a real offer for Conan O’Brien to produce his program in Pasadena at PCN Media Center’s state of the art facility. A video invitation
Continued on 3
As you read this, you are likely looking out the window at this rain-season’s biggest producing storm so far. With all the hullabaloo about damage t he rains caused, it is hard to think about the drought and water conservation. But the issue has been ver y much on the mind of newly-appointed Public Works Services Director, City of Arcadia, Tom Tait. Tait recommended that the Arcadia City Council undertake a study that could confirm the need for a tieredrate water system designed to encourage efficient water use and, of course, continue to fill city coffers with funds to keep the distribution system
The Main San Gabriel hydrologic basin or watershed coincides with a portion of the upper San Gabriel River watershed, and the aquifer underlies most of the San Gabriel Valley. The basin is bounded by the San Gabriel Mountains to the north, San Jose Hills to the east, Puente Hills to the south, and by a series of hills and the Raymond Fault to the west. The watershed is drained by the San Gabriel River and Rio Hondo, a tributary of the Los Angeles River. The major sources of natural recharge are infiltration of rainfall on the valley floor and percolation of runoff from the adjacent mountains. Surface area of the groundwater basin is approximately 167 square miles. The fresh water storage capacity of the basin is estimated to be about 8.6 million acre-feet.
in top shape. It would penalize users who exceed certain limits. At its December 15th meeting the city council approved an expenditure of
slightly over $45,000 to hire a firm to determine the feasibility of such a move, and to suggest surcharges to be
Continued on 8
Don’t believe what you’ve read in the papers; Zenyatta will indeed race again in 2010. The first female to win the Breeders’ Cup Classic and a finalist for 2009 Horse of the Year, Zenyatta’s retirement had been announced following her dramatic last-to-first victory in the Breeders’ Cup Classic at Santa Anita on Nov. 7. But Saturday at Santa Anita, Jerry Moss, who, with his wife Ann, owns the undefeated 6-year-old daughter of Street Cry, announced that the stretch-running mare, unbeaten in 14 career starts, will indeed return to run this year. “We saw her gallop today [at Hollywood Park] and I talked to Ann, and then I talked to [Zenyatta’s trainer John Shirreffs], and she looks too good,” Moss said. “It’s what she likes to do and that’s what we decided to do, so we’re going to run her.” Until Monday, Zenyatta had been battling with the brilliant 3-year-old filly Rachel Alexandra who, in the end, bested Zenyatta at the Eclipse Awards dinner in Beverly Hills for the Horse of the Year honor. Rachel Alexandra, who won this year’s highly prestigious Preakness Stakes, received 130 votes to 99 for Zenyatta. Rachel Alexandria is the first filly to win the celebrated award in seven years since Azeria took home the prize in 2002. “It had nothing to do on whether she is Horse of the Year or not. If she’s Horse of the Year, she’ll run as Horse of the Year and if she’s not, she’ll run as not Horse of the Year,” said Moss when asked if the award ceremony would have any bearing on whether or not Zenyatta would return to the track. Zenyatta has had three recorded half-mile workouts at Hollywood Park in Inglewood since her announced retirement. When asked about a possible comeback race and when such an event might take place, Moss said simply, “We’re going to take our time”.
Continued on 3
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
By Dorothy Denne
Everyone talks about being stuck in tra;c, but LA County voters did something about it. In November 2008, Measure R was approved, committing a projected $40 billion to tra;c relief and transportation upgrades over the next 30 years. Following are updates on some of the projects supported by Measure R.
Adding Sheets to the Roll Readers may have noticed I haven’t done any New Year’s columns starting with cliches like “Can you believe another year has pased?” “Where has time gone?” “A new year already?” or “Time does fly when you are having fun.” I did that, or didn’t do that, on purpose ‘cause I’ve been there , done that so many times. Nor did I make any New Year’s resolutions ‘cause I’ve been there, done that even more times. A few of them I actually kept, but very few. Most of those were kept because I really didn’t have a choice. They were resolves I made only to make it look as though I was in charge of some aspect of my life over which I really had little or no control. That’s really a pretty clever idea you know. Makes a person look both determined and in control. On that “time flying when you’re having fun” line, Dennis the Menace had a cute take. In the first frame, he was helping his mom with her chores by sweeping the floor. He said, “I wish time would fly when you’re NOT having fun.” Second frame showed him in a swing going high in the air saying, “...and go slow when you ARE!” That reminds me of another line I read about the passing of time. I thought it was so clever that I used as the opening line of one of my Christmas letters to my family and friends. It read, “Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.” I added that I’m getting nervous ‘cause my life seems to be moving pretty fast lately. I think most of us find our lives are speeding up a bit. A leading pathologist was recently quoted as saying that laughter and humor can add years to your life. So, I’ll share an old story I find humorous about Albert Einstein who reportedly had a good sense of humor. His driver used to sit at the back of the hall during each of his lectures. After a period of time, the driver said to the famous scientist, “Boss, I’ve heard you deliver that speech so many times...I could give it in my sleep.” So, at the next lecture stop, Einstein and the driver switched places, with Einstein sitting at the back, dressed in the driver’s uniform. The driver gave the lecture flawlessly. At the end of the lecture, a member of the audience asked a detailed scientific question about some of the subject matter. Without missing a beat, the “lecturer” replied, “Well, the answer to that question is so simple, I’m going to let my driver who is sitting in the back answer it.” That should add a few sheets to the roll.
Contract Award Expected For Gold Line Foothill Extension O;cials of the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority are expecting to award the contract for design and construction of the Phase 2A Pasadena to Azusa segment in May 2010. The first phase includes a structure over the I-210 Freeway and 11.4 miles of track. For more information, go to foothillextension.org.
Routes Being Reviewed For Downtown Regional Connector Update meetings were held late last year on the Regional Connector Transit Corridor through Downtown LA. The project would create a seamless transit link between the Metro Gold, Blue and Expo lines. Two alternatives are being studied – a street-level route along Second, Main and Los Angeles streets, and an underground route along Second Street surfacing at First and Alameda streets.
$9.5 Million Returned To Cities From Measure R The first installments in Measure R local return sales tax monies totaling $9.5 million have gone out to 38 cities in LA County for transportation improvements. First and second payments for sales taxes received from July through September ranged from $2,635 for the City of Irwindale to $6.1 million for the City of LA.
John B. Stephens
Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage
Susan Motander Bill Peters Morgan Carpenter Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal
PRODUCTION INTERN Courtney Blackburn
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By Wally Hage
SGV-LE-10-001 ©2010 LACMTA
Ho Ho - Yo’s & Woes
Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com
Most everyone has received a Christmas card with an enclosed preprinted Christmas letter detailing the sender’s Yo’s & Woes of the past year. As my live-in Social Director and I were stowing away the remaining remnants of this past Holiday Season, I ran across a pile of this years Christmas Card biographical reports that my spouse had set aside for a “Rainy Day” thoughtful review! Well, this year’s accumulation of preprinted Christmas Greeting memoirs included the usual Yo’s! You know those “Brag Bulletins” outlining new births, first steps, cutting teeth, promotions, new cars, jobs, and assortment of other platitudinous information. The announcements on the greeting letters of graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and travel plans were common. College financial fund shortages were also considered noteworthy information, possibly intended, by the sender, as a reminder for me to send a remembrance gift! But it was the various medical woes that generally made the Christmas Greetings somewhat unpleasant. They were comprehensive hip and knee replacement surgery and recovery reports describing their physical discomforts ... which also became discomforting for this reader. The cosmetic surgery incidents describing eyelifts, nose job, and various other augmentations were not exactly Christmas Greetings either. However, one medical incident shared about a Grandpa’s allergic reaction to his famed “Home Brew” caused me to giggle at that Holiday woe. But the “Best and most original of the “Ho Ho” documentaries that we received was a Christmas Greeting commentary supposedly written by the sender’s cat. The Cat’s Christmas Letter salutation was especially unique: Dear Feline Friends, Cat Masters and those who prefer bowwows. I am sending you my Season’s Feelings! Tis not the season to be jolly. It isn’t easy to be a cat, kitty, or precious pet during the Christmas Season. How would you like to wear a red beaded cat sweater and have a Christmas bell tingling around your neck all season long? Or how would you like to have a neglected litter box because of the holiday time demands of your master. Oh yes, and the Christmas food snacks eaten by my Master and his favorite beverage consumption right in my face weren’t too nice either. Because, as you know... cat’s like a little nip once in awhile too. Finally, imagine the last minute gift arrival of a smelly puppy that invaded my private and personal domain. Oh yes, and don’t forget the continuous silly baby babble directed at the dumb pup. Well, sharing my Masters attention with the mongrel finally got to me! Retaliation seemed to be my only alternative to restoring peace and tranquility to my personal estate.
Continued on 7
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editor@arcadiaweekly.com editor@monroviaweekly.com editor@sierramadreweekly.com editor@pasadenaindependent.com This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is c o p y r i g h t e d a n d m a y n o t b e r e p ro d u c e d i n a n y m a n n e r, e i t h e r i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f t h e p u b l i s h e r. T h e Vi e w s a n d o p i n i o n s e x p r e s s e d i n t h i s paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc. T h e A r c a d i a We e k l y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t e d as a newspaper of general circulation in cour t case number GS 004759. T h e M o n r o v i a We e k l y h a s b e e n a d j u d i c a t ed as a newspaper of General Circulation in Cour t Case GS 004759.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Zenyatta Will Race Again
Local TV Network Offers Production Deal to Conan O’Brien Continued from 1
The rumor of a return to Santa Anita on that particular date has put a damper on efforts of Dubai officials to attract Zenyatta to participate in the Dubai World Cup on March 27 in the United Arab Emirates, a race which will be the first held in the newly constructed Meydan Racecourse.
Continued from 1 As for the issue of where Zenyatta might choose to make her return to racing, Moss was reluctant to comment. “We’ll pick a spot,” he said. According to reports in the U.K.’s Racing Post, connections to the publication have cited an early March event at Santa Anita as a possible comeback race. Trainer John Shirreffs told the Racing Post that the Santa Margarita handicap, to be held at Santa Anita on March 13 of this year was a possibility. The rumor of a return
to Santa Anita on that particular date has put a damper on efforts of Dubai officials to attract Zenyatta to participate in the Dubai World Cup on March 27 in the United Arab Emirates, a race which will be the first held in the newly constructed Meydan Racecourse. Brainchild of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, U.A.E. Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the Meydan Grandstand spans a length of 1.6km and is able to accommodate over 60,000 race-goers. True to grandiosity, Dubai-style the racecourse grounds boast facilities ranging from the
-Photo by Terry Miller
Yoko, Quincy and Jackson Celebrate Music Education at World’s Largest Industry Event
Photos by Terry Miller
Ono: “This is precisely the type of project that John Lennon would have loved.” BY TERRY MILLER
On Thursday, Oct. 9 friends, fans and family of John Lennon will celebrate the legendary John Lennon’s life on what should have been his 70th birthday.
