Beagle Weekender Vol 273 August 19th 2022

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beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 1 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine. Your Beagle Weekly Index Arts ……………………. 35 to 37 Cinema ……………….. 28,29 Community ………………3 to 22 Reading ……………………..30 to 34 No ces………………………… 44 Sport and Fishing………. 38 to 40 Editorial …………………..2, What’s On …………….... 23 to 27 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ Vol 273 August 19th 2022

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 2 editorial Welcome to this weeks editorial, While most are too busy to delve deeper into what they read and hear there are s ll many among us who are astute enough to dig deeper in an a empt to understand the world around them.

Superficially we have the fluff, the Click Bait headlines that o en lead to a misspelt precis that fails to give any detail. An example is the head line “Unemployment falls from 3.5 per cent in June to 3.4 per cent in July.

On the surface this sounds terrific. More people finding work. Produc vity increasing and lives improving. It suggests that supply chains might be ge ng back on their feet and life might be returning to some degree of Butnormality.readingbetween

In Eurobodalla Shire, there were 15,382 residents employed in the year ending June 2021. What we know in the Eurobodalla is that there is high unemployment which is standard for the region and even higher under-employment simply because of the nature of the work and the financial capaci es of our local employers. The ABS tells us “it was a fall in the participation rate that caused the unemployment rate toWhatdecline”.that actually means is that there were fewer “registering as unemployed”, or should that read “receiving unemployment benefits”. The reality is that from Monday July 4 2022, Australian job seekers came under a new social security system to police eligibility for support payments. Now you had to earn 100 points per month. What was already difficult became more so. The truth is that the number of unemployed has dropped because the hurdles required to jump has driven more and more into looking for whatever part me work they can find rather than focussing on a full me posi on. A closer look at our local economy reveals the rising number in vacancies are predominantly part me. These numbers add to our ever increasing popula on of re rees who are either with CenterLink or self Thefunded.sta s cs, as they are being slowly released by the ABS from the last census, go hand in hand with the anecdotes we are hearing of decreasing numbers across an array of industries, from age care to building to educa on. Ours is an ageing popula on with one of the highest of over 65’s in the State, yet , despite the enormous value of their work to the community, aged care workers are among the country's lowest paid. It is li le wonder there are so many unfilled vacancies and the sector is under resourced. So where has everyone gone? What has become of the processes we once had in place where there would be a groundswell of new bodies to replace old? As one re res another steps in to fill the void whilst another comes to fill the increase in popula on. It’s as if there has been an exodus that we weren’t aware of.

the lines we learn that the Australian Bureau of Sta s cs reported an es mated 40,900 jobs were lost in July, the first fall in employment since October 2021 But wait—what is the actual Australian Bureau of Sta s cs defini on of “employment”? “Employed – includes people who are in a paid job for one hour or more in a week. Unemployed – includes people who are not in a paid job, but who are ac vely looking for work”.

The ques on needs to be “What do we need to rebuild our numbers of nurses, teachers, emergency workers, aged care workers and all the others vital for our day to day?” But in order to do so we need to work out what went wrong. Why are our key essen al personnel so undervalued. Meanwhile the numbers released are decep vely telling us we have never had it be er, as a ested by our low unemployment rates. You can’t always believe the spin. Un l next—lei

Removal of the exis ng bridge is now complete and improvements to northern and southern foreshores are ready to be handed back to the community.

This coming Saturday will see the promised rescheduled community celebra on marking the comple on of the Batemans Bay Bridge project The event that was first scheduled for July 2nd, 2022 was postponed due to warnings of severe weather scheduled to impact the South Coast.

Secretary for South Coast Shelley Hancock said there will be plenty to see and get involved in, including a free sausage sizzle and interac ve displays on mari me and road safety. Major work started in early 2019 and the new bridge opened to traffic in March 2021.

Transport for NSW Ac ng Director South Joanne Parro said the decision was made to reschedule "in the interests of community safety". Ms Parro said at the me “With the latest weather warnings for the region from the Bureau of Meteorology we feel this a responsible and the right call to ensure safety of the community.”

Batemans Bay Bridge community event Saturday, August 20

Transport for NSW have worked with stakeholders, including Aboriginal Elders and the Eurobodalla Shire Council, to find a new event date. The event is now scheduled from 11am to 1pm on a Saturday, August 20th Parliament2022.

“The community have been pa ent over the last five years while we have delivered a more connected, efficient, and safer Batemans Bay through this project.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 3 community

This ini a ve has been made possible by Founda on for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) Inves ng in Rural Communi es Future funding to employ a Batemans Bay Community Region Coordinator, with the task of growing a more resilient Batemans Bay Region community sector. “SHASA’s role in the community is expanding and we are suppor ng the Eurobodalla Shire Council’s Climate Ac on Plan, with our Electrify Everything Campaign, as part of the Community’s Roadmap to zero emissions as well as helping community groups to save on running costs. Robert Creed brings to the team, a wealth of experience in Environmentally sustainable design, business and event management,” Kathryn said.

The Electric Vehicle Expo will be held at Corrigans Beach Batehaven, on the 1 October, 2022, between 10.00am and 2.00pm.

"SHASA has taken the lead by engaging with community service providers to develop project plans, with cos ngs for future grant applica ons to upgrade community-building facili es to keep opera ng during heatwaves and bushfires, while educa ng the community in rela on to electric transport and electric vehicles des na on chargers throughout the Shire. This is the next step in our road to zero emissions".

“I am delighted to able to work with the SHASA team on this event, as it’s genesis grew out of the Communi es thrust for informa on in rela on to electric cars. It is not just electric cars however, we will be showcasing electric bikes, scooters and boats, with the Electrify Everything Campaign running over the en re weekend,” said Robert.

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Robert Creed – Bateman’s Bay SHASA Community Coordinator

Building on the success of the Batemans Bay Region Coordinators roles in assis ng community,thethe Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance’s (SHASA) President Kathryn Maxwell, has announced the appointment of Robert Creed to the team, to assist in the planning of Electric Vehicle Expo event, as part of the SHASA’s Electrify Everything campaign, along with other community support ac vi es.

The scholarship recognises the contribution of Jenny Liney OAM to the development and maintenance of the Wallace Herbarium housed at the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden. Jenny’s role as voluntary coordinator of the herbarium over a period of many years has ensured the herbarium continues as an important scientific collection of specimen plants from the Eurobodalla region.

Applications are now open for the 2023 Jenny Liney Scholarship, awarded and funded by the Friends of Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden. Applications close at 5 pm on Friday 23 September.

Scholarship recipients will be encouraged to maintain a relationship with the Botanic Garden through sharing their learning with the Friends and staff of the Garden.

The annual scholarship of up to $5000 supports students from the Eurobodalla Shire who commence or are continuing tertiary studies (at university or TAFE) in a field related to the natural sciences such as botany, horticulture, conservation or environmental studies.

The scholarship is awarded on an annual basis for a period of one year. Recipients of the scholarship are eligible to apply for the scholarship in subsequent years provided they are continuing studies in a relevant discipline at tertiary level. At the discretion of the Selection Committee a number of partial scholarships may be awarded. Where no suitable candidates apply the Committee may decide not to grant a scholarship in any particular year. To be awarded the scholarship, an applicant must:  Be a student commencing or continuing a post-secondary qualification in a field of the natural sciences.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 5 community Friends of Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden : Jenny Liney Scholarship

 Be a resident of Eurobodalla Shire at some time within the previous five years.

 Have a commitment to environmental conservation, research, or environmental education objectives. Have demonstrated academic success at secondary school (for commencing students) and successful progress within study program (for continuing or higher-level students).

Further information and application forms are available on the Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden website: , or by contacting the Secretary of the Friends at

Cat restric ons are increasingly being introduced across Australia. Cat curfews, containment and cat-free zones have been introduced in some suburbs in the ACT, and many local government areas in Victoria and in South Australia. In some jurisdic ons cat containment requires cats to be contained to the owner’s property, or under the control of the owner (eg, on a leash) when outside the property, in the same manner that is required for dogs unfortunately, this is not yet the case in NSW. This Mo on being put forward at the Council mee ng of August 23rd 2022 proposes that Eurobodalla Council submit to the LGNSW conference a Mo on that the NSW Government Policy.

