30 minute read

Editorial What’s On …………….... 20 to 26 FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ www.beagleweekly.com.au

Welcome to this week’s editorial, This week saw the arrival of the new Council General Manager, Warwick Winn, to the shire. A er nine years in the seat, the old general manager stepped down, ending an era that many considered was the lowest in the history of the Eurobodalla Council, specifically in regards to the perceived toxic culture that devalued community consulta on, inclusion, openness and transparency. We now have a new Council and a newly appointed General Manager and with that comes the hope that the mandate of Openness and Transparency that most of our Councillors elec oneered on will finally come to frui on. The first test of this is approaching that will see the financials of the Bay Pavilion performance hopefully revealed. During the last term of Council the veil of secrecy around this facility was astounding, to the extent that Councillors had their laptops and mobile phones recalled to be trawled in an effort to determine which councillor might have leaked the name of the winning contractor to the media. This ac on only went to prove to councillors the distrust that they were regarded with by Council execu ve. As it turned out, most embarrassingly, the informa on of the winning contractor had been obtained by a member of the general public who simply made a phone call to the winning tenderer. Under the previous General Manager there was li le, if any, informa on forthcoming around the new Batemans Bay facility. The community were con nually directed to a flawed and outdated business case, the receipt of $8 million in pork barrelling by the NSW State Government was dismissed as a mere bagatelle, and the fact that Council had done its best to block provision of financial informa on from the community and state agencies only raised more suspicions. But these are new days. Hopefully it will finally be revealed that the management contractor receives a set fee per month, irrespec ve of the turnstyle incomes. It is understood that the turnstyle incomes from memberships, the pool, the gym, the theatre all go into a single account from which labour, overheads and sundries are paid. If there is an amount over the monthly income then Council pays the shor all or otherwise pockets any income above costs as a dividend. This arrangement will be in place during the management contractors three year contract. Two interes ng points are, firstly, that the same arrangements cover the Moruya and Narooma Pools. And secondly, our councillors have li le, if any knowledge of the arrangements, the financials and the projected losses that the Bay Pavilion facility is set to bring. Given the rise in electricity and the downturn in the economy it is evident that income will fall as expenses rise. And this will be the ratepayers burden. It is expected that the facility will cost in excess of $13 million in the first three years. In basic terms the Bay Pavilions represents around 3% of Council’s total budget and is expected to run at a loss of $3.5 million per year including deprecia on. To date the facility has been the Elephant in the Room that no-one wants to talk about. The general message is to speak only of the posi ves of the facility so as to encourage the community to use it and enjoy it. The more they do the less financial burden it might be. So the new councillors are not asking the ques ons as yet, but will they? The telling of how the facility is dealt with, and more so, the proof of pursuit and delivery of openness and transparency by both the new General Manager and the newly elected councillors, is just around the corner. To date there have been veils of secrecy, assorted decep ons, po-faced refusal of informa on requests, pork barrelling and threats around the facility, its actual costs and its forecast financials. Hopefully, finally, we will be able to openly talk about the Elephant in the Room and learn just how it is operated, how much it costs to operate and what might be done to lessen the financial impact of the legacy edifice that spiralled from a heated pool for old folks into a $70 million yoke with unknown impact that noone dares enquire for fear of being told that it isn’t posi ve to do so and the community don’t need to know that level of detail. Un l next—lei

community Changed traffic condi ons on the Tuross River Bridge, Bodalla.


Motorists are advised of changed traffic condi ons from this Sunday night on the Princes Highway at the Tuross River Bridge, Bodalla. Transport for NSW will be conduc ng essen al maintenance on the bridge to help improve the safety and resilience of the bridge structure.

To minimise impact to traffic, work will be carried out at night between 5pm and 4am, from Sunday 13 November to Friday 25 November, weather permi ng. Work will not take place on Friday or Saturday nights.

A single lane closure, traffic control and a reduced speed limit of 40 km/h will be in place during work hours for the safety of workers and motorists. Motorists are advised to allow an addi onal five minutes travel me, to drive to the condi ons, and to follow the direc ons of signs and traffic control. Transport for NSW thanks motorists for their pa ence during this me.

