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Reading—A beer with Baz Mick rubbed his hands together and pulled his beanie over his ears and shook his head as Bazza approached with two schooners of beer.

‘Shorts and tee shirt, Bazza? It’s s ll bloody winter.’


Bazza face widened into a full grin.

‘I’m declaring it summer, Mick. I walked along the beach on

Wednesday morning and a group of women were going for a swim. They were not even wearing wet suits and they seemed happy enough in the ocean. I spo ed the odd flower and the sun is up just that li le bit earlier. I’ve put the heater away for the winter and I’m going to fire up the barbecue on Sunday and have the family over for the a ernoon.’

Mick screwed up his face.

“You’re bloody mad, Bazza. You should check the thermometer and the forecast is rain and cold for Sunday so

I would be postponing the barbecue for a month or so.’

Bazza’s face dropped back to a half grin.

‘I wouldn’t be relying on the thermometer, Mick. Just between you and I, it hasn’t been the same since we went from Fahrenheit to Celsius. I reckon they manipulated the temperatures in the conversion.’

Mick rubbed his chin.

‘Unlike you to see a conspiracy in anything, Bazza but come to think of it you might have something there, with all these claims of global warming. When you think back, it did all start when we changed over to Celsius.

By gee, that would explain a few things but I do think you should trust Graham Creed from the ABC about the forecast for Sunday. He usually gets it right.’

Bazza shook his head and let out a half chuckle.

‘No Mick, I’m declaring it the start of summer.’

‘Woo up Bazza, you’re taking on the whole Bureau of Meteorology. They have a wealth of experience and qualifica ons and access to technology that measure all sorts of variables to give you likely outcomes. On top of that, Graham Creed has been studying and presen ng the weather for decades. Sorry to say, but I think I would be making plans around his predic ons rather than yours. In fact you’re star ng to sound like a bloody idiot.’

Bazza leaned back and placed both hands on the bar table.

‘Bloody idiot eh, Mick? Why would I act on Graham Creed’s and the whole of the Bureau of

Meteorology predic ons for my Sunday barbecue when the latest and largest ever report from the

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change does not spur our leadership into ac on. Global temperatures up by 1.5 degrees from pre industrial levels in a decade is the predic on and the writers are the smartest on the planet when it comes such a study. They’re hardly a bunch of eco-centric hippies recording their thoughts around a crystal ball.’

Bazza took a long drink.

‘Nah...... I might as well be more like you and your mate ScoMo and disregard all the considered exper se we have available to us on the planet. Let’s not let the facts spoil the fic on and start enjoying summer from today. Now what day shall we declare Christmas?’

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Have a beer with Baz at john.longhurst59@gmail.com

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Aug 13th - Cameron Li le at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Aug 14th - Rick Bamford – Tuross Club (7pm) Aug 13th - Cameron Li le at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Aug 14th - Dave Ferrante at Tomakin Social Club Aug 14th - Totum at the Adelaide CANCELLED Aug 14th - Jacci Leigh at Club Catalina Aug 15th - Rob Simpson at The Dromedary Hotel, Central Tilba

Aug 21st - Joe Driscoll at Tomakin Social Club Aug 24th - Rob Simpson – Tuross Club (7pm) Aug 24th - Joe Driscoll – Tomakin Club (7.30pm) Aug 28th - Rick Bamford at Tomakin Social Club Sep 11th - Moruya Rockin’ Roots & Reggae at Moruya Waterfront - Orphan Music presents a celebra on of Rock, Roots & Reggae w/ 3 of Australia’s most entertaining bands at the iconic Moruya Waterfront Hotel. One night ONLY 19Twenty, Waikama & Roshani! Tickets are strictly limited.