A misty eyed Yoko Ono Lennon appeared at the Anaheim convention center Thursday afternoon in between a medley of Lennon songs sung by students who have benefited from Lennon Educational bus tour. Two
other music legends, Jackson Browne and Quincy Jones helped celebrate not only John’s astonishing , albeit cut-short career, but his legacy and how musicians help kids, particularly in inner city
Continued on 5
has been sent to Conan, who will be leaving NBC after network heads decided to put Jay Leno back in the 11:35 p.m. timeslot, typically reserved for “The Tonight Show”. O’Brien refused to move his show to 12:05 a.m., arguing that airing at that time would cause “The Tonight Show” to be, among other things, misnamed. While PCN doesn’t have the resources of any of the national networks, it has said that it does have a dedicated staff who are more than hap-
py to offer Conan the same treatment as any of the other producer who walk through their doors. PCN officials have said that any production deal reached with Mr. O’Brien would not disturb the normal programming schedule. As of press time, the O’Brien camp, who is also rumored to be in preliminary discussions with the Fox Network, had yet issue any response to the offer. To view the video proposal, go to: youtube. com/pcnmediatv
world’s first five-star trackside hotel, a museum and gallery, an IMAX theatre to luxurious grandstand corporate suites. Other overseas offers have also been pouring in for the champion including a strong courtship from the U.K.’s famous Ascot Racecourse. According to reports, Ascot public relations chair Nick Smith is planning a trip to California later this year in an effort to persuade Zenyatta’s owners to make the transcontinental trip. But Smith has been quick to say that the chances of Zenyatta visiting the nearly three century old track are slim. “Let’s be hon-
est. It’s a long shot,” Smith told the Racing Post. “It was very emotional when I retired her, because I thought she absolutely did as much as any horse could do in their career. But I love racing and also I believe [the sport] needs stars; and we’ve got one. She’s healthy and well and I think she’s going to carry on very well.” Since Zenyatta became the first female to win the Breeders’ Cup Classic, she has had no less than two retirement ceremonies, one at Hollywood Park on Nov. 29 and the other at Santa Anita on Dec. 26.
Finish the Job! Californians, who change their own oil, purchase more than 20 million oil filters annually. However, less than 10% are recycled. Statewide approximately 1.2 million gallons of used motor oil is being landfilled, trapped in an oil filter instead of being recycled. When you complete your oil change - finish the job, take your used oil and filters to a Certified Collection Center for recycling. ARCADIA C&L Collision Center 132 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 445-6630
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MONROVIA BMW of Monrovia 1425 S. Mountain Ave. (626) 358-4269
LA Lube* 1705 S. Mountain Ave. (626) 294-1936
Pick-a-Part Auto* 3333 S. Peck Rd. (626) 445-2922
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Homer’s Auto Service* 148. Lemon Ave. (626) 358-6259
Metro Infiniti 821 E. Central Ave. (626) 303-1000
Sierra Autocars, Inc.* 1450 S. Shamrock Ave. (626) 359-8291
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42. Attempt 43. One bent in reverance 45. Fleur.de.___ 46. ___ kwon do 47. Director Ephron 48. Campaign tactic 51. Boat propeller 52. Tale 53. Despicable 56. Underground part of a plant 57. Shoebox letters 58. More massive 62. Land in water 63. Sheet music abbr. 64. Idle 65. Fleshy fruit 66. ___ Kapital 67. Magnate
Down Across 1. Universe 7. Jamaican popular music 10. Great quantity 14. Marked down 15. Cooking container 16. ___ .shanter (Scottish cap) 17. Attic 18. “Much ___ About Nothing”, play by Shakespeare 19. Like some history 20. Four.channel 23. Intense hatred
26. A mouse! 27. Coeur d’___ 28. Designer Gernreich 29. Possessed 30. Delivery room docs 31. Clad 33. Israeli submachine gun 34. T.G.I.F. part 37. Hesitant sounds 38. Afflict 39. “You’ve got mail” co. 40. Obtained 41. Deserter
1. Gear tooth 2. ___ roll 3. Georgia, once: Abbr. 4. European nobleman 5. Fuming sulphuric acid 6. Bristle 7. Was merciful to 8. Fuji rival 9. On 10. Chairs 11. Chili con ___ 12. At full speed 13. Soft 21. Lethal 22. Dexterous
23. Command 24. Indian millet 25. That is, in Latin 29. They’ve got something coming 30. Form of oxygen 32. Literary ridicule 33. Naked.faced Amazon monkey 34. Inuit dwelling 35. ___ is human 36. Wander 44. Intestinal
45. Second of two 46. Spuds 48. Temporary paper currency 49. Bullwinkle, e.g. 50. ___ Gay 51. Musical drama 52. Stony gray 54. Alcoholic drink of fermented honey 55. Ink spot 59. Sticky substance 60. That, in Tijuana 61. Cartoon dog;
Or, “the numbers must occur only once”
Fill the 9 X 9 grid so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3 X3 regions contain the digits from 1 to 9 only once each. Solutions run the following week.
4 Last Week’s Solution
3 9 8
6 5 5 6
4 3 9
1 7
2 2 4 9 7 1 3 6 8 3 1 9 4
Last Week’s Solution
2 5 9 7 4 6 3 8 1 i
6 1 7 8 9 3 4 2 5
4 8 3 2 1 5 7 6 9
(8 4)
7 6 5 4 3 1 2 9 8
3 4 1 9 8 2 6 5 7
9 2 8 5 6 7 1 3 4
1 9 4 6 2 8 5 7 3
8 7 6 3 5 4 9 1 2
5 3 2 1 7 9 8 4 6
5 JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Yoko, Quincy and Jackson Celebrate Music Education at World’s Largest Industry Event
• Ring Sizing • Watch Repair • Watch Batteries • Stone Replacement • Custom Design Jewelry
Continued from 3 schools, where arts programs have been scaled back or simply don’t exist. “This is precisely the type of project that John Lennon would have loved,” said Yoko. Jones and Browne joined Ono in speaking on the importance of music education for America’s youth. Students from South Central Los Angeles’ Fernando Pullum Performing Arts School performed a medley of Lennon songs, beginning with “Imagine,” with Rickey Minor, the musical director of American Idol and Fishbone. In an area of Los Angeles where only 30% of students graduate from high school, 100% of Fernando’s students graduate from high school, and 99% have gone on to college. The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus gives students across the country free handson access to music and the digital arts. As Yoko stated, “John’s voice was unique and beautiful and his voice is still here traveling all over the United States on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, so that students across the country can make music.” “The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is a non-
$2 off Watch Batteries Expires January 30th Can not be combined with any other offer
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off Eyeglass Jewelry Repair Expires January 30th Can not be combined with any other offer
Westfield Santa Anita • Near the Food Court • In line Store not Kiosk 400 S. Baldwin Ave. #710L • Arcadia, CA 91007 • TEL: 626.446.1446
Jason J. Lee Attorney at Law A premier law firm Real estate & biz litigation Wills, trusts, probate, & conservatorship Free consultations for Arcadia residents -Photo by Terry Miller
profit outreach program with the mission of giving kids a chance to express themselves through music and video productions,” she said. “It has been a living legacy to John’s passion for musical expression and artistic freedom. By utilizing the on-the-road John Lennon Educational Tour Bus and its fine studio set-up, thousands of students
have written, recorded and produced original songs and videos – students who otherwise might not have had the opportunity to explore these avenues of creativity. At a time with music education in the schools is facing tough funding challenges; the Bus has been a rolling testament to the enduring, positive power of music making.”
SSaturday t d appts t available il bll
Tel: (626) 396-9397
Fax: (626) 396-9114
Local Organizations Work for Haiti Relief Continued from 1 through their web site at www. tzuchi.org. The international Red Cross estimated 45,000 to
50,000 people were killed in Tuesday’s earthquake, based on information from the Haitian Red Cross. Donations to assist the Red Cross can be taken to their office in Arcadia
at 376 W. Huntington Drive, or mailed to that address in Arcadia. Checks may be indicated for Haitian Relief or International Relief. Their Web Site is located at redcross.org.
Old Town Monrovia Ranked among Nation’s Most Walkable Neighborhoods The Doozies Monrovia’s Old Town has been ranked as one of America’s most walk-able neighborhoods. Old Town scores a “Paradise Found” ranking on the Walkscore.com website that
ranks neighborhoods in U.S. cities based on various criteria, including accessible public transportation, stores, public facilities, etc. The 400 block of Myrtle Avenue – the central point in
Old Town – scores 98 out of 100 points on the website. Just 138 neighborhoods old the “Paradise Found” ranking of 90 points or better. Just 16 of them are in California.