Moruya RSL Sub Branch news

A great deal is happening at the Moruya RSL Sub Branch in the next couple of weeks. We remind all our members our monthly mee ng is held on the third Tuesday each month so come to the RSL Memorial Hall 11 Page St Moruya next Tuesday 15th November at 2p.m for a very important mee ng. Final arrangements will be discussed for the dedica on ceremony for our new granite memorial on the right hand side of the building with plaques to be installed before the service at 2p.m. on Saturday 19th November 2022. These plaques remember all Defence Force members who have served Australia in many opera onal areas around the world. We have guests arriving for the service from various areas but chief among these is Rear Admiral Mark Campbell AM CSC RAN (Rtd) who will be our official guest at the ceremony for the unveiling of the plaques. All veterans and members of the public are invited to a end as Page Street will be closed for the service. We look forward to seeing you all there

Narooma Boats Afloat Nov 11th to 13th : Grand Parade Sunday 13th Nov 2022 10.30 AM

Unfortunately the 2020 and 2021 Fes vals did not happen due to the Covid19 Pandemic but the good news is that The Narooma Boats Afloat Fes val returns November 11th to 13th.

The organisers say to the 40 or more boat owners who are now registered to a sell out weekend: "The weekend provides an ideal opportunity for tradi onal boat owners to catch up with old friends and acquaintances, to share experiences, to compare notes and to show off their hard work restoring and maintaining their treasured tradi onal boats. Our welcoming and friendly local boa ng enthusiasts will ensure par cipants enjoy the weekend on our pris ne and now famous waterways". THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TOO!!: SATURDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2022: Roughly 11am ll 1pm - Come to the Narooma Marina in Forsters Bay and have a good s ckybeak at the boats and perhaps meet some owners and find out about the joy of owning a tradi onal boat! 11am ll 5pm nearby in the Narooma Fishing Club enjoy the MACS Art Exhibi on 12 ll 1 pm enjoy LIVE Jazz featuring the famous "JAZZ ALLEY" You can also enjoy coffee and food from the wonderful SALT CAFE at the Marina SUNDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2022 10am - Boats depart Forsters Bay for the famous "GRAND PARADE", led this year by the winner of our Malcolm McKay Best Boat Award. The Fleet will head down the channel, under the bridge and parade around the Mill Bay Boardwalk for the crowds to see. Arrival me at the Boardwalk will depend on de and weather condi ons. Narooma Boats Afloat is a weekend of fun for all those who love old boats when Narooma comes alive with good camaraderie and a display of wonderful boats

From clinkers and pu -pu s to launches, cruisers and yachts Narooma Boats Afloat celebrates Tradi onal Boats in all their varied forms. Above: Dulcey Rose - one of Narooma’s favourites enjoying an early run on the Inlet. Image from h ps://www.facebook.com/ naroomaboatsafloat/

community Community forces Coastal Management Program to remain open for comment

A er con nued outcry by members of the community that the me allowed for response to Council's Dra Open Coast Coastal Management Program (CMP) was far to short, especially given the complexity of the issue and the fact that many affected landowners may not yet be in receipt of le ers, councillors have advised staff to put in place an extension to allow property owners more me to consider the dra 10-year strategy to protect the shire’s coastline and manage coastal hazards.

Eurobodalla property owners now have an extra two weeks to comment on Council’s Dra Open Coast Coastal Management Program (CMP). The Dra Open Coast Coastal Management Program has been on public exhibi on since 12 October, with three well-a ended drop-in sessions for residents held last week. So far, 45 submissions have been made by members of the public. There are $47 million worth of proposed ac ons in the CMP to address current and future coastal hazards. Council staff will claim, as they recently did with the flawed Management Plan for Mummaga Lake, that having a cer fied CMP will allow Council to access state government funding to undertake these ac ons such as a revetment to protect Long Beach’s Bay Road, and inunda on berm to protect Surfside, and rockwall upgrades at Wharf Road and Caseys Beach. They will most likely suggest that if the CMP, flawed or otherwise, is not adopted, then they will not be in a posi on to receive grant funding. As one Councillor has already remarked "This is blackmail in no uncertain terms".

