Information Booklet on Shark Finning
BRIEF INTRODUCTION ON SHARKS Sharks are fishes with cartilaginous skeleton and are apex predators meaing they are organisms at the top of their underwater food chain. The mere hint of a shark fin gliding across the water instils chilling fear, helplessness and a sense of impending doom. This characterisation of the Great White remains in some circles to this day because of the film Jaws , making Sharks the most misunderstood creature today. Infact, Sharks are the lions of the sea and are curious by nature, genuinely quite harmless. and taking a small bite of a human is simply a way to satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, there is no reason for humans to hate sharks and drive them to the brink of extinction by Shark Finning. The role of Sharks as the apex or top predators within the marine ecosystem cannot be underestimated. The depletion or removal of large numbers of sharks is likely to destabilise this sensitive marine ecosystem and effect prey species in ways that cannot currently be predicted. Thus, Sharks needs our protection more than ever, and Shark Finning must be stop or else it would lead to dire consequences in the ocean.
WHAT IS FINNING? Shark finning refers to the removal and retention of shark fins, accompanied by the discarding of the rest of the shark s body into the ocean. These sharks then die from their injuries, suffocation or are eaten because they are unable to move normally without their fins.
8000 tons of shark ďŹ ns are shipped to restaurants around the world each year.
It costs as much as $100 for an individual bowl of shark fin soup. That is a steep price to pay for something that does not have any benefits. The bulk of the taste comes from the soup itself. The Shark fins are virtually tasteless and are in this dish for their texture which is somewhere between chewy and stringy.
Shark meat contains high amounts of methyl - mecury and when its taken in large amounts, it will cause irreversible damages to the human organism.
Sharks are apex predators. Meaning they are at the top of the food chain and keep populations of other fish healthy and in proper proportion for the marine ecosystem. Where sharks are eliminated, other bad events result. Plankton eaters will over populate and destroy the plankton, taking away the earth s vital source of oxgyen. Adding on to that, the fish that sharks used to eat become more plentiful. For example, no sharks means there will be more skates and rays which then eat more shellfish. The result would be no shellfish for humans, and shellfish won t be able to filter and clean the ocean water.
Sharks prey on the sick and the weak members of their prey populations, and some also scavenge the sea floor to feed on dead carcasses. By removing the sick and the weak, they prevent the spread of disease and prevent outbreaks that could be devastating. Preying on the weakest individuals also strengthens the gene pools of the prey species. Since the largest, strongest, and healthiest fish generally reproduce in greater numbers, the outcome is larger numbers of healthier fish. This is not mere speculation: there are already several studies indicating that the elimination of sharks results in loss of other desireable species and major disruption of the ecosystem.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP? Stop eating Shark Fin soup! Once the buying stops, the killing will stop too! Donate to organisations that protect marine life! They all need as much support as they can get, especially financially. Send out mailing brochures to restaurant owners that sell shark fin soup, and make them aware of the seriousness of the situation.
If you enjoy public speaking, why not give a talk about Shark Finning and make others aware about the problem. Contact people of influence to inform them about what is going on and to ask for their support in bringing an end to shark finning! Use your imagination! Create interesting ideas of your own to help bring attention to shark finning.
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This movement is proudly sponsered by
World Wildlife Fund