Research shows that cats have played a leading role in most of Australia’s 34 mammal ex nc ons since 1788 and are a big reason why popula ons of at least 123 other threatened na ve species are declining.

The mo on that: 1. Council supports advoca ng to the NSW Government to amend the Companion Animals Act 1988 to introduce legisla on that enables councils to implement 24/7 cat containment in their jurisdic ons.

3. Eurobodalla Shire Council delegates a ending the 2022 LGNSW Conference vote in support of this mo on. 4. Council receive a report on the outcome of the considera on of this mo on at the LGNSW Conference.

RSPCA NSW has had a significant change to their approach regarding responsible cat ownership through their new project ‘Keeping cats safe at home’. This project aims to improve care for pet cats and to protect wildlife by encouraging cat owners to keep their cats within the boundaries of their proper es. This project will receive $2.5 million in grant funding from the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust. The Cat Protec on Society of NSW also acknowledges the nega ve impacts of domes c cat preda on on wildlife. They provide valuable informa on to cat owners by outlining the benefits of crea ng safe outdoor areas for cats to enjoy while protec ng wildlife. They also encourage that at a minimum, cat owners should keep their cats indoors from dusk to dawn.

On average, each pet cat that is allowed to roam (even for only part of the day or night) kills 186 rep les, birds, and mammals per year in Australia. This means that each roaming pet cat kills, on average, more than two na ve animals every week. Collec vely, roaming pet cats kill 390 million animals per year in Australia (Threatened Species Recovery Hub). Research has shown that cats who are allowed to roam live shorter lives than cats who are contained within their proper es. Containing cats helps to reduce the threat of figh ng, dogs, diseases or being injured or killed by a vehicle.

The impact of cats on na ve fauna is well documented and on 13 February 2018, a response to a Ques on on No ce (QON18/001) ar culated the construc ve ac ons Eurobodalla Shire Council is taking to address the impacts of domes c cats on na ve wildlife. Whilst Council is conduc ng a wide range of excellent programs in this space, 24/7 cat containment has significant benefits to the welfare of cats and our wildlife.

2. Council submits to LGNSW for considera ons at the 2022 LGNSW Annual Conference, the following mo on: That LGNSW advocate to the NSW Government to amend the Companion Animals Act 1988 and to introduce legisla on that enables councils to implement 24/7 cat containment in their jurisdic ons.

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community Council to move mo on on advoca ng a cat curfew

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 7 Volunteer Grants available Member for Eden-Monaro Kristy McBain is encouraging local community groups to apply for grants of up to $5000 to assist the work of their volunteers. Ms McBain said there is $66,225 available for Eden-Monaro not-for-profit organisa ons whose workforce consists of at least 40 per cent “Volunteersvolunteers. are the lifeblood of our regional communi es. Across Eden-Monaro we have a strong culture of community service but volunteering is hard work,” Ms McBain said. “This is why Volunteer Grants are available to allow organisa ons to purchase equipment to make volunteers’ work easier, safer or more “ is volunteering for your local sports club, assis ng in mes of emergency through services like the RFS, SES or St John’s Ambulance or helping out with gardening and working bees to get our much loved ag shows up and running – our communi es wouldn’t be the same without the efforts of our local Grantsvolunteers.”ofbetween $1,000 and $5,000 are available to eligible community organisa ons to buy equipment, contribute to fuel costs, assist with training or to purchase items that help promote volunteering opportuni es. Volunteer Grants support the work of local community organisa ons by enabling the inclusion of vulnerable people and promo ng awareness to increase par cipa on in volunteering. To be nominated to receive a Volunteer Grant you must lodge an Expression of Interest. Expressions of Interest close Sunday 25 September. For more informa on see h -sign-uphgrantssureIf(Queanbeyan)'smailinglistsoyoudon'tmissanyopportuniesps:// community

September.Above: Tyres, televisions and building materials are not picked up during hard waste collec on me and need to be taken to the p. Tuross Head Men’s Shed support Bailey Seamer with a $580 dona on Steve Ryder, Commi ee member of the Tuross Head Men’s Shed said of the fundraiser and dona on: "A young lady by the name of Bailey Seamer commenced her walk from a point 800 kilometres south of Batemans Bay with her des na on being to the top of Cape York. She is expec ng to take around 12 months to complete the journey. Bailey was in Batemans Bay on 10 July for 2 days, having stopped over in Tuross Head for a day prior, where she had a chance mee ng with the President of the Tuross Head Men’s Shed. "Bailey is raising money for the Black Dog Ins tute, and the Tuross Head Men’s Shed saw fit to sponsor her on her long journey. The Shed itself kicked in an amount of $150.00, whilst a “call to arms” amongst the members raised a further $430.00, giving a total of $580.00. "The money has been credited to her name on the Black Dog Ins tute website with some words of encouragement". h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 8 community Hard waste run halfway done, but items s ll on streets Eurobodalla Council’s contractors are s ll on the move picking up kerbside junk in the annual hardwaste collec on, with the southern half of the shire now complete. Now all hard waste has been picked up from Akolele to Moruya, Council is calling on those residents to remove noncompliant items s ll si ng, sca ered along kerbs. TVs, tyres, building materials and green waste are not picked up during the hard waste collec on and need to be taken to one of Council’s waste facili es at Brou, Moruya or Surf Beach. Electronic waste can be taken to any of the shire’s three waste facili es free of charge. Tyres can be taken to Brou and Surf Beach ps only. Green waste that doesn’t fit in your green-lid can be taken to any waste Forfacility.informa on about waste disposal and recycling, and the Council’s p opening hours and fees, visit or call the waste team on 4474 1024. The hard waste collec on con nues north this week, with Malua Bay and Surf Beach from Monday 22 August, ending at Long Beach in the week 19

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Mr S rling said poten al adoptees should contact the rangers on 4474 1019 or to register their interest and make a me to visit. “We’ll run through some ques ons with you – just to ensure the animal will be a good fit – and there is a small fee,” Mr S rling said. Adop ng an already microchipped animal is $52 and $116 for dogs without a microchip. “It’s not about the money. We rehome 97.6 per cent of animals that come to the shelter, and we try to get them into caring homes as quickly as possible. That said, we would love to see more animals microchipped – it really helps us to return animals to their owners quickly.”

Mr S rling said animals that were not adopted from the shelter always go to rehoming organisa ons like the Animal Welfare League or the RSPCA for a second chance at finding a home. Animal Welfare League Eurobodalla president Clare Hooper said her branch was always looking for volunteers to assist with temporary care un l permanent homes could be found.

“We know dogs do be er when cared for in a home than le in the animal shelter for extended periods,” Ms Hooper said. “We welcome people interested in fostering a dog in the short-term un l a permanent home is found.”

For more informa on on pets available for adop on from the Eurobodalla Animal Shelter, visit and search for ‘Pets needing homes’. To register your interest as a temporary pet carer with the Animal Welfare League contact Clare Hooper on 0410 016 612. Ranger Jason Ritzen and friend at the Eurobodalla Animal Shelter.

While a range of animals do end up at the shelter, dogs are definitely the majority. As soon as they are available for adop on, they are listed under Pets needing new homes on Council’s website and on the Facebook page.

community Rangers helping families find new best friend Eurobodalla Ranger Mitchell S rling says adop ng a furry friend from the shire’ animal shelter is easy. “Our goal is to rehome every animal we can,” Mr S rling said.

The Gruffalo had sell-out seasons on Broadway and the West End: reading the book is a great experience but watching it brough to life in front of you is something else,” Ms Hogg said.

Council’s children’s services facilitator Jenny Hogg said it was rare to see a produc on of this quality in our “region.

