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Editorial What’s On …………….... 17 to 22 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ www.beagleweekly.com.au
Welcome to this week’s editorial, Like most homes across the region our le er box is brimming with elec oneering pamphlets that promise the world. “Vote for me and I will do this”, “Vote for me and I will double what the other lot are promising”, “Vote for me because you can’t trust anyone else” and best yet, “Vote for me because I have a proven record of delivering”. At its heart the elec on is about what is wrong with the present and how, vo ng for someone, some party, the issues we face will be recognised, a solu on and funding found, and then delivered. Wouldn’t that be nice, in a perfect world. From birth to death our rural and regional communi es have a some very real problems that no end of promises appear capable of fixing. Our midwives are overworked and underpaid. There are too few of them, and their numbers decrease as their stress builds. Regional obstetricians are as rare as hen’s teeth, and paediatricians more so. Next come childcare facili es and vacancies. The high demand is there but the spaces are not. While the costs are virtually unaffordable, the desperate need for a second income to pay soaring costs sees families suckered in to the mire. Surely there must be a be er way. Without doubt we are heading to a collapse if this con nues. Something has to give. Most likely it will be our expecta ons that quality mothering and baby care should be available to everyone. One wonders when was it that we begin to accept less? Next comes educa on. So far our kids have been treated reasonably equally in child care but now the societal divide kicks in where the choice is made between Private and Public school. Parents are in a quandary as they see private schools receive extraordinary governmental assistance to ensure teacher ra os and provide quality resources. Mean me the public schools, try as they might, get by on the smell of an oily rag with underpaid teachers working over me to deliver the best they can, driven by their professional passion and commitment. With the rise in dispropor on our educa on system has become unbalanced and we are heading to an Us and Them. When did it become acceptable that public educa on be des ned to be underfunded, under resourced, and become second er? Are we becoming the Stupid Country? Then there is ter ary educa on. In recent years it has faced its own hurdles with cost blowouts, priva sa on, funding stripped and curriculums dumbed down to accommodate more students so that the budget bo om lines are less affected. As a na on we have lost our momentum of being the smart country and finding a tradesperson has become a challenge as fewer students go on to study reducing the pool, and increasing the gaps in being able to service community needs. This segues to aged care. Now we, as a na on, need to accept that we have dropped the ball on aged care. What was once a dignified endplay for life has become a horror for so many who are living in fear that there are not the resources to provide even a reasonable expecta on of care. Ask any Baby Boomer of their fear of growing old and infirmed and the response is usually one of dread and uncertainty. But none of the elec oneering promises are dealing with the underbelly. No one is prepared to say they are responsible for what we now have and no-one is offering the detailed pathways to delivering the improvements needed. Our collec ve needs are basic. Affordable houses where we can live as healthy families, supported by a diversity of health providers, able to service most of our needs, from birth to death. All we need is a quality universal educa on system where all children are treated equally, with adequate staffing, facili es and resources and that each child has the opportunity, rich or poor, to a end to their ter ary studies. And finally, and not unreasonably, we might have a respec ul end of life that enables us to live in dignity where the basic resources of mely, quality care are met. Those elec oneering our mailboxes are saying “Vote for us because we are listening”. But are they. Have they? When you drill down and look at the buzz words, the spin, the motherhood statements and the waffle you realise that there isn’t any evidence of an understanding of the actual, real needs and expecta ons of you and I. It is all about them. When you look for detail it is found wan ng. “Best not promise too much. Keep it light and fluffy. Tell them how bad the others are. Buzz Words, Slogans, it works every me.” And we are le exactly where we started, wondering when the small details will be recognised and acted on, and wonder why they aren’t, and wonder why they won’t be. Un l next—lei
Community Funds available for community events
Eurobodalla Council is calling for proposals from businesses and organisa ons for events or fes vals it can host in partnership with the community. The Council received funding from the Department of Regional NSW under its Reconnec ng Regional NSW Community Events Program, which encourages councils to work with their communi es on priority events. The funded events should bring people together, benefit the en re Eurobodalla community, be free or cheap to a end, and not be already funded by the NSW Government. Funding is available for both new and exis ng ini a ves, which could include non-profit markets and bazaars, fes vals and fairs, spor ng events, food and leisure events, recovery events, community classes and workshops, regional racing carnivals, touring events and theatre programs and public holiday celebra ons, such as for Australia Day or Anzac Day. Applica ons for the funding can be made through Council’s Smarty Grants portal before Sunday 15 May 2022. For more informa on or to apply head to h ps://esc.smartygrants.com.au/
Changed traffic condi ons on the Princes Highway north of Bateman Street at Mogo
Motorists are advised of changed traffic condi ons from next week on the Princes Highway at Mogo. Resealing and resurfacing work will be carried out on the Princes Highway 250 metres north of Bateman Street to improve the safety and resilience of the network. Work will be carried out between 7am and 6pm from Monday 9 May and is expected to finish Friday 13 May, weather permi ng. Changed traffic condi ons including a single lane closure, traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 40 km/h will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists. Motorists are advised to allow addi onal travel me of up to five minutes, drive to the condi ons, and follow the direc ons of signs and traffic control. Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their pa ence during this me.
