Advertise your business here. @pasindependent Thursday, July 15 - July 21, 2010
AHS Coach Arrested on Charges of Having Sex with Student By Kristie Tom
Mildred Lapson and Herb Stevens are about to celebrate 70 years of wedded bliss. You’d never know it looking at this energetic couple. Stevens,
Volume XV, No. XXVIII
Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996
Monrovia Couple Celebrates 70 Years of Marriage
retired from Steven’s Nursery on Foothill Blvd., contributed trees throughout the 50’s to Monrovia’s Library Park, and various churches and public places
At 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, July 1, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputies arrested George Armenta in Chino Hills after an investigation of several months regarding charges of having a sexual relationship with a former student. He was detained at the in Monrovia. He recently West Valley Detention Cenjust had his 90th birthday. ter before posting $50,000 As a Fine Arts teacher bail. in several school districts Armenta, a 36-year-old
Continued on Page 4
Continued on Page 6
Sanchez Sworn in as Pasadena Police Chief
Phillip Sanchez was sworn in as Pasadena’s Police Chief in a ceremony at City Hall Monday evening - Photo by Terry Miller
Hundreds of people including city officials, police officers from Santa Monica and districts closer including Monrovia’s chief Roger Johnson and Sierra Madre Chief Marilyn Diaz, community representatives, friends and family witnessed the new Pasadena Police Chief Phil Sanchez as he was sworn in at a special private ceremony in the courtyard at
Pasadena City Hall. Sanchez was sworn in by a former patrol officerturned judge. “My vision for the Pasadena Police Department is simple: to increase its status as a world-class unit and to enhance community relationships,” Sanchez said. Sanchez, 53, is a Fullerton resident who spent his
Call 626.301.1010
Men Convicted in Salas Slaying By John Stephens A Burbank courtroom swelled with emotion on Tuesday afternoon as a jury convicted cousins Rayshawn and Nickelis Blackwell in the 2008 machine gun slaying of 16-year-old Sammantha Salas in Monrovia. The Blackwells, both members of t he Duroc Crips street gang maintained stoic countenances as two guilty verdicts – one for first degree murder, the other for attempted
murder – were announced by the jury following deliberations. Many of the Blackwell’s friends and family members were visibly and audibly distraught upon hearing the verdict, and Nickelis Blackwell was heard to let loose a loud outburst of expletives as Sheriff’s deputies led him out of the courtroom in handcuffs. Before leaving, Rayshawn Blackwell turned to the audience and said with a smile, “It’s all
Continued on Page 3
Sierra Madre Residents Defeat Water Rate Increase - For Now
Continued on Page 4
Pasadena Heritage Celebrates Colorado Street Bridge By Kristie Tom Pasadena Heritage, a historic preservation group dedicated to preserving the cultural and architectural resources of the City of Pasadena, put on their famous Colorado Street Bridge Party this past weekend after canceling it last year due to the pessimistic economy. The Colorado Street Bridge Party is a celebration of historic preservation on one of the world’s most beautiful bridges with continuous live music, danc400 S. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia CA 91007
ing, antique cars, children’s activities, festive foods and beverages. And though it was called off last year, it returned this year due to popular demand. Music at the bash included Mercy and the Merkettes and Snotty Scotty and the Hankies. The vintage car show at the party featured several classics that awed the guests. The event was catered by local restaurants doing their part in helping the community
Continued on Page 10
The Sierra Madre city council just approved $35,000 to repair the recent pipe burst on Sierra Madre Blvd. Apublic works emplyee shows residents what theat particular pipe looked like- Photo by Terry Miller
Once again, Snotty Scotty and the Hankies didn’t disappoibnt their loyal fans at the Colorado St. Bridge Party put on by the Pasadena Heritage Foundation. - Photo by Terry Miller
By Terry Miller It has been an exacting few weeks for Sierra Madre city’s infrastructure. Water mains breaks and aging pipes underground on Sierra Madre Boulevard have caused a small sink hole and a whopping emergency $35,000 bill to fix
Family Flicks on The Promenade Join Westfield Santa Anita every Wednesday now through July 28 for free outdoor movies. For a complete list of showings and event details, visit
just that section. It also has created a public relations nightmare. According to the city website: A 10” water main burst in the 400 block of East Sierra Madre Boulevard. Before that section of main could be shut down
Continued on Page 6
2 July 15- July 21, 2010
Things To Remember Dorothy's Place
By Dorothy Denne I was reminiscing in last week's column. Allow me to do a bit more. My really senior family members are gone now. How I wish I had recorded, either in memory or on paper, more of the stories they told. One I remember my Aunt Jessie telling me was about a time her family was visiting mine, on our farm.. I was just a few months old. Everyone was sleeping under the big tree in the front yard because, "Oh my, it was hot." Someone came by, returning with a stud horse who had been out doing his job. As he passed our yard, the horse let out the most Gawd awful howl. They all woke at once, jumped up, fell head over heels and knocked each other every which way getting into the house. Aunt Jessie shrieked, "My land, we left Dorothy Lou under the tree." They knocked each other every which way
again getting back out of the house and out to me. I was sleeping peacefully and the horse was out of sight. My own earliest memories go back to a farm in Southern Ohio that we called The Secrest Place. God knows how long since any Secrests had lived there. Farms and houses around small towns tend to be owned in name by the same family forever. There was a two story white frame house. The front yard was a hill that sloped down toward the house. When the cousins came to visit, one of the fun things we did was roll over and over down the hill. When we stopped rolling, the earth started spinning. Sometimes it spun so much we had to hold our breath so we wouldn't throw up. Across the side yard was an orchard with an old car sitting in it. Mom hid my cousin and me there once because she heard the gypsies were coming and they stole little children and chickens. She rang the big dinner bell to call Dad in from the fields. He unhitched the horse and rode in fast because the ringing of the bell signaled big trouble. He sat in the barn with his shot gun and waited for a long time. The gypsies never came. They probably heard the bell too and knew Dad and the shot gun would be waiting!
Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions Workshop at Huntington Memorial Huntington Hospital offers a six week workshop designed for individuals with chronic illness or their caregivers. Use discussion and goal setting to help you learn how to better manage stress, eat healthier, develop an exercise program, communicate better with your physician and live a happier, healthier life. Free.
Call (626) 397-2581 for more information Call (626) 744-7270 to register. Six consecutive Tuesdays starting August 3 1-3 p.m. Pasadena San Rafael Library 1240 Nithsdale Road, Pasadena To contact Huntington Hospital: (626) 3975464
Azusa Approves Revised Vulcan CUP and Revised Reclaimation Plan Fol low i ng mont hs of meet ings, public inp u t a n d c o n t r o v e r s y, the Azusa City Council vot ed 4 t o 1 t o a l low Vulcan Materials Company to expand its mini ng operat ions f rom a currently approved and partially mined 80 acres on t he ea st side of it s 270 acre propert y to a pristine mountain ridge above Duarte homes and schools. The council also voted 4 to 1 to give first reading approval to a development deal, expected to generate in excess of $67 million in advance mining fees, additional ex t r a c t ion s u rc h a r ge s and other financial incentives for the City of Azusa over the life of the agreement to extend to 2038. The deal is also expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars for the Birmingham, A labama based Vulcan. Only Azusa Mayor, Joe Rocha who said he had done a lot of “soul searching” voted against the Vulcan Revised Conditional Use Permit, Revised Reclamation and accompanying development agreement. Mayor Rocha expressed three gnawing concerns, one of which was t he mining of Van Tassel Ridge. “Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.” He also again questioned Vulcan’s real mot ives for want ing to move its mining operations to an area with one million less tons of available aggregate, and said he was bothered by the fact t hat “if it was t he right thing to do” why Vulcan would only agree to the purported superior micro-benching reclamation if the 80-acre switch was approved. But he was alone. “This council is goi ng to be ch isel i ng it s name in stone for a project that we are going to have to live with. We’re going to ow n t h is one way or anot her, A nd I t hink t hat owning t his e n h a nc e d pr op o s a l i s better than…what is current ly permitted,” said Azusa Councilman Keith Hanks who made the motion to approve the plan
that provides for concurrent reclamation utilizing two-foot benches rather than 40-foot Mayan steps. “I can’t help but think what this stable revenue stream will mean to our residents…but never, never was money the first factor in any of this,” said Councilman Uriel Macia s, who seconded the motion to approve. It was Councilman Macias who at the previous meeti ng had u rged Vu lca n back to the negotiating table to shore up environmental and financial assurances in the development agreement and to address a laundry list of 16 concerns that included the sparing of Van Tassel Ridge. While Azusa staff and ultimately the majority of the council were satisfied with the resolve of 14 of the 16 c onc e r n s a nd t he a d d it iona l $ 8 m i l l ion i n financial incentives that Vulcan added to the pot to sweeten the deal, Duarte City Attorney, Jeffrey Melching told t he Azusa council, “You did not achieve 14 of your 16 negotiating goals. He said, “You really got only one, kind of. You got $8 million for open space when you really asked for open space and community programs and what it looks like to me is that’s what was good enough to sell out the other 15 points.” Duarte City Manager, Darrell George said Duarte is extremely disappointed in the Azusa City Council’s actions. “Especially because just a little over a month ago they voted no for a plan that is almost identical, although this is worse. It’s unfortunate that Duarte and San Gabriel Valley residents will have to endure t he dest ruct ion and removal of 106 million tons of rock over the next 28 years and the lowering of Van Tassel Ridge by 800 feet.” George said the City of Duarte plans to “take some t ime and look at all the options we have to continue to fight this decision, including liti-
g a t ion on C E QA a nd Brown Act violations.” More t h a n 10 0 members of t he public attended the nearly six hou r c ou nc i l meet i n g that ended shortly after midnight. A few residents of Mou nt a in Cove, a n expensive, newer Azusa com mu n it y of homes that would be in the sight line of continued mining on the east if the revised pla n fa i led, a sked t he council to do the right thing by them. But a majority of the 35 speakers, m a ny f rom D u a r t e a s well as Duarte public officials, representatives of Cong ressmember Judy Chu, Supervisor Michael Antonovich, the Azusabased Save Our Canyon g roup, a nd t he Sier r a Club urged the council to vote against the plan. A major selling point by Vulcan for its plan, and crucial to the City of Azusa, has been Vulcan’s promise to reclaim within two years the eyesore Mayan steps visible for miles with the m i c r o - b e nc h i n g t e c h nique. But Congresswoman Chu, in a letter read to the council, said she finds language pertaining to that in the draft document “completely erroneous at best and disingenuous at worst,” Vulcan’s docu ment st ates t hat work would commence upon final approval by the city of the company to mine, excavate, and develop the entire site. “C o n s ide r i n g t h a t t h is proposa l on ly addresses the 80 acre swap and that Vulcan only has permission to mine 190 of the 270 acres…setting approval of mining for the entire site as a condit ion for commencing m icro -bench i ng wou ld in affect ensure that the m ic ro - benc h i ng never happens,” she wrote. For its part, Save Our Canyon, which has been fighting mining expans ion pl a n s by Vu lc a n for the past five years, is gearing up for a referendum. The group would h ave t o c ol lec t a bout 1,400 Azusa voter signa-
Continued on Page 16
M E D I A ,
I N C .