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Loved worldwide, The Gruffalo is the story of a mouse armed only with her vivid imagina on as she travels through the forest, mee ng various villains along the way. She scares off the fox, owl and snake – who would eat her – with stories of an imaginary monster friend. Un l that monster comes to life.Ms Hogg said it was a great story with a beau ful message. “You might be li le but you can s ll be brave,” she said.

“Personally, I think The Gruffalo embodies that – it’s rhyme, it’s rhythm, it’s colour, it’s fun.”

The Gruffalo plays at Bay Pavilions on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 October. Booking essen al, visit h ps:// bpav.sales.

“The Gruffalo is also a wonderful way to promote Council’s children’s services to the broader community; we’re all about posi ve experiences and learning opportuni es for children,” she said.

Le : Eurobodalla Council will bring The Gruffalo to Bay Pavilions’ Yuin Theatre in October as part of 2022 Children’s Week ac vi es. Photo Peter Wallis.

community Hello Gruffalo, kids’ show to play at the Bay What happens when an imaginary monster comes to life? The kids of Eurobodalla can see for themselves when the stage adapta on of The Gruffalo plays at Bay Pavilions’ Yuin Theatre in October. Eurobodalla

“This is the kind of story that gives children their voice, using their imagina on to turn something scary into something clever.” Ms Hogg said the show by CDP Theatre Producers was secured thanks to NSW Government Reconnec ng Regional NSW - Community Events Program funding. The performances are part of 2022 Children’s Week ac vi es.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 11 community With the recent re-opening of the Narooma Lighthouse Museum, you might be wondering, what’s inside? If you have never been into the museum then now is your chance to come in and experience this special piece of local history. The museum is home to the original lighthouse lens and mechanism from Barunguba (Montague Island), brought home to Narooma when the lighthouse switched to automa c opera on in You1986.might be coming along to the event being held this weekend by the Narooma Historical Society to celebrate Interna onal Lighthouse Weekend, or you may just want to pop in for a look if you’re in town. Sally and the team at Southbound Escapes would love to see you! Photos: Southbound Escapes

"I would of thought that when an inquiry hears stories about hospitals without doctors, cooks looking a er pa ents and hospitals without basic medica on that ge ng this panel in place would have been an absolute priority but clearly not," he said.

"This comes a er the Government opposed the landmark Regional and Rural health inquiry that Labor fought to establish and which highlighted enormous problems across NSW.

Four months a er announcing the crea on of a new Regional Health Ministerial Advisory Panel there is s ll no panel in place highligh ng yet again the failure of this Government to priori se regional and rural Inhealthcare.ApriltheMinister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said the panel would play a key role as the state government looks to create be er health outcomes for regional or rural people - especially crucial now as hospitals contend with staffing "Thisshortages.panel will give people working in rural and regional healthcare as well as those living in the regions the opportunity to be directly involved in shaping the future of their healthcare system," Mrs Taylor said.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 12 community Four Months On And S ll No PlaceAdvisoryMinisterialPanelIn

Dr Michael Holland MP, Member for Bega said “It is extremely disappoin ng that following the Inquiry into rural, regional and remote health care that the Regional Health Ministerial Advisory Panel has not been “Thisestablished.”Inquiry, at which I gave evidence on the deficiencies of health care in the Bega electorate, is an indictment of the current Liberal-Na onal government.

“It is a reflec on of this government's deficiencies to not act on such a serious report with any significant response for people in rural, regional and remote New South Wales”

Ryan Park MP, NSW Shadow Minister For Health is not impressed with the failure to deliver the panel, saying, "A er four months wai ng they can't even get a panel in place and it says everything about this Government's lack of commitment to fix health care across our regional and rural communi es.

According to the Minister for Regional Health, the panel was meant to play an "integral role as the NSW Government looks to improve health outcomes for people across rural and regional NSW.”

"It is unbelievable that a er making such a big deal of having a dedicated Minister for Regional Health that they have failed to meet one of their first tasks to set up this panel", Mr Park said.

"Communi es deserve a Government that is going to focus on improving health services. Labor is commi ed to implemen ng the recommenda ons of the health inquiry but clearly, the Liberal and Na onals are on a "go slow" when it comes to fixing healthcare in these areas.

"Communi es across NSW need to know the recommenda ons of this Inquiry will be urgently

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 13 community Flood recommendainquiry

"Climate change is worsening floods and other extreme weather disasters in New South Wales.

"Remarkably in the context of the costs of extreme weather disasters in NSW growing, the state government is also si ng on decisions for several coal and gas projects including a doubling of the

"The release this week of the response to the NSW Independent Flood Inquiry tells us that we need a whole of government and whole of na on response to the increasing frequency of extreme weather disasters fuelled by climate change.

ons to be implemented

The NSW Government say they will implement some of the recommenda ons immediately, while others will be implemented in stages. Of concern to many is the news earlier this week from the Bureau of Meteorology declaring a La Niña ‘Alert’ warning of the poten al for a third consecu ve year of extreme rainfall and flooding In response to the Independent Flood Inquiry report Councillor Worthington said:

"It tells us that our adapta on approach must move from a focus on recovery to investment in proac ve resilience-planning along with climate ac on and mi ga on.

"I’m speaking from the Eurobodalla, a community hit so very hard by the Black Summer fires and then nine more natural disasters in flooding. I can tell you that residents here know that we can’t con nue on the treadmill of disaster recovery and response with another largely ignored inquiry in between.

a ves/floodinquiry

Alison Worthington, Councillor at Eurobodalla Shire Council, is passionate about enac ng robust climate mi ga on and adapta on plans so that our communi es are safe and are resilient to the challenges of the changing climate. Earlier this year, she called for increased local government funding for responding to climate impacts.

Councils, including Eurobodalla Council, are being encouraged to review the Independent Flood Inquiry report into the major floods of earlier this year, which was released on TheWednesday.reportincludes 28 recommenda ons, a number of which impact local government. The report can be found at: h ps://

"Weimplemented.knowthat laying blame on the immediate response from SES is wrong and that instead this just alerts us to the need for a whole of government response to reduce the impact of these disasters.

"These disasters take a heavy toll on the health, well-being and livelihoods of our residents, and cost the government billions of dollars in clean-up, recovery, and disaster payment costs. This is ongoing and the windows for recovery between events is o en frighteningly small", Councillor Worthington said.

"There can be no new coal and gas if we are to achieve the rapid, deep emissions reduc ons needed to address climate change. Our communi es need to call on the NSW Government must ban new coal and gas projects, and pursue a rapid transi on to renewable energy instead. We know that climate change is increasing the intensity and frequency of short, intense downpours. This makes predic ng the maximum flood line impossible. It’s me to address the mistakes of the past in terms of building in flood-prone lands and to get realis c in preparing for what's to come "This must include reforming our planning laws, building construc on and land use regula ons as we work towards reducing people's vulnerability and exposure to these extreme events and building more resilient communi es. The people of NSW need to know that our government will report on the implementa on status of these recommenda ons every three months. They need a date set for when the recommenda ons will be fully implemented. These inquiries are only useful when their findings are put to use".

