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Community News, Arts, Opinions and Events Since 1996
AHS Constitution Team Wins National Title By Susan Motander and Nuria Mathog T he A rca d ia H ig h School Constitution team won the National Championship in a competition which was held over the weekend in Washington D.C. The team of thirty high school seniors had won the state competition earlier this year. “Out of all the academic or athletic teams there are, I honestly believe t hat t he “We t he People” program is the most “tea m-l i ke,” sa id team member Derek Ha. ”I feel like the luckiest person in the world for having gotten to go through all of this. Working with these people - especially my unit - is challenging, frustrating, stimulating, inspiring, but above all, humbling. I think we all expected it [winning nationals] and did not expect it at the same time. All of us knew we could do it, but the fact that it truly happened is still unbelievable. To next year’s team: Mr. Fox deserves many more national titles...bring him
Continued on Page 11
Thursday, April 29 - May 5, 2010 Volume XV, No. XXVI
THISMoves WEEK Doo Dah Parade East this Saturday
Corky Peterson is this year’s Grand Marshal of the world’s funniest parade. The 2010 Doo Dah Queen is none other than Erica Valentine, guitar player extraordinaire. - Photo by Terry Miller After 33 years in the the Doo Dah Parade was Old Pasadena retail and actually born. This year enter t a inment dist r ict , the ever-present element the Doo Dah Parade will of surprise and hilarity bring its notorious brand will again run full throttle of wackiness across town when inventive, if zany, on Saturday, May 1st, step- art cars and floats accomping off at 11:00am. The pany a legion of frolickers relocation to East Colo- past the mom-n-pop shops rado Boulevard places the along their shady tree-lined parade in an older, retro streets. neighborhood reminiscent Comprising this year’s of its long-ago ‘Old Town’ visual fare will be such roots. In fact, this year’s wildly diverse entries as a Grand Marshal is Corky fleet of motorized “Kinetic Peterson, former proprietor Continued on Page 19 of Chromo’s Tavern where
Detective Doney MAP Celebrated Reorganized Council Picks Mosca for Mayor, Disgusted with in Library Park Buchanan Tapped as Pro-Tem MacGillivray Dirty Duarte By Susan Motander Offers Lone Doctor Decision Dr. Daniel Healy, Duarte’s Dirty Drug Doctor has finally been sentenced after several postponements. Federal Judge Manuel Real sentence the doctor to just 4 years, less than even his attorney had requested. In the sentencing, the Judge remarked that by his conviction alone, Healy had lost his livelihood and entire lifestyle. Healy’s attorney had requested leniency and asked that he be sentenced to only 5 years. The federal prosecutor had requested
No, this was not a celebration of cartographers, but rather of community. Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) which is sponsored by the City of Monrovia shared the joy of community with the community. T here were boot hs from various departments of the city including the police and fire departments as well as public works. There were also booths from the other sponsors of the event. In addition to the city sponsorship assistance was received from the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills, the Gas Company, Distinctive Proper-
Joe Mosca was selected the city’s new mayor on Tuesday night, replacing MaryAnn MacGillivray in what was one of the city’s most contentious elections in Sierra Madre’s history. The vote was 4 -1 w it h MacGillvary voting nay on both the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem appointments. John Buchanan is now Sierra Madre’s Mayor Pro Tem. When long time clerk Nancy Shollenberger called up the newly elected council member Joe Mosca for swearing in, the audience
Continued on Page 3
Continued on Page 6
Continued on Page 8
By Susan Motander
Dissent on Both
Joe Mosca was selected Mayor at Tuesday’s Sierra Madre City Council reorganization. Pictured with Mosca is City Clerk Nancy Shollenberger. - Photo by Terry Miller
2 April 29 - May 5, 2010
An Open Letter to Our Sierra Madre Readers When I first began my tenure as editor of these newspapers on the first day of 2008, we set forth a number of goals for our newspapers. Some of these are still works in progress, and some of these have been great successes. A shining example of the latter would have to be our efforts to receive and publish more letters from the community than ever before. What, I asked a staff comprised entirely of people many years my elder, would be the point in initiating interest in community news amongst our readers if we were not equally as interested in their input as we wished them to be in ours. Months later, the plan seemed to be working. After putting forward our best attempts at coverage of and pieces of interest to the communities we strive to serve, the letters rolled in, at times filling nearly all of page three. Some of these letters were praiseful; others were critical and even mean-spirited. Regardless, we proudly printed them all. All this being said, it seems to me - and must as well to many of our prior critics - bizarre beyond words that on Monday of this week John Crawford’s blog published a letter that “was originally intended for mailing to The Sierra Madre Weekly and publication there. But as that publication has shown itself
The Doozies
to be an unreliable and unprofessional venue, it was forwarded to The Tattler by Mayor MacGillivray for publication here instead.” The fact that a letter addressed specifically to our newspaper would not be sent to our office and would instead be forwarded to a politically-motivated blog not by its anonymous author(s), but by the person whom the letter makes its subject is, to say the least, strange, and for the personal reasons I have formerly explained, disappointing. In fact, were it not for this past week’s onslaught of threatening (and anonymous) phone calls to our office by a select few of Sierra Madre’s more politically-active citizens, we may not have even known that the letter existed or that this response was warranted. So it is with some concern that this action may reopen civic wounds I believe most residents would prefer left to heal, that I will now move to address specifically the text of the blog post and letter in question. Borrowing a quote from the election coverage printed in our April 15th, 2010 edition, the author of this letter challenges three particular assertions made by Father Michael Bamberger: (1) That the city council at the time of the 1991 earthquake, which included current Mayor
Maryann MacGillivray, failed to declare a state of emergency in due time, (2) that councilmember MacGillivray returned to an out-of-town summit after tending to the damage at her own home, and (3) that these actions by Mrs. MacGillivray irreparably damaged his opinion of her as a city leader worthy of reelection. This first assertion, as is stated in the letter and has been confirmed with the help of the wonderful staff of the Sierra Madre Public Library and their microfilm archives, is, according to the late Sierra Madre News, untrue. Indeed, the July 4th, 1991 issue of said newspaper contains a story, headlined “City damages equal $12.5 million”, which says in the second paragraph that “Sierra Madre City Council and Los Angeles County declared a state of emergency that same day [of the earthquake]”. Three paragraphs later, that same article says that the newspaper had contacted the office of then-Governor Pete Wilson whose spokesman said that “the governor is still waiting to gather all the data from the Office of Emergency Services” and that “There is a false sense that by declaring a state of emergency, money would flow”. But the spokesman said that this was “not the case” and that a rushed declaration would be “akin
By Tom Gammill
By Jeff Corriveau
By John Stephens MEDIA, INC. Publisher/Editor in Chief Von Raees
Editorial Editor
John B. Stephens
Photographer Terry Miller
Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage
Get a haircut, hippie! - Photo by Terry Miller to declaring marshal law without going through the normal steps”. The paper then reported that the spokesman said that ‘the governor may or may not declare Sierra Madre and its foothill neighbors in a state of emergency’. Additionally, then-Police Chief Bill Betts told the paper that he was disappointed in the governor’s apparent delay in an emergency declaration. Even Mr. Bamberger himself is later quoted in the story, citing “significant structural damage to the bell tower and the south wall” of his Church of the Ascension building. The frustration among the citizenry and even journalists with the delay in a state-level response to the emergency is palpable in nearly every line of the story. Can Mr. Bamberger be forgiven for misremembering and in turn misplacing frustration and blame onto the wrong level of government nearly 20 years after such a traumatic event? I leave that to your individual discretion. The second assertion, that Mrs. MacGillivray returned, along with the rest of the city council, to a conference 114 miles away in Rancho Bernardo the following day, is, by this letter’s own admission, absolutely true. Thus, for this, a pardon of Mr. Bamberger’s words is unnecessary. The third point in Mr. Bamberger’s statement is that this action by Mrs. MacGillivray was something of which he did not approve, and that it had significantly diminished his respect for her as a laudable city leader. Again, disagree if you wish, but a man is entitled to his own
opinion and the right to exercise that opinion at the polls, as well as in the press. To be sure, the factual error by Mr. Bamberger is regrettable. For as this paper intended to offer a quote from an elated supporter of a victorious candidate, what was printed inadvertently aided a small but influential group in their inexorable and anonymous campaign against I truly know not what, but what many have thus far, and I will now call “civility”. Below, I will sign this letter with my name, as we do every week in our newspapers. Because of the hard work we put into this labor of love each Thursday, I know of nothing on earth that can provide a greater sense of pride and accountability. Unfortunately, it was not until our staff made numerous requests of the Tattler blog that a list of signatories was added to the bottom of the letter posted Monday. After the list was posted, we spoke with one of these signatories who said that they had been contacted and asked for permission to use their name to lend credence to the effort. This person said that they had agreed to the request, despite having not read the letter. Still, the true author of the letter remains anonymous. And it is to this person that I would like to suggest they taste, if only just this once, the pride and accountability of which I earlier spoke so highly.
