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Bay Theatre Players Trolleys Project workshops con nue
As the Bay Theatre Players Trolleys Project workshops con nue it is worthwhile to note the benefits of kids engaging in Crea ve and Performing Arts projects.
Drama workshops encourage interac ve ac vi es that develop physical, social and intellectual learning.
Children engage physically as they “Try on “ different characters in different situa ons developing flexibility, coordina on, balance and control.
Social interac ons develop through immersing themselves in a variety of situa ons both real and imaginary which sparks their curiosity about the world in which they live. This collabora on to build a story develops their vocabulary, language skills and concentra on as they use words, body language and facial expressions to communicate their inten ons.
Drama is not compe ve as there is no wrong way to use your imagina on. As they improvise and pretend play they are developing their crea vity, problem solving and spontaneous responses.
We encourage the kids to be brave and just jump in with ideas. This leads to a boost in their selfesteem and confidence. It is o en surprising to see the quiet, shy students shine when inhabi ng a character during the scene.
Most of all Drama Workshops are fun and the children who a end form new friendships in a safe and non threatening environment surrounded and encouraged by their peers.
The word ‘superfoods’ has been tossed around a lot over the past few years. I find some of the foods now marketed as superfoods a li le concerning however there are some superfoods which I believe definitely deserve this claim. One of my favourite superfoods is beetroot powder.
Many customers no ce their energy levels increase when supplemen ng with beetroot powder. Beetroot is not only one of the highest sources of an oxidants it also contains a high amount of the compound nitrate which assists in expanding the body’s blood vessels and increasing circula on of oxygen to the heart, brain, and muscles. It is therefore fantas c for anybody undertaking an exercise regime, par cularly weight training. Other customers have no ced they have extra endurance plus an overall feeling of wellbeing.
Interes ngly, because of this increase in circula on to the heart and brain, some research has shown drinking beetroot juice increased blood flow to the white ma er of the frontal lobe of the brain which is the area generally linked to demen a.
The effec veness of beetroot juice in increasing oxygen flow in the blood vessels has also been beneficial in lowering blood pressure. It has been found drinking 1-2 glasses of beetroot juice a day may help lower blood pressure. Obviously, it is important to monitor your blood pressure when star ng out on this regime and advise your doctor of your inten ons. It is also advisable to start out on ½ glass per day slowing increasing to the 2 glasses per day.
It has also been known for some me that beetroot contains a phytochemical known as Betaine which s mulates the func on of liver cells protec ng the liver and bile ducts. Beetroot fibre also accelerates produc on of the liver’s detoxifying enzymes which means it is a great liver tonic.
So, all in all I think we can confidently claim beetroot juice as a superfood. It is important to note cooking beetroot will deplete the beneficial nutrients needed to gain the health benefits I have wri en about. Juicing beetroot or mixing beetroot powder in water, juice or your superfood smoothie will gain the most therapeu c benefits. One teaspoon of beetroot powder is equivalent to one beetroot. You can use 1 – 2 teaspoons of beetroot powder up to four mes a day.
Now here’s a li le p. Beetroot powder doesn’t only work well in your diet, you can also include it in your makeup range! To make a creamy blush you can simply mix a li le beetroot powder with your moisturiser. Or for a blush powder add beetroot powder to arrowroot powder, adjus ng the ra o as required to get the best colour.
For more informa on on the benefits of beetroot juice or any other health ques on, call to see Bev and the team at Go Vita, your health shop at 5 North St, Batemans Bay or phone on 0244729737. Don’t forget to tune into Bev on 2EC every Wednesday at 12.30pm