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pasadenaindependent.com Thursday, June 4 - June 9, 2010

Volume XV, No. XXII

Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996

Disaster Relief Bill Moves to Senate after Assembly Vote

Memorable Weekend Veterans and Fallen Honored, Mariconda Memorialized By Susan Motander On the weekend that marks the unofficial start of summer, there was as much remembering as there was picnicking. Veterans were honored at Arcadia County Park in a celebration hosted by Supervisor Mike Antonovich on Saturday. Don Mariconda’s life was remembered on Sunday at the Monrovia Historical

Continued on Page 6


THIS WEEK Disabled Tenants Get Apology from Landlord

Monrovia Property Manager Failed to Comply with Senior Housing Laws

The state Assembly has voted overwhelmingly (70 to 0) to approve Assemblymember Anthony Portantino’s Disaster Relief Bill – AB 1662. The measure would help ease the financial impact on property owners who suffered losses in natural disasters across California by providing immediate property tax relief. “There are property owners in nine California counties who are depending on this bill to help them get back on their feet,” stated Assemblymember Portantino. “In my own district bordering the Angeles National Forest, we suffered huge losses – first with the Station Fire last fall and then the destructive mudslides that followed this winter. This bill

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) announced Tuesday the settlement of 13 DFEH complaints filed last fall by an applicant and tenants with physical and developmental disabilities against Regency Court Apartments in Monrovia. T he a p a r t me nt’s property management had served eviction notices to eleven tenants with physical and developmental disabilities, and removed an applicant’s name from its waiting list, under the mistaken be-

Continued on Page 7

Continued on Page 2

Ormseth Named AHS Valedictorian The British Are Coming to Sierra Madre At t heir annual senior assembly last week, Principal David Vannasdall announced that Cora Ormseth is Arcadia High School’s Valedictorian for the graduating class of 2010. Ormseth was selected by a com m it t ee of f a c u l t y me m b e r s a nd st udent s f rom a g roup of 30 Salutatorians, all of whom rank academically at the very top of the graduating class of over 950 st udent s. Du r i ng her four years at AHS, Cora has earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average while taking an extremely rigorous schedule of classes, including honors

400 S. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007 626.445.6255

and Advanced Placement courses in English, mathematics, history, science, a nd world l a n g u a ge s . She w ill be deliver ing the Valedictory Address at AHS commencement

Continued on Page 4

See westfield.com for more details.

The DBE, Daughters of the British Empire once again are pulling out all the stops for the annual shindig fundraiser which benefits the retirement home and its residents. A parade of flags accompanied by a Scottish piper will open this year’s June Fa ire at t he nowfamous British Home on June 5th. Admission to the Faire is always free and everyone is invited to attend and enjoy the fun from 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. on Saturday June 5. The beautiful grounds of The British Home provide a perfect setting for the Faire, which will host unique

Continued on Page 10

A bevy of British Beauties protected by Burly Beefeaters - Photo by Terry Miller

2 June 3 - June 9, 2010

Words To Live By

Condiment Caddy

Dorothy's Place I received t he follow i ng i n my e -ma i l back around Christmas 2009. It said to share it so I’m following directions, though a bit late. I think it is so worthwhile. It is credited to Regina Brett. “To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I’ve ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more”.

By Dorothy Denne

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good. 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step. 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. 4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month. 6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone. 8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it. 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present. 12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry. 13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it. 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry, God never blinks. 16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind. 17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful. 18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. 19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 22. Over prepare, then go with the flow. 23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple. 24. The most important sex organ is the brain. 25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you. 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘in five years, will this matter?’ 27. Always choose life. 28. Forgive everyone everything. 29. What other people think of you is none of your business. 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time. 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change. 32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 33. Believe in miracles. 34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do. 35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now. 36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young. 37. Your children get only one childhood. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved. 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back. 41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 42. The best is yet to come. 43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up. 44. Yield. 45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a “gift.”

M E D I A ,

TheGoodLife Most everyone knows that the purpose for using food condiments like ketchup, mustard, salt or spices, is to bring out the natural flavors of food and to enhance the foods unique and special flavors. Fine restaurant chefs are truly culinary artists when it comes to condiment flavoring and presenting special food dishes. However, I say, “To Each His Own” when it comes to using most any food condiment! I remember that my Father-in-law was a pepper-a-holmic. He used an enormous amount of black pepper on everything. You could hardly recognize the food that he was eating. Today, Food experts are saying that with the increasing consumption of fast foods, condiment addiction of one type or another is becoming more common. I remember my wife’s sister always carried a small shaker of cayenne pepper and applied it to most everything that she ate. She claimed to use it for medicinal purposes. That it improved her food digestion. I claimed that it was the original cause of her ulcers, acid reflux disease, and her miserable grumpy disposition! Well, “CA” ... Condiment Addition, must be generic, as it is in my wife’s genes/jeans in more ways than one! It all started with her carrying little packages of Blackberry Jam in her jeans... then with a more abundant

selection at hand, she soon carried them in her purse as we went out to eat. She claimed that it made the toast and dinner rolls much more enjoyable. Soon she was carrying a brown sugar and cinnamon concoction to add to her coffee, cereal and several other desert items. The convenience of having her very own condiments items available for use was pleasing. Soon she could no longer get the many food enhancements that she craved into her purse. A fanny pack was now custom apparel for her to carry the increasing number of condiments. She was so pleased with this belt condiment carrier. Now she could carry a special recipe of ketchup, horseradish mustard, and Heinz A1 steak sauce. Shortly after increasing her demand for even more condiment pleasures, she was forced into a backpack tote to accommodate her desire for pure maple syrup, straws, stirring rods and organic tea bags. At this point of ever increasing tote along items ... she found herself with back spasms, shoulder pain and kidney discomfort. Her idea to get more use out of our vacation roller bags was soon implemented as she transformed one of our piece of luggage into a full blown “Condiment Caddy” Now, she was able to add her multiple collection of flavored sports drinks - straw-

Publisher/Editor in Chief Von Raees

Editorial Editor

John B. Stephens

Photographer Terry Miller


Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage


By Wally Hage berry, raspberry, orange, lemon and lime flavored water that she had also become addicted to. It was when she began searching for more organic food supplements, and organic herbs and spices that I told my “Spice Cadet” that she had reached maximum capacity in her condiment caddy. I suggested to her that if she continued pulling that roller cart through the isles of our favorite restaurants that she would be a candidate for a hernia operation. One day, when I overheard one of the dinners say, “Look, Look”, “it’s that “Spice Lady” pulling her condiment caddy!” Well, right there and then I stopped her Condiment Craze. I threatened this “Original Spice Girl” with the remark that our restaurant visits were coming to immediate halt and hat she would have to start home cooking again if she continued her condiment caddy carrying!

Regency Court Failed to Comply with Senior Housing Laws Continued from the First Page lief that the evictions were necessary to comply with senior housing laws and regulations, which did not apply at the complex. Late last week the final tenant of all the parties affected by this wrongful act signed and agreed to the terms of the settlement with Regency Court Apartments. When Monrovia Weekly broke the story on the disabled tenants’ plight, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger personally intervened and persuaded the out-ofstate owners to rescind the evictions. “When I first read about this situation, I was inspired by my late mother-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, to take immediate action

to help these people stay in their homes,” said Governor Schwarzenegger. “I’m pleased my Department of Fair Employment and Housing was able to reach this settlement with the apartment complex to allow these individuals to continue to live in their homes.” Following the Governor’s intervention, the DFEH negotiated settlements on behalf of the injured tenants and applicants, and their representative, the Housing Rights Center (HRC). To resolve the complaints, Regency Court Apartments sent letters of apology to the tenants it tried to evict; promised to not evict or fail to renew the tenants’ leases in the future because of disability or age; restored the applicant’s name to its waiting list; admitted that

I N C .

the complex does not meet the age requirements for senior housing; and agreed to train its property managers on fair housing. Regency Court Apartments also agreed to pay HRC $5,000 to cover the costs of investigation. The owners did not admit liability in the settlement. “ G o v e r n o r Schwarzenegger is a leading champion for the civil rights of persons with disabilities,” said DFEH Director Phyllis Cheng. “The Governor’s action took place on the 50th anniversary of California’s civil rights law, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, which first took effect on September 18, 1959. The DFEH is proud to continue its long history of eliminating discrimination for all Californians.”

Susan Motander Bill Peters Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal

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125 E. Chestnut Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016


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editor@arcadiaweekly.com editor@monroviaweekly.com editor@sierramadreweekly.com editor@pasadenaindependent.com This paper is published every Thursday by Beacon Media, Inc. All content herein is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any manner, either in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the publisher. The Views and opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily that of the management and staff at Beacon Media, Inc. The Arcadia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of general circulation in court case number GS 004759. The Monrovia Weekly has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation in Court Case GS 004759.


