Beagle Weekender Vol 249 March 4th 2022

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Vol 249 March 4th 2022

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.

Photo courtesy of Mike Monahan Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 33 to 37 Cinema ……………….. 28 Community ………………3 to 23 Reading ……………………..29 to 32 Food………………………… o Sport and Fishing ………. 38,39 Editorial …………………..2 What’s On …………….... 24 to 27


beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, As we con2nue to see the devasta2on of the floods up north and the heartbreak it is bringing to so many we can also appreciate that the impact of the floods will con2nue in these communi2es for years to come. Homes have been destroyed and farms and businesses now face financial ruin. The general response from many will be “It’s OK, they are insured”. But as we discovered recently in the Mogo floods and also following the bushfires is that many of the proper2es affected were either not insured or drama2cally underinsured. The floods up north are being called “unprecedented”. That might be so but it raises the point that the probability of floods rising to that level again is now real. And as a consequence, even as we read this, insurance companies and councils are mapping out new flood maps. Council’s will say they need to do this to iden2fy infrastructure at risk such as sewer pumps, water services, public buildings and general network infrastructure. An example in Eurobodalla is the Council’s flood mapping of our low lying towns. Council say they have done this to iden2fy key assets that need to be raised ahead of flooding or sea surge. Fair enough. But their maps of these predic2ons, based on rubbery figures and generalised algorithms now shade proper2es with a Alarming RED that is officially registered against that property. Imagine you have a house in one of these low lying towns. You know that storm water, floods or 2dal surges has never been on your property because of historical records and anecdotes. But now, during an “unprecedented flood” the flood waters lapped at the far corner of your otherwise elevated property. By virtue of a line drawn by someone based on a mathema2cal equa2on, you are now Flood Prone, and as such you will now pay a much higher premium. The same applies if another layer of Council’s mapping says you are bushfire prone. In the Eurobodalla the residents of Surfside found that a layer in Council’s mapping system declared them at risk of rising seas and sea surges. Based on some very rubbery mathema2cs their proper2es were iden2fied and, while it is only a “predic2on” those affected are now paying an increased premium simply because Council makes the layer available to insurers who react to reduce their exposure to risk. Those in the north who have never experienced the flood levels of this week may well discover that they are underinsured, as many across the State did aBer the bushfires, or they might find their premiums don’t cover floods and only storms and rain. ABer the Great MopUp property owners will find themselves with higher premiums and newly imposed condi2ons if they decide to rebuild, such as increased floor heights above the latest flood level. Much like we have in the South East there will be new homeless. Those who can’t afford to rebuild. Those who can’t find rentals, those who have no-where to go, that have no belongings and liFle hope of geGng back to “normal” because they were underinsured, and now the property they own faces increased premiums because the “unprecedented” is now the new normal. There is a lesson in there somewhere. Un2l next—lei beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Fatal crash – Kings Highway A woman has died in hospital following a two-vehicle crash in the state’s south west this morning. About 9.15am today (Friday 4 March 2022), emergency services responded to reports of a two-vehicle crash on the Kings Highway, Carwoola. Police have been told a Toyota Yaris - driven by a 55-year-old woman - was travelling west, and a Mazda 3 driven by a 35-year-old woman - was travelling east, when the two vehicles collided. NSW Ambulance paramedics treated both drivers at the scene before they were airliBed to Canberra Hospital. This aBernoon, the older woman died in hospital. The younger woman remains in a serious, but stable condi2on. Officers from Monaro Police District established a crime scene which was examined by specialist officers from the Crash Inves2ga2on Unit. As inquiries con2nue, anyone who may have witnessed the incident, or who has dashcam footage of the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. A report will be prepared for the informa2on of the Coroner. Anyone with informa on about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or h ps:// Informa on is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report informa on via NSW Police social media pages.

Narooma man charged with peep or pry A man has been charged following an alleged incident in a public bathroom on the state’s South Coast last month. Police have been told a man allegedly followed a woman not known him into a bathroom at a shopping centre on Perry Street, Batemans Bay, on Monday 14 February 2022. It will be alleged the man leB and returned a short 2me later, when he viewed a woman from under a cubicle divider before becoming verbally aggressive towards her. The woman sought help from a male known to her nearby, when the unknown man allegedly threatened him. Officers aFached to Batemans Bay Police were no2fied and commenced an inves2ga2on. Following inquiries, police aFended a home in Narooma and spoke to a 22-year-old man about 12.45am on Tuesday 15 February 2022. He was arrested and taken to Narooma Police Sta2on where he was charged with peep or pry, common assault, and stalk/in2midate intend fear physical etc harm. The man was refused bail, to appear in Batemans Bay Local Court on Monday 7 March 2022. Anyone who believes they may have been a vic2m of this type of crime is urged to contact Batemans Bay Police on 4472 0099 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Stars of Eurobodalla Dance For Cancer WHAT A NIGHT...CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR AWARD WINNERS Highest Fundraiser - Dean White and Rachel Piper Judges choice winner - Mark Ethell and Rebecca Stanley Peoples choice award - Dean White and Rachel Piper Best Costume - Anke Dutschke and Kassi Lozzi Tara has uploaded more photos to h+ps:// eurobodalla-stars Stars of Eurobodalla Dance for Cancer is in it's 5th year in 2022. Stars of Eurobodalla is Images: Regent Images loved by the community and in 2020 ran the first virtual Stars event in the state during COVID. Stars of Eurobodalla Dance For Cancer say "A big thank you to our Stars and Dance teachers! Thank you for saying yes, puGng yourself outside your comfort zone, giving up your 2me, dedica2ng yourself to raise over $120,000 for those affected by cancer and taking to the stage like true STARs"

Join next Thursday 10 March 5:15pm at the Moruya Golf Club for a fascina2ng panel discussion with Chris Bowen, Shadow Minister for Climate and Energy and key local leaders. RSVP: hFps:// beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


community Emergency services say current forecasts don’t show any river rises above the peaks we’ve had already this week, but monitoring will con.nue. Next update: mid-aBernoon Saturday 5 March.

