Beagle Weekender Vol 324 August 18th 2023

Page 24

Arts ……………………. 25,26

Cinema ……………….. 14,15

Community ………………4 to 9

Reading ……………………..16 to 24

Real Estate…. 38 No ces…… 40

Food ………………………...27

Sport and Fishing………. 29 to 33

Editorial …………………..2,3

What’s On …………….... 10 to 13

beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 1 Page 1 Your FREE online Eurobodalla weekend magazine.
FIND ALL YOUR DAILY NEWS @ Vol 324 August 18th 2023

Welcome to this week’s editorial,

You might find a few le ers to the editor in this edi on wri en in response to Council’s decision around a recommenda on by Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Commi ee (AAC) .

The mo on that was put to councillors was: THAT Council consider the following recommenda on:

1. We the members of the Aboriginal Advisory Commi ee recommend that the Eurobodalla Shire Council supports a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Also, that the Council advises all residents of Eurobodalla Shire about this decision and adver ses this decision in signs on the council’s proper es”.

If you pull this apart you will see that, when put to the vote, it would reveal those councillors who did not support a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Any Councillor who did not raise their hand would be noted as a dissenter. But look carefully, the second part of the mo on requested Council to advise all residents of Eurobodalla Shire about this decision and adver ses this decision in signs on the council’s proper es.

Maybe the wording of the posters and hoardings might have a group photo of the councillors with the cap on we support the yes vote. What if a councillor didn’t support it? Could they stand aside at the photoshoot. There is li le doubt that any Councillor who voted NOT to support this two part mo on would be characterised as a NO voter.

The last me I looked how a person voted was a private thing. The joy of democracy. This referendum has become very divisive to the point, as was shown yesterday, that “you are either with us or against us”. It reminds me of Spain’s Queen Isabella the Catholic when she and her husband ins tuted the Spanish Inquisi on in 1478 to achieve religious unity by punishing non-Chris ans, doubters, and here cs. A show of vo ng against yesterday would have resulted in a proverbial Yellow Cross of David painted on that councillor.

There have been countless explana ons across the media of why we should vote YES. In turn there are dissenters in the NO camp offering their perspec ve to those who care to read or listen.

But at the end of the day it is my vote. My private vote that I do not have to reveal to anyone. That same right should be is extended to our councillors. How they vote is their business. The mo on put forward to vote, with a show of hands, that “ Eurobodalla Shire Council supports a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum” puts councillors in precarious posi on. “I have to vote YES to support this and if I vote NO I will be vilified and labelled”. As is the case Councillors are now being vilified for daring to offer an amended mo on that was voted by a majority and with Worthington and Mayne in dissent

There may have been a gallery of YES voters who walked out calling “Shame, Shame, Shame” but pain ng councillors into a corner to reveal how they might vote in the referendum, and vo ng down emblazoning every Council owned asset in the shire with a “we support the YES vote” just didn’t stack up. No party is allowed to display their elec oneering adver sing on Council assets but here was a Council commi ee reques ng that Council do so, as if immune to Electoral Commission rules.

So Council voted on the amendment below: Now councillors are being accused of si ng on the fence and failing to represent their community by vo ng for this amendment rather than vo ng to support the YES camp and to placard Council assets across the shire saying “This Council is a YES council”, possibly encouraging other councils to follow. Now they are receiving hate mail.

Council have instead proac vely directed the community to their comprehensive website that offers links to a wealth of informa on. To do otherwise would have been undemocra c. What if the original mo on was put and councillors voted NO because they did not want to be seen as par san nor agree with placarding the Shire. If you were a councillor how would you have voted, and is hate mail a reasonable response if the councillors voted on an amended mo on they considered neutral, yet posi ve direc ng the community to accredited resources providing more informa on?

Voters will vote on the informa on they have gleaned and hopefully not on a placard that says “Council supports the Yes vote (and so should you)”. As to how I am going to vote? That’s remains private to ensure I don’t influence your vote or suffer abuse from one camp or another. Fence si ng? I don’t think so.

Un l next –lei

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What does VIEW stand for and what does the VIEW Club do?

Have you ever seen the View Club sign and wondered what the View Club does and if we are interested in photography maybe. No VIEW stands for the Voice, Interests and Educa on of Women. VIEW is a leading women's na onal volunteer organisa on, providing the opportunity for women from all walks of life to meet regularly, establish las ng friendships and help disadvantaged Australian children through suppor ng the work of children’s charity, The Smith Family.

As a valued part of The Smith Family, VIEW members help to change the lives of young Australians in need through fundraising, volunteering, advoca ng and sponsoring disadvantaged students on The Smith Family's Learning for Life program. Together VIEW Clubs sponsor more than 1,680+ disadvantaged students through the Learning for Life program.

The Batemans Bay Evening View Club sponsors 6 students and 1 student (with our Region) and to do this we need to raise about $5000 each year. We also support the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal each year with about $500.

The Batemans Bay Evening View Club was established in 1977 for women interested in mee ng regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing las ng friendships and contribu ng to the community.

On 13th September, Batemans Bay Evening View Club is celebra ng their 46th Birthday and would like to invite members, past members and their partners and any interested people to come and help us celebrate. New members are always welcome to help us raise money for the Smith Family’s Learning for Life Program We will celebrate our birthday at our September mee ng at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club.

The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable mee ng on Wednesday 9 August 2023. Our mee ng was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and we had a good number of ladies enjoy a delicious meal before listening to our guest speaker.

Our Guest speakers were Jesse Tonge (Captain) and Grace Reisima (Community Engagement Officer) from the Batemans Bay Rural Fire Brigade and they spoke on the upcoming fire season and how to be prepared and how to prepare your property. Jesse also spoke about the importance of fire alarms and having them checked and also the Aider (Assist Infirm, Disabled and Elderly Residents) Program which is a free, one-off service which supports some of our most at-risk community members. Jesse also advised that the NSW Fire and Rescue can offer a safety visit to a person’s home to check smoke alarms and offer advice. President Julie thanked Jesse and Grace for the presenta on and presented them with a small gi of apprecia on.

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The monthly mee ngs are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next mee ng of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 13 September 2023 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $30.00. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. Our guest speaker for September will be Phil Warburton from Eurobodalla Photographic Club to speak about photography. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198. community

Did we hear you say ‘free green waste’?

Mayor Mathew Hatcher says free, green waste drop off at the shire’s tips next month will help residents prepare for the fire season.

