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Temple Tribune V



Monday edition of the





Monday, May 17 - May 23, 2010 Volume III, No. XX

Dan Snell Named City’s Outstanding Older American of the Year Dan Snell has been selected by City Council as Temple City’s Outstanding Older American for 2009. Dan and his wife June have been residents of Temple City since 1954. Married since 1944, Dan is the father of two children, eight grand children and 14 great grand children. He is an avid gardener and boasts of his giant zucchini. Dan enjoys a nice two mile walk every morning to keep in shape. Mr. Snell has served his country and is an honored Veteran of World War II and a member of China, Burma, and India Veterans (CBI). Dan is a faithful and dedicated member of the Temple Cit y Chr ist ia n Church for over 25 years. Since retirement he has devoted his time to helping others by providing rides to Sundays worship service, church activities and

Continued on Page 3

Ian Garcia, Rachel LaSota, John Bregoli)

On April 30, 2010, La Rosa Elementary School dedicated their Instructional Resource Center in memory of TCUSD’s teacher and administrator, Elmo Bregoli.

fornia National Guard and the Guard’s first woman leader, will give the keynote speech. T he honorees i nclude: • Outstanding Small Businesswoman: Arlynn Robinson, Temple City; Jeanne E. Raya, San Gabriel; Mei Cheung, Los Angeles; Sandi Mejia, Duarte • Outstanding Corporate Woman: Sheila Cook, La Canada; Teena Hostovich, La Canada • Outstanding NonProfit Executive Director: Sherri Bonner, Pasadena; Tamika Farr, Pasadena; Nancy Lavelle, South Pasadena; Virg inia Uribe, Pasadena • Ta m i G i n s b u r g Award: Nadine Washington, Pasadena

Board President Rachel LaSota emceed the dedication ceremony and introduced John Bregoli who traveled from Iowa to attend the dedication honoring his father.

Ms. LaSota thanked the Temple City Kiwanis Club for initiating naming the IRC in honor of Mr. Bregoli. Steve Montesanti,

Continued on Page 5

Continued on Page 5

Continued on Page 4

Liu and Portantino to Host Women in Business Awards Twenty six outstanding individuals will be honored July 16 at the 11th Annual Women in Business Legislative Update and Awards luncheon. Sen. Carol Liu and Assemblymember Anthony Portantino will host the event at the Pasadena Hilton Hotel. The awards celebrate those who contribute to the greater good of the workforce through the advancement of business and the proliferation of new jobs while also serving as role models for their community and coworkers. “T hese women a re leading the way into the 21st Century economy,” said Liu, D-La CañadaFlintridge. B r i g a d ier G ener a l Mary J. Knight, the first female general in the Cali-

THISArtist WEEK Local Contributes to Celebration A n a rea a r t ist w ill lend his expertise to Temple Cit y’s half- centur y anniversary celebration on May 21 and 22. Noted sculptor and painter, Vic Riesau, a 50year resident of Temple City, is putting the finishing touches on a largerthan-life bronze bust of the city’s founder, Walter P. Temple. The dedication of the bust in Temple City Park on May 22 will be part of the festivities planned by the city. R i e s a u’s c o m m i s sions include “In the Line of Duty,” a 12- by 14-foot monument dedicated to peace officers who fell in the line of duty. It sits in the State Capitol in Sacramento. He understands that sentiment well. Before he became a professional art ist, R iesau spent 25 years with the Los Angeles Count y Sher iff’s Depa r t ment where he rose through the ranks to become the youngest chief in history. After he retired he pu r s ue d h i s lon g t i me passion for art, becoming equally adept in painting and sculpture. Both his paintings and sculptures have been displayed in museums throughout the nation including the San Ber na rd ino, t he Ca r negie and the Frederick R. Wiseman. And some of them are among their permanent collections. Ma ny exa mples of his sculpture can be seen locally. He created five bronze busts of famous personas in the television industry for the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences i n Nor t h Hol lywood and contributed 16 bronzes for the Athletic Court of Champions at Pasadena City College. His work, “Sighting t he Rescue Pa r t y,” depicts the tragic struggles

Dan Snell with County Supervisor Michael Antonovich. - Photo by Jerry Jambazian

La Rosa Dedicates IRC in Memory of Elmo Bregoli


2 May 17 - May 23, 2010

Training Day(s) Confessions of a

Molar Jockey

By Wally Hage

Sleep Aids

By Jack Von Bulow

So have you ever felt like a Celtics fan living courtside at the Staples Center? Maybe not? Welcome t o my g rea t big wonderful world (of dentistry.) Seems like, as time marches on, I continue remaining out of lock-step with most of my molar jockey brethren. By the way, I’ve been a Celtics fan practically since birth. And I’m not sayin I’m proud of my being a dental contrarian; I’m just sayin who wants to be another white lab coat in a roomful of a bunch of dentists? T h is i ndependent thinking thing started early on. Exhibit “A”: I didn’t mind going to the dentist. A nd I t hink my childhood dentist liked me. He probably just thought using anesthetic on a grade school stud like me woulda been a waste of good Xyloca ine or whatever they were using back in The Day. But I was good with my visits; I liked the people, the results, and the surroundings. Shoulda known right then I was sorta “special.” And I’m not sure if it was the set of plaster models the Doc gave me or just my impressionable youth telling me it would be cool working with a team of women in uniform. All I know is one bright shiny SoCal day I walked out of the office with some serious 3rd grade swagger, a new filling (I’ve only had two) and a new word, “occlusion.” The rest…is history. So I never really fit in all that well in dental school. I really couldn’t tell for the life of me who was crazier, my fellow students or the faculty; it’s like they were all OCD or something. While everyone was stressing over lining up all their little cotton rolls and instruments just right, I’d be daydreaming about my three “A”s in Organic Chemistry and my weathered Chem lab journal looking like it had come outa the bottom of the world’s busiest bird cage. Ea rly on, a f ter my

Family Affair

escape from D-school, we sort of practiced dentistry like everyone else. And significant years later, I realize why I enjoy dentistry so much more today. It’s been about 14 years since three of us first traveled outside of LA for some continuing education. I thought the folks running Dental Boot Kamp were a little crazy too. But it was a good crazy. Those folks believed in having fun; they even had the research to prove fun made for better dentistry. Shucks, there we were in Calgary, Ontario…and even the Canadians were fired-up. T hose folks under stood the secret was in the systems and communication. It was totally okay if you were mostly “expressive” and “creative.” And it helped when you surrounded yourself with folks who understood/appreciated stuff like lining up all those cotton rolls… and maintaining systems… and implementing all the details. Please allow me to introduce Singing Dental Assistants Extraordinaire Dani and Kolleen. So since 1996, there’s been lots of travel, tons of training, and the satisfaction that comes to contrarians like me (and my team) on discovering that, even within a group independent t hinkers, you can still be Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein and “…walk this way.” (And it’s true; some of us have a way easier time being Marty Feldman than others.)

During the last month we’ve actually had continuing education visit us twice (for about 10 Grand.) First, we tuned-up our very progressive Hygiene department and later, we learned some systems that will undoubtedly help us serve our patients even more like we would if they were the Royalty that could magically bring retail back to Temple City. Thing is, maybe our “Making dentistry fun,” is more contrarian than it ought to be. So next time you v isit you r dent ist , demand a smile; insist on laughter. Wear some “bubba” teeth, make some barnyard noises; go to your “happy place.” After all, that stuff is good for your immune system and it’s definitely contagious. And for cryin out loud, “Smiles” is our business, isn’t it?

Jack Von Bulow, DDS practices at Temple City Dental Care , located at 9929 E. Las Tunas Drive. Questions, concerns, comments and rants can be sent to jvonbulow@earthllink. net. He can also be reached by calling (626) 285-3161 or via his website, www.templecitydental.com.

Insomnia is really a frustrating issue to deal with for one or two nights, but did you ever think what it would be like if this was an everyday occurrence! I’m sure that you have been incredibly tired and dying for sleep but sleep does not want to cascade its shadow upon you. Well you’re not alone. According to the Department of Health more than 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year. Women are more prone to this sleep disorder, 40% more than men! It has been found to cause problems in every aspect of life, which include physical, mental, and even emotional problems effecting marital relationships. Well, my sleep partner has been an insomniac sufferer for a long time. Therefore you see I too ... have suffered along with her as I witness all of her “Sleep Aid” practices that she systematically puts into use each insomnia night. When she comes to bed she insists on turning off the TV. This generally occurs in the most critical part of viewing a Dodger baseball game or some other important news event. She claims that setting the mood for sleeping is very important to getting a good nights rest. Now, as she continues her “Sleep Aid” techniques for heading off any possibility of having an insomnia attack, she begins playing soothing sound effects on her DVD player. She claims that the sounds of ocean waves slapping against the rocks and a roaring and crackling fire in the fireplace helps create a calming tranquility. I’ve told her many times that those sounds make me want to get up and start roasting marshmallows or hot dogs in our fireplace. If, at this crucial point of inducing peaceful slumber does not work for her, and she is experiencing specific signs of having an insomnia event, then she then begins her methodical “Sleep Aid” therapy phases. Her first phase of curing the insomnia attack

Beacon Media News Publisher/Editor in Chief Von Raees

usually involves Slurping a hot cup of tea and chewing soda crackers in bed. This approach may be soothing to her but by this time I am wide-awake. My usual insensitive suggestion that we should have chips and dips and watch the end of the Dodger ball game does not make her sleepy. Her next “Sleep Aid” phase involves an exercise of deep knee bends and push-ups, at the foot of the bed. Well, her loud grunting sounds and fatigue may put her to sleep, but by this time I am still wide-awake and hungry. If the exercise phase is not successful then she usually begins her layering process phase. This involves turning all of the lights on in the bedroom to find her fuzzy sleeping bathrobe. Now that she is snuggled up in this fashion night wear, she realizes that she also needs a warm towel for her feet. This phase involves me... heating a towel for her cold feet, which often will send her off to dreamland. If still unsuccessful, the next phase of layering involves two more blankets tucked in and around her body to keep her from making constant leg movements and thunderous body rolls. Entering this phase of her insomnia, I usually suggest that we both have a little nip, a hot shower together and a back rub as in the past she always falls asleep during this fun technique of mine. Now, outraged by that ridiculous suggestion she stomps out to the dining room to cheat at playing solitaire. She claims that card playing always makes her sleepy. Still wide awake I turn on the Late Show and at it’s conclusion I usually check on my casino card dealer only to find her fast asleep slumped over a half completed card game. Quickly I rush off to bed knowing that I will now get a couple hours of deep sleep before sunrise. Her groggy morning greeting at breakfast tells me that she had a good nights sleep too ... slumped over the card table.



Editor John Stephens Photographer Terry Miller Contributors Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Jeff Corriveau William Warren Columnists Dr. Jack Von Bulow Dawn Rickabaugh Wally Hage Bill Dunn



Sales Manager Andrea Olivas Sales Brad Healy Victor Buell Legal Advertising Annette Reyes

Business Circulation manager Joseph Polk Accounting Vera Shamon This paper is published every Monday by Beacon Media, Inc.All contents herein are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc.The Arcadia Weeky has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759.

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May 17 - May 23, 2010

TCUSD Receives Donations from HSBC Bank


Metro Briefs


HSBC District Executive Cha Y. Park, Foundation Vice President Linda Payne, TCUSD Superintendent Chelsea Kang-Smith, HSBC Branch Manager Aimei Chen

At the grand opening of their Temple City branch on April 22, 2010, HSBC Bank generously donated $15,000 that will benefit TCUSD students.

to purchase iPads a nd iTouches. Emperor’s goal is to make classrooms as interactive as possible. Represent ing t he Te m p l e C i t y S c h o o l s

On behalf of students and staff at Emperor Elementary School, Principa l K at hy Per i n i accepted a $7,500 donation. This money will be used

Foundation, Vice President L i nda Pay ne, ac cepted $7,500 which will be used to expand technology for students District wide.

Dan Snell Named Outstanding Older American of the Year Continued from the First Page

visiting neighbors and friends in rehabilitation centers, often with cribbage board in hand. In 1957, Dan was Cub Scout Master of Troop 157 at Cloverly School. He had the reputation of being a kind and motivational leader. Dan kept involved in activities mentoring young Cub Scouts and was instrumental in organizing the first father and son Pine Wood Derby. After retiring from Continental Can Corporation, Dan became a Realtor and Broker in Temple City. His honesty, integrity and hard work kept his one man office open for over 30 years. Dan has been an active member of the Temple City Kiwanis since July 1980 and a two time honoree as the Temple City Kiwanian of the year in 1995 and 2009. He was club President in 1991 and held positions on the

By Tom Gammill




The Doozies

Board of Directors during 2009 and previous years. Dan is currently Chairman of Membership and serves on the Continuous Service and Spiritual Committees. He participates in the annual community prayer breakfast and many fund raising events held by the organization. Dan is a founding member of the Temple City Historical Society, established in 1987. From 2005 until present, he has been the Official Historian for the organization. In 2006 he actively participated in the move of the Historical Society from Live Oak Park to its current location on Kauffman Avenue. Last Year he helped in construction of benches for visitors and civic gatherings. On May 10th, Los Angeles County Supervisor, Mike Antonovich, recognized Mr. Snell for being an asset to the community consistently through the years.

The More You Ride, The More You Save. Isn’t it about time you decided to start some serious saving by going Metro? Experts estimate you can save as much as $9,000 annually by using public transit instead of paying for gas and parking. Find your best route with the Trip Planner at metro.net.

Metro Looks To “30/10” To Speed Transit Projects Metro is backing a proposal seeking federal funds to complete a dozen transit and highway improvement projects, planned for the next 30 years, in just 10 years. The “30/10” proposal would advance the funds needed for LA County transportation improvements outlined in Measure R. Find out more at metro.net/3010.

Foothill Extension Expects June Groundbreaking The 11.4-mile line between Pasadena and Azusa becomes the >rst new rail project funded by Measure R in an agreement between Metro and the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority. This >rst phase extends the current Gold Line from the Sierra Madre Villa Station.

Parking Lot Opens On Eastside Extension A new parking garage with 266 free parking spaces has opened at the Metro Gold Line Atlantic Station in East LA. The three story structure is located at Atlantic Boulevard and Pomona Avenue, just across the street from the station. The free parking is available on a >rst come, >rst serve basis.

Go Silver Line For Late-Night Service Stay late for the game at STAPLES Center or enjoy the nightlife at L.A. Live without worrying about the trip home. The Metro Silver Line travels the carpool lanes on the I-10 and I-110 freeways between the South Bay, San Gabriel Valley and Downtown LA with service until well after midnight. Find out more at metro.net.

If you’d like to know more, please call us at 1.800.464.2111, or visit metro.net.


By Jeff Corriveau

Starting a NEW Business?



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HSBC District Executive Cha Y. Park, Principal Kathy Perini, HSBC North American President Irene Dorner, TCUSD Superintendent Chelsea Kang-Smith, Temple City Mayor Fernando Vizcarra, HSBC Branch Manager Aimei Chen


4 May 17 - May 23, 2010

Local Artist Contributes to City’s 50th Anniversary Celebration Continued from the First Page of the Donner party and is among the collections at the Autry Museum of West er n Her it a ge a nd the Emigrant Museum in Truckee, Calif. Riesau, 80, says he is thrilled to be given the opportunity to create a work t hat represent s a part of Temple City history and is looking forward to the 50th anniversary celebrations and the dedication of the bronze. He will also be donating a plaster replica of the bust to the Temple City Historical Society. The festivities begin May 21 at 6 p.m. with a no-host bar and dinner at 7 at the St. Luke Catholic Church Parish Hall, 5605 Cloverly Ave. Ticket s should be purchased in a dva nce a t Cit y Ha l l, 9701 Las Tunas Drive in Temple City. Celebrations and the unveiling of the bronze begin May 22 at 4 p.m. in Temple City Park at the corner of Golden West Avenue and Las Tunas Drive. There will be entertainment, a concert, a ba rbeque a nd g ive aways. Bring your own blanket or lawn chair. For addit iona l infor mat ion call the Parks and Recreation Department at (626) 285-2171, ext. 2328.