Friends of the Monrovia Library Fall Book Sale Friends of the Monrovia Public Library announce the Friends first 2010 “Almost Monthly” Sale, January 2330, held in the Friends Store at the Monrovia Public Library. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Monrovia Public Library. Dur ing t he sa le, a ll books and media will be half-priced. The Store will
be restocked daily. Store hours are Monday through Wednesday 10 am to 7 pm and Thursday through Saturday noon to 5 pm. While book sellers are welcome, scanners are not permitted. The Friends of the Monrovia Public Library promote the Library by stimulating a greater use and appreciation of the literary, educational,
By Tom Gammill
and cultural advantages the library offers throughout the community. Monrovia Public Library 321 South Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. For more information, call (626) 9325555, Ext. 3124 or visit www.friendsofmonroviapubliclibrary.org
By Jeff Corriveau
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JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Politics as Usual at Sierra Madre Playhouse
Even the Flag Pin on His Lapel Can’t Hide the Misdeeds of “The Sensuous Senator� BY FRAN SYVERSON
Against the backdrop of the Playhouse’s luxurious stage curtain, red, white and blue bunting is draped across the dais‌the campaigners wear glittery Old Glory flag pins in their lapels‌all is at the ready. It’s time to introduce the Senator and his wife, who is always at his side. The speeches begin. Senator Harry Douglas acknowledges his introductions, proclaims he will run for President, and then immodestly proceeds to list his many virtues, most notable of which are his commitment to family values, truth, fidelity, and on and on. Speeches! Applause! Probing questions from the press—most artfully dodged! The accolades, the political platitudes in “The Sensuous Senatorâ€? are so stereotypical that we might think they were lifted from today’s headlines and that we’re at home watching TV! But “doth the Senator protest too muchâ€?? We wonder—for soon the curtains open and we can peek into behind-the-scenes maneuvering that goes on in the Senator’s townhouse. Over coffee, talk turns to concern about questions posed by Betty Morrison of that pesky news magazine, “The Intruder.â€? Senator Douglas confers with two close Congressmen, his nephew Jack Maguire (Brendan Shanahan) and Clyde Salt (Charles Howerton.) The former is a relative newcomer to Congress and an innocent, the latter an old hand, cynical and a bit bruised by realities. Soon Lois, the Senator’s wife, must catch a flight to Chicago, so Salt and Maguire also leave. And lo! The Senator’s sensuous side emerges! “Aha! I’m alone for the weekend!â€? And he dials Veronica, his secretar y. He’s petulant when she tells her “honeybearâ€? that she can’t be with him, but Douglas soon goes to Plan B—and phones an agency for an “escort.â€? Then, for the next hour and a half, the audience is treated to a riotous mĂŠlange of mishaps, as one by one, the people in his life arrive at the Senator’s home, basically unannounced. Congressman Salt has locked himself out of his house. Maguire wants to strategize his uncle’s campaign further. Gorgeous and frisky blonde Fiona arrives from
‘the agency.’ Scott Vinci as the plodding policeman keeps turning up to “check things out,â€? always at inopportune moments—as if there are any other moments during this wild evening! And voluptuous Veronica changes her mind and comes to enjoy time with her boss, also changing her clothes into something for evocative for the occasion. With Tanya C. Edwards effective as Morrison, the persistent news-snoop, it’s more than a full house! Of course it’s a silly plot! It is, after all, as a bedroom farce. So buy into it, ignore the improbabilities, and laugh your way through the risquĂŠ and somewhat bawdy story that hinges on skimpy premises and even skimpier apparel! “The Sensuous Senator,â€? written by Michael Parker, abounds with pantomimed humor and doubleentendres. Laughs become better and better as the jokes build on previous set-ups. Maguire’s (Shanahan’s) height plays to advantage in a couple of rollicking skits, and his wide-eyed innocence make him a perfect foil for Fiona’s amorous advances, so well-depicted by Kerry Jade Aberman. Mark Tydell is a smooth operator, well up to the demands of playing the sensuous Senator with his befuddled quips and in-
ventive alibis. Activity in the bedroom gives new meaning to the phrase “undercover agency.� And Melanie Rashbaum spends a good deal of time under the bed as Veronica, impatiently awaiting her tryst. T he S ena t or’s w i fe brings perhaps the only moments of seeming sanity in a story deep with illogical, evasive explanations of the goings-on. Lois Douglas’s role is shared by Donna Cherry, who charmed us on opening night and will continue through the early portion of the run, and Jenifer Winkler, who will then portray Lois. David Calhoun’s splitscreen stage with its two stairways and several doors allows people to be in either the bedroom or living room without running into each other, important for the rampant confusion. Helping Calhoun with set construction were Patt Paezynski, Brendan Shanahan, Karen Young, and Mike Dessin. Dessin also is stage manager and plays Marty Richmond. Lois Tedrow brings her usual deft touch to the costuming, all the way from bumbling Clyde Salt’s argyle sox and plaid bathrobe, to Veronica’s and Fiona’s clothes seemingly right out
Continued on 7
Miyako Hybrid Hotel Brings Japanese Elegance to Torrance
Ho Ho - Yo’s & Woes Continued from 2 My retaliatory mischief included a few claw marks on the sofa, a couple of wet spots on the new carpet and a partially eaten tuna delight left on the cat Masters bed for immediate effect. Then came my dirty trick “coup de grâce”. A Bully fight with the invading mutt causing his water bowl and food tray to be spilled all over
Continued from 6 of Victoria’s Secret. Ken Salzman returns to the Playhouse as director, with Thelma Diaz assisting. Ward Calaway is producer; Barry Schwam, sound desig ner; and Steve Shaw, sound operator. Maureen Davis handles the lighting, critical as the scenes shift from room to room. Elaina Present, Sierra Senzaki, and Karen Young are the lighting crew. Anne Marie Atwan is again in charge of properties.
the kitchen f loor and his new puppy cushion. Well, it got plenty of attention! His Master gave him a couple of good smacks, a lecture, and a permanent relocation to the dank basement. Now that was a Christmas Cheer, which gave me a “Happy Cat’s Meow”. Comments ... wallygoodlife@att.net
Metro Briefs
It’s The Right Time To Save. Go Metro. Let 2010 be the year you decide to start some serious savings by simply going Metro. Experts estimate you can save as much as $10,000 annually by using public transit instead of paying for gas and parking. Find your best route with the Trip Planner at metro.net.
Public Hearing On Bus Service February 8
The melding of Japanese and American influences, along with green technology is what puts the word “hybrid” in the hotel’s title, says Makoto Seto, front desk manager. Other Miyako highlights include a state-of-the-art fitness center with bamboo flooring, 4,600 sq.-ft. of meeting space and banquet rooms, and the acclaimed Gonpachi Restaurant Sushi Bar & Lounge, which specializes in eclectic Japanese / Californian cuisine. After touring the 7-story hotel, we walked directly next door to the Mitsuwa Market-
place, where we found isles of Japanese groceries, gift and clothing shops, a travel agency, and restaurants. Packed with local Japanese residents, the market added a lot flavor to our Japanese-themed getaway. And speaking of flavor, our next stop was Gonpachi Restaurant, where we enjoyed sake champagne and an incredible sushi fusion dinner with fresh oysters served with Yuzu Ponzu Sauce; spicy tuna rolls with unagi (eel) on top; Kobe beef Carpaccio; crispy shrimp dumplings; giant clam; and homemade soba noodles.
While eating we sipped Kirin beer and watched the Gonpachi sushi chefs work their magic. We concluded the evening in a little restaurant / bar located next to the hotel called Beaux. Here we sipped martinis and chatted with friendly Japanese patrons and staff.
Credit John Johnson and Calaway with program design. Donald Songster did the production photography, and Kate VanDevender created the poster art. Philip Sokoloff is publicist. Ch i ld ish squea ls of laughter could be heard on opening night, for the fastmoving antics onstage were very funny. We might note, however, that even the title of “The Sensuous Senator” suggests it might not be considered exactly “family fare.” If they’re young enough, little ones won’t “get” some of the
adult jokes; for adolescents, it’s another matter. Now you know. But for a du lt s, t h i s “naughty political romp” as it’s called on the program cover, is hilariously entertaining. Enjoy it at the Sierra Madre Playhouse weekends through Feb. 27. Curtain time is 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2:30 p.m. for Sunday matinees. Admission is $20 general, $17 for seniors (65+) and students (13-17), and $12 for children 12 and under. The Sierra Madre
Playhouse is located at 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. City lots offer free parking. Pre- or post-theater dining at local restaurants on Baldwin Avenue and Sierra Madre Boulevard can enhance your theater-going experience. For ticket reservations or more information, phone (626) 355-4318, or visit the website, www. sierramadreplayhouse. org, for online ticketing. For group reservations, call (626) 836-2125.
Miyako Hybrid Hotel is located at 21381 S. Western Ave., Torrance 90501. In March the hotel will open an authentic full-service Japanese hot stone spa. For current specials, rates and reservations, call (310) 212-5111 or visit www.miyakohybridhotel.com.
Proposed bus service changes will be discussed by the Metro San Gabriel Valley Governance Council on Monday, February 8 at 6pm at the San Gabriel Valley Sector O;ce, 3449 Santa Anita Ave., 3rd Floor, El Monte. Details about the proposed changes will be available at the meeting or online at metro.net.
65,000 Go Metro To Rose Parade Thousands avoided tra;c and parking hassles New Year’s Day and rode Metro Rail to the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game. Among the 65,000 riders were those who boarded via the Metro Gold Line recently opened extension to East LA. Thousands more used the Gold Line to view the ?oats at Victory Park following the parade.
East LA Memorial, Reinterment Site Dedicated Remains and artifacts unearthed during the construction of the Edward R. Roybal Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension are being dedicated at a reinterment site and memorial wall January 22 at the Evergreen Cemetery in East LA. The remains were discovered at 1st and Lorena streets in 2005.
New Silver Line Freeway Service Metro has introduced new high-frequency, highcapacity bus service on the freeway carpool lanes between the South Bay and the San Gabriel Valley. The new Metro Silver Line travels the carpool lanes on the I-10 and I-110 freeways, serving key destinations in Downtown LA. Find out more at metro.net. If you’d like to know more, please call us at 1.800.464.2111, or visit metro.net.
SGV-LE-10-008 ©2010 LACMTA
I’ve never visited Japan, but after a recent stay at the Miyako Hybrid Hotel in Torrance, I feel like I have, if only for a day and night. My getaway to Miyako began Saturday afternoon when a friend and I checked into a beautiful 7th-floor suite looking toward downtown Los Angeles and beyond. The room came with two feathertop queen beds, a 46”flat screen theater television, refrigerator, teapot, work station with free wireless Internet, radio with iPod docking, and a balcony. But the real highlights were in the bathroom, where a large glass box houses a walkin shower with a rainforest shower head pouring down from the ceiling. Behind the shower is an oversized traditional Japanese tub with step stool. The bathroom also features a toilet with heated seat and bidet. Once acquainted with the suite, I explored more of the 208-room four-diamond hotel. Opened last month, Miyako mixes the traditions, hospitality and elegance of a Japanese hotel, with the modern technology of the 21 century. In fact the word miyako refers to a flourishing business and entertainment center. The name fits as the hotel is located blocks from the corporate headquarters of Honda and Toyota car companies, as well as historic Old Town Torrance. Besides Japanese design features, art and artifacts appointed throughout, the hotel is also very green, having received a prestigious LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) silver rating. To achieve the title the building incorporates things like rooftop solar panels to help generate electricity; extensive daylighting, electric vehicle charging stations; the use of recycled woods and glasses used throughout, and water-saving technology.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Arcadia City Council has Tiers in its Eyes Continued from 1 levied should a water user use amounts exceeding a tier. The tiered pricing would apply to both residential and businesses in Arcadia, but the practice in the cities that have gone to this system is to cooperate with larger public and commercial properties if they meet certain water-use efficiencies. The study is prompted by political developments within the state and at the federal level to cut deliveries of Sacramento-area Delta water to Southern California. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed into law a mandate that Californians reduce their urban per capita water use by 20% by 2020. Tait and Pat Malloy, now Assistant City Manager, and former Public Works Services Director for the city, reported to the City Council at its Dec. 15 council meeting that the statewide drought, courtordered pumping restrictions on the State Water Project and the last three consecutive relatively dry years and low reserve storage added to the concerns that the city could be in danger of depleting its local basin pumping yields as groundwater could, potentially, lower to a critical point. The Council approved the $45,357 contract to Raftelis Financial Consultants to conduct a study to see if a tiered rate structure would be equitable to city residents and strengthen the municipal water system’s financial integrity. “City Council has hired a firm to do a study to determine if a tiered rate makes sense for the City of Arcadia,” City Manager Don Penman said. “The city has a good reserve basis in the event of some kind of disaster. The system has been well maintained over the years. We don’t need additional money. This is a program to encourage conservation in the event the basin groundwater continues to drop.” The city has received a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and monies from various sources to fund a $31 million five-year program that is meant to add water reserves to the system through enlarged and enhanced reservoirs and also improve the amount of water being pumped from the natural aquifer basin under the city. If that project proves successful, local conservation efforts would be unnecessary, not withstanding the state mandate to lower usage by 20% in 10 years. The city currently receives water from t hree
Tom Tait is the new Director of Public Works for the City of Arcadia. Tait, who served as Deputy Director with the city, was named to the post by City Manager Don Penmen in December, replacing Pat Malloy.