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

“Compelling and important”

NSW Premier’s History Awards shortlist Women of Steel Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Women of Steel, a rousing documentary about the Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 1980-1994 campaign by Wollongong women for jobs in the BHP steel works has been one of three projects shortlisted for the pres gious 2021 NSW Premier’s History Awards $15,000 Digital History Prize. The personal story of the campaign sustained by the film’s director Robynne Murphy and hundreds of other local women for the right to work at BHP is exci ng, moving and o en humourous. The judges commended the film as a powerful combina on of historical material and noted that “one of its many strengths is that it lets those who were there tell the story. These are voices we rarely hear and see on our screens. As much as it is the history of a par cular campaign, Women of Steel is also a portrait of broader societal change. A compelling and important work.” Recently, Women of Steel won the Macquarie-PHA Applied History Award from the History Council of NSW, was a finalist in two categories of the 2020 ATOM (Australian Teachers of Media) Awards and likewise a finalist in the pres gious $10,000 Documentary Australia Founda on Award for Australian Documentary at the Sydney Film Fes val. This is Robynne’s second film to be featured in the Sydney Film Fes val; her first was in 1974 when she was a student at the Australian Film Television & Radio School. While colleagues Gillian Armstrong and Phillip Noyce went to Hollywood to make feature films, Robynne went to Wollongong to make steel. She worked in the steelworks for 30 years. That Robynne could return to filmmaking so successfully a er so many years is a tes mony not only to her talents but also to the exci ng and historically important nature of the events that took place in Wollongong during the 1980s. Today, Robynne con nues to work in a non-tradi onal job, albeit now as a volunteer. She drives the truck for her RFS brigade and was on the ground all through the 2019-2020 fires on the far south coast of NSW. This fascina ng account of the largely forgo en history of Australia’s Steel City was cra ed over decades with support from local community volunteers and over 500 donors. 2021 NSW Premier’s History Awards $15,000 Digital History Prize (formerly the Mul media History Prize) is for an Australian historian’s interpreta on of an historical subject, using non-print media. The Women of Steel trailer can be viewed at: Website: h ps://www.womenofsteelfilm.com/ YouTube: h ps://youtu.be/-22E8ltWs-M

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

Arts River Of Art Program Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Now Out Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 River of Art, that annual exci ng arts fes val which brings together the best and the most crea ve of Eurobodalla's art in all its forms, kicks off again in a li le over six weeks. And the program for this year's fabulous fes val which runs from 17 to 26 September has now been released. With around 120 events, this year's fes val will be one of the biggest, showcasing pain ngs, wood works and sculpture through to performance art, music, film and poetry as well as workshops on ac vi es ranging from poetry and weaving through to bicycle repairs. For those new to the fes val, a quick visit to its website, www.riverofart.com.au to look at the program will give you a taste of what's in store. There is the much-loved Open Studios event where the region’s ar sts throw open the doors of their studios up and down the coast to give visitors a glimpse of how their art is created. A er a spectacular first appearance at last year's fes val, the very popular REVIVE public art event will feature again this year with murals planned for Moruya, Bodalla and Bateman's Bay to sit alongside the five murals created last year. Another regular event is the annual River of Art prize with ar sts both from Eurobodalla and elsewhere encouraged to enter. This year's entries will be judged by former head of the ANU's School of Art and Design, Denise Ferris. Art on Parade is another favourite with shops and other public venues giving ar sts the opportunity to show their work during the fes val. Eurobodalla’s Regional Botanic Gardens, which has risen phoenix-like from the 2020 fires, will be the venue for a brand new event, Wa le Walk, featuring music, poetry and the work of Splinters, the local Eurobodalla co-opera ve group of woodworkers. A collabora on between the University of Wollongong and the Eurobodalla Botanical Gardens, this will be an all-day event at the gardens with its forecourt festooned with a display of kni ed wa le represen ng the region's renewal. As a meandering trail of art through some of the region's most beau ful coastal and rural areas, the fes val encourages visitors to plan their own journey across the many loca ons and events which feature Eurobodalla’s art. The fes val’s own tle, River of Art, plays on the shire’s name, Eurobodalla, which is Aboriginal for “land of many waters”. To help you navigate these waterways, hard copy programs will be available while the online program at www.riverofart.com.au will be updated as new events come on board. And like last year's fes val, COVID-safe prac ces and requirements will be in place at all fes val venues.

