15 minute read
I blame Lionel Murphy.
Almost forgotten now but when Murphy, the Whitlam Government’s Attorney General (and later High Court Judge) introduced ‘no fault’ divorce in the 1970s he started a process that has eaten away at the very roots of our social values.
The immediate effect was that it suddenly became unfashionable to blame men for junking their marriage vows and taking their pleasures elsewhere. So, of course, they did. The result was a generation of broken homes, scarred children and ‘blended’ families as the divorce rate went through the roof. (Today the divorce rate is settling down a little but that’s mainly because fewer couples are choosing to marry. But I digress.)
The point is that Mr Murphy gave ‘blame’ a bad name and thereafter we have gone to ever greater lengths to avoid it. In fact, almost without realising it we are becoming a ‘blameless’ society where no one takes responsibility for anything.
How often, for example, have you heard a politician – with his serious face on – intone, ‘There is no silver bullet’ available to him to resolve the problem for which he’s nominally responsible. The so-called war of drugs is a fine example. What he’s telling us is that he’s too foolish or fearful to come up with the obvious solution: decriminalisation. But we’re not allowed to say so because, you see, no one is to blame.
It’s not only politicians. Sports commentators have become infected with the same disease. How long is it since you heard a TV cricket commentator say, ‘What a silly shot,’ or ‘That appeal was a damned disgrace’? (And there have been plenty of silly shots and disgraceful appeals, believe me.) But no, they say, ‘Oh dear, he’ll be disappointed with that.’
Disappointed! The batsman’s nerve has crumbled; he’s backed away outside his leg stump, slogged at a halfvolley and been clean bowled middle stump. ‘Oh,’ they say, ‘his captain won’t be happy with that.’ Happy?! His captain should spear him through the heart with a rusty stump…but no, that would offend his delicate sensibilities with ‘blame’.
Then there’s the smallgoods maker who has poisoned people with salmonella or the railway boss whose train has broken down in the middle of the Harbour Bridge or the Quarantine Service that has allowed horse flu into the country – do any of them actually take the blame? No, no, they say, ‘The important thing is that we’ve learned lessons and it’s time to move on.’
No it isn’t. It’s time to take the blame. It’s time to be shamed and sacked and slammed in the pokie. And that’s just Australia. Truth is, the contagion is worldwide. Take those New York bankers who wrecked the world economy with their grasping greed, who slashed our superannuation, threw millions out of work and brought heartache to homes around the globe – did we name and blame them? Were they carted off to jail? Were they even interrogated?
The answer, I reckon, was a coil of rope and a lamppost – the one at the corner of Wall Street and Broadway would do just fine.
Reading—A beer with Baz Bazza took a step back from the group at the bar as the debate on the best lawn mower on the market raged. He sipped his schooner as ‘Know all Ron’ held court. “Now Mick, you’re just not ready for a cylinder lawn mower. Mate…..you’re s ll growing Sir Walter Buffalo grass so you will need to replant with Greenleas Park grass if you want the bowling green look. I recommend a minimum 175cc, 4 stroke petrol engine and go for the auto choke. Make sure it has a steel chassis and power blade.” Nods of agreement followed with some follow up ps on various features un l Adam ventured, “You should think about an electric lawn mower, Mick. It’s good for…..” Bazza raised his head at the sudden silence. Four full schooners of beer swivelled as one and faced off Adam’s glass of Chardonnay. The four schooners then emp ed a third of their contents into open mouths and Adam took a ny sip of his Chardonnay. Mick broke the impasse by pulling out a glossy brochure from his back pocket and passed it around. “Thanks fellas, I appreciate the ps but I’m seriously thinking about ge ng this ScoMower. It’s locally produced by a bloke up in Cronulla and has been round for a few years now. It cuts all types of grass and has a bit of grunt which is essen al given all the rain. Its a good deal as well and it’s been adver sed everywhere. They throw in free petrol for six months and a cashback of $250 if you buy it before the 21st of May.” There was one long, low whistle and a