Beagle Weekender Vol 263 June 10th 2022

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!00 Years Ago June 10th 1922 MR. H. J. Thomson informs us that the 300-ton silo erected by him at Ninderra last year, was opened last week and the contents found to be in a perfect state of preserva7on – a boon for the winter months. ON Tuesday night, or early Wednesday morning, some one effected an entrance, through a window, into EmmoD’s Beehive Store, and got away with a suit case, clothing and boots to the value of about £20. Mr. P. MyloD’s shop was visited the same night and about nine loaves of bread stolen. No doubt some poor traveller accidentally arrived in Moruya and finding it in darkness (a perpetual state) and asleep, sought to make a s7r and arouse the inhabitants. ON Tuesday the three-months old daughter of Constable and Mrs. E. Turnbull, of the Criterion Hotel, Mullenderree, died at Captain’s Flat. Mr. Len Turner, late of Mr. A. H. Preddy’s garage, and Mr. Hapgood, formerly chauffeur for Mr. A. H. Weatherby, have opened a business at Tilba Tilba, and are prepared to undertake work in connec7on with motors, engines or machinery of any kind. In connec7on with the firm’s enterprise, Mr. H. J. Bate intends erec7ng an up-to-date motor garage with every facility and a complete stock of motor requirements. A party of friends from Bodalla and Eurobodalla, with their tennis racquets journeyed to Narooma on the King’s Birthday. The morning, as will be remembered, gave no indica7ons whatever of the elements being in adverse mood. On arrival at Narooma, however, steady rain set in and con7nued throughout the day. Tennis, of course, was out of the ques7on and the party had to return thoroughly drenched. It was, however, very kind of Miss Cos7n to place her home at the disposal of the visitors; this kind ac7on helped to make the situa7on as comfortable as it could be made under the circumstances. THE “Sunbeam” aeroplane arrived here on Thursday a4ernoon, but owing to slight damage to the plane tail during the night, through caDle poking their horns through it, the machine will not fly this weekend. MR. W. SEBBENS, one of Moruya’s highly esteemed residents, passed peacefully away at North Sydney Hospital on Tuesday, a4er a painful and trying illness extending over a few months. … Mr. Sebbens, who was 66 years of age, occupied the posi7on of benchman at Mr. Mitchell’s Moggendoura Sawmill. He was a man of strong and upright character, straigh5orward and trustworthy, and was beloved by all who knew him. As well as his aged mother, Mrs. Rose, of Gundary, he leaves a grown-up family. …Mrs. A. Thomson (Gundary) and Mr. J. Sebbens (Bateman’s Bay) are sister and brother respec7vely of the deceased. The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred in the R.C. por7on of the Braidwood cemetery. beagle weekly : Vol 263 June 10th 2022


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