Susan Motander Bill Peters Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal
Production Intern Courtney Blackburn
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Sales Manager Andrea Olivas
Legal Advertising Annette Reyes
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Submissions Policy All press releases, story ideas and announcements should be submitted, as a Microsoft Word attachment, to one of the following e-mail addresses: This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc. The Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759. The Monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation in Court Case GS 004759.
Thoughtfully, John Stephens, Editor Sierra Madre Weekly
My Father-in-Law Was Right
t he one t ha t someone sent to me, then send it on to others. That usually calls for more time to sit down and write a little note to update our lives. I consider that as t ime well spent , but it does mean delaying some other chores. Now and then I reach that point of being behind which calls for making lists and prioritizing. I ma ke a colu m n for things that Must be done right away, one for things that Should be done soon and one for things to do Whenever I get to them. The columns are all rather long. This morning a friend c a l led a nd w a nt ed t o do something really fun a nd rela x i ng but def initely time consuming. I groaned and looked at my lists: meetings to attend, columns to write, bi l l s t o pay, c lea n i n g to do, er ra nds to r un, a button to sew, a hem to repair, calls to make, and more. I saw myself as the frazzled gal in the cartoon. I began to shift jobs from one column to the other. Finally the Must Do colu m n w a s qu it e manageable, the Should Do produced a f leeting moment of guilt and the When I Get To It just kept growing. I ca l led my f r iend back and said I’ll meet her at noon. My fatherin-law was right. I’m in no hurry to get my chores done.
hair hair
Detective Doney Disgusted with Dirty Duarte Doctor Decision
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Continued from the First Page 17 years. With credit for the time he has already spent in custody, Healy will serve only 85% of the remaining three years of his sentence. Monrovia Police Detective Rich Doney, who was instrumental in effecting the arrest of the doctor for illegal sales of drugs said he was not pleased with the sentence. “This is a travesty of justice,� Doney said; “he will end up serving less time than many of
his patients will in rehab.� According to data bases maintained by the federal government, in 2008, Healy dispensed more than 1 million hydrocodone tablets (known by the trade name Vicodin) from his office in Duarte. This was more than any other doctor in the country. As a Federal Judge, Real was appointed for l i fe a nd is not subject to periodic electoral review.
)PVST 5VFTEBZoɨVSTEBZ Voted one of the best salons in the San Gabriel Valley for more than 10 years 'SJEBZo4BUVSEBZ TBMPO QSJDJOH PO UIF CBDL
skin skin skin
By Dorothy Denne When I used to complain that I didn’t have time to get all my chores done, my fat her -in-law would always remind me, “That’s all right Dorothy, you don’t want to finish your chores. When they are done, so are you.� He finished his chores in 1978. I miss h i m st i l l a nd t h i n k of h im of ten. We wou ld sometimes laugh together at t hings not ever yone found laughable. I received a photocopy today of a cartoon that I know would have evoked a chuckle from him. It shows a harried, frazzled looking woman w it h crossed eyes a nd turned down mouth. The side caption reads, “God put me on Earth to accomplish a certain number of things...right now I’m so far behind I will never die.� He would approve of that. I love cartoons. Perhaps that is part of why I am behind. I’m always taking time to cut one out to send to someone or running out to copy
Bellisima April 29 - May 5, 2010
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Take Me Out to the Dodger Game! By Greg Aragon When I was little, my friends and I loved taking the bus to see the Los A ngeles Dodgers. A nd even though we weren’t big baseball fans, we were enchanted by the experience of sitting in a giant stadium, surrounded by huge lights, perfectly cut grass and thousands of fans. We also loved eating Dodger dogs and peanuts and screaming at opposing teams. Today I still feel the same way. I don’t follow the game closely, but I thoroughly enjoy the experience of sitting outside with a cold beer, sharing a spring or summer night with thousands of enthusiastic fans and cheering on a national pastime. Such was the case recently when a friend and I went to Dodger Stadium for a matchup between the Dodgers and first place San Francisco Giants. Because we had Dugout Club seats, we began the evening with dinner at the exclusive club restaurant, located on the ground level of the stadium. Here we found a hip buffet and full bar area full of serious baseball fans and a few celebrities. Since all the gourmet food is free with purchase of a Dugout Club ticket, we grabbed plates and enjoyed roast beef, carnitas, shrimp, various
salads and of course Dodger dogs. While eating we bought a couple beers and listened to Vin Scully prepare the game on TV. A nd ju st when we thought it couldn’t get any better, we walked out the room to our seats. Named by USA Today in 2008 as the best seat in the National League, the best premium seat in Major League Baseball, and third-best overall seat in MLB, The Dugout Club is must-sit-and-see experience for any baseball fan. As a casual fan I was very impressed by the seat’s views and proximity to the field, as well as by the chef-prepared gourmet food served inside the club. Our fourth-row seats, located about 10 feet from the on-deck circle, we were actually closer to the catcher than the pitcher standing on the mound. The seats were so good, a friend said he saw me on television when a foul ball flew behind the catcher.
The only two seats in baseball that were rated higher than the Dugout Club are at Boston’s Fenway Park, and Rogers Centre in Toronto. As for the game itself, the Dodgers won 10 – 8, thanks to a grand slam by Andre Ethier. Besides this, the game was highlighted by a tribute to Jackie Robinson on the 63rd anniversary of his first game in the big leagues with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Both teams wore old-styled uniforms with No. 42 (Robinson’s number) on the back. After the game, we headed back inside The Dugout Club for the popular one-hour post-game martini party. The celebration is not only fun; it is also a great way to let parking ease up. Ticket prices range from $12 for top deck seats to about $285 for VIP. Parking is $15. For more info on seeing a game, ticket prices and The Dugout Club, visit:
Special Needs Kids Experience Mountains at Camp Paivika AbilityFirst Camp Paivika in the San Bernardino Mountains, near Lake Arrowhead and overlooking the Inland Empire, is offering traditional overnight camping experiences for kids and adults, 11-plus, who have mild to severe special needs including autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, ADHD and epilepsy. As campers enjoy their Paivika experience, families can take a respite from the rigors and challenges of providing 24/7 care, knowing that their disabled loved ones are safe, cared for and occupied with a full slate of fun including horseback riding and swimming.
Camp Paivika is fully accessible and accredited by the American Camping Association. Three, four, five and nine night sessions are available from
June through August. Visit for more information and video, or call (909) 339-1102. Tours are available.
April 29 - May 5, 2010
Monrovia Kiwanis Donates $5K to SAFYMCA Youth Alliance
e-mail to:
Temple City Pre-Schools After Schools
Playfactory Preschool and Kindergarten
A Non-Profit Non-Sectarian Program Open to all Children of the Community License# 191502175
Children 2 thru 6 Full or Part Time Breakfast • Lunch • Afternoon Snack Kindergarten for children 5 and 6 OPEN 6:45 A.M. TO 6 P.M. • MON. - FRI.