The Batemans Bay Surf Life Saving Club has received a brand new ATV Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, visited the Batemans Bay Surf Life Saving Club at Malua Bay yesterday (Wednesday August 17th) to present the club an all-terrain-vehicle. The ATV was purchased with $20,000 made available through the Stronger Communi es Grant. Ms Phillips said "Batemans Bay SLSC plays a vital part in our community. Volunteers were there during the Black Summer bushfires and they are there every day saving lives. That’s why I was delighted to provide a $20,000 federal Stronger Communi es grant to buy a new PresidentATV".of

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 14 community con outputnues…..ofthe

Mt Pleasant coal mine in Muswellbrook, an expansion of Whitehaven’s Narrabri coal mine, and a new Glencore mine in the Hunter.

the Batemans Bay Surf Life Saving Club, Tracy Innes, told East Coast Radio the ATV will be a massive help for the club when carrying out surf lifesaving du es. "Fiona was behind the Stronger Communi es Grant that came out last year and we were lucky enough to be awarded that grant to purchase the ATV," Ms Innes said. "We o en have emergencies off the rocks around us, so it's also a much faster way of ge ng there, rather than ge ng there and not being able to swim straight away because we're puffed from running," she "'scertainly going to be helpful." An ATV (all-terrain-vehicle) is like a li le dune buggy that, as the name suggests, can cover all terrain. "They can go down the beach and handle that very well," Ms Innes said. "They can tow our IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) down the beach and also our gear shelter, so it will really help out with that sort of thing,"

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 15 community TAFE NSW Ulladulla Building A Cultural Art 6CommunityJune2022

A new Cultural Art course at TAFE NSW Ulladulla is giving students the skills to turn crea ve abili es into career opportuni es as demand for Aboriginal art sees a resurgence.

The market for Aboriginal cultural art steadily rose from 2016 to 2020. According to art market analysts Cooee Art, the increase in average prices for work by the top 200 indigenous ar sts indicates the market will con nue to grow faster than the economy at least un l 2025.

Mr Duffield gained his formal qualifica ons at TAFE NSW, where he completed Cer ficate III and IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts, he then graduated from a TAFE NSW Diploma in Visual “IArts.went from being a student to becoming a teacher, it’s a real highlight of my career,” Mr Duffield said. “It’s fantas c to help the students grow their ar s c talent. I like to pass on and share what I know and it’s wonderful to see what the students can do with it. A lot of them feel really proud of what they can do.”

The Cer ficate IV in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts was introduced this year at TAFE NSW Ulladulla and follows on from the Cer ficate III which was introduced two years ago. The course provides more advanced crea ve skills and has a focus on crea ng exhibi ons, establishing networks, and career paths for ar sts.

“People want artwork with Aboriginal mo fs or anything symbolic of Aboriginal work. I think there will be plenty of opportuni es for the younger students coming through to take their works as far as they want,” Mrs Heath said. She said the course had given her more confidence by broadening the skills she can call on in her drawing.

“Working with our teacher Glenn Duffield has given me the confidence to exhibit. I was never confident when it came to drawing. But Glenn taught me shading techniques at that bring the work to life. It’s those types of techniques that can take a drawing from being two dimensional to having depth and life.

Mr Duffield is proud to share his ar s c skills and knowledge with his students and he has plenty to offer. Throughout his career he has had an art piece acquired by the Na onal Gallery of Australia, has been a finalist in the Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize for five consecu ve years, and has exhibited and curated exhibi ons as well as being involved in many South Coast community art projects.

For more informa on about the range of courses available at TAFE NSW visit or phone 131 601.

Above: Kathleen Heath

Burrill Lake resident Kathleen J Heath has poured her crea ve energy into ceramics for many years and has sold her work through the Ulladulla Po ery Group. She said she has no ced a growing interest in cultural art par cularly from visitors to the region. This year she enrolled in the Cer ficate IV and is improving her drawing skills.

“We’re lucky to have renowned local ar st Duff, as he’s known, as our TAFE teacher. To have someone at the level showing us different techniques is very inspiring.”

Please contact RSPCA Eurobodalla on 0424 228 425 for more informa on.

community RSPCA Eurobodalla hope you can help find a forever home for Marshall, a four year old German Shorthaired Pointer Cross (also called a Bull Arab). This gentle, affec onate boy would fit nicely into most households, as he loves everyone, and is good with other dogs, children and cats. The one thing he really needs is lots of human a en on, so he is best suited to a home where there is someone around most of the me.

Typical of his breed, Marshall is very easy-going. He enjoys mee ng new people and bonds quickly. His long tail wags constantly, and when he's excited his wiggle-bu is really impressive. Marshall enjoys ge ng out and about. He's s ll learning to walk well on a lead but he's nearly there. His new home will need secure fencing, as Marshall's inquisi ve and friendly nature may lead him to go exploring on his Thisown.lovely boy is ready to make someone the perfect pet. Marshall is available for adop on in NSW and the ACT. He weighs 33kg and is staying at Tuross Head.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 16

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 17 community WANT TO STUDY NURSING? Since 2000, UOW Batemans Bay has offered full degrees to students without leaving home. Students can enrol in degrees in Nursing, Arts (Humani es), Business, Commerce and Educa on. The Bachelor of Nursing degree provides modern simulated learning environments for study, as well as off-campus workplace experiences in hospitals, clinics, aged care facili es and health services. You will cover four main areas of study; Acute care , Chronic and aged care , Community and primary care , Mental health UOW Graduates can also enjoy employment prospects above the na onal average, with 93.1% in full- me employment within four months of gradua ng, compared with the na onal average of 80.1%. *APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN FOR THE BACHELOR OF NURSING UOW.EDU.AU #THISISUOW MORE INFO: 0244 722 125 OR BBAY-ENQUIRIES@UOW.EDU.AU Curious about Army Cadets? 222 Army Cadet Unit - South Coast - Eurobodalla are parading on Tuesdays from 6pm-9pm at Carroll college, Broulee. Join now to be included in our Bivouac (camp) on the last weekend of August as well as the Army Cadets Annual Field Exercise (AFX) in the September school holidays at Singleton Army Base. To be an Army Cadet you must be an Australian resident, be in high school, a minimum 12 1/2 years and not older than 17 years old. Cadets parade during school terms. With a keen interest in making friends, camping, self development and team building Cadets might be for are interested in a ending come along this Tuesday 6pm to 9pm at Carroll College Broulee. Contact one of our staff for further informa on.

Three South Coast History Days have been held previously, all in the Bega Valley Shire, all a rac ng very large numbers of par cipants and many of Australia’s most highly-regarded historians including Mark McKenna, Peter Spearri , John Blay, Anna Clark and Lenore Coltheart.

The NSW Government’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program has provided funding that has enabled this South Coast History Day to be organized.

South Coast History Society’s President Peter Lacey told The Beagle that ‘we an cipate an overwhelming demand for the limited number of seats on offer, not just from residents in the Eurobodalla and southern Shoalhaven Shires but from many residents in Canberra, Queanbeyan and even Sydney who have family holiday houses in the area and are therefore interested in the history of the region. And, of course, there are also several hundred people who a ended previous South Coast History Days who already know that this is likely to be another extremely informa ve and engaging day, and will be eager to a end.’

If you are interested in our local history, mark the date in your diary: Saturday March 25th 2023. South Coast History Day is coming to Batemans Bay. What is South Coast History Day? One of the most successful local history seminars in the state. As its name implies, it focuses on the history of the NSW South Coast.

The full program for the Day, which will run from 10am to around 5pm, will be released at the end of September when ckets (which will be very a rac vely priced at just $30 each!) will also become available.

The already-impressive line-up of presenters at South Coast History Day 2023 includes Dr Ma hew Trinka, the Director of the Na onal Museum of Australia, Dr Richard Reid who is well known for his interest in local histories and par cularly those of the NSW South Coast, Denis Conor who is the Archivist for the Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn which includes the NSW South Coast area, Professor Lyne e Russell from Monash University in Melbourne and Professor Ann McGrath from the Australian Na onal University who will be sharing their research interests in the whaling industry and Indigenous rela ons.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 18 community A Major History Conference— Des na on: Batemans Bay.

South Coast History Day 2023 is being organized by the South Coast History Society (the publishers of the popular ‘Recollec ons’ magazine) and is being ac vely supported by the Clyde River and Batemans Bay Historical Society.

‘And, yet again, we are absolutely thrilled at the extraordinarily high calibre of speakers who will be coming to Batemans Bay just to contribute to South Coast History Day 2023.’

Further informa on about South Coast History Day is available by phoning 0448 160 852.