sources: what is called the Main Basin; the East and West Raymond Basin; and from the State Water Project through the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). The Main Basin is the large water supply lying under the area in and around the Puente Hills and Whittier Narrows. Many cities and private water companies draw from this underground supply and each is given a court-approved allocation yearly. Over-drawing from this source can create costly penalties, but is ameliorated to some degree through the use of MWD water supplies that are pumped into the Main Basin aquifer and mixed with local (and better quality) water. Water coming from the East and West Raymond Basin belongs essentially to the city but with some shared pumping. At the present time, 65% of Arcadia’s water comes from the Main Basin with an additional 25% assumed to be part of the MWD water transfers and 30% from the Raymond Basin, according to Tait. The $31 million project was developed through a study conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers to suggest ways to increase water storage and production from local wells. Funds are coming from the federal government, Los Angeles County Flood Control District and a cooperative agreement with the City of Sierra Madre. At the present time $8 million is being used to upgrade the city’s aging water sys-
tem infrastructure, increase water system reliability in the event of an earthquake, increase capability to fight earthquake-related fires, and more efficiently pull water from the local aquifer. At first blush, the water issues for Arcadia might seem pretty gloomy. But in an environmental assessment of water supply wells, the city, in June of 2009, submitted to the EPA a report that lays out the water system project goals that paint a much more promising picture. At the present time, 17,400 acre-feet of water is distributed annually to city residents and businesses. At the conclusion of the current project the report concludes that the city will have close to 20,000 acre-feet of water that can be drawn yearly. This year, the Main Basin adjudication for the City of Arcadia is 8,000 acre-feet of water, but should the year continue to bless us with rainfall, that amount will rise keeping the costly MWD supplied water at bay. In addition to MWD water supplies blended at the Main Basin, the city has a connection to the MWD line which it can call on, but has rarely used, in the last 20 years. (Note: As a rule of thumb, one acre-foot of water is the amount needed to serve a residential family of four, or 325,851 gallons. Many studies show that 50% or more of this water is used in landscaping. The City of Pasadena says 75% of its water is used on outdoor gardens.) Arcadia is not in a wa-
ter crisis, nor is its aquifer. The city noted in its EPA report that “The City will pump groundwater in accordance with its adjudicated water rights [the Main Basin], thereby having no significant affect on [local] groundwater supplies.” The report also says that according to a Department of Water Resources Bulletin, neither the Raymond Basin nor the Main Basin has been drawn down to a critical level. The Raftelis group, in its review of the long-term issues that may face the City of Arcadia’s municipal water system, has been contracted by the city to propose a tiered-pricing water system geared to determine if various rates for increased use of water would discourage water wasting and encourage customers to conserve water, effectively penalizing large properties such as Santa Anita Race Track, and county facilities like the park, the golf course and The Arboretum, or others who maintain acreage in the city, although forbearance for large properties may be included. A further enhancement for the city, as explained to the City Council by Tait, is that acceptance of such a tieredpricing water rate would allow the city to be eligible to apply and receive grants from the State. Arcadia, Sierra Madre and Monrovia have access to water within their city limits that has historically kept rates low. Not everyone is as fortunate: Pasadena must obtain a large amount of its water from the MWD and its direct connection to the State Water Project has required a tier-pricing. Pasadena’s rates were raised 11% last year, are due for an increase of 25% this year and 27% next year. Even though Arcadia currently has adequate water supplies, and the new pumping and reservoir projects will broaden the safety margin, a pro-active move by residents to lower their monthly usage by 20% could turn into big savings for the city and its citizens. Were Arcadians to reduce their city water usage by 20% or more before the tier-pricing study is completed, that presumably would encourage the City Council to maintain the rate of $1.31 for each 748 gallons used, a rate that is one of the lowest in the area. If you are an average homeowner, nearly half of your usage is probably for watering the yard. What an easy place to start a water-efficiency program on your own. For other tips, visit the City of Arcadia website under “utilities”, or visit www.h2ouse.org.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Don’t Let the Name Fool You: This Bar Offers Much More
Recipe Box Reflections BY DEBORAH ANN NEELY
Wild Rice Pancakes and Soup
started cleaning out t he pantry a couple of weeks ago as I used several cans of a r t ichokes to make a really delicious salad. My neighbor and “cooking buddy”, Jenny, decided to do the same and we have made quite a competition out of finding the right recipes to do this. Like me, her pantry had collected a few too many ingredients. Jenny had six boxes of wild rice, and wild rice is not even a family favorite at her house. I took the challenge and we love wild rice! I have two new recipes to share from my overfull recipe box, and I have finally tired both of them. You will want to buy some wild rice!
Wild Rice Soup (not a fancy name!)
¼ cup butter 1 large onion, diced ½ cup thinly sliced celery 4-ounces fresh mushrooms, sliced Melt butter and sau- ½ cup all-purpose flour té onion, celer y, and mushrooms until soft. 6 cups hot chicken broth Sprinkle in flour, stir- 2 cups cooked wild rice ring constantly; cook 1 ½ teaspoon dry mustard minute. Stir and do not let it brown. Slowly add ½ teaspoon curry powder chicken broth and stir ½ teaspoon paprika until well blended. Add Salt and pepper, to taste rice and all the season- 1 cup light cream ings. After heating thoroughly, add cream and 2 teaspoon sherry sherry; heat gently. This makes about 10 servings according to my index card. We devoured it in 4 servings and some even licked the bowl!
The Langham Huntington hotel in Pasadena recently implemented a new cocktail and food menu in their bar and grill, aptly named “The Bar”. The new menu, featuring signature drinks inspired by Langham Hotels around the world and innovative bar bites that will delight local foodies and out-of-towers alike. Examples of the new cocktail menu include creations such as the Pasadena Sidecar, a new take on an old favorite; Boston Thyme, featuring Teaka sweet tea vodka; Shanghai Sunset, with freshly ground ginger; Melbourne Mule, an updated take on the Moscow Mule; London Classic, an updated play on a gimlet; Destination Auckland, a potent, hand crafted Long Island-style iced tea; Hong Kong Charm, a perfect Rob Roy; and Bangkok Basil, featuring Veev acai spirit. These updated classic cocktails showcase big, bold flavors and present a modern take on traditional favorites. The new food menu also puts an upscale twist on traditional bar favorites. Created by Garde Manger Chef Erik Schuster, the playful menu features flavors from around the world and perfectly complements the new Langham signature cocktails. The food menu includes dishes such as “Moon Chips,” Lobster Corn
Dogs, Smoked Salmon Quesadilla, Kobe Patty Melt Sliders, Jamon (Spanish ham) Con Melon, and a Steam Bun Pork Belly Panini, among other indulgent choices. The Bar (1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena) is open seven days a week and also features seasonal cocktails and the finest selection of wine and artisan beers from around the world as well as single
Traditional Thai Cuisine
malt scotch, tequila, bourbon and port. The Bar also offers an extensive cigar selection. In the second quarter, The Bar will undergo a refurbishment by The Johnson Studio design firm, giving the space a more modern, lounge-like atmosphere while preserving its traditional aesthetic. Best of all, valet parking is complimentary for guests of The Bar
Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices
Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado
(Between Madre & Rosemead)
(626) 568-9288
“Our Fish Come from the Finest Schools”
I still felt challenged to use the boxes of rice and be creative so the next evening I had chicken with a side dish of wild rice pancakes. It is as good as it sounds! Cook each kind of rice separately with 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Basmati rice needs 40 minutes and the wild rice needs 50 minutes. Combine rice in a large bowl and allow it to cool. Sift dry ingredients together and add to rice. Mix in scallions, milk, and eggs. Heat a small amount of butter and oil in a skillet and drop batter by tablespoons into the skillet. Cook until brown on both sides and ser ve with baked chicken or pork chops.
Best Seafood Restaurant Pasadena Independent Readers’ Choice Award
Wild Rice Pancakes (not a fancy name!)
1/3 cup uncooked basmati rice 1/3 cup uncooked wild rice 4 cups water, divided 2 teaspoons salt, divided ½ cup all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon soda ½ cup chopped scallions 3 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons milk Join me next week and see what we are finding in Vegetable oil our clean the pantry game. Rinse rice and drain.
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Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 Days Gorgeous Private Banquet Rooms For Your Special Events! 1978 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena | (626) 793-FISH (3474)
10 JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Sierra Madre Declares Local Emergency Continued from 1 claiming the Existence of a Local Emergency”. According to City Manager Elaine Aguilar, the declaration allows Sierra Madre to better recover costs associated with the emergency. The declaration will also help the city’s efforts in garnering assistance from surrounding cities and agencies in coordinating mutual aid. “These types of proclamations are made when the local government determines that a disaster could exceed the capacity of our resources,” said Aguilar in a telephone interview with Sierra Madre Weekly on Wednesday afternoon. Aguilar also said that the proclamation was made as an anticipatory measure. “If the weather reports are correct, we’re definitely going to need some help from the county. We know we can’t handle this ourselves,” she said. The city expanded its Mandatory Evacuation Order first issued Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. to cover the entire Upper canyon areas and the entire Lower canyon areas. The city has also said that additional locations for Mandatory
Evacuation Orders are possible as record amounts of rainfall continue to threaten fire damaged hillsides. Public safety and city officials are urging city residents to follow evacuation orders, saying that residents who choose to ignore evacuation orders and stay in their homes threaten themselves, their neighbors, and emergency personnel. The City has requested mutual aid from surrounding agencies including the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. On Wednesday evening, officers from the police departments of El Monte and Irwindale were on hand to assist in security and evacuation efforts. Director of Community & Personnel Services Elisa Weaver said that many residents in the mandatory evacuation areas had yet to heed the warnings of further slides and were remaining in their homes. For those who may have followed the authorities’ evacuation orders, as of late Wednesday none of them had chosen to come to the evacuation shelter set up by the city at the Community Recreation Center at 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. City staff and officials from
Canyon Residents Resist Evacuation Order En Masse
Mud, lots of it (about 70 tons) blanketed the 700 block of Skyland Drive Tuesday. Residents here are not strangers to such a clean up…the same thing happened last year but in amounts nowhere near this year’s 70 tons. -Photos by Terry Miller
Love is a chocolate covered word! Order early for Valentine’s Day!