Roads and bridges re-opened

Roads and bridges closed

NEW Eurobodalla Road, at the turf farm

NEW Bumbo Road, at Snake Flat

NEW Tyrone Bridge, Eurobodalla Road

Cheese Factory Bridge, Eurobodalla Road Dwyers Creek Road, Moruya - at the causeway

Shore St, Moruya - closed from Thomas Street to River Street

Old Bolaro Road, Nelligen – at the causeway

Wamban bridge 1, Wamban Rd, Moruya

Silo Farm Bridge, Bodalla

Kings Highway – two landslips on Thursday cleared by Council crews with only minor traffic delays

Sunnyside Road, Mystery Bay - at the causeway Kiora Bridge, Araluen Road River Road, Nelligen - at the causeway

Albert Street, Moruya, from OFon Street to Haslingden Street

Sportsgrounds and parks Riverside Park, Moruya – no markets this Saturday All sportsgrounds closed

Dr Michael Holland, Member for Bega to be sworn in. The Electoral Commission has returned the writs for the 12 February State byelec2ons. Dr Holland will be sworn in as members of Parliament during the March siGngs. Michael Joseph Holland was declared elected at 11:28am on Wednesday, 2 March 2022.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Changed traffic condi.ons on Clyde Street, Wharf Road and Old Punt Road in Batemans Bay Motorists are advised of temporary traffic changes on Clyde Street, Wharf Road and Old Punt Road from Monday to allow for asphal2ng and paving work as part of the Batemans Bay Bridge replacement project. These traffic changes will be in place between 7am and 6pm on weekdays only. Traffic changes on Clyde Street will include a single lane closure and stop/slow traffic control and will be in place from Monday 7 to Wednesday 9 March, weather permiGng. IntermiFent closures of the Clyde Street east off-street car park located adjacent to the T-Wharf will also be required during this 2me and the community are encouraged to use alternate parking along Clyde Street. The Clyde Street west boat ramp will also be impacted during this period and the community are encouraged to use alternate local boat ramps located on Old Punt Road or at Hanging Rock. Traffic changes on Wharf Road will be in place from Tuesday 8 to Friday 11 March, weather permiGng. During this 2me, the southbound slip lane from the Princes Highway onto Wharf Road will be temporarily closed. From the Princes Highway, motorists will be able to access Wharf Road via Peninsula Drive. Traffic changes on Old Punt Road will be in place from Monday 14 to Friday 18 March, weather permiGng. This will include a temporary closure of all boat trailer parking spaces at the Old Punt Road boat ramp. The community are encouraged to use alternate local boat ramps located on Clyde Street west or at Hanging Rock. Motorists are advised to drive to the condi2ons, allow five minutes addi2onal travel 2me and follow the direc2on of signs and traffic control. Electronic message boards will advise when boat ramp closures are in place. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all 2mes during this work and pedestrians are advised to follow the direc2on of signs and traffic control. Transport for NSW thanks motorists and pedestrians for their pa2ence during this work.

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Eurobodalla Hospital land s.ll not acquired NSW Health confirms Eurobodalla Hospital land s2ll not acquired, more than a year aBer announcement In a remarkable admission today during Budget Es2mates, NSW Health bureaucrats today confirmed that the Liberal Na2onal Government s2ll does not own the land earmarked for the new Eurobodalla Hospital. Senior execu2ves from NSW Health confirmed that the acquisi2on of the land was s2ll under nego2a2on, even though the site was first selected in 2020. In response to ques2oning from Labor’s Walt Secord about acquisi2on of the land, Deputy Secretary Dr Nigel Lyons said: “It hasn’t been finalised yet…there have been ongoing nego a ons with the person who owns that land, they haven’t been able to reach agreement.” This is the latest in a string of statements by the Government aFemp2ng to downplay the protracted process of acquiring the land. Shadow Minister for Health, Ryan Park, said "What is clear is that the Government’s handling of the Eurobodalla Hospital has been shameful. They only promised a Level 4 hospital around by-elec2ons, but the devil is always in the detail with this Government. "The Opposi2on will con2nue to advocate on behalf the people of Bega to ensure they deliver on their word – because this community deserves adequate health services. On 1 February, appearing at a Parliamentary Inquiry, senior execu2ves from Southern NSW LHD stated that NSW Health was “currently finalising the sale agreement with the landowner”. On 2 February, Health Minister Brad Hazzard stated that “the process is proceeding as planned”. On 8 February, the Minister revealed that the landowner had in fact been served no2ce to begin compulsory acquisi2on of the land back in December 2021, following 13 months of nego2a2ons. The Shadow Minister for Health said: "This is a Government that has completely failed the community when it comes to actually delivering the improvements to health services they need." "Dr Holland and I will con2nue to fight for local residents to ensure this project gets back on track, that’s what they expect and that is what we will do." Dr Michael Holland, Member for Bega, said: “It is deeply disappoin2ng to hear that the land for the Eurobodalla Hospital s2ll has not been acquired, more than a year since the site was announced.” “From day one, this Government has failed to be transparent with our community about the new hospital, whether it’s about services, staffing, or even if they own the land to build it on. All we get from this Government is spin.” “How can the community have faith that the hospital will be up and running in three years’ 2me when the Government doesn’t even own the land yet?” “We don’t need more announcements and photo ops. We need a new hospital.” NSW Labor’s representa2ves on the hearing are the Hon Greg Donnelly MLC and the Hon Walt Secord MLC.