Publisher/Editor in Chief Von Raees
Editorial Editor
John B. Stephens
Photographer Terry Miller
Dorothy Denne Floretta Lauber Wally Hage
Susan Motander Bill Peters Tom Gammill Deborah Ann Neely Sue Behrens Candyce Columbus Meg Galli Greg Aragon Emilo Santoyo Jeff Couriveau Matthew Burch Dawn Rickabaugh Erin Vosti Lal
Production Intern Courtney Blackburn
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125 E. Chestnut Dr., Monrovia, CA 91016
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July 15- July 21, 2010
Cousins Convicted in Sammantha Salas Slaying Continued from the First Page right. We’ll be back.” But it may be quite a long time before the Blackwells see the light of day again as free men – if at all. Sentencing is scheduled for August 24 and the two men now face up to five life terms in prison, according to Deputy District Attorney Joe Porras. Geoffrey Pope, Rayshawn Blackwell’s attorney, said that the two men are potentially facing “several hundred years” in prison and that “no one on this earth will be alive” when their terms expire. 16-year-old Sammatha Salas was murdered on January 26, 2008 in the 2500 block of Peck Road as
she and once of her friends were walking to a local store. Sammath’a friend escaped by running away, though only after incurring severe gunshot wounds which left her hospitalized for an extended period. The area of Peck Road in which the shooting took place is an unincorporated Los Angeles County area near the southern Monrovia city limit. According to detectives, the shooting was t he resu lt of a n ongo ing spate of gang-related, retaliatory shootings bet ween t he r iva l Duroc Crips and Monrovia Nuevo Varrio gangs that began in late 2007. The Salas shooting came just 12 days a f t er 6 4 -yea r old Sanders Rollins was
gunned down in his front yard by members of the Monrovia Nuevo Varrio, a primarily Latino gang. Prosecutors maintained that the Blackwells were emot iona l ly d ist ressed the day of the shooting, having attended the funeral for Rollins – who was their uncle –earlier that day. T he conv ict ion for at tempted murder wa s for a Januar y 14, 20 08 shooting that targeted the father of a man who has been charged in the Rollins murder. That case has yet to be brought to trial. According to Sheriff’s Detectives, neither Sammantha Salas nor the other wounded teen were involved in either of the two quarreling gangs.
Arcadia High School Coach Arrested on Charges of Having Sexual Relations with Student Continued from the First Page resident of El Monte, is the colorguard choreographer for Arcadia High School. The charges against Armenta entail a two-year sexual relationship, which began when the victim, now 25, was 15 and ended when he was 17. The victim informed the Chino Hills Police Department of the sexual abuse in March, according to a sheriff’s news release. The victim told authorities that he and Armenta were sexually involved while he was a member of the color guard at a Chino Hills high school. According to the news release, the actions took place in Chino
Hills and at Armenta’s residences in Los Angeles County. Kathy Oros, the Sheriff’s Detective of San Bernardino County, explained to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune that victims do not often report sexual abuse immediately. “What ends up happening is they finally build up the courage,” Oros told the Tribune. “He finally got the strength to come forward.” After the victim reported the crimes in March, investigators were able to find evidence that supported the allegations. Armenta was booked on suspicion of oral copulation with a minor under age 16 and sodomy with a
minor under age 18, the release said. However, some of Armenta's past colorguard members at Arcadia High School do feel that "he was the type of person who would coerce people into doing something that they didn't want to do," according to one colorguard alumna. And though "there's been a lot of negativity about him in Arcadia these days," she believes that "we wouldn't have been half as great without him. We are going to stand by him forever." Investigators would like anyone with additional information on this case or additional victims to contact Chino Hills police at (909) 364-2061.
Pasadena Police Department Goes After Aggressive & Unsafe Drivers The Pasadena Police Department will be conduct i ng a n a g g res sive driver enforcement detail on Friday, July 16, 2010. This enforcement detail will be deployed in the City of Pasadena. “Our intent is to reduce the number of traffic accidents in Pasadena and
these programs have become an effective tool for achieving that goal,” says Lieutenant Taylor of the Traffic Section. “Many, if not most, traffic collisions are a direct result of speed and other hazardous violations. The funding we, and other cities like us, receive allows us
to effectively run these operations and educate the driving public regarding safer vehicle operation.” Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Of f ice of Tra f f ic Sa fety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
4 July 15- July 21, 2010
Monrovia Couple Celebrates 70 Years of Marriage
Phillip Sanchez Sworn in as Pasadena’s New Chief of Police - Hundreds Celebrate at City Hall
Continued from the First Page
Continued from the First Page entire career with the Santa Monica Police Department, rising to the position of deputy chief. The six month search process that was the subject of criticism from some in the community is all but forgotten. City Manager Michael Beck was accused of being a little too secretive in the selection process. In his time in Santa Monica, Sanchez worked in different divisions from the SWAT team to internal affairs, and twice won the department’s Medal of Courage.
cut color Phil Sanchez is all smiles as his wife pins the new badge on her husband - Photos by Terry Miller
including Monrovia and Pasadena City College, Mildred Lapson is responsible for pioneering the interest in the Fine Arts throughout Southern California, was the founder of the Annual Monrovia Art Festival in 1964. There was a City Hall ceremony in the 60’s honoring her contributions, and the Monrovia Public Library presented Lapson with an Honorary Lifetime Membership. We chatted in Mildred’s art studio which is in the back of the house Herb built from scratch when they first got married. Mildred Lapson and Herb Stevens pose in her Monrovia “It was just a plot of land studio - Photo by Terry Miller …” Herb proudly said as he pointed to the wonderful monthly Art Apprecia- where I created a gallery ponds he made and trees tion programs to meet the room for showing Art. On July 14, Lapson he planted that dot the land- artists whose works were there. Thanks to and Stevens will celebrate scape of their home. salonexhibited & day spa Lipson’s passion for art, an 70 years together. No small Lapson’s art is some of criticCalifornia of the 91016 L.A.Times accomplishment. When the finest we’ve in the 501seen S. Myrtle Avenue,art Monrovia, oncewrote “…If you and want to asked what their secret was, world Salon andlocated any incheck onMonrovia Old Town at the corner of Myrtle Lemon Google will show you some know where art is happen- Mildred Lapson said “I’ve (626) 357-0017 go to Monrovia!” made a lot of lemonade….. of her marvelous body of ing, In addition Lapson’s Life isn’t always a bowl of work. The creation of an Art own works being in several cherries and sometimes Gallery in the Alvord Room museums’s permanent col- you get lemons – therefore $10.00 Off Service likeany the Ellis Island I made a lot of lemonade of the Monrovia Library in lections 1963 was spearheaded by Museum and more, includ- during the past 70 years.” Happy Anniversary ! Lapson and hostedHours: free ing the Monrovia Museum Tuesday–Thursday 9-7 Friday–Saturday 8-5 salon pricing on the back
Los Angeles County Officials Urge Extra Precautions During Triple Digit Temperatures This Summer With temperatures expected to rise above 100 degrees in parts of the desert, mountain, and valley areas of Los Angeles County, the Pasadena Fire Department reminds residents to take precautions. Air quality is also a concern and individuals with heart disease, asthma or other lung disease should minimize outdoor activity. Poor air quality can make people even more suscep-
tible to heat-related illness. Prolonged sun exposure may cause dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Never leave children, elderly people, or pets unattended in closed vehicles, since temperatures can quickly rise to life-threatening levels. Symptoms of dehydration and heat cramps include dizziness, fatigue, faintness, headaches, mus-
cle cramps, and increased thirst. Individuals with these symptoms should be removed to a cooler, shaded place and given water or sport drinks. More severe symptoms such as diminished judgment, disorientation, pale and clammy skin, a rapid and weak pulse, and/or fast and shallow breathing may indicate heat exhaustion or impending heat stroke and
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require immediate medical tioning and transportation, exercise, if you are outside such as seniors or those or in a non-air conditioned attention. For those planning to who are ill. Check on them building. •Stay out of the sun if be outdoors, The Fire De- frequently or take them to a saloncooling & day center. spa you don’t need to be in it. partment advises residents •D u r i ng pea k hea t When in the sun, wear a hat, to take precautions: 501 S. Myrtle Avenue,hours Monrovia, California 91016 stay in an air-con- preferably with a wide brim. Salon located in Old Town Monrovia at the corner of Myrtle and Lemon •Wear light, loose-fitting ditioned area. If you don't air conditioning in your For more information clothing. (626)have 357-0017 •Drink water often, do home, visit public facilities call the Pasadena Fire Denot wait until you are thirsty, such as a cooling center, partment at (626) 744-7276. and avoid drinking alcohol. shopping malls, parks, and Off any to stay cool.Service •Offer help to $10.00 those libraries •Avoid unnecessa r y in your neighborhood with limited access to air condiHours: exertion, such as vigorous Tuesday–Thursday 9-7 Voted one of the best salons in the San Gabriel Valley for more than 10 years Friday–Saturday 8-5 salon pricing on the back
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By Wally Hage Everyone has heard about Soccer Moms...but Soccer Grannies? Well, Soccer Grannies are getting a new kick out of life! A recent newspaper article stated that in South Africa Grandmothers are playing Soccer for the fun of it as well as for physical fitness. Frail, elderly women, ages 55 to 85 in South Africa
started playing soccer as a joke. Now t hey a re running and competing on the soccer field. One Granny age 77 was suffering with back pain and sore knees before joining the Granny soccer team three years ago. Now she claims,” I am well, and now I don’t feel any pain in my body. That’s what a little vigorous exercise can do! Presently, The World Cup organizing committee is taking a closer look at this phenomenon and considering the possibility of a soccer world cup for grannies. Whatever happens, however, t he grannies have no regrets, saying playing soccer, often in their aprons after domestic work, has changed their lives physically and mentally. Speaking of a Soccer Granny whose life has
changed physically and mentally, well I can tell you first hand about the one that I live with. It all started a several months ago when I asked my livein Atheletic Supporter to fill in for me one week as Taxi driver for my grandson’s soccer team. In just a few sentences I can describe my “Soccer Granny’s” weeklong apprentice-ship behavior. She had three complaints about her to the team manager, from player’s parents for her unsafe driving manner. She was accused of leading Karaoke style sing-a-long sessions while driving the young soccer team members to their games. Her pregame warmup wea r ing appa rel of Hot Pink short shorts and matching strapless top was severely criticized as an
unfit uniform for a Granny acting as assistant to the team’s soccer manager. She racked up several complaints from opposing team parents for her explosive reactions to the umpire’s game calls. She was reprimanded for yelling loud comments from the stands about the other teams “sissy” players. She was written up by the umpire for going onto the field to get explanations every time a penalty call was made against one of our team players. Our team manager finally restricted my “Soccer Granny” to just taxi our team’s players to and from the games during my absence. She also ruined my after game rewards sessions with the young team members. My usual reward was a quick fast food
By Jeff Corriveau
coke, hamburger and fries and a pep talk for all their great or lose. But “Soccer Granny” replaced my simple and quick and inexpensive stop with an expensive visit to her favorite pizza place so that she could play the games in the video game area, with the kids. The parental complaints were so numerous for getting the players home late after the games
that my grandson decided to quit the team in total embarrassment. Well, now that I am back, I f i na l ly got my g randson to rejoin t he team if I promised not to let Granny near the team again. I got my Soccer Granny a video soccer game to play during the times that I am away with my grandson and his soccer team.