Sierra Madre police and fire officials speak with city manager Elaine Aguilar moments after the council unanimously proclaimed the city is in a local emergency due to imminent mud flow. The mayor recused herself from the vote due to the fact that her house is on the border of one of the 5 evacuation zones. - Photo by Terry Miller
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the Pasadena Humane Society were on hand to receive any evacuated residents and their pets if necessary, but as of Wednesday afternoon the shelter and small animals crates remained empty. Roads leading into the mandatory evacuation areas are closed and manned by police who are refusing entry to residents, except in cases of emergency such as retrieval of prescription medicines, loved ones and/or pets. According to the city, these closures will be strictly enforced by the Sierra Madre Police Department and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department throughout the night. Many residents were apparently angered by the road closures and evacuation orders as they returned home from work
only to be told they could not drive to their homes. Many residents said they had not heard of the evacuations until they arrived at the blockade. Still, council members, police and fire officials and city staff expressed concern and even exasperation at what they saw as widespread non-compliance with the evacuation order. “The cooperation of our residents is crucial to the safety and protection of life and property in these areas,” said a recent post on the city’s Emergency Blog. As of press time, the most affected area in Sierra Madre is in the 700 block of Skyland Drive where nearly 70 tons of mud was removed following a Tuesday afternoon slide.
Health & Fitness Guide
Training Tips
Orthotics Can Alleviate or Cure Knee and Hip Pain
When Your Weight Keeps You Out of the Gym “Finally made it to that gym today. Julie took me and signed me up with the office discount…..felt embarrassed in front of her because she is 10 years older than me and runs marathons….I had to hold my breath to tie up my trainers. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go again if Julie doesn’t go with me, I felt so fat and uncoordinated”. T h is excer pt , t a ken from my diar y in 1996, f loods back memories of fear, humiliation and selfloathing. However, it was in that small basement gym on Eberle St reet, Liverpool, where I would meet the trainer (and night club bouncer) who would put me on the path to being a personal trainer. Even though I am now 50 lbs lighter, I still do not feel comfortable working out in large gyms, albeit for different reasons.
Here are some alternatives: Get out of the house While the rest of the country is hunkered down in sub-zero temperatures, we are basking in 70 degree weather in one of the most beautiful foothill communities around. Invest in proper shoes. I recommend running shoes (not walking or cross trainers) for all of my clients even if they never run a step. Running shoes
are designed to have extra cushioning in the heel and a narrower heel and toe box; ideal for shock absorbing and minimizing tripping. Wear bright clothes to be seen by motorists. Stay in the house Find a 30 minute, low impact exercise DVD and follow it every day in the comfort of your home. Build up a variety or browse Netflix to stave off boredom. Initially, the only equipment you will need will be good shoes (again, running shoes are preferable), some time and space. Find a fitness program specifically designed for you
I found that there were not any ‘plus size’ fitness programs advertized locally, so I started Fitness Rx at Train Inc. This program is an affordable, semi-private personal training class for clients who have in excess of 60 lbs to lose. Our clients are either pre or post bariatric surgery patients or have been advised by their physicians to lose weight. Our facility is private, friendly and non-intimidating. Enlist a friend who is out of your league I was fortunate enough to know Julie and she went to the gym every lunch time
without fail. It took only a few times of her rushing past my desk, gym bag in hand, while I tried to stuff the rest of a baguette into my mouth, before I could not help but go with her. We would go a separate ways once at the gym as we had different work outs. All I needed was to get there. Julie’s example helped me lose 50 lbs, move 5000 miles away from Eberle Street and start my dream company. Where will going to the gym take you? Lynda Linforth is a certified personal trainer, licensed nutritionist and owner of Train Inc., a private personal training studio in Arcadia specializing in weight loss, post-rehab exercise, post-cancer exercise and nutrition. She can be reached at (626) 447-1049 or lyndalinforth@gmail.com. Train Inc. also offers self-defense classes for men only and women only, Bride and Bikini Boot Camp for brides to be or ladies who want to get into shape for summer and Fitness Rx for clients with more than 60 lbs to lose. Please follow your physician’s guidelines for exercise before embarking on any exercise program.
If you’ve pain in your knees or hips, you know how debilitating the pain can be. But did you also know that tiny device you wear in your shoe can alleviate that pain, possibly even eliminate it? The device is called an orthotic. It’s usually an arch support or insole custom made to fit your feet and your needs that you wear in your shoe. An orthotic created just for you can change the distribution of force through your leg (from ankle, to foot, up to your hip), which can change how the force that’s applied to your hip and knee with every step you take is distributed. Orthotics also can work as a cushion to reduce the force that’s applied to your joints as you walk. In addi-
Continued on 12
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Orthotics Can Alleviate or Cure Knee and Hip Pain Continued from 11
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tion, orthotic can change your foot’s alignment, which will result in a change in the alignment of your knee and/ or hip. Have you noticed that your shoes tend to wear out on the inside of the heals as time goes by? That means your foot pronates (turns inward) as you walk. Or, do you see that your shoes’ heels tend to wear down on the outside? You supinate; your foot turns outward as you walk, which by the way is normal. Most of people pronate or supinate as they walk, with the majority of us who do so walking a bit on the inside of our feet (pronation). These aren’t readily obvious to the untrained eye. One way you can tell if you pronate or supinate is to check the soles of your shoes. Another test would be to stand normal and have someone try to put a finger underneath your arch. If you can’t put a finger under the arch you are flatfooted and you mostly likely pronate. If you can put two fingers under the arch you have an high arched foot and you are most likely a supinator. Excessive pronation will cause your knee and hip to bend inward thus putting abnormal pressure to the inside of your knee and outside of your hip. Excessive supination will do the opposite. A well-made orthotic can help correct pronation and supination. Pronation and supination can cause hip and knee pain because they make your lower leg and knee rotate, causing pressure on the joints, which over time can cause pain. Orthotics help your feet hit the ground squarely, thus alleviating the rotation, the resultant pressure and the subsequent pain.
Your podiatrist more than likely will fashion an orthotic after examining your walking pattern, which we call it biomechanical examination and determining if an orthotic will be of help. Limb length discrepancy, pronation/supination, foot f lexibility are amongst the most important measurements in this examination. Your orthotics may be “soft,” “semi-rigid,” or “rigid.” Soft orthotics are best if your podiatrist determines that your knees and hips need some cushioning. Semirigid orthotics will give you more stability while still giving you support and some cushioning. Rigid orthotics will give you the most stability while with support. It is also important what type of shoe you will be using the orthotics in. This will tell your doctor what type of orthotics you need. Your orthotics, naturally, will feel a bit foreign in your shoes for a few days. If you find your orthotics are still uncomfortable after two or three weeks, check in with your podiatrist; your orthotics may need some adjusting. I recommend wearing your orthotics one hour the first day and increase by an hour each day. If your knee or hip pain is worse after two or three weeks, you definitely need to check back with your podiatrist. Dr. Alireza Khosroabady is a Fellowship trained foot and ankle specialist graduated from New York College of Podiatric Medicine. Dr. Khosroabady completed a three year surgical residency in New York and a year-long fellowship at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. His Arcadia Office is located at 20 E. Huntington Drive and can be reached at (626) 447-2184.
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My Teeth Look Like…the Stars?
Tell me, who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo and his pearly whites? DR. JACK VON BULOW
So back in the day, when I was starting out in dental school, I wasn’t too excited over the prospect of crafting dentures (and if you’d have seen some of my early arts & crafts adventures you probably wouldn’t have been too enthused either.) All I knew about dentures was some old lame joke that went something like, “Your teeth...they look like the stars…they come out every night.” For me, stepping up and helping out by replacing a mouthful of missing teeth was something straight out of one of my all-time Fave-Five films, Casablanca, “…this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” I just wasn’t so sure about the beautiful part or exactly how the “friendship” would play out. My new friends and I wouldn’t be meeting over coffee or the Sports Page; our bond would be a piece of plastic, a designated chewer. And the prospect of my finding the fine balance of comfort, looks, and mechanics required to replace 28 missing teeth with a plastic substitute made looking for the Holy Grail seem about as tricky as locating a Seven-Eleven. I was totally conflicted by a scenario that would play out nightly and wake me from a sound sleep just before I figured out the meaning of the words, “cold sweat.” The major challenge was me deploying all the newbie teeth in formation so that the patient could say “sixty-six” not “thixty-thix.” It got so bad I’d envision bribing folks to pronounce the numbers clearly and precisely so we could move onto the next step. “Pretty pleeease… with sugar on it, I’ll give ya a 6-pack if you just say sixty-six the right way!!!” And there were other potential trouble spots along the way. Some folks just have a very tough time adjusting (best case is patients begin to get used to dentures at a rate of one week per decade of life.) But once I made it into the “lisp free” zone;
the nightmares, cold sweats, and creepy paranoia would noticeably subside. And now that I’m okay and I’ve done a ton of continuing education and implants are around to help take steaks off the endangered entree list, I can look back into my troubled denture past with total detachment. I wound up traveling the world looking for answers and who knew I’d find the Chalice in Seattle…in the fog and rain, I mean mist? Of course, Seattle is to restorative dentistry what bruin football is to futility; they’re both the capitals. The world famous Kois Center calls the Emerald City home and I’ll never forget the words offered by my hero, global restorative dentistry guru Doc John Kois. “If it looks right, it’s probably right.” Yoda couldn’t have said it better. So my first experience happened during dental school and my very first denture attempt. My 75 year-old lisping patient took out his appliance after a one-week try-out and threw it at me like ninja star. I wasn’t wounded and his lisp mysteriously disappeared with the upper denture we never found. But until Seattle, I was never the same. These days, dentures are more in demand than maybe you’d think. People are living longer but not necessarily healthier. The drugs that help keep folks alive often produce side effects, like dry mouth, that can have a major impact on tooth loss. Bet you didn’t know West Virginia leads the nation in edentulous folks aged 65+ at almost 43%. In California, we’re #48 at 13.7%. The average per state is 22%, meaning over one out of five Americans aged 65+ has zero tooth survivors. A great 2010 resolution would be visiting your dentist for a tooth loss risk assessment. These days, replacing missing body parts is a far more predictable process that can actually save lives…especially if we’re replacing arches of missing teeth.
Jack Von Bulow, DDS practices at Temple City Dental Care , located at 9929 E. Las Tunas Drive. Questions, concerns, comments and rants can be sent to jvonbulow@ earthllink.net. He can also be reached by calling (626) 285-3161 or via his website, www.templecitydental.com.
The Gold Standard AGENT OF THE WEEK
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES (626) 358-1858
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
Joe Garcia
Larry Kallis
John Vostenak
Natalie Buliach
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC. 626-445-0123
Stunning 4,300 sq. ft. Santa Anita Oaks Estate situated on a 1/2 acre, features a gourmet kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, Formal Living Room & Dinning Room, family room, pool & spa, 3car garage and much more! (ARB)
Close to Old Town Pasadena & L.A. Fantastic opportunity to live a t t h e e n d o f t h e c u l - d e - s a c i n t h e J o h n s t o n L a k e C o m m u n i t y. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! (AVE)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE, INC. (626) 355-1451
This 3 Unit Building with a brick façade is a Great Opportunity! It is a Commercial Property for use as a: OFFICE, MEDICAL, PROFESSIONAL, or as a GENERAL RETAIL STORE. North facing building, lot’s of drive by and foot traffic. (L68)
. Located in Sierra Madre this 1,986 sq.ft. one owner home is situated on a 11,800 sq.ft. lot and features 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room, nicely updated kitchen with built-ins, laundry room, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces, swimming pool and 2 baths. View of the mountains, double attached garage. (W315)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This 4 bed/2 ba home in North Arcadia features living room with fireplace, large dining room, great kitchen with lots of cabinets and built-in breakfast corner unit. Family room that lead to patio with built-in BBQ. Gated pool and Arcadia Schools! (ELC)
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC (626) 445-0123
CRAFTSMAN $530,000 ADORABLE Historic Mills Act Home in Monrovia.
