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It was ‘G’days’ all round, a nod here and there, an ‘I’ll look into that’ and an ‘I’ll get back to you’ as Mick navigated a verbal obstacle course with patrons from the bar to the table. He finally placed two full schooners of beer with now sunken heads and one glass of water on the table. He passed a schooner to Bazza, steadied the other on a chair under the table and placed the glass of water in front of him. Mick then got out his mobile phone flicked open the camera app, pushed the video record bu on and posi oned it against an empty glass between them taking in Bazza’s stunned mullet look ‘I’m on the Mayoral elec on campaign trail, Bazza. I need to connect up on social media so I’ve decided to make my own reality video. I’m recording my days and edit later on and then post them up at night so the cons tuents can follow me. The Missus loves the idea. She is filming me doing all her housework so I can shore up the female vote. It’s a bit annoying though because I have to sneak out to the back shed to have a beer so that she doesn’t catch me on film.’ Bazza shook his head and took a sip of his beer. ‘You’re all over it Mick. I hope you are going to spare us a shower scene.’ ‘Keep it serious, Barry. Now, it would be good if you could nod every now and then with a serious face, just like the first row of parliamentarians behind Sco Mo during Ques on Time. Also, when I give you a kick under the table I want you to laugh to prove I’m an everyday bloke. It’s important to keep it real.’ Mick grabbed the schooner from under the table, took a long drink and returned it, adjusted his e, pulled a comb from his pocket and straightened his hair. He li ed his glass of water, winked at the phone and clicked glasses with Bazza. ‘You see Bazza it’s all about ge ng followers on social media to the point where I become what is called an ‘influencer’. The more followers, the more influence and the more votes. I’m also chasing the younger demographic. I might even get you to help me with the making of a Tik Tok but you would have a pre y minor role.’ Bazza took a very long drink. ‘I’d be happy to help out, Mick. Old Ron down at the Men’s Shed might be more helpful, his family is from Switzerland and his dad was a clockmaker.’ A loud ‘Good onya, Mick’ from across the bar automa cally had Mick’s full smile swivelling the room like a laughing clown mannequin at a circus side show and Bazza eyed the white cue ball on the pool table. ‘Now Baz, the idea is to empathise with the shire through this reality video. I’m running with the slogan PUTTING YOU INTO EUROBODALLA SHIRE. Bazza rubbed his chin to conceal a wide smile. ‘I reckon I’m up to speed with you, Mick. You boost your popularity with your reality video. People follow your every move and are influenced by you and vote accordingly. You bring it all together under the slogan PUTTING THE EWE INTO EUROBODALLA SHIRE. It’s a bloody good pun, Mick.’

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018


Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

NelliJam Music Fes val June 12th

Danny from Nellijam recently put out a post on social media saying: “As you all know, The Steampacket Hotel has had an incredibly hard two years. They are ‘officially’ re-opening the venue June Long weekend. We put the call out for local bands to offer a set to help get the steamy pumping again. An overwhelming response followed - including some super generous acts from out of the region! See you there legends! Please spread the word aye!” “The Steampacket have hosted 15 NelliJam’s and have worked hard to have regular gigs out there, so I’d like to let em know we value what they do! “ Stepping up to make the event happen are: The Spindri Saga, Ingrid Mae, Jack Biilmann Mayfair Lane, Potent Soap, Pre y People, Just in Case, Paul Johnston Robz Simpson, Ron Callo, Blue Murder, Kung Fu Friday Singled Out Freezer, Kick, Snare and Marshall

What’s on Celebrated Australian jazz supergroup This World Jazz Quartet Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Mike Nock, Hamish Stuart, Julian Wilson and Jonathan Zwartz 7pm Saturday 19 June, Willinga Park Conference Centre - Tickets: $48 per person Comprising four of Australia’s most esteemed jazz musicians, this celebrated Australian jazz super group made waves last year with their cri cally acclaimed debut album This World. Their sold-out East Coast tour in the summer of 2020 just prior to Lockdown, nourished souls and brought beauty and joy to those recovering from fire and flood. Now, twelve-months on, Mike Nock, Hamish Stuart, Julian Wilson and Jonathan Zwartz return with material for a brand new album, “Out of This World”. Masterfully ar cula ng the struggle, strength and hope of humanity, the music for this concert series imagines the prosaic and profound in a post-pandemic world. Having established deep musical bonds over several decades, the shared history and personal connec on between these musicians can be felt in every note. Stuart Nicholson of UK’s Jazzwise called the quartet’s music “profound, moving and expressive jazz of the highest level”. Bar service will be available. Why not invite your friends and make up a table. Seats are limited and will sell fast. You can purchase ckets HERE: h ps://www.trybooking.com/events/landing?eid=755798&

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Heading Further South?

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