- Photos by Jerry Jambazian


By Hoop Rat USA & Molten Balls By HoopBy Rat USA Molten BallsBalls Hoop Rat&USA & Molten



3ATISFACTION 'UARANTEED OR 9OUR -ONEY "ACK We know that you cannot find a better basketball class for your son’s or daughter’s personal development. 3ATISFACTION 'UARANTEED OR 9OUR -ONEY "ACK My name is Coach Richard Marquis I have basketball young people We know that you and cannot find abeen bettercoaching basketball class for yourand son’steaching or daughter’s personal development. through clinics andMyclasses overRichard the world. You be happy with your child’spersonal progress. We knowmy that you cannot find isaall better basketball class for your son’s or daughter’s development. name Coach Marquis andwill I have been coaching basketball and teaching young people throughMarquis my clinicsand and Iclasses all overcoaching the world. basketball You will be happy with your child’s My name is Coach Richard have been and teaching youngprogress. people through my clinics and classes all over the world. You will beALL happy CLASSES with your child’s IS progress. REGISTRATION FOR NOW OPEN



Membership Fee: $125.00 first month only, includes a leather basketball and class Membership Fee: $125.00 first month only, includes a leather basketball and class “Hoop Rat” t-shirt. Only fee $85.00 each month thereafter “Hoop Rat”$85.00 t-shirt. Only fee each month thereafter Membership month only, includes a leather basketball and class We know that you cannot find a better basketballFee: class$125.00 for yourfirst son’s or daughter’s personal development. 9OU CANNOT lND A BETTER BASKETBALL CLASS ANYWHERE 7E 'UARANTEE )T “Hoop Rat” t-shirt. Only $85.00 fee each month thereafter We know that you cannot find a better SATURDAYand Locations Times: ALLINCLUDING AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS SATURDAY Locations Times:and ALL AGES BEGINNERS

My name is Coach Richard Marquis and I have been coaching basketball and teaching young people SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TOyour 11 A.M. TempleofCity Church of the Nazarene Las Dr. Tunasone Dr. one basketball 3ATISFACTION 'UARANTEED OR 9OUR -ONEY "ACK class for your SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. 11 A.M. City Church the Nazarene 9953Gym Las9953 Tunas through myson’s clinicsorand classes allSATURDAY over the world. You will TO be happy with child’s progress. MORNING A.M. TOTemple 11 Temple City ChurchGym of the Nazarene Gym block9West of Baldwin Ave.A.M.ALL Locations and Times: AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS West ofdevelopment. daughter’s personal development. My We know that you cannot find a better basketball class for your son’s or SATURDAY daughter’s personal 9953block Las TunasBaldwin Dr. —Ave. one block West Ave. SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROMof 2:00Baldwin P.M. TO 4 P.M. The Salvation Army Tabernacle Gym 960 E. Walnut St. SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 4 P.M. The Salvation Army Tabernacle Gym 960 E. Walnut St. Myname name isis Coach Richard Marquis and I have been coaching basketball and teaching young people SATURDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 11 Templejust Citybehind Church of the Nazarene Gym 9953 Las Tunas Dr. one on Mentor St.A.M. in Pasadena, Market Coach Richard Marquis and AFTERNOON FROM 2 P.M. TO 4Ralph’s P.M. The Salvation Army Tabernacle through my clinics and classes all over the world. You will be happy with SATURDAY your child’s progress. on Mentor in Pasadena, block WestSt. of Baldwin Ave. just behind Ralph’s Market I have been coaching basketballFee: and $125.00 Membership first only, includes a 4leather basketball and class Gym 960month E. Walnut St. on Mentor in Pasadena, just behind Ralph’s Market SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2:00 P.M. St. TO P.M. The Salvation Army Tabernacle Gym 960 E. Walnut St. SUNDAY Location and Times: ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS REGISTRATION FOR ALL CLASSES IS NOW OPEN teaching young people through my onbasketball Mentor in Pasadena, justeach behind Market SUNDAY and Times: ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS Rat”a leather t-shirt. OnlySt.Location $85.00 fee month thereafter SUNDAY 9 A.M.Ralph’s TO 11:30 A.M. – Asian Youth Center, 100 Clary Avenue, San Gabriel, between Membership Fee: $125.00 first month“Hoop only, includes and class MORNING COMING SOON Mission and Broadway, just off Del Mar clinics and“Hoop classes all over the world. Rat” t-shirt. Only $85.00 fee each month thereafter SUNDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. – Asian Youth Center, 100 Clary Avenue, San Gabriel, between COMING SOON SUNDAY Location Times: ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS You will be happy with your child’s Mission and Broadway, justand off Del Mar SUNDAY AFTERNOON 1 P.M. TO 3 P.M. at: SATURDAY and Times: ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS SATURDAY and Times:Locations ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS progress Locations SUNDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. –Reach Asian YouthCoach Center, 100Richard Clary Avenue,Marquis San Gabriel, between COMING SOON Mission and Broadway, just off Del Mar Coachmarquis@gmail.com SATURDAY MORNING 9SATURDAY A.M. TO 11 A.M. MORNING Temple City Church of the Nazarene Gym 9953 Las Tunas Dr. Academy, one San Gabriel 8827 ERichard Broadway, San Dr. Gabriel Reach Coach Marquis at: 9 A.M. TO 11 A.M. Temple City Church of the Nazarene Gym 9953 Las Tunas — one block West of Baldwin Ave. Membership Fee: $125.00 first month or 626-482-8267 West Ave. SATURDAY AFTERNOON FROMblock 2:00 P.M. TO 4of P.M.Baldwin The Salvation Army Tabernacle Gym 960 E. Walnut St. Coachmarquis@gmail.com Reach Coach Richard only, includes aSATURDAY leather basketball on Mentor St. in Pasadena, just behind Ralph’s Market www.playsmarterbasketball.com AFTERNOON FROM 2:00 P.M. TO 4 P.M. The Salvation Army Tabernacle Gym Marquis 960 E. Walnutat: St. and class or 626-482-8267 on Mentor St. in Pasadena, just behind Ralph’s Market Coachmarquis@gmail.com SUNDAY Location and Times: ALL AGES INCLUDING BEGINNERS “Hoop Rat” t-shirt. Only $85.00 fee www.playsmarterbasketball.com SUNDAY MORNING 9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. – Asian Youth Center, 100 Clary Avenue, San Gabriel, between 626-482-8267 COMING SOONand Times: ALLorAGES each month thereafter Mission and Broadway, just off Del Mar SUNDAY Location INCLUDING BEGINNERS —


New Sunday Class Announcement —



SUNDAY 9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. – at: Asian Youth Center, 100 Clary Avenue, San Gabriel, between ReachMORNING Coach Richard Marquis Mission and Broadway, just off Del Mar


or 626-482-8267

Reach Coach Richard Marquis at:

@tctribune www.playsmarterbasketball.com


or 626-482-8267


May 17 - May 23, 2010


POLITICAL POLLUTION Okay, I am ready for the primaries and the election to get here and be over. I am more than tired of the non-stop political commercials that are polluting the radio and television airwaves. As if half of the shows that are on nowadays aren’t stinking up the joint on their own. I was as wrong about reality TV shows as my parents were about The Beatles and Rock ‘n Roll. Neither one was a passing phase. Both are still thriving long after their predicted demise. Unfortunately, political backbiting has not gone the way of the dinosaurs either. As anyone who watches the tube or listens to the radio can tell you, the vicious barbs are still being thrown with a vengeance. The current round in this knock down drag out fight is even nastier then ones we were subjected to in the past. The two primary combatants in this mud slinging fest, and I use t he word mud because this is a family newspaper, are Meg Whitless, I mean Whitman, and Steve Poser, I mean Poizner. I wouldn’t vote for either one of them, even if

I subscribed to their political agendas, just based on how nasty their ads are. They are coming off like a couple of rabid attack dogs fighting over the last scrap of meat on the planet. What is pathetic is that nobody cares how many times “Ebay Meg” didn’t vote or how many cars “The Poser” bought for his department when he was at his last job. They are both conservatives; so they can both stop calling each other liberals with the same venom reserved for someone hurling the “F” word. Liberal or conservative, they are both still the “P” word, politicians. We all get it already. You are bot h a couple of tough bad asses and if elected you will run the state with an iron fist. There will be a new sheriff in town so you all better step aside and be ready for some big changes. After all, we have had such incredible good luck with the bang up job the Republican Governator has done. I can hardly wait to see, if either one of you is elected, what wonderous new ideas you will bring to the table. We have fallen so far down the rabbit hole now I can’t believe

When All Is Said And Dunn

Vietnamese Cuisine By Bill Dunn

anybody really even wants the job. But these two pit bulls apparently do. Well, Meg definitely comes off like a pit bull, Steve comes off more like a poodle. I bet if we threw them both in a ring she would tear his throat out. I may be wrong, but I can only base it on my impressions after watching their commercials. With the way these two have been going at it, the lines have been so blurred as to what is truth and what is fiction, that I do not envy any one who has to pick between them. It’s like choosing between arsenic and strychnine. If you believe even one iota of what they are both spewing, they are both liars, cheats, and untrustworthy to the point that if they were not running for elected office, they would probably be looking at jail time. After the political pollution we here in Temple City have been subjected to over the last couple of years, I can totally relate.

La Rosa Dedicates IRC in Memory of Elmo Bregoli Continued from the First Page

President of the Temple City Kiwanis Club and Kiwanians Doug Sears and Chuck Shaw shared special memories. Elmo Bregoli dedicated his life to the Temple City Unified School District! In 1954, he began his career as a Foreign Language teacher at Temple City High School and in 1987 retired as an Assistant Superintendent for Projects/Media. Elmo even came out of retirement in 1996 to be the Interim Principal at Cloverly Elementary School. Mr. Bregoli passed away on July 22, 2003; he was 82 years young. Elmo was a great man with extraordinary integrity! He built a state-of-the-art media program that helped teachers and students take advantage of audio, video,

and television to enhance their educational experience. During his administrative years with the District, he created programs and secured grant funding from both the State and Federal governments. During his retirement, he assisted Kiwanis in sponsoring a Builders Club at Oak Avenue Intermediate School. Ian Garcia, third grade La Rosa student, read a special poem, “My Library” by Varda One and the TCHS Brighter Side Singers provided entertainment. Elmo Bregoli lived what he believed: God, faith, education and love will see you through all the hardships that life can throw at you and in the end leave the world a better place and full of great memories.

Liu and Portantino to Host Women in Business Awards Continued from the First Page

• Empowerment Award: Rose West, Altadena; Donna Chaney, Glendale; Lt. Angela Shepherd, La Crescenta • Woman in Arts & Entertainment: K irsten Schaffer, Los Angeles; Lissa Reynolds, South Pasa-

dena • Outstanding NonProfit Employee: Anne Wolfe, Los Angeles; Jo A. Buczko, Pasadena • Environment / Energ y Efficiency: Nancy Steele, Altadena; Jessica Aldridge, Burbank

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6 May 17 - May 23, 2010

Santa Anita Racetrack During WW II Crowning of Miss Temple City Ambassador and Honor Court Did you know that the Santa Anita Racetrack was used as a Japanese-American relocation facility and army ordnance training camp during World War II? TV host and reporter Carolyn Conley will discuss these, and other fascinating facts in “The Lost Years: The History of Santa Anita Racetrack During WW II,” on Wednesday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m., at the Sierra Madre Public Library. Ms. Conley began her racing career as a groom and went on to exercise horses for a number of the training greats, including Charlie Wittingham, Bobby Frankel, D. Wayne Lukas, and Richard Mandella. From 1996-2002 she was a key member of Santa Anita

produced by Ms. Conley for HorseRacing TV. She is currently a Santa Anita track and location reporter and hosts “RaceDay America for HRTV. This program is free and open to the public. The Sierra Madre Public Library, located at 440 West Sierra Madre Boulevard in Sierra Madre, is open Monday through Wednesday from Noon to 9 p.m., Thursday and Friday from Noon to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on all major holidays. For information on all our Library activities and services, please call (626) 355-7186, or visit our website at www.sierramadre.lib.ca.us.

Carolyn Conley is currently a Santa Anita track and location reporter and hosts “RaceDay America for HRTV.

Park’s Eclipse Award-winning broadcast team, and for several summers served as the host of “Racing from

Monmouth Park,” on Fox Sports New York. “The Lost Years” was originally a documentary written and

Temple City’s Celebration Month Continues Join us at one or all of the many special events planned celebrating Temple City’s Golden Anniversary.

May 21 Golden Anniversary Dinner – St. Lukes Catholic Church Parish Hall Limited tickets will be available for the Golden Anniversary Dinner set for May 21. The $30 ticket includes your choice of tequila lime chicken with rice pilaf or marinated tri-tip and garlic mashed potatoes along with salad, rolls and dessert. The evening will begin at 6 p.m. with hor d’oeuvres and a no host bar followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets must be purchased in advance at City Hall, 9701 Last Tunas Drive. Individuals or organizations may purchase a table of 8 allowing for reserved seating. Semi-formal attire required. Tickets will be on sale at City Hall beginning May 3.

May 22 50th Celebration Concert Temple City Park is the place to be on Saturday, May 22 as we turn back the clock 50 years for a ROCKIN’ good time! Dance to all your favorites from the 50s and 60s. This fun filled evening will include live entertainment, a BBQ, celebration cake, giveaways and a community photo! Be sure to purchase a pre-sale BBQ ticket at City Hall beginning May 3. Ticket includes a yummy BBQ hamburger, chips and lemonade. Purchase an official 50th Anniversary t-shirt and take part in the community photo. T-shirts are on sale now at City Hall with a purchase price of $5 or $11. For additional information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (626) 2852171 ext. 2328.

50th Anniversary Community Photo Don’t miss out on your chance to take part in Temple City’s 50th Anniversary Community Photo! Join us on Saturday, May 22 at Temple City Park for the 50th Celebration Concert and BBQ. Purchase an official anniversary t-shirt or embroidered polo shirt ($20) and take part in the aerial photo scheduled for 6

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T h e Te m p l e C i t y Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that on Thursday, May 27, the crowning of Miss Temple Cit y A mbassador 2010 and her Honor Court will take place. This event will be held in the Parish Hall at St. Luke Catholic Church, 5605 Cloverly, 7:00 p.m. Genera l ad m ission tickets are $10 with admission at 6:30 p.m., VIP adult tickets are $15, and

VIP children through age 12 are $5. The VIP tickets include admission at 5:00 p.m., with table seating and appetizers. Tickets are available at the Chamber, Embellish Salon, and through the contestants. Miss Temple City and Honor Cou r t w ill rep resent t he Chamber of Commerce and the city of Temple City at community events, business mixers and social functions throughout the year.