Wonderful home in a quiet neighborhood. Centrally located, close to shopping, freeways and parks. This charming home has 4BR, 2BA with a sizable swimming pool and a 2 car garage. Updates throughout include kitchen, bathrooms and floors (bedrooms). The high ceilings will take your breath away. Make it yours today! (P1930)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
This 3bdrm 3bth home is located in the Arcadia School District. Features formal dining room, high ceiling spacious master suite, Good size yard and 2 car garage. This is a must see!! (G140)
Significant property tax savings for the newer owner, potentially up 60 % savings. All the original character still intact. Living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in cabinets for china and separate builtin writing desk, 3 bedrooms, remodeled kitchen and eating area, hardwood flooring, huge backyard with built-in outdoor fireplace and brick patio, detached two car garage. (L311)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
Absolutely stunning with gorgeous detailing throughout this Monrovia home. Beautiful hardwood open floor plan, spacious living areas with fantastic built-ins, 3 very spacious bedrooms, plus den/family room, remodeled oversized master bathroom and full bath with custom tile work. Oversized detached garage with workshop and tons of storage. (P311)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
Lovely well kept 3bdrm 2bth home with many updates, large gated yard with lots of privacy, lush landscaping, huge gazebo, space to entertain, close to shopping, schools and minutes from main Pasadena. Motivated Seller!(W1534)
This home was built in 1951 and is located on a large lot on a quiet street in monrovia. With an ample 1,371 sq.Ft. Of living space plenty of parking with a covered carport and two car detached garage. Not a short sale or reo. Hurry this one won’t last!
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This 2bdrm 2bth condo has location, location, location. There is a community pool and spa. This is an end unit with a very spacious patio. This one won’t last! (G1231)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123 CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
Cute home on a nice quiet cul-de-sac. This lovely home has hardwood flooring and is very original. The kitchen and baths are original and in good condition. There is an enclosed patio acting as a family room along with a room attached to the garage with an indoor spa! This great opportunity won’t last long! (R10634)
Priced for a quick sale. This 2bdrm 1bth home is close to everything an situated on a large lot accessible from two sides, full RV parking behind the gated backyard, great candidate for add on/ remodel possibilities (check with city). Hurry it won’t last. (R523)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This two level home features 2 spacious bedrooms, updated bathrooms and nice size patio. Freshly painted and move-in condition. Located near Citrus College and APU. Association Pool. (CER)
Great starter home facing the green belt in condo complex. New paint and carpet is included in lender repairs. Complex includes pool and spa (gated). Living room has hardwood floors and fireplace. Downstairs 2 car garage with access in the rear. Don’t delay! This one won’t last! B1131)
Situated on a large lot in La Verne this wonderful starter home has great curb appeal with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, great open kitchen with spacious pantry and a very large backyard with patio area. Two car detached garage. Not a Bank Owned or Fixer. (B1401)
This well kept Condo located in Baldwin Park, is a downstairs unit and features a split level floor plan with washer and dryer hookups downstairs. Master bedroom with dressing area and large closets. (BRE)
CENTURY21ADAMS & BARNES (626)358-1858
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. 626-301-1888
CENTURY 21 Adams&Barnes
Gated PUD with pool, open floor plan, oversized patios, large master suite with dressing area. 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1371 square feet. Low HOA dues! (L267)
CENTURY21ADAMS&BARNES• (626)358-1858
Bungalow character home tastefully rehabbed to office use. 2 private offices, 4 open work spaces, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen, lots of storage, central air & heat, wired for CAT 5 and phones. On site free parking for minimum 6 cars. Phone system & furniture can be included. Zoned neighborhood commercial; some retail allowed. Walking distance to Old Town Monrovia. (F419)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
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The tough economic climate has hit nearly everyone in the past year. As Bette Davis once said in “All About Eve, “fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.” Bumpy, indeed. And in the interior design business, many designers have found that clients are buying less and doing smaller jobs. But people still have a desire to create a home that’s both efficient and comfortable; especially since studies show we are spending more time at home. Therefore, the role of the designer has become more fluid, and many designers have been tweaking their business models to suit the demand that’s out there. They are finding some very creative ways to get through this tough economic climate. It’s not just about taking smaller jobs and specifying less expensive fabric. It’s all about adjusting. I recently launched iDesign by EVID, a service of Erin Vosti Interior Design allowing people to receive the advice of an interior designer without the financial commitment of full-time design services. Through email, a client sends us information about the room they want redesigned; we send back a furniture plan, concept board (including paint and fabric suggestions) and a shopping list. We work with the furniture they want to keep, and integrate in new pieces as needed, to create a seamless design plan for them. This has allowed the client to redesign their home, but on their own terms and on their own time. They can purchase the items we recommend when their budget allows. It’s also given us the chance to work with clients who had once thought that a designer was out of their reach.
For young couples buying a new home, the budget for new furniture and paint may not be there up front. But with the advice and guidance of a designer, they can create that perfect home in time, and without the cost of full-time design services. It’s about sharing ideas and design thoughts with people who just need a little help. Other designers are adjusting in unique ways as well, answering the need from clients who wish to scale back, or even scale down. Evelyn and Elyn, from E&E Designs in San Francisco, came up with Downsize Design. Elyn’s experience as an interior designer, and Evelyn’s experience in construction and antiques have placed them in a unique position to help their clients decide what stays, what goes, what to refurbish and what to replace. Evelyn explains, “once the kids are off to college, things change around the house. A lot of us have furniture from our parents that has grown weary. In some cases, the house now seems too large to manage and a move to a smaller home is necessary. Now, new, smaller-scaled furniture might be needed.” Unlike their previous clients, many of their new clientele have never used a designer. By really examining a client’s lifestyle, how they truly use each room and each piece of furniture, they then help the client decide what pieces are worth saving and what pieces need to be donated. They offer expertise by suggesting how a piece could be incorporated into a different space, or how a piece can be changed, perhaps updated or even just freshened up a bit. So when they do recycle
a favorite piece of furniture for a client, they recommend refurbishing any pieces that are still structurally sound. By tweaking the arms a bit, or repadding it into a more current style, and by selecting updated fabric, the client’s piece is recycled and fresh again. “Some clients want to give stuff to the kids,” Evelyn says. “We suggest saving a favorite item or two. In truth, most of the kids want to choose their own style.” They recently helped a client recycle furniture for her daughter. They refurbished and updated a pair of “grandma” club chairs with a sleek new fabric and a more modern style to fit in with the daughter’s new apartment. Other times, a client wants to revitalize their home. Simple construction updates, such as adding a new built-in bookshelf, or replacing a fireplace that not only meets the new clean-air policies but also puts out decent heat, can be worth every penny, explains Evelyn. E&E’s success is due to the fact that Downsize Design recognizes that a client is ready to downsize, but has to be really ready to part with things they have had for years, sometimes since childhood; the client also has to really love the things they keep. Because they approach this delicate and personal process with such respect has given them an edge in this climate. Elyn sums up their Downsize Design concept perfectly: “E&E can take almost any one thing and turn it into a ‘silk purse’ - a great accessory or the star in developing a wonderful space.” Adjusting to the times, designers have become creative in meeting the economic climate head-on, finding a need and filling it.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
The Social Whirl
ter hospitalization. Methodist Hospital Foundation is truly grateful for the focus and
support they brought to this vital program – home health care.
Arcadian Jennifer Salter on A Cut Above the Res The William Adrian Agency announced the selection of Jennifer Salter, daughter of John and Donna Salter, to ride the fabulous Theme Float for the 2010 Rose Parade, A Cut Above the Rest.” Jennifer was selected from among 50 top young ladies in Southern California. She is one of four girls that adorned the float, guiding the parade and preceding the Grand Marshal. Jennifer, 17, is a senior at Arroyo Pacific Academy in Arcadia, a member of Assisteens of Arcadia, and a Tom Sawyer Camp Counselor. Jennifer has been with the Adrian Agency for four years. She has done more than 200 photo shoots during her modeling career. She plans to attend Grand Canyon University in the fall to pursue a career in nursing.
In his Master’s top hat, Sho Tay introduces his wife, Sherry, and daughter, Sharlotte.
position for the 14th time in a row. Also, while Charles T. Offenhauser was being installed as the organist, the music for his installation was perfectly timed. However, it was the night for Sho Tay. Even though he is a past master, he was installed as 2010’s Master of the lodge. With his top hat on, he announced that the Arcadia Masonic Lodge would be doing more community service this year. After the installation of officers, a catered dinner of tender beef and salmon and fruit tarts was enjoyed
by guests. The Arcadia Masonic Lodge chose to have a magician entertain the guests. He is an Arcadia High School student who is a member of Magic Castle in Hollywood. His performance was quite outstanding for someone so young. The Arcadia Masonic Lodge held an event that was pleasant to those who have been to the event before, and for those who attended for the first time. Congratulations to the new Master and his officers.
Arcadia resident, Jennifer Salter, was one of four girls who rode on the theme float, A Cut Above the Rest, New Year’s Day.
Sho Tay Dons Top Hat as Master of Arcadia Masonic Lodge
The Arcadia Masonic Lodge held its annual installation January 9. Over 130 people attended, including members from various organizations such as Lions Club, Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and Arcadia Chinese Association. The event began with a wine and cheese reception, which led into the installation ceremony and followed by a dinner. The installation ceremo-
ny was well organized and a surprise to those who have never attended a Masonic installation. From men dressed in tuxedos to other past masters and members of other lodges in other cities, it was full of surprises. John E. Zubrick was installed as a secretary and Robert G. Owen was installed as the new treasurer, but these gentlemen have been installed as the same
Arcadia Woman’s Club to Host Valentine Fashion Show Presented by Magnolia February 6th You are invited! Woman’s Club President Floretta Lauber says, “Come and enjoy a delicious luncheon, fabulous fashion show and boutique by Magnolia (located on foothill Blvd. in Arcadia), in our lovely newly redecorated historic clubhouse.” There will be gentlemen
escorts for the models and bartenders for the mimosa, champagne and wine bar. Barbara Lampman and Mae Craig are working their magic in decorating for a beautiful Valentine’s Day celebration. Don’t be left out, only two tables left. Cost is $45. Call (626) 355-6945 for reservations.