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July 15- July 21, 2010
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6 July 15- July 21, 2010
Sierra Madre Residents Deflect Water Rate Increase
This damage and rust to these 90 year old pipes dug up from Sierra Madre Blvd. last week tells the story - Photo by Terry Miller
Continued from the First Page for repair, a section of roadway pavement, approximately 75 feet and 41 feet wide, was severely compromised. The entire width of the street in that section has been made unsafe for through traffic, with portions of the asphalt raised as much as six inches and other areas undermined and settled six inches or more. The full extent of the damage will not be known until the entire pavement has been removed. The current incident is caused by the same main that leaked and caused the sinkhole at Mountain Trail and Grandview approximately two years ago. The main runs from the Main Plant pump house to Mira Monte and is one of the two mains that transport water from the Main Plant to Mira Monte. This is a critical link in providing service to all of Sierra Madre’s water customers. Until the water main is replaced, and the roadway is resurfaced, the road has been closed to all but residents of the immediate neighborhood. City staff anticipates this portion of
Sierra Madre Blvd. may remain closed t hrough Saturday, July 17, 2010. In addition there may be periodic closures to residents in the area as the work progresses. Sierra Madre city staff say the proposed water hike is essential to renovate the city’s aging water system, prevent the city from draining its water fund reserves and defaulting on its bond notes. “What we need to do from this point on ... is we need to work together on what these solutions will be because what is clearly obvious is that our system is aging,” said Mayor Joe Mosca. Opponents argue that the increase is too high and would hurt those on a fixed income. Residents are being asked to cough up more for their water. The timing, to some, seemed quite thought-provoking. However, at a walk-through of the city’s maintenance and water yard last week Public Works director Bruce Inman told residents that these pipes, some 90 years old, need to be replaced and are corroded beyond repair. Under Proposition 218, if more than 50 percent of
water customers submit a protest, the proposed water hike does not happen. However, if less than 50 percent of customers protest, the City Council will vote on an ordinance to approve the hike. Sierra Madre residents opposed to the proposed water hike turned in 1,960 signed rate payer protest forms Tuesday evening contesting the City Council proposed 40% Water Rate hike. According to the city, only 1848 confirmed signatures are required. So clearly a victory, at the time of press, for those opposed to the hike in water rates. Mayor Mosca listened to all the points during public comment and while the majority was strongly against the hike, there was a handful of residents who said the city had no choice but to put the rates up. Laurie Cooper said the proposed increase was necessary because water is essential to the community. “Everything else has gone up. If we haven’t had (an increase) for five years, I think it’s about time.” Cooper said. H o w e v e r, S i e r r a Madre resident Ed Vander pool seemed rat her angry that funds paid by
the citizens for water were being used for infrastructure work and “fire trucks and parks.” Carolyn Brown, who frequently speaks at the podium, delivered the aphorism “You can’t make a city solvent by making its citizens insolvent.” There were also implications by David Derbyshire that the city had just barely skirted the letter of the law by not providing a ballot in the mail. This feeling was echoed strongly by many in the attendance Tuesday evening.
The essence of t he meeting was, in fact, all about water, and ironically while the city wants to raise rates it seems to be at some sort of legal crossroad where the old and retired, water tender couldn’t be donated to another Fire Dept. desperately in need. After some moving speeches not only by Sierra Madre Fire Chief Heydorff as well as the hopeful recipient Fire Dept., it was obvious a unanimous feeling that the retired old water tender (a 1979 GMC) be donated to
that dept. However, due to some red tape, it may be a while before the city that has not even one single fire hydrant, be able to improve their response times to emergencies. Meanwhile, the residents’ protests won’t officially be declared a citizens ‘conquest until all forms are properly examined and verified by July 18 according the Nancy Shollenberger, Sierra Madre’s city clerk. Any duplicate signatures will obviouslyhave to be eliminated.
Public Works Director Bruce Inman shows residents the burst pipe from Sierra Madre Blvd. - Photos by Terry Miller
July 15- July 21, 2010
A Picture Perfect Summer Getaway to Laguna Beach By Greg Aragon
Sometimes the pieces come toget her perfect ly and a great getaway is formed without much planning. Such was the case last week when a friend and I drove down to Laguna Beach for the 77th annual Pageant of the Masters and Festival of Arts extravaganza. The getaway began at the beautiful Capri Laguna Inn located in the heart of the Laguna village. A last-minute selection, the hotel was a mystery to us until we pulled into a tiny parking lot, walked down a few flights of stairs and discovered the ocean and the sand, with our room sitting right above it. We knew the hotel was close to the beach, but we didn’t know it was this close. A f ter unpack ing, I surfed the Internet while relaxing on the balcony overlook ing t he water. We then prepared for an evening at the Pageant of the Masters. This is where another piece of the getaway puzzle fell into place when the front desk clerk told us about a free trolley running every 20 minutes in front of the hotel and stopping at the Pageant. We then strolled outside and caught the boxshaped trolley to the event. Along the five-minute trip, the red, retro-styled trolley picked up tourists and locals as it cruised through Laguna’s legendary shopping district.
At the Festival of Arts, we sipped wine and examined hundreds of fabulous works of art from local artists in a beautiful canyon park setting. At 8:30, we entered the outdoor Pageant amphit heater and took our seats. For the next ninety minutes we were treated to a spectacular show of tableaux vivants or "living pictures," in which real people in intricate makeup, pose in giant picture
frames to look exact ly like characters in famous paintings. The t heme for t his year’s Pageant is “Eat, Drink and Be Merry,” and the 2010 Pageant of the Masters devotes its unique theatrical performances “to a jubilant exploration of our collective capacity for seizing the moment, letting our hair down and raising a heartfelt toast to the good life.” From B a c c hu s t o
Bourbon Street, from the elegant fetes of 17th century Europe to the flappers of the Jazz Age, “Eat, Dr i n k a nd Be Mer r y ” savors the timeless masterpieces that have captured and enhanced the exhilaration of good times and, even more remarkably, buoyed spirits when times were hard. Shoe highlight s include master recreations of “Prince’s Day,” by Dutchma n Ja n St een ; “L u n -
cheon Party in the Park” by Frenchman Nicholas Lancret; and “Bread Line” by A merican Reg inald Marsh. Ba c k a t t he C apr i L a g u na we sat on t he beach in front of our room. We then retired to our suite and fell asleep to the sounds of crashing waves. In the morning we enjoyed a free continental breakfast. The Pageant of the Masters is located at
650 L ag una Canyon Rd., L ag una Beach, 926 51. T h e P agea nt runs nightly through August 31. For more info, call (80 0) 4873378 or visit: www. The Capri Laguna Inn is located at 1441 So uth C oa st H igh way L a guna Beach. For more info an d rates, call (800) 225.4551 or visit: www.caprilaguna. com
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8 July 15- July 21, 2010
Taste of Sierra Madre Premieres September 11 “Our Fish Come from the Finest Schools”
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Open for Lunch and Dinner 7 Days Gorgeous Private Banquet Rooms For Your Special Events! 1978 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena | (626) 793-FISH (3474)
A new event is fast taking shape to premier on September 11th this year, “A Taste of Sierra Madre.” Area residents are invited to sample the food, fun, fine arts and music that ma ke Sier ra Madre so special! This year’s fundraising recipients will be both local and far reaching: expanded Youth Arts Programs offered through the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center and cleft palate surgeries for children and adults who would otherwise not receive this care through the nonprofit Rotaplast Foundation. This specialized plastic surgery has been performed by a group of San Francisco based volunteers since 1993, improving a needy child’s ability to eat, speak, hear and breathe, and restoring a normal appearance and function. In anticipation of the event, a summertime art and essay contest will focus on this year’s fundraising theme; “Children’s Smiles Around the World” which ties to the creation of new children’s smiles through this life changing, cleft palate surgery. The contests invite Sierra Madre resident and student submissions to interpret this theme from kindergarten to grade 12 until July 30th, 2010, and extends also to Pasadena and La Salle High Schools just over the community’s border. Rules and application forms can be downloaded at Belle’s Nest will offer a free class in July in case any student needs help completing the art submission. Children’s creat ive submissions will be professionally judged and displayed throughout the summer; then savings bond prizes will be awarded at the Kersting Court event on September 11th. Every 100 submission fees of $5 per entry will add up to $500, funding an additional cleft palate surgery donation. We’ll keep track on the website on the children’s progress toward surgeries for other children! The grass roots volunteer effort for this brand new event is chaired by local businessman, Tom Brady, president of The Destination Group. Back in April, Brady viewed a moving video of a volunteer group of medical profes-
sionals performing cleft palate surgeries on needy children around the world, literally enabling some of them to smile for the very first time at a service club meeting. Days later, when he couldn’t get these children out of his mind, he was driven to raise funds for more surgeries…and a new event started evolving. Brady immediately began gathering community, civic, school, service organization and volunteer support for this and another needed project, much closer to home, an expanded fine arts program offerings at the Sierra Madre Youth Activity Center. Also known as the YAC, the center also serves adjacent communities like Arcadia, Monrovia and Pasadena. “It’s so important for our children to expand their academic and sports experiences with fine arts. So many studies reinforce that work in the arts spells increased success and focus for students,” says Brady. Funds raised will be equally split between the two causes. A day of food, fun and the fine arts will include a morning tour of local “Coolest Kitchens” beginning at Fred Crockett’s ALNO European Kitchens on Montecito, fifteen restaurant and culinary stations from local businesses beginning midday, a chef demonstration and talk about making healthy food fun and appealing for children, essay and art contest awards plus a fun, Sierra Madre Fire Department vs. Police Department cookoff. A wide variety of professional, live music will fill Kersting Court throughout the day. Noted restaurant critic and television per-
sonality, Peter Dills will be part of the day’s festivities. Gayle Bluemel, principa l of Sier ra Mad re School, conf ir med her “Late Bloomers” band as the opening artists, featuring fellow musicians Dan Ames, Scott Shephard, and Ross Johnsen. Their rich country & blues sound draws inspiration from the 1970’s musical genre and attracts a large Sierra Madre loyal fan base. They will be followed by Katie’s Starbucks Band and an array of special guest artists before the program finale with patriotic songs performed by choirs combined from local organizations, churches and schools. For a taste of life here in Sierra Madre, local private and public schools and service clubs such as the Kiwanis and the Chamber of Commerce have already started reserving a place to share samples of their own offerings by purchasing pop up tent space locations for $500 per booth. A closing musical event will bring local singers together for patriotic songs in a memorial of 9-11. Over 100 volunteers have already signed up to help plan and run the many activities involved with this first time event, but many more are needed! Special thanks go to Bill Coburn, Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce; Moira Love, Art Chair; Karen Swisher, Foodies Chair; Susan Henderson, Coolest Kitchens Chair; Chris Bertrand, Publicity; Steve Henson,
Continued on the Next Page
July 15- July 21, 2010
Taylors Steak House in La Canada Offers Old School Charm Peter Dills I truly think that life should be a celebration and that time stops for no person - before you know it, you are in your 40’s and writing in a newspaper about old school restaurants. If the publicit y department is doing their job, you already know that I started a Sunday radio show at 5 P.M. on 790 KABC Talk radio. I felt that the second show was a hit so I decided to live a little, splurge, and throw a little celebration for myself. My little bash would be at Taylor’s Steak House in La Canada. The area sure has changed even in the last year, but the good news is that the prices haven’t all that much. I even made it a point to write the owner, Bruce, a note upon my exit: “Don’t change a thing.” Taylor’s or ig i na l ly started on 8th St. in downtown LA; Tex Taylor started the clubby namesake restaurant location over 45 years ago. The downtown location is still going strong. Bruce Taylor, Tex’s son, has since taken over the reigns and opened this second location in La Canada. Red leather booths, a full bar, and veteran servers, just like the good old days.