CLASSIFIEDS Employment Female/Male Driver Wanted Pasadena 32 Hours a week to start. Must have clean DMV driving record and provide a DMV printout. Please call (626) 786 – 3012. $10 per hour. More hours possible in the future LIVE IN CAPABLE Company & caregiver Available for interviews. I will fix meals & do lt housekeeping. Dr. Appts in the afternoon. Salary required in addition to board & Room. Gwen Girvin (626) 287-2452

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p.m.! Pre-purchase your shirt at City Hall, 9701 Las Tunas Drive or at the event. Choose from 2 different t-shirt styles at a bargain price of $5 or $11. For additional information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (626) 285-2171 ext. 2328.

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Tops in the Valley

The Rules

To be eligible for prize drawing: • • • •

You must include your name, address and phone number Entry must be in Beacon Media’s Office by 5 p.m., June 15, 2010 Employees of Beacon Media, Inc. are not eligible You must be 18 yrs. or older to win

VOTE for a chance to win great prizes

formerly best of the best

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The Form

Name: Address: City & Zip Code: Daytime Phone: ( ) Email: Median Income: Age: Gender:

Only one entry per person. (Every ballot will be verified for authenticity) Prizes have no cash value and may be substituted based upon availability Businesses are only allowed to win in two categories Minimum of 25 votes to be entered into weekly prize raffle

MAIL IT: Attn: Readers’ Choice Beacon Media, Inc. 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia CA 91016

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   Must vote for a minimum of 10 categories for ballot to count    needs to be an independent buisness WHO’S COOKIN’? NAME/CITY 1. American 2. Bakery 3. Chinese 4. Coffee House 5. Diner 6. French 7. Greek 8. Indian 9. Italian 10. Japanese 11. Juice Bar 12. Korean 13. Mediterranean 14. Mexican. 15. New Restaurant 16. Restaurant 17. Spanish 18. Thai 19. Vegetarian 20. Vietnamese 21. Other


WHAT’S COOKIN’? NAME/CITY 1. Appetizers 2. Bagel 3. BBQ 4. Beer 5. Breakfast 6. Buffalo Wings 7. Buffet 8. Burger 9. Burrito 10. Cake 11. Chicken 12. Coffee 13. Cookies 14. Delivery 15. Desserts 16. Frozen Yogurt 17. Ice Cream 18. Martini 19. Margarita 20. Mojito 21. Pasta 22. Pizza 23. Ribs 24. Sandwich 25. Seafood

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WHERE DO YOU PLAY? NAME/CITY 1. Bowling 2. Botanical Gardens 3. British Pub 4. Golf Course 5. Happy Hour 6. Hiking Trail 7. Hotel 8. Jazz Club 9. Late Night Dining 10. Live Theatre 11. Local Bar 12. Movie Theatre 13. Museum 14. Night Club 15. Outdoor Concerts 16. Outdoor/Patio Dining 17. Outdoor Recreation 18. Pool Hall 19. Race Track 20. Romantic Dining 21. Tattoo Parlor 22. Wine Bar 23. Other

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 Vote online at beaconmedianews.com/readerschoice 

8 May 17 - May 23, 2010

Era, Composer Recalled in Theaters of Vision’s “Harry, Who?” By Bill Peters

It’s a s i f someone slipped in the back door and left a package filled with great entertainment and songs of a by-gone era. That is pretty much what happened when Lani Ridley Pedrini and her Theaters of Vision Productions joined with the Ambassador Foundation last Saturday to bring some 160 performers to the stage of the Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena for an allsinging, all-dancing show devoted exclusively to the music of Harry Warren. Calling it a “community outreach benefit It’s as if someone slipped in the back door and left a package filled with production”, the show called on nine performing groups and eight soloists to display their talents. The groups are to enjoy net proceeds from the matinee and evening shows presented last Saturday to enhance the treasuries of the San Gabriel Valley performance ensembles. T he show sor t of slipped into town with little fanfare for its one-day, two-show performance, in the same way that Harry Warren, the composer of hundreds of hit songs, has remained unsung—until Pedrini decided to focus on Warren’s music to remind us that the prolific composer is deeply embedded in the fabric of American music. Warren was responsible, along with some of the best lyricists of the 1920’s through the 1940’s, for such tunes as “Chattanooga Choo-Choo”, “Serenade in Blue” and “At Last” from the Glenn Miller era; and the 1930’s movie-musicals such as “42nd Street” and

Brighter Side Singers, Temple City High School

Center Stage Dance Academy, Monrovia

“Dames” that featured song hits like “I Only Have Eyes for You”, “Shuffle off the Buffalo” and “Lullaby of Broadway”. Emcee-narrator for the production was a suave Michael Shaughnessy who got things off in an almost startling way with the presentation of Warren’s 1923 hit, “Home in Pasadena”. Shaughnessy had a lively script that kept the audience informed about Warren’s life and his music. David Miller, co-chair of the production and conductor of the Theaters of Vision All Star Community Orchestra, kept the music upbeat and supportive through the 20 numbers presented. Dancers from Rose City Ball-

room offered slick dancing in several numbers and The Tap Chicks clogged their way into our hearts. Denise Harvey belted two songs in the vaunted cabaret style and Mark Anton in “Serenade in Blue” was dressed for the part—right down to the black and white shoes. Pam Feener demonstrated a fine Broadway voice and Producer Lani Ridley Pedrini colorfully soloed in “We’re in the Money”, aided by the Tap Chicks, and with Feener and Charles Offenhauser sang “Jeepers Creepers”. Bill Brunold sang “I Found a Million Dollar Baby”, Paula Montgomery sang “You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby” to fine ef-

fect and Jack Walsh, who appeared throughout the show in various skits, did a wonderful song and dance man routine with Shaughnessy in “You’re Getting to be a Habit with Me”, but outdid himself in “Away Down South in Heaven” dressed as a woman singer bearing a scraggly wig and a thrift-store gown. A trio from Monrovia’s Centre Stage Dance Academy portrayed the 1930’s popular singers, the Boswell Sisters, the Towne Singers backed Harvey in “At Last” with great harmonic balance, Temple City High School’s Brighter Side Singers energetically presented “Chattanooga Choo-Choo”, the male chapter of the Tap Chicks, The

Testoster Tones clicked their heels to “42nd Street”, and SambaLa Samba School dancers were seen in “She’s a Latin from Manhattan”. Other members of the production team were Pam Kay of the Tap Chicks who served as Choreographer and Charles Offenhauser who was Technical Director. Offenhauser developed a colorful stage and lighting for the show well in keeping with the era’s Technicolor quality. Doug Huse, Vice -P resident , Di rector of Operations and General Manager at the Ambassador Auditorium represented the Ambassador Foundation in a greeting beforehand.

Pasadena Playhouse Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection Pasadena Playhouse announced Monday night that it had filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in Los Angeles. The Playhouse is represented by Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP. “After a thorough and careful review of Pasadena Playhouse’s financial state and with advice of legal counsel, we have elected to file chapter 11. This is a necessary step in our strategy to reorganize the Playhouse for the benefit of our creditors and the Pasadena Community at large,” said Pasadena Playhouse Executive Director Stephen Eich. “We are optimistic that the Playhouse will emerge from chapter 11 and are thankful to our Board, staff, volunteers, Friends and Alumni of the Pasadena Playhouse, our corporate sponsors, and many of our subscribers for their continued support. We are moving forward in our goal to resume our role in producing exciting theatre for Pasadena and the surrounding communities,” said Pasadena Playhouse Artistic Director

Sheldon Epps. “The Playhouse is also thankful for the generosity of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP for their pro bono representation.” Pasadena Playhouse, the State Theater of California, was established in 1917. In recent years, the Playhouse has become instrumental in launching new works and landmark revivals for the American Theatre. The Playhouse has displayed a commitment to cultural and theatrical diversity, which is reflected in seasons featuring Tony and Pulitzer award-winning plays. Highlights since 2005 include the launch of the national tour of Purlie (with the Goodman Theatre), the world premiere of Sister Act the Musical (with the Alliance Theatre, which is now in its eleventh month in the West End), the world premiere of Ray Charles Live! (now titled Unchain My Heart, The Ray Charles Musical scheduled to open on Broadway in November 2010), and the world premiere of Looped starring Valerie Harper (opened on Broadway at the Lyceum Theatre in March 2010).

May 17 - May 23, 2010

Fictitious Business Name Filings FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519937 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BEETLE FARM MEDIA, 1230 Princeton ST. #3 , Santa Monica, CA 90404. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jonathan Licht. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519942 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as REGENERATIVE DENTAL FOUNDATION , 12381 Wilshire blvd , los angeles, CA 90025. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: harold Ravins. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519951 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CALIFORNIA SCHOOL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS; NATIONWIDE BUSINESS SERVICES, 4645 E. Anaheim St , Long Beach, CA 90804. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Services For Police And Fire (CA), 4645 E. Anaheim St , Long Beach, CA 90804; Pauline Klein, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519929 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MARIA LUCILA SISON LLANES, MD, 1049 CYNTHIA AVE. , PASADENA, CA 91107. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: MLSL, INCORPORATED (CA), 1049 CYNTHIA AVE. , PASADENA, CA 91107; MARIA LUCILA SISON LLANES, PRESIDENT. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519935 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as DRIVEMASTER, 8820 Bellanca Ave. #101, Los Angeles, CA 90045. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Min Choi. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519939 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SHOTGUN BLUES, 4841 Whitsett Avenue APT 19, Valley Village, CA 91607. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the ficti-

tious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Mitchell Berlow. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519940 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SAINTS SOLAR, 2721 Bagley Ave. , Los Angeles, CA 90034. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Thomas McAndless. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519948 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as YKC CONSULTING, 10061 Riverside Drive Unit 479, Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2560. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Young Choi. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519936 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOGAR AMERICANO, 10215 Variel ave #2 , Chatsworth, CA 91311. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Tannya Lo Iacono; Byron X Aguilar. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519938 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as WORLD OF JEWELS BY PANIE, 550 s.hill st #1128, los angeles, CA 90013. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: panteha salehi. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519945 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE COOKIE GAL, 4331 Mammoth Ave #5 , Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Courtney Donnelly. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519946 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business


Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com as HOTHOUSE INDUSTRIES, 4078 W. 7th. Street , Los Angeles, CA 90005. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Todd Heater. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519944 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as P.J.’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES, 100 Coburn Ave , Sierra Madre, CA 91024. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 5, 1992. Signed: Peggy Hoy. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519952 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOLLYWOOD MARQUEE; HAUTE SPOTS, 264 S La Cienega Blvd #1007 , Beverly Hills, CA 90211. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 6, 2010. Signed: Theacy, Inc dba ETA (CA), 264 S La Cienega Blvd #1007 , Beverly Hills, CA 90211; Mary Elizabeth Yoder, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519947 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RIGHT RESUME BEST INTERVIEW, 11524 Moorpark St #7 , Studio City, CA 91602. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Kevin Anthony. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519934 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EUMARIA ENTERTAINMENT, 705 East Cypress Street , Glendale, CA 91506. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Kazumi Aihara; Deirdre Wall. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519943 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CARING AND PROVIDING SOBER LIVING, 719 w 138 street , compton, CA 90222. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: clarence gloss. The

statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519941 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as J & S TRUCK REPAIR, 6307 Melvin Ave , Tarzana, CA 91335. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jeffrey Sims. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519930 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FORTUNA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, 9400 Topanga canyon Bl. #201 , Chatsworth, CA 91311. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Fortuna General Insurance, Inc (CA), 9400 Topanga canyon Bl. #201 , Chatsworth, CA 91311; Chris Bennett, CEO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519950 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NEENACH MALL; RC REAL TIME; PUTZ NUTZ; ME WITHIN, 23415 West Avenue C , Lancaster, CA 93536. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Maria Williams. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519949 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RELIEF COUNSEL , 5455 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2005, Los Angeles, CA 90036. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Processing Division, LLC (CA), 5455 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 2005, Los Angeles, CA 90036; Mike Pessar, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519931 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TWO GEMS COMMUNICATIONS, 724 Ivy St. , Glendora, CA 91740. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 8, 2010. Signed: Brian Hacker. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious busi-

ness name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519933 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BLACK RAIN BOOTS, 6641 drexel ave , los angeles, CA 90048. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 1, 2010. Signed: julien chambon; reda bouaissa. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 15, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100519932 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ELI WRITING & TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES, 7015 Orion Ave. , Van Nuys, CA 91406. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Eleni Valasis. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100528031 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FK STUDIOS, 2640 S. Myrtle Ave A-11 , Monrovia, CA 91016. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Kyle Garcia. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 19, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100514194 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as DUARTE DRIVE THRU STORE, 24444 Huntington Dr , Duarte, CA 91010. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Badrinath Corporation (CA), 24444 Huntington Dr , Duarte, CA 91010; Bharat S. Patel, President / Secretary. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 15, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100531356 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CONCEPTS IN WOOD, 2100 E. Slauson Avenue , Huntington Park, CA 90255. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 9, 2005. Signed: Plycraft Industries, Inc (CA), 2100 E. Slauson Avenue , Huntington Park, CA 90255; Nathan Joffe, CFO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize

the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100531355 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as A WYNNING EVENT, 11838 Kiowa #200 , Los Angeles, CA 90049. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on July 1, 1999. Signed: Andrea Wyn Schall. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100531345 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as WRITER FOR HIRE, 10853 Parr Avenue , sunland, CA 91040. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 10, 2005. Signed: Patricia A. Kramer. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100531353 ORIGINAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SEPULVEDA PLAZA, 17200 Ventura Blvd, Suite 115 , Encino, CA 91316. This business is conducted by a limited partnership. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 1, 2010. Signed: 1826 Nikko Investments Limited Partnership (CA), 17200 Ventura Blvd, Suite 115 , Encino, CA 91316; Jacob Kohanzadeh, General Partner. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100531352 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as UNDERGROUND NETWORKING; UNET, 1231 West 23rd Street , San Pedro, CA 90731. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on June 7, 2001. Signed: Anthony Ferara. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly April 26, 2010, May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010 FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100453014 The following person(s) are doing business as: HER ELFNESS CREATIONS , 501 South Fuller Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Renee Tetro, 501 South Fuller Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Renee Tetro. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 12-11-2005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 2, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before

10 May 17 - May 23, 2010 that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-032010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38718. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100438175 The following person(s) are doing business as: CITY’S VALET PARKING SERVICES , 712 N. Ardmore # 2, Los Angeles, CA 90029. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Ivan E. Rivas, 712 N. Ardmore # 2, Los Angeles, CA 90029. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Ivan E. Rivas. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) March 31, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38719. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100438821 The following person(s) are doing business as: A TO Z LAB SERVICES , 1149 Calbourne Drive, Walnut, CA 91789. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Michael R. Ludeking, 1149 Calbourne Drive, Walnut, CA 91789. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Michael R. Ludeking. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) March 31, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-032010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38720. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100428009 The following person(s) are doing business as: 1. VAMP 2. LUCCI , 3837 W. 119th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Andrea P. Diaz, 31351 Santa Ana Way, Union City, CA 94587 and Prescilla Vielman and Tiffany Moore, 3837 W. 119th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250. This business is conducted by co-partners. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Andrea P. Diaz. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) March 30, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38736. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100428010 The following person(s) are doing business as: 1. PROSA 2. LA PROSA PROJECT , 3837 W. 119th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Prescilla Vielman, 3837 W. 119th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250 and Andrea P. Diaza, 31351 Santa Ana Way, Union City, CA 94587. This business is conducted by co-partners. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Andrea P. Diaza. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 03-01-2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) March 30, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38737. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100443722 The following person(s) are doing business as: NORTH HOLLYWOOD NAILS , 11009

Burbank Blvd. Suite 121, North Hollywood, CA 91601. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Holly Phuong Hoang, 7841 Woodman Ave., Panorama City, CA 91402. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Holly Phuong Hoang. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 04-05-2005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 1, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 04-26-2010, 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38738. First Filing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100512804 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as AGUILAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES, 1830 Hauser Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90019. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Maria E. Saracay; Jose Juan Aguilar. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 15, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100506204 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ANGELS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE, 9239 Tobias Ave , Panorama City, CA 91402. This business is conducted by a limited liability partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jose Marie Barles; Pedro De Pacino. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100507730 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CHONGCHIH AUTO, 504 E Saxon Ave , San Gabriel, CA 91776. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 14, 2010. Signed: Chongchih Auto, Inc (CA), 504 E Saxon Ave , San Gabriel, CA 91776; Chongchih Auto, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100509030 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as DIAMOND EXPRESS LOGISTICS; ELLEN FURNITURE, 19745 Colima Rd 1/104 , Rowland Heights, CA 91748. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Mjnr, Inc (CA), 19745 Colima Rd 1/104 , Rowland Heights, CA 91748; Jeong Eum Kim, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100498907 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EL HORNERO RESTAURANT, 14223 Bellflower Blvd , Bellflower, CA 90706. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein.