For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW App, visit livetraffic.com or call 132 701.
Provide First Aid Courses in BBay
Get in quick for South Coast Community Colleges - RTO 6558 Provide First Aid Course’s. We have sessions running throughout the next upcoming months with limited availability! In Batemans Bay we have the follow sessions available: 11th of May 8th of June More soon to come! This course is Na onally Accredited, that offers chances for you to gain new skills, new accredita ons and new chances at employment! No prerequisites required, enquire with our friendly administra on team for more informa on on class numbers, funding availability and more upcoming courses we have to offer! Enquire with our admin staff to enrol, call 1300 722 223, visit our website or DM our Facebook page! Provide First Aid - HLTAID011
Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscita on - HLTAID009
Community Mayor Mathew Hatcher lays out Eurobodalla Council’s priori es for funding.
With the Federal elec on looming I thought I would take a moment to discuss some of the priori es your Council is asking Gilmore and Eden-Monaro candidates to pledge for our shire. Just this week we were excited to hear commitments to make the Mount Wandera telecommunica ons site more resilient to bushfires. We all lived through the terrible anxiety of losing our communica ons during the Black Summer fires – no phones, radio, television or internet because the tower had been damaged by fire. Our emergency services were put at risk, not to men on Council staff crossing firelines to manually manage essen al water and sewer services. These risks are largely avoidable, and we’ve been advoca ng for well over a year with support from emergency services and our community. $750,000 is all it will take to protect the transformer, upgrade all power poles from mber to composite, and maintain an asset protec on zone around this vital site.
I’m also hoping to see pledges to redevelop the Narooma swimming centre. We want to upgrade and remodel the pool facility to open it up to the inlet foreshore, providing links to the shared pathway, the new living shoreline project, and the town centre. We’re also asking for funds to upgrade infrastructure at Moruya pool. We need to be inves ng in youth recrea on and we’re calling for funds to upgrade our skate parks and BMX tracks. These should be community gathering places that encourage our youth to go a er their dreams, especially now both are Olympic sports. We know a er the fires and floods of the last two years that our roads have taken a ba ering. Council has a road safety plan and we would like to see funding for road works that support growth, safety, resilience and liveability. We need a new roundabout at Mogo and improvements to George Bass Drive for starters. Funds to address climate ac on is another advocacy focus. We want to improve energy efficiency in homes, provide shade in urban areas, and see more methane flaring – all measures from our Climate Ac on Plan. It’s one thing to con nually ask for funding; we must also thank our elected representa ves and state and federal governments for the grants and support we’ve received over many years. Cu ng the ribbon at Bay Pavilions last week bought home just what can be achieved when the three levels of government work together. Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher
Community Farewell Senior Constable Mark Dawes
Today, Batemans Bay Police Sta on has farewelled Senior Constable Mark Dawes, who has served his last day a er almost 35 years. It was a life me ambi on for him to join the NSW Police Force to help the community, and in 1988, he did just that, spending almost 30 years of his career in Batemans Bay. S/Cst Dawes made the move to Highway Patrol in 1997, where he saw out the rest of his career. During that me, he has amassed 25 complimentary remarks over his three-and-a-half decades on the beat, including the Commissioner’s Commenda on for courage shown during a siege at Mogo in the 1990s, where he was shot at.