“Between 11 and 24 September we’re waiving fees for green waste dropped at the Surf Beach, Moruya and Brou waste management facilities,” Cr Hatcher said.

The free drop off runs alongside the Rural Fire Service’s ‘Get Ready’ weekend on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 September says the Mayor.

“It’s a service you have been asking for – a great opportunity to clear leaves and twigs from gutters and around buildings, prune back trees and shrubs, get lawns mown, and then get rid of that waste,” Cr Hatcher said.

“I’ve also been asked why there is a fee for green waste disposal at all and, in a nutshell, we need to recover costs because processing green waste to Environmental Protection Agency standards requires specialist contractors with fit-for-purpose machinery.”

Once processed, the mulch created is made available to the community.

“This mulch is in high demand and while most councils sell it, we give it away for free,” Cr Hatcher said. “Council has found this model to be the most equitable for our shire, the free mulch benefitting ratepayers and with the extra bonus of reducing landfill.”

Green waste is accepted at Council’s three waste facilities. The Surf Beach and Brou tips are open from 7am to 4.45pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am to 3.45 on weekends. The Moruya tip is open from 8am to 3.45pm, Thursday to Monday. Follow directions on site as drop-off areas can change.

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Rural Fire Service Batemans Bay’s Courtney Binder and Brad Italiano unloading green waste at the Surf Beach tip.

Music Scholarships for Talented Youth Now Available

Applica ons are now open for the 2023 St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarships. The dedicated volunteer commi ee administering these coveted scholarships is pleased to announce the return of the program, which is open to young musicians from the Eurobodalla, Bega Valley and Shoalhaven shires. Those who audi on will be in the running for $5,500 in scholarships.

Audi ons will be held for entrants aged 8-18 years on October 7 and 8, where judging will take place. The winners will be announced at the spectacular Awards Concert to be held at St Bernard’s Church on November 19.

Newly elected President and past winner of the St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarship, Jessica Farrell, is excited to see the return of the program and is looking forward to showcasing the talented young musicians of our region.

“I remember the excitement and pride of being recognised for my music and I’m very pleased that we were able to con nue this important scholarship program for young people in our region,” she said.

“Young musicians need a place to perform and hone their skills, as well as the money to con nue their studies. We’re grateful for all the support we receive to make the scholarships available, and we encourage budding classical and contemporary musicians to make an applica on.”

The ESCMS receives an annual grant from the Eurobodalla Shire Council and support from Rotary Batemans Bay, Moruya CWA and the South Coast Music Society, as well as from generous donors in the community. The money is used to fund the scholarships, run the audi ons and stage the final concert. The St Cecilia Youth Music Scholarships were ins gated in 1995 by Maria de Rocco who believed in the talents of young people and recognised their need for acknowledgement, support and a stage. Her vision was to provide encouragement and financial support to local young musicians and this work has been con nued by commi ed volunteers ever since.

Informa on and applica on forms are available at and the closing date is September 29. The applica on fee is $25 and it is possible to enter in more than one discipline.

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Above: Former scholarship winner Damia O'Loughlin on Clarinet

UOW Science Space

- Mini museum and show in Moruya Aug 19th

Saturday 19 August 2023

There will be two timeslots for families to attend on the day, either 10am-12pm or the 11am1pm session

10am - 1pm

Where: Moruya Basketball stadium, Albert Street Moruya, 2537, NSW

Cost: Free

UOW Science space is coming to the Eurobodalla Shire for Science Week.

There will be Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) activities for all the family. STEM activity zone for hands-on science fun and learning for the whole family. Dress up as an astronaut, meet our baby dinosaurs, build the tallest tower, crash test vehicles, code a robot, investigate insect specimens and much more!

An all-ages science show featuring our biggest and most spectacular demonstrations e.g. fire tornadoes, giant bubbles, liquid nitrogen clouds, fire bubbles. There would be an opportunity for question time at the end of the show.

20 minutes science show at 10am for session 1, and 20 minute Science show at 12pm for session 2.

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Eurobodalla features in Trail Towns episode

Gear up and get comfy for this special episode featuring Eurobodalla’s mountain bike trails and popular places in between. Trail Towns is a tourism program on SBS showing all the top places to ride, stay, eat and play in Australia and New Zealand. The season starts next week on Saturday 26 August and the Eurobodalla episode airs at 4pm on Saturday 16 September.

Trail Towns Presenters Dieter Kahsnitz (Deetz) and Paul van der Ploeg (Vandy) said Eurobodalla was one of their most unique episodes to film.

“The Eurobodalla region sums up everything wonderful about the Australia we are famous for, with stunning beaches, gorgeous coastal towns and welcoming people,” Deetz said.

Vandy and Deetz toured beaches and bush between the towns of Narooma, Mogo and Batemans Bay.

“Exploring the new trails was eye opening!” Vandy said. “The vision to expand on the community-built trails is genius; the whole area is about to be transformed into a must-visit global tourist destination.”

Eurobodalla Council partnered with Trail Towns to showcase the region as a mountain biking destination. With almost 100km of trails at Narooma and 150km underway at Mogo, Eurobodalla is set to become Australia’s mountain biking coast. Some local legends took Vandy and Deetz under their wing to show off their home turf.

President of Narooma Mountain Bike Club Georgie Staley was one of many local faces to feature in the episode. She can’t wait to see all levels of riders hit up the freshly carved trails at Narooma.

“The new zones added to our existing network is truly unique,” Ms Staley said. “Families can explore the wilderness single track and keen downhill riders can hit up the flowy, long jump lines of the gravity zone.”

Eurobodalla Mayor Mathew Hatcher watched a sneak peek of the episode and was impressed by how much Vandy and Deetz packed into one episode.

“They are two high-energy guys who truly got a taste of what Eurobodalla has to offer in between riding the new trails at Narooma and Mogo,” Mayor Hatcher said.

“Aside from Eurobodalla’s 250km of trails, the episode shows so much more for the non-riders too.

For those who missed the debut, Trail Towns season three will be available on SBS On Demand and SBS.

Narooma’s trails will open this spring, while Mogo trails are set to open autumn 2024 by Eurobodalla Council and Forestry NSW. The Coastal Headlands Walking Trail opens spring 2024. These Eurobodalla projects are made possible thanks to funding from the Australian and NSW Governments’ Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.Watch the Eurobodalla Trail Towns episode trailer on Council’s YouTube.