June 3 - June 9, 2010


Friends of the Monrovia Anarchist’s SAFYMCA’s Youth Alliance Library June Saturday Potluck Picnic Leader Speaks to LegacyMakers to Saturday Sale at Memorial on ”Leading from Ground Zero” Friends of the Mon- May and October. rovia Public Library anB o o k d o n a t i o n s Park, June 5 nounce the Friends “Sat- will be accepted by the urday to Saturday Sale,” June 19-26, 2010. During the week, customers will be able to purchase two books at reg ula r pr ice and get a third book of equal or lesser value free. Shelves will be restocked daily giving all customers an opportunit y to find excellent bargains. Books in the Collectors’ Corner are excluded from this sale. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Monrovia Public Library. T h i s i s t he one of a number of such sales held during the year. The Friends continue to hold two large sales each year,

Fr iends beg inning August, 1, 2010, in preparation for our Annual October Book Sale. The Fr iends of t he Monrovia Public Library promote the Library by stimulating a greater use and appreciation of the literary, educational, and cultural advantages the library offers throughout the community. Monrovia Public Library 321 South Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016. For more information, call (626) 932-5555, Ext. 3124 or visit www. friendsofmonroviapubliclibrary.org

Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte Tri-Chamber Golf Tournament Sierra La Verne Country Club will be the site of the 10th annual M.A.D. Tri-Chamber Golf Tournament on June 10 at Sierra La Verne Country Club presented by the Chambers of Commerce of the cities of Monrovia, Arcadia, and Duarte. “Our three chambers have forged a great working relationship over the past few years as a result of collaborating on this annual golf tournament. Our cities have an historical connection from the days we shared Monrovia-ArcadiaDuarte High School. The Tri-Chamber Golf Tournament is a fun way for our members to meet and connect and an important fund-raiser for the chambers,” said Duarte Chamber Chief Executive Officer, Jim Kirchner. The three chambers represent a combined 1,400 members. A special feature of this year’s tournament will be

a helicopter golf ball drop offering $1,500 for the ball closest to the pin and $500 for the ball furthest away from the pin. In case of a tie the prize money will be split. Winners need not be present. Tickets are available at www.duartechamber.com. Performance Nissan of Duarte will sponsor a Holein-One contest for a chance to win a brand new Nissan automobile. Other major prizes to be given away include a weekend at Paris Las Vegas and golf for four with carts at Trump National Golf Club of Los Angeles. Golf tournament executive sponsors are: OneWest Bank, Doubletree Hotel, Eric and Terri Mozilo, and Performance Nissan. Golfers can register online at www.duartechamber. com or by calling the Duarte Chamber at (626)357-3333, the Monrovia Chamber at (626) 358 -1159 or the Arcadia Chamber at (626) 447-2159.

Readers’Choice Tops in the Valley

ible for prize drawing:

clude your name, address and phone number be in Beacon Media’s Office by 5 p.m., June 15, 2010 of Beacon Media, Inc. are not eligible e 18 yrs. or older to win




There will be a presentation by the Arroyo Time Bank, a game/activity hosted by Cam, and a few acoust ic musical performances (New York Taxi, The Galen Gun, & Jim Ramirez). There will also be an Anything Goes Potluck and free literature. The Sierra Madre Anarchist Picnics are monthly events for local and not-solocal anarchists as well as anyone interested or curious about creating another world without capitalism, government or domination. Come hang out, make friends, eat food and share experiences. The picnics are completely open to anyone who is respectful of the topics and ideas presented. The picnic will be held at Sierra Madre’s Memorial Park, 222 W Sierra Madre Blvd., on Saturday, June 5th from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Ulises Gutierrez, Santa Anita Family YMCA Youth Alliance Coordinator with Marion Skeete, founder and president of LegacyMakers, International Ministries. Gutierrez spoke at a LegacyMakers luncheon meeting in Pasadena on the topic, “Leading from Ground

Z e r o ”. S A F Y M C A’s Youth Alliance program helps at risk teens in Monrov ia , Dua r te a nd A r cad ia w it h homework, tutoring, mentoring, drug and alcohol counseling and leadership training t o help t hem develop the tools and behavior required to fulfill their

May Mixer at Historic Pinney House A Big Hit

Approximately 75 people turned out to enjoy a brief presentation by property owner Greg Asbury on the history of this magnificent structure, built in 1887. Asbury announced during his presentation that when the structure is restored, he and wife Judy hope to return it to its original intended use (lodging) by turning

it into a bed and breakfast, featur- to Greg and Judy Asbury for opening six bedroom suites. Folks in ing their home to the Chamber, and the audience appeared to be unani- also thanks to Annette Osterhaut mous in their support of this idea. and Jan’s Towing for their donation Sharon Coutant of A Better Nanny to the door prizes of three 4-packs was excited to have won the Grand of passes to Toyota Raceway of Irce to Prize that included Sierra rMadre chan t windale. fo a ea r g - Photos courtesy of SierraMamerchandise and a full year win ofs e priz dreNews.Net passes to Chamber mixers. Thanks


’ s r e d Rea Choice

y l Valle Gabrie n a S t the uthenticity) ty e bes es in t of th a ili ly bes sinewsills be verifieds feodr upon availab former u b r o a t f ery ballo tituted b ly n o s v ub e vote person. (E ay be s tegories Plealys one entry p cear sh value adn tdo m win in two ceeakly prize raffle

ey s in the Val voted yet? Shame on you! oT pHaven’t

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• On es have no nly allowe ntered into w ws.com • Priz inesses are ootes to be e ediane r e • Bus imum of 25 v b : aconm IT e um 5, 2010 b n IL e in A @ n M o e EM rsChoic • formerly best of the best rize d s and ph p.m., June 1 Reade le foourr pname, ad’sdre Osffice by 5lig le eliginib ice IT: y ia o t e ib e e d h IL o d e b C A n lu ’ M c o re M : n rs T ou m e . a st aco d c Please vote only for businesses in the San Gabriel Valley u e a In e B , FA X IT 01-0445 . n ia R c i d Attn: n Media, In e., • Only one entry per person. (Every ballot will be verified for authenticity) • Y try must be eacon Me r to win 6) 3  2 (6 v o A c • Prizes have no cash value and may be substituted based upon availability• En loyees of B rs. or olde Bea Chestnut nt  • Businesses are only allowed to win in two categories • Emp must be 18 y cou 25 E. ia CA 91016 1 • Minimum of 25 votes to be entered into weekly prize raffle o t • You ot nrov


dreams. LegacyMakers is a multicultural leadership and discipleship development network that trains and equips individuals a nd org a n i zat ions, lo cally and globally, to both live and leave their Goddefined legacy through personal and community transformation.

Fill out the Ballot on Page 5 already, SHEESH!

: rawing

s Rule








4 June 3 - June 9, 2010

Ormseth Named AHS Valedictorian Continued from the First Page



nese American and Muslim American youth, and volunteers at t he Huntington Gardens. During her four years at Arcadia High School, Cora has been honored as a Rotary Student of the Month for Academics, an MVP for the Cross Country team, and a recipient of t he St a n Cha mbers Journalism Award. Cora is also a National Merit Scholarship finalist and scholarship recipient. Cora will be attending Yale University next year and hopes to one day become a pediatrician.


Adult Summer Reading Program at Sierra Madre Public Library Sier ra Mad re P ub l ic L ib r a r y’s p opu l a r Adult Summer Reading P rog ra m is now i n it s fourth year. This year’s t heme i s “ Wa t er You r Mind—Read!” This free program will run eight week s, f rom Ju ne 21 August 14; registration begins June 21. Participants will fill out a reading log form for each title read and submit it at the Library for a chance to win a weekly prize (one weekly prize per person). The more you read, the greater your chances of w i n n i ng. Pa r t icipa nt s will be elig ible to win a Kindle, in our Grand P r i z e D r aw i ng, wh ic h will take place on August 16. To qualify for this drawing, registrants must read one book and

A Celebration of Life was held for longtime Santa Anita employee Bonita Gould on June 2, at Peppers Mexican Restaurant in Arcadia. Employed as a secretary in the track’s Marketing Department for 26 years, Gould retired in 2008 as Marketing Office Manager (M.O.M.) and moved to Arizona, where she passed away following a brief illness on May 20 at age 69.

Bonne is survived by her two sons, Rob (May) and Greg ( Julie) and her daughter, Stephanie (Chris) Graves and grandson, Pete Gould, who was born May 17, 2009. Beloved by many and known to all for her bright and cheery demeanor, she was an integral part of Santa Anita and she touched many people over the years in a very positive way, including both patrons and fellow employees.


By Jeff Corriveau


ceremonies to be held at Santa Anita Park on Friday, June 11. Besides being a tremendous student academically, Cora is extremely well-rounded. She is a two-sport varsity athlete and serves as Team Captain for the Girls’ Cross Country Team. She is the Opinion Editor for t he Apache Pow Wow school newspaper a nd is involved in numerous ot her clubs a nd org a n i z a t ion s on c a mpu s . Off campus, Cora participates in the Bridging Communities Program, a program linking Japa-

Retired Track Employee Bonne Gould Passes

submit a specia l ent r y log form (one entry per person). Book s i n pr i nt , on CD, Playaway, or read v ia e -reader a l l qua l if y—so take your pick of media a nd read, read, read! Reg ister in person at the Library or online any time on or after June 21. To reg ister online, visit t he Librar y’s website, w w w.sierramadre.lib.ca.us, and click on the Summer Reading P rog ra m but t on. You must be 18 or older to part icipate. For more i n for ma t ion call Polly Bonnett a t (62 6 ) 3 5 5 -718 6 x 10 5 . T he A du l t S u m mer Read i ng P rog ra m is funded by the Friends of t he Sierra Madre Librar y.



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Tops in the Valley

The Rules

To be eligible for prize drawing: • • • •

You must include your name, address and phone number Entry must be in Beacon Media’s Office by 5 p.m., June 15, 2010 Employees of Beacon Media, Inc. are not eligible You must be 18 yrs. or older to win

June 3 - June 9, 2010


VOTE for a chance to win great prizes

formerly best of the best

Please vote only for businesses in the San Gabriel Valley • • • •

The Form

Name: Address: City & Zip Code: Daytime Phone: ( ) Email: Median Income: Age: Gender:

Only one entry per person. (Every ballot will be verified for authenticity) Prizes have no cash value and may be substituted based upon availability Businesses are only allowed to win in two categories Minimum of 25 votes to be entered into weekly prize raffle

MAIL IT: Attn: Readers’ Choice Beacon Media, Inc. 125 E. Chestnut Ave., Monrovia CA 91016

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WHAT’S COOKIN’? NAME/CITY 1. Appetizers 2. Bagel 3. BBQ 4. Beer 5. Breakfast 6. Buffalo Wings 7. Buffet 8. Burger 9. Burrito 10. Cake 11. Chicken 12. Coffee 13. Cookies 14. Delivery 15. Desserts 16. Frozen Yogurt 17. Ice Cream 18. Martini 19. Margarita 20. Mojito 21. Pasta 22. Pizza 23. Ribs 24. Sandwich 25. Seafood

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SHOPPING ANYONE? NAME/CITY 1. Antique 2. Art Gallery 3. Arts & Crafts 4. Auto Dealer 5. Bike Shop 6. Book Store 7. Cellular Phone Store 8. CD/Record Store 9. Clothing - Children’s 10. Clothing - Men’s 11. Clothing - Women’s 12. Computer Store 13. Department Store 14. Furniture Store 15. Gift Shop 16. Golf Shop