couple of ‘ooohs’ and ‘ahhhhs’, but one dissen ng voice piped “It’s a brute of a thing though, Mick. I’m not sure if it would suit a woman…….if she needs to mow the lawns.” Three schooners immediately ganged up on the speaker’s glass of shandy. ‘Know all Ron’ broke the deadlock. “Let’s call over Russell, our expert on lawn mowers. He does the lawns at the Aged Care Facili es in the district and I know he was excited about buying a ScoMower three years ago.” The circle made room for the Eurobodalla’s Einstein of lawn mowing. “Shit of a lawn mower, Mick.” Russell started. “Don’t be fooled by the brochure. The ScoMower got me in three years ago. You need a miracle to get it started and when the going gets tough it struggles. It’s no good at ge ng to those hard to reach places or anything that requires a bit of finesse. It’s so bloody loud and blows so much smoke, it leaves the aged care residents distressed. Nah, Mick…….I’m sorry I ever bought the bloody thing. Anyhow, it’s me is just about up and I’m a er something that actually gets the job done.” Russell took a decent drink. “By the way, Mick there is absolutely no chance of buying one before the 21st of May to get your cashback, as you can’t get one down here.” Have a beer with Baz at john.longhurst59@gmail.com
QUAIL season opens May 15th, closes August 31st . Lieut.-Colonel Hurley (well-known in Moruya as proprietor of Moruya-Tilba “Times,”) has been appointed to the vacancy at the head of Commonwealth Immigra on Dept. THE Austral Starch factory near Nelligen is suspending opera ons for three months with a view to increase capacity of output. Mr. Abraham Emmo resumed filling his silo this week, the paddock of corn planted for the purpose developing into a fine heavy crop. About 10 men were hard at work, the chaffing being done by Luck Bros. A por on of the crop is being retained for immediate use in the form of hand feed for the ca le. DEATH. – Last week end news was received of the serious illness at Portland, from malignant scarlet fever, of Mr. John Sydney Jeffery, youngest son of Mr. John Jeffery of “Greenwood,” Moruya. Hopes, however, were entertained that the young man would see it through; but on Monday evening word came through that the worst had happened, that he had passed away that day. The news came as a shock to the community, where the young man and his aged father and brothers and sisters are held in the highest esteem. Deceased was a bright and promising young man, and bid fair to rise high in the bank service in which he was engaged. … Personal and Otherwise. – Mr. James McCauley, sen., of Nelligen, is very ill; Medical degree was last week conferred upon H. A. Anne s (Mogo). Congratula ons; Mrs. Chewying underwent a serious opera on in Sydney this week. At latest she was doing sa sfactorily; Miss Edith Steele and Mr. Clyde Heycock were married at Nelligen on 22nd ult. Moruya Progress Associa on. The usual monthly mee ng took place last Tuesday night. Present – E. J. Egan (chair), J. Hansen, J. Foreman, G. H. James, Rev. G. A. Sanders, Rev. J. B. Fulton, C. Johnston, A. M. Wilson, and Secretary C. Carter.
General Business. - … it was agreed that a le er be wri en to Minister for Lands, asking that the land in front of the Adelaide Hotel be dedicated as a Park and invested in local trustees; … that the Secretary inquire from the Automobile club of New South Wales if they supplied danger signals for use on roads. These danger signals were thought very necessary on the Eurobodalla Shire roads. At present there were hardly any on the dangerous curves along the road; Also agreed that permission from the Shire Council be asked for the Associa on to have three kerosene lights place in the streets of Moruya; …inform the Shire Council of the Progress Associa on’s inten on with regard to tree plan ng this year, and also ask if the Council would do their share and plant a few trees along Campbell street.
A cleaning and cooking free day for sure. Along with plenty of cuddles and homemade cards from my children. But when waking up this Sunday to the pi er pa er of feet down my hallway, my first waking thoughts will turn to how we urgently we need to act on climate change for the safety of our children. That is what I want most this Mother’s Day. I am a family doctor, who works predominantly with mums and babies, and I can tell you in no uncertain terms that climate change is a massive threat to our health and safety. I saw this firsthand over the Black summer fires.
