4 minute read
Discover your family history
Explore your family history and learn from local experts during Na onal Family History Month this August.
Eurobodalla Libraries are hos ng free workshops and a special book launch with the Moruya and District Historical Society.
Libraries coordinator Samantha Fenton said the book launch will kick off family history month celebra ons at Moruya Library on Friday 5 August.
“We’re excited for the launch of Moruya and District Historical Society's latest publica on, Bergalia, Meringo, Bingie,” Ms Fenton said.
“Book author Shirley Jurmann, who is a fourth genera on Lou t family member and recipient of the Fergus Thomson OAM Heritage Award, will talk about farming communi es around the village of Bergalia.”
At Narooma Library, history expert Helen Ryan will present on local history and genealogy while Batemans Bay Library is offering Ancestry.com workshops.
“If you’re new to Ancestry.com, come along to a workshop and learn how to build a family tree,” Ms Fenton said. “A second workshop will cover more advanced methods of researching, organising and verifica on of findings for experienced users.”
For a beginner’s introduc on to family history research, members of Moruya and District Historical Society will guide through the first steps at a workshop on Thursday 24 August.
"Our free family history month events are a great opportunity for community members to learn and build upon their interest in local history,” Ms Fenton said. “If you can’t make it to an event, come and check out our extensive local studies collec on or our photo and slide scanners that preserve visual histories.”
For more informa on and event bookings, visit www.esc.nsw.gov.au/libraries
Seminar: Threatened Species and Botanic Gardens
Saturday 12 August, 1.30pm – 3.30pm Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden
Celebrate Science Week at the Botanic Garden with a seminar about the developing role of botanic gardens in threatened species' conservation. Learn about how botanic gardens across Australia are developing new frameworks to ensure threatened species survive in living collections, and ERBG’s plans for a new threatened species garden. There will be an overview of threatened plants in the South Coast region and a report from a recent field trip to Mt Imlay, which is home to a unique plant community several threatened species.
1.30pm Michael Anlezark – New Cooperative Frameworks and upcoming ERBG Initiatives
2.30pm Tricia Kaye – South Coast Threatened Plants - Patterns & Puzzles
3.00pm Dylan Morrissey – Mt Imlay - Unique Threatened Plant Community on South Coast Book through Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/threatened-species-and-botanic-gardens-tickets-664251001627
Looking for research par cipants for the SuRF Microgrid Project Broulee/Mossy Point
Can you help? We are looking for research par cipants for the SuRF Microgrid Project who are residents or business owner/managers in Broulee/Mossy Point. We are conduc ng this research to understand whether microgrids could be part of a resilient energy future on the South Coast of NSW. To ensure that this research represents the diversity of the Broulee/Mossy Point community, we are open to all par cipants but are par cularly looking for:
· Residents of all ages, single, partnered, with and without dependents
· Residents who are ren ng, home owners
· Non-resident home owners (holiday home owners)
· Households with no roo op solar
· Residents who may have very li le knowledge or understanding of energy systems and supply
If you think you might be interested in being involved by a ending two x 4 hour workshops on a weekend in September (Sat 2nd) and October(Sat 14th), please get in touch during July/Aug. We would love to hear from you!! The workshops will be held on a weekend, are catered and a $100 voucher is provided for each workshop to recognise your me. Please contact Ciska White at ciska.white@anu.edu.au to express your interest or ask ques ons. If you know you are keen, please complete the survey here (if you haven’t already done so), making sure to leave a phone number, email and postal address: h ps://anu.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7PvDQMXNUkiMFVk. We can’t formerly send an invite un l we have your consent to par cipate.
Emergency response at Coila Beach
Fire and Rescue NSW Sta on 384 Moruya report: · 8/8/23 16:00 RP384 and RV384 responded to assist ambulance Tuross Beach.
On Tuesday the a ernoon of August 8th 2023 emergency services, including the Westpac Rescue Helicopter a ended a medical emergency on Coila Beach, Tuross Head, located around 400 metres north of the closest access road, being Tuross Boulevarde.
Unfortunately the pa ent suffered a heart a ack and died at the scene.
Child car seat safety checks Narooma Aug 13th
A professional restraint fi er will be providing free child car seat safety checks and installa ons this Sunday 13 August in the car park of Narooma Library. Bookings are essen al. Scan the QR code or click this link h ps://unsw.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_3WXVhCyA9M3vzpQ
Use the form to book a meslot at the upcoming Child Car Seat Fi ng Day on Sunday 13th August, which will take place in the car park of Narooma Library. Timeslots are available between 8:00am - 1:00pm.
The car seat fi ng check is es mated to take 15 minutes per car seat.
If the restraint fi er iden fies any errors in the way that the car seat is installed or used, they will refit the car seat correctly. They can also provide you with child car seat safety informa on and answer any ques ons you might have regarding the use of your car seat. If you want the child restraint fi er to check more than one car seat, you may make mul ple bookings. Please book one 15-minute meslot for each child car seat. If there are not enough consecu ve meslots for your car seats, please contact one of our researchers at CarSafety@georgeins tute.org.au.
What’s on
Launching Braidwood Concert Series 2023
Winter/Spring series is the inimitable Luminescence Chamber Singers presenting B.A.C.H. SUNDAY 13 August from 2pm at Braidwood Uniting Church. Online tickets here: https://www.trybooking.com/events/ landing/994784?eid=994784.
Get in quick as seating is limited! You can also pay at the door on the day. AND hear Artistic Director AJ America interviewed on Braidwood 88.9FM on Monday 7 August from 3.30pm. And listen to artistic director, AJ America being interviewed on Monday 7 August rom 3.30pm on 88.9FM Braidwood. It’ll be a fascinating discussion.
In this concert of musical cyphers, Luminescence Chamber Singers join forces with guest artist Anna Freer (violin/ voice) to perform Bach’s monumental Partita no.2 in D Minor, interwoven with some of Bach’s most beloved chorales. The concert culminates in a new arrangement of the Chaconne – a setting for voices and violin that reveals a tapestry of references to Bach chorales buried in bones of the Chaccone.
Don't miss this outstanding performance. Its only just up the Clyde Road! Book now and secure your seat, as seating is limited.
Venue: Braidwood Uniting Church, 68 Monkittee St, Braidwood Date: Sunday 13 August
Time: 2pm - 3.15pm
Tickets: $45 adults, $40 concessions, $35 under 35s, $25 under 18s.