Although restaurant owners may tell you different ly, I have to be lieve that beef comes from pret t y much t he sa me purveyor. So, going by my theory, I rank Taylor’s right there with the best of them. Prices, even with a late increase, are still very reasonable. It is accepted now that the entrees are a la carte at the high end steakhouses, and yet Taylor’s still offers a dinner salad with each entrée. Go for the Molly Salad - it’s a wedge of lettuce with tomatoes, onions and a blue Cheese dressing that’s the best in town. Yes, I said the best in town. The menu includes delicious st a r ters such a s t he C h i l led Ju mbo Shrimp Cocktail for $3.95. Weekday specials include Baby Back R ibs, Sa nd Dabs, and a Roast Rack of Lamb. Prices range from $15.95 to $29.95 for the Filet Mignon Bordelaise. The regular menu features all prime and choice cuts including Prime Rib - the dinner cut for $24.95 or the full for $27.95. The Couplet - two cuts per cow 14 oz. ($27.95), New York Cut ($28.95) and a freerange chicken ($18.95). On this last visit, I ordered the Bone-in Rib Eye for $31, as I got closer
to the bone it kept getting better and better. I started with the French Onion Soup $4.50 that, although a little lacking in the cheese department, was very excellent in flavor. My road warrior and producer for my aforementioned radio show, Madd Maxx, had the three-piece NY Strip Steak for just under $30. He appeared to have a smile glued to his face the entire meal. Our server, Elva, did a great job of making us feel at home. My only compla int rests with the temperature of mashed potatoes, but I’ll definitely be back to celebrate again. Reservations are suggested; open for Lunch and Dinner, Full Bar Taylor’s Steakhouse 901 Foothill Blvd. La Canada (818) 790-7668 Log onto w w w.t ay-
Continued from the Previous Page
including the morning’s Coolest Kitchens tour (an adults only event) and all Kersting Court events on Sept 11 will be $35. Kersting Court Only Event tickets will be $20 for adults 18 and over; $10 for those 13-18. Children under 12 will be admitted free to the Kersting Court events, when accompanied by an adult ticketholder. A Taste of Sierra Madre tickets will be sold through local merchants including Savor the Flavor, The Bottle Shop, Belle’s Nest and Best Buy
Drugs and The Destination Group beginning July 15th. To apply for one of the fifteen restaurant and food purveyor spots and ten school/service club spots, to be an event sponsor, donate or volunteer services or time, visit the event website, or call event chair, Tom Brady at 626-355-3471. Art and essay contest forms, plus a video link to the cleft palate surgery organization are also available on the website. Please sign up today!
CPA, 501c3 Advisor; Rosie Gorman, Data Management; Paul Mansour, Carole Tremblay, Christy Joy Brendel, Kathleen Coyne, Blanca Hurtado, Carol Canterbury, Darwin Hood, Leigh Jackson, Julia Brady, Fred Crockett, Chief Marilyn Diaz, Jane Trotzenberg, Gayle Bluemel, Ria Richey, Manuel Valencia, Paul Puccinelli, Karen Miller, Elena Alonzo, Gloria Prins, Connie Washburn, Rosemarie Joyce, William Hurtado, Jennifer Brady, Eric Byak, Randy Wiggins, James Faulkner, Joanne Harabedian and coordination help from Sierra Madre city staff. Presale wristband tickets will be sold at participating Sierra Madre merchants including Savor the Flavor and Best Buy Drugs. Full access VIP tickets
Traditional Thai Cuisine for complete menu and prices In t he next few months, I will be visiting many restaurants styled in the old-fashion manner. So stay tuned to “Dining with Dills” on KABC Talk Radio 790 every Sunday Night at 5 PM. E-mail me at
Distinctive Food at Moderate Prices
Listen to Dining with Dills every Sunday afternoon at 5 p.m. on KABC Talk Radio 790.
Pizza, Pasta, Fresh Seasonal Salads
328 E. Foothill Blvd. Arcadia, CA. 91006 P 626/358-8298
Come Join Us for Breakfast and Lunch! FRee for all children ages 1 - 18 RecReation PaRk 620 South Shamrock avenue, Monrovia, ca 91016
•Breakfast 8:00am – 8:30am •Lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm June 21st - august 20th (Monday through Friday, except 7/5)
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•Breakfast 7:00am - 7:45am •Lunch 11:30am – 1:30pm June 21st - July 23rd (Monday through Friday, except 7/5)
Pad Thai Sponsored by Monrovia Unified School District Questions? – Call (626) 471-2054 3500 E. Colorado
(Between Madre & Rosemead)
(626) 568-9288
10 July 15- July 21, 2010
Pasadena Heritage Celebrates Annual Colorado Street Bridge Party Bridge Party is Fundraiser for Pasadena Heritage Continued from the First Page and preserving Pasadena’s history. The party serves as one of the group’s biggest fundraisers, and has about 4,500 guests. On a bridge that’s almost 100 years old, there’s a quite a few precautions to take--in addition, the group must provide all the necessary resources: water, power, etc. Staging the city’s biggest block party entailed pl a n n i ng t h a t w a s s i x months in the making by the time the event rolled around. The newest addition to the party scene was the video booth, where guests were asked about their favorite thing about the historic bridge. The top five videos will be posted on the Pasadena Heritage’s Facebook page.
Photos by Terry Miller
All profits from the party are going back to help preserve historical sites in the City of Pasadena.
Mercy and the Merkettes and many other musicians like Snotty Scotty pictured above graced the many stages for the annual Colorado Bridge Party held last Saturday evening where people of all ages roamed and celebrated the history of Pasadena’s major landmark bridge - It was another kodak moment Steve - the lead guitarist of Snotty Scotty.
California Realty
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oPen oPen House House sun. sun. 2-4PM 2-4PM 397 397 W. W. MonTeCiTo MonTeCiTo
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Beautiful Monrovia pool home. This 3 bedroom, 3 bath home features top of the line upgrades as well as a one of a kind stained glass window. Plantation shutters and an open floor plan, make this home warm and inviting. The relaxing deck, pool and spa create a quiet oasis in your own back yard. Relax and refresh in this hillside retreat. Call today to see how we can help you call this home yours! Monrovia (Fra)
very desirable sierra Madre Home. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home is walking distance to the heart of Sierra Madre. Featuring a pool and spa, this home is great for any growing family. With room to add on, this home is ready to accommodate anyone.don’t let this one slip through your fingers! Call today to set up an appointment. SIERRA Madre (viC) oPen House sun. 1-4PM 433 n. aLTa visTa
in the arcadia school district this Ranch Style home is conveniently located to shopping, freeways, and The Santa Anita Race Track. This charming home is 2055 sq. ft. on an 11,326 sq. ft. lot. It has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. There is a pool and an attached 2-car garage. arCadia (sTa)
Great Family Home! This 3 bedroom, 1.75 bath home is located in the desirable Hastings Ranch area. With a grand family room, this home is perfect for any size family. Featuring marble and tile throughout the home, clean up is a breeze! Featuring room to park a RV, there is plenty of space for multiple cars. Call today to see how we can help you add your personal touch to this magnificent family home! SIERRA Madre (sie)
serenity in the Foothills of sierra Madre. This 5 bedroom, 3 bath home is located in its own private enclave of tranquility. With a magnificent view of the mountains, this home is sure to help leave behind the bustle of the city. Featuring a pool and spa, the backyard feels like its own oasis. This home is perfect for any size family! Call today and see how we can help you make this dream home yours! sierra Madre (aCa)
serene Monrovia Home. This 2 bedroom, 1 ¾ bath home is situated in the hills above Monrovia. Boasting gorgeous views of the San Gabriel Valley, this home is sure to cause envy among your friends. The backyard features a beautiful pool and even more spectacular views. Call today because this home is not going to be for sale long! Monrovia (aLT)
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12 July 15- July 21, 2010
Divas Come to Town on July 22nd Biller Named City of Hope’s
First Woman Board Chair
Join us this summer at Arcadia’s Summer Concerts in the Park series presented by Target. The seven-week entertainment series showcases a wide variety of musical performances. Bring a blanket or lawn chair for seating on the grass and enjoy a picnic dinner during the show. Kids of all ages will be entertained in our FREE kids’ fun zone area with many games and crafts each week. Become a part of the Arcadia tradition, gather your family and friends and enjoy the sights and sounds of this year’s con-
cert series. Whether you attend one or all seven, we are sure you will have a great time! As always, admission and parking are free. (Additional parking held at Santa Anita Race Track, Gate 5.) Concerts take place on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8pm on beautiful City Hall West Lawn located at 240 West Huntington Drive. Founded and directed by trumpet player Cindy Shea in 1999, Mariachi Divas are making big waves on t he nat iona l music scene. Mariachi Divas are a unique, multi-cultural, all female ensemble, im-
bued with the true flavor of Los Angeles. In 2009, Mariachi Divas won the Grammy Award for Best Regional Mexican Album of the year for their 2008 release, Canciones De Amor. This marks the first time in the history of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences that an all-female mariachi group has been a nominee, or of course, a winner. You don’t want to miss this award winning show! For additional information, contact the Recreation and Community Services Department at 626.574.5113.