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Phoenix Wellbeing Program Begins The Mogo Village Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the start of the Phoenix Community Wellbeing Program, an innova2ve wellbeing program for the greater Mogo community. Funded by the NSW Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund and supported by Campbell Page, the Phoenix Program will give local people the opportunity to learn effec2ve tools and techniques to reduce stress, build happiness and boost resilience. The program involves hands-on workshops and experiences, including evidence-based tools and techniques, to help strengthen individuals’ mind, body and spirit and bring people together. The program will culminate with the crea2on of a book that captures local stories of resilience. Program Manager, Natalie Stockdale, is an author and resilience coach and brings to our community her vast knowledge and years of experience in stress management and resilience training. Natalie says, “the program will not only help people recover from the trauma of bushfires, but it will also empower them to manage other life challenges, in posi2ve and healthy ways. Importantly, the program will also empower people to help others – friends, family and colleagues - who may be struggling.” “The program is really for everyone who is open to learning healthy ways of coping with life’s inevitable unwanted events.” The program is free and open to adults from the Mogo, Malua Bay, Tomakin, Rosedale, Lili Pilli, Jeremadra and Broulee areas. Workshops have begun with the RFS in Mogo and the first community workshop will be held at the Boomerang Centre in Mogo, on Wednesday 9 March at 6.30 for a 7pm start. Refreshments will be available. Please contact the Project Manager, Natalie Stockdale, by phone 0424 975 997, or by email , to express your interest in the Mogo workshops, or to find out how the program can benefit you or your organisa2on in greater Mogo.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Local people Gather for Ukraine Thirty people gathered in the rain in solidarity with the people of Ukraine at noon on Wednesday at St John’s Anglican Church, Moruya. The Rector, Rev Linda Chapman rang the church bell for peace and freedom. People were invited to light a candle. The gathering gave a focus for the distress that many are feeling and to witness to the need for peace in the world. “We came together concerned at the suffering caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the threat to freedom and democracy. We stand for peace in the world and for giving shelter to more refugees in Australia.” Hosted by St John’s Church, the gathering was supported by the Refugee Ac2on Collec2ve Eurobodalla and climate ac2on group 350 Eurobodalla.

Teachers, nurses and tradies forced to live in tents due to housing crisis The South Coast is in a housing crisis so bad there have been reports that teachers, nurses and tradies are being forced to live in tents because there is nowhere to rent or buy. Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness Rose Jackson has met with community members and housing groups across the South Coast and consistently heard the urgent need for more affordable housing. "Dwelling prices across regional NSW have risen at almost double the rate of values in Greater Sydney. On the South Coast, they have risen by almost 21% over the past year alone. "Vacancy rates on the South Coast are as low as 1% effec2vely meaning there are no places to rent in many towns. "Professional people with decent full-2me jobs and good rental histories can’t find a place to rent or afford a place to buy. More and more people are being pushed into homelessness, or living with inflated rents and no housing security. The Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness Rose Jackson said “The government released their Regional Housing Taskforce months ago and s2ll have not implemented a single recommenda2on. We need ac2on right now, every day our communi2es are suffering.” To review the findings, visit Regional Housing Taskforce. beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


Community wanted for Council advisory commi+ees Applica2ons are invited from members of the community to join Eurobodalla Council’s advisory commiFees for the 2022-2024 term. Residents with exper2se and experience relevant to coastal management, disability inclusion, Aboriginal community representa2on, heritage, and public art, are encouraged to apply. Each commiFee has at least one councillor as a member. Above: Know a thing or two about public art? How about coastal Mayor Mathew Hatcher said management, or heritage? These skills and more are wanted for councillors want to tap into Eurobodalla Council’s advisory commi*ees, now calling for Eurobodalla’s vast skillset. applica ons. “These commiFees serve as Council’s panel of experts. They review policies and plans in development, give staff feedback and advice on big projects, and share their ideas for the future,” he said. “Eurobodalla has such a diverse mix of people with varied and accomplished backgrounds, and we want to bring those skills to our table. I encourage residents with relevant exper2se to apply. Let’s learn from each other.” Advisory commiFees typically meet four 2mes a year at the Council Chamber in Moruya. The commiFees are:  Aboriginal Advisory CommiFee  Coastal and Environmental Management Advisory CommiFee  Disability Inclusion Advisory CommiFee  Heritage Advisory CommiFee  Public Art Advisory CommiFee Head to Council’s website for informa2on on your commiFee of interest, including the terms of reference and the online applica2on form. Applica2ons close 8pm Sunday 27 March 2022. For more informa2on, or for help with the applica2on process, please contact Council’s execu2ve services team on 4474 1005.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Floods aren’t just about people

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Quota Club Narooma Today our president Sue Fahey, along with sponsor Jane McClusky, welcomed Catherine Ward to our club. Jane introduced Catherine to our Quota Club last year. Catherine then aFended several mee2ngs and social ac2vi2es, and decided to join. Catherine is looking forward to being involved in our many community based ac2vi2es, and of course our members are very pleased to have Catherine bring her experience and community commitment to our club. Photo: President Sue Fahey, along with Jane McLusky, welcome Catherine Ward to Quota Club Narooma.

