Reading—le9er to the editor As you can see from current photo (taken January 2022), the condi7on on the Tomaga River bank is in very poor condi7on. Erosion is substan7al, to the point that safety and welfare of residents/visitors is compromised, and Mari7me signage has been undermined. The bank is extremely close to breaking through and the river will be changed forever. Vol 16 September 15th 2017 28 April December 7th, 2017 Vol 48 27th 2018
Impacts: The obvious and minor concerns are safety/integrity of the walkways, Mari7me signage, boat ramp structure. The major issue is the complete structural break down of the sand spit itself with the Tomakin Bay (beach) breaking through to the Tomaga River at the Eastern Point (see site plan). This catastrophic failure would compromise the WHOLE Tomaga River (both eastern and western ends) and destroy the water way which thousands of people enjoy every year. The impacts would include but not be limited to: Environmental: Animal and bird sanctuary destroyed/damaged. Major impacts to exis7ng water way, 7dal changes. Social: Safety of the River for water sports/swimming. Compromised swimming water sports access. Economic: One of the safest East facing river mouth entries would be destroyed to boa7ng and water sports. A major tourist a>rac7on. Boa7ng/water sport access 100% compromised. Commercial impact to local business suppor7ng the Boa7ng/sailing community. Think kayak and SUP hire, bait and tackle shops, local cafes etc. Impact on Tourism in general. Pe%%on: We are looking for like minded individuals to assist in the pe77on to have Eurobodalla Council rec7fy the issue IMMEDIATELY. The pe%%on will be submi9ed to the Mayor of Eurobodalla Shire Council and the State Member for the area, (currently Mr Andrew Constance). Our goal is the State Government and Local Government to work in conjunc7on to rec7fy the issue asap before it becomes too late. THANK YOU!
beagle weekly : Vol 242 January 14th 2022