Council advise that the dra CMP has been developed from feedback collected since 2021 sugges ng it can become an agreed strategy between the community, Council, Tradi onal Owners and state agencies. Council's primary hurdle will be in regards to the degrada on of the northern Clyde River foreshore that has resulted in Council se ng in place a domino of consequences that are based on li le more than unsubstan ated and debatable no on and a litany of inep tudes. The closing date to have your say on the dra Open Coast Coastal Management Program is Wednesday 23 November, 2022.

community Government steps up to improve regional and rural doctor and nurse shortages

A doctor or nurse prac oner who lives and works in the most remote parts of Australia will have their HELP debt wiped under legisla on being introduced by the Albanese Government today. The legisla on introduces the incen ve for doctors and nurse prac oners to live and work in the places that need them the most by wiping or reducing their HECs/HELP debt. It means that a doctor or nurse prac oner who lives and works in: A remote or very remote town for a me period of half the length of their course would have their en re HELP debt wiped. A large, medium or small rural town for a me period equal to the whole length of their course would have their en re HELP debt wiped. An eligible place for a period of me equivalent to half the me required is eligible to half the applicable debt reduc on. The Government expects this legisla on will a ract about 850 doctors and nurse prac oners every year. For nurse prac oners, the legisla on will go towards covering a Master’s Degree in Commonwealth supported study, a full fee-paying place, or a combina on of both. Eligible loca ons are determined by the Modified Monash Model (below) which classifies remoteness. The measures are effec ve from 1 January 2022. Whilst the legisla on is being introduced and requires the endorsement of Parliament the news of posi ve ac on being taken to recognise the challenge of recrui ng and retaining primary health care workers in rural and remote communi es is mely to address what has become a major issue. The Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP said she was delighted that legisla on introduced by the Albanese Government today will help to address the GP shortage facing the South Coast. "This legisla on means that doctors and nurse prac oners will be incen vised to live and work on the South Coast for a substan al amount of me, helping to take pressure of our struggling health system and address workforce shortages. This is great news for the South Coast,” Fiona Phillips said.

“We have been struggling with a GP shortage for far too long, pu ng our local doctors under real strain and making it harder and more expensive for local people to get primary care when they need it,” she said The Gilmore MP said local healthcare workers have raised the need to improve incen ves for a rac ng doctors to our towns with her for years, and the Albanese Government has listened.

“Zero HECS debt is a strong incen ve for a young graduate to build their career here on the beau ful South Coast."

community Carers Accommoda on At The New Eurobodalla Hospital At Moruya

By Secretary of the Carers Accommoda on Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Inc, (CAERH) Shirley HayesCornish.

When in an emergency, in an unfamiliar place, ge ng accommoda on can bring carers to near breaking point. When in hospital having someone who cares nearby reduces emo onal stress. For the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital at Moruya, NSW Health is providing land on hospital grounds for Carers Accommoda on. The building will be paid for by money raised from the community. This is what has happened in other NSW Regional Hospitals such as Bega, Albury Wodonga and Port Macquarie. Without community funding there will not be Carers Accommoda on.

Carers Accommoda on Eurobodalla Regional Hospital Inc, CAERH has been inspirated by Bega Hospital’s CCASE which has two buildings with motel style units. Each unit has 6 bedrooms with an ensuite bathroom and a communal kitchen and lounge. Government grants covered about half the cost and community fundraising paid the other half. Bega’s cost was $2.3 million however due to cost increases CAERH will likely be more. The CAERH interim commi ee is calling for expressions of interest from community minded people with experience working on community projects to join CAERH. A variety of skills are needed – planning, project management and fundraising. Nomina on forms for the steering commi ee are available from the secretary and must be registered by Wednesday 9th of November. Posi ons without nomina ons will be called from the floor. If you wish to a end or be nominated please contact the Secretary below. Just two stories of the help that Carers Accommoda on can give. Di Finney of Moruya talked of her experience at CCASE, ‘Recently I had an opera on. I was going to take the bus down to Bega Hospital but my daughter offered to take me down and stay at CCASE. She was five

Photo: Bega Hospital’s Carers Accommodation. A model to be adapted for Moruya. Photo: Map of new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital. Carers Accommoda on will be above the car park.

minutes away, talked to me in the evening and went back to her room to work. The next morning she was there to talk to the doctors and take me home’.

‘It made something I was dreading into something really quite nice. To be able to talk with her about what the doctors said gave me a be er understanding of what I needed to do.’

Ka e Finney said ‘Since birth we have had yearly trips to Sydney Children’s Hospital for surgery. It is difficult being away from work, at mes my husband has had to stay at home with the other children and so I was there alone. But this was made easier by being able to stay nearby.’ The establishment of CAERH has been through NSW Health and the Moruya Rotary Club. The interim commi ee has been supported by Batemans Bay and Narooma Rotary and Batemans Bay Lions. NSW Health also has a representa ve and there is two from ECCC – Eurobodalla Community Consulta ve Commi ee.

