FELICITY TOWNEND While always interested in art in my school days, it wasn't un6l long aBer re6rement from a hairdressing career that I undertook lessons in pain6ng with watercolour. My interest in designing and making applique and patchwork quilts developed a sense of balance and colour. Those pain6ng lessons fostered a real passion. Involvement with a weekly group, tutored some6mes, increased my knowledge, techniques and the use of different mediums. I also enjoy drawing portraits with charcoal and pencil, pain6ng and drawing with inks and watercolours. Although watercolour is a favoured medium, during the recent months of staying home I have found a new passion for acrylic pain6ng on canvas. Using the vibrant colours and exploring abstract methods has given me another direc6on. I have entered works in local exhibi6ons and hope you enjoy what you see in this current display.
beagle weekly : Vol 253 April 1st 2022