Sierra Madre Civic Club Hosts Getting to Know You Mixer (L-r) Former presidents of Alpha Auxiliary of Methodist Hospital Foundation, Floretta Lauber, Dorothy Cunningham, Carol Libby, Mary Hansen, and Michel Harbur, stand in front of plaque that hangs in the hospital honoring their service.
Carol Libby presents Pat Business Ventures in Arcadia at the next Brown Bag Lunch Talk on January 21, at noon
(L-r) Sho Tay, new Master of Arcadia Masonic Lodge, presents past Master’s apron 6 to former Mayor Jim Helms, who just completed a very successful year as Master.
Arcadia PTA presidents at January Coordinating Council presented Council President Jodi Little (front center) a total of $2,850 donated toward the 2010 Campership. (L-r) Front row – Kathy Yamane (First Ave.), Lisa Teraishi-Wong (Hugo Reid Elementary), Soledad King (Camino Grove Elementary), Doris Mayata (Holly Avenue). Back row Amy Stone (Highlands), Ruth Lagace (Arcadia High), and Kay Kinsler (Arcadia PTA Council).Guest speaker, City Manager Don Penmann, gave an edifying State of the City report.
The museum will continue presenting the popular Brown Bag Lunch Talks, which take place the third Thursday of every month on the museum’s outdoor patio. Please dress appropriately according to weather conditions. Bring your lunch and listen to our guest speakers who will present snippets about Arcadia history, people, places and events. This short program runs from
noon until 12:30 p.m. For more information on each talk, can the museum in advance at (626) 574-5440 or consult the web site at museum.ci.arcadia. ca.us. The Arcadia Historical Museum is located at 380 W. Huntington Dr., immediately behind the Community Center, and is open TuesdaySaturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is always free.
Alpha Auxiliary Honored The Alpha Auxiliary was honored by Methodist Hospital of Southern California for its 28 outstanding years of service in support of home health care, especially special projects funded for Methodist Hospital. Now, a
permanent plaque hangs in the hospital to commemorate the dedicated efforts of the many members of Alpha Auxiliary and the permanent endowment they established as a legacy for future generations who need assistance af-
Sier ra Mad re Civ ic Club Member sh ip Vice Presidents Karma Bell and Joan Coleman will host a “getting to know you” evening mixer for new and prospective members to be held Thursday, January 28, 7 p.m., at the Bell home, 184 S. Lima St., Sierra Madre. Interested local women throughout the area are invited to attend. The club holds general monthly meetings on the second Thursday, 7:30 p.m., in Memorial Park Hart Se-
nior Center. First organized in 1944, the group has had an important presence in Sierra Madre with its hours of volunteer service and generous philanthropy giving, often receiving city recognition. The club also provides a mellow blend of making friends, caring about each other, along with good times and fun in fund-raising. Anyone interested in attending the mixer or for more information, contact Coleman at (626) 355-9216 or Bell, (626) 355-6487.
Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Hosts Celebrity Luncheon Sierra Madre Woman’s Club invites you to its annual Celebrity Luncheon, Saturday, January 30, 11:30 a.m., in Essick House, 550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre. Guest speaker will be mystery writer Janice Cantore, who is a retired veteran of 16 years with the Long Beach Police Department. The benefit also features a delightful lunch with choice of shrimp and fish strata or spinach lasagne. Cantore, who writes inspirational and suspense fic-
tion will review her latest book, The Kevlar Heart with the name taken from the Kevlar bullet-proof vest worn by police. A child abduction is the core of the novel with the main character in the book based on a Cantore former co-worker in the department who was abducted when she was a child. Tickets are $27.50 each and available by calling event Chair Rosemary Morabito, (818) 4156189 or the club (626) 355-4379. Proceeds support club charities.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Louie Osti Will be Missed
Louie Osti, lifelong resident of Sierra Madre, passed away on January 10, 2010. The 9th child of Fred and Teresa Osti, was born on June 21, 1933 in Sierra Madre, California. His parents immigrated to the United States arriving at Ellis Island on May 1, 1914 aboard the passenger ship “France”. They settled in San Pedro and eventually settled in Sierra Madre for Fred’s health concerns. Their first five children Leanora, Marino, Florence, John & Robert were born in San Pedro, CA. Louise, Fred, Jr., David, Louie, Jean and Daniel were born, after the move. Being raised in a large Italian family, Louie learned to pull his own weight to help with family chores, as well as outside the home.
As with all the family, Louie was a hard worker. At seventeen years of age, he and his brot her Dave joined the Navy and served on board the U.S.S. George A. Johnson DE 583, stationed at Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay. Most of the men on their ship were serving with a brother, as well. Louie served as a Cadet Engineer. The ship was used in training reserve Navy personnel. His service in the Navy afforded him the opportunity to visit Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, and British Columbia. After his honorable discharge Louie was able to purchase a truck and tractor and worked as an excavator and grader. Eventually, he found his expertise in masonry work. Throughout Sierra Madre and the San Gabriel Valley, Louie has left his exquisitely crafted pool decks, patios, walkways, walls and even driveways, that reflect his innate artistic ability. He was a perfectionist. Louie approached his love of ga rdening, bird watching and playing cards with the same enthusiasm and attention to detail that was evident in all he did. He was a catalyst in getting everyone excited and interested in what he had to share. And he had a wonder-
ful memory with an absolutely exceptional proclivity to details, whether he was discussing a flower, bird or relating a story. Louie was an excellent storyteller, he thoroughly enjoyed recounting family tales and memories. He was a vibrant, sensitive person who really enjoyed people and I believe, never met a stranger who didn’t become a friend. In recent years, Louie and Helen found an outlet for their generous and passionate hearts at a local Wendy’s restaurant. They reached out and shared with many individuals who were experiencing difficult situations, providing them with a meal but more importantly, with encouragement and friendship. The Osti’s were hard workers but they also knew how to enjoy themselves. The boys enjoyed many hunting trips together and also their love of fishing. There were many family trips to Newport Beach to fish off the pier and also, many deep sea fishing trips for the prized Albacore. Many neighbors and friends shared in their abunda nt catches. Wit h the catch of a large Striped Bass, Louie made television news and also the newspaper, even though they erred by calling him, “LOVIE”. Niece and nephew, Diane
and Bob Wilken, in recent years, shared many fishing trips to the Balboa Pier with Louie and Helen and rekindled the enjoyment of fishing together. Customers, coworkers, family and friends will always remember Louie as a decent, good and honest man with a natural gift of bringing out the best in others. He was a devoted husband and father, always thinking of his children and their welfare. And although these last years were difficult with Louie’s cancer related, failing health, he persevered. He was blest to have brothers, Danny and David, nephew, Markus, daughter, Kerri and friend and companion, Helen, with him during his final days of hospitalization, and now, he is reunited with loved ones who have gone on before. We were able to say our goodbyes knowing that he was at peace in Our Heavenly Father’s care. Louie married Shirley Goddard on May 23, 1959. Shirley predeceased Louie on February 27, 1996. Louie is survived by his faithful friend and companion, Helen Artman of Sierra Madre, CA; Sons Michael Wyatt of Georgia; Louie Osti, Jr. of Cottage Grove, OR; Daughters Kerri Lynn Cooper of Covina, CA; Lisa Wilson of Culp Creek, OR; and
Angela Osti of Waycross, Ga; 13 Grandchildren; 8 Great-grandchildren; Brothers David C. Osti of Arcadia, CA; Daniel G. Osti of Sierra Madre, CA; Sister Jean S. Hand of Eugene, OR; many cousins, nieces and nephews. Brothers and Sisters who predeceased Louie are Marino Osti, John Osti, Robert Osti, Louise Sulanke; Florence Brooks, Leanora Gaggero and Fred Osti, Jr. Louie’s sister Jean Hand wrote the above. I feel the need to add a few lines of my own. Louie was both practical and whimsical. He had a rascally smile and the heart and spirit of a lion. I used to kid him that the Osti Family motto should be “I can do anything, and if I can’t, I have a brother, cousin or nephew who can.” II will miss Louie. I think of him every time it rains. Louie
put in the retaining walls and French drains around my home which keep it from washing away. I will never forget the day my mother, who had come up to watch the work, came into the house collapsing with laughter. Louie had an unusual Italianized version of Spanglish which he used to communicate with his workers. He had been telling his employees how to lay the pipes for the French drains; however, he was using the word pipas, not tubar. They may have been drains in Italian, but in Spanish, they were the sorts of pipes one smoked. My mother, gasping with laughter said she had a mental image of a row of mersham pipes, neatly lined up, sticking out of the ground. I will never forget that image or Louie. And I will miss him.
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The Gold Standard SE OU M H P N
E -4 OP UN 1 S
Over ½ acre of land. Excellent location next to 10 Fwy with a lot of exposure! (G1388)
Excellent value for this 3bdrm 3bth Town Home in turn key condition, Spacious open floor plan, lovely living and dining area, marble FP, kitchen and family room open to private patio, granite counter tops, lot’s of cabinet space, laundry room, Plantation shutters throughout and 2 car attached garage. (F453)
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
Shows like a model, located in gated community of Carriage Walk in Pomona with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 level, formal living room with fireplace, family room that opens to the kitchen with a center island and breakfast bar, lots of storage and counter space, master bedroom with walk-in closet and oversized tub in private bath, double attached garage with direct entry, laundry room. (P2864)
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This home is located in a quiet residential area of Monrovia and features a wonderful floorplan, living room, family room & central air. Also features a very private back yard. (LEA)
Situated in a quiet neighborhood of North Monrovia. Spacious one story with bright floor plan, 3 bedrooms, beautiful custom made kitchen with special details throughout. All new appliances with a Viking stove, hardwood floors, central air & heat, double detached garage, huge backyard and koi pond. Room for RV parking. (G2021)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE, INC. (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 EARLL, LTD. (626) 301-1888
CENTURY 21 VILLAGE INC. (626) 355-1451
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath home features a large living room with fireplace, nice size kitchen and sunroom. Inside laundry. Located on a cul-de-sac and priced to sell! (SAN)
CENTURY 21 EARLL , LTD (626)-301-1888
Spacious newer home in desirable Canyon Hills community w/3b drms 2.5 bths, large living room, family room w/FP, open upgraded kitchen w/counter bar & eating area, large master suite, upstairs laundry, extra family room/loft upstairs, 2 car direct access garage, patio, large fenced back yard, views, and HOA swimming pools, club house, sport court and much more.(L32320)
Stunning one-level condo in gorgeous Duarte. Enjoy its private patio or take advantage of the nearby walking trail, shopping and restaurants. The 210 freeway is just a short distance away. In turn-key condition, this condo is ready for immediate occupancy. (H1214)
CENTURY 21 LUDECKE INC (626) 445-0123
CENTURY 21 ADAMS & BARNES • (626) 358-1858
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide Reni Rose (626) 355-8400 367 Monterey Pines Drive, Arcadia Offered at $6,880,000.
