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“Underlying� it’s a fanzine that approaches the basics of graphic design. However, this fanzine does not intent to be a graphic design manual; the main objective is to approach basic design concepts from a personal point of view. Considering references such as the graphic designer David Carson, and his way of conceiving design, we can see that the basic concepts of the publication are deconstructed and reinterpreted. Thus, the publication is organized according to typographical and graphical concepts, which are subdivided regarding their complexity.

A grid is a coherent sy stem of va that inters ri ect both h orizontally ous lines diagonally , vertically is called a and grid system lines one u . It is thes ses in a la e yout to arr elements. an The advan tage of a gr ge the various content ca id is that th nb e the elemen e organized in a logi cal way, a ts doesn’t nd have look randomly unorganiz placed. On ed or e will not physical gr see the act id system ual in a finish by studyin ed project g more clo , but sely how th text are po e images a sitioned re nd la tive to each will see a certain stru other, one cture.

Layout is all a elements ir bout how text, image s and other arranged a nd placed A layout ca on a page. n be used on everyth magazines ing from , books an d posters, apps on co to website mputers, ta s and blets and m To make a obile screen lay s. best possib out communicate yo ur message le, composi tion princi used in va ples should rious inno vative way be text, head s when in ers, and p serting hotos.

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