17. Hardware Store 18. Health Food Store 19. Independent Market 20. Jewelry 21. Mall 22. Music Instruments 23. Office Supply Store 24. Pet Store 25. Pool Supply Store 26. Skate Shop 27. Specialty Food Store 28. Shoe Store 29. Sporting Goods Store 30. Stationary Store 31. Thrift Store 32. Other

WHO DO YOU CALL? NAME/CITY 1. Auto Mechanic 2. Bank 3. Car Wash 4. Carpet Cleaning 5. Caterer 6. Computer Services 7. Dry Cleaner 8. Electrician 9. Financial Services 10. Florist 11. Framing Store 12. General Contractor 13. Home/Office Cleaning 14. Hospital 15. Interior Design 16. Newsstand 17. Oil & Lube 18. Painter 19. Pet Groomer 20. Pet Sitter 21. Pharmacy 22. Photo Lab 23. Photographer 24. Plumber 25. Printer 26. Real Estate Agent 27. Real Estate Office 28. Senior Living 29. Veterinarian 30. Other

WHERE DO YOU PLAY? NAME/CITY 1. Bowling 2. Botanical Gardens 3. British Pub 4. Golf Course 5. Happy Hour 6. Hiking Trail 7. Hotel 8. Jazz Club 9. Late Night Dining 10. Live Theatre 11. Local Bar 12. Movie Theatre 13. Museum 14. Night Club 15. Outdoor Concerts 16. Outdoor/Patio Dining 17. Outdoor Recreation 18. Pool Hall 19. Race Track 20. Romantic Dining 21. Tattoo Parlor 22. Wine Bar 23. Other

LOCAL CHOICES? NAME/CITY 1. Institute of Higher Learning 2. Library 3. Local Charity 4. Local Festival 5. Newspaper 6. Place of Worship 7. Other

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6 June 3 - June 9, 2010

Citizens Salute Veterans Past, Present and Future Continued from the First Page Museum, a building he was instrumental in renovating. Finally on Sunday, the Allied Veterans Council held its annual remembrance service at Live Oak Memorial Park. Saturday’s event was a “Salute to Veterans, Past, Present and Future.” As such it was comprised of displays by local veterans groups and governmental agencies offering information about veterans rights along with booths featuring veteran related memorabilia. There were the usual speeches, but there was excitement as well; specialists parachut ists dropped into the park and there was also a dramatic f ly over. Every veteran could find something of interest. Don Mariconda was remembered in a celebration of his life. The Historical Museum in Monrovia was the appropriate place as Don had been the general contractor on converting the museum from the locker rooms for the old Monrovia swimming pool

Arcadia Announces Top 25 Sales Tax Producers By Bill Peters

- Photos by Terry Miller into a museum of its history and memories. While Don was the general contractor, his wife was the vice president of the museum in charge of fund raising. He used to

say that he worked until he ran out of money for subcontractors and supplies. Then he said he would send his wife Kris out to raise more money for the museum. It was, therefore, fitting that the west wing of the museum was dedicated on Sunday as the Mariconda Wing. The west wing houses the electric collections of things collected by Monrovians including the Salisbury Collection of natural and cultural history and the extensive doll display of a Mayflower Elementary School teacher. Both Don and Kris were honored with the designation as they had worked as a partners in the development of the museum and both, being raised elsewhere, had selected Monrovia as their “hometown.” It seems fitting that it

was on this weekend that Don Mariconda was honored. Don worked hard on an Exchange Club program called “Give a Kid a Flag.” And yes, Don was a Veteran of the United States Air Force. His brother, Alfred, also a veteran, who was present on Sunday, was a career Air Force Officer, retiring with the rank of Colonel. His grandchildren and Don’s distributed flags to everyone at the celebration. Lastly, there was the Memorial Day Ceremony by the Upper San Gabriel Valley A llied Veterans Council. This event, held annually at Live Oak Memorial Park, was highlighted this year by the keynote speech of Capt. David Rosales, Army National Guard. Rosales first entered the military in the United States Navy, and

Graduates from USC and UCLA

after his term of service, began college and joined the Army ROTC. Rosales told the crowd of more than a thousand that one friend he made in ROTC gained the nickname of Mooch as he was always borrowing items from the other cadets. He also related that the young man, André Tyson, was killed in Iraq, but that he remembered him, not with grief, but always with a smile. The unit to which Rosales is assigned is scheduled for deployment next winter. His request from t he crowd wa s simple, “Keep us and our families in your prayers.” Between the bar-becues, picnics and swim parties there were solemn moments and joyous memories of those who have served their country.

The City of Arcadia’s General Fund is dependent on loca l business for 21% of it s funding. That makes shopping in town vital to the health of its many services such as public safety, fire prevent ion, librar y, recreation, building and safet y, parks, landscaping, and more. The top 25 sales tax leaders i n t he cit y for t he 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 per iod was spread between nine mall shops, five gas stations, two grocers, two financial companies and seven others. Santa Anita Racetrack is not listed since their contribution to sales tax is only collected from parking fees and certain other activities there. According to the city, t he t op 2 5, a lphabet ically are: Abercrombie & Fitch; Allstar Fire Equipment; Arcadia Medical; B u r l i n g t o n C o a t Fa c t or y; Cheeseca ke Fac tory; Colorado Chevron; CVS Pharmacy; Daimler Financial Services; Daimler Trust; Dave and Busters; H & M; JCPenney; Joh n’s A r c o; M a c y’s ; Mega Arco AM PM; Nordst rom; Olive Garden; Ralph’s; REI; Roy Gasparini Unocal; Rusnak Arcadia; Sephora; Sport Chalet; Von’s; and Western Medical Supply.

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June 3 - June 9, 2010

Morongo Casino Resort & Spa By Greg Aragon You don’t have to be a gambler to enjoy Morongo Casino Resort. In fact, on a recent getaway to the four diamond resort I had so much fun relaxing by the pool and taking advantage of other property amenities that I almost forget there was a 150,000-sq.-ft., world-class casino on the property. My get away began when a friend and I checked into a gorgeous suite overlooking the San Gorgonio and San Jacinto mountain ranges and desert landscape surrounding Palm Springs. Located on the 23rd f loor, the suite instantly made my “Top 10 List” of California Hotel Rooms I’ve stayed in. It was highlighted by luxurious sitting room, with mini bar, big window overlooking the desert valley, large flat screen TV, lavish sofa and plush seating arrangements, perfect for entertaining. The suite also featured a separate bedroom with comfy king bed, flat screen TV, large window and two closet s. T he bat hroom was also a thing of beauty, boasting a walk-in glass shower and a huge Jacuzzi tub. The resort features 310 deluxe rooms and suites, and six secluded casitas next to Oasis Pool. All rooms are softly colored in desert hues and beautifully appointed with quality hardwood furniture and artwork. They offer free high-speed Internet, two


Disaster Relief Bill Moves to Senate after Assembly Vote Continued from the First Page

phone lines, 27-in. plasma TV and mini bar. Beyond t he su ite I found happiness on the banks of Morongo’s South Pacific Islands-inspired Oasis Pool and Water Park. Here, with my toes in a sandy beach, I lounged like an alligator, crawling in and out of the heated pool and sipping iced tea. The area also offers two spas and an exciting waterslide and lazy river. Overlooking the pool is Sage Spa, named after the fragrant white sage that grows throughout the hills

and canyons on Morongo Indian Reservation. I visited the spa for a stimulating deep-tissue massage. The 50 -minute rub left my muscles loose and my entire body rejuvenated. The massage prepared me for an incredible dinner at Cielo. Located on the 27th floor of the resort, Cielo sparkles high above the desert floor, with stunning chandeliers that change colors throughout the evening to echo the brilliant oranges, blues, purples and golds of the nightly

Nike Jr. Golf Camps Arcadia Golf Course Arcadia GC offers Nike Golf Camps throughout the summer, and welcomes boys and girls ages 7 to 16 of all abilities. Full Day Camps - 9:00am - 4:00pm daily Half Day Camps - 9:00am - 12:00pm daily Jr. Overnight Camps also offered nationwide. Visit the website or call for more information and camp schedules.

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sunset. T he Pa c i f ic C oa s t steak and seafood restaurant celebrates an eclectic Californian fare. Our dinner began with apple martinis and crab cakes, followed by a giant “porcupine shrimp” with saffron basil tomato risotto appetizer. For the main course I had Australian center cut lamb chops with rosemary mint glaze and my friend had center cut New York steak, laced with herb butter. We paired this with lobster macaroni and cheese.

While eating we watched the sunset behind San Gorgonio Mountain. After dinner we hit the casino. Featuring 2,000 slot machines and 85 table games, Morongo casino is the next best thing to Las Vegas – and it’s a lot closer. While here I played blackjack and my friend hit the quarter slots. Morongo Casino Resort & Spa is located at 49500 S e m i n o l e D r. C a b a z o n , 92230. For more info and reservations, visit www.morongocasinoresort.com or call (800) 252-4499.

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will provide immediate tax relief to both individuals and businesses affected by these catastrophes and help them rebuild their lives.” AB 1662 provides state property tax exemptions to homeowners who are forced to repair or rebuild because of a natural disaster. The measure was originally written for the Station Fire which charred more than 160,000 acres in and around the Angeles National Forest. It was amended to include the mudslides that followed and eight other counties that have been designated as disaster areas: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Imperial, Monterey, San Francisco, Calaveras and Siskiyou. This bill is a bi-partisan bill, co-authored by Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries (R-Lake Elsinore). “This bill is essential in restoring the communities impacted by the Station Fire and other natural disasters,” said Portantino. “We owe it to these people to help them get back on their feet.” As an urgency measure, this bill would be effective immediately once it is signed into law. The bill now goes to the Senate for approval.

