1 minute read
The recent events brought about by the pandemic have forced us to experiment on a novel approach to education. As we shift to this online world of learning, both teachers and students struggle to be on par with the accustomed face-to-face interactions while ensuring survival. With the ongoing threat of COVID-19, this transformation to a new educational paradigm is deemed as the only reimagined solution to keep pace with the changing times.
Editor's Note
By tradition, June is a month where the Ateneo community gives a warm welcome to the newest and youngest batch of Ateneans through the Freshmen Orientation Seminar (OrSem). Back then, MPCC1 would be filled with fresh faces wearing different colored shirts to represent their Academic Organization, there would be booths adorned with trophies and candies to attract freshmen to join the club, and a lot of fun activities were in store. This is also the time when The BEACON is thrilled to meet the new members of the family as we get to welcome the new breed of visionaries that would bring light to our community. But due to the risk of COVID-19 transmission, the educational system shut down campus operations and spurred the mandatory shift to online education. This galvanized students and teachers to vacate online.
We never knew that the Reveille Newspaper would be the last printed issue before the lockdown began. Admittedly, the Editorial Board has so much to ponder as we shift our operations online while ensuring the well-being of the campus journos during this time of great peril. We’d like to give reverence to the exceptionally talented people behind the Publication’s 73-year print run that made us strive to continue the legacy of excellence in campus journalism. For the time being, the issues would be published online via Issuu. We conceptualize this month’s issue with the thought of people being bombarded with negative news for the past three months. The Fenomenal wishes to counteract the negativity brought about by the pandemic while still delivering articles that The BEACON was known for. May the stories of resilience and bayanihan bring a smile to your face amidst all the hurdles that you go through. Until we see each other again in school, keep safe, and be healthy Ateneans.
Editor-in-Chief, The BEACON Publications