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Community News, Arts, Opinions and Events Since 1996

Thursday, April 15 - April 21, 2010 Volume XV, No. XXII


By Terry Miller & John Stephens Sierra Madre’s most contentious election in recent history came to a spectacular close Tuesday evening with Joe Mosca, Josh Moran and Nancy Walsh elected by significant margins over their opponents

who, according to many residents, ran a somewhat vicious smear campaign particularly against councilmember Joe Mosca. At a victory party at firefighter and longtime Mosca supporter Bob and Rosemary Burnett’s home Tuesday evening, overjoyed voters watched as

the votes kept coming in for the underdogs. Once it was obvious that they had won the election, it was time for Mr. Mosca to make a brief statement. The task of introducing Mr. Mosca fell to fellow Councilman John Buchanan who introduced

Continued on Page 5

HBO Tries Their “Luck” at Santa Anita By Matthew Burch Santa A nita Park’s storied history will add yet another chapter thanks to “Luck,” t he new series f rom H BO, accla i med w r it er/ producer Dav id Milch and Oscar nominated director Michael Mann. “Luck,” described as a provocative look at the worlds of horseracing a nd ga mbling told through a diverse group of characters surrounding a racetrack, stars Os-

Continued on Page 5

Writer David Milch at the Mayor’s Community Breakfast last week where he and jockey Mike Smith were guests. Mr. Milch spoke about his writing career and the trials and tribulations that have come along with it. - Photo by Terry Miller

Arcadia Voters Send Segal, Harbicht and Amundson to Back to Council Record Campaign Budgets No Match for Long-Standing Reputations and Experience By Terry Miller & John Stephens Arcadia High School senior Michael Kallin voted for the first time in his life Tuesday evening at the polling place located within the Arcadia Retirement Gardens. The AHS Constitution Team member, whose 18th birthday was just this March said he was eager to vote for the first time and said he casted his votes wisely and with care.

But Mr. Kallin was not alone in voting. The turnout, though not necessa r ily rema rkable in terms of the number of voters who either turned out or returned their vote-

by-mail ballots, proved triumphant in the end for Micky Segal and incumbents Bob Harbicht and Peter Amundson. This city council elec-

Continued on Page 5

2 April 15 - April 21, 2010

Election Over: Lesson To Be Learned? 02-22-10

By Jeff Corriveau

MONDAY 02-23-10

By Dorothy Denne


Dorothy's Place

Well the Arcadia council election is finally over. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad. This was one of our most costly and most nasty. I don’t know whether or not the results were what you hoped for, but I think it is time for us to lighten up and maybe learn a lesson. I offer the following toward that end. One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anywy; it just wasn’t

worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer’s

neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take another step up. Pretty soon everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well, and happily trotted off! Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up. Shake it off and take a step up. Remember these rules to be happy: Free your heart from

hatred - Forgive. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen. Live simply and appreciate what you have. Give more. Expect less. Now, enough of that crap...The donkey later came back and bit the farmer who had tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected and t he fa r mer event ua l ly died in agony from septic shock. MORAL FROM TODAY’S LESSON: When you try to cover your ass, it always comes back to bite you.



WEDNESDAY 02-25-10

Oh, what an exciting time for College students and school kids alike. A time to get away for a little R & R and ... So it is at Our House! However, Spring Break and Spring Cleaning are s y nony mou s w it h my “Clean Queen”. This is her “UP-TIME” of the year that she looks forward to with a giant passion. It is her time to ... Clean-up, tear-up, fix-up, spruce-up, paint-up, break-up, and the worst of all of her “Up-Times is her “Scent-up” time! Ye s , c u r t a i n s a nd drapes come down, rug are cleaned, walls are painted, kitchen cabinets refinished,

cupboards are rearranged and closets reorganized. The next Phase of her Spring Break Cleaning is “Out Time”. This is when I really get concerned as she generally begins in my closet ... throwing out all my old rippy but comfortable clothes, running shoes, run over slippers and in the course she threw out my old worn jackets and collegelogo tee shirts ... and without concern, my comfee TV and Snooze chair. Now, for me ... this time of the year...it is my “Throw-up” , “Break-up” and best of all my “Get Out” time, just in the “Nick” of time for a bit of serenity and relaxing golf for my needed Spring Break Away!




Spring Break for Some, Spring Cleaning for Others


I was gone. I was trying to figure why she was making such a stink about the air inside of our previously Cozy Abode? Her Goofy explanation was just as confusing! She claimed that these products were designed to provide Aroma-therapy. That they would create mood improvement and calming tranquility with their Tropical Bliss, Island Escape, Fruity Mango and Seashore fragrances. I asked her if one of those air-freshener companies have a Aroma-therapy fragrance for an “Irritating Wife Syndrome”. I explained to her that her “Puffs of Fragrance” were g iving me a headache, lung congestion and that they are interrupting my


Continued on Page 6

Publisher/Editor in Chief Von Raees

Editorial Editor

John B. Stephens

Photographer Terry Miller


Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage


Susan Motander Bill Peters Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal

Production Intern Courtney Blackburn

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Sales Manager Andrea Olivas

Legal Advertising Annette Reyes

By Wally Hage marital tranquility and that her Perfume-Arama was Senseless! Well, shortly thereafter, she regained her senses ... and happily we now have a Spring Brake on Scents ... “ A Good Sense -Scentless, Spendless Home”!

Circulation manager Joseph Polk

Accounting Vera Shamon


125 E. Chestnut Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016


(626) 301-1010

Submissions Policy

The Doozies

By Tom Gammill

All press releases, story ideas and announcements should be submitted, as a Microsoft Word attachment, to one of the following e-mail addresses:

editor@arcadiaweekly.com editor@monroviaweekly.com


If you believe the PUSD must right-size infrastructure and staff and clean up corruption on the Board of Education and the inside deals over poverty funds before taxing local homeowners a second time within an 18-month period, YOU MUST VOTE “NO” BY MAY 4th in the special “all-mail ballot” election! Throwing away your ballot after you receive it in the mail is as good as a “yes” vote for PUSD’s Measure CC parcel tax. The odd couple who brought you PUSD’s $350m Measure TT just 18 months ago, Pasadena Educational Foundation’s George Brumder and ACORN’s Peter Dreier, once again are at work campaigning for PUSD’s proposed Measure CC parcel tax. In defending the district’s appeal for more tax revenue on such quick turn-around, Messrs. Brumder and Dreier claim the PUSD is a “model district . . . committed to full transparency and accountability.” Really? Consider this: The same evening (1/26/10) the PUSD Board approved a parcel tax election, financial auditors presented them with a “qualified” 2009 Financial Audit finding

But as they say “It’s Not Over Till It’s Over, as then comes her “ScentsTime”. Yes she is a work in progress for promoting all of those “Smelly” scent products sold by the two leading home perfumers”, Glade and Airwick. When I arrived back home after my marvelous Spring Break Away, those air freshener products were displayed, installed, or placed in every room of the house. Yes, there were smell detectors, and motion scent directors throughout the house. Mist room fresheners, scent flameless candles, scent dishes, and plug in odor eliminators. She had stick-ups and paste-ups everywhere! I asked her if she had a skunk visitation while


editor@sierramadreweekly.com editor@pasadenaindependent.com


This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.

By Jeff Corriveau

The Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759. The Monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation in Court Case GS 004759.


April 15 - April 21, 2010


Dustin Hoffman Heads Cast of HBO Pilot Underway At Santa Anita car-winner Dustin Hoffman as a man in his late 6 0 s just relea sed f rom four years in prison who’s autodidactic, intelligent, and deeply involved in t he racing world’s underbelly. T he matching of H BO a nd Sa nt a A nit a should come as no surprise to t hose familia r w it h C a l i for n i a’s old est track; in fact, Santa A n it a , wh ich recent ly celebrated its 75th birthday, is no stranger to Hollywood. Most famously, the Marx Brothers chose Santa Anita to shoot the racetrack sequences for their classic “A Day at the Races.� Over the years, many other stars, including Bing Crosby, Spencer Tracy, Errol Flynn, Alex Trebek, and MGM mogul Louis B. Mayer have owned horses that have raced at the track. More recent ly, t he Academy Award-nominated “Seabiscuit� filmed here to glorious results. What made “Luck� a nd Sa nt a A n it a even mor e of a s l a m du n k was show creator David M i l c h’s i nvo l ve me n t . Milch, also creator of the much mourned, dearly departed “Deadwood,� is no stranger to the track, both as a Breeders’ Cupw i n n i n g ho r s e ow ne r and a good customer at the wagering windows. “Luck� is the culmination of years of work for Milch, who’s said that a show centering on Santa Anita is a topic he’s wanted to tackle since he became a writer. This came as music to the ears of Pete Siber-

ell, Santa Anita’s Director of Communit y and Special Events. He calls the script â€œâ€Śa brilliant piece of writing that really delves into the intricacies of the business from wagering to horse training.â€? The product ion, currently on day 11 of a 24 -day shoot, has gone s mo o t h l y de s p i t e M r. Siberell’s initial trepidation of staging a product ion of t his mag nitude during live racing. So far, so good: there have been no complaints from the track’s faithful denizens. If anything, they’ve

Milch in action, but also Nick Nolte, the Oscarnominated actor famous for his film roles in “Tropic Thunder,� “Cape Fear� and “48 Hours.� Adding even more prestige is Michael Mann, t he decorated director of “Ali,� “The Insider� and “Heat, “ who will executive produce the project and direct the pilot. Mann has said that Milch’s script is one of the two best ever handed to him (the other was Eric Roth’s script for “The Good Shepherd). HBO is very high on t he pilot and a pickup

and “Sex and the City,� ha s beg u n to rebou nd thanks to the breakout hit “True Blood.� A string of hotly-anticipated new shows seem ready to lift the network to the critical and commercial heights enjoyed during the heyd ay of To ny S op r a no a nd C a r r ie Br a d shaw. This week, “The Wire� ma st er m i nd Dav id Si mon’s post-Katrina drama “Treme� was picked up for a 2nd season after its pilot episode scored in the ratings and with critics. It’s becoming an embarrassment of riches

sea son ha s seen at tendance drop ten percent, which is consistent with t racks nat ionwide. Mr. Siberell, for one, doesn’t wor r y about t he d rop foreseei ng a pot ent ia l resurgence in horseracing with “Luck� on their side, “I think “Luck� can create some new racing f a n s com i n g t o S a nt a A n i t a , muc h l i ke t he show “Jockeys� on Animal Planet did. If noth-

“Luckâ€? is the culmination of years of work for Milch, who iÂ?Â?ÂˆĂƒÂˆÂ“> VĂ•ĂŒ said that a show centering on Santa Anita is a topic he’s VÂœÂ?ÂœĂ€ wanted to tackle since 0GG BOZ 4FSWJDF becoming a writer. ĂƒĂŒĂžÂ?i




)PVST 5VFTEBZoɨVSTEBZ 'SJEBZo4BUVSEBZ TBMPO QSJDJOH PO UIF CBDL enjoyed t he cha nce to to series appears to be for the network as a new rub elbows with Holly- a mere formality, espe- Martin Scorsese drama wood royalty. “We had c ia l ly con sider i ng t he is on the horizon as well to displace and/or incon- e n o r m o u s t a l e n t , n o t a s project s f rom Todd ven ience some people to ment ion money, i n- Haynes, David Fincher when we did some box volved. Santa Anita will and Jonathan Demme. Even if “Luckâ€? proves seat scenes the first week likely continue to be a TBMPO EBZ TQB unfortunate and fails to of shooting, “ says Mr. XXX #FMMJTJNB4BMPO DPN Si- primary location and the 4 .ZSUMF "WFOVF .POSPWJB $BMJGPSOJB berell, “but most people track has already agreed get the greenlight to se4BMPO MPDBUFE JO 0ME 5PXO .POSPWJB BU UIF DPSOFS PG .ZSUMF BOE -FNPO understand the work that to let HBO shoot here for ries, expect Santa Anita we have to do and it gives at least the first few sea- to keep ticking along. Its them something else to sons. The network, after 75th anniversary season watch in between races! suffering through some comes to a close on SunThose turning out to lean years following the day, with the San Juan the track not only get to exodus of cultural touch- Capistrano being run for 0GG BOZ 4FSWJDF see Mr. Hoffman and Mr. stones “The Sopranosâ€? the 71st time. The recent )PVST 5VFTEBZoɨVSTEBZ Voted one of the best salons in the San Gabriel Valley for more than 10 years 'SJEBZo4BUVSEBZ TBMPO QSJDJOH PO UIF CBDL




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ing else, it will educate the non-racing fans about our fascinating business and sport‌ We hope the overall story and themes ref lect David’s profound respect and love of the sport of Thoroughbred horse racing so that we all will be proud of our association with the pilot and series.�


Metro Briefs


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Foothill Extension First New Measure R Rail Project The 11.4-mile rail line between Pasadena and Azusa became the >rst new rail project funded by Measure R, thanks to an $810 million agreement reached between Metro and the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority. Groundbreaking for the project is expected in June.