Sierra Madre Chamber Mixer at Cafe 322 Join the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce at its June after hours mixers at one of Sierra Madre’s premier restaurants. Mixer Host Cafe 322 is known not only for its fine food, it has a stellar reputation thoughout the Southland as a prime location for live jazz. This mixer will feature live music by the PCC Jazz Singers, with Mary and Craig Durst, complimentary hors d’oeuvres, beverages, beer and wine, and door prizes. Cost to attend is $7 for Chamber members and $15 for nonmembers.

8 June 3 - June 9, 2010

In “Skylight” at Fremont Centre Theatre, Can Ex-lovers Rekindle the Flame? By Fran Syverson They were lovers when his wife was still alive. Now, reunited after three years apart, will their ardor be rekindled? What— with him now a widower— stands in their way? Or do only embers remain once the fire is squelched? From the start, it had been a n u nusua l t r io. Scarcely a ménage a trois, the three nonetheless had lived (and loved) under one roof. Tom and Alice were happily married, a true partnership in Tom’s world as a wealthy, renowned restaurateur. Theirs was a life of creature comforts, wellearned, they felt, for Tom (Stuart W. Howard) was a self-made man. Then Kyra merged into their lives—as a business associate, friend, and baby sitter. And, for six years, as Tom’s young mistress. Until she disappeared. We meet them on the day when he suddenly appears at her modest, chilly London f lat. But before Tom, an earlier surprise visitor is Edward, Tom’s son. He’s in a dreadful state of agitation, worried

over his father’s well-being, and insistent that Kyra meet Tom again and at least try to reconnect with both of them. As Edward, Benjamin Scott Perry virtually exudes angst, yet shows a playful side toward this woman who had been so much a part of the family. Kyra (Erin Shaver) doesn’t yield, telling the

youth, as she busies herself putting away her groceries, how she has moved on and found a new life. Scarcely has the door closed behind him than Tom arrives, bearing a gift bottle of whiskey. Kyra is truly shocked and disconcerted at seeing him again. Thus begins the sparring, both verbal and physical,

that moves the story along, offering glimpses into their complicated relationships. Foremost is Tom’s insistence that she explain why she simply disappeared the day Alice discovered the betrayal. Just as strong is Kyra’s reluctance to tell him. Their sparring is almost a dance, further em-

bodied as all through the second act Kyra chops veggies, preparing dinner (“for one or two?” Tom wonders.) “You just don’t get it, do you?” challenges Kyra as she describes her new passion as a teacher for underprivileged kids in her downtrodden neighborhood. And Tom doesn’t. They come from two differ-

ent worlds. Try as he might to understand, he repeatedly slips into contempt uous comment s about her under-heated flat, her naiveté in trying to fix the world. Words fly fast and furious throughout “Skylight.” Emotions ebb and flow as the former lovers again feel the magnetism pulling them together, yet painfully aware of the chasm between their life-views. The tension is palpable, yet there are many moments of hilarity. And we need them, for in the small Fremont Theatre we are seated so close to the stage that we almost become part of the Sargeant family. We can see the nuances of their emotions etched clearly on the faces of these actors who portray their characters so believingly. Bluff, arrogant Tom…somehow seeking to be able to express feelings. Kyra, tenderly remembering other days, yet brittle when talking about the day Alice learned their mutual truths. And Edward with his youthful insistence and

Continued on Page 13

June 3 - June 9, 2010


Much More than Just a Hotdog at The Slaw Dogs By Peter Dills The hottest restaurant in the Pasadena area is not a Steakhouse, or a remake of a trendy restaurant from the Westside. Implausibly, it’s as unsophisticated as a hot dog. Yep, Slaw Dogs has a line of hungry patrons stretching from the sidewalk to their counter. Well, at least on the Saturday afternoon when I visited Slaw Dogs, on North Lake, in Pasadena. It is the clever creation of local entrepreneur Raymond Byrne and his Mother. I will tell you that the paint isn’t even dry yet, and they still await approval of their beer and wine license. But, I could not help myself this time and went against my own rule of visiting new restaurants; I just had to check this place out. After all, why not, it’s a simple hot dog joint, or so I thought. The menu is extensive, and that Japanese guy that you see eating 50 dogs, in twenty minutes on ESPN, would be very proud. Slaw Dogs is much more than just the proverbial hot dog place. Its menu boosts: links, sausages, bratwurst and hot dogs. One of the attractions here are the toppings. Let me just say, the possibilities are endless. Here is a sample: chili, celery, cheese, Russian dressing, carrots, garlic, mayo,

Traditional Thai Cuisine

feta, olive mix, mustard, coleslaw... can I stop now! I think you get the idea. You can get the “Original” Slaw Dog for ($4.99) that comes with chili, cheese, mustard, or go all out as I did and get the “Green Monster” at ($5.59), this was a good choice with roasted green chili, chipotle mayo, grilled onion, pepper jack and spicy garlic salsa. My daughter and I couldn’t decide on a sweet potato fries or regular fries, so we did the combo at ($4.99), it was good, but I can’t give it the Peter Dills “way thumbs.” Raymond was honest enough to say that they came out of a bag, much like the Counter, and 38 degrees. The sweet potatoes are frozen, but acceptable. I really wish

few Dodger Dogs, and a Costco Dog or two. I did a little research and here are a few fun facts about the Hot Dog. Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport consumes six times more hot dogs, 725,000 more than Los Angeles International Airport and LaGuardia Airport combined. I n 2 0 0 7, c o n s u m ers spent more than $4.1 billion on hot dogs and sausages. The equivalent of more than 1.5 billion pounds -- in United States

grocery stores. A mer ica ns w ill eat enough hot dogs at major league ballparks this year to stretch from RFK Stadium in Washington, D.C. to San Francisco’s AT&T Park. That’s more than 22 million hot dogs. You will need a big bun for that one. New Yorkers consume more hot dogs than any other city, beating out Chicago and Los Angeles. On Independence Day, Americans will enjoy 150 million hot dogs, enough

to stretch from D.C. to L.A. over five times. A waving flag and a hot dog sounds very American to me! Some cooking tips: Use a spatula or tongs to cook your hot dog on the grill. They can lose moisture and tasty juices when pierced by a fork. The Slaw Dogs 720 N. Lake Ave. #8 Pasadena (626) 808 9777 check out www. theslawdogs.com for h o u r s a n d u pd at ed specials.

Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices

Pad Thai 3500 E. Colorado

someone in the area would make them fresh, and then I would get really excited. The star of the show was the corn on the cob for ($2.99), and man was that good. I read a few things on the Internet about the prices being a little high. I don’t agree, the prices are reasonable and there are combos and kid plates available. For hamburger lovers there are choices in that arena as well. All and all, I think even for people on the fence about hot dog should give Slaw Dogs a try. Come on, I know that you’ve chowed down on a

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Peter Dills is the host of “Dining with Dills”, aired Sundays at 9 p.m. on TV’s KJLA and on the radio via KABC 790, Sundays at 8 p.m. Visit him on his website, www. peterdills.com, E-mail him at thechefknows@yahoo.com, or find him on Facebook.


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10 June 3 - June 9, 2010

I Say, I Say, I Say… The British Coming to Sierra Madre Continued from the First Page booths selling everything from old magazines from across the pond to some exquisite, award winning sausage rolls created by a former Chef for the Royal Family, Peter Holder who owns Brits Pub and Eatery in Pasadena. Traditional tea will compliment your sausage roll and if you’re lucky, you’ll get a chance to win some super prizes. There will be plenty of booths, entertainment and refreshments to keep the whole family busy. Live entertainment includes a display of Scottish dancing which will be followed later in the afternoon by a group of Irish dancers. This year there will be a Giant Slide and a Sticky Wall to keep children of all ages happy. A variety of booths set on the lawns of the Home will be selling art work,

bric-a-brac, books, garden plants, birdhouses, cards and lots more. There will also be plenty of refreshments available including Victorian style tea by the fountain on the patio as

610 Baldwin Court, Sierra Madre, CA www.stonegatesierramadre.com

well as English bangers and hotdogs cooked on an open air BBQ. Homebaked goods such as Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, shortbread, lemon curd, cakes and other British

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oPen HoUse sUn. 2-4PM 397 W. MonTeCiTo

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oPen HoUse sUn. 1-4PM 9219 KennerLY sT.

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Upgraded and restored!, This 3 bedroom, 5 bath home is sure to makes heads turn. With its gorgeous Victorian style and upgrades all throughout, this home is sure to be on everyone’s mind. Its picturesque windows and original doors are what add a lot of character to this home. sierra Madre (Mon397)

elegant sierra Madre Home. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home boats elegance as well as functionality. Entertain guests in the large family room or in the formal dining room. The game room is perfect for kid’s parties or a 5th bedroom. Featuring a pool and spa, the backyard is perfect for summer barbeques. Call today, this home will not last long! sierra Madre (aLe)

Updated pool home in Temple City. This 2 bedroom, and one bath home has been freshly painted in & out, new carpet, central heat and air, and kitchen remodeled in 2008. This is a corner lot, front yard is fenced in for children and pets, and is shaded by mature trees. The concrete driveway enters a two-car garage from the side street and includes a rear door to drive through and park an RV. Screened in gazebo complete with a fireplace and hanging lights which offers ambiance for your summer pool parties. This is truly a must see home. TeMPLe CiTY (Ken)

Great Family Home. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is great for any family. Featuring a pool and spa, this home is perfect for the California weather. With plenty of room to add on, this home is ready for any size family. This home is desirably located near the heart of Sierra Madre. This home will not be available long! Call today to let us help you call this home yours! sierra Madre (viC)

Small town living at its finest. This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home is located in the heart of Sierra Madre. Resting on a large lot, this home is perfect for any size family. The home has been well-maintained and is just waiting for your personal touch! act now! This home will not be available long! sierra Madre (HiG)

a conveniently located home! Walk to the grocery store or stroll into Sierra Madre. This 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath home makes doing both of these a possibility and driving to the freeway is a snap! With its ample living room and family room, your family can spread out and enjoy. The easy-to-maintain yard and view of the mountains are just two remarkable features of this home. Call today to see everything this home has to offer! sierra Madre (sie)