Cyndi Halton, Director Accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs
The Monrovia Kiwanis Club presented SantaCity AnitaChristian Family YMCA’s Youth Alliance Program Temple Preschool with a $5,000 donation in an oversized check toPreschool the excitement of the kids and teens in the Developmental Program for ages 2 / -5 Full-day and Half-day Programs, Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. program. Standing behind the kids are, from left: Kiwanis Past President, Les Peterson; Serving the Community since 1965 • Promote self-confidence and positive self-esteemmember, Chris Shevlin; Youth Alliance Program Coordinator, Ulises Gutierrez; Kiwanis • Developmentally appropriate activities • Focus onVice cognitive, social, emotional and physical development Kiwanis President, Ryan Garcia; Kiwanis President, Alfredo Mejia, and Kiwanis member/ • Foster independence and promote self-help skills SAFYMCA Development Director, Cheryl Reynolds. A place where learning is fun were help, bible study, counseling, For a kid it can take just dinner and presentation Come and visit our campus. 6019 Baldwin Ave. (Enter on Rowland Ave.) fitness activities, a 24-hour one person who believes in Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Carol Burns, Director Temple City, CA 91780 (626) 286-0042 Lic. # 191502293 you to make a difference in Lutz and Councilwoman Teen Support Talk Line, your life. The more than 100 Becky Shevlin. leadership development semkids and teens involved in The SAFYMCA Youth inars, group discussions, and Santa Anita Family YMCA’s Alliance is a comprehen- Friday night family-style dinLuke School accepting applications for 2008-09 Youth Alliance Program sive personal development ners are someSt. of the many St. Luke Catholic School is ing atmosphere that daily fosacademic decathlon, and are learning there are lots program for at-risk middle components of the program, currently accepting applicaters self-respect and respect sports. of people in the community school and high school stu- all provided attions no cost to the for the 2008-2009 for others, prepares students Since 1947, St. Luke Cathowho believe in them, includ- dents. The program is de- participants. school year for students en- for future challenges. lic School has been graduattering Kindergarten through nurturing, loving, and ing educated Catholic stuing the Monrovia Kiwanis signed to develop the tools In 2009, the Youth Al-entering safeA environment 7th grade. Students introduces dents who go on to the area Club that recently donated and behavior required for liance provided 7,161 tutorKindergarten must be five students to a true sense of public and Catholic high yearsteen-based old by Sept. 1, 2008. $5,000 to the Youth Alliance teens to fulfill their dreams. ing sessions; 676 Christian community, which schools, which include St. Don St. Luke Catholic School is promotes learning. Bosco (Boys) in Rosemead, Program. Each developmental plan has rehabilitation located sessions, and at 5521 N. Cloverly LaSalle (Co-ed) and Mayfield St. Luke School adheres to The relationship be- three categories: Spiritual, 13,817 transportations Ave. in Temple for City and is (Girls) in Pasadena, Loyola the California State Standards accredited by WCEA (boys) in Los Angeles, Alverno tween the Youth Alliance Mental, and Physical and tutoring classes,fully and to curriculum of the Friday night Catholic Education (Girls) in Sierra Madre, Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Monrovia Kiwanis starts with identifying the programs at the(Western SAFYMCA Association) and WASC Ramona (Girls) in Alhambra, system of more than 225 elClub is one that has been strengths and interests of the and teen-based(Western Association of Bishop Amat (Co-ed) in La rehabilitation ementary schools. Schools and Colleges). Puente, St. Francis (Boys) and growing over the past year, youth. Goals are established programs. As well as receiving a strong Flintridge Sacred Heart AcadSt. Luke School is a place foundation in the core basics said Kiwanis President, Ryan and obstacles identified. The The SAFYMCA is located emy (Girls) in La Canada. where students are helped to of education, students have a Garcia. youth is then connected with at 501 S. Mountain in MongrowAve. spiritually, morally, inFor more information revariety of other necessary tellectually, about socially and garding application to St. Luke “We’ve gotten to know people and resources to help rovia. For more information educational experiences inSchool, please call (626) 291volving art, music, technolthe kids as they have volun- him or her overcome the the SAFYMCA physically. Youth Alliance, 5959. The tradition of a Cathoogy, physical education, choir, teered and played a key part obstacles and reach their call (626) 359-9244 or within visita learnlic education, in several Kiwanis events. goals. Tutoring, homework The Youth Alliance program Celebrating more than 65 years of service is touching many young lives MAC Summer School invites you to in a very positive way. Our Advance One Whole Grade Level! club’s donation is an investFULL-TIME Accelerate during the summer to make your next SPACES ment in helping the program PACIFIC FRIENDS SCHOOL AVAILABLE school year easier! • Register before 6/13/08 to grow so that it can impact A Developmental Pre-School even more kids and families SUMMER CAMP FREE DIAGNOSTIC TEST AND EVALUATION Before and After School Care Dates: 6/16 - 8/22/08 in our community,” said Mon/ - Fri. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Garcia. “Our kids were thrilled 1. Math & English Acceleration Course 6210 Temple City 6210 Temple City BlvdBlvd to have the Kiwanis memSkill-Specific coaching (K-6th Grade) fR6:30 626-287-6880 E o OPEN A.M. TO 6:30 P.MCA 91780ACCREDITED BY Temple City, ! 2. Special Subject Courses (7th-9th Grade) Temple M bers come out to share a FriNational Association for the nChildhood • Accredited programCity, with safeCA 91780 ks Early u M e of Young Children Algebra I & II, Geometry, Lit. Analysis, Creative Writing FP environment e M (626) 287-6880 Education Professional Association for day night dinner with them at SU 3. Junior-Senior Courses erStaff with Firstvisit Childhood Education • W Qualified Aid and CPR A 9 our website at m the Y, and especially excited Trigonometry, Calculus, AP English, SAT Prep • C Large Outdoor Play Areas CONVENIENT LOCATION um Landscaping •SBeautiful MAC System Temple City Learning Center to see the oversize check that st th 6210 Temple City Boulevard *1 through 6 Graders • Reasonable Prices 5921 OAK AVE. • TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780 Temple City CA 91780 they brought with them. The st • Potty Training *1*Up through 6th Graders to 11 hours of care perof day Member - TC Chamber Commerce (626) 285-7768 Santa Anita Family YMCA *Up to 11snacks hours aofday care per day available *Two is very grateful for the sup*3-Three Week Sessions to choose from *Open 8am till 6pm (extended care available) *Open 8am till 5pm (extended care available) port of the Monrovia Kiwan*EducationalGoals: Goals: Reading Math *Educational Reading andand Math is Club,” said Youth Alliance *Exciting trips and Activities *$450 per 3 Week Session Coordinator, Ulises Gutier*Exciting trips and Activities rez. Also in attendance at the email: (extra fees apply) -1 2
Sonshine House Preschool
(626) 287-6880
6 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Travelers and Collectors Speaker Series
Monrovia Area Partnership Celebrated in Library Park Continued from the First Page t ies, Bank of America, Athens Services, the Skin Care Shop and Southern California Edison. The Boys and Girls Club had games, while the Santa Anita YMCA and the school district focussed more on healthy eating and exercise. Of course the Boy Scouts were there being prepared and Athens Service prepared hot dogs for the crowd. Rubio’s provided chips and salsa while the Y suggested healthier fare with their banana and peanut butter whole wheat wraps. The Chamber of Commerce was there to promote shopping in Monrovia and severa l mercha nt s had booths and provided door prizes. There was a little something for everyone. T he r e w a s e ve n a boot h st affed by ra ngers f rom Ca nyon Pa rk with a stuffed black bear, raccoon and fox. They also had a live tarantula and a small snake. One Monrovian of the canine
The Neighborhood Conference 2010 – Presented by Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) – was held Saturday at Monrovia’s Library Park complete with workshops, free food, raffles, games for kids and tons of information booths from area services and businesses. Additionally, there were many workshops such as “introduction to City Government” and “Thriving in Today’s Job Market”. - Photo by Terry Miller variety was not upset by the snake at all. Pepe was even able to tolerate the bear and fox, but he was
convinced that raccoon was up to no good and spent a good deal of time (and a lot of his owner’s
The Santa Anita and Smoky Hollow Woodcarvers Invite you to our
Wo od ca r v i ng S how !
strength) making certain ever yone k new of t he danger of t hat masked menace.
On Friday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m., Dr. Michael Budincich will present “Haiti: Broken But Not Defeated,” the 2010 season finale of Sierra Madre Library’s armchair travelers series. Dr. Budincich flew his single engine Cessna bush plane on a relief mission in Haiti after the January earthquake, when pilots with his experience were needed to fly medical personnel and supplies into rural and remote areas. For almost two decades “Dr. Bud”, a Pasadena chiropractor and Sierra Madre resident, has been a member of the Flying Samaritans. He and other doctors bring chiropractic care to needy men, women, and children
in Mexico. Dr. Bud is also a member of several “flying doctor” groups and works with Missions of Baja as a missionary pilot, translator, and chiropractor. He has treated thousands of impoverished Mexican nationals and flown much needed medications, clothing, and supplies to Baja clinics. Travelers and Collectors meets at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. This program is free and open to the public. This is the final program of the 2010 season. The series will resume in February 2011. Travelers and Collectors is funded by the Friends of the Sierra Madre Library.
48th Annual
Sierra Madre Art Fair Saturday, May 1 - 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 2 - 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sat. May 1, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Sun. May 2, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Come see the artistry that our California Carvers Guild members have created! We will have a large variety of works representing relief, chip carving, birds, decoys, fish, caricature, and wood burning. See carving underway! Enter a raffle for unique prizes! Carvings will be available for purchase—makes an excellent Mothers Day gift. Your entire family will enjoy the show.
Senior Citizens Building Arcadia County Park 405 South Santa Anita Ave Arcadia Located between Huntington Dr and the Santa Anita Golf Course in Arcadia Park.