Go Metro To Dodger Stadium Take advantage of a winning combination to reach Dodger Stadium this season. Just Go Metro to Union Station and connect with the Dodger Stadium Express. You’ll avoid tra;c and help reduce air pollution; and your Dodger ticket is good for the fare! The Dodger Stadium Express is made possible by Clean Transportation Funding from MSRC. For more information, visit metro.net.

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SGV-LE-10-011 Š2010 LACMTA

Continued from the First Page




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April 15 - April 21, 2010

Arcadia Voters Send Segal, Harbicht and Amundson to Back to Council

Continued from the First Page



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tion had been touted as one of the most important elections in recent memory and the amount of relatively outrageous amount of money spent on campaigns was testament to that fact. But apparently, at least in the Arcadia political arena, money isn’t everything. To wit, the campaign’s biggest spender, attorney Paul Cheng, garnered only enough votes to place 5th out of the six candidates, besting only Jason lee in the final tally. To the three victors, candidate Sho Tay lost by several thousand votes as did Paul Cheng and Jason Lee, respectively. The thirty-two year old Cheng is estimated to have exhausted nearly $100,000 on this, his first attempt at elected office. It was a big loss for the Asian-American candidates and their supporters. The “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” campaign rhetoric from Bob Harbicht apparently struck home with many voters in the conservative, and generally “well-run” Arcadia, as was said by Arcadia’s Citizen of the Year Vince Foley as he watched the election results roll in Tuesday evening before heading off to Matt Denny’s for the Segal victory party. Hundreds of people in all walks of life participated in this election including the Arcadia High School Constitution team which led a debate hosted by the Santa Anita Inn and sponsored by Arcadia Weekly and KGEM-TV, a non-profit community production studio located in Monrovia, in an effort to better educate the public on the issues facing Arcadia and create more interest among the potential electorate. The eff icient workings of the city were also a campaign highlight for Sega l a nd A mu ndson. All candidates touted a fiscally responsible city under their watch. Voters listened and effectively chose to continue Arcadia on the straight and narrow

Buchannan Introduces Mosca as City’s Next Mayor

Long-time resident Karma contacted Nancy Walsh Wednesday just prior toMOS Bell said she agreed with ROSEMEAD’S she expressed Sue’s comments and added deadline andASSISTED FULL-SERVICE him with what many in at- that she’s “thrilled” with her delight at being elected. tendance would call long- what apparently turned “I’m very excited,” she said course it has been follow- look at city council like overdue credit, saying, out to be a positive effect in a telephone interview. ing for quite some time. a basketball team. Each “Ladies and gentlemen, I of the other side’s Memory Care, Independen also surprised and acrelent- “I’m Some of the more vo- member is vital to t he give you the next Mayor less attacks on Joe Mosca tually astonished at the recal opponents to the sta- other for success.” It was a in landslide!” of Sierra Madre.” Cheers and the Sierra Madre Fire We sults. specialize service, care tus-quo included local real Asked what he’d do could surely be heard all Department. She went on to say that estate developer Henry now, Cheng said that he the way up Mt. Wilson as today to learn more abo was looking forward At the root ofContact the prob- usshe Nunez, went on a hunger plans on staying very in- Mosca thanked his cam- lem, as is often the case in to a “new creative period strike to point out his dis- volved in the community paign staff and supporters politics local, national At for the CityMission of Sierra Inn, Ma- we n or California approval of Harbicht and and continuing his law for “keeping up the good international, is power. dre” and that she “a abou wehas care Segal’s candidacy and practice, which is located fight” and “not letting negaThe previous Sierra great deal of hope for new platforms. in Pasadena. tive campaign tactics deter Madre council was notori- ways of looking at the city Ha rbicht told t he As is typical with these them” from the honor they ously divided and left little business.” Walsh added Los Angeles Times that elections, there are still won Tuesday evening. wiggle room for policy- that the current sitting Nunez’ actions were like some provisional ballots “It’s a terrific victory making of a non-political Mayor, MacGillivray “may a “gnat” flying in his ear. that remain to be counted, for Sierra Madre, we’re nature. The divisive and never know how much she Refer r ing to Nunez a s so what follows should still ecstatic,” said former plan- conflict-ridden approach helped her opponents cam“annoying” and sticking be considered an unoffi- ning Commissioner and some say the preceding paigns.” to his idiom of “if it ain’t cial final tally: T he sit t i ng M ayor local business woman Sue council injected was det- broke, don’t fix it”, Har'RAND !VE MacGillivray has been Levoe. T hat sent iment rimental to any communibicht maintained a consis- Bob Harbicht: 4563 fanatical was echoed tenfold by the cation and made progress accused of being CALIFORNIA M tent tone throughout the and disrespectful of those scores of well-wishers and slow. Paul P. Cheng: 2232 course of the campaign, -ISSIO N $R 8417Case Mission whom she opposes. in Dri Councilman Buchancampaign staff at Josh Mothrough nearly countless Mickey Segal: 4557 most recentCA 91 ran’s family home as well. nan perhaps said it best point was theRosemead debates, forums and other Peter Amundson: 3851 It was hugs all around as when he of fer ed t h a t City Council meeting when public appearances. License# 197606182, LEY "LVD she effectively Jason J. Lee: 1536 politicized people from all walks of “there’s no Republican6ALor A visibly delighted S the chambers by allowlife popped in to thank the Democratic way toRApave CIOU UNITY. Mr. Harbicht was in the Sho Tay: 2529 M OM OST G victors for changing the di- the streets.” D’S M LIVING C A E M D g council chambers as the ROSE ASSISTE d LivinContinued on Page 11 Sierra rection of the city council. ssiste ICE Madre Weekly and A -SERV final numbers were posted e! dent lu n e FULL va p ll e d ent. st of a by 31, 2010. Restrictions ap ronmMarch are, In *mustre move and mo mpin us envi ory C on t he big boa rd, a nd ROSEMEAD’S ROSEMEAD’S MOST GRACIOUSMOSTMemGRACIOUS rvice, ca our ca r you… lize in se more about fo ia ec re sp rn We only ca congratulations rolled in y to lea we not us toda on Inn, bout you. siCOMMUNITY. Contact ! FULL-SERVICE LIVING FULL-SERVICE ASSISTED LIVINGASSISTED COMMUNITY. rnia Mis w from nearly all those in ,500* e care a At Califo TO $1 E UP V A S attendance. D 438 D AN HIS A 287-0 Arcadia Weekly called ION T 626) ( t a MENT y s toda Memory and Care,Assisted Independent Assisted Living Memory Care, Independent Livingand Henry Nunez Wednesday Call u N S ON IN TOUR ! MISSI afternoon. He said he was RNIA FO LI AILY CA D rive D on si 17 Mis A 91770 feeling great after his hundC semea value! We and specialize in all service, We specialize in service, care most of value!care and most of 84Roall ger strike and that “the ROSEMEAD’S MOST Contact us today to learn more about ourGRACIOUS campus environment. Contact today to learn more about our FULL-SERVICE campus environment. election has notus changed ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY www.vintages where I live or the love I At California Mission Inn, we not only care for you… At California Mission Inn, we not only care for you… have for the city and the things I believe Arcadia m we care about you. we care about you. ior.co gesen still needs. “ .vinta Antique Appraiser Swing Dance www Nunez went on to say Thursday, April 15th Thursday, April 29th Doc Talk that he looks forward to 6:30-8:30pm. 2pm with Dr. Furman on Sleep Disorder work i ng w it h t he new amongst the Senior Population. council in the future and Wednesday, April 28th was happy he had to oppor1:30pm tunity to support the campaigns of the candidates he preferred. Although obviously'RAND !VE somewhat tired, 'RAND !VE Nunez reiterated that he’s ROSEMEAD’S MOST GRACIOUS CALIFORNIA MISSION INNCALIFORNIA MISSION INN proud of Arcadia and all FULL-SERVICE ASSISTED LIVING COMMU ROSEMEAD’S MOST GRACIOUS -ISSIO -ISSIO of the citizens who stood N $R Drive N $R 8417 Mission Drive 8417 Mission FULL-SERVICE ASSISTED LIVING COMMUNITY. up and made their voice Rosemead CA 91770 Memory Care, Independent and Assisted L Rosemead CA 91770 heard in the election. “I Memory Care, IndependentLicense# and Assisted Living always want6ALLEY to"LVDwork for 197606182, 197607175 6ALLEY "LVD 197607175 License# 197606182, We specialize in service, care and most of all value! the best interests of ArContact us today to learn more about our campus environ We specialize in service, care and most of all value! cadia and its residents,” Contact us today to learn more about our campus environment. At California Mission Inn, we not only care for you… he said. we care about you. At California Mission Inn, we not only care for you… On Wednesday after*must move in by March 31, 2010. Restrictions apply. *must move in by March 31, 2010. Restrictions apply.we care about you. noon, Paul Cheng shared MENTION THIS AD AND SAVE UP TO $1 some of his post-election MENTION THIS AD AND SAVE UP TO $1,500*! thoughts. Call us today at (626) Call us today287-043 at “In terms of the outCall us today at (626) 287-0438 Memory Care, Independent and Assisted Living come, we’re obv iously (323) 825-2474 disappointed, but we do We specialize in service, care and most of all value! CALIFORNIA MISSION INN have to rally around the CALIFORNIA INNcampus environment. Contact us today to learn moreMISSION about our 8417 Mission Drive TOU new council and support Rosemead CA 91770 8417 Mission Drive TOURS DAI them. I did feel, however, RosemeadInn, CA 91770 License# 197606182, 197607175 At California Mission we not only care for you… DAILY! t hat we of fered a newwww.vintagesenior.com License# 197606182, 197607175 www.vintagesenior.com we care about you. www.vintagesenior.com perspective during this campaign and election. I *must move in by March 31, 2010. Restrictions apply. 3AN 'ABRIEL "LVD

Continued from the First Page



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Temple City Pre-Schools After Schools

6 April 15 - April 21, 2010

Camp Comes to Duarte “NO” ON PUSD PARCEL TAX Cooking Playfactory Preschool High School this Summer and Kindergarten

Continued from Page 2 the district deficient in anti-fraud controls and oversight processes and recommending ethics and fraud training programs throughout the district. Recent district meetings have revealed 70% in contingency reserves built into the $350m TT bond, with a percentage of bond sales “reserved for wealthy local investors;” the Board now is in the process of determining policy for “reallocating” the excess revenue intentionally designed into Measure TT before it went to voters in November 2008. While the Board continues to build new middle schools, as many as sixteen (16) district sites have been identified for consideration as potential “surplus” status following the 7-11 Committee’s 2006 report showing classroom space for 27,077 students; yet PUSD’s average daily attendance (ADA) is presently calculated at 18,728 students. The district received $22m in federal stimulus money this past year, used just to maintain the status quo, an error in judgment recently conceded by PUSD’s top administrative staff but still defended by a majority of Board members. Three weeks ago Board member Honowitz capitalized on a poorly attended subcommittee meeting (3/10/10) to sneakin a Pacoima/Sylmar-styled “community schools” poverty program at Washington School, a program through which Mr. Honowitz’ wife is employed; with Mrs. Honowitz’ name in printed material,

A Non-Profit Non-Sectarian Program Open to all Children of the Community License# 191502175

Board President Selinske nonetheless directed Mr. Honowitz “to take the lead” in implementing his own wife’s, no-bid poverty program in the PUSD. Since favors go in many directions on the Board of Education, expect more hi-jinx involving programmatic experiments, increased costs and low academic performance among the district’s most vulnerable students. And if all of the above weren’t bad enough, consider the conduct of PEF’s Mr. Brumder and ACORN’s Mr. Dreier in betraying senior homeowners with their promotion of Measure CC’s non-existent “senior exemption.” The text of Measure CC states clearly that the so-called “senior exemption” is available only to seniors with W-2’s qualifying under “very low income” calculations used for Section 8 housing “rental” assistance (p.A-3), by definition precluding qualification by taxpaying senior homeowners. In phone conversation with Mr. Brumder a few weeks ago I attempted to draw his attention to some of the above before he went to the public with misinformation. He asked: “What’s that got to do with the parcel tax?”