S/Cst Dawes has also received Commander’s Commenda ons for exemplary driving and professionalism. Commander of Traffic South, Superintendent Joe Thone, described S/Cst Dawes as a mentor for those joining the force.
“He was a founding member of the Batemans Bay Highway Patrol who really made his mark here in Batemans Bay and on the South Coast,” Supt Thone said. “There are so many highlights…where do I begin? It has been a fun me; I have had a great me and looking forward to my next chapter,” Sen Const Dawes said. “What I’ll miss the most is the comradery.” The father of two now plans on hi ng the road and seeing more of what Australia has to offer – with the Kimberleys first on the list.
Road Safety Round a team effort Towards Zero
Local football and netball players across southern NSW will have a different goal to aim for later this month when they join a new road safety campaign to help their communi es team -up Towards Zero. Road Safety Round on 14-15 May encourages everyone to priori se road safety and reminds all road users that driving to the condi ons and following the rules can prevent crashes and save lives. A Transport for NSW spokesperson said Road Safety Round was a first for NSW to promote a posi ve road safety culture among football and netball clubs which are represented by many young people who use the roads every day. “As we look a er our mates on the football field and netball court, we should also look a er our mates and community on the road,” the spokesperson said. “Road trauma has a devasta ng impact on loved ones of those involved and the wider community. Football and netball teams are at the heart of many local communi es and players, supporters and staff spend many hours travelling to and from training and games. “Road safety is a shared responsibility. By making safe decisions and priori sing safety on and around the road everyone can play a key role in preven ng death and serious injury. “The main contribu ng factors to deaths and injuries on our roads – speed, fa gue and drink and drug driving – can be linked to decisions road users make.” More than 3300 netball and football players across 40 regional centres in the Riverina, South Coast and Sapphire Coast will take the field in socks carrying the Towards Zero message to highlight Road Safety Round.
Yellow ribbons – a symbol of Na onal Road Safety Week, which kicks off on Sunday -will also be available for players and spectators who want to ‘Take the Pledge’ – Drive So Others Survive. Marc Geppert, Community Football Regional Manager ACT & Regional NSW, said the ini a ve was a posi ve approach to road safety awareness and one AFL NSW-ACT was giving its full support. “Road Safety Round will be an opportunity to remind our players that like playing sport, no ma er how skilled or experienced you are, or how familiar you are with a game plan or the road you drive every day, the choices we make on the road ma er,” Mr Geppert said. “Teaming up with Transport for NSW to promote Towards Zero among our players, so we can keep that conversa on going into the future, is a step in the right direc on and an ini a ve we would like to grow in our spor ng communi es across the state.” Road Safety Round is being held as part of Na onal Road Safety Week which takes place this year between 15-22 May. More informa on can be found at roadsafetyweek.com.au.