Leave the Bustle of the City behind you. This 5 bedroom, 3 bath home is located in the quiet and serene city of Sierra Madre. The magnificent 20 foot wall of glass in the living room, features a stunning view of the mountains. The tranquility continues as you step onto the backyard complete with pool and spa. The backyard is perfect for summer barbeques or fun family time. This home will not last long! Call today to see how we can help you call this house a home! sierra Madre (aCa)

sierra Madre view Home! This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home is located in the Sierra Madre Canyon. Surrounded by mature oak trees, and views of the mountains and valley this home will get you in touch with nature. This home has been well maintained and is simply waiting for you to move in! Call today to see how we can help you call this gorgeous canyon home yours! sierra Madre (715sKY)

June 3 - June 9, 2010

Monrovia Garden Club June Meeting

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4PM 409 Manzanita Ave., Sierra Madre

The Monrovia Garden Club invites the public to attend their June 15th at 6:30 p.m. The club will be hosting an Ice Cream Social to be followed by the presentation of the club’s “Home 7ESTMINSTER 'ARDENS 3PEC? X ?2OCKY s 3'6. KCT RH KCT Beautification Awardâ€? win4 bd, 3ba, 1822 sq. ft. plus 368 sq. ft. garden room. Nestled in the ners by Monrovia Mayor most desirable & idyllic location of Sierra Madre’s tree-lined street. Private detached guest house w/ 3/4 bath. A classic California ranch Mary Ann Lutz. home w/ oak hardwood floors & high beam ceilings. 14,325 sq. ft. lot has Meetings of the Monroover two dozen mature fruit bearing fruit trees. A very serene setting via Garden Club are held in yet a convenient location. A dream home for the avid gardeners and/or the Fireside Room of Monpeace & quiet lovers. A must see! Asking $948,000 or submit offers‌ rovia Presbyterian Church, Eden Silver (760)723-7888 101 East Foothill Blvd.


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Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia Ca

Our 33rd Year thanks tO Our custOmers and tO Our emplOYees whO get the jOb dOne

24 HOURS. 300+ WALKERS. ONE CAUSE. The Sixth Annual

Relay for Life of Monrovia 2010 11 a.m. Saturday, June 5, to 11 a.m. Sunday, June 6 Monrovia Library Park Be there as the Monrovia community comes together for a 24-hour family-friendly fundraising event. Join us to celebrate those who have battled cancer. Remember loved ones lost. And team up to fight back. All proceeds will support the American Cancer Society’s research, education, advocacy and services for patients and families. 24-Hour Campout and Relay Kids’ Activities DJ and Live Entertainment Food, Games, Contests, Prizes Luminaria Ceremony Pancake Breakfast served by Monrovia Firefighters Saturday Sunday 9 a.m. DJ entertainment 10:30 a.m. Survivors Breakfast 12‐3 a.m. Poker 11 a.m. Opening Ceremony: CELEBRATE 7 a.m. Yoga with Betsy 12 noon Music by David Burland 8:15 a.m. Rooster Crowing Contest 12:45 p.m. Watermelon Eating Contests 8:30 a.m. Kaizen Martial Arts & Fitness Demo 1:30 p.m. Performance by Glitter 8:45 a.m. Pancake Breakfast 2:45 p.m. Relay Olympics with Dr. Kevin Mercado 9 a.m. Clifton Middle School Band 3:15 p.m. Music by Thomas Brotherz 9:45 a.m. Awards, Raffle Prizes, Best Booth 4:45 p.m. Hula Hoop Contest 10 a.m. Closing Ceremony: FIGHT BACK 5 p.m. Music by Soul Speak 6:45 p.m. Miss Relay Contest, Live Auction 7 p.m. Silent Auction closes 8:30 p.m. Luminaria Ceremony: REMEMBER All times approximate Special Thanks to Our Sponsors 9:45 p.m. Justin Little Gold Level: Citizens Business Bank, Dr. Domotor's Animal House Veterinary Hospital, Gentile, McCloskey & Company, Two Dogs Petsitting, Monrovia Weekly, Surgical Group for Animals -Edward B. Leeds, D.V.M., D.A.C.V.S. Silver Level: Sierra Autocars, Laidlaw's Harley Davidson, DJ on the Move, The Whistling Diva — World Champion Whistler Bronze Level: Donna Baker - Dickson Podley Realtors, Monrovia Police Officers Association, Paragon at Old Town, Ramona Property Managers, ServPro of Monrovia, The Loose Teas Cafe and Gifts, B&H Sign Co.


June 3 - June 9, 2010

Women’s Retreat to Feature “Reducing Your Risk of Falling” to be Topic for Speaker from Malawi Retired Teachers’ Meeting

On Saturday, June 12 “Christian Women of the World… from Malawi to California” a half-day retreat for women will take place at San Marino Community Church. Featured speaker and native Malawian Phoebe Chifungo will share her inspiring story including her childhood challenges, her faith journey, and her ministry of serving women and youth. Despite many hardships as an orphan growing up in one of the poorest nations on earth, Phoebe persevered and fulfilled her dream of an advanced education. While earning her first college degree she met and later married Davidson Chifungo, now the head of the Synod of Nkhoma of the Central Church of Africa Presbyterian. Together the Chifungos are trailblaziing roles for women’s leadership in Malawi. Phoebe’s trip to

California is a follow up to Reverend Chifungo’s visit last year when he preached at San Marino Community Church. At the retreat women of all ages, backgrounds, and life-stages will have the opportunity to reflect upon and dialogue about their life journeys. SMCC encourages women of the community to join us for a morning of sharing and spiritual growth. The retreat will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at San Marino Community Church located at 1750 Virginia Road. A continental breakfast and sitdown lunch are included in the $20 registration fee. Advance registration is strongly suggested. Child care is available upon request (please reserve space by Wednesday June 9). Call the church at (626) 282-4181, ext.10 to register or for more information.

David Gutkind, Clinical Director at Arcadia’s Fortanasce Physical Therapy, will present a lecture on “Reducing Your Risk of Falling” on Friday, June 11, at the 11:30 a.m. luncheon meeting of the California Retired Teachers’ Association #71 (CalRTA). The group meets at the Senior Center Building in Arcadia Park, 405 Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, next to the Lawn Bowling Greens. Wit h a n ex t en s ive background in physical therapy, Gutkind is well qualified to speak on the subject of ma int a ining balance to prevent falls. He has a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Western University and also holds a certification

as an “Orthopedic Clinical Specialist.” His presentation will cover the age-related effects on balance and provide strategies to maintain and improve balance. Gutkind’s presentation on a similar topic was so well received in the past by the Retired Teachers that the group requested he return to expand on the topic of preventing falls. The cost of the luncheon for members and guests is $10. To make reservations, please call John Gera at (626) 2860714 by Friday, June 4. Membership in the California Retired Teachers’ Association is open to all retired educators, as well as to any others interest in joining.


Arcadia Republican Woman’s Club Meeting T hu rsday, Ju ne 17, 2 010 meet i ng w i l l fea ture Andrea Rock as our spea ker. A ndrea has a Masters Degree in Media Arts. She has spoken to hundreds of groupsi nclud i ng pa rent s a nd e duc a t or s t h r ou g hou t Arizona and California. A nd r e a s’s i nt er a c t i ve presentation (with clips from television) brings about a lively discussion why young girls are forgoing positive feminine

role models for personal and professional success. Luncheon and speaker at the Santa Anita Golf Course, 405 Santa Anita Ave., A rc a d i a . S oc i a l Hour 10:30 general meeting 11:00, speaker 11:30, lunch at noon. Cost $17.00 Call Veronica at (626) 447-9590 or Ann at (626) 355-6671 for reservations. Men are welcome also. Reservation deadline is June 14, 2010.

Pet of the Week

Arcadia AAUW Members to Share Talents at Meeting What’s on the program for the June meeting of the Arcadia Branch of t he A merican Association of University Women (AAUW)? The Branch’s own multi-talented members are planning a program that showcases their crafts, hobbies, collections, musical performance, and other interests! Among the group are artists, authors of published books, photographers, musicians, and other talented individuals. The Arcadia AAUW luncheon meeting will take place on Monday, June 14, at 12:30 p.m. in the Church of the Good Shepherd’s Jordan Hall, 400

In “Skylight”, Can Ex-lovers Rekindle the Flame?

W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia (SW corner of Duarte Rd. and Holly Ave.). Back by popular request, Blennie Danielson of Danielson’s Creations, Arcadia, will cater the luncheon. The cost of the luncheon is $15 for members and guests. Reservations are due by June 10. To reserve, call Barbara Jackman at (626) 285-1951. She will tell you how to direct your payment. Checks should be made payable to: AAUW—Arcadia Branch. If necessary, leave a message for Barbara Jackman, and she will return your call. Reservations must be paid unless cancelled by June 9.

Cookie from last time was adopted. Meet Phantom, a beautiful, year-old, black and white cat in need of a new home. He may seem shy at first but he is actually very affectionate and loves to snuggle. Come visit with this great cat today! The regular cat adoption fee is $70 which includes the spay or neuter surgery, microchip, vaccinations, and a free follow-up health check at a participating vet. Please call (626) 792-7151 and ask for A269389 or come to the Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA, 361 S. Raymond Ave, Pasadena CA, 91105. Our adoption hours are 11-3 Sunday, 9-4 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and 9-3 Saturday. Directions and photos of all pets updated hourly may be found at www.pasadenahumane.org


Everyday is an open house:

Continued from Page 8

exuberance in short scenes bookending t he drama at beginning and end. Ken Meseroll directs D av id H a re’s Ol iv ier Award-winning play at the Fremont Theatre. The stove and fridge in Joel Daavid’s set are suitably cluttered with pans, seasonings, a cutting board and a knife for Kyra’s dinner-making. Tom may find her flat unprepossessing, but the table and chairs, sofa, area rug,

and magazines all bespeak a comfort ing home for Kyra. Grady Hutt is stage ma nager, w it h Sha ny n Strub as assistant. Lighting design is by Rachel Jaime Miller, and Website design by Morgan Lariah. Dialect coaches are Kimshelley Lessard and Paul Tavianini. Philip Sokoloff is publicist. “Skylight” is playing Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., with Sunday matinees

at 3 p.m. through Sun., June 20. The Fremont Centre Theatre is at 1000 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena. Tickets are $25 general, $20 for seniors and students. For reservations call toll free (866) 811.4111. For more information, call (626) 441.5977; or for on-line ticketing, go to www.fremontcentretheatre.com. Free parking is available on streets or behind the theatre.