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St. Luke School accepting applications young chefs don’t just sit for 2 Roll up your sleeves, From Blueberry Muffins around and observe, everySt. Luke Catholic School is ing atmosphere that daily fosacademic feel the dough between your to Cheese Raviolis, Quiche currently accepting applicaters self-respect and respect sports. one participates and feels a fingers and get ready to slice to Double Chocolate Fudge, tions for the 2008-2009 for others, prepares students 194 sense for of delicious accomplish-lic Since and dice at Cooking Camp, our hands-on workshops fo- enschool year for students future challenges. School h tering Kindergarten through ment. A nurturing, loving, and ing educat Duarte’s newest savory sum- cus on cooking7thfrom scratch grade. Students entering safe environment who The instructorsintroduces and sous-dents mer cooking program for kids using fresh, seasonal ingrediKindergarten must be five students to a true sense of public and years oldculinary by Sept. 1, 2008.chefs are talented individuals Christian community, which schools, whi and teens 7 to 16 at Duarte ents and time tested St. Luke Catholic Schoolwho is promotes learning. with kidsBosco (Boy love working High Schools new culinary techniques. located at 5521 N. Cloverly (Co St. Luke School adheres to young teens. ImagineLaSalle kitchen! The goal Ave. is to provide in Temple City andand is (Girls) in the California State Standards accredited by WCEA (boys) in Lo havinganda culinary artsof expert to curriculum the Starting June 21st, the a safe, fun andfullyeducational (Western Catholic Education Archdiocese ofpassion Los Angelesand(Girls) in sharing their Cooking Academy invites environment where campAssociation) and WASC Ramona (G system of more than 225 elof experience Association depth of your child to take an exciting ers can learn to(Western read recipes, ementary schools. with yourBishop Am Schools and Colleges). child! Our Cooking CampPuente, St. F As well as receiving a strong culinary journey during one cook and bake, work safely Flintridge S St. Luke School is a place foundation the core basics not onlyin teach generalemy (Girls) EVERYTHING, MR. BRUMDER! or more of our ten, one week in a kitchen, where andstudents explore are helpedchefs to of education, students have a grow spiritually, morally, cooking intechniques but sprin- For mor summer Cooking Camp ses- creative food ideas variety of other necessary in meal tellectually, socially and app educational experiences kle lots of lessons into thein-mix,garding Mary Dee Romney sions in Duarte, each taught preparation while encouragphysically. School, plea volving art, music, technoldiscussing culinary terms, 5959. Pasadena, CA by Theresa Parra Kay, our ing a lifelong appreciation The tradition for of a Cathoogy, physical education, choir, nutritional values, kitchen experienced Le Cordon Bleu healthy eating. lic education, within a learntrained chef. At Cooking Camp, safety and food science. SucCelebrating more than 65 years of service cessful cooking begins in Poker Tournament on Saturday! Live Entertainment All Weekend! MAC Summer School invite a kid-friendly environment Car Show on Saturday 12-4 pm! Featuring Cold Duck on Saturday Night! Live Entertainment All Weekend! Ex pa nd ! ed Free and our staff has designed is Ho on urs ! Admissi Advance One Whole Grade FULL-TIME e! Ex Fre a series of summer sessions pa is nd ion ed ss Hours! Admi Accelerate during the summer to make SPACES PACIFIC FRIENDS SCHOOL AVAILABLE where children can succeedbefore 6 school year easier! • Register A Developmental Pre-School in learning skills safely and SUMMER CAMP FREE DIAGNOSTIC TEST AND EVALUATION Before and After School Care enjoyably. Grand Prize Raffle Plant & Garden Booth Dates: 6/16 - 8/22/08 Food & Games Mon/So - Fri.whether 9 a.m. - 12your p.m. child is Boutique interested in becoming a head Spectacular Rides Super 50/50 Cash Raffle 1. Math & English Acceleration Course 6210 Temple City chef or simply a maker of a 6210 Temple City BlvdBlvd Skill-Specific coaching (K-6th Grade) fR6:30 626-287-6880 E o OPEN A.M. TO 6:30 P.M ACCREDITED BY Temple City, CA 91780 ! mean pesto sauce, Cooking 2. Special Subject Courses (7th-9th Grad s Temple City, National Association for the ST. LUKE PARISH 23RD ANNUAL • Accredited program with safeCA 91780 k Early unChildhood MeeM Education of Young Children Algebra I & II, Geometry, Lit. Analysis, Cr F P environment U Camp is a wonderful oppor(626) 287-6880 Professional Association for rStaff with First Aid and CPR S• W M 3. Junior-Senior Courses e Childhood Education Qualified A 9 visit our website at mOutdoor Play Areas April 23, tunity to expose your childAPtoEnglish, SAT April 23, 24 24 && 25, 25,2010 2010 Trigonometry, Calculus, • C Large CONVENIENT LOCATION um Landscaping www.pacificfriendsschool.org •SBeautiful MAC System Temple City Learn new foods and expand their st th 6210 Temple City Boulevard *1 through 6 Graders • Reasonable Prices 5921 OAK AVE. • TEMPLE CITY, CA FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Temple City CA 91780 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY culinary palates. st th • Potty Training *1*Up through 6 Graders to 11 hours of care perof day Member - TC Chamber Commerce 285-7768 Noon-11 p.m. 12:30-8 p.m. 6-11 p.m. Enroll online(626) at http:// *Up to 11snacks hours aofday care per day available *Two Noon-11 p.m. 12:30-8 p.m. 6-11 p.m. Cold Duck Car Showew! www.summerartacademy. *3-Three Week Sessions to choose from N *Open 8am till 6pm (extended care available) ewBuy-in) *Open 8am till 5pm (extended care available) ! com and create a freshly Poker Tournament | Saturday, 3 p.m. N ($50 *EducationalGoals: Goals: Reading Math *Educational Reading andand Math baked family memory today! Includes $1500 Start Stack Poker Tournament *Exciting Activities *$450 per 3 trips Weekand Session Phil and Mary Daniels (No-limit Texas Hold’em, unlimited $25 rebuys forBuy-in) first hour & half - $1000 in chips) Or call us at 866-507-COOK Saturday, 2 p.m. ($50 *Exciting trips and Activities Grand Prize: APPLE IPAD (16GB) Platinum Sponsor for more information. email: pacfriendsschool@sbcglobal.net (extra fees apply)

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April 15 - April 21, 2010


SAFYMCA Reaches Annual Support Children Invited to Interactive “Sleeping Beauty” at Sierra Madre Playhouse Campaign Goal in Five Weeks Gooooooaaal! It wasn’t soccer but the outcome was as exciting when only five weeks into the annual support campaign for the Santa Anita Family YMCA’s Financial Assistance Program, co-chairs Todd Adamson and Tzeitel Paras-Caracci announced to campaign volunteers that they had reached their goal and then some. The 90-member, a ll-volunteer led effor t raised $128,797, more than $3,000 over the original goal to help provide programs and ser vices for youths, teens, families and seniors regardless of their ability to pay full fee. “Exciting? Absolutely,” said Paras-Caracci. “It was a great team effort and the community was so generous in its support. When it comes right down to it people dig down deep into their pockets when they believe in something,” she said. Before the power point tote board flashed its final tally for the team celebration party at the

SAFYMCA’s Mary Wilcox Center, Thursday night, March 4, team members pa ssed t he hat a mong themselves one more time and raised another $125 for the cause. “We are blessed by a supportive community,” said Chief Executive Officer, Damon Colaluca. “Everybody worked very hard. Some said it wasn’t possible in this economic environment. But I think this fund raising success demonstrates that people recognize that the YMCA is an important part of our community. Their support helps makes it possible for us to make the YMCA experience available to those who otherwise might not have the opportunity.” C ola luca sa id t ha t while the formal campaign is over, “there is still some mopping up to do,” some contacts that have not yet been made, some pledges still to collect. “We’re not stopping here. We’ll continue to accept donations so that we can offer as much finan-

cial assistance to the community as is needed,” said Colaluca. Last year the Financial Assistance Program enabled 2,698 kids to participate in Day Camp and After School programs. A total of 1,822 youth participated in YMCA youth sports and mentoring programs. Some 1,110 families were awarded scholarships to support their participation in YMCA values-based programs and health and fitness memberships. And 1,697 seniors improved their health through fitness classes. For information about contributing to the SAFYMCA Support Campaign, or to learn more about any of the programs or services offered by the SAFYMCA, call (626) 3599244, or visit the Santa Anita Family YMCA web site at www.safymca.org. The SAFYMCA serves the communities of Bradbury, Duarte, and Monrovia. It is located at 501 S. Mountain Ave. in Monrovia.

By Fran Syverson “Sleeping Beauty” will come alive for youngsters who attend the Sierra Madre Playhouse on Saturdays at 2 o’clock on April 17, May 1 and May 8. But they can do more than watch—they (and their parents) can be interactive with the performers, who come down the aisles to mix with the audience. The kids pretend they are flowers in the meadow and the Evil Fairy picks roses off their heads for the Princess’s wedding bouquet. Some are even chosen to play the Queen’s Doctor and Nurse, or the Ring Bearer and Flower Girl at the royal wedding. Some decorate the wedding arbor. And everyone can cheer the heroes and hiss the bad guys in this happy musical production of the classic kids’ story. After the show, they can greet the actors in front of the playhouse. June Chandler is producing several favorite

children’s stories for the “Fairy Tale Theater” this spring and summer. Following “Sleeping Beauty” performances, “Treasure Island” will run on Saturdays May 15-June 5. Ticket s are $18 for

adults, $12 for children under 12 years. Reservations may be made at 626/3554318. Credit card sales:

www.sierramadreplayhouse.org. The Playhouse

is at 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre.

