Beagle Weekender Vol 239 December 24th 2021

Page 28

Reading - Moruya Books

Ode to Christmas In a small dusty village During the Fes2val of "Ho" A small boy was born

Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018

To some folks on the go They'd arrived in the town Early that day And had soon worked out There was nowhere to stay Their Kombi was brimming with their worldly possessions Chickens and dogs It was quite a procession So they set up a camp and the mum had the child the labour was easy So everyone smiled And that a8ernoon They all had a sleep Under a tree away from the heat Then came the night The Fes2vi2es started the town folks gathered All cleaned up and tarted The new parents took cover From the noise of the crowd Inside their Kombi where it wasn't too loud Oh, what a party This Fes2val of "Ho" Everyone got sh*Taced On grog, herb or snow Three wise men came "Ho Ho"ing by In the darkness of night with one star in the sky And their giggling and stumbling woke the child, made it cry The wise guys bolted everyone had the shits, and to stop the child crying They came back bearing gi8s The first offered herb which was already rolled the next offered candy In a nice liEle bowl The third gave some Cabernet with a selec2on of cheeses To the now smiling child The baby called ......Noel

Happy Ho Hos lei beagle weekly : Vol 239 December 24th 2021


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