It will be a day at which the area’s local history comes to the fore and is an opportunity for anyone who is keen to learn more about how, why and when the Batemans Bay and Eurobodalla areas developed. The day is designed to appeal to local residents and visitors to the area so, while a number of leading Australian historians will be giving presenta ons during the day, it will be a far cry from a symposium with an academic focus. A session is planned on the challenges of simply ge ng to the area by sea or by land. Another will be focusing on the surviving history and heritage that can be found in the Eurobodalla Shire. And a third will explore some of the lesser-known stories about the area.

The Clyde Mountain Road (now the Kings Highway) around 1902 – even then with a queue of traffic!

The monthly mee ngs are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 14 September 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $25.00. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. Our guest speaker for September will be Dave Kemp to speak about photography. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198. On the Saturday 30 July 2022 our club had a fundraiser with the BBQ at Bunnings. This is a wonderful part of our fundraising for The Smith Family Learning for Life Program. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club sponsors 5 students fully and 1 student par ally (with our Region) and to do this we need to raise about $4000 each year. We also support the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal each year with about $500. The Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal aims to deliver over 75,000 new toys and 50,000 new books to children in need around Australia.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 19 Guest Speaker from Rural Fire Service for Batemans Bay Evening View Club

The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable mee ng on Wednesday 10 August 2022. Our mee ng was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and we had a good number of ladies enjoy a delicious meal before listening to our guest speaker. Our Guest speaker was Ian Aitken from the Rural Fire Service. Ian spoke on the new Australian Fire Danger Ra ng System being introduced Australia wide on 1 September 2022. It will be an improved and simplified system to make it easier for people to make decisions to stay safe on days of fire danger risk. The new ra ngs are Moderate –Plan and Prepare, High – Get Ready to Act, Extreme – Take Ac on Now, Catastrophic – Leave Bushfire Risk Areas. Ian also spoke to the group about having Fire Plans and being ready for the coming season. Bush Fire Plans were handed out to the group. Vice-President Lore a thanked Ian for his presenta on and presented him with a small gi of apprecia on. Earlier in the evening Vice-President Lore a presented Jenny McCaskill with a long service badge. Jenny has been a member of View for 30 years and volunteered a lot of her me to our View Club over the years at mee ngs, fundraisers and other events and has held execu ve posi ons. Congratula ons to Jenny for the number of years with our organisa on and all your good work. Vice President Lore a also presented a chocolate to Leslie Handley and Di Gee to celebrate their birthdays.

VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Educa on of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their educa on. The club was established in 1997 for women interested in mee ng regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing las ng friendships and contribu ng to the community. We will be celebra ng 60 years of VIEW in Australia in May with a func on at the Soldiers Club. community

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 20 community On the Agenda for Council mee ng Aug 23rd Mayoral report to call extraordinary mee ng to progress recruitment of General Manager. Two No ces of Mo on: one calling for the NSW Government to legislate that 24/7 cat containment can be enforced by local government; the other calling for Council to support advocacy via this year's Local Government NSW conference for a just transi on away from na ve forest logging. Tender to repair Araluen Road at the Merricumbene Anotherlandslip. batch of policies for review, including land acquisi on and disposal. Reclassifca on and rezoning of some parcels of Council land. A community garden for Long Beach! Landcare and invasive species annual updates. Establishing a Climate Ac on Advisory Group. Full agenda and online viewing links here> ngs PUBLIC FORUM @ 9.30am Residents can speak to councillors about any item on the day's agenda. Register to speak by midday Monday 22 August. COUNCIL MEETING @11am Join in the Council Chamber or watch the webcast. Find all the info and links you need at ngs

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 21 community South Coast Colleges have sessions running In August Septemberand If you meet our funding criteria the course will be fully subsidised by the NSW Government. (FEE FREE!) In Batemans Bay we have the following sessions available:  31st of August  - 7th of September More to come! There is a pre-course online component that MUST be completed 48 hours prior to the course start date if this is not completed you will not be accepted on the day of your training. it will take approximately 3-4 hours to Thiscomplete.courseis a Nationally Recognised Training course, that offers chances for you to gain new skills, new accreditations and new chances at employment! HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation To find out more about these courses enquire with our admin team on 02 4472 9202, email, visit the website

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 22 community Keen to spend a few hours embracing your own crea vity in a workshop? at this year's fes val. Choose from millinery, jewellery, print-making, photography, ink art, oils, candle making, sourdough baking, working with clay, wri ng and drumming. The first is a Light Pole Building Workshop on August 24, it's being held before the fes val, as the works will feature at Luminous: Art A er Dark! The project is to create carved and coloured clay poles which will be assembled with solar lights and displayed throughout Riverside Park.

Montague Visi ng Ar sts - HD DUO - Sat Sep 3

Aug 20th - Intensity Duo – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Aug(7.30pm)20th - Koncert 4 Kimbo at Durras Hall on 7pm ll late Aug 20th - Guitar case Troubadours at Tomakin Social Club Aug 20th - Roddy Reason – Tuross Club (6.30pm) Aug 21st - Eurobodalla Live Music at Moruya Golfy Aug 26th - Rick Bamford at Moruya Golfy Aug 27th - Ricky Bloomfield at Tomakin Social Club Aug 27th - Country Pumpkins – Moruya Markets (10am) Aug 27th - Richard Lawson – Tuross Club (6.30pm) Sep 3rd - HD DUO Michael Duke, saxophone & David Howie, piano Exci ng new music for Saxophone and Piano. 2:30 pm Saturday September 3 St Paul’s Anglican Church, SeptNarooma10th - The Spindri Saga are coming back to Smokey Dan’s joined by The Scaramouche from the far south coast, Moon Dogs from the central coast and locals Don John & the John Dons Sep 16th - QUEEN TRIBUTE SHOW AT THE WATERFRONT QUEEN ROCKS is the defini ve tribute to one of the greatest bands of all me - QUEEN!

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 23 What’s on

Coming up on Saturday, September 3 is something a li le different. Pianist David Howie and Saxophonist Michael Duke have been playing together as the HD Duo since 2008. In that me, they have commissioned many new works from Australian and interna onal composers. They have toured Australia many mes as well as performing together in Thailand, USA, England, Scotland, Mexico, France and New Caledonia. In Narooma, they will be playing an a rac ve program of works by Ma hew Hindson, Katy Abbo , Lyle Chan, Brenton Broadstock, Ari Antoniades and Ma hew Orlovich. You can read more about the HD Duo here h ps:// and listen to a sample here h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 24 What’s on

Audience members can sit close enough to the musicians to really see them as they play – an experience that can’t be had in larger or more formal concert halls.

Great music, masterful performers and a beau ful venue make this a concert not to be missed.


For more

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 25 What’s on The Sutherland Trio Elizabeth Sellars - Violin, Molly Kadarauch - Cello, and guest performer Tomoe Kawabata - Piano “Making Angels” 2pm Sunday 28 August St Bernard’s Church Batehaven Composers Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Maurice Ravel wrote some of the best-known pieces of classical music played today. Mozart sits on top of Spo fy’s most downloaded classical music list, and Ravel is amongst Spo fy’s Top 50 composers. Although downloading music makes it accessible, live performance is best.

Luckily for local music lovers, the South Coast Music Society is bringing the Melbourne based Sutherland Trio to St Bernard’s at Batehaven on Sunday 28 August for one live performance. It will feature Mozart’s Piano Trio in C Major, Ravel’s muchloved Piano Trio and a piece called ‘Making Angels’ by Australia composer Katy Abbot Formed in 2010 to honour the trailblazing Australian composer, teacher and pioneer Margaret Sutherland, the Sutherland Trio’ combine great chamber music works with significant direc ons in composi on worldwide and highlight a female composer in each concert. This program does exactly that, with music from 18th century Vienna, 20th Century France, and 21st century Australia. These pieces have been described by reviewers as ‘flamboyant’, ‘drama c’ and ‘soaring towards freedom and light’.

Performances by The Sutherland Trio have been described in Limelight Magazine as ‘beau ful and u erly cap va ng’. This descrip on also fits the experience live performance in St Bernard’s Church. St Bernard’s provides a wonderful venue with magnificent acous cs and expansive views across Batemans Bay.