Next weekend – Saturday 14th August 2021 – Elimina on Finals (both winning teams to move into the Grand Final)  Bungendore “Mudchooks v Braidwood “Redbacks” @ Bungendore

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 

 Taralga “Tigers” v Jindabyne “Bushpigs” @ Taralga


Broulee Runners August 11th 2021

The warm weather a racted families to this evening’s event and helped produce 8 personal best mes. Nicole Minifie and her daughters Keira and Mia all had personal best mes in the 2 kilometres. Not to be outdone the Mackay boys Benji, Marcus and Neil also registered PBs in the 2 kilometres. Julie Amphle improved her me in the 3.5 kilometres as did Victoria Schuh in the 5 kilometres. We welcomed Georgia Smyth to her first run with the group. We failed to men on John Su on’s first run in last week’s report, so he came back this week decided to move up to the 3.5 kilometres. There is a sugges on that he may go even higher to the 5 kilometres next week. You Are Never Too Young To Be A Broulee Runner!

Teri Swanbury Sneaks Home In Tight Finish At Tuross Heads Vets Golf

On what was the warmest morning for many months a good field of 57 players registered for the Tuross Head Veterans Golf Single Stableford event on Wednesday 11 August 2021. The event was a closely fought out affair with Teri Swanbury prevailing with 22 points on count back from Herb Muriwai. This pair were followed by Chris Wra en and Sandra Hanlon on 21 points, with Chris winning out for 3rd place on count back. Minor prizes went to Tony Crook with 20, Jennifer Gray and Neil Mather on 19, Neal Watson, Don Russell, Paul Pereira and Allen Lee all on 18, Terry Lunn, John Cox, Shirley Quinlan and Jeane e Miller on 17, and finally Leonie Snodgrass with a score of 16 points. Nearest the pins went to Bruce Mar n on the 4th, Paul Pereira on the 6th, and to Shirley Quinlan and Ian Manton on the 7th. Solveig Olsson won the Accuracy drive.

An enjoyable and much warmer day today except for the persistent wind and wind gusts that played havoc on the pu ng greens. Sixty-nine Ladies played a stroke event compe ng for the 6th Monthly Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Medal. Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Results as follows: Division 1 - 1st Margaret Dickinson (8) 71 ne , 2nd Cathie Flynn (20) 73 ne , 3rd Carolyn Croke (14) 74 ne , Gross Winner: Margaret Dickinson (8) - 79 strokes , Nearest the Pin: Frank Nikki – Hole 11 Pu ng: Kathy Roe – 30 pu s Division 2 –1 st Eileen A Davis (25) 69 ne , 2nd Grace Ting (27) 69 ne , 3rd Carol Benne (31) 70 ne Gross Winner: Eileen A Davis (25) – 94 Strokes, Nearest the Pin: Carol Benne – Hole 14 Pu ng: Grace Ting – 30 pu s Division 3—1st Kaylene Peach (45) 65 ne , 2nd Elaine Dawson (38) 72 ne , 3rd Akemi Fukuda (41) 73 ne Gross Winner: Sandra McCamley (35) – 110 Strokes, Nearest the Pin: Donna Mills – Hole 7 Pu ng: Bonnie Hardy – 31 pu s Place Ge ers: Eighteen Ladies scoring 78 ne or less (on a countback) managed to win a ball. Catalina Ladies Golf – Matchplay Championships 2021

Since May 2021 Catalina Ladies have been compe ng on a one-on-one basis, to challenge for the Matchplay Championships in each Division. Not only are normal golf skills required in this format, nerves of steel and appropriate strategies are needed to react to your opponent’s successes and failures. Matchplay is a balancing act. Relax too much your opponent may take the advantage, fall behind and you will feel the pressure and make mistakes.