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 5:30 - 9:00 PM
LA County Arboretum
Featuring live music by “Cold Duck”
Dining and dancing under the stars at the LA County Arboretum, featuring over 30 of the region’s top restaurants in an elegant and unique setting. Ticket sales to benefit: Foothill Unity Center, Arboretum Foundation, American Red Cross. "I have been to tasting events all over the State, and Taste of Arcadia is the best & most beautiful, too."
Noted philanthropist a nd communit y leader Sheri Biller began a threeyear term as the first ever female chair of the City of Hope Board of Directors on July 1. Biller joined the board in 2000 and most recently served as vice chair of the board and chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee. She succeeds grocery industry executive Terry Peets, whose terms as chair ended June 30. Biller and her husband, Les Biller, are longtime supporters of City of Hope. Through The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation, the couple helped establish a groundbreaking supportive care facility at City of Hope, the Sheri & Les Biller Patient and Family Resource Center. The center has piloted revolutionary SupportScreen technology which allows City of Hope’s health professionals to provide immediate, individualized care. Patient navigators and a unique Patient and Family Orientation Class help patients fully utilize City of Hope’s services and resources. The center’s vision is to be the national
model for integrative supportive care medicine. “I am honored to serve as chair for an institution that has made a difference in the lives of so many,” said Biller. “My passion for City of Hope is very personal. It is a privilege to serve in this capacity and to work with my fellow board members in advancing City of Hope’s efforts to help patients everywhere. “Health care is one of the most critical and rapidly evolving areas of our society and for nearly 100 years, City of Hope has evolved in order to make major strides in the treatment and prevention of cancer and other diseases. I look forward to helping guide City of Hope as it enters into its second century.” “Ms. Biller has been a tireless supporter of City of Hope as evidenced by the establishment of the Biller Patient and Family Resource Center,” said Michael A. Friedman, M.D., City of Hope president and chief executive officer and director, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center. “For nearly a decade, she has committed
her time and dedication to our mission. We look forward to Sheri’s continued leadership in advancing the lifesaving work of City of Hope.” Biller has played key leadership roles in several charitable organizations. She has served as an advisor on board development, and board member for many non-profit organizations in Los Angeles, including the Kayne Eras Center, The Rape Foundation, Children’s Burn Foundation, and Center Theatre Group (CTG). In 1999, she founded CTG’s Corporate Circle, which has raised more than $7 million for the organization’s renowned student theatre arts education program and reached more than 315,000 public school students since its inception. Before moving to Los Angeles, Biller founded and chaired the Ordway Circle of Stars, the volunteer organization of the Ordway Music Theatre in St. Paul, Minnesota. She was previously chief executive officer and owner of the Capital Mortgage Company in San Francisco.
Mission to Mississippi Update from United Methodist Church On Sunday, July 25, at 11:00 a.m., Dave and Cindy Crismer and Liz MackeyPeterson, members of the Sierra Madre United Methodist Church’s Mississippi Mission Team, will share their recent experiences rebuilding homes devastated by hurricane Katrina. The presentation will take place in the church’s Choir Room, following 9:30 a.m. services. Since the hurricane,
the volunteers have made several trips to help restore storm-ravaged locations, working in concert with other faith-based relief groups. In addition to an update on the reconstruction efforts in Mississippi, which will include on-site photos, the three team members will be acknowledged for their dedication to this ongoing mission. T he Sier r a M a d re UMC is located at 695 W.
Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre, on the northeast corner of Michillinda and Sierra Madre Blvd. Sunday morning worship services are at 9:30 a.m., with an open Communion on the first Sunday of the month. There is ample parking in the church’s lot, accessed off Michillinda. For more information or directions, please call the church office at (626) 355-0629.
Pre-sale tickets - $35 till August 20, 2010 Post-Sale = $45 Door=$55
For tickets or event information, visit or call 626-447-2159.
Presenting Media Sponsor
Walls of a mobile home are shored up by Mississippi Mission volunteers.
July 15- July 21, 2010
Century 21Village’s Nazee Rix, Emily Friday Night Live Returns to Duggan, Julie Muttavangkul Congratulat- Sierra Madre Downtown Beginning Friday, July 16th low Ds, featuring Dave Osti and ed For Sales Production and running for seven weeks Deana Cogan. Next week will Andy Bencosme Managing Broker at CENTURY 21 VILLAGE REALTY recently congratulated Nazee Rix, Emily Duggan and Julie Muttavangkul for their sales production in the first half of 2010. The announcement was made at the weekly sales and marketing meeting. Bencosme was very pleased that the office has increased home sales by 12% over 2009.
Rix, a Bradbury resident and mother of two has been a consistent top sales producer for the Sierra Madre office. For the first half of the year she posted the highest number of home sales with the highest sales volume. Bencosme credits her success to having the utmost dedication to
her clients and willing to work real estate around the clock if need be. “Nazee receives many favorable reports from her clients on the quality service surveys,” says Bencosme ‘and much of her business comes from referrals of satisfied clients.”
Bencosme said that “Emily is carrying on from 2009 when she was the top producing agent in the office.” “She has been with the office for over 16 years and that Emily personally supplements the office’s extensive advertising with her own mailings, internet tools such as virtual tours and her personal advertising in the popular ‘Homes and Land’ magazine. In the first six months of the year, Duggan had the highest average sales price for homes in the office.
Julie Muttavangkul was also congratulated for her sales production by Bencosme. He noted that in the period, she had the highest sales volume representing buyers. Muttavangkul was born in New Orleans but moved to Temple City with her parents while she was still an infant. After a short time the family moved to Sierra Madre where she attended the local schools and was a business management major in college. Nazee Rix, Emily Duggan, Julie Muttavangkul and all of the friendly CENTURY 21 Village agents can be reached at 38 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre, by telephone at 626.355.1451 or online at www.
through Aug. 27th, Kersting Court in downtown Sierra Madre will feature live local entertainment from 6:30 to 9pm. In addition, participating merchants will stay open late, and some shoppers will receive free gifts donated by Sierra Madre (and other local) businesses. The Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce presents Friday Night Live annually, offering incentives to shoppers to spend money in the town’s charming village shops. Shoppers that spend $35, $50 or $75 in participating retail stores or $50, $75 or $100 in participating restaurants will receive a free canvas Sierra Madre tote bag with gifts from local businesses. The more a shopper spends, the more they will find in the tote bags. In addition, those shoppers that spend at the top two levels will receive a ticket that enters them in a drawing to be held the following Wednesday at the Sierra Madre Farmer’s Market, located in the Mariposa Parking Lot from 3 to 7pm each week. The entertainment schedule opens this week with the Mel-
feature Mercy (Powell) and the Beets, followed in successive weeks by the Gem City Jazz Cats, Buck 25, Jean Sudbury and Local Talent, and Steve (Vargas) and Steve (Ysaias). Jane Fuller will perform on closing night, Aug. 27th. Shoppers are also reminded that if they arrive early, they can get their shopping/dining done, catch a few tunes by the Kersting Court entertainers, and then head up to the Sierra Madre Playhouse, featuring “Arcadia” through July 31st and “Greater Tuna” opening August. 13th. Participating stores and restaurants include Ugo’s Café, Savor the Flavor, Café 322, La Bella Rouge, Barney’s Only Place in Town, Bean Town Coffee House, Laurel’s Apparel/Laurel’s Treasures, Corfu, Angels Everywear, Charcuterie, Belle’s Nest and Casa del Rey. Other shops and restaurants may be added during the event’s run. Some stores may have limited hours.. Gifts that shoppers will find in the tote bag range from refrigerator magnets to passes for two to Oak Tree. Coupons to local
Continued on Page 16
The Gold Standard SE OU m H N 4P
gReat loCation
This 2 bdrm 1bth home is located on County area with San Gabriel post office and Temple City Schools. Tax record shows 2bdrm 1bth w/900 sqft, family room has 260 sqft unpermitted. South facing, walking distance to school, quiet street, circle drive, large lot, 65x167 + 10,851 sq ft great for owner of investor. (A8435)
CentuRY 21 ludeCke inC
dReam loCation
(626) 445-0123
Lovely 3bdrm 2.5 bth end unit w/newly remodeled kitchen, stainless steel appliances, custom closets, new windows, den, recessed lighting, spacious master suite w/balcony view to sunset & canyon, private patio and lot’s of HOA amenities such as pools, sports courts & club house. (B703)
CentuRY 21 ludeCke inC
(626) 445-0123
CenTury 21 earll, lTd.
Beautiful town Home
This 3bdrm 2bth Unit is in excellent condition and move-in ready. Remodeled in 03 & 05 and close to Holly Elementary & Arcadia High. Beautiful floors, tile in bath, bright living room with FP and direct access double car garage. (D509)
laRge 4 BedRoom $525,000 This wonderful home is located near Sierra La Verne Golf Course. Features include remodeled kitchen w/ SS appliances, family room with wet bar, 2 fireplaces and large master suite. One bed/ ba downstairs. (CAL)
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This 2 Bed/1.75 Ba home is located in one of the most desirable parks in the area. Across from Industry Hills Complex with walking & riding trails. Very private Lattice enclosed patio. Common areas include 2 pools, spa, sauna, sports courts, club houses and 2 laundry rooms. Gated Park w/24 hr patrol. (TEm)
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14 July 15- July 21, 2010
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ELLIS - Harold Romaine Ellis, born Feb. 18, 1912 in Estherville, IA, passed away July 4, 2010 in Monrovia, CA He was preceded in death by his brothers, Ed, Bob and Ray Ellis; his son, Donald Lee Ellis in 2007 and Don’s wife, Diane in 1962. Ha rold is su r v ived by his wife of 77 years,
Opal Jane (Karber) Ellis; son, Robert Adams Ellis and his wife, Helen; grandsons, Gregory Paul Ellis and his wife Karen, Geoffrey Blaine Ellis and his wife Sheri; and great grandchildren, Valerie, Jeremy and Joelle Ellis. A graveside service was held at 2:00 p.m. on Fri, July 9 at Live Oak Memorial Park in Monrovia.