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for event information: 626.355.7186 or Benefits Sierra Madre Public Library 05554-Friends of the Sierra Madre Library Art Fair Poster.indd 1
11/18/2009 4:50:28 PM
April 29 - May 5, 2010
MacGillivray Offers Lone Dissent on All Appointments Continued from the First Page gave a standing ovation. “I’m looking forward to working with each one of you, solving the challenges facing our community and moving forward.” Mosca told his fellow council members at Tuesday evening’s overflow crowd. Josh Moran and Nancy Walsh, who were welcomed Also sworn in Tuesday were Josh Moran and Nancy Walsh by most of the audience who proudly took their council seats Tuesday evening. with equal enthusiasm, Photos by Terry Miller were a lso swor n in on Tuesday night. According to Jean Otto, a senior citizen and supporter of Mr. Mosca’s candidacy said that the new city council would be a “breath of fresh air for the city”. Don Watts, who lost his bid for re election and Kurt Zimmerman who decided not to run again, were both honored for their service as council members. Zimmerman spoke eloquently of his accomplishments as did Don Watts who said he was sad to leave the council and quipped that he would need to find something else to man took time to assert that the gavel incido with his time. Both men congratulated dent involving MacGillivray and now Mayor the new council members as they vacated Mosca had been overblown in the local press their seats. The former mayor will stay on and speakeasies. Unlike those who still hold council, now two seats to the left. the incident as an important moment in city’s MacGillivray was also honored for her political arena, whom he admonished, Zimservice and showered with gifts, including merman said both Mosca and MacGillivray a ceremonial gavel from the city, as well as had forgotten about the incident “the minute gifts from council members Watts and Zim- that meeting was over”. Both Watts and Zimmerman. The always eloquent Faye Angus, merman hoped said they hope the city could a staunch supporter of the former mayor, now move on without “rancorous politics”, as presented a bouquet of flowers as her way of Zimmerman put it. saying thank you. One of the speakers during public Thanking those community members comment was Sierra Madre Weekly responsible for the flowers and card, MacGil- Managing Editor John Stephens who livray joked that Hail Hamilton had perhaps read into public record a letter defendforgotten to sign the card. Hamilton’s verbal ing this newspaper’s journalistic integassault on the outgoing mayor during public rity, which had been called into quescomment was not yet forgotten by most of tion by a vociferous faction in the form those in attendance, many of whom chuckled of a letter, addressed to the newspaper, at Mrs. MacGillivray’s comic relief. but never sent. His response followed Although Mr. Zimmerman’s ardent a reading of this letter by De Alcorn, request that council select MacGillivray as husband of former council candidate Mayor Pro Tem was rejected 4-1, Zimmer- Pat Alcorn.
Despite Mrs. Macgillivray’s assertion that he was a man of few words, former Mayor and Council Member Kurt Zimmerman offered a long list of accomplishments during his tenure on the city council.
- Photos by Terry Miller
Proceeds benefit the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Charities
Wistaria Thrift Shop Inventory Clearance 50% Off on
All Merchandise Thursday, and Friday, April 29 and 30 and Saturday and Monday May 1 and 3 10:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Penny sale continues Through the end of May Buy 1 item of clothing at Regular or sales price and get the second item of equal or lesser value for $.01
550 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (626) 355-7739 Store now open 1st, 3rd, and 4th Saturdays of the month
Proceeds benefit Sierra Madre Women’s Club Charities.
8 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Getting the Good Table By Peter Dills Does it matter where you sit at a restaurant, or is the phrase, “location, location, location,” just as relevant in a restaurant as real estate? Of course we all have our preferences: table, booth, bar, counter, patio, two top and four top. Many diner’s have special needs and a table is the only way to enjoy a meal, but is it acceptable for the able-bodied to ask for the large booth that looks inviting when the host has committed to giving you that tiny table next to the kitchen with its swinging doors? Well follow me through another adventure. T h i s epiph a ny oc curred to me last week when a group of friends and I dined at The Ruth Chris Steak House on Colorado. Now, I’ll get into the brief review of the restaurant in the next paragraph. But I have dined at the Ruth Chris at least ten times since it opened some five years ago. With one exception, I have dined in the bar every time, and this is by choice. Now if you are
Look Sharp.
In our super-casual country, some people consider their favorite pair of sweats perfectly appropriate for more formal situations. Not to pass judgment on these choices, but just remember that “your lawn” and “an elegant restaurant” are very different fashion moments. The front-of-the-house tends to give high-profile tables to well-dressed clientele.
Say It’s a Special Occasion.
on a candelestic meeting, such as Sandra Bullock’s husband, it makes sense to hide in a dark corner, but I’m a people watcher, and I don’t need to avoid the press, or an angry wife. Though, I do need to run from an enraged chef on occasion. When you enter Ruth Chris, you will notice the classic long, straight bar just inside the entrance. The bar area also contains a number of useful tables scattered throughout the room. They are certainly big enough for two or three people. Another advantage of sitting in the bar area is
that Ruth Chris offers it guests an above average Happy Hour. So how do you get the table that you want when dining out? Here are a few recommendations... and remember to be polite and complimentary on their operation.
I f you’re bold a nd somewhat freewheeling with your money, the “slip the host some cash” trick is usually quite effective. I am never brazen enough to attempt this one, but this practice is completely
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acceptable and effective within the restaurant industry. Do not be overt when attempting this, it is a covert transaction, and never be silly enough to try this with denominations under ($10).
Arrive on Time.
This seems obvious (it is) but keep in mind that if you’re more than fifteen minutes late, your reserved table is likely to disappear. If you know you’re going to be late, always call to alert the restaurant – hosts and managers genuinely appreciate this courtesy.
It’s best not to outright lie about a birthday or anniversary – your waiter might stick a candle in your crème Brule, which can be awkward, especially, if they remember you when it really is your birthday. But consider telling the host, vaguely, that the night is a special one. Because it is! Back to my meal, always enjoy the service and attitude at the Ruth Chris, bargains are there if you look. The Steaks are good, but I am not sold on the idea of the sizzling steak, the plate is too darn hot. But I do get it. Thumbs up! Ruth’s Chris Steak House 369 E. Colorado Pasadena (626) 583-8122. Charter Cable subscribers follow Peter on CNN HLN for weekly reviews and on twitter or facebook.
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April 29 - May 5, 2010
This Saturday: Miss Saigon at Historic San Gabriel Theatre With local production companies struggling and classic theatres closing such as the Pasadena Playhouse, it’s wonderful to see a young and vibrant cast and crew working on a new live production. One that will indubitably revive an interest in live theatre Led by an extremely energetic and tireless team that includes Producer Bobby Hundley, Director Ray A. Rochelle, Ricki Lugo, Choreographer and Richard Allen Music Director the San Gabriel Valley Music Theatre will be presenting a new production of Miss Saigon this Saturday, May 1st, 2pm and 8pm The cast rehearse a dramatic scene in which Saigon falls to the North Vietnamese. - Photo The Weekly was privi- by Terry Miller leged to watch a staging of the performance Monday US, and three years later, Saigon is based on Puccini’s an American G.I. during has married an American opera, Madame Butterfly. the last days of the Vietnam evening. named Ellen and nearly The production is powWar and the fall of Saigon. The performers, direcforgotten her. When he diserful, and tells a difficult and This special benefit productor and all involved seem totally committed to not only covers Kim is still alive and dangerous story of a dreadful tion will be performed in its telling the story but telling it raising Thuy, a boy he fa- time in American history, entirety featuring a 24 piece thered, he returns to Saigon with particular focus on the orchestra onstage. with staggering passion. Onstage at the hisThe vocalists are mag- to find her, but with the Viet fall of Saigon. Miss Saigon, the epic toric San Gabriel Mission nificent and stalwart, the Cong closing in on the city and two women wanting the award winning Broadway Playhouse for two perforsongs will make tears flow. An American soldier only place in his heart, Chris hit musical tells of the tragic mances only. Call 626-282deci- romance between a strong- 1440 or email sgvmtboxofnamed Chris marries Kim has to make some large AMF-1432_ArcadiaWeekly_qrtr-1.qxd:Layout 1 3/26/10 10:27 AM Page 5 before departing for the sions before it’s all over. Miss willed Vietnamese girl and
Just present your college ID on Thursdays from 9pm till midnight and receive: • $10 unlimited bowling specials • $3 domestic drafts and well drinks • $5 Menu options • Tunes from our House DJ Must be 21 and up to receive drink specials. • Located at 3545 E. Foothill Blvd. • 626.351.8858 •
