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100 Years Ago November 11th 1922
WHEN on his way to the Tuffwood Sawmill on Tuesday with his mber wagon, Mr. Harry Wilson miraculously escaped accident. While he was adjus ng something the team of horses moved off, Mr. Wilson being thrown to the ground. The wheels of the jinker, which was laden with an immense log, passed over Mr. Wilson’s legs, but through the place where the accident occurred being a so sandy one, the vic m fortunately escaping with only flesh wounds. ON 4th instant there died at his residence Stanmore, in his 81
year, Mr. Michael Morris, an old iden ty of Moruya. The late Mr. Morris for many years conducted a successful general store in Vulcan Street, and on re rement from business a few years ago, disposed of all his property here and went to reside in Sydney. On Moruya being converted to a Municipality, Mr. Morris topped the poll at the elec on of aldermen, but, on being proposed refused the mayoral chair. Deceased leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters, the Rev. J. H. Morris, of Hurstville being one of the sons and Sister Mary Veronica, of Wollongong Convent and Mrs. Michael Corrigan, of Sydney, daughters. … Mr. James Morris and Miss Mary Morris, of Mullenderree, are brother and sister respec vely of the deceased. EUROBODALLA SHIRE. TRIENNIAL ELECTION OF COUNCILLORS. … Nomina ons received for this Shire, as follows:- Riding A. ALFRED HERBERT ANNETTS, Storekeeper, Bateman’s Bay; Riding B. HENRY JOSEPH MALLON, Grazier, Merricumbene; Riding C. THOMAS FLOOD, Farmer, River street, Moruya; Riding D. ROBERT JOHNSTON ANDERSON, Farmer, Inglewood, Moruya; Riding E. HENRY JOHN BATE, Farmer, Mountain View, Tilba Tilba, & FREDERICK ERNEST GRENENGER, Storekeeper, Central Tilba; Riding F. SAMUEL WILLIAM BATE, Grazier, Central Tilba, & ALEXANDER GORDON SUTHERLAND, Farmer, Yourie. Mr. George W. Mitchell was also nominated, but his Nomina on Paper was “Informal,” and therefore cannot be received. There being One Nomina on for Riding’s A., B., C. and D. [those listed] are duly elected Councillor’s for the ensuing Triennial Period. The Elec on for E. and F. Ridings will be decided by Ballot. The Vo ng will be by post. The Elec on will be held on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of December next. The Ballot Papers with rela ve declara on forms will be forwarded to each Elector in due me so that the most distant voter will have me to post his vo ng paper back to the Returning Officer. ADVERT. FOR IMMEDIATE PRIVATE SALE – 30 ACRES of good Cul va on Land, known as Mr. Charles Barling’s and situated on a flat at Tomakin. Apply R. H. HARVISON, Auc oneer. Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc. h ps:// www.mdhs.org.au
arts Basil Sellers Art Prize 2022-Meet the Finalist: Fiona Ryan.
Fiona’s work records her direct experience with the landscape and a empts to capture the essence of a place through the use of colour, light and form.
Fiona’s work is much more about the feeling of a place rather than direct observa on of it.
You can view Fiona’s work and all the finalists at the Bas, on show now un l 20 Nov 22. Vote for your favourite finalist for their chance to win the People’s Choice Award. Find out more: h ps:// thebas.com.au/
The Basil Sellers Art Prize exhibi on is now on!
This years' winning artwork is ‘An Encounter on the Path that Leads to the River’ by Michael Thomson
You can view the stunning works of all finalists and vote for your favourite in the People’s Choice Award at the Basil Sellers Exhibi on Centre, on show now un l 20 Nov 22
Opening hours: Daily, 10am to 4pm
Saturday Sessions at the Bas
With the weather warming up and the days ge ng longer, now is the me to get out and enjoy what Eurobodalla has to offer. For people looking to explore their crea ve side in a fun and friendly group se ngs, Saturday Sessions at the Bas may have just the thing. On Saturday 12 November music therapist Kim Edgar-Lane will introduce vocal techniques so par cipants can explore music basics – melody, harmony and rhythm – to build confidence and learn to use their voice. Singing releases endorphins, which raises feelings of wellbeing while reducing stress and anxiety. A great way to improve physical and emo onal wellbeing while mee ng new friends. In her pain ng workshop on Saturday 10 December award-winning ar st Adrienne Conway will show par cipants how to capture light in a landscape pain ng, using only black and white. This workshop is for both beginning and experienced painters who will take their finished art home at the end of the a ernoon. Aside from the joy of crea on, pain ng is known to enhance problem solving skills, increase fine motor skills and boosts memory. Both workshops run from 12.30 to 3.30pm and no previous experience required. Places are limited and booking essen al. For more informa on and to book, visit the Bas.
sports Sailing Adventurer Lisa Blair comes to Batemans Bay
Batemans Bay Sailing Club is proud to host a presenta on by 2022 Adventurer of the Year Lisa Blair from 6pm on Tuesday November 22nd. Earlier this year Lisa sailed non stop and unassisted around Antarc ca in 92 days, taking 10 days off the previous record. This represented a triumphant comeback since her first a empt at the voyage in 2017 ended in near disaster. A er her yacht "Climate Change Now" lost its mast in extreme condi ons 72 days in, Lisa had to free the rig which was trying to saw her boat in two. She was able to construct a jury rig and sail 9 days to Cape Town. The following year she sailed around Australia, non stop and unassisted, becoming the first woman to do so. She spent years preparing for a second a empt at the Antarc c circumnaviga on and in the process was able to put aside her natural fears. During the voyage she obtained oceanographic and meteorological data as well as collec ng microplas c samples in remote loca ons of the Southern Ocean on behalf of the Australian Ins tute of Marine Science.