8 April 15 - April 21, 2010

All-Singing, All-Dancing Show to Benefit Eight Performance Groups By Bill Peters “What an era!” proclaimed Lani Ridley Pedrini, the enthusiastic co-chair of the all-singing all-dancing musical “Harry Who?” to be presented at Ambassador Auditorium in two shows, a matinee and an evening performance, on April 24. Ms. Pedrini is referring to not just songs of the 1930s and the 1940’s, but specifically to music written by Harry Warren who worked with a number of lyricists to turn out hit after hit for 90 different movies from 1928 through 1981, 42 of the songs in the top-ten of the popular radio program, “Your Hit Parade”. Pedrini’s group, Theaters of Vision Productions and the Ambassador Foundation have linked together to bring Warren’s toe-tapping music to the stage with a cast of 161 singers and dancers and a 17-piece orchestra under the direction of co-chair, David Miller. “This will be a community outreach production benefiting high school and college music departments in the San Gabriel Valley area and the Ambassador Foundation,” Pedrini, who has an extensive music and

Chávez Galindo Márquez


David Miller, co-chair of “Harry Who?” rehearses the 17-piece Instrumental Music Director at Pasadena High. theater background, said. In conductor; Lance Merrill, fact, the cast members and accompanist), Brighter Side performers are from the eight Singers, (Matthew Byers, groups who will receive por- Director; Jon Howie, pianist), tions of the net proceeds from Centre Stage Productions, ticket sales. Groups partici- Inc, (Tiffini Lopez, Artistic pating in the production are and Music Director), Theater The Theaters of Vision All- of Vision Dancers, Rose City Star Community Orchestra Ballroom, (Christian Perry, (David Miller, Director), The Choreographer), and SambaTap Chicks, (Pamela Kay), La Samba Dance Academy, Towne Singers, (Beth Richey, (Bill Brunold, Director). Oth-

orchestra. Miller is a long-time ers include Sisters of Swing and several soloists. Rehearsals began March 3 with the orchestra under the direction of David Miller working over tunes that anyone over sixty knows well, but are probably new to the highschool and college students in the orchestra. Miller, who is Instrumental Music Director at Pasadena High School,

has led the Pasadena Unified School District’s All-District Band since 1986. At rehearsal he dug into the music: he conducted, he lead, talked, instructed and even played with the band. Overseeing it all was Lani Pedrini, a member of the highly respected Pedrini family that operated music stores in the area for many years. Each of the groups are separately rehearsing, but will come together coached and directed by the production team that includes Miller, Pamela Kay, overall choreographer, and Charles Offenhauser, Technical Director. Harry Warren’s early career was spent writing popular songs and some for a few Broadway shows and revues. His “I found a Million Dollar Baby” was written for a Billy Rose revue with lyrics, in part by Rose himself. But, a call from Hollywood in 1932 began his stint as a studio composer that lasted until he died in 1981. In his thorough biography about Warren, David Jenkins’ website harrywarrenmusic.com, says “1932 was a major turning point in Harry Warren’s music career. This was the year he was called on

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Harry Warren (above) wrote hit songs for Busby Berkeley musicals, Betty Grable and Alice Faye movies and the Glenn Miller Orchestra. The little known composer’s songs will be reprised in a show, “Harry Who?” to be presented by 8 performing groups on April 24 at Ambassador Auditorium in two shows, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. The entertainers, all high-school and college-age, will receive portions of the benefit show. to write a score with Al Dubin for a Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler picture entitled ‘Forty Second Street’…set around their snappy tunes.” From that auspicious beginning

Continued on Page 12

April 15 - April 21, 2010

Lobster Heaven at Fu Shing Restaurant By Peter Dills If you have watched my show Dining with Dills on KJLA TV you know I love good food and values. Many times I have mentioned that King Crab Legs are one of my favorite dishes. A close second has to be Main Lobster. And if you have followed my reviews I have said time again, that lobster is lobster, as long as it is fresh. So why overpay? The Fu Shing Restaurant in East Pasadena, like many Chinese restaurants offers a nice selection of seafood items. One being a live Maine Lobster. The Fu Shing serves it three different ways: Steamed (my choice) garlic and sesame. Chef Felix cooks the later two in a wok and is served

Watch Dining with Dills every Sunday Night at 9 PM on KJLA TV, reviews are also available on Facebook.

cut-up or whole. If you are a lobster lover like I am, the price is right. Usually about $1 or $2 above market price depending on the season. Owner Cindy Chang doesn’t mind if you order two. There are no restrictions. At this week’s writing the price is $14.99 a pound. I have had the lobster at the Palm Restaurant in West Hollywood and these are every bit as good. Another good bet is the Explorer Dinner, it is a multi

course dinner for four that show cases some of Fu Shings best dishes, at this writing it was $23 per person. What you get. For starters, a cold appetizer salad, a hot appetizer wonton with real crab meat in a tangy chili paste. Next is the South Seas Seafood Fire Pot with five different seafood items. The main course(s) include: Jumbo Scallops, Fire Cracker lamb, Mayo Shrimp with longan, Macadamia Nut Chicken, fresh catfish and a

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Buddhist Feast in a Noodle basket with fresh vegetables. For dessert an assortment of fresh vegetables. Bonus: Of course Fu Shing offers many Chinese entrees, if you like sizzling rice soup, order it here it is very good. The restaurant features a patio and an upstairs for private parties. Price per entree $13.95 to $20. Casual dress. Reservations are suggested, especially for the Explorer Dinner feast. Plenty of free park-

Traveler, Mignon Chocolate, and Dot’s Cupcakes. Their sure-to-be-tasty creations will be sampled by attendees and the four notable judges (me) who will announce the award. The Junior League of Pasadena is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. To learn more about the Junior League’s programs in the community and to purchase tickets for this event, visit its website at www. jrleaguepasadena.org or call (626) 796-0244. If you have any event or restaurant suggestions, thechefknows@yahoo.com is the fastest way to reach me. For now good eats to you!!!

ing Fu Shing Restaurant 2960 E. Colorado Pasadena (626)792-8898. Open daily from 11:30 a.m.to 10 p.m. Hold on don’t stop reading, one more thing. Attention Chocolate lovers The Junior League of Pasadena, Inc. is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Chocolate Chip Ball fundraiser. The black tie dinner event will take place at a private club in Pasadena on April 24, 2010 with a cocktail hour opening the event at 6:30 pm. Local chocolatiers and dessert chefs will create treats for dinner guests to sample, and one will be crowned 2010 Chocolatier of the Year. This year’s fine chocolatiers and chefs include: Sugar Top Bake Shop, Dove Chocolate Discoveries, Chocoveda, The Kitchen, Chocolate

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10 April 15 - April 21, 2010

T. Phillip’s Poised to Open By Susan Motander

AMF-1432_ArcadiaWeekly_qrtr-1.qxd:Layout 1


T he l o n g aw a i t e d opening of T. Phillip’s Alehouse is just around the corner. With private openings by invitation only this evening, April 15 and tomorrow, the alehouse at the corner of Myrtle and Colorado is staging a soft opening. The full opening will follow in a few days. Originally the social security office in town, Tony Spencer, who owns the Alehouse with his wife Naomi, jokes that “it will become my social security. At one point the building was seriously under consideration by Vroman’s for expansion of their chain, but those plans fell through. So from books, it has moved to brews, and what a selection of brews there will be. There are a total of 72 beers, ales, lagers and porters on tap. Of these 11 taps will be dedicated to Belgian brews including that champagne of ales, Chimay Blue. Made by trappist monks in Scourmont in the 8:34 Abbey AM Page 7 Belgian municipality of Chimay,



it is a copper-brown beer which has a creamy head and a slightly bitter taste. It is a classic and one rarely seen on tap; for this alone the Alehouse is worth a visit. There are the usual, expected brews including Bud and Corona along with Red Tail Ale and local favorites from Craftsman Brewery. But it is the little known beers which are most intriguing. Has anyone ever y heard of Haywire, or Magic Hat,

or (my favorite name) Old Foghorn which is described as a Barley Wine Style Ale? With 72 choices, there is bound to be something for everyone. But the Alehouse will have a great deal more according to its owners. There will be a complete menu of steaks, seafood, salads and chops. The bar will seat 20 and there is a private room which can be reserved and seats 20 to 30 people. The Spencers hope this might be used

for corporate gatherings. There are also 5 large booths and lots of smaller tables which are designed to be able to be put together for larger groups. The restaurant will be able to sit somewhere between one and two hundred people (depending on occupancy determinations by the fire department). In describing their concept the Spencers say they were striving for the feeling

Continued on Page 13

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April 15 - April 21, 2010

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Continued from Page 5

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Situated in the hills of Sierra Madre (Marlborough Terrace), this delightful home is surrounded by mature Oak trees and beautiful views of the valley below and the hills above. This home offers 1465 square feet and 3 bedrooms. The main floor offers an open and spacious floor plan with unobstructed views and a cozy fireplace. The updated kitchen features newer appliances, garden window, a pantry and ample cabinetry. All 3 bathrooms have been updated. Large glass windows throughout the house provide a bright and airy feeling. Newly painted inside and out, this home is move-in ready. Built in 1965 it also offers central air and heat, 2-car attached garage, plans for a rooftop deck and much more. For more information and pictures go to www.715Skyland.com.

333 Genoa Street, #D, Monrovia, CA Offered at $550,000

This meticulous home was built in 2007 and was featured as the model unit offering custom amenities. There is fireplace in the living room, granite counters in the kitchen, pantry, stainless steel appliances, backyard and patio off the dining room, custom window treatments, master suite with his & hers closets and spa tub, four bedrooms, two and a half baths and a two-car attached garage with direct access. It is conveniently located just one mile from downtown Monrovia and within minutes of the 210 Freeway. A lovely home!

725 Woodland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $438,000

Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre, this home offers a country living lifestyle. The unique location allows you to forget the hustle and bustle of the big city, while just a short commute to downtown Los Angeles. Just minutes from your front door are hiking trails and Mary’s Market and Cafe! This cozy 1 bedroom 1 bath home is 837 sq. ft. on a 3,973 sq. ft. lot. There is a relaxing front porch, stone fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet in the large bedroom, and parking for 4 cars (a real commodity in the canyon). This is the perfect canyon hide-away! For more information and pictures go to www.725Woodland.com.

156 Carlton, Pasadena, CA Offered at $449,000

Built the same year as the first Rose Parade, this lovely 1890 Victorian homes exudes charm. Many of the original features include: 10’ ceilings, decorative moldings, California basement, clauwfoot tub. Updated with new HVAC, refinished wood flooring, automatic sprinklers in front and rear yards. 2nd home could be built on this lot. 1220 sq. ft. home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 11,164 sq. ft. lot. More information at www.156Carlton. com. Own a piece of Historic Pasadena!






Situated in Upper Hastings Ranch, this home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways and schools. This 1951 well-maintained home offers an open and spacious floor plan. Additional features include: formal entry, large living room with fireplace, sliding doors open to a tiled patio, grand family room with high ceilings & recessed lighting, adjacent to an updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, central air and heat, newer windows and roof. There is a mountain view from the back yard.

OP Su EN N hO 2- u 5 S PM E

Joe Mosca is flanked by Jubulent supporters who gathered at the home of Bob and Rosemary Burnett. Mr. Mosca’s partner, Matt is pictured on the far right. - Photos by Terry Miller ing – or in the opinion of the blog. And apparent- repeatedly to nail shut her many, encouraging – a line ly that blog, like a once- own crowded coffin. The general consensus of naysayers to lash out at busy campaign office folTuesday evening in speaklowing a loss, has been councilman Mosca from the public comment po- promptly closed for busi- ing with a number of votdium. When Mosca moved ness. So much for the self- ers was that the return of to defend himself and his proclaimed “finest news civility and graciousness to local government was record, the matriarchal source in Sierra Madre.” During the course of essential, something “had mayor admonished and publicly humiliated him the campaign, the highly to happen,” as one voter by threatening to have the contentious and often in- said. The Eminent Domain police remove him from cendiar y Sierra Madre the council chambers. (A Tattler posted or allowed measure also passed with video clip of the exchange the posting of accusations, 86% of the voters saying can be seen on our web- half- or un-truths and in- yes to the measure that pref lammator y comments, vents the city of Sierra Masite.) According to Michael most of which were written dre from obtaining one’s Bamberger, a priest and by those who had not the property for the “better long-time Sierra Madre courage to attribute their good” of Sierra Madre. One jubilant Joe Mosca Firefighter the events of names to their defamatory that evening as well as screeds. Not more than a supporter quipped that those witnessed during few hours after the results Crawford only managed the 1991 Earthquake in were posted, the Tattler to beat perennial candidate Sierra Madre caused him ceased operations, claim- “Eagle” Bill Tice, suggestand many others to have ing it would be on a “spring ing that a new outlet might “lost all respect for MacGil- cleaning” break for some run a satirical headline livray”. According to Bam- time to come. The owner such as “In Shocker, Crawberger, MacGillivary and of said blog was candi- ford Bests Tice,” though other council members at date John Crawford who no new organization, as of the time were on some sort seemed to relish in con- yet, has attained the level of out of town retreat when troversy anywhere or way of Tattler-esque shamelessthe earthquake hit town. he could find it or, barring ness to do so. One voter stood on Upon learning of her home- that, make it up. H i s sma l l ba nd of the corner of Sierra Madre town’s serious quake which caused extensive damage, “anonymous” supporters Blvd and Baldwin Tuesthe then city councilmem- spent most of the campaign day evening as the polling ber MacGillivray returned extolling the demise of the places begged their last votto check on the status of town if its citizens voted ers. Bearing not only the only her own home before anything other than the pre-printed Mosca-Moranpromptly returning to the Crawford/Alcorn/ Watts Walsh campaign signs but also a hand written sign retreat without attending ticket. The endless ramblings which read: “Return civilto the emergency. She and the council did not de- of Crawford and his broad- ity to City Council – Vote.” clare a state of emergency band of digital disciples did Paul Hapersarian helped to qualify for emergency not, it now seems apparent, the protestor make that mogovernment money and the impress enough members mentous decision Tuesday fire department’s hands of the community, and the evening. The next city counwere tied with the limited election results themselves resources on hand. “It took will stand as testament to cil meeting is April 27 weeks for us to even have that fact. That, combined where t he new elected a Declaration of Emergen- with MacGillivray’s re- officials will be sworn in cent outburst in which the and the new mayor will be cy,” said Bamberger. And then, there was ceremonial gavel was used selected.