Eurobodalla has been overlooked for too long when it comes to quality, vital cancer treatment facili es close to home. At the last elec on the community lobbied hard to secure a local radia on therapy centre and while there was hope with funding being applied for such centres across NSW the South East missed out. Dr Michael Holland, the Member for Bega, has long been an advocate of securing a radiotherapy facility for the South East. The group One Eurobodalla Hospital has also been more than vocal in demanding that the government acknowledge and honour elec on commitments made. Also applying ceaseless advocacy has been the Federal Member, Fiona Phillips who has been frustrated by the failure of the government to honour its promise and to recognise the health needs of the South East in Gilmore and Eden Monaro. Today the Federal member announced that, "if elected, an Albanese Labor Government will boost cancer services for the Eurobodalla Shire by inves ng $8 million in a local radia on therapy centre". Ms Phillips said "We know cancer pa ents in rural and regional Australia, including in Gilmore, have a lower chance of surviving cancer than metropolitan Australians. And we know that’s because of unequal access to quality, vital cancer treatment facili es close to home. I am commi ed to addressing this inequality." "Sco Morrison broke his promise at the 2019 elec on to deliver a radia on therapy centre for the Eurobodalla region. As a result, cancer pa ents and their families in the region are s ll being forced to travel hours to get treatment in Sydney, Canberra or Nowra. "Pa ents like local cancer survivor Cathie Hurst, who was diagnosed with cancer in March 2021, was told she had to choose from accessing treatment in either Canberra or Sydney. Cathie appeared as a witness to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry in October last year to share her experience and said: “Travelling meant that I had to be prepared for whether I was going to vomit on a plane, have diarrhoea a acks or anything, which is highly embarrassing and concerning. You get shaky just thinking about can you get on that bus for that long or the train or whatever it was you were taking. The difference between that and actually having a hospital or a facility in your region where you can drive yourself, have your 15minute radia on treatment and come home—it would make all the difference to people.” The promised radia on therapy centre in the Eurobodalla region was intended to service a region of 80,000 people. That promise was never delivered. The Member for Gilmore said "“I have con nued to fight for a radia on therapy centre for the Eurobodalla region since before I was elected, including tabling a community pe on in the Australian Parliament.
“I have never lost sight of the immense pain that cancer pa ents and their families undergo as they are forced to travel long distances for treatment that they should never have to do. “Thank you to Dr Michael Holland and the community who have con nued to fight for what people need.”
Dr Michael Holland, Labor Member for Bega said today “NSW Labor welcomes this announcement from Federal Labor. Access to cri cal health care in our regions is a top priority for NSW Labor and we have been strong advocates for the Eurobodalla Hospital to open at level four status.”
Community Batemans Bay Evening View Club
The last mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club was on Wednesday 13 April 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. Due to Easter it was a small mee ng with a number of members away for the Easter break. Vice-President Lore a Thornton chaired the mee ng and then everyone enjoyed their meal and li le easter eggs le at each place se ng by our View club Easter bunny. Janice Erichsen celebrated her birthday in April and was presented with a chocolate by Lore a Thornton The next mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 11 May 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club at 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553. Also in April we had a fundraiser with the BBQ at Bunnings on Saturday 30 April 2022 and this has provided a wonderful start to our fundraising for The Smith Family Learning for Life Program for 2022. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Educa on of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their educa on. The club was established in 1997 for women interested in mee ng regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing las ng friendships and contribu ng to the community. www.iga.com.au/catalogue
Community A perfect picnic photoshoot day for ABA
The Australian Breas eeding Associa on - Eurobodalla group held their annual picnic and photoshoot at the Botanical Gardens today The group is one of the 230 ABA groups that operate around Australia.
ABA was founded by a group of mothers with the aim of helping other mothers and this 'mother-to-mother' support is the keystone of our local groups. You can come along and meet new friends, chat to and get hints and ps from other mothers who've 'been there' and talk to a trained, volunteer breas eeding counsellor if needed.
This group is run by Kylie and Michelle (volunteer breas eeding counsellors) with support from Kim and Genevieve (who are trainees) and Jane who is their wonderful host and caterer. They get together once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 10-12pm) for casual get togethers or discussions about various paren ng topics. Topics discussed might cover such things as basic breas eeding ps, expressing and storing breastmilk, supply issues, returning to work, weaning, introducing solids, nigh me paren ng and much more. Besides being informa ve they are lots of fun. We o en have guest speakers from the community. The Group meets at the Red Door Hall at Moruya Anglican Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and do a roving playgroup on the 1st Friday of the month.
community Upgrade proposed for Malua Bay reserve
Council is seeking feedback on a dra plan to improve Malua Bay Beach Reserve. The plan proposes: playground upgrade and expansion reloca ng the toilets new picnic facili es a new viewing pla orm exercise equipment landscaping, heritage recogni on, and more.