Photo Ka e and Pryor Finney

The AGM will establish a steering commi ee to begin this four to five year project. It aims to have wide community par cipa on as a number of skills are required. Sub-commi ees will be established for specific purposes such as fundraising, construc on and publicity. Posi ons on the steering commi ee will be flexible so that members can come and leave during the length of the project.

AGM November 16th November 12 noon For any enquiries and nomina on forms for the AGM please contact the Secretary of CAERH: Shirley HayesCornish on 0419 404 220 or CAERH22@gmail.com.

Alkira Lodge - Pa ent Accommoda on—Wollongong

Alkira Lodge provides low cost accommoda on in a home environment for adult cancer and renal pa ents a ending the Wollongong Hospital as outpa ents. The facility has 14 rooms including double and single accommoda on, and one family unit. Some rooms have an ensuite. Residents must be ambulant and self caring. Preference is given to cancer and renal pa ents and their rela ves. Rela ves may only be accommodated if a room is available. For transport to Alkira from the Shoalhaven area contact NSW Cancer Council 4225 3660. Dona ons are gratefully accepted. Charges may be covered by DVA or Isolated Pa ents Transport Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS).

community Aussie Embroidery & Workwear Moruya named as a na onal finalist

Aussie Embroidery & Workwear of Moruya has made it as a finalist in the 2022 The Australian Women's Small Business Champion Awards in the category of Specialised Retail Small Business

Judges represen ng a variety of industries shortlisted all entrants into Na onal Finalists for each category. A er all entries were considered, the na onal finalists were invited to the Na onal Gala Presenta on Evening that will be held at The Star, Sydney on November 12th. The Australian Women's Small Business Champion Awards "celebrate the enormous contribu on that women make every day to the na on. It is an opportunity to profile your story; to share with the world your own passion and commitment to excellence and opportunity".

Nature Coast Dragon Boat Club report:

Two fun fuelled days of compe on at the Pan Pacific Masters Games 2022. Silver medal on day 1 in the Womens 500m 55+.

Gold medal today in the Womens 200m 55+. The men ba led hard & made it into an opens final against very tough compe on. Great team spirit & memories made! We are looking forward to the 4.8km races tomorrow & we are in the womens & opens

On Saturday 29 October 2022, current Quota Members, Past Governors, Past Presidents, Past Members, Partners and friends joined together to celebrate the Narooma Quota Club being part of the local community for 35 years. Club Narooma provided the perfect venue in the Montague Room and Ma Dent, musician, provided the entertainment. The theme for the evening was ‘The 80’s’ and the Montague Room looked quite the part with many Quota Members dressed up accordingly, ready to party. President Sue Fahey and Vice President Stephanie Hancock were the Emcees and kept everything running smoothly. One formal part of the evening was the presenta on of the Margaret Saker OAM Award for 2022. Margaret is remembered with great fondness by Quota Members and was well known in Narooma for her community service. The Margaret Saker OAM Award for 2022 was presented to Maureen Young by Trevor Saker, one of Margaret’s sons, who had travelled from Victoria. Maureen’s commitment to Quota Narooma is excep onal. She is a Charter Member and has given 35 years of con nuous service to the Quota Club. A beau ful Birthday Cake was provided by the ABC Bakery to celebrate the 35 years of Quota Club Narooma Inc. Charter Member Maureen Young and Past District Governor and President Dawn Bickford cut the cake. To help everyone remember the last 35 years, a Power Point Presenta on of photos was shown, going all the way back to 1987 right up un l 2022. As Quotarians, it is these special mes of celebra on that are important. Spending me with the friends we have made, not just doing service in the community, but enjoying the fun mes too. Our Quota mo o always is “WE SHARE.”

Should you wish to know more about Quota and are interested in joining, please contact Michelle Wilson on 0401 623 711

“The Quota Club Narooma Inc. is a non-profit organisa on suppor ng the social wellbeing of local communi es, par cularly women, children, the deaf, hard of hearing, and speech impaired”

community The Big Red Kidney Bus in in Batemans Bay un l December 10th

The Big Red Kidney holiday dialysis bus for haemodialysis pa ents is now taking bookings for 2023 holiday des na ons in Victoria and NSW! Book your seat and create special memories away with loved ones.