This delightful Highland Oaks home has been wellmaintained and is located in the award winning Arcadia school district. There is an updated kitchen, Brazilian cherry wood flooring in the living room/dining room areas with lovely views of the back yard/pool area. There is a private master suiting, family room, office, laundry room and an oversized 2-car garage. The home is 2,818 sq. ft. situated on a 12,746 sq. ft. lot. It has 4 bedroom with 3.5 bathrooms and was built in 1951. This is the perfect home for entertaining.

SA OP T EN & Su hO N. uS 2- E 4 PM

Located in the guard gated estate area of Whispering Pines is this incredible Tuscan Villa Estate which is better than new. This exquisitely detailed 6,525 sf home has 5 bedrooms (5 suites) & 6 bathrooms. Situated on over an acre lot, it offers incredible views of the mountains, valley and city lights. The highest quality workmanship & materials were used to construct this “one of a kind” estate home which includes a gourmet kitchen, elevator, wine cellar, his and hers offices, 4 car garage, infinity saltwater pool & spa, waterfalls & lush gardens. Visit www.367Monterey.com and www.367Montereypines.com for more photos and information.

69 E. Grandview, Arcadia, CA Offered at $1,248,000

1505 El Mirador, Pasadena, CA Offered at $6,750 per month

Located a short distance to the Rose Bowl and sited at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac this spacious Linda Vista home boasts traditional design and is perfect for a large family and for entertaining. There are 27,918 square feet of lush grounds offering: privacy a black-bottom pool with built-in hillside slide and a spa. With 6 bedrooms, 6 baths, 6,838 sq feet, a family room with large wet bar, skylights, 2 offices, gym, elevator and huge garage, this is a home you truly won’t want to miss

Email: Renirose@aol.com • Website: www.Renirose.com

12 April 15 - April 21, 2010

Serenity in the Sierra Madre Foothills

Elegant Mediterranean Villa

All-Singing, All-Dancing Show to Benefit Performance Groups Continued from Page 8

569 Acacia Street Sierra Madre, CA

1190 Linda Vista Avenue Pasadena, CA

Offered at

Offered at

Nestled in the foothills of the charming village of Sierra Madre, lies an upscale contemporary home of unique quality and detail. Upon entering the foyer one is overtaken by the living room’s massive 20 foot wall of glass and its breathtaking views of the lush hills and mountains of your own private enclave. Your newer pool with spa will entice you as the soothing sounds of the waterfall will replenish your soul. From the upstairs landing, one is again mesmerized by the views of the backyard. Your privacy and relaxation are completed by the master suite, 2 baths, and 3 additional bedrooms 2 of which have spectacular views of the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. Ground floor bedroom and bath complete this prized oasis!

A soothing hillside sanctuary for you & your family in the Linda Vista/Annandale area of Pasadena. This breathtaking, south facing residence with panoramic views offers 4493 sq ft. and 4 large bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and walk-in closet. The architectural features harmoniously blend the sleekness of modern design with the warmth of a spa retreat. This home’s soothing views of nature combined with its luxurious design lead to relaxation of the body and the mind.



Feel like you are on vacation. Every day! 4 bedrooms/5 bathrooms 4,493 square feet.

Come and enjoy the beauty.... 5 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms 16700 square foot Lot Pool / Spa / Waterfall

Marianne Meeker Cherkas DRE License # 01396912

Prudential California Realty 115 W. Sierra Madre Blvd • Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 355-1600 x 155 work • (626) 827-9463 cell Marianne4Homes@aol.com

Rehearsals for “Harry Who?” began in early March for the April 24 show at Ambassador Auditorium that reprises composer Harry Warren’s long string of song hits in the 1930’s and 1940’s. came all the well-known tunes from Busby cause he wrote some 400 songs and so many Berkeley’s Warner Bros. backstage stories that were hits, the list goes on and on. But, just included “We’re in the Money”, “I Only Have one more. From the 1950’s, most remember Eyes for You”, and “Shuffle off to Buffalo” and “An Affair to Remember”, the title tune which “Lullaby of Broadway” among them. Moving was nominated for an Academy Award, but to 20th Century Fox, Warren wrote, first for did not win, and Dean Martin’s hit “That’s Glenn Miller movies, then Betty Grable and Amore”. With music like this, the show “Harry the wonderful Carmen Miranda, and many Who?” is bound to be terrific. more. Tunes from these films included “Chat“Harry Who?” at the Ambassatanooga Choo Choo”, “At Last”, You’ll Never dor Auditorium will be presented two Know”, and for Miranda, “The Lady in the times on Saturday, April 24—at 2:00 Tutti-Frutti Hat”. At MGM, he often collabo- p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Ticket prices range rated with Johnny Mercer where they wrote from $15 to $40 and can be ordered by “Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe” for the calling (800) 595-4849 or visiting www. Judy Garland film “The Harvey Girls”. Be- harrywho.org.


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ChaRaCteR spaNish


UpGRaded towNhome




Located in Alhambra this 1929 home with lots of character, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, view, high wood vaulted ceilings, new kitchen, central air, all stainless steel appliances included. (m1633)

This 2 bed/1.5 ba unit has lots of upgrades. Living room with white wood paneling, wood floors and beamed ceiling. Plantation shutters throughout, remodeled kitchen w/ granite counters, master with double door entry, crown molding and balcony. must See! (FOO)

Great starter home facing the green belt in condo complex. New paint and carpet is included in lender repairs. Complex includes pool and spa (gated). Living room has hardwood floors and fireplace. Downstairs 2 car garage with access in the rear. Don’t delay! This one won’t last! (B1131)

CeNtURY 21 VillaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

CeNtURY 21 eaRll , ltd (626)-301-1888

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

desiRable NeiGhboRhood

s. el moNte

GoRGeoUs towNhome !!!


This home features 4 bed/3.5 ba, Custom Fireplaces, French Doors, Imported Stained Glass Windows, Custom Lighting, huge mstr Suite w/ Retreat & Private Bar, Gorgeous Custom Kitchen and beautiful backyard. Located in a beautiful gated comm. with Pool & Spa. (RIm)

CeNtURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888


Great home in desirable Pasadena neighborhood. Nice corner lot conveniently located near freeway. This home features 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, nice kitchen and new carpets throughout. Recently painted inside and out. Home is very clean and ready to go. (D2155)

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858


Ideal small manufacturing, light industrial use property, great for owner/user. Two 3000 square foot buildings which are currently leased. Owner could occupy one while leasing the other. Large 22651 lot affords storage at the rear of the property. make offers SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Great location central to freeway access. (C2416)

CeNtURY 21 lUdeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

CenTury21 AdAmS & BArneS

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CenTury 21 ludeCke inC

CenTury 21 villAGe reAlTy

433 WeST FooThill Blvd., monroviA

320 e. FooThill Blvd., ArCAdiA

20 e. FooThill Blvd. SuiTe 105, ArCAdiA

38 W. SierrA mAdre Blvd., SierrA mAdre




(626) 358-1858 WWW.C21AB.neT

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451

ViCtoRiaN beaUtY


1908 well maintained 2155 sq.ft. character home in Sierra madre with many original features. 4 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, formal and informal dining rooms, impressive fireplace in large entry, 2 “sleeping porches”, terrace off master bedroom, spaciouskitchen with tons of cabinetry, 17,248 sq.ft. of park like grounds. (m287)

CeNtURY 21 VillaGe RealtY (626) 355-1451

Needs Fast sale!


This 2bdrm 2bth mobile Home has living room, dining room, family room w/wet bar, CA & heat, laundry hookups, 1440 sq ft, good condition, small yard, covered patio, 5 star park with 24 hr security, 3 pools, rec. room, BBQ’s and sports area. Owner is in desperate need to sell.

CeNtURY 21 lUdeCke iNC (626) 445-0123

April 15 - April 21, 2010

Embassy Suites Palmdale: An Oasis in the Desert By Greg Aragon The Palmdale desert is a perfect spot for wildflowers and spaceships. And as I recently learned, it is also a great location for a luxury hotel. I guess that is why the new $43 million Embassy Suites Palmdale opened here in February. I discovered the retreat while planning a getaway to NASA’s Aerospace Exploration Gallery. I figured the hotel would make a good home base while visiting the Antelope Valley; but I didn’t figure it would become the highlight of the weekend. Located off the 14 Freeway, the Embassy Suites is a desert oasis. It blends into its rugged, mountain-backed environment with palm trees, classy architecture and a sandy-textured exterior. The upscale, all-suite hotel features 150 spacious two-room suites with dedicated work and living spaces; free high-speed Internet, two large flat-screen TV’s, comfortable sofas, plush beds and modern bathroom furnishings. The rooms also come with microwave, coffee maker, and mini-refrigerator. My 6th-floor suite overlooked the San Gabriel Mountains and a field of wildflowers and Joshua trees.


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Learn all styles of dance! Fitness! Bring out your artistic talents! Paintings, Crafts, Flower Arrangement, and more!

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www.ruthsartgallery.com It was so comfortable I didn’t want to leave – that is until I heard about the free daily Manager’s Reception held in the lounge. Offering complimentary wine, beer, well drinks and snacks, this unique perk is a favorite among Embassy insiders. After a few Bloody Mary’s at the reception I toured the hotel. My first stop was the state-of-the-art Precor fitness center, which features cardio machines with mounted televisions, and a variety of free weight equipment. Next to the room is an indoor pool and Jacuzzi. The hotel also boasts a snack shop with coffee, beer, wine, quick food items, and toiletries, as well as 3,032 sq.-ft. of meeting and banquet space. After exploring the property I experience dinner at the hotel’s signature Fourteen Restaurant and Lounge.

Named after the 14 Freeway that runs through Palmdale, the restaurant features a modern contemporary design with dark woods, warm stone, sleek metal surfaces and a whimsical color palette. The restaurant serves “value-priced contemporary American cuisine.” A friend and I began dinner with French onion soup, fried mozzarella sticks with spicy marinara and ranch sauce; chicken pot stickers with ponzu sauce; and a big Embassy house salad with mixed greens, veggies and shaved green apple. For the main course I devoured a 12-oz Four peppercorn crusted rib eye with baked potato and grilled asparagus, and my friend enjoyed grilled Atlantic salmon with wild rice pilaf and sautéed vegetables. We shared

white chocolate brownie cheesecake for dessert. After dinner we relaxed in the lounge area, next to the large stone fireplace. In the morning we took advantage of another Embassy perk: free cooked-to-order breakfast, with an incredible omelet bar, pancakes and waffles, cereals, fruit, juices and coffee. After breakfast we drove to the nearby Aerospace Exploration Gallery (www.aeroi.org), where we looked viewed jets and rockets and got a glimpse into NASA’s exciting past, present and future in the Antelope Valley and outer space. Embassy Suites Palmdale is located at 39375 5th St. West, Palmdale, 93551. For more info and current specials, call (661) 266-3756 or visit: www.palmdale.embassysuites.com.