The Far South Coast Group of the CWA of NSW is once again having our HandicraB & Land Cookery Day on Tuesday 8th March at the Bermagui Country Club in Bermagui when members from the Branches of CWA from Batemans Bay to Eden enter the compe22ons. There are also sec2ons in Land Cookery where nonmembers can compete as well as a Junior sec2on for non-members. All items must be benched by 9am when judging starts. The doors open about 1pm when all judging is completed allowing Branch members and interested members of the community access to see the large display of HandicraB & Cookery. It will be a special year this year as those prize winners who go onto State Compe22on and take out a prize will be doing it in the Centenary Year for the Country Women's Associa2on of NSW

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Head to Jobs Drive and care about your career It’s been called a caring workforce ‘crisis’ and Eurobodalla is not immune. Local health and community care providers are screaming out for staff and what this means for locals is, there’s plenty of jobs. A Jobs Drive will be held on Wednesday 16 March in Moruya where jobseekers and career-changers can apply on the spot for more than 50 posi2ons across the community services sector. It’s an ini2a2ve of Eurobodalla Council’s Employment Revolu2on Project, which is seeking to address the shire’s higher-than-average unemployment rate by geGng more workers into community care.

Above: Eurobodalla Council’s Employment Revolu on team is hos ng a community services jobs drive in Moruya on Wednesday 16 March in Moruya, where job-seekers can apply for more than 50 jobs from local employers. Pictured is admin officer Ashley Darby, project coordinator Rhonnie South and project officer Amy Kovacs.

Employment Revolu2on project coordinator Rhonnie South concedes there are many industries needing staff – hospitality and retail especially. However, there’s an important factor that sets the community sector apart – care.

“When you are an essen2al worker, you’re oBen the best part of somebody’s day,” she said. “That person looks forward to you coming, genuinely appreciates the service you provide – and you’re respected and thanked for it. It can be very rewarding to work in care.” Jobs within community services include admin, human resources, hospitality, care work, gardens and maintenance, and more. Posi2ons are flexible - some don’t even require experience - and it offers fantas2c career pathways. “Plus, as a care worker you’ll never be without work,” says Rhonnie, “you can travel anywhere in the world and you’ll always get employment. “If you’ve been wondering if this line of work is for you, come down to the Jobs Drive and have a chat”. “We’ll have stalls from at least 15 different employers who are looking for new team members and if you bring a resume you can apply on the spot. You can enrol in free training courses offered from various training providers on the day and speak to TAFE, South Coast Community College and University of Wollongong staff about care careers.” The community services jobs drive will be held Wednesday 16 March at the RSL Memorial Hall, 9 Page Street, Moruya, from 10am-12pm. AFending employers include IRT, Anglicare, Fresh Hope Care, Muddy Puddles, Hammondcare, Es2a Health, Banksia Villages, Aligned Leisure and Eurobodalla Council. For more informa2on or to register to aFend contact Council’s employment projects officer Amy Kovacs on 4474 7380 or email beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Rain delays Merimbula Airport reopening The closure of Merimbula Airport has been extended to 25 March due to rain delays. Project Services Manager, Daniel Djikic said Council has been working closely with the contractor to iden2fy the most effec2ve way to complete the works with the least impact on the community and airlines. “We’ve looked at a number of scenarios to complete the work as close to the original schedule as possible, but with the amount of rain we’ve had, and more rain forecast, we’ve had to plan for a 10-day extension to the airport closure,” Mr Djikic said. “We know this is inconvenient for travellers, the airlines and the broader community, but unfortunately we are at the mercy of the weather and there’s not much we can do. “If anything changes with the weather that will impact the planned re-opening date, we will inform the airlines and the community as soon as possible. “Work is s2ll being carried out on-site in prepara2on for the sealing to re-start. All being well, this should start again on Thursday 10 March.” The north and south runway extensions have been completed, the taxiways and apron have been strengthened and stabilised, and about 80% of the runway has been sealed with its first coat. The sealing of the remainder of the runway, taxiways and apron will commence once the pavement has sufficiently dried out, followed by line marking and final safety checks before the airport re-opens. Council has been working closely with the airlines and emergency services throughout the project and would like to thank the community for their pa2ence. The runway extension and strengthening project is funded through two grants from the Commonwealth Government, two grants from the NSW Government and a Council contribu2on. More informa2on about the project is available on Bega Council’s website.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



The wider Tilba community are invited to an upcoming Tilba District Strategic Plan Update to hear the outcomes of the strategic plan project. The Tilba District Strategic Plan is a long term plan that embraces the district’s dis2nc2veness to guarantee it is protected, prepared, and proac2ve in responding to future challenges. The Strategic Plan Steering CommiFee Bushfires say climate crises, and Covid-19 have all posed serious challenges to businesses, the environment, and overall liveability in the last two years. "This plan ensures that the Tilba District’s future paves the way for it to become an even beFer loca2on to live, work, and visit, as well as a more responsive to the growing threat of climate change. The strategic plan includes in-depth research into what makes the Tilba District so unique, in order to ensure the charming and intrinsic community character is preserved and amplified. The Strategic Plan Steering CommiFee invite the community to aFend an informa2ve community forum. When: 21 March Where: Central Tilba, Big Hall Time: 5-6.30pm Refreshments will be served. Limited spaces so please email Carrie to RSVP,