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53 Local Medical Practices To Share In $1.44 Million In Grants

Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips MP is pleased to announce that 53 local healthcare providers have taken a share of over $1.44 million through the Strengthening Medicare – General Practice (GP) Grants Program Grants have been officially awarded to 53 General Practices and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) within our region.

"I am incredibly happy to be able to deliver such a strong investment in our local medical services," Fiona said.

Fortifying GP practices was a crucial election commitment from the Albanese Labor Government.

Each of these grants ranged from $25,000 to $50,000, and will be used to help health organisations invest in their practices and staff.

“This funding will enable our local General Practices and ACCHOs to enhance their services, broaden patient access, and ultimately contribute to a healthier and more resilient community." Fiona said.

“We know that local primary health services are under significant strain – this $1.4 million investment supports them so that they can keep supporting our community,” Fiona said.

The Strengthening Medicare – General Practice Grants Program empowers healthcare providers to expand their capabilities, improve their infrastructure, and ultimately deliver better care to the community.

This successful implementation of the program is a significant step towards improving patient access to GPs, and to improving the quality of services provided by medical practices across our region.

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More Blues live at the Kinema

The wonderful Blues at the Kinema concerts continue in August, hosted by Narooma School of Arts (NSoA) Highly acclaimed blues-root guitarist Geoff Achison of Melbourne will feature at Narooma Kinema on Friday 18 August supported by local legend Tony Jaggers. Geoff Achison is “super excited” about playing at the Kinema.

“The experience of performing with simple acoustic guitar and voice is extraordinarily liberating,” he said. “I soon settle into flowing with the music and telling my stories about these songs. The most exciting thing is seizing the opportunity to set the music free. The plan goes out the window, the chords change when they want to, the arrangement evolves as you bear witness, and the audience comes along for the ride. It’s hard to get the same vibe in the studio. That’s why live music is the best.”

Geoff has been hailed as one of Australia’s finest blues players, a brilliant lead guitarist and a gifted songwriter.

“Geoff draws on deep blues, soul, funk and acoustic folk influences and his music has been compared favourably to Eric Clapton, JJ Cale and the Allman Brothers,” said NSoA concert co-organiser Petti McInnes. “Geoff is invited to music festivals around the world and he’s coming to Narooma Kinema. Why would you miss it…”

Ms McInnes said response to the series of Blues at the Kinema concerts from both musicians and patrons has been exceptional. “All enjoy being up close and personal, and our musicians all say they love a listening audience,” she said.

“The School of Arts is passionate about supporting all the Arts. Bringing quality musicians to the Kinema is also attracting people from far and wide, even from the ACT, Queensland and Victoria.”

Tony Jaggers needs no introduction to Blues fans across the south-east. He has supported many top line bands playing rock and blues over many years, and performed at many major Blues Festivals in Australia and onstage with some Blues greats. He also hosts the community radio Blues programme ‘Mojo and JellyRolls’.

See Geoff Achison and Tony Jaggers at Narooma Kinema Friday 18 August.

Purchase tickets online through, not at the Kinema. Early Bird tickets cost $35 if bought by 1st August, or $40 after 1st August. If you want to risk missing out by buying on the night, tickets will cost $45 at the door. Doors open 6pm; show starts 6.30pm. There will be a bar with wine, beer and cocktails and noodle boxes for vegans, vegos and meat eaters.

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Live at Moruya Waterfront Hotel

Tickets from $37.63 at h ps://

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Batemans Bay’s Premier

Entertainment venue

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Acadia Winds are trailblazers for Australian wind music. Awarded a fellowship at the Australian Na onal Academy of Music upon their forma on in late 2013, they became Musica Viva Australia’s inaugural FutureMakers musicians from 2015–17. They have brought their brand of energe c, joyful and spontaneous performance to fes val stages in almost every state and territory in the country.

Pictures in Arcadia, featuring popular composi ons by Strauss and Mussorgsky, will take listeners on a sensory journey across the globe. Be swept away by the mo on of contemporary Australian composer Harry Sdraulig’s Meridian, before experiencing Victor Hartmann’s works of art aurally in a striking tribute by Modest Mussorgsky. With innova ve arrangements for wind quintet, these works will enfold you in a fantasy world you won’t want to leave. Please make them welcome to Braidwood!

Venue: Braidwood Uni ng Church, 68 Monki ee St, Braidwood Time: 2pm - 3.10pm

Tickets: $35 adults, $30 concessions, under 18s FREE.Online booking! Get in early.

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Gadfly 300 By Robert Macklin

Yes, my wife and I – and many of our friends – belong to the ‘lucky generation’ born in and just after World War II as precursors of the Boomers. Sure, we’ve had a pretty good run, but now, it seems, we’re the bad guys in the great housing debate. It’s punishment time: End negative gearing; pay capital gains on the family home; skyrocket rates; and badmouth the Boomers.

It’s easy to list the advantages we’ve had. In childhood, three good meals a day and we lived in okay houses even if sleeping on enclosed verandas or sharing a bedroom with a sibling. We walked or rode our bikes to primary school with classes of 40 to 50 kids. Our holidays were spent in rented beach houses where we could only stay two weeks before Dad returned to work and Mum to parttime dressmaking. And boy, did we envy those folks with a beach house. My experience was fairly typical. After two years at Brisbane Grammar, two years jackarooing, and a year matriculating with a Commonwealth Scholarship, I scored a cadetship on The Courier-Mail. The ‘south’ beckoned and a stint at The Age led me to the paper’s Canberra bureau in the late 1960s; and pure chance – plus the jackarooing –the opportunity to become Press Secretary for his last year with the great ‘Black Jack’ McEwen. Even better, I’d married the lovely Wendy Webster a teacher, musician, composer and writer and bought our first house in Canberra’s suburban Pearce.

Then PM Harold Holt took his fateful swim and McEwen became interim PM. John Gorton offered him a deal too good to refuse so he (and I) stayed on till his retirement in 1971, then we escaped with our two little boys to the Asian Development Bank in Manila for next five years. That’s where I made documentary films in 32 countries and wrote my first book, The Queenslander

A writing scholarship arrived and brought us back to Bateman’s Bay where Wendy taught at the local school till we returned to Canberra where I began a disastrous foray into video production which - combined with 17 per cent bank interest rates - resulted in our losing the Pearce house. Now we were renters and in 1990 I returned to journalism at the Canberra Times.