10 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Arcadia Women’s Imaging Center Offers Latest Innovations in Breast Cancer Detection Women who undergo routine mammograms at Arcadia Radiology now have the latest diagnostic technology available to them, digital mammography. Arcadia Women’s Imaging Center features the state-of-the-art system, Selenia digital mammography from Hologic. It’s very exciting to know that there is an Imaging Center right in our backyard that focuses on women’s health and, more specifically, on breast health. Slated to open spring 2010, the Arcadia Women’s Imaging Center will offer the newest technology for breast cancer detection. Digital mammography is different from conventional mammography in how the image of the breast is acquired and, more importantly, viewed. Image quality is key to early detection, diagnosis and intervention of breast cancer. Digital mammography produces exceptionally sharp images that appear on the technologist’s monitor in seconds. There is no waiting for film to develop, which means a shorter time spent in the exam. The Radiologist can magnify the images, increase or decrease the contrast and invert the black and white values while reading the images. These features allow the Radiologist to evaluate microcalcifications and focus on areas of concern. The new system offers a tungsten x-ray tube with silver filters reduces radiation dose to the patient while maintaining the sharp image quality and contrast of the images. By offering women the latest technology in mammography, the center hopes to inspire and empower women to be proactive about
their health and follow the American Cancer Society, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Society for Breast Imaging, and the American College of Radiology’s recommendation for annual screenings beginning at age 40. Arcadia Women’s Imaging Center is now a certified Pink Ribbon Facility, a distinction awarded only to an elite group of healthcare facilities that have made an important commitment to raising the standard of care for every patient. In addition to the advanced digital screening and diagnostic breast imaging technology, the Arcadia Women’s imaging center will feature an array of services including ultrasound, breast ultrasound, ultrasound-guided breast biopsy and OB/GYN ultrasound. Breast MRI’s will continue to be offered at their other Imaging Center located at 612 West Duarte Road, Suite 101 in Arcadia. For your convenience, the new center is located at address 622 West Duarte Road, Suite 104, Arcadia, on the same campus as their current imaging center. The Arcadia Radiology Medical Group is an integral part of our community- servicing patients, doctors and hospitals for over 40 years! The Radiologists of Arcadia Radiology Medical Group had a vision to build a women’s imaging center that would specialize in breast and ultrasound imaging for the women of our community and to provide these services in a warm, personal and comfortable setting- and they did just that! Congratulations, Arcadia Radiology and thank you for caring! For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call (626) 821-8146 or their website at
Showcase House: A Fun Fantasy for a Good Cause
- Photo by Terry Miller By Susan Motander The Pasadena Showcase House of Design is now open. The home this year is the headquarters of the Pomona San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross. When it was built in 1930 it was the stately French Chateau estate of John and Mildred Cravens. There
is a certain irony in this as Mildred Cravens was a tobacco heiress. It is rather a delight to wander through the elegant home and fantasize about living in the opulence of such an estate. Very few of us will ever live in such a manner, but for a while it is fun to revel in the elegance and the creativity of the designers. This year
those designers had a real challenge as the estate has historic designation which means that major structural changes could not be made. Since the building will return to being the offices of t he Red Cross after showcase closes, it is especially interesting to
Continued on Page 12
Specializing in Breast & Ultrasound Services
622 West Duarte Road, Suite 104, Arcadia, CA 91007 Services Offered:
• Digital Screening & Diagnostic Mammography • Breast Ultrasound • Ultrasound-Guided Breast Biopsy • OB/GYN Ultrasound Breast MRI will continue to be offered at our Imaging Center, located at 612 West Duarte Road, Suite 101, Arcadia, CA 91007
For More Information: (626) 821-8146 |
April 29 - May 5, 2010
AHS Constitution Team Wins National Championship Continued from the First Page
of Education. Congressman David Dreier, who met with the A rcadia High student s just last week before the competition, was quick t o cong r a t u la t e t hem. “After spending time with this outstanding group of students last week, I was confident they would take their knowledge of and
dedicat ion to lea r ning about t he Const itut ion and turn it into a great win for Arcadia and California,” Dreier said in a statement released earlier this week. “Winning this nationwide competition is a tremendous accomplishment. The City of Arcadia and the entire San Gabriel Valley should
be very proud of these outstanding students.” T he st udent s were expected to understand t he ph i losoph ica l a nd h i st or ica l fou nda t ion s of the American political system, and how the constitution was created and changed (specifically as to how it was brought into accord with the ide-
a l s a n nou nc ed i n t he Declaration of Independence). They were also quizzed on how the values and principles advanced in the constitution have shaped American institutions and practices. They were a lso expected to understand the rights the Bill of R ight s protect s and the challenges which
might face this constitutional democracy in this century. Joann Park, another member of the championship team, said that the win did not comes without great effort on behalf of everyone involved. “I have learned that hard work does pay off”, said Park in a telephone i nt er v iew f rom Wa s h i n g t on . “ Ever yone on this team was passionate about gov. Everyone knew this was not about being the best member or being the best unit; it was all about being the best team. We studied about 20 hours per week, met with coaches and practiced at city council chambers every Monday night up until nationals. S o me how, we j u s t knew this day was ours. We all cried and hugged each other. Yesterday [the final day of the competition] was the happiest day of my life.” The City of Arcadia and the school district have yet to announce how the win will be celebrated.
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Metro is delivering transit and highway improvements to the San Gabriel Valley. From extending the Gold Line along the foothills to launching the ExpressLanes Demonstration Project on the 10 freeway, congestion relief and thousands of new jobs are in the works. Help us shape a better future for LA County. Visit to learn more.
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his second one”. Teacher a nd coach Kevin Fox expressed his excitement in an email to the newspaper. “I am so excited for and proud of this incredible group of young men and women who showed us all that smart, thoughtful, passionate young people do exist. The expressed a level and depth of understanding that rivals anyone in this country. They are a special group and I’ll always have a special place in my heart for them.” The competition itself was held over three days of simulated congressional hearings focusing on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The judges were constitutional scholars, lawyers, journalists and public officials. We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution (as the competition is formally called) was developed by the Los Angelesbased Center for Civic Education and is funded by the U.S. Department
12 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Top 1% of Prudential Realtors Nationwide Reni Rose (626) 355-8400
367 Monterey Pines Drive, Arcadia, CA Offered at $6,880,000
69 E. Grandview, Arcadia, CA Offered at $1,248,000
Located in the guard gated estate area of Whispering Pines is this incredible Tuscan Villa Estate which is better than new. This exquisitely detailed 6,525 sf home has 5 bedrooms (5 suites) & 6 bathrooms. Situated on over an acre lot, it offers incredible views of the mountains, valley and city lights. The highest quality workmanship & materials were used to construct this “one of a kind” estate home which includes a gourmet kitchen, elevator, wine cellar, his and hers offices, 4 car garage, infinity saltwater pool & spa, waterfalls & lush gardens. Visit and for more photos and information.
This delightful Highland Oaks home has been wellmaintained and is located in the award winning Arcadia school district. There is an updated kitchen, Brazilian cherry wood flooring in the living room/dining room areas with lovely views of the back yard/pool area. There is a private master suiting, family room, office, laundry room and an oversized 2-car garage. The home is 2,818 sq. ft. situated on a 12,746 sq. ft. lot. It has 4 bedroom with 3.5 bathrooms and was built in 1951. This is the perfect home for entertaining.
3735 E. Sierra Madre Blvd, Pasadena, CA Offered at $725,000
715 Skyland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $649,000
Situated in Upper Hastings Ranch, this home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways and schools. This 1951 well-maintained home offers an open and spacious floor plan. Additional features include: formal entry, large living room with fireplace, sliding doors open to a tiled patio, grand family room with high ceilings & recessed lighting, adjacent to an updated kitchen, updated bathrooms, central air and heat, newer windows and roof. There is a mountain view from the back yard. For more information go to
Situated in the hills of Sierra Madre (Marlborough Terrace), this delightful home is surrounded by mature Oak trees and beautiful views of the valley below and the hills above. This home offers 1465 square feet and 3 bedrooms. The main floor offers an open and spacious floor plan with unobstructed views and a cozy fireplace. The updated kitchen features newer appliances, garden window, a pantry and ample cabinetry. All 3 bathrooms have been updated. Large glass windows throughout the house provide a bright and airy feeling. Newly painted inside and out, this home is move-in ready. Built in 1965 it also offers central air and heat, 2-car attached garage, plans for a rooftop deck and much more. For more information and pictures go to
333 Genoa Street, #D, Monrovia, CA Offered at $550,000
156 Carlton, Pasadena, CA Offered at $449,000
Built the same year as the first Rose Parade, this lovely 1890 Victorian homes exudes charm. Many of the original features include: 10’ ceilings, decorative moldings, California basement, clauwfoot tub. Updated with new HVAC, refinished wood flooring, automatic sprinklers in front and rear yards. 2nd home could be built on this lot. 1220 sq. ft. home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 11,164 sq. ft. lot. More information at www.156Carlton. com. Own a piece of Historic Pasadena!