Our final six players took control of their nerves and played their respec ve matches on Monday, 9 August last with the following results: Division 1- Between Sophie Eppelstun & Margaret Dickinson (above right) An epic ba le ensued with superb exhibi ons of skill and perseverance by both players. Margaret was two up at the 16th hole, however Sophie won the next two holes, making it all square at the 18th. Play con nued for a further six holes, with Margaret finally succeeding on the 24th. Congratula ons Margaret and well done to Sophie. As one of our youngest members, Sophie has a bright golfing future. Division 2 – Between Ngaire Durnan & Sue Demamiel Again, an exci ng match. On the 16th hole Ngaire was two down with two to play. Sue held it all together to win the next hole. Sue is rela vely new to golf and her ability over the past year has resulted in several wins in her grade. Congratula ons Sue and commisera ons Ngaire. Division 3- Between Julie Gercken and Susan Bourke Julie took control of the match early in the game however Susan dug deep determined not let her opponent romp home. Pu ng skills defined the outcome. By the 16th hole play concluded with Julie winning three up with two to play. Congratula ons Julie and well done to Susan.

“ Crackerjack” of a Women’s Bowls Pairs Final

Monday 9th August 31 ladies competed in a medley stableford event Death by Chocolate, in cooler weather condi ons a er such a great weekend. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 A grade winners were Dorelle Monteith with 34 points OCB to Marion Brooks and Nicole Harris. Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 B grade winner was Fiona White a visitor from Queanbeyan Golf Club who posted a score of 40 off handicap of 45. Runner up was Moria Richards who posted a score of 39 off handicap of 38. Chocolates to 24 NTP - Div 3 Patricia Benne , Div 2 Jennifer Walker Wednesday 11th August 38 ladies competed in PAR (4) event. A grade winner was Sylvia Donohoe who posted a score of +2 off handicap of 5 Runner up was Marion Brooks who posted a score of 0 off handicap of 27 B grade winner was Helen Ellis who posted a score of +5 off handicap of 34. Runner up was Di Williamson who posted a score of +1 off handicap of 31. Balls to -2 OCB. NTP. Div 3 Robyn Gible Div 2 Dierdre Landells Div 1 Sylvia Donohoe

On a beau ful Tuross winter’s day last Tuesday, on a day just right for a game of bowls, four experienced and talented bowlers took to the greens to play in the last of the Tuross Women’s Major Championship events. A be ng person would have had a hard job pun ng on the winner of this game. The result demonstrated the closeness and excitement of this final. Doreen Monks and Sue Fahey played against Irene Macdonald and Denise Lidbury in a hard- fought game. The ladies went end to end with their shots. Team Fahey won the first end, then Team Lidbury was on the board a er the second end. This set the scene for the remainder of the game. A er the seventh end, they were 7 all, then 12- all on the 12th end. On the penul mate end 17, they were 17 all. With nerves of steel the last end was played and the game was eventually won by one shot up on the last end by the Macdonald / Lidbury combina on, 18-17. The many spectators and supporters were in awe of the excellent demonstra on of bowling from both sides. Congratula ons to the winners Irene Macdonald and Denise Lidbury and to the runners- up Doreen Monks and Sue Fahey. A er the match they were presented with their winners medals by President Doreen. The women held their AGM last Wednesday a ernoon and a new commi ee for 2021/22 was elected. There are s ll a few vacant posi ons and the Expression of Interest (EOI’s) process will close next week when we will announce the new commi ee. We have welcomed several new bowlers to our ranks and the membership has increased to 30. This is very pleasing news for the bowls family at Tuross Head and will ensure that we have strength in our pennant sides for 2022. Several Tuross sides also played in a Triples carnival at Dalmeny Bowling Club last Friday. The Tuross side of Gail Page, Denise Lidbury and Rita Downie came 3rd in a very strong field. Well done ladies. We thank the community for the wonderful support for the “fun day fundraiser” which will be held this Sunday.