Changes to Companion Animals Legisla.on On Wednesday, 23 February 2022, a private members bill to standardise the rehoming process for seized or surrendered companion animals passed Parliament. Under key changes to the Companion Animals Act 1998, Councils now must: give wriFen no2ce to at least 2 rehoming organisa2ons that an animal is available for rehoming take reasonable steps to adver2se that an animal is available for rehoming on a webpage or a social media pla\orm follow new record-keeping requirements. For further informa2on about the Amendment, visit the NSW Parliament website. beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Anyone Able To Care For Mack For A Week Whilst His Carer Is Away? Could you look aBer Mack for a week, while his carers are away? Mack needs a foster home from the 8th to the 15th March. He's a sweet, affec2onate 7 year old desexed English Staffy who is wai2ng for his forever home. If you love strong yet sookie staffies, Mack will fit right in to your life. He needs a secure yard, indoor/outdoor access, and no other pets. Mack is not interested in other dogs and wants to be the only pet in the household, so he can soak up all the affec2on and aFen2on. Mack is perfectly house trained and adores human company. There are no costs involved. Mack walks well on a lead and enjoys his daily ou2ngs, which are important for his mental and physical wellbeing. As a typical English Staffy, Mack is stocky and strong. He loves travelling in the car and is perfectly house trained. This lovely boy is ready to bring lots of joy into the life of some lucky person or family. Mack is staying at Moruya and is available for adop2on in NSW and the ACT. In the mean2me please consider whether you or anyone you know might be able to help us out by giving Mack a bed for a few nights. Phone 0424 228 425

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beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


Community Webinar 8 March 2022 6pm – Electric Vehicles – Driving the Future 8 March @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm FREE March 2022 is NSW Small Business Month! To celebrate, the SouthCoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA) invite you to a FREE Webinar on “Electric Vehicles – Driving the Future”. SHASA has received funding from the NSW Government in support of NSW Small Business month to host a webinar with speakers who are leaders in the Electric Vehicle industry. This Free webinar will focus on electric vehicles (EV) and how small business can benefit from making the shiJ to EV’s. The NSW Government is inves2ng almost half a billion dollars in tax cuts and incen2ves to drive uptake and reduce barriers for electric vehicle (EV) purchases over the next four years. For small business this helps reduce the barriers to purchasing an EV. This webinar will explore some of the incen2ves available as well as benefits to small businesses of EV’s. The webinar will run 6-7pm on March 8th. Register at h+ps:// for the 8 March 2022 Webinar. All aFendees will go into the draw to win an SHASA Energy Audit up to the value of $1,000.00!

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real estate

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


real estate

OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors. The beagle abode is the new addi2on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper2es on the market each week. You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lis2ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts. CLICK HERE: hFps://

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1086:

Changing Your Occupation into the Building Trade Are you a bit bored in your job and looking for something with real long-term opportunities? That sounds like an advertisement catch line doesn’t it. However, if the economists and statisticians are correct, Australia will need to increase its construction of residential accommodation massively over the next few decades to keep up with demand. During last year we mentioned the Intergenerational Report which the Government released to help industries and businesses plan for the next 40 years. In the report, the population is projected to be nearly 39 million by 2061. Currently there are approximately 26 million people in Australia and it has taken over 200 years to get to this number. So, in the next 40 years our population will increase by 50% (13 million people). The intergenerational report also forecasts that the number of people in each household (currently 2.5 people) will shrink slightly. The net impact of this is that we are going to require about a third more residential dwellings that we currently have today. Or put another way, that is one new property for every two properties that currently exists. Currently there are approximately 10 million homes in Australia and if we need to build 5 million homes over the 40 years that’s an average of 125,000 every year. This is going to put a massive strain on the building industry from top to bottom. Town Planners and infrastructure providers will have to design new ways to cope with this increase and the building and building supplies companies will be flat out trying to keep up with demand. Obviously not all of it will be taken up in more urban sprawl. No doubt there will be a heavy reliance on high density living assuming people are able to move on from their reluctance to do so because of Covid. High rise apartments will likely start to appear in more areas other than the CBD and medium density housing such as townhouses will increase in all areas as well. So, what does this mean for the regions like ours? Well, not everyone is going to want to live “cheek to jowl” and so those that are able to work remotely or don’t need to work at all, may well seek solace in regions such as ours where they have more room to move and enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. Some may even take up a new trade…….maybe in the building industry.

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What’s on

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


What’s on

Mar 4th - Chris McGrath at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 5th - Chris McGrath at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 5th - Sirenics from 7:30pm at Club Catalina Mar 5th - Intensity – Tuross Club (7.30pm) Mar 5th - Karaoke at the Tomakin Social Club 7:30pm Mar 6th - Chris McGrath at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 6th - Joe Quennell – Club Narooma (3pm) Mar 11th - Rob Simpson – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club (7.30pm) Mar 12th - Mogo Community Fun Day – Mogo Oval (2-6pm) Mar 12th - BassFront - The Return of WaterFront Saturdays. Mar 18th - the Cody Munro Moore Homecoming Tour at Narooma Kinema Mar 19th - Great Southern Nights, Tilba Valley Winery and Alehouse, Village Sounds presents: Day In The Valley All Our Exes Live In Texas, Penny Harterlink, Ricky Bloomfield, Baedon, Melanie Horsnell, Ryan Luckhurst

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


What’s on Bermagui Seasiders Inc, producers of the Bermagui Seaside Fair are very excited to finally announce our Revive Fes2val will take place on March 26th OUTDOORS at the Murrah Hall, Murrah. Reggae favourites The Strides will once again be gracing us with their presence and will be joined with a host of local South Coast ar2sts including (alphabe2cally) Bodhi Turner, Calum James, Felicity Dowd, Kunda, Lillian McVeity, Nikea & Dre, Prodikal1, The Scaramouche, The SpindriB Saga and Warren Foster Snr. Tickets are just $30 presale or $40 on the gate (if available). Secure your 2cket here hFps:// revive/ Gates will open at 3pm with Uncle Warren Foster Snr to deliver the Welcome to Country at 3:30pm.

