170852371 repaso 3 eso burlington books

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REPASO 3ºESO – BURLINGTON BOOKS Briefly, write in your own words the main characteristics of the PRESENT SIMPLE of the affirmative, negative and questions .



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4.

My brother …………………. (work) in an office. We …………………. (like) funny jokes. I …………………………. (not ride) a bike. …………………. your mum …………………. (make) pizza on Saturday nights?

Briefly, write in your own words the main characteristics of the PRESENT CONTINUOUS of the affirmative, negative and questions.



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4.


Martha and James …………………………. (have) dinner at the moment. Alan …………………………. (not run) in the park. Janet …………………. (study) now? Mary and I …………………………. (not listen) to music right now.

He …………………………. (show) people card tricks at the moment. …………………. many artists …………………. (perform) in the market at the weekends? David …………………………. (not like) card tricks. On Wednesdays, my cousin …………………………. (study) magic.

Complete the sentences with can or can’t and the verb in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Look! The dog …………………………. (ride) a unicycle! Oh, no! The juggler …………………………. (juggle) very well. The mime artist …………………………. (find) his hat. Where is it? Wow! This musician …………………………. (play) four musical instruments! The acrobat …………………………. (perform) today. He isn’t busy.

UNIT 2 Briefly, explain how to write comparatives and superlatives in English. Then complete the chart below.


Complete the chart below. Adjective




Irregular Adj.

1. thin

1. Good

2. expensive

2. Bad

3. funny

3. Far


Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the adjectives in brackets. Use the comparative form.


Circle the correct answer. TOO + ADJ: 1. I can’t read my book. It’s toodark / not dark enough in this room. 2. The water is cold! It’s not hot enough / too hot for a bath. 3. William’s hat is not big enough / too big. He needs a smaller hat.




1. Max is …………………………. (small) Butch 2. Jumbo is …………………………. (light) Butch. 3. Butch and Jumbo are …………………………. (big) Max. 4. Butch’s tail is …………………………. (curly) Jumbo’s tail. 5. Max is …………………………. (talented) Butch. 6. Jumbo’s ears are …………………………. (short) Butch’s ears.




Look at the chart about the things these students like and dislike doing. Then complete the sentences below. Martha Richard watch TV 5 3 shop 4 2 dance 3 4 study maths 2 1 play football 1 5 watching TV. 1. Martha loves ....................................................................................................... She doesn’t mind ................................................................................................ She hates ............................................................................................................. 2. Richard hates ...................................................................................................... He likes ...............................................................................................................

5 = loves 4 = likes 3 = doesn’t mind 2 = dislikes 1 = hates


Briefly, write in your own words the main characteristics of the PAST SIMPLE of the affirmative, negative and questions .

Use of the PAST SIMPLE


Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. Lucy: Elaine: Lucy: Elaine: Lucy: Elaine:



…………………. you …………………. (see) that weird programme last night? No, I didn’t. I 2. …………………. (go) to the shopping centre. 3. …………………. you …………………. (stop) at the music shop? Yes, I did. Then I 4. …………………. (look) in the shoe shop. Oh. 5. …………………. you …………………. (find) any nice shoes? No, I didn’t. I 6. …………………. (not buy) anything for myself, but I 7. …………………. (buy) you this present. Happy birthday!

Last night someone robbed Mr Cannon’s house. Look at the picture before the robbery. Complete his report to the police. Use There was, There wasn’t, There were, There weren’t.

Before the robbery



…………………. some clothes in the cupboard.


…………………. a TV in the bedroom.


…………………. a telephone in the room.


…………………. some books on the shelf.


…………………. any pictures on the wall.


…………………. a chair next to the desk.

Detective Best asked Mr Cannon about the robbery. Complete the questions. Use Was there or Were there. Then answer the questions. 1. ......................... a stereo in the room? ................................................ 2. ......................... any jewellery on the bed? ................................................ 3. ......................... a computer in the room? ................................................ 4. ......................... any books on the desk? ................................................

UNIT 4 Briefly, write in your own words the main characteristics of the PAST CONTINUOUS of the affirmative, negative and questions.



Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Make the sentences true for you. Use the Past Continuous affirmative or negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Complete the sentences with when or while. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Last night at seven o’clock, I …………………. (have) dinner. Last night at eight o’clock, I …………………. (do) homework. Last night at eight o’clock, my mum …………………. (wash) the dishes. Last night at nine o’clock, my parents and I …………………. (watch) TV. Last night at midnight, I …………………. (sleep) in my bed.

Alison was talking to her mum at home …………………. Sue called. …………………. we were sleeping, there was a bad snowstorm. I was studying …………………. the fire started. …………………. the dog started barking, Tom was watching TV. …………………. I was running, my friend was rollerblading.

WHEN vs. WHILE WHEN (meaning and features) WHILE (meaning and features)

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Someone …………………. (take) my wallet while I …………………. (wait) at the supermarket. While Sarah …………………. (ride) her bike in the park, she …………………. (lose) her sunglasses. I …………………. (find) this beautiful ring while I …………………. (work) in the garden. Last night, we (sleep) …………………. in our beds when suddenly we …………………. (hear) a strange noise. While Lisa …………………. (study) for her exams, someone …………………. (play) very loud music.

UNIT 5 Briefly, write in your own words the main characteristics of the PRESENT PERFECT of the affirmative, negative and questions.



Base Form 1. 2. 3.

Past Simple Past Participle

wear cleaned make











9. 10.



Complete the chart.

