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Photographers June Mee ng – Photographers Get Rusty

As winter begins, club members con nue to demonstrate their enthusiasm to get out and capture their surroundings. This month’s compe on theme was ‘rust’. As seen in the photographs below, this theme inspired members to explore our local environment looking for all things rusty. The images tell stories of the past and capture the passing of me. How amazing that rust can be interes ng, evoke curiosity and even be beau ful.


The compe on was judged by Neil Keene who is the Media Lead at Lake Macquarie Council. The photographs inspired Neil to want to visit the Eurobodalla region and explore the rusty pieces of history that are sca ered around the area. Neil gave some great feedback, which highlighted the importance of elimina ng distrac ng elements within an image. These small details can some mes be overlooked, but can improve a photo significantly.

Also on the night, club president, Dave Kemp, gave a presenta on on photographing textures. Dave showed a range of ‘texture’ photos that he had taken both of the natural and urban environment. He then demonstrated how these images can be used in post-photo edi ng so ware to improve their background. The background can be just as important as the subject and can really enhance a photo.

Dave also gave an introduc on to “Ni y Fi y”, a 50mm lens, which is the closest lens you can get to the human eye. The use of this lens may be used as a compe on subject in next year’s compe on.

On Monday 12th June, club members went on a field trip to Mogendoura Farm near Moruya. The images captured were showcased at the club mee ng and included farm animals, farm machinery, sculptures and a range of historical collec bles that are displayed at the farm.

Another beginner photographer’s workshop was held on Saturday 10th June at the Dr Mackay Community Centre in Moruya. The workshop was received posi vely and beginners are learning necessary basic photography skills. Another workshop will be held on Saturday 8th July from 9am – 11am at the same venue. Thank you to the more experienced club members who are volunteering their me to help. The sharing of your knowledge and skills is very much appreciated. If you are interested in photography and would like some support ge ng started, then feel free to come a long and join.

Whether you are an absolute beginner or advanced photographer, you are welcome to come along and join a club mee ng. The club meets 7.00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month, at Tomakin community hall, Ainslie Pde Tomakin. See you there on the 24th of July!

If you have any ques ons you can contact the club on eurobodallaphotographicclub@gmail.com

Check out their website at www.eurobodallaphotographicclub.org or Facebook .

Recently I wrote about the benefits of Kunzea oil specifically for treatment of pain and inflamma on related to arthri s, neuralgia, scia ca, and shingles as well as muscle soreness. Since that ar cle we have had received nothing but posi ve feedback on this product.

This week I want to write about the posi ve benefits of using Kunzea oil for treatment of various skin condi ons including psoriasis, eczema and derma s.

Eczema, derma s, and psoriasis are condi ons which can cause dry, itchy, and inflamed skin and have been found to o en respond well to an -inflammatory creams. This is where Kunzea oil may be beneficial because of its an -inflammatory proper es.

The Kunzea Pain Relief Cream although being promoted to help with allevia ng inflamma on and pain related to arthri s, neuralgia, scia c and shingles may also be beneficial in trea ng eczema, derma s, and psoriasis. This cream not only contains Kunzea Oil but also Tasmanian Lavender Oil and Rosemary Oil. Both Lavender Oil and Rosemary Oil are known to be excellent for trea ng inflammatory skin condi ons. Kunzea Pain Relief cream is also enhanced with Vitamin E which also is known to soothe itchiness and redness of the skin reducing inflamma on. Plus, it also acts as a great moisturiser – what a bonus!!

Eczema, derma s, and psoriasis may also be more suscep ble to inflamma on when our skin becomes dry, rough, and itchy. Some mes hot showers can dry out our skin and it suggested lukewarm showers are more calming. Even more calming is a lukewarm bath with Kunzea Bath Salts dissolved in the bath water. These magnesium bath salts are thought to be effec ve in healing skin condi ons such as psoriasis, eczema and derma s. Soaking in magnesium salts is believed to enhance skin hydra on as well as improve skin barrier func on and reduce inflamma on of our skin. Once again Tasmanian Lavender Oil plus Ylang Ylang Oil are included in the Kunzea Bath Salts and both of these oils are known for their an -inflammatory proper es helping to relieve skin irrita ons. Plus of course the Kunzea oil also contains these an -inflammatory proper es.

It may be also beneficial to apply the Original Kunzea Cream as a moisturiser as soon as possible a er drying off a er the bath. This is important because it is essen al to lock in the moisture, to help keep the skin hydrated. The Original Kunzea Cream is a rich, fast absorbing cream which is great for hydra ng and protec ng the skin.

The Original Kunzea Cream is great as an all-round moisturiser and par cularly at this me of the year when our skin seems to be really dry. It’s also good as an intensive hand cream for dry hands and may be suitable for acne prone skin.

The Kunzea Pain Relief Cream, because of its an -inflammatory proper es is also helpful in soothing insect bites. It helps reduce the redness and stop the itch.

So now you can see why Kunzea Oil is one of my new favourite products. This mul purpose product cks so many boxes and of course it’s wonderful that it’s an Australian na ve and even be er, the Zea Kunzea range is produced and made in Australia. Zea started out as a small family run business and now is a fast-growing company based in Tasmania.

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