The Sutherland Trio ‘Making Angels’ is presented by the South Coast Music Society in associa on with Musica Viva. Tickets cost $40 for non-members and $35 for members and can be purchased from or at the door informa email

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 26 What’s on –coming up SEPT 30, 7PM // CHARM OF FINCHES The sister duo Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes are gracing us with their lullaby tunes at the Windsong Pavilion, Barragga Bay (Bermagui) in September. “Wonderful Oblivion is a moving work, dressing up the shared experiences of the everyday with music that tugs at the heart and s rs the imagina on.” -The Australian FridayDATE 30 September 2022 Doors7.00pmopen @ 6.30pm FourLOCATIONWinds Windsong Pavilion Barragga Bay (Bermagui) GeneralPRICE Admission $39 Concession $35 16 years & under FREE BOOK VIA Image Credit: Kristoffer Paulsen / Anna Cordell Clothing

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 27 What’s on –coming up

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 28 What’s on—cinema

Actor, writer, director and producer Rosie Lourde (Star ng From Now, Skin Deep, Romance on the Menu, Blockhead and Sparkles and the Flood of Tears) will moderate two Q&A Panels at the fes val.

The Breaking In Q&A at 2pm on Sunday 21 August at Twyford Hall will see guest panelists writer Niki Aken (The Newsreader, Upright, The Hun ng, Underbelly), actor Fayssal Bazzi (Best Lead Actor 2021 AACTA Awards for Stateless, Mother Mountain) and actor/writer/director Chum Ehelepola (The Newsreader, Preppers, Nau lus) discuss their break-through moments in the film industry.

The Far South Film Fes val has announced an exci ng line-up of VIP guests in addi on to its film screenings and social events.

The Regional Filmmakers’ Q&A at 4pm on Saturday 20 August at Twyford Hall Merimbula will be a great opportunity to hear from some of the Directors of the beau ful films being screened at the Fes val that reflect perspec ves from regional and remote Australia, including Karen Jackson from Cairns (The Dos and Don’ts of Ge ng Married).

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 29 What’s on—cinema

The Far South Film Fes val is part of ART MONTH Sapphire Coast 2022. ART MONTH Sapphire Coast is a Bega Valley Regional Gallery ini a ve delivered in partnership with South East Arts and supported by Bega Valley Shire Council.

Far South Film Fes val announces an exci ng line-up of VIP guests

Fes val Director Lis Shelley said “We’re thrilled to have guests of this calibre at our regional event Audiences will have the opportunity to ask ques ons of the panelists and a recording of both Q&As will be posted to our Online Fes val where they will be viewable from anywhere in Australia for 10 days following the Merimbula event.” Following the Sunday panel discussion, the red carpet will roll out in Twyford Hall for the Awards Ceremony, where winners in each category will be announced. A recording will be available online and (spoiler alert!) results will be posted on the Far South Film Fes val website a er the event. More informa on, passes and individual ckets for both the in-person Film Fes val in Merimbula NSW on 19-21 August and the Online Fes val on 20-31 August are available by visi ng h ps://farsouthfilmfes or calling 02 6495 7435.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 30 Reading Gadfly 246

And this was before the latest political eruption when the FBI raided former President Trump’s Florida palace Mar-a-Lago (‘from sea to lake’) and gun violence there reached a new crescendo. According to the New York Times, ‘In the year and a half since a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, threats of political violence and actual attacks have become a steady reality of American life, affecting school boards, election workers, flight attendants, librarians and even Members of Congress, often with few headlines and little reaction from politicians.’

By Robert Macklin I was momentarily stunned recently when Kathryn Greiner, the businesswoman and moderate political wife of the similarly moderate former Liberal Premier Nick Greiner, declared that the United States of America is ‘a failing state’.

A similar sense of camaraderie (though without the jump) might well apply between Joe Biden and a welcoming Anthony Albanese. But it’s highly unlikely that the US President will be coming our way anytime soon, and after the forthcoming midterm elections he might well be a lame duck with the House and the Senate in the hands of Trump’s Republicans. Already, they control the country’s Supreme Court. Already, they are placing Trump nominees in positions that conduct the electoral process. No wonder that people as level-headed as Kathryn Greiner fear that we’re looking at a ‘failingWestate’.should not lose hope. Nothing about America is inevitable. But there are certainly ‘interesting times’ robert@robertmacklin.comawaiting.

Add to that the religious mania that felled Salman Rushdie and you have to wonder just how dangerous a place it’sOnbecome.theother hand, President Joe Biden has at last passed large elements of his signature legislation designed to fight the worst of climate change and improve the country’s health services. In days of old that would dominate the headlines and calm the savage beast of hateful division.

But to those of us who have lived through the years since America came to our rescue in WWII and largely created a world order that provided unprecedented Australian prosperity, the whole idea of the USA becoming a ‘failed state’ is not just scary, it goes to the heart of our entire sense of purpose and continuity.

I remember them through the occasion when the US President Lyndon B. Johnson was arriving in Air Force One for the funeral of Harold Holt. As press secretary to John ‘Black Jack’ McEwen, just sworn in as PM, we were in the back seat of his car zooming to the airport. A portable typewriter was on my knees, as we wrote his little speech of welcome. I don’t remember the whole speech but the word ‘tremendous’ featured prominently. But I’ll never forget when LBJ came down the stairs and was confronted by a large metal tray with antibacterial liquid to protect Australian livestock from Foot and Mouth and other nasties. He took one surprised look at it and jumped over it to shake McEwen’s hand. ‘Black Jack’ was a little taken aback, I admit, but only for a moment. A quick explanation and LBJ duly jumped back into the goo. And everyone had a good old laugh.

It’s the sort of description you might expect from a leftie with a leer. Coming from a mature, eminently sensible woman in tones that suggested it was simply a given made it doubly shocking. Admittedly, it occurred on the ABC’s evening program, The Drum where at times you do get blasts from the edges of political debate, but Mrs Greiner wasn’t provoked by the clash of competing views; she spoke more in sorrow than in anger.

A beer with Baz Mick brought the walk to a sudden halt, checked his pedometer and then punched the numbers into his mobile phone. “Right Bazza, that’s 5,000 steps and we’ve burned 950 kilojoules, but given your extra kilos, you can round it up to1000 kilojoules. Let’s turn around and head back.”

Mick chose the cappuccino. “And Sir, would you like almond, soy, skim, oat, skim, lite or regular milk?” “Umm…..just regular milk is fine.”

Bazza shi ed in his seat. “I’ll have the same…… but I will also try the French omele e.”

The waiter approached. “Anyhow, Bazza, on another ma er, I need a financial planner……”

The waiter pulled out an iPad, seated himself and punched in Mick’s superannua on details, income and assets. A few pointed ques ons followed about lifestyle and expenditures and within minutes a full financial plan with accompanying spreadsheets was presented.

A suited and middle aged male maître d’ enthusias cally greeted and guided them to a table. He adjusted his glasses a number of mes to highlight the specials.

Along the side wall, five individuals in various forms of restaurant a re, sat upright. Each were prac sing various facial expressions, ranging from serious to concerned. There were a couple of a empts at being outraged and even the odd poin ng finger.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 31 Reading—

The maître d’ re red and then reappeared in full waiter a re to take their orders.

Bazza blinked a number of mes and Mick ordered a coffee.

Mick’s eyes were saucepans. The waiter then checked on each of the other tables and engaged in expert conversa on on a range of specialised topics as diverse as health and mineral resources.

“All a bit odd, Bazza……this bloke does everything. The staff all look pre y competent. I mean, one of them even has a barista beard, but they are all just si ng around pulling faces.”

The waiter interrupted. “Excuse me Sir, I can help you with that ma er.”

“Sir, would you like a la e, flat white, cappuccino, long black, short black or a piccolo?”