Lisa's presenta on at the BBSC clubhouse will be a truly inspiring one for anyone who a ends. Tickets are $30 per head including pre presenta on drinks and nibbles. Book your place through the BBSC website www.bbsc.org.au
Valen no Guseli is a finalist for NSW Young Athlete of the Year
Finalists in each of the 2022 NSW Sports Awards categories have been announced by Sport NSW today. The 2022 NSW Sports Awards are NSW’s highest sports honours and the 12 category winners will be revealed at the pres gious rebel NSW Champions of Sport Ceremony at the Interna onal Conven on and Exhibi on Centre in Darling Harbour on Monday, November 28. Valen no Guseli, of Dalmeny, has been named a finalist for NSW Young Athlete of the Year
sports Family Fun Day at Moruya Tennis Club Nov 19th
Jumping Castle, Face Pain ng, Live Music, Food/ Coffee Vans, all day BBQ, Mar al Arts and Dancing displays, Serve Speed Radar, Fire & Rescue, Welcome To Country & a "celebrity" doubles match including local Pro's Richard Sellick & Geordie McEvoy alongside Mayor Mat Hatcher and NRL Legend Mick Weyman. Awesome prizes include a signed racquet/bag by Nick Kyrgios and 2 double passes to the United Cup in Sydney this January! We have team up with Gotcha 5 Life raising awareness and funds for youth mental health & suicide preven on. Saturday 19th, November @ 10.30am.
Everyone welcome! Come on down to support this great cause and see some of the best players in our region compete in the Billy Irwin Moruya Club Championships. A erparty, presenta ons, smorgasbord and live music with Flock Of Haircuts at the Adelaide Hotel star ng at 6.30pm $30 a cket.
Batemans Bay Fight Night coming Feb 4th 2023
The South Coast has been through a fight like no others over the past couple of years. Organisers, Dark Promo ons, say "Our community has faced challenges not previously seen in a life me. The black summer fires, quickly followed by floods and of course a pandemic that brought the world to its knees. "Now it's me for us to show what we are made of! Fighters from the South Coast, Wollongong and the ACT will square off against each other in a range of amateur and professional bouts. "The night will include up to 20 fights and is shaping up to be an event not to be missed! Tickets for the event will go on sale over the next couple weeks and will range from GA to ringside table packages. SATURDAY, 4 FEBRUARY 2023 AT 17:30 Batemans Bay Fight Night Batemans Bay Soldiers Club
sports Batemans Bay Monday Ladies Tennis Club
On Monday morning this week members of Batemans Bay Tennis Club gathered together to Celebrate the Life of Michelle Wesseling who sadly passed away a er a long illness on the 23rd October.
Michelle’s husband Hans gave a moving tribute of their life together which was wonderful to be a part of a er they met in 1998.
Michelle played compe on tennis as well as being part of the group of Monday tennis ladies where she will be most sadly missed by all. Thank you to the Tennis Club also the Monday ladies for the lovely repast we all shared together along with cherished memories of Michelle.
Hans has appreciated all the kindness shown to him in Michelle’s passing which is helping him to ease his sadness. Rest in Peace Michelle.
Sue Knight, Barbara Buckley Kay Crisp, Karen Motyka, Margaret deSmet, Judith Perkins, Michelle Wesseling, Mel Hyam.
sports Broulee Runners November 9th 2022
An excellent field of 39 starters competed in tonight’s run. There were 5 personal best mes. In the 2kilometres Rocco Lopres and Carissa and Janelle Morgan improved. In the 4-kilometres Bernie Lambert and John Hicks improved their previous me. We welcomed Mel Miller and Stewart Needham as well as the Bredin family of Everly, Maggie and Ka a Bredin to their first run with the group. Tonight, was a special night for Andrew Greenway, who celebrated his 100th run with the group. Andrew started on April 2018, and he has been a consistent performer since that me. He was joined tonight by his two sons Daniel and James. Running is a family affair for the Greenway family coun ng Mother Natalie’s runs they have 172 runs between them. Some of our travelling runners were present tonight. Tori Hennig and Gill Stapleton were part of a team with Ren Lefevre and Mirella Granata who competed with dis nc on in the Bondi to Manly Ultra 80kilometre run. The Lambert family of Bernie and Michael ran the Canberra 10-kilometre fun run and Ma did a personal best me in the half marathon at Huskisson. Gab Smith was outstanding in her first half marathon at Huskisson.
Return To Golf For Tuross Vets
With the course having dried out sufficiently following recent heavy rains, Tuross Head Veterans golfers returned to the course for a Canadian Foursomes event on Wednesday 9 November 2022. Winning team on the day was the combina on of Jennifer Gray and Leonie Snodgrass with a score of 36.5. They were followed home by Steve Johnston and Dorothy Madden on 38.875, Graham Moore and Des Jackson with 40.0, and finally Shirley and Ted Quinlan on 41.0. Minor prizes were awarded to Warren Hodder partnering Steve Gardner with 41.625, Julie Barningham and Greg Smith on the same score of 41.625, together with Paul Coffey and Greg Bush with 42.25. Nearest the pins went to Steve Gardner on the 4th, Kevin Reilly on the 6th, and to Jeane e Miller and Paul Pereira on the 7th. Paul Coffey won the Accurate drive compe on.
Winners on the day Jennifer Gray & Leonie Snodgrass