The Big Red Kidney Bus in in Batemans Bay un l December 10th. While many who take advantage of the bus chose to stay at the park it is not required to do so and the bus is available to those who might be staying elsewhere locally with friends and family. Should you have further ques ons, please call our team on 1800 454 363 (op on 3) or email bigredkidneybus@kidney.org.au The bus travels to amazing loca ons across New South Wales and Victoria so that those in need of haemodialysis can enjoy a well-deserved holiday whilst s ll receiving treatment. Bateman’s Bay, NSW (Monday 7 November - Saturday 10 December) BOOKINGS OPEN Batemans Bay is great base for exploring the Eurobodalla region along ancient pathways, strolling along beaches and encountering some of Australia’s famous wildlife. For adventure seekers, water sports are popular too such as swimming, surfing, kayaking and fishing. And foodies will relish the local produce and delicious seafood including their famous oysters! The Bus will be parked at From Monday 7 November - Saturday 10 December Big4 Bateman's Bay Beach Resort 51 Beach Road, Batemans Bay W: h ps://beachresort.com.au/ P: 1800 217 533

The Jan Preston Duo is returning to Moruya for one show only, being held in the Monarch Beer Garden on Saturday 19 November at 4.00 pm. Jan, known internationally as the Queen of the Boogie Woogie Piano, is a former patron of the Moruya Jazz Festival which she remembers with fondness. Jan Preston has a reputation as an astonishing piano player with a rich resonant voice who is a magnetic live performer. ABC Music’s Winner of 5 Music Awards for her CDs and soundtracks, she plays festivals and concerts throughout Australia, NZ and Europe, tours her own shows, writes music for lm and TV, and composes and performs for Silent Movies. We are very lucky to have Jan appearing in Moruya once again. Cost is just $25, ($20 for concession card holders and students). The right money would be most appreciated. Tickets are available at the door from 3.30 pm. Drinks must be purchased from the Monarch Bar but food may be brought in from elsewhere. Additional Information: Dianne Grigson dgrigson@ipbaustralia.com 0402 472 602

Batemans Bay Community Facilitator

6 month contract, 0.4 FTE per week Work from home and in the community

This role will support FRRR’s Inves ng in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program in the Batemans Bay area. A posi on descrip on can be downloaded from the FRRR website at www.frrr.org.au/ working with us. Applica ons addressing the key selec on criteria will be accepted un l COB 28th November 2022 via email to info@frrr.org.au with subject line Batemans Bay Community Facilitator. Previous applicants need not apply Enquiries to Carolyn Ardler email c.ardler@frrr.org.au

community REDcycle program to temporarily pause - Do NOT put so plas cs in recycling bin

The REDcycle so plas cs recycling scheme that has been opera ng at major supermarkets including Woolworths and Coles has been suspended with the company running the program saying it can no longer offload the material to recyclers. REDcycle advise: REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its so plas cs collec on program from 9 November 2022. REDcycle and its partners are commi ed to having the program back up and running as soon as possible. Why is the program pausing? Consumer recycling of so plas c has grown exponen ally in recent years, with a 350% increase in plas c returned since 2019. However, due to several unforeseen challenges exacerbated by the pandemic, REDcycle’s recycling partners have temporarily stopped accep ng and processing so plas cs. This combina on has put untenable pressure on the REDcycle business model. What should I do with my so plas c now? For the short term, consumers are encouraged to put their so plas cs in their home rubbish bin Please do not put it in your home kerbside recycling bin (unless the Curby program is available in your area) as it is not recyclable in that system. How long is the program paused for? We can’t confirm at this stage the length of the pause, but we can assure you that all stakeholders are working on solu ons for the short-term pipeline imbalance. REDcycle and retail partners are commi ed to having the program back up and running as soon as possible. Since REDcycle launched 10 years ago, Founder Liz Kasell wanted to do the right thing for the community and for the planet. She started this program, as a mum from her kitchen table as when looking at a bag of peas and she asked why on earth can’t this be recycled? Through this program her goal has been to enable and empower people in the community, just like her, to make a posi ve impact on the environment. Since we started, with your support we have diverted 5.4 billion pieces of so plas c entering landfill and our natural environments.

community South Coast Community Colleges has Summer Skills funding available for these skill sets:

 Statement of

A ainment in

Individual Support (Communica on and Empowerment of Older Power)  - Statement of A ainment in First Aid

- Statement of A ainment in Individual Support CHCSS00081 - Introduc on to Disability Skill Set CHCSS00097 Individual Support - Ageing Support Skill Set To receive these courses fee free, you must meet this criteria: aged 16-24 not enrolled into school an Australian ci zen, permanent resident, Australian humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand ci zen Currently living in NSW If you are interested in more informa on about these courses, please enquire with our administra on on 02 4472 9202 or visit the website www.southcoastcolleges.edu.au The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn. Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.00-12.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre) Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm. For informa on contact brocky1967@outlook.com or ptuross@bigpond.com

The shire’s first All Abili es Fes val will be a day to remember as new friends and new opportuni es are discovered.