San Gabriel Mission Gift Shop Stocks many Catholic religious gifts for Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Birthday, Anniversary, and more:

*Crosses *Paintings *Medals *Bibles *Statues *Pictures *Rosaries *Books *Candles *Jewelry *Shirts *Bookmarks *Music, Movies *Postcards *Mission Souvenirs *Prayer and Greeting Cards (English, Spanish) San Gabriel Mission Church, Museum, Gardens and Gift Shop are open 359 days a year from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission fee applies for ages 6 and older for a self-guided tour of the museum and gardens.

San Gabriel Mission Gift Shop and Museum 427 S. Junipero Serra Dr. San Gabriel, CA 91776 Phone (626) 457-3048 www.sangabrielmission.net

T. Phillip’s Poised to Open Continued from Page 10

of a turn of the century tavern (presumedly the turn from 18th to 19th century). They wanted it to have a small town, old town, Midwestern feel to the Alehouse. The goal was to create “a comfortable place to hang out.” There are discretely placed televisions, but the emphasis is not on watching the screens. The Spencer said that theirs is not a sports bar, but a place to gather, meet with friends and enjoy good food and good conversation. “If you want to watch TV, go home.” Tony advised.

There will be live music soon including jazz, classic rock, and blues. When it opens to the public, T. Phillip’s will be open from 11 to 11 Sunday through Thursday and from 11 to 12 on Friday and Saturday. This is not a totally new venture for the Spencers, they are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the original T. Phillip’s in La Verne. One can hope that the food here will be a good as that in La Verne which was described by one patron of that establishment as “pretty good grub.” Lynda Linforth L.P.S.N. NASM Certified


lyndalinforth@gmail.com by appointment only

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14 April 15 - April 21, 2010

The Miss Saigon in Concert May 1st, San Gabriel Mission Playhouse Social Whirl

By Floretta Lauber

Send your social news and announcements to socialwhirl@beaconmedianews.com

The excitement mounts as cast, producer, director and supporters work tirelessly for the opening curtain on May 1st for two performances only, 2 and 8 p.m. at the historic San Gabriel Mission Playhouse. Miss Saigon, award w i n n i ng Broadway h it (from the creators of Les Miserables) has landed on the SGVMT stage with a 24 -piece orchest ra and a stellar cast. Exposed percussion pieces, exotic w i nd i n st r u ment s a nd still haunting images of a controversial war torn era make this production in concert especially fascinating to hear and see. P rem ier i ng for t he ver y f i r s t t i me a t t he Mission Playhouse, this unique concept of Miss Saigon will make you feel like you are a part of the story, bringing your theatre experience to a whole new level. Miss Saigon is a tragic love story of a young Vietnamese bar girl making the ultimate sacrifice for her son born of an American soldier in a time of war. Beyond its historical

Co-star of Miss Saigon, Franc-Anton Harwart as “The Engineer” (Toronto Company and 2005 L.A. Ovation Award Winner for the role at Fullerton Civic Light Opera). background, Miss Saigon has all the elements of a successful musical, both

in fan base and at t he box office. With a cast of professional multi-racial

Jennifer Hubilla as “Kim” (Premiere London U.K. Tour), has lead role in Miss Saigon.

actors matched by a moving powerful vocal score, this production is sure to be talked about among

patrons for many years to come. For tickets, call (626) 282-1440.

Calder Quartet and Los Angeles Children’s Chorus Make Musical Magic The critically applauded Calder Quartet and 17 members of the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus (LACC) Chamber Singers joined forces to perform at a special evening salon for music lovers on March 13 at the Maxwell House, located at the Western Justice Center Foundation in Pasadena. The innovative and eclectic concert, which benefited LACC, included works by Mozart, Ravel and Frith. Guests also enjoyed wine, cheese and dessert. Rachel Fine, LACC executive director, who noted that the two ensembles had previously collaborated, said, “It was a truly amazing memorable evening.”

Los Angeles Children’s Chorus Chamber Singers (based in Pasadena) flank the Calder Quartet.

TofR Float Judge was Festival of Books Bus Trip Garden Club Speaker Sierra Madre Garden Club held its dinner meeting on Monday, April 12th, held at Memorial Park Hart Senior Center. Program speaker was Jim Coiner, one of three official judges who selected prize winning floats in the 2010 Rose Parade. Coiner, owner of Coiner

Nursery in La Verne, specializing in roses, shared the fascinating experience of working with the TofR and choosing among the gorgeous floats that carried out this year’s theme. “A Cut Above the Rest,” Sierra Madre’s float entry, was one of the prize winners.

Come celebrate the written word with the Friends of the Arcadia Public Library at the Los Angeles Times’ Festival of Books at the UCLA campus on Saturday, April 24. This free celebration offers an opportunity to hear popular writers discuss writing and researching, to read from their work and to sign books. Panel discussions on topics ranging from autobiography to yoga, as well as

cooking, history, screenwriting, mystery and poetry are available. There are hundreds of booths to browse and shop for books, calendars, posters, arts and crafts. Children will be entertained by storytellers and performers and autographs by characters such as The Cat in the Hat. Food stands offer a variety of menu items. Round trip bus transportation cost is $5 per person.

Bus pickup will be in front of the Arcadia Public Library at 8 a.m.; estimated time of return is 6:30 p.m. Reservations will be available on a first come, first served basis. Forms for signup are available in the Friends Bookstore in the library, 20 W. Duarte Rd. Orientation material will be mailed back. If there are further questions regarding the bus, call (626) 447-4280,

Vacco_CoreMedia 504x6_5BW_35%_43010:Vacco Core Media 4/2/10 12:06 Page April 15 -PM April 21, 1 2010

Arcadia Rotary Mardi Gras


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George Fasching (center), chair of this year’s successful Pot of Gold Rotary fund-raiser “Mardi Gras” with Virginia and Tom Crosby.


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Andy Bundesmann (center), Rotary Member representing Huntington Veterinary Hospital, with guests Mickey Harbur, holding the adorable auction puppy, a Brussels Griffon, with Ginny Donohoe. Leigh Ann Fasching was the successful bidder for the pup. She has named the pup Cassie.

Stiltwalkers dance at Rotary’s Mardi Gras on Burbon Street, not the giant mask on the wall. Decorations and entertainment were a “10.”

Imy Dulake, president of Arcadia Rotary, in parade of revelers at Burbon Street dinner party at Community Center.

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16 April 15 - April 21, 2010

Showcase House Opens April 18th Chamber Installation Dinner T he a nt ic ip a t ion and waiting are almost over. Pasadena Showcase House of Design for 2010 opens to the public on Sunday, April 18-May 16. After attending the empty house party in January, I am anxiously awaiting the transformation. The miracle of combining beautiful materials with outstanding talent and the dedication of the committee always brings a wondrous Showcase House. Over 30 bout ique shops and an outdoor restaurant ser v ing brea k fa st , lunch a nd

The 2010 Pasadena Showcase House of Design. dinner, plus snacks and grounds. beverages, will be enVisit the Web site joyed on the beautiful at www.Pasadenashow-

Monrovia Loses Lillias committee Coombs which put toLillias Ann (Doony) Wilson Coombs passed away on March 19, 2010. She was born in Monrovia on July 18, 1928, the youngest of Henry and Lillias Macdonald Wilson’s seven children. In Jr. High she met the love of her life, Richard (Dick) Coombs, and they married on June 13, 1948. They enjoyed over 60 years of marriage, until Dick’s death in December, 2008. Thiers was a true romance. At the services for her father their daughter Dana recalled that her father always said that he fell in love

for the first time in Jr. High and he fell in love for the last time in Jr. High. She said that her father had proposed to her mother in a letter while in the Navy. Her mother, thinking he was only lonely and homesick, decided to teach him a lesson. “She has been teaching him that lesson for sixty years,” Dana said. Together they had two children. In support of those children, she was involved in PTA, boy scouts, Job’s Daughters, and DeMolay. She worked as a church secretary and office manager. She was active in the

gether Monrovia’s Centennial celebration in 1986. Two major developments came out of that celebration: The Monrovia Volunteer Center and the Historical Museum. After Centennial, Lillias became the founding director of the Volunteer Center, a position she held for twelve years. She did not ignore the museum either serving for many years as a volunteer docent. Among her many accolades was being named Outstanding Citizen by the Monrovia Coordinat-

ca se.org. Ticket s a re $30-$40. It is closed on Mondays.

Vince Foley (center), Arcadia 2009 Citizen of the Year, with Lee and Mickey Segal, 2008 honorees, who presented the coveted award at Chamber of Commerce’s annual Installation and Citizen of the Year award dinner April 1st, held in the Chandelier Room at Santa Anita Turf Club.

ing Council, Woman of the Year for this State Senatorial District in 1996, Monrovia’s Older American of the Year in 2000, and a Presidential Recognition for Volunteer Service. Lillias was an active member of the First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia, the Monrovia High School Alumni Association, the Monrovia Guild of Children’s Hospital, and PEO Chapter EC. Ut there was great deal more to this truly kind woman. She was a gentle, yet firm person, who managed to accomplish a great deal with her sweet smile and calm nature. She will be missed

by this community. Most of all she will be missed by her family. Lillias is survived by her daughter, Dana Young, and her son, Richard Coombs, Jr. and his wife Kim Hubbard. She is also survived by seven grandchildren— Christine Young, Kevin Young and his wife Amy, Corinne Burton and her husband Brian, Michael Young, Deanne Mendoza and her husband Ramon, Richard Coombs III, and Meredith Coombs—and thirteen great-grandchildren. She was beloved “Aunt Doony” to her numerous nieces and nephews.

A memorial service was held on Saturday, March 27 at the First Presbyterian Church in Monrovia. The family has requested that in lieu of flowers donations be made to the Monrovia Historical Museum (P.O. Box 734, Monrovia, CA 91017) or Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (www.chla.org).