Located in the guard gated estate area of Whispering Pines is this incredible Tuscan Villa Estate which is better than new. This exquisitely detailed 6,525 sf home has 5 bedrooms (5 suites) & 6 bathrooms. Situated on over an acre lot, it offers incredible views of the mountains, valley and city lights. The highest quality workmanship & materials were used to construct this “one of a kind” estate home which includes a gourmet kitchen, elevator, wine cellar, his and hers offices, 4 car garage, infinity saltwater pool & spa, waterfalls & lush gardens. Visit www.367Monterey.com and www.367Montereypines.com for more photos and information.
1106 Windsor, South Pasadena Offered at: $1,098,000
Located in the desirable South Pasadena School District as well as one of the most sought after locations of South Pasadena, the Library District, this lovely Craftsman home was built in 1907 and has been recently updated with all the modern conveniences and boasting the latest colors. There is an updated family kitchen, 3 updated baths, the formal dining room is being used as the family room and the attic has been converted to a guest room/play room and has 2 closets, a kitchenette and a bathroom. Additionally, there is a spacious rear yard with play set and a workout room with air conditioning attached to the garage. The home is 2008 +/- sq. feet on a 7092 sq. foot lot and 4 bedrooms. This one won’t last! Visit www.1106windsor.com for more photos and information.
70 E. Bonita, Sierra Madre Offered at $898,000
Beautiful setting in Sierra Madre. This lovely home located on a quiet cul-de-sac features 4 bedrooms, 4 baths and 3 fireplaces (one in the Master Bedroom). New carpet and paint, ample storage throughout including an 8’X10’ storage room/walk-in pantry off the kitchen, beamed ceilings and a family room that opens onto a large deck overlooking a park-like backyard. You will feel like you are in a park. First time on the market. 2,456 sq.ft. home, 14,375 sq.ft. yard.
496 California Terrace, Pasadena Offered at $749,000. This adorable California Bungalow is located on a distinctive and desirable street near the Arroyo Seco. Featuring wood flooring, wood paneled walls & ceilings, French windows throughtout. 1060 sq. ft., 2 bdrms, 1.75 ba, and a 350 sq. ft. permitted studio with loft and built-in cabinetry. Don’t miss this one! Visit www.496californiaterrace.com for more photos and information.
111 De Lacey #417, Pasadena, CA Offered at $540,000.
Live in the heart of Old Town Pasadena and enjoy all of the amenities that are walking distance from this lovely condo: Tiffany’s, the Goldline, many restaurants, theatres and shops. This top floor unit has plenty of natural light. Within this 1,268 sq.ft. condo are 2 bdrms and 2 baths, there is a separate laundry room. Also included are 2 parking spaces side by side. Easy access to the Freeways. What more could you ask?
303 E. Colorado Boulevard, Monrovia Offered at $2,250 per month.
Charming Craftsman built in 2003. Located just a few blocks from Old Town Monrovia, this super clean 3 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath home boasts quality workmanship throughout and has 1,667 square feet , situated on a 4,639 sq. ft. lot. Open floor plan, stone flooring, granite counters in the kitchen,separate laundry, attached garage for 2 with direct access. Bdrms upstairs. Fenced rear yard, automatic sprinklers. Available Nov 1.
Exciting Real Estate Tax Credit News! In November of 2009 the extension of the federal “First-time Homebuyers” tax credit and the new “Move-Up Homebuyers” tax credit went into effect. Meaning, qualified first-time home buyers (people who have not purchased a home in the past 3 years) have to enter into an agreement no later than April 30, 2010 and close no later than June 30, 2010 to receive up to an $8,000 tax credit depending upon the purchase price of the home. The same holds true for the $6,500 tax credit for qualified “move-up Homebuyers” or the “Downsize Homebuyer.” The criteria for this credit is: A) Lived in your home 5 out of the last 8 years; B) Income is less that $125,000 single filing household or $225,000 filing jointly; C) Home purchase cannot exceed $800,000; and D) The new home must be your primary residence. The tax credit is up to $6,500 depending on the purchase price of the home. With interest rates at historic lows and the above tax credits for almost everyone, it is a very good time to be a buyer. Please call me if you have any questions or feel you would like to begin your search.
Happy New Year! Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: www.Renirose.com
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010
Local Attorney Plans to Beat Market with Owner Financing As many of my business dealings are across the country as a note broker and consultant, I really enjoy the opportunity to network with local sellers and real estate professionals when I get the chance. There’s a real estate broker in Whittier that runs a traditional sales business, but also runs a tightly knit real estate investment group that uses seller financing techniques to acquire property. He recently stumbled onto my website and we’ve been chatting ever since. Because he’s well-versed in creative ways to move property, he’s getting a listing that most agents wouldn’t, because he has more ways to help them meet their objectives. Here’s part of an email he sent his client recently: “Happy new year! I thought that I would send you a link to the listing around the corner. They started off at $525k and now they are down to $509k. It’s been a month+ and no offers. Offering seller financing may get her property sold. I am working with another seller who is selling his property to his tenant. I’m working with both parties and the only way they pull this off is with seller financing. So, if you, at the very least, offer/market seller financing, you will get a lot more interest, and in order to get the price you want, I don’t think that there is any question that that is what needs to happen.” Then this response from the attorney/seller: “Thanks. I would like to talk things over with you and see what we can accomplish with my mother’s house. In terms of seller financing - yes we can consider that. With a down payment, then we could consider carrying back a note with probably a high enough interest rate
that we could subsequently discount and sell that note. Perhaps the best thing to do is to simply list the property at our asking price and indicate that sellers will consider some form of financing. We’ll get a feel for what people are willing to do, and let them come to us with proposals to which we can counter with all sorts of creative financing methods.” You can feel how fluid this attorney’s attitude is because he understands the dance between property and paper. Okay, maybe he’ll need to carry paper to attract someone willing to pay his price, but he’ll walk away with cash at closing anyway if he decides to sell the note after it’s created. How much he’ll be able to sell the note for will depend entirely on how he engineers the transaction. Because I work in the discounted note business, I’m frequently asked to consult
on seller carry backs, because I know how they need to be structured to achieve the desired objectives. If he doesn’t end up getting at least a 20% down payment from the buyer, he’ll probably want to create two notes, with the 1st being no more than 80% LTV (loan-tovalue). That way, after a bit of seasoning (and assuming the buyer’s credit is decent), he’ll be able to sell for a reasonable discount. If he wants to preserve more of his asset (take less of a discount), and wants to sell the note right after he creates it, he’ll probably want to create a smaller 1st and keep a slightly larger 2nd for cash flow. It’s exciting to stumble across real estate professionals who get the seller financing conversation, because they can generally create better results for their clients, especially those with highend homes and commercial properties to sell.
Dawn Rickabaugh is a Real Estate Broker, Owner Financing Coach and Note Buyer. Contact her with your questions, concerns or to share your story at (626) 292-1875 or by visiting her web site, online at notequeen.com. Always consult with your CPA, tax attorney and/or financial advisor before selling property or paper.
Realtor Mary Ann Petrovich Certified for Short Sales, Foreclosures Mary Ann Petrovich of Century 21 Ludecke, Inc. has been awarded the SFR certification by the National Association of Realtors. This certification is given to Realtors who have received advanced training in handling short-sales and foreclosure properties. Realtors with the SFR certification are trained
to advise buyers and sellers about alternatives to foreclosure, and if necessary, advise them about the short-sale and foreclosure process. SFR Realtors are also knowledgeable about when to bring in other professionals, such as tax and legal advisors, to assist buyers and sellers involved with short-sale or
foreclosure properties. Upon receiving the certification, Petrovich said, “With these types of transactions comprising a significant part of our market it is imperative to be able to counsel clients as to what options are available to them. This includes both buyers and sellers.”
LEGALS CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Proposed Street Cut Moratorium At their regular meeting of February 2, 2010, the Arcadia City Council will introduce Ordinance No. 2269, amending the Arcadia Municipal Code by adding a section pertaining to street cut/excavations for newly renovated streets. Therefore, notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcadia Council Chambers located at 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing. The purpose of which is the ordinance pertaining to street cut/ excavations on newly renovated streets within five (5) years after completion of street paving.
JANUARY 21 - JANUARY 27, 2010 that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council with respect to the proposed ordinance, you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raised at or prior to the time of the public hearing. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, please contact the Development Services Department/Engineering Division at (626) 574-5411 at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when special services are needed. This notification will help City staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. ________________________________ ____________ Philip A. Wray Deputy Director of Development Services/ City Engineer Publish January 21, 2010 OTHER PUBLIC NOTICES
All interested persons are invited to appear at the Public Hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the proposed ordinance. You are hereby advised
Classified Advertising EMPLOYMENT Beacon Media, publisher of San Gabriel Valley’s fastest growing group of newspapers, currently has the following position
available: Advertising Sales Rep. You must have excellent interpersonal communication skills, both written and verbal. You will work directly with clients
Ruth R Allen aka Ruth F Allen Case number GP014916 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Ruth Frances Allen aka Ruth R Allen aka Ruth F Allen aka Ruth Allen. A petition for probate has been filed by Robert E. Allen III in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The petition for probate requests that Robert E. Allen III be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice of consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will
is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: David W. Riley, Esq. 200 East Del Mar Boulevard, Suite 304. Pasadena, Ca 91105 Publish Janusry 14, 21, 28, 2010 Escrow No. 47308 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (Notice pursuant to UCC Sec. 6105) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s) and business address of the seller are: BERNARD PALLARES, DDS, 612 West Durate Road, #403, Arcadia, California 91007 Doing business as: THE DEN-TAL PRACTICE OF DR. BERNARD PALLARES, DDS All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the seller(s) within the past three years as stated by the seller(s), are: None The name(s) and business address of the buyer(s) are: AN-THONY CONCEPCION, DDS, 612 West Durate Road, #403, Arcadia, California 91007 The assets being sold are generally described as the business, goodwill, fixtures, furniture, and
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furnishings, equipment, supplies, tools, leasehold improvements, telephone numbers, lists of customers, trade names, signs, all transferrable permits, franchises, leases, customer deposits, and saleable merchandise for resale, stock in trade, and work in process on hand and are located at: 612 West Durate Road, #403, Arcadia, California 91007 The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of BANKERS TRUST ESCROW COMPANY, LTD., 18850 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 208, Tarzana, CA 91356 and the anticipated sale date is February 8, 2010. The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is BANKERS TRUST ESCROW COMPANY, LTD., 18850 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 208, Tarzana, CA 91356, Attn: Vanessa Perez and the last date for filing claims by any creditor shall be February 5, 2010, which is the business day before the antic-ipated sale date specified above. Dated January 7, 2010 ANTHONY CONCEPCION, DDS, Buyer(s)
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be granted unless an interested person filed an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: February 5, 2010 at 9 A.M in Dept A located at 300 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, Ca 91101. If you object to the granting of the peririon, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearancemay be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form
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