The All Abili es Fes val will take place at Narooma on Wednesday 30 November, from 10am - 3.30pm. People with disability are encouraged to come along, bring family members or support staff, and explore interac ve ac vi es based around art, performance, fitness and wellbeing. Eurobodalla Council’s community development coordinator Rhonnie South said the fes val was all about socially connec ng and engaging people in different ac vi es and services, showcasing what’s available locally. The fes val precinct includes the Narooma Kinema, Odd Bods Gym, Bend and Sip Bar and the CWA hall. “Each space will play host to a different engagement experience,” Ms South said. “The CWA hall will host a crea ve arts hub with an arts arcade along the wall connec ng to Bend and Sip,” Ms South said.

“At Bend and Sip, there will be Eurobodalla Stepping Stone hospitality trainees serving a tasty lunch. Then, upstairs in the gym, trainers will provide hands-on equipment demos as well as pilates, chair yoga and Zumba classes.”

If that’s not your scene, Ms South said there’s a quiet space for story telling or a panel discussion in the Kinema featuring local people with disability. A er the panel discussion, Slightly Bent Choir will perform followed by an impromptu drama workshop. Ms South encouraged everyone to come and experience different ac vi es at the fes val. She said 16 stalls of suppor ng services will provide ongoing opportuni es a er the fes val. “If you enjoy something on the day, you can go home knowing all these things are s ll available to pick up a er the fes val,” Ms South said. “The exhibi ng service providers are there to help connect you in a variety of categories like fitness, educa on and training, employment, transport, technology aids and more.” Ms South said the inaugural event was a collabora ve effort between all levels of ability and was excited for it to come to life.

“I can’t wait to see lots of happy smiling faces, where people won’t want to go home because they’re having such a nice me feeling empowered, engaged and connected,” Ms South said. For anyone needing transport to the fes val, contact Ashley Darby on 4474 1297 or email ashley.darby@esc.nsw.gov.au To a end the fes val and receive a free lunch on the day, please register via Eventbrite. The fes val is funded by Council and NSW Government’s Reconnec ng Regional NSW Community Events Program. Facebook event link HERE: h ps:// .me/e/2TIeXCb3g

community Health, Wellbeing and Community Groups on Show in Eurobodalla

Health, Wellbeing and Community Groups expo is back for the first me since 2019. The expo will be held on Saturday 12 November 2022 10am – 2pm in the auditorium of the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club.

Brad Rossiter Chair of the Eurobodalla Health Service Community Representa ve Commi ee, said that the expo provides something for everyone, from health and wellbeing ideas, to informa on about local health services, including updates on the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital and exhibits from local community groups. The theme of this year’s expo is all about wellbeing and connec on. Come and talk with ‘those in the know’ about your health, wellbeing and get involved with local community groups. The Eurobodalla Regional Hospital project team will be on hand to show you the latest plans and designs for the new hospital and answer all your ques ons There will be demonstra ons and ac vi es on the day, and lots of freebies available for everyone. Entry is FREE. For any queries please call Brad 0458 534 470

Our Community Our Safety Our SES

Come and meet your NSW SES Batemans Bay Team at the Village Shopping Centre 1 Perry St Batemans Bay on the 19th of November 2022 from 9am and the Rotary Markets on the 20th November at Beach Road Batehaven also from 9am. They will have ac vi es for the children and handouts to help you and your family prepare for Emergencies such as Storms and Floods.

community Sustainable Fashion Market in Moruya November 12th

The South Coast rota ng Sustainable Fashion Market between Moruya - Narooma - Tilba - Bermagui - Pambula will be held at The Mechanics Ins tute, Moruya on Saturday November 12 from 10am to 3pm. Market organiser, Yolanda del ValleBuetefuer says "It's about the rela onship we have with each other, our planet and fashion".

"Recycled, up-cycled, locally designed and made, ethical fashion, brands and suppliers. It’s about the rela onship we have with our makers, our planet and fashion". For individual, group stall or consignment bay enquiries text 0415 117472 or email sus anmesouthcoast@gmail.com


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