WE HAVE “SOMETHING” YOU NEED Sunday Worship: 8 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday School: (all ages) 9:15 a.m. Sunday Eve - “Praise” Worship 7:00 p.m. or Monday Worship - 7:00 p.m. 11:15 11:15AM AM

11:15 AM 11:15 AM


R e v. P a u l S . B e c k • S e n i o r P a s t o r

Public Notices NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 09-0176872 Title Order No. 09-8-559250 APN No. 5777035-013 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 10/08/2003. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by MAGGIE SU, A SINGLE WOMAN, dated 10/08/2003 and recorded 10/15/03, as Instrument No. 03 3067899, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 05/06/2010 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, Los Angeles, CA at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described

below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 1012 PORTOLA DRIVE, ARCADIA, CA, 91007. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $381,287.28. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the

Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebted-ness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 03/12/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.92629 4/08, 4/15, 4/22/2010

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 09-0186196 Title Order No. 09-8-605482 APN No. 8515002-039 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 03/25/2009. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by OSCAR ZUBIRAN AND GLORIA G ZUBIRAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS JOINT TENANTS, dated 03/25/2009 and recorded 04/06/09, as Instrument No. 20090491907, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 05/06/2010 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, Los Angeles, CA at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and

512 W. Duarte Road, Arcadia (626) 447-7690

PASTOR ROGER SONNENBERG HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE - CHILD CARE AVAILABLE interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 532 ROYAL OAK DR., MONROVIA, CA, 91016. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $434,643.13. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the

Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebted-ness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 04/07/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.91324 4/08, 4/15, 4/22/2010

April 15 - April 21, 2010



Arcadia PD For the period of Sunday, April 4, through Saturday,

April 10, the Police Department responded to 1,005 calls for service of which 144 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, April 4: 1. Units responded to Baldwin Stocker School, 422 West Lemon, around 1:15 a.m. in reference to an audible alarm. Upon arrival, officers found a classroom door was pried open and six laptop computers were found on the ground. The unknown suspects were probably frightened away by the alarm. 2. Around 2:25 p.m., officers were called to Hilton Gardens Inn, 199 North Second, regarding a grand theft report. Two male Hispanic suspects stayed at the hotel between April 2 and April 4. Upon their departure, a housekeeper discovered that two flat screen televisions, blankets, towels, clock radio, and hair dryer were stolen. Monday, April 5: 3. Between 7:00 a.m. and 12:35 p.m., a 1994 green Honda Accord was stolen from the 500 block of North First. 4. An auto burglary occurred between 5:50 p.m. and 6:25 p.m. in the 100 block of East Live Oak. Unknown suspect(s) broke a car window and stole a backpack containing the victim’s wallet and other miscellaneous property for a reported loss of over $2,245. The suspect(s) then used the victim’s credit card to make almost $400 in fraudulent charges at a Target store and a liquor store. Tuesday, April 6: 5. Two victims came to the station around 3:00 p.m. to file a fraud report. Their credit union notified them of a possible fraudulent activity on their joint account. When they checked their account information, they discovered that unknown suspect(s) had made a $212 unauthorized transaction at a CVS store in Florida. 6. Around 7:33 p.m., officers were called to the 200 block of West Palm in reference to an AMC violation. Two Hispanic subjects, a man and a woman, were found going through the recycling bin in front of a residence. There were also two trucks parked nearby filled with recyclables. They were cited for trash picking and released in the field. Wednesday, April 7: 7. Between 11:00 p.m. on April 6 and 5:30 a.m. on April 7, a residential burglary occurred in the 1000 block of La Cadena. Unknown suspect(s) entered the residence via an unlocked second story sliding glass door. The suspect(s) then stole miscellaneous property and the victim’s car. The car was later recovered by LAPD after being involved in a hit-and-run accident. 8. A residential burglary occurred in the 00 block of West Woodruff between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) entered the home through an unlocked window and stole jewelry, watches, and cash. The total reported loss was over $36,000. Thursday, April 8: 9. Shortly after 4:00 a.m., units responded to the 700 block of Arcadia regarding two prowlers seen in a backyard. An area check was conducted and officers found a 43-year-old male Caucasian hiding in one of the yards. A record check revealed that the suspect was on parole, and he was taken into custody for loitering and was placed on a parole hold. 10. A grand theft from auto occurred around 8:30 p.m. in the 800 block of Country Oaks. A gardener saw a male Hispanic, 20-40 years of age, rummaging through his client’s vehicle. When he questioned the suspect, the

man drove away in a grey Ford Escort. The victim advised that she had left her car unlocked and that the suspect had stolen an $800 designer coin purse with about $20 in change. Friday, April 9: 11. Officers were dispatched to the 99 Cent Store, 140 East Duarte, around 9:14 a.m. regarding a fraud investigation. The manager advised that the corporate office had discovered several unauthorized credit card transactions were made to obtain about $900 in gift cards. The manager reviewed surveillance footage from the date of the transactions and discovered three male subjects, Hispanic or Caucasian, using fraudulent credit cards to make the purchases. 12. Between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., a grand theft occurred at 24-Hour Fitness, 125 North First. A retired LAPD officer was exercising at the gym, and an unknown suspect defeated the combination lock and stole the victim’s revolver, holster, and cash. Saturday, April 10: 13. Units were dispatched to Arcadia Methodist Hospital around 7:51 a.m. in reference to a theft. The victim was sleeping in the delivery waiting room and when she awoke, she found an African-American employee holding her purse. He then walked away quickly, and she discovered that her camera, cell phone, cash, and credit cards were missing. The suspect was a Log Technician at the hospital, and a consent search of his vehicle was conducted. All the stolen property was recovered from his vehicle, and the 57-year-old suspect was taken into custody for grand theft. 14. Around 6:28 p.m., loss prevention personnel from Macy’s advised that they had detained a woman for theft. She was seen concealing merchandise in shopping bags and then left the store without making payment. Additional stolen property from Baby Gap, H&M, Gymboree, and Children’s Place were recovered. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 27-year-old female Hispanic was taken into custody for commercial burglary.

Monrovia PD During the last seven day period, the Police De-

partment handled 518 service events, resulting in 124 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events: Mental Evaluation On April 2, at 5:13 p.m., an officer responded to a call of a male subject walking completely naked in the alley of the 400 Block of West Walnut. Officers arrived and detained him. His clothes were nearby and were recovered prior to being transported to the hospital. He is a known subject with a history of mental health problems. Medical Assist On April 3, at 8:24 a.m., an officer responded to the area regarding a male yelling for help from the wash in the area of Royal Oaks and Mountain. Officers found the male in the wash near city yards. The subject told officers he fell into the wash near Londgen in Irwindale. He sustained an injury to his head from the fall and had abrasions on both knees and his feet. The subject claimed he was in the wash for approximately 12-15 hours trying to get out and yelling for help but nobody could hear him. He was transported to the hospital for treatment and later released. Stalking, Brandishing a Firearm and Possession of Controlled Substance On April 3, at 6:15 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team was working a stalking case involving a Du Roc gang-member who was involved in a brandishing a firearm several weeks

Continued on the Next Page


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ago and was now stalking the victim. When they arrived at the scene the suspect had fled. Patrol officers saw the vehicle and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle. A field show up was conducted and the victim identified the suspect. Special Enforcement Team searched of the suspect’s hotel room. The firearm was not located, but rock cocaine was recovered. The suspect was arrested and booked. The investigation is continuing. Vehicle Burglary On April 5, at 6:06 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 800 Block of West Olive regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim told him he parked his vehicle in front of his residence at 11:30 p.m. When he returned to his vehicle the following morning he discovered both the front and rear side passenger windows were smashed. He reported three bags were taken containing personal property. Investigation continuing. Grand Theft Auto On April 5, at 6:20 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 100 Block of East Cypress regarding a stolen vehicle. The victim was reporting his 1994 maroon Honda Accord taken sometime that morning after 1:15 a.m. Investigation continuing. Vehicle Burglary On April 5, at 7:06 a.m. an officer responded to a residence in the 200 Block of May regarding a vehicle burglary. A window was smashed. Investigation continuing. Vehicle Burglaries On April 5, at 8:31 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 100 Block of North Myrtle regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim reported he had parked and secured his vehicle. He returned to his vehicle the next morning and found the window smashed. While the officer was taking this report he was contacted by another tenant in the complex who also had his vehicle broken into. Investigation continuing. Mental Evaluation On April 5, at 7:34 p.m., an officer went to a residence in the 100 Block of North May to assist a family with a “Keep the Peace” call regarding custody of a teenage child. An officer interviewed the teenager and was able to determine the teen had made several attempts to commit suicide. The officer took the child to the hospital for a mental evaluation hold. Assault with Deadly Weapon / Robbery On April 6, at 6:01 p.m., officers went to the area of Fifth and Duarte regarding a shooting. A couple was walking their small dog when a white vehicle drove near them and stopped. The suspect from the vehicle attempted to steal the small dog from them. As the couple fought off the dog thieves, a neighbor tried to help them retain control of the dog. The suspects were overpowered and they went back to the car and fled. The suspect fired a single shot at the group and struck the neighbor in the leg. With aggressive investigation by the patrol officers, a possible vehicle was identified. The vehicle matched the description of a carjacking suspect vehicle in El Monte. The El Monte Police Department found the vehicle later that evening and arrested five suspects. Investiga-

tion continuing. Burglary On April 7, at 3:24 p.m., an officer went to a business in the 100 Block of West Foothill regarding a male subject in custody for shoplifting. Apparently, the subject went into the store pushing a stroller along with his 10-year-old son. He admitted to going in to buy two packs of diapers; however, he kept telling the10-year-old son to grab different items for him from other aisles. These were grocery items they did not have at home and needed. These items were placed inside an empty bag on the stroller and concealed. The subject was arrested and charged with burglary. Vehicle Theft On April 7, at 4:29 p.m., an officer went to a business parking lot in the 500 Block of South Mountain regarding a vehicle theft. The victim told him he went to work out at the gym and had parked and secured his vehicle in the parking lot. He was inside the gym between 2:30 p.m., and 4:30 p.m. When he came out to his car, it was gone. The victim believes his car keys were stolen from his gym bag. Investigation continuing. Grand Theft On April 7, at 4:36 p.m., an officer went to a business in the 300 Block of South Myrtle regarding a theft. The victim told him that a couple had been in the store earlier in the day. When they left, they told the victim that they would return later. She stated the couple was looking at jewelry in a display case. She heard a noise coming from their direction and asked if they needed the display case open. The male suspect told her they did not need the case open, and that he had just bumped his head on the case. A short time later, the couple left north on Myrtle toward Palm. Approximately ten minutes later, the victim discovered jewelry had been taken from the display case. There is no surveillance in the store. Investigation continuing.

Sierra Madre PD During the week of Sunday, April 4th, to Saturday

April 10th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 288 calls for service. Tuesday, April 6th: 10:13 AM – Felony arrest, Ex-con with a stolen gun, Unlawful transport of marijuana for sales, 700 block Hastings Ranch Drive. A motorist was speeding on Michillinda and failed to yield to the pursing officer. The driver finally stopped in a residential driveway and was detained. The officer searched the car and found several ounces of marijuana and a stolen and loaded handgun. The suspect was arrested and transported to the Pasadena Jail for remand. Friday, April 9th: 8:07 AM - Auto Burglary report, 700 block of Fairview Ave. A resident reported the rear window of her locked car was smashed and her purse was stolen. The crime occurred between 6:00 pm, Thursday, 4/8/2010 and 7:00 am, Friday, 4/9/2010. She reported the loss of a purse, $33.00 in cash, her driver’s license, credit cards and a checkbook. The total loss was estimated at $133.00.

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April 15 - April 21, 2010

Legals City OF Arcadia Notices NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ARCADIA PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Arcadia, California will hold a public hearing to consider the following: A report and resolution of the City of Arcadia amending and adopting local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code §§ 21000 et seq.). Date & Time of Public Hearing: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Location of Public Hearing: Arcadia City Council Chambers 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA The Arcadia Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the above date, time and place. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the proposed report and resolution of the City of Arcadia amending and adopting local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the Planning Commission with respect to the proposed report and resolution, you may

be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raises at or prior to the time of the public hearing. The proposed report, resolution, and the local guidelines are available for review at the Arcadia City Hall in the Planning Services office. For further information, or to submit comments regarding the proposed report and resolution, please contact Associate Planner, Thomas Li at (626) 574-5447 in City Hall at the Planning Services office at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007-3499. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a city meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (626) 574-5455. Please contact the City Clerk at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when special services are needed. This notification will help city staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. Arcadia City Hall is open Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and on alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Arcadia City Hall will be closed on April 23rd. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Community Development Division / Planning Services Thomas Li, Associate Planner (626) 574-5447 Publish April 15, 2010 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tht the city of Arcadia is accepting requests for proposals for legal advertising for the City of Arcadia as required by the City of Arcadia Charter Section 420. Proposal shall be submitted in an envelope marked “Bid for Legal Advertising” and shall be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, P.O. Box 60021, Arcadia, Ca 91066-6021. Proposals shall be due no later that 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 2010 at which time they shall be publicly opened.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Monrovia, California, will receive sealed bids at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California, until 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2010 for:

Copies of the proposal may be optained in the Purchasinh Office, Administrative Services Department, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, Ca 91007. Said specifications, proposal forms and contract documents are hereby referred to and incorporated herein and made a part by reference and all quotations must striclty comply therewith.