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14 June 3 - June 9, 2010

Foster City Rotarian Featured Speaker at Arcadia Club By Anne DonofrioHolter Arcadia Rotarians welcomed past Foster City, California Rotary Club president Paul Williams to the club last week where they heard an inspiring story of appreciation and giving to those less fortunate. Williams’ “Road to Rotary” began when as a teenager attending Willits High School in Northern California, he applied for a Rotary scholarship to help with future college expenses. He was awarded the scholarship and ultimately went on to graduate from Cal Poly San Louis to become a Paul Harris we got involved with The efforts, a community in Obispo. Fellow. Named after the Wheelchair Foundation, Mazatlan named a soccer “I never forgot the im- founder of Rotary Inter- which distributes wheel- tournament in his honor. portance of that scholar- national “as a way to show chairs internationally to “We manage to locate ship and how it helped appreciation for contribu- those who cannot afford the needy, even in remote me succeed,” said Wil- tions to The Rotary Foun- them,” said Williams. “I villages in Honduras and liams. “When I graduated dation’s charitable and quickly saw the joy this El Salvador,” he said. and became established educational program,” this program brought to the Williams credits his in my career, I wanted to identifies the member as an recipients in remote parts 84-year-old mother for inthank Rotary and pay it advocate of the Founda- of the world who would stilling in him a passion for forward.” tion’s goals of world peace otherwise never have had community service. Living and working and international under- the opportunity to be mo“She joined the Peace in the Bay Area, Williams standing. bile.” Corps many years ago was impressed with the ROSEMEAD’S fine MOSt gRAciOuS In 2006-07, Williams Williams has made at and worked extensively in work being done by the was elected president of least nine trips to Mexico Honduras,” said Williams. living cOMMunity. Fosterfull-SERvicE City Rotary Club the club. ASSiStED to help in the distribu“When her term of service and joined. He went on “As club president, tion. In appreciation of his ended, she opened Casa

Rosada in Santa Barbara, Honduras, a very poor area where people grow coffee beans and make woven bags as a source of income.” Accord i ng t o Wi l liams, Casa Rosada is a central location where locals can get medical care, clothes, food and transportation. It is funded by donations from sources including Rotary clubs, Interact clubs and Williams himself. “With no ability to

pay for services, locals sometimes leave bags of soybeans or corn in appreciation,” he said. “Casa Rosada has built eight schools, water projects and even provided uniforms for soccer teams. They also conduct clinics where some two hundred people come for care.” “Paul Williams is a true Rotarian who influenced me to become the Rotarian that I am today,” said Arcadia Rotarian Eric Barter. “What he and his fellow Rotarians do at the Foster City Rotary Club is an inspiration to all other Rotary clubs around the world. We can all learn from them.” “Paul has a true love of Rotary International and is indebted forever for that $1000 scholarship,” added club vice president Brad Miller. “This is a perfect example of the spirit of Rotary performed every day by caring people like Paul Williams and his mother.” Williams works with Lincoln Property Company in the area of property management.

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June 3 - June 9, 2010


Providence Christian College Moving to Pasadena

In Aug ust of 2010, cla sses for P rov idence Christian College will resume at a new campus in Pasadena. On May 1 of this year the college’s board of directors voted unanimously to move the college to Pasadena, where it will take up residence on the campus of William Carey International University. Provi-

dence has been leasing property in Ontario since the school’s establishment in 2004. Staff, faculty, and students at Providence look ahead to the move and becoming part of the Pasadena community with eagerness. “We’re excited about the move because it brings us in closer proximity to

the educational and cultural resources of LA and Pasadena. It also gives us room to grow substantially,” President J. Derek Halvorson said. The new campus features ample residential and classroom space, a library, a cafeteria, administrative offices, and tennis and basketball courts. It can accommodate several

Half-a-million butts... tossed in L.A. every month. Use an ashtray. Don’t trash Los Angeles County!

hundred resident students, compared to the current ca mpus capacit y of 63 residents. The move will place the college closer to the city of Los Angeles and give the college room to grow in future years, as the new campus is 17 acres, more than triple the size of Providence’s current campus. “LA is where we spend our time on our 4W program, which brings our students directly into the cultural and intellectual community of southern California,” said Director of Student Activities Justin Bleeker. “The new campus will benefit our students. I’m confident of that.” “It’s our desire to prepare Providence students to engage every aspect of life from a Biblical perspective,” said Halvorson. “Being in Pasadena allows us to take advantage of the manifold resources of a global cultural center. We’re excited about being in a place that supports the mission of Providence so well.” Faculty and administrators for WCIU’s dist a nce g raduat e school

program have offices on the campus, which is also home to the US Center for World Mission. In addition, WCUI rents campus space to a primary school, an international secondary school, and several churches. The Pasadena ca mpus wa s or ig ina lly

built and occupied by Nazarene University (subsequently named Pasadena College) in 1910. WCIU bought the land in 1977 after Pasadena College relocated to the San Diego area in 1973 and took the name Point Loma Nazarene University.

Sierra Madre’s Ashley Hinton Graduates from Rice University Ashley Hinton of Sierra Madre, CA, graduated May 15 from Rice University. H i nt on received a Bachelor of Arts in Arc h it ec t u re a nd Vi su a l and Dramatic Arts. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh and author of the best - sel ler “Ba n ker t o the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Pover t y,” del ivered the commencement address. Rice University President David Leebron con-

gratulated the graduates with a handshake as they walked across the stage. This year Rice awarded 1,582 degrees, including 797 underg raduate and undergraduate professional degrees and 785 graduate degrees (master’s and Ph.D.). The Class of 2010 is the 97th graduating class in Rice’s history. Located in Houston, R ice University is consistently ranked one of America’s best teaching and research universities. R ice w i l l celebrate it s centennial year in 2012.

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16 June 3 - June 9, 2010

POLICE BLOTTERS Arcadia PD For the period of S unday, May 23, t h r o u g h S a t u r d a y, May 29, the Police Department responded to 916 calls for service of which 133 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, May 23: 1. T hree t hef t s occurred at 24-Hour Fitness, 125 North First, between noon and 8:30 p.m. An iPhone and cash were stolen from a backpack by a basketball court, and a duffle bag and a wallet were stolen from two lockers. 2. Shortly before 11:00 p.m., a traffic stop was initiated at Live Oak and Santa Anita because the driver was talking on his cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. Officers detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage on the driver’s breath and a field

sobriety test was conducted. It was determined that the 31-year-old Hispanic was driving while intoxicated and was arrested. An inventory search of his vehicle also revealed a plastic bag containing marijuana.

old female Caucasian was arrested for possession of burglary tools, auto burglary, false identification to officers since she initially provided her sister’s name and birth date, and 2 outstanding warrants totaling $65,000.

Monday, May 24:

4. Between 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 900 block of Fairview. Unknown suspect(s) broke a kitchen window to gain entry into the house. The suspect(s) then stole a laptop computer, handguns, cash, and jewelry.

3. Around 12:42 a.m., a traffic stop was made at Santa Anita and the 210 Freeway for an expired registration. A male driver and a female passenger were contacted, and a DMV check indicated that the driver had a suspended license. A consent search was conducted and fake drivers’ licenses, plastic bindle containing a white crystalline substance resembling methamphetamine, glass-smoking pipes, radio scanner, bolt cutters, pry tool, and possible stolen property were found. A 31-year-old male Caucasian was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, possession of paraphernalia, possession of burglary tools, auto burglary, and driving on a suspended license; a 26-year-

Tuesday, May 25: 5. An auto burglary occurred at Westfield Mall between 5:15 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) broke into a Honda CRV by unknown means and stole a GPS unit, stereo speaker, and cash for a total reported loss of about $750. 6. Between 3:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., a 1996 green Honda Accord was stolen from Westfield Mall. The car was later recovered

around 10:30 p.m. in San Marino.

ers’ licenses and credit cards belonging to different individuals were found. The man was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession of a controlled substance and marijuana for sale, receiving stolen property, and outstanding warrant.

Wednesday, May 26: 7. Shortly after 6:00 p.m., an automatic license plate reader alerted officers to a stolen silver Chrysler 300 at Santa Clara and Santa Anita. The car was driven by a male AfricanA mer ica n w it h a ma le Caucasian passenger. A pursuit ensued onto the eastbound 210 Freeway and then onto Huntington and Fifth. The driver failed to yield and made numerous unsafe lane changes. Due to heavy traffic, the suspects were able to evade capture.

Thursday, May 27: 9. Around 2:00 p.m., loss prevention personnel from Nordstrom advised that they had detained a woman for theft. The suspect selected five watches and concealed them in a shopping bag. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 37-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody for grand theft. 10. A grand theft occurred at the Aeropostale store located at Westfield Mall between 8:30 p.m. and 9:36 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) stole 120 t-shirts from a display rack for a total reported loss of $2,940.

8. Unit s responded to Santa Anita and Fano around 11:40 p.m. in reference to a solo traffic collision. The driver claimed to have fallen asleep at the wheel and struck a tree in the center median. A record check revealed that the 19-year-old male Asian had an outstanding warrant, and a consent search was conducted. A small digital scale, Ecstasy pills, marijuana, and driv-

Friday, May 28:


The Gold Standard a SE en OU m ltad N H 2-4 Pon, A E OP SUNCany n

12. Loss prevention personnel from JC Penney advised that they had detained a woman for theft around 3:13 p.m. The woman concealed merchandise in her purse and left the store without making payment. Additional stolen property from Old Navy and Victoria’s Secret were also recovered. A private person’s arrest was made, and the 21-year-old Hispanic was taken into custody for commercial burglary and 3 outstanding warrants totaling $46,125. Saturday, May 29: 13. Between 12:05 a.m. and 10:26 a.m., a 2007 black BMW 328i was stolen from a secured parking area in the 600 block of Fairview.