Happily, a bright spot arrived when a generous colleague shared the acquisition of a little bolthole at Tuross. Then Wendy took an early farewell from daily teaching for the deposit on a house at Weston and I wrote a book with an old Courier-Mail mate. This got me back into writing and 20 books later with Wendy’s relief teaching and a 2003 Canberra Times redundancy, we sold the house and moved to a nearby home unit.

That’s when the housing market went nuts; the value of Tuross passed the threshold that prevented even a part pension, and massively increased the maintenance on two properties. And just because we can’t live in two places at once we’re suddenly the bad guys.

I’m not complaining. In our lifetime, our generation has been spared the threat of invasion. John Bell has brought us every Shakesperean play; we’ve watched great TV drama from Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, West Wing and Rachel Perkins’ The Australian Wars’ ; we’ve been serenaded by The Beatles to Peking Duk; thrilled by the sporting greats too numerous to mention.; relished the defeat of Scott Morrison by a fair election; and devoured the non-Murdoch press and ABC news which is keeping truth alive…just.

I hang my head in shame that we failed to act on climate change and are entrusting our foreign affairs future to the American imperialists. But we have worked very hard – most of us – to acquire our little pieces of real estate, and a modicum of comfort in our final years. I just wonder if the punishment fits the housing crime.

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Reading—a beer with Bazza

Mick stared into his schooner and shook his head numerous times. The television blasted continued highlights of the Matildas in full flight.

Mick raised both eyebrows, as Bazza pulled up a bar stool and took a sip of the offered schooner.

“Thanks, Mick…….. by gee you look a bit down. I didn’t think you would take the Matildas’ loss to England so seriously.”

Mick bit his bottom lip.

“It’s not that, Bazza. In fact, I am hoping things get back to normal in this country.”

Bazza’s eyes widened as Mick took a measured sip.

“Well…..Bazza……I reckon it all started to go wrong a month or so ago with the media obsession with securing tickets to Taylor Swift concerts.”

Bazza chuckled.

“All a bit of good fun, Mick…….. I even tried to buy tickets to go with my daughter.”

Mick ran the palm of his hand across his forehead.

“Yeah…..well that figures……. Anyhow, no sooner had that died down and the Matildas hog the limelight ……. record television audiences and packed out stadiums. It was over the top. And if that is not enough the Diamonds Women’s Netball Team won the World Cup…….. for the 12th time…..…… are you picking up a trend here, Bazza?”

Bazza screwed his eyes.

‘That’s all good news, Mick……… I am not following you.”

Mick tightened his mouth.

“Stay with me on this one, Bazza…….. it all came home to me when you tricked me into seeing the ‘Barbie’ movie the other day, when I thought we were seeing ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’. I thought the treatment of Ken in ‘Barbie’ was appalling. He is just an accessory to Barbie throughout the movie…… hero status. Now…..the movie could of been saved if Barbie falls in love with Ken and they live happily ever after…….but no…. Ken finishes the movie the same way he began it…… as an accessory and unbelievably, Barbie lives happily ever after by herself.”

Mick paused for a decent drink, leaned in and lowered his voice.

“I am feeling under threat these days, Bazza…….. but……. It gets worse……. I reckon your mate, Albo is too soft. He needs to muscle up a bit. You might not have liked Tony Abbott as Prime Minister, Bazza, but it felt good to be a bloke, when he was in power. I mean…. he did bloke things. I just cannot imagine Albo eating a raw onion or completing a triathlon before Question Time in Parliament.”

Mick cradled his forehead.

“If things do not get back to normal, Bazza, we are going to end up with a nation full of Kens.”

Have a beer with Bazza at

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Wifedom—Mrs Orwell's Invisible Life by Anna Funder

A blazing, genre-bending masterpiece from one of the most inven ve writers of our me.

'Simply, a masterpiece. Here, Anna Funder not only re-makes the art of biography, she resurrects a woman in full. And this in a narra ve that grips the reader and unfolds through some of the most consequen al moments - historical and culturalof the twen eth century.' - Geraldine Brooks

‘There’s exhilara on in reading every brilliant word.’ – Chloe Hooper

Looking for wonder and some reprieve from the everyday, Anna Funder slips into the pages of her hero George Orwell. As she watches him create his wri ng self, she tries to remember her own…

When she uncovers his forgo en wife, it’s a revela on. Eileen O’Shaughnessy’s literary brilliance shaped Orwell’s work and her prac cal nous saved his life. But why – and how – was she wri en out of the story?

Using newly discovered le ers from Eileen to her best friend, Funder recreates the Orwells’ marriage, through the Spanish Civil War and WW II in London. As she rolls up the screen concealing Orwell’s private life she is led to ques on what it takes to be a writer – and what it is to be a wife.

Compelling and u erly original, Wifedom speaks to the unsung work of women everywhere today, while offering a breathtakingly in mate view of one of the most important literary marriages of the 20th century. It is a book that speaks to our present moment as much as it illuminates the past.

‘So, she will live wri ng the le ers she did – six to her best friend, and three to her husband. I know where she was when she wrote them. I know that the dishes were frozen in the sink, that she was bleeding, that he was in bed with another woman – and she knew it. . . .I supply only what a film director would, direc ng an actor on set – the wiping of spectacles, the ash on the carpet, a cat pouring itself off her lap.’

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Shameful ac on by Council

What a woeful mob of Councillors we have. Shouldn’t they be across issues and make sound leadership decisions, par cularly when it comes to the Voice to Parliament na onal referendum?

Tuesday’s Council mee ng revealed that our Councillors, with the excep on of the AA team (Anthony and Alison) are lacking in awareness and sensi vity. The rejec on of the advice from Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Commi ee by adding a pathe c third-op on amendment was an insult to that commi ee, and demonstrated a lack of leadership and a lack of concern for the Indigenous people of our shire.

The mayor is paid $64,000 and councillors $26,000 per annum. Are rate payers paying for Council to sit on the fence, keep their noses clean and mimic Pauline Hanson?

My reflections on courage and what is true leadership.

Sitting yesterday at Eurobodalla Shire Council meeting I listened to heartfelt appeals made by profound and eloquent speakers calling for long overdue respect, justice, equity and courageous leadership from our councillors to make a clear statement in support of the recommendations of the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee. I had been filled with hope that this recommendation would be supported unanimously.

The recommendation of the members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee, was that ‘the Eurobodalla Shire Council support the vote in the upcoming referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament’. This committee was set up by Eurobodalla Shire Council to ensure that Aboriginal people would no longer be overlooked in considerations. Mayor Hatcher was quoted in his previous statements of support for the Aboriginal community and several of the Councillors expressed their support for a yes vote at the upcoming referendum.

