I've created a book on my subject, bees, as a little pamphlet to push towards more awareness of the present danger colonies are facing and what we can do about that. The cover has 4 little holes in the shape of a cell of a beehive, that make possible to read the letters BEES on the page below. When you turn the page, you discover that the letters are only a part of a complete sentence: "save the bees now! without the pollinators life is not possible." On the opposite page, (n.2) I've arranged one of my compositions from the previous assignment, and I created a sense of continuity by adding some of the bees drawing also on the other page. My idea is to represent the busy life of the honey comb and honey production. Page n. 4 brings together two shapes of the bees to recreate the shape of flowers, and smaller bees shown as pollinators, and it includes a sentence to make people understand their importance for our ecosystem. Page 5 plays with the idea of disappearing bees, and I chose to render the image somehow