The waiter a ended to every table in the restaurant in similar fashion, before disappearing momentarily. He then re entered in the open kitchen in the centre of the restaurant dressed in toque blanche, white jacket, checkered pants and apron. A flurry of ac vity followed with a burst of flames, a tossing of the omele e high into the air. In moments, a duck l’ orange was prepared with ease along with a soupe à l'oignon, a coq au vin, a cassoulet, a boeuf bourguignon and a chocolate soufflé. The chef then swivelled and mastered the coffee machine, before changing back into waiter a re, to expertly serve the clientele. Bazza and Mick sat in stunned silence before scanning the restaurant.

Bazza and Mick shook their heads repeatedly.

Bazza pa ed down his stomach. “Yeah…..thanks for the encouragement, Mick, but let’s go the extra one hundred metres and check out this new coffee shop. It is doubling up as a pop up French restaurant in the evenings.”

The five restaurant staff were now earnestly prac sing looks of disbelief, as the waiter changed into janitor clothes and proceeded to clean the restaurant. Have a beer with Bazza at

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 32 Reading 2022 brings the exciting return of the OLGA AWARDSHORTMASTERSSTORY .


The Judges for 2022 are Ben Walter and Kate Liston-Mills. Judging is completely anonymous. Winners will be announced as part of the HeadLand Writers Festival taking place in Tathra from 28-30 October 2022. Please visit the Olga Masters website for information, guidelines and entry form: One week ll the literary event with Sulari Gen ll . Make sure you book in for the Moruya Books event of The Woman In The Library at Mogendura Farm. Feel free to call (02) 4474 2242 or book in store

Did you hear Sam Vincent speak to Phillip Adams on SuchRN?agreat interview! Pop in to Moruya Books and check out Sam Vincent’s book My Father and Other Animals. It’s got Charles Massy’s tick of approval!


Short stories (2000 to 4000 words) on the theme of life in rural Australia. With the continued support of the Masters family, the Award is administered by South East Arts, in partnership with South Coast Writers Centre, and Island Magazine. The Award welcomes entries from writers of all ages resident in Australia. are open now and will close on 31 August 2022.

MRS. Irving, of Lismore, whose illness we reported a few weeks ago, died in Sydney. Deceased who was a twin daughter of Mr. C. H. Hutchings, of Bergalia, leaves a widower and family of young children to mourn their irreparable loss.

THE death of Mr. William Barker, shipping director of the Narooma Dairy Factory, aged 64 years, took place at his home in Narooma on Tuesday. Deceased, who was a batchelor, was born at Kiora, where he resided for a number of years. Much sympathy is expressed for the Barker family in their double bereavement, as it was only on Friday of last week that a sister, Mrs. Jones, died in Sydney.

– The Directors of the Board met at their room in Moruya on Tuesday, the members present being: - Messrs. H. J. Thomson (chair), J. Bate, A. G. Sutherland, R. M. Bate, H. J. Mallon, F. H. Anderson and L. D. Hawdon. An apology was received from Mr. F. W. Cork. … DEUA RIVER. (From our Correspondent) It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. G. Blundell, which occurred at her residence at Araluen Junc on on Monday a er a short illness. The deceased lady was known far and wide for her hospitality. No person ever visited her home without being asked to have the proverbial “cup of tea.” She was 71 years of age, and was born at Kiora, being a daughter of the late Mr. Willian McIntosh. Her husband pre-deceased her 15 years ago. She leaves to mourn her loss three sons, viz., William (Lismore), George (Siam), John (Araluen Junc on), and two daughters, viz., Mrs. E. McIntyre (Araluen) and Miss Emily Blundell (Araluen Junc on). The funeral which took place at Araluen on Wednesday, was largely a ended. … The late Mrs. Blundell is survived by three brothers, Messrs. William McIntosh, snr. (Gundary), Charles McIntosh (Sydney) and John McIntosh (Mullenderree).

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps:// Gundary

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 33 Reading—history 100 Years Ago August 19th 1922

TENDERS for wood for the hospital close on 30th inst.

EMMOTT’S store and Donnelly’s butcher’s shop were broken into on different nights of last week, groceries and meat being stolen.

THE tennis match between Moruya and Eurobodalla that took place on Saturday last on the Eurobodalla Court resulted in a win for Moruya by 12 sets to 4. The Eurobodalla players entertained the visitors. An enjoyable day was spent.

MR. and Mrs. M. White have disposed of their co age in River Street, Gundary, to Mr. T. Flood and are returning to Nelligen, having again taken over their store-keeping business


beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 34 Reading—Moruya Books

“We judge across a variety of categories: technical skill, crea vity and interpreta on of the theme,” she said. “We had so many fantas c entries that really played with the theme – the winners showed promise in all three categories.” Ms Carmichael said the younger kids’ artwork “had amazing impact”. “They don’t have a high level of technical skill, but really immersed themselves in the theme and explored their own crea vity,” Ms Carmichael said. “There was an amazing bunch of winners this year.”

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 35 Arts

Mayor Mathew Hatcher was proud to see such talent and congratulated the finalist ar sts. He thanked patron and philanthropist, Mr Basil Sellers AM, for his generosity and support over the past 20 years. Con nues next page…

The Li le Sellers Art Prize was established in 2016 as a companion exhibi on to the Basil Sellers Art Prize. This year saw the ins ga on of the Li le Sellers Scholarship Program – a $2000 scholarship towards further studies in visual arts. Ms Carmichael said the scholarship was an important step to support crea vity and visual literacy in the Shire. “We want to make sure the arts is seen as a viable career path for our young people and that they have the tools and resources to realise those aspira ons,” she said.

Above: The Li le Sellers Art Prize winner Alison Muller. Above: The 11 – 12yrs category winner Raphaella Herford received the Li le Sellers Scholarship to further her studies and support a career path in the arts.

Li le Sellers Art Prize winners announced Aspiring young ar sts showed off their artwork to family and friends at the BAS during the announcement of the Li le Sellers Art Prize on Monday 15 August. The prize was open to ar sts in school years 1 - 12 and this year’s theme was: ‘Greet the sun. Face the moon.’ Judging was a challenge for Indi Carmichael who is Council’s Crea ve Arts Coordinator. She said the effort and story behind each entry was incredible.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 36 Li le Sellers Art Prize winners announced con nues…. “Mr Sellers gave a significant contribu on to building this exhibi on centre where we meet today and has done a great deal to promote arts in our community,” Mr Hatcher said. “It is important we provide a pla orm for our aspiring ar sts to showcase their work and gain valuable exhibi on experience. “ Category winners received a $50 voucher to Amanda’s of Mogo and runners-up received $30 vouchers. The overall winner of the Li le Sellers Art Prize received $200. The Eurobodalla Shire Council’s addi onal Children’s and Youth award winners each received $75. Prize winners 1 – 4 years Runner up - Lacey Lee Winner - Holly Blaas 5 – 7 years Runner up - Abbie Morris Winner - Amelia Hick 8 – 10 years Winner - Alison Muller 11 – 12 years Runner up - Lucy Badman Winner - Raphaella Herford Children’s Services Award Winner - Sunnie Thompson Youth Award winner Winner - Eve Willis Li le Sellers $2000 Scholarship Winner - Raphaella Herford 2022 Li le Sellers Art Prize Winner - Alison Muller Arts Above:: Years 5 – 7 finalists with Mayor Mathew Hatcher. Above: Years 1- 4 finalists with Mayor Mathew Hatcher.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 37 art Explore the River of Arts interac ve map River of Art have a great search tool for you! Explore their interac ve map, search by ar st, dates or town to plan your fes val journey. Head over to their website to play!

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 38 sports Far South Coast District Bowls Winners The Far South Coast District Open and Senior Pairs were held on Thursday 11th August at Malua Bay. Rose Farrington and Denise Lidbury from Tuross Head Women’s Bowling Club were the winners of the Open Pairs. Congratula ons to these superstars. They will now go on to contest the Regional playoffs later in the year.