However, I left the meeting exceedingly disappointed that the majority of the councillors had failed so shamefully to show true leadership or courage. Once again, our Indigenous people have been betrayed by so-called community leaders, who sit in places of power and authority, but stopped short of an honest answer of support. A Council that could be visionary and lead our community to higher ideals failed miserably once again.

Indigenous playwright and author, Julie Jansen, clad in her possum cloak, stood to eloquently share her story and some tragic historical truths, as did so many others. How any Councillor could have responded to these speeches and not been deeply affected is almost beyond belief. The majority of them verbally expressed their support, however, in what I believe was a purely political move Cr. Amber Schutz called for an amendment to the motion to remove any decision by Council to support the Yes vote. She suggested that it be “noted”.

Such tactics of literally 'sitting on the fence' are designed to shore up their future votes for the next Council election. Yet surely our society is seeking strong and committed leadership – people with a real vision of what could be achieved when we walk together in partnership and friendship – that moves us higher as a society. Fear holds us back with mean-spirited leaders only thinking of their next opportunities to increase their power and so-called support base.

I commend our Deputy Mayor, Cr. Alison Worthington and Cr. Anthony Mayne for their refusal to support the amended motion. They stood in support of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee clearly quite appalled at what had just been used by the majority as a clever tactical move – to say not yes, nor no – but to stay safely sitting on their respective fences in the hope that they wouldn’t need to stand proudly and truthfully behind their so-called stated position of support.

I feel for our Indigenous people who yet again must feel deeply betrayed by hollow words spoken. I feel for those Councillors who did stand in their own truths and oppose the amendment and who had to face defeat. As a citizen, I feel for us all who feel the deep shame and disappointment that once again we have not risen to the call in a united and compassionate response.

We are the people of Australia, who call for a ‘fair go’ for all. I can only go forward in deep trust and hope that we will rise to the challenge at the referendum.

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Letter to the Editor, Shameful day for Eurobodalla Council

The Beagle Editor

For over two hundred years our First Nations people have been ignored by various governments with paternalistic, colonial attitudes. Governments have failed to listen. They thought they knew better. History has shown that they were wrong. The result is the current situation of inequality and lack of support where our First Nations are the most incarcerated people on the planet.

In 2017 our First Nations people got together and produced the Uluru Statement From The Heart, requesting the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution. The Federal Government listened, for once, and has agreed to hold a referendum;

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

It’s politics. You either vote Yes or No. Hopefully after learning and understanding the options. There is no third alternative. Yes or No. Eurobodalla Shire Council has in the past seen the failure-to-listen problem and set up a Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee to make recommendations to Council. Today’s Council meeting addressed one of those recommendations;

“We the members of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee recommend that the Eurobodalla Shire Council supports a ‘yes’ vote in the referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Also, that the Council advises all residents of Eurobodalla Shire about this decision and advertises this decision in signs on the council’s properties.”

Following two hundred years of paternalistic colonial practice, Councillors refused to listen. Many Councillors claimed to support the Yes case, but also claimed that they could have a third option and not act as Yes or No supporters. They are clearly not well educated about politics and binary referenda questions.

An amendment was proposed; to receive the recommendation but to take no action.

Only Councillors Alison Worthington and Anthony Mayne voted against the amendment, and thus return to the original recommendation. The other seven, including the Mayor voted for the amendment, or in effect to refuse to act on the recommendation of the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

At that point, about twenty members of the public gallery left the meeting with calls of Shame, Shame, Shame. Eurobodalla deserves better from our Councillors.

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Charlie Bell Tomakin.

100 Years Ago 18th August 1923

Motbey and party are sinking on their new reef near Mt. Utopia. It is maintaining the excellent prospects with which it opened up. Close alongside is a big “blue” reef, also carrying gold. This la er is increasing in width as it goes down.

Smith and Welsh have made a splendid job of their contract for metaling and binding on about threequarters of the road between Tilba and Central Tilba. Motorists say that it is one of the best pieces of road in Eurobodalla Shire. The Shire Engineer was so pleased with the road that he complimented the contractors. The far-famed North-West, which could support millions, lost nearly 5000 people in the census period; the South Coast lost 4450; the Central Tablelands 9254; the Southern Tablelands 5430; the Central Western Slopes 11,013; and the North-West Plains 4960. While the rural popula on is decreasing alarmingly, the city popula on is increasing abnormally.

The Mechanics’ Ins tute having granted the use of the ground, the Moruya Tennis Club has pegged out the posi on for its third court. Mr. W. Luther obtained the contract for gravelling same.

Mr. A. Ison no fies that he has disposed of his butchering business at Bergalia to Mr. H. J. Thomson, who will take over on 1st Sept.

Unless we get 8 or 10 inches of rain very soon, the water supply will be a serious problem. Even now there is li le or no water in the creeks and wells. Our rainfall is 10 inches below the average.

Mr. H. Malone, who runs a passenger service between here and Goulburn, has placed on the line a handsome Studebaker model which is certainly par excellence in appearance. Comparisons are indeed odious when we consider the luxurious mode of travelling now-a-days to that when poor old “Neddie” Corrigan carried his “fare” in an ancient coach with slow horses and string repaired harness.

Eurobodalla Shire. At the monthly mee ng the President, Mr. T. Flood, Crs. A. H. Anne s, R. J. Anderson, H. J. Bate and A. Sutherland were present. Correspondence: From Bateman’s Bay Progress Associa on re pump for Camp Street well. The Engineer was instructed to purchase a suitable pump; From Moruya Progress Associa on re trees and tree plan ng. Permission was granted to plant the trees and to erect the guards, all work to be done to the sa sfac on of the Shire Engineer; From W. J. Crapp. Central Tilba re purchase of Res. 185 Parish Narooma. The Council has no objec on to the purchase of the Reserve; From A. H. Cos n, Narooma, forwarding plan of subdivision of property for approval. The Council did not give approval as the lanes between a number of allotments were considered too narrow; From A. J. Anne s and others, Mogo, re erec on of bathing sheds. Considera on was held over pending further informa on.

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

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A copy of a map from Colin O'Toole book Beyond Bodalla showing the loca on of the mines around Nerrigundah

Wri ng ‘The Light’: how six people produced a novel

A few years ago, one of the members of Eurobodalla Writers’ day group came up with the idea of wri ng a novella together. We had published a few anthologies, so this was a new challenge, but we thought it would be fun.