Don Proctor, the Quintessential Family Man, Dies at 77 By Susan Motander Donald R. Proctor, passed away on June 21st, three days after his Golden Wedding Anniversary. Don and his wife Linda celebrated the anniversary with a joyous dinner with the entire family. It was a fitting celebration. Talk to anyone who knew Don and the first comment will always be about his love of his family. They were is top priority. When you asked Don what was happening, the response would usually include the newest accomplishment of one of his granddaughters or achievement of one of his children (on occasion, it might even be a milestone for his wife). Bor n in Iowa on Christmas Eve in 1932, Don was the son of Theodore P roctor, a tena nt fa r mer a nd Thelma B. Proctor, a school teacher. The family moved to Sierra Madre when Don and brother were still quite young. The father supported the family as a gardener in Arcadia. Don’s older brother, Robert, was killed during World War II at the Battle of the Bulge. A fter at tending lo cal schools, Don went to USC and graduated from it s School of Business. Ultimately he worked as a Vice President for Home Savings and Loan for 27 years. However, it wa when he was working at Sears that he met, Linda, his wife. “I married my boss,” admitted Linda Proctor, the retired City Clerk of Monrovia. “But, I got even. Years later when I was running my own business, Oh Shoot, Don worked for me and I was a tougher boss,” Linda recalled. “Don even ran the company when I took
a sort of ‘Maternity Leave’ when ou r f i r st g r a nd daughter was born.” Shor t ly a f t er m a r r y i ng, Don a nd L i nda moved to Monrovia where they have lived for almost 50 years and where they raised their three children. “He really loved Monrovia,” Linda said, “and he really loved his family.” His older son, also a Don, remembered his father as a craftsman. “He did a lot of things around the house, building projects on his own,” Don said. “I will call a contractor to have something done; he would call for a cement truck to deliver the concrete to fill the forms he has built in the backyard.” Don, the son, said “Dad got that from his own father.” T he you n g e r D o n Proctor went on to say that the love of craftsmanship was not the only gift from his own father. “His father also taught him that it doesn’t matter where you come from; you can do anything. He taught us that too.” Don’s older son, Don, like his father, became a businessman and also teaches at his alma mater, Cal (UC Berkeley). His younger son, David fol-
lowed his father’s avocation and became a craftsman, building fences and designing gates and handrails. His only daughter, according to Linda, blends both sides of her father, the businessman and the craftsman. Don was a past Master of the Sierra Madre Masonic Lodge, past President of the Kiwanis Clubs in Highland Park, California and Huntington Park, California, and past president of the Huntington Park Chamber of Commerce. He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Linda; son and daughter in law Donald and Patricia and their daughters, Micheline and Caitlin; son and daughter in law David and Michelle and their daughters, Theresa, Rachel, Samantha, Kelly, and Ashley daughter; and by his daughter, DanaRae Proctor, granddaughters. He is also survived by his cousin Jackie Spacek, her husband Ed and their family. Ser vices were have already been held. but the family has requested that donations be made to the Donald R. Proctor Memorial Fund at Santa Anita Family Service in Monrovia.
July 15- July 21, 2010
From Mount Everest to Route 66 Jordan Romero to Grand Marshal Duarte's Route 66 Parade What’s next after one has climbed to the summits of six of the highest peaks on the world’s seven continents? Jordan Romero, the 13 year-old mountaineer whose most recent conquest was Mt. Everest, will serve as Grand Marshal of the 15 th annual Duarte’s Salute to Route 66 Parade on Sept. 18. “We’re thrilled that Jordan has agreed that his next climb will be onto the seat of a fabulous classic car to lead our Route 66 Parade. Route 66 heralds t he spirit of adventure which this young man embodies. He has followed his dreams to the highest peaks and his accomplishments are an inspiration to us all,” said Parade Chair, Lisa Magno, in making the announcement. Before he w a s 12 , Romero had climbed five of t he world’s h ighest mountains. He was only 10 years and 12 days old when he stood on the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, in Africa, the first mountain in his
Jordan Romero, the 13-year mountaineer/adventurer who last May became the youngest climber to conquer Mt. Everest, the world’s highest peak, will be Grand Marshal of the 15th Annual Duarte’s Salute to Route 66 Parade on Sept. 18.
quest to climb the highest peaks on all continents. Next came Mt. Kosciuszko in Australia; followed by Mt. Elbrus, Russia; Acon-
cagua, South America; Mt. McKinley (Denali), Alaska; Carstenz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya), Oceana; and Mt. Everest last May,
the highest mountain in the world at 29,035 feet. Only one mountain remains, Vinson Massif in Antarctica, for Jordan to reach
ROSEMEAD’S MOSt gRAciOuS full-SERvicE ASSiStED living cOMMunity.
his goal. Jordan’s team is scheduled to leave for Antarctica in December. “Rockin’ and Rollin’ Down Route 66” is
the theme of this year’s parade. The celebration in honor of the historic Mother Road will feature antique and classic cars, marching bands, equestrian units, and hundreds of parading participants representing local schools, churches and community organizations. Heading t he list of parade sponsors are the City of Duarte, City of Hope, Home Depot, and Sonic. Other sponsors include Duarte Elks Lodge, Frontier Hardware, Joe’s Place, Store America, and Wal-Mart. Following the parade, which starts at 10 a.m., the community is invited to attend the City’s 53rd Anniversary Picnic and Route 66 Vintage Car Show at Royal Oaks Park, where among many other activities, people will be able to meet and talk with Grand Marshal, Jordan Romero. For more information, visit the parade website at or call (626) 260-0993.
Memory Care, Independent and Assisted Living Memory Care, Independent
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16 July 15- July 21, 2010
Azusa Approves Revised Vulcan CUP and Revised Reclaimation Plan Continued from Page 2 tures to qualify the issue to go to a special elect ion. They would have 30 days from the time of the second reading of the
development agreement to gather the signatures. “H ist or y cont i nues to repeat itself in Azusa. Bad decisions were made by political leaders in the 1920’s to allow rock min-
ing to destroy the landscape, and bad decisions were repeated by Azusa councils in the ‘50s, ‘80s, ‘ 9 0 s, a nd here we a re again. A sad legacy,” said George.
Pet of the Week
Please call 626-792-7151 and
Hank from last time was adopted!
ask about A270204 or come to
Matilda, a dainty, two-year-old,
the Pasadena Humane Society
tortoise shell cat is very loving
& SPCA, 361 S. Raymond Ave,
and oh so cute in person. She gets
Pasadena CA, 91105. Our
along with other cats and would be
adoption hours are 11-3 Sunday,
a great companion for someone in
9-4 Tuesday, Wednesday,
an apartment or condo. Matilda is
Thursday, and Friday, and
already spayed and can go home
9-3 Saturday. Directions and
with you today!
photos of all pets updated
The regular cat adoption fee is $70
hourly may be found at www.
which includes the spay or neuter
surgery, microchip, vaccinations, and a free follow-up health check at a participating vet.
Friday Night Live Returns Pasadena to Sierra Madre Downtown Playhouse Continued from Page 13
stores and restaurants, cosmetics, BBQ rub, ball caps, post cards, and t-shirts are among the other items that will be found in the tote bags. Not all bags have all items, and items are subject to availability. Drawing items include dinner for two at several local restaurants, gift certificates to local spas and stores, passes to the Playhouse, and more. The Chamber would like to thank Gold Sponsor Santa Anita Park, as well as donors Angels Everywear, Arnold’s Frontier
Hardware, Barney’s Only Place in Town, Bean Town Coffee House, Belle’s Nest, Butterfly Effect Day Spa, Café 322, Casa del Rey, Charcuterie, Colbert Hair Studio, Corfu, Drop a Load Laundry, Foothill HomeCare Partners, Inc., Julia Rocks, Karin’s Salon/The Art of Change, La Bella Rouge, Laurel’s Apparel/ Laurel’s Treasures, Santa Anita Park, Sierra Madre Playhouse, The Shabby Dog, and Ugo’s Café. For more information, visit or call the Chamber at (626) 355-5111.
Classified Advertising Employment Female/Male Driver Wanted Pasadena 32 Hours a week to start. Must have clean DMV driving record and provide a DMV printout. Please call (626) 786 – 3012. $10 per hour. More hours possible in the future
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City OF Arcadia Notices
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CITY OF ARCADIA NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS July 2010 Notice is hereby given that the City of Arcadia is requesting proposals to provide graffiti removal services. A copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) can be obtained from the City of Arcadia Development Services Department located at 240 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006 or by calling (626) 574-5441. Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m., August 12, 2010. Please submit five (5) copies of the proposal to: City of Arcadia Development Services Department Attention: Jim Kasama 240 W. Huntington Drive PO Box 60021 Arcadia, CA 91066-6021 Firms mailing or shipping their proposals must allow sufficient delivery time to ensure receipt by the specified time. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. Submissions by fax or other electronic media will not be accepted under any circumstances.
(626) 574-2154
The City of Arcadia reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Proposal received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Proposal received. CITY OF ARCADIA Publish July 12 & 15, 2010
Other Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (Division 6 of the Commercial Code) Escrow No. 017496-RT (1) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to creditors of the within named Seller(s) that a bulk sale is about to be made on personal property hereinafter described. (2) The name and business addresses of the seller are: FOUNTAIN LA INC, 206 S. FIRST AVE, ARCADIA, CA 91006 (3) The location in California of the Chief Executive Office of the seller is: (4) The name and business address of the buyer(s) are: BOILING POINT CORPORATION, 206 S. FIRST AVE, ARCADIA, CA 91006 (5) The location and general description of the assets to be sold are: FURNITURE, FIXTURE, EQUIPMENT, TRADENAME, GOODWILL, IMPROVEMENT, LEASEHOLD INTEREST AND COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE of that certain business located at: 206 S. FIRST AVE, ARCADIA, CA 91006 (6) The business name used by the seller(s) at the said location is: NATIVE RESTAURANT (7) The anticipated date of the bulk sale is: AUGUST 2, 2010, at the office of MUTUAL ESCROW CORPORATION 5825 ROSEMEAD BLVD, TEMPLE CITY, CA 91780, Escrow No. 017496-RT, Escrow Officer: RUBY TSAI (8) Claims may be filed the same as “7” above. (9) The last date for filling claims is: JULY 30, 2010 (10) This Bulk Sale is subject to Section 6106.2 of the Uniform Commercial (11) As listed by the Seller, all other business name(s) and addresses used by the Seller within three years before such list was sent or delivered to the Buyer are: NONE Dated: JULY 1, 2010 BOILING POINT CORPORATION, Buyer(s) PCTS LA154584 ARCADIA WEEKLY 7/15/10
Emerges From Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Pasadena Playhouse, the State Theater of California, announced that its Plan of Reorganization was recently approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court in Los Angeles and emerged from Chapter 11 after nearly two months. The Honorable Thomas B. Donovan presided. "We are deeply grateful for the collective support that has allowed the Playhouse to expeditiously move through this difficult and somet imes painful process,” said Pasadena Playhouse Executive Director, Stephen Eich. “On this journey we found a new meaning to the word collaboration. The indefatigable efforts of our pro bono legal team Munger, Tolles, and Olson LLC, led by Thomas Walper, our pro bono financial advisors Alvarez & Marsal, led by Matt Kvarda, the City of Pasadena, our Board of Directors, and our small staff have all combined to create a plan to resurrect the Playhouse from years of unbearable debts. Although we will be moving slowly in the future to ensure financial responsibility and stability, we will in fact be back." Mr. Eich further ack nowledged t he P l ayhouse's loyal subscribers and donors, many of whom have contributed money to ensure the future of the theatre. He said, "Without these loyal people, we would not be able to get through this difficult phase of the theatre's rebirth. Their generosity - both monetary and in spirit have underscored the tremendous support and need for our Theatre and have helped us to keep moving forward towards our goal of restoring the Playhouse to the premier theatrical destination for both the City of Pasadena and the State of California.” Future plans, including a Fall 2010 production, will be announced at a later date.
