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Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018

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From the comfort of your laptop/smart phone/tablet and wherever you are, you'll be able explore Eurobodalla's vibrant arts community online as you undertake a virtual journey through the lives and workplaces of local ar sts. You can set your own me and pace to be upli ed and inspired by Eurobodalla's crea ve people. Browse the Virtual exhibi ons and explore the Ar st Directory. h ps://www.riverofart.com.au

Sports MORUYA LADIES GOLF RESULTS Wednesday, 15th September

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 A mild day defied the forecast of rain giving 38 ladies, the largest field for some me, the opportunity of par cipa ng in an 18 hole Stableford. Some great golf was played, evidenced by the high and close ranking scores. Congratula ons to all winner’s and place ge ers with par cular men on of the two B grade winners for their outstanding wins. A Grade Winners 1st Place: Robyn Hawkins – 39 ne 2nd Place: Pauline Nash - 38 ne B Grade Winners 1st Place: Barbara Roberts - 45 ne 2nd Place: Joanne Dixon - 42 ne Place Ge ers V Moore 38, B Swain 37, K Fethers 37, N Cowdroy 36, M Douglas 36, S Dryden 36, J Hosking 35, G Hickey 35, J Lumsden 35, V Nixon 35, J Ellis 35, J Hay 35, R Chesteton 34, L Gibbs 34, K Ba 34, C Neil 33, S Knight 33, M Bingham 33, J Lou t 33.

Right: Barbara Roberts Above: Robyn Hawkins

Broulee Runners September 15th 2021

This week we have 31 results recorded and three Personal Best Times. In the 2 kilometres Alba Ven Der Meulen improved as did Georgia Finlay and Jenny Taylor in the 5 kilometres. The Runners are s ll in lockdown, and we have a hard core of strong supporters, who have recorded a run each week since our last group run on 11 August 2021. It is most impressive and inspira onal when a new person joins us and consistently records a run each week. Julie Amphle has recorded 8 consecu ve runs since commencing on 28 July 2021, with four of them during lockdown. Well, done Julie! Alexis Carver recorded her 30th run today and earned her 30th-run shirt, which will be home delivered in the next few days.

Brumbies Rugby (ACT Southern NSW Rugby Union) have made the decision to cancel the remaining games due to COVID lock down. The following statement was released September 15, 2021 Following yesterday’s announcement that the ACT lockdown would be extended for another 4 weeks, un l Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Friday 15 October 2021, the ACT & SNSW Rugby Union has made the difficult but unavoidable decision to Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 cancel the remainder of the 2021 seasons for all five senior compe ons under our jurisdic on. While every avenue was explored in a emp ng to conclude our season, the ongoing uncertainty around when and how community sport could return in both the ACT & NSW, alongside the required transi on period of training to compe on for contact sport meant that a resump on became una ainable. With the government’s plan to relax lockdown restric ons once the 80% vaccina on milestone is reached, the ACT & SNSW rugby community can look forward to hopefully, a more stable year of rugby in 2022. Brumbies General Manager Community Rugby and Deputy CEO, Craig Leseberg said: “Under the circumstances we believe this is the most responsible decision for our code and par cipants. “This will be a disappoin ng outcome for the mul tude of players, coaches, volunteers, and match officials who have invested an extraordinary amount of me and effort this year. We extend our sincere gra tude to everyone for your dedica on and commitment. “We encourage all within our rugby community to con nue to abide by the current public health orders and urge everyone to get vaccinated, so that we have the best opportunity for a successful return of rugby in 2022.” “The important thing now is for us to s ck together as a rugby community and we encourage anyone who needs help at this difficult me to make use of mental health and wellbeing services.

Above: The Narooma pool in the 1960’s. Pre the Norfolk Pines being planted along the foreshore.

The current pool has been iden fied as requiring substan al repair and inevitable replacement. It will be interes ng to see if Council stands by their pledge to replace the exis ng pool with a 50m pool given that the turnstyle figures fall short of the considerable annual running costs.

Monday 13th September 34 entrants competed in a medley stableford Vol 16 September 15th 2017 event. Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 Div 1 0-27 winner was Jenny Walker who posted a score of 38 OCB to Tanya Desmond. Div 2 28-45 winner was Vicky Connaughton who posted a score of 38 off handicap of 34 Runner up was Janice Eardley who posted a score of 34 OCB off handicap of 30 Balls to 33 OCB Wednesday 15th was monthly medal round. Our monthly medal winner is Di Knoll with a ne score of 70 off handicap of 21. Runner up was Kay Lawrence with a ne score of 71 off handicap of 18 Div 2, 25-45 winner was Vicky Connaughton who is con nuing her great form with a ne score of 71 off handicap of 33. Runner up was Chris Hendra who posted a ne score of 73 off handicap of 35 Balls to 77 OCB Pu ng comp was won by Meridie Banson with 29 pu s NTP Div 1 hole 3, Di Wilkes Div 2 hole 9, Chris Ma hews Div 3 hole 17, Vicky Connaughton Jane Blomfield was the stableford winner with a score of 38 off handicap of 37. Balls to 32 September Monthly medal winner Di Knoll

Sports Tuross Head Bowling Greens Looking Magnificent a er Makeover

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Vol 28 December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 April 27th 2018 At the moment during lockdown, the Tuross bowlers have not been able to enjoy their usual bowls games. However the Tuross Head Country Club green keepers, Tim and Ben have been working very hard behind the scenes to complete the refurbishment of the greens. There are now new seats, shade cloth and scoreboards. Tim commented that the scoreboards are very light, making the portability when they change the direc on and placement of the rinks, so much easier. Both the Mens’ and Womens’ sub clubs have assisted the Mother Club to fund this welcome refurbishment. The maintenance on the back green is also nearly complete and the grass is growing well due to the lovely Spring weather and welcome gentle rain. We are very grateful to the volunteers, several of the men’s golfing fraternity, who were able to assist before lockdown with their exper se in laying the cement underneath the seats. We are very proud of the beauty of the view from our bowling greens and o en get comments from our visitors. We will look forward to the future when we can all return to the club for compe on and tournaments. With the refurbishment of the bowling greens added to the new pain ng and signs of the general Club building and the great new paths and a en on to the golf course, it is a joy for those of us who play both sports to belong to Tuross Head Country Club, certainly one of the pre est on the South Coast.

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