Changed traffic condi5ons and night work on the Kings Highway at Nelligen Vol 16 September 15th 2017 Motorists are advised 28 April December 7th, 2017of changed traffic condi9ons on the Kings Vol 48 27th 2018
Highway in Nelligen as part of the Nelligen Bridge replacement project.
Opening up! The 9me has come to open up… Cafes, restaurants, pubs and schools Theatres, salons, shops and pools.
Road widening work will be carried out on the Kings Highway between Wharf and Reid streets from 6am Monday 25 October to 6am Thursday 28 October, weather permi@ng.
There's choice once more and freedom too
Changed traffic condi9ons including a temporary lane closure on the Kings Highway between Wharf and Reid streets, stop/ slow traffic condi9ons and a reduced speed limit of 40 km/h, will be in place the safety of workers and motorists.
To QR scan, and show the 9ck
But at first I must remember
To prove that I have not skipped The double jab in my arm Then they'll know I won't cause harm. There's something else that I must do Time to find that mask of blue.
Motorists are advised to allow addi9onal travel 9me, drive to the condi9ons and follow the direc9ons of signs and traffic control. Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their pa9ence during this 9me.
beagle weekly : Vol 229 October 15th 2021
Perhaps I'll go and visit the zoo!
Now I'm set to safely enter All those places at the centre! By Mary Murray