Wednesday 17th - Round 2 of the Women’s Stroke C’ships Ne was played with 21 entrants. The scores have been amazing this week. The overall winner and Grade B winner was Jenny Walker with a great score of 64 off handicap of 25. Jenny was also the winner of the monthly medal. Grade B winner was Jayne Hotchkis with a score of 69 off handicap of 11. Balls to 72 on C/B Nearest to pin Pam Shepherd 3rd hole, Div 2 Mary Young 9th hole, Div 3 Ris Cheale was the winner of the stableford compe on with 40 points off handicap of 35 Balls to 35 on C/B.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 39 sports Eurobodalla Ladies Tennis Compe on Results from 18th August It was a cool and damp start to the day on Thursday - but at least we were out on the courts. Fortunately the drizzle stopped and we were able to complete all matches. Some matches were very close. In division 1, Narooma and Bay Babes were 4 sets all but Bay won by just 3 games! Similarly, in Division 3, Bay Breeze and Bay Seagirls were 4 sets all but Breeze were the winners by 5 games.

Monday 15th August, 22 entrants par cipated in Round 1 of the Woman’s Stroke C’ships Ne Tournament. Two divisions; Div 1; 0-24 Div 2; 25-45 Overall winner and Grade B winner was Moira Richards with a terrific score of 71 off handicap of 40. Grade A winner was Jan Shevlin also with a terrific score of 71 off handicap of 17. Balls to 73 C/B Nearest to pin Margaret Brown 9th hole, Div 3 Janice Eardley 14th hole, Div 2 Sylvia Donohoe 17th hole, Div 1 9 entrants competed in the stableford event. Overall winner was Michael Ba enally a visitor from Federal Golf Club with a score of 34 C/B off handicap of 20. Balls to 33 C/B

Division 1: Tomakin 8 sets 48 games defeated Moruya Blues 0 sets 3 games. Bay Babes 4 sets 41 games defeated Narooma 4 sets 38 games. Tuross had the bye. Division 2: Tomakin 6 sets 44 games defeated Bay Waves 2 sets 31 games. Narooma Gold 6 sets 40 games defeated Broulee Brolgas 2 sets 16 games. Broulee Flamingoes had the Divisionbye 3: Bay Breeze 4 sets 42 games defeated Bay Seagirls 4 sets 37 games. Tomkatz 8 sets 49 games defeated Moruya Swans 0 sets 15 games. Above: Pearl Richards, Pat Cmiel, Trish McGiness and Roslyn Marrion a er their win last week against Bay Breeze. Narooma Ladies Golf results

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 40 sports

Winners on the day Terry Lunn and Barry Hoban

Broulee Runners

Excellent condi ons allowed the 23 actual runners to challenge their best mes and as a result 10 people achieved personal best mes. It was family day with the Proksch-Pollock family of Charley, Leo Chris an, and Jo all recording personal best me in the Next2-kilometres.weretheCarver family with Sophia and Taryn recording PBs in the 2-kilometres and Alexis produced an excellent run to come 3rd in the 4-kilometres. Lilly McIntosh and Erin Drewsen recorded PBs to come first and second in the 2-kilometres. Andrew Greenway and David McCann produced strong performances to improve their mes in the 3-kilometres. Although not ge ng PBs it was pleasing to see the Morgan family of Carissa, Steve and Janelle perform with dis nc on. The run is a free community event for anyone, who want to test themselves either running or walking. We have people par cipa ng walking a dog or pushing a pram. You can choose any one of the three distances on the bike path alongside North Broulee Beach.

Terry Lunn and Barry Hoban Outclass The Field At Tuross Vets Golf Fi y players entered for the Tuross Head Veterans Golf 2 Person Stableford Mul plier event conducted on Wednesday 17 August. Winners on the day were the team of Terry Lunn and Barry Hoban who clearly played and combined well to achieve a magnificent mul plier score of 48 points for the 9 holes played.

Runners up were Graham Moore and Des Jackson with 37 points, followed home by Len and Gail Rogers on 34 and Ross Richardson and Greg Bush with 33. Minor prizes went to Leonie Snodgrass and Ross Hendy with 29, Bruce Ware and Neil Mather on 28, Lars Gaupset and Ken Brown with 25, and finally brothers Peter and Paul Coffey on 23.

Wed 17th 2022

The Bradman award was a closely fought affair with Jane Egli s and Warren Hodder eventually edging out a number of other low scoring teams. Nearest the Pins went to Richard Kelly on the 4th, Kevin Reilly on the 6th, and to Dorothy Madden and Ian Manton on the 7th. Peter Coffey capped off a good day by taking out the Accuracy drive on the 5th.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 41 real estate

There is quite a lot of nervousness in the community about whether or not the property market is going “to crash”. Naturally some media outlets like to sell their content by using alarming headlines such as a recent one in the Australian Financial Review that stated, “Property Prices Will Fall 30%”. The interesting thing about this article was that they were not talking about a specific segment of the property market they were talking about “the Australian property market”. Now if this forecast were to be correct that would be a remarkable (and indeed quite a scary) outcome. A fall like this has never happened before and certainly not across the board. And when the market has fallen significantly the general economic conditions have been quite different to our current conditions.

There are many factors that impact real estate values, but many commentators have just focussed on the recent increases in interest rates and reacted with catastrophic headlines. Analyst Michael Yardney said: “For a property market to "crash" there must be a large number of forced sellers and nobody on the other side of the transaction to purchase their properties meaning they have to give away their properties at very significant discounts. Remember home sellers are also homebuyers – they have to live somewhere and the only reason that would be forced to sell and give up their home would be if they were not able to keep up their mortgage payments. This happens when:  Unemployed levels are high - today anybody who wants a job can get a job.  Mortgage costs (interest rates) zoom up - despite rising interest rates, (they) are only like you to get to where they were a couple of years ago before the pandemic, (and) borrowers could cope then.”

The reality is that the property market is quite complex, and one forecast isn’t applicable for all segments in all locations.

The media would have us believe that the market is falling and that is correct for the Sydney and Melbourne residential markets which have fallen approximately 6%, but that is after they grew 31% and 19% respectively over the past 3 years. Meanwhile the forecasts have the Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide markets up 9%-12% by the end of the year. And what about our closest capital city, Canberra. It has seen an increase of 25.5% in the past year and prices were increasing approximately $1,054 per day in the recent June quarter. In his in-depth forecast (found here:, Michael Yardney outlines both the negative and positive influences on our market. To keep things upbeat here is a summary of his key positive points:  There is a shortage of good properties for sale and virtually no properties to rent  International immigration is increasing which will increase the demand for housing  There is little new construction occurring  Unemployment is at historically low levels and wages are starting to grow  Household balance sheets are generally pretty strong, and many borrowers are ahead in the mortgage payments

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 42 real estate South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1110: To Crash or Not To Crash?

 We have a strong banking system that has been strict in its lending criteria, meaning there are very few non-performing loans. So, when you see the “sensational headlines”, poke below the surface and look at all the fundamentals that traditionally impact housing prices/values. Yes, the market has slowed and isn’t what it was like over the last couple of years, but many analysts out there don’t support the doom and gloom that some are predicting. As always with real estate, do your own research, seek qualified financial advice regarding your own circumstances and don’t believe everything you read.

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 43 real estate OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many Therealtors.beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week. You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts. CLICK HERE: h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 44 Community

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beagle weekly : Vol 273 August 19th 2022 55 Waste Management Vets The Beagle Trades and Business Directory provides local Trades and Businesses a free lis ng in a hope that they might gain work from it, and con nue to provide employment and economic benefit to their families and our communi es. Adver sing is usually outside the affordability of many smaller businesses and sole traders. The Beagle supports locals. These lis ngs are FREE. If you are a local business and would like to be listed please contact us as we o en turn over these lis ngs to give everyone a fair go. Email Trades and Businesses can also list themselves on the Beagle Trades and Business Group in Facebook at h ps:// The Beagle business and trades Directory a to z Late entries

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