All bids for the work must be in writing, must be sealed, and must be plainly marked on the outside: “BID FOR: Primrose Avenue Street Slurry Seal, Project No. C-3044”. Any bid received after the hour stated above for any reason what so ever, will not be considered for any purpose but will be returned, unopened, to the bidder.

The City of Arcadia reserves the right to accept in whole or in part or reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities in the bid process, and all bids are binding for a period of ninety (90) days after the proposal opening and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison, as specified in the contract documents. The award of contract shall be made by the Arcadia City Council. CITY OF ARCADIA PURCHASING OFFICE Dated: April 6, 2010 Publish: April 12 and 15, 2010.

Foothill Business Directory ATTORNEY


TITLE: PRIMROSE AVENUE STREET SLURRY SEAL, PROJECT NO. C-3044 At the time designated for receiving sealed bids for all work on said Project, the bids will be publicly opened, examined, and read aloud.

Each bidder must submit a proposal to the City of Monrovia, c/o City Clerk, on one set of the standard forms available herein, one (1) stapled set of which is inserted loose herein for the bidders use. Said proposal is to be accompanied by either a cash deposit, a certified or cashier’s check, or a bidder’s bond, made payable to the City of Monrovia, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid submitted. The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the City of Monrovia, c/o City Clerk, and delivered or mailed to the City of Monrovia at 415 S. Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. The envelope shall be plainly marked in the upper left-hand corner as follows: City of Monrovia, c/o City Clerk Bidder’s Name

Bidder’s Address Bidder’s Trade Primrose Avenue Street Slurry Seal, Project No. C-3044 Open Only at: 10:00 a.m. MondayApril 19, 2010 City Hall–City Clerk’s Office 415 S. Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016 CONTRACTOR LICENSE: The Contractor shall at the time of award possess a valid State of California Contractor’s License: Class ‘C-12’ (Earthwork & Paving Contractor), or Class ‘C-32’ (Parking and Highway Improvement Contractor), or Class ‘A’ (General Engineering Contractor). GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The slurry seal project is located at Primrose Avenue, between Foothill Boulevard and Hillcrest Boulevard. The approximate length of the street is 3,000 feet and approximate paved width of 34 feet. The work consists of removal of deteriorated asphaltic concrete (AC) pavement in selected area of the street, construction of new AC pavement, asphaltic concrete skin patch, crack sealing, application of slurry seal type II; re-striping, pavement markers/reflector and painting of pavement surface legends, traffic lanes, and crosswalks; on as needed basis, removal and replacement of damaged concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach; installation of traffic signal loops and related traffic control features including furnishing all labor, materials, tools and equipment, and all incidental and appurtenant work necessary for the completion of construction of the Primrose Avenue Street Resurfacing & Slurry Seal Project. COMPLETION OF WORK: The successful bidder shall commit to start construction on May 10, 2010 and complete the work by June 30, 2010. Liquidated damages are in effect in the amount of $1,000.00 per calendar day for non-completion of the project within the contract period.

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The actual payment to the contractor shall be on the basis of actual quantities of work completed at the direction by the City. PRE-BID CONFERENCE OR PROJECT FIELD WALK THROUGH: None Questions regarding this project: Please call Public Works Department at (626) 932-5575 ENGINEER’S $160,000.00



/s/ Alice D. Atkins, CMC, City Clerk Publish April 8, 12, 15, 2010


Lydia Chu

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The successful bidder will be required to pay the prevailing wage scale as determined by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Monrovia. Prevailing Wages are defined those in effect at the time the work is actually being performed.


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Plans and Specifications may be picked up at the Public Works Department, 600 S. Mountain Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016, by paying a non-refundable fee of $40.00 per set. Plans and Specifications will be mailed by U.S. Mail for an additional charge of $20.00 per set or sent by an express delivery service using the bidder’s account number or the bidder must pay the City in advance for the express service delivery.


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The City of Monrovia reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any informality or irregularity in any bid received and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective bids received. The award, if made will be to the lowest responsible bidder as so determined by the City.

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the gold standard Agent oF the Week

Century 21 AdAMs & BArnes (626) 358-1858

Century 21 eArll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Marisela Torres

List your home with a CENTURY 21® Agent and you could win the $8,000 List Your Home Sweepstakes! no listing or PurChAse neCessAry to Win. Must be 18 or older and a legal u.s. resident to enter. void in ks, Mo, nJ, ok, and ri. details at century21.com/ sweepstakes. odds of winning depend on number of entries. ends June 30th. each CENTURY 21® Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.



Agent oF the Week

NO LISTING OR PURCHASE NECESSARY TO WIN. Must be 18 or older and a legal U.S. resident to enter. Void in KS, MO, NJ, OK, and RI. Details at century21.com/sweepstakes. Odds of winning depend on number of entries. Ends June 30th. Each CENTURY 21® Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

Las veGas


The “Palomino Hacienda” is a sprawling Spanish Hacienda featuring a 3982 SF guest house, main residence of Michael Jackson during his stay, to the luxurious 20638 SF main house which includes a Spanish Chapel, guest/maids quarters w/separate kitchen, huge family room, dining rooms, and several living rooms, on a 1.7 acre lot with several separate gardens and trails that lead throughout the estate, 8500 SF basement, neighborhood Who’s Who in the entertainment world. (P2710)

Century 21 ludeCke InC (626) 445-0123

Adel Mclellan

Agent oF the Week

Agent oF the Week

Century 21 ludeCke inC. 626-445-0123

Century 21 villAge reAlty (626) 355-1451

Sharon Chou

Emily Duggan



0O 131




Private stunning estate on over 5 acres. There are 6 bedrooms & 9 bathrooms, great room formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, all Viking appliance kitchen,5 fireplaces, Grafix Master Lighting, Niles Audio System, pool, spa, entertainment pavillion,5 car garage with tons of storage, and a motor court that can park 8 cars. All of this oozing in premium quality. (M448)

FantastIc arcadIa Home


Stunning 4,300 sq. ft. Santa Anita Oaks Estate situated on a 1/2 acre, features a gourmet kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, Formal Living Room & Dinning Room, family room, pool & spa, 3car garage and much more! (ARB)

arcadIa oaks


Beautiful home in a wonderful Arcadia neighborhood. Spacious 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths all one level, great family room with wet bar, open kitchen with granite counter tops and granite top island, sub zero refrigerator, hardwood and marble floors, breakfast nook, living room, formal dining room, 3630 sq.ft. home, 18,150 sq.ft. lot, Large pool, yard with view of the mountains. (O1310)

Century 21 ludeCke InC (626) 445-0123

Century 21 earll, ltd. 626-301-1888

Century 21 vIllaGe realty (626) 355-1451

Income ProPerty

north of foothIll!

LocatIon! LocatIon! LocatIon!

M -4P N 2UE 64 U S N EN VE OP1430 A

PrIvate Lake area


REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the cul-de-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/ bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! (AVE) www.1430avenue64.com


These 3units are located in a nice area, walking distance to PCC & 210 FWY, Front unit 2/1 + Huge Bonus Room that can be extra BR or Playroom, other 2 units have 1bdr 1bth. Has project for 6 condo units, total 8127 SF with elevator (permit expires - easy to resubmit). (S167)

Century 21 earll, ltd. (626) 301-1888

Century 21 ludeCke InC (626) 445-0123

Great 3 Bedroom $749,000 This home features 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. 1850 square feet living space. Located in a quiet neighborhood and close to Elementary School. Lovely low maintenance yard w/pool on 10,000+ sq. ft. lot. (LER)

north arCadIa loCatIon

Century 21 earll , ltd (626)-301-1888

Century 21 vIllaGe realty (626) 355-1451

temPLe cIty turnkey

faBulous townhome!


Fabulous family home with Temple City schools. Many recent upgrades and improvements. Newly remodeled kitchen w/ granite counter tops. Dining room features built-in china cabinets w/ granite tops, a large family rm w/ new carpet and fireplace. Patio w/ in-ground heated spa & waterfall. 3BR, 2BA and LR w/ hardwood floors and another fireplace. Quiet neighborhood on a cul-de-sac. (N9665)


Brandnewtownhomes startInG@$698,000 Custom built 3bdrm 2.5 bath in Arcadia School District. Gourmet kitchen, granite counters, excellent floor plan, many extras, extra cabinets in garage and nice size yard. (E152)


This beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath newer home features living room and dining area, kitchen with granite counters and newer appliances, master suite w/retreat spa & two car garage with lots of storage. Washer/ dryer area is upstairs with a den/office/bonus area. Arcadia schools!!! (FAN)

Century 21 earll, ltd. 626-301-1888

prestIGIous estate

BeautIful home on larGe lot


Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

Built in 1998 this Mursol built PUD is measured Over 2000 sq.ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, family room, formal dining area, fireplace and yard area. Laminate flooring, awnings, new oven, high ceilings and formal entry. (1st926)

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

Every estate tells a story and this prestigious Duarte home is no exception. Tucked away on a grand lot sits this marvelous property that has hosted some of the history of the San Gabriel Valley. This home offers 4BR, 2.75 BA w/ an ample master sitting area that boasts an impressive fireplace. With so much to describe we invite you to visit this special estate that beckons you to add to its charm and history. (R1632)


Character and charm north of Foothill corner lot. With in walking distance to all of Monrovia’s hot spots. Surrounded by fruit trees, this great home features 5 bedrooms, formal dining area, hardwood floors, recently updated kitchen, separate laundry room and a lot of original built in cabinets for storage. Great opportunity to add some finishing touches of your own to make this a great home. (M270)


Located in Sierra Madre this 1,986 sq.ft. one owner home is situated on a 11,800 sq.ft. lot and features 4 bedrooms, dining room, family room, nicely updated kitchen with built-ins, laundry room, central air & heat, 2 fireplaces, swimming pool and 2 baths. View of the mountains, double attached garage. (W315)

Century 21 vIllaGe realty (626) 355-1451

Century 21 ludeCke InC (626) 445-0123

lovely tradItIonal


Located in N.E. Pasadena with man y upgrades inside and out. Updated kitchen with Cesar stone counters, newer stainless dishwasher, microwave and hood, tile flooring extends to the dining room, gorgeous hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Covered patio, seating area with fire pit, detached 2 car garage. (D275)

Century 21 vIllaGe realty (626) 355-1451

vIews, vIews, vIews


This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine seller, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)

Century 21 earll, ltd.



Tucked up in the Foothills of Monrovia, this home was expanded and remodeled in 2009. Sitting comfortably on a large lot with a pool, patio & loads of privacy, this is a great opportunity. The original charm was retained yet this home has all of the modern amenities you would expect today. The lg. oversized garage and work shop is every handy persons dream come true. The quality of construction is great. Move-in fresh! (N1034)

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

updated sIerra madre home


Family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home with Large two side yards, fireplace, FA/CA, granite Counters, wood and Laminate flooring. 1497 sq.ft. measured, 7500 sq.ft. lot. (G262)

Century 21 vIllaGe realty (626) 355-1451

BeautIful townhome


This Townhome was built in 2005 and is located near downtown Huntington Beach, excellent condition with 3bdrms 2bths, gourmet kitchen w/stainless steel appliances, tiled floor, granite countertops, master suite w/balcony and huge walk-in closet, full 2car garage w/laundry hook ups, low HOA, fresh paint inside, very clean, looks brand new, GREAT BUY!!!. (C19116)

Century 21 ludeCke InC (626) 445-0123

Great Investment!


5 units in a great location. 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Total 2,148 sq. ft. Lot size 7,971 sq. ft. (2-609)

Century 21 adams & Barnes • (626) 358-1858

Century 21 Adams & Barnes

Century 21 eArll, ltd.

Century 21 ludeCke inC

Century 21 villAge reAlty

433 West Foothill Blvd., MonroviA

320 e. Foothill Blvd., ArCAdiA

20 e. Foothill Blvd. suite 105, ArCAdiA

38 W. sierrA MAdre Blvd., sierrA MAdre




(626) 358-1858 WWW.C21AB.net

(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451

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