editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, In a week of poli3cal noise, ego, lies, innuendos, controversy and random tackling of children the quiet achievers once again nearly passed unno3ced. This week is Na3onal Volunteer Week, Australia’s largest annual celebra3on of volunteering. As part of the Na3onal event the Eurobodalla Council hosts an occasion that recognises “Local Hero” who have been nominated by friends, family and members of the public for their service to the community. I have been fortunate to have been nominated every year since the event began in 2018. I am humbled by the nomina3on and see it as a nomina3on for The Beagle with me as its dedicated servant. At each event the nominees are introduced with an overview of their accomplishments. And as their lists of accomplishments are read you recognise the incredible individual role each has played in delivering the community that we enjoy today. The nomina3ons are diverse. Sports, arts, community ini3a3ves that required tenacity that delivered outcomes we would not have had otherwise. Over four years of the Local Hero awards I have had the privilege to meet sixty or more of our local heroes and learn more of their passion for community and why they step forward to volunteer. But for four years I have been very much aware of the countless others who could equally be in the room receiving a cer3ficate of apprecia3on for the hundreds, if not thousands of hours they have spent giving back to their community. While it is Na3onal Volunteers Week and a 3me to stop and celebrate our volunteers I believe that every day presents an opportunity to stop and reflect at the incredible role volunteerism plays in our community. In days of old it was the sportsfields, the tennis courts, the picnic tables, cycleways, the playgrounds and the halls that were built by volunteers from funds raised. We have skateparks, spor3ng facili3es, museums, historical walks, botanic gardens, meals on wheels, disabled ac3vi3es, markets, community gardens, to name but a few, that have all come about because of the passion of a group who believe life might be richer if they give it a try. So to all of those not in the room this week to receive a 2022 Local Hero cer3ficate, to all of those volunteers, past and present, who have added to the richness of our community, I say thank you. The Beagle is widely used by so many of our volunteers to celebrate what they achieve. It is their stories, their passions and their ac3vi3es, that add to the warp and weA of who we are. Not everyone is in a posi3on to volunteer their 3me. It takes commitment and quite oAen funds for petrol and the like. If you do have the opportunity give it a go. A warning though… it is highly rewarding. ABending the Local Hero award this year was made all the more special for me. I had nominated Norm Moore of Moruya for recogni3on of the wonderful historic legacy he now leaves behind having passed away just recently at 92. Norm’s wife, Helen, was there to receive his well deserved, posthumous recogni3on. AAer the ceremony Helen told me she had something from Norm in the car that he wanted me to have. It was a signboard that Norm had commissioned for The Beagle that is now proudly displayed in the office. A par3ng giA from a “quiet achiever”. Thanks Norm. Un3l next—lei beagle weekly : Vol 260 May 20th 2022