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com Signed: Chef Hornero Restaurant, Inc (CA), 14223 Bellflower Blvd , Bellflower, CA 90706; Agustin Fernandez, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100502094 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EXECUTIVE OFFICE MAINTENANCE, 19011 E. Hollingworth St , West Covina, CA 91792. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 8, 1999. Signed: Sylvia Jimenez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100502740 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GENESSEE QUIZON PHOTOGRAPHY, 11634 Chesterton St , Norwalk, CA 90650. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 1, 2010. Signed: Genessee Quizon. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100489073 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GOSSAMER, 1410 Abbot Kinney Boulevard #101 , Venice, CA 90291. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Gwen Heier. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 9, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100508272 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as H.P. SUNNY COAST IMPORTS, 2602 E. Florence Ave. Pmb #913 , Huntington Park, CA 90255. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Guadalupe Franco. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100507970 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as JR MOBILE DETAILING, 8446 1/2 Stewart and Gray Rd , Downey, CA 90241. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Oscar Ybarra Jr. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County

Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100502035 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as JSV, OIL & GAS PRODUCT TRADING, 370 West wilson Ave, Suite 101 , Glendale, CA 91203. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: JSV, Inc (CA), 370 West wilson Ave, Suite 101 , Glendale, CA 91203; Jacqueline Vo, C.E.O. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100495089 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as L.A DONUT HOUSE, 2271 West Pico Boulevard , Los Angeles, CA 90006. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Beverly Bets. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100495102 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LIN LAW GROUP, 236 W. Mountain St 110E , Pasadena, CA 91103. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Honh Lin. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100494588 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ONE OF A KIND FLOORING, 11135 Adoree St , Norwalk, CA 90650. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 12, 2010. Signed: Kellen Christopher McConnon. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100507575 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS1, 11221 S. Alameda St , Los Angeles, CA 90059. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on November 16, 2009. Signed: Daniel Joseph Vasquez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub.

Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100505661 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PITTMAN OUTDOORS, 6940 Aragon Circle #2 , Buena Park, CA 90620. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: James Jones Pittman. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100488729 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as S K AUTO SALES, 11117 Garvey Ave , El Monte, CA 91733. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: SK American export, Inc (CA), 11117 Garvey Ave , El Monte, CA 91733; Sergey Karpenko, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 9, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100508838 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SOUTHERN WOK, 1110 S. Long Beach Blvd #1 , Compton, CA 90221. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Hova Eng Tang. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100508267 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TANG LOGISTICS, 18148 Los Palacios Dr , Rowland Hts, CA 91748. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Tang Felix. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 14, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100482609 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as YOUNG SHEN HOME, 4829 Dorina Ct , Chino, CA 91710. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Victoria Jin Lee. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 8, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100495744 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ZORBA GLOBAL TRADER; GLOBAL TABLES AND CHAIRS, 13610 Imperial Hwy #1 , Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. This business

is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 12, 2010. Signed: Herberto Do Amaral Sobrinlio. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547107 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PURE REAL ESTATE; PURE SCAL, 1016 E. Fairmont Road , BURBANK, CA 91501. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: DON VALENCIANO; PATRICIA VALENCIANO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547093 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EA PRINT, 733 W. Naomi Ave #C , Arcadia, CA 91007. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Michael Chu. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547102 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MASS MOTORSPORT, 3200 Big Tujunga Canyon RD , Tujunga, CA 91042. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Michael Sarkissian; Angela Sarkissian. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547109 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MERRITT-JOHNSON FAMILY , 220 w. 106th Street , Los Angeles, CA 90003. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Sidney Merritt; Jeanetta Price; Arthur Merritt III. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547097 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as KUSTOM MADE GRAPHICS; HANDSOME DEVIL INK, 29016 Lomita Dr., , Castaic, CA 91384. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Essen Menjivar. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five

May 17 - May 23, 2010 years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547108 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as YOUNG MEDIA; GOOD DOG GIFT SHOP, 22647 Ventura Blvd., #524 , Woodland Hills, CA 91364. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Paul Young. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547094 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CAMP SING, 11470 Ghiberti Way , Porter Ranch, CA 91326. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: VMN Productions Inc. (CA), 11470 Ghiberti Way , Porter Ranch, CA 91326; Mark Vogel, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547106 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as VON SWANK, 1756 Tamarind av #307, Los Angeles, CA 90028. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Robyn Carleton. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547105 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as JET PRINTING, 625 W 28th , Los Angeles, CA 90007. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Michael Nigosian. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547103 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ALTA CHADBOURNE, 28148 Angelica Place , Valencia, CA 91354. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Alta Chadbourne. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547104 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE PICK SCHOOL, 12810 Larrylyn Dr , La Mirada, CA 90638. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business

name or names listed herein. Signed: Michael Gurzi; Tim May. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547095 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MUZZHA, 7886 DEERING AVE , CANOGA PARK, CA 91304. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: OVERSEAS CONNECTION INC (CA), 7886 DEERING AVE , CANOGA PARK, CA 91304; SIDHARTH JAIN, DIRECTOR OF MARKETING. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547101 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PD RENTALS, 152 Clogston Dr , La Puente, CA 91746. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: David Gonzalez; Pedro Gonzalez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547100 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MB PAYROLL SERVICES, 429 Ocean Front Walk , Venice, CA 90291. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Victoria Barcelona. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547099 RENEWAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CONTOURED NUTRITION, 12450 culver blvd Apt. #210, Los Angeles, CA 90066. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 2, 2007. Signed: Adam Strachman. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547096 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as VALENCIA NATURALS, 23890 Copperhill Drive Suite 218 , Valencia, CA 91354. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 1, 2010. Signed: ActiveQuest, Inc (CA), 23890 Copperhill Drive Suite 218 , Valencia, CA 91354; Tim McCarter, CFO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010,


Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010

Weekly CB# P38922. First Filing

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547110 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE COMPANY THAT BUYS EVERYTHING; WE BUY HOUSES SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, 5632 Van Nuys Blvd#328 , Van Nuys, CA 91401. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Roderick Marlow Marlow. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010

FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100475013 The following person(s) are doing business as: FRIDAY NAILS SPA & BEAUTY SALON , 2648 Workman Ave., West Covina, CA 91791. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Tu Nguyen, 12651 Ranchero Way., Garden Grove, CA 92843 and Diana Do, 9430 Larkspur Dr., Westminster, CA 92683. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Tu Nguyen. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 7, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-102010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38923. First Filing

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100547098 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TS ACCOUNTING, 3514 Keystone Avenue #6 , Los Angeles, CA 90034. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Lindsay Swisher. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100585607 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ZFS PRODUCTIONS, 1826 Tulip Lane , Arcadia, CA 91006. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Zachary Snyder. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100556859 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE HILLS GENERAL CONTRACTING, 5538 Norwalk Blvd , Whittier, CA 90601. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Douglas James McDugle. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100482365 The following person(s) are doing business as: KISAAT LLC , 1140 Commerce Center Dr., Lancaster, CA 93534. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Kisaat LLC., 1140 Commerce Center Dr., Lancaster, CA 93534. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Sanda Hickman, CEO. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 03/01/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 8, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia

FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100489560 The following person(s) are doing business as: ROSALES MEAT DIST., INC. , 5157 Alhambra Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90032. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Rosales Meat Dist., Inc., 5157 Alhambra Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90032. This business is conducted by a corporation. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Rigoberto Rosales, President. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): Yes, 04/02/1990. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 9, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38924. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100500352 The following person(s) are doing business as: CopyLA , 16000 Ventura Blvd. Suite 905, Encino, CA 91436. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Adam B. Fogel, 431 S. Burnside Ave. #7A, Los Angeles, CA 90036. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Adam B. Fogel. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): Yes, 04/10/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 0503-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38925. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100457077 The following person(s) are doing business as: TRIPLE R. MACHINES, INC , 380 S. East End Ave. Unit#G, Pomona, CA 91766. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Triple R. Machines, Inc., 380 S. East End Ave. Unit#G, Pomona, CA 91766. This business is conducted by a corporation. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Raymundo Rodriguez, President. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): Yes, 02/09/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 0503-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38926. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100467087

The following person(s) are doing business as: SPGRAPHIX , 7001 Heliotrope Ave., Bell, CA 90201. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Steven Anthony Parra Jr., 7001 Heliotrope Ave., Bell, CA 90201. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Steven Anthony Parra Jr.. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 6, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-102010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38927. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100498484 The following person(s) are doing business as: ALLSTAR WEEKEND BAND PARTNERSHIP , 2850 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90405. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Zachary Porter, Nathan Darmody, Cameron Quiseng, and Michael Martinez, 2850 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90405. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Zachary Porter. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): Yes, 01/25/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38928. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100516203 The following person(s) are doing business as: CLUB2NE1 , 20429 Campaign Dr. #19B, Carson, CA 90746. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Sun Young Yun, 20429 Campaign Dr. #19B, Carson, CA 90746. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Sun Young Yun. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 15, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38929. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100527769 The following person(s) are doing business as: AXON CONVERGENCE , 6605 S Sherbourne Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90056. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Park Chen Enterprise, LLC, 6605 S Sherbourne Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90056. This business is conducted by a limited liability corporation. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Park Chen Enterpirse, LLC. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): Yes, 2/27/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 19, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-102010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38930. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100535242 The following person(s) are doing business as: BOTTLE BLING DESIGNS , 19321 Sidani Lane, Saugus, CA 91350. The full name of

registrant(s) is/are: Anna Dery, 19321 Sidani Lane, Saugus, CA 91350. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Anna Dery. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-03-2010, 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P38931. First Filing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100563004 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as AIRLO;S ELITE QUALITY HAND MASSAGE, 201 S. Lake Ave- Level #P1 , Pasadena, CA 91101. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Edward Craney. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100570778 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ANAS FRUIT, 5326 S Avalon Blvd , L.A, CA 90011. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Maria Garcia. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100577498 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ANTONIA NUTRICION Y SALUD; NUTRITION HEALTH, 4115 Martin Luther King Jr , Lynwood, CA 90262. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Antonia Perez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100556048 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BROWN COMMERCIAL INVESTMENTS, 4032 S La Salle Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90062. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Samuel Brown. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100581776 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CTV MEDIA INTERNATIONAL, 4951 Rosemead Blvd #K , San Gabriel, CA 91776. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names

12 May 17 - May 23, 2010 listed herein. Signed: Dawei Xu. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100556172 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ETERNITY SKIN CARE & WEIGHT LOSS CENTER; ETERNAL CONFIDENCE; COFIDENCE WEIGHT LOSS & SKIN CARE CENTER; ETERNAL BEAUTY; ETERNAL BEAUTY SKIN CARE & WEIGHT LOSS CENTER, 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave, Suite 100 , Covina, CA 91722. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: K. Mawaheb M.D. FAAFP, Inc (CA), 1433 N. Hollenbeck Ave, Suite 100 , Covina, CA 91722; Khaled Mawaheb, CEO / President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100563410 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GARDEN GRILL, 2309 Foothill Blvd , La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: MFAA, Llc (CA), 2309 Foothill Blvd , La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011; Mohammad Abghary, Manager. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100570645 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOLLAND Q. GROUP; HOLLAND Q. FASHION, 3717 S. La Brea Ave #165 , Los Angeles, CA 90016. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2010. Signed: Shamoya Holland. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100570481 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as JUNK ELECTRONIC, 6153 Florence Ave , South Gate, CA 90280. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jose M Gonzalez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100563482 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as KMD INVESTMENTS, 2029 Verdugo Blvd #273 , Montrose, CA 91020. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: George Balayan; Levon Mkrtychev. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name

in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100563359 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LAC PARTY BUS, 4728 Maxson Rd , El Monte, CA 91722. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jose Bretor. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100563409 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LA ONLINE MEDIA, LLC, 901 Ocean Ave, Suite 304 , Santa Monica, CA 90403. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: La Online Media, Llc (CA), 901 Ocean Ave, Suite 304 , Santa Monica, CA 90403; Stacy Bellew, Member. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100585631 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LIANNA DESIGNS, 4701 Whittier Blvd , East Los Angeles, CA 90022. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Ana Gloria Perez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100556816 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MAKE UP OPTIONAL, 325 Wildflower Court , Azusa, CA 91702. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Caroline Grotewiel. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100569214 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NET SYS CONSULTING, 1839 Strathmore Place , West Covina, CA 91792. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on October 24, 1997. Signed: Jose Victor Carranceja. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100569624 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NG STORE, 2033 Pacific Ave , Long Beach, CA 90806. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Nancy Torres. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 20100562593. The following person have withdrawn as general partners from the partnership operating under the fictitious business name: NU BEGINNINGS ENTERTAINMENT, 451 W. Rosecrans, Compton, Ca 90222. The fictitious business name statement for the partnership was filed on: March 4, 2009 in the County of Los Angeles. Original 20090307636. The full name and residence of the person(s) withdrawing as a partner(s):Anika Morton, 704 Venice Way #2, Inglewood, Ca 90302. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on April 26, 2010. Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100522856 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PAYLESS VENDING SERVICES; PAYLESS VENDING, 945 East Holt Ave #E , Pomona, CA 91767. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Tsighereda Tesfahunei. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100570470 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RENECOM LIGHTS, 7117 Rugby Ave, Apt 26 , Huntington Park, CA 90255. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Yuridia Zamora; David Serrano. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 27, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100523742 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RODEO COLLECTION; FILOPUR; FORD MODELS; UTOPIA RESIDENCES; FORD MODELS SUPER MODEL OF THE WORLD; FORD MODELS MISS SUPER MODEL OF THE WORLD; CITI BANK; CHASE MANHATTAN BANK; CHASE BANK; AMERICAN WATER FILTERS; UNITED STATES TRUST BANK OF AMERICA PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT; SUPER MODEL OF THE WORLD; AMERICAS NEXT TOP MODEL; UNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY CONSULTING GROUP; SUPERMODELOFTHEWORLD. COM; SUPERMODELOFTHEWORLD.TV, 315 S. Elm, Suite 5 , Beverly Hills, CA 90210. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: American Brokers, Incorporation (CA), 315 S. Elm, Suite 5 , Beverly Hills, CA 90210; Angelo Y. Srigna, Pres / Treasurer. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 16, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100583744 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SMOKEY’S GIFTS, 11057 Adoree St , Norwalk, CA 90650. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 29, 2010. Signed: Robert A Peters. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name

statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100585744 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SP. COMPUTER, 14422 Valley Blvd , City of Industry, CA 91746. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Phunnarai C. Sumethasorn. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100579208 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE DOOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 13040 Tom White Way, Ste J , Norwalk, CA 90650. This business is conducted by null. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 28, 2010. Signed: Eric Qules. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100557185 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE WALT DISNEY COMPANY; THE WALT DISNEY CO, 315 S. Elm Dr, Apt 5 , Beverly Hills, CA 90212. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Angelo Yoshannah Serigna; Sundown J.F Serigna; Gino Carlos Serigna; Angelo Abdrea Carlos Serigna. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100583515 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as XTREME GREEN SANTA ANITA, 400 S. Baldwin Ave , Arcadia, CA 91007. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 7, 2010. Signed: Zemis, Inc (CA), 400 S. Baldwin Ave , Arcadia, CA 91007; Julius Manalo, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576385 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ALL ACCESS PLUMBING; AT PLUS PLUMBING , 1757 Paso Real Avenue , Rowland Heights, CA 91748. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Raymond Kaye Williams. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement

does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576386 RENEWAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BAX TRAX, 1601 N. Vista Street , La, CA 90046. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 15, 2005. Signed: Daniel M. Bax. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576387 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as C&A LOCKSMITHS, 429 S. Catalina Street #16 , Los Angeles, CA 90020. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 1, 2010. Signed: Carlos A. Martinez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576388 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as DIAMONDS BY ANGIE, 550 S Hill St, Ste 520 , Los Angeles, CA 90013. This business is conducted by a limited liability partnership. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on November 13, 1986. Signed: Mansour Chammas; Samir Chammas. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576389 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HAPPY BODIES, 485 Dixie Canyon Avenue , Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on November 4, 2005. Signed: Happy Bodies, Inc (CA), 485 Dixie Canyon Avenue , Sherman Oaks, CA 91423; Patricia Carter, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576390 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOLLYWOOD SCRIPT RESEARCH, 1012 Justin Avenue , Glendale, CA 91201. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on June 19, 1996. Signed: Dennis L. Whitman. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576391 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as INSTITUTE OF SINO STRATEGIC STUDIES, 922 Lindencliff Street , Torrance, CA 90502-2709. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 13, 2005. Signed: Chung P. Wang. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576392 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LAKE PAINTING, 21926 S. Vermont Avenue , Torrance, CA 90502. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on February 8, 2006. Signed: Lake O. Park. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576393 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MADRID PARTY RENTALS, 11045 Grevillea Avenue , Inglewood, CA 90304. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on December 30, 2005. Signed: Omar A. Madrid; Delmy Madrid. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576394 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MUNZCONSTRUCTION, 4804 Lauren Canyon Blvd #346 , Valley Village, CA 91607. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on December 10, 2005. Signed: Paul M. Munz. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576395 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as NAILS BY JOLLY, 908 N Western Avenue , San Pedro, CA 90732-2427. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 4, 2005. Signed: Thi My Hga Nguyen. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576396 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PACIFIC COAST TECHNICIANS; VELLAB, 6312 lamo Avenue , Bell, CA 90640. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the

May 17 - May 23, 2010 fictitious business name or names listed herein on February 1, 1990. Signed: James Valazquez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576397 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PERVAIZ. HANDYMAN NETWORKS., 2930 E. 5Th St, #1 , Long Beach, CA 90814. This business is conducted by null. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on June 23, 2005. Signed: Khurram Shahzad Pervaiz. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576398 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SZK DESIGN, 2236 Linnington Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90064. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 1, 1995. Signed: Yasuhuto R. Suzuki. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576399 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TAIWANESE AMERICAN PEN CLUB, 5335 Cloverly Avenue , Temple City, CA 91780. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on July 29, 2005. Signed: Ping C Cheng; Wencheng Lin. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576400 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TAM’S BURGERS #1, 904 E. Manchester Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90001. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 22, 2000. Signed: BCI Restaurant’s, Inc (CA), 904 E. Manchester Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90001; Panagiutis Becris, Corporate Treasurer. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576401 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE SUGAR DONUTS, 3724 N. Mission Road , Los Angeles, CA 90031. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 19, 2000. Signed: Ben Van Lee. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576402 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SAGE LIGHTING AND GRIP; SILVER SAGE PRODUCTIONS, 2219 W. Olive Avenue #335 , Burbank, CA 91506. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 19, 2006. Signed: Brent M Dilger. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100576403 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as INNOVATIVE PRO PADS; WEST COAST INNOVATIVE PRO PADS; WESTCOAST PROTECTIVE ELEVATOR PADS, 725 E. Washington Blvd , Pasadena, CA 91004. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on September 5, 1995. Signed: West Coast Companies, Inc (CA), 725 E. Washington Blvd , Pasadena, CA 91004; Leslie Malloy, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 28, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605113 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THEFRAGRANCEEMPORIUM, 2853 Federal Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90064. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on February 1, 2010. Signed: CTDP inc (CA), 2853 Federal Avenue , Los Angeles, CA 90064; Dympna Madeley, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605125 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CRYSTAL CLEAR POOL CARE, 900 Park Ave , Arcadia, CA 91007. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on November 29, 2004. Signed: Kevin Bauer. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605121 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RM MANAGERIAL SERVICES, 14555 bessemer st , van nuys, CA 92411. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: rudy pina; maricela pina. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605128 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as L.A.BUSINESS CONSULTANTS; L.A. CONSULTING GROUP, 22287 Mulholland Hwy. Suite 249, Calabasas, CA 91302. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Sandor Illes. The statement was filed


Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605127 RENEWAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SLOBBER DOG MUSIC; PINK HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT, 1323 D North Columbus Ave , Glendale, CA 91202. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 14, 2009. Signed: Carsten Lindberg Hansen. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605124 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LONCO PLUMBING & MECHANICAL, 8144 lloyd ave , n. hollywood, CA 91605. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: lonny neuhaus. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605126 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MY SIZE PILATES, 19808 Kinzie Street , Chatsworth, CA 91311. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Sheronda Ferdinando. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605122 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LIVE CREATIVES, 991 E. Green St. , Pasadena , CA 91106. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 15, 2008. Signed: Nobue Kalemeera. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605123 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as COCKROACH MEDIA, 635 paseo de la Playa #103, Redondo Beach, CA 90277. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 1, 2009. Signed: James White. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name

in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605120 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CREATIVE TOWEL ART, 9838 Nevada Avenue , Chatsworth, CA 91311. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jill Mather. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605112 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FRAGAR TOYS, 25129 The Old Road #305 , Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: MYE Entertainment Inc (CA), 25129 The Old Road #305 , Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381; Tony Garcia, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605108 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BRANDS UNLIMITED, 7912 BLACKBURN AVE SUITE 2, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: SHOEZ, INC (CA), 7912 BLACKBURN AVE SUITE 2, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048; DEE RAM, MANAGER. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605107 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BRANDS UNLTD, 7912 BLACKBURN AVE SUITE 2, LOS ANGELES, CA 90048. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: DEEPAK RAMCHANDANI. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605109 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THE COLONY HOLLYWOOD, 1743 Cahuenga Blvd , Hollywood, CA 90028. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: 1743 Cahuenga, LLC (CA), 1743 Cahuenga Blvd , Hollywood, CA 90028; Afshin Kateb, CFO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub.

Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605116 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BEELINE SERVICES, 4230 1/2 Bellingham Ave , Studio City, CA 91604. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Zeenat Burns. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605117 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FRESH JOY, 1906 Watson Drive , Arcadia, CA 91006. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Anna Sutrisno. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605110 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PERFORMAX PHYSICAL THERAPY, 3413 W Pacific Ave #102 , Burbank, CA 91505. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Steven D Newton Physical Therapy Inc (CA), 3413 W Pacific Ave #102 , Burbank, CA 91505; Steven Newton, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605119 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 3STRATEGY, 11421 1/2 Culver Blvd. , Los Angeles, CA 90066. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Elliot Kharkats. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

ONE KEY ESCROW, A NON-INDEPENDENT BROKER ESCROW, 1025 N Brand Blvd Suite 320, Glendale, CA 91202. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: John Hart Corp (CA), 1025 N Brand Blvd Suite 320, Glendale, CA 91202; John Habashy, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605118 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SKALA STUDIO, 13045 Pacific Promenade Unit 312, PLaya Vista, CA 90094. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2010. Signed: Agnieszka Pierscieniak. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605130 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THAC; T4YOGA; TRANS4MATION YOGA, 2309 main street , santa monica, CA 90405. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: tao healing healing arts center (CA), 2309 main street , santa monica, CA 90405; christian pezza, president. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605115 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LEMON YELLOW MUSIC SERVICES, 3630 Tacoma Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90065. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2009. Signed: Jean-Christophe Chamboredon. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605105 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CALIFORNIA GOLF CENTER , 18103 Valley Blvd., , La Puente, CA 91744. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: OLJ International USA Inc. (CA), 18103 Valley Blvd., , La Puente, CA 91744; Jie Wu, Vice President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605129 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LINK ON US; CREATIVE LINK PARTNERS, 444 West Ocean Blvd 8th floor, PMB 125, Long Beach, CA 90802. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Tech Admin Services, LLC (CA), 444 West Ocean Blvd 8th floor, PMB 125, Long Beach, CA 90802; George Cashman, CEO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605111 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605114 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as

14 May 17 - May 23, 2010 KRISTIN PERRY, 612 S. Flower St. #1227 , Los Angeles, CA 90017. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Ashleigh Perry. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605106 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as YMG CONSULTING, 1911 17th ST #4 , Santa Monica, CA 90404. This business is conducted by a limited liability partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Ronald Talley Jr; David Lindenbaum. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100549258 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BOWMAN OF ARCADIA, 157 E. Santa Anita , Arcadia, CA 91006. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Andrea J. Koeper. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100610662 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SHURCUT PET PARLOUR, 953 West Foothill Blvd , Monrovia, CA 91016. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Pie Suzuki. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 20100203393 The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: HW INVESTMENTS, 857 Perry Ave, Montebello, Ca 90640.. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed on: December 11, 2009 in the County of Los Angeles. Original File No. 20091886696. Signed: Bik Fay ; Vay Yuen Hom : Adam Wong. This business is conducted by: Copartners. This statement was filed with the Los Angeles County RegistrarRecorder on March 29, 2010. Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 10, 2010, May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010 , May 31, 2010 FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100526454 The following person(s) are doing business as: 1. HANH DESIGN & MARKETING 2. HAHNCOM DESIGN , 23505 Crenshaw Blvd. # 171, Torrance, CA 90505. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Jang Hi Hanh, 23505 Crenshaw Blvd. # 171, Torrance, CA 90505. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Jang Hi Hanh. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 19, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 0510-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39124. First Filing

FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100534366 The following person(s) are doing business as: 2. TANGO TOURS 2. FELDMAN TRIPS AND VACATIONS , 5408 W. 134th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Demian Ernesto Feldman and Kathleen Elizabeth Feldman, 5408 W. 134th Place, Hawthorne, CA 90250. This business is conducted by husband and wife. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Demian Ernesto Feldman and Kathleen Elizabeth Feldman. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 12-28-2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39125. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100501394 The following person(s) are doing business as: LUCCI’S BEAUTY SALON , 5139 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Lucy Quezada, 3835 W. 21st St., Los Angeles, CA 90018. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Lucy Quezada. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39126. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100548190 The following person(s) are doing business as: THE BOD SQUAD FOR YOU , 32134 Canyon Ridge Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Cynthia Walden, 32134 Canyon Ridge Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361 and Beth Franklin, 4171 Deborah St., Simi Valley, CA 93063. This business is conducted by co-partners. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Cynthia Walden. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 08-31-2005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39127. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100494682 The following person(s) are doing business as: AETHEREAL DESIGN , 615 N. Flores St. # 6, West Hollywood, CA 90048. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Merissa Whitney, 615 N. Flores St. # 6, West Hollywood, CA 90048. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Merissa Whitney. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39128. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100556756 The following person(s) are doing business as: DOG AND CAT SPAY NEUTER CLINIC , 14842 1/2 Magnolia Blvd., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Jay Ryong Moon, 8168 Tianna Road, Los Angeles, CA 90046. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed:

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com Jay Ryong Moon. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 09-21-2005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39129. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100556782 The following person(s) are doing business as: CARVINGS/FURNITURE DESIGNS , 13036 Los Nietos Road, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Gabriel Soto, 9643 Ioneer Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Gabriel Soto. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 06-142005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-172010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39130. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100539741 The following person(s) are doing business as: SPEEDY DELIVERY , 772 W. 25th St. # C, San Pedro, CA 90731. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Sal Gonzalez, 772 W. 25th St. # C, San Pedro, CA 90731. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Sal Gonzalez. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 09-01-2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 21, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39131. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100556566 The following person(s) are doing business as: LOWELL’S CARPET CARE , 19518 Fariman Drive, Carson, CA 90746. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Lowell Charles and Charlette Charles, 19518 Fariman Drive, Carson, CA 90746. This business is conducted by husband and wife. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Lowell Charles. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-172010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39132. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100495085 The following person(s) are doing business as: CAFÉ VIRGINIE , 6399 Wilshire Blvd. # 101, Los Angeles, CA 90048. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Le Look De Virginie LLC, 8450 Blackburn Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90048. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Virginie Vonderlinn, Owner. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 04-01-2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date)

April 12, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-10-2010, 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39133. First Filing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100623192 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as A AND N AUTO BODY, 4383 Firestone Blvd , South Gate, CA 90280. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Mike Tsaturyan. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 6, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100602113 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as AMERICAN GLOBAL ASSET SERVICES, 711 S. 2nd Ave , Arcadia, CA 91006. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 3, 2010. Signed: Justin Chang-Yuan Lin. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100607735 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ARC ENERGY GROUP, LLC, 1422 Hana St , West Covina, CA 91792. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 14, 2010. Signed: Arc Energy Group, Llc (CA), 1422 Hana St , West Covina, CA 91792; Alejandro Araiza, Member. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100605504 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CAFE BELL; CAFE SHINING BELL, 319 E. 2nd St, #202 , Los Angeles, CA 90012. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Shining Bell Corporation (CA), 319 E. 2nd St, #202 , Los Angeles, CA 90012; Masakaeo Teranishl, C.F.O.. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100623660 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CRISTOPHER DAVID, 12233 Crewe St , Norwalk, CA 90650. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 6, 2010. Signed: Christopher D. Fernandez. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 6, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be

filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100615739 RENEWAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as COPYCATS DIGITAL SOLUTIONS, 14360 Telegraph Road , Whittier, CA 90604. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on October 1, 2004. Signed: Tuan Duy Nguyen; Duy Nguyen; Tan Nguyen. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code).Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100598004 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as DIAMANTE AUTO SALES, 1300 S. Atlantic Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90022. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Susana Del Villar. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100621969 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FERNANDO’S LUMBER #2, 2810 N Figueroa St , Los Angeles, CA 90065. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Rebeca Flores. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 6, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100600304 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as FURNITURE 2GO, INC, 443 W. Colorado St , Glendale, CA 91204. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on May 1, 2009. Signed: Furniture 2 Go, Inc (CA), 443 W. Colorado St , Glendale, CA 91204; Kevin Rahmanian, CEO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616079 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GENES CARPET CLEANING, 1358 Raymond Ave, Apt B , Long Beach, CA 90804. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on November 3, 2004. Signed: Eugene Sikora. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub.

Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100606498 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GENIA PLY PHOTOGRAPHY; BAD FAIRY PRODUCTIONS, 3000 Clarmeya Lane , Pasadena, CA 91107. This business is conducted by a husband and wife. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on July 1, 2009. Signed: Genia Ply; Jim Ply. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100594532 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GLAMOUR, 5000 Abbott Rd , Lynwood, CA 90262. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Endy Stephanie Torres. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 30, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100606225 RENEWAL FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GO 2 WIRELESS, 9100 Whittier Blvd , Pico Rivera, CA 90660. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on December 17, 2007. Signed: AWP Companies, Inc (CA), 9100 Whittier Blvd , Pico Rivera, CA 90660; AWP Companies, Inc, CEO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100615115 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LEONID STUDIOS, 5937 Willoughby Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90038. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2001. Signed: Aaron Levinson. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2020. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100591828 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LOS ANGELES BLOOD LAB, 3756 Santa Rosalia Dr, Suite 526 , Los Angeles, CA 90008. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Crenshaw Blvd Imaging Center, Inc (CA), 3756 Santa Rosalia Dr, Suite 526 , Los Angeles, CA 90008; Shaun Simpson, CEO. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 30, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT

May 17 - May 23, 2010 FILE NO. 20100593073 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LUPIAN AUTO REPAIR, 2695 N. Garvey Ave , Pomona, CA 91767. This business is conducted by null. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Michelle Andrea Lupian. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 30, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100608413 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MASTER INSPECTIONS, INC, 9155 Telegraph Rd, Unit 103 , Pico Rivera, CA 90660. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Master Inspections, Inc (CA), 9155 Telegraph Rd, Unit 103 , Pico Rivera, CA 90660; David Dettmann, Co-Owner. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100586104 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PEOPLE EMPLOWING PEOPLE, 1416 East 108th St , La, CA 90059. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Patricia Willis. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100606188 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as PIZZA KING #3, 1855 W. Manchester Ave, Suite 108 , Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Laguardia Enterprises, Inc (CA), 1855 W. Manchester Ave, Suite 108 , Los Angeles, CA 90047; Ruben Laguardia, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100600679 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RHINO TOWING, 3020 E. Anaheim St , Long Beach, CA 90804. This business is conducted by co-partners. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jeremias Mejia; Jose Mendoza. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100600190 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ROSE’S DESIGN PLUS, 9141 Orchard Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90044. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Rose Bragg. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this

statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100608312 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ROYAL SKUNK DISPENSARY, 2886 Echo Spring Dr , Corona , CA 92883. This business is conducted by null. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Dimitrius Woodson Jr; Austin Woodson. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100602177 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RUMBA LATINA & AD PRODUCTIONS, 15 Los Higos St, Apt A , Alhambra, CA 91801. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2010. Signed: Walter Arnoldo Diaz. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100615473 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SATAYSFIED, 12340 Seal Beach Blvd #B202 , Seal Beach, CA 90740. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Feldo Nartapura; Agustino Nartapura. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100600744 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SOUTHERN PACIFIC SYSTEMS, 930 S California Ave , W. Covina, CA 91790. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Norma A Solis. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 3, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100603926 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as THOMAS ELDRIDGE; IDEAFUSIONS, 1055 W. 149th St #4 , Gardena, CA 90247. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Thomas Eldridge. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100604268 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as YUFU COMPANY, 255 Dewey Ave , San Gabriel, CA 91776. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Yuhua Zhu. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 4, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires


Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616356 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as READY NURSE STAFFING, 4601 E. 2nd St. #1 , Long Beach, CA 90803. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Claire Averill. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616358 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as A DASH OF INSANITY PRODUCTIONS, 119 East Beach Ave. #16 , Inglewood, CA 90302. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Eugene Morton. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616353 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LASER PAIN THERAPY; LASER PAIN CARE; LASER SPORTS THERAPY, 928 West Foothill Blvd , Claremont, CA 91711. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Jimmy Hang. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616355 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as OM SWEET HOME YOGA, 13449 Moorpark St APT C, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on January 1, 2010. Signed: April Billingsley. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616369 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BRAZILIAN BUTT AUGMENTATION INSTITUTE OF BEVERLY HILLS, 9201 w sunset blvd ste 406, los angeles, CA 90069. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 11, 2010. Signed: LASER VAGINAL REJUVENATION INSTITUTE (CA), 9201 w sunset blvd ste 406, los angeles, CA 90069; DAVID MATLOCK, PRES. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement

does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616357 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SINLESS TATTOO AND APPAREL , 1026 East Pacific Coast Highway , Long Beach, CA 90806. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Neil Wicks; Rosa Castro. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616368 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BITTLE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC, 26972 Rainbow Glen Dr. #A , Santa Clarita , CA 91351. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Bittle Inc. (CA), 26972 Rainbow Glen Dr. #A , Santa Clarita , CA 91351; Ronald Bittle, Owner. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616354 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as OPAL EDITING, 21050 Vanowen St #438 , Canoga Park, CA 91303. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Kaycie Freedman. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616370 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BLUE SKIES S A, 3435 Ocean Park Blvd #107 , Santa Monica, CA 90405. This business is conducted by a limited liability company (llc). Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Cottage Properties LLC (CA), 3435 Ocean Park Blvd #107 , Santa Monica, CA 90405; Moana Heimberg, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616359 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as OGDEN LAW GROUP, 1211 Fourth Street Suite 200, Santa Monica, CA 90401. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Gary Ogden. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal,

state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616363 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOLLYWOOD COMEDY FEST, 7798 Varna Avenue , North Hollywood, CA 91605. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Elizabeth Stewart. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616361 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as J B ENTERPRISES, 1328 S Magnolia Ave , Monrovia, CA 91016. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on April 15, 2010. Signed: Jesse Britzman. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616362 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BARREN CHASSIS, 9190 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite 268, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Adam Benami. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616365 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GENTLE JEWELS, 1526 W 154th Street , Gardena, CA 90247. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Luz McCutchan. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616366 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EXPRESS TAXI SERVICE, 1107 Sepulveda Blvd. D204, Torrance, CA 90502. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Arif Ahmed. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616367 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as INBOX SHOPPING SPREE, 7737 Melba

Ave , West Hills, CA 91304. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Sheyda Askari. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616364 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EAGLE FLIGHT CONSULTING, 23753 Cabezo Ct. , Valencia, CA 91355. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Charles Cameron. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616371 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TRS A.D., 2 North Lake Ave Suite 1050, Pasadena, CA 91101. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Art & Logic, Inc. (CA), 2 North Lake Ave Suite 1050, Pasadena, CA 91101; Paul Hershenson, President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100616360 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RESONATE TO GENERATE DESIGN, 3317 Montellano Avenue , Hacienda Heights , CA 91745. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on March 26, 2010. Signed: Amy Detrick. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 5, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100644525 FIRST FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TOTAL LOOK SALON & SUPPLY; TOTAL LOOK; THE LOOK; GOOD LOOK, 1520 Foothill Blvd , La Verne, CA 91750. This business is conducted by an individual. Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. Signed: Hassan Ebou. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 11, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 20100656276 NEW FILING. The following person(s) is (are) doing business as AT THE BEACH LOS ANGELES BLACK PRIDE; LOS ANGELES BLACK PRIDE, 1614 Lafayette Rd , Los Angeles, CA 90019. This business is conducted by a corporation. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed

16 May 17 - May 23, 2010 herein on September 30, 2007. Signed: Pride and Promote Los Angeles Black Pride (CA), 1614 Lafayette Rd , Los Angeles, CA 90019; Michael Flowers, Vice President. The statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles on May 13, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious business name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (See Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professional Code). Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 20100656277 The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name: AT THE BEACH LOS ANGELES BLACK GAY PRIDE, 6002 Ladera Park Ave, La, Ca 90056.. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed on: October 14, 2009 in the County of Los Angeles. Original File No. 20091558724. Signed: Shorey, Inc. This business is conducted by: Coporation. This statement was filed with the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder on May 13, 2010. Pub. Monrovia Weekly May 17, 2010, May 24, 2010, May 31, 2010, June 7, 2010 FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100537157 The following person(s) are doing business as: 5 STARR CHIC’S BEAUTY SALON , 9229 S. Broadway Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90003. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: LaTysha Tezino, 1237 W. 47th St., Los Angeles, CA 90037. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: LaTysha Tezino. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 04-20-2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 20, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39320. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100548665 The following person(s) are doing business as: A & G CONCEPTS , 115 E. Foothill Blvd. Suite 200, Glendora, CA 91741. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Gonzalo Herrera, 245 N. Country Club Road, Glendora, CA 91741. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Gonzalo Herrera. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 08-11-2004. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 22, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39321. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100542335 The following person(s) are doing business as: RED DRAGON TAEKWONDO ACADEMY , 237 E. Palm, Burbank, CA 91502. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Grant Tovmasian, 301 S. 6th St. # D, Burbank, CA 91501. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Grant Tovmasian. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 21, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39322. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100526551 The following person(s) are doing business as: ROCK PAPER STUDIO , 2018 N. Highland Ave. # 7, Los Angeles, CA 90068. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Kitty Bubs Kennedy, 2018 N. Highland Ave. # 7, Los Angeles, CA 90068. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows

to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Kitty Bubs Kennedy. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 19, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39323. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100555207 The following person(s) are doing business as: STEPHEN TAO PRODUCTIONS , 528 N. Detroit St., Los Angeles, CA 90036. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Stephen George Tao, 528 N. Detroit St., Los Angeles, CA 90036. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Stephen George Tao. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 09-292005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39324. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100562118 The following person(s) are doing business as: ROCHER BY R AND L , 535 N. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Leslie D. Kelly, 535 N. Bundy Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049 and Rachelle S. Roxborough, 334 Oceano Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Leslie D. Kelly. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 26, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39325. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100556746 The following person(s) are doing business as: ASSORTED VIDEO , 200 E. Garvey Ave. # 110, Monterey Park, CA 91754. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Qing He Dong, 1313 Memphis Ct., Pomona, CA 91768. This business is conducted by an individual. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Qing He Dong. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 08-05-2005. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 23, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-24-2010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39326. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100586284 The following person(s) are doing business as: SO PHO SO GOOD , 1818 E. Carson St., Carson, CA 90745. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Marie Jaubin and Johan Nguyen, 2006 Gladwick St., Compton, CA 90220. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Marie Jaubin. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): 05-01-2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) April 29, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39327. First Filing FICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT 20100636564 The following person(s) are doing business as: QTEEPIE COMPANY , 939 W. Mabel Ave. # D, Monterey Park, CA 91754. The full name of registrant(s) is/are: Surinna Nga Tsuen Yeung and Terence Chak Fung Yeung, 939 W. Mabel Ave. # D, Monterey Park, CA 91754. This business is conducted by a general partnership. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Surinna Nga Tsuen Yeung. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on (date): N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on (Date) May 10, 2010. NOTICE: This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14411 et seq. Business and Professions Code). Publish: 05-17-2010, 05-242010, 05-31-2010, 06-07-2010. Arcadia Weekly CB# P39336. First Filing

Arcadia Notices CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS The City of Arcadia (“City”) will receive sealed bids for the Water Main Replacement Project at Various Streets Project. The Project, which involves the construction of 8” DIP, fire hydrants, water valves, water services and associated piping, and asphalt pavement at Monte Verde Drive and Highland Vista Drive, must be completed within ninety (90) calendar days, as provided in the Bid and Contract Documents. Bidders are strongly encouraged to review the Bid Documents (including the more detailed Notice Inviting Bids included therein) for more complete information regarding the Project and submission of bids. Bids must be submitted to the City on the City’s Contract Bid Forms. Prospective Bidders may obtain Bid Documents only from the Public Works Services Department at the following address: City of Arcadia Public Works Services Department 11800 Goldring Road Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 256-6554 Phone (626) 359-7028 Fax Please contact the Public Works Services Department for more information on specification costs, including availability of Bid Documents, and mailing costs. There will be NO Pre-Bid Conference and Site Walks for the project. All Bids must be addressed, sealed in an envelope and received by the office of the City Clerk, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, 91007 no later than 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 10, 2010. All Bids will be publicly opened, examined and read aloud at the Office of the City Clerk at that time. Bids shall be valid for AT LEAST 60 days after the bid opening date. Bids must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier’s check, or a Bid Bond in favor of the City in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the submitted Total Bid Price. Prior to award of the Contract, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Total Bid Price, on the forms provided and in the manner described in the Bid Documents. Contractor shall comply with PCC ‘ 4108 with respect to subcontractor bond requirements.

Pursuant to B&P Code ‘ 7028.15 and PCC ‘ 3300, Contractors shall possess the following California Contractor’s license(s) in order to perform the Work: CLASS A or C-34. Subcontractors must possess the appro¬priate licenses for each specialty subcontracted. This project is funded wholly with local funds. Pursuant to the City’s Charter, therefore, this Contract will NOT require compliance with the California prevailing wage laws. Pursuant to PCC ‘ 22300, the successful Contractor may substitute securities equivalent to monies withheld by the City. City reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Bids received. CITY OF ARCADIA Publish May 10 & 17, 2010 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL AND THE ARCADIA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Arcadia, California will hold a public hearing to consider the following: A report and resolution of the City of Arcadia amending and adopting local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code §§ 21000 et seq.). Date & Time of Public Hearing: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Location of Public Hearing: Arcadia City Council Chambers 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA The Arcadia City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency will hold a public hearing at the above date, time and place. All interested persons are invited to appear at the public hearing and to provide evidence or testimony concerning the proposed report and resolution of the City of Arcadia amending and adopting local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Pub. Resources Code §§ 21000 et seq.). You are hereby advised that should you desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council and the Arcadia Redevelopment Agency with respect to the proposed report and resolution of the City of Arcadia amending and adopting local guidelines for implementing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), you may be limited to raising only those issues and objections which you or someone else raises at or prior to the time of the public hearing. The proposed report and resolution are available for review at the Arcadia City Hall in the Planning Services office. For further information, or to submit comments regarding the proposed report and resolution, please contact Associate Planner, Thomas Li at (626) 574-5447 in City Hall at the Planning Services office at 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007-3499. Arcadia City Hall is open Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and on alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Arcadia City Hall will be closed on Friday, May 21, 2010, and, in observance of Memorial Day, Monday, May 31,

2010. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a city meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (626) 574-5455. Please contact the City Clerk at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when special services are needed. This notification will help city staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. Jim Barrows City Clerk Publish May 17, 2010 CANDIDATES SOUGHT FOR CITY OF ARCADIA BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS The Arcadia City Clerk’s Office is currently accepting applications from residents who wish to serve on an advisory Board or Commission. Arcadia’s Board and Commission members serve in an advisory capacity and provide critical input on quality of life issues in Arcadia. The Historical Museum, Human Resources, Library Board of Trustees, Planning, Recreation and Parks and Senior Citizens’ Commissions will each have openings. Applications can be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Drive or visit the City’s website at www.ci.arcadia.ca.us. The deadline for submitting an application to the City Clerk’s office is Friday, May 28, 2010, with appointments expected to be made at the June 15, 2010 City Council meeting. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 574-5455 if you would like further information about Board and Commission service in the City