Eleven met to discuss the possibility. Five dropped out for various reasons. That le six: Rhonda Casey, Eileen Dillon Smith, Stafford Ray, Rosie Toth, Judy Turner and me, Gillian Macnamara. Before we embarked on ‘The Light’, Stafford had published two novels: ‘Cull’, a poli cal thriller, and ‘Australian Gulag’, a love story. Rhonda had a novel on the go: ‘Hessian’, historical fic on about Aboriginality and personal reconcilia on. The rest of us had wri en only short pieces of prose or poetry.

One of the five who dropped out had recounted the true story of the mysterious disappearance over a century earlier of three lighthouse keepers from a remote Sco sh island. This became the basis of our plot. We moved the story to northeast Tasmania in 1949 and placed our imaginary lighthouse on a small island close to the fic onal town of Li leton. The book opens with the light going out, a boat sinking, a man drowning and a lighthouse keeper vanishing.

Rather than wri ng a straigh orward mystery, we were interested in exploring the impact of the tragedy on the locals, which meant inven ng a cast of characters. One challenge we had been considering was how to produce a cohesive work wri en by mul ple authors. As we fleshed out the characters, the answer became obvious: we would each write from the point of view of one or more characters, which would allow for different ‘voices’. This was not as straigh orward as it seemed. We all had to write scenes that included other writers’ characters, and character consistency ma ered. So, an important part of our regular reviews was to check: ‘would he say this?’ or ‘would she do that?’. It was interes ng to observe how real our characters became to us and how much this ma ered. We wrote in the third person, which made transi ons from one character’s point of view to another’s clearer to the reader. The only excep on to this was the free verse wri en in the first person in the voice of the lighthouse.

Several more decisions were needed before wri ng could begin, such as whether to write in the past or present tense. All decisions were made

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Reading—con nues

democra cally. Tense was one decision that engendered considerable discussion before we had a majority in favour of wri ng in the present tense. We also needed to research the se ng and the period, to avoid errors of geography, and anachronisms such as having characters saying ‘OK’ or drinking coffee.

We experienced plenty of hold-ups, some for happy reasons, others not so happy, such as serious illnesses and family emergencies. Then, of course, Covid arrived. Luckily, we had agreed that we didn’t need a deadline. There were many read-throughs and some me-consuming re-writes. Three of us took on edi ng as we wrote. Gradually, the novella became a novel. Most differences of opinion regarding the plot were resolved easily and amicably. The ending was the hardest to resolve – some wanted all loose ends died, some didn’t. So, we compromised with a few of each.

I took on the final slog of re-edi ng, forma ng for prin ng and fixing the inevitable glitches. Of course, some of those glitches remain in the final version, which was published in 2022. But I think we can be proud of it. We are now considering readying it for epublishing when we have some spare me.

Since we embarked on ‘The Light’, Rhonda has published ‘Hessian’, Judy has published ‘Watermelon Days’, a collec on of memoir and short stories and Stafford has a third book, ‘Pregenesis’, climate/science fic on set in Antarc ca, ready for publica on.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these books or would like to purchase copies, please email the authors:




And for ‘The Light’, email me at

Gillian Macnamara

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Winter theatre in the Moruya Red Door Hall.

2 x 1 Act short plays at the end of Aug/early Sept in the Red Door Hall.

5 shows only with seating for 50 at each show. Tickets on Sale this week - see attached poster for details.

"A Chip in the Sugar"

- wonderful to be staging this terrific monologue written by Alan Bennett. Delighted to have the talented Robin Aylot back on stage in this Talking Heads classic written for the BBC.

"Lost and Found"

- written and directed by Jacky Spahr, an award winning director and actor from Canberra, who now calls Moruya home. Pleased to be premiering this short Pinteresque style one act play, which focuses on courage within relationships.

Dates: Fri 7pm 25 Aug + Sat 4pm 26 Aug + Sun 27 Aug 2pm Matinee + Fri 7pm Sept 1 + Sat 7pm Sept 2.

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Last week I wrote about the importance of ensuring we are taking good quality supplements.

One of the new ranges introduced into our store recently is the Core Botanicals range. This range has been released by herbalist Paul Keough. Paul was the co-founder of the Fusion Health range which he sold some time ago. I have known Paul for over 20 years and have great respect for Paul not only as a herbalist but also as a very ethical businessman. It therefore goes without saying, I was extremely excited when I heard Paul was releasing a new herbal range.

It was no surprise to me to find that Paul had now gone to the next level with his new herbal range developing a special extraction process which concentrated the active botanical compounds to a strength three times greater than the usual strength of liquid medicines available in Australia and overseas. Paul has always been someone who would strive for excellence in the creation of his formulas, as well as the quality of the herbs.

He tells me his new Core Botanicals range of concentrated herbal extracts represents the pinnacle of his 35year career in formulating and producing quality herbal medicines which deliver the benefits of traditional multi-herb formulations, in a convenient all in one liquid extract form.

Paul also emphasises the importance of manufacturing his herbal formulations in Australia. He believes Australian herbal medicine standards are world-leading with internationally respected, rigorous regulatory controls and manufacturing systems. At this stage the Core Botanicals range is limited to 4 formulas, however there are other formulas in the pipeline and no doubt this range will expand over time with more new and exciting formulations. The current formulas are -

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Astradefen Immune Tonic. An East-West formula combining two restorative tonic herbs – Astragalus, traditionally used in Chinese medicine to support the immune system to fight illness and promote immune defence. Siberian Ginseng to help relieve tiredness, fatigue and feeling of weakness, plus assisting with recovery.

Immudefen Cold & Flu Tonic. An East-West formula of Echinacea and Chinese herbs with Echinacea supporting our body’s immune system to fight illness. This formula also relieves symptoms of common cold and flu, reducing the severity of symptoms of mild upper respiratory infections and mild tonsilitis. It may also relieve nasal congestion plus reduce the relieve mild bronchial coughs.

Respidefen Cough Medicine. This is a traditional Chinese medicine to relieve coughing and dissolve clear phlegm. Aster, Cynanchi and Balloon Flower are traditionally used in Chinese medicine to relieve mild production bronchial mucous congestion.

Allerdefen Allergy Medicine. The traditional Chinese herbs used in this formula may assist in the management of symptoms of hayfever (allergic rhinitis), mild eczema and dermatitis and skin hives.

