2016 sponsorship brochure

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Sponsorship Package 2016


Please tear off sponsorship form, fill in form and mail or drop off at Youth Centre or Town Office. Official tax receipts will be given for donations over $25.00. Please make cheques payable to the Town of Beaumont. To: Chantal Berube Youth Centre Attention: Supervisor Mailing Address: 5600 49 Street, Beaumont, Alberta T4X 1A1 Street Address: 5202 50 Street, Beaumont, Alberta Fax Number: (780) 929-5110

2016 Sponsorship Request

Sponsorship Recognition Sponsorship accepted by way of monetary and/or goods & services will be recognized as followed:

CHAMPION ($1500 + contribution): Named as a “CHAMPION” Sponsor Feature positioning on Sponsorship signage Freedom to advertise as “Official CHAMPION Sponsor of the Chantal Berube Youth Centre 2016”

Company logo on web site and Facebook page

FRIEND ($1000.00 - $1499.99) Named as a “FRIEND” Sponsor

From: Business Name

Prominent positioning on Sponsorship signage


Freedom to advertise as “Official FRIEND Sponsor of

Contact Name

the Chantal Berube Youth Centre 2016”


Company logo on web site and Facebook page

Address _________________________________________

PATRON ($500.00 - $999.99)):

Town/City __________________ Postal Code __________ Phone _____________________Fax __________________

Named as a “PATRON” Sponsor

E-mail __________________________________________ I agree to become a sponsor for the Beaumont

Recognition on Sponsorship signage

Community Youth Centre in 2016 through the donation

Freedom to advertise as “Official PATRON Sponsor of

of $_______________________

the Chantal Berube Youth Centre 2016”


Company name on Facebook page

through the contribution of the following goods/services (Please list or describe) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Printed Name: ________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________ I have sent a jpeg file of my company logo to YouthCentre@town.beaumont.ab.ca Yes No (please circle one)

CBYC street address: 5202 - 50 Street Mailing address: 5600 - 49 Street Beaumont, Alberta, Canada T4X 1A1 Phone (780) 929 - 5155 Fax (780) 929 - 5110

Partnerships Beaumont Asset Building Committee HEROES—Impact Society Beaumont Promotions Committee Alberta Mentoring Partnership Beaumont/Nisku Christmas Elves Beaumont Inter-Agency Group Beaumont Youth Council Central West Recreation Association Child and Youth Care Association Ecole Composite Beaumont Composite High School Edmonton Inter-Agency Youth Services

DONOR ($25.00 - $499.99)


Named as a “DONOR” Sponsor

RCMP Community Advisory Committee

Recognition on Sponsorship signage Freedom to advertise as “Official DONOR Sponsor of the Chantal Berube Youth Centre 2016”

Company name on web site. Please note that we need you to send us a copy of your company’s logo by e-mail in a jpeg file.

Regional Youth Coordinators Group TYPS—Youth Centre des Jeunes Canada

LEARN, Play, Get involved!




Because of our sponsors, we have been able to offer

CBYC is a free drop-in centre for all youth aged 12-17. 

CBYC is a trendy facility that offers a safe and supervised environment where youth can mingle and socialize with peers and participate in various activities and special events. 

CBYC has experienced, educated, well trained staff who are passionate about working with youth.

CBYC has great partnerships with organizations, businesses and committees in Beaumont to help foster positive relationships and opportunities for youth.

It’s a good place to go meet new people! -

diverse programming for the whole community, these programs help us develop stronger relationships, learn about one another and make lasting friendships. 

Mini-Teens (Ages 6-11)

Music and Arts Programming


Volunteer opportunities for events and on Community Committees

Cultural Nights

Youth Gym Night

Joint programming with local youth groups

In collaboration with our community partners, we offer an educational program called “Food for Thought” Workshops include a free meal with topics such as Positive Choices/Decision Making, Sex Cafe, Nutrition, Family Violence Awareness and Dinner

bout us:

le like a p o e P t a h W MK14

COMMUNITY and School INVOLVEMENT: with Mayor and Community BBQ’s

There’s so many options offered to us, we can even volunteer! -KM15 Everything! Free food, computers, prizes,

Community Clean Up

the staff and people here, learning new

Brighten Up Beaumont

things, meeting new friends, playing fun

Movie in the Park

games, watching cool movies! -MP14, KB13, BW13

Operation Christmas Child Town and Country Daze

The staff there communicate better with

Beaumont Blues Fest

teens than other role models, it’s simply

Heroes Program Bandit Mentorship Program

awesome that you guys provide entertainment and activities for us and give us the opportunities that you do. -JB 18

Queer Straight Alliance The CBYC ke kids off the

eps kids ou

street. Gives

occupy thei r time.—BB1

t of trouble.


Keeps them somet hing to

The Chantal Berube Youth Centre is a huge asset to this town and every youth in Beaumont. It is a

Remembering Chantal Bérubé Youth Centre Supervisor 2004 - 2011

wonderful place with a warm atmosphere. It has truly become a home to those who spend time here and is cherished by many. –KH21

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