lE fO AS R E
This meticulous home was built in 2007 and was featured as the model unit offering custom amenities. There is fireplace in the living room, granite counters in the kitchen, pantry, stainless steel appliances, backyard and patio off the dining room, custom window treatments, master suite with his & hers closets and spa tub, four bedrooms, two and a half baths and a two-car attached garage with direct access. It is conveniently located just one mile from downtown Monrovia and within minutes of the 210 Freeway. A lovely home! For more information go to
725 Woodland Drive, Sierra Madre, CA Offered at $415,000
Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and close to the quaint village of downtown Sierra Madre, this home offers a country living lifestyle. The unique location allows you to forget the hustle and bustle of the big city, while just a short commute to downtown Los Angeles. Just minutes from your front door are hiking trails and Mary’s Market and Cafe! This cozy 1 bedroom 1 bath home is 837 sq. ft. on a 3,973 sq. ft. lot. There is a relaxing front porch, stone fireplace in the living room, walk-in closet in the large bedroom, and parking for 4 cars (a real commodity in the canyon). This is the perfect canyon hide-away! For more information and pictures go to
1505 El Mirador, Pasadena, CA Offered at $6,750 per month
Located a short distance to the Rose Bowl and sited at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac this spacious Linda Vista home boasts traditional design and is perfect for a large family and for entertaining. There are 27,918 square feet of lush grounds offering: privacy a black-bottom pool with built-in hillside slide and a spa. With 6 bedrooms, 6 baths, 6,838 sq feet, a family room with large wet bar, skylights, 2 offices, gym, elevator and huge garage, this is a home you truly won’t want to miss
Email: • Website:
Fun Fantasy for a Good Cause Continued from Page 10 note the work done on the walls of the house. Parts of the house will remain as elegant meeting rooms as the house is also used as a venue for weddings and community events. Upon arriving at the house, visitors are immediately reminded of the use of the estate. Set in the tumbled paving stones which designers from Pacific Outdoor Living used to replace the former blacktop in front of the house is a large red cross, the International Symbol for the Organization which will soon call the home its headquarters again. But there are also reminders of the original owners. Set in the wrought iron entrance the initials MC are entwined and stand for Mildred Cravens, the original mistress of the home. One enters first the G r a nd G a l ler y wh ic h features gouache murals which were original to the house. They depict the views from the Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte which the inspiration for the estate. Dolores Kroop, the designer challenged with this long hallway entry darkened the walls to enhance the gentle pastels of the murals. Off the Gallery is the Morning Room and Garden. The light colors and use of multiple mirrors brings the light from the
garden into the house. And the colors in the garden prove that a drought tolerance garden need not be dull and faded. Using bright succulents and weaving them together into a know garden (another nod the French styling of the estate) Carson-Magness Landscaping created a whimsical yet funct ion little gem of a garden. This is true of room
- Photos by Terry Miller after room in the house. There are touches of whimsy throughout the stately home without making a mockery of the elegance of this historic home. Whenever necessary, the designers honored the original features of the house so as not to destroy its historic elements, but instead worked to enhance and emphasize
April 29 - May 5, 2010
- Photos by Terry Miller
these features. It is important that visitors check out not just the furnishings, but also the wall and ceiling decor. For example, the ceiling in the Sitting Room Hallway is a spectacular mural. The Grand Stairway is another spot where looking up and not just around is worth it. Here mirrors were added to increase the drama of the original skylight. It is dramatic and breathtaking. Showcase House is open now through May 16. Tick-
ets can be purchased in advance by going to the group’s web site: and range from $30 to $35 dollars in advance and from $35 to $40 at the door subject to availability. The house is open Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday from 9:00 am until 3:45 pm and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am until 7:45 pm. Showcase is closed on Mondays. The designers are all volunteers who not only give their time, but supply all the materials used at the
house and in the gardens. Proceeds from the house are used by the organization to support music programs through various competitions and grants. The House provides for a music mobile which visits third grade classrooms throughout the San Gabriel Valley. The group also supports a youth concert and instrumental competition. In addition more than 40 grants this year totaling $554,000, from the proceeds of last year’s showcase house.
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14 April 29 - May 5, 2010
The 44th Annual Public Schools Luncheon Social Whirl
By Floretta Lauber
VIPS at Arcadia Public School Luncheon at Masonic Lodge (l-r) Gene Wallace gave invocation; David Vannasdall, A.H.S. principal; Mayor John Wuo ant wife, Jane.
Send your social news and announcements to
The tradition carries on. The Public Schools Luncheon is always one of Arcadia’s finest hours. The event is attended by service club members, city and school dignitaries, parents and supporters of our schools. Speaker Kennet h Nagel, Grand Master of Masons for the state, took us through the history of the founding of public education by the Masons. “We are proud to be part of this great tradition for the children and proud to be here for their future.” The luncheon was catered by Food Services. Director Debra Amos did another great job. The following were recognized and introduced by Dr. Joel Shawn, superintendent of AUSD: Teacher of the Year: John van Haaster, Humanities teacher, Foothills Middle School. Classif ied Employee of t he Year: Julie Estrada, Advanced Maintenance Mechanic, Maintenance, Operations and Transportation. Prof iles in Excellence Staf f Recognition Program – Classified Recipients: Jan Brown, Library Assistant, Hugo Reid Elementary School; Cecile Bys, Instructional Assistant, Talking/Learning Center; Al Campero, Day Custodian,
Arcadia High School; Betty Jager, Trading Post, Arcadia School; Mark Kennedy, Printing Technician, Print Shop; Kristy Nick, Instructional Assistant, Hugo Reid Elementary School; Oscar Ramirez, Senior Accounting Technician, Fiscal Services Department; Tina Rhodes, Certificated Personnel Technician, Personnel Department; Rosa Rios, Instructional Assistant, Foothills Middle School; Magda Salama, Food Services Assistant, Food Services Department; Kristina Sema, Instructional Assistant, Foothills Middle School; Carter Spruill, Computer Systems Support Technician, Technology & Information Services. Credentialed Recipients: Cecile Bons-Jogminas, Second Grade Teacher, Holly Avenue Element a r y School; Joanne Domenici, Counselor, Foothills Middle School; Rick England, Music Teacher, Arcadia High School; Lorie Felippa, Kindergarten Teacher, Highland Oaks Elementary School; Alisa Fernandez, First Grade Teacher, Ca mino Grove Element a r y School; Robin Giammalva, Third Grade Teacher, Camino Grove Elementary School; Kristine Iwashita-Morris, Second Grade Teacher, Hugo Reid Elementary School; Grace Lee-Navarrete, Fourth/Fifth Grade Teacher, Baldwin Stocker Elementary School; Bay ne Meza, K inderga r ten
It’s Gay Paree for Sierra Madre Civic Club Whether from the left or right bank, “April in Paris,” Sierra Madre Civic Club’s themed annual benefit lunch and Chinese auction, was enjoyed by a capacity crowd, held Saturday, April 10, in La Salle High School Auditorium. President Amy Putnam greeted all present with thanks for their support. She introduced local dignitaries who attended: MaryAnn MacGillivray, Sierra Madre mayor; Janet Ten Eyck, Sierra Madre Woman’s Club president; Bob Young, Rose Float Association president, and Susan Henderson, Kiwanis president and editor/publisher of Mountain Views News. Praise and thanks went to Carol Cerrina and Linda Wochnik, co-chairs, and all members for their work to produce the fun, successful day.
Lunch, with French cuisine not a requirement, was an array of tempting and delicious salads. Dressed for the occasion were wine bartenders Ron Coleman and Mike Ellis, sporting a silk top hat. Auctioneer Anita Thompson highlighted the day as she headed the auction on numerous auction items. Keeping things moving were a group of teenagers, darling in their French outfits, as they delivered each of the many prizes to the lucky winners. The $200 Au Couture money chapeau, designed by Sheila Whoeler, was won by Donna Alexander, visiting from Marina del Rey. This happy French Revolution was Civic Club’s main fund-raiser. In May all money earned for the year will be donated to a list of worthy causes voted by the members.
(R-l) School board members Janet Chew, Joanne Steinmeier, and James Hogan, Vice President Arcadia High Twelve, co-sponsors of the annual event, and Wuo’s; Cung Nguyen (now shown), president of A.U.S.D. board of directors, gave the benediction. The walls were covered with art from K-12 students from the district.
(L-r) Arcadia Recreation Commissioners John Curtis and wife, Carol; Steven Phillipi and wife, Lori (school board member), pose with City Clerk Jim Barrows, at reception honoring outgoing and new members of the City Council on April 20th in Council chambers. Teacher, Baldwin Stocker Elementary School; Mark Renfrew, Eighth Grade Teacher, Foothills Middle School; Martha Robertson, English Teacher, Dana Middle School; Melinda Soo Hoo, PE/PALS Teacher, First Avenue Middle School. The proud honor of presenting to the 30 National Scholarship students was given to Arcadia Mayor John Wuo and David Vannasdall, high school principal. Congratulations to all.
Musical Presentation: Johnny Mercer Arcadia Senior Services Department is offering a musical lecture, presented by Timeless Melodies Foundation for Education, on Tuesday, May 4, at 1:30 p.m. The event will take place at Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr. Larry Maurer will lecture on American lyricist, songwriter and composer Johnny Mercer. Mercer was a popular singer who recorded his own songs as well as those written by others. He wrote lyrics to more than 1,500 songs, including compositions for movies and Broadway shows. Mercer received 19 Academy Award nominations and won four. He was also co-founder of Capitol Records. Cost for this special musical lecture is $2 and reservations must be made by April 29.This presentation is for individuals 50-plus.