Note: Leading brands of consumer liquid extracts provide a potency equivalent to 500mg of dry herbs/mL. Core Botanicals liquid extracts provide potency equivalent to 1500mg of dry herbs/mL. Yes, that’s THREE times more!!

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Moruya Womens Golf Results

Wednesday, 16th August

This week’s Stableford round again saw some fine scores recorded by the 16 players who par cipated.

“Golf Buddies” Val Moore and Vicki Goodwin were neck and neck throughout the match with both playing beau fully consistent and steady golf. Both finished with 35 points and on a countback Val was declared the winner and Vicki the runner-up.

Balls went to: Barbara Kennedy (34), Joanne Dixon (33 C/B), Lyn Gibbs (33)


Div. 1 5th Hole Angie McMillan

Div. 2 5th Hole Marilyn Bingham

ETLC 2023

Beau ful winter sunshine today embraced the ladies play across the Eurobodalla., Some of the matches were very close with only games in it for the win. Match results, Division 1, Bay Babes won 8 sets, against Moruya Nil sets, Narooma won 6 sets, against Tuross 2 sets, Tomakin had a BYE, Division 2, Narooma Gold won 7 sets, against Broulee Brolgas 1 set, Tomakin won 5 sets, against Broulee Flamingos 3 sets, Bay Breeze won 5 sets, against Bay Waves 3 sets, Tomkatz won 7 sets, against Swans 1 set, Kaeren Sutherland ETLC Secretary, 49 games, 12 games, 45 games, 29 games, 44 games, 22 games, 39 games, 38 games, 36 games, 34 games, 46 games, 14 games

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Broulee Runners

Wed 16th 2023

An excellent turn out for this evening’s run with 50 runners and walkers. It certainly was a family event.

Leading the charge was mum and the four Gunn boys: Katrina Birks and her three children; the three Richards boys; the three Bissell boys; mum and the two Mackay boys; the two Shannon boys; Scott and Sophie Carver; Stephen and Caitlin Seidel; Jackie and Anthony Snowball and Otis and Elise Remling.

In the 2-kilometres personal best times were recorded by Violet Turner, Reggie Winter, Alyssa and Katrina Birks, Otis and Elise Remling and Julie Amphlett. In the 3-kilometres Angus Delaney smashed his personal best.

In the 4-kilometres personal best times were recorded by Brad Turner, Henry Bissell, and Kelita Bourke Ross Wilson made a very welcome come back.

He is one of the originals having had his first run in February 2008.

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Narooma Ladies Golf results

On a beau ful winter day, Wednesday 16th August, 28 entrants competed in the NSW Bowl 4BBB Stableford event.

Jan Boxsell and Jane Blomfield came in with an amazing 48 points.

Pam Shepherd and Marion Brooks also had an impressive score of 45 points.

Ball run down went to the following teams. Di Wilkes and Jenny Walker - 43 points Lisa Beveridge and Marlene Hunt - 42 points Marita Harriss and Jenny McIntyre - 41 points on C/B

Right: Some of the ladies who competed in the 4BBB

Jan Boxsell, Jenny Walker, Jane Blomfield, Chris Hendra, Sylvia Donohoe.

Narooma Men’s Bowls Social Bowls Winners’ Circle

On Wednesday we had six rinks of triples. Winners, decided by Lucky Rinks, were Peter Dillon, Peter Hattam and Terry Lewis (skip) who were on top of their game to lead 16 to eight after 11 ends and kept John Voytas, Tony Gors and Rob Coulson (skip) at bay in the second half to take their match 23 to 20. Second place went to Rex Dunn, Garry Burke and Les Waldock (skip) who had a low scoring lead of nine to six after 11 ends and after a similar second half of close scores they won their match 18 to 15 against Don Caldwell, Peter Hawker and Rod Holman (skip). Thank you to Rapley and Sons for their continued support.

above: Allan Chisholm and Ken Burrows check out the head before changing ends

On Saturday we played two games of 12 ends with winners playing winners and the combined score of the teams added to determine who took home the chocolates. First place went to Cindy Newell and Peter Murton (skip) who had two good wins for a combined score of 29 shots.

On Sunday we had three games of triples and the winners, decided by Lowest Winning Margin were Jean Vos, Susan Wales and Darrel Goodridge (skip) who were behind seven to 14 after 11 ends before they staged a remarkable recovery to get up on the last end for a 21 to 19 win against Rob McIntyre, Olwyn Mayer and Cindy Newell (skip).

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THCC Vets Golf Results

47 players registered for a Multiplier two person Stableford competition. Individual scores on a hole were multiplied to give a result which led to one group having 16 points on a hole and another group 12 points on a single hole.

The winners were Neal Watson and Greg Smith with a score of 38 points, runners up were Terry Lunn and Barry Hoban on 32 points. 3rd and 4th were Peter and Paul Coffey on 30 points and Jennifer Gray and Steve Johnston on 27 points.

Minor prizes went to P.Green & R.Davidson, R.Hendy & R.Nash and G.Moore & D.Jackson. The Bradman award went to D. Hoare and G. Bush.

Nearest the pins went to R.Hendy, M.Coffey and S.Collins and the accuracy award went to N.Watson

Narooma Social Bowls 8 August 2023

Our social bowlers were keen to get out on the green to enjoy the competition and camaraderie.

There were two game of triples this week the winning team for the day, decided by Lucky Rinks, was Jenny Coulson, Alison Maloney and Cindy Newell (skip) who had a great game where they led 10 to nine after 11 ends before they knuckled down to draw clear for a 21 to 10 win against Jenny Coulson, Suzanne Dainer and Barbara McNamara (skip). Cindy’s team was aided by scoring on each of the double point ends (ends 7 and 13).

Heater McGourty won the Rapley’s Meat raffle with Marg Naylor picking up second prize.

The 50Club was won by Barbara McNamara and Jenny Coulson had the first resting toucher confirming her consistent top bowls. Thank you to Rapley and Sons for their continued, valued, support.

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Photo - Susan Wales and Cindy Newell anxiously watch the progress of Susan's bowl.

Moruya River.

Cold and uninviting would be the best way to describe the river at the moment. With very little action to report on, there isn’t a lot I can say that is different from last week.

The start of the wattle blooming, is traditionally the signal that the bream will be starting to repopulate the rivers after their spawn has been completed. We can expect them to be starting to look at having a feed after their activities.

Bladed style lures or small soft plastics will tempt a hungry post spawn fish.