Continued on the Next Page

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11. Between 1:00 p.m. and 2:10 p.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 200 block of West Lemon. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window on the front door to gain entrance and stole jewelry and cash.


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June 3 - June 9, 2010

POLICE BLOTTERS Continued from the Previous Page 14. Unit s were dis patched to Santa Anita and Magna Vista around 10:14 p.m. in reference to a traffic accident. An intoxicated 24-year-old male Hispanic driver crashed into a parked vehicle and was arrested for DUI.

Monrovia PD Dur ing the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 618 ser vice events, resulting in 133 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events: Driving Under the Influence Suspect Arrested. On May 14 at 1:05 a.m., an officer noticed a vehicle swerving on the roadway. He conducted a traffic stop and during the investigation, determined the driver was under the influence. The driver was arrested and later released on a citation. Vehicle Burglary On May 16 at 3:25 p.m., an officer responded to the 800 block of West Colorado on the report of a vehicle burglary. A female subject ret ur ned home from shopping and parked her vehicle in the carport of her residence. She left merchandise she had purchased in the vehicle. Approximately 30 minutes later, she returned to her vehicle and found a window had been pried open and the merchandise was gone. The victim called the Station shortly after the officer left her residence

from taking t he report and said she had talked to an employee of the store where she bought the merchandise, and her items had already been returned to the store. The suspect did not get any money or credit for the merchandise he returned. Instead, the amount was credited back to the victim’s charge card. Investigation continuing. Burglary On May 17 at 6:44 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a business in the 2600 block of South Ca lifor nia rega rding a break-in. The officer arrived and spoke to the reporting party, who stated she was the last person to leave the evening before. When she arrived at the business in the morning, she found the glass front door smashed. Officers entered to clear the building, but no suspects were located inside. It appears the suspects attempted to take several computers, but the computers are locked down with cable security systems. Employees checked the inside and determined that a printer and scanner were missing from the mailroom. Investigation continuing. 72-Hour Mental Evaluation On May 17 at 2:52 p.m., Dispatch received a call from a female resident reporting a male subject wearing a green shirt and tan shorts had jumped through her front window yelling. The subject then left the residence heading westbound on Walnut. As officers were responding, other calls were received. Another caller reported the subject had jumped over her wall in the 800

block of West Walnut, and the subject had now taken off all his clothes. An officer located and contacted the subject, who did not respond to verbal commands. The officer used his pepper spray on the subject and was able to detain and restrain him. Monrovia Fire Department paramedics were requested, and the subject was taken to a hospital, where he was held for 72-hour mental evaluation. The subject is 19 years old and has a history of bi-polar disorder. Exhibiting an Imitation Firearm / Public Intoxication - Suspect Arrested On May 17 at 10:14 p.m., a female subject walking her dog in the 200 block of W. Cypress was threatened by a male suspect carrying what appeared to be a handgun. Officers responded and located the suspect who was still in the area. The weapon, which the suspect attempted to discard, was also located and turned out to be a BB pistol. The suspect was arrested for brandishing a replica firearm and for public intoxication. Burglary On May 18 at 11:04 a.m., an officer went to the 200 block of West Olive regarding a resident ial burglary. When he arrived, the victim reported that someone had broken into his house one week prior and had taken personal papers and identification. He did not make a report at the time because he had no identification. Investigation continuing.

Continued on the Next Page

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18 June 3 - June 9, 2010

Continued from the Previous Page Petty Theft with a Prior / Warrant / Possession of Marijuana Suspect Arrested On May 19 at 13:28 p.m., loss prevention officers from a business in t he 50 0 block of West Hunt ing ton reported a male suspect had stolen merchandise and exited the store without paying. Officers responded to the area, detained the suspect, and arrested him for theft. Computer checks revealed the suspect had a prior conviction for petty theft, had failed to appear on a warrant, and was in possession of marijuana. He was booked for the listed charges. Burglary / Theft On May 19 at 2:51 p.m., officers responded to the 800 block of West Duarte regarding t heft from storage cabinets in

a carport. One of the victims provided a vehicle description and partial plate. The officer determined miscellaneous hand tools and aluminum had been taken from one storage cabinet which wa s unlocked, and a stroller had been taken from a locked cabinet. The suspect had cut the lock on the second storage cabinet. An area check was made, but no suspects were located. Investigation continuing. Grand Theft Auto On May 19 at 3 p.m., officers responded to the 1600 block of South Mountain regarding a stolen vehicle. The victim reported that he parked his 1996 silver Honda Accord, secured it, and went into a business. He was in the store for a short period of time and returned to find his vehicle missing. There was no broken glass found on the ground and the victim can account for all of the keys. Investigation

Other Public Notices

City OF Arcadia Notices

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. 080070860 Title Order No. 08-8-260691 APN No. 8503-009-019 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 04/21/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.” Notice is hereby given that RECONTRUST COMPANY, as duly appointed trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust executed by TOMMY FIGUEROA, A SINGLE MAN, dated 04/21/2005 and recorded 04/29/05, as Instrument No. 05 1000500, in Book , Page ), of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, State of California, will sell on 06/24/2010 at 1:00PM, At the front entrance to the Pomona Superior Courts Building, 350 West Mission Blvd., Pomona, Los Angeles, CA at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash or check as described below, payable in full at time of sale, all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust, in the property situated in said County and State and as more fully described in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common designation, if any of the real property described above is purported to be: 917 CRESCENT DRIVE, MONROVIA, CA, 91016. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The total amount of the unpaid balance with interest thereon of the obligation secured by the property to be sold plus reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $726,307.92. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept cashier’s checks drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Said sale will be made, in an “AS IS” condition, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, advances thereunder, with interest as provided, and the unpaid principal of the Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest thereon as provided in said Note, plus fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. If required by the provisions of section 2923.5 of the California Civil Code, the declaration from the mortgagee, beneficiary or authorized agent is attached to the Notice of Trustee’s Sale duly recorded with the appropriate County Recorder’s Office. DATED: 10/11/2008 RECONTRUST COMPANY 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd., SV2202 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone/Sale Information: (800) 281 8219 By: Trustee’s Sale Officer RECONTRUST COMPANY is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. FEI # 1006.38618 5/27, 6/03, 6/10/2010

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Arcadia City Hall Council Chamber, 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, the City Council will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of an Ordinance to amend certain Sections of Article IX (Division and Use of Land) of the Arcadia Municipal Code to define and address regulations for Personal Service Business uses and the requirements for Conditional Use Permits for such uses, and to amend Section 6418.1 of Article VI (Businesses, Professions, Trades and Occupations) of the Arcadia Municipal Code to revise the definition of Personal Service Business. At said time and place an opportunity will be afforded to all those interested and the public in general to be heard. All persons are hereby advised that should any person desire to legally challenge any action taken by the City Council with respect to the above matters and this public hearing, such person may be limited to raising only those issues and objections raised by such person or other persons at or prior to the time of the public hearing. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 574-5455 at least three (3) working days before the meeting or time when such special services are needed. This notification will help City staff in making reasonable arrangements to provide you with access to the meeting. For further information regarding the proposed Ordinance or to submit comments, please contact Planning Services at Arcadia City Hall, 240 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007 or call (626) 574-5423; fax (626) 447-9173 or by electronic mail to jkasama@ci.arcadia.ca.us. Lisa Mussenden Chief Deputy City Clerk/ Records Manager Publish June 3, 2010


Sierra Madre PD During the week of Sunday, May 23rd, to Saturday May 29th, the Sier ra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 234 calls for service. Monday, May 24th: 7:57 PM – Residential Burglary, 600 block Can-

yon Crest Drive. Suspect(s) entered the basement of a home under construction a nd stole const r uct ion tools and personal propert y. The items stolen: Sidekick 12” miter saw, Porter Cable brand nailer, Porter Cable pancake compressor, router bits, an Ibanez electric guitar, and a Novara Mountain Bike. The crime occurred between 6:00 pm, Saturday, 5/22/2010 and 7:30 am, Monday, 5/ 24/ 210.

The loss was estimated at $1575.00. Saturday, May 29th: 4:54 PM – Auto Burglary, Bailey Canyon Park. The passenger side window of a parked Jeep was smashed. A witness heard t he sou nd of brea k ing glass and saw a female Hispanic get in a waiting Black Toyot a Tundra pick-up with raised metal bars that formed a

cage on the bed. The suspects, a female Hispanic and the male Hispanic driver drove southbound on Grove Street from the Bailey Canyon Park parking lot. Suspects stole a quilted bag left on the passenger seat. The bag contained clothing, a Blackberry cellular telephone, and a black wallet with identification and credit cards in the victim’s name. The loss was estimated at $525.00.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ARCADIA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., in the Arcadia City Hall Council Chamber, 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, a public hearing will be held by and before the City Council on the FIVE-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) 2010-2011 THROUGH 2014-15. At said time and place an opportunity will be afforded all those interested and the public in general to be heard. A Copy of the proposed budget shall be available for inspection by the public in the office of the City Clerk, Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and at the City Library during the hours the Library is open to the public, at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing. Below is a summary by fund of the proposed Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) 2010-11 through 2014-15.









































5,099,855 (174,789)


____________________________ City Clerk Dated:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Arcadia City Hall Council Chamber, 240 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, California, a public hearing will be held by and before the City Council on the PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011. At said time and place an opportunity will be afforded all those interested and the public in general to be heard. A Copy of the proposed budget shall be available for inspection by the public in the Office of the City Clerk Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and alternate Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and at the City Library during the hours the Library is open to the public, at least (10) days prior to the date of said hearing. Below is a summary by fund of the proposed 2010-2011 budget.


