9 minute read
Reading—le er to the editor adjustment.
These policies and plans must be integrated across relevant government and non-government organisa ons It is impera ve that relevant organisa ons work together, not in silos.
Like Dr Holland says, we need coopera ve and coordinated Local, State and Federal governments on all ma ers related to disaster resilience, response and recovery. We would welcome the implementa on of resilient infrastructure and effec ve emergency response systems, as well as a coordinated natural disaster public health policy.
These policies should include plans and procedures for the management of safe and appropriate infant formula distribu ons, as an essen al medical resource for infants not breas ed.
Thank you for taking this important issue to relevant state and federal ministers, Dr Holland. Now we need to bring focused a en on to these issues at a local level. Next month, our project is providing an opportunity for community groups, individuals and/or organisa ons to par cipate in one of our 1-day preparedness workshops. These workshops have the goal of suppor ng organisa ons and individuals to adjust their planning or resources in light of the findings of the BiBS Study.
These workshops are open to any individual or organisa on who supports families with infants and young children in the community. They are suitable for NGO's, health, welfare and emergency response organisa ons, childcare centres and preschools, government and/or community organisa ons.
We are hoping representa ves of a variety of organisa ons will a end in order to provide an opportunity for networking between groups who are commi ed to be er suppor ng families with babies and toddlers in future emergencies.
Workshop par cipants are invited to bring along their current organisa on's emergency plans, resources and procedures, to work through them with a 'young child lens'. These FREE workshops will be fully catered and will include plenty of breaks for networking opportuni es. We will also supply a endees with various resources developed by our team for suppor ng families in disasters.
Please complete this link by August 12 to register your interest and preferred date: h ps://forms.office.com/r/nup1YFZ3N1
Dr Michelle Hamrosi Community Engagement Officer Community Protec on for Infant and Young Children in Bushfire Emergencies Project Australian Breas eeding Associa on (RTO 21659)
100 Years Ago 11-08-1923
Mr. C. Stubbs, jnr., of Dwyer’s Creek, who evidently has a penchant for the golden gleam, not only does he delve for the earth’s precious metal, but he has the busy bee gathering a golden harvest. During the past season 100 swarms of these ac ve workers gave their owner 4 ½ tons of honey. No go-slow methods about Mr. Stubbs’ employees.
On returning to his home, “Ne lewood,” Narooma, a er his recent visit to Sydney Mr. Wilcocks saw a large wombat on his lawn. It was about the size of a half-grown pig and very fat. The marsupial was feeding a few feet from the house, and when Mr. Wilcocks, jnr. placed a lighted lamp on the ground it came quite close to it. The wombat, which is the only one ever seen in the district, was eventually shot. Housewives will no wonder why they have to pay such a high price for their Sunday dinner of mu on, when they know that six sheep landed here from Sydney to the order of Donnelly Brothers cost our Campbell Street butchers £17.
It is said that the flower garden at Mr. H. J. Bate’s residence, “Mountainview,” Tilba Tilba, presents a magnificent sight just now. The garden, which is one of the beauty spots of the Far South Coast, is kept in a perpetual state of floral beauty through a con nuous supply of water from Mt. Dromedary constructed on a scheme of Mr. Bate’s own engineering. It is es mated that during the past 12 months 10,000 blooms have been gathered and distributed through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Bate to hospitals and charitable func ons in the various centres.
Can our pockets stand the strain - or rather the drain? Following are the coming events: Wood-chopping contest at Bateman’s Bay to-day (Saturday) with a dance at night; Bateman’s Bay Hospital Ball and Narooma R.C. Bazaar la er part of Aug.; A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match with euchre party and dance at night, 5th Sept.; Odd-fellows’ euchre party and dance 11th Sept.; Hospital Ball 25th Sept.; C.E. Bazaar Mask and Domino dance 2nd Oct., as well as other euchre par es and gi a ernoons sandwiched in.
A nonagenarian, in the person of Mrs. Jane Thomas, died at the residence of her son, Mr. Rowe, Silver Mine, Moruya, on Wednesday morning. Deceased, who was a na ve of England, could truly be classed as a military lady, she having been born and reared in a barracks. Her father fought in the Siege of Sebas on and her husband in the Crimean War. … The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred in the C.E. por on of the Moruya Cemetery.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.
Winter theatre in the Moruya Red Door Hall.
2 x 1 Act short plays at the end of Aug/early Sept in the Red Door Hall.
5 shows only with seating for 50 at each show. Tickets on Sale this week - see attached poster for details.
"A Chip in the Sugar"
- wonderful to be staging this terrific monologue written by Alan Bennett. Delighted to have the talented Robin Aylot back on stage in this Talking Heads classic written for the BBC.
"Lost and Found"
- written and directed by Jacky Spahr, an award winning director and actor from Canberra, who now calls Moruya home. Pleased to be premiering this short Pinteresque style one act play, which focuses on courage within relationships.
Dates: Fri 7pm 25 Aug + Sat 4pm 26 Aug + Sun 27 Aug 2pm Matinee + Fri 7pm Sept 1 + Sat 7pm Sept 2.
CABBI - suppor ng, encouraging and promo ng visual ar sts and cra makers.
CABBI is a membership-based associa on which provides an opportunity for the community to become part of an associa on which supports, encourages and promotes our community of visual ar sts and cra makers.
We provide: Art and cra workshops
Art and community related social events and ac vi es
The opportunity to be an exhibitor at The Gallery, Mogo
The opportunity to be an exhibitor at our Annual Exhibi on The opportunity be involved by volunteering your exper se Member discounts at applicable sponsor retailers
The new CABBI Management Commi ee was elected at our Annual General Mee ng on 3 August 2023. These commi ee members are : Carleta Delac (Treasurer and Gallery Manager); Camelle Denny (General Commi ee Member); Judith Wilkins (President); Garry Kemp (General Member and Workshop Program Coordinator); Lin Barnes (Vice-President) and Ian Barnes (Secretary).