April 29 - May 5, 2010
The Changing of the Guard
Kim Plater to Speak at Arcadia Woman’s Club Kim Plater, a 30-Year Veteran Police Woman and Co-founder of the Covina Based ‘Domestic Violence Action Coalition,’ will Speak at Arcadia Woman’s Club on May 5th. “This is the woman who inspired us to become involved with abused women and children,” claims Floretta Lauber, president of the 96 -year-old Arcadia Woman’s Club. “Ms. Plater will also be
bringing us up-to-date on the ‘Family Law Court,’ as reflected on the Dr. Phil Show on April 14th.” The May 5th meeting will be their annual Salad and Dessert Buffet, with each member bringing their favorite. Guests interested in attending this informative meeting at the club’s historic clubhouse, 324 S. First Ave., can call (626) 355-6945 for reservations.
Monrovia Firefighters Talk Earthquake Readiness
(l-r) Mayor Pro-Tem Peter Amundson, reelected for four more years; Mickey Segal, back after a two-year absence, and Robert Harbicht re-elected, are sworn in by City Clerk Jim Barrows, at council meeting Tuesday, April 20th.
Big smiles from the new first family of Arcadia (rear) Mayor Peter Amundson and wife, Jackie. (L-r) Andrew Candice and Peter Jr. at Mayor’s celebration and thank you party held at Santa Anita Inn following the council meeting and voting in of the new mayor and mayor pro-tem, Councilman Gary Kovacic.
Among the many presentations to outgoing Mayor John Wuo (who is termed out) were Dennis Lee, CEO of Methodist Hospital, and Mike Driebe, president of Methodist Hospital Foundation, for his community contributions, including the hospital.
(L-r) Arcadia Recreation Commissioners John Curtis and wife, Carol; Steven Phillipi and wife, Lori (school board member), pose with City Clerk Jim Barrows, at reception honoring outgoing and new members of the City Council on April 20th in Council chambers.
Monrovia League members (l-r) Dorothy Mosely, Henriette Luzcek, and Zoe Ann Williams, with Monrovia Fire Department’s Scott Haberle, who spoke at a recent meeting about Earthquake Readiness.
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16 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Arcadia PD
During the week of Sunday, April 18th, to Saturday April 24th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 277 calls for service.
For the period of Sunday, April 18, through Saturday, April 24, the Police Department responded to 933 calls for service of which 145 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period.
Wednesday, April 21st:
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10:46 AM – Vandalism, 1 Carter Ave. Suspec(s) threw rocks at the historical Willis Estate barn and cabin smashing 44 glass window panes. The crime occurred between 4:30 pm, Friday, 4/16/2009 and 8:00 am, Monday, 4/19/2010. The financial loss was estimated in excess of $2,400.00. Thursday, April 22nd: 11:46 AM – Theft from vehicle, 100 block East Highland Ave. A resident reported his Samsung cellular telephone and $10.00 in change were stolen from his car. The car was left unlocked in the apartment complex carport area. The crime occurred between 8:30 pm, Wednesday, 4/21/2010 and 9:25 am, Thursday, 4/22/2010. The financial loss was estimated at $210.00.
Sunday, April 18: 1. Loss prevention personnel from the H&M store located at Westfield Mall notified police that they had detained a female juvenile for theft around 5:30 p.m. The girl hid items in a shopping bag and then left the store without attempting to pay for the merchandise. Additional stolen property from Gilly Hicks was recovered from the bag. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 14-year-old African-American was taken into custody for commercial burglary. She was later cited and released to her mother. 2. Around 8:26 p.m., officers contacted three occupants in a vehicle that was parked at the
Extended Stay parking lot located at 401 East Santa Clara. A strong odor of burnt marijuana was detected, and a 16-year-old male Hispanic was found in possession of marijuana. A record check of the juvenile revealed that he was on probation and was arrested at the scene. Monday, April 19: 3. Units responded to Santa Anita Inn, 130 West Huntington, around 2:41 p.m. regarding an unconscious male subject in one of the rooms. A 53-year-old male Caucasian was found deceased, and a hypodermic needle filled with a liquid, tourniquet, and other drug paraphernalia were found at his feet. The subject may have died from a drug overdose. 4. Around 8:16 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 200 block of East Newman in reference to a domestic dispute. During an argument, the suspect grabbed his wife by the throat and then on the wrists. Reddish coloring on her neck and wrists were observed, and a 70-year-old male Asian was taken into custody for inflicting
Continued on Page 19
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18 April 29 - May 5, 2010
Classified Advertising
Legals City OF Arcadia Notices
Call (626) 301-1010 RUMMAGE SALE PRESCHOOL RUMMAGE SALE- Saturday 2/24, 8am - 2pm. Books, clothing, toys. 1881 S. 1st Ave, Arcadia
FOR SALE PRICED TO SELL Almost new Dark Wood Dining Table - Seats 8 with leaf and four without $ 100.00 OBO
NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arcadia is accepting bids to provide Concrete. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “PA1011-006, Bid for Concrete” and shall be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, P.O. Box 60021, Arcadia, California, 91066-6021. Bids are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at which time said bids shall be publicly opened. Copies of the bid may be obtained in the Purchasing Office of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, 91007. Said specifications and bid forms are hereby referred to and incorporated herein and made a part by reference
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The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of: ATLANTIC ESCROW CORPORATION and the anticipated sale date is MAY 27, 2010 The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. [If the sale is subject to Sec. 6106.2, the following information must be provided] The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: ATLANTIC ESCROW CORPORATION, 2111 HUNTINGTON DR, SAN MARINO, CA 91108 and the last day for filing claims by any creditor shall be MAY 26, 2010, which is the business day before the anticipated sale date specified above. Dated: 04/02/10 BADRINATH CORPORATION, Buyer(s) PCTS LA153420 MONROVIA WEEKLY 4/29/2010
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Dated: April 26, 2010 Publish: April 29 and May 3, 2010
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s) and business address(es) of the seller(s) are: DUARTE MARKET INC, 2444 E. HUNTINGTON DR, DUARTE, CA 91010 Doing business as: DUARTE DRIVE THRU DAIRY All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the seller(s) within the past three years, as stated by the seller(s), is/are: NONE The location in California of the Chief Executive Office of the seller(s) is: SAME AS ABOVE The name(s) and business address of the buyer(s) is/are: BADRINATH CORPORATION, 2444 E. HUNTINGTON DR, DUARTE, CA 91010 The assets being sold are generally described as: ALL STOCK IN TRADE, FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, AND GOODWILL OF THE BUSINESS and are located at: 2444 E. HUNTINGTON DR, DUARTE, CA 91010
and all quotations must comply therewith. The City of Arcadia reserves the right to accept in whole or part or reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities in the bid process, and all bids are binding for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison, as specified in the quotation request documents. The award of this contract shall be made by the Arcadia City Council. CITY OF ARCADIA PURCHASING OFFICE
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April 29 - May 5, 2010
Doo Dah Parade Moves East this Saturday Continued from the First Page
Pastry Science Mobile Muffins,” “Ocarina’s Winged Dancing Creatures,” a humungous robotic spitting cat named “Boo-Boo Kitty,” oddly-attired sound inventors known as “The Highland Park Thursday Evening Gentlemen’s Society Circuit Bending Marching Band & Ladies’ Auxiliary,” and the “Pasadena Zombies,” who execute a move-for-move true zombie send-up of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Yes, another Doo Dah is here to help you forget your humdrum existence. Known as the twisted sister of its counterpart Rose Parade, the Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade begun as a grassroots event in 1978 to gain national attention for its eccentric and, often, irreverent satire. The parade which has spawned numerous off-beat replicants across the country was named by Readers Digest as “America’s Best Parade,” and was recently featured in the book 50 Places You Must Visit Before You Die! Also featured among the 1,000 marchers at this year’s Doo Dah will be a REAL Doo Dah wedding, Dr. Steel’s Army of Toy Soldiers, Her Royal Highness Queen Erica Valentine, Captain McHogwash’s Amazing Chundra, Cheap Sax Addicted to Love, The Martini Kings & Swing-o-matic, Linoleum Bonaparte, the World Champion Whistling Diva, Goddess of Democracy, The Pink Slipped Pissed off Teachers, Friends and their Pissed-off Kids, Million Marijuana March, FireBrain, Evotrope, Clown Doctors from Outer Space, ArtStorm, Thwop!, What happened in Vegas Should Have Stayed, Gallery at t he End of t he World, Girls Who Draw Girls on Roller Skates, Yum Sauce Lounge, Classic and scary clowns, and such perennial favorites as the Men of Leisure, BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, the Bastard Sons of Lee Marvin, the immortal Doo Dah house band Snotty Scotty & the Hankies, and many more! The 34th Occasional Pasadena Doo Dah Parade will take place this Saturday, May 1st on Colorado
POLICE BLOTTERS corporal injury to spouse. Tuesday, April 20: 5. Between 4:00 p.m. on April 9 and 11:00 a.m. on April 12, a residential burglary occurred in the 1000 block of Don Alvarado. While the home was tented for fumigation, unknown suspect(s) entered the house and stole a handgun and a digital camera. 6. Shortly after 6:00 p.m., a witness advised police that a female driver had struck two parked cars at 133 East Foothill, and she was seen entering the Fresh & Easy market. The 47-year-old female Caucasian driver was located, and officers detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage on her breath and she also had trouble keeping her balance while standing. She failed the field sobriety test, and a private person’s DUI arrest was made.