SOURCES OF FUNDS Fund General Fund Narcotic Seizure Federal COPS Local Law Enforcement Medical/Dental Worker Compensation/Liability State Library Grant Misc. P.E.R.S. Employee Retirement Life Insurance Emergency Reserve Parks & Recreation Traffic Safety Solid Waste State Gas Tax Air Quality Management District Community Development Block Grant Transit Proposition A Measure R Proposition C Santa Anita Grade Separation TDA Article 3 Bikeway STPL & ITS Special Grant Transportation Impact Capital Outlay Lighting Maintenance Parking Districts Water Sewer Equipment Replacement Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Low & Moderate Housing Redevelopment Debt Services General Obligation Debt Services


Beginning Fund Balance FY10-11

Outside Sources




Transfer Out


Ending Fund Balance FY10-11

5,781,288 977,580 0 0 80,478 1,080,031 209,563 2,703,000 379,894 8,368,742 1,199,000 0 1,044,877 1,253,249 107,401 0 0 895,810 290,932 963,739 6,282,372 34,400 0 429,857 2,807,924 0 84,959 30,016,253 2,521,144 5,351,176 3,191,289 5,465,303 1,845,771 556,283

41,475,435 32,000 114,120 50,000 3,590,000 0 42,700 0 0 0 1,164,661 320,000 521,300 1,480,395 52,000 459,478 1,502,200 782,000 474,000 918,000 120,000 64,000 650,000 1,195,000 2,136,000 428,638 2,600 10,682,500 1,298,000 132,000 250,000 180,000 36,000 516,550

5,363,494 0 0 81,610 0 1,542,330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,093,149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642,957 0 0 0 0 3,520,000 892,032 1,641,560 0

52,620,217 1,009,580 114,120 131,610 3,670,478 2,622,361 252,263 2,703,000 379,894 8,368,742 2,363,661 320,000 1,566,177 2,733,644 159,401 459,478 2,595,349 1,677,810 764,932 1,881,739 6,402,372 98,400 650,000 1,624,857 4,943,924 1,071,595 87,559 40,698,753 3,819,144 5,483,176 6,961,289 6,537,335 3,523,331 1,072,833

46,017,860 168,824 114,120 131,610 3,574,000 1,722,318 45,000 0 0 0 1,195,361 0 699,510 212,000 131,350 459,478 2,595,349 169,950 18,930 1,570,720 0 90,000 650,000 1,600,000 1,830,089 1,071,595 23,890 11,982,600 1,493,500 1,205,810 4,178,873 232,940 1,677,560 516,550

738,730 0 0 0 15,610 0 0 0 0 0 0 320,000 0 1,564,390 0 0 0 1,093,149 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

46,756,590 168,824 114,120 131,610 3,589,610 1,722,318 45,000 0 0 0 1,195,361 320,000 699,510 1,776,390 131,350 459,478 2,595,349 1,263,099 18,930 1,570,720 0 90,000 650,000 1,600,000 1,830,089 1,071,595 23,890 11,982,600 1,493,500 1,205,810 4,178,873 232,940 1,677,560 516,550

5,863,627 840,756 0 0 80,868 900,043 207,263 2,703,000 379,894 8,368,742 1,168,300 0 866,667 957,254 28,051 0 0 414,711 746,002 311,019 6,402,372 8,400 0 24,857 3,113,835 0 63,669 28,716,153 2,325,644 4,277,366 2,782,416 6,304,395 1,845,771 556,283









June 3 - June 9, 2010

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agent oF the week

NO LISTING OR PURCHASE NECESSARY TO WIN. Must be 18 or older and a legal U.S. resident to enter. Void in KS, MO, NJ, OK, and RI. Details at century21.com/sweepstakes. Odds of winning depend on number of entries. Ends June 30th. Each CENTURY 21® Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

E a US ovi HO-4 PMMonr N E N 1 st, P O SU llcre i



Private gated estate sits on over 5 acres. With 6 bdrms & 9 bthrs, great room, formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, chef ’s kitchen, 5 fire places, outdoor pavilion, pool, spa, 5 car grage, Go to w w w. m o r g a n r a n c h r o a d . c o m for details. (M448)

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123




anoakIa esTaTes!!!


ThisCrownJewelofAnoakiaEstatesisatrueEntertainer’sParadise! Theexquisitehomeis situatedonthelargestlotinAnoakia(almost31,000sq.ft.)andfeatures5bedroomsuites,6.5 baths, Formal Living & Dining rooms, Study, Family room & anAmazing Gourmet Kitchen. The expansive, covered patio w/built-in BBQ Station is absolutely stunning! Fantastic pool w/slide & waterfall. Pool house & exercise room. State of the art movie theatre room. This property is too Amazing to describe!!! ARCADIA SCHOOLS!!! (ENG)

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. 626-301-1888

vIews, vIews, vIews


This gorgeous Art Deco, custom built home with lots of privacy and seclusion features panoramic city lights views. Lots of glass, living room, dining room and family room all over look the breathtaking views. 4 fireplaces, multiple balconies, Mstr suite, bonus room, beautiful gourmet kitchen with granite counters, wine seller, 2 laundry areas, 3 car garage. (LOT)

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd.


MedITerranean vIlla


Recently remodeled 4bdrm 3bth w/3994 of living space, manicured grounds, spacious patio/balcony, Koi ponds, custom two car garage, entry way, grand living room, detailed FP, formal dining, gourmet kitchen, cherry cabinetry, travertine tiled floors, custom granite counter tops, 3 master suites and so much more! (H140)

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123


E US rca HO PM e, A EN 1-4 Av OP SUN Anita ta 15


PrIvaTe lake area!!!


REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the culde-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! www.1430avenue64.com (AVE)

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. (626) 301-1888

s. el MonTe


Ideal small manufacturing, light industrial use property, great for owner/user. Two 3000 square foot buildings which are currently leased. Owner could occupy one while leasing the other. Large 22651 lot affords storage at the rear of the property. Make offers SUBJECT TO INSPECTION. Great location central to freeway access. (C2416)

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123





delIGhTFUl hoMe

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123

E rie ab US HO-5 PM an G N S E 2 , OP SATtt Ave

E US dia HO-5 PMArca N E N 1 do, P O SU ora





CharMInG arCadIa hoMe


This one level 3 bed/1 ba home features remodeled kitchen w/oak cabinets, granite counters, and SS appliances, large living room w/ fireplace, a dining room and family room. Oversized 2-car detached garage, large lot (over 12,000 sq.ft.) Arcadia Schools!!! (NOR)

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. (626) 301-1888




sPaCIoUs hoMe


This 3bdrm 2bth home is south facing w/mountain views and Arcadia Schools. Mature shade trees, covered patio & basketball area. Living room w/enormous brick FP, large picture window, formal dining room, gleaming kitchen, laundry room, new carpet in all bdrms, a must see! (S2315)


Beautiful 3bdrm 3bth home w/2158 living space, family room, CA & Heat, high ceilings, open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, granite counter tops, hardwood flooring, move- in ready and Temple City Schools. (B6033)

norTh arCadIa loCaTIon


Built in 1998 this Mursol built PUD is measured Over 2000 sq.ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, family room, formal dining area, fireplace and yard area. Laminate flooring, awnings, new oven, high ceilings and formal entry. (1st926)

brandnewTownhoMes sTarTInG@$688,000

TradITIonal one level

Custom built 3bdrm 2.5 bath in Arcadia School District. Gourmet kitchen, granite counters, excellent floor plan, many extras, extra cabinets in garage and nice size yard. Only 2 left. (E152)

Located in N/E Monrovia with 4 bedrooms, w a l k - i n p a n t r y, h a r d w o o d f l o o r i n g , b r e a k f a s t b a r, f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o m , d e t a c h e d t w o c a r laundry room, lovely patio and backyard.

$679,000 2 baths, counter/ garage, (O1013)

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

CenTUrY 21 lUdeCke InC (626) 445-0123

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

sPanIsh revIval

arCadIa TownhoMe

4 bedrooM

lovelY TradITIonal


Original architectural splendor located in Alhambra with high wood beamed vaulted ceilings in the living room, Mission tile fireplace, mahogany plank flooring, French doors with beveled glass, leaded glass chandelier in dining room, many upgrades throughout. State of art kitchen, copper sink, patio with decorative fireplace, beautiful yard. 6000 sq.ft. lot. (M1633)


This 3 bed/2.5 ba. features Lg living room w/frpl and dining area, lovely kitchen with patio view, master suite with high ceiling & huge closet. All bedrooms are upstairs. Community pool & Arcadia schools!!! (HUN)

$ 4 8 9 ,0 0 0

This home features 4 bed/3.5 ba, Custom Fireplaces, French Doors, Imported Stained Glass Windows, Custom Lighting, huge Mstr Suite w/ Retreat & Private Bar, Gorgeous Custom Kitchen and beautiful backyard. Located in a beautiful gated comm. with Pool & Spa. (RIM)


Located in N.E. Pasadena with many upgrades inside and out. Updated kitchen with Cesar stone counters, newer stainless dishwasher, microwave and hood, tile flooring extends to the dining room, gorgeous hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Covered patio, seating area with fire pit, detached 2 car garage. (D275)

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. (626) 301-1888

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. (626) 301-1888

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

FIsh CanYon

4 bedrooM

well MaInTaIned

FabUloUs CoMPlex


Hard to find 4 bedroom, located in Duarte with fireplace in living room, 1.5 baths, kitchen/family room combo, inside laundry area, new windows, Laminet flooring in dining area, sliding glass doors in master bedroom opening to private patio & bonus room, two car attached garage. (F3109)

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

$ 4 2 0 ,0 0 0

This well maintained 4 bed/3 ba features new double-pane windows, new doors and tile floors on first floor. Decorative staircase railing & Security door. Beautiful landscaped yard and private backyard. Good location in quiet neighborhood. (MAS)

CenTUrY 21 earll, lTd. 626-301-1888


Located in Pasadena this 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home on a 9380 sq.ft., huge flat lot. Zoned for multi-family. Tons of potential. (C116)

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451


Located on Huntington Drive in Arcadia, one level, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge living room and den with dining room close to the kitchen area, patio right off of the living area, gated complex with beautiful landscaping, large grassy lawn area, pool, spa and club house. (H1200)

CenTUrY 21 vIllaGe realTY (626) 355-1451

Century 21 earll, ltd.

Century 21 ludeCke inC

Century 21 village realty

320 e. Foothill Blvd., arCadia

20 e. Foothill Blvd. Suite 105, arCadia

38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre




(626) 301-1888

(626) 445-0123

(626) 355-1451

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