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Reading Sheilas: Badass Women of Australian History by Eliza Reilly

It’s been said that ‘well-behaved women seldom make history’, but the handful of white boys who wrote our history books conveniently le most of them out. Whoops! To rec fy this situa on, Eliza Reilly is se ng out to revive the forgo en stories of the badass Sheilas of Australian history. Chain yourself to pub counters with the determined Merle Thornton, fight for Indigenous rights alongside Faith Bandler, and lure forlorn sailors with swimmerslash-mermaid Anne e Kellerman. Deceive cranky soldiers with bushranger Mary Ann Bugg, infiltrate Nazi strongholds on the back of Nancy Wake’s bike and much, much more. Cracking with sa rical wit and whole-hearted admira on, Sheilas is a cheeky, funny, inspira onal celebra on of the tough- ed ladies who hiked up their pe coats and fly-kicked down the doors of opportunity for modern Australia..


Praise for Sheilas:

'A welcome and wi y contribu on towards redressing the balance - a must-read.' - Noni Hazlehurst

'If Kathy Le e and Monty Python had a love child, that freak would be Eliza Reilly. Lush, loose and liberated from academic orthodoxy, Reilly has the labia majoras to ask the simple but earth-quaking ques on: what were the women doing? As it happens: Plenty! Sheilas is a glorious romp through the Australian history you didn't learn at school. Funny and fearless, this is the book you'll want your daughters to read and your sons to worship.' - Clare Wright

'Eliza highlights an array of awesome, innova ve, determined and defiant Australian women with me culous research and a wicked sense of humour. This is the history book I've been hanging out for.' - Jane Kennedy

arts Spark crea vity with Saturday Sessions at the Bas

An exci ng workshop program at the Basil Sellers Exhibi ons Centre (the Bas) is back by popular demand to inspire locals and visitors to get cra y and crea ve. For three hours on the second Saturday of each month, the Bas will buzz with crea vity as par cipants learn to use tools and techniques from Eurobodalla’s talented ar sts. Eurobodalla Council’s crea ve arts development coordinator Indi Carmichael said par cipants did not need any prior experience and could take home something tangible they had created. “We were keen to provide a series of workshops where par cipants could immerse themselves in a fun and hands-on class, while learning ar s c techniques,” Ms Carmichael said. “We’re thrilled this program was so popular last year with almost every Saturday Session sold out. The feedback from par cipants was overwhelmingly posi ve and their crea ons were magnificent.

“It’s also great to see the Djinima and Bunjala rooms at the Bas being used as the purpose-built crea ve spaces they were designed to be. It’s all about crea ng this hub of vibrancy and crea vity for the community.” Bookings are beginning to flow in for this year’s workshops, which include:  Kokedama with Anne e Boyd  Pushing Pastels with Stuart Whitelaw  Bead Threading with Virginia Aland  Seaweed Art with Sarah Gorst  Leadligh ng with Andrea Warren  Macrame with Anne e Boyd  Art of Wire with Andrea Warren  Fascina ng Millinery with Anne Colqui  A Chorus Line – Vocal Workshop with Kim Edgar-Lane For the full list of workshops and to book visit h ps://thebas.com.au/public-programs. Alterna vely for more informa on phone Council’s crea ve arts officer Sue Blackburn on 4474 7355.

Above: Learn about the centuries-old tradi onal Japanese garden art form of Kokedama at Saturday Sessions at the Bas workshop on 12 March

arts THE GALLERY, Mogo re-opens a er devasta ng December storms.

A er two months closed due to the devasta ng storms which hit Mogo on 10 December 2021, it is with great pleasure that CABBI re-opens the doors of our well known and loved The Gallery, Mogo. Fiona Phillips, MP, Member for Gilmore officially reopened The Gallery at 4pm on 19 February 2022 observing that “The spirit of people coming together and suppor ng each other is very much a part of this important story.”

CABBI members have been working for many weeks behind the scenes to get The Gallery repaired and reopened. Local tradespeople came to the party for the building owner over the holiday period replacing damaged walls and floors and pain ng whilst the ar sts and cra makers were hard at work doing new works to hang and display to replace those destroyed by the water. Manager of The Gallery, Julie Lark, said

“It is so sa sfying to see the doors finally open again. It is a credit to our exhibitors and supporters that we are back in business at Mogo. A big thank you to all those who have given encouragement and helped in the rebuild.”

The Gallery has had a temporary home opposite K Mart in the Village Centre since mid January thanks to the generosity of Centre management. Unfortunately, The Gallery is s ll awai ng news of the status of its insurance claim so there is s ll a lot of work to do to bring it back to the look and feel that CABBI has always presented to its visitors.

“We are on track to get that done in the not-too-distant future, Julie added, but with so much encouragement to get our doors opened we knew that our friends and customers would understand and accept the interim layout.”

The Gallery, Mogo, is a not-for-profit co-opera ve operated by Crea ve Arts Batemans Bay Incorporated suppor ng local ar sts and cra makers exhibit and sell their works. It is open every day, except Christmas day, from 10am to 4pm. Above; Fiona Phillips MP (middle) , with Julie and Derek Lark. Julie is Manager of The Gallery At Mogo

Last weekend, The Bay Theatre Players closed their first major produc on of 2022, The Addams Family, to great reviews and excellent a endance. The Young players entertained audiences with their wonderful singing and dancing, and the audience and cast alike had a great me.

The Bay Theatre Players are straight into staging their next produc on, and invite young people, aged 11 to 15 years, to audi on for Compass by Jessica Bellamy. Compass is a modern Australian play, which takes us on an adventure when school camp goes wrong. The teacher goes missing and there isn’t enough food, and the students think things couldn’t get much worse – that is, un l a stranger appears.

Director, Lyn Sterling, will hold and informa on session this Saturday 26th at 2pm at The Playhouse, 33 Gregory St Batemans Bay. The session will provide informa on about the play, the audi on process and also the rehearsal process. The play will be on stage at the end of June, and is sure to be a fun and rewarding experience for our young players. Lyn Sterling recommends anyone that is interested to come along this Saturday.

Audi ons for Compass will then be held on Sunday 6 March at 2pm. Please contact Lyn Sterling for informa on and an audi on me – 0416 181 003 or lsterling@bigpond.com

The Bay Theatre Players have also kicked off their Theatre workshops for Term 1. Held weekly at CWA Hall, Edward Road in Sunshine Bay, Adult workshops are held every Monday from 6pm to 7.30pm and the Youth workshops are held every Thursday from 4pm to 5.30pm. Our new facilitator, Jack Spahr, has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the theatre and makes every workshop fun! For informa on contact Lyn Sterling Workshop Co-Ordinator, 0416181003 or email lsterling@bigpond.com

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