Braidwood Concert Series presents SATURDAY 12 March jazz super-group THIS WORLD featuring Mike Nock (piano), Hamish Stuart (drums, percussion), Julien Wilson (sax) and Jonathan Zwartz (double bass) performing at St Andrews Anglican Church, Elrington St, Braidwood. Time: 4.45 for 5pm. Online 2x: see link to Humani2x and QR code on poster. Or google Humani2x and under 'search event' put 'This World 2022'. Don’t miss this amazing line-up and outstanding performers! Enquiries:

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


What’s on

Day In The Valley March 19th Great Southern Nights in associa2on with Tilba Valley Winery and Alehouse and Village Sounds present "Day In The Valley" an open air music fes2val in the most picturesque of loca2ons! Saturday, 19 March 2022 9:30 am Adult 16+ Tickets $23.50 Mark this one down in the calendar folks and grab yourself a 2cket to what will be an amazing day of entertainment including local and touring acts Great Southern Nights is a celebra2on of live music that takes place right across New South Wales. he dynamic event features hundreds of COVID-safe performances at live music venues across Greater Sydney and regional NSW in March and April 2022 Great Southern Nights is a NSW Government ini2a2ve, delivered by Des2na2on NSW in partnership with the Australian Recording Industry Associa2on (ARIA, to s2mulate the revival or the State's live music, entertainment and hospitality sectors, and in turn the NSW visitor economy in response to challenges presented by the COVID-I9 pandemic. For more informa2on, please visit

Photo supplied

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


What’s on—cinema

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


Reading Gadfly 2021 By Robert Macklin So, where is James Bond when we need him? Who better than JB with his license to kill at a time when an unbalanced dictator is threatening the world with a nuclear holocaust? Why doesn’t ‘C’ send him off to the Kremlin to do his stuff? But since he’s not actually with us, surely our real-life assassins – be they singular or gathered around a drone monitor in the desert near Las Vegas – can do the job for us. Of course, it probably won’t happen for two main reasons. First is the leader’s club, an agreement of sorts that makes them mutually immune from such direct action. It’s okay for the US to proudly send the Navy Seals to assassinate Osama bin Laden who commanded the loyalty and affection of a massive following, but not Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad who bombed and gassed his own people. They executed Saddam Hussein after a show trial when he wasn’t president anymore, but only because an American President attacked his country with a demonstration of ‘shock and awe’ after some made-up fibs. The second reason is, we might miss. And if Putin knows he’s a goner he might just order that nuclear holocaust so we all go down together. But he might do that anyway; and for that we have the authority of no less a personage than Dennis Richardson, former Secretary of Defence, head of ASIO and as Secretary of DFAT privy to the operations of our overseas intelligence gathering. On Q&A he confided that his Russia specialist friends who have been watching Putin on TV are concerned about his ‘mental health’, especially since he is not restrained by a Politburo as were his predecessors. Richardson is not alone in having such friends. Others, such as the former British Foreign Secretary, David (now Lord) Owen attributed the Russian President’s recent hostile actions to his abuse of anabolic steroids, which generate aggression in the abuser. And you need only to recall Putin’s bare-breasted horsemanship to catch a glimpse of his testosterone induced behavior. ‘That would explain a lot about his demeanor and his rhetoric in the past few months,’ Lord Owen’s friends say. ‘His brain is reacting to a chemical stimulant that is potentially lethal to himself and makes him a danger to other people.’

So, what to do? What does ethics say about our appropriate response?

Our best guide, perhaps is the classic ‘Trolly Problem’: There’s a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead on the tracks there are five people tied up. You are standing some distance away but next to a lever. If you pull the lever, the trolly will switch to a different set of tracks; but then you notice that there is one person on the side track. You have only two options – do nothing, in which case the trolley will kill the five people on the main track; or pull the lever, diverting the trolley on to the side track where it will definitely kill one person. Which is the ethical option? What is the right thing to do? Pull the lever or do nothing? Of course, you and I, dear reader, don’t have to make that choice. But each time I see the wreckage after a Russian missile has crashed into an apartment building, or a terrified young child and her weeping mother are holding each other in an underground bomb shelter, I can’t help thinking, ‘Bond… James Bond.’ beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


Reading—A beer with Baz The bar erupted as Mick entered and the happy birthday day gree2ngs leB him red faced. He smiled awkwardly and took up his bar stool next to Bazza. The bar aFendant brought over a full pint of beer and Mick raised his eyes in acknowledgment. ‘Well Mick, happy birthday. Crikey, you have got a few kilometres on the clock now. How old?’ ‘Well…… sixty…… ish, Bazza but I s2ll feel preFy young. I have a daily swim and ride the bicycle, but I hate birthdays these days.’ Mick had a small sip of the pint and rubbed his brow. Bazza took out a marking pen and drew a 2ny line about two thirds of the way down Mick‘s pint glass. Mick screwed his face. ‘Just helping you out, Mick. The way I see it you are about two thirds of the way through life and maybe you should think about just drinking down to the mark and saving the rest for the next thirty years.’ ‘You’re all heart, Bazza. It’s a sad old day when the wife gives you a hearing aid for a birthday present and the daughter thought it was a great laugh to give me a Zimmer frame. Everyone seems to find this ageing process a great laugh. It’s a bloody conspiracy, Bazza. They keep making the print on all the labels smaller to make you get glasses. And I don’t know who designs chairs these days but they seem to be geGng lower. In the old days, when they made chairs at a decent height, I would spring up. It’s the same with beds. I need a forkliB to get up some days.’ Bazza laughed. ‘Ahhh…… come on Mick, you qualify for all those senior discounts these days. Haircuts, rail travel and the like, at a cut price.’ They both took a decent drink. ‘Well, Bazza…… the bloody haircuts should be cheaper. There is less of it. Anyhow, they have organised a party and no doubt I’ve got to give a speech.’ ‘Should be easy enough, Mick. We had a neighbour who turned eighty awhile back. He didn’t want to give a speech but we asked him to divide his 2me, on this earth, into twenty year blocks. It ended up as the funniest impromptu birthday speech I’ve heard. The young ones even loved it. A speech of a couple of anecdotes that capture your three score….. and ish….. years, Mick, would be the go.’ Mick shook his head and was back to taking small sips of his pint. ‘Come on, Mick, cheer up. The way I see it if you last a few more decades you can be pleased you spent more 2me in this century than the last one.’ Mick smiled and laughed soBly. ‘I guess so, Bazza but I kinda think those same passing decades will s2ll leave you in the last century……….. And now, I can enjoy that drink.’ Have a beer with Bazza at

