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Welcome to this week’s editorial,
You may have read in past editorials my references to the Good Ship Eurobodalla (some mes scathingly referred to as the Good Ship Lollypop). I would write of it being on a direct course towards the rocks and that those on the poop deck should heed the warnings of impending doom.
One of the key personnel for any ship is a navigator. They are trained to observe, measure and respect the hazards and read the winds to adjust a course. Without a good experienced navigator who can read the charts and forecasts you are le with a poop deck of officers blissfully ignorant of the path of peril their captain has chosen. Added to the poten al loss of the Good Ship Lollypop was the fact that there are passengers locked up below decks, whose cries of alarm are ignored.
Hoping to bring all of this into context is my way of trying to convey the message that is now coming from Eurobodalla Council being that If we had stayed on the course that was set we would soon be running aground in a very serious way financially.
This week the new General Manager, Warwick Winn, ably assisted by his Ac ng Director of Finance, Stephanie Speedy, have addressed ratepayers in Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma to advise them of how Council managed to find itself on a course of calamity and to advise that there is just enough me to turn ‘the ship’ about and hopefully escape the impending catastrophe that only the astute among could see coming.
And rather than ignore the calls from the passengers locked below the new General Manager has instead invited them to the poop-deck to learn first hand of the impending course that would see them smashed on the rocks and discuss the a course. The General Manager describes a course that would turn a deaf ear to the seduc ve calls of the Sirens that promise riches beyond those that can be afforded. To the seduc on of riches by way of loans from the money-men that would have soon bled the ship, its crew, and passengers, dry.
Instead, recognising there is s ll just enough me to adjust course, the General Manager offers that the Good Ship Eurobodalla set a course to a place that is real. To a land where moderate taxes can meet the moderate needs of the people to deliver moderate outcomes and offer a more affordable, yet s ll vibrant and flourishing quality of life.
In a nutshell, through whatever failures of the past, and there were many, the council of today is transforming into a more open and transparent one that is improving communica on, telling it like it is and actually being honest with both Councillors and ratepayers regarding where we are and where we are heading. In a nutshell our financial future was on a road to failure. Now, with a Director of Finances back on deck and with an honest open, intelligent look at the books the realisa on that there needs to be a new route set is becoming accepted by the councillors, and now, by way of these public presenta ons, the community as well.
The days of secrets, the days of toxicity, the days of audacity, of poor consulta on, of lack of respect, lack of regard, the empire building, the silos, the selfish ego, the inep tudes…. These days will hopefully be behind us as Council reefs the sails and tries its best to change our course.
The new course will be a journey, and it might take me and we may all have to pitch in to weather the storms ahead but at least we have new officers on deck, a navigator who appears to have the knowledge and experience to garner our trust, and a crew who are now encouraged to stay aboard when next we find land. One can only hope for be er days ahead.
Un l next—lei
Marine Rescue crews assist yacht following electrical fire off Batemans Bay
Volunteers on board Marine Rescue Batemans Bay 20 and Tuross Moruya 21 have assisted two people on board a 40-foot yacht following an electrical fire on the vessel around 7.30am this morning.
Marine Rescue NSW Inspector Stuart Massey said the distressed vessel was located 17 nau cal miles (31kms) southeast of Batemans Bay by TU 21 and BM 20.
“This a ernoon Marine Rescue Batemans Bay escorted a vessel back into Batemans Bay Marina.
“The vessel had earlier reported that there had been a fire on board caused by an electrical fault.
“Fortunately when our crews arrived the vessel was s ll safe and the crew on board the distressed vessel was safe as well,” he said.
Inspector Massey said the electrical fire disabled vital communica on equipment on board the yacht.
“Fortunately they had other safety equipment on board like mobile phones and an EPIRB that was ac vated.
“We were able to locate them quickly and assist them back to shore,” Inspector Massey said.
Boaters are encouraged to always Log On and Log Off with Marine Rescue NSW every me they go out on the water either via VHF Channel 16 or the free Marine Rescue NSW app.
Help SHASA and help the Eurobodalla become 100% renewable
SHASA is encouraging residents and businesses in the Eurobodalla to switch to their partner provider as their electricity retailer by 30 June 2023. Why? Because they say it is a community owned electricity retailer who wants to assist SHASA to achieve its goes of se ng up a community owned solar farm and a number of community ba eries.
With 100 customers (we have 10 signed up so far) their partner provider will be able to use their energy sharing so ware dashboard to understand the Eurobodalla’s energy profile and plan strategic projects to help SHASA achieve its goal of a 100% renewable energy supply and provide cheaper locally generated renewable energy to those unable to install roof top solar.
This partnership offers SHASA the poten al to successfully bid for Federal Government funding for community ba eries and solar farms. These projects require funding and exper se beyond SHASA’s capability and experience. SHASA needs the support of an electricity retailer to make it happen. And they want to make sure the Eurobodalla gets its fair share.
They say their partner provider’s rates are very compe ve and there are also ten smart energy control and monitoring devices to be won. Each person that signs up will also receive a free copy of Saul Griffith’s The Big Switch from SHASA. Here's a great chance to help yourself and the community. For more details from SHASA please email contact.shasa@gmail.com