Monrovia Notices REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS CITY OF MONROVIA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Monrovia is accepting requests for proposal for legal advertising for the City of Monrovia. Proposals shall be submitted in an envelope marked “Legal Advertising RFP, June 8, 2010, 10:00 AM” in the bottom left hand corner and shall be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Monrovia, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. Proposals shall be due no later than 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, June 8, 2010, at which time they shall be publicly opened. Copies of the proposal may be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office, City Hall, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. Said specifications,

of Arcadia. To serve on a City board or commission, you must be 18 years or older, a registered voter and resident of the City of Arcadia. All City Board and Commission members serve without compensation. Publish May 17, 2010 NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Arcadia is accepting bids to provide paramedic supplies. Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Quote PA1011-012, Bid for Paramedic Supplies” and shall be sent to the City Clerk of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, P.O. Box 60021, Arcadia, California, 91066-6021. Bids are due no later than 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at which time said bids shall be publicly opened. Copies of the bid may be obtained in the Purchasing Office of the City of Arcadia, 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, 91007. Said specifications and bid forms are hereby referred to and incorporated herein and made a part by reference and all quotations must comply therewith. The City of Arcadia reserves the right to accept in whole or part or reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities in the bid process, and all bids are binding for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid opening and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison, as specified in the quotation request documents. The award of this contract shall be made by the Arcadia City Council. CITY OF ARCADIA PURCHASING OFFICE Dated: May 11, 2010 Publish: May 17 and 20, 2010 proposal forms, and contract documents are hereby referred to and incorporated herein and made a part by reference and all quotations must strictly comply therewith. Any questions regarding the document may be posed in writing to the City Clerk, City of Monrovia, 415 S. Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. The City of Monrovia reserves the right to accept in whole or part or reject any and all proposals and to waive any informalities in the bid process, and all bids are binding for a period of ninety (90 days) after the proposal opening and may be retained by the City for examination and comparison, as specified in the contract documents. The award of contract shall be made by the Monrovia City Council. /s/ Alice D. Atkins, CMC, City Clerk Publish Monday, May 17, 2010

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MONROVIA CITY COUNCIL 415 South Ivy Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 This Notice is to inform you of a public hearing to determine whether or not the following request should be granted under Title 16 and/or 17 of the Monrovia Municipal Code: APPLICATION: General Plan Amendment GPA2010-04 (City Council Resolution No. 2010-20/Planning Commission Resolution No. PCR2010-11)/ Zone Change ZC2010-04 (Planning Commission Resolution No. PCR201012)/Ordinance No. 2010-08. REQUEST: The City recently acquired a 16,550 square foot vacant parcel of hillside property for open space preservation. The request is to change the General Plan/Specific Plan, and Zoning designations from RF (Residential Foothill) to open space, specifically to HWP (Hillside Wilderness Preserve). ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:

Categorical Exemption (Class 7)


City of Monrovia

May 17 - May 23, 2010 PROPERTY ADDRESS: North of 781 Norumbega Drive, commonly known as the March property (APN 8523-004-901) DATE AND HOUR OF HEARING: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 7:30 PM PLACE OF HEARING: Monrovia City Hall, Council Chambers, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California AREA MAP:

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com indicada mas arriba.

Public Notices

Si necesita información adicional en español, favor de ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Planificación al número (626) 932-5587. STEVE SIZEMORE Planning Division Manager PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 17, 2010 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION MONROVIA PLANNING COMMISSION 415 South Ivy Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 This Notice is to inform you of a public hearing to determine whether or not the following request should be granted under Title 16 and/or 17 of the Monrovia Municipal Code:

Staff Report pertaining to this item will be available on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at the Monrovia City Hall, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California, Community Development Department/Planning Division. If you challenge this application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to, the public hearing. This case will not alter the zoning status of your property. For further information regarding this application, please contact the Planning Division at (626) 932-5565. Este aviso es para informarle sobre üna junta pública acerca de la propiedad indicada mas arriba.

APPLICATION: Tentative Parcel Map No. 71278/Conditional Use Permit CUP2010-07 (fast food restaurant) /Amend Conditional Use Permit CUP95-13 (existing freeway sign)/Variance V2010-01 (parking) REQUEST: Subdivide an existing 13.28 acre lot into a 1.06 acre parcel and a 12.22 acre parcel. The existing Home Depot home improvement store will be located on the larger parcel and a proposed 3,558 square foot fast-food restaurant with a drive through will be constructed on the smaller parcel. A variance is requested for a reduction of 46 required parking spaces in the 16.96 acre commercial center. An existing 60’ high freestanding freeway sign will be increased in height to 78’ to accommodate the In-N-Out Burger sign in the PD-Area 13 (Planned Development) Zone. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:

Mitigated Negative Declaration

Si necesita información adicional en español, favor de ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Planificación al número (626) 932-5587.


STEVE SIZEMORE Planning Division Manager

PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1617 South Mountain Avenue (Home Depot parking lot adjacent to Evergreen Avenue)


DATE AND HOUR OF HEARING: Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM


In-N-Out Burger

PLACE OF HEARING: Monrovia City Hall, Council Chambers, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California AREA MAP:

This Notice is to inform you of a public hearing to determine whether or not the following request should be granted under Title 16 and/or 17 of the Monrovia Municipal Code: APPLICATION: General Plan Amendment GPA2010-03 (City Council Resolution No. 2010-19/Planning Commission Resolution No. PCR2010-09)/ Zone Change ZC2010-03 (Planning Commission Resolution No. PCR201010)/Ordinance No. 2010-07. REQUEST: The City recently acquired a 2,070 square foot vacant parcel of hillside property for open space preservation. The request is to change the General Plan and Zone designations from RF (Residential Foothill) to open space, specifically to HWP (Hillside Wilderness Preserve). ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION:

Categorical Exemption (Class 7)


City of Monrovia

PROPERTY ADDRESS: (APN 8501-008-901)

Located behind 45 Hidden Valley Road

DATE AND HOUR OF HEARING: Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 7:30 PM PLACE OF HEARING: Monrovia City Hall, Council Chambers, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California AREA MAP:

Staff Report pertaining to this item will be available on Thursday, June 3, 2010 at the Monrovia City Hall, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California, Community Development Department/Planning Division. If you challenge this application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to, the public hearing. This case will not alter the zoning status of your property. For further information regarding this application, please contact the Planning Division at (626) 932-5565. Este aviso es para informarle sobre üna junta pública acerca de la propiedad indicada mas arriba. Si necesita información adicional en español, favor de ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Planificación al número (626) 932-5587. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the City has conducted an Initial Study which shows that the proposed project will have no significant impacts on the environment. The adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration is therefore proposed. The public comment period for the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration has begun and will extend through the date of the Public Hearing. The Initial Study and the draft Mitigated Negative Declaration are on file and available for review in the offices of the Planning Division.

Staff Report pertaining to this item will be available on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at the Monrovia City Hall, 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, California, Community Development Department/Planning Division. If you challenge this application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Division at, or prior to, the public hearing. This case will not alter the zoning status of your property. For further information regarding this application, please contact the Planning Division at (626) 932-5565. Este aviso es para informarle sobre üna junta pública acerca de la propiedad


In addition to or in lieu of oral testimony at the Public Hearing, the City is collecting written comments on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Written comments must be received prior to the Public Hearing. Comments should be sent to: Steve Sizemore Planning Division Manager City of Monrovia 415 South Ivy Avenue Monrovia, CA 91016 PLEASE PUBLISH ON MAY 17, 2010

TSG No.: 4357698 TS No.: CA1000191138 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN: 5770-021-004 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 10/31/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 05/24/2010 at 10:00 A.M., First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC , as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 11/07/2006, as Instrument No. 06 2470961, in book , page , of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California. Executed by: JENNY DUONG, A UNMARRIED MAN, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY COURTHOUSE SOUTHEAST DISTRICT 12720 NORWALK BOULEVARD NORWALK CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 5770-021-004 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1101 SAN CARLOS RD, ARCADIA, CA 91006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $999,028.87. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. First American Title Insurance Company First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC 3 FIRST AMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92707 FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 619-590-1221 Date: 04/27/2010 First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Requirements of SB1137 have been met pursuant to the Notice of Sale Declaration of record. The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. Authorized Signature: Chet Sconyers 05/03/10, 05/10/10, 05/17/10 R-308441 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1249657-03 APN: 5781-008-030 TRA: 01893 LOAN NO: Xxxxx3737 REF: Peng, Wen IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED August 19, 2003. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On May 24, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded August 28, 2003, as Inst. No. 03 2503270 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, executed by Wen Chin Peng and Shu-mei Angela Chen, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the west side of the los angeles county courthouse, Southeast District, 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property

situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 140 Greenfield Place Arcadia CA 91006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $477,242.04. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. I, Amy Flusche, of Bank of America, declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the following is true and correct: Bank of America has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the accompanying Notice of Sale is filed. AND The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (a) of Civil Code Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 (b). Date: XXX, Place: Forth Worth, TX, Name of Signor: Amy Flushce Position: Team Manager For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: April 19, 2010. (R-311429 05/03/10, 05/10/10, 05/17/10) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. 428669CA Loan No. 0730057858 Title Order No. 602113982 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 03-09-2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 05-24-2010 at 10:30 AM, CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 03-20-2007, Book , Page , Instrument 20070622173, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California, executed by: SAMSAAM PANAH, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, as Trustor, WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: AT THE WEST SIDE OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY COURTHOUSE, DIRECTLY FACING NORWALK BOULEVARD, 12720 NORWALK BLVD. , NORWALK, CA Legal Description: LOT 3 OF TRACT NO. 15798, IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 347 PAGE 16 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. Amount of unpaid balance

18 May 17 - May 23, 2010 and other charges: $695,582.67 (estimated) Street address and other common designation of the real property: 2615 TREELANE AVENUE ARCADIA, CA 91006 APN Number: 8511-008-010 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c) the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one of the following methods: by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting. DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 2923.54 Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54, the undersigned loan servicer declares as follows: 1. It has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.54 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; and 2. The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or Section 2923.55. DATE: 04-26-2010 CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, as Trustee (714) 259-7850 or www.fidelityasap. com (714) 573-1965 or www.priorityposting. com CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DEBORAH BRIGNAC, VICE PRESIDENT 9200 OAKDALE AVE MAILSTOP N110612 CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 ASAP# 3542800 05/03/2010, 05/10/2010, 05/17/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 090152865 Title Order No. 09-8-461103 Investor/Insurer No. 808104 APN No. 8508-004-087 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 07/20/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by LLOYD A BOWEN AN UNMARRIED MAN, dated 07/20/2006 and recorded 07/28/06, as Instrument No. 06 1677957, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 06/01/2010 at 10:30AM, At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1210 SOUTH MAYFLOWER AVE #B UNIT 7, MONROVIA, CA, 91016. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $346,203.83. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an ‘’AS IS’’ condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. DATED: 01/15/2010 RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., CA6-91401-94 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) 281 8219, Sale Information (626) 927-4399 By:-- Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. ASAP# 3547434 05/03/2010, 05/10/2010, 05/17/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. CA-10-0476-IB Title Order No. 100034345-CA-LMI APN 5791-025-016 The mortgage loan servicer has obtained a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to CA CIV. CODE 2923.53 that is current and valid as of the date that the Notice of Trustee’s Sale was filed or given. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST

DATED 3/23/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 6/1/2010 at 10:30 AM, Housekey Financial Corporation as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 3/25/2005, as Instrument No. 05 0690479, in Book -, Page - of official records in the Office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California, executed by: JAMES T. VILLENA AND ESTELLA L. VILLENA, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustor, BENEFICIAL CALIFORNIA INC. (Original Lender) and BENEFICIAL CALIFORNIA INC., as current Servicer/Lender, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At: At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County, California describing the land therein: “AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST” The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 830 E SANDRA AV, ARCADIA, CA 91006. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $503,106.92 (Estimated). Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. CONDITION OF SALE: The successful bidder will be required to pay county documentary transfer tax, any city tax, and any other applicable taxes or fees (including, but not limited to, the fee for recording Preliminary Change of Ownership report) to the auctioneer at the time of sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. DATE: 4/29/2010 Housekey Financial Corporation P.O. Box 60145 City of Industry, CA 91716 For Sale Information: 714-730-2727, www.fidelityasap.com or www.priorityposting. com TO NOTIFY TRUSTEE OF BANKRUPTCY FILINGS, PLEASE FAX FACE PAGE OF BANKRUPTCY PETITION TO (909) 3973914 Irma Barrios, Trustee Sales Officer HOUSEKEY FINANCIAL CORPORATION MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ASAP# 3553041 05/10/2010, 05/17/2010, 05/24/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No. GM215564-C Loan No. 7439206145 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/7/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by the duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. TRUSTOR:GALO VARGAS AND LAURA VARGAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded 4/15/2005 as Instrument No. 05 0874603 in Book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale:6/1/2010 at 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the west side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, California Property Address is purported to be: 1645 NORTH SANTA ANITA AVENUE ARCADIA,

Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com California 91006 APN #: 5766-028-010 The total amount secured by said instrument as of the time of initial publication of this notice is $634,288.00, which includes the total amount of the unpaid balance (including accrued and unpaid interest) and reasonable estimated costs, expenses, and advances at the time of initial publication of this notice. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. Date: 4/30/2010 ETS Services, LLC 2255 North Ontario Street, Suite 400 Burbank, California 91504-3120 Sale Line: 714-730-2727 Omar Solorzano, TRUSTEE SALE OFFICER ASAP# 3537193 05/10/2010, 05/17/2010, 05/24/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA10-339995-VF Order # 100067377-CA-GTI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/22/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): QUOC NGOC AU , A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY Recorded: 2/26/2008 as Instrument No. 20080328177 in book xxx, page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 6/1/2010 at 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $440,583.67 The purported property address is: 2665 LOGANRITA AVE ARCADIA, CA 91006 Assessors Parcel No. 8511-004-010 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to Bank of America 475 Crosspoint Parkway Getzville NY 14068. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 . If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: 5/3/2010 Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: www.fidelityasap.com Reinstatement Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder’s rights against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON

BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. ASAP# 3553635 05/10/2010, 05/17/2010, 05/24/2010 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF JENNIFER DESIREE ABILA aka JENNIFER D. ABILA aka JENNIFER ABILA Case No. GP015176 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of JENNIFER DESIREE ABILA aka JENNIFER D. ABILA aka JENNIFER ABILA A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Alfredo Abila in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Alfredo Abila be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on June 11, 2010 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: EDWARD E RIOS ESQ SBN 89952 6520 N IRWINDALE AVE STE 208 IRWINDALE CA 91702

NOTICE OF DIVIDED PUBLICATION Made pursuant to Section 3381, Revenue and Taxation Code Pursuant to Sections 3381 through 3385, Revenue and Taxation Code, the Notice of Power to Sell Tax-Defaulted Property in and for Los Angeles County, State of California, has been divided and distributed to various newspapers of general circulation published in the County. A portion of the list appears in each of such newspapers. NOTICE OF IMPENDING POWER TO SELL TAX-DEFAULTED PROPERTY Made pursuant to Section 3361, Revenue and Taxation Code Notice is hereby given that real property taxes and assessments on the parcels described below will have been defaulted five or more years, or, in the case of nonresidential commercial property, property on which a nuisance abatement lien has been recorded or that can serve the public benefit by providing housing or services directly related to lowincome persons when three or more years have elapsed and a request has been made by a city, county, city and county, or nonprofit organization that property will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell. The parcels listed will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell on July 1, 2010, at 12:01 a.m., by operation of law. The tax collector’s power to sell will arise unless the property is either redeemed or made subject

to an installment plan of redemption initiated as provided by law prior to 5:00 p.m., on June 30, 2010. The right to an installment plan terminates on June 30, 2010, and after that date the entire balance due must be paid in full to prevent sale of the property at public auction. The right of redemption survives the property becoming subject to the power to sell, but it terminates at 5:00 p.m. on the last business day before actual sale of the property by the tax collector. All information concerning redemp-tion or the initiation of an installment plan of redemption will be furnished, upon request, by Mark J. Saladino, Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector, 225 North Hill Street, First Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012. The amount to redeem, in dollars and cents, is set forth opposite its parcel number. This amount in-cludes all defaulted taxes, penalties, and fees that have accrued from the date of tax-default to the date of June 30, 2010. I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 21 day of April, 2010.