Tuross River.

The same can be said for Tuross as can be said for Moruya, cold and uninviting! Over the next few weeks the bream activity will start to increase as in Moruya, with post span fish starting to look for a feed. You will find that a lot of the bream will be light in condition as the spawn does tend to knock the weight off them

Bladed lures and small soft plastics worked along the deeper holes will go along way to finding a fish. Rock and Beach.

The salmon schools have been thick and consistent this last week, with the majority of the fish action concentrated along our vast and spectacular coastline. A pilchard rigged on a paternoster rig and gang hooks is the standard rig for most of your beach fishing. While metals cast and retrieved in the suds can also be a productive and fun way to find a fish or two. The salmon have all been in great condition, with fish to 60cm the norm.

The drummer also continue to be on the chew off the local rock ledges, as are the crays for those keen to get wet.


Snapper have been the main stay for those going out for a fish this last week. The winds and seas are on the rise a bit for this weekend, so conditions won’t be the best if you are planning on heading out this weekend. Looking at the sea surface temp charts today, I was surprised to sea a strong push of warmer water all the way down past the Victorian border. This is something we don’t normally see till later in the year. I’m not sure what it will mean for those heading out wide, but Yellowfin tuna could be on the cards still.

We have just had 2 pallets of Kings gear arrive today, along with the start of a few bits from our fishing suppliers. As previously seen on our socials, I have started to make space on the lure wall for new items that are on the way, so all that stock to be moved has hit the 50% off bin. Get in now and check out what is there.

The bait freezer is stocked again, with whole mullet, 1kg salted pilchards and small tubs of worms unavailable at the moment. But we have ample stock of everything else.

Stay safe and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…”

Team Tackle World Moruya.

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beagle abode: the leading online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide, showcasing the current Eurobodalla, and wider South Coast property market

beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 34 Page 34 real estate

OUT NOW—your latest Beagle Abode : Eurobodalla’s leading real estate guide

The beagle abode is an online weekly Eurobodalla real estate guide showcasing the current Eurobodalla market and our many realtors.

The beagle abode is the new addi on to the South Coast Beagle that owns The Beagle and the South Coast Travel Guide: The Nature Coast of NSW : from Durras to The Tilbas

The Beagle Abode has been established to provide that service while also providing our readers with a glossy overview of latest proper es on the market each week.

You can find Beagle Abode on the Beagle website under REAL ESTATE

The latest Beagle Abode lis ngs are also available each week as a FlipBook on the website and also distributed to readers via our social media pages and our twice weekly mailouts.


h ps://

beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 35 Page 35 real estate

South Coast Property Specialists (Carlene Franzen) Tips #1160:

Where Property and Motor Vehicles Can Help Each Other

A recent survey indicated that nearly one third of Australian households now have some solar panels installed on their roofs, however last year only one in seven of new solar installations included a battery which is an increase in previous years. The reasons for this are pretty obvious, if you have ever been quoted for a home battery, with a well known one starting with the letter “T” costing about $15,000. While they are expensive, they are also pretty handy, providing power to the house overnight while the panels are obviously not generating any power. During the day, the battery is then charged up again by the solar panels and during summer the battery can be fully charged by around 10am on a nice sunny day.

So where do motor vehicles fit into this scenario? The topic of electric vehicles (EVs) is a very polarising one in Australia at the moment. However, as Australia no longer has a vehicle manufacturing industry, we need to get use to the idea that eventually internal combustion engines (ICE) will no longer be powering vehicles and if/when you buy a new car it is likely to be an EV. Most focus on EVs has been about their high cost to purchase, range anxiety and the logistics of recharging, all of which will likely be resolved in the fullness of time.

Unlike our current (ICE) cars, could the battery in an EV be used to power the house? An article this week by “” highlighted a massive opportunity that looms for Australian households. Car batteries (currently) have around 3-4 times more capacity than the typical largest home battery, and yet a car will sit idle most of the night and most of the day for some people.

The technology, dubbed vehicle-to-X, could see the powerful batteries inside electric cars used to store cheap or renewable electricity and feed it back into homes, buildings, appliances or the grid during peak demand. Some mes referred to as bi-direc onal charging, the prospect of using cars for energy storage is an idea gaining a en on around the world. The technology falls into three categories: vehicle-to-grid in which cars export power back into the energy network, vehicle-to-home in which cars power a house or building, and vehicle-to-load where a car’s ba ery is used to run an appliance.

Smart Energy Council transport lead Audrey Quicke says, “In 10 years, Australia’s electric car fleet is likely to have more ba ery capacity than Snowy 2.0 – that’s a whole lot of storage on wheels that is parked about 95 per cent of the me.” In addi on, by 2050, according to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency ARENA’s latest report, electric cars in Australia will have almost four mes the storage capacity needed for the Na onal Electricity Market.

This will obviously require vehicle manufactures, governments and grid owners to all get on board to ensure this huge opportunity doesn’t go to waste. What an amazing “side benefit” having an electric vehicle could provide to households in the future.

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beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 40 Page 40 Your Eurobodalla Community Noticeboard is the place to promote your community events. Simply email your community event or notice to
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The Shed welcomes males over eighteen with the aim to provide a safe place to be involved in joint projects, snooker, photography, cards, table tennis etc or just have a cuppa and a yarn.

Our general open me is Monday and Thursday 8.00-12.00 am We also open Tuesday 2.00-4.00pm for cards (euchre) Wednesday 2.00-4.00pm for snooker and the camera group meet Thursday 2.00-4.00pm. For informa on contact

beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 44 Page 44 h ps://www.southcoas
beagle weekly : Vol 324 August 18th 2023 45 Page 45 Trades and Business Directory 2023 Before you engage a tradesperson to build, renovate or repair your home, ask for their licence number and check that they hold the correct licence for the job. Visit the Fair Trading website or contact 13 32 20 to check a licence. Accounting Air Conditioning
Bathrooms Automotive
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and Business Directory 2023 Before you engage a tradesperson to build, renovate or repair your home, ask for their licence number the correct licence for the job. Visit the Fair Tra or contact 13 32 20 to check a licence.
Builders Carpenters Carpet


Trades and Business Directory 2023





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Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Garden Landscaping Home Maintenance Kitchens Glass


Trades and Business Directory 2023


Mowing and Gardening



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Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Pest Control
Plumbers Plasterers

Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Roofing Solar Electrical TV Antenna Tiling Trees

Trades and Business Directory 2023

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Waste Management

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