- Photos by Terry Miller
Wednesday, April 21: 7. Aresidential burglary occurred in the 500 block of Catalpa between 9:00 a.m. and 2:40 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) pried open a bedroom window to gain entrance into the house. The suspect(s) then stole jewelry, cash, camera, and carved a large smiley face onto the flat screen television. 8. Units were dispatched to the 1000 block of West Huntington in regards to a domestic violence incident. During an altercation, the suspect grabbed his girlfriend’s face, squeezed her throat, dragged her across the floor, and threw her onto the ground, causing the back of her head to collide with a sliding glass door. A 26-year-old male Hispanic was taken into custody for inflicting corporal injury to cohabitant. An emergency protection order was obtained and served. Thursday, April 22: 9. A grand theft report was taken at the City Yard, 11800 Goldring, around 6:04 p.m. Two male suspects stole a $2,000 generator
from the bed of a City vehicle. The theft was caught on surveillance video. 10. Shortly before 8:00 p.m., officers were called to the 2000 block of Vista in reference to a fraud report. The victim was contacted by her bank regarding suspicious money transfers from her accounts. She discovered that unknown suspect(s) had created a fraudulent joint account with her personal information over the phone and then transferred over $125,000 from her personal accounts into the fraudulent account. She was able to freeze her accounts; however, a large portion of the funds had already been transferred out of the fraudulent account. Friday, April 23: 11. A commercial burglary was reported at Victoria’s Secret around 4:35 p.m. Two male Hispanic suspects took over $2,310 in merchandise and hid them in a large shopping bag. 12. Around 7:18 p.m., a victim came to the station to file a criminal threat report. The victim’s exboyfriend, a 17-year-old male Caucasian, pointed a knife at her and told her to watch her back and her dog’s back. Saturday, April 24: 13. An auto burglary occurred by First Avenue Elementary School between 3:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Three victims drove to the location to play basketball, and the driver left his keys unattended. They returned to the vehicle to find their property stolen. The driver also learned that the suspect(s) had made a $1,000 purchase at a Best Buy store using his credit card. 14. JC Penney loss prevention personnel advised that they had detained a woman for theft around 7:25 p.m. The suspect selected numerous items and hid them in her purse while in a fitting room. A private person’s arrest was made, and a 21-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody.
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Boulevard (between Altadena and San Gabriel Boulevards) in East Pasadena. The parade starting point will be at the intersection of Nina St. and Vinedo St. It will then move South on Vinedo and
west on Colorado before circling back up Vinedo. The parade, as always, is freeof-charge. For more information go to: www.
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CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123
Private stunning estate on over 5 acres. There are 6 bedrooms & 9 bathrooms, great room formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, all Viking appliance kitchen,5 fireplaces, Grafix Master Lighting, Niles Audio System, pool, spa, entertainment pavillion,5 car garage with tons of storage, and a motor court that can park 8 cars. All of this oozing in premium quality. (M448)
CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123
FanTasTIC arCadIa home
Stunning 4,300 sq. ft. Santa Anita Oaks Estate situated on a 1/2 acre, features a gourmet kitchen, 5 bedrooms, 4-1/2 baths, Formal Living Room & Dinning Room, family room, pool & spa, 3car garage and much more! (ARB)
CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. 626-301-1888
vIews, vIews, vIews
This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine seller, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)
CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd.
re SE ad OU M rra M N H 1-4Pe, Sie E OP SUNcito Av te
arCadIa oaks
Beautiful home in a wonderful Arcadia neighborhood. Spacious 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths all one level, great family room with wet bar, open kitchen with granite counter tops and granite top island, sub zero refrigerator, hardwood and marble floors, breakfast nook, living room, formal dining room, 3630 sq.ft. home, 18,150 sq.ft. lot, Large pool, yard with view of the mountains. (O1310)
CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451
PrIvaTe lake area
REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the cul-de-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/ bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! (AVE)
CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. (626) 301-1888
s. el monTe
CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123
norTh oF FooThIll!
Character and charm north of Foothill corner lot. With in walking distance to all of Monroviaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hot spots. Surrounded by fruit trees, this great home features 5 bedrooms, formal dining area, hardwood floors, recently updated kitchen, separate laundry room and a lot of original built in cabinets for storage. Great opportunity to add some finishing touches of your own to make this a great home. (M270)
Century 21 adams & Barnes â&#x20AC;˘ (626) 358-1858
loCaTIon! loCaTIon! loCaTIon!
Ideal small manufacturing, light industrial use property, great for owner/user. Two 3000 square foot buildings which are currently leased. Owner could occupy one while leasing the other. Large 22651 lot affords storage at the rear of the property. Make offers SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Great location central to freeway access. (C2416)
vICTorIan beaUTY
1908 well maintained 2155 sq.ft. character home in Sierra Madre with many original features. 4 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, formal and informal dining rooms, impressive fireplace in large entry, 2 â&#x20AC;&#x153;sleeping porchesâ&#x20AC;?, terrace off master bedroom, spaciouskitchen with tons of cabinetry, 17,248 sq.ft. of park like grounds. (M287)
CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451
Impeccably maintained 4 bedroom, 3 bath adjacent to Arcadia with gourmet kitchen, walk-in pantry, hardwood floors, tall ceilings and landscaped yards. Call for more information. (8-1842)
GreaT 3 bedroom $749,000 This home features 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. 1850 square feet living space. Located in a quiet neighborhood and close to Elementary School. Lovely low maintenance yard w/pool on 10,000+ sq. ft. lot. (LER)
Century 21 adams & Barnes â&#x20AC;˘ (626) 358-1858
Century 21 adams & Barnes â&#x20AC;˘ (626) 358-1858
CenTUrY 21 earll , lTd (626)-301-1888
brandnewTownhomes sTarTInG@$698,000
UPdaTed sIerra madre home
FabUloUs Townhome!
Tucked up in the Foothills of Monrovia, this home was expanded and remodeled in 2009. Sitting comfortably on a large lot with a pool, patio & loads of privacy, this is a great opportunity. The original charm was retained yet this home has all of the modern amenities you would expect today. The lg. oversized garage and work shop is every handy persons dream come true. The quality of construction is great. Move-in fresh! (N1034)
1842 8Th avenUe
E ia US ad HO PM Arc EN N 1-4e #B, P O SU t Av s
norTh arCadIa loCaTIon
Built in 1998 this Mursol built PUD is measured Over 2000 sq.ft. with 3 bed rooms, 2.5 bath, family room, formal dining area, fireplace and yard area. Laminate flooring, awnings, new oven, high ceilings and formal entry. (1st926)
CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451
lovelY TradITIonal
Located in N.E. Pasadena with man y upgrades inside and out. Updated kitchen with Cesar stone counters, newer stainless dishwasher, microwave and hood, tile flooring extends to the dining room, gorgeous hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Covered patio, seating area with fire pit, detached 2 car garage. (D275)
CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451
Custom built 3bdrm 2.5 bath in Arcadia School District. Gourmet kitchen, granite counters, excellent floor plan, many extras, extra cabinets in garage and nice size yard. (E152)
Family room, 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home with Large two side yards, fireplace, FA/CA, granite Counters, wood and Laminate flooring. 1497 sq.ft. measured, 7500 sq.ft. lot. (G262)
CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123
CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451
GorGeoUs hoUse
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just settle for any home currently for sale, preview this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home today! (N958)
Century 21 adams & Barnes â&#x20AC;˘ (626) 358-1858
801 oakdale avenUe
Beautiful mission style home with historic features such as Spanish archways, vaulted wood beam cathedral ceilings, original windows and fireplace. Nice large front and rear yards with 2 car detached garage. Located in a wonderful quiet area of north Monrovia on a quiet tree lined street. (O801)
Century 21 adams & Barnes â&#x20AC;˘ (626) 358-1858
This beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath newer home features living room and dining area, kitchen with granite counters and newer appliances, master suite w/retreat spa & two car garage with lots of storage. Washer/ dryer area is upstairs with a den/office/bonus area. Arcadia schools!!! (FAN)
CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. 626-301-1888
Short Sale on this Lovely 3bdrm 2.5 bth home in the heart of Duarte, Hard wood floors in Kitchen, Tile floor in the Living room w/ cozy fire place, direct access from two car garage, nice back yard and no HOA fees. Must see! (C1311)
CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123
Century 21 Adams & Barnes
Century 21 eArll, ltd.
Century 21 ludeCke inC
Century 21 villAge reAlty
433 West Foothill Blvd., MonroviA
320 e. Foothill Blvd., ArCAdiA
20 e. Foothill Blvd. suite 105, ArCAdiA
38 W. sierrA MAdre Blvd., sierrA MAdre
(626) 358-1858
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451