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



100 Years Ago—March 4th 1922 AMUSU THEATRE. – Pictures and dance every Wednesday. See ‘If Only Jim,’ a Western drama at the Amusu on Wednesday. ANOTHER MILL CLOSED. – Owing to the 44-hour week, which resulted in a considerable decrease in the output, Mr. A. H. Preddey has been compelled to close down his Tuffwood sawmill at the Heads. This means a loss of £80 in spending power per week in this town. INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE. – We are pleased to note that amongst the long list of successful candidates who gained Intermediate Cer2ficates, are the names Miss Ena, only daughter of Mrs. R. N. Carden, and who is a pupil of Loreto Convent School, Normanhurst, and Miss Dorothy Lynch, of Sydney, and a pupil of Bethlehem Ladies’ College, Ashfield. SAD DEATH. – Very deep sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, whose only daughter, Jean Nanice, passed away on Wednesday morning. This bright liFle girl, who was born in Taranaki, N.Z., and was 6 ½ years of age, was about five months ago operated on for adenoids and tonsili2s. Another opera2on, however, was deemed necessary, this being performed by Dr. Cutler on Wednesday, but when coming out of the anesthe2c the pa2ent collapsed and died from heart failure. The funeral took place on Thursday morning. … SHOW BALL. – The Show Ball, which took place in the Amusu Theatre on the first night of the annual exhibi2on, was well aFended. Mr. C. de Saxe officiated in his usual courteous manner as M.C. and Miss Kurz and Mr. J. Buckley rendered their customary harmonious strains of music. Under the capable management of the wives, sisters and friends of the commiFee a recherche supper was set before the patrons. The door takings amounted to £16 15s. RECOVERING. – We are pleased to report that Miss S. Cannon, of Mynora, under the care of Dr. Cutler, is progressing sa2sfactorily aBer her recent severe accident, through a horse geGng out of control of its rider, - Cragon (who was returning to Mr. A. LouGt’s on the second day of the Show) and galloping over her. The vic2m had a number of teeth knocked out, her face lacerated and her body considerably bruised, as well as sustaining a shock to her system. NERRIGUNDAH. – (From our Correspondent) At Nerrigundah on Tuesday, 14th inst., the following cases were heard in the local Court House before Mr. Shropshire, P.M.: Commissioner of Taxa2on v. F. Davidge – Fined £5, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxa2on v. D. Constable – Fined £2, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxa2on v. W. Lavis – Fined £3, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxa2on v. T. S. O’Grady – Fined £2, 8s costs, and 7s witness expenses.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



The Bay Theatre Players will hold audi2ons this Sunday 6 March for their next produc2on, Compass by Jessica Bellamy. This wonderful Australian play calls for a cast of 11 – 15 year old actors, both male and female, who will deliver an on-stage story of a school camp gone wrong. Director, Lyn Sterling, will hold the audi2ons at the Bay Theatre Players Playhouse, 33 Gregory St Batemans Bay, on Sunday 6 March at 2pm. The audi2ons will be in the style of a workshop, with some fun interac2ons with a larger group. Any young people who are interested in audi2oning must contact Lyn to arrange an audi2on 2me – 0416 181 003 or The Bay Theatre Players are con2nuing with their Theatre workshops for Term 1, for both adult groups and youth groups. The players are also about to kick off their Play Explora2ons again, aBer a long hiatus due to the COVID pandemic. Everyone is welcome to explore another fantas2c Australian play, The Peach Season, by Debra Oswald. The players have staged Debra Oswald plays in the past, and her stories are interes2ng, relevant and amusing. The Play Explora2on will be held on Tuesday evening, 8 March at 7pm and is suitable for ages 16 years to adult. For any informa2on regarding theatre workshops or play explora2ons, please contact or Lyn on 0416 181 003.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



The Bas presents Kurt Sorensen | A Strange Occurrence On the morning of 10 October 1880, an abandoned skiff of five sailors who had been surveying the Eurobodalla coast was found at what is now known as 'Mystery Bay', about halfway between Narooma and Bermagui. No sign of the men has ever been found. No. 1 Type C photograph by Kurt Sorensen 2tled A Strange A Strange Occurrence is an exhibi2on of hand Occurrence printed colour photographic prints, exploring these events through a gothic European idea of the an2podean consciousness. The 'strange occurrence', as contemporary newspapers called it, happened in a wilderness pulsa2ng with ancient unseen forces, obscured by clinging mist or undula2ng shadows. Using the 'Bermagui Mystery' as a catalyst, the photographs seek to reflect on the unease that permeated through interac2ons Europeans experienced with the Australian landscape. Cost: Free Where: The Bas, corner of Vulcan and Campbell Streets, Moruya. Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm Exhibi.on dates: Now un2l Sunday 6 March 2022 More info: T: 4474 7355

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



The overwhelming feedback received from adults in the Eurobodalla is: There needs to be more art offered for adults. Somewhere that you can aFend every couple of weeks and just lose yourself in crea2ng art with other adults. Well, Ac2ve Art is providing a space, 2me and all materials. Taking expressions of interest now via Art Facebook messenger or email. Limited spaces so get in quick.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Merv Moriarty and Prue Acton at the Bas This is a joint exhibi2on featuring a partnership of works between Prue Acton and the late Merv Moriarty. Merv Moriarty | Colour II Colour II, follows the success of Moriarty’s retrospec2ve Artwork by Merv Moriarty titled Wine Glass Cove 111 and artwork by 2016 exhibi2on Colour, held Prue Acton titled Sunflower #1 in Brisbane to commemorate the Flying Arts Alliance’s 45th Anniversary. The exhibi2on aims to con2nue his legacy and honour the original exhibi2on. Prue Acton | Yellow Works Yellow Works encompasses seasonal works based on Prue's love of nature and the rela2onships we have with it. Through the use soB pastels on prepared paper Prue explores s2ll life, in various ligh2ng. Cost: Free Where: The Bas, corner of Vulcan and Campbell Streets, Moruya. Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm Exhibi.on dates: Saturday 26 March to Sunday 1 May 2022

Li+le Sellers Art Prize Compe22on opens Monday 7 March. The LiFle Sellers Art Prize is open to aspiring local ar2sts in school years 1 to 12. Par2cipants are encouraged to interpret a theme crea2vely in a way that is meaningful to them. This years theme is Greet the sun. Face the moon. We are very excited to announce the LiFle Sellers scholarship program. 2022 is the first year for the scholarship program and it has been created as part of the art prize. The scholarship is to assist Eurobodalla visual art students in years 11 or 12 to further their studies and support a career path in the arts. Entry forms and details about the scholarship program will be available on the Bas website, Monday 7 March 2022. Entries close Friday 24 June beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022

Artwork by Alexys Hunter tled self portrait. 2021 Li*le Seller Art Prize winner 36


Enjoy Shakespeare outside, just as you like it For anyone thinking “O, how full of briars is this workingday world!”, Essen2al Theatre brings reprieve with a new produc2on of As You Like It. Curtains open on this newest Shakespeare in the Garden performance from 6.30pm on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 March. While it may be true that “all the world’s a stage”, there’s none beFer for plein-air performance than the shire’s most popular venue, the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden. Garden manager Michael Anlezark said As You Like It featured some of Shakespeare’s most memorable lines. “It’s a play about betrayal, love, mischief and foolery,” he said. “There’s a villainous brother, a cross-dressing heroine, with love as the central theme. Of course, it all comes right by the end. “So pack your picnic, blanket and a boFle of plonk. Gates open from 5.30pm.” For more informa2on or to book – previous shows have sold out quickly – visit

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Narooma Ladies Golf results On Monday 28th Feb 24 entrants competed in a Medley 4BBB Stroke qualifier for Women’s 4BBB Matchplay. Winners were Nicole Harris and Heather McMillan who had a great score of 61. Runners up were Sylvia Donohoe and Chris Hendra with a score of 64. Balls to 67 Six teams qualified for Matchplay. The highlight of the game was an eagle to Sylvia Donohoe on the 12th. Right: Sylvia Donohoe celebra2ng her eagle on the 12th.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022



Your Tackle World Moruya Fishing Report Moruya River. You have all probably guessed what this weeks report is going to say, and you’d be right! Another East coast low has dumped a good amount of rain, on all ready saturated catchments, the results are now the norm. The Moruya river is running high, fast and very dirty. Localised flooding seems to be star2ng to recede as we move into the weekend, which is good. Fishing in the river, is going to be tough to say the least. Preddy’s wharf, and the airport flats are really going to be your only op2ons this weekend if you want to try your hand. Oily baits of mullet fillet will be the best op2on if you want to give it a crack. There isn’t a lot I can really say to be honest, the fishing is going to be hard again. Tuross River. With a similar sized catchment to Moruya, Tuross is yet again, high, fast and dirty. What fish that are s2ll in the system, will be holding deep around the river mouth sec2ons. Oily baits will be the go, if you want to brave the dirty waters. Coila lake was opened back up this week, as it yet again hit the magic 2m trigger point. That is 3 openings in 12 months, prawning will again be good for next summer. Rock and beach. These areas, will yet again, be the main stay of fishing for the next few weeks, that is once the big east coast low swells subside! Condi2ons on the beaches are messy to say the least, with sea foam piles making beach or even water access very difficult. The sea state is predicted to drop off by Saturday to about 2-2.5m swells, so hopefully this will allow beFer beach access. The upside, is that big swells reinvigorate the beach environment, fresh guFers, lots of displaced food stuffs, will hopefully see an increase in fish ac2vity. Look for beaches that are away from the major local rivers, and you should be able to find cleaner water. Offshore. With big seas, no one has been geGng out to try their hand. So I don’t really have anything to report. Once things do seFle down though, the snapper and flathead should be on the chew though. With masses of flood waters s2ll present, and the chance of all local waterways rising rapidly again with any follow up rain, if it’s flooded…FORGET IT! If and when you do get back on the river or ocean for the boa2es, remember to keep a close eye on what’s in front of you. Submerged debris will hang around for a while as the rivers and oceans seFle. We finally also have stock of inflatable PFD recharge canisters, so if you have been wai2ng for them to come in, they are here. Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…” Team Tackle World Moruya.

beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


Vol 50 May 11th 2018

Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.


Air Conditioning



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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Concretors





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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Garden Landscaping

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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Painters

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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Solar Electrical


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The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Vets

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Late entries

The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lis2ng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and con2nue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communi2es. Adver2sing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lis2ngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we oBen turn over these lis2ngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at hFps:// beagle weekly : Vol 249 March 4th 2022


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