Pairs winners Denise and Irene

Results Wednesday, 11th August Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Blustery gusts of wind were a force to be Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 reckoned with today for the forty lady golfer’s who turned out to play a 2BBB Stableford. Most teams performed well, despite the hindrance of the wind, but as reflected in the following scores the winner’s circle achieved excep onal scores: 1st Place: Jan Lumsden & Lyn Gibbs (right) with a magnificent score of 50 points 2nd Place: Val Moore & Jan Lou t with 45 points 3rd Place: Joanne Dixon & Noelene Cowdroy with 44 on C/B Pace Ge ers M Muriwai & A McMillan, J Hay & S Wallensky, J Miles & B Swain, J Love & V Goodwin, S Noy & V Nixon, J Hebbard & J Hosking, M Bingham & P Cooper, B Roberts & S Dryden, C Edwards & R Hawkins, K Hawking & K Fethers. The American Foursomes played on Wednesday 4th August Scoring in the American Foursomes can be challenging, and playing your partner’s ball can be even more so, but 34 player’s par cipated in this fun event with most vo ng for a return round next year. Kym Ba & Margaret Douglas (right) teamed up well taking 1st place with a score of 75.625 Marie Muriwai & Joan Hosking came in a close 2nd with 75.875 Pace Ge ers N Cowdroy & S Noy, B Kennedy & D Meek, A McMillan & B Swain, V Nixon & J Lumsden, C Becker & L Doolan, P Nash & C Edwards, V Goodwin & V Moore, L Gibbs & J Lou t.

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

In line with the ACT lockdown and in the interest of keeping our community safe, we will not be gran ng entry on Sunday 15th August to anyone from a local government area (LGA) of concern as per the NSW health website.

This includes those residing in the ACT as you will not be permi ed into the venue with licence checks done at the gate for all patrons. This means that this Sunday should you not bring your licence or proof of iden ty card you will not be permi ed into the races. We will be monitoring ACT and NSW Health updates and will vary these restric ons as and when advised it is safe to do so.

We appreciate your understanding.

Moruya Jockey Club advise: The Registered Club's Race Day on Sunday August 16th is looking like a ripper with a crowd welcomed. There will be Bar Facili es, TAB, Bookies, The Kiosk, Coffee Van and Cut N Run Pizza on site to cater for what looks like a great Sunday a ernoon of racing. Tickets will be available at the gate with the gates open from 11:30am.

All affiliated Club Members of the clubs listed below will GET IN FOR FREE with valid Member Cards. Due to Covid Regula ons the Crowd will be limited to no more than 1000. The Members Room will be open however limited to just 55 people seated on a first in, first seated basis (Members Room Opens at 11:30am). We will however have extra sea ng in our sponsors sec on for any overflow.

Mandatory face masks are to be worn by all persons including Essen al Personnel and patrons at race mee ngs conducted throughout NSW. Cloth Masks are not Permi ed. These however can be taken off when ea ng and drinking. There are buses from Narooma, Bodalla, Tuross and Batemans Bay. So bring your mask and enjoy what will be a fantas c day at the Moruya Jockey Club..

COME ONE , COME ALL Tuross Head Women’s Bowling Club Needs You and your Friends As most people would have read, the Tuross Women bowlers were successful in June at the Regional Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Pennant 2 playoff at Merimbula. Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 This win meant that they now proceed to the State playoff at Po sville on the Tweed Coast in September. Po sville is a long drive from Tuross and the ladies will stay at Po sville for 6 days for the dura on of the games, against women bowlers from around the State of NSW. Let’s hope the COVID crisis has passed by then. We would love your support to assist with our substan al travel and accommoda on expenses. There is a magnificent raffle presently set up at Tuross Head Country Club with beau ful prizes on offer with about eight prizes. We are already very grateful for the community support of some lovely dona ons for the raffle. Come along to the club to buy a cket. In addi on to the raffle, We have planned a GREEN and GOLD FUN DAY called “BASH FOR CASH “ on Sunday, 15th August. (see Poster ) An entry fee of $10 will en tle you to a beau ful morning tea, sausage sizzle, lucky door prizes and a game of bowls and some golf pu ng and fun compe ons. Wear something green and gold and join in the fun. Put this date in your diary and we look forward to a lovely day of fun and friendship, while at the same me, you are suppor ng the pennant 2 bowlers on their way to the State final in Po sville. FUN Day

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