MARK J. SALADINO TREASURER AND TAX COLLEC-TOR COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Identification Num-ber (AIN), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the Assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map, if applicable, and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The Assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the Assessor’s Office, 500 West Temple Street, Room 225, Los Angeles, California 90012. The real property that is the subject of this notice is situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows: PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED IN YEAR 2007 FOR TAXES, AS-SESSMENT, AND OTHER CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 4205 $1,656.36 DEMPSEY OLSON,MARTY T TR MARY T DEMPSEY OLSON TRUST AIN: 8503-004003 4206 $420.96 BLUTH,CHARLES P TR AIN: 8503-004-027 4207 $9,552.50 DEMPSEY OLSON,MARTY T TR MARY T DEMPSEY OLSON TRUST SITUS:811 CRESCENT DR MONROVIA CA 91016-1536 AIN: 8503-010-020 4208 $8,697.66 DEMPSEY OLSON,MARTY T TR MARY T DEMPSEY OLSON TRUST AIN: 8503-010023 4209 $3,832.95 PACIFICA FIRST NATIONAL INC AIN: 8503012-038 4212 $146.79 BULATAO,ARSENIO B AIN: 8506-026-020 4215 $20,712.99 KIM,GARY K AND AND KELLY H SITUS:1410 ENCINO AVE MO-NROVIA CA 91016-4310 AIN: 8507-017-034 4216 $14,419.55 MDT PROPERTIES LLC SITUS:232 W DUARTE RD MONROVIA CA 91016-4530 AIN: 8509-026-022 4217 $17,497.41 MDT PROPERTIES LLC SITUS:228 W DUARTE RD MONROVIA CA 91016-7471 AIN: 8509-026-023 4218 $9,724.98 MDT PROPERTIES LLC SI-TUS:1819 PECK RD MONROVIA CA 91016-4764 AIN: 8509026-024 4221 $1,179.56 HASBUN,SALEH A AIN: 8515-015-065 4222 $438.12 MITCHELL,CHARLENE AIN: 8523-012-007 4223 $381.51 COOMBS,J H JR&DOROTHEA M AIN: 8523014-002 4224 $7,326.34 OLSON VARGAS HOMES LP AIN: 8523021-002 PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED IN YEAR 2005 FOR TAXES, AS-SESSMENT, AND OTHER CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 4210 $8,412.67 AVRIL,LAWRENCE W AND VIRGINIA K SITUS:522 W LIME AVE MONROVIA CA 91016-2614 AIN: 8505-016-008 4211 $122.50 WILSON,JAMES S AND CAROLE SITUS:626 KING ST MONROVIA CA 91016-3223 AIN: 8506-020-006

4213 $51.01 GORDON,CAROLE M SITUS:421 GENOA ST B MONROVIA CA 91016-4564 AIN: 8507005-151 4214 $31,219.31 SALINAS,MANUEL AND HOLGUIN,CONNIE M SITUS:1716 ENCINO AVE MONROVIA CA 91016-4316 AIN: 8507-016-059 4219 $5,626.28 TSAI,DEBBIE P SITUS:1868 S ALTA VISTA AVE MONROVIA CA 91016-4761 AIN: 8509037-005 4220 $17,771.51 STANNERS,MARK A AND YVONNE L SITUS:1410 MAYFLOWER AVE ARCADIA CA 91006-4557 AIN: 8510-005-005


NOTICE OF DIVIDED PUBLICATION Made pursuant to Section 3381, Reve-nue Taxation Code

Pursuant to Sections 3381 through 3385, Revenue and Taxation Code, the Notice of Power to Sell Tax-Defaulted Property in and for Los Angeles County, State of California, has been divided and distributed to various newspapers of general circulation published in the County. A portion of the list appears in each of such newspapers. NOTICE OF IMPENDING POWER TO SELL TAX-DEFAULTED PROP-ERTY Made pursuant to Section 3361, Revenue and Taxation Code Notice is hereby given that real property taxes and assessments on the parcels described below will have been defaulted five or more years, or, in the case of nonresidential commercial property, property on which a nuisance abatement lien has been recorded or that can serve the public benefit by providing housing or services directly related to lowincome persons when three or more years have elapsed and a request has been made by a city, county, city and county, or nonprofit organization that property will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell. The parcels listed will become subject to the tax collector’s power to sell on July 1, 2010, at 12:01 a.m., by operation of law. The tax collector’s power to sell will arise unless the property is either redeemed or made subject to an installment plan of redemption initiated as provided by law prior to 5:00 p.m., on June 30, 2010. The right to an installment plan terminates on June 30, 2010, and after that date the entire balance due must be paid in full to prevent sale of the property at public auction. The right of redemption survives the property becoming subject to the power to sell, but it terminates at 5:00 p.m. on the last business day before actual sale of the property by the tax collector. All information concerning redemp-tion or the initiation of an installment plan of redemption will be furnished, upon request, by Mark J. Saladino, Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector, 225 North Hill Street, First Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012. The amount to redeem, in dollars and cents, is set forth opposite its parcel number. This amount in-cludes all defaulted taxes, penalties, and fees that have accrued from the date of tax-default to the date of June 30, 2010. I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 21 day of April, 2010.

MARK J. SALADINO TREASURER AND TAX COLLEC-TOR COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Identification Num-ber (AIN), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the Assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map, if applicable, and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The Assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the Assessor’s Office, 500 West Temple Street, Room 225, Los Angeles, California 90012. The real property that is the subject of this notice is situated in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows: PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED IN YEAR 2007 FOR TAXES, AS-SESSMENT, AND OTHER CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 2621 $440.13

May 17 - May 23, 2010 WANG,KITTY AIN: 5383-013-008 3035 $255.75 DEAR DOLLAR INC AIN: 5766-016-003 3036 $393.59 OMOTESE,SUNNY O AIN: 5770-027-016 3037 $75,658.78 DPP ARCADIA LLC SITUS:57 WHEELER AVE ARCADIA CA 91006-3214 AIN: 5773006-039 3038 $555.43 ED,GROCHOW AND HOL-LIS,KELLY AIN: 5780-020-047 3039 $1,432.13 ARCADIA MASONIC TEMPLE ASSN INC AIN: 5782-002-030 3041 $203.65 HOAR,RONALD AND LE CLAIRE TRS HOAR TRUST AIN: 5791-008-018 PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED IN YEAR 2005 FOR TAXES, AS-SESSMENT, AND OTHER CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 3040 $105,357.36 CHUNG SIU HWEI SITUS:1904 S BALDWIN AVE ARCADIA CA 91007-8153 AIN: 5785014-031 3042 $9,171.29 TWISS,MARSHA J TR MARSHA J TWISS TRUST SITUS:2848 FOSS AVE ARCADIA CA 91006-5419 AIN: 5791-028-017 TSG No.: 4345116 TS No.: 20099070824787 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN: 5779-019-072 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 07/27/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 06/01/2010 at 10:00 A.M., First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC , as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 08/03/2005, as Instrument No. 05 1845722, in book , page , of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California. Executed by: CHRIST LAM, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) AT THE WEST ENTRANCETO THE LOS ANGELESCOUNTY COURTHOUSESOUTHEAST DISTRICT 12720 NORWALK BOULEVARD NORWALK CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 5779-019-072 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 433 EAST DUARTE ROAD #C, ARCADIA, CA 91006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $416,349.77. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. First American Title Insurance Company First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC 3 FIRST AMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92707 FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 619-590-1221 Date: 04/28/2010 First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Requirements of SB1137 have been met pursuant to the Notice of Sale Declaration of record. The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. Authorized Signature: Chet Sconyers 05/10/10, 05/17/10, 05/24/10 R-313045 Trustee Sale No.: 20100187402638 Title Order No.: 100047951 FHA/VA/PMI No.: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 9/25/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NDex West, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee

under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 10/04/2006 as Instrument No. 06 2211146 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California. Executed By: Ryan Hunt, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check/cash equivalent or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). Date of Sale: 6/1/2010 Time of Sale: 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA Street Address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 845 East Foothill Blvd #J, Monrovia, CA 91016 APN#: 8518-043-024 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $294,273.06. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. For Trustee Sale Information Please Call: Priority Posting & Publication 17501 Irvine Blvd., Suite One Tustin, CA 92780 714-573-1965 www.priorityposting.com NDex West, LLC as Authorized Agent Dated: 5/9/2010 NDex West, LLC may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. P694731 5/10, 5/17, 05/24/2010 TS No. T10-59067-CA / APN: 8526-015-016 Notice of Trustee’s Sale YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 4/10/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a deed of trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: [X] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed and [X] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: PERCY BURGA, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPRTY AND MARIO BURGA, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY AS JOINT TENANTS Duly Appointed Trustee: CR Title Services Inc. C/O Pite Duncan, 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92117 877-576-0472 Recorded 04/19/2007 as Instrument No. 20070937795 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, California, Date of Sale: 6/1/2010 at 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $595,780.85 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 620 TERRADO DRIVE Monrovia, CA 910163791 A.P.N.: 8526-015-016 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee shall incur no liability for any good faith error in stating


Starting a new business? File your DBA with us at filedba.com the proper amount of unpaid balances and charges. For sales information please contact Priority Posting and Publishing at www.priorityposting.com or (714) 573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 877-576-0472 Date: 5/10/2010 CR Title Services, Inc 1000 Technology Drive, MS-314 O’Fallon MO 63368 Kimberly Lee, Trustee Specialist, Federal Law requires us to notify you that we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy as to this obligation, this communication is intended for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to collect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. P691889 5/10, 5/17, 05/24/2010 Trustee’s Sale No. 05-BR-89344 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 7/12/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE On 6/1/2010, at 10:30 AM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 W Mission Blvd, in the City of Pomona, County of Los Angeles, State of California, REGIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION, a California corporation, as duly appointed Trustee under that certain Deed of Trust executed by Bette Dora Desoto, an unmarried woman, as Trustors, recorded on 07/18/2006, as Instrument No. 06 1575478, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of CALIFORNIA, under the power of sale therein contained, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for cash, or cashier’s check (payable at the time of sale in lawful money of the United States) without warranty express or implied as to title, use, possession or encumbrances, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it as such Trustee, in and to the following described property situated in the aforesaid County and State, to-wit: TAX PARCEL NO. 8506-013-020 From information which the Trustee deems reliable, but for which Trustee makes no representation or warranty, the street address or other common designation of the above described property is purported to be 523 West Walnut Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. Said property is being sold for the purpose of paying the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees and expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is $267,988.47. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c), the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one or more of the following methods: by telephone, by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting or the borrower has surrendered the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent and that the compliance with Civil Code Section 2923.5 was made at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of this Notice of Sale. The mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: it has obtained a prior to the date of this Notice of Sale. The mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: it has obtained a final or temporary order of exemption and said order is current and valid as of the date of the Notice and the time frame set forth in California Civil Code § 2923.54 does not cover this loan. Dated: 5/6/2010 REGIONAL SERVICE CORPORATION, Trustee 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98104 By Jean Greagor, AUTHORIZED AGENT Agent for Trustee: PRIORITY POSTING & PUBLISHING 17501 IRVINE BLVD, SUITE #1 TUSTIN, CA 92780 Telephone Number: (800) 542-2550 Sale Information: (714) 573-1965 or http://www.rtrustee. com P695178 5/10, 5/17, 05/24/2010 NOTICE OF AMENDED PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF TORAO NI-SHIYAMA Case No. GP015052 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of TORAO NISHIYAMA AN AMENDED PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Yeong Hye Nishiyama and Monita Yep in the Superior Court of Cali-fornia, County of LOS ANGELES. THE AMENDED PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Yeong Hye Nishiyama and Monita Yep be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE AMENDED PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal

representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representa-tive will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the amended petition will be held on June 4, 2010 at 8:30 AM in Dept. No. A located at 300 E. Walnut St., Pasadena, CA 91101. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hear-ing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Re-quest for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: E JAMES HIGUCHI ESQ SBN 93951 HIGUCHI & HIGUCHI 3435 WILSHIRE BLVD STE 2700 LOS ANGELES CA 90010-2013 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA10-343966-RT Order # 100099509-CA-DCI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/11/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): LILLY TSAI , A SINGLE WOMAN Recorded: 1/17/2008 as Instrument No. 20080097197 in book, page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 6/7/2010 at 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $424,494.71 The purported property address is: 400 GENOA ST #B ARCADIA, CA 91006 Assessors Parcel No. 5779-019081 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to HSBC Bank USA, National Association 2929 Walden Avenue Depew NY 14043. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 . If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and

the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: 5/17/2010 Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: www.fidelityasap.com Reinstatement Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder’s rights against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. ASAP# 3546526 05/17/2010, 05/24/2010, 05/31/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA09-325905-CL Order # 090791898-CA-LPI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/25/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): TA FAN YOUNG , A MARRIED MAN, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY Recorded: 1/31/2007 as Instrument No. 20070204325 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of LOS ANGELES County, California; Date of Sale: 6/7/2010 at 10:30 AM Place of Sale: At the West side of the Los Angeles County Courthouse, directly facing Norwalk Blvd., 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $812,891.46 The purported property address is: 928W DUARTE RD ARCADIA, CA 91007 Assessors Parcel No. 5383-002-006 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to Aurora Loan Services LLC 10350 Park Meadows Dr. Littleton CO 80124. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does apply to this notice of sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: 5/7/2010 Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: www.fidelityasap.com Reinstatement Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case

this letter is intended to exercise the note holder’s rights against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. ASAP# 3562011 05/17/2010, 05/24/2010, 05/31/2010 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1266907-10 APN: 5783-007-054 TRA: 001883 LOAN NO: Xxx7479 REF: Bozorgi, Alexander IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED November 26, 2001. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On June 07, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded December 07, 2001, as Inst. No. 01 2339170 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, executed by Alexander Bozorgi and Gissoo Neshat, Husband And Wife, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the west side of the los angeles county courthouse, Southeast District, 12720 Norwalk Blvd., Norwalk, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 825 Golden West Avenue 7 Arcadia CA 91007 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $101,042.88. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. This California Declaration is made pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 and is to be included with the Notice of Sale. I, Jaimee Gonzales, of Wachovia Mortgage, FSB (‘Mortgage Loan Servicer’), declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the following is true and correct: The Mortgage Loan Servicer has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporation a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the accompanying notice of sale is filed AND The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Civil Code Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. Date: 7/22/09 Name of Signor: Jaimee Gonzales Title and/ or Position: Vice President For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 5901221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: May 17, 2010. (R-313831 05/17/10, 05/24/10, 05/31/10)

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