Beagle Weekender Vol 261 May 27th 2022

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editorial Welcome to this week’s editorial, As most of you are aware it is na1onal reconcilia1on week. Reconcilia1on in Australia usually comes with an Upper Case ‘R’ which promotes the meaning of “working to overcome the division (o7en called "the gap") and inequality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people”. But then there is the lower case ‘r’ of reconcilia1on. To Chris1ans the word reconcilia1on means ‘to be at peace again’. And here we are, under a new government in week one and I am beginning to feel somewhat at peace again with what I see and hear. For a start all the shou1ng has stopped. The incessant screaming from the TV and radio, the bombardment of pamphlets and the insistence of robo-calls. We have been burdened by claims and counterclaims, where fac1ons denounce each other and declare gloom and doom if they aren’t put in charge. For weeks the revela1on of rising prices, the spiralling of costs of living, the blowout of electricity charges and the threat that our na1onal security is at issue were all played out in the media at full volume. Day in Day out. But is seems to have stopped, for the minute and a new peace has descended. A quiet that enables us to have 1me to think through what we have been through and what lies ahead. It is now 1me to collate all the promises made to the electorates and the country as a whole. The promise of Big ‘R’ Reconcilia1on, the release of the Tamil family back to Biloela, the improvements to health services. The list goes on and on. There were millions of dollars promised along with the countless commitments to improve, to engage, to consult, to include, and to be beAer. I believe we can be beAer and that it starts with redefining who we are. Australia is not a country of pulpit driven extremists bent on self serving nepo1sm, blinkered to thinking that theirs’ is the only way, leaping onto ventures that benefit the few. As it turns out, from our elec1on results, Australia has been reminded that it is a rich and wonderfully diverse country that is female, ethnic, teal, red, green, first na1on, mul1lingual, passionate, proud, caring, fair yet tolerant enough to allow minor groups to exist, have an opinion and, if they have something good to contribute, then join in at the big table. To use the Chris1an defini1on of small ‘r’ reconcilia1on the path requires confession where one says sorry and promises to change their ways . The priest might then sets a task or suggests prayers to be said in order to achieve forgiveness. This is some1mes called 'penance'. Finally comes absolu1on, the release from the feeling of guilt. In this week of na1onal reconcilia1on lets celebrate Australia coming of age and hope that we can genuinely begin to say Sorry as a na1on with a what now appears to be a genuine commitment for real reconcilia1on between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. While we are at it we could also extend a hearFelt apology to the Nadesalingam family and all the other refugees that we felt it was OK to treat so poorly. For what was done to these good people there will never be forgiveness or absolu1on. May their punishers rot. The opportunity presents where we can begin to restore our na1onal dignity and reset our moral compass and humanity. If we choose to Un1l next—lei Image: Australian Story: Robert Koenig-Luck beagle weekly : Vol 261 May 27th 2022


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