Circle the correct answer. 1. We …… hard at school this year. a. have worked b. has worked 2. You …… the kitchen since Monday. a. hasn’t cleaned b. haven’t cleaned 3. She …… her hat. a. has lost b. have lost 4. They …… all their money at the shops. a. have spent b. has spent 5. Dave …… town. a. haven’t left b. hasn’t left

saw left

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple. 1. Mrs Green …………………. just …………………. (make) lunch. 2. You …………………. never …………………. (be) to Disneyland. 3. Martha is in China. I …………………. (not see) her for weeks. Explain the differences in meaning and use of the adverbs. Write an example of each. JUST ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ALREADY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… EVER ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… YET ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. already  never  yet  since  ever


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Have you …………………. had a pet dog or cat? I can’t go out tonight. I haven’t done my homework …………………. . It’s only 9.00 in the morning and Mum has …………………. sent me three e-mails. I have lived here …………………. I was small. We have …………………. travelled to Africa. I want to go there one day.

Circle the correct answer. 1. Sally …… since October. a. didn’t call me b. hasn’t called me 2. I …… my cousin in London last week. a. visited b. have visited 3. The dog …… my new shoes yesterday. a. has eaten b. ate

PRESENT PERFECT vs. PAST SIMPLE Write in your own words what is the difference.

UNIT 6 Briefly, explain each future and its characteristics (BE GOING TO – WILL – PRES. CONTINUOUS with future meaning)









Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to. 1. Mark and Tom …………………………. (visit) Amanda on Monday. 2. A new student …………………………. (join) our class next week. 3. We …………………………. (not have) a big party on Saturday night.


Write questions with the words below. Use be going to. 1. you / visit / a friend / on Saturday ................................................................................................... 2. you / do / anything exciting / on Friday night ................................................................................................... 3. your family / travel / this summer ...................................................................................................


Circle the correct answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


I haven’t got many / much money in my wallet. Ron has got a lot of / much belts. There isn’t many / much face glitter here. I’ve got many / much bracelets. I want some / any designer jeans. You haven’t got some / any hats. Have you got some / any scarves?

Here, you can remember when we use SOME – ANY


Circle the correct answer. 1. Sara likes wearing …… rings and necklaces. a. any b. much c. a lot of 2. This shoe shop hasn’t got …… platform boots. a. any b. much c. some 3. I saw …… nice handbags at the street market. a. much b. many c. any 4. …… of my friends are going to the show tonight. a. Much b. Some c. Any 5. There isn’t …… nail varnish in the bottle. a. many b. some c. much





Write questions with the words below. Use will. 1. your family / live / on / the moon / one day ................................................................................................... 2. children / play / outside / 200 years from now ................................................................................................... 3. people / drive / cars / on roads / in 50 years ................................................................................................... 4. sun / shine / in the year 3000 ................................................................................................... 5. people / use / computers / in 2050 ...................................................................................................


Complete the sentences in the First Conditional. Use the verbs in brackets. 1. If you invent an eco-friendly car, you …………………………. (be) famous. 2. It will help the environment if everyone …………………………. (use) rechargeable batteries. 3. If you see the new film, you …………………………. (enjoy) it.


Match the phrases in A and B to make sentences. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional. A 1. If she …………………. (study) hard, 2. If I …………………. (invent) a flying car, 3. If it …………………. (rain) tomorrow, 4. If people …………………. (live) underground, 5. If we …………………. (not leave) now,


…… …… …… …… ……

B a. b. c. d. e.

we’ll miss the show. they won’t see the sun. she will pass her exams. I’ll be very rich. we won’t have a picnic outdoors.

Complete the sentences below with the correct affirmative or negative form of in brackets. 1. You …………………………. (take) this medicine to get better. 2. Laura’s plane leaves in an hour. She …………………………. (hurry) to the airport. 3. You …………………………. (go) to the party, but it will be fun. 4. It is very early, so Tom …………………………. (run) to school. 5. I can’t find my notebook. I …………………………. (buy) a new notebook today. 6. Sit down and rest. You …………………………. (help) with the dishes.

have to and the verb

UNIT 8 Write the translation and use of the following modal verbs before starting the exercises: CAN COULD SHOULD MUST MUSTN’T


Circle the correct answer. 1. Last week, I was ill and I …… get out of bed. a. could b. can’t c. couldn’t 2. My brother is very athletic. He …… ride a skateboard when he was three. a. could b. can c. couldn’t 3. Miranda is very shy. She …… talk in front of a big audience. a. can b. can’t c. couldn’t 4. Frank is very funny. He …… make anyone laugh. a. can b. can’t c. couldn’t 5. Shelly …… ride a bike last year, but now she rides well. a. can’t b. couldn’t c. can


Circle the correct answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Ruth has got clever ideas. Mike should / must / doesn’t have to ask her for help with his project. Fred is very rich. He could / can / has to buy almost anything he wants. There’s a terrible storm outside. You have to / don’t have to / mustn’t go out. It’s dangerous. You can / should / could write when you were three years old. I can’t find my wallet, so I can’t / must / shouldn’t go to the bank to get some money.

Complete the chart. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Adjective polite clever happy careful good bad fast hard


Nancy and her mum are sitting in a café. Circle the correct answers to complete the conversation. Mum: Nancy: Mum: Nancy: Mum: Nancy: Man:

I really enjoyed that show. Margaret sang 1. beautiful / beautifully. I don’t agree. I think she sang 2. badly / bad. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you. That man is speaking very 3. loudly / loud on his mobile phone. Yes, I think he’s very 4. rude / rudely. Should I say something to him? I’m going to speak to him. I’m quite 5. angry / angrily. But look! The man is coming here. Excuse me, ladies. Can you speak 6. quietly / quiet? I can’t hear the person talking to me on my phone.

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