July 15- July 21, 2010
POLICE BLOTTERS Sierra Madre PD During the week of Sunday, July 4th, to Saturday July 10th, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to approximately 339 calls for service. Wednesday, July 7th: 9:35 PM – Trespassing on private property, 38 West Sierra Madre Blvd., Renaissance Plaza. A resident heard noises on the roof of the apartment complex and called police after finding two teenagers on the roof. Officers arrested a 17 year old male from La Canada and a 17 year old female from Pasadena. The two juveniles were transported to the police station where they issued citations and released to their parents.
Monrovia PD During the last seven day period, the Police Department handled 617 service events, resulting in 111 investigations. Following are the last week’s highlighted issues and events: Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested On July 3 at 12:22 a.m., an officer in the area of Myrtle and Duarte observed a vehicle make a left turn onto Myrtle from Duarte and travel on the wrong side of the road. He stopped the driver and during the investigation, determined the driver was under the influence of alcohol. The driver was arrested. Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested On July 3 at 1:57 a.m., an officer noticed a vehicle with a white light emitting to the rear of his vehicle. He conducted a traffic stop and, during the investigation, found the driver displayed symptoms of being under the influence of marijuana and alcohol. The driver was arrested and taken into custody. Grand Theft Auto On July 4 at 10:22 p.m., an officer went to the 1200 block of South Alta Vista regarding a stolen vehicle report. The victim’s vehicle, a white, 1998 Acura Integra had been stolen from the location sometime during the day. Driving Under the Influence - Suspect Arrested On July 5 at 2:11 a.m., officers responded to the 300
block of Violet on the report of disturbing subjects possibly intoxicated in the street. Upon arrival, a vehicle left the location, and was stopped by an officer at Foothill and 2nd Avenue in Arcadia. The driver was arrested for driving under the influence. Vehicle Tampering On July 5 at 8:47 a.m., an officer responded to the 300 block of Heather Heights regarding a vehicle breakin. The victim reported that someone broke into her vehicle during the night. The officer determined the vehicle had been left unlocked. The vehicle was ransacked, but nothing seemed to have been taken. Investigation continuing. Residential Burglary/ Vehicle Tampering On July 5 at 9:26 a.m., an officer was flagged down in the 300 block of Heather Heights regarding two vehicles broken into during the night. The vehicles were parked in the driveway with the doors left unlocked and the garage door was left open. A flashlight was stolen from one vehicle’s glove box, but nothing was taken from the other. An older home stereo was taken from the garage. Investigation continuing. Vehicle Burglary On July 5 at 11:06 a.m., an officer was dispatched to the 200 block of North Mountain regarding a vehicle parked on the street and left unlocked. Approximately $40 in coins and an AC charger adapter was taken from the vehicle. Investigation continuing. Grand Theft Auto On July 5 at 1:05 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the rear of a business in the 600 block of West Huntington regarding a stolen vehicle. A 2004 GMC Denali was stolen from the parking lot. The officer was able to obtain video footage from surveillance cameras of a suspect vehicle and three suspects. Investigation continuing. Vehicle Burglary On July 5 at 1:11 p.m., an officer went to the rear of a business in the 600 block of West Huntington regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim’s vehicle was parked one stall away from the vehicle listed in the above grand theft auto. The vehicle burglarized was a newer GMC Denali. The suspects ripped the console
to remove the navigation/ radio system and a television. Investigation continuing.
dicating the suspect actually entered the home, and nothing was missing.
the morning hours. The mailboxes were knocked off from its foundation.
Vehicle Vandalism On July 5 at 2:09 p.m., an officer responded to the 800 block of South Mayflower on the report of vehicle vandalism. The rear window of a mini-van had been shattered. The victim reported that no entry was made into the vehicle and nothing was stolen. It is unknown how or what was used to shatter the window.
Driving Under the Influence / Hit and Run Traffic Collision - Suspect Arrested On July 7 at 10:57 p.m., a vehicle driving southbound on Myrtle at the 210 Freeway struck some construction equipment. The vehicle was reportedly continuing south on Myrtle. Officers located the vehicle by following a trail of leaking fluid from the vehicle to a car wash at Myrtle and Duarte, where they found the car and driver. Witnesses identified the suspect. She was subsequently arrested for driving under the influence and hit and run.
Tuesday, July 6:
Felony Vandalism On July 6 at 7:03 a.m., an officer contacted the victim of vandalism in the police lobby. His work panel truck was tagged with black spray paint during the night. The truck was parked on the street in front of his residence. This incident is not believed to be gang related. Residential Burglary On July 6 at 9 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of Melrose regarding a burglary in progress. The initial broadcast said two young males were the suspects and had left via the rear door. No pedestrians matched the description given and no vehicles were seen or heard. The victims were in bed when they heard noises outside. They later heard other noises coming from inside the house. The man walked out to the hallway and saw two 18-20 year old male subjects rummaging through a drawer in a bedroom. The suspects ran out of the house, but the victim did not follow them. Investigation continuing. Vehicle Burglary On July 7 at 4:09 p.m., an officer responded to the 1200 block of North Canyon regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim parked and locked her vehicle in the lower parking lot of Canyon Park. She returned to her vehicle approximately five hours later and did not notice anything out of place. When she looked in her center console, she realized her license, credit cards, GPS and other items were missing. There were no signs of forced entry. Possible Attempted Residential Burglary On July 7 at 8:35 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of May returned home after being away from here residence for a week and found a screen removed from a window. There was no evidence in-
Arcadia PD For the period of Sunday, July 4, through Saturday, July 10, the Police Department responded to 910 calls for service of which 127 required formal investigations. The following is a summary report of the major incidents handled by the Department during this period. Sunday, July 4: Units were dispatched to the 200 block of Laurel around 1:13 a.m. in reference to a suicidal subject. A woman advised that her 20-year-old granddaughter was hysterical and wanted to kill herself. Officers determined that the subject was a danger to herself and was transported to a medical center for a 72-hour detention and evaluation. 2. Around 4:00 p.m., an injury traffic collision occurred at Baldwin and Gate 10. A female driver made a left turn and struck another vehicle. She complained of head and arm pain and was transported to a hospital for treatment. Monday, July 5: 3. Between 6:00 p.m. on May 1 and 9:30 a.m. on July 5, a commercial burglary occurred at Public Storage, 12340 Lower Azusa. The victim advised that the padlock to his storage unit had been switched and a footlocker containing gun holsters, ammunition, and other miscellaneous property were stolen. 4. Two mailboxes in the 2400 block of South Second were vandalized between
5. A victim came to the station around 12:15 p.m. to file an identity theft report. Unknown suspect(s) obtained her debit card information by unknown means and made four unauthorized purchases totaling over $1,170. 6. Around 10:16 p.m., a traffic stop was initiated at South Myrtle and East Camino Real for a code violation. Three occupants were inside the vehicle and officers detected the odor of alcohol from the driver’s breath and person. A field sobriety test was conducted and it was determined that the 19-year-old male Caucasian driver was operating the vehicle while intoxicated. He was taken into custody for DUI; the other two female 19-year-old Caucasian passengers were also extremely intoxicated and were arrested for disorderly conduct/drunk in public. Wednesday, July 7: 7. Around 1:10 p.m., officers were dispatched to the 700 block of West Camino Real regarding a naked man running around the neighborhood. An unconscious male Asian was located and when he became semi-conscious, he began thrashing his head from side to side and foaming at the mouth. AFD paramedics arrived and transported the 34-year-old man to a hospital for medical treatment. 8. Units responded to the 1700 block of South First around 1:47 p.m. in reference to a grand theft investigation. A female Hispanic victim advised that she was waiting at a bus stop when a white van pulled up with two female Hispanic suspects inside. The women struck up a conversation and the suspects advised that there was a winning lotto ticket available for purchase and they were willing to share the prize money with the victim. The suspects duped the victim into giving them $1,000 and some jewelry. Thursday, July 8: 9. A robbery occurred around 1:37 a.m. at Second and Pamela. A 16-year-old victim was riding his bicycle with a friend when a heavyset female Hispanic driver asked him to stop. Two
male Hispanic suspects then exited the vehicle; one suspect tried pushing the victim the ground while the other suspect punched the victim several times in the stomach. The suspects then took the victim’s wallet and fled the scene in a dark colored fourdoor sedan. 10. Two residential units in the 00 block of Genoa were burglarized between 11:44 a.m. and 3:35 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) kicked open the front door to the residences and stole laptop computers, cash, jewelry, and a designer handbag. Friday, July 9: 11. Around 3:46 a.m., units responded to the area of Wistaria and Terra regarding a suspicious man walking through various yards and driveways. An area search was conducted and a 44-year-old male Caucasian was found hiding underneath a bulldozer in the 2000 block of Terra. Stolen property from nearby residents was recovered and the suspect was arrested for residential burglary and auto burglary. 12. A commercial burglary occurred at Public Storage, 12340 Lower Azusa, between June 15 and July 8. The victim discovered over $39,000 in antique furniture, silver bars, and coins were stolen from his storage unit. The unknown suspect(s) replaced the victim’s lock with a different padlock after the burglary. Saturday, July 10: 13. A victim came to the station around 8:47 a.m. to file a grand theft of firearm report. He indicated that his house is under renovation and between 8:15 a.m. on July 9 and 8:15 a.m. on July 10, unknown suspect(s) stole a Remington shotgun. 14. Around 11:28 p.m., officers were called to Santa Anita Inn, 130 West Huntington, in regards to an assault and robbery that just occurred. During an argument, the victim’s boyfriend, a 34 -year-old Hispanic, choked her, threatened her with a handgun, took her car keys, and fled in her rental vehicle.