Apart from the range of benefits provided by joining CABBI, we are also looking for people who are able to tutor beginner art/cra classes; joining our Workshop Program. If you believe you have the necessary skills please contact our Workshop Program Coordinator, Garry Kemp, workshops@cabbi.com.au
If you would like to join our community of ar sts and cra makers, please submit an applica on via our website h ps://cabbi.com.au/members/membership-form/ or email info@cabbi.com.au with any queries. The commi ee looks forward to exploring how we can collaborate towards building a mutually prosperous and thriving art community in the Eurobodalla. We look forward to welcoming you.
I am always amazed and inspired by many of the elderly customers who frequent our store. They are truly an inspira on. Whenever I ask them about their lives, inevitably most s ll undertake some form of regular exercise, eat healthily, and take vitamin supplements.
Isn’t it interes ng? Most of us want to live to a ripe old age, we all know what we should be doing to stay healthy, however how many of us actually ‘walk the talk’?
How many of us truly take responsibility for our health and don’t just expect a pharmaceu cal drug is going to work wonders when our health begins to fail?
Next week is NutriVital Week. NutriVital is one of our top vitamin ranges and to celebrate this great vitamin range we’re offering 30% off the whole range from Saturday 12/8 to Saturday 19/8. We are also launching our new and exci ng NutriVital Rewards Program.
Next me you purchase a NutriVital product, pick up your Rewards Card which works similarly to a coffee card. Each me you purchase a NutriVital product, we stamp your card and the 8th product, which can be up to the value of $55 can be purchased for just $1.00!! Now there’s a good deal if ever I saw one. You just need to purchase these products within 10 months to be eligible for the $1.00 product.
Just remember NutriVital is a wholly owned Australian range, manufactured in Australia and New Zealand, unlike many ranges these days.
All products are formulated by a board of naturopaths and health prac oners and more importantly are based on therapeu c dosages. In other words. these formulas are equivalent to many top of the range prac oner formulas using only superior ingredients. NutriVital has been promo ng natural health and wellness since 1999.
If you have made the effort to take responsibility for your health, why then compromise your health by taking inferior quality ingredients when you can buy top quality products at very compe ve prices?
When looking for a vitamin supplement, it is always important to choose a vitamin which is a quality product and the best formula for your requirements. You should always ask yourself if this is the right formula for your health needs – otherwise you really are was ng your money.
For the past 26 years at Go Vita, we have always prided ourselves in stocking top quality vitamin supplements at reasonable prices. We have also prided ourselves in offering good advice, which means we are always happy to advise you on the right vitamins for you.
If your child suffers from digestive problems such as digestive discomfort, irregular bowel movements or generally lacks fibre in their diet, we now stock a great formula which may be helpful. This formula contains soothing herbs, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics plus organic fibres.
It comes in a powder, is unflavoured, slightly sweet and can be easily added to food and drinks. Below is a great smoothie recipe which is great for supporting your child’s gut health and is tasty!
Ingredients: 150ml C-Organic Coconut Water; 1 Tbsp yoghurt;1 chopped peeled banana; ¼ avocado; 1 Tbsp Go Vita Organic Oats;1 serve Nutra Organics Super Tummy
Add ingredients to blender, blend and serve.
Narooma Social Bowls 1 August 2023
Enjoying another perfect, sunny, winter’s day our social bowlers were keen to get out on the green. There was a game of triples and a game of pairs and this week the winning team for the day, decided by Lucky Rinks, was Sue Sansom and Cindy Newell (skip) who had a great game where they led 10 to 4 a er seven ends then had their opponents Denise Holman and Susan Wales (skip) take a few ends to square the match at 13 all a er 15 ens. Sue and Cindy squared the remaining ends but picked up two extra shots for a hard fought 19 to 17 win..
Susan Wales won the Rapley’s Meat raffle. Thank you to Rapley and Sons for their con nued, valued, support.
Major Pairs
The final of the Major Pairs was decided on Tuesday when Carol Harraway and Vicki Herman (skip) met Alison Maloney and Sandra Breust (skip). Alison and Sandra started strongly and a er eight ends they led seven to three. Alison and Sandra con nued to play top bowls and they drew clear for a good win. Congratula ons to Alison Maloney and Sandra Breust for taking out the Major Pairs tle for 2023/24 and well done to all the other teams who helped make this such a good Club Championship.
Photo - Winners of the NWBC Major Pairs Championship Sandra Breust (skip) and Alison Maloney are congratulated by runners up Vicki Herman (skip) and Carol Harraway.
Tuross Head Vets Golf Results
Fi y players registered for an Aggregate StrokeSecret Partners event on Wednesday 9 August. Winning combina on on the day was Warren Hodder and Les Thompson with an aggregate score of 75. They beat home Derek Hoare and Anne e Manton on 78, Des Jackson and Frank Pomfret on 81, and finally Ken Hush and Rob Nash also on 81. Minor prizes went to Tony Crook and Ron Hanlon with 81, Ann Ware and Mike Birks, Rick Brake and Peter Coffey, and finally Steve Collins and Ian Manton all with scores of 82.
Paul Green and Allen Lee had the honourable dis nc on of taking out the Bradman award whilst nearest the pins went to Bruce Ware on the 4th, Steve Collins on the 6th, and to Leonie Snodgrass and Steve Collins on the 7th. Len Rogers took out the Accurate drive.
Image: Winners Warren Hodder and Les Thompson