There’s two ways you can par cipate:
Come to a community barbecue at the Malua Bay Beach Reserve on Saturday 28 May, 10am-2pm, to view and chat about the plan View the masterplan and provide your feedback. h ps://www.esc.nsw.gov.au/ council/major-projects/currentprojects/planning-recrea onbusiness/malua-bay-beach-reserve -upgrade
The Batemans Bay Bridge Club is offering Beginners Lessons Star ng - Tuesday 17 May 2022 9.30. am – 12.00 pm Where: Batemans Bay Bridge Club, 52A Orient St. Cost : $30 includes Reference book
6 lessons to get you started 6 month membership of the Batemans Bay Bridge Club Contact _ Karen Creet at kcreet@gmail.com or on 0448473028
Cleo is 9 years old and follows her carer around like a dog. At her original home, she was a selec ve lap-si er. She is easy to handle, has a gentle nature and wants companionship. She is desexed, microchipped and vaccinated. If you want a gentle companion animal, Cleo is available for adop on. Just phone 0410 016 612. (Cleo says, "Other needy animals like me are not being rescued because AWLNSW, Eurobodalla Branch do not have foster carers to care for them. Can you help?") AWLNSW, Eurobodalla Branch, Rehoming Organisa on no: R251000222.
Della urgently needs a foster carer. She is a 7 months old mixed breed small/medium (14kg) pup, very friendly with people and other dogs, untried with cats. Sweet natured and ac ve. No cost involved, full support provided. Della is also available for adop on.
community River of Art Fes val launched May 4th 2022
To the approval of the Siamang Gibbons, hoo ng in the background, the River of Art Fes va was launched on May 4th 2022 at Mogo Wildlife Park The River of Art Fes val will be back bigger than ever in 2022 with an exci ng program of events over two huge weekends in September! The Fes val will host a diverse range of arts, music and performances from 16 to 25 September, concluding with a spectacular laser and light show called Luminous: Art A er Dark on 24 September. The River of Art Fes val is funded under the NSW Regional Events Accelera on Fund, Fes vals Australia, and the Eurobodalla Shire Council.
HELP to ensure a quality end-of-life
Eurobodalla Council are partnering with La Trobe University and Pallia ve Care NSW to explore how the end-of-life experience for residents can be improved. To start the conversa on there will be three free sessions during Na onal Pallia ve Care Week at Moruya's Mechanics Ins tute: What is Pallia ve Care? - Tue 24 May, 10am-12pm Create comfort for your loved one - Tue 24 May, 1-3pm My Collabora ve Care Plan - Wed 25 May, 10am-12pm An online survey is being prepared for those who can't a end but wish to have input into the project.
Community Council Mee ng, Tuesday 10 May 2022
ON THE AGENDA for Council Mee ng, Tuesday 10 May 2022 No ce of Mo on re natural disaster infrastructure recovery Congo Road north op ons Dra Code of Council Mee ng Prac ce ready for public exhibi on Replace independent member on Audit, Risk & Improvement Commi ee Management contract for Batemans Bay Beach Resort and Council's campgrounds Full agenda and online viewing links here> www.esc.nsw.gov.au/mee ngs PUBLIC FORUM Your chance to speak to councillors about items on the agenda - register by midday Monday, 9 May. Public Forum starts at 9.15am. Join us in the Council Chamber or watch on Zoom.
COUNCIL MEETING Starts 11am. Join us in the Council Chamber or watch the webcast.
Find all the info and links you need at www.esc.nsw.gov.au/mee ngs
Heritage grants available for Eurobodalla property owners
Owners of heritage proper es or objects in Eurobodalla can now apply for grants of up to $5,000 to help them restore their items or places. Eurobodalla Shire Council offers Local Heritage Grants with a funding contribu on from Heritage NSW every year to raise awareness of heritage conserva on and promote the apprecia on of Eurobodalla’s history. Successful applicants must contribute $1 for every dollar provided by the grant, and the restora on work must be completed by Friday 7 April 2023. To find out more about the Local Heritage Grants, or to complete the online applica on form, visit h ps:// www.esc.nsw.gov.au/community/grant-opportuni es/local-heritage-places-grant or phone Council’s Strategic Planner (Heritage) on 4474 1324.