We choked on the most toxic smoke, which killed hundreds and hospitalised thousands. It even made its way into placentas of unborn babies. While I wake to warm cuddles in bed, my heart will break for those family’s who survived the bushfires or floods (or both) who will wake in their makeshi homes, campers or tents, with not much to celebrate this year. We all want the same thing - for our kids to grow up healthy and safe. So yes, I'll cherish the handmade cards but ul mately, Australians vo ng in a government commi ed to ambi ous climate ac on would be the greatest gi a mother could ever receive. Michelle Hamrosi
The Time is Now
How refreshing for the South Coast to enjoy sunshine and blue sky a er the previous wet weeks! Communi es locally and na onally have been weary, having had personal experience of very difficult climate events. These alert us all to the need for poli cal ac on on changing climate. Within this context it is exci ng this week to hear that Tasmania is one of the first parts of the world to become not just carbon neutral but carbon nega ve, by reducing Na ve tree logging. Responsible forest management. To maximise our living ability, we need to do everything possible to keep our planet healthy, breathing. Therefore, we need to keep na ve trees IN the ground. Investment in fossil fuels is also making us increasingly vulnerable. Planet-care enables our future opportuni es. A er the fires and floods experienced in recent mes, we are all aware of the devasta ng impact on housing availability and affordability. And subsequent impact on mental health. With Federal Elec ons ahead we have the opportunity to stand for Planet health, People health, Creature health. Let Your Vote be Your Voice - for a thriving future! Nadine Hills (Psychologist)
Dear Editor, We are extremely surprised by the news that the Federal Minister for Health asserted on WIN NEWS Illawarra on May 4th that the Eurobodalla radia on Oncology project was already funded and underway. We are also very concerned and disappointed to see the aspersions cast on the character and probity of both our local and federal Members and the NSW Shadow Minister for Health, as we ourselves were similarly treated back on 11th February 2022 courtesy of Minister Hazzard (for which we have asked and expect an apology). On 13th April 2022, a mee ng took place at Batemans Bay hospital between a ONE New L4 Eurobodalla Hospital Advocates led community team and execu ves from the SNSWLHD.
Amongst a range of healthcare topics, One Advocates specifically asked whether SNSWLHD were willing to reconsider their decision not to go ahead with the provision of local Radiotherapy services. The answer from the senior execu ve in a endance was vehemently clear: the decision was not to be revisited, and there was no new informa on to add. End of story? ONE Advocates’ immediate response was to launch the new “local Access to Radiotherapy” Pe on. Between Federal Minister Hunt and his NSW State counterpart there would appear to be some degree of confusion on this issue.
It is quite surprising that, at the very same moment, a State government Dept., in this case NSW Health, can be running with an agenda that is in complete contradic on of, if not in direct conflict with, the direc ves of both Federal and State Ministers, no ng they both subscribe to the same poli cal party and we should assume are on the same page. Obviously, this raises the ques on whether the project that Minister Hunt, somewhat at the 11th hour, has stated is going ahead actually will be, and what solid assurance could the community possibly now derive from any further “promises” made to it by he or his counterpart - doubtless with utmost integrity? We note the recent commitment of the Federal Member, Fiona Phillips MP, to the funding of a local radiotherapy centre (and linear accelerator); she has been one of the earliest supporters of the fight for a proper hospital in our region going back years, speaking up when it counted, and we have no reason to doubt her absolute sincerity and determina on on this issue. Fitzroy and Mylene Boul ng, ONE New L4 Eurobodalla Hospital Advocates.
Thank you for the Beagle’s excellent repor ng of the Federal elec on Gilmore campaign. Your latest item of 3 May on the Tuross Forum and Andrew Constance’s preference deal with extreme rightwing par es (Clive Palmer’s United Australia Party as his second preference; and Pauling Hanson’s One Na on as fourth - with Labor and Greens in the last places (6th and 7th) shows his true colours: he supports the mining party of Clive Palmer and the pseudo Trump One Na on party more than ANY more moderate par es.
The preference deal shows his claim to being an ordinary bloke commi ed to major policy and opera onal reform of the Morrison Government’s management of aged care, NDIS, climate change policy and an independent commission against corrup on with power to expose shonky poli cians and other operators, is a complete sham. It looks like the guy will do any deal with dodgy characters to get the seat of Gilmore. Another interes ng thing about Mr Constance’s answers at the Forum is that he did not men on the Federal Liberal Party or PM Morrison once - un l the end, when he was ques oned about his apparent reluctance to men on the Party he belongs to. All he could talk about was his sani sed version of his me in State Parliament. One is le with the impression that Mr Constance’s party pollsters have told him to dress like a worker and speak like he’s an ordinary, independent good bloke whose loyalty is to them and not the Liberal Party. A google search will tell you the real story: he is a graduate of Canberra Grammar who has apparently only worked for the Liberal Party machine all his life and is Morrison’s “Captain’s pick” for the seat of Gilmore. Mr Constance went so far as to make many statements about policies on the above issues which were contradictory to that of the Morrison Government’s posi on. This included contradic ng his own previous statements on a corrup on commission! Such despera on to act like he’s not a Morrison nominee seems like real decep on. So folks, take a good look before you vote! Yours sincerely, Frank Ross Moruya
Lots of present ideas for mum this mother's day! Need a hand picking out a present for your mum? Well we got you covered with these motherly selec ons
Below: An evening in at Moruya Books! A very big thankyou to Eleanor Robin & Dr Michael Holland MP for enlightening us on all things local history and poli cs. Also thanks to Trish Ellis for a wonderful welcome to country.