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OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide
The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors.
The beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas
The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week.
You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE
The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts.
CLICK HERE: h ps://www.beagleweekly.com.au/real-estate
South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen)
Tips #1137:
Registering Tenants in Strata Complexes
Strata complexes are very interesting to manage compared to a normal rental property. A strata complex has an owners corporation and all owners are registered on a Strata Roll. The strata roll gets updated every time a strata unit is sold, and it becomes the key document to distribute information to owners about strata meetings and by-laws.
But what happens when an owner of a unit decides to rent the unit out. The rental could be done privately or via a property manager who may or may not be the same as the strata manager for the complex. It raises the question, how does the tenant get advised of the complex’s by-laws and also notifications of work that may be done in the complex that may impact their tenancy?
Under the strata regulations, the owner of the lot is responsible for registering the details of any tenant to the owners corporation. This responsibility can be passed to the owner’s property manager if they have one. However, this registration is required to be undertaken within 14 days of the signing of the lease agreement.
What details of a tenant is the owners corporation entitled to have? A tenancy notice needs to include:
An address at which the tenant can be contacted.
The names of all tenants occupying the lot
The commencement date of the lease
The termination date of the lease
Tenant contact details in case of emergency or to arrange access for building maintenance etc.
Our office manages many stratas and it is often the lack of tenant details that causes issues within the complex. If you own a unit in a strata complex, and have it rented out, it is your responsibility to make sure the details (above) of the tenant have been provided to the owners corporation.
Survive the Ride FREE workshop Dalmeny March 18th
Survive the Ride Association of NSW will encourage motorcycle riders to enjoy riding motorcycles, without injury, for as long as they chose.
Key messages:
Take responsibility for your own safety – it doesn’t hurt any less when it’s not your fault.
Scan – Anticipate – Respond to actively avoid situations that lead to a crash.
Wear protective clothing just in case someone makes a mistake.
Speed on the track not on the road – you still get the thrill, it is safer and you keep your licence.
Come One - Come All to the Tuross Head Men’s Shed GARAGE SALE
WHEN: Saturday 11 March 2023 8am through to 1pm
The Tuross Head Men’s Shed is pleased to announce its Garage Sale for 2023. There is something for most everyone so come-along to our first Garage Sale since the pandemic.
This is our BIG fund-raiser for the year that enables us to con nue our support of men in the community and to support a variety of community related programs. Our Charity of Choice is the Prostate Cancer and the Women’s Hospital Auxiliary. Look forward to seeing you.
The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn.
Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.00-12.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre) Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm. For informa on contact presidentTHMS@gmail.com secretaryTHMS@gmail.com
Carpet Cleaners
Computers/ IT