18 July 15- July 21, 2010
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Mountain View Tire & Auto Service 1098 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 358-2591
Firestone 1500 S. Baldwin Ave. (626) 446-2164
RFG Oil Inc. 3 E. Duarte Rd. (626) 574-7138
Jiffy Lube 5 W. Huntington Dr. (626) 446-7980
VJ’s Auto Service 400 N. First Ave. (626) 446-4900
Kragen Auto* 37 Las Tunas Dr. (626) 447-0748
Homer’s Auto Service* 148. Lemon Ave. (626) 358-6259
Oil Stop* 746 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 357-6711
Kragen Auto Parts* 723 E. Huntington Dr. (626) 303-2637
Pep Boys* 201 W. Huntington Dr. (626) 303-3906
LA Lube* 1705 S. Mountain Ave. (626) 294-1936
Pick-a-Part Auto* 3333 S. Peck Rd. (626) 445-2922
Metro Infiniti 821 E. Central Ave. (626) 303-1000
Sierra Autocars, Inc.* 1450 S. Shamrock Ave. (626) 359-8291
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Funded by a Grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
A Busy Man: James DePreist as Artistic Advisor for Pasadena Symphony has signed up four guest conductors for next season. DePreist will conduct the opening concert. Not that the world has been hanging on excitedly awaiting the announcement of who will conduct the Pasadena Symphony in the upcoming season now that Jorge Mester, its leader for the past quarter century, has departed. But still, that the 82 year-old Pasadena institution that went aground mired in a recession and management financial difficulty is receiving the help of James DePreist, the orchestra’s Artistic Advisor. An announcement yesterday by the Pasadena Symphony Association names the five guest conductors for next season which begins in October. In a telephone interview with Pasadena Sympho ny C E O P a u l Ja n Zdunek, we learned that these are not candidates for the position of Music Director, but rather specially selected guest conductors. “We came to these conductors with the belief that they could deliver given that the programs were already in place,” Zdunek mused. Zdunek said the conductors were invited based on their experience but also on their reputations with the music they would conduct. Many, if not most, have had some contact with DePreist. Zdunek indicated that an invitation might be forthcoming to one of the guest conductors should a “spark” ignite special interest.
Maestro James DePreist is a giant in the classical music field. The Symphony is fortunate to have DePreist use his knowledge and his reputation to attract the four conductors who will take the podium during the season that stretches from Oct. 23 to May 7, 2011. DePreist has accepted the assignment to conduct the opening concert on Oct. 23 inaugurating not only the guest conductor program but also a new beginning at Ambassador Auditorium, Pasadena which now becomes its regular home for concert performances. DePreist will lead t he orchest ra in music by Rossini and Brahms and the Barber Violin Concerto with Anne Akiko Meyers, violinist. Tito Muñoz will conduct the Pasadena Symphony on Jan. 22 in a program of the music of Britton and Elgar with cellist Narek Hakhnazaryan performing the Dvorak Cello Concerto. Muñoz is currently Assistant Conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra, appointed by the orchestra’s conductor Franz Welser-Most in 2007. He is being sought by several U.S. orchestras following successful stints as guest conductor. His conducting style is rather gentle. Matthias Bamert, the most experienced among the season’s guest conductors. The Swiss-born musician will conduct a program that includes one of his compositions, and Schumann’s Piano Concerto with Robert Thies, pianist, plus Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 on Feb. 19, 2011. Bamert is considered a Mozart specialist having been Music Director of the London Mozart Players for seven years. He is a prolific recording artist with over 80 discs in a wide repertoire. His musical profile stretches from his term as Resident Conductor of The Cleveland Orchestra under Lorin Maazel to his early connection as a composer to modernists Karlheinz Stockhausen and Pierre Boulez. George Stelluto is an American conductor with a close association to DePre-
ist having served as Resident Conductor and Assistant to DePreist at The Julliard School in New York. In June of this year he was named conductor of the Peoria Symphony, Peoria, Ill. Stelluto told the Peoria Journal Star that he would be using his closeness to up and coming musicians and composers to introduce exciting programs there. He holds two Masters Degrees in violin and conducting from Yale School of Music and a BA in violin from West Virginia University, summa cum laude. He recently served as Music Director of the Las Vegas Music Festival. Stelluto will conduct on March 12, 2011 in a program to include Mendelssohn, Beethoven and soloist Karine Hovhannnisyan performing on the Armenian Kanun, an ancient instrument in a composition by Khachatur Avetisyan. The season finale of the Pasadena Symphony will be conducted by Maximiano Valdés on May 7, 2011 wit h pianist ChuFang Huang playing the Liszt Piano Concerto No. 2 and the orchestra performing Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2. Valdés is a native of Chile, but of Asturian ancestry which has led him to be involved in the musical life of Spain. His nearly 30 year career as conductor has been punctuated by appearances with many international orchestras. In the U.S. Valdés was retained as Music Director of the Buffalo Symphony for 10 years.
Tito Munoz
July 15- July 21, 2010
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the gold Standard agent oF the week
agent oF the week
Century 21 ludeCke inC. 626-445-0123
Century 21 earll, ltd. (626) 301-1888
Alex Eskandar
Roxanne Dimaandal
agent oF the week
David “Mack” MacReady Century 21 village realty (626) 355-1451
E via US HO-4 PMMonro N E N 2 st, P O SU llcre i
.H 0E 14
Private gated estate sits on over 5 acres. With 6 bdrms & 9 bthrs, great room, formal dining room, his/hers offices, library, gym or maids quarters, chef’s kitchen, 5 fire places, outdoor pavilion, pool, spa, 5 car grage, Go to for details. (M448)
5 masteR sUites!
Stunning one of a kind custom built, Mediterranean Villa. Vaulted ceilings, formal living, library, formal dining, large family room, wet bar and kitchen with granite counters and SS appliances. Beautiful backyard with pool, spa, fountains and BBQ Island. Entertainer’s Delight!!! A Must See! (LON)
CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888
PRiVate lake aRea!!!
ViCtoRian beaUtY
REDUCED!! Close to Old Town Pasadena. Live at the end of the culde-sac in the Johnston Lake Community. Features 4 bed/3 baths + bonus room w/bath in basement. Situated on 29,820 sq.ft. lot. Association pool, meadow & lake access. Spacious rooms w/good lay-out. Expansion potentials. Don’t just drive-by this one! Must see the entire property to appreciate! (AVE)
1908 well maintained 2155 sq.ft. character home in Sierra Madre with many original features. 4 bedrooms, 1 full and 2 half baths, formal and informal dining rooms, impressive fireplace in large entry, 2 “sleeping porches”, terrace off master bedroom, spacious kitchen with tons of cabinetry, 17,248 sq.ft. of park like grounds. (M287)
mediteRRanean Villa
Recently remodeled 4bdrm 3bth w/3994 of living space, manicured grounds, spacious patio/balcony, Koi ponds, custom two car garage, entry way, grand living room, detailed FP, formal dining, gourmet kitchen, cherry cabinetry, travertine tiled floors, custom granite counter tops, 3 master suites and so much more! (H140)
mid-CentURY ClassiC
CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
thRee Units
Located in a great Temple City area. Live in one and rent the others. Front house has 2 bedrooms and one full bath, living room with fireplace, formal dining room, spacious kitchen, laundry room, hardwood floors, patio. Other two units are identical with 2 bedrooms, one bath, bright & airy open floor plan. (R5828)
goRgeoUs ViCtoRian!
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd.
hoUse PlUs dUPlex
CheeRfUl CRaftsman bUngalow $729,000
sPaCioUs home
tRaditional one leVel
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
Thoughtfully upgraded throughout, this 3 bedroom,2 bath home in Sierra Madre with an open floor plan. Cozy den, formal & informal dining areas, fireplace in the living room, covered porch area, guest house has it’s own bath and office area. FA/CA. 1572 sq.ft. house and nearly 7000 sq.ft. lot. (L71)
Beautiful 3bdrm 3bth home w/2158 living space, family room, CA & Heat, high ceilings, open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, granite counter tops, hardwood flooring, move- in ready and Temple City Schools. (B6033)
This Victorian features 3 Bed/3 ba and an additional office space. Great location across from the walking trail and Bradbury. The curb appeal is amazing with the wrap around porch, cobblestone drive and attention to detail. This home has been totally remodeled with upgraded kitchen and ss appl. Large lot w/Avocado trees, lush backyard and a two car detached garage. (ROY)
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888
Pasadena Duplex with single unit in rear, close to PCC, Cal Tech and Old Town. Currently occupied with tenants. All new electrical. Each unit is one bedroom, one full bath and laundry hook-up, hardwood floors, two car detached garages. (B129)
Situated on a very large corner lot this Altadena home with it’s lush entry, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, master retreat, formal living and dining rooms, 2 fireplaces, guest quarters, remodeled kitchen, family room, hardwood floors, large swimming pool & spa with automatic pool cover. (G2440)
Located in N/E Monrovia with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, walk-in pantry, hardwood flooring, breakfast counter/bar, formal dining room, detached two car garage, laundry room, lovely patio and backyard. (O1013)
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451 l E rie US ab HO-5 PMSan G N E 2 r., OP SUNgton D tin
Magnificent Colonial Home Built 1926 w/3bdrms 2bths, located in excellent neighborhood, walking distance to schools, markets & transportation, living room w/FP, formal dining room, 1 bdrm & full bath downstairs, spacious front and back yards, 2 car detached garage, spacious basement, great potential, needs some TLC. (H2397)
CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123
fish CanYon
This 4 bed/ 3 ba beauty is located in a gated community. One bedroom downstairs. Kitchen w/island and eating area, family room with fireplace, master bedroom with his and hers closets, large laundry room, 3 car garage and much more! (RIV)
This 3 bed/2.5 ba. features Lg living room w/frpl and dining area, lovely kitchen with patio view, master suite with high ceiling & huge closet. All bedrooms are upstairs. Community pool & Arcadia schools!!! (HUN)
san gabRiel
This beautiful 2bdr 1.5 bth is turn-key. Very Well maintained by the current owners for over ten years! Gorgeous hardwood floors (except den) run throughout the house contributing to the warmth. Comfortable living room, den and dining room just off a bright well lit kitchen with tiled counter tops and floor. Front yard with circular driveway W/open courtyard and the back yard has a covered patio. (H89340)
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888
CentURY 21 lUdeCke inC (626) 445-0123
4 bedRoom
well maintained
UPgRaded townhome
$ 4 2 0 ,0 0 0
Hard to find 4 bedroom, located in Duarte with fireplace in living room, 1.5 baths, kitchen/family room combo, inside laundry area, new windows, Laminet flooring in dining area, sliding glass doors in master bedroom opening to private patio & bonus room, two car attached garage. (F3109)
This well maintained 4 bed/3 ba features new double-pane windows, new doors and tile floors on first floor. Decorative staircase railing & Security door. Beautiful landscaped yard and private backyard. Good location in quiet neighborhood. (MAS)
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. 626-301-1888
Century 21 earll, ltd.
aRCadia townhome
Located in Pasadena this 3 bedroom, 2 full bath home on a 9380 sq.ft., huge flat lot. Zoned for multi-family. Tons of potential. (C116)
CentURY 21 Village RealtY (626) 355-1451
Century 21 ludeCke inC
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath, one level unit has been totally upgraded. Designer tile & paint. Hardwood floors and custom cabinets. Front and back patios. Gated complex pool close by. (MOU)
CentURY 21 eaRll, ltd. (626) 301-1888
Century 21 village realty
(626) 301-1888
(626) 445-0123
(626) 355-1451
320 e. Foothill Blvd., arCadia
20 e. Foothill Blvd. Suite 105, arCadia
38 w. Sierra madre Blvd., Sierra madre