arts Art Exhibi7on ‘Looking’ by Tess Horwitz and Barbara McConchie runs to Sunday 22 May 2022 at the Narooma Gallery, Narooma Looking is a collec3on of small works that reflect on the natural world. These drawings, collages, watercolours and pain3ngs invite different ways of looking and imagining. Detailed studies of remnant objects, such as shells, bones, and seed pods, are juxtaposed with wider landscapes, exploring the intricacy, wonder and vulnerability of nature.
Tess describes her work as recording ‘3ny worlds of wonderment’. She notes that “Seeds, shells and bones are superb designs. They are tools for procrea3on, protec3on and structural integrity. Looking and recording these bits of nature has resulted in a suite of in3mate artworks, like the objects themselves. They could be viewed as celebra3ons of intricacy, also as relics of a dying world.” Barbara’s work evolved through looking at her late mother’s landscape photos. She says: “Ini3ally I was drawn to remembering her through the act of making small pain3ngs from these images. Then daily early morning walks looking out across mountain ranges or horizon lines became new source material. Each work is not a true reflec3on of a view, but an amalgam of looking and imagining, with a growing cognisance of the unstable state of our world.”
Based in Canberra since 1990, Tess Horwitz is an ar3st and art educator with a Master of Arts in Sculpture from the ANU School of Art. She has exhibited installa3on works, coordinated large-scale community art projects and received commissions for public artworks, including the ACT Bushfire Memorial and the Bimberi Youth Jus3ce Centre. Her work is held in a number of public collec3ons, including the Na3onal Gallery of Australia.
Born in Canberra, Barbara McConchie permanently relocated to Kianga in 2020. She studied at the ANU School of Art, then worked as an edi3on printer with Studio One Print Workshop. Barbara has an extensive career in arts management as Director of CraA ACT: CraA & Design Centre and the School Manager at the ANU School of Art & Design. She has exhibited regularly since 1992.
‘Looking’ Tess Horwitz & Barbara McConchie Where:
Narooma Gallery, 92 Campbell St, Narooma, NSW Australia
To Sunday 22 May 2022
10:00 am – 4:00 pm each day
Ar7sts talk:
2:00 pm, Saturday 21 May
beagle weekly : Vol 260 May 20th 2022