Reading—A beer with Baz Mick rubbed his hands together and pulled his beanie over his ears and shook his head as Bazza approached with two schooners of beer. ‘Shorts and tee shirt, Bazza? It’s s:ll bloody winter.’ VolBazza 16 September 15th 2017 face widened into a full grin. 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018
‘I’m declaring it summer, Mick. I walked along the beach on Wednesday morning and a group of women were going for a swim. They were not even wearing wet suits and they seemed happy enough in the ocean. I spo7ed the odd flower and the sun is up just that li7le bit earlier. I’ve put the heater away for the winter and I’m going to fire up the barbecue on Sunday and have the family over for the aKernoon.’ Mick screwed up his face. “You’re bloody mad, Bazza. You should check the thermometer and the forecast is rain and cold for Sunday so I would be postponing the barbecue for a month or so.’ Bazza’s face dropped back to a half grin. ‘I wouldn’t be relying on the thermometer, Mick. Just between you and I, it hasn’t been the same since we went from Fahrenheit to Celsius. I reckon they manipulated the temperatures in the conversion.’ Mick rubbed his chin. ‘Unlike you to see a conspiracy in anything, Bazza but come to think of it you might have something there, with all these claims of global warming. When you think back, it did all start when we changed over to Celsius. By gee, that would explain a few things but I do think you should trust Graham Creed from the ABC about the forecast for Sunday. He usually gets it right.’ Bazza shook his head and let out a half chuckle. ‘No Mick, I’m declaring it the start of summer.’ ‘Woo up Bazza, you’re taking on the whole Bureau of Meteorology. They have a wealth of experience and qualifica:ons and access to technology that measure all sorts of variables to give you likely outcomes. On top of that, Graham Creed has been studying and presen:ng the weather for decades. Sorry to say, but I think I would be making plans around his predic:ons rather than yours. In fact you’re star:ng to sound like a bloody idiot.’ Bazza leaned back and placed both hands on the bar table. ‘Bloody idiot eh, Mick? Why would I act on Graham Creed’s and the whole of the Bureau of Meteorology predic:ons for my Sunday barbecue when the latest and largest ever report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change does not spur our leadership into ac:on. Global temperatures up by 1.5 degrees from pre industrial levels in a decade is the predic:on and the writers are the smartest on the planet when it comes such a study. They’re hardly a bunch of eco-centric hippies recording their thoughts around a crystal ball.’ Bazza took a long drink. ‘Nah...... I might as well be more like you and your mate ScoMo and disregard all the considered exper:se we have available to us on the planet. Let’s not let the facts spoil the fic:on and start enjoying summer from today. Now what day shall we declare Christmas?’ Have a beer with Baz at
beagle weekly : Vol 220 August 13th 2021