100 Years Ago April 1st 1922 DEATH. – A half-caste child named Davis, aged 2 years, died in the local Hospital on Monday from double pneumonia. SUNKEN ROCK. – Messrs. Warne and Judd, fishermen, discovered a sunken rock off Montague Island. In some quarters it is supposed to be iden6cal with the one the Aughinish struck. The rock is about 35B square and carries from 12 to 14B of water. ACCIDENT. - Mr. W. Sebbens, who had two fingers of his right hand badly crushed by being jammed between a log and a chock at Mitchell’s Moggendoura Sawmill, had to have both amputated at the first joint. We are pleased to state that the injured members are healing sa6sfactorily. NERRIGUNDAH. – (From our Correspondent). On the 22nd March at Nerrigundah there passed away at the ripe old age of 85 years, Charles McVeity, eldest member of that respected pioneer family of brothers, who in the early six6es, when the goldfield was in its prime, came to Nerrigundah and seIled down to follow mining pursuits. The McVeity brothers were widely and favorably known for their honesty and charity, and in the early days undertook some big ventures in search of gold. One which proved a great success and found employment for many miners, was a water-race which brought water from the head of the Gulph Creek around the sides of the hills for upwards of six miles. This water was used for sluicing the alluvial deposits, by which means a large quan6ty of gold was won. The deceased leaves a widow and one brother at Nerrigundah, and nieces and nephews at Wandella. Predeceased brothers were the late John, of Wandella, and Michael, of Nerrigundah. … STATE ELECTION RESULTS. – Saturday (polling day) passed off quietly and without incident in Moruya. From opening to the closing of the booth cars were engaged by the different par6es in conveying voters to the seat of judgement. The polling in Moruya was very heavy, 586 votes being recorded, as against 401 on 20th March, 1920. … AUCTION SALE. – On the Farm, Turlinjah, known as P. White’s at 2 o’clock, THURSDAY, 6th APRIL: S. W. BATE has received instruc6ons from the Morgagees to sell by public auc6on 4 blocks; in all 186 ½ acres Freehold; parish Congo, county Dampier. Improvements – House and shed; 95 acres ringbarked; 32 acres cleared; about 150 chains fencing; small orchard; watered by Stoney Creek. Terms: - A small deposit, balance in thirty (30) years; half